- - , , - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAH. OMAILA. TUESDAY RIORNiNG DECEMBER 18 , 1888. NUMBER 187 THE WORK OF A NEGRO MOB , Officers In Search of a Fugitive Firocl TJpdn From Ambush. FIVE MEN KILLED OUTRIGHT. Great Incitement Itxlstlni ; In the Vicinity Over ttio Affair nnd n Torrlhlo Unco Wnr Fenred i Shot Down lly Ncarocs. Nr.W Om.r.ANS , LSI. , Dec. 17. A special Jlspntch from Columbus , Miss. , says : Sev- crnl gentlemen reached this city this morn ing from Artcsiu , bringing news of n whole- nnlo slaughter uf a constable's ' posse near Wnhalak , n uniall station on the Mobile it Ohio railroad , near Mueon , Miss. Oa Friday Inst a negro nnd a whlto boy got Into n light. The whlto boy's father attempted to separate 'them , when ho was set upon by the negro boy nnd his father nnd terribly beaten. Yesterday the white man Bworo out n warrant for the negro's arrest , nnd Constable Cobb went to the negro's liouso to oxccuto it when ho was attacked by n number of negroes and bc.ilen. IIo then summoned n posse of twelve men nnd went yesterday evening to nr- rest the negro. The posse was fired upon from ambush and five were lulled outright nnd six wounded , more or less seriously. The news , spread rapidly und the negroes wcro strongly rein- forecd. Wnhnluk telegraphed along the line for hell ) , and Meridian responded with about seventy-live well untied men. They wcro joined lit every station , and , on reachIng - Ing Wuhnlalf , marched Immediately to the scene of bloodshed. The negroes were barricaded and refused to surrender or give up the dead whites. At noon the forces were supposed to l > o about ciial ( | , nnd what the result Is no oae knows. Tills afternoon news was received that the belligerent negroes have retreated to the swamps and nro stubborn , wl.ilo the noncombatant - combatant negroes uro fleeing to the woods In terror. Captain McDowell , of the Columbus riflemen , telegraphed the sheriff of Item per cnuntv , that his men wcro ready if he should ask the governor for military as- Distance. The telegram was not delivered , as the sheriff was not in town. There is con- fiidor.iblu excitement about here , und news of developments is awaited with the utmost anxiety. The following is a list of the killed mid wounded : Killed Henry Mnury , Seth Cobb , Tom Nicholson , Hill Vaughn , Bill Hare. Wounded Frank Mnury , Tom Giles , Hob Harper , II. L. Harper , John Dun ; Jeff Thomas. A special from Mneon , Miss , , says : It is reported this evening that seven of the ne groes implicated were shot this morning. : * . . TO HK COUUTED IN 1'UBMC. How Two Pretty Pennsylvania Girls Will Jlelpn Church luir. Fiirtnur.s , Pa. , Doc. 17. Two pretty young women , who arc noted In this section of ttio st.ito as being first-class housekeepers , members of church anil of good character nnd manners , have consented , with a desire of making n Sons of America fair , shortly to held , as profitable as possible , to bo chosen in public to be the wives of any two young men who may prove acceptable to them and their parents. The young women will bo at the lair every evening and will have charge of booths. Any young mun who is serious and honest in his intentions to marry , will be to- iiuircd to say publicly In it loud voice in the hall where'.lie fair is held : "I am here. " To this the young lady wlio is nc.ucstwill promptly answer : "So am I. " The wooing is to take place In the sight of nil spectators , nnd If au agreement to marry is arrived ut , It is to be publicly signed , the witnesses thereto to bo selected from the audiouce. A MonrtlcHs Father. Nnw YOHK , Dec. 17. [ Special Telegram to THE Bii.J ! Harris Phillips , who has been in this country for some time , was at Castle Garden this morning. When the passengers of the Kutrarin arrived , among the immi grants wcro his four children , Annund , aged fifteen years ; Amelia , thirteen years ; Richard - ard , nine years , and S.unuel , three years. They came over under the auspices of the English Guardian society , a Hebrew organi zation. Tile father astonished the garden authorities , by repudiating the notion that ho ought to provide for all his offspring. Ho said lie would take care of two of tuo children. The country , ho said , could take cure of the others. This evidence of complete hcart- lessness aroused a commotiDii among the employes of tha Garden , who talked Ireely of taking the man to * a convenient trea in the Battery nnd stringing him up. Two uncles of the children , residents of this city , were notified of the state of nlTnirs and soon ap peared. They salii they would willingly care for all the children , if necessary , and , with this understanding , the little ones were given into their charge. The West Virginia Krnuds. Pmsnuitri , Pa. , Dec. 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE Uni : . ] Pittsburg detectives have been at work In West Virginia for the last two weeks sifting the evidence in regard to the election frauds for the republican national and state central committees. It is said they will have sotno startling disclo- aures to make to congress when that body takes up the question of contested scats in close West Virginia districts. Senator Quay , backed by the national and state committees , is at the head of the investigation. His de tectives expect that facts will be placed be fore congicbs which cannot but'displace at least two of these democrats who have re ceived certificates of election in doubtful districts and give their seats to republicans. Borne evidence of vital importance- Colt is said to have been collected , which It is thought will sccuro his accession to the gubernatorial chair. Knocked Out In the Second Hound. Nr.w Yonic , Deo. 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB liuii. | The six-round glove contest between Jack MoAulIlTu , the champion light weight of America , and old Sam Collyor ( forty-live years old ) , the former fcnthor- welght champion , who fought many notable battles away back In the sixties , occurred to night nt the Palace rink , \villlainsburg. Coll.vcr was knocked out in the second round. For n Pension nt Fifty. WASHINGTON , Deo. 17. A' week ago Mr , Lnwlcr of Illinois introduced a bill granting n pension of f 13 per month to honorably dis charged soldiers und sailors when they have attained the ago of sixty years. Since that tluu : bo has been the rcclpiuntof many letters requesting him to lower the minimum ago to fifty , and this morning ho introduced a bill In accordance with the request. The Antl-DlvlHloiilHts. AUEUIIEKN , Dnk , , Dec. 17. A call for a convention was published horothls afternoon to take measures to prevent , if possible , a division of Dakota' . A quiet meeting of leadIng - Ing citizens was hold Saturday to devlbo means to defeat the dlvUlunlsts. They say that division Is a purely political uiovo and opposed to the best interests of taxpayers. Steamship Arrivals. At Glasgow The State of Nevada , from New York , and the Grecian , from Philadel phia , At Quconstown The British Princess , from Philadelphia. At Liverpool The Kansas , from Boston , At Hamburg The Polynesia , from Now York. TH 10 PU He Hns Quite n Number of Out-of- TIMVII Callcri. K'liHVAi'oi.is , Dec. 17. The president elect had n goodly number of out-of-town callers to-day A committee representing the Grand Army posts of Kings county , Now York , presented him with n petition signed by the commanders of the Grand Army posts of Kings county , asking him to review a parade - ado of G. A. It. veterans on Memorial day , next Mny , and accompany the procession to the tomb of General Grnnt , at Hlvcrsldc. General Harrison informed the committee that while ho would be glad to participate with his comrades on the occasion , it was impossible for him nt this early day to mnko nn engagement six months In advance. The committee then nskcd him to regard the in vitation as n slindlng one. Colonel James Atkins , of Savannah , Ga , , nrrlved in thp city this evening , and will call upon General Harrison to-morrow. Atkins was collector of the port of Savannah for eight years under Grant , and was after ward nominated by President Hayes to bo federal district Judge , but the senate failed to confirm. It is asserted that ho is hero to suggest the name of a bouthern republican for a cabinet portfolio. . A delegation will arrive to-morrow from Hlrminglmm , Ala. , representing the manu facturers of that section , for the purpose of presenting the president-elect with u con- gmtulatory memorial. They are said to rep resent n combined capital of $100,000,000 in vented entirely In the south. Several of the deli-gallon and many of the signers to the memorial are icportcd to be democrats who voted the republican ticket on account of its advocacy of protection. III2NUY CHOUGH IJACIC HOME. The Great Ij.iiul Theorist Tolls of Con < | iicHts In Kiiiclund. NBW YOHK , Dec. 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hen. ] Henry George arrived on the Etruria yesterday after a ilvo weeks' sojourn on the other side , and brought back witu him nn encouraging report of the growth of his land reform notions In the Hritish empire. Ho wont over on November 10 , in company with Henry Saundcrs , liberal member from East Hull , who had been making a tour o { this country. "Wo went over by the Eider , " said Mr. George. " 1 spent a week in Lon don seeing friends , and then addressed a number of meetings In England and Scot land. A great many banquets were given mo and I received a Haltering list of addresses. The meetings wcro all very enthusiastic. I found everywhere a thorough knowledge of the land question , nnd a growing desire oa the part of the people to agitate. The difference in my re ception lour years ago and now was as marked as It was encouraging. The situa tion is so Important that at the earnest re quest of my friends in Great Britain I have agreed to go buck there by March and stump the kingdom for three months. There is an intense but quiet feeling about the papal re script condemning Irish agitation. The Irish bishops have held it back hoping that they mav induce the holy father to modify it. It will be the occasion of much agitation in the near future. " Mr. George expressed himself thoroughly satisfied with his visit and was enthusiastic about the warmth of his reception and the change of the people and press of England on the land question. MlNIJIIS IN THE KINO. A Bloody Sevcnteen-Hound Flcjht Ho- sults in n Draw. . PiniAT > nipiiiA , Pa. , Dec. 17. [ SpecialTel egram to Tin : Hi'E.J One of the fiercest prize lights ever fought in Pennsylvania took place yesterday a few miles from Blooins- uurg , Columbia county. The pugilists were William Collogy and Michael Grant. Col- logy is twenty-seven years old and weighs , .200 pounds , while Grant is twenty-four years old und weTgbs but ISO pounds. Both men are miners. Seventeen bloody rounds wcro fought. Grant's face was pounded into a Jelly and his body was black and blue. Col- logy's ' eyes were almost closed and hischcclc was cut to the bone. Ho stood up so gamely , however , that Grant's friends finally broke into the ring and for fully ten minutes a , free-for-all light followed. The referee de clared the light a draw and was knocked down for his decision. Both principals had to Do carried from the field. Trunk liino Itntcs Advanced. NEW Yomc , Dec. 17. Both cast nnd west bound trunk line rates , through and local , wore advanced to-day according to the no tice given on the 7th inst. The hearing of the Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific caseswhich should have taken place to-day , have been postponed until next Wednesday. CHICAGO , Dec. 17. The advanced schedule of rates on east and westbound tralllc be tween Chicago and the Atlantic seaboard went into eft'ect to-day as pcV agreement , with changes on dressed beef. When the managers agreed to advance dressed beef to n bnsis of . " > ( ) cents from Chicago to New York , the Wubabh was granted n differential of 48 cents , but to-day made a rate ofVAVt on account of the refusal of the Chicago & At lantic to accept its authorised differential and adherence to the old ono. the Wabash claiming that they are entitled to the same privileges as any other load. It is foured that fresh trouble will ensue. Sailors' Successor. s , Dec. 17. The news of the nomination of Assistant United States Dis trict Attorney Leon A. Bailey , to succeed District Attorney Sellers , who resigned , has occasioned considerable burnrise. Tuo republicans - " publicans claim without hesitation that Bailcy'b nomination Is obnoxious to General Hr.rrisori and his friends because of the course ho purchased during the campaign in speaking poisonally , and , according to Sena tor McDonald , crtoneously , of General Har rison. The prediction is freely made that the nomination will not be continued. The federal grand Jury re-convened this afternoon after a week's recess. There are understood to bo several election fraud m- diclmonts ready for action. A Now lave Stook Journal. ST. JosEi-H , Mo. , Doc. 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tnc J3ci.1 : The Live Stock Journal and Reporter Is tlin name of a new dully paper which will make its appearance Jan uary 1. Mr. Harry W. Haydcu , who for the past three years has been solicitor for the uiwtto , will be the bubincbs manager. Homer J. Kllno , city editor of the sauio paper , will bo the editor. The now paper will be devoted to the stock interests nnU markets , und will have good financial back ing. Churchill KUii-l * n War. New Yomc , Deo. 17. [ Spocal ! Telegram to THB HEB.J T. P. O'Connor cables the World this morning about n split between Hiuidolph Churchill and the lory party. Ho concludes that Lord Randolph Churchill is at war with the whole lory party. Ho , the Dwarf Qnilp of English politics , ana who delights in mischief , is no longer regarded us indispensable by the conservatives , whoso hopes uro centered iu Bulfour , Dcppcrato and Fatnl Fluiit. t O ( , Deo. 17. Twenty men en gaged in a desperate light near this place Saturday night , during which revolvers , stones , knives mid clubs were freely used. Nearly every participant In the row was more or less seriously injured. Leon Du- lutuba , n Frenchman , was shot in the head , and is dying. A young man named Camp bell , it Is believed , was fatally shot. The ci'.uso of the light has not beea learned , and no arrests have been made. A man named Mayoarl was arrested for breaking into a burbor bhop ut Florence , lust uight WHAT DOES CLEVELAND MEAN Harrison's Dotrnotor Qlvon n Federal - oral Ofllco in Indiana. LAIRD'S CONDITION CRITICAL. Unearned tiniuN of the Sioux ; City He St. Paul The Nohrnsk-x DclcRft- tIon's Putronniio Miscellan eous Matters. WASHINGTON HuunvuTnu OMUIA EEK , ] 013 FouiiTiiUNTif STURM , J- WASIII.NOTO.V , D. C. , Dec. 17. ) The appointment of Leon O. Uailo.V to bo United States district attorney for Indiana Is considered the most partisan act of Presi dent Cleveland. It Is looked upon by repub licans in the senate as indicating in n de gree the Ill-feeling the present occupant of the white liouso must bear toward his suc cessor-elect. Leon Bailey is now , and has all along been , the deputy of District Attor ney Sellers , whoso resignation a few days ago caused so much comment throughout the the country. IIo it was who delivered the speech at Indianapolis during the recent campaign in which it was first charged on the forum of the state that General Harrison risen had declared that "a dollar n day was enough for n laboring man ; " that "a cheap coat generally cov ered a cheap man , " and that during the railroad strikes nt Indianapolis in 1S77 , General Harrison , as an oiliccr in the local militia , advocated shooting down the strikers nnd wanted to wade knee deep in their blood. The speech was printed In document form and circulated everywhere. Bailey followed his speech with nllldavits to provo his assertions. Ho spent weeks at this work , heaping parsonal columny and villlflcatlon upon the republican candidate for the presi dency. Ho guvo the dollar-a-day lies cre dence , by stamping them with his olllcial authority. Ho was deputy district attorney of the United States , and drew his salary , and neglected his ofilci.il duties to do this political woric. Although the attention of President Cleveland was called to what Bailey was doing , ho was not requested to refrain from it. Now that ho la hon ored with this distinguished promotion President Cleveland has endoiscd all that Bailey has said against General Harrison. He has given his approval of Ihi ! origin nnd circulation of it nil. The nomination will not bo continued by the republican members of the committee on Judiciary , who will pass upon thinomination. . The Bailey appoint ment will not only not bo confirmed , but it will bo rejected. Your correspondent this nfteinoon made imiuirv amontr quite a num ber of republican senators , and with one voice they said the nomination would bo re jected. A member of the committee on Judiciary said : "f assume that it would bo a personal affront to General Harrison to take Invorablo action on this nomination. It is surely un affront to the intelligence , and decency of the senate. Mr. Cleveland is in bad blood. His message showed that. I never saw such a bad temp ered document , The man seems to hnvolost his balance. I am amazed nt this nomina tion , although it is not more than what might bo expected under the circumstances. I wonder it Mr. Cleveland believes that Gen eral Harrison , when ho becomes president , would nominate the man who circulated the Maria Hnlpin story , to a prominent olllco in the city where Mr. Cleveland may live. " Indiana democrats in Washington do not spring to the front to assume the responsi bility of the nomination. They say it was made upon the recommendation of Senator Turpic. Others in the state- delegation ex press surprise at the nomination. District Attorney Sellers will continue iu commission until his successor is confirmed andqunlilied. LAIHD'S COXUITIOX. Alarming reports reach Washington of Representative Laird's condition. He is said to bo steadily weakening In strength from incessant sleeplessness , and his friends in Eureka Springs are in constant communi cation with Dr. Sewers , his Washington physician. Strenuous efforts nro being made to have him brought cast as soon as possible for a change of nir and surroundings. AX IOWA I.AXl ) CASH. Senator Wilson , of Iowa , presented In the senate to-day a petition , signed by Ii. P. Jones , John Kcrr , J. T. Hatch , and u largo number of other senators , on the unearned lands of the Sioux City & St. Paul railroad company , in O'Brien county , Iowa , praying that the senate make un investigation of the cause why J. P. Murphy , United States attorney for the northern district of that state , did not bring suit against the state of Iowa and the railroad company named , for the return of the patents of the unearned lands claimed by Dthat corporation , in all about twenty-three thous and acres. It is stated by the memorialists , that Attorney General Garland , last Febru ary , instructed District Attorney Murphy to bring suit nt Sioux City , at the term of the court which convened on the 3d day of last October. They state further that they now are being prosecuted by that railroad com pany in the supreme court of the state , on appeal from the district court of O'Brien county , and allege that if Murphy had brought the suit , ns he was instructed , all litigation in ttio state courts would have closed. The petition was referred to the committee on public lands. AS TO 1'AIHOXAQB. The Nebraska delegation nro friendly , as n matter of course , to Governor Furnns' can didacy , and anxious to do anything and everything to forward it , but can not act unitedly and effectively on the mutter until the composition of the delegation is settled through the Mandoson succession , the con valescence of Representative Laird and the arrival of Kcprescntative-olcct Council. As a matter or fact , no questions of patronage are likely to bo considered by the delegation until after the senatorial election , All the delegation announce themselves unpledged on appointments , but ready to co-operate cordially when the proper time arrives. It is not nt all likely that the mass of appoint ments will bo even considered tentatively until after Inauguration. Till ! 1IKI ! IN THE EAbT. The editorial columns of the Philadelphia Lender this morning contains the following : "Mr. Uosowutor , editor of the OMAHA Bnu , wns iu thocity on Satuiday , looking at tha newspaper ofllces for suggestions to bo adopted in his own nowspaperestablishment , which will be one of Urn finest In the coun try. It seems rcmurkablo thntnn inland town iku Omaha should boast a building expressly erected for newspaper work , that puts in the shade most newspaper oftice * In the cast : but Tin ; Uiiu is a busy one und is conducted on the liberal principles of a metropolitan dally. It Is published every day in the year , morning und afternoon , und is one of the brightest papers in the country. Its new ofllco building is a magnificent structure of grnnlto and brick , and is more- than one hundred feet siiunru , and is to cost nearly half a million dollars. It is about roudy for occupancy , and one of the objects of Mr. Hosewutcr's visit to the cast Is to got every modern improvement for use in his compos ing rooui. " Jiiscni.t.ANnons. The presence in the senate , to-day , of ox- Senator Warner Miller nnd conferences be tween Miller , Quay , Hoar , Allison and Sher man sol the cabinet gossips agoing. It is again rumored that Mr. .Sherman will bo secretary of state , and that If Mr. Cluikhon , of Iowa , is not to bo in tlin cabinet , Mr. Alli son will accept tha secretaryship of the treasury. Senator Quay , General George U. Williams of Indiana , and Colonel Hritton loft the city to-night for Indianapolis. They will all recommend ngalust Mr. Ulalno being tendered a place in the cabinet. Several senators will go to Indianapolis during the holiday recess und urge that Mr. Ulalno be not asked to go into the cabinet Senator Allison guid to THE BEK corres- yondccit tu-day , that tuo repuWicauk oubsti- tuto to the Mills tariff Mil wjll not bo passed by the house , and that an extra session of the next congress is probable. Ho does not believe there will bo nnV legislation on the territorial statehood nuaUion nt this session. Representative Henderson of Iowa says there should by all means bo nn extra session of the next congress. rEUSOXAI. . Mr. E. Rosewatcr , of Tut : BET. , loft to night for Chjeairo. Ho Will bo In Omaha the latter part of the week. \ Dr. Farnum , of Beatrjco , Is in the city. General W. L. Alexander , ndjutnnt general of Iowa , has accepted ah appointment by the governor of the Hawkofo stuto , to n plnco on the military committee pn inauguration. AIIMT xr.\\ . Ofllclnl Information was received to-dav at the war department , of the death , ut Fort Supply , Indian Territory , of Colonel Robert Lamotto. Thirteenth Infantry. Colonel Ln- molte's death promotes Lioutonont Colonel Montgomery Bryant. Klghth infantry , to bo colonel of the Thirteenth ; Major Alfred T. Smith , Seventh Infantry , to bo lieutenant colonolof the Eighth infantry ; Captain D. W. Bonhnjn , Ninth infantry , to bo major of the Seventh infantry , And Lieutenant Daniel Robinson , Seventh infantry , to bo captain. Captain Charles Whcaton , Twenty-third lu- fnntrv , has been ordered belore n retliing board. Thirty-live recruits have been ordered scitt to the 'Ninth cavalry. It ib probable that ait the staff nominations sent to the scnata will bo\confirmed , with the possible exception ot Captain Scott's. urns. I'AHSONS' IUSTUUN. She In Overloycd nt the Idea of Ottt- wlttiut : thb L'olicc. CIIKMCIO , Dec. 17. fSpcclal Telegram to Tun Bnn.J Mrs. Luajy Parsons reached Chicago this morning On her return from England. This afternoon she was busily on- gni/ed In unpacking hcitrunks. "I'm glad to get back , ot course , " ] said Mrs. Parsons. "Every returned traveler says that , but I mean it ; nnd what- particularly pleases mo is that I came to Chicago and went homo without a single policaman knowing I was hero. They had half tllo force out to wel come mo on my arrival , but I outwitted them. 1 got off at the first stop south of the depot and rode homo id a cnb. leaving them to wonder where in the world I had gone. " Mrs. Parsons was otijicr favorite tack , nnd it was a difllcult matter to turn her in an other direction. Before she wns through with lur condemnation of the police she had said many uclyj things. When Hie , reporter succeeded in getting her to talk of other matters , she told ngnin what she had been doing in England , and was en thusiastic over the way jn which the anar chists and socialists aroUllowed "tongue li cense" in that nation. Mrs. Parsons is of the opinion that it will take n terrible up rising to fairly inaugurate the doctrine of anarchy in America. "Over in England , " said she , "tho rich are not like they are hcic. The rich classes here are intoxicated with their wealth. They are a lot of clodhoppers who have not been out of the gutter more than ten years , ahd they are the ones back ing up Lord Bonficld. " The widow denied that she was about to wed the English socialist , Bernstein. She never know him personally. She says that she has returned homo to look after the puo * liciitioii of the biography of her husband. She expects to realize handsomely from it. She will live in Chicago this winter at her old home on Milwaukee avenue. A "WnBhiiiKtou Scandal. WASHINGTON , Deo. 17. A pretty serious scandal , affecting thcr family of a high of ficial in the war department , has narrowly escaped coming.to liglftJ.The { police are con siderate enough to suppress the names , but the story has leaked Out. On making his accustomed rounds ono night Onicer Smith came across a lady dressed in the height bf style , but too much overcome with liquor tb give the number of her residence or to navigate nlono. She was led to the station house and put in a common cell , where , after a three hours'rest in a comatose condition , she came to herself and becgedmost piteously to bo realeased , prom ising Iho "earth" if they would only let her out and save her from disgrace. About 1 o'clock In the morning a carriage was driven the station-house and fine-look rapidly to - a - ing , portly gentleman , a well-known war de partment olllcial , emerged therefrom , and entering the station , asked if his wife giv ing her name and describing her was there. Ho was taken to the cell and upon recogniz ing her , burstjinto tears. The wife , not yet wholly recovered from the effects of her po tations , instead of welcoming him with con jugal .terms of endearment , upbraided him , loudly exclaiming : "You scoundrel , you are the cause of this. " Without reply , the hus band turned away , still sobbing , and left the station. Ofllcer Smith started out to borrow the money necessary to put up as collateral for the woman's release , and during his absence the husband returned und performed that ofilcc for his wife. Just then Ofllcer Smith returned , and the agitated husband denounced him roundly for his humane intentions , saying no man should put up money for his wife while ho was able to do it , nnd he became so violent over it that Ofllcer Smith had to put the war department warrior out In the cola , whore his wif 9 Joined him shortly , and they drove homo , An Important Copyright Decision. WASHIXOTOX , Dec. 1.7. The supreme court to-day rendered an opinion adlrining the Judgment of the circuit court for the north ern district of Illinois in case No. 41 , Ber nard , Callighun & Co. , appellant , vs Myers. The parties to this suit nro law publishers in Chicago , and Myers brought suit claiming that Calliglmn , by publishing certain volumes of Illinois court reports , had infringed upon the copyright secured to him ( Myers ) by a supreme court reporter , who obtained the copyrlj t. The casd involves thu right to copyright books of whjch the chief part is the ofllcial opinions of the Judges. Judgment is rondeicd In favor if Myers , except in regard - gard to the first volume , which , It is held , wus not copyrighted In time. WnshhtKttit } Brevities. WASHINGTON , Deo. 17. The president to day sent to the senate the following nomina tions for postmnsufrg ; : Frank A. Glass , Cresco , la. ; Samuel 'S."Skcpp , Muywood III. ; Francis J , Wolsmnntol , Naporviilo , III. Howard A. Gralmtn , Broken Bow , Neb. Charles E. Alkcn , Brookings , Dnk. , und John J. Fitzgerald , Madison , Dak. Representative Brockenridgo , of Kentucky , to-day introduced a Joint resolution reported during the last congress by Representative Tucker , from the committee on judiciary , proposing an amendment to the constitution defining pologamy , and , making it unlawful at any place within the jurisdiction of the United States ofany state. " Hnlzed a Liot ot Diamonds. NEW YOHK , Dec. t7. A passenger who landed hero this morning from the steamer Eturla , and who is thought to be n southern merchant , tried to smuggle In 525,000 worth of diamonds. They * wcro discovered by cus toms officials and sezod. ( It is learned that the man's name Is Gilbert Lai-res. He describes himself as a whole sale clothing merchant of Nicaragua , Ho said that ho had no . 'intention of smuggling , not being familiar with our customs laws. Ha states that ho Intended to give the jewels to his fiance. j Klcctrlo Ijtht ! 1'or Ashlnml. ASUI.ANH , Nob. , Doc. 17. [ Special 'Tele gram to THE BKK. ] Abhland Is to have seine now lights. A carload of material ar rived to-day and work will bo begun at once to put in a system , 'of electric lights. The power will coma from the mill , and will bo made by- the siuno water power that runs the mill. . A Crew of Eleven Drowned. LONUO.V , Deo. 17 , The steamer Jasper , from Working-ton tor Glasgow , has founder- oft the \Vigton coast. Her crow , numlior- ing cluvcu pcnjoiM , wcro drowned. , last jrrjtr tr STC * Mr. Riddloborgor Grows Personal In Referring to the Sponkor. FILIBUSTERING IN THE HOUSE. The Senate Hill Tor the Admission ns a State or South Dakota Miulo a Special Order Tor To-tiny. Senate. WASmjJOTrw , Dec. 17. In the scnnto Mr. Morrcll offered a resolution ( which went over for the present ) to hold evening ses sion hcrcntlcr , the senate to tnko n recess from 5iO : ! to SiltO p. in. Mr. Ingalls Inld before the senate the reso lution of Mr. Riddlebergcr , proposing a re organization of the senate after .lanuary 1 , nnd the author spoke In support of it. Ho said that its object wns to put seine other than the senator from Kansas In the chair , asserting that ho had been the chief figure In the most disorderly scones ho could recol lect occurring on the senate floor. Ho said that n change was necessary In order that the faith of tno republican party , pledged to n consideration of the British extradition treaty In open session , might bo Kept. At the conclusion of his remarks Mr. Riddle- berger nsked leave to withdraw the reso lution , but objection was made by Mr. Har ris , of Tennessee , who moved to lay it on the tnble , and called for the yeas and nays , after paying ii high tribute to Mr. Ingalls' im partiality nnd ability , after which the sena tor from Virginia wus permitted to with draw his resolution. The conference report on the bill ns to the Chlppewa Indian reservation iu Minnesota was explained and agreed to. The senate then resumed consideration of the tariff bill , ut paragraph 147 , referring to tacirers' iron. This paragraph and the two preceding ones on the same subject , were passed over informally without action. The next paragraph , 14S , was as to "spikes , nuts nnd washers and horse , mule or ox shoes of wrought iron or steel , " Imposing u duty of 1 S-ll ) cents per pound. Mr. Vest moved to amend by reducing llho rate to 1J cents per pound. Rejected. The next paragraph , l-1'.l , was as to "wheels , or parts thereof , made of iron mid steel , tired wheels for railway purposes , wholly or partly manufactured , " imposing a rate of 2 } cents per pound , and of \ % cents per pound on Ingots for the same without re gard to the degree of manufacture. Air. McPhcrson moved to amend by mak ing the rates 2 cents and ! } cents per pound , respectively. After n long discussion the amendment was rejected. The house holiday adjournment resolution was laid before the senate and referred to the committee on finance. The conference report on the house bill to retire Major General A. J. Smith as colonel of cavalry was presented and agreed lo Mr. Cullom introduced n bill to abolish the special duty ou distilled spirils ut places where the goods are delivered by carrier to the vender. Referred. Adjourned. House. WAsniNOToy , Dec. 17 , In the house n bill was passed for the incorporation of the American _ hibtorical association. The com mittee on ways and means reported back the concurrent resolution providing for a holiday recess from December 21 to , January 7. The committee propose an amendment striking out Monday , January 7 , and insertIng - Ing Friday , January 4. Mr. Springer of Illinois was of the opinion that , owing to the press of important legisla tion before congress , the recess should bo ns short as possible. This committee amend ment wns rejected and the original resolution was agreed to. The committee on accounts reported n reso lution appropriating SJOO.OOJ out of the con tingent fund of the house to pay the expenses of the Ford immigration committee. Mr. Dunham of Illinois said the committee had already expended $5,000. The matter had the appearance to him of u junketing af fair. fair.Mr. Mr. Ford of Michigan said that a man fa miliar with the work of the committee would not accuse it of any extravagant expendi tures. The committee desired to conclude its investigations and tnalto a report to con gress immediately after the holiday recess. Mr. Gucnthcr of Missouri remarked that If the gentleman from Illinois thought the committee was ft jun keting committee ho ( Guentnor ) , ns a mem ber of that committee , would resign in the gentleman's favor. Mr. ICerr of Iowa thought there was no necessity for the committee to proceed further with its investiga tion. In a couple of months there would bo an administration in har mony with the laws on the statute book. The olllcers appointed under that administration would see that the laws were enforced , und there would bo no necessity for congress to institute nn investigation in order to make those officers enforce the lows. Mr. Cox of New York hoped the house would give Iho committee the money asked for. It ought to bo able to report n bill of borne kind so that the laws might bo more stringently enforced. - After some further debate the resolution was adopted. The speaker proceeded to call the states for the introduction of bills. Mr. McRea , of Arkansas , introduced a bill to settle outstanding accounts between thu United States and Arkansas. Mr. Hooker demanded its reading in full , the object being tj consume time nnd pre vent the attempt to pass the Oklahoma bill under suspension of the rules. Mr. Springer made the point of order that it was not "competent for a member to de mand a reading , but the point was overruled by the speaker. The reading having been completed , Mr. Barnes of Georgia ( another opponent of the bill ) introduced a bill to establish n uniform system of bankrupfcy , a measure 9 ! eighty printed pages , and demanded its reading. Mr. Springer declared that this was an effort to prevent the house from considering the Oklahoma bill. The reading was interrupted by Mr. War ner of Missouri , who stated that us it was evident that the opponents of the Oklahoma bill would not allow its consideration to-day , nnd in the Interest of other public business , ho wus willing to huvo the bill laid aside tem porarily. Mr. Barnes withdrew the bankruptcy bill , nnd the call of stutes was then continued , but utter Mr , Perkins of Kansas hnd put in a bill appropriating f.10,000 for a public building at Arkansas City , Kun , , the call of roll was again interrupted by Mr. Anderson , of Kansas , who , with a largo printed bill in his hand , said ho hud assurances from Mr. Outhwuito of Ohio , chnirmun of the Pacific railroads committee , that ho would not attempt to pass the Union Puclflo funding bill under u sus pension of the rules. IIo wished to call the attention of Mr. Outhwaito und the house to this fact. Mr. Outhwnlto said ho hnd told the gen tleman from Kansas that ho would , not move the passage of the bill under suspen sion , but ho hud tnado and intended to make no agreement which would preclude him from offering u resolution fixing u day lor consideration of the bill. Owing to the noise in the chamber , Mr. Anderson under stood this to bo a promise that no such reso lution would bo offered , and be took his scat without introducing the measure he held In his hand. The speaker had reeognlml Mr. Brcokoti- ridgaof Kentucky to introduce it bill appro priating fDOUJ ! for thu establishment of a zoological garden in the District of Colum bia , when Mr. Anderson became aware of his error , Ho thereupon usked unanimous consent to Introduce the bill before him , < liin purpose being lo kill time by demanding Us reading , but Mr. Outhwalto objected , Thu call wus then continued niuV several bills wuro introduced , Then Mr , Splnola , of New York , arose and - * * * * &J& & ( & snld ho held In his hand n bill which ho would Introduce by request , disclnlmlngnny respon sibility for n single Horn in it IIo sent to the clerk's dc k n copy of the senate tariff bill and demanded a reading. Mr. Outhwnlto In other words the gentle man has joined the filibusters.- Mr. Splnola It means that wo will not have the Nicaragua bill to-day. Mr. Dunham , of Illinois , moved to adjourn. LoA , Yeas -14 , nays 127. Mr. Splnola then withdraw the bill and the call continued , several measures being intro duced. Mr. Morrow of California moved to sus pend the rules nnd pass , with amendments , the senate bill increasing to fiViU.lXX ) the limit of cost of n public building in San Fran cisco , Aerced to. Mr , Springer , on behalf of the committee on territories , moved to suspend the rules and adopt n resolution making the senate bill for the admission ns a state of South Di.kota , and for the organisation of the territory of North Dakota , a special order for tomorrow row , and from day to day until disposed of , providing that the omnibus bill may bo of fered as u substitute therefor. Thereafter other bills relating to the ndiulssien of terri tories shnll be disposed of in the order fixed by the committee. The motion wus agreed to nnd the resolution adopted. The house then adjourned. OPl'OSKI ) TO ADMISSION. An Address to thu Country l y the liitieral Leagueof Utah. S\I.T LAKH , Utah , Deo. 17. The Liberal committee issued to-day the following address to the country : The liberal territorial committee , repre senting republicans and democrats alike , de sires to call the attention of the country to the fact that the gentiles of Ut.ih unan imously oppose the Mormon statehood scheme recently endorsed by the democratic COIIRI esslonal caucus. Wo nro con fronted by n condition , not n theory. Polygamy is not dead. The law is not supreme. Two hundred and thirty-four indictments were found nt the present term ol court at Provo , for violations of United States statutes designed to suppress polygamy and polygamous living. To give Utah statehood would retard progress , depreciate value , pcr- petuato polygamy nnd hand the territory over to the Mormon priesthood. We call upon patriotic citizens everywheio to unite in strong protests to congress ngnitibt the proposed action. The admission of Utah to statehood would bo a crime against American itibtitutions. O. W. I'owmiM , Chairman. A UASHIUIt'S Cause thu Suspension oCtho California National Itniik. S x Fncisco , Dec. 17. The California National bank , of San Francisco , suspended payment to day. K. P. Thomas , the presi dent , stated that the suspension is due to. the irregularities of the cashier , C. H. Ramsden ; that the extent of the'io irregularities is not known , but the bank has sufficient available funds to miuro all depositors against loss. Cashier Ramsden was suspended hist week , nnd an investigation of his books has been In progress , which so far has not been suffi ciently thorough for any definite statement to be issued. The bank was incorporated two years ngo as a joint stock organi/.ition , the fahares being taken by investors in this city nnd the east. The authomed capital was ? 1OO.OCO. , ) of wiich fiOO.OOO was subscribed in coin. It is stated that the iriegularilius referred to are not of u criminal character , but consist principally of bad loans. To Prevent Jlnto Cuttiii ? . WASHINGTON , Dec. 17. Judge Cooley , chairman of the inter-state commerce com mission , has returned from investigating the rate cutting wars of the northwestern roads. He says the comuiissioii will consider the ex pediency of recommending amendments which will make it illegal to pay commis sions for the s.ilo of tickets , and require rail roads to redeem unused portions of tickets lor the amount received from them. As long as companies are allowed to pay coinmis sions , so long , says the judge , will rates bo cut. Commissioner Morrison thinks thut congress will have to bo called upon to de fine excursion tickets as used in the net , as much of the rate cutting is done ou that class of tickets. American Capital iu Mexico. Sr. Louis , Dec. 17. A dispatch from the City of Mexico says that before congiess ad journed Saturday night the Union Fuel & Gab Company of America organised under the laws of Illinois , in which St. Louis , Chicago cage , New York and Detroit parties arc larirely interested , tlnoiigh the clforts of its representatives , obtained an InipnrUmt con cession from the Mexican government for the introduction of water , fuel and gas into all the city and government buildings throughout the icpublic. Among the im portant things mentioned in the concessions is the frco importation for fifteen ycuis of all materials necessary lor the plant. An Old Fireman Suicides. CHICAGO , Dec. 17. Frank T. Sweenlo , fire marshal of the Town of Lake , the large su burb in which the stockyards are located , committed bUicide this morning by cutting his throat. He was a brother of Chief Fire Marshal Dennis Swccnio , of Chicago , and was for many years connected with the Chicago cage fire department. Ho was nn artillery man during the war , and wiis > ono of the prisoners who escaped from Andersoiivillo prison. No cause for his rash act is known. The Ilcnth Uccoid. COLUMBUS , O. , Doc. 17. Dr. James Scott , author of the famous Scott liquor law , died at his homo at Lebanon yesterday , aged sev enty-three years. His death is duo entirely to the infirmities of old age. UAI/II.MOKI' , Dec. 17. James C. Morford , aged ninety-three , the last member of the Association of Old Defenders of Baltimore , died heie to-day. WASHINGTON , Dec. 17. Information has reached hero of the death of Colonel Robert Lumotlo , of the Thirteenth infantry. Thi ) Visible Supply. CIIIOAOO , Dec. 17-T-The visible supply for the week ending December 15 , as compiled by the secretary of thu Chicago board of trade , us follows : Bushels , Wheat . a72l5,000 ! , Corn . ( JiS7lO : ( ) ! Oats . 7H70COO Rye . l.liil.l'OO Barley . ' . ' .i'JI.OOO . NhoMvoll Iiidloti ! ' ) . MiNNnmu.is , Dec. 17. A second Indict ment has bean found ugainst Theodora Shot- well , senior member of the defunct firm of Shotwoll , Clerihew & Lothinan. Shotwollls charged with obtaining * 3 ,000 from the Northwestern National bank on the btrungth of falsa statements as to the financial condi tion of the firm. Tin * U'oulhur ' IndlontiniiH. For Nebraska Fair , contluucd low tcin- pcruturo , winds becoming variable. For Iowa Fuir , continued low tempera ture , nortliwubterly winds. For Dakota Fair , .wanner , winds becom ing south westeily. , Three M MI l'\iiully ' In.fnrod. CINCINNATI , O , , Doc. 17. Ty the bursting of a steam plpu this uficrnoon at thu Cincin nati Spring company's works , thrco men wcro severely , perhaps futalle , injured. Approved uy the President. WASIIINOTON , Doc. 17 , The president hns approved thu net nuiklug thu deficiency ap propriation for the contingent expenses of the houses of representatives. fjohn Bright HUH u Ke.lapsc. LONDON , Dec. 17. John Bright lias suf- ftjred u relapso. NO WAY TO EARN HIS BREAD. Out of Work a Young Mtm Attompta Suioido. A FARMER BITTEN DY A PET COLT , Some Prominent Citizens of Taken lit Hy a Shiirpcr Culuiuhun 1'cojilc Worked Hy n Swindler Other State Notes. Tlrod of I lifts. NKIIIUSKA CITV , Neb , , Dec , 17. fSpoelalto Tin : Unit.J A well dressed young man named II. M. Stack cnmo to this city n week ago In search of woric , but fa.led to secure employment. Saturday evening ho returned to his room at the Cincinnati liouso and took a dose of morphine with suicidal Intent , but was unsuccessful , waking up yesterday afternoon. Being still bent on self destruc tion ho secured a bottle of strychnine and took a dose of It , but was found this murmur , and medical assistance saved his life. Ho m now oiillninl In the Jail , the authorities having taken him in care. He says ho IB bound to die , and will yet succeed In com mitting suicide. AHhland Men Worked. Ngb. , Dec. 17. [ Special Tola- gram to Tun Bii.J : : A slick scliemo has Just } been worked on seine of Ashlaml's ' leading citizens. Saturday , u gentleman giving his iwmo us W. B. Allison , advance agent of tho' Santa Ko railroad , arrived in the city , and at once made known that he was hero to make arrangements for n proposed line of tha nbovo named road , ironi Lincoln to Omaha. He rented a room of H. H. Shedd , for head- ininrtcrs , ordered u stove for his room , and : told the citizens of our city that there would" be men hei o to-day. He cashed a check ou the chief engineer ofjhc Simla Fo road ntj the First National bank , also gave Mr. Shedd a cheek on the same man for an over coat. His actions nroused suspicion , and Mr. Shedd telegraphed to Topeka yesterday und received the reply to-dav that the fellow was no good ; but ho had already hired a team and started southward. A card to the liveryman located the team in Lincoln , bun Mr. Allison has gone , and the Santa Fo road likewise. Kloklc Ilnrncx. FIIKMOST , Neb. , Doc. 17. [ Special to THE Bii : : . ] Another chapter has been added to the Barnes elopement case , reported from heie a few days ago. Thu morlgajroo of tlio team , which Barnesdrovo away , telegraphed from Summit Hill , Mo. , to come and get the team. 12. B. Mant/ , holder of the mortgage , and H. L. Hmis , father of the young woman whom the departed scoundiel took with hint , went in i espouse to the telegram. Arriving therethoy found that Barnes had broken , into the livery stable where ho had been having the team kept , in the night , and hud- driven them away again. lie deserted tha' woman and baby at that , point , anil the two' latter returned homo with Mr. lOnos. BarnesJ own wife , whom ho originally deserted when , ho lied with the Enos woman , has gene to the homo of her parents at Coldwater , Mich. AlinoHt a Triple Traucdy. PONCV , Neb. , Dec. 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun Huts. ] A torrlblo tragedy was narrowly \ rowly averted nt this place last evening. A. Dragc , a merchant of Ponca , together with his wife haa gone nxv.iy from homo , leaving thrceehildrcn , whose ages ranged fiomtwoto six years , in charge of the house. The chif- dren locked themselves in , and one hour af terward , by mere chance , the house wa $ Jound to be on lire. Neighbor breaking in , the three children wcro found unconscious and almost dead from suffocation. Every means was used to resuscitate them und this morning , though in nn extremely critical condilion , the doctor thinks they may live. The lire was easily extinguished , nnd $50 will cover the loss. It is supposed that tha Hie caught in a box of dry wood which sat behind the stove. \ The Hnlgler hiir lnr * . Bnsuci.MAN , Neb. , Dec. 17. [ Special to TIIC Bit.l Herman Chase , Ben Corlott nnd Charles Arthur , who broke Into the store ot Turner , Fraizcr & Co. at Iluiglcr on the Uth. inst. , were taken to Indianola for safe keep ing last night to await the action of the dis trict court. Tom Chase , Ira Atwood and nnother gave bond for their appearance la , court. They wore detected and nrrested , with their arms full of Iho Hlolcn gooda while in the act of leaving the house. Thoyj hud planned a wholesale robbery and had ; their teams waiting attho door to convey tha goods from the place. Tom Chase and hia brother Herman vt ere members of the de funct firm of M. M. Chase & Son , who forV mcrly owned the establishment and failed for some STi.OUO. _ , Found Dead in Bed. PONCM , Neb , Dec. 17. [ Special Telegram loTinBii : . ] Dr. L. B. Cowles , a resident and practicing physician of Pnncrt , was found dead in his bed nt midnight last night. The deceased had been sick a few days bo- fete , but it was thought he had almost en * tiroly recovered. His bon , who slept In th same room , awakened in the night , and ootj hearing his father's breathing wont to hia bedside and found him dead. The Immed iate cause of death is attributed to heart disease. _ ll Thii , Allison ? Coi.rMiiuf , Neb. , Dec , 17 , [ Special Tole , gram to Tin : Bii : : , ] Quito a number of our merchants wcro taken In to-day by n smooth tongucd villain who assumed different names , passing from ono buslnoss liouso to * another , buying goods on credit and Belling' them lo others. He is u man of medium lieighl , dark complexion , und claimed he wua in the employ of the Union Pacific. IIo was dressed in working clothes nnd nppoarcoVi honest nnd respectable. Thu police are now in bcaruh of him , Attempted Suicide. GIIANII IsiAND , Neb , , Dec. 17 , [ Special to Tin : J3iiA ; ] man named Graham , living In this city , attempted suicide luht night by out , , ting his throat with n rarer. Ho nmdo soy cr.il ugly gashes , but none deep enough to provo fatal. Ho bus been living with tv. woman who , bears a hard reputation , and jealousy was the cause. The woman is tha wife of Peurhon , the man who enticed twoy girls tiwuy from home and took them ; of North Pintle , about two months ugo. Kitten Hy n Put Colt. BuinSi'KiNus , Neb , , Dec. 17. [ Speoial to Tim Hii.J ! Jnlin ' Rosi > , a farmer living ncao this place , wus'blttcn on ono of his lingers by a pet colt , Saturday , The colt died the I following night , and Is supposed to huvo been bitten by a mnd dog u fuw weeks ago , Con * sldcrable alarm Iu felt by the friends of Mr , Rose In regard to the matter , and it Is said1 ho will try thu elficucy of u mudslone whlub > ib owned in Wymoro. ( i Dentil ol' Mrh. AVnrnlolc. COLUMBUS , Neb , , Doc. 17. [ Special Tele * grain to Tin : BKU. ] Mrs , John Wurnlckf' ' who wns seriously burned by a fulling lump , a notion of which was in Tin : HICI : ot the Htli inbt , died lo-duy utter buffering intensely. ' Her lunciMl will take pluou from the M , ! at' church to morrow. 'H1 AhHOOllllloll 31 CO IB. : , Neb , , Dec. 17 , ( Special to Tun Hii.J--Tlio : : second meeting of the . Washington County Teachers1 association- } was hold ut Arlington December IS , NotX withstanding the unfavorable weather , thera was a good I'.ttunduiiuu ot luachors and citi zens ol tuo lowu.