HK- * * * 0 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE VyNESDAV % DECEMBER 10. I88& THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIlTBLUFFS. O1'KICB. ' NO 12 IMiAKIj STltUET. J.'tllvertdbvcarrier In Any liut ot hcCltyn TwentyI'tnts J'cr Week. 11. W. TII.TON MANAOEH. 'IT.LKl'IIONUS : HrMsr.esOmrr No. 13. NllllIT lIlllTOIl , NO.M. MINOR .MKXTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Finest Christmas slippers at Adams' . West warm Shoos at Adams' , -117 Hr'dway. Coal nnd wood. E.E.Mayne , 019 Il'wny. ' First class Shoo maker and Cobbler & \ Adams' . Hrlng in your work. Klegnnt ovcrcoiilincs ( it A. Belter's , incrchiint tiillor , 1510 Uroutlwny. The switchman arc prop.irinp for a grand ball in the Masonic Temple hall on Christ mas eve. The Dodge hluht Guards netted nbout KO at their llrst party of thu season Monday evening. A bulldinp permit was Issued yesterday to Theresa Kopsentaxem for nn tllPO residence in Kverett'ft addition. Attend the preat closinp out sale-of milli nery stock at the old stand of II. Friedman , 409 Broadway. A. J. Mnndel. The Hlllc flub held u shoot yesterday af ternoon ut tlio grounds In Khorur's park. Suvcral line scores were made. A marrlnRO license was issued yesterday to Andrew U. Pcderson and Annie II. M. Nelson , both of Council Hluffs. Albert Hodgcrs and Miss Kslclla Thomas , both of this city , wcio married yesterday afternoon at tlie office of Hquiro Hcliuiv..1- A case of scarlet fever is reported on Ave nue I ) , between Hiffhtli and Ninth streets , nnd the attention of thu board of health is called to the matter. .1. M. Dickey \vu arrested last niuht for distill biiiK the pence. lie was furnished a room at Hotel Harhyte for theniKht and will have a licarlne this morning. The salt-of land for delinquent taxes is again adjourned until Monday , February , at the onirp of the county treasurer. About nlnof.cnths of the lots have already been disposed of. Jim Gilland was arrested yesterday for ro- fusliiK to pay his hack fare. I to was ( trunk and took in the t-ity In stylo'but was uuwill- jnj ; to setllo with his Jehu. Tlio ease comes up this morning. The medical society of the Missouri valley meets to-morrow in the Masonic Temple hall. The session will last but a day and evening nt most. It is expected that them Will bo n lurgu attendance. The following Jurors are drawn for the Wcsent Icrni of the superior court : G. H. JOHC.M , 11. V. Williams , Samuel Monison , A. Kilter , John llonth , James lirooks , George Jacobs , Edward Flues and J. Swcanigcn. The case ol llnnnnn vs Marr was still on trial in the district court yesterday , and will probably require the remainder of tlie week to complete. These sijuattcr ouscs are all bcini ; carefully tried , as they involve tlio ownership of a largo amount of property on the bottoms. Ofllcial notification has been received of the spiui-annuul mfotinu of the state llro- inen's association , to bo held in Des Moines on the 'Jib and 10th of January. It is desired to have every llro department in the stale rcprosenled. delegates will attend from tillsciuv. Deputy Marshal ATlillo arrested John Dunn jestorday afternoon for keeping an open saloon Sunday. Dunn played a funny trick oa the oflleors Sunday cvonlni ; and evaded the clutches of the .law. Ho will hnvoan opportunity to explain his actions this morning to Judge Aylesworth. The remains of Mr. U. E. Hurknoss were last even ing taken east for Interment , they being accompanied by Mr. Harrett. The family will remain for a time at least , the little babe being too ill to undergo such a long journey at present. Their plans for the future are not fully determined upon. The funeral of William Dean was held yesterday afternoon from the family resi dence on Mudisou street , Kev. Air. Mnckoy ofllchiting. Mr. Dean leaves a wife and ono child , a daughter only three years of age. Ho was for some years custodian of Hayliss park , nnd well knqwn to the citizens who frequented that place , or had occasion to pass through it. The case of Dr. Schraedcr'of Iowa City , I * VB Mrs David Hoover , to collect J100 for a professional visit , was on trial in the dis trict court yesterday. The plaintiff was called from Iowa City to Walnut to attend the defendant. The latter refused to pay , alleging that the charge was exorbitant. Drs. Hart and Macrae were called as expert witnesses. The jury returned a verdict lu favor of the defendant. Several of the members of the Rescue boso team have gene into training for next year's races. Some of iho boys have been off the track for so long that it will take sev eral months to put them in good condition. Captain Phillip ISctz and Frank Mithcn are doing the coupling , and are putting lu con siderable time each day in practice. The Ucbcuo 1ms always gene In a fast class , and will lower their record next year. The case of Laura Frank , charged with the larceny of dry goods from the store of J. L. Forman , was called before Justice Schurz yesterday. Tlio prisoner pleaded guilty , and was lined $50 and costs. ] ly agreement of the county attorney and the prosecuting wit ness , the woman was allowed to depart , promising to pay tier line as soon as possible Ilor condition was such that it was deemed unwise tp have her conllncd in Jail. There was a lively runaway on Broadway last evening. A pair of horses attached to a hay rack started on Upper lirouilway for a dnsh down that thoroughfare. A horse be longing to Mr. Miiyna was standing near the curb , and taking fright as tha runaway dashed by , joined in the nice. Tlio fanner's team was stopped in front ot the Pacific house , and tlie buggy animal was corallcd near the Kiel hotel. The hay ruck made n line load of kindling , but the buggy was un injured. All praties soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Holiday J'roHontH Can now bo found in ( front variety. Now nnd urtihtlo designs in diamonds , linu jowolr.y , tfonla' and ladles' gold watehcsiuul ehaiiiH , silver and plated ware , clocks in Froncb marble nnd the bebtof American makes. A cordial in vitation i& extended to every one to call nnd judge for tliem olvesat C. B. .lACynuMiXit Co. . No.lll JInin st. : Dr. Cleaver , North Main. Tel. 147. ScoV. . C. StncyVIuK Tlio OKI Ucliabht Jewelry Finn of K. Burhorn , No. 17 Main street , has luitl in nn iiuinonst stock qf holiday goods , whiuli will bo sold cheaper than over. This is a special inducement for thirty days. All oods llrst class and ptmnuitcod to bo just as represented. It is tin established fact that you can got the best poods for the least money tlio re. Call and examine < the ttock and get prices before purchasing1. * 4 Personal Paragraphs. Mrs. John Hawkins , of Creston. is visiting Mrs. J , U. Atkins , of this city. Mrs. MoNuugliton has been ill for several flnytf , but la now recovering quite rapidly. City Solicitor Holmes goes to Oakland to-day to try two damogo suits ogniust tno city. Ho will bo ubsout three days. Mrs. Horace Everett loft for Hoston Mon day evening , accompanied by her eon us far as Dew Molneo. Ho will return this morning. Mrs. Watts , bookkeeper for Harkncss LJros. , was taken quite 111 yesterday while at work at her desk , nnd hail to bo removed in a ( carriage lo her homo , nnd n physician called In. Thcro is n very skillful ongrnvcr in constant attendance at Burnhorn's jew elry store , so that patrons cnn bo nccom- moilnted by nrtistlc markings. 4 The London "Tuilor's" is the pkeo to ( ; et your clothes made. 037 Brondwiiy. For Kent Two now store rooms in l/ood location' Nos. 787 and 789 Broad way. B. Saundori ) , 30 Pearl ft. < j&-/u HAPPENINGS IN TIE BLUFFS , An Indignant \Vlfo Chnrg09 n Neigh bor With n Grievous Assault THE POOR PEOPLE OF THE CITY. The Guards Planning to Attend the InntiRurntlon The City Coun cil Sncnhln n Coat Heck less Drivers. A Arlcvntis Assault. Mr < < . Mary Graver , a buxom woman of about 40 summers nncl corresponding \vin- tcra , appeared before Squire Schurz ycstor- dny nncl tiled an Information against Nato McNoly. rhnrKlng him with nn assault with nn intent to commit rape. The information places the ilate on tbe''Oth day of November. The plaintiff lias been Illsliico that time , and has been uimblo to sooner prefer charges against MeNoty. Ifcr husband , wlio is a anmll ami rather weaK cripple , did not np- | icar. The p.irtics nil live in the southern part ofthi ) city. MoN'oty was urYcatcd , and uoini ; tmablu to furnish " > ( X ) bonds , was com- initted to tlio county jail to nw.iit a henrlhfj. Ho is a heavy , thickset Irishman , and re fuses to talk about the case. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Now orgnns , first dnss , 930 , for two weeks only , Council LJluIls Music Co. , 1 > : M Urtmdwny. the cnllre'stoclf ot millinery which I have bought sit sheriff * s sale tit 60 ets. on the dollar must bo closed out within bixty days. A. J. Mnnilol. Bin-pains in real cstuto in nil parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 180 Main street. Wo huvo just received an invoice of Solon Palmer's fine perfumes. Sachet powders and toilet poai ' ) , Poll G. Morgan & Co. . _ Tlie Kvur-l'rcscnt 1'oor. Since the sale of the poor farm this county has no place for caring lor the poor. They are boarded around , or Klven some weekly , and rather weakly help , too , to sustain them selves In their own little hovels. The winter months make it more apparent than over that there is need of some place where the un fortunates may be properly cared for. The tax-payers seldom grumble about the ex pense of maintaining what few folks there nrc dependent upon the public. It is tlio olllcials , generally , wlio advocate the econo mical policy , and each in turn seems anxious to make u record along this line , oven at the sacrifice of needed comforts on the part of those who merit charity. The present pro visions for caring for the sick and the needy are very scant in both city and county , so far as the public ! is concerned. There are some noble private charities trrangcd. and were it not for theto tlio situation would be far from creditable to as prosperous a part of the country as tills is. Fortunately there are fewer cases of need than usual at this time of year. The favor able weather , the abundance of work , the prowth and general * prosperity of the city , have been helpful iif this respect. Were it not for this favorable combination of circum stances the situation would bo deplorable , for at present what charity is scattered must c'omc largely from the generosity of private , . givers _ _ No war prices for reliable jewelry at Woolman's , jeweler , -21 Broadway. A Itnre Ch nice ! To stop into a first class millinery business with an established trade 13 olTored at the old stand of II. Friedman , 40 ! ) Broadway. The stock will be sold at a remarkably low figure for cash only. A. J. Muiidel. Illinois and Iowa Best soft coal , Gloa- son , 10 ! Pearl street. - Diamond rings , fine quality , no flaws , S-karct stones , SKS.OO. Wollman , jeweler , 224 Broadway When you are looking for holiday presents don't forgot to give us a call. Wo have a fine line of Christmas books , plush cases of all kinds and Christmas cards. Doll G. Morgan & Co. , 742 Lower Broadway. The Guards Will Go. The Dodge light guards are planning on attending the inauguration of President Harrison. It will bo rather an expensive trip for the boys at the best , but it will be a credit to this city to have so well drilled and uniformed a company sent from here. The guards are planning on having twenty-four men and ofllccrs at least. In order to meet a portion of the expanse' the guards will give some pleasing entertainments this winter. The public will doubtless give generous sup port to these. Clocks 75 cents at Wollman's , jeweler , 221 Broadway. - . Solid gold band rings 25 cents at Wollman's , jeweler , 224 Broadway. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cults and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Toy Sowing Machine. Did you see it at Brackett'aV It is a daisy and is selling like wild fire. Works as nicely as a big machine. Bo sure and see it. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of intercut. No publicity ; fair and honoiablu dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllcc cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. A Miihlnji 31 nn. A young man named Peterson left his homo in Council Bluffs for Weston , In. , on the 12th of November , 1S8S , since which time nothing has been hoard of him , Described as follows : Ago 21 ; 5 feet 10 inches in height ; weight about 150 pounds ; smooth face ; light complex ion : dark hair ; lame in ono log ; had on dark overcoat , and blank pants and veat ; soft black hat ; cheap black valise. Anyone ono knowing of his whereabouts will ploatio notify F. H. GU.VNXKLI.A , City Marshal of Council Bluffs , In * Work of tlio Council. The city council met In adjourned session last ovonlnj , ' . Present Mayor Uohrer , Alder men Knoplor , Laoy , Mctcalf , Weaver unit Waterman. The earlier part of the session was devoted to the considering and allowing of minor bills. The petition for a sidewalk on Bridges street was read and concurred in , as was also a petition for a water main on South Twenty-ninth street. * The bills of J. W. ICelley and P. Sweeney for grading contracts wore allowed. The Judiciary cominlltoo reported in , favor of passing the ordinance for the W. H. Ltcck pony express , anil the report was concurred in. The motion was Uion read and on mo tion passed. A communication from the Council Hluffs Electric Light and Power company , offering to put in an Incandescent plant to furnish light at the rate of 1 cent per hour per six teen cam ! lo power light , provided an exclu sive franchise was grunted , The offer was ordered spread upon the table. Mayor Uohrcr recommended sending a committee - mitteo to visit the other principal cities of the Mate for the purpose of Investigating the merits of various plants , but it was defeated. Alderman Lacy recommended the adoption of the oifar of the Hawkeyu Electric Manu facturing company , as did Alderman Knep- her. TUo ordinance wus then read , as pre pared by tlm city attorney. The milter was fully dijcumd uud the. various clauses of the . ' 4 . ttf ordinance considered. Alderman Metcnlf moved to lay the matter over for further consideration , as ho was unwilling to vote on the matter until ho understood it morb fully . Alderman Lncy insisted oil voting on it at thfit time , ns it had been boforco the council long enough Finally , on a call for ayes and nays , the mo" tlon lo lay over prevailed , Aldermen Mctcalf' Kncphcr and Weaver voting aye , and Alder' men Waterman ami Lacy voting no. City Solicitor Holmes then addressed the council In regard to assessing property owners tor sewerage costs for temporary work. He thought It Illceal to charge prop erty owners for the cost of constructing tem porary sewers , The report was concurred in. General Agent Alworth , of the Chicago fc Northwestern , then appeared In behalf of his company in regard to putting in the crossings recently ordered on First nvanuo. Ho thought it unnecessary to place full width crossings at every street , and offered to place an engine at the disposal of the council to view the ground. The offer was accepted and the time set for the trip over the road nt3 o'clock this afternoon , The committee reported adversely on the petition of J. M. Palmer for removing the sidewalk adjoining the warehouse of the Sandwich Manufacturing company. There- port was received mid concurred in. Alderman Lacy objected to Issuing a grad ing contract on tlio bids already put in , and moved to rcndvertiso for bids , alleging that the contractor who would otherwise receive the contract was lrrcsi > oiiHiblchaving already cost the city considerable money by failing to faithfully comply with contracts. The motion prevailed , Alderman Lacy reported that n part of Graham as-euuo was being fenced In , and moved to Instruct the marshal to remove ob structions under the directions of the city en gineer. Carried. Ths contract with the Akron Hnbbcrlloso company for furnishing 1,000 feet of hose ut $1 per foot , p.iyable In warrants to bo Issued six months after receipt of goods , was ordered spread upon the records. Petition regarding sidewalks on Lincoln avenue , referred to city engineer. W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved eity property , No. 130 Main street" . All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. While planning for your holiday gifts don't fail Lund ' dis to see Bros. grand play. _ _ Sec Forrest Smith's special column. . - * f- - Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Lit nil Bros. ' are making a special Ipe drive in crockery. Don't ' fail to see it Hit : Kuan t At Brackett's all day yesterday. Fine holiday goods for twenty days at prices that will surprise y&u , Call and be convinced. J. D. Stuart's drug store , 030 Broadway. Dr. C. C. Hnzon , dentist , opera house block. _ Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Chainp Investment company. L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacquemin & Co.'s jewelry store. Silverware and watches , Wollman , jeweler , 221 Broadway. See Forrest Smith's special column. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts < fc Co.'s loan ollicc , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. AH business strictly eonli ? deutial. RpclclesH Drivers. Another runawr.y occurred last evening , owing to the neglect of tlio driver to hitch his horse when leaving it for n short time. The ordinance on this point Is very clear , but it is a dead letter. A few lines properly administered would have a salutory effect. Judge Aylesworth is ready to do his part if the marshal will see that offending parties are brought Into court. The same Is true in regard to the carelessness of drivers in approaching preaching street crossings. Foot passen gers arc compelled to watch the streets as carefully as they would n railroad track , lest they arc run over by the reckless drivers of hacks , express and delivery wagons. " Instead of the driver looking out for the footmen , the case is qulto the reverse , and many of the drivers seem to take delight in scaring the pedestrians , and m seeing them rush across tlio streets to escape being knocked down and run over. Complaints on this subject are numerous , and the matter seems to bo getting no bettor. The atten tlon of the authorities is called to ttic exist ing state of aftairs , and it is hoped that n few of the offenders will speedily be made an example of for the benefit of the travel ing public. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Buy groceries , stationery and Christmas goods of Kelley & Younkcrman , 10J II" way. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'way. Pickled tripe * and pigs' feet at Tib- bitts' , 345 Broad way. See Lund Bros , for lamps. No Tarry ! At Brackott's. Straight talk all of the time. A Coiit Thief. Robert Tracy , the darkoy who was ar- arrested Sunday for the larceny of a coat from another coon , was arraigned in the su perior court yesterday on the charge of petit larceny. Ho withdrew his former plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty , The court sentenced him to thirty days in the county Jull at hard labor and Christmas turkey. An elegant line of pianos for Christ mas presents at Christmas prices , for two weeks. Council Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway. _ Weather strips for doors and win dows. Odoll & Bryant , 513 Main St. Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl atroct. _ Iluy Useful Presents. The most acceptable presents for Christmas are those which combine utility with beauty. Their daily use keeps the giver in constant remem brance. Wo have full lines of Down Comforts , Down Pillows , Carpet Sweepers , Foot stools , Blacking Cases , Fancy Mats and Itugs , and many other things whioli are valuable as Christmas Souvenirs. Wo are anxious to close those all out.nud will make prices to suit the purchaser. Our Remnant Sale still continues mid with bargains for all who come. Call and see us. COUNCIL BLUFFS OAKPUT Co. Sco Chapman for Christmas presents. Fine table ware at Lund Bros. ' RED HEADEDI I AM DIAI , 9IAI > , MAW ! And will bell meat for Hie following cash iirlccs : Bhonlderaud Chuck Itoast . , . 6 toUo 1'iJine Illb Hooit. , . . , . , . , . Be ChurkBtvttk . - , . Ho Kounil Htoak . , . . . Be Hlrloin Steak . lOc J'orteruouae Staak . , . lOo Wolllng Ileef . , . Stole Mutton Htew . , . v . 60 > Iultou I.eyJ . 60 Corn Itcef . . . . . . . . . .3 to 4o Porkhoast. . . . . . , . ,10o Pork Chops mid Slenk . , . lOo I.Arrt. ourownmako. . . , , , , , . l"a uuie . , . , . , , , , . And nil other nioati in the same proportion , EL'O i\Iv-MOTTAa : : , 111 Knit Uroadway. 1 iell I'otturrnttumto County Meat * , wrapped up In Council Bluffi r i' r. fteo Delivery. 1 , IS NEAR ! -AND- HENRY EISEMAN & CO. Realize tlie fact that tlieir immense stock of Holiday Goods will have to "be sold during' this week. We have therefore cut prices right and left so we can safely say that you can make one dollar buy two dollar's worth of goods dur ing this week's sale. JU Twenty departments full of Holiday presents , and all must go. CALL AND SEE US ! li NO. 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. GREAT CLEARING SALE ! FOR SO DAYS ! I must have room for spring goods , and will sell ull goods now in stock at prices far below any ever olTered before. This is no bait to catch the trade but , : i genuine clearing-out sale , and every thing must go. Parlor sets , bedroom sets , heating and cooking stoves , handing lamps , oil cloths. All goes without reserve. I have a big stock and can suit you in whatever you want. Como and see me and examine my Hoods. 1 must sell. No prices quoted , but no reasonable offer will bo refused. A. J. MANDEL , NO. .J2r BKOADWA.Y , COU.VCEt , BIL.IJFFS , IOWA. NEW BARGAINS - )1N ) ( - BROADWAY TOTS , riltST AVENUE LOTS , KEKRY ADDITION LOTS , I'EItUV ADDITION LOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , IJHYANX & G ADDITION LOTS , STREET'S ADDITION LOTS. Also ) acres of the host property la town for plnttlnu. W. C. STACY , Telephone lie. No. B Main Street. Council IHuflffl , Iowa. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. "OOOMS to rent by Council ninlls Investment JiCo. . No. 10 1'eurlBt. _ rp\VO 5lne olllco rooms lo rent on llrst lloor ; JL ono room IhxJri ; both nmvly papered and painted , lies t location In the city , full at. No , 10 , 1'carl st. ' WAXTRD ! Every man or woman who has $ r < 0 or $75 winch they wish to invest where it will bo ns safe as it would bo if it were deposited in the Bunk of England and make him more mqnoy , to call on us and buy u lot in Fairmount addition. The best location on the hills for street car service and school privileges ; close to all the railroads , \yholesulo houses and city dopots. The only hill property to bo hud at such low prices and easy terms. Prices rnngo from $200 to $400 ; terms , ono-flflh cusji , balance in thirty equal monthly payments at 8 percent interest. If you nro renting now and want n home of your o.wn , commence paying for a lot now before you have to pay double tlio money for the muno location. Begin at once and you will ho surprised to iiiul how soon the thirty months will roll around , making you the owner of a lot. Call on II. G. McGee , I'M Main street , or Forrest Smith , at the Brown building , Council Bluffri , Zowa. Bakery and' Wdionerv CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Bco hlmfor llreail. Cakes ; etc. To \ > ti.\tn \ A llterlil piscount Ulven. No , 218 Halo St. Co well UluOT , COME BOYS Keep Her Up And FOLLOW ME ! cuxrs I'Cit i.n. Boiling 13eef : ! Shoulder KoaRt 4 to f > Shoulder Steak 5 to f > Corned Hoof ii to 4 Pork Iloast S PorkChops U VculHoast 8 Mutton Konst 8 Round Steak S Vcat and Mutton Stew 4 Loin Steak 8 to ! ) Porterhouse Steak S to 0 UibKoiist ( JtoT Sugar Cured Hams 11 Uncoil 11 tola Lard 10 to 11 Leaf Lard 10 Salt Port : 10 Mluc-o Meat , ready mnile 8 Snucr ICraut ; 8 Pickled Pigs Feet 7 Tripe 7 Pickled Hocks 8 Butter 23 Poultry and Fish at lowest market prices. Don't Forget the Number , NO. S27 IJIIOAIMVAV GEO. H. IESCHEHDORF FINE , CHOICE' IMPORTED MILLINERY. 1G14 Douirlns St. , Omaha , Not ) . Latefl ITovoltles in Hair Good ? in Stock or Hade to Order. IH DRESSING And Shampooing. MRS. C.L.GILLETTE , No. 11 Main St , Council IIluliB. II02UK DHICSKICl ) MKATH ! Kxamlno Iho following prlcoi for cash onlv and buy your moats divcHed nt homo. 1 will neil until farther not Icy us rollons ; Khoulder and chuck roast 5 to fie I'rlma rib toast , ha Chuck bleak he Hound stt'uk glottic Hirloln Bleak . ' lOc I'orterhoufo slcak lOc llolllng boot 4 lo DC Mtttton ! fie Million Ivj/s he Corn bci'f , , 4 to fie 1'orkroast lOc I'oikchopa anilnteak H'c Lord , pure and our own make lla ! Boiifat'c , our own make lOo Hemomber this lu thu only JlOMi : DltKHS M HAT M.\HKIT : In the city. No lorelgn meat * bold. Tck'plioliu No , 'M'J. 1) . It. M3UX.1H , No. Hiil ftlrt'n ' St. S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , SURGBON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH BTHSBT. Telephone Nn.1)5 , t t IOWA I have laid in a nice line of boots and shoos which I am belling at the smallest living profit. I am establishing a per manent bublnesB , for I am hero to stay , nnd as my expenses are small I can tell you goods very low. Call and convince yourself. L. . JiE.WEJIII.V , No. X'O MUELLER MUSIC CO. , No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. What is nicer for a Christmas or Now Year's present than an elegant Piano op Organ. Wo have ( -evetity-Ilvc of the uolobrated ' ardman , ft , B , Chase , Fisb , Evere Hand Pease & Howard Pianos AND ROYAL CENTURY ORGANS On hand , which we offer at n spooial discount < > ( TEN I'KIl CUNT oft our regular prices , for tbo next TI11HTY DAYS. . . i Wo carry the largest stock of small niUHloal instruments of every ( Inscription nnd have many novelties suitable for presents. Our stock of sheet music and music books is the latest and mobt complete. Homombor our entire stock of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS Will be Mild at cost , nnd le s than cost. It must bo closed out regardless of price. You will find many bargains. A souvenir given with every wircliiiM' . Wo alto give a ticket willujveryM purcluiM ? on an elegant PianoOrgan , and other prizes , Call early for a choice of the bargains ollored. , * Especially Adapted tot SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , ' Mills and Elevators. and estimates funiKlioil for complete steam plants , llcmilntlon , Durability Gtmri untced. Cuii show letters from users wlKTo futl Keonoiny Is eqn tl with Corll s E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. I o. oil ) 1'carl Street , Council UluiTs. F. J. BBEZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. I'prmaiii'iitly loeati'il at N'o. II Xoith i tht , opposite po.stolKce. oil Motor Mm1 , Council lllutl.s , la , .1 If yon have specimens don't unit for p-li i-s. l-'cinl thn to him' bcfoiu they-.poll. H you don't ant them after thuj are inouiitcil he will pay you the highest market prl o for thoni. Will ni.iko u apilaity of hoatli ami dressing of furs durliii , ' the inter. / . DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELEOTftlC BELTS AND ELEGHIO TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on Inrgc commission or salary. WAXTED .OCAL , AM > TKAVKLI.XW AtJKNTS OX COilIJfllSSION COUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , i'AHTUJj LIST 01' FROrKKTV FOK GEO , METCALF 14 I'KAKIS'ratEE'ff , COU.VCJJL s , IOVTA. Residence on Oth ave . $ 3,000 Residence on Oth uvo . 1.100 KesiilPiice on Oth ave . 1,600 Hcsiilenco on Oth uvo . 1,000 Kcsideiieo on Oth ave . 1,000 Kcsldciico on Oth ave . S.MJ Hesiilunco on Oth ht . (5.COO ( UcHldcncc on Oth ht . 0,000 llcsiiloncu on North bth st. , lot ItMx- ] ! ! 0 > ; , Krout bargain . : i,000 Hunch of r houses and 4 lota on 3rd ave b.OOO Husidcnuo on Scott it . ' ,000 HesUtciieo on Plainer st. For price anil particulars Inqiiiro . An elegant residence on 1st avc. , ono inluuto walk from Kovci-mnent building1. For price and particu lars Inqulro . Uesldcncc on Oth avo. . three minutes walk from county couit house. Cash . , . 3,200 Ifcsidenco and lour lots on nvo. "C , " Ktreut'H add . 2,000 Store buildhiff and lot on Pacillo live. , near U. P. transfer . l.SOO Two-story frame store in town of Cur- son . 2,000 Soventy-Jivo lots in Squlro'n add. , north of transfer , elegantly loca ted , $ . ' 100 to f 100 each . iimich of 11 lolH , Central nub . 1,500 liunch of 13 lotH , Cooper , MuMahon & .loffrles add. , if taken before Jan. 1st , for . r.,000 An elegant lot on Stli nt. Cash . 3,000 .1'hreo line lots on liluff hired at u barium . 100 feet f rontiiKo on Parlc iive , for 8.10 par foot . ' . . Jusincsa property on Hroadway . Juiincbs property on Alain st . An improved farm of 100 acres not fur from Clmutuuqua grounds , con sisting of hill and dale. Tor par ticulars immiro. . , . .3-acio tract ono milo from Broadway , miburbun location . 7,600 n addition to the above I have vacant property in nearly every addition to the city. GEO. METCALF , JV.O , 1.1 I > JMItI , ST. , COLiL. ; . H1UF'S , IOWA , LOOK AT THE IRISHMAN ! J. M. SCANI.AN , villHeli f , , , honlilor unUC'uiici. Uoant . u toCu i-lmo lllb Ituast . Bn 'buck HI > 'ak . . . " ? lotiiul fltt'Wk . -tc IrloliiHiuiiK . JW ort ih' uuuSe.ik ; . 1'Jc ' j'j.'Mnu lioi-f . } ' > IulliinRtB-.r . oc liittna l. * s . 5 ° ' 'oin Ilicr . ' ork Iloast . J' ' . ° ork Choju uuil Slc . j , ' . ' ' .ttrd.our owin maUc . . . > - & . . . . . . . All other meat * In Ui * am prpnarlUm. I > lrcry. ! Ord-.r * orut by i-lillilron rrcflve ntt utlon * iuil aroco.-rou'.ly UIlvil , HOT WflTER HEATING A SI'ISCIALTV. WIND MILLS , II10N and WOODPUMPS PUMPS , _ PIPE and FITTINGS , ' " .BOIBX ttl No. BUI niniu Stivrt. Council 111 li IT ; . , la. CorresDomlpiits Mention 'Mils I'apcr. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER , PRICE $15 , equal ta High Prlood Maeblnj. IlicKdlnon Mlmencrnpli , . tlio t > oH aipariiUi3 ] for tntiiilloUlliiit , autnB'niihlo | unJ typo nntliu wort St ( J ( nilcitruu | bo Inki'ii. The Ezcehior Cc. , Council Bluffs , la. Tnoa , OITICKII. W. H. M. OFFICER & BANKERS. Corner MMn and Hroadway , COUNL.Hi ISIjUKI-'H , JOWA. DuuU-m In forolKii r.nd domestic excliungo. Collections madtf unil inlurusi , paid on timu do > c. i : , Q. A. IlKltUNOIIOB1 BELL & BERUNGflOF , Arcliitccts , Deslpcw and SiipcrlntenU of Conslrnclion , \ Mr. HcrlliiKlior wiw hcvcn ypars wltli Alcnilclssolin , FihlierXI.oivry , and liua - designed ninny of ( hu finest blocks in Omahii aniluiinull ( ItlnH's. Plans and fWficaiions Prepared and EsUmalcs madG on Application , ' Studio , Jtuoin 'ri Vpct'ti Jfoitsc BlocTe D , H , MoDANELD & CO , , I , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Woolfi Furs , Highest market prlrri. I'rnmpt returns. 829 and f . ' Main St. , Council lilutrx , loivu. > h UIST : A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LADIEJ , ' I'luib , filll rinuu l And Cautimuro ilres/ies neady-Macto and Mwclo to Order/ Dy MRS. JULIA STEIN , . Ill )