r THE OMAHA DAILY BEBt/ THURSDAY DECEMBER 20 , 1888. flM H IN THE FIELD OF SPORT , On Olirlstmas Day a Big Shooting Tournament Will bo Hold. A SIX DAY'S BICYCLE CHASE. It Will ncRln nt tlio Colosseum on tlio Ijant Day oflnc Ycnr Mitchell nnd Kflrnln'B Visit Diamond Flashes. A Hie Clirlstmns BltotH. John ,1. Htirdm Is making extensive nu rangcments for a big nil round shooting tournament , to bo held Christmas day , on the grounds of the Omaha Gun club , In the not thcastern suburbs. Ho has already secured - cured 1,000 live pigeons , and lias engaged as many more. This slioot will bo the event of the day , and among the rrnck shots who will compete. Is the champion of the world , C. W. Budd , of DCS Monies , ,1 1 { Slice , Frank Crowbill , Kit Baker and sevcint others from abroad , while Pnrmolec , Kitchen , Field , Uruckner , Brewer , Ickou , Hughes , Petty nnd nil the local celebrities will ulso'tuhoa hand. In addition to this big live blid shoot there will bo blue rock sweepstakes , and a COO-iard nllo contest. Will Mo Hero In „ - Palsoy Fallen is In receipt of n letter from Parson Davis , of Chicago , in which he states that Kilrnin mid Mitchell will not visit Omaha until seine time In February. TliU bo adds , is necessary on account of n match Unit has just been consummated between Mitchell nnd Jack Oompsuy , and another ono between Kllraln and Jack Asliton. This an nouncement will bo interesting news to all parts of the country , for ns * , ot no such matches hn\o been olllclnlly promulgated. Davis concludes by sajing lhat both tnca will boheio in Februaii bejoud n doubt , nnd accompanied by ono of the strongest combinations over gotten together. I'nrmclco'H I'urso. There was an intoicstlng blue rock shoot on the Omaha giounds yesterday afternoon , flftv birds each , eighteen yards rise for a purse of $30. Following is the score : Ketchom .11111 11110 11110 11101 11101 11101 11101 unit 11110 null II I'armeloo 11 ml lliui 11110 11111 11101 11110 11110 11111 nun niii-ii lie-id inn inn inn inn ooon 11110 11111 oiiiii line inui-'j lownxcml.lllll Him 11111 111IX ) 11011 10111 01111 oiiii 11101 niii-4. : Another shoot will take place this after noon. At tlio Colosseum , A fine attraction Is being prepaied for the Colosseum in the shape of u six daj's free- for-all bj ciclo race , to commence on Decem ber 31 , nnd to occupy eight hours u day , from 2.110 to 10:30. : Among the famous wheelmen who will assuredly be hero is W. J. Morgan , of Boston , the champion long distance rider of the world ; Frank Dmgloy , of Minneapolis , 100 mile champion ; W. F. Knapp , of Denver , half mile champion ; Tom Ilnrdwick , of Galena , Kan. , the cowboy bicyclist ; Bob Nielsen and Horace ace Crocker , ol tlio Hub ; T. W. Eclt , of Toronto , and Churloy Aslungton , of Cleve land , O. The majority of these men have already entered , and the balance have sig nified their intention to bo here. Entries can now bo made at the office in the Col osseum. Several local , wheelmen are also in training , nnd w ill make the st.nt. Most of the professionals lull reach hero this week , nnd on Chustmas night the big build ing will bo the scene of a grand gencial race for both piofessional and amateur bykcts. Following this six days' chase , some time in January , the fifteen lady bi- cAclists , now competing in a race at Madison Squaic Garden , New Yoik , will appear at the Colosseum. Omnlm'H S irst Dor ; Show. Manager William G. Ingiam , who is to give the Hist djg show over hold in Omaha , nt the rooms 11' ) and 115 Fifteenth street , commencing January 1 nnd continuing to tie ) Hid , has his posters out , and declares ho is going to have a duo exhibition. He has already received ncuily flfty entries , nnd ex pects by Saturday evening to have twice that number. Mr. Ingram , who is a thorough dog fancier and the best-posted man In the west , says that citizens of Omaha will bo sin prised to see the laigo number of really line and valuable dogs that are owned right bui e in the city. Flashes From the Diamond. On'ilm may sign Dalrymplo. Sioux City has signed Clenry Cross. Cleveland will be disappointed in Tebcau. Jake Wells will back-stop for Detroit next year. Splinter Hauiahan has signed xvith Minne apolis. Joe Quinn has again signed with Boston for * 2,500. Powell will captain and manage the Sioux team next season. Denver has not ict boon admitted to the Westein association. The Kansas City Blues led the Western association last season. Milwaukee Is getting a strong team together gother for next season. St. Joe is fnlily daft over her admission Into the Western association. Only live Western association plajors stole over 70 bases cadi lust season. Manning , Long , Holiidny nnd Carroll scored one hundred runs and ruoio last i ear. Bcckloy is the solo support of his mother and sister , and he does bib duty well. ' The Western association will play under the National league lulcs the coining season. But four batsmen in the Western associa tion last season made un average ns high as .000. It is said Milwaukee has been promised the next vacancy in the American associa tion. tion.Columbus Columbus is after St. Paul's cat-Hue short stop , PJckutU He's good enough for any company. Duvo Uowo says Denver will bo the best ball town in thu Westein association the coming season , In the Western association last year there wcro made a total of 7,5iJ lilts , 2,000 stolen bases and 4,075 runs , The Cincinnati's count on great things from Holliduy , nnd thu Bug will not disap point them. He's all right. Manager Seleo says lio'il bring the Omn- has out nearer the ton the coming season than ho did last. Hope so. Twenty-seven Western association players made over 100 hits lust season , and only four failed to steal a single base , The oldest man in the world Orator Snuffer made nioro hits than any other Western association plnyur last season. There has been n good deal of discussion About tbo pronunciation of Dale's name- many calling it Karly. It is plain Uui 1. The Holding totals for nil the western as sociation teams for the past season are : Putouts - outs , iM.-lKi ; assists , Ifi.bO. ) ; crrois , UT79. Ilutcblnson will bo one of Chicago's star pltchois the coming season. The four ball , three strike rule Is a good ono for Hutch. Jimmy Manning , of thu Cowboys , not only etolo more bases tliuu any Western associa tion players lust season , but lias made more runs. runs.Klusmnn Klusmnn hns signed to play second for Milwaukee. He is a strong acquisition , with a fielding average for last season of ,010 , and Strauss , of the Mllwaukocs , played in mote games last season than any other Western player , 12S. Muskor.v. of the same team , took pait in but one lo j , Four western association first basemen , Morrissey , Stearns , Caruight and II awes. bad each more than 1,000 put outs. Out of 337 baumoa iiS failed to reach .200 and four didn't oven got us high as 100 , Time makes as many queer changes In tuiso ball as In other phases of life. Little did Ezra Button and Tom Poorman think sears ngo. when they wcro playing In the IJoaton club , that they would meet in nftor reasons In the Milwaukee club. Now Sutton 1 the manager in Milwaukee , aud Pooruiun jtmti signed to play in that city. btrcng objection was made to Sioux City > t tbe Western association meeting , because , , i % L * , * " ' * - * - & - & & | S ji ? iii1OT that club didn't pay salaries In full last season , The club , however , tnanaced to cicnpo cxpu'lsion Uy showing that the tlub lind been financially Rtrcnethrncd , nnd ivr- rcaraijc * had been mno\ \ coed , whereupon the objections wore withdraw ! The American Turf Conirp < i4. CINCIVCVTI , Dec. H > . The American Turf congress mot for business In executive soi- slon this afternoon Two chances wcro inndo in the rules by the committee , viz first , It raised the scale four pounds , with the usual allowance for mares , but none for Rcldlngs. Second , It required that scaled bids shall bo deposited on nil selling incos within fifteen mlnutci nftor the rncc , which bids shall bo opened bj the presiding Jud c , who Ahull alvido the surplus between the second horse nnd the association. The asso ciation admitted two now members the Overland Park club nnd the Kansas City club Kncin-j dotes were fixed as follows for the spring meeting of IVfl Louisville , May tolS ; St. Louis , Juno t to in , Kansas City , Juno 1" to .3 , Chicago , Juno 2J to July 20 , St. 1'aul. July at to at The turf conijrcss nlso adopted u rule that all members of the turf congress should dis bar all poisons expelled by olihor the Amur- lean or National trotting associations for fraud during the continuance of suiih ex pulsion. _ O'Lenry I'ut in Sloop. NEW YOIIK , Dea 10 The much talked of llnlsh fight between Hurt ( colored ) and Dave O'Lc.iry ' , both of this city , for $20) ) a sideand nn extra purse of f-'OO , camoolt this morning. Hart knocked O'Lcary out in the last of the seventh round with n heavy punch in tlio stomach and a swinging right hantlcr on the Jaw O'Lcary sank to the lloor and did not revive for fully tun minutes. WKSTHUN PAC1CINO 1TKitC3TS. The KutiiniB Still Slum * n 8tirlnkni c * , Cniniuirnd AVItli Imsr Yenr. CINCINNATI , O , Dec. 1 ! ) . [ Special Tele- grnui to Imi Urc ] Returns and uppioxi- mates hullcuto that the cntlro packing Jn the west Binco November 1 is nbout S,5X,000 ) hogs , against .I/JID.OOU n year ngo , a decrease of C05tUi ) . The week's packing at fifteen pi eminent points shows oG5OOJ , against 81S.OOO last J ear. The entire packing for the week is appioxinmtcd at130,000 , against 435,000 last a car. 1'irkliig , Jsov. 1 toilaio. | It-is. J inn. 010,000 . Kansas City 3.Vi.lX > J MI.O o Omiihu 1S5.IOO St. Iioti ISl.OOO 170 , 000 lniUniiitHlls } 14-.00) ) Cincinnati 170OJO Milwaukee . IU'1.200 ' IV'.OM Culnr Itaplds W.'JJO 7J-.OJO - nr.ooo 4,7. l.oiiHUHe . 157,000 Rlonx City , la lai.nia 4i,000 Ottuin\Mi . IK , 47U Ki'okuk , Id , . SiViO St. Joseph ! Si,00) ) 5(00 Nebraska City. Neb 40.1WJ 2H.OOO Defftultcr Axwortliy Settles ) , O , Dec. 10. [ Special Tcle- gnuu to Tun 13rc. ] To-day n cablegram from London announced the fact that a com promise had been effected between 1 liomns Axworthy , the absconding city treasurer of Cleveland , and George A. Garretson and Andrew Squire , of this city. On Friday , November 2 , it was announced In this city that tlio defaulting treasurer had negotiated $100,000 worth of exchange on London with his stolen funds under the nanio of Philip Anthony , and 'under that name hud presented the bill of exchange at the London bank and had the amount of its f.ice credited to him. This trans iction fuimshed a clue to his bondsmen in this city and the oillccis of the National Bank of Com merce , who took pi empt and speed } * action. They not only attached tlio funds deposited in the various banks of Cleveland , but also served notice on the banks of London , where the city cash taken from the Bank of Com . merce was deposited. To the latter legal coup d'etat the success of the present adjust ment in favor of the bondsmen is clue. Ax worthy emplojcd attorucs and attempted to light his bondsmen , but it is presumed bo saw that ho would bo defeated , and thoiefoie Rurrondcied. Tlio compromlsu does not jn- cludo his immunity from nirest if he returns to America. Morn Soliool lioirtl Crookedness. Omc\oo , Dec. 19. Charles S. Cutting , master In chancery , and a member of the county boaid of education , was aiiested this morning charged with being accessory to burglary. Some time ago $7,100 worth of bonds wcro stolen fiom the ofllce of a hard ware llrin. Cutting , it is said , began ncgoj lions for the return of the bonus This led tohisanest. In the police court this morn ing the case was continued. His ollico uas searched for the missing bouds , but they weio not fouud. For 'llirout DiHciiMCN anil Couehs use Crown's Bronchial Troches. Like all really good things , they are imitated. The gcnulno ate sold only in boxes. Only Two Points Affected. 'ins , la , Dec. 11 TUo officers of the Order of Railroad Conductors , lo cated here , deny the report In the dispatches from Los Angeles that the association west of the Missouri has disbanded , and say only two local points are affected. - * - Officers Fatally Wounded. CHICAGO , Doc. 19. A special from Cairo , III. , says : Last night , at Paragould , Ark. , Olllccr tSrynn attempted to servo a warrant on John Williams for illegal liquor soiling. Williams resisted and a light followed , in \\liioH Williams , Bryan and two other officers \\oio moitally wounded. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIKTINC OINTMENT is only put up in laigo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absnluto euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the OIUGINAL ABIETINE OINT- MB T. Sold by Goodman IJiujf Co. , at 33 cents per box by mall HO cents. Def ) liiii tlio Authorities. ° CHICAGO , III , , Doo. 19. The Arboltor- bundo , the anaichlst organization which the I' pollco have been trying to suppress , is pre paring to hold n mooting In splto of the au thorities next Sunday. The ostensible ob ject of the gathering is to adopt a constitu tion aud by-luws and oluot olUcci s. A Sot vlnn ICvpresHimi of Joy. . . UUI.OH Ui : , Doc. 19. Tlio radical peasants are celebrating the victories of their party Utl Uf In the parliamentary election by firing the tl homes of their political opponents in the il vicinity of this city , The sky has been lurid ila' iln for thrco nights from the rollection of the a' flames of the burning dwellings. Ono word : ono stop mny mnko or mar ono'a whole future. Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic is the proper move when you lmo dyspepsia , bail breath , piles , pimples , njjuo , inuhirlii , low spirits , ' headache or any stomach or livo'r troubles. 50 cents. Goodman Drupr. Co. fTtio HOIISO of Commons. LONDON , Dec. 19. The commons to-night li finished consideration of the votes for supply " " and passed the appiopiiation bill. Tt t .0 ( SICK HEADACHE PoiltlTolyOurcdby thcie XJttlu Pill * . CARTERS They also roliovoDIs ITTLE tress from Dyspepsia , Indigestion and Too IVE Hearty K tlug. Apcr- 'ect remedy for Dizzi ness , Nausea , LJrows ! ness , Bud Taste In the d I llouth.Coatixl Tongue , Pain In the Side , TOR inre TID LIVER , Ac. They reculato the Botre't ' , and proent Constipation and Pile * . Th mallest nd euleat to take. Only one pill doie. 40lnaYl ' . . I'urely Vegetable. I'rlcc Cl UcenU. vl OABTEB MEDIOIKK 00.PupVi. Hew YorV. of bi QUAY CALLS ON HARRISON. But His Visit Said to Possess No Political Significance. ITS ODJECT KEPT A SECRET. All Attempt- Interviewing llcsitlt In Failure An Informal Hocopdon to tlio Ij < nl l/oglon By the I'rc'sitlcnt-Klcct. Qtiny nt liullnnnpntio. Ivnu\U'Oii , Doc. 10. Senator Quay , ac companied by Hon. John 0. Now , General Williams and Colonel Button , drove out to General Harrison's residence this morning. After a half-hour's conversation Williams and Britton concluded their call , leaving Quay and New closeted with the president- clert Mr. Quay was the general'1) guest tit lunch Shortly after 2 o'clock the senator leturned to his hotel nnd will leave for Washington to-night. Senator Quay would not bo intervioucd on political matters. Tlio gentlemen who tie- comjnnlcd the senator on his visit to Gen eral Harrison say that there \\as nothing un usual between them. It Is explained by ono of the gentlemen comprising Senator Qmi's tmrtv , that the litter's visit wits not of such great political Importance as tlio public had noen led to believe. Of course , they talked politics ; that Is Colonel Quay's business. But the Idea that hocimohero loaded with Important suggestions and state secrets Is nil a mistake , n more newspaper theory. There Is no doubt , continued the speaker , but that Colonel Quay is very much interested In seeing Pennsylvania reorga nised. His endorsement of any man for n cabinet position would have great weight , but Quay did not como hero with the Idei that ho was to namon member of tlio cabinet. Colonel Brltton , after his confoioiiLO with tlio president-elect , said that General Harrison risen had no suggestions to make regarding the inaugural arrangements , and left thu cntlro matter to the committee. Colonel IJritton suites that the inauguinl will surpass any previous o\cnt of the kind. Ahe.idxjmnngemonls have been made for the entertainment of about iTi.OO. ) ppoplo.who will come in orgtini/ed bodies. This number does not Include individuals , but simply mil itary and civic organizations. There are about 10,000 militia , and 15,000 or 10,000 in civic organisations. General Hari ison practically gave the en- tlio day up to receiving visitors. No sooner had lie concluded his talk with Senator Quay after lunch than the Loyul Legion visitors began to pour In upon him. About 3 o'clock they began calling in squads upon the General - oral and Mrs Ilairison , aud their spacious parlors weio ciouded until nightfall. Among the llrst to call upon Gcneinl Harrison risen was nv-Presldcnt Hayes , accompanied by Iiis sons , Webb and Hutherford. They received a " .eiy hearty welcome fi-oin Gen eral Harrison , and at his request the ox- pi csident remained with him and received tlio veterans for half an hour or so. Mrs. McKce. assisted by Miss Miller , daughter of W. II. H. Miller , served tea nnd coffee to the gentlemen in the back pallor. There was no speech-making and the reception was of a most infoimal character. AtO o'clock the visitois had neailv all departed to bo present ut the meeting of the Loyal Legion at ( ! o'clock to paiti ( ipate in the organization of the Indiana commatidory. CAPTUltHD THIS TOWN , Frank Snondon Halves a Bin How nt Missouri Valley. MIS-.OUHI VAM.ni , la. . Dec. 19 [ Special Telegram to TIIU II M , . ] FiankSnowdon.who assaulted several citizens of Missouri Valley .vcsterday morning and afterwards success fully dolled tne entire police force to _ arrest him , was taken into custody in the afternoon by John Garrison , the shoriiT , who was pass- infj through the city , on his way to attend the sheriffs' convention at/ Dos Moines. Snow dcn was under SJ50 bail for assaulting Mr. Allen , n week or so ago , and had made threats against Attorney Arndt and A. II. Sniff , editor of the News. Ho commenced by entering Arndt's office at nbout 10 a. in. , and beating him In a horiiblo manner. Ho then went of Ills own accord before Mayor Seaton and pleaded guilty to assault , nnd when lined ? . " ) throw down ? 10 and told tlio mayor to keep the other fs , as he was going to do Sniff up next. Sniff was found in the law office of Dcwoll & McGnv- \onbut great bodily injury was prevented bv Mr. Dew ell , who showed gioat nerve in the face of a drawn revolver In thojiands of the assailant. Snowdcn then threatened to shoot any ono who interfered in the le ist Ho said ho wouldn't bo arrested , and \\ould shoot the llrst officer who made the attempt. Tuo or throe warrants were sworn out for his ni rest ami put in the hands of Constables Asp nnd Daniels , but neither of them had tlio nerve to make the arrest or summon aid for that purpose , and the man walked the streets making threats until the arrival of the sheriff ut 5 p m. The Forefathers' Day Itnnqiiet. To-morrow evening the annual dinner in commemoration of Foiofntho's' day , will bo given in the chapel of the new St. Mary's Avenue church , coiner of Twenty-seventh street. It wll' ' bo given under the auspices of tbo Congregational churches of Omaha , and , judging from the progtauime , promises to bo a success. Tlio dinner will bo a Now England dinner , with all that these words imply , nnd the musical and oratorical portion tion of the programme will be worthy of the cause it celebrates. Mayor Hroatch will speak on the evolution of the Connecticut blue laws , and W. .T. Council will tell of the trip from green mountains to gioen pralnoa. C. S. Chase will speak of .Now England flftv yeais ago , and \V.H. Alexander is down for a speech on the Yankee , lointoiccd , comlni ; west. Prof , H. P. Lewis will talk nbout the New England Puritans in litcratmo , at d the . Uov. A. It. Tliain , of Galcsburg , will dilalo nn the old time thcmo of "Tho Yankees. " The musical portion of the progiummo will ho attended to by MissPcnnoll. Miss Oeoigie ' . Boultur , Miss Uoah It. V > ilcox ami Mr. .T. b Noithup , and no doubt will prove quite as . attractive as the oratoiy or the dinner. . c Senator Cullom Sued. . WASHINGTON , Dee. 10 Ainasa C. Paul , administrator of the estate of the late Prof. LMwnid C. Paul , to day enteied suit against United States Senator Cullom , of Illinois , for ? 10,000 damngcs. The suit grows out of the death of Prof. Paul , who was ridden lown and filially injured by Joseph Chase , a aegro coachman in the employ of the eon- itor. ' Mlmiofiotn'H I to turns. ST. PAUL , Minn , Dec. 10. The following ire the onicial figures on the i ccent proii- Jcntml election : Harrison , H IOJ ; Cleve land , lOl.USV Fifth , 15,811 ; Strcetcr , 1,097. I'lio total vote shows un Increase of 03,21'iS aver four yuan , iigo. The icpublicaua gain Liu co congressmen. "White Caps Ruld n Saloon. CLKVEHKD , O. , Dec. 19. Early thla morn ing the White Cups tore down the saloon of iohn Messamorc , at Hawson , Hancock Bounty , pouring the liquor into the gutter. I'liey loft a warning for the saloonkeeper not > icsumu business. > Steamship Arrivals. At HOUR Kong The Cityiof Sidney , from 3an Francisco. ° ; , At Hamburg : The Rugla , from Now York. At Itottcrduur : The Kdum , from Now A Countess Ktnbbcil. rLoni.t.CK , Dec. 10. The Countess Costa vns stabbed to death in her carriage bore to- ty by a captain In tlio army , who then continued inued suicide by shooting himself with a evolvcr. Wrecked by Natural Gas. INDIAATOM3 , Dec , 19. The residence of Jhurles Wllhlto , in Haujflivlllo , n suburban Illage , was wrecked to-day by the explosion natural KA , Mrs. Wllhllo i so set lously urued tauv her recovery is doubtful. ! > iti < : .tD A Ilnmomlir'nnc'o of the II. t M. Strike. In tlio United Stritos court yesterday after noon the U & M. railroad engineers charged with obstructing the mnlls received n hearing. SB AyrcsntiiiA.lt I leattle , of Beatrice , u ere discharged. Charles Griffin's case was continued. .1. Aru.s , Erk nnd Brack , of McCook , pMaded guilty before njurj , ntul were each lined J20 nnd costs Bnllcnccr nnd Jaekson wore found uotcullt } . The Jury returned n verdict of not guilty In the case of John H Thomas , charged with Impei Bonatlng nn United States officer. The prisoner was discharged. Dlst'rlct Court. Judge Doano is engaged In hearing the case of Irish vs LM. . Lundon The action Involves tlio validity of n mechanic's ilcn amounting to about $1,100. Judge Wnkoley tried the suit against C. S Hlggins , brought by Louis Bradford , The Issues are the priority of n $700 mechanics lion TLo verdict was for the defendant. Dan Clark pleaded guilty to a charge of assault with Intent to wound , and was sent to the county Jail for sixty das. Mil die Koblnsoii , a negross , was sent to the counU Jail for tlili ty days upon a charge of assault. U Ins woman Is n hard case , but on account of her being cncicnte , the couit mitigated thu sentence. Nettie Uostlo , fouiteen years of ago , charged with being a notoriously badly con ducted girl , was remanded until Snluidav morning , nt which time Judge GrolT has or dered the lather of the girl to bo present , and n disposition of the case will then bo ar rived at. The ciso of Hayes vs Black will bo the llrst case called this morning. The United Status Wind Engine nnd Pump comp my sues Francis C. Morgan et nl foi the recovery of f.U7.M ! ) ; nnd against Ivels O. Biown ft al for the recovery of $ ITO. Jlldgo Wakeledollvoied judgment } ester- day in the suit of Haw lev ot al vs Patterson. Tlio action was dismissed nt plaintiff's ' costs. Jiidgo GroiT has the application of Loren B McUnrger for n writ of habeas corpus under consideration. Count ) Court. The case of Bcal against the cable company was dismissed by Judge Shields. The de fendant took advantage of a technical error in the draft of the petition , witli the result mentioned. There will bo a now trial. Scott vs City of Onrnha was on ti ial in tins court. The plalntilT claims f 1,000 damages to his property by reason of grading done on Seventeenth street nnd Ut. Marv's avenue , nnd adjacent to plaintiff's livery uain. In the suit of Henry Scott vs the city of Omaha , the plaintiff secured nveidictof $210 00. Judge Shields is investigating the suit in replevin of George Hyde vs William Cobuni. The following suits were Hied yesterday in the count } court : Callalian vs Francis and John Wright , an action forinjuiics received by falling from n scaffold , damages me laid nttl.OOO. Fiist National bank vs Fisher Pinitlng company , a suit for thu recovery of &SD.10 , duo uK | > u a bill ot exchange. 1' . C. Ilimebnugh et al vs Elliott and Felton , suit for SJ O.fS , duo for goods sold and delivered. John L. Miles et nl vs Minnie L Jnvnes et nl. This is an action to recover JOS' ' ) and costs of action. 'I he defendants , it is claimed , executed a promissory note dated November 0 , lt > i > 7 , for thu amount claimed. Ijonii Association Interests. Managers aud directois fiom nearly oil the building and loan associations in the city met last night in the secretary's office at the board of trade. The object was to devise some suitable state legislation for the benefit and protection of the Nebraska associations. Mr. James Forsyth occupied the chair , while G. M. Nattlnger officiated us secretary , and aftei having talked the matter o\er , the fol lowing icsolution was earned unanimously ; Resolved , That a meeting be called of al loan and building associations in the t > tateat Omaha , on Friday , December 23 , for the pur pose of taking steps w scout o needed legisla tion for the benolit of loan and buildiug asso ciations in general , KcsoU cd , That a committee of five bo ap pointed to diaft a hiw for submission to the meetings of associations aforesaid. DHesolved , That all associations throughout the state , operating under what is generally understood to bo the mutual loan and build ing association plan , bo invited to send two delegates , and that each association there represented shall be entitled to two votes on all auastlons submitted at said meeting. Messrs. F. J. Brotherwick , James W. Carr , Thomas II. Dailoy , G. M. Nattmgor and Gustavo Andreen wore appointed a com mittee to draft a moasuio covering the re quirements , nnd wHl submit it at the next meeting , prior to asking the legislature to take action upon it. Found His Grip. Last week a grip containing valuable requisites and some jewelry , was stolen from the Puxton hotel. The guest , who does not wish his name mentionsd , loft it in his room and came down stairs to send n telegram. Going back after an hour had olapscd , ho found it missing. Last night it was found in the Chicago Lumber company's ' yard. Nothing of the contents had boon re moved. In the sumo hotel } estcrday morn ing n gentleman left his overcoat in bis room while eating breakfast. On hib return the feat was gone and has not been hem d of sinco. The police are on the lookout for the Ihievcs. fiaucrolson'H Tilal. GBNKVA , 111. , Deo. 19 The taking of testi mony in the "Q" dynamite trial was con cluded to-day , und rftntes Attorney Han- ubett , of Aurora , began the oDeninc nipu- incnt before the jurv. The principal testi mony before the speeches becran was given jv Henry T. Tolman , an expert in micro- J icopy , who testified that ho had carefully , jxninlnod exhibits of the letters and chocks illeged lo bo in Hnueiulscn's hniidwritljig , ind , in his opinion , two and possibly thrco orsons wrote them. A microscope was jroupht In and the letters examined by Die .ounsel and jm.unen , soon after which the ipecch-making bejan. Wanted For Korcory. CniOAOo , Dec. 19. C. C. Johnson , said to jo a fugitive fiom justice from Iowa , is nt .ho armory , en route to DCS Molncs , in hnrgo of nn officer from that city , Johnson char Rod with having forged nearly fltOO , ( .vorthof notes in Apiil , lS7 , on which ho nised nearly their face value fiom bankers ind others in Dos Moines , nftor which ho led. Ilo was located In Kochcster , N. Y. , ind arrested lust week. Advitio in Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should nl. vayc bo usudforchlldion teething ItHoothos 1 ho child , softens the gums , allays all pain , c uies'wlnd colic , and IB the best remedy for T liarrha'u. i")0 a bnttla C toVod. . C'tl Tlio following marriage licenses wore is. tlI' iUed by Judge Shield s yesterday ; I' Name and rosidcnpo. Ago. AII James A. Kiloy , Omaha SO II Flora Smith , Omaha. . , , , 23 IIr W , W. Houston , Omaha , ai r Lora Fitch , Oinulm 14 i1T John F. Payne , Omaha , . . ! J3 i1T Goorglo E Black , Omaha ii3 T Po zoni's Powrtor r Comiildxion pro- c luces u baft and btiivuUful akin ; it com- c incs every clement of beauty und G unty. Dendwnod'H hand Oflluo llctnovcd. DEUIWOOD , Dak. , Dec. 19. [ Special Tele- ' ram to Tin : BBK. ] lloceiver Whltcaido , of ho United States land office , hud orders to- lay from Commissioner Stoclilagor to re- uovo the United States laud office to Itupld 3lty. .V . Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. When Baby WM eick , wo em e her Castorl * . When eho was a Clilld , rfio cried for CutorU , WJieu she become SIIu , slio clunj : to CoatorU , THE BONDS OF COMRADESHIP , A Flrnior Woldiug of Thooo Unit ing the Loynl Legion. THE NEW INDIANA COMMANDERY. An I.lo'incnt AddrcsN on Iho ITi chiles ftml Faith of the Order by UvPtrgldcnt Rutherford 1) . The Loynl l.VDiAVAroi H , Dec. 19. AtO W o'clock the charter members of tlio new Indiana com- tnandi'ry mot nt the Bates house , Command- er-In chief Haves presiding , nnd the new conimandcry was duly created and Inau gurated Major Gcnoial Lew Wallace , of Crawfordsvllle , was elected commander General Harrison was among the mcnibeis picsont nnd particinatodin , the formation of tlio comnmndurj The banquet tpiidcml the visiting rscm- bers of the Lo\al Legion at the Bates house tonight by tlie newly ciontcd Indiana com- manilery was ono of the most successful enttitalnments over given In Indiana The dining hall was tastefully decorated in the national colors. General Low Wal lace presided as toast master of the occasion To his light sat ox President Hn * > cs , nnd to the left Colonel W. II. Howe , coiiimaudoi of the Loyal Legion of Missouri. After spend ing nn hour discussing the choice nnd select menu , Interspersed with Stirling songs by the Chicago nnd Missouri visitors , the pro gramme proper was entered upon , thoilist being nn nddicss of welcome b.\ Major Gen eral Low Wallace , delivered in his initnita bio stvle. Following the mldtcss of welcome the officer announced the toast , "The Loyal Legion , " to which General Kuthcfford B. Hn\cE , commnnder-ln-chlef , responded. Mr 1 lilies , in beginning his mldiess , spoke bi lolly of the history of the Loynl Legion , and roviuwcd the formation and history of the Society of the Cincinnati , which ho said was thu unquestioned piotot * , pe of the Lo.val Legion. "What will bo the fututo of this ordei I said he What will bo Its influence on Its mcmbcis and our countrymen , and especially upon the young who nro growing U ] > to take our places ! It Is not and will not bo a political orgnni/atiou. The Lo.\nl Legion is nn essential organic expression of our comradeship in u sacied war. Our honoied companion who is so laigcly nt this time and in this place in all our thoughts , in his tuise and emphatic way gave thu whole pith ot the question. S lid General Harrison : "Politics cannot break the bond of comradeship " In this the general made no mistake The links that unite us were welded when we stood together as comrades on hoi1 , giound lighting for eternal rights. Where is the holy gioundj If anywhere , it is w hero man fi eelv dies for his follow-men That sublime pnvilogo was the ciown of Lincoln's fame , and we of the Loial Legion , and our comrades of the Grand Army , can revciently think God that we weio permitted to stand by Lincoln in the deadly crisis of our nation's history. What shall be the teaching which thn Loyal Legion shall give to the companions of the order ) It goes without sniing that the ideas we fought for are the principles of the Lo al Legion. Those ideas nro without re- gaid to sect or to party. Wo hold to our faith. It Is that tno American republic , In the language of the supionio court , is "an indestructible union of indestructible states " The general government was threatened by the doctrine that the allegiance of thu citizen was duo only to his state Our faith is that a citron's allegiance is to the United States , nnd that the United States , in authority and dutis , , in the fullest possible souse , a na tion. tion.The The contention of our advcisarios was that sla\oiy was national , pcrpetu il and of divine origin. Our faith is that no statute and no constitution can make valid "the false and fatal phantasy that man can bold property in man. " The coiner stone of the slave holding system was the impious dogma that "Miqlit makes right. " The trail of ibis serpent is ovoi all human society , and is found where the footprint ot a slave was never seen. The faith of the Loyal Legion Is that uni versal suffrage is essential to liberty , and that there can bo no lilting exorcise and no full enjoyment of the right of suffrage with out universal education. The weaker nations around us with whom wo deal the Indians , the children of misfoituno , of poverty , of evil habittiand of ciimo , who aio at all our doois tbo taith wo learn in school of war with respect to ttiem all , is that they are the offspring of our common father , nnd that social distinction , wealth , learning , and other nch antagos outside of character were of little avail In that bloody trial , and that cvcii Uniitr tlicic deferred to manhood , Thcicfore we would inculcate sympathy with manhood , and rcspoct for manhood , wherever it is found. Above nil , our faith is in Ameiica and American principles. Wo ha\o no quarrels w ith Cuiopo or any foreign people , but wo piofor that their notions , lollies , vices and perils should remain on the other bide of the Atlantic. We have enough vices , follies and perils of our own.Vo \ impoitfrom IZuiope altogether too many. Wo believe in the American homo , and m the character and virtue of American women , which make American homes happy. When the great trial came , and calamity was to be met and saciilices made , Mr. Lincoln could say : "If nil that has been said by orators and pools since the creation of the world in praise of women v.-eio applied to the women of America , It would not do them justice for their conduct during the war. " God bless the women of America Finally , one of the mi&takes of the rebel lion was to unduly exalt what they called the "sovereign states. " They thought each state should have its own Hag. litcli would of lepicsent a bcpirato government , and all of them would wave helplessly and mlsoiably over "states discoidnnt , dissevered , nnd belligerent. " The faith of the Loyal Legion is the rovers , of all this Wo ticlluvo that the whole of the Amci ican republic eveiy state , and evci.v acre in everyst.ito belongs to one lliU , the old Hag , the stars and stripes , the to Hag of Washington und Lincoln , the Hag of the United Stitcs. It represents a people gicat , piospcronsand happy , whoso heritage tim will be , as long as the.aio . guaidcd by wis titl dom and justice , thu enjoyment of unbiokon tl haimony and pcipotual peace. } lre | At the conclusion of Mr. Hayes' speech the redi bamiuottors stood and drained thrir cups to dire : the health and longevity of the Lonl Legion. Other toasts weio responded to by Lieuten ant James S. Ostrandor , Captain L'ugcno Cary , of Chicago ; Colonel D. W. McClung , und Colonel D. P. Dwyor. of St. Louis. The w iitteadanca of distinguished sohlicia fiom re nil over the country was veiy large. tl I" I"Cl Thu I-iult ; I'ltclicr. Clb bo The chlldten of the sc\cnth graJo of the tote Farnam school have organ bed a litcraiy soc1- to 2ty called the Little Pitcher club. Tlio little Pitchers have prepared a modest but inter- jstlnif programme for Friday afternoon , De cember " 1 , which all patents anil fi lends of the school are cordially invited to witness. It as follows : Mountain Bugla Song . . , Whole School lioll Call and becietary'a ' HepoitMabel Mabel Taylor Picsident's Address Frank Tompson Praise the Loid Anthem . .Whole School I'ho Deacon nnd the Lamb Will Harnoy I'ho Little Shepherd ( Swedish ) Bmil Anderson Pritzv at School Arthur Wolshiuis Did Black Joe ( piano ) Hattie Cudy 3ucss My Name Nannie Bilggs 3olng to the Dentist Heading , lirudner Clark Now the Wind Is Blowing LowWhole Whole School I'he Last Hymn dictation Crounso Debate Hosolved , That gills make better students in the publlo schools than boys. Affinimtivo-Mubol Taylor. Negative- Carl Holtorf. Jail the Boatman Whole School Lochlnvar Isubollo Adler Girl and n Revolver..Thania Anspaciicr Uattlo of Ivry KossTowlo Oay-Dicams of Youth , . , , . . . , . .itw Brown Skating Song Whole School Jritlo's Itcport Haltio Cady A Virginia Contest. WASIII.VOIOK , Deo. lo. Judge Edmund IVaddoll , Jr , icpubllcan candidate for con- jrcss In the Third district of Virginia , has served notice of contest upon Koprosenta- Jve George D. Wise , on tuo giound of ob- strucUeu ufotera , THC OlIAUTlSll OOMMITTKLi. A Conccsilon to xho Advocates of the I > ny "Work System There was another meeting ot the city charter committee yestoiday afternoon , and there was another absence of the city coun cil. Not a single councilman was on hand to note what the citizens of Omaha required , nnd the questions wore left to the citizens themselves J. S Winspoaio was the first cltiron heard from , nnd ho wan toil to know who should bo charged with tlio cost of oiHMilng up streets or nllcis in his opinion the question of raising funds for the purpose was not made sufficiently explicit and ho thought that those who received the benefits derived from such openings should bo as- scssed accordingly. Mr. Furay thought the question ns to who should settle for It could bo left to the council as n bonul of equaliza tion , and if that was not satisfactory to the persons assessed , they had redress in an ap peal to the district court. The matter wiw left over. Then the labor question , ns embodied In section 113 of tlio present thai tor , was tniten up. Mr. Andrew Hosowator pointed out that under the section there was no mandatory specifications ns to who should construct the city sewers , and th it In the case of sowciago construction the ilnj labor svstcm had equal rights with that of contracting. If the labor clement would only present their claims Mr. Purnpioved that the property owncis who were compelled to pay lor the work done , had nt least the right to say how it should bo done that is , whether by the contract or tiny labor system temnnd ho tnouEht section ll' quite cov ered the ground. Mr Over-ill thought the section ga\o no disciotionar.powotstotho board of public works , as lo biting of men , nnd the purchase of material. He accord ingly introduced the following , as an amend ment to the present clause : " That w henover it shall appear to the satis faction of the mayor and council that nn\ improvement mentioned in this bcction can bo done by day work with the same proteo- t'on to the ta\paieis as by contract , the major and council may order it so clone under the direction unit supervision of tlio board of public works , and said boaul of public works is hereby aiithoiizcd to hiie men and to appoint oveiscurs of bald work , and lo make lulus and i emulations for the government of thesauri * ; also to make con Irncts for material and to purchase the same in keeping with the .spirit of this section. Mr. McArdlo objected on the giound that all woallh was produced bi labor , und that the man who ouneil nn piopctly was tlio one who paid all the taxes. Ho offered ivs an amendment to the amendment , that a portion of the clause bo stiickon out , and that the follnwiii- insetted : "Tho work slull be done ub directed bi ordinance of the mayor and citi council , undei thu supervision und dil action of the board of public wet Its " This was lost by a vote of 0 to 4 , and the former question cart ted , as n compromise with the labor element. The amendment , ns above , is to bo the lirst proviso to section liy , as it now stands. Building Inspector Whitlock was allowed to speak on a section No. 107 previously liaised on by the committee , but as ho hid nothing dclinilo to state , was given until this afternoon to put his vioxvs in wilting. Ho wanted the ordinance referring to buildings made a legislative act , but got bcwildeied when asked the why und wherefore. Section 111 , referring to the acceptance of public works by the city , from the contractors , was loft to Messrs Andruw Itosowatorund Council to revise. Section 115 , iclutlug to street sprinkling , was next taken up , and it was amended so as to include stieet sv\ccpmg and cleaning It was left optional as to whether it should bo enlorrcd in any preset Ibed distnct , or loft to tbs petitions of the property owners bcno- llttoil , and whether it should bo done by the city or bv contiact , but was finally loft to Messrs Cotiiioll nnd Grant to icport upon. It was generally intitnitud that the section needed icvision , as in its present foini it left n great deal of room for fraud. Section 110 , referring to the opening nnd grading of streets , was dibcussed at lengthen on one point only. Mr. Fnray thought that thu assessments for damages incui roil by giading , etc , should uo mot by n Icvi on the beneiitdomed by the adjoining piopeity. Ho thought the section as proposed in the charter of 186f > , by the committee of fifteen , was sufficient to cover the ground nnd pro- feiablo lo the picsent one. Mr. Uobowator thought that an undue use of the powers granted might at some future time prevent the opening up of thoroughfares necessary to the welfare of the general public , and cited tlio eleventh and Sixteenth stieot viaducts , which might never have been built if the question was loft to those interested In thu immediate vicinity. There was a possibility of u small number of piopeity owucts stopping a work that would bo of general importance to the 0 city. The section was icfoircd to Council . and Hoicwater .is a committee , as was No. 117 , which was practically the same. l Section US related to the appiopiiation of lands for city purpo ° ea , and was made to in clude "parks and boulovuids. " Section 110 brought up the question of who was assessable for damages where property was damaged by public iinprovcuicnts , and it was lofeircd to Mr. Fin ay. Sections 1"2 i to 121 , relating to city ordinances , wcro an pro\od , but 1'5 was loft to Mr. Charles lirown. It stipulates that no debts shall bo IiiLMirrcd by the city council , nor any money expended for improvements , unless authorized by a "majority ot the cntlro council upon the call for yeas und nays , and thu reuoid ot the council proceedings shall show how each member voted , and any councilman voting to incur any liability , or to create any debt in excess of the amount : > limited or autliori/od by law , 01 if the minor shall appiove any ordinance or conttaut in . volving tlio ex | > cndltiiio of money In excess the amount limited or authori/ed by lav/ , Bucholllcer shall thcicb * , lender his buiids- mon liable for such unlawful excess. " The sl opinion of the board seemo I to bo that the present city cou.iul had altogether foi gotten that Midi an oidiiinncc wai in existence. DOn motion of ( ! . M. Nattingor , section 120 was amended so ns to rcquim thu city cloi k pirn Ido a bond of $ .5,000 to gu irantee u faithful poi fornianco of his duties. in Section 12.1 lofeued to c-iti piinting , and the iH'ccssaiy advertisements in the official newflpiper , out Mr. McAidlo thought that the : piintingand mlveiUsing could bo done ust as well by "day woik , " and butter rcjului obtained. Thuother mumbcre thought cV linercntly , however , and the question tvbi ivas diopped. bi buction 134 spoke of the duties of the biSi mayor , in connection with the police force , Sicl cl ind was allowed to slutnl over until to-day , clsl when thu entire police management will bo sl reviewed. The onlj suggestion offered was I' ' Lhat ! no special policeman should bo up llSI < pointed unless ho was a legal voter of the SI mty , and it seemed probablu that thib would athi advocated , in view of the tecunt Pinker- hi ,011 Invasion. Thu committee then adjoin neil meet again to day at 'J p m. Mr. Voorhooa Expresses Hla Opin ion of the TnrllT Moasuro. ONLY THREE PAGES DISPOSED OF Consideration of the Territorial I'ostponml In the Hoiiar Hlvrr nnd Harbor Approjuln- tlonu DIsottBactl. Sonnto. Wi itvoTox ! , Dec. IU. In the sonnto the house bill to Incoiporato the American His torical association , amended slightly , was passed. Mr. Edmunds Intioduccd and had referred to the committee on foreign relations , the follow ing resolullon lpsol\ed ? , That the government of the United States will look with serious concern nnd disippiovnl upon nnj connection of nny l > uiopcnn government with the construction or control of nnv ship canal across Central Auioilca , and must rcgaid any such connoc lion or control ns Injurious to the Just Inter ests of the I'nited Stales , and ns n monnro lo llielr welfare Itesolved , That the ptosldont of the United States bo icqucstcd to rotnniunlrato this expression of Iho views of congress to the governments of the counli les of Ilutope. At I.40 ! the senate icsumcd consideration of the tariff bill. Mr. Kcagan called attention to the para graph lixing the duty on le-ad 01 o anil load ( h ess ntK cent per pound , with a proviso that lead ore containing silver , or silver ere containing load , shall p.-u a dnti of J cent per pound. Ilo referred to It In connection with ores from Mexico , and moved to stiiko out the provision on the giound that it would break up the mndtlng establishment in 121 Paso. Messrs. Toiler and Stcwni t opposed th emotion motion , which after seine debate was re jected. The clerk then read paragraph 177 , taxing lead In Digs and bat s 2 t-cnls per pound Ml A'ooihecs then took the lloor and mtdo a long speech upon Iho gcneial subject of thu t.uilT , and pirllcularly tlio pending bill In the couiso of his speech ho shut ply criticized various sections of the bill , nnd said that the panacea pioposcd in it for nil the o ils it cmbiaced was fico whisky and tobacco A close inspection of the whole preposterous measure discloses Its constituent and coherent oharac- tei as a fiaud on the tax pa.ung people of the United States , bi ought inrwuid at the behest of insatiate monopolies , dishonest companies and nirogant tiusta As to the idea of thu fanner being bonufltcd by thu pioposcd substitute , ho tlcclaicd that the victim of a bunco stocror was not more Hiiro to lose. 01 more helpless lo obtain fair play than the farmer was lo stiuggle in the toils and meshes of the republican tnulT legisla tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Haw ley said that it was amazing to ro lled , after all which the senator said ubout the great evils of the tarilf , that the denioc- nicy had not during the last twenty-six ycais passed a UiulT bill through congress , and none thiough its own house of rcpiesen- tathos , until last July. After fuithur debate u vote was taken on Mr. Vance's amendment , and it was re jected icns IS , na'.s . 2J. Seveial amcndmenlH wore offered and re jected ns thu rcadiii'1 continued. On leach ing pniaginph 1'b ' , relating to the munufac tures , aiticles or Wales not specially enu merated , Mr. Hnrns moved to amend by adding a proviso lhat no nrtklo should paj a higher late of duty than UO per cent ad Miloiom. Action was dulerrcd. Schedules D , relating to wood nnd woodenwares - wares , and 12. iClaling lo sugar , weio passed ever Infoimally This brought the consider ation of the bill down to schedule P , 'to bacco , cigirs , clc. , " when it VMS laid aside , about Unco pagcb of the bill having been ac tually disposed of to day. After an executive session the senate ad- Joifrncd. llOIIHC. WASIII.VOTOV , Dec. 19. Mr. Springer stated In the house to-day that the commit tee on teiritorios this morning unnnimouply decided not to call up the tcriltorial bills until January 15 Mr. Goai of Iowa submitted a bill for a conference report on the bill for the ictiro- mont of General Andrew Smith , and it was ngiecdto The bill authorizes his retire ment with Hie i ank of colonel of cavalry. Mr. Hayes of Iowa , from the committee on accounts , repoi ted us a privileged matter the bill author r/mi ? the appointment of clerks to senators and representatives , not chair man of committees. Iho bill was lofuirod to thu committee of the whole , and Mr. Haves moved that thu house go into com mittee of the whole lor its considciation. Thu motion was dofcated. The conloicnco report on the sonata bill , emulating appointments in theinaiiuc hospi tal bci vice , was then agieed to. The house then went into committee of thu whole ou thu uvur and haibor bill. Mr Ciain of Texas denounced what ho Lei mod thu diiblot system of appropriations. Hewouldat the proper time olfor u bubsti- Lutc , practically the name bill which passed , the llrst session of the present congiess , ilthough personally ho would refer to his Jill appropriating uxaclly the sum estimated y tlio chief of ciiginccis. With a plethoiio Toasury. with no prospect of n passage of .ho tinili bill , with the people anxious lor thu Ivor and harbor bill , and with the chief of iiigineers declaring his estimate * right , ho iplio.Ucil to the house lo adopt the pj-oposod lubstitute. Alter seine further dcbato by Messrs , llanchattl , Snow-don and Adams ot Illinois , ho committee nioso without action and the muse adjourned. Pears' soap la the most alogaut toilet idjunct. ( 'oiiHtullo Bioin Acquitted. Paul Stein , the constable , was bofoi o Judge Jcika icsteiday afternoon to answer the ihaigo of breaking Joe Strnbser's Juw. Some wo months ago , nccoiding to the evidence , lciii , in his ofllcinl capacity , went to eject itrnssur , who is n squatter on the Union Pn- 'Illo rnllioad lands in thu bottoms. The cun- tublo found Mis. Sti.iss'r ' side and did not iroceod with thu ujoc'imunt , but asked Unit icr husband ( a 1 on him in his oHIcu When tr.ib cr met Stuln ho began ilrht to nlmso ml eventually lotliiotllo him. In Iho sculllo itrassei's Jaw was broken , At the conclu- ion of thu evidence thu jiuy found btuln not uilty and ho was discharged. p 4"c\4jOft * ' * i\TnrF noii \ J ; C * * tVlC VC J j f \JtM ' C\l * asS&JirKSsa'W ? , si UM T ss- Thus the ' ' Mustang" conquers pain , Makes RflAN or BEAST well again !