Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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AdvoTtifemims Uniterm s head la cetitapT
line for tin' nr t hiheitu < iv. 7 ctntu for each Mtb-
frequent Insertion , ami 11 JO n line per month ,
fiondvertlftinent tnkon tor less than'i'icen'3
tlio tlrfil .nscrtlon. Hoi on words will bo counted
to the HUP ; they inuat run consecutively ixml
mliM b paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments invrt be handed In before 12 : ) o'clock t > .
in.nnd under no rlrcuniKtanccs vlll they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephona.
1'artles advertising in thrso columnH ami hav
ing their anawors ndilro-sed incurs of HiKllr.t :
w 111 pleao iwk for a check to enable them to gel
their letter * , iw none will be delivered except ou
jircfeiitnUon of checlc. All answers to adver
tisements * hou Id l > e enclov d In envelopes.
All advertisements in thean < > lumni arc pub
lished In both morning and evening edltloui of
TUB USE , the circulation of which aggregates
morn tlmn lflCH ) papers daily , and ulves thoiul-
Tortlflor * the bcnollt. not only of the cltvlrrn-
Intlotiof TUB UKK. but also of Council IllufU.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of thfl country.
Advertising for thcie columns will be taken
on the above condition * , nt the following bust-
no" * houses , who are authorised agents for 1 lie
JTKKCpeclnl notices , nnd will quote the sams
rules nn r.nn be had at tlm main olllco.
J OIIN Vf , HELL , 1'tmnnaclst , SW South Tenth
Btrt t.
GIIABE& r.DDY , Stationers and Printers , 111
South ICth Street.
_ _
* lng strcct'
TtT .1."ifroHKd , Pharmacist. < Bi North 11th
. Btrect
GUO. W. I'ARR , I'harnmclst , IWOSt. Mary's
vv " " i" " " /competent , tea in'an poslflon
T i w Ith wholesali * tea huiise. or as a manager
of tea departmetitof wholesale grocery. Twelve
years' pjiperlenco with Now VorJC ton houses.
AddreiH M ( W , this olllco. 7 MU ! *
\\rANTED I'oslUonby a young lady to wilte
? or copy In olllce In Omaha or HlulfM , Ad
dress , 1'aulliiB Dupuiit , Council Illuirs , la.
i _
\VANTKn-SltuatJoii by a first-class chef
f cook : can takochitrno of any kitchen , city
or country. Aadrem M M , llooollice. 74 17 *
WANTKD Situation as bookkeeper or clerk
In wliolesalo or retail giocerv , experience
mul reference. Sam Cook. 1111 IlrlBP.street. . .
° Y\7ANTU1 > llv a sober busliioss man of in , a
f position where ho can earn an holiest liv
ing for the winter. Address M at. lice. ( VII I'rf
WANTUD-Sltuation by a dressmakur to do
plain sowing and dressmaking by the day
in private families. 1K1 ! South 17th Htreot ,
571 15 ?
" 1X7 ANTKP Situation as stenographer and
Vf type-writer. Address Kiltlo llarth. llast-
IngH. Neb. 6S 111
ANTIiD About the 1st of January , a
situation by a man of several years ex
perience In grocery or geneial htoro. Would
take small monled Interest. ( Jood references.
Address "P , " care of Pilot , Illalr , Nob.
" \V"ANTnn 1 colored coachman , 1 dairyman ,
if 5 cash boys , 2 canvassers. It. II. Wandell ,
4W N. 10th st. fc'J17J
" | \7ANTUI-fJcnprnl ) agents for "Oaskell's
V > rompunilluin. " Special Inducements to
experienced ients. Address , National Library
Ass'n , ICO State St. , Chicago. III. 7 ? ' 18
\\rHo7jRHA LUond retail book and stationery
f tlrm want reliable onergotlc man perma
nently to manage their ImslnosH in Omaha , nnd
haxo charge of JlO.iMO to 3I5.IO ) stock. Salary
$ -CO ) , and commissions llrst year. S3.n ( to cash must bo doposlted , nnd best of ref
erences furnished. Jewell , ! ! 53- \VabasliaTo. . ,
Chicago. MX ) 18 ?
" \ArANTHD-Gooil m n In every locality as
Tf detectives under our Instructions , fend
Do tor particular * . Oklahoma secret service ,
WKhlta Kansas , 707J 111'
"VtrANTED Rellablo and Industrious young
TT man as delivery clerk at II Lelsgo'N gro
cery store , 417 S 10th st. Ocrnian preforcd.
701 l" > f
> HHiNOI.oniCAI. ndvlmonthi' best busi
ness to follow given nt 1015 Capitol ave ,
tO Kilt
SKCONI ) cool : . 1 waiter , 1 toamstor. II. II.
1 Wandell , 40S N. 10th st. 7fti 5 *
V\VANTKIJ A competent bookkeeper with
T f best of referoucos wants situation In Kau
nas or Nebraska , to begin about Jan. I. Ad
dress Wm , llludloy , oi7 ! W. Adams St. . Chicago ,
pltlNTUlt WANT15D-A tlrst-clasi Job pUutcr
JL to take chnrge of thoinnchanlcal department
of a country olllce. Address , Htatlng rofereucos
ana wages desired , lleporter , SewarU , Neb.
"IXTANTKD Agents We want llrst-classmen
Vf who am already traveling salo&men. to
curry our lubricating oil samples as a Hide line.
Address II. , care'Carrler IE' ' , Cleveland , Ohio.
U05 17
W rANTED An energetic , temperate man to
represent nn old bonso with u now line of
pooda. Salfuy nnd traveling expenses paid.
Permanent position to right party. Hush Mfg.
Co , Cluclnatl , O. _ aiilMl *
WANTHD A man to solicit , salary J75 per
month , must deposit $ ) for fcamples. and
give security for money collected. Address
GOOTOO 8. Cllno , All , i'lri-t National Hank build-
lug , Omaha , or Wagner blfc. , Ies Molnu-s. Iowa.
We wish a few men to Hell our
goods by Hiimplo to the wholc.salo and retail
traile. I.nrgo > > t munufui'turoiii In our Una. I'n-
close 2-cent Hlamt ) . Wages fl per day. Poimn-
uent position. No postals answered. Money
Advanced for w aces , advertising , etc. Centen-
glal iluu'f'g " Co. Clnclnnatl. Ohio. _ lMJgH _ )
AGKNTS"AVANTK1 > -J75 a moith and ex
penses paid any active person to null our
coodu ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In
advance , particulars free. Standard Silverware
Co .llostpn. _ ( M
OYb Am. fllst. Tel. CoM
WANTED Man tu take the agency of our
mires ; BlzoSfixlbxlB Inches ; \\elght5001bsr
retull price * 1S ; other sizes in proportion. A
nu chance uud pcrmammt business. These
safes meet a demund never bofoic hiipplled by
other safe companion , as we are not governed
by the gafo pool. A Inlnob'afe Co. CluclnnaU. O.
\ VAN'lMtU ' a colored girTs for general work ,
V T 1 ( lorman girl foroeoond work , 1 llrst girl ,
' 2 nurite girls , t lady cashier. Always places in
private families. II. H. Wandell , 408 N. lilth st.
F05-17 *
\A7ANTED Woman cook for Columbus WH
> i neat mlddio aged colored woman , II ; llrst
class cook and laundress In private lumlty , f."u
ronK and chambermaid In family of " , J ( ; ntcn
glil to work for an old lady In the country ;
ktuady woman tordrdmwood ; " for I'ullcrtoii ;
? for Syracuse. New places every day at Mr * .
ireen'i ) , ai4 > ' , g. lath at. v 7W-17'
WANTED Lady clerk with experience In
glassware. , crockeryimd tlnwure , eltv ref
erences. l.'ll1) ) S Mill st. 7 U I * >
\\TANTKD-ARlrl l or 14 years ofnuoto take
> > ruru of u baby H months old. Call at 10JI
Saunders at. Wl IW
5 IHNINO-HOOM gills. 7 girts for general
> \vnrk \ , I second cook , 1 pastry cook. H. II.
Wiuuloll , 40 $ N. imh bt. 700 K > f
SERVANT wanted for general housuwoik ,
faiu'ly of three , must be good cook. Apply
(110 ( H , mill St. , or ' 'U.2 Karnam. 41J 10
\\7ANTED-Danlsli KU1 of Si to tend a htorej
T i reliable woman ivs housekeeper ; miinagi.'r
anil cook for a small short ordur house : also
Indy cashier about : X ) for a restaurant , must
have referenced , I JO ; lady cook for a rnstuurunt
In nillerton WO : 2 good Kitchen girls for same
place ; a nice Klrla to work In country , will be
trvatnd as ono of the family ; waitress for
Kimrnoyi Herman kltelion girl , ( U. 1'K'tity
places In private famlll s lu anil out ot rliy.
Mr . HreBO , ! IUi ) H. ilith. 417 IS ?
\\7ANTKD-Klratclass girl with references
TT for general housework , I'JOfl Capitol a ve.
ANTCD-Hy a lady , a reapectublo EnSIsTi
iilrl , u uood cook and lauudivss. Adilres3
61BJijgih. , 77U 17 *
X rANTED-nirl-for general hoiusowork. e. .
> ceptikHiklng. ivfl California , corner lh.
" \\7ANTED Ladycanvusier * on a i\vvr \ and
> fast selling book , tialary tU per day. Ad-
drcHS M ai. Ileo olllee. TOJ 17'
V\rANTKI-airl for housework , S.1M Cumlng.
WANTKD-Utrl ( or General hou eworK,7i9
_ H-JUtli. _ 70
\\7ANTED-A lady to solicit , must come well
> T rnoommemled and pay 110 for samples.
talary til } per month. Audress ( leoreo B. Cllue.
Ml , Fiict National HanK bulldiui ; , Omaha , or
W K er block. le Molncs. Iowa. 413
7 , Alliv ) : nnd clilldiuu'a BurmenU cut und
JiJllttml at lowest prices , Mlas Tn < malne ,
incsllslf. C-U 8. 16th. 752U
iriNnAdEM'ENTS to d dre ! , niaklnK iu
fumllloj kollclted. Miss Sturdy , 017 Leaveu-
" \A7 A NTEI > Young ladle * Ailif ifenUeuienTo
' T know they cnn obtain a thorougn nnd
practical knowlixliro of tclegrapny. IHtlng them-
IveH in a ihort time for good paying positions
at the Elr > r rlc Tvlcgratili school Ifooms ft.3
and kin Paxton block , cor 16th and Karnim at.
itr.M $
\\TANTED Cnh buyers for ffitne positive
T bargains In Council muffs Ilroadwar lots.
.1 L Id. o K Co. Wl K
XVANTF.D To trade tine lot for spin heavy
M draft horses. J I.Rlia JcCo. 7fil Ij
\\fANTKl ) Horse anil bugijy"tor winter fur
i their keeping. Iminlre"1.119 I'arnnin ,
CANADIAN EnipToymeiHOmc Mrarrirega"
Jit-it * . l-th. Reference Omaha NatlnnaUank.
MT.IIHASKII Employment ofllce , 317 N imhst.
SO _ A R DIN C. _
TJ > OAHI ) nnd rooms , 191Chlca gb sf
JL/ 44fdl"t
Mill , ! ! board M wanted , ! ! } } ) lOHgl&3 )
VAI.KNTlNIl'SStiorthand ano Typewriting
Iniiltute , New Paxton bulMlnr , Omaha ,
Neb. Tbo only eiriuslvo , legitimate shorthand
school In the stale , ovarouo hundred ( iradu-
ntes in Rood sltiiat Inns. The schodl is uililer
thomannrement of C. C. Valentlnn.olllclal stcn-
OKrapherof tlio M ludlrlal dlstrl-tof Nebraska ,
and rrnt. II. II , lloylnan experleneod teacher
and verbitlm repnttor Day ami cxcnlng ses
sions. Htudcuta can enter at nny time. Send
foriu-ctilarj. 4'.l . 1)15
L'OU HUNT -Six-room houe , S. II. corner istii
-L nnd I hlcnxo > t3. a. Lehman , Hoom n. Iron
bank. 7ai
ONi : housoo rooms , now , M3 month : I house
I looms , Hfl month , Huqulrclllin Uurt street.
Soft nnd hard water. 7117"
8-HOOM ho\ise \ on IfW North'sist at. Immiio
USi N d St. 7IW 17 *
Ij OIt HUNT Modern ten room WmseB'B wiutli
J-1 Jith st. , near St. Mary's avo. , ilo. HtiiKwalt
llros. , llarker block. 7W
"ITtOIl HUNT A splendid "now house , s rooms ,
-U nil modern improvement. * , centrally located ,
$15 per month. Morse , V Urnner , 1CJ. " > I'anmui.
FOIt itKNT Now ti-room hous" , all moili-rn
Improvi'im-nts , li > S N.'J-Ird st , rejit reason
able. Imiulro lll'j rartianiNt. 7UU
TniririiuNT-BlarKe ll-room houses , with all
-U modern conveniences , best row In city.uelui :
half block from cable linn nnd pavement ami
three blocks west of high school , will lent
very reasonable turough the winter to rltiht
parties. Apply to orcou & William * , l-'lrst
Nal. bank bufldluir. OHS
T71OH HUNT House of R rooms right In the
J- heart of the city , ! Jlil WuUster fct. ; good cii-
tern , well , pas , splendid cellar , barn , eti1. , $ / >
per mouth. I'ullatonce. C. 1' . Harrison , Mer
chants' National bank. ' ( Vi !
Fdlt HUNT A llrst-class house. " Inqulio 111 TJ3
Dodge st. US 11
T710H UKNNT Five-room cottauo near Haiib-
JJ com nark , well , cistern etc. 0. A. Potter ,
Hoom 4U ( i'irtit National bank bulkluii ;
T710H HUNT 1 0-room house , good location ,
JJ only 11H per month for the winter ; 1 un
furnished room , suitable forollice or dressmak
ing , line location. Metropolitan Hental nirenny ,
? & N , Ifith st. 43i-15
IjV tlnlshod S-room hoiif.0. modern 1m-
.iirovemcnt ? , I'.lth ' st. touth of Leavenwoith.
Adtliess J. A. 8. , Nebraska Ch. Co.
P I OH HTCXT 7 room Hat on 2il tloor. Enmilro
The I'alr cor 13th uuil Howard sts. Ml
FOIt HUNT 10-room hem > e. steam , aa.s bath ,
hot and cola and clBturn water , good cullar ,
and nice yard , * . " , soy S 3 Ii. Inqulro..W SUItli.
TjlOR RENT A comfortable house with 8
JP rooms , puntry , large closets , splendid cel
lar , city water , sewerage and gas , near business
centre ; moderate rent. John H , K Lehmann ,
GJ4 s. 17th t. . ar-
Oil RlfxT-A 3-story brlck dwelling , UDO
Capitol ave. Apply to C. U. ( Julou at the
Chicago Lumber Co. 'J71
FOH RENT At very low rates. 10 and 11 now
losldeuces. " 4DI nnd"4H Cass Htreet. Clark
I'lace. One block south of freight on rollege.ou
Kurnam and Sltli street car line , t AH modern
Improvements. Apply. H. T. Clart.Union Trust
Co , or nt : . ' 4M : Cass st. ! ! U7
NEW house ot 7 rooms. In gooa locality , barn
for four horses , ta ) per month. Apply at
once , C. ! ' . Hurrtson , Merchants1 Nut. bank.
Foil RENT 0-roora cottage , tt.00 per mouth.
Iul. " > llarney at. SIJ
FOR HKNT Cottage , 4U Convent at. Inquire
1K3 Jackson st. Ml
F I OH UKNT-S-room house , $14. G. E. Thomp
son. ; ZK Sheeluy block. W
BEAUT1FUL 8-room hoiwe. g.-uMcity water ,
bath room , hot ana cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near a gooil school , only
KB per month. The house is now. Apply ut
once. C. F. Harrison Mercnanta' Nut. banK.
171OR RENT House of 8 rooms , 2nd and Cass.
JO inquire Room SUS , Bheeloy block. Kit
IjlOH HUNT At very low rates. 10 and 14 new
JL1 residences. " 401 ami 'Ml. Cass street , Clarke
I'lace. Onn block south of Crolghton college , on
Karnam amisIth street car line. All modern
Improvements. Aoply , U. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. . or atj24a ) Cassstract _ Gil
"ITIOR RENT House and barn.Hawconi place.
JL' llama , room 411 , First Nat'l bk bldg. b'M
T710R HENT-No. 1411 a. 7th ave. . anlcoB-
JU room house In good repair ; rooms newly
papered and painted ; nice yard ; line cistern
water. Kent U u month. Possession given at
once. Apply to Bell's lOtli at. pharmacy.
TjlOR HUNT 0-room modern improved house
J3 A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply , M. El-
guttpr , 10U1 Farnam t. . ' .IIJ
FOU 11ENT Ily Ilosworth 4 Joplln , liarver
block. : i , , 6 , fi , 7 , 8 , U , JO , 11 , 14-room bouses
In all parts of the city. U J
FOR KENT -House 8 rooms 2SJ1 Cassst. cot
tagofi rooms 10th and Hickory. Inijulre room
MI.S , Bliculey blk. . 181
IJIOlt KENT Houses 7 rooms.llh anil llur-
J ? noy : to rooms , "Int and Locust ; 7 looms ,
12th anil Jones ; : i rooms , I'Jth and Martha ,
Lliiahun & Mnlionoy , l' : > xton block. 811
HOOM frame. No. "flD Hamilton st. , W.TO.
I Leavltt llurnhain , No. 1 CrrlBhton block. Hi'J
TJIOK UENT When you wish to runt a house ,
JJ store or onice call on us , H , U. Cole , loom
0. Continental ujoclc. J'77 '
FOR lir.NT 6-room house , " 41S. 7-room honsg
ilt l I'oppletou uvc. Oeo. L Ullbort , With-
ncll b'l'u. U78
j10R RENT-lo-rooiu housowlth steam heat.
. ? utioj : : 8. 24th st. O.K. Thomp'son ' , Shoely
block. 1Mb and Howard st.s. \ > ; 'J
1J1URN1SHEU rooms , 1701 Cupltol ave.
_ L' U7110 *
RENT A furnished front room with or
without boai'd , ull modern conveniences.
B ) N. Ibtll ( .t. 151
RENT 1'urnlMied sleeping rooms J8 per
niontli.pivyabloweeklyormimthly , f07 How-
nnl. Also furnUlied room for housekeeping
und ona unfiiniUhed , i > W 15'
ACOUI'LW of furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Address M 67 , Ileo otllce.
7BJ IB *
ELEGANTLY furiilshed rooms board for
mull and wife or two seutu ; references ; *
TmOR UENT-1'loasautly furnished room , nil
JO modern convenience * , for one or two geu >
tlemen. at ( i20 H , 2oth St. , or cor , Bt. Mary's avo.
andiOtligt. BIS
FOR REST rurulshud room wltn board.
1723 Doilb' " "t. 487
NICELY fiirnlhhed rooms by tha week or
HioutU cheap ; HU7 Joues st , 1'oabody plnce ,
T > OOMS aud board , 18U Chicago. 60uj ; ;
lOIt HIWiT Suite ot front rooms. EsUbrook
1 block , 404 N. 10th st. ilout reusonable.
A VENUE Rooms-Atl8ii ; und 1814 Capitol ave ,
XVJ blocks from I' . O nu\\ly furnUhed , private
u liousB.pleiiDaut roomsull couvtmUmcoa
ll w ftf
TT1URNISI1ED room , with gai und bath , board
J-1 if iluilrea , irJS..OUi8t.oipo < iltuAll iialata'
cntirch , ( U
RIOII RENT Two large nleely furnUhed con-
JU nectliiR rooms , with bath and conveniences ,
suitable for four gentlemen or housekeeping ,
. . or separate IIZ and 111. H. W. Corner , lath
aud Howard , entrance ou Howard. K {
FURNIBIIBU or unfurnhlied rooms , 111 *
Dodge bt. next block to poaioillcn. from | j
upwards , inquire ioem Bur U'iJ D
IjTOR IIRJfTKnrnlshe < l rooms with bMh pas
V and heat. a.-JT Dodge t. KO
DESIRABLE furnisaexi room , Klfl Davennort
_ _ ft. , 77Jtj" > * _
If OH HKNT 2 front rooms on second Iloor ,
J15.0U each. I.T1S HarnevBt , sn
A ti.\ ROE elegant south room very nicely
furnished ; furnace heat and every modern
convenience. One-half block from cable car *
8107 Douglas St. 019
VTlCELiY fur-ilshed room. 8103 Douglas st.
i > 731 21 *
HENTnlooly furnlsnad Hoith bed
rixiin nil ronnlences and board ton llrst-
class griitleinati only , SXj i'anmm st. 710 Uj
TfilOR RENTAn elegantly fitiulaiiril room or
-1 sultn of rooms with board In n private fam
ily , All conveniences. Cms pa" tlio door
every three to live minute * . References lie-
qiilicd. Enquire looms I8 and fill ) Paxton blk ,
mOMSwlth bonrd , futnaee , Of P. imh st.
I ,1l < < J it
front room , M. 1S11 DavenpoH
b1H5NT VurnlRlii'il room , llcnt ,
JL1 bath. lid S. With. 04.
f1l'0 front roouii In ono of the finest rest-
i-deni-e * In the city , cenli'Ally tocaicd , t ; ZV\ \
hcatlnsr , KAB , with utt > of Imth room , on Deo. Ij
refer ? nrts required. Inquire 721 s , V'lhst ' 511
NKT.I.V furnlslietl roomi nil modern con-
venlences , also board. 1J ( lnu Ul. 311
"lIlOK HUN'r-Furnlsliml rooinTni Orsimrs blk
A cor. Kith and Doditc at * . Inqulro o Oco. H. .
Davis. Mlllanl betel billiard room. UHl
T AItfi ; ; plessnnl room , UmiHliOil , brick Hat.
F ) HUNT lorn unfurnished chambers tor
lotisi-keoplng , a 19 N 1'tli st. 117211 :
9 iiooMS , light housekoopinq. K.M s.
* 7H Sir
t NfCHNISlfUD rooms * ! - ' , OUS N. st.
"lilOK HKN'I' I or 5 nnfiirnished chambers for
JU housekeeping , WJ N 17th st. Ill 17 *
FTNl'tHNlSHUD Sultable for iiuusfu-oonimr.
U Three rooms. 1027 iN.aJthst ID ( XI
I'our (4 ( > rooms , 411 S. ll'th ' t a ? W )
Tlirce lit ) rooms , IUH S. 7tU st llKO
Three ii ; ) rooms , lir.TiN. Oth t 10 U )
Tlirce (3) ( ) rooms. int | > N.SUth t > t 11 HO
Three fi ) rooms , 1010 N. 21st st 10 tfl
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 Pacltlo st. - , 11 H )
Three pll roonw , Ilin Plcrco st 10 IX )
Tinco ( Ul rooms WJPacIllost 10 mi
.Six (8) ( ) rooms IttS N. 20th st 22 Bl
Judge Itentlug Agency , s , w. cor. Hurnuv and
IJtlists. Koom 1. up stalls. IHJ
FlH HKNT Tlood storeroom near cor. 15tn
and raruam , o.ieofUm bvst locatlom In the
city. Addro-.s Oeo. N , Hicks , llarket block.Wl
FOH HUNT- stores , elegant location for dry
good * , boots and shoes , or hardware. 17-room
tlat. Hteam heated ; a barber looking for a lot a-
tion can hear something to advantaetiby i > -
plying to Harris , LIU Dodge. 7.7 17
IjlOH HUNT The room formerly ocruplfd by
-i-1 the Omaha llauklug Co , next door to the li
15. Mayno Heal Kstato & Trust fo.'s olllco ; llrst-
class \ault , counters , safe , \c. ; two extra rooms
IJUCK If desired : will rout cheap to good tenants.
C. II. JIayne. 7iVl Hi
| 7UH HUNT-btoie-rftam , No. 1113 Degas
-t llest retail property In the city. Will put
Plata glass front in by January 1 , See Dr.
Joseph Neville , 1103 Douglas. fsVi
FOH HKNT Two Motes , Ml and fi J North
Ititli st. Inquire at the buihUnir. Henry
Oathoir. _ jJUl
FOH HUNT An elegant store room with line
basement on ICth st. Kent very . low to right
party ; steam heat and water IncluJeil , Apply
at 1515 Douglas st.
TjlOH UKNT Ollico sulto month. 2 single
-t ! ofllcei $15 each , nil frontlns ICth St. , Ilusii-
man block , N. K. Cor. 10th ana Douglas. W. M.
Bushman , l.'lll Lcavmnvortn. liw
FOH HUNT -5 ofllce rooms in Hcdlck'i blorfc ,
IBOt-nil Farnam at. on2d iloor ; one olllcu ,
east front , on 2d Iloor. over Omaha Hanking Co ,
bank. cor. 13th st nml Harney st. Imiulro at
1511 ranrimst. , room 8. Paulson .t Co. li ! :
FOH HUNT One storn-roo-n , ono b&Xery , cor.
Park nvo. ana Wonlworth ave. Inquire
Thos. K. Hall , 517 Paxton building. LS !
FOH HUNT llrlck store. Hat above , 21th and
Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea-
vltt Ilurnham , room 1 , Crulghton block. ! ) < 5
f i EOIttlU .1. STUHNSIJOHl-'l' , roomo , opp. P.
VJTO. , will hereafter give special attontioii to
renting houses , stores and Hats. If you want
your property routed without dalay and to reli
able teuanta , do not fail to list tuo same with
him. t'-S
GHO. J. Paul , 1C09 Faru. Bt. Houses , store * ,
etc. for rent. 150
WE give special attention to renting and col
lecting rents , list with us. H. K Cole , room
0 , Continental block. lib"
IF TOD want your nouses rented piaco them
with Benawft It Co. . 15Ui. opposlto po tollic .
P'SS ' iNOI/lOH'AL examination dally at 1 15
Capitol ave. 817-KH-
M"TnmJK.AG13D widow without i-nilOrVn
ould like to correspond v. 1th a mldale-uged
gentleman. Subject , matrimony. Address MM.
.Mary Wood. Omaha , Neb. TttMKT
ELl'.flANT life size crayon portraits free
of charge for u short time as an adver
tisement.from photographs brought , to the Vnn-
dykt ) Portrait Studio , 141'i Vle-rce , near 14th.
l'uitralt-3 also In pastel. 7'S14T : ]
I > EH80NAL Don't go south. You can imiko
yourself romlortablo by having btorm win
dews put in by Hamilton Hros. , 403 B. isth bt.
Telephone 1I7U. XMM' '
T > EHSONAIj If younaroa personal Item , or
JL any couimunlcatlon , drop It la one of The
Dee's uipusago boxes. lOti
FOR RENT One good barn room for three
horses etc.415 st.
, buggies , , - Davenport In-
11 uiiu or c. L. mtckho.1 & Co. , ; ; iN. . xuh st.
OST Ladles' ha"mf saTi-liel eontalnlng 3
chains and lockets , a pair gold spectacles
and a small roll of money ; fin reward will be
paid uy letuilllng to lUJti luth st , 74517k
J OST Fur lap-robe , between fO II Miama t.
Janil Saunders and Clark sts. Return to ; ) JI5
Jllunil it. uml recolvo leward. 758 lii ;
T OST Monday afternoon a light colored
JL/beivcr mull , pleaie return to .lelleraon
ery burn und get reward. 70,1 Itif
LOST A halt blooil female red Irlsn setter
uog , hud on chain ana collu'r , lluder will
please rttturn to lulu Fainam at or lieu olhce.
Uvi 15
rp.UCEN I'l' A white .steer about. ! years old ,
JL taken up about Nov luth , ha ; brand on left
side and Is very wild. Clias. I'OHI-H , I'loieti'-i' ,
Nob. dl.'i- ± ! - aiJlit
HRTIIANI ) aiiii
S typa-wrltlng-Suoerlor
ndvuutagoi In thcso brunche.s at the
Oihaha Commercial college , opp. 1' . O. ,
cor 15th and Dodge. Scoies of graduates lu
good positions. BiudenH complete mani'ul In
ten days and ( JO to 100oriln per minute In three
months , neat teacher iu the btate , I'ractlcaL
otllce drill givenMudenU free. Dictation live
hours dally. Duy and evonlns sessions. Rapid
dictation for reports at. night. For circular *
write llohrbough Hros. , Omuha. Nub.
17IOH BAIiE-One nice l.ouo pound horse , * ir. ;
JO one nice l.SOJ pound family horsitlW , Hoth
sound and kind , A. 1' , Tukey , 15th x Douglas.
(166 (
171011 3ALl < Splendid young o-yoar-old mare
-L with Bliunsou ; j snut road wiiyon cheat ) for
cftbh. J. L. lltce \ Co ; 750 17
"f7tOR BALE 1 set double harness , 1 eat single
-1. coach hariiosa. J. L. Htco fc Co. 7ao 17
IJIORSALE Fine banjo cheap for cash. . I. U
li Rice it Co. 75U17
IjlOHH A LE-New IM-'Ut cornet with box. (10
JU leis than it cost. J. li. Rice XCo. . 7W 17
I10U BALE or trade New two iteatod c r.
1 i-laga and single top buggy. B ) > iy. 1.U1
Fariinu. VM
BKAUTII'UL faced nnd torma , .
Koee bleacha reniovp.i freckles. Jlmilcs ) | anil
wrinkles. U per bottle , Hook of recelpti for
the complexion 25 cenU. Send i ceuts for < : lT-
culur. Mailame Ruppert. " 13 State M. , Chicago
CCinKNTAL hotel , 10th and Howard : day
board $4 per week ; SI meal ticket l , 747jllt
Mll ! banjo taualit at amutby Ueo. F. ( loll
beck.tBJS. JUtUiV. ISS
HOUSE or team nifiTes wanted to i . . .
llrst payment on hou lot , or resluenoo
lot , balance moCthly paytucuu. Write or call
on Sclby , 15il Farnam. . t > 9
AHSTriACT9-Ltnhan iMahouejr , roonTcoai
1'axton blocfc. } Sl-l-
H. MKP. Kt'NTZr. . midwife , rtlseaes of
women nnd children curoil. llc.'ldence Nil S
ith. _ _ " 'J'l ' .
JAniKS Moles niiil Kup Ttluous hair on the
-Jfuco or neck removed , and the roots In
stantly killed by tlm electric needle process ,
Ica Ing no marks or v-irs , i'o ltlvclr iho nnlv
permanent remedy. Mrs. Dr 1'aiknnl. low
Douglas au Wvdnosdays and Thuisdaysonl ) .
f _ _ fK'glllSt
IllLANDUuarantee andTrmt Co. . Vm 1-aT
Dkin Complete nbitracti Mrnlsheil. & tltlM
tersal estate examtnaJpArfccted A guaranteed ,
jTHUAOC-At ' low rates at 1121
Omaha Auction vVStorujns Co mi
rpKACKAOR , stet ao\vBU ratst. w
JL Huahninn , 1311 Ls.wennorth. Wtl
W A NT ED-TcTja IJ Y /
* \ \CTKI1 { -A Rood , fresh milk cow , Inriulio
> V J. \ nift q i . inu : 5'l Ilot'or' ' . Q'.M
" \\TANTBI ) Fiirnltura , carpets , aioros unit
TT Household gooOs of all klndj. UmahaAiic
lion & -Ktoraitii Co. , 1I2I Piirnnm , 13j
_ _ _ _ TO . _ _ _ _
FCAN mak n few limns on ( lrt-i-lass i hatt-l
securities nt roasonablu rates.V. . I { . Potter ,
room \0 \ llarker blk. "ii'i
MiiNKV to Loan W > > have Kevoral thousand
dollars to place for eastern parties on 1m-
piovcd city propel ty. Ilurrjs. room 111 lt Nat.
llankbldp. . 711
rplff : Central Joan * Tiusl Co. , No. lull Tur-
J. tmtnlll make cholre city loans at the \ei-y
vdtralo-t. No delays. Kill ?
DO YOU wantto borrow money ?
tle.ul tlili.
It will wave you time.
1 1 wl 11 wive .von money.
You can borrow from
II. F. MaUer. < ;
Ruecessor to W. It Croft ,
room I , Vt'ltlme ibUVn . Kith mill llarneyts.
Ill' ' , S.M , IVl , If lli. Wv , KW ! , tlH > J , il.'JOU ' , 8I.I.U 0.
In f.\ct any sum you wanton furnlturs. jilanos
hoises mules , wagons etc. , on easier terms and
utlower rates ttiiiniitnav Other ollico minority.
without publicity or removal or property from
j ur posM"uiin. !
1 f an installment Is due on your proni'rt y and
you cannot meet It. call anil M'o mu. I will pav
It tor you. If von have n loin In any other of-
llco , call and et my j'atcs. i will take 11 up and
carry It for you.
f make loans for ono to nix months and you
canpiy : nparta- any tlinj , reducing both prin
cipal and Interest.
All loam renewed at original rates and no
chargKN for papers.
All business htrlctly conlliluutlul. Call and
see me.
Don't forjjpt Jho number.
lloom 4. Wltl'licll blo.'l ; . 1U
_ _ _
OHtPI.K'sl 'inftni'lnl i\-i : Imn e Tlio falre&t ,
Jquliiteii. . most liberal money exrliani In
the city ; loans miido without delay or pulilli-lf y ,
lu any nmount lirge or small , lit tfni lowest
rateof interest on any available sacurlty ;
loans may bn p.ild ut any time or renewed at
original rule * . O. Itouscareu , mr , room 6U1 , ,
llnrkcrblb , 11th and rnrnam. 703
H K. COM : , loan agent. llttjl
SEE Sholus. 'J10 , Mrst Nat'l Hank , before mak-
. . loans. iBK
M ONRY to loan oiryhouschold furniture ,
pinnos , horses , wiigops aud other personal
property ; also.on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security jcasli always on hand : liberal -
oral extensions grunted ; ' business transacted
fairly , quietly and prommly. The Kulrbank In
vestment Coswcor. . Utn& Douglas. Upstalr.s.
- 117
; 5iX.OX ' ) ) to loan at 0 pjr cent. Mnunan VV M
$ honay , room Ml , 1'axton block. UOJ
. . . . S , First National ! ank
building. Provirtpat'Trns't Co. U'l
_ fc j _
$ > , . ilMJ,000 , $ Wi Ppeclal fund tc. place
on choice improved property. 1) . V. .Sholos ,
Sf | ) , Kli t Nat'l llatiK. r Uj7
/"lOODcity and farm oam waata.l Uy A. 1C.
Vj Itl'.ey. 1.1 U > Karaam. IOJ
l > HAL estate loam , loweit ratji. Odoll Hro3.
XI& Co. , UT3 S. inth .st. t IU )
jf" COLEloan ugeii't. ' ' Fojl
MONEY to ID.HI ; long tuny. Oetrto ; J. I'.ml
1WW Parmim st. 111
MON EV to loan on improved pi opertv at lirit
hands. No applications sen' , uw.iy for ap
proval. Security and lltlei exu nlnoit frae of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , iiOU S. 13th nt. 1H
MO.N'EV to loan ou Improved leal estate tor
one , two and thieo yeuw by Home Mro Douglas .st. 4-,0 1 7
K. COLE , lous aqent. ' 4i-IJl :
JNT EUHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you u
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land coutrai ts ,
Jlne Jewelry , orseeuiitie.iof any lilnd
without publicity , at reasonable rutus.
Hoom 7 Howloy tilk. , hoiith Omaha.
. Rooms 01S-51D I'aston blk. , Omaha , Nob.
: ! 00
rpo LOAN From ono to two hundred thous-
JL nnd dollars err malier sums piomptlv , cist
ern capital always on liuutl cheap. I'lilladelphla
Mortgage and Trust Co. , Ueo. W. J , Coatei. la
tioanlot trade. T . lllj
MONEY to loin. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
und loan agent * , 1uO > Farnam st. ' 103
rpIIEOmnlm Financial Etclinnw. Room 15 ,
Jllarker lllock , southwest corner of i'arnam
and 15th sts.
ilakesu hpoclaltty of short-time collateral
and reul estate loans.
Money always onlriitd. In Bums of $100 and
upwards to uny amoant , to on approved
Seemed notes bought-sold or exchanged.
Clear real eit.iio and cah to uxchaugd for
gocil llrst or second mortgagus.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds. llrst or second mortgage ho-
curlty , without publicity , delay or rod tupe.
Financial biiNlned ? of any kind tiansactoil
promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Room l.r > , llarker
block. Corbett , Manager. 11
MONKY to i.oan I-owost ratoa. Irfiatw clos il
promplly , H. li , Colo. Hoom 0. Cotitlnental
Hlock , IW
_ _ _ _ _ _
TJ B. COLK , loan agent. 1OJI
T7HHST moHguuii loans at low rates , and no
Jj delay. 1) . V. Blioles'ID , Klrst Nul'l .Hank.
> > )
1\I ONKVto Loan On Omaha and South Oma-
-HI 1m property. C. K. llurribon. Meichuntb' Na
tional batifc. W.I
13r.rLi'H ) : financial Rfchango lirgo ; and
small loans lor loiigamt'Hliori time , at low-
i-st ratt'i of Interest , on real cstatw murtgugc
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds watches
ami jewelry , Don't fall to call if you want fair
anil chuup accommodations' O. lluuscutvn ,
Mgr. , room W Haikur \ > ) \ ' . . ISth and r'aniam.
MONKVtolonncailionnanilno ; : rtolay , J.
W. Sfjulro. Lil'J Karuam st. Flr t National
bank building. m
LOANS made on real potato nnit moi-ifajoj
bougtit. Lowls a. Hcjrt &Co. , ll'il Kariiam.
MONEY to oan on I bhproved real estate.
Loavltt Iliirnnam. Crelghton bloc ! ; . 107
TT M. com , loan agent. 4XIJ1
UlLllINd loans. 1) . V. Hholufi , Sit" " , 1'lrst
Nat'l Hank. DM
CWl'ECcoins money , rash on Imnil , f,1 > l-
Vj ( ( KJ , can pe placed on Uty and farm proii-
erty at lowest rates s biilhlmi ; loans a wpnciulty.
lloom 4. Kreny-er block. Opp I'O. OK dU *
T'ElTcKNT iiToneyfo loan-Casti on Hand
\V , M. llurrl * . room ftX Ki-ouzer block , opp.
P. U. 1U (
MONEY to loan on Improved city property or
for building imrpo-sni ; lowest r.itua ; uq
delay. Mutiiul InvHStiiiKiit. Company , room I ,
Harker block. 15th and I'liriiain. tiM
MONEY Loani negotbitert at low rates ltli
out ( lelay. pnd pnrchusu good tommcri'lal
paper uud mortKiige notes , H , A. Slonian , Cor ,
lath and Fuinani , 4I'J '
uIuiiNa loauZ J7lnahan i Jlanoney.
MONEY to loan on furniture , tiocie * , WH irons ,
etc. , or on uny upiirovcil security. J. W. Hob-
bins. u. aw aiu-ciy bib. iatu nnd Howard , im
ASOO.OOCMl per r enf. Mousy to loan on Im-
3 > proTeU fnrni ] or city property , .la mm A.
Woodmun , ut thn old ( Ira Inbiirtiuca ottlce ot
Murphy i Lovctt. : iW S , KHhst , 4UI
J.V buliaing. New Kualaiul Loan uml Truat Co ,
DON'T borrow monuy on furniture , bor
wagons , etc. , until you have aeaa C. II.
cobs , room 410. First Natloiwl bank batld
cor. l'tU ) and Farnam W :
IB u s i ties s c ? HAN cis. " _
ANTUD-J'artiifr In 8tabllshe-J. paylnj
confectionary busluos by thoioujih vuiiily
maker , Address U. 01 , Uef. VWJ J
"OfSlNfesCJianco Extraordinary t.lvo man
* - > < equal partner to go to booming city In
Washington " - ' " " ' " Mid
11U1UI11S1UI1 Territory In n inwltlmato
money making bnslue'S rsUbll hed , must have
MjlXO or WXW ( cixsh. I'all on or address J. L.
Hc | Ar Co. 7W-1 *
TTU > R 9AL1J-A ttrst-rl < m rlgar and confec-
JL1 tlonery stand. Apply at store. 17th and
Nicholas. HOI N. 17tn st. , ! M 3J
A ( IRANI ) chniico forlmestmont. lumber mill
roalyard ( thoonly tJiiuMii a gor l town on
railroad 40 miles from Omaha. HuMiieas has
bijeu ait.ibllihoil for jears. Stock tlmi , w ll
a oite < laud small , will dl pose of sum P tor
cu < h at n bargain , or would tukopnit In trade
of nnltiuiiiibcred Omahn property. Address
t ) . E. SlaiiRtiter , 1111 Suunders st. 740 r >
AY \VANTn1Ive business " " man with rc dv
rashtot.iVe Interest In establlsheil ana
paying manufacturing business , located either
In om.ilui. Denver , Colorado , San 1'ranclsco ,
fal. , or WnsiiiiiKtou Territory ; tlnnojicnliig to
right man. Call on or address J. L. Rico * Co ,
75J 17
QI'.VEIIAI. good restaurant ? and oth"r biMl-
V 'U3 chaives Call on Co-Operatlvo Land > V
Lot Co. . iiO'i.N.Utlist. 7HI 17
BOTI LINd work < for sak' , In one of the beat
town * In Nebraska , ( load teirltory. four
inllruudi1 , oullli nearly new. Anvone wmitlm : a
good business will please Investigate , Address
> I4I , llee olllce. M7
A ( llOD ) chance tp buy u general inerchnudtso
2oi'6 | nmi frtocK iiirtKft > .luS > 'rtli ' 0'\.ltO\vu ,
Address M. l.llco oilli-e. ? > vat
IJIOU SALE A nice new Mock Hardware in
JLA conlral Nebraska , part ash , pait time ; also
u good printing press and olllco a good open
ing. Address P. O. box ST. ? , Co/ad. Neb.nVl19
171OR SALE A well established narl < ultilral
J-- Implement and cairlaira business , xtm-l :
first-i w < ! > , locution one of tne most deslrabln lu
tin1 iity. I'nr ] iartlcularsnddrcis P. O. Drawer
! ! 7 , Lincoln. Neb. 7 a''It
\ \ lw ! > shto employ a tellable mini m your
ft county. No oruisrleivn luqtilfudi perma
nent po-ltlon for threw year * . Salary Increased
each year. Mitht , easy. Koutnnl business. Muney
advanced for salary. udviTtlfllnu , etc. Largest
manut'rs In our lino. Knclosocent. . No
postals. CentEimlal M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O ,
77 < OH SAl.K-.Vsmall and woll-nisnrtoil drns
Jstork. . InRltldliiKoloxant IKturoMnta bargain
If taken soon. Can bo moved to advantage. Address -
dross Immediately , A. llrowti , euro drug store ,
! il8 N. SotU. 713
AI'KUfSlAN pliysclan , firiulunte of the
Itoyal rtuverslty In Merlin , wishes to Hud a
patty \\lih about fi.OJU to open a mt-dlclno com
pany In ( imulin. Tlio advertKor has a. ' > years
( ixpi-rlonco as phvKlclan In America. Prospects
good. Address MW , llee. 71111st1 -
T OIt SAI,1 ] } 1.DJO ! stock of hardware for
-I. sale , dolnya spioiulkl business , ts located In
ono of tlv Iwist towns In the tUnto. 'I'ne stock
is clean and In Rood ihiipc ; the IYMSOU for sell-
liifT , other business occupying my time. Part
cash and bankable paper for balance. Address
1C 4 1. Uei > ollk-o. ( T.3
A STOCK of Hardware wanted fur a oed
farm will p y one-qiiartof cash. In wrltuiK
please htate nmount of hto t. Direct to lock
IH > X : ! . ' , Davenport , Null. 7Vl > - l *
' \\TANTiito : KvchnnBO 8 qiiarter sections
> * imaH ) a.'ros . , of raw lani1 , tlo.lKtJ worth of
town property In onu of t'ui best towna in No-
biasktt , IR > J population , for stockK of general
luerchandNe , Address M 4" , Ileo otllce. UtiS
"liAOH DXCIlANdi- Team horses or inulos
- Lunted for tlrst p.ivment on housa and lot ,
balance monthly or quarterly payments. Sclby ,
l.'iH ! amain. 081
FOH IIXCIIANUK 1'or hardware or general
merchandise. JI.IH ) ) to JIO.I40 worth of uood
Improved laud , well located , ur teed county
scat lotiinnd bomo cibli. IloxOJ. ! , I'uirbury.Neb.
f.V.1 'It
HAVK 'j section of cholc ? land in 1'rontlor
Co , Neli , to exchange lor a Rood stock of Ren-
era ! mdso. , I , . 11. llalsley , Ueuoa.Naiico
TjTOR r.XCHANJi : South Omaha lot for
JJ team horses or mules , wagon and harness
Selby , 15.21 Farnam. tibl
OlTiXCHAN'dli-t..riM : new housoaud lot
for small faun near Neb. county neat.
Solby , 1K1 Karnam. liQl
FOIJ EXClTANCJE-Carrlage and buggy with
J.J1J cash tor unsecured note or long time
mortgage. Pelby , l.VJI Farnam. 681
of goods for good city
IT property mul farms , tirorcr Stevens ,
JR'Jl ruiuamjst. _ 52l _
Hero WHhavitotiailo liU acres ole-
JKUIII hind a ) miles from Omaha for good
city property : JW.UOJ : worth of good , rloar. Im
proved ianl : lor wild land anil assume encum-
UIMIICO : ; i"i turnlslinil rooms , making a clear
profit of &Jr.OJ per year , for city property ; a line
block "arm in Iowa for city property ; property
in Omaha and South Omaha for good farms.
( Jrover Stevor.s , 15)1 ) Karnam ht. 5.'l
I'lClVKK SJ'KVKNS , 1V.'I Farimin , bus n largo
list oC goo < l city and farm property for ex
change. _ _ _ _ _ _ S l _
TjlOK KXCHANar.-Kor desirable residence
.I ? property in Omaha , any or all of following ;
Id choice inside roskloucu lots lu Hastings.
10 lots in Lincoln.
n 19 acres tl no farming land. Lancaster county ,
Finn residence property. Lincoln.
( iopd rental property , Lincoln.
Choice faiif v residence , corner , Los Angelas.
A neat icsldencc property In Ihutscom i'laco.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Address giving loiatlon and price of property
.1. U. U. . care llaum Iron Co , , U'17 Leavcuworth
I HAVK ical and personal property or all
kinds for C.ul and see me. Georgii J.
Stenwdorir , room 0 , opp. I1. 0. _ ial
Tr rUHKXCHANlE A good improved farmffi
-A mlle.s from Omaha for stoc3c indso. Hammond
mend .V ( Jlbaon , 1511 Douglas hi. ( i'Jtl 17 ?
TTIOH TH A IH- oils nand lot in city for leal
-U or ctmttcl mortKagn paper , horsus , mules
or cattle , A K. Greenwood A : Co. , room 1 ,
Cunningham block , cor. loth anil Jacksuu
\\7HATlmvftyou to trndo for31ots In.Icromo
> > I'ark. ' lucnmbraiice of Jl.OJ.1 ! on the lota. 1C C.2. IJeo ollici > . _ _ 8ll _ _
TTtOUTHADK-Cholcolot in Orammerey I'ark
-U and choice double corner in Llptou I'laco for
good land. 1) . V. Slioles , 210 1' , Nut'l bank.
" 171OHTl'NK Teller Mrs. Lm'ormnn can no con-
JO suited on all ultulrrf of life , gatlsfacttou
ftuiranieed. No. 318 N liithst cy.lj IU *
H. NANNIE V. Warren , cluirvoyant. Med
ical and business modlum. Female diseases
uHpuclalty. 111) ) . N. I'ith ' st , Rooms a > t3. lai
\7UtH \ " 8AI ll7jrA7ipfonCoiiipauy.
JL ; A liaiHlb'oino and very compliito ID-room
le.HiiU'nce on bhcrmun uvenuu ut less than
tci feet on Sherman Avenue In I'addock I'laco
A corner on Sherman aveniio In l' d'lock '
I'lace ut u prici way below the market value.
An east front lot onl7tli ! street , paved , just
south of I'.ininm , " ? percent less than niljolu-
Ing properly fan bo purchased tor.
For barwilns alwu.vx seu M. A , Upton Com
pany , ; WJ South IGth street. Telephone W4.
I7IOR ilroudwny lots , Council Hlnlls , tni > J. L.
-E Rice A : Co. "Kl 17
TTTO Tor Salo-l havn 10 flno lots in llrlggV
JUpliict ) nail , tor halo. For further iufotinutiou
FHISALK--Eleuunt fi-room house In Hans-
coin pluco , cast trout lot , city witter in the
house , buu-cr on the mrt-ut. Just the thing for u
yoiuit ; mull Murtlng out whouunts a neat , nice
rottage not large. 1'rlco J-.rjCO. Easy payments ,
Investigate ut once. C. F , Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank. tg ]
Tmbll SALK Ut exclusively wFth M. A. I'n-
JJ ton compuny , IKI9 So , Kith .street ; good liibliln
prniieityiit u Ugurunot more than actual value
Ityou want your real ontutn Hold. 4t'J
'rroit Hroiulwuy lots , council lllulls , sen J. oL ,
JL1 Rlcu A : Co. 72 17
Tjloit SALK 'I nlca vacant Jots , all clear , win
-L uxchuuge for huuso and lot and assume
$1,01X1 Incumbi'ance , Don't , object to part of
inrumbranrt' coming dim In the xprlng , ( ' . r.
Harrison , Merchants .Nitl. bnnn. Ha
T71OR llroaiiway lots , Council Hlulfs , ni-oj. L.
-thllco * Co. J 7iCJ7
I71OR HALE-Not for trade. 6IJ.7B acres of 1m-
-L ? proved land 'J miles from Maiqiiottu , In
Hamilton Co. , Neli. Fnuuehouse , frame stable ,
KXJ acres under a good 1 barb-wlru fence , round
cedar posts und "Htaj's ; living water , good cor
ral , : JvclN J , wind-mill , lUMmrrel tank , solf-
fucilcr troughs , etc. ; 7i acres clover , u good
Mock ranch.
I'lIco ( about H" ? per aero ) , * O.SOO
cash. : ywio
a yearn time at 0 Per vent H.ouu
do und look over the land and address the
owner , K. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer at. , Denver ,
Colo. 129
rpWo'-STOHY brick block , nearly now. with
Jl. ( it res on llrst nloor and ttuven loom Hats ou
hecoml Iloor , with all niodya linprovomontti.
'I'lilKpiopurly ID on corner ( routing paved
btreel , with xewer , water and gun and bring *
an annual rental nftU.U'iO. Will null cueun on
tcrniB to unit. Aldte i 11 70. Hea. 4UJ
"IT OR SALi : Doyou know that .owor Dong-
JL. lusst. is going to imtkollrnt-rlutiH retull prop-
ertyy If you don't , go down to the bridge HOIIIU
Hue day mill st-e the * trcain of western Iowa
IHiople coming over. You will then be con.
vlnceil.vw caii will , U. U > r M feet on Douu-
liia. between lot U uud Iltli bt , ut a price that
will make mircliM r 11)0 ) per cent lu lem than
twoyvurx. UhU dimp will not keep later than
Janmtryl , IfW , X , A. Uutou Coujpany. UOi ) S
leth st 5
TI10R SAtjTI To those wanting to po familnir
JU we can put them In control of largo or small
tractwof land wntcn require vcr.r Httlo money
for yenwt there tieror was a better tltnti i en
gage In tanning and stock-ralMng than iu > w. M ,
A. Vpton compsny , aw So. 13th street. 4'
171011 fALE S13 ncres namllton Co. , Neb ,
JL laml , ffl ppr acre , one-third cnsb. baUncp at
8 per cent , Aildrost W. . \Vllilumn. \ . Denver. Col.
, . . . , . 'ml lot and ( tool 4-ronm
'eaiy ' tvrms nml Ritiid location. 1) . V , Sholos ,
oin 13 , Klrst Nafl bank , cor. tlth and Par.
. ' . '
tiatu. 1'4
SALE Two elegant lionuM In ILiinflom
Place on r isomblo terms ; tnnrtitaite paper
taken u < part payment. Ho-uvortH \ Jopllit ,
Darker block. KM
Hrondw ay lot , Council IHuuX RoJ. L.
ltlce& Co. 75' ' 17
A TINE Improved farm near 1'apllllon for
- * Vsale , li ; miles from Omaha at tH an aero.
Api > lynt _ X'M7 llarney Mroet. 4fl J7
SALE-Or oxchaiiga for Omaha prop
erty , si acres , suitable for platting ! will
make 40J lots , all rlcar ; blit money lu It for
MHIIO one who can push this ; located just out
side of the city limits of Council illuirs. lu
ll ulro tleo. J. StoriKdonr , opp. postoiilco. IS j
FOR SALE Nenrnska farms : no surer Invest-
munt can bo made , M. A. I'pton company ,
yo.iPo. Hltli street. 4'JU
7710H llromlway lots , Council llluir.N sco.1. I , .
J-1 nice A-Co. _ | 7M17
SPECIALbargalus In farms , western land and
cliy property , rail and see u' . Neb. Sot-
tllug and Sujiply Co. Itooiu' , ' , Hoard of Trade.
rORSALE-aiiowliou'-elii a desirable part
of the city , two lots , house contilna all
modern Improvements , hot anil cold water ,
fuinacu , eabalh. . electric bells , and electric
gas lighting nrrnngnmont. p.irlors , hall and djn-
ins room finished lu oaK and cherry. For
lulre and terms address 1' 0. drnwcr 47 cliy.
3 M
"jThOR SA LE ( looil house oc 7 rooms , full lot,1
JL'ell , cistern , barn for 4 hordes , school ,
church and stormiear l > y , street cars one block
nway. In growing pnrt of city , good neighbor
hood , tltlo perfect , irood hbmo for man of mod
erate means. Oet ready fornoxt springby buyIng -
Ing n homo nowi itnka \ \ a vacant lot m part
liaymeut. C , ! ' . Harrison. .Merchants Nat , bunk.
"filOll STfliK-On easy tonns nnd TOIIK time , on
-1 ? lotik'lxU'J on S. Ulli st. near llnncroft. ( I.otti ,
llarker's subdivision ) . Address M li , lice oiilce.
T710U SAI.l' Do you want u loan at lowest
I ? niloi on pooil improved Insldo propaity ?
See Jl. A. Upton company , ut WJ So. luth street.
"C1OU SAI.i : Or trmlo : ° * whole or V4 lutoroit
i .V.U u 01 eimiles from two U. H. depots , 10
miles from Omaha , best Improved stocl ; farm
In Neb. Mno chancu for younji man with
money. Call or address Wm. Gibson , room.U ,
Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , or T. It. Ulb-
8pnKreuioMt. Neb. CJ _ 1M
1711)11 SAM : M. A. Vpton co > up.\uy uavo thoU
-U bargains In business am ! residence pioporty.
Boo thuni at aO'J So. ICtb street. 4M
The Blotor Cars Crowdotl.
NotwUhstandlug the fact UiatyostorOay
was not n particularly Inviting ilny on which
to bo out of doors , tUo motor line rcuoivod
tlio heaviest patronage of any tiny since it
Imi been In operation. The trains were Inxoil
to their fullest capacity , ana carlond uftor
carload whirled over the briilRO , until it was
n wonder where tlio passengers all cnmo
from. Very frequently n train was uimblo
to furnish transportation for tlio cro\vd3 who
wished to ride , nml was compelled to refuse
to nnswor the signal to stop , and run by
crossings , leaving woulrt-bo passengers
standing in the street to wait for the next
car. It was estimated that as many ns 150
parsons were on some of the trains ut onetime
time , and it is very likely Hint sueli was the
cnso , as every available inch of standing
room wna occupied anJ passengers were
fairly hanging onto tlio platforms. The sys
tem adopted by the company for tlio present
is to run four c.ira during tlio forenoon , giv
ing a Uvcnty-minuto service , and
put on six cars at noon giv
ing n twelvc-miuuto service until
7 o'clock , when the twenty minute ser
vice is iiKuIn adopted , and continued until
midnight. Tlio norviuo is givmcr tlio best of
satisfaction , and is practically monopolizing
all of the passenger trafllc between the two
cities. The first accident happened yesterday -
day afternoon on the bridge. As it is now
arranged , the nearest switch to the western
terminus is on tlio bridge , and each car haste
to wait there until the ono preceding it has
returned from the west end and passed it
before it can proceed. Yesterday two west
bound trains ran onto the siding , and waited
'for the castbound car to pass. The siding
was not long enough for both trains , and
the custbound motor smashed into the side
of the last cur of the westbound train , tearing
off a part of the side of the car , breaking thereof
roof and doing other damagp , amounting in
all to about SCO , The car had to bo taken
to the shops for repairs. Fortunately no one
was injured , as tlio car was moving very
slowly , as is the rule on the bridge. As soon
as the line ts completed through tlio business
portion of Omaha , this waiting on the bridge
will bo avoided.
Tlio Atkins Observatory.
The railing has been placed around the ob-
sorvnlory platform of the Atkins school
building , and that point is now ono of the
linost in tlio vicinity from which to view tlio
city. However , tlio tower was not erected
with an eye to terrestrial observations , but
for astronomical purposes. It has long been
a pet Bchcmo of President Atlcins' to have a.
signal station established hero , and ho had
that object in view when the ahapo of the
tower was designed. Although not a revolv
ing tower at present , it can cnsily bo trans
formed into OHO with but little expense. For
ordinary observations It now offers superior
advantages , and is of sufllciont height to
escape uny doviatlon-of the magnetic needle
on account of any local Influences.
It will doubtlosb bo utilized on numerous
occasions by the astronomy class of tlio high
school during tlio pursuit of tlioir studies ,
even if it is not called into requisition on
events of much greater importance. There
is no doubt but thaUas soon as tlm structure
is fully completed , some steps will bo taken
for the establishment of u reliable weather
bcrvice , and the display of proper signals
from tlio top of tlio tower. The building Is
so centrally located , and in BO prominent a
position , that sucli a sorvJce. If properly at
tended to , would undoubtedly give perfect
Till ) HlllOOIIH ClOBIUl.
The chlof of police and his force ol blue
coals kept their weather eye "wide open
tight" yesterday , on the lookout for saloon
keepers who wore not disposed to obey tlio
mayor's Sunday closing order. Tlio gin
mixers , thought boit to remember tlio Sab
bath day. so fur as budfio selling was con
cerned , although , aside from that , tlioy kept
the day holy according to tlioir own notions
of comfort nnd enjoyment. The patrol wagon
was not ordered for the purpose of giving
any saloon keeper a free ride , but aovoral
of their best customers were treated to trans
portation to tlio cooler during tlio day. The
saloons were closed , but drunks were just as
plentiful us ever ,
With those who were gathered In Satur
day and Saturday night , enough were se
cured yesterday to make a fair Hired grist
thin morning. Where they got tlioir bug
juice Is n mystery , as tlio police reported that
there wus not uu opou Haloon in the oily.
Almost n Coiidnuratlon ,
There was a nnnow escape from n serious
conllairratlon In KoliiiiHon Hros. Jewelry es-
tabliHlimunt about 10 o'clock last evening.
Chief Lucns was passing uud noticed sparks
dropping from the box attached to tlio
( ilcctilo light. A closer examination revealed
the fact that the whole box was on fire. Tlio
proprietors , who reside over the store , were
at once apprised of tlio situation , and there
w > u > quite a little excitement fora short time.
A liberal supply of water cxtlnguUhcd the
lire with but HlUo damage. The cause Is un
known , but was probably some defect In tlio
box that allowed the cloctno current to I fi
nite the surrounding material. Tlio Htreots
wqro Illlod ut the time , but none of tlio
passcm-hy had noticed tlio danger , It was a
fortunate discovery.
He's Aull
The Jury In the case of the state VB Charles
Aul , cams In yesterday morning , after being
out eighteen hours , with a verdict of not
guilty. Aull wa with Ferguson when the
latter itolo It. Q. IUcaurdsou' coat from the
Methodist church. Ho was chcr oit wit
cotnjUlcIty , but ns atnU > d nbovo , the chnrgo
did not stick. Aull Is n wiry little follow ,
mul pnvo Chief LUCM n lively timlo , when
the latter tried to arrest hlui. It liprobabla
that Tcrguson will norcr bo held to answer
for his part In the transaction , n.i hn was ona
ofthoso who CM'apeil from the county Jnll ,
nnd Is now enjoying his libcrtv In somoplaca
unknown to the sheriff of I'oltawnttauiiA
Sinners ,
The executive commltU'e having the union
revival mooting * In charge hns decided to
continue thorn until utter Thursday evening ,
Whether they nro continued boyomi that
t imo depends upon circumstance * . Further
announcements will be iiindo as to this.
Tlio business men's prayer meeting , last
ing n half hour , nnd commencing nnd closing
with consistent promptness , will bo hold In
the llnptlsl chnpcl at l o'clock eaoli morn-
There will bo n bible meeting at a o clock
in the afternoon nt the llaptist church
The evening services will be hold In the
Presbyterian church nt T.iK ) o'clock ,
Slio.'kinl ' . font.
Hob Tracy , a gentleman of undoubted
lUhioplnn extraction , was arrested by Chlof
Lucas yesterday afternoon , for the larceny
of nn overcoat from n brother coon on Lower
llroadvvny. The garment was not in his pos
session , and ho asked to b released. The
chlof would not agree to this , and instituted
n search for tlio misting eoat , which was
found where Tracy had "planted" It. Tlio
case against him is n clear one , mul the
value of the otolcu property , which is less
tlinn f''O , is all that will keep him from going
to the penitentiary.
Ofllcer Isenberpcr found the Opera Itouso
saloon i uniiing full blast lust evening , and
was about to arrest the barkeeper , a son of
John Dunn , wlurn Dunn , sr. , interfered and
said that If anything was the mutter ho
would go , us hovas running the place. Ho
was taken to the station , whore he denied
that he hud anything to do with the saloon ,
The onicer wont back to the place , but the
barkoepur hud skipped. In the meantime
Dunn , sr. , had been allowed to depart from
the station. It was evidently a ruse to se
cure the oacaixj of the boy. What disposi *
tlon will be made of the cnse it is dlOloult to
say , but it seems ns though the wily "Dandy"
hud madu n cunning turn and tuny imxlto it
The Dodge Light Guards give their first
ball of the season this evening , Over three
hundred invitntioiiH been Issued and
thcro will bo n very select party present.
The following are the committee ; Keoeptlou
-Captain Arthur U. Cowlcs , Sergeant
Henry O. Wells , Privities O. S. Williams ,
Krncst K. Hurt and 1C. O. Shepherd. Ar
rangements and floor Corporal 1. W. Par
sons , Lieutenant William U. Alti'li on , Licit-
tent John W. Dixon. Musician K , H. Lou-
gee mul Private C , K Woodburg , Kefrcsh-
tnonts will be served by the young ladles of
All Saints' ' Guild.
AVoiuen AVlio Kiss Knoli Other.
Indianapolis .Touriml : Ft has boon
llio gallant habit of men , from tiino
immemorial , to comment unfiivoriibly
on the habit which women lisivo of in
dulging in the useless distribution of
kisses among tliumsolves , but It is not
often that tbo nniinudvowion of the
orriiifj sex itself is visitoil on the siuno
thumo. A critical young lady , liow-
ever , was recently board expatiating
vigorously against this honaoloHs cus
tom. ' "Do , for goodness snlco , " she
romni'ltecl , "bsiy something about
the silly way that women have
of kis.sing each other every
time they got together. If twenty
women were to moot in thoslrools every
last ono of thorn would have to kiss tbo
other nineteen , and there would bo lot
mo fioo ! 180 kisses worse than thrown
away , for probably in ten minutes tlio
wbo'lo party would separate into squaila
and go olT talking about ctu-h other.
When you see ono of tbcso very violent
miscellaneous kiss-o very thin g-within-
sigbt kind of woman , it is safe together
down as a fraud , which she generally is.
Jf I bad my way , kbsing should bo con-
lined to family use nnd for
medicinal purposes. Now , don't put
my niimo to nil this or I
will kiss you right on Washington
street tbo very llrst chance 1 have. "
Than tbo talk ran oil' on other kinds of
kissing , and a story was told of a young
lady who kissed a baby hold in ita
father's arms ; then in a moment of. tem
porary insanity or abstraction bho Blood
on tiptoe and kissed the papa. Hoali/-
ing instantly what a dreadful thing she
had done , she wheeled around and
kissed the baby's ' mamma , who wna
standing near , and retired in good
order. Her satirical bister squelched
the poor young woman us they loft the
ho use by asking her if she didn't want
to go back and linlsh it by kissing the
hired girl.
A SP10OIAl/rV.
IRON and
No. 5U1 ninln KtriM't , ]
' '
Corresnondonts Mention This Taper. f
E vanillin the following prices for cash only
and buy your meats uiutmed at home. 1 will
bell until f urthur notice IIH rollout-
Hlioulder and chuck roast Dto Bo
I'rlmurlbioust 80
Chuck steak , So
Koundjiteuk , 8 to Ida
Blrloln Htuak lOo
Porterhouse- uk mo
Rolling beef t to r.o
MiUtoiiKtow , f > o -j
Mutton leys Po *
Corn beef 4 to r > o
Porkroust lOo
Pork chops nuil htoak IBo
l.ard , pure and our own make lJo !
Housuge , our own make. , IPo
lUimember this Is the ouly HOME DHKS8
MEAT MARKET lu the city. No foreliuueats | ;
Hold , Telephone No , 'AW.
U. Ij , NiUNAH : , No. H'-'l ftlnlii Hr. fo ,
Latest novelties In hulrgooili in slock or'nmda '
to order.
And Shampooing.
No , 14 Main HI , , Coimoll lltuirs. 'j
See him for Ilioad , Cakes ; oto ,
To D alerA Liberal Dlacount 01 van.
No , un Main Bt. Council Hlutf , IOWA
D , II , McDANELQ & CO , ,
Hidesjato , Pelts , Wool 6 Fufs ,
Highest market prices. I'rompt returns , 8fl
uuUUi \ Main UU , Council Ulufff , IOWA ,