* * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAfi. OMAHA. THURSDAY MOIttG DECEMBER 20 , 1888. NUMBER 189 BRUTAL MURDER AT OAKLAND A YOUHR Man's Hond Battered In With a Club. IOWA SHERIFFS IN CONVENTION. A Uniform Ilnwls of Property Valua tion iiccoiumctidcil hy the Audit ors Another 1'ontmnntcr Goes Wroni ; The Dlgylo Trial. A Midnight ARNasNlnntlon. AVOCA , la. , Dec. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun HUB. ] Joseph Hair , n young man In the employ of John Kclley , a rich bachelor living twelve miles south of this city nnd two miles cast of Oakland , was the victim of a liorriblo murder last night. Ho heard a noise out in the barn nnd went out to discover the cause. Ho was gone longer than was thought neces sary , nnd Kellcy went out to learn the rca- non. He found Hair lying in n pool of blood , Ills head battered In and his face terribly dis figured. Near by was found a roller that carries the canvas on a harvesting machine , covered with blood. When discovered Hair was unconscious. Ho died to-day , never re covering snniclently to give any Intimation ns to the perpetrator of the deed or how it was done. | Thcro Is no clue to the mur derer , but the theory is prevalent that ho laid In wait for Ifolley , who carries money with him , and In the darkness killed the wrong man. Public indignation runs high , nnd , if caught , the assassin will bo dealt with in a summary manner. Hair resided at Council Bluffs , was twenty-six years old , steady nnd industrious. The Diuttlo Case. MASOX CITV , la. , Doc. 19. [ Special Tele gram to TDK Bii.j Advices received from Clarion to-night state that the most damaging testimony the stnto will present In the cuso of Mrs. Diggle , on trial for poisoning her husband , is now in. During the entire day the accused has been present in court and seemed the most unconcerned of all ns the evidence was recorded against her. There is no noticeable change in her appearance , unless It bo nn occasional look of weariness. The principal witness examined was Mrs. Ovcrackcr , at whoso house Mr. and Mrs. Dlgglo boarded. She slated that early in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Digglo came into the house from the porch , nnd ns they passed Into the bedroom Mrs. Digglo took up two glasses which were standing on the table. In a few moments Mrs. Digglo came out of the room nnd asKed her if she lilted beer. While they wore eating supper , a few minutes later , Mrs. Digglo said : "Why , Genrge , what ails you ? You look so bad. " Both wont into the bed room. Presently Mrs. Digglo came out and said that George was very sick. She went out on the porch wringing her hands and sobbing aloud , "My God , ho is dying 1" Wit nesses have tcstllled that late the same after noon Mrs. Digglo purchased fifty grains of morphine. _ The Supreme Court. DEB Moixc" , la. , Dec. 10. [ Special Tele- cram to TUB BED. ] The supreme court filed the following decisions hero to-day : Sarah Allison ot al vs J. S. Jack ct al , ap pellants ; Monroe district ; reversed. Mary G. Murphy , appellant , vs Emma llnnscomo ctal ; Monroe district ; reversed. Hoxlo & Wilder vs C. A. Zoitcr et al nnd H. II. Fcnsler , Intervener , appellants ; Hurrl- eon district ; reversed. A. Allison vs Chicago , burlington & Qulncy railway company et al , appellants ; Union district ; reversed. E. S. Kent , appellant , vs C. E. French ; "Wappclo district ; reversed. State of Iowa vs Frank Pierce , appellant ; Polk district ; reversed. State of Iowa vsDavidUtterson , appellant ; Polk district ; nfllrmcd. ' State of Iowa vs W. J. Harris , appellant ; Polk district ; nfllrmcd. Charles E. Whitohend , trustee , and com pany , appellant , vs B. A. Plumber et al ; Emmet district ; afllrmed. Charles L. Cole vs Des Molncs Valley rail way company'et al , appellant ; Emmet dis trict ; afllnncd. Koto Howard , appellant , vs Elizabeth Wil- eon ot al ; Buchanan district ; afllrmod. State of Iowa vs H. H. Sandloy , appellant ; Adnlr district ; aftlrined. Joseph Harrow , appellant , vs J. S. Brown ; Dccatur district ; afllrmcd. Ella F. Martin vs O. E. Davis and II. Hub- bard , intervcnor , appellants ; Monoua dis trict ; nfllnncd. Incorporated town of Bayard vs Frank Dakar , appellant ; Guthrie district ; afllrmed. W. M. Tharp , appellant , vs C. M. Fancst , ahorlff ; Monroe district ; afllrmcd. New Haven Lumber company vs D. R. Raymond et nl , appellants ; Clark district ; afllrmed. State of Iowa vs J. W. Huff , appellant ; Harrison district ; afllrmod. The Auditors and Sheriff * . DxB8 MOINES , la. , Dee , 10. [ Special Tclo- Kram to Tun BEB. ] The lack of uniform ity In the assessments of property in the dif ferent counties of thq state has caused great confusion and embarrassment In the matter of returning the nssossod valuation of prop- pcrty. In order to remcdythat evil n con vention of county auditors was culled , which rout hero to-day. They discussed the im portance of having a uniform basis of valua tion all over the stato. Their reports showed a variation in the present modes of assess ment , ranging from ( X ) per cent of the value down to 'M % per cent. This convention , of which John Q. Knthbono , of Hardin county , Is chairman , will probably recommend , be fore adjourning , a uniform basis for assess ments and urge all boards of supervisors to enforce it upon the assessors. The sherritTs of the statu also held a meet ing hero to-day , about forty counties being represented. Their proceedings were secret , but chlolly devoted to devising moans for co operation In their work , and by a kind of mutual benefit association help each ether nt less expense than when serving strangers. An Important Case. Four DODOE , la. , Doc. 19. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEH. ] The Iowa board of rail road commission is sitting here , hearing the case of the city of Fort Dodge against the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway com pany , to compel the defendant to rebuild its abandoned track from Tama to this city. The city voted a tax to the old Des Moincs Valley railway company ia 1SSO to secure this line , nnd the terms of the land grant re quire the building of the road to Fort Dodge. When the company , sonio yours ago , ex tended Its lines northwest It took up Its track Into Fort Do dgo nnd went thirty-four miles to ono side , running in only parts of its tracks over the Illinois Central track ; thus , It is alleged , breaking Its contract. The city is very hopeful of winning the case and com pelling the company to rebuild , us they could not forfeit the land grant without going Into bankruptcy , for it Includes 592,000 acres of land now constituting the best land in the state. Solicitor Wiight and Superin tendent ( Jilmore , of Les ) Molnes , are hero for the company. A Vordlut For the Settlors. FOIIT DonaB , la. , Dec. 19. [ Special Tola- gram to TUB BKE.I The trial of the test case of the DCS Molncs river settlers to re cover possession of Improvements made on land occupied by them , was concluded to day after a Hvo days' f tubbornly contested legal1 battle , and resulted in a victory for the settlers. The eult wa brought by James Mcehun. an evicted settler , against Thoums Bucll , of Clinton. Ill , and after an absence of sixteen hours Hie Jury returned a verdict B ward In ) , ' Mci.'lmu 4700 for improvements , but recotf&Ucd tiuelt'a ' title by granting trj rental during the settlor's occupancy of the land. This case , which the land owners say will not bo carried to the supreme court , es tablishes a precedent , and all settlers will now recover value for their Improvements. The Month HnKllitli Shoot Inc. DES MOIXEI , la. , Dec. 19. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BnK. ] A special from South English , In Kcokuk coonty , reports the cap ture of the person who shot C. C. Horn yes- tordav. Ho proves to bo a young man , seventeen years old , who gives his name as Conloy , nnd says ho lives at Colona. Ho finld that Horn came Into possession of some money , and It Is thought ho attempted to frighten him Into giving It up. Ho acknowl edged the shooting , but claims that it was done accidentally ; that the revolver went off while In his pocket. When asked why ho ran awny , ho said ho was afraid ho Would bo hung , The sheriff has taken him to the county jail nt Slgourney. Horn still has the bullet In his head , nnd his recovery IB un certain , _ Another Postmaster Abscond * . DKS Moixns , la. , Dec , 19. [ Special Tclo- Rram to Tnn Ben. | A special from Hamp ton says that another democratic postmaster has gone wrong. Tills tlmo it is William Towcs , deputy postmaster at that place. Ho loft town last Thursday night , and nn ex amination of the condition of the oDlce by an Inspector shows , according to reports , a shortage of about { ( iOO. Nothing dcllnlto can bo stated until the examination is tlnishcd. In the meantime the whereabouts of Mr. Tomes Is a profound mystery , and Is a mat ter of great interest to his bondsmen , who are expecting to have to pay the amount of his defalcation. _ Dr. Williams In Mnrnlinlltown. MAKSIIAI.LTOWN , In. , Dec. 19. [ Special to Tin : Hnc. ] Dr. G. W. Williams , who sui cided In Omaha , resided hero nnd practiced medicine for n number of years before re moving to Omaha. Ho was well esteemed here , but developed rather cranky notions toward the latter part of his stay. From being a quiet republican , ho developed into nn active democrat , and became chairman of the democratic county committee. Ho was a member of the Insurance organizations of the Knights of Pythias and Iowa Legion of Honor , in each of which ho held a polity of $2,090 , neither policy being vitiated by sui cidal death. _ _ THE ALASKA OUTKAGKS. An Investigation of thrc Matter By n HOIIHO Committee. WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. The house com mittee on fisheries to-day began an investi gation regarding the alleged outrages in Alaska. William Gavitt , special treasury agent to Seals islands , testified that the Alaska company's agents at St. George's island respect neither the laws of God nor man. The whole island Is n place of prosti tution from ono end to the other. GcorcoVardman , special agent from 1S81 to ISSt , fintercd a rather sweeping denial of the charges against the company's em ployes. T. F. Ryan , another special agent , at tributed the lack of discipline and loose morals on the island partly to the improper conduct and neglect , of duty of some of the government agents , which was in turn imi tated by the agents of the company. " Tlio witness formulated rules forbidding females on the island from visiting the company's and government houses , but Mr. Tingle , his superior ofticor , had declared such rule null. It was impossible to imagine what influenced him to do this , as the order was issued in the interests of law and decency. Postal Chanties. WASHINGTON. Doc. 19. ( .Special Telegram toTiiisBi:1 : . ] The following Nebraska post masters have been appointed : L. B. Mabon , Beloit , Holt county , vice Ernest A. Clark , resigned ; Mary C. Moloy , Emmet , Holt county , vice John F. Crooghan , resigned ; Oscar N. Bass , Golden Spring , Burt county , vice Henry Marsh , deceased ; L. H. Monroe , Hartington , Cedar county : vice Henry R. Swing , resigned ; Samuel M. Pickerton , In land , Clay county , vice Samuel H. Dilllngor , resigned , and L. M. Mulford , Wolbach , Grecloy county , vice Charles A. Romeg , removed. Iowa postmasters appointed : .T. A. Edgott , Dud hum , Carroll county , vice Nathan Hoik , resigned ; Frederick A. Tracy , Packwood , Jefferson county , vice Charles D. Johnston , loft the place ; Frank E. Thornton , Wolton , Clinton county , vice P. L. Donogan , re signed. A postofllco has been established at Strand , Adams county , with Berthcl P. Strand as postmaster. Formed n Watermelon Trust. COI.UMIIIA , S. C. , Doc. 19. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBC. ] A meeting of the melon growers of this state was held at Blackvillo yesterday for the purpose of organizing a watermelon alliance or trust. Last year the shipments wore over two hundred thousand melons. The trust will mcctou the 20th Inst. , when rules will bo adopted , nnd it Is ex pected that arrangements will bo inado look ing to the acreage nnd llxlng of prices , etc. Tlio association will probably establish agen cies in Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Boston and Chicago , to all of which points South Carolina melons are shipped in great quantities. Frightful Executions In Znnzihar. LONDON , Dec. 19. A dispatch from Zan zibar says that , In pursuance of tno sultan's orders the natives who nro awaiting trial for murder were horribly nnd cruelly ex ecuted In the streets of the town , their heads cut off and their bodies loft where they , had fallen , exposed and unguarded , until the evening of the day of execution. The sultan has also ordered that twenty-four prisoners , Including ono woman , who hud been sentenced for lifo im- pribonmcnt , bo put to death In a similar manner during next week , a few to bo exe cuted each day. The British consul has vainly protested against thbso atrocities. Thi > JjliuluuoiCase. . CHICAGO , Dec. 19. In the now noted Lin- dauor Insolvency case , to-day , members of the firm on the witness stand admitted that they took consldorablo sums of money from the money drawer shortly before the failure , which they had with them In court. Judge Prondnrgast ordered that they produce it. This was counted and aggregated 4,000. The court said that it would make an order in regard to it. Adolph Moses , Lindauer'n attorney , protested and accused the court of harsh and unjust treatment. The judge de clared him guilty of contempt but deferred fixing the penalty. * Another War in Africa. LONDON , Dec. 10. News has been re ceived of an outbreak between the Arusha and Masai tribes. The former tribe had en ticed the Masai warriors Into making a cow-lifting expedition , and during their absence the Arushas raided the Masai settlement , nmssacrclng old men , women and children nnd seizing the younger women for concubines. The Masai warriors have commanded a war against their enemies which will probably last for three years. The WabaHli Cnso , NKW YOIIK , Deo. 19. The hearing In the Wabiish , St. Louis & Pacific railway case was resumed this morning. Major Blufcrd Wilson , of Springfield , 111. , and A. J. Ricks , nro the musters conducting the proceedings. S. Fisher Johnson , of the Stock exchange , tcstllled as to his knowledge of the Kccuritlcs of the Wabash road. Fifty Condiiotorit DUohitrjiinl , NEKULUS , Cal. , Dec. 19. About fifty pan- songor and freight conductors on the Atlan tic U Pacific between Albuqueriiun , New Mexico , and Mojavc , this state , ha\ubecn discharged during Iho latt few day * , TWEtVEMENSAYNOTGOllTY , Wllcox Acquitted of 'tho Charge of Wlfo Murdor. TOOK THE WRONG MEDICINE. A Valparaiso Man Gets Hold of the Other Hottlc Marrlnco of Curl Morton Hampton's Depot Uurticd , AVIlcojt Acquitted of Murder. O'Nniu ' , , Neb , , Dec , 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Bnn.1 The jury in the WHcox murder case retired lost night at 0 o'clock to deliberate , nnd returned a verdict this tnorn- Ing of not guilty. Took the Wrong Medicine. VAi.riitAiso , Nob. , Dec. 10. [ Special to Tun Hue. ] Yesterday evening James May , living about six miles east , of town , took a swallow of tincture of aconite by mistake , thinking it was a cough medicine , which was In a bottle on the same shelf. Ho dis covered his mistake xvhen it commenced to act. Dr. Howm.m was sent for , and on his arrival soon had Mr. May up and all right. Marriage of Cnrl Morton. NcmusKA CITY , Neb , , Doc. 19. [ Special Telegram to THE Ur.E.J Mr. Carl Morton , youngest son of the Hon. J. Sterling Morton , and Miss Hoatic Payne , daughter of Hon. Hobeit Payne , of this city , were united In marriage this ovcnlngnt the homo of the bride. It was an elegant affair and was at tended by friends of the family from many points of the west and cast. The young couple are among the most popular in the city , nnd commence wedded lifo with bright prospects. . Valparaiso Items. VAU-UIA'ISO , Neb. , Dec. 10. [ Special to THE Hue. ] Last Saturday night Leon An- dress , n young man who had been living a few miles south of town , skipped leaving several creditors to mourn his disappearance. Ho had mortgaged everything ho had , then sold three cows to William Coons , n neigh bor , for ? < iO cash , pocketed it and loft. The roundhouse is nearly completed , and is a well built and nicely arranged build- in c. Corn is still coining in lively , and business is good. J. W. Welch is circulating a petition to bo appointed postmaster in place of T. D. . Worrall. Two Doctors Arrested. Nri , < ! ON' , Neb. , Dec. 19. [ Special to TIIK UEB ] . Two men reprcsentinir thdmsolvcs to bo doctors connected with a medical concern in Omaha , giving the names of Arthur V. Males and Henry Y. Oldstiuo , have boon arrested hero on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. It is said they had promised to euro a child of Mr. A. Foulk , living near hero In the country.whoso speech is defective from a hare-lip. They required a note to bo given , which they con tracted not to soil nor collect until duo nnd the child recovered. But tlioy tried at all three-banks , nnd of some individuals , to get it discounted on the very day it was given. The trial has not yet been hold , in order to give time to the doctors to procure legal counsel from Otnaha. Tlio evidence may show up a dilfercnt state of affairs. A Thieving Trump Sentenced. CHUTE , Nob. , Dec. 19. [ Special to THE BEK.I Lato. last evening J. C. Uutlcr , a tramp claiming to hail from Denver , was brought before Justice Schilling upon com plaint of J. D. Laymen , of this city. The complaint charged Butler with stealing an overcoat from complainant's wagon. Da- fondant pleading guilty the justice lined him f 100 and costs. Not having the wherewith to liqudato he will languish in the county jail for thirty days. Two "pals" of Butler's were arrested at the sumo time , both of whom were in possession of overcoats thought to have been stolen , but for the luck of evidence they were discharged with orders to leave town in fifteen minutes. General Ilrl.sbln Chosen Commander. CiiAWFOiir ) , Neb. , Dec. 19. [ Special Tele gram to TUB 3cK. ] The representatives of the Grand Army of the Republic met at Fort Kobinson yesterday and unanimously elected General J. S. Brlsbin their com mander. A senior vice nnd junior vice , an J a full complement of olllcers were also elected for Hobinson Post No. JJfll. Sixteen new members joined the post , Including nearly nil the army ofllcors serving at Fort Hobinson who served in the war Captains Corlcss. Bailey , Worth , Parker and Li6u- tonnnt H. H. Wright. A public installation of the now ofllcors will take place at Fort Robinson January 17. Councilman-Elect Wheeler Honored. PbATTSMOUTir , Nob. , Doc. 19. [ Special to THE BnK. ] Mr. D. H. Wheeler , of Omaha , master mason of lodge No. 1 , A. F. & A. M. , was in this city and attended n regular meet ing of ledge No. 0 , which was founded by him over thirty-flvo years ago. Ho was pre sented with u beautiful past .master's jewel , valued ut about ono hundred dollars , by the members of the order. Hon. F. E. White made the presentation speech , to which Mr. Wheeler responded In a few well chosen remarks - marks , v the Pall Term. PBIIU , Neb. , Dec. 19 , [ Special to TIIK BEE ] The fall term of the ( state normal school closed at this place i to-day. Thcro were over 300 students in attendance , and extra cars had to bo ordered to carry thorn homo to spend their holiday vacation. Tlio winter term commences January ! i , The members of the board are In session to-day , but there is not likely to bo any change made in the present corps of teachers. The fjntcot Hastings Failure. HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 19.-Special [ to TUB HUB. ] The John Stlch mercantile failure , reported from this city last Saturday , was the collapse of a Kansas firm that cumo to Hastings only a few weeks ago to save at life , If possible. Branch houses went under It Paolo nnd Independence , ICnn. , nnd brought this down with them. Hastings has had but ono real failure this season outside of the Ga/ottc-Journal crash , nnd that was en. tirely duo to reckic&a and incompetent man agement. _ _ _ _ _ General Merchandise ; Failure , FJIKMOXT , Neb. , Dec. 10 , [ Special Tele gram to TUK BEE , ] J. B , Foot , a dealer in general merchandise .it North Bend , made an assignment last evening , Tlio First National bank of North Henii held a Hist mortgage on the stocic for $7r > OU and a real estate mortgage for ? 1GOO. May Brothers , wholesale grocers of this city , are creditors to the extent of IJ.200. The Indebtedness to eastern linns makes the total liabilities $10,000 to # 16COJ , with ussets nearly coverIng - Ing the amount. Dcnili of. Mrs. WutHon , of Bi > airlnc. UJUTUICU , Nob. , Dec. 10. [ Special to Tun Mrs , W. A. Wr.tson died nt her homo this morning , after an Illness of several weeks. She was iho wlfo of Mr. Watson , who Is head man in the jewelry house of S. W. Wadsw.irth. Tljcy had boon married but tt few months. Mrs V/atson was formerly a popular teacher In the city t > chools , and a niece of J. W. Mom * , formerly passenger agent of the Union Pac'tic. Jt-HH lliiini'd , AUKOIIA. , N'eb , Dec. W. [ Special Tolo- to TIII. Hi-K.J Tlic | p.iSsenycr depot ut Hampton burned down last night. It caught tire from the Hues. 'J'ho loss is abou $ IDOO. It was partly Inauredi PIUSXCH 1XTBIIK9TS AT PANAMA. How They Are Being Imokcd Alter By the Homo Government. [ CopyrfcM JSSS by Jamr * Gonton Vctwctl.1 PAHIS , Doc. 19. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Bns.1 I called this after noon at the ministry of miulno in reference to rumors that circulated to-day In Paris nnd in London to the effect that the French gov ernment was about to send several armor- clads to Panama to watcti the United States vessels of war there , and to enforce Franco's policy of "hands off , " ns far as the meddling of other nations In the affairs of the canal Is concerned. 1 have the formal authority from Admiral Krantz , the French minister of marine , to categorically contradict any such reports. I asked the minister what are the French naval forces that are now within striking distance of the Panama canal. The minister replied : "Tho only vessels wo have thcro now arc the Rolando and nn uu- armored cruiser. " "Has the Duquesno received orders to sail for the Panama canal ! " "No , but she will probably bo ordered thcro as a simple police measure , to look after the Interests of a great many French men who are employed as workmen on the canal. " The minister thnn went out , and his chef- de-cabinet told mo that the Duquesno was also an unarmored eruispr , nnd that If Franco had the remotest idea of subserving men-of- war of other nations it would not bo cruisers but moro formidable vessels that would bo sent thcro. The Pope's Support Appreciated. ICojMj/ffl/it. / 1SS3 by Jinny GorJuit nennttt , ] UOMB , Dec. 19. | Now , York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bun ] In an interview with the pope yesterday , Dr. Kcano , bishop of Richmond , who is also titular rector of the projected university of Washington , handed to his holiness a collective letter written In Latin from the Catholic bishops of the United States , thanking the pope for his support of the university scnomc , and an nouncing that the work'was ? ' making the most satis factory progress. Eight hundred thous and dollars have boon collected , while the ground on which the building is to bo erected has already been paid for. The bishops draw attention to the great Importance of the university , which they believe will act ns a bulwark against the rise of rationalism and frco thought in America. Another Opportunity Gone. ICojiyrluM 1SSS by James Oonlim UinnM.1 LONDON , Dec. 19. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE Bun.l American girls have missed nn important match , for it is authoritatively announced this evening that n marriage has been arranged between the Duke of Newcastle and iliss Candy , daughter of Major Candy. It was reported recently that the duke was engaged to Miss McTnvish , of Baltimore. A Sensation In the Chamber. PAIIIS , Dec. 19. In tno chamber to-day , dur ing the debate on the budget , M. Challomel- Laeour created a great eonsatlpn by a speech condemning the polItSyinow pursued in the schools , which , ho saidStruck nt tuo root of the traditional principlfiof parental control. Tlio mam cause of the'oxisting ' evils was the radicalism which relentlessly pursued the old founders of the ropbblic. and gave prom ises which it was imnoMiiblotx ) fulfill. Franco had abandoned the most glonousof monarch ies , ami was about to fall nt the feet of the last of men. Instead of chocking the move ment toward the abyss , the cabinet was has tening the movement. "It was time to return to a policy of good sense. At the conclusion of his speech he ap pealed to the right to unite with the party on the left , and together save the country. Tremendous cheering followed , Premier Floquet defended the policy of the cabinet , which , ho said , had boon wise and republi can. M. Leon said that the premier had not arisen to the occasion. A grout uproar en sued. Floquet announced that ho would , If necessary , Introduce new legislation to com bat the Boulangist danger. The house rose amid scenes of great excitement. Importing Canadian Ijalmr. Nr.w Yomc , Dec. 19. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE.I It was authentically stated in ofllcial circles to-day that a movement had been discovered in this city within the p.ist week to engage the services of a largo num ber of laborers from the northern frontier of Canada to work in the United States during the winter , in direct violation ot the contract labor law. Tlio movement was precipitated , it was said , by the "Border Horse and Cart Law. " The attention of the customs officials will bo called to the intended infringement of law , and precautions taken to prevent It. The Canadian lillzznrd. ST. JOHN. N. B. , Dec. 19. The snow storm of yesterday was the severest for years. At Monctown more than u dozen trains were held because of the blockade north of Campnlltown. A snow-slide at Metnpides covered a special train , but < o ono was hurt. Tlio Quebec train reached hero last night ten hours Into. The train hands had a very se vere experience. In some cases , owing to blindingsnowaml ulcet , relays of men had to bo provided , and cuttings wore often lllled up when nearly open. Tlio storm will cost the company thousands of dollars to re open communication. TroulllcH. AI.I-CNA , Mich. , Deb. 10. The lumber firm of Leo R. Suiiborn .t Son maae an assign ment yesterday. Their liabilities are re ported at ? 70UOO ; assets not known. CINCINNATI , Dec. 10. A. 1C. Burt , of the "Crystal Hall , " made , nn assignment this afternoon. Assets , $ J5,0IO , ! ; liabilities , $50.1)00. ) WAUIMOA , Wis. , Doc. 10. The Ostrnnda Manufacturing coinpnij.v , munufuctuivrs of furniture , at Ostraiulu , mude an assignment to-day. Liabilities fiOOJO , ; assctts not stated , Is Mnrrlufrq H F.nlnrr ? LOUISVIM.K , Ify. , Doc. 10. The wife of Mr. John Mcoks presented him on Saturday with a bouncing pair of twin babies. They have now twenty children living , ciuhtcen girls nnd two boys. Mr.-Meoks Is only forty- nine years old and his wlfu forty-four. A peculiarity of Mr. Mupks' household is that two cradles have been kept going stnco the first two years of his marriage , and ho lias never hud but ono doctor's bill. All the children are living , i - A Victory for ttio Hnmo.iiiH. LONDON , Deo. 10 , 4 dispatch from Auck land says that news liun. bsen received from Samoa that the Sumoaiis , under Kntaafn , have succeeded In capturing most of Atna , after a long battle with Tanuuz's forces. The losses included 100 killed and several hundred wounded. Hull in Amtvall i. SVIINKV , N , S. W , , Dos. 19. A game of base ball was played hero thu uftornoan be tween the American teams. All-Aineric.in 0 , Chicagtsi ) , Hiuigrd V'or Miirilurlng HI * Hon. HACKIXH.UK : , N. J , , Dec. 19. John Myor.i Doromus was hanged this inoniinj In the Berger county jail for tho'iuurJor of his son John lust Juno. The 1) . & C ) , l'r < :4tilmiov. lUi.TiMoni ! , Mu , , Dec 10 Charles F. Mayor das brcu elected picsider.i , of ih < ) Uil- ; fiiuoro .u Ohio i-ailrvud. CLERKS j I FOR CONGRESSMEN , . Hnyoa of Iowa Introduces tv Bill to Provide Thorn. DIVIDED ON THESUGARQUESTION KcpuMlcima Will Go Into Caucus to Adjust Differences On This 1'olnt Maliono Italia of Kiidorsoincnt. WASHINGTON Bonn lu TUB OM IU HUB , 1 51IFooiiTr.BSTit ! STUBKT. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 10 . , I Another attempt Is to bo made during the present congress to secure allowances for clerks for members of the house. A bill looking to this end was reported to-day from the .committee on accounts , by Hayes , of Iowa , authorizing the appointment of such clerks to senators nnd representatives , but the amendment to consider it Immediately was defeated by a vote of 95 to 103. Mr. Hayes will try again to secure action on this bill , and there Is little doubt that a majority ot the members nro In favor of it , but there is a good deal of doubt as to whether they will all have the courage to veto for the measure , because fear the of " " they cry "salary grab" will bo raised against them. TUB SUOAll SCIIRI1UI.H. When the sucar schedule of the tariff bill Is reached It will bo passed over until the re publicans can have a caucus and agree upon some basis of compromise , for thcro is n division njiong them. The senators from the prairlo states arc opposing the largo re duction of duty on sugar , just us they nro op posing the high tariff on lumber ; in the In terests of their constituents. The Kansas and Nebraska senators , for example , will join with those from Louisiana in keeping up the duty on sugar , in order to devolopo the sorgum and beet root industry of their own sections , MAltONK DISArrOIKTKI ) . A conference of southern republicans was held hero last night , by invitation of ex- Senator Mahone , who desired their endorse ment as the representative of the south , for a position in the cabinet , but did not get it. The opposition was too strong , and n resolu tion endorsing him had to bo withdrawn to prevent Its being rejected. A substitute was adopted declaring that the south was entitled to a representative in the cabinet , and recom mending the adoption by the next admin istration of such a policy as will secure n fair count at elections in that section. Gen eral Mahone is very much disappointed at the outcome of his conference , as ho felt assured of receiving its support. Senator RiddloborKor has not made his ap pearance in the senate since the episode the other day , but is seen about his hotel still breathing threats of vengeance against In- galls and the republicans , but tlmso who know him best say that he will not resign , as ho promised to do , because ho wants the sal ary of a senator , which amounts to moro than Sl.'JOO between now and the ltd of March. OOVCKNOH SWINllTOHO'S 1'AV. The senate committee on claims has re ported a bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay Governor Swincford , of Alaska , his salary from the 1st of July to the 1st of September , 18S5. It appears that Mr. Swinoford was appointed on the 1st of July , but remained at his homo in Michigan until the 1st of September before going to his post of duty , and the comptroller of the treasury decided that ho was not entitled to his pay for this portion of his term. Swinoford came to congress with a claim , which passed the house last session , and his friends will probj ably secure Its passage In the senate. WOUIC OP PADDOCK'S COMMITTEE. The senate committee on the improvement of the Mississippi rive > r and its tributaries , of which Mr. Paddock is chairman , hold a long and important session on Saturday , during which a Haul determination was reached upon the several bills for the im provement of the Mississippi river1 oy the outlet system , which the committee have been investigating for nearly a year past. Moro than three hundred pages of printed testimony , taken during the course of the in quiry , were considered by the committee. The committee thmlly decided to report ad versely on the bills presented , on the ground that they were unanimously opposed to any improvement of the river by private con tract with individuals and not directly through government channels. A resolution was also adopted calling upon the senate for authority to investigate the entire subject of the Mississippi river improvement , and nlbo ol the Mississippi and Missouri river com mission , with power to sit during the recess , if necessary , nnd mibpoana witnesses. During tiio hist year Senator Paddock's committee has held thirty meetings , and has accomplished a larger amount of work than has been done by the same committee during the previous ten years of its existence. Senator Paddock said this afternoon that the investigation in which they have been en gaged had dovolopoU so many interesting in quiries , and had raised so many important questions , that the committee had unani mously arrived nt the conclusion that u thorough nnd searching Investigation of present methods by which the national mon ies were expended in the west with such ap parently small results , was urgently re quired. The southern members of the com mittee were particularly anxious for a full examination , not only into systems of river improvement , butinto expenditures of money. In tno inquiry which it is proposed to con duct , the very Import-tut subject of storage reservoirs in connection with the prevention of overflows in the rivers , and the water of Which can be used for irrigating purposes , will also be considered. MISCII.IA.NIOUS. : : Tlio commissioners of the District of Co lumbia were very much astonished to sco John G. Carlisle , speaker of the house of representatives , J , S. C. Blackburn nnd sev eral other statesmen , appear to use their in- lluonco to secure a license for the sale of liquor for a snioonkcepur by the name of Solori , who had licon refused ono license bn- cause ho had been four times convicted of soiling liquor on Sunday , in violation of the law , Congressman MeShano called on thoprcsi- dent to-day , accompanied uy Mr. B. D , Slaughter , of Nebraska. Hon. J. M. Thui-bton , of Omaha , Is regis tered at the Arlington to-duy. The ' 1111111 ( if John Bcchtold , of Kearney conn v , . orfii.iV'li nlk'ged losses by Indian di'prc.J.it'ui.H ' by Sioux and Choyenncs in 1MU , was disallowed by the secretary of the interior , on the ground of insufficient evi dence. 1'j.iwt S. HIIATII. thn A'ljoui-nm ' * nt Onto. WASHINGTON' , Dec. 19. Tills evening the indications are that an agreement will bo reached by to-morrow by the senate on the question of holiday adjournment , and in con nection therewith an agrccmnj ! ' , as to the Jength of the donate on the tariff bill. The democratic senators held a mucus after ad journment tins evening mid authorised Mussrd. Harris and Vuat to propone -to Messrs. Morrcil and Sherman , representing the republican senator ) , a proposition em1 bidymg the following provisions : To ad journ on Friday next until January , as fixed by the hoiiko resolution ; to hold dully sessions , beginning nt 11 u. in. and continu ing until nt Ici'Jt rein p. in , , until thu tarilT bill Is dihposr- 1 of , and llnnlly to vote on the tariff bill on January 'M. This is In practical harmony with ( ho republican proposition , euvo in tliii ni'ilU'r of night Hussions. The ItnpiihUcan New YOIIK , Doi ) , 10. The executive com mittee of thu republican league of thu United States met to day and fixed the datu of the national convention fur February tij next , nl Baltlnoiu. : All Quiet at Itcvtnr. Sr. Lo. is , Doc. .10--The latct In forum tion fiom Bcvler , .Mo. , coal mines Is that everything is qulot. The grand Jury has ad journed without Hndlny nny indictment. , KNOCK DOWN AUOUMBXTS. A Lively Mcollnij of the Dakota Hoard of Asylum Trustees. YAXKTON , Dak , , Dec. 19. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun Bnn. | There wore trouble some times In the meeting of the board of asylum trustees to-day , but not so far as the members of the board were concerned. Out side parties made all the trouble. To begin with , the employes went on a strike yester day nn'd that was the fundamental cause of the trouble. To-day the board of trustees mot , nnd after deliberation deposed Dr. Robert Hticlmmmn , the' superintendent , nnd appointed Dr. James Roane , young physi cian of this city , In his place. Dr. Buclinnnan was called into the presence of the board nnd notllled of his deposition , .llo bccamo angry nnd struck Dr. Slaymau , the assistant superintendent. Mrs. Buchunnan , wife of the doctor , and others Interfered , and had it not boon for this , Dr. Buchannnu would have continued his pugilistic exer cises. Stories are current on both sides and It is indeed dlfllcult to make bend or tall out of the whole. The trustees claim that the assault of Dr. Huclmtinan was totally unpro voked and uneallo d for , while his adherents claim that ho was perfectly justified. Inter viewed by n Bm : correspondent to-niijht , Dr. Buclmunan said : " 1 notilled Tension Gale that ho could not konp any mysteries inside that Institution ; that it was none of my busi ness bow many ho kept outside , but ho could not have them there. " Dr. Buchannaii was appointed by the now bonru presumably noon the recommendation of Mr. Quigley , ox- trustee , and Mr. Gale , and when Mr. Quigley and the colonel fell out Dr. Buclinnnan was expected to bo de posed. Contractor Patteo 1ms settled his differences with the employes on the wings , and work will bo resumed in the morning. Dr. Roane , the now appointee , is a compe tent physician , and ono of the best in Yr.uk- ton. _ _ An Anti-Cntholiu Movement. Nn\v YOIIK , Dec. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tile HUK.J At a nicotine ; of German Evan gelists hold yesterday afternoon In thu Houston Street Reformed church , stops were taken to inaugurate a movement against the encroachments of the Cath olic church on the public schools. Uev. Dr. John O. Ertcr presided , and thcro was presented for adoption an appeal to German Evangelists to join in the movement. The alliance thus formed will take steps to preserve - servo the civil and religious liberty granted by the constitution. They have issued an appeal to the people of the United States , in which they say the pope lias creator power to-duy than nny sovereign. Ho men aces the United States. Right here in New York Archbishop Corrlgan ' is an absolute ruler. While millions are expended for the Catholic church , nothing is douo for the Evangelists. It is the duty of all people who have other than Catholic belief to make one front apiinst this phalanx : of arch enemies. Contrstintj Hess Hums' Will. TOI-CKA , Kan. , Deo. 19. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Hue. ] Contests were commenced to day in llio district court over the will of Ross Burns , who was at 0110 time general so licitor of the Santa Fe. The title to some of the most valuable business property in the city is involved. The suit is commenced by Fernando do Francisco Martin , who has for the past ten years been chancellor of the Spanish legation at New York. He claims that Burns' daughter Rosa , who was entitled to one-fourth of the estate , deeded nil her interests - torests in the estate to him at her death four years ago. Tills one-fourth interest is be lieved to bo worth over $100,000. The cuso revives the strange circumstances connected with the death of Ross Burns , whoso llrst wife was a sister of Victoria Clullln Wood- hull. Tlio Playwright Must NEW Yomc , Dec. 19. [ Special Telegram to THE Bii.l : In the supreme court , before Judge Lawrence and a Jury , to-day , Shook & Collier recovered n verdict for $ ! VJ5 against Robert Buchanan , of London. In 1SS4 Bu chanan wrote the plaintiffs , asking if they wanted a good "romantic society drama. " They replied affirmatively , and Buchanan stated his terms , $5,000 , * T50 of which waste to bo paid in advance. Shook & Collier paid the advance price , nnd Buchanan soul over a play entitled "A Hero in Spite of Himself. " The pluy was a story of western life , anil the scene was laid on the prairies. Tlio charac ters were to bo arrayed in rod shirts and top boots. The managers decided that the piny did not como quite within the "society drama" limit , returned it , and demanded that the advance money bo returned to them. This was refused , and they brought suit. _ , - - * Obituary. " CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. lii. Rev. Isaac Er , rctt , of the Christian church , and one of the oldest and best known divines in it , died this morning nt a very advanced age. Ho was an early and life-long friend of the late Presi dent Garfield. WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Mrs. Mary J. Cook , wife of P. B. Cook , of the postofllco depart ment , died hero last evening. With her husband , Mrs. Cook was u pioneer in the Galena and Dubuque lead mine regions of Illinois mm Iowa In ISII9. . INDIAN-ATOM. " , Dec. 19. Hon. Finley Big ger , aged seventy-two years , died at Rusli- villc , ind. , last night. Ho wua register of the treasury during the administrations of Presidents Picrco nud Buchanan , The I'rlnco of Wales Denounced. LONDON , Dec. 19. The announcement of the dlsbandincnt of the honorable artillery company has caused a sensation , and the action of the Prince of Wales , which led to the disorganbation of the an cient body , is unfavorably commented upon by both press and people. The St. James Gazette says that If ho behaved ns a sovereign as ho has behaved as captain of this company , his tenure of the throne would be brief. < Four nf'thn NogrocN Killed. W\IIAMI ; { , Miss. , Dec. 19. A report has reached hero that an armoil posse overtook four negroes , participants In Sunday nlf lit's tragedy , Ono was shot and the ether three hung. Nr.w Oiii.KiJfs , La. , Dec. 10. A special from Wuliuluk , Miss. , says : The trouble be tween the whites and blacks of this plucu is not yet settled , and seriomi trouble nnd much bloodshed in Hiiro.to follow , it is now Known that in thu past twenty-four hours at least four ncgrous , and perhaps more , have been killed. Later Three of the negroes have boon captured , and nix more nro hedged in so that escape seems impossible , Tlio prisoners lire at a dilapidated frame building called the "white bouse , " ton miles from here , on the brow of ono of the highest ranges of hills in the neighborhood. They are undur iii strong guard , and the next twenty-four hours will determine taulr fate. ill to : * Anthony's AHsallaxt Pnrdonotl ToriiKA , Kan. , Dee , 19 , [ Special Telegram to Tim Bin : . ] The governor to-duy granted pardon to Thomas C , Thurston , once a lead ing attorney of Lcavcnworth , who was con victed In IhbO of assault with intent to kill Colonel D. R. Anthony , editor of the Loav- worth Times , und sentenced to eighteen years In prison , A Homo Ktako Jtolilinr Found Guilty , DKADWOOD , Dak. , Doc. 19. [ Special Telegram - gram toTm : BBK. ] The Jury In the case of John Tehford , the accomplice In the late at tempt at robbing the Homo Stake railroad , was found guilty to-duy , as charged In the indictment. The jury was out only llftcon minuted. A Godspeed Kur LONIION , Doc , -Gladstono departed to day for Naples. A great crowd gathered ut the railway station , and the ox-prcniicr was imlly cheered when tie departed. BURNED TO BREAK A SPELL , The Wlord nnd Gruesome Tale of a Kansas Correspondent , ROASTED HER VICTIM ALIVFJ , How a Young tjudy On a Farm \Va Tortured to Huath By a Negro Sci'vaut Who Considered Horn Witch. . Jennie H.irrett's Terrible Fnto. Wk'iiiTA , Kan. , Dec. H' ' . Several weokf ago an old negro servant of Eugene Bartlett ) a wealthy cattleman of ICIngm-ui county , who was known ns "good old Kebeoja , " so George W. Heatty , a well-to-do farmer living near Bross , that county , reported horotO' night , conceived the Idea that she was being bewitched by Jeniilo Bartlett , who was about twenty years old. While gradually showing an increased disltko for thu ludy h kept on with her work , but Saturday , in ud presence of the family , she told Jcnnto tbt she was being hoodedooed by her and shi would Ir.ivo to quit it or thcro would 1)0 ) trouble. This created considerable uicrrC mcnt , but the old colored woman watchect hcropp rtunlty for breaking the spell. Lain , evening early all the family except Jennie went to visit neighbors. Shortly after their departure Robert Donnelly , a young iiiiin who lives at Bross , called to sci Jennie , ns had been his custom for some time , and remained until about 0 o'clock , when Rebecca appeared nnd stated tbftj thcio was n very Hick horse ut the barn , at ] she wanted him to go up to Bross for BOH medicine. Ho left in response to the quest. As soon as the young man was out of hear. Ing , the servant caught the young lady , and tying a rope around her hands , swung her up to a joist with her feet about two feet frotu the floor. This done slio stripped her of her clothes and covered her body with paint ana then tar. In u short time she hul : placed a kettle tilled with kindling wood uiidor her. nnd lifter putting a large amount of oil on it applied a match. While the flames wore curling around Uio poor girl's feet and limbs Donnelly returned with the medicine for the sick horso. Before reaching the house ho saw a bright light shining through a window unit heard frantlo screams. Ho supposed some one had caugttt fire from an exploded lamp and hastened to the door. The front entrance was locked and going to a window the horrible spoctafilo met his eyes. For a moment ho scarcely knew what to do , but finally rushed back to the door and broke it open. Then horcmovoa the kettle , cut the rope and conveyed the girl to u resting placo. For n few minutes she was unconscious , but she soon recovered sufficiently to tell the story of her fJiMidlsb. treatment. Her feet and lower limbs Wfll'h burned into a crisp , and n few minutes lutoB death relieved her of the Intense agony. Young Donnelly looked about the house fj B n few minutes for thu assaulting party , and not being able to find her , hastened bank tg town with the startling news. Over twenty , men were soon on the road to the Burtlott house to investigate the matter. i A careful investigation failed to Hud th.o perpetrator of the crime , but they discovered that one of the horses had dlsappeured. \ A hunt for the negro wonlun was Inauguw nted but no word of her capture ha-j been ( d l ceiveii. The affair has created intense ex * ] citcment In the neighborhood and every ef fort possible will bo made to effect an arrest. HAN FRANCISCO'S MAYOttALiTlf.1 A Hccoutit of the Voles Ovvlnjj to Al- tetiod Krnudfl. ' SAN FiiAXcisco , Dec. 19. A recount of tha votes cast at the recent election for tha olllce of mayor has been iu progress hero for several weeks. E. B. Pond , the demooratjfl11 nominee and present mayor of the city , was elected last November according to the official returns. Proceedings for a recount were commenced by C. C. O'Donnell , the in dependent candidate. Over one-half of tlja precincts in the city have been re-canvassed so far , and a number of discrepancies have been discovered , generally in O'Doniioll'i ' favor. \ Judge Finn , presiding judge of the super-t lor court , delivered a charge to the grand' ' jury to-day and called special attention tOi the commission of frauds in certain precincts in the canvassing and return of votes cast ntr the recent election. During the recount an unoniciul canvass lias been made of the veto in that portion of the Fifth congressional district located In the city. The ofllcinl rrf- ' turns gave Clunlo ( dem. ) a majority of 47 over Phelps ( rep. ) . The Chronicle ( rop.J claims that the recount so fur shows a gain' of 75 for Phelps , while the Examiner ( dem. ) claims u gain of3 for Cluuio. , Kurlz-Hohci-l'-oii. HAITIMOIII : , Dec. 10. [ Special to Tn Hni.l Mr. W. K. Kurtof Omaha , was to day united In marriage to Miss Nellie. Rob ertson , at the residence of thu bride's mother in this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Bishop J. F. Hurst. D. D. , uncle of the groom. The wedding was quite private , being attended only by near relatives and Intimate friends of the contracting parties , No cards. The happy couple left for a tour of the eastern cities , and will make thoip permanent home In Omaha , wtiere the groonl is a popular and well known business man , i being manager of the Patrick Land company. ' one of the lending Investment companies of that city. The Southwestern Manager * . CHICAGO , Doc , 10 , At a meeting of tha general managers of the southwestern Mis souri river lines to-day it was virtually agreed to restore freight rates , probably as early as January 1. A committee of live was appointed to confer with a similar committee fiom the western and northwestern lines , and also u committee of the Colorado lliiosj with a view of strengthening the present agreement , Tlio president will report to a general meeting of the western freight usso- elation to be held to-morrow , and the Indica tions now are that it will be adopted without much discussion. ' ratal Kail of a HOOKSIJT , N. II. , Dec. 10.A short dls. tanco north of this station are throe wooden' ' bridges spanning the Merriumc river on tha Suncook branch of the Concord railroadI These bridges have been undergoing repairs , " and on account of the Ice and high water it has been necessary to stay them with heavy timbers. This forenoon n largo gang of inefl were at work on the mldiilo bridge when tha Ice , without warning , began to move , precip itating the bridge and eleven men over the falls and iiOo the water. Three men wora drowned and the remaining eight wore re cued in an Injured condition. ' A ll\K \ Tobacco Dnnl , VOIIK , Doc. 10 , [ Special Telegram to Tun Bin : . ] It IB understood that negotia tions weio completed to-day by which tha contract for the manufnctuie of the Henry Clay brand of Imvanna cigars , as well us tttd most Important tobacco fields of Cuba , haa passed Into the hands of an KnglUh syndi cate About W.ODO.OOO . are Involved in tha transaction , _ f Tin ) Now Pii nonK ; r Cuiutuo , Doc. 10. A ooininlttoobf seven general managcra , appointed to plan a novf passenger agreement for lines In the wontorn states association , made a report thin ufloN noon. The report was nrcoplid utid tha meeting ut once entered upon a consUeratloi of the details of the scheme. Tim \Vo. ichor JndlCMll'in * ) for Ncbruakn , Dakota and lowu ; t'tlr , warmer , souther ) } winds.