1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1883. THE CITY. The police court is being painted. No building permits were issued yes- tcrtlay. The Webster' street depot is being frescoed. Chief Galllgan , of the fire dooart- mcnt , won nn elegant muaio box , which was rallied off Monday in the Paxton bar. bar.Sheriff Sheriff Coburn ROCS to Kearney to day taking with him two boys named Kdward Woodward und Chria- tlan Conneora. The Ilorso Railway company are building a curve tit Ninth nnd Farnam streets to complete tholr "loop" to con- nont with the uridgo motor lino. The annual mooting of the Hrick Con tractor's association , which was adver tised for Monday night , was adjourned until next Monday night at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Those who bought chaneos on getting n SOW ) piano at the bazaar of the Omahii guards can have their money refunded by applying to the committee. Only fcilOO worth of tickets were sold. Ono hundred and tiitioly-flvo saloonkeepers - * keepers have paid their 188S licenses. There are , therefore , about seventy- ' eight liquor dealers who will bo shut out of the Now Year's day rako-olf. The Aurora society of the South Tenth struct M. K , church will give nn oyster fcuppcr at the residence of A. J. Har mon , 8M Pinrco street , Thursday evening - ing , December 18. Kveryono invited. Olllo Vandorvoort , the Povon-ycar-old daughter of Paul Vandorvoort , died Monthly of ccrobro-spinal meningitis. The funeral took place from 1110 South Thirty-second street at'J p. in. yester day. day.A runaway team caused considerable cxcilomont near the corner of Eleventh and Farnam , where they were stopped , but the wagon was considerably dam aged. Tlio outlit belonged to Paxton & Gallagher. A buggy owned and driven by n , man named Gibbon , was wrecked yesterday , afternoon on Ilarnoy and Thirteenth „ a btreots. Tlio horse caught his fore calks * in the slot of the cable tracks and stumbled , with the above result. There ia a. change in the programme of tlio Winter gni'don. Tlio third con- i | cert of the Musical Union orchestra and f the regular Gorman theatrical perform ance next Sunday are postponed until Tuesday , December 25. On Saturday , December 22 , and Sunday , December lilt , the famous pro&tieHgilalour , Prof. Thco. Brauor , supported by M'llo La Motto , will appear. Personal 1'rtrasjrniilis. A. U. Demaray , of Lemurs , Is uf the Pax- ] r , M. H , Hobcrts , of New York , is at tbo Murray. ii M. H. Hopowell , " of Tokamab , is at the Mlllard. H. H. Lord , of San Francisco , is at tlio Darker. P. H. Cluuilys , of Blnir , JN'eb. , is a guest at the Millard. M. Hcattv , of Palmer , Neb. , la stopping at the Mlllurd. E. C. Thomas , of Chicago , registered at the Mlllunl. p F. U. Woodruff , of Chicago , is stopping at the Pnxton. Alf J. McGIon , of Now York , registered at the 1'uxton. Miss Meda Mitchell , one' of the prima donnas of Henry K. Dixey's company , is at the Cozzens. A. M. Longwell , of Lincoln , is stopping at i tlio Murray. M. V. Nicholson , of Valenti'aiS , Neb. , is at the Pnxton. Captain and Mrs. Carsachavo returned to Fort Niobrara. J. II. Ewing , of Hammond , la. , is a guest nt the 1'axton. EH S. Harnes , of Grand Island , is stopping at the Paxton. A. M. Courson , of Dos Moines , is a guest at the Murray. Captain Cusack , U. S. A. , of Fort Niobrara , is at the Murray. George A. Mead , of Sioux City , is recis- tcred at the Paxton. Colonel W. N. Hunter , of St. Louis , regis tered at the Mlllurd. V. C. Shiokloy , of Geneva , registered at tlio Paxton last night. John Suhumpp , of Pittsburp , registered at the Murray lust night. F. II. It. Mnrsdcn , of Peoria , 111. , was nt the Murray last nluht. Prosecuting Attorney Riley , of Sidney , Neb. , is nt the Paxton. Charles II. Taylor nnd J. J. Canvcll , of Plankcton , nro nt the Murray. James Holland , n leading hardware mer chant of Broken Bow , is at the Arcade. Miss Jenny nnd Maud Plumb , from Ma rlon , la. , arc visiting friends in tlls ( city. Charles II. Conner , of Chicago , represent ing the Detroit Steve works , is ut the Pax- tan. Henry II. Fry , ono of the proprietors of the famous Glenrock mine , Wyoming , regis tered nt tlio Barker. Mr. W. II. Hull , assistant manager of the Waterworks , loft Monday night for Detroit , where ho will spend Christmas. At tlio Arcade : W. A. Stewart , Plum CicckC. ; A. Tuttle , Irvlngton ; D.W.Leo and B. P. Miller , Alliance ; Philip Unitt aud Charles Saekelt. Sownrd ; W. C. Cathor- \vood , Blair ; H. F. Warner , Hosa. A Female nurglnr. May Earl , a strumpet at Fort Omaha , was arrested Monday night for breaking into the house of CojKmil Dunn. The failure of II. Pollock , general store dealer In Battle Creek , with liabilities at (2,000 is announced by Bradstrocts. Dr. Williams' Father. The father of the suicide Williams nrrlved. in Omaha yesterday morning , The body of the deceased will bo shipped to AcHtoy , In. to Weil. The following mnrrlngo licenses were Issued - sued by Judge Shields yesterdays j Glcnnn 1) . Stone , Omaha , . . . . ,23 J Elizabeth Hughes , Omaha . 10 Jlopluvln the Goods. To-day the harness found In the possession Ed Barrett ami Gcorgo Petty , nud which led to tholr arrest on n suspicion of larceny , was roplovlned by Petty and Barrett and taken from the police authorities. The case will bo given a bearing before Judge Holmes to-morrow. Criminal Matters. Chnrlcf O'Urlen ' and Henry Howard are uhdor arrest on clmrgo of stealing two pairs of shoes and some caps from Hubln's store on Tenth near Jackson. They are also charged with attempting to rob Jails Nelson. EU Coleman , Eugene O'lluru and J. W. Dull wcrchcld | to the district court yesterday in the bum of (300 each for robbing B. S. Vance. The prosecuting witness Is also hold In the sum of $ 00 , und in default also go 3 to Jail. . Caught After rive Years. Private John Follmuth , company D Fourth Infantry , enlisted in this the 1st of February 16S3 , des encd nt Fort Omaha Cth of May , 1SS3. Ho was apprehended by the Omulm police flvo years Inter , Ho was tried before a general court martini and plead not guilty , claiming that ho wns only absent without leave. Ho has been dishonorably discharged from the service , forfeiting all pay and al lowances now duo.and to bo confined ut hard labor In a military prison for four years. General Brooke howorvor , remitted three years of his sentence and approved , of all the other proceedings of the court , ' COP13IjVNI'S SHOES. IJy Whom Will flu > r i > o Worn n the School Uonrili Now that Uov. Copolnnd's resignation as a member of the board of education lias been handed in , numerous persons arc being men * tioncd ns his probable successor. The board Itself chooses n person to fill the vacancy until the school election next Juno. The Sixth ward is very clamorous for representa tion on the board , and claims that ns that ward comprises about ono-fifth of the terri tory of Omaha they should have a member. Tlio fourth ward they say has three or four and the sixth regards this iw n monopoly. Thomas .1. Mngrano and Frank Spore , both of the sixth nro rival candidates for the ix > sition , and the friends of each are vigorously pressing Ithoir claims. Fred W. Gray has bean asked to allow his 'Viamo to bo used for rc-clectlon , but it Is said ho has refused to ilo so. The friends of Henry Livcsey say , that they believe ' ho would run again if iiikcd. Charles B'runner Is siiUl to bo an aspirant for the ) > osltlon , nnd is pressing n vigorous canvass of the board. A. P Tukoy's mime has been mentioned for some tlino as n candidate , The names of Thomas Kllpatrlck and Judge McCulloch nro also occasionally mentioned. Frank Hcdman U said to bo nu aspirant for the position also. At the next meeting of the board a successor will probably bo elected. Offensive breatli vanishes with the use of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. The Guards I4litt Officers. The annual election of officers , civil and military , by the Omaha Guards for the ensu ing year was hold on Monday night at the armory on Capitol avenue , Mr. Jesse Lowe presided and the following olllcers were elected i President , Jesse Lowe ; vice presi dent , llobinson ; clerk , Nye ; treasurer , Ache- son. The Messrs. Tyrrell , Hnrvoy , Carey , Berlin and Mulford were directors. The civil ofllcers nro ox-ofllcio directors. Captain , A. II. SchrafT ; first lieutenant. W. A. Web ster ; second lieutenant , Charles A , Harvey ; third lieutenant , Hurry Mulford ; quarter master , S. B , Heed. The Guards adopted a style of uniform to bo worn by the company on its trip to Wash ington for inauguration day. The coat will bo dark blue , the trousers of light blue with white stripes , a black beaver shako and n dark blue greatcoat. The trimmings , belts , etc. , will bo left to the committee In charge of uilulrs , _ Stck headache is readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , which tones and regulates the digestion , and creates an appetite. _ _ A Consignment of I'ostnijo Stamps. Postmaster Gallagher received a new con signment of postage stamps yesterday from the postmaster general's ofllce. There was ? 30,5.)0 worth of stamps nnd ? . " ,000 worth of postal cards. With what was alrendi' in stock at the oillco , the value of postage stamps is estimated ut over ? i0,00l ! ) . The above quantity is n three months' supply nnd has increased some ; iO per cent , over the amount on hand during u similar period last year. There was but 1,000 special delivery stamps required , which brought forth the re mark from the postmaster that this system is not nt all well patronized in Omaha. The only material changq in tlio samples received Is that in the -1 cent st.unps. The new ones are of n pale pink color , u great Imorovement on the dull green hitherto used. The head of Jackson still appears on them. Will you sufTor with dyspepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize1 is guaranteed to euro you. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. - Prominent Celestials. The following ofllcinl representations of the Chinese empire arrived in Omaha yesterday morning : Lin Lang Yuan , secretary of the Chinese legation , Lima , Peru ; Chun Sen Yin , Chinese consul-gcuoralf Havana , Cuba ; Lung Ting Chan , Chinese consul-general , San Francisco ; Yeo King Hang , attache of consulate. They were accompanied by four servants. Upon their arrival they were taken to the Millard hotel and dir.cd , after which they were given an opportunity to view the sights of the city under the direc torate of Chief Clerk Scott of the general passenger and ticket department of the Union Pacific over which they will depart yesterday evening for the Pacific coast. That hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Curo. Wo guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. Sparklers. Captain Green , of the police force , and Joseph Garneau , returned yesterday morning from the Fort Madison , la. , penitentiary , whither they wont last Sunday to see onoof the Grosses who is confined iji that prison for receivinir the stolea diamonds from the rob bers who pillaged the Garneau residence of its jewels last June. AUthrco of the persons connected with that noted robbery nro now In states prison , but not a single brilliant of the $3,500 worth has been recovered , The Grosses still refuse to divulge the hiding place of the jewels , but Captain Green and Mr. Garneau are determined to leave no stone unturned in their hunt for the dia monds. Pozxoni's Complexion Powder pro duces a soft and beautiful skin ; it com bines every element of beauty and purity. _ _ No Ne\v Insurance Compact. The meetings of insurance agents , spoken of in TUB Bne a few days ngo , have closed without making n new local compact. The old agreement was not cotnsidorcd binding because it could not enforce its terms. One of the features of the now company was the posting of § 100 by every agent as u forfeiture ngainst the compact violation , but the major ity of the agents refused to put up the money required. _ Advice to mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- way * bo used for children teething. Itsoothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curcsjwind colic , and is the best remedy for -Jiurruueu. iiOo a bnttlo. Granted by tlio Q John D. Howe , attorney for the Motor cojipnny , told a Biiu reporter yesterday af icr- noon that ho would have good reasons to show Judge Donne why the suit brought against his company by tlio mayor of Omaha bliould bo dismissed , The legislature of Nebraska , who were "bigger men" than the city of Omaha , nuld Mr. . Howe , granted the Motor company certain rights , and ho would show that In the erection of those much disputed poles the rompnny ho represented liftd vlo- intcu none of the conditions Imposed upon them , and next Monday is sot for the hear ing In the district court. Do not throw away your Imrd-earncd cash for every now cough syrup , when that stand ard remedy for coughs , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , Is U5 cents. "Hurrah 1" said nlttlo | girl , "I'm not to bo kept In because of that horrid neuralgia. My mamma bought a Dottle of Salvatiou Oil. " Notes Ahnut the Cltv. Citizens are paying tjio grading assess ment and the trouble is believed to bo over. John C. Carroll was the first to pay. The now furniture for the postofllco has nrrlved nnd will bo put In plnco nt once. The oillco will bo removed Into the McGlnnls block , Nstreet , Saturday , the 2'Jth. The meeting of the Shnhespcnro club , which was to have been nt the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hay ward last night , has been postponed till Saturday evening next. Engineer II. II. Lawrence was Li'ton ' serl ously ill Sunday night nt the Pneltlo hotel and is yet In n urecnrlous condition. The funeral of the late Max DlcKmnn , who died at the residence of his daughter and son-ln-lnw Monday afternoon , was held at i ! o'clock this afternoon. The interment wns in Laurel Hill cemetery. The new rooms for the fire department on Twenty-sixth street , known us The Club , will bo ready fur use to-day. Mrs. Frank .1. Sholony , who has been vis iting her parents for a fortnight nt Atkinson , returned homo yesterday nnd was accompan ied by Mrs. Wlnslow Humpr.il and child of Kavonnn. First class fiction , line engravingstho latest fashion news , useful information on household matters , etc. , make up tlio January number of Peterson's Maga zine. It well merits the title of "tlio ladies' favorite , " for it catorsadmirably to their needs. NoteH. The foundation for the Monuiouth Park Methodist Episcopal church was commenced on Saturday last. The building will bo pushed to completion , and , with the ground , will cost ? J,50J. Ono of the lots has been do nated by the Monmouth association. The pastor will bo Rev. Mr. Slaughter. Hev. E. A. Fogolstrom says that the first wing of the now Knmnuel hospital and Dea coness Institute is almost re.uly for roofing , and hopes to have it covered in before the close of the year. The people of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church on Eighteenth and Cass streets , the pastorale of which has Just been resigned by Mr. Fogclstrom , have palled Hov. Prof. Olson , of Augustine college near Hock Island.tllo lias the reputation of being the most pious and able Swedish minister in the country. Grateful. From the Council UlulTs Daily Globe , Januury 2(5 ( , 1SS2 : M. A. MoPikc , editor of the Cambria ( Ebensburg. Pa. ) Freeman , has been tlio jorsonal friend of tlio cditoi of the Globe for more than twenty years and is known , wherever ho is known , a. ono of the best men living , lie is also an intimate friend of Mr. Clark , of the Nonpareil. Ho lias been unfortunate ii the fact that his family was rnvagci with diphtheria , and greatly distressed Mr. Clark , having heard of his calam ity , sent him some of Dr. JofToris' Diph theria Cure. It was used at once , am tlio lives of tlio rest of his childrei saved. Letters from Mr. MePilce are unbounded in their expressions of grati- tune for finding some means of averting the loss of his whole group of little am : tender ones. Five of Mr. MePikc's chil dren out of eight died from rlipthoru before ho had tin opportunity of using Dr. Jofferis'remedy. Price of remedy S3. Address Dr. Thos. Jeileris , box 057 Omaha , Neb. A Great Ilcail H.IB P. T. , . The BEE is in receipt of what purports to bo nn.autogmph letter from Phincas T. B.ir- nuni , the great Bridgeport showman. He guilelessly asks for a correction of th-j mis statement which lie saw in Tun BKI : runnint , to the effect that he had abandoned the show business. Then ho rings in a fowcircus nil vectives. and writes the letter with his owi hand , with his own pen and upon his own paper. When Mr. Barnum reads this he niiy remit at the rate of $1.00 a line for it. To Prevent Croup. True croup never comes without i warning ; a day or two before the at tack the child becomes hoarse , and thai symptom is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cougl Remedy is given as soon as this hoarse ness or cough appears , all danger am' anxiety may bo avoided ; it has nevci failed , even in the most severe cases. There is no danger in giving the Rem edy for it contains no in jlirious substance Sold by all druggists. I > iuitjerotisly 111. Miss Bosslo O'Brien , daughter of themto General Gcorgo M. G'Brien , ami until re cently in charge of the library ofthe Bar association , is lying dangerously ill at lici home on South Seventeenth street. A Jo\\ nights ngo her life was dcsnairod of , but yes terday a slight change toward Improvement in her condition was gratefully noted by many friends. Grand Jury Inquiry. It was reported yesterday that the grand Jury was about to return two indictments for allc'gcd election frnuds. M. H. Ish , of the Seventh ward , was before - fore the Jury all morning , and was examined , it wns thought , upon the pauper vote. It has been hinted that Walter Wallace , of the same ward , if subpoenaed , might tell of some irregularities. Ono word : ono stop may make or mar one's whelp future. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonio is tlio proper move when you have dyspepsia/bad breath , piles , pimples , ague , malaria , low spirits , headache or nn y stomach or liver troubles. CO cents. Goodman Drug. Co. Sporting Notes. Frank Pnrmalco of this city nnd Kit Baker of North Platte will shoot for $500 a side December 81 , at 10J blue rocks tlio weather permltingof course , Frank Sclqu lias been ro-c.ngnged by the Umntm management to look utter the ball team-for 1SSS ) . CREAMDEIICIOUS DEIICIOUS EXTRACTS KtfURAL FRUIT FlAVfflS Used by the United States Oovernment , Itnd'orsed J > y the head * of the Great Universities ntid I'ubltc I'oo < l Analysts , as the Strougnt. I'ureit and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder docs not contain Ammonia , I.lmcor Alum , ] ) r , Price's Delicious 1'lavorinir 1U- tracts , Vanilla I.ciuon , Orange , Almond , Rote , etc. , do iiotcoctaut I'ulsouous Ollsor Clienilcals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO , , New York. Chicago , ct. Louis. Absolutely Pure. Tills povdornover varies. A marvel of purity stiiiiiKth nnd wholcaomcness. Aloro econom ical than the onlln.iry kinds , nml cannot be sold In competition with thoinultltuilooClow cost , short weight nluin or pliosplmto powders , Sold onlyfn cans. Hoyal linking 1'owdor Co. , 1M Wall street. Now VnrlC. GENTLEMEN \ > GTrnnll siicco't Unit you tell nil ] our filon > l thu SiM'diil nlo vo nro niuklnirof . 'loii'crs Isriirn-ctlint every nno Know * wlia IHintH nicnn. A plinico Into onr window lll citn 'vlnco ' jou wiMiiiMlnhiB soinrtlilni : Unit Inleri-sts you. c > vn tlioiiKli yon ilu not noc.l tlii'in just nuiv it \\lll | uiy you to totiuv lur lutiiru iio. ESTAQLISilED 1851 ( IOO So. Chicago , Ills. I ClarkSt. Tu9 Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON h still Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS CfiroBic , Kerons.ani3 Mate Diseases , XI3-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , railing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Aclie nnd all the effect ! leading to early decay nml peilupt Consumption or Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-failing success. SYPHILlSand all bad Blood and Skin Diseases - eases permanently cured. S-KIDNEY and URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all diseases cfthe Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. flS" No experiments. Age and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. D-SenJ 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous und Delicat : Diseases. CB"Those contemplating Marriage stnd for Dr. Clarice's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , boih s ? cents ( stamps ) , Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save futuresufTer. , inland shame , and add goldenyean tolife. xF"Uook "Life'sSecret ( ) Errors , " socentsstamps ( ) . MedicmB and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays g to 13 , Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. OMAHA MEDICAL * ' SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodtro Sts. FOB TH TRIATMENT Or AM , Applianc 3 for DoformitScs and TIUSSSD. llptt fntllltles , pp ralus uil remeilles for nuccess- M trvatnient pt ifferj lorra of ilhtasu requiring UeJIciil or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Itoanlamt nt'.Riidanoei Lett liospltnl ucoonimoMa- tloim In the wett. vbiit-i j , i uiuijan , ' | iitui" o , li r. Mitn mid Illoodnnd al Diseases of Women n Specialty. HOOK ON DISEASES or WOMEN JKEB. ONLY SELIABLa MEDICAL INSTITUTD MAKINd A HI'KCIAr/rr OK PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illool DUeatei iiiccensfullr treiitoil. BypLllltla rolBon remorvd from the ( rttcin wtttiotit marcurr. Now rettoratlru tr.iatma.it forlosi nf VltaH'ower. I'orJoni unabl * to Tint in may bo treated at boiue br eorri'ibondunca. All coiumunteatloai confidential. Modlriaci or Initntatnti sent br umll or ciprose , ecurely packed , noicinrks to Indlr.ite content ! or ouder. Ono personal iDturTlcir preferred. Call nod cooiultuiorMiidliUtorroi your caie , and wa will end ID plain mapper , oar BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; pen Private , Hp eUl r Kerroui DUeumi. Impo- W i u'na ' v c < 1 l . with ijueition Owio/ta J f lfcal M rl Surgical Institute , or DR. HciaEXAiriV , 0r. ISthand DoOst Mi. . . - OMAHA. NRO. Dr. J. E. McGrew , 'One of Hie JIo- SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic or the So-called Incurable Diseases , JSl/e , Kar , Throat , Limy * , Liver , Itlailder , Kiilneu nnd A'oi'uouii Dis tunes treatml with micdi'Si itn- equnllert. A cure truarnnteed In all coses of PltlVATR Hid BKIN J > IHiABKS. : All ( Usordcrs of the JHXUAI , OKtiANH Cllltii ; ) UId ) MANHOOD IndUNKUOVr HKbTOHIJI ) CONSUI/l'ATiON I'll KB. Treatment by corresponduncu. Bund etiunp 'or ' Office Dushman Bloc * . 16th and Sts , Omaha , Nab FOR THE HOLIDAYS , Wo are offering special inducements to parents who are desirous of securing praoti * cat and appropriate holiday gifts for their boys ; what bettor or more sensible present can you give them than a nice Suit or Overcoat ? "We are showing handsome styles for big and small boys , and our qualities and prices can not bo matched. $2.5O buys a very nice all wool Suit or a good Overcoat with cape for small boys. $3.5O buys an excellent Suit or Overcoat for small boys. $5.50 buys a very good all wool Suit or splendid Chinchilla Overcoat for largo boys up to IS years old. "VVo call special attention to a few small lots of very choice styles of Overcoats for little boys from 4tolOwhich wo offer at a marvelous low price. Wo are anxious locloso them out ; they are extremely fine goods and the brief season left for the disposal of such qualities induced us to make a big cut on them ; they are made of very fine Ker seys , Chinchilla and Cheviots this seasons novelties , of elegant designs and richly trimmed , some with fur , some with plush in short they ara such garments as can only be found in first-class houses. We have marked them $6.00 , $7.25 , $7.90 and $8.50 , and we guarantee that these prices are not one half of what such goods usually bring. This is an extraordinary opportunity toprocure a iino garment at such a figure and every boy will appreciate such a gift. In our Hat Department can be found an immense line of 13oy's Hats and Caps in Plush , Felt and Cloth. We positively sell these goods at just one-half-what regular Hat dealers ask for them , and you would be surprised to see our prices. Good little Turbans of Plush , Chinchilla and Astrachan at 25c ; splendid Knit and Jersey Caps at 30c , and very line Cloth and Jersey Ciips at 40c , 50c and 75c. In our Glove Department we have a large assortment of Boy's Gloves and Mittens , suitable for presents. As a Christinas offering we will present this week eacli boy with every purchase no matter how small , a nice paint box. We have opened an elegant line of Mufllers , Silk Handkerchiefs and Scarfs , especially for holiday trade and offer them at prices lower than asked in any other house for like qualities. Good Cashmere Mufllers at I5c , 35C and 50c ; elegant Silk Mufllers of beautiful designs and elegantly embroidered at 75c , $ I.OO and $1.50. Next Thursday shall begin to distribute our elegant holiday souvenirs and we will also forward one with all out of town orders. PLAIN FIGURES AND ONE PRICE , Corner I4.th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. BAKER'S Warranted almiliitclif j > nro ( 'proa , from which the excess of Oil lias been removed. It lias vioto than three times the strength nf Cocoa mixed with Starch Arrow root or Sufjrar , aud is therefore far more economical , COS//HJ/less / / than one cent tt , cup. It is tlelicinu * , nourishing , strengthening , easily di- KrMed , and admirably adapted for in valids as. vv ell as f or persons in liealtlu Sold by Grocers eicrynhcre. W , BAKER & CO , , Dorcliester , Mass , OVER 10,000 MAGEE RANGES 2,000 MAGEE FURNACES AND 13 , 000 MAGEE HEATING STOVES WERE SOLD IN 1887. Those fifjuros arc more eloquent than volumes which iniBht bu written In prubo of the peculiar merits uossesiud by the Muifea ( ioatls. JIISS I'.VIII.OA KAVS Ol'TIlK HANfll'.S : "I iibo tlio Matffo Haiitfo constantly in my Schools and I'rlviitn Klti'lii'ii ; It fulfills en-cry requirement for the- most i-xaullnu work ; I would not axchuiiKO It lor any IIIIIKU made. " Send for onr Fnni.'ico I'livulnriuid rend what ph. lciinspriifessori ! < , n leiitlntmechanic - , and merchants. suy of thu MIIKUU rurnact'n Iney Inive lnu > u. l on't put In Mi-am or Hot Water Ap- IKirutu * . till you K.NOU uliat a HIIST-CIASS Hot .Mr fin nan. II1 do for half thoco t. Tin : M MIII : ; IHMinsi.r'uiiNAi KS.HK tTitn : AND COOKIMI ftnvcfi AIII : SOLD UVIHVWIIIIIB : : by our HKuntx , and \\iurmit null one toho ( perfect satisfaction to thu | JU\OT. MAtiKK I'llNAt'K CO. , y ' uoIW I'NIO.M ST. , notion. Wi AUUIUH ( Jmaha , Nob. 'BEST FITTING CDRSET TCWORLD i FDR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANIS. MAYER. STROUSE & CO. \ MTRS.-4IZ BROADWAY.V.K IT. Surgeon an ! Physisin , Office N. W Curner nth un.I uaujUtiSt. Omcs telophouo , iUj ; llualdouco toloplionu. XIIE scor xua CHILD uiuis JIESX. 13 THE "Ancliop" Stone Building Blocks , 11 HUT KM' for yi ! i F1.7Sor , $2.10 a gooO i uvvraga ! * e , tent i > oit-ftte , to Fi AD. RICIITHR ft 00. , 810 Uroudway. ? l v York. llcware of Praud , as my name and the price are stamped on the bottom of alt my advertised slices befnrc liauiiB the factory , which protect the farcra acMinst hiijn prices and mleiior Roods. If a dealer offers W. JMiiiisliti shots at a reduced priceor says he has them without my name and price stamped on the bottom , put him down as a fraud. FOR a GENTLEMEN. The only cnlf S3SiA.MlICSS Shoo Binooth In- side. NOTAOIlSorWAXTIIltKAUtohiirttlio teet , easy ns hand-sowed anil WILL SOT JJir. TO THE PUBLIC. Th * ' I'rolt there u no trouble. l in laclc.ry . , mil. ruimlnc u ci | > clly , and IIH iirrn for oicr a uor. Icmploy Mil KuljliH nf l.ibor nuil Hie latter i I'/oUcllvc Union inrn.inil In order tr > prre to tlifl rntmbrrf of Luliur ontinUntlnna cvPryHheit thit tlic iultrntr.lt iniile In lrl circular ere fulie I otter $5,000 REWARD to my perion or rtrioni Mlio willprorf illIhf ilaleinenli inidt IrnnMilrc'nl.r | g be true. Till I olfer | ] | liolcl r-ouj riLlil January 111 , I8V. ( W. L. J > fifiTA ; < J. Hnirlitnii , Sinus. For sale by Kelley , Stipo.i ft Co. and Gco. S. Miller , 012 North 10th St. fl PfiSITIUF For IOST or FAILING MAKHOODj n rw SI IIVC General and NEHVOUS DEDILITVi ! "BTT"R W'nliueis ofBoJyand Minds Lfteili , ° f Errors orEiceueslnOldorVounf. lloluil. Nol.lf JUMKKIII milT llr.lorr J. llo In kulirnt Kit Hlrt. lbfoHtAkI.MItlKUl'HCIHUS | > ii I'JIllScf lllllir. Abinlultlr unf.lllnt IIIIXK TII illlK > T-lri.ri1ll ! In d.r. f. Irilir/rnim < 1 Bl.lf. , Trrrllorln , nl t rrlrn I uailrlri. Yo > r u xrllt Ilirn. Hook , frill iiiliintloa , m.I iiriintk n ll > d ( . .ltd ) tnt. iddrm | R | KtilCAL CO. . BUtf/UO , N , T. OMAHA DISPENSARY. Ncnvoirp , CIIII.'INJO and PIIIVATB MIN : and WO.MB.S snccobsfully trcatoil , YOUNG MEN BurorinB from the ctfcft * nf youlhful Inlllrorln ( llaoii'tlon , oruro Ironbliil nltli Wuiiknosi , Nuriuin Debility. ! / ol .Muinory , Di-ni'Oiiiluni'y , Avcmlim In Sc.ili'ly.Kliliii'y 'Inruljii' . nr un > dliouno of Iliu l.'ciiltn- Urinary urvuiiH.CHii liurollndu fciiliMud M't'fUy cure. CliiiicotrmioniiLlo i'3iui-Ullf | to tl'i : jiuor. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tlii-ro nro ninny troubled with Mo frccaiient i-vao- llntluim of ttio liluddi'r , oltuii ucc < miiiuiiu | < { tty a 0ilKht tnmrttiiK or hurnlnif ruimullon , mid we ikrnliiK ol Iliu tynlern liiiiiuunni-r Hie patliint niiinnt accoiint lor. On uxunilnlriK tliu uilnurr Oumiiltn H lony rudiment will often bo lou nit , nml noinetliiius mmiU particli' * uf uliiuruen will appunr.or tlio color irlll bo of u tbtu lullkUli huu. i uln t buntflnu to .1 ilur * or torul I HP pt'iirunto. Tliur * ) am munx men nhotile of thimllifl mlly , lijiiorant of tbo iMuao , ulilcli in iliu second itiiKuof noinliiHl wcakiii'n. Tlio iloctnr will truai uiili'iin ijorfciit-curti Hi nil ncli limn und u lie.illliy rcslirrallon ol Hi" unnlto-iirlnnrir OIJIIIK. Conmilln tlonfrmi. hi-nil for"Voiinur.Man'ii friend , or liuUe to Wedlock , " free to all , DR. SPINNEY & CO. , N. K. Cor. icth k Dottclua Sin , , Iliisliiii.in Illock. .Mi'iition ll.ls paper. , . . l x-urt l ruiiUlnlnic full | .altk-ul.u lv > home eurfr * * > f rliarv * ' . Aililr - f , PROF.F.C. FOWLER. Moodus , Conn. SODI5N M1NRKAL PARTI T.T.KS. which were i awarded Ilifhinln kttltttliicttnn by n medical Jury at the Inteiiiatloniil Inhibition at llrnshols.lmvo proved lotion llrst-chifcs remedial iigcnt in all Catarrhs oC the organs of i expiration und dines- tlon. _ BOIR.N. . > llNK ArJrjiASrifjr'B3 ; arc pro- [ | | pcrlbed by physicians In diseases of the lungs mill choitt unit asthma. Thu beuullt durlrod froln their iibo Is miMirrms-ed , and oven In thu moat ) chronic eases they bootlio , case , aud Ktlinulate. Bonn ? ; MIXHUAL PASTILMISaroprcfcro- bo : to nil similar preparatlonM , bocnitso they nro n natural reuu'dy , nn unadulterated product oC the sprlnKS , lontnlnliiK In nn undlinfnlshoddo- Ki'eo of all sanative principles , of these sprlnus. BOOEN MINKItAf. I'ASTI LEB are pro. paroil uvcluslvoly under the porsonnl supervls * Ion and control ofV. . STOULTZINU. M. D.i K. K. Haiiltury Councillor. | ir.llod as a solvent In coughs and cut an IIH , oven. lit Iliu most chronic ca us. Their Hticcesu la tin * SODBJf MINBItAfj I'ASTII.LF.H ore a super ior ruineily In whoonlng-coiii ; ! ! and dlphthorla ; In tlio funiior they lesson the paroxyMii of the attack , hlloiirovontliijthelatterill ( oasewhlcU cannot ; take hold In a tlnout not ulloctcd 1)7 cuturih. PQN | | MINKUAT. I'ASTILI.US ilorlvo ih cieavcd vnlno from the fact ot having u very favorable intlucncu upon the oryjnj uf illgeU' tlon. | t-nnr.N PASTII.T.KS ought to be kept In every home. AH mothers are recom mended to nrgu their children ilurliifr the cold houMm to allow a pastille ulriw ly to melt In tholr months \vhllu out on frranilH orirolni ; to Hcnool. HO1JUN .MINKltAII'AbTILUS are "for sale nt ii" rly all driiRKiHts at Title a box. Hhotild your dniKKlbt not keep thuin , kindly nddrus.i the Soclen Mineral Springs Qompony ( Mtnltcd ) I IB Cedar Street , Now York. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capllal . $100,000 Surplus . 50,000 , President. LKWIH B. Itii : u. Vice President , A. II. TOUY.AM.Vnd Vice President. W. H. B. llumiK-i , Cushiei ; Illlll.l/I'OHS. \f. V. JtOIISH. .1nil.VB.Cof.MNR. U. W. VATI-H , liwi.ss. : Itiiu. : A. K. TOD/.AI.IN , Ortlco THE IRON BANK , Corner 1 . ' : n und I'arimm Bin. A Gcner.il llunktiii ; HiisltiHss Transacted. State Line. iv , Itclfasl , Dnlillii ami Uteqiool From Now York Every Tuesday Cabin pam n o M"i and * .10 , ncconllDB to location 01 ( itato loom , Kxi'.iir.slou { < ; > to $ .KJ , i'.o to anil Iroin llnropu at Lowest late ( * > ATSTIN 1IAUHV1N If CO. . ( ion'l Agunts , Kl lirouuwuy , KoYork. . J01IK III.I'.GP. . J , Oen'l WoHteni Agi'iit , ini Jlundolph Kt. , Chicago. IIAUHV U. MOOIUM. AKunt. Olilnha. Itcduueil Cabin Katos to Glasgow Ex liibition. STEEL GOLD MEDAL. JAKiS EXPOSITION Kit. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CJ04. _ THE MOST PERFECT OP P33NS , pj , XTNNVUOVAyj tVAI'KRS m t3 i < iii'Ci-Mfully ! uewl muuthly liyovor 10,000 ? " IjuJlea. MoKnft. Xffecluulatnll'lccsant 1 PT ix ) ic | jy msll.or at itriiKKlttx. Kenltd 'tirHcalan y pomnun hUmpsj. Aildrou Tue CUUICA UuzuKJiL Co. , UuruoiT , Mica. For tidlc and Ity mull bu Gooil JJi'iifCo , , Oyntli < ( , Xe