Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Trndo Assumes a Holiday
Provisions On tlio Quint Order , llut
Gaining Cnttlo Demand Moro
Active HORS "Rake n
Sudden Ire | > .
Cnic .no , Dec. 18. { Special Telegram to
Tin : HER. ! The wheat market has fallen
Into dull lines. Lending longs , representing
nt-'groKiited holdings of | > osslbly 20,000 bush
els , continue to "stand pat. " The pastime of
"milking the market , " which has been more
or less prolltulily engaged In of Into , is becom
ing less attract I vc , within the narrow rntigo
now | ircvulllnp , and scalpers and operators
in general arc seemingly anxious for a de
cided movement , up or down , as being ttio
only thing that will Infuse genuine life Into
trade. To employ n time-honored nhraso
that has been trotted out from time immemo
rial , nbout this date , "Tho mnrket
has assumed n holiday character. "
That it will stay In this
Btato of quietude until nftcr the holiday sea-
BOH , docs not follow necessarily , yet the gen
cinllty of traders appear to think that such
will be the- case , and they do not look for
nny great change In tlio Immediate future.
Opinions as to the ultimata course of values
nro seldom mono radically at variance than
now. The bears believe flrinly that there
nro big reserves in the country avallnblo for
Hour manufacture , and the bulls , whllo ad
mitting that the stocks of Hour may bo large ,
point to the fact that tlio stocks in sight
nmount In reality to less than two
weeks' domestic consumption ro
retirements and that tlicio is a
daily change for the better going on in the
Jlour trade. This , according to their way of
thinking , goes to prove that consumption is
nguin catching up with production. The ad
ditional fact Is advanced that f.irmeis' deliv
eries of wheat , winter and Rpriuff , Imvo fal
len oft to almost nothing , thus making it cer
tain that the visible stocks of wheat arc at
nbout their maximum. Tlio millers' conven
tion now In session in .Milwaukee , scums to
bavo been culled more with the view to ad-
vcitiso the alleged big stocks of Hour , and to
depress the wheat market , than to enter into
niiy combination. If the millers had been short
of wheat for milling purposes , and desirous of
laying In supplies ut cheaper llgures , they
could not well Imvo hit upon u happier plan
of accomplishing their object than in publicly
calling a convention to discuss the pollcj of
"curtailing production until supplies were re
duced to reasonable limits " However ,
leaving this convention of millers out of the
question , the situation cannot bo said to be
more favorable to the bc.irs than It 1ms been
nt an tinui for months. It is , on the contrary ,
better for bulU.accordmg . to the bullish view.
They certainly display no signsof weakening.
Cables were dull and rather easier , and the
domestic markets very generally followed
the loan of Chicago , opening weak and act
ing indecisively for a couple of hours , and
then advancing and closing strong. The local
market opened with the Hales for May deliv
ery ut $1 IDffil. 10' ' . Prices worked down to
f l.OOjJf , with , vciy llttlo business at inside
ilgurcs. It then advanced tel 10 ' , declined
to $1.10 , imiRPU atSl.lOJ l.lOift for quite a
time , and fiom $1 10' < f advanced rapidly to
tt.lOJtf , closing at $1 I0 * , or identically the
same liguro ns on yesterday. Trade was of
small volume and laigoly local. MOID
business was done during tho. last half
hour of the session than nt any previous hour
of tr.iding. The last rally was occasioned
principally by the covering by shorts. There
\vasatuotimo any pressure of property on
the market , -und towards the end scalpels
pot excited over the circulation of the reports
tending to show n decided and general im
provement In the flour trade. It did not take
them long to run prices up on themselves.
The range on near months w as as follows :
Dccembcropcncd at $1.04 Jf , sold up to $1.04
nominal , and closed at $1.04 % . January
Bold up from $1.05@1.05 } and closed at the
A change came ever the spirit of the
corn croud to-day , and from the lowest
depths of the heavy and declining market
there was a notable and sensible reaction.
The continuously poor grading of the dally
receipts is at length becoming so marked as
to cause the short sellers to pause , and upon
looking around to-dav they seemed to con
clude that nny effort to cover the sales in
which good profits existed , would only bo in
the direction of reasonable caution. The re
ceipts wore nearly 70 cais under yesterday's '
estimates , and for to-morrow 203 earswcio
estimated. The receipts and the latter fact
was the first thing to produce the changes of
sentiment referred to. Cables quoted u
fractional reduction In prices at Liverpool ,
but indicated a good demand to exist at the
Out of 531 cars to-day only twenty-nine
graded into contract quality. This , of course ,
was only in continuation of the many such re
turns recently , but It appears to striico the
speculators with moro than usual force to
day. The opening was weak at about yester
day's closing prices , to a shade lower , and
after selling to the lowest point yet touched
the reaction was lively and the market was
highest at the end. January , which opened
at 3tJ/@a3 ; c , sold toiM fo where it closed ,
and May , after selling early at 80-tfe , bold up
to 37jKc , where it stood at Iil5 p , in. There
was moro business and it was more generally
distributed than has lately been the case.
The provision trade was somewhat on the
quiet order. The bear clement made no open
demonstration on the market. Outside orders -
dors of all kinds were limited , and with the
general run of operators the conservative
Moling curtailed trading. Huslncts was un-
4er the average volume , and yet n stronger
undertone existed and a portion of yester
day's Bovoro break was recovered. In pork
closings showed nn actual advance of 10@15c ,
in lard of 7 ! < f@10c , and in short ribs
of 2 } Q5o. Cash lard sold falily at
33.10 , but nt the close was quoted nt * S.1. > ,
Urccn hams averaging it ) Ibs , changed hands
nt Bc , and long and short clear tides , boxed ,
nt 7J c. The movement on cash meats was
only moderate for this season. The receipts
of hogs wcia again under speculation. Speculative
ulative- interest in products was confined to
January and May. The latter month ranged
nt n premium ever January of 3. > @ 10o on
pork , 5 ( < $7 > iC on lard , and l&c on short ribs.
CHICAGO , Deo. 18. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bun. ] CATTLI : The demand was rather
more active tlan yesterday , and the general
market showing was better. Yet values are
S3 to SOa lower than last week and arc liable
to remain so for the remainder of this week
and perhaps until nftcr Now Yearn. Drcssuil
beef operators nro Just now neither steady
nor reliable- buyers , their branch of trade
during these holiday times having to meet the
reasonable demand for poultry , which Is
always abundant ona cheap long about
Christmas. There was a light Inquiry for
heavy steers. The run of Toxiins was moder
ate , tlio bulk of which sold at steady
prices as compared with yesterday. The
light run of Texans helped salesman to got
better prices on their host cows and heifers ,
yet there was no substantial advance , and
fcone is likely to follow until Toxaus stop
coming , and that desirable incident Is not
likely to tuho place for some time yot. Old
cows and canning stock are about us low as
at any time. Straggling lots of common
rangers uio yet coming to mar
ket. Huilness in the stacker and
feeder line was again nulot. A. few light
ones were soiling around about $3.00@'i.lS ! ,
and averages of D50 to 1050 Ibi. , sold at * J.5'J
(32.75. ( Choice to extra beeves , { 4.ilO < 35.15 ;
medium to good steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs. ,
1-1. 10Q4.60 ; 1200 to ISM ) Ibs. , f3WM4 00 ; 050
to 1200 Ibs. , $3.1)0(3.1.40 ) ( ; stackers aud feeders
steady at $3.10 :1.15 : ; cows , bulls aud mixed
this morning , tl.CO(2a.23j ( bulk. $3.16@.3.11 > s
'i'oxns cattle unchanged : steers , $2US ! < < $3.10 ;
cows , 51,78@'iiO ! : thlu Colorado , tMO@3.03.
Hoes Something aklu to a panic seemed
to strike the murlcci this morning And thcio
was u straight cut of lOo , with the bulk of
the soiling at that decline. Just why this
came about BO one seemed to Iniovr , but the
drop > vs { here lu all iU unpleasantness. The
run > > iow * n falling off of 1,300 In two days
as compared with the "mine tlino last week ,
and prices to day were about the same us on
Saturday last. The outlook now Is that there
Will bo less hogs than last week ,
Instead of the Inrgo increase ex
pected. During the raid this morning
rough and common sold down to M ! W" > 05 ,
nnd best packers nt (6 ( 10W5.15 , the outside
taking In the bulk sold , Host heavy sold nt
f" 17H(3C20. ( nnd one or two lots nt $ o 2 * > ,
which was the top price up to the hour this
report closed. Light sorts were in fair de
mand nnd sold largely at $ . * > 15 for averages
of 100 Ibs and down , the Fowlers nnd Mnrnn
it. Heoly filling In nt tlmt price. The Upton
compiny pnld fVJ'J for iiv-ernees of 1TO Ibs on
the sitigo order , find .Foe Nnsh $ . -i.l5rf.r ( > 20 for
Hglit-lUrht sorts. ISO to ino Ib averages
Large lots of undesirable pigs sold utf I Tft ®
4.83 ,
Nnw YOUK , Dec. ! S. fSpoolal Telegram
to Tin : Ur.n.1 STOCKS The stock market
opened tame at slight concessions from last
night's closing prices The strength nnd
animation shown yestcrdnv seemed to Imvo
disappeared. London wns apparently taking
advantage of yesterday's bulge In prices to
get rid of surplus stock , nnd docs not seem
to evince any disposition to take part in the
bull market here for the present nl least.
Uoom traders who had gene home with long
stocks on their bunds last night were in the
market ns sellers this morning , and the mar
ket during the llrst hour gradually receded ,
although the losses were Insignificant , ex
ccpt Richmond nnd West Point preferred ,
which lost ! ) , and Hock Island 1 per cent.
Houses with Chicago connections that were
nctivo buyers ot grangers yesterday were
selling on all rallies , nnd it is freely talked
that the mlvnnco of yesterday was rotten Up
by prominent bears hero for the purpose of
putting out u fresh line of shorts nt better
prices. Philadelphia has been buying Head
ing rather extensively for some days past ,
nnd shorts took fright nt tlm firmness of the
general market , and went into cover , thu
pushing the price trp on themselves. At
noon the market wns dull and steady at a
shade butter than the lowest prices. Tele
graphic roininunlc.itlon with the west is seri
ously interrupted to-day owing to the heavy
Hoods in the Mohawk valley , and the pi o-
cccdings of the nicotine nt Chicago nro very
meager. It is generally thought , however ,
that the meeting will bo a harmonious one.
nnd that intcs will bo advanced all around ,
taking ortcct January 1. Tlio market during
the afternoon was dull nnd without special
feature. Gianpcra were weak , while coalers
were \\cll sustained. Triends of Lttckn-
wnnnn say the pool in tlmt stock is .still
intact , and no immediate liquidation
need bo looked for , nnd as soon as
the market shows signs of hardening
the stock will sell above' 110. The net de
clines from last night's ' closing show : Uock
Island , 'j ; ; St. Paul , l > f ; Chicago , llurling-
ton & Quincy , 1 ; Northwestern , % : Mis
souri Pacific , 1'jj ; New England , 2i ; Head
ing , "a , and Lucknwnnnn ? per cent. The
total transactions aggregate 211,317 shares ,
including Hock Island , 17,000 ; St. Paul ,
40,000 ; Northwestern , 11,000 ; Lackawnmm ,
23,000 ; Heading , 5,000 ; Union Pncillc , 7,000 ;
New England , 10,000 , ; Chicago , Uuillngton
& Quincy , UO.OOO.
The following were the closing quotations :
U.S. 4s regular..lJ7'6Nortli ] rn I'acillc. . Sl
U.S. 4scoupons . . 1-7'd ' dopreferied r.H
II. B.4$8reKUlur. 1U8'4 ' C. V K.V 101
U. S.4'scoupons lOS'i ' iloprefeircil , . . .I'M
I'aclllctisof. ' 05 . .119 N. Y. . inr , ' ,
Central Pacific. . . . : ' $
Chicago & Alton 111 Iloctc Island . . . .
Chicago , Hurllngton a. M. , tst. i' . . . .
\ Qulticy HM'a do preferred .
JX.L. & W. . . .llf. % St. Paul & Omaha. .
Illinois Central. Ill's ' doproferied . . . .
I..II.&W 1.1 Unionl'acille .
Kansas A-Toxns. . 111 * \ , . A , ! ' .
LakeShore W ) ' do preferred. . . ,
Mlchlpnn Central . 85 Westoru Union .
Mlssourll'ocillc . . . 705a
Mover ON CALL Eascy nt 3@t per cent ;
last loan , 3 per cent.
STEKLI.VO EXCIUNOE Easier nt$4 81 } for
sixty-uay bills , and Sl.&SJi' for demand.
CHICAGO , Dec IS 1:15 : p. m. close. Wheat
Stronger ; cash , $1.04 } ; January , * 1.05X ;
May , $1.10 %
Corn Stronger ; cash , 34 c ; January ,
xo ; Miiv , 37fte. ;
Oats Firm ; cash , 25 } c ; January , 25 c ;
May , 20c.
Uarioy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy No trading , $15.15.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Firm ; cash , S12.90 ; January , $13.00 ;
May , $13 37 -
Lard Firm ; cash , $305 ; January , $7.80 ;
May , S7.S5.
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $3 75 ( < §
5.75 ; spring wheat , 54.25oJ8.75 ( ; rye , 3.50
@ 3.75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.75 ( < JO.S7K'
short clear , 87.37K@7.50 ; short ribs.O.UO@
Uutter Easy ; weamcry , 2l@29c ; dairy ,
Eggs-Easier ; fresh , 20@31c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy groan salted ,
G.Jij'c ; light preen salted , Mfa ; green , 5c ;
salted bull , 5' c ; groan bull , 4'jjfc ' : green
dry flint , 7 > @bo ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; branded
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 2j@JOd o.ich ;
drv salted. 10uJ15c. (
Tallow Fair demand ; No. 1 , solid 5 } c ;
No. 2 , 4 > c ; cake. 6Vc.
Cheese Firm ; full cream cheddais,10J-/ @
lie ; Hats , 10 > i ( ll c ; Voung Americas ,
ficceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 19,000 0,000
Wheat bu . : i ,000 " 2,000
Corn , bu . 300,000 459,000
Oats , bu . 237,000 101,000 ,
Hyo , bu . . . . .
Ijivornnol. Dec. 18. [ Special Cablegram
to TiinUiE.-3:30p. : ] : m. Closo.-Pork In poor
demand ; prime mess , eastern , bis 3d ,
steady ; do western , 70s , steady ,
Lard In poor demand ; spot , 453 , steady ;
December , 14s , dull : January and February ,
42s 3d , dull.
AVheat In fair demand ; now. No. 2 , win-
tor. 8s , steady : do spring , Ss Id. steady.
Flour In fair demand ; 12s , nnn.
Corn Demand nctlvo for spot and fair ; for
futures spot , 4s ( id , easy ; December , 4s fld ,
dull ; January , 4s 2 } d , steady ; February , 4s
3d , llrra.
Now V'ork , Doc. 18. Wheat UccoiDts ,
40,000 ; exports , none ; spot market lirm
nnd higher ; No. 2 red , $1.05J4@ > 1 Oil } , ' in ele
vator , ll.00 f@l.07afloat , flt ' @ 1.0S f. o.
b , ; No. 3 rod , l 9c ; ungraded red , 90c.
Options more active but easier , closing
at ( JJ/Vo under yesterday No. a red , Jan
uary , closing at ? 1.05J .
Corn Hecoipts , 1H,300 ) ; exports , 70,300 ;
spot steady at > . < Wo lower ; Xo. 2KUAg
4t > K ° 'n ' I'lovntor , 47X@-i ! > c afloat ; ungraded
mixed , ; t7045c ! ; No. U , 41Q4lJ < o ; options 'tfo
Oats Receipts , 54,000 ; exports , none ; spot
strong and higher ; options higher nnd
linn , January closing ntSUfo ; spot , No. 2
white , 31G734tfo * ; mixed western , 29@32o ;
whtto western , 3l@40o.
Coffee Options closed steady at J5@30
points below yesterday. Sales , 70,000 bags ,
including December , $1 1 55 ; January , $14.50
@ 1JCO ; February , $14.50011.05 ; Spot Ulo ,
quiet ; fair cargoes , $10.75 ,
Petroleum Steady ; united closed nt Oljfo.
Firmof for fresh ; western. 23@24o.
Pork iasy ; moss , $14.50@U.75 ,
Laid Strong and active ; sales , western
steam , fS.45 ; January closing at $ b,12) bid ,
Uutter Steady ; WMtorn dairy , HciJJSa ;
western creamery , 10Jt31o ; Elglns , 3l@J3c %
Cheese Steady ; wcstoin , 10@ll c.
KaiiMis Oily , Doo. 18 , Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 rod , cash , lMJ u bid ; May , sales ft ( . ' ;
No. 3 soft , cash , ViXo bid ; May , $1.07
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , sales 2
January , 20Ko bid ; May , eu c ; No. 3 white
May , 30Aj bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , 24 0.
Cincinnati , Deo. 18. Wheat Lower ;
No. 3 red , $1.04.
Corn Qulot ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
Oats-No. 3 mixed , t Ut&'iTe.
live Stronger ; No. a,5U ) < ( > .
Whisky Quiet at 91.1 i.
Bllnuonpolls , Dec. 18. Wheat dull : re-
coipu' were 20J cars , and 105 ears were
shipped out. Closing quotations : No. 1
hunt , December , fl.20 ; May , $1,37 ; on
track , $ ICO ; No. 1 northern , December ,
tlOO'fr ' ! May , (1.15 * , ; on track , tl.UKnl 11 ,
No. 2 northern , December. $1.01 ; January ,
? 1 01' ' , , ; on track , Sl.00.tfl ( U
Mlltvnukcc , Dec. 1s - Wheat Steady ;
cash. 07c : Jnnumy , 0V.
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , OQ/ftJlc.
Oats -Easier. No. 2 white , 2r@ISc ,
Hvo Easy ; No. 1 , G'e.
Barley-Dull. No. 2 , ( We.
Provisions -Eisy , pork , f 13 00
St. Ijonlq. Dec. IS. Wheat Lower ;
cash , fl 02 , May , ? 1.0\
Corn Plrin ; cash. 30YC ; Mny , 84l4'ix34'lbc.
Oats Lower ; cash , * . > c.
Pork-Firmer nt f 13.7ft ,
Lnrd-70) .
Whlsk.v * 1.14.
Butter Dull and lower ; creamery , 2 ( < J
30c ; dairy. 23(32 ( Ic
L1VI5 Sl'OUli.
Clilonsro. Dec. 13 The Drjvon' Jour
nal renorts as follows
Cattle Hecclpts , 8 , 00 ; market closing
weaker nnd slow ; beeves , (2 Wn ( j 15stock -
crs nnd feeders , $ J.10 < u3 is , am * , bulls nnd
mixed , tl fiOvjiSi.'S ' , Texas cattle , tl. * > ( ; ? 3 10.
Hogs Heccipts , 7 , )0i ) market slow nnd
SQlOc lower ; mlxrd , . * 4..iO@520 ; heavy ,
to.OOtjTo 25 ; light , 14 00if ( , M.
Sheep Heccipts 4 OOJt nmiket active and
firm ; natives , f ) 7Wi ! > ( ) . uustcrn. ? )0 ) ( ) ( *
4 40 ; Texans , IJ.L'OW.I 00 lambs , f4.00wd.0i ) .
KntiHai City. D.'o. IS Cattle Receipts ,
1,200 , shipments , 1,100 Beef steers slow ,
values steady to C lOc lower , ihoicotows ,
steady , common lOo lower ; good to choice
corn-fed , W.I.S ( I * * , " ) , common to medium ,
$ .T20JJ4.38 ( ; stoclters and feeding steer * , fiOO
( (12.30grass ( range steers , J2 U0i'-0 ( ; coxvs ,
II RUtrW bO.
Hogs Hecolpts , 0,000 ; clohcd : > ( i10o lower
thnn ycstctdiij , common toehoice , I ; 5t."iiO ( (
National Stock Y r < N. Last St.
Louis , Doc IS Cnttio Hei-elpts , i.100 ;
shipments , 1,700 ; market sttong ; choice
heavy native steers , f. > .00 ( j 70. fair to good
native steers , $4 4UfH < i.l. > , butchci's btccrs.
medium to choice , $ ) yo@ , 10 : sioakcrs ami
feeders , fair to good , $2 10 ( < n 1.1 ; rangers'
corn fed , W.10(7l ( 110 ; grabs fed. $ J 00 ( < t J 10.
Hogs KccclptH. lMK ! ) . shipments , -100 ;
market steady , choice hcavj and butelipis' ,
* 5 10nr ( > 'JO ; packing , medium to mime , ? . " > OJ
Q5 15 ; light guides , $ lMSj ) ( 1)0. )
iTvn scocii.
Tuesday. Dec. IS. ISbS
The same thing that was said of yester
day's market would npplv equally well to
day , that is , "detnorali/cd and lower. " It
would bo a consci vutivo cstlnmto to call the
market 25 ( i.'ic lower than last week , but in
many case * salesmen \\eic claiming that it
was I'VL'ii moro than that , the nay they had
bid on their cattle. The iccnlpts weie the
heaviest of the week , and embraced semis
very dcsirablo cattle among the irunbcr.
One fancy bunch sold at M.tiU. which was lV (
more than anything else has brought this
week , aside from a snlo of a single Christmas
steer. Cow stulT , which held up prottjoll
by reason of the modcintc suppli , iestcrjav ,
dropped down fully as much as beef cattle
to day. The mai Uot continues to bo
almost bnro of fecduis and the number of
cattle of that description received durinc ; the
past few da\s has bujii smaller thin ut any
previous time this season. Some good
feeders bold to day at # ' ) ( ) " .
Yesterday's advance was about lost to-dav
mat the ho s sold ba"k about where they did
on Saturday. The market , however , closed
strong and with nil sold. A voiy fancy load
reached to 1 , " , but lliu great bulk of the hogs
sold under ? 5.0) ) , The hogs were all sold be-
f 01 o the close.
The icocipts were hcnvv but the market
was dull nt steady prices. A sort out of
lour double decks of 'Dud corn fed westerns
sold at i 450.
Cfittiu . 2.4')9 '
Hoes . 4..WO
Sheep . 2C/.l
Horses . , VJ
> _ *
Prevailing 1'riism.
The following n a tiulsof pnosi pul la
this marttet fur the graloi of stocr men
Pnmestoors. 1300 to 15'Jlb3. ' ) . 1.7.1 fa 1.53
Primestecn. HOJ to UJJ ib-t. ! i.2'lil.OJ
Native feeders . 2,75 ( iTi.l.OO
Western feeders . ! iU ( , ( tf2. ! ) ( )
Com mon to Rood co ivs . 1.2" ) ( fC2.20
Choice to fancy cows . 2.50 Wi.20
Commonto clioicabJlls . 1.2i ( aj.OO
Fair toctioice ugnt hoes . 4.SU iu.4.9 * )
Falrtoctioico iie.ivv lie s . 5.0U ( ( ( 'i.15
Fair to choice mixed IIOKS . 4. 1)0 ) ( 1.05
No. Av. Pr.
4 canners . 1IS7 $1.10
4 canners . UM 1.00
3 cows . 12IH 1.05
19 cows and bulls . 110S 1.70
Sbulls . 1134 1.75
27 cows , Wyoming . 901 1.75
1 bull . 1570 1.75
3 bulls , Wyoming . ' . . liStt J 75
21 cows . 115S 1.75
1 bull . 140 ! ) 1.75
Ibull . W50 1.75
29 co\\a . 1 075 1.S5
11 cows . 10sS 20J
2 cows . , .1405 2.00
2 bulls . 1525 260
Icalf. . . . ; . 400 2.00
1 bull . ICiO 2 00
2 cows . 1150 200
Scows . 1200 2.00
1 cow . : . 870 2 00
10 cows . 11 50 'i.10
1 bull . 1070 3.10 '
14 cows . 1037 2.15
11 cows . 113J 2 " 5
T > cows . bbl 2 35
13 cows . . . . . . . . . 917 2.25
Ocows . * . 1007 2 ° 5
t cows . ! > -5 Si-J-i
7 co ws . 1047 2.25
2Jcows . 10SO 2 25
2 stags . 15'JO 2.25
5 cows . UliO 2.0 !
7 cows . W3 2 35
1 stag. . 1410 2.35
13 cows . 1K)3 ) 2.40
Scows . . 1110 240
2 cows . 1200 2.10
Icow . 1170 2.40
2 COWS . . " . . 1)30 ! ) 3f.O
a cows . 128J 250
1 steer . 7JO 260
14 cows . 1207 290
18 cows . 11S4 2.90
14 cows . ' 1207 290
2 feeders . . . . . . . 700 2.90
25stccis . 9SO 3.00
3 bulls . 2J3i 3 00
7 steers . 10 JO 1)00 )
SJ feeders . 1007 8.0- )
9 1 steers . ini :
SOsteoiB . 10JO 3.25
17 steers . 12JO 25
7 oxen . 100(1 ( U.30
2 oxen . 1550
20 steers . 110) ) 33)
4 1 steers . 1095 : i.35
! ! steels . 1310 8.50
2 steers , . Ub5 850
19stceis . 12 > S 350
11 steers . 1151 : ivi
U steers . ' . . 1210 3.6 ! )
10 steers . 1170 8.05
20 steers . 12S3 3.05
8 steers . 1213 8.75
74 steers . 1180 8.75
10 steers . 1025 3.75
17 steers . 1835 8.S5
15 steers . 15 17 4.00
01 steers . 1250 4,00
1 Christmas steer . Ib50 0.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
43. . . . 113 SO $1.80 GJ. i * Ml tti 11 ill nir
23..2,13 40 4.SO 67 .200 60 4.95
7r..l27 4.80 59 . .2711 bO 4,95
01. . . .271 KM 07. ' * 120 4,05
20 . . .2 < iO 80 4.b5 ( VS. . . 25l bO 1.95
f > 7. . . .207 3 ? > 0 4bi } < 59. 4UO ,4,95
OJ. . . .200 200 4.00 Od. 340 4.95
09. . . .283 KM ) 4.00 m. . .250 240 495
51. . . ,2s3 KX ) 4.00 18. . .2-S5 405
CO. . . .203 4,00 73 . .213 40 495
10. . . .SO ! ) 400 07. , .2 < 15 820 4.95
10. . . .241 feO 4.00 67 . .2 < i3 280 4.95
07 . . .251 120 4.UO 01 . .240 2bO 4.9'
08. . , .260 200 4.00 5S. , .2S3 100 4.S5
71. . . .ill 2.H ) 4.00 20. , 120 4.95
74. , , .2J3 120 4,00 115. , lleso 400 4.95
110.251 OiO 4.00 03. , , .20J ICO 4.95
57..arc 240 400 03. , . .250 120 4.95
69.2)3 " " 200 4,00 00 , , . .815 SO 6.00
01. . .315 200 400 CO. , ' 120 6.00
01 , . .2S5 200 4.00 CO. , ! ! 2U7' 60 500 is
40 4.00 05. , . .267 280 6.00
O7..2 0 240 4.00 M , 60 5.00
0.5. , . . 201 240 4.00 65. , 100 5.0 ]
OS. . . . 259 bO 4.00 60. , .801 40 5.00 A
09. . . .259 65 4.90 80. . .20 6.00
63..B21 800 4.0 % 01..609 - 500
To lit iHttdfor by tlic CHICAGO
We beg to notify the public that the ar
ticle published in the above mentioned pa
per , Nov. J6th , 1888 , concerning the
Sweet Caporal Cigarettes and Tobacco
are made from the best natural leaf , in the clean
est and most careful manner , and contain NO
Opium , or Morphine , or any delectcriotis drug.
This we will publicly prove in a Court of Law ,
and will hold that paper responsible for all dam
Men1 York.
M\c Stock Notes.
Hogs lower ,
Sheep vco dull.
A bad cattle mai hot.
Heirs sold hcioithln HM of the exticme
top In Chicago.
Siouv City iccelved 3.500 IIOLTS todaSt. .
Paul 1,500 , St Joseph 900 , Indianapolis 7MO ( ,
Cincmuuti 5,000 , St. l ouis 5,500 , Milwaukee
3.2IKI ,
.1. S. Pordycc. Central C'ity , came in with
four double decks of ohoii corn fed western
sheep. Ono hundied and ton head void ut
* l : > 0
Among the shlppcis wlio camu In with
hogb vveio the * lollowing : Morris Hiown ,
Yotkshiru , In ; Arthur Citusu , Atkinson ; II.
A. Gordon. Hco ; W H. Tcrwilllgcr , Uuight ,
and H.V. . hhufcldt , Friend.
O. L. Wilson , Concord : W. W. Maker ,
Loreto ! ; P. Voss , Logan ; .lames Hlalr ,
Wood Kiver ; W. P. Ilanilluni , Hurlinplon.
la , .lohn Huiman , Wood Hiver ; .1 Kcllei ,
Uxclcr. H. ( ' Saltier , Picice : J M. Cox ,
Hampton ; W. f ! . Clarlie , Paynosville , Minn. ;
W Al. Huyvtuod , Tckamuh , and H. Minnmir ,
Cohidgccio .imoiig the shlppoib and feed
eis who same In with cattle.
Plaucil % > n llrou..I nur-
iiiK Ven ei-ilny.
A. II. Comstoi-kto TV I.L-C , e'j lotfi , blk
Ii , I'ntiicU's-Mndd. . . . IV-M )
! ihiuillnnitifeto .1 V . und' . , sMi1 ,
ft of an ft. lots land. , lil&J , lampuetl s
add , \ \ d . . . . S.-'VJ
& h Itouers anil \ > no to I ) A M Osso , oi ! ft
of sdn n , lot i. iiks. \ . imp Assn luid ir , j
,1 \1 .lolmion to A Jolimon , lot , blK 4 ,
Kcvd's : td add , wd 1W 0
William I'li-ston and Mlfv to II St I ullx ,
lots llk II , \ MlcoiHtmld. . \xd 1UJ
lu W llllnms an 1 Inihband to 1 , W 'I ulli-ys ,
n Irustvo. lo > * and ' . ' . ( iindiij' Mil ) . -A d. 1VH
.IM ( jiit'kumliloto.l I.Lovett etal lots
* > . d aud " ' , bl > t Ini , Uiantl Vleu , 11 d 6
J M ( iiluk : anl wife , to I I , I.oxett , lot 5 ,
l > lk 41. . lot II. bile II- . lot U. blk 1"0 , lot
] . blk.4SS nnd lot 10 , bllt IM' , Gland View ,
i | c d . ft
. ) .M yank.uullfo to.I I , l.oi. tt , lot IN
iii < 4ii. iota ) . uih.4i. ! i.n. . , bituainto ,
blk r , .anil lot Hi , blK 411 , lot.I , blk-I b ,
lot 1. , blk J 7 , lot 'i ' an I und > ' , lot : ! , blk
UH , und'a ' lot T , blk u.I , Grand \ lew ,
I. ( .MiloK. and Im'sliand to'.l IJ l.oett , et ixl !
. . ' /j lot 111 , M1S4JH , ( liuilil View , wil . f,0 ,
.1 b Ciinlli > ll to . ! Mockil lie , lot 4 , blk 17 ,
( htlmullllll. n d . . . 700
.Mi Kfcilmllerto KJniox , lot 1 , blk S" . ,
Orchard Hill. Omaha , q c d . . , ]
K E l.astim to J r Thomas , lot N blk 3.
l.uko View , d . ttl )
110 l'atter- iiutlifo to J' ( Iliine-
ImitBh lot' . 1 , - ' . 6. II. , J' ' . M. 11 , 17. If.
21 , . : : , as. iu. i . ati.- : ) ' , : . blk i ; lot' ' - , 1 ,
li , u , C , U. 10. 11 , 11 , 17 , I21 , - ' . ' . .f. , ' - ( . , 211 ,
3J , . ) > . .II , : c. , IIimobAiign .V l'r.tter--onS
sub. q c d . . . . . 1
C II 'In\lnr und husband to A ' Illnie-
bimuli , lots I anil - ' , blk W , Omaha , ij c d 1
M Meiilnmnml wife to A U lllniobaugh ,
lots I and , blk .VOmithn , q c d 1
J i : VimdeiLookmid to HThiixo , lot
; i. blk 1. Vandercoot Toiinco . l.COJ
G .1 I'nul to J 1 , .Miles ct al , lot 2 , Manton
Place , w d . . . . 1.411
livion Ucedutiil lo M Hald , n'Jlft otlot
n , blk 2. Campbell's mid. w d. 600
I ) Ciumlnpli.ini el nl to I > Uibluns lof 7
and H , Hangs' -nib , w d . . 7,100
Twenty t-ansfers aggregating JJI.S.'o
CnliTornin , ( he Ijnnd of DIsoovorloH
Why will you lay Jtwiike all nirht } , ,
coupfliing1 , \\iieu that most agreeable
Culifornia remedy , Hsinta Abie , will
{ fis'oou iminodiiitu relief V SANTA
AUIlJibthu only guimmteeil cure for
C'oiibuniption. Abthiniiund nil Bi-onchiiil
Coinplaints Hold only in largo bottles
nt61.00. Three for W.oO. C. P. Good-
nmu Drug Co. \ \ ill bo pleased to supply
you , and { jimranloo relief when used as
never fails to loliovn Catarrh or Cold in
the Head. Six mouths treatment , $1.00.
By mail , SI. 10.
The "Golden Gate Special" arrived on
tlmojcsterday morning.
By an open switch at the Tenth street
crossing of the Union Pacific , switch engine
11(55 ( anda passenger coach weio derailed
yesteiday morning.
The land und town situ dcpaitment of the
Fiomont'Klkhoni .t Mlssomi Valley is engaged -
gaged in drafting plans for a town site at a
point between Strickle and Davenport nnd
Gcnovia and Strlukloy , 'Iho former willbo
termed "Waltci-b" mid tha latter "Murt-
land. " Itegular railroad trallc ( will bo
opened nt both jilncjH as soon us they arc es
tablished. Tliis is on tlio Supci ior branch of
the KlUhorn Bybtcm.
While piopolling a heavy train of lumber
near tlio Hummjt , englno 93 ! of the Union
Patillc M'stcidnv butst Hues und was
taken to the shops for rcpnlis.
On account of a hcnvv train the Atlantic
express of the Union Pacific was 45 minutes
Intoycstciday morning.
Car Accountant Aim rib of the Elkhorn
will icmovo with his staff to Missouri Valley
W i ) . Sanborn , general agent of the Bur
lington at San Francisco , IK in the city. Ho
reports a largo Influx of castcin people , and
the climate very mild in the vino-clad state.
Koports rcccivcd'jat ' tlio Union Pacillo
headquarters to-day Indicate fair weather In
the western portions of that system.
General Manager Iloldiogo , General
Freight Airent Miller , and Assistant General
Manager Mcllen leftvycsterdav for Chicago
to attend the Coloruilo-Utuh pool coafci cncc ,
J.V. . Qninn , of the Hotel Daikcr , nsks :
Why is it that passengers taking dummy on
the Union Pacific inilroatl at Thirteenth
street for South Omaha are obliged to pay
10 cents furo , or rather 20 cents with a rn *
bate , when the clmrgo from Union Pacific
depot on Ninth htiett is only 9 cents or IB
cents for the round frlp ? This may seem n
small matter , but to the road in the course
of the year it amounts to a nice sum and
scorns to me very unjust.
The Wells , Fargo and American Express
ofllco , owing to the rush of the holidays , Is
now kept open until 9 ! 30 each evening , and
will also bo open for business on Sunday
William Coffee , the flagman nt the Tenth
street crossing of the Union Pacific , will ask
the general superintendent to countermand
the order of Superintendent KosMgulo , which
resulted in his , flag-house being removed , and
ho being compelled to stand out In the cola
An AbHolmo Ourn.
only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles ,
MEiMT. Sold by Goodman Druf Co. , at W
ceutsper box-by mall 30 cenU.
To be pn lit for by ( tic CHICAGO DAILY Xntl'S ,
We beg to notify the public that the ar
ticle published in the above mentioned paper
Nov. 14th. 1888 , concerning the
Sweet Caporal Cigarettes and Tobacco
; irc made from the best natural leaf , in the clean
est and most careful manner , and contain NO
Opium , or Morphine , or any dcicctcrious drug1.
This we will publicly prove in a Court of Law ,
and will hold that paper responsible for all dam
Alow York ,
We are determined to reduc our stock of Overcoats tl\js month nnd offer the publican
opportunity of buying n first class garment nt n saving of2B per cent. We prefer to sacrifice
profit rather thnn carry over our enormous stock. The season has been unfavorable for tlio
sale of winter clothing , and late buyers will now renp the benefit.
Driving Goats Fur Goats and Fur Trimmed
We have reduced several of oxir popular lines of Childrens' Cape Overcoats , making three
grand bargain Lines at
$4 , $4.50 and $5.
Ages 13 to 17 * Our Boys' Overcoat stock is made very attractive by three popular lines of Over
coats for boys from 13 to 17 years , at
J6 , $6 and $7.
Every garment guaranteed lirst olass. No shoddy at any price.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors , '
Ail Important Announcement
About Pit weeks UHO. ulilloot tiusinoso , I
wns cnc'iiHnly uttnek < d with excruciating
pains In my rent , knees unil Imndo esc cr
Iho Mtiuktlmt 1 took my bed llmm-dlali'ly ,
nd Iti two or thrco days my joint * were
HMOlleu to almost double their natural sire ,
ml Iee nnsdrhen fiom tno 4 ftrr suffer ,
tug tlio most excruciating inln for n week ,
HklnKllnlridits nmlrnrlom other remedies ,
frunu HIO sympathized Tvlth m > lielpleJd
condltlon.snld tome : ,
"Why don't > ou pet SniffsBpcclflo nn4
nnolt. Inlllcuaruiuron cure , iiiul iritilue *
not I lie rii'dlcmu nhull iobt j ou nothing. "
I at on co , cund thu N S H , i\m ( ulltt
\ulnct It tuo III st day , bail a ( jul < t night nnd
rcrnBlilns hlccp. lu ueik I felt h'reatlr
boiierttiil In thrcu\vreVs I lonlrt tltupand
ttull : uliout Iho loom , itnd iitur uslnit lx
ixnilCK 1 "fl out nnd nlilu In co to liii tm > 5.
bliicnlliin I hn > u UecQie iilarl > atm/pu l
of ili.ty , tisil itauil on my ffct from nine to
ten houri u dey.nnil m entlroh fiMfrom
pain. Tl em ru the plnln uiiilMinplu fuels
In myeak.end I will diffrfully nnsnorall
Innuli la rcUtl > o therrtn , ell hi r In imioa or
Lyiuull. IlluMit JUnKlUjr.
t 11 W. ISth MrcttNew \ctk City ,
r NASIIVIUI : , Tri . I ha\o warrted off n s * .
oi rtutk of rlu umatli in by u timelyrcsorl
to bn lit a Sjipclne. In r 11 ciurs where n per.
nmiu nt rolof la ouiht this medicine com.
imnilsltKlf for a constitutional trcutmenl
that thorttuhl ) erndlcntes thu seeds of < lls-
" " ' " " " " " '
. "il'w. . P. iiiiiwioir , an.
' NBW Yori : , SI Itn A\E Aftir fprndlna
CTIiOtobo iillevrd of lllowl 1'nlrnn v , Itliout
nt lioiiiflt , nfrw buttled of bn If t aSpertllo
worked n perfect euro. C. I'OBTKO.
ViE.i i , O i. Mr Httln Rlrl , ozeil clx.nnd
boy , uj'1 tniir jcars. had serofuln In th *
T i > i t < ravntecl shmiu. Tboy Htro puny
nil > ! ( > . To day they nro hi'ftltliy aud ro-
butt , all Uie rctult of taUugH. U t ) .
Jou T. UOLUxn. '
LAtiv UKF , Bcurrn Co , Fu.-Youi 0. S ,
6. his t'io\eil ' ft onderfnl itucceas In inr
Vftpc. Tl o cnncor nil my fnu * , no iloubt.
Would hoi u teen hurrli d me to my crave. I
do tulnic It Is wuuderful , nd his noc'iunl.
D. H. Uvui ) , I'ost.-nastcr.
. . -
K 8. Co , Atlanta. Oa. i
> Gkntlcnun Knowing that yon ipprcclat *
Tolur.tary testimonialswo taku pkuiuruln
Muting rtiat one of our lady turionirrs liai
ngnlnod her health by thu uie of four large
potties of your great remedy , after having
pete an Invalid for several 0 ears. Hertrollbl *
wnt cxtri me debility , caused by n riUeato pe
culiar lo her & Co , li ur l n.
k Tureu l/ooks mailed fxto on aujilluiUoa.
IU1 Orucslits tell H. B. a
TBK Bwirr Brrciria Ca ,
pmwor S. Atlanta Ua.
Mirw Yorlc,7 S Uxoadwajr.l
imcu dnf\jf \
.Trussiooiiiblncd. i
ronly ono 111 the wor
_ . . ocontlouous t'uelHait
f.\-s 'caiTm . brtnitlBc , 1'OHeiful. Duriblf ,
- - , , , . 'C mfort blo mul rffectlvo. Aruia IrsuUs.
> ii * < ) rproOOOcure < l. Hcndhtuiiprui immchlct ,
_ A1.MO PLCOf K1U JIHI/Tr * FOU jiloKkMi : ! ! .
Da. HORNE , uvmoa , 101 WABASH AYE. , CHICAW
und'luwurt cureil. SBrcan , '
GANGER iipcrlnue. > u ICiilTr. Hook
Tree. J.ll.MeMICIIJLEI.,11.11.
ll > l U'ubutli At. , Clilcugu.lll.
VIRMPY antj a" urinary troubles pnslly.nulck-
IMUIIUl lyanasnftilycuredby nufTl'UltACo ] ) '
sulea. Kevcul canes cured In seven Uuva. Bold :
11.00 i > cr box , all d rut-Kims , or by wall from to- )
cutniUir.Co IU WlirteSt.N. Y.rullWresHon *
2O TO 60 DAYS.
This is a disenso which hub horctofoio
13ulllcd nil Medical Scicnco.
AVoliavo a llemedy , unknown tonn > o loin the
Woild outililo of our C < niii > , iy , > iii < l "no time haste
to cine the most olisiinato discs. Ton d lys In
icccntcdsosilocs Ihovork. 'tin tin1 old tlnonlc
deep heated ciuts ti'at wdhollclt.S'o luvo
uned humlredi who buvp Imc-n slinnrtonoil by
TlD'Blciuns. and ptoiu.uncrd Inou iiljli' , und wo
cliiulenKO the World toorlnj 11 n in-'jo that wu
will not euro in less tliiumUtvlnvs. .
fclneo tlio history ot inedirlni ) a trnu specific
for Syphilis hus been bought for b uiuver
found unlllour
\vasdl ocrolandoaro justlllalln saylni ;
It IB the only Itemotly In tlio Woihltliat w 111 pos
itively euro , beuume tlio latest Winks ,
published by tlio b st known authorities. s.iy
tlieto wasnover atruoHporlllc liefortOurroin -
edy will euro when overvtliltib' el o lias railed.
\Vfiywasto.\ourtlnio \ unil money with putmt
jncdlclncs that never had vlrtuo or rtoctoj with
physicians that civnnot euro you , you that liavo
tried flM'ijlliliisolso should coma vj ns 'Jinvund
K tiiiniinentiullof. ( you noof cnn KI-U Itolho-
whuro. Matk what wo say. In the end von
jiittHt take our remodvor NfiVHIl roco\ci and
you that liavo been ullllctcd Inn n "Jiort time
should by nil means conio tons now - > or one In
ttn of new cavou ever net permanently ciitcil.
Jinny B t help and lliliik they are freu from tlio
disease , but In one , two orthne years utter It
nppears again Inn raoie horrible form.
ThiB ! B a Blood Purifier und will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disenso wliou
Everything Klbo Fuila.
Jtoom 10 nnd 11 , ( J. S. Nadimul Hunk
Uiiiiiliii , Ncli.
martftblc for powerful fmoff
etlc tone , pliable action und n u
ipluto durability. 'M yearn' iteoit
the b Bt guaragloa of tin
Ienc ot tnese Instrumenta.
. „ < successful , llcfuro '
< Q > Newspaper AJyiitliHluir conairSi
1CU.WB ,
1D O > 41 lo U.IUaliUk tlriit.
Chicago , ,
- - 'prDns ' Molnei , Marslmltotvn
i .ii S"toll : ' § ' ! .V.5Sj..V ! 'SiW- ' * " ' ! ' ? . li.k.i
n. Oregon , \
utwftii Omaha
u- . " - . - t'e train * n clsf of 1 > AY
T. wlilrhar * th * finest that human art Hud
i"ieBeleii TofHfilcilCBnltot''Ao'V'H'l''l'KI ' ! ' ' > 1NOCAI'8
| | "
Council IIIUHB , the trains of tun "union "ac1foeilitU. | |
way connectIn union depot with thns of the Chi-
KuHtern lieV ! ° ' ° "B conn ctlon ll ° h those'of a'/lotlior /
I or Detiolt' roliirabus. Indlansnolln , Cincinnati ,
' ' " " " { ' ' "r""t0' Montreal
' olilon11Nnw 'vd'k" ? ' \ ! | ' ' ,
' '
. all points In thu Kast' Ask for't'ckeWv'l *
If ou wlj' , hRTHWESTERN"
it , iiudiiriT , 'H \vii8o.v
' '
Ucn'l Managor. a'en'11'ais'r Aeent.
\V. N. D AIICOCK. 1 "il'l wSitir"Airoiil. .
U. K. KIMIIAM.llckot Ayent.
, , „ . „ " ' " WEST , CUT PBMcng !
KOI Fftrnatn Ht _ Omaha. N b ,
.Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul '
. , . P.'y. .
The licHtKoule from Oniulm nnd Council
UlnfTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
Kt. I'nul , Minntapolts , Cedar Kaiiidfl
Itork Island , Fiecnorl , Kockfurd , ,
Clinton , Duluiue ) ] , Jfartuport , '
Elglu , Madltoo , Janeirllle ,
TitMoIt ) M'lnuii.'i , I.a Crosin ,
Ab < l nil fatltr Imptrlsnt vo'nli Km , Xorlhssiit saC
r r Ihroutb I ctet > , call ou tkt ( Ulst trust at IM1
/arnsa > ti lla BdrLtr Ulook , ui st Uilloii r ld
rullcbtD Elceiieri mil th nnsit Dlnl fW IB ,
Orld ro ruu on tb rosin Hot oftbu CuHsKp , i
situ i St. rsul Itsllwny , spd roi ; tillktluaft I
to .PVAWjy f ' " " ' ' ? ! Mpicr i ' * > ' .
H. iiy.ffCK , U u ral Msnsrir.
J. I.'TUUXER. AnlttsuUi rsll > iiir.
A. V. II. 0 U1' N1KK , Uinirsl fsiiisur KB *
QK ( , . K.UKArrOUD , . .ltsnl UsBKkl
ftUd Ttfl Ot Iffbnt.