Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    > ii mi.i . i li
The Sohbol Board Invostijratlnfl
Oommittoo Mnkoo Its Roport.
Itut llio liivcstlgntnrfl Were Unnblo Ic
Find Anything Whloli Itcfloctcil
Upon Tholr Fellow Members
in tlio
Morrow IMti.Ht Go.
The regular meeting of the board of cdu
cation took place last night. All the mom
bcrs wcro present except Messrs. Folton nni
The president announced that ho had re
ceived the olllcial resignation of Rov. W. B
Copclnnd as n member of the board The
communication was placed on Illo.
Contractor Gladden invited the membcn
of the board to Inspect the Mason schoo
building and asserted that the hoys would b <
turned over to the school board before the Isl
of January next.
Mr. Fitzpatrlck , the plumbing contractor
of the Mason school , asked to bo allowed
$1,900 on account , lie has delivered ma
terial on the school ground , but no work has
been done. On motion of Mr. Morrison he
was allowed $ . "X)0 ) on account ,
The committee nn buildings and property
recommended that E. Drennan bo al
lowed $100 for services rendered and ma
terlal furnlnhcd in repairing the walli
around the high echool grounds. The same
committee stated that they had awarded the
contract for furnishing the basement ol
Mason school to J. Ochlltreo for $2,123. The
communication was placed on tile.
The claims committee reported recommending -
mending the payment of $7,011 for current
expenses during November. The 1lnnl ostl.
mate for the completion of Walnut Bill
Reboot , $1,121.50 , was allowed.
The committee on steam heat and ventila
tion reported recommending the contract fet
covering Htciim pipes bo awarded to Strung
& Clark , the lowest bidders Adopted. .
A motion by Mr.JCobum to close the pub
lic schools from the lilst inst. until Wednes
day , January ! ) , 1SSSI , the usual Christmas va
cation , was adopted.
Dr. Savlllo Introduced a resolution nsltmc
that the high school committee be permitted
to purchase scientific iimtrumontH for the
chemical and Bciontillo department of thu
high school , not ty exceed f ! > 00. Adopted.
Mr. Sholos Introduced the following reso
lution :
Resolved , That inasmuch as W. P. Mor
row , an employe of this board , has confessed
to receiving n money consideration from
the Grand Rapids Furnishing company In
lieu of his alleged influence with certain
members of the board in securing the intro
duction of their desks , it Is hereby resolved
that the superintendent of buildings bo and
Ir hereby requested to discharge the said W.
I'.Marrow from the employ of this board.
Mr. Spulding objected to the passing of the
resolution until the special investigation
committee made Its report. Mr. Morrison
concurred. It was therefore laid over until
the report shall bo mudo.
Mr. Soholcs moved that the president bo
authorized to nraw a warrant for $ .l > , ( X > - ' > for
payment of interest and exchange on $200,000
bonds due January , 1 , ISS'J , and that seht'ol
children bo Issued vaccinallon certificates.
Both motions wcro adopted.
Mr. Cobmn Introduced a resolution allow
ing the teachers aud Jimilors their pay for
the month of December. The same to be
paid before the Christmas vacation.
The snccial investigating committee then
reported as follows :
cour special committee appointed for the
purpose of investigating charges against
members of this board in the selection and
TinrchURO of school desks , report that it has
had tbo subject under careful consideration
nnd has used nil reasonable efforts to ascer
tain the facts in the matter. Your commit
tee found that they bad-no authority to com
pel the attendance of witnesses uud could
not compel witnesses to testily under oath.
Two public sessions of your committee
have been hold , at which nil parties whom
wo thought could offer nny material evi
dence were Invited to bo present. After a
careful consideration of the testimony sub-
mlttuil to your committee , wo would respect
ively state that wo have found nothing that
warrants the conclusion that any member of
this board was unduly or improperly in-
flucnccd in the selection of school desks , nor
do we find nny good reason for the
opinion that any member of this board did
receive any money or other consideration
whatever for his influence or vote Iu the se
lection or purchase of school desks.
Your committee find that W. P. Morrow ,
nn employe of this board , did receive the
Bum of 25 for working in behalf of the
Grand Rapids Furniture company's school
desk , which payment ou the part of the fur-
iilturo company webcliovotolmvobocn made
in bad faith , without a duo regard to tuo
fairness and Integrity of this board. As
such It has our heartiest condemnation , and
your couimtuca would request that the
Grand Rapids Furnishing company bo notl-
lied of the action of your committee iu refer
ence to their payment of the money.
F. R. McCo.NNELL ,
Ai.rniiD MIU.AKD.
The report of the special committee was
adopted ,
The resolution to discharge Morrow was
Ogam taken up and carried. Morrow * is
therefore discharged from further service
with the board.
George Brush was elected janitor of Park
school mid Mrs. Charles McClausland to the
sauio positiou ut Fort Omaha school.
Resolutions Adopted Uy thu Central
Labor Union IjUHt Night.
The delegates to the Central Labor union
met In the Gate City hall lust night , and
among other things , . talked over the present
system of doing city work. As a result the
following resolution was unanimously
adopted : y
Whereas , In the present charter governing
the city of Omaha , it lu provided that ell
paving , curbing and guttering shall bo done
by the contract , ami
Whereas , Experience has proven that con
tractors have not performed or lived up to
the specifications contained in said contract ,
but have constantly taken ad vantage of every
opportunity to put In inferior material
the case of paving have not graded dcculy
enough and put In u thin bed of concrete and
also put in a snorter paying block than the
contract called for , thus robbing the city and
taxpayers , and
Whereas , The city at the present 1ms to
provide Inspectors to superintend the city
work , who have sometimes been known to bo
la collusion with the contractors , or Imvo in
stead of watching the progress of the work
and the quality of tbo material usc"d , been
found regaling themselves m the nearest
enloon ; ant !
Whereas , The same expense involved In
paying for Inspectors would pay for superin
tendents to conduct the sumo improvements
under the day work system | therefore bo It ,
Resolved , That wo , tlio delegates to
the Central Labor Union hereby de
mand the abolition of the contract
eystoin in all city improvements and all
public works of the city , and the adoption of
iho day work system , on { ho grounds of
economy and the best Interests of the tax
payers and the city of Omaha , as well as the
worldngmeo , who constitute the backbone
of our city , and whoso prosperity always do.
tormlncs the prosperity of all city interests ,
The resolutions wore signed by twenty
labor organizations , representing the various
trades uud Industries of the city.
l" the maiden cried. "He
will bo hero to-night and my hnudi are
chapped ; however 1 have u bottle of Salva
tion Oil.
Old remedies umor now names are being
constantly Introduced to iho public , but Lr.
Hull's Cough Syrup etill maintains its pre
lion , W , A. P.axton has returned from a
business trip to points fn the cast.
Advice to mother * .
Mrs. WJnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo usedforchlldreuteething. lUootUni
the child , softens ( ho gnuu. allays alt pain ,
cureswlud ] colic , uud U tUo boot remedy for
liarrticca. 25o a bottle.
The KniiAnroo Court Mclas Out Pun
l.slimcnt to n llolVnctory Inimuo.
ST. JosRi'it , Mo. , Doc. 1" . [ Hpcclal Tele
gram to Tin : Urn.J A riot In tlio Uuchauan
jail last night resulted In the serloui Injurj
of James funk , nn immik- , and the discover ,
by Sheriff Spruit of a conspiracy to brca' '
Jail. The outbreak wns the result of a com
nmnlcntlon published In the Herald of yes
tcrday morning , signed by several prisoners
lu which It wns claimed that Sheriff Sprat
Imd cut down the rations and waa subjecting
the prisoners to hardships. The curtailmen
of privileges referred to waann attomptmad
by iho sheriff to abolish the "Kangaroo
court , " which has become , very boh
of late , Inflicting nil manner of ludlg
nitics. In the investigation which followed
It wns discovered that u lioto had been mad
in the wall which separated the male am
female denartment , and that the two race
were living together. James Funk , the
prisoner who wan beaten by the Kangaroo
court , was suspected of having coinplatnui
to the sheriff , as Funk's wife Is ulso un in
mate of the jail. * Jn the several round-up :
which followed , two razors , three knives am
eight or ton Iron bars weighing from two to
live pounds each were found. The Knuga
roe court is run by several toughs , win
have hud control of It for two years , am
who swear the new tncu to secrecy. Funl
will probably recover , but his face I
pounded Into n Jelly and several ugly wouud
have been inflicted on his head.
Very I'rotty Itut Knlsc.
IXiUNA.i'ous , Iud.Dcc. 17. [ Special Tel
cgrani to TIIK Unit. ] A sensational story
emanating from a democratic organ here , is
going tbo rounds to tlio effect that Charles
Magee , of PitUburg , raised a fund of $10,001
for the use of the Indmnu ropubllcai
state committee ; that Chairman Hdstoi
sent two republicans to bring the monoi
to Indianapolis , and that instead of fulllllin ) ,
their trust they embezzled the funds , whlcl
caused u dcllcit in the accounts of the Htatu
committee , It is a prolty story , but devoid
of loin of truth. Tlio republican committee
did not lose a dollar by the embezzlement
mid prominent members of the committal
state that scarcely ono-fourth oftho amount
assorted to have been embezzled was con
tributcd by the republican * of Pittsburg , am
all they did give readied the dostiuutioi
safely. _
Itoulniijicr Condemns tlio Chamber.
PAWS , Doc. 17. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : UBLBoulaager ] , iu an iulers'io\\
to-day , condemned the government for al
lowing honest people to think that the Pun-
uinii canal project was sure of ollicial pat
ronage , and now turning its back
ou it. Ho Buld that when lie
wua in America in 1331 ho was
told thut when the Panama canal was fin
ished that country would place a fort at each
cud ; thut no treaty In the world would pre
vent them from closing the canal in time ol
war , and that Columbia would not hinder
this action. He added thut ho had sent home
a secret report on the subject , which was
probably lying unread on the shelves of the
ministry of wur.
A Savairc Suveii-liiiunil
NEWAIIK , N J. , Dee. 17. A savage seven-
round light took place to-night near Elizabeth
between James Donnelly , of Kansas Cit.v ,
nud MaLullin , ox-champion middleweight of
Canada , London prizy ring rules , for $ r > 00.
MoLailiu had the advantage from the start
und punished Donnelly terribly. On the
seventh round McLatlin hmdcd a left-hander
on Donnelly's Jugular , knocking him sense
less. It took twuuty minutes to restore him
to consciousness.
Mrs. Babe Williams was arrested last
night for stealing o'J ' from a uiau named
Tciupercil .Justice.
The Chicago Mull : The cheerful
manlier in which Justice D. J. Lyon
udtninstors justice is remarkable , no
luis sonic of , the most aggravating *
cases to dispose of.but nlways uiuintiiins
his gentlemanly demeanor , und always
ban a kind word for the poor unfortun
ates thnt coino before him. This morn
ing three sailors , luuned John Loob ,
Con Reilly und Patrick McClcllan.
were prisoners. They were rough-
looking follows , and the oUlcers told
what tough men they were ; and they
were always iu alloys drinking beer
from cans , and making it disagreeable
for the business men who have olllccs
in the neighborhood. The defendants
wcro much agitated , and the court
thought it best to swear thorn. "You
do solemnly swear , Mr. Koilly and
Mr. Loob , " began his honor , "that you
will and you , too , Mr. McClcllan
that you will hold up your right bund
toll the truth please take off your
Imt Mr. Roilly so help hold up your
i-Jght hand , please so help not your
left hand BO help kindly" keep your
hat olT , sir so help you Almighty ( Jod.
Now , boys , toll your story. " The
poor follows wcro half scared
to death , Tnit the court's gentle
ness was something they had not .ox-
peotod , and they summoned up enough
sourago to speak. They said thcv were
Imrd-working suilorsj and showed their
timid to substantiate , the statement.
"Wo look rough , " sui'd ono , "but wo
are all right. " "Oh , I will treat you
just the same as if yon were attired i
broadcloth , " remarked the magistrate. '
"Somo people prefer to drink water
Trom a dipper instead of u glass , and
you gentlemen nrofor the can for beer.
Is not that so ? " The gentlemen said
Lhny could not miiko thut admission.
Fine cut glasses were just as good as
. ans , they thought , but they had never
boon fco fortunate as to indulge in the
luxury of drinking from fancy glasses.
Well , you may go this morning ; keep
out of alloys , " was the decision. "Aro
you hero again , Mhs KoatingV" in-
qn'ired Justice Lyon , as a pretty , brown-
oycd little woman was brought before
lim. Mary Keating Is ono of the un-
'ortiinates ' who walk the downtown
streets. During the last month sha has
md to pay lines amounting to no loss
than sixty dollars. " 1 am going to
allow you to go this morning , my girl.
Plcaso try und not como before mo
again , " was tlio decision , in a very
citully tone. And so with all the cases.
The court appealed to their hotter na-
iiires , and in nine cases of ton thu re
sult was good.
riierc's Lots oCGooil Finli in tlio Sen.
Few 1'wfcSnu.
O , bo not cast down , yo maids of to-day ,
Hceauso yo'vo not yet had the chance
To peers of the realm to whisper a "Yea , "
Tlio Joys of their lives to enhance.
Thr&o dukes have been taken within the last
year ,
Hut Hrltuin has nobles galore ,
That the list may give out thpro's no reason
to fear.
There Is always a neb to adore.
these Llttlo fills.
They also rcllovoDts
tress from Dyspepsia ,
Indlaectlou and Too
Hearty Eating. A per
fect remedy tat Dizzi
ness , Nausea , Drowsi
ness , 13od Taste In th&
UouthCoated Tongue ,
FID ZJVEB , Ac Thay regul&te the Doweli ,
* nd prevent Consilpition onJ 1'Jlee. The
smallest and easiest to take. X > nly ous nill a
done. 49 lu a rial , rureljr Vegetable. Price
1 ? ceuts.
OABTE& MKDIOIHK 00.Prop'ri.K ' wYork ,
Rtil'UItljlOAN IN
Under "VVIilcli the Pnpo
The Omaha Republican company by Cade
Taylor president , placed on Ale with th
county clerli two chattel inorteaROs. 13otl
are dated December 15 , 1393. Tuc instm
menU were filed ut 10M : ! p. in. Saturday
On the May 2 , , IW , the Republican com
puny made n promissory note out In favor o
Martha A. Hounds lu the sum off03r. ! . < i3 n
one vear with Interest nt tlie rate of 7 po
cent. To secure payment of said note and ii
consideration of ono dollar tho' following
property xvas assigned : viz. Ono four rollo
I'ottcrprintlns press complete with stcnti
nnd overhead Jlxturcs and extra fountain
Ono electro-typo and stcroetypo outllt complete
pleto including nil metal on hand togethc
with shafting and belting. Onu moulding
pros * , two shaving machines , ono wax po
with steam table and combination , one blaclt
loading machine , ono power trlmfer , ono
casing box and covers , ono saxv nnd tabli
with altachmcwU , ono battery with nil con
nections , solutions and copperplates , OIK
steam dynamo mid connect ions , ono furnace
outsbort board nnd plain , two mushing block1
one embossing und smashing press with al
attachments , ono BOWIIIK nnicliino will
patun'co's rixht on the Miller und MULJCO' ;
'pat out back blank boolc , ono perforator , OIK
wlro stitcher , ono ofllco s.xfc , all of tbo jol
type , not already mortinigvd , including f > 0 (
pounds nonp.xriul newspaper typo.
The nbovi- bill of sale U subject to the fol
lowing condition : Should thu Omaha He
publican well and truly pay or caused to be
mid to the said Martha A. Hounds , admin
istratrix , the boforcmoiitioned nuto when
due , then the bill of sale shall bo void , otherwise -
wise of force. Falling payment , MM ,
Hounds or her assign * are empowered bj
what Is known as the "cut throat'1 provision
lo enter Into possession , soil by private oi
public sale , nil or any part of thu buforemon
tioned goods und chattels , and huviiif
liquidated her claim the balance , If nny , is Ube
bo handed over to the Republican company
on demand.
The socoud bill of sale is mudo out in favoi
fo I'Vanl : JJ. .rohnsoti , and sots forth that on
December 15 , 1SS3 , the Republican company ,
by its president , Cadet Taylor , huviuR Rlvon
Its promissory notes for three sums of fci.lWO ,
fTi.OUO nnd fl,30l ) , u rcgutlng in
all ? 14 , . ' ' 00 , to secure payment of
bume upon demand , the Republican company
In consideration of one dollar paid , transfers
the following ijoods , vlx. : The Omaha Re
publican Daily and Weekly plant complete ,
nichidiimtyp'j , Rt-aiuU , rack , J-tullock perfect-
liiB press , electrotype machinery , subscrip
tion lists , desks , furniture.roll and flat paper
and all other property beloiiRUis ; lo ihe newspaper -
paper dcuurtmont ; also the associated Press
franchise of said Omaha Republican 02111
puny , which said press franchise , however ,
is subject to a curtain mortgage ; heretofore
given to Casper K. Yost and Fred N.vo.
Should the bcforemontionod notes be paid
us the same bccomo duo then the instrument
shall bo void , but otherwise the failure or
neglect of the payment of ono of the said
notes , all of the said notes shall become due
aud payable and Mr. Johnson or his assigna
are cuipowered to sell the goods or any part
of said property at public or private sale iu
ho or they may ; elect , nnd having applied the
proceeds to the payment of said notes and
expenses of said sale , the surplus , if any
shall bo remaining , to the said Omaha Re
publican company. Mr. Johnson is also to bo
protected by the "cut throat" clause In the
bill of sale.
J. V. Wodergren ct al. has mod an appeal
from the county court in the matter of U. II.
Clougli et nl. vs. J. V. Wedergren ct al.
The Jury in the case of the Bank of Com
merce vs. Hart wcro sent out nt 0:30 : p. m.
Saturday. This jury has had a rougn time
of it. inasmuch as the sheriff could not ob
tain uuy cots for their use at night , and they
have hud to sit up in chairs the whole of
Saturday and last night.
Judge Walcely is engaged hearing the case
of Louis IJradford vs. C.'S. Iliggins , ot. al.
The Morse Uridgo company , v.s. City of
Omaha , is being argued before Judge
Doano. ,
Itowcna Young Wins Her Suit
Against John Ucl'utrnn , .
Judge Brewer yesterday rendered an
opinin iu the case of Rowoua Young vs John
C. Do Putron , on a motion for judgment upon
special findings of fact. The notion was
brought about to establish tao ownership of a
, ruct of land in the business HCC-
tion of the city . of Lincoln ,
this state. The -court holds that
the plaintiff is entitled to judgment in this
action , and that she is duly possessed of. the
iroperty , inasmuch as the defendant holds
10 recorded or sealed instrument establish-
ng his ownership. The property wts valued
ut f 70,000 In 1870 , und now roaches n valua
tion of about WMjlMO. Under the construu-
, ion of the court the plaintiff is granted the
, itlc to and ownership of the property.
John H. Thomas , of Chadron , Neb. , was
arrested on Saturday night by Deputy Mar
shal Showalter for representing himself to
jo a United States onlcor.
Lewis and Florence Hartsell , husband
and wife , residing ut Chadron , Neb. , were
subptonajd to appear before Uio court. Fati
ng to attend to the order Deputy Showaltor
arrested them ou Saturday evening. '
The case of the United States against
Hubbard was filed yesterday morning. The
defendant is charged with counterfeiting.
Mrs. Lipp , of Fremont , Neb. , was brought
up in custody by Deputy Marshal Showaltcr ,
charged with selling whisky without a
icon so.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Hertzoll , of Chodron ,
Mob. , were ut the beginning of the session
of the United States court , summoned to ap-
> oar before the grand Jury. This they ro
used to do nnd , as n consequence , were nr-
ostod by adcputy United States marshal nnd
jrought into Omaha yesterday. They will be
) rought before the court to answer for con
tempt. _
District Court.
Information has been Hied against Lincoln
Dubois charging him with illegal voting on
December , IShS , in the iirst.preeinct of the
Third ward , in the city of Omaha. The com-
ilaiut U Hied by Caplulu Duff Green , of the
metropolitan police.
Similar information is laid against John
[ dug alias Shorty Lacey. The charge iu this
nstanco is for "repeating. " King Is said to
mvo voted in both the first and second pre
cincts of the Firstward. ,
Nottio Rosto has been indicted for the lar
ceny of a gold ring and sundry other articles ,
.ho property of Mr. Howcll , who resides at
.illl'J Furnaui street.
Frank Elmoro has been Indicted with the
rirccny of a gold watch and $15 in money ,
ho property of K. A. Roy/ley. The robbery
occurred December I ) , 183 $ .
J. W. Furnoss & Son nud Benjamin Emsllo
entered suit against Lorcnza V. Morsu it Co.
md usk judgment In the sum of 8 15.tS : with
uterest from December 15 , 16S3. This action
brought to recover the value of building
uaterial supplier ! by plaintiffs to defendants.
Iu the divorce suit of Uurdlck vs Uurdick
Fudge Uroffrcfused , to dissolve the marriage
jo mis.
The Junes In the case of Bradford vs Hlg-
glus und Uauk of Commerce vs Hurt are out ,
County Court.
The case ofVuuvo11 vs Kirkeidall ( , Jones
t Co. Is on trial bofuro Judge Shields.
Tlio Ue-Jiilt of Jealousy.
CHICAGO , Dee. 17. id n disreputable saloon
on Stuto street Edward Banner to-ntght uhot
Ctttlo Kent , alias Nellie \ViUoil. dcud. Ho
hen killed himself. Drunken jealousy wns
he caUBO of the tragedy. Uotli Homier and
bo woman wcro social outcasts.
A I'Yroich ' Speculator Doluiilu.
PAIIIS , ioo. 17. A bourse speculator
named Box , whoso operations were conflnod
irlnclpally to dealings in cop pur , has defaulted -
faulted in the sum of 13,01)0,000 ) francs.
Ytfother failure is expected.
i '
fill-link tlio Wrong Truli. |
MEMI-UIS , Deo. 17 , Thu oftlclals of the '
Southern Express company say their loss'by
ho train robbery Saturday night will not ox-
eed W.OOO. The train which followed had
13' ,000 In the express car.
* StormliiK tn | > Arab Trending ,
SUAKIV , Dpc. 17. The Arab trenches were
icayili * shelled by iho fpvts to-day. The
1'woiitleth Huusars and two companies of the
' 'ifth. Egyptiau baUaliou arrived hero.
An Old Settlor's Ynrn of the Earls
Stoiuinboating Days.
. ,
; < |
A rMctnorntyo.jTrlt ) to Kort J > otlg <
Which IsSfipposiMl to Antedate
Tlmtol'thc I 'unions Clius.
An Ancient .llurlnor'R Story.
DBS Mpixco , la. , Dec. IT. . [ Special to Titi
Hii.j : iSpoaking of the memorable trip ol
thn Charles Hodzcrs , from Keokul ; to Forl
Dodge , recently described in .Tin : IJr.n , an eli
settler of this city recall * another trip which
he claims nntcdatcjl thut. "lu ia" > 3 , ' ' said he ,
"everybody in thisvicuiityhad thostcumboal
fever. The rivers wet-o all high , thu bottoms
were overflowed , white the ordinary country
roads were almost. Impassable. It wns the
wettest year with one exception that had
over been known in Iowa. People saw that
tliey could travel and carry goods by steam
boat , and so they were crazy for boats. Dur
ing tlio year certain parties of Fort Dodge
contracted for a lijcut draft boat built on tin
Mononguhclu river , which came round to
DCS Mollies by Way of Plttsburg and the
Ohio and Mississippi rivers iu the fall of that
year , ami iu November it sailed to Fort
Dodge , and carried material irom hero to be
used Iu building the court house thorc. That
was several months before the trip ot the
Charles Uogors , which was referred to as the
Ilrst to Fort Dodge. Hut some people ol
this city decided to have n boat of their own.
So during the winter of 1853-0 they built n
boat ou the island under Court avenue
bridge. The engines wcro made here ,
In "tho old Hemingway works , on
liHst Walnut street. About the
beginning of May the boat started down
stream ou its trial trip. The engines worked
badly , and when Kcokuk was reached , the
boat was tied up for repairs. After nearly n
month it got back to DCS Moincs , mid its
owners despaired of over making it go. Hut
old Dr. Hull , the father of Lieutenant Gen
eral Hull , came to the assistance of thu own
ers , and had some necessary changes made
in the machinery , and while they were doing
so they were olTered u paying cargo to Fort
Dodge. The boat , without \vaitmg for all
the changes to bo made , accepted the cargo
and sailed for Fort Dodge. The river then
was low and falling fast , so there was no
chuncu for dancing or othof festivities along
tlio route. Fort Dodge was reached without
serious accident , although the boat nud
some narrow escapes from old dams , bars
ami reefs. Everybody on board had fre
quently to turn out and push the craft off
the sho.ils , BO. nn time was lost at Fort
Dodge , and after heroic struggles , with the
water falling everyday , the boat llnally
reached Dos Moincs again In June. 1S5'J ' ,
which , so far ai kftown , was the last trip by
steamboat to Fort Dodge and return.
Ho Wanted to Get MnrrliMl.
HUMIIOI.DT , In. , Dec. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Iina.l-7-Luther Dlood , an igno
rant and suppoppd to bo innocent country
boy of slightly over twenty years of ng'o ,
whose homo is near Uenwick , this county ,
is wanted on "a charge thnt will
get him ftjq , board for some
time to comp if ho is caught.
Young Blood became enamored of a pretty
school teacher imd wanted to ret married
very much , but hnd not the means. So he
conceived a plan to'raise ' the wind. lie fixed
up a note running' from Taylor & . Thorp , the
well known horse Ilrm doing business at
Henwick and Webster City , to Stewart Wilds ,
a young man who had worked for Thorpe ,
and endorsed by Wilds to himself. Hlood
took the note to the Haawick and Llvonnoro
banks , but it was' o bad a job that neither
of them bit. lie 'then went to Luvcrne.
Ho succeeded iu selling the jfiOO
forgery to George Hanna , a
banker , foj$160 cash. The note drawing in
terest from September 1 , was considered a
good investment by Hanua. This was ou
the llth hist. Several days after Hanna
wrote to Thorpe about the note nnd found it
was u forgery. Sheriff Fairman
was immediately put on the track
and soon located the enterprising
young man at Goldflcld , Wright county. It
seems that his school teacher was not ready
to go just yet and he was waiting for her
with perfect unconcern. Fairman at once
telegraphed the marshal at Goldileld to say
nothing but hold the prisoner , till
his arrival. The "marshal heard
that Ulood was at Eagle Grove and ho fol
lowed , telling everyone he met of his busi
ness. He found his manat Eagle Grove , but
lost courage and failed to hold him when
IMood said that ho was going back to Goldficld
that night anyway. In , the meantime Ulood
heard that they wore after Uim , so he skipped
and nothing mis been hoard from him since ,
but ho is hardly shP.rp enough ; o get away ,
and Hanna has offered $100 reward for his
Mrs. niKJtle's Trial.
MASOK CITV , la. , Dee. 17. ] Special Telegram -
gram to THE UEK. | The trial of Mrs.
Bertha Diggle , the actress , on n charge of
poisoning her husband on the 24th of May
last , was called in the district court of
Wright county this afternoon. The prose
cution , is being conducted by County At
torney Humphrey , assisted by E. H. Ladd
and Judge Cook. The report thut the greut
criminal lawyer , 13111 Irwin , of Minneapolis ,
and J. W. Argo , of IJcmars. were to defend
Mrs. Diggle , proved false. Her interests are
carefully watched by Nnglo and Birdsall. of
Clarion. A largo crowd of visitors attended
the trial. Mrs. DIffglo win brought up from
Nebraska Cit.v , where she was incarcerated
last week , and has since bpen in consultation
with her lawyers.
A Rliickgnnrct'fl tfntc.
DBS Moixns , la. , Dec. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun lini : , ] A peddler who put up
for the night near Muquaknta was so fright
ened ut the threats and ooisterous talk of
some men who were stopping at the aamo
house that ho fled from the house In his
stocking foot , halloas , coatlcss and clothed
only in shirt aud pants. For two nights and
two days ho remained lu the woods. When
ho ventured to return his feet wore fro/en
and ho was almost dead with cold and ox-
jiaustion. The man who had frightened him
so was Talberl Streets , who was on his way
hoiiui from Maouokcta under the inlluonco of
Ihiuor. The latter proceeded on his way
alter the poddlcrhad loft , amlj his team run-
ulng awiiy , ho wan thrown out and killed.
Talbcrt Street * was about sixty years of ajo.
He leaves a wife aiitl wcnty childrcu ,
A l > ul > Mti"
u , Iu. , Dec. 47. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BuiThe : ] dead body of un unknown
man was found lu aldnely ravine on. the
county poor farm last evening. The remains
wore badly decomposed , b.ut the long gr.iy
hair Indicated it to Jw that of an old man ,
Bcsldo the romains'Xvaa u now butcher knlfo
cncriinted with blodfl , The coroner's Inquest -
quest dovplopod uqthjiijr. Ho was live foot
tun Inches tall , had on a heavy cap , long
overcoat , two flannel shirts , ono plaid and
the other red : two'pima of white draweni ,
and diagonal brown prints. Amor.ghl effects
were several printed dodgers a yoarold. The
belief is that u foul murder has bucu com
For tlio Inauguration.
Sioux CmJu. . , Deo. 17 , [ Special to TUB
DEI : . ] A mooting of citizens was held to-day
hi the rooms pf the Jobburs and Manufactur
ers' association to tirrungo for a special train
tof ash Ing to n for the Inauguration. It It
proposed to send a train of two or three sea-
lions , available for tlio people from Nebraska
and Dakota , us well as from Sioux City ,
Committees on transportation , finance , etc , ,
wuro appointed.
CoiiNtabln l utti > ' Trial.
DCS Maisus , la. , Deo. IT. [ Spjclal Tele
gram to T/IB DEC. ] ' A good deal of Interest
has been aroused in'ttijs vicinity ovcrthq
trial of Constublo 1'otU for bribery. KB i *
ono of the noted prohibition au.irchor. * whu
havu b'ouo through w uuay suloou * , aud U
is charged that ho has nAt boon quite up I
vho code hliuBolf when acting ni an ofllcer
It is claimed by the prosecuting attorney thn
ho accepted a bnlte , nnd the uiscovery o
marked money In hii possession createi
quite nn excitement some tlmo ago. lie say
that this community Is so prejudiced ngalns
him that he cannot get u fair trial here ; si
the court to 'ny grinned him a chance o
venue , nnd ns trial will occur nt Iiidtuuoli
during the .January term.
A VVoinnn Hangs Herself.
Di : Moixns , la. , Dee. IT , [ Special Tele
gram toTnc Hir. ; , | Mrs. Henry .lohns , llv
lug near Sandyvllle , Warren county , com
mltted ituleido Saturday by hanging hcrsol
from the portico of her own houso. She hai
been partially domouted for some time , am
ou the preceding night she told one of he
relatives that she would rather die than gi
to the hospital. She Is the third member o
her who IIUH committed suicide.
I-V1I Km in tlir Cars.
DnsMniNK- . , Doc. 17. [ Snoelnl Telo
sratu to TUB HKH.J At midnight' Hichan
Wells , a Wnbiisb switchman , was fcarfull.i
mangled by the cars , It is thought ho wai
thrown from the top of n ear , IIH head strik
Ing a mil , after which his remains woin
strewn along the tiiicK by the wheels foi
some distance. Ho loaves a wife and om
A nrijUciunn Klllotl.
Font Donnn , In. , Dec. 17. [ Rpoeinl Tola
gram to Tin : HII : : . ( r'rauk Kowley , ot Do <
Monies , brukeniau on the Hock Island rail
rend , whllo making a tlylng switch at Perri
Station alt ! o'clock this afIcrnoon , fell be
ucnth the cars uiul was instantly killed ,
Sioux City's Uucoril l-'nr 1HHS.
Stot-x CmIn. . , Dec. 17. | Special Tele
gram toTui : Bmi.J The building improve
incuts In Sioux City for ISSs foot up ? 3,1'JS ,
IH-I.BS , un Increase of ? l'JJliUT.'jr ! ) over lusl
Wlioro l tluv .Monument.
Four pieces of ordnance and twenty shells
arrived hero yesterday from Washington , D. .
C. , addressed to Mayor Hroatch. Sumo time
ago the members of the G. A. H. resolved to
erect a monument ia Omaha In honor of the
old soKlicrs who had fought in the war , 01
who had died since. To ornament the base
of the monument it wns thought desirable tn
have some of the old cannon used in the Into
wur. A communication WAS made to the
war department , and the four guns and
twenty shells we e sent out. The guns have
arrived before the monument has been com
menced , or before a dollar has boon sub
scribed for its erection.
O'BriiMi'rt Sontciioo.
TomO'Uricn was tried before Judge ncrkn
nnd a jury yesterday afternoon , charged him
with striking Onieor Ormsby. O'Brien had
been arrested for resisting an ofllcer and was
taken to the police station. Here he struck
Ormsby in the back of the heuil a terrible
blow with his list. The jury found him
guilty and the judge sentenced him to pay u
line of ? ) , " > . The case will bo taken ou ap
peal to the district court.
The case of Henry M. Slater ngamst Dr.
Samuel Chambers was amicably settled be
fore Judge Koegor yesterday. The action
was brought by Slater for alleged imilpriiu-
tico on a horse. Chambers is a veterinary
surgeon and Slater sent his horse to him to
bo attended professionally. Chambers
claimed $15 for professional services and t > y
Slater paying this and foregoing his claim of
5130 the case was dismissed.
Fixing tlie Hoof.
The roof of the city hull building was being
repaired yesterday. The water has been
pouring through into the several city ofllc a
for the last week , and the city council had in-
strnctcd the inspector of buildings o repair
the roof and charge the expanse to the owner.
The latter learning this had a number of
men tit , work yesterday doing necessary
Iowa Ktinnxvayn.
Two boys , aged seventeen years , escaped
from the industrial school at Eldora , Jn. , last
Saturday. They were seen In Omaha on
Sunday. The police have secured orders to
arrest the youths and return them to Iowa.
Those who bought chances on fretting
a $001) ) piano sit the biizsiar ot iho Onitihti
guards can have their money refunded
by applying to thu committee. Only
SilOt ) worth oT tickets wore &old.
The annual meeting : of tlio Utricle Con
tractor's association , which \vjis adver
tised for last night , was adjourned until
next Monday night at 8 o'clock. A full
attendance is requested.
Mr. W. H. Hall , assistant manager of the
waterworks , left last night for Detroit ,
where he will spend Christmas.
7' > i Hubert Kltnifiv.
So Robert had hastily to provide an
other subject , and ho fell upon that ol
the squire.
Mr. Newcomo's eyes llashod.
"Ho ia coming' back ? I ain sorry for
you , Elsmorc. 'Woo is me that I um
constrained to dwell with Maseeh , and
to have iny habitation among the teats
of Kodiirl" '
And ho foil back in his chair , his
lips tightening , his thin long hand ly
ing along the arm of it , answering to
thai general impression of combat , of
the spiritual athlete , that hung about
' I don't know , ' ' said Robort.brightly
us ho leaned against the mantol-plouo ,
looking curiously at his visitor. "Tho
squire in a man ot strong ehuraotor , of
viut learning. His library is ono oC
the finest in England , and it is at my
service. I am not concerned with his
opinions. "
"Ah , 1 goo , " srtid Nowcomo , in his
tlryoBt voice , but sadly. ' 'Yon are one
jf tho"pcoplo who believe iu what you
-I remember. "
call tolerance-
"Yes , that is an impeachment to
which 1 plead guilty , " said Uobort.per-
liaps with equal dryncsd'and ; you
liavo your worries driven you to throw
tolerance overboard ? "
Nowcomo bent forward quickly ,
Strange glow and iiiteiiHityot the fanat
ical eyes strange beauty * ol the
wasted persecuting lips !
'Tolerance ' ! " ho said , with irritable
vehemence "tolerance ! Simply an-
otlior name for betrayal , cowardice , de
sertion nothing clso. God , llcavon ;
Salvation on the ono side , the devil
nnd hell on the other and ono misor-
iiblo life , 0110 wrotohod sin-stained will ,
to win the battle with ; and in such
11 state of things you" ho dropped his
voice , throwing out every word with a
scornjul , sibilant cniphaMb ' 'you would
have us bohitvo in though oar friends
were our oneniios and our unemles our
friends , ah though otoi-iml misery were
[ i bagatelle and our faith a mere altern-
utivo. 1 stand for Christ , and his foes
are mine. "
"Uy which I aupposo you moan. " said
Robert , qujutly , % 'tlmt you would hhut
your dour on thu writer of 'Thu Idols of
Iho Markot-phiuo'l1"
"CVrtalnly. "
And the priest rose , hlo whole atten
tion concentrated on Robert , as though
iqmo doopor-lyiug motivu were sud
denly brought julo play than any hug-
Lrccitud by the conversation itsolf.
"Cort'iinly , .Itidgo not .o long as a
man has not judged lilmai-H onlv till
then , As to nn open < Mieinytho C'nrint-
inn's pfttli is ploar. Wo uro but nohllora
iindei1 orders , What builnow hiivo > vote
to bo trucumaking on our own account ?
I'ho wur is not our * , but God's ! "
llobcrt'o eyes hud kindled. Ho wae
about to imlulgo Llmsolf In such a quteh
passage of arms as nil such natures as
his delight in , when Uiff look traveled
post the gaunt figure of the Hltuallsl
rlcar to Ills wife. A sudden pangsmoto
Hileiu'ed him. She was sitting with ho
fnoe raised to Xowcoiuo ; and her bean
tiful gray eyes were full of a H'crct pas
sion of sympathy. It was like the sud-
tlon ro-emorgiMu't' of poincihing roprus-
sod , the satisfaction of wimotlung lam-
gry. Robert moved do or to her , and
the color flushed over all his young boy
ish face.
"To mo. " he said , in a low voice , his
eye llxed ruUiiMMin her than on Now-
come , "a clergyman has unough to do
with thoHi foes of ( Jlirlst ho cannot
choose but recognize. There is no
making truce with vice or cruelty.
Why should wo complicate our task
and spend in needless struggles
the energies we might give to love
and to our brother ? ' '
His wife turned to him. There was
trouble in her loolc , then a swift lovely
dawn of something indescribable. NOw-
come moved away with a gesture that
was half bltlonu'ss. half weariness
"Wait , my friuiiuy' ho said slowly ,
"till you Imvo watched that man's
books eating the very heart out of a
poor creature ns 1 havo. When
yon have once seen Christ robbed of a
soul that might have been Ills , by the
infidel of genius , you will loathe till
this Laodicean cant of tolonuicc us 1
do ! "
There was. an awkward pause. Lang-
ham , with his oyeglasfl on , was care
fully examining the make of a carved
P'iper-knifo lyin T near him. The
Hrained ! , preoueupu-d man of the high
churchman had noveltuhi'ii the small-
out account of his presence , of which
Robert had linen keenly , not to say
humorously , conscious throughout.
Hut after a minute or so the tutor
got up. strolled forward , and addressed
Robert on some Oxford topic of common
inturoht. Nowcomo , in a kind
of dream which seemed to
have Maidenly descended on him ,
stood near them , his priestly cloak fall
ing in long folds about him , his ascetic
face grave and rapt. Gradually , how
ever , the talk of the two men dissipated
the mystical cloud about him. Ilo began -
gan to listen , to catch the savor of
Langliatn's modes of speech , and of his
languid indifferent personality. "
" 1 must go , " ho said , abruptly , after
a ininulo or two , brcakrng upon the
friends'conversation. " 1 shall hardly
got home before dark , "
lie took a cold , punctilious leave ol
Catherine , and still a colder ant"
slighter leave of Langhnm. Elsmero
accompanied him to the gate.
On the way the older man suddenly
caught him by the arm.
"Elsmere. le.t mo T am the elder by
so many years let mo speuk to you.
My heart goes out to you ! "
And the eagle face softened ; the
harsh , commanding presence becnmo
enveloping , magnetic. Robert paused
and looked down upon him , a quick
light of foresight in his eyo. IJo felt
what was coming.
And down it swept upon him , a hur
ricane of words hot from New-
come's inmost beiiiir , a protest
winged by the gathered passion
of years a'srainbt certain "dangerous
tendencies" the elder priest discerned m
the .younger , against the worship oi in-
toll'jot and science us such which ap
peared in Elscnioro's talk , in Elfomoro's
choice of friends. Tt was tlio eternal
fu-y of the mystic of all ages.
'Sc'holaroliiji ! learning ! " Eyes and
lips Hashed into a vehement scorn.
"You allow them a value in them
selves , apart from the Christian's test ,
it is the modern can leer , the modern
.curse ! Thank God , my years in Lon
don burned it out of mol Oh , my
friend , whutjiavo you and I to do with
all these curious trillings , which lead
men oflcncr to rebellion than to wor
ship ? Is this a time for wholesale trust ,
for a maudlin universal sympathy ?
Kay. rather a day of suspicion , a day of
repression ! a time for trampling on
the lusts of the mind jip less than the
lusts of the body , u time when it is
bettor to believe than to know , to pray
than lo understand ! "
Robert was silent a moment , and they
stood together , Noweomo's gaze of fiery
appeal Used upon him
"We arc differently made , you and
I , " said the young rector at last ,
with difficulty. "Where you see temp
tation I Mio opportunity. 'I can not conceive
ceivo of God us the Arch-plotter against
His own creation ! "
Nowcomo dropped his hold abruptly.
"A groundless optimism , " ho said ,
with harshness. "On the track of the
soul from birth to death are two sleuthhounds -
hounds sin and Milan. Mankind for
ever Hies them , is forever vanquished
and devoured. I s > co life always as u
threadrliko path between abysses along
which man creeps" and his gesture
illustrated the words "with blooding
hands and foot toward one narrow
politary outlet. Woe to him if ho turn
to the right hand or to the left 'I will
repay , saith the Lord ! ' "
Klsmcrc drew himself up suddenly ;
the words seemed lo him a blasphemy.
Then something Hiayed tlio vehement
answer on hiti lips. It was a souse of
profound intolerable pity. What a
maimed life ! what an iiulomHablo fcoul !
lludnandhood. fatherhood , and all the
sacred education that ilows from human
jo.v forever sclf-furbiddcn , and this
grim creed for recompense !
lie caught Nuweomo's hand with a
kind of filial eagerness.
"You are n perpetual les on tome , "
ho said , most gently. "When the world
is too much with me I think of you'nnd
am rebuked. God bless jou ! Hut 1
know myself. If I could'see life and
God as you see them for ono hour , L
shall cease to bo n Chrislin in the
next ! ' '
A Hush of something like somhro re
sentment passed over Nowcomo's face.
There is a tyrannical element in all
fanaticism , an clement which nmkcb
apposition a toi'iuont. lie turned ab
ruptly away , and Robert was left alono.
Report of the Soorotnry of the
Christian Association.
All tlie PnymiMitH Itarcllccti Promptly
Met nnd die Outlook U Most
; A Year's
Ciooil Deeds.
Tlio Cln-l-itliui U'otnon.
Quietly and unostentatiously the Woman's '
Christian association has been doing a gooil j
work In Omaha , nnd HIP rosultH are best 1
told In the annual report of the scr.rotnr.v ,
Mrs. J. G. Ilulncs. Five yours ago , a few
ladles met in the- parlors of the M. ! : . church ,
to dccido in which of the many Holds that
Omaha offered , their efforts would bo pro
ductive of the most good. The ono to Improve
prove- the temporal , moral and reunions wol-
Inrct of women nnd children was thu one
cho.son , nnd to that end the efforts of the as
sociation have ever sineo been directed. The
Ilrst contribution was a S.T bill from a lady to
pa.y the rent of three small rooms , and with
this in the treasury the association com
menced its work for the buncllt of
tbu destitute women and child
ren of Omaha , Committees wcro
appointed , the city canvassed , and all cubes
of deserving necessity relieved , but the or
ganization of n bureau of clniritii-s lust win
ter has rttndori'il the work of the association
In this direction somewhat lighter. The re
port of the secretary says :
"Near thu oloso of the second vear wo
rented a small house on Fariium , io"x ) , and
learn from this yeiir'B report that wo had
given assintanco to more- that two hundred
women und children. From thu third nuiiual
report wo learn there hud been in our little
homo -ira inmates. Thirty-four old ladies
had been cured for ; lit. children had boon
brought hi during the year ; 205 girls found
homos and employment. From the nogin-
nlu.of the fourth year , December , 1 SSI ) , to
June , 1S7 , I0 < > had been cared for In the
homo on Farnam street. Being unable to
rent this house on Farnaiu streolaiiy longer ,
nnd feeling the necessity of u perinmiciit
home of our own , wo purchased the property
on Burl street. 2718 , for fo.Ulil ) , making a
p.iymontof S1QO ) , the remainder to bo paid
annually in payments of about the HUIIIU
amount. We uro happy to say that we were
able to meet promptly the second payment
duo on this hoine last Juno , owing to the
liberality of citizens interested in our cause.
The indebtedness of this property has still
further bcoit lessoned during the 'past year
by a bciiuest of $500 loft to us. This bequest -
quest was especially gratil'.vitn : to the IIRSO-
elation , because it was prompted not only for
services rendered , hut by u sincere apprecia
tion of thn good work wo were doing'with
which she was no much impressed during her
short stay with us. Past experience makes
our faith strong that this property will soon
be free from all incuinbranccs. This homo
was not opened until October. The house ia
largo nud convenient for our work , and at
present provides a homo for aged women and
children. It is now known as the W. O. A.
home. On the -same lot wo have a cottage
given us by tile Motor compnnv , which has
been rented far the past year , and has been the
only source of income to the association with
the exception of a little nionoy for board
from llwse who may bo able to pay. This
house is greatly needed for the children ,
and we trust onr llnniicial committee will
soon see its way clear to give it to us for
that purpose. "
During the last year thr > new homo has
sheltered 210 inmates , 10" of whom wore
children , and although at times "tho homo"
has been crowded" , but \ory little sickness
has been icported.
In addition ID Iho above , the association is
currying on another good work , in tlio
"Young Women's Homo' ' on Dodge street.
The report tolls the object of the homo in the
following words : "Do not think for ono
moment that it is an institution for charity
boarders bccuuvoof its name. It is not ;
there is no more charily about it than there
is aboi't any Christian homo in this city.
There is nothing about this homo that should
lessen the feeling of independence wliich all
Rolf-supporting icol. Certain prices are paid
for board , regulated according to room taken
and the ability of applicant , to pay never
more than J.l per wool : for heat , light nnd
board. Young ladies ura delighted to pay for
the privileges of , this home , even though tncy
might obtain board elsewhere for the same
amount. Much is done for the intellectual
improvement and social culture of the mem
bers of this family. "
Continuing , it appeals for heln as follows :
' Oh , how much ivis need a homo of this kind
for the protection of the young working
girls in this city of lOJ.OOi ) inhabitants. It is
hard to turn them from our door simply for
w.uit of room , and to meet this donclency
another yearn "boardof directory" ' will bo
established , its object being to find Immoa
within the means of working women which
t-hull bo comfortable and safe. To strangers
coming to HIP city ns workcw or students
sucli a buraau is invaluable , ns they are cn-
atiled to quickly find shelter without nnxloty
a * to its respectability. "
Ono other work bus been taken In hand by
the association , and that is the establishment
of a Woman's Exchange. A suitable buildIng -
Ing has been secured at 1017 Farnaui street ,
and of it thc.roport says :
"Cue of these rooms was lilted up as a
lunch room and thrown open to thu public.
It has boon liberally patronized to the
present time by our best business men.
This exchange has about niriitty consignors
who help furnish eatables for this lunch
room , and it is known several women help
very largely to thu Mipport of their families
by the sale of their articles. Orders are
filled promptly for all kinds of fancy work
us also bread , cako.-i , pics , salads , etc. Those
ladius ( members of iho board ) , Imvo been
earnest and faithful , giving much valuable
time , rind to them and their president , Mrs.
Bosworth , the association wish to express
their appreciation for their earn -ht efforts
for the success of thulr undortiikiiig.
All wo need is the means for the develop
ment of tlu'He opportunities , umlnHtrong
liopu lor the future born nl' our faith in the
ultimate triumph of alt efforts for good ,
I'roinut Yourself anil Family
By keeping n mippl.v of Xulu Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism , * pruiiiH , etc. , and
Hnlu Hailing Ointment for cuts , burn * ,
soi'CK , etc. Awlc your drutfiflst.
There will bo an oyntor mippor and
fltlo of fancy arllclea at Unity church
Lhib evening , cununencin ; , ' at U o'clock.
It is stated that the dnpiirtmont of car oe-
ountaut of tlio Klkhora will bo relocated at
Mhbourl Valley In the near future. The
jhaiijjo is made for couvunlonco generally.
SsSBJSsssr ssa " * 1
* * , \ VoiSO" . . t iTtvo _ 1 * * * ' * * " . .r / vTlO" ' 1
iVtir4ftO r ! xt\p \ * * ifVl.lC/vv uiirCP *
JjUV" * \Hn * * * 1
( rUU t \ v SSJ Tl lC
& V * * ftl'lH J 5 * * * /
* lloTSC \ tiad'Uc ' t r * cU ? *
* iseuU < * "a' . , ixjssol 44Va' '
vrf c ± J
Thus the ' "Mustang" conquers pain ,
WlaKes WJAW or BEAST well again !