Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    i..ia . n. "
C. S. Tliggins" liquor cases have boo
continued until 2 p. in. to-day.
Two car loads of tin from Livcrpoc
were received at the custom house.
Fifty eases of wino wore received froi
Hlngcn , Germany , uy the custom hous
The Frances Cleveland club had nn
other dance Wednesday night , n
llaseall's hall.
Indications at the signal bureau go t
ohow that fiomowhat warmer wcatho
will follow for iho next few days.
Lorn BeaUy.a farmer of Sarpy countj
n , was duped out of $7.50 on Tenth streo
> yesterday. The shark was not arrested
\ .1. Mahamal was tlio nntno of a Juji
6 nnoso traveller who passed througl
I Omaha ycstortlny morning en route fo
The new town hall , which will b
named Florence hall , is nearly llnlshei
and will be in readiness for use bofor
Now Year's IJay.
At the synagogue this evening n
* 7 o'clock a lecture will -dclivoroi
g \ipem the subject of ' 'The Ilcavon of He
ligion and the Heaven of Ueason. "
The widow of tlio Into John A. IClii ]
wishes to tender her most slneor <
thanks to thu many friends who s
kindly came to her aid in her hour o
Heretofore only two mails have bcoj
rccolvoel daily ut Florence , a third mai
coach is now making a daily trip. Thi
hours of arrival of the mails now , nro a
follows , morninir mail 8-l- : > , noon 1M :
evening 7 e'clook.
There will bo a big turkey shoot 01
the Omaha Gun club grounds thi
iifturnoon under the management ol ,1
.1. Hardin. Ho has on hand twenty
live large , fat birds , which arc to bi
shot at , oil-hand , at ! M)0 ) yards.
Friends of James Pattorfcon , of Ncv
Yorit , will regret to learn tlmt hi
brother John died last week , agee
twenty-nine years , " .liinmio" Patter
bon is well known to nil Omaha sporting
men who visit. Now York City.
The ladies of Knox Presbytcriat
church , corner Nineteenth and Ohii
streets , will hold a fancy goods bas-.aa ;
this afternoon and evening , open
ing at 1 o'cloe-k. A supper will be
fcprvcd from (1 ( lo 8 , a special invita
lion is extended to all to attend.
The following table will show the
change of limo of the trains running t (
and from Florence : Omaha to Florence.
leave 80 : ! a. m. arrive .Sll : > , 1:20 : nnd
1:83 : , fii0 : ! and 6I5 : ! , l > : - ! > and 7:01) : ) . Florence -
once to Omaha , Ititivo H0 : ! ! a. in. arrive
: ! ! > , ! ) : -.j | and 10:05 : , 12:11 : and 12:515. : 4:3 : :
and 5:05. :
Personal Pn
Frank Goblinrelt , credit man for H. Itoscn
thill ft Co. , ciiK e'oel te > Miss 13. Hmorlck ,
will bo married in February , and will make
Omaha his home.
At tlio Arraclo : II. A. Allen , Atkinson.
, . William Starling , Uulvidore ; O. II. Scott ,
\ Hebron ; F. E. Donsdale , Louisville ; W. 11 ,
i Tlioinas , Tokainah.
At tlio Marker : .Joseph Drees , Avocai
Gcorgo Middloton , Crete ; Samuel Ilinos ,
Fr"itiotit ; II. J. Mason , Columbus ; William
M. St. Clair , at. Paul.
ClinrircH tliol > oot ( > i' With Malpractice ; .
Henry M. Sinter has brought suit against
Dr. Chambers for $1,10 eliuiigcs ; , ulmr iiiK
him with causliiKtho death of nhorso throuirh
malpnictico. Thu case is set for the ITth bu-
fore Justice ) Krougor.
On two separate ) occasions m ono day John
a Gray tniido application at 023 South Six
teenth street for furnished rooms. As Gray
i , on each occasion gained admission by tlio
t , window ho was suspected of attempted bur-
glnry and locked up.
Criminal Assault.
. A clerk named Peterson , in the grocery
store on the northeast corner of Sixteenth
and California streets , is chnrged with com
mitting ti criminal assault upon a little
twolvc-i'cnr-olel coloreel girl named Corn
Park ? , who lives on Fifteenth nearCali
Anoilior BnuKnm House.
The Fairbanks Investment company has
filed articles of Incorporation for the par-
pose of transacting ! ) , general banking busi
ness. Tlio capital stock is 810,000 and may
1)0 increased to $100.01)0. ) The incorporate )
nro O. H. Walworth , C. L. Wright and G. 1J.
Hml n Son Ijlvln ; ; .
An old man named Neill arrived from Eng
land a few weeks ago , and to-day applied to
County Agent Mnlionoy for county relief
and luhnission into the poor houso. Mr.
Mahoney found the applicant had a son In
the city , and referred the old gentleman to
The 1Minitial Festival.
Thn Indies and gentlemen who will assist
the Ladles' Musical society in their concert
on December ill by singing in the choruses
from the Messiah , under Mr. B. 13. Young's
direction , nro requested to uttond rehearsal
on Friday , December M , and Monday , Do-
cumber 17 , at 8 p. m. at Meyer's hall , in the
Paxton block.
The County Clerk Called.
County Clerk Hocho is excited because of
being summoned to uppoar before the United
States grand Jury and bring the ballot boxes
of the ilrst precinct of the Second ward. As
Mr. Uoche holds that ho is the exclusive
Kiamll.Mt of all the ballot boxes , he appears
aggrieved t having such Intor/orenco with
his ofllcial duties.
Ijnrcony of a Trunk.
Miss Mary Carey has sworn out n warrant
for tlio arrest of Mrs. Dot LJowton , 1015 St.
Mary's avenue , charging her with stealing
her trunk , m which were dresses and other
valuables. Miss Carey sent the shorlll with
n writ of replevin after the trunk , but it is
claimed that Mrs. Bowton spirited it away
where it cannot bo found.
niinel IJoono the Pianist.
The First Methodist church was filled last
night with tin nudlcnco assembled for tha
purpose Of hearing Ullnd Uoono , the col
ored planifctnim vocalist , wlio bus acquired a
nntloiml ronutatlon us an artist of very con-
eldurablo ability , The ludius and goalloinem
iirosont Hhowetl the warmest appreciation of
ins efforts , and uinjiy of his numboru were
The city council met as n board of equnll-
uitlon in the office oftlio city clerk yesterday
to receive complaints of taxpayers against as
sessments for public improvements.
On Tuesday noxf the council will sit ns a
board of equalization , when the yearly as-
Bcssmcut will bo acted upon. It will remain
in session ouo week. All Irregularities In us-
scssmeiits should then bo brought before the
board. .
Sixth Wnrtl Kntrrprlsc.
The Sixth ward non-partisan club hnvo do
cldcd upon the erection of a hull , In which
hercnftor to hold their business meetings ,
Yesterday morning John F , Daloy , onoof the
lending spirits of the organization which has
done so much for the ward called upon ,
Gcorpo P. BcuiU with n view to securing tlio
donation of a lot upon which to erect the
Mr , JJaloy claims tlmt slnca the organiza
tion of the club the people of the ward have
secured grading , the opening of streets , the
building of cross-walks and sidewalks and u
number of other improvements which have
tended to tlio comfort of property holder *
and the appreciation of their property.
Thl club has suggested to the members
elect of the legislature the amendment of the
law so that t-radluK may bo done In districts
rr end paid for in the same manner that uav-
r1 uif is paid for ubw.
Frederick Doll Dies In West Onmlii
After n Varied Ijlfo.
Frederick Doll , nn old'citizen , died 01
Tuesday last , at the residence of Lcopol
Doll , at West Omaha. The funeral took pine
from that 'placo yesterday nt 2 p. m. Th
remains were buried In Evergreen cemotorj
The deceased was born in Hiulcn-Htulcr
and nsnjymmg man left his homo and workc
as n cabinet-maker In Purls , for the period o
throe years. Thence ho immigrated to tin
United States , and took up his residence ii
Harlem , N. Y. , and engaged in the mrmu
facture of wall paper. In 1319 ho wont ti
San Francisco , Cal. , afterwards going to th
Australian gold mine * . At Melbourne h
hold the position of superintendent of tli
English barracks , then In course of con
structlon. From thcro ho went Inmo t
Germany whore ho remained for a period o
six months , airain coming to the Unitei
States , Augusta , On. , acting In cnpaoity o
foreman of car shops for a number of years
Moving UIPIICO to St. Joseph , Mo. , nrrlvini
there In IMM , ho constructed and ran thi
Charleston house , which stands to-day ,
After a residence of fourteen years In bt
Joseph ho joined his brothers , William tun
August , Charles and Leopold Doll nf thi
city , xvhura he has resided over since. H
was an Unmarried man and loft a fortune t <
the children of Charles and Leopold Doll
Besides his brother Charles , William am
Leopold Doll , ho leaves a brother Louis ii
Denver , Col. , In the furniture business.
Use Kcrr's thread always the best
bold and recommended by Hayden Bros
Hoaril o ! ' Trmlc Prrshlonoy.
The attention of a largo number of tin
members of the board of trade is now beitu
illrectcd toward a presiding ofllco of tha
body for the ensuing year. Mr. llor , it is un
dcr.stood , is tired of the olllco , and It
fact of oulco In general because
It has time and again been thrust upon him
And yet it Is claimed that those who seek tin
olllco are more impelled with a desire for the
plnco because of the honor supposed to at
Inch to it than because of a wish to attend tc
th'o work whieh devolves upon the incuui
bent. Said a member yesterday :
"This board wants un energetic prcs
Idcnt , one who will devote r
pure of his time each day to the
dutics of the olllco , otherwise wo might n
well come to the conclusion right away that
Omaha has no nee 1 of a board of this kind.
There are about live men in the win
would be willing to act in this way , and are
at the same time capable of performing the
duties of this olllco. " One of these live men
should bo elected.
Wo rcc'm'd Korr's thread. Ilaydea Bros
Cooley Kvoneratoil.
The action against Julius S. Cooley , who
was charged in n complaint sworn to by Pat
Ford , which was tried in the police court
Monday , for obtaining a man to cist an ille
gal vote , was postponed until Wednesday
afternoon on behalf of. the state , who asked
for time to look up authorities to submit in
their argument. Defendant's counsel showed
the maliciousness of Pat Ford in llling the
complaint , and how Ford's friend , Solonhad
offered not to have Daboiso arrested if he
would return and vote again for Ford , and
that Ford had authorized him ( Frank Solon )
to offer Duboiso . * .r > for his vote. The with
ering rebuke wl.icli Judge Bcrkn gave to the
complaining witness , Pat Ford , in summing
up the evidence Is in substance as follows :
"There is not a particle ol evidence adduced
by the prosecution to show that the defend
ant , .lulius S. Cooley , did or tried
to do what the complaining wit
ness fsworo to in the complaint ,
nor is there any evidence from the same
source that Duboiso voted illegally. The
many creditable witnesses who testified on
behalf of dofeneiant Cooley show by their ev
idence that Duboiso was n legal voter in the
Third ward , and that defendant Cooley took
him over to the Ilrst precinct of the Third
ward to vote after ho ( Duboisc ) liad been
sworn by the judges of the second precinct ,
and ImU been found by them to bo a legal
voter ; and defendant Cooley at the request
of said Judges and of Mr. M. O. Maul
directed him to the other precinct where ho
was again challenged by Pat Ford and
It appears from the evidence that this has
been a malicious prosecution on tlio part of
the complaining witness Ford against the
defendant Cooley , and from the evidence on
the stand on oath by Ford showed that ho
had no knowledge whatever of the serious
charges ho swore to in the complaint , which
borders and hinges on the verge of perjury.
This court llnds that the defendant was only
aoing his duty in working for the republican
party and that ho is innocent of the charges in
the complaint , and is honorably discharged. "
General Brooke On the Removal.
General Brooke speaking of the removal
of Fort Omaha stated that when the reloca
tion of the garrison was first suggested there
was no marked opposition to the move. The
newspapers seemed to favor the removal , or
at least several of them did. A few promi
nent citizens , and one in particular , informed
liim personally that ho favored the move ,
and now it seems that his mind has been
changed , and ho with the others vigorously
denounce the removal of the fort as an irre
parable injury to the city of Omaha. As
there was no opposition in the beginning , ono
\vould no doubt take it for granted that the
citizens in general , business men and all ,
were in favor of the removal. Congress will
not meet again before the relocation Is ac
complished , and unless a demonstration on
the part of the citi/.cus of Omaha is made ,
forcibly objecting to the removal , the fort
will of course bo removed. This demonstra
tion must bo made right away. Not n mo
ment must be lost. It should bo n strong ,
decisive opposition. All the prominent citi
zens and business men must join , work hard ,
and their action should be unanimous , other
wise the irrevocable ateps of selecting and
mrchaslng u Iccatlon will be taken ,
Paper clothing for bale at Millnrd
Ifotel gouts'furnishing goods store.
Record ol' Heroism.
Announcement is made to the army that it
s in contemplation to publish nnnunlly.hcro-
after , at the close of each year , commencing
with 1SS9 , an order making mention of gal-
ant or specially meritorious acts or conduct
u servlcoon the part of either commissioned
ofllccrs or enlisted men of the army , and con-
.alning the names of those who havd re-
cnlvcd medals of honor and certificates of
All ronlmnndlng ofllcors hnvo accordingly
jcen notified that when any officer or soldier
.hull have distinguished himself , In uny way ,
jy sorvlco conspicuous for the skill , fortl-
.udc , courage , or gallantry displayed , u full
report of the facts innsj , bo at once inudo to
thu adjutant general , for the Information of
the major general commanding the nrm.v.
The city of Pueblo , Colo. , has five of
.ho gnu test smelting plants in tlio
country , The sixth , now building , is
ho lorgost in the world. It is the
only city in the west tlmn can supply
stouin coal nt $1 per ton , and has un in-
oxlmustlblo water supply. In addition
.o this it is u down-lull pull from every
nlning camp in the state. Those mmiu-
aetori&a pay out $125,000 p6r day for
ores and * 250,000 nor month wages to
employes. This immense sum into a
city of only 20,000 pooplo. The ilrst of
i series of excursions will leave Omaha
Ooeoinbor 10 , a , in. , over the Union Pa-
( sillc , running through to Pueblo with
out change. The parties on this ex
cursion will bo in my charge , and
u addition will have a porter to care
'or passengers. On arrival of purty
there they will bo taken in
charge by citizens , shown through tlio
greut Bosscmor steel rail mills , the cop
ier and lead pipe mills , and the great
> inoHora. Tlio faro on this occasion
will bo only 82S round trip , good for CO
days and ilvo days lay over nt any point
desired. For enaco on this occasion
write or call on F. M. Fish , room No. 8 ,
Arcade hotel , Omaha. Uoprosenting
Pueblo board of trudo.
Prcel Grny's Hljt Mill niul ttio In > yn
Clipinlcal Ijnbrntory.
Ono of the most promising factories re
ccntly added to the industrial world o
Omaha is a largo planing mill and cnrpctitc :
shop which Fred Gray , the lumberman , Inv
now altnoit completed on the river front n
the foot of Ilnrncy street. It will bo rcael ;
for work about the 1st of January and In 1
employment will bo found for 100 men. Sn !
tiries will bo paid yearly amounting to be
tween $40,000 and J.VCKl ) . The work
will comprise three buildings , the mn
chlno apartment , the engine room o
brick which will be flrc-nroof , and the cai
pouter shop. In all of these skilled labo
will ho employed. Lumber will bo brough
hero from the cast nnd north , sawed am
turncel Into doors , sashes , stniri , and nl
kinds of In-door llimhlng ami oftlces turn :
tnre. The weeks will bo complete , and th
largcstof their kind In this section.
This will bo an Omaha enterprise , nnel I
undertaken because It Is known that a grcn
itoal of the kliul ofvork refornvl ti
which entered Into the e-onstructloti of liullil
Ings in this city , has bi'Oii brought here fron
abroad. It Is estimated tlmt In this way no
less than 1,000,000 worth of Nebraska mone ,
was last year spent In the east.
In this connection , it may bo stated will
pleasure , that the Loyal company
proposes soon to start a factory also in tlili
city for the nmnufiicturingof baking powder
blueing ami extracts.
We > rno Than n Klro Alnrin.
Ono of the most dreadful nlarins tha
can bo sounded in a mother's cars ii
produced by croup ; dreadful because ii
is daniroroub ; the more dreadful because
the life of a loved ono is in jeopardy
Chamberlains Cough remedy is i
never failing safeguard against thii
dangerous disease. Its reputation as t
preventive and euro of "croup is fullj
and firmly established. In fact , it ii
the only remedy which can always be
relied upon. Sold by all druggists.
They Meet 1'or the I'm (1030 of Form
liiK JV Society.
Old residents of Pennsylvania , seventy-
five strong , met In the council chamber lust
night to form themselves into a social , be
novolcnt and philanthropise society. These
gentlemen are anxious that Pennsylvania ! ! :
should , when in the Gate City , meet eacl
other and by social intercourse ! become tic-
epininteel and form social connections. .Mr ,
U. 11. llouck was chosen temporary chairman ,
and Vic Mnsbleinan , secretary. The chair
man explained the object of the gathering.
Ho said that as old Pennsylvanians thev
should bo bound together by more than
simple social ties. It buhoved everyone
there to further the association and to estab
lish a society that would bo alike both be
nevolent and sociable. Many persons would
in duo course of time arrtvo
hero from Pennsylvania ami it
would bo the duty of members of this asso
ciation to befriend them , no matter whether
they bo rich or poor.
The committee on organisation , consisting
of K. C. Patterson , J. Hcdman and W. N.
Nason , was appointee ! , The following live
members were next appointed to prepare n
constitution and bv-l-aws : T. C. Uruuncr ,
\V. F. OriilltlH. ,1. W. Heaver. G. M. Jackson
and J. Iv. Coulter. Forty-live gentlemen
enrolled ns members of the society , and the
meeting adjourned until Thursday evening
next. _
Catarrh cured , health and sweet
breath bccurod by Shiloh's Catarrh
Komcely. Price 60 couth. Nasal In
jector free. For &alo by Goodman
Drug Co.
A lionus Check.
Yesterday morning what appeared to bo a
customer entered the shoo store of A.V. . Full-
ried , 1'0'J Douglas street. He 'choso a pair
of shoes , value ? 1.75 , nnd in payment ten
dered a check for $3 arawa on the First Na
tional bank by A. O. York in ftivdr of D. 13.
Clark. Ho stated that the chick was per
fectly right and was given to him by Mr.
York in payment of waws. Ho also Bald
YorK was n nursery man on Sixteenth
street. Mr Fiillrieel , had no auspicious and
cashed the check , giving him the balance ,
SO.25. Clark then bought u pair of rubber
shoes , for which ho paid 7 > cents , out of the
$0.2."i , and walked out. Mr. Puliricil went to
the bank and discovered that Mr. York had
no account there and that the check was
bogus. The fraud has not yet been arrested.
Sleepless nights inado .miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
The Oinnhn Guards Pin.
The Omaha Guards have had tnado a
beautiful badge of gold and blue enamel
Which will hereafter decorate the vest
fronts of the members of that organization.
It is slightly larger than a dime with a belt
or blue enamel on which , in gold letters are
the Latin words "Si vis pacem parabcllum , "
Which , translated , mean "If you wish peace
prepare for war , " Enclosed within the holt
is un indentation in the initials of the com
pany , "O. G , " in monogram are set pinned
by u sword. _
An Absolute Otiro.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute- cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co , , ut 25
cents per box by wall IJO cents.
A S nut ft Trlok.
Ono of the advertising mon employ Gel by
the Republican has left Oniaha suddenly.
Wednesday night ho gave it out : at the
hotel ho had been staying at for seine
time that ho was called cast by a
telegram announcing the Illness of hi ?
wlfo find children. ' Ho loft by the
5J5 : p. in , train nn the C. , St. P . & M road.
Yesterday morning further information
disclosed the fact that Mr. Senart was n de
faulter to his employers in various sums ag
gregating ubout S'i50.
Dcnth of Major Hpnitlellntf.
In the death of Major E , J , Spanieling ,
Fourth United States cavalry , the service
loses n gallant ofllccr and society a most pol
ished member. After twenty-nlno years
active military life , this olllcor received his
majority in 18i7. Major ami Airs. Spaulding
were well and favorably known in Omahu ,
find the news of the major's decease ) at Fort
McDowell , Arizona , through the accidental
elischargo of u guii , will bo received with
deep regret.
Absolutely Pure.
Tillspowdernerervaries. A marvelof purity
tretiKtU and wholesoineness. Moro uconoin-
cul than the ordinary kiuda , and cannot be sold
n competition with the multitude of low e st.
hort welyht alutn or phOHpliate powdorn. Bold
only in cans , lloyal Uakluff I'oweler ( jo. , IM
JRE ron
L U NO5 r-Soid
'Send ( or ctruIjr.fllttrt , Hu..3V9.a |
Santa Abie : and : Cat-K-Cur <
For Snlo by
G-oodman Drug Oo.
_ _
Mas Meysr-Establlshea ISSS-Adolph Ueyai
General Agents 'or
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clait anil Slioninger-Bcll Organs
Write forC.italosuoi
And Chicago.
-TJ1" only road to Uka for PCS Molnes. Mar.hnlto'H-n
Ccilnr KHiiidi , Clinton , Plxon , CHICHKO. .Mllwniikre.
? P'i. ' , .P ° 'nt. ' * KB'Te > the ( innpld of .N'olirinkaColo
radojrornliiR , Dish , Idaho. Nevmln , Orczon , Wash-
liiKton nml ejnllfornlB. It otrers superior nUvantasM
not | ioilblo by any othcrllno.
Among n fnvr of the numerous points of superiority
rni0)rC ? . T the patrons ot this rn U between Om lm
'ntl. . < hlri-BO. are Its thri-o trulni a. itar of DAV
1OAUIKS , which ara the finest tlmt hnmnn nrt Hurt
InKcnultr rnnciunlo. Us I'AI.ACKHI.KKIMNeJCAltS
tliuiTjualof which can not lie found clKPThsru. At
I ounL-ll Uluiri. thu trains of the Union I'aclilo Itnll-
w r connect In union depot with tuoso of iho Chi-
ewe A f.ortliweitern lly. In ChlcnKo the trulin of
tins line innkecloie connection with tliote of all other
HaMcrn linos.
Cincinnati ,
0 , Monln-nl ,
uiiiioro , Wuih *
tor tickets vln
- - * -
( n--
If you Hlsh the lien accoinnioilation. All ticket
V > 0'Vil.l."ckctl1 ' vla tbl1 " "
. .
U. lit ; IIITT. K. P. WII.RON.
Gen'l Mannppr. flen'l fass'r Aecnt.
W.N , DAI1COCK. eV"r ! ' < | AWc > iteIrnB > B.ut.
U K. iCIMlIAM TK-ketAKdnt.
, , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' WEST. City I'ft.'enRer AgODt
KOI Farnam St. Om aha. Ki\i. \
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y.
The Best lloutc from Omnlm anil Coniifil
IJlnlTs ( o
AND Mllvraiikrc ,
St. ruiil , Minneapolis , Itnplds ,
Itork Islunti , Frrcpurt , ] tockfonl ,
Clinton , Dnbiiiiuc , Dnrcnpoit ,
Ulgln , Mndlbon , Junestlllc ,
Uelolt , La Crosse ,
Anil all other Important oolnti Gist , Northeast Md
rortbroimh tickets , cvlluu the tlrkatacent at ) W > 1
Kur.miu elrcet. In UurHer Uloik , or at Uuluu 1'acltlo
1'nlln.un Sleepers anil the finest Dining Cars In tbo
world air run on the main line of the Chlcnifo , Sill.
wakee A at. 1'aul Hallway , and orery attention Ii paid
to pHMengeriby lourwoui employes or the couipauy.
if. MILI.KU.elenrral Msnaucr. ,
J. F. TUUKltll. Atslstaht Ueueral Manner.
A. V. II. CAHl'K.N'J'ait , Qtaeral TaiMiiiKtr an
Ticket Avont.
eJKU. K. ItKAfFOIlD. A. < litant General I'tnengti
auj 'lie Vet Agent ,
J.T. CLAIIK. CJ Q rki8uperlntendent.
pndTumvr * cured. UByrurs *
'r. > u Kiilff. Hook
W'tiuth Ar.thlcuBoIU ,
. ,
One of tlio Must Successful
In the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
Kl/c , Ear , Throat , Lnnun , Lifer ,
Jlladiler , Jdilncu nnd A'ai'votta Dis
eases treated with aucccsn nn-
A rmejniarantcedlnnll rases of PIIIVATK
nnd SKIN DIHi\His. : : All dlsordurs ot the
Treatment by covrc : ionJeuce. Benel etunip
for Ji'ply.
Oftk'o Bushman Bloc * . 16tli and
Doiik'las Sta. Omaha , Neb
* To Close the season in every department.
Close buyers who appreciate bargains
will bo tunply ropaiel for making iv trip
of a hundred miles to Uinaha to soeniro
any of the lots of poods advertised this
week. It is our purpoao to make this
the largest mouths business of this sea
son. You will not bo disappointed if
you I'Oino. As specimens of tlio dllToi1-
ont bargain lots comprised in this sale ,
we iiioutioii the following ; coinnioncinj ;
with our
Men's Ready - Made
Wo offer a line of 1 " > 0 Mou's . " -button ,
cutaway Suits , nmdo from the colebr.i-
ti/et Uroadbrook Cnsslmoro , In regular from Ilfl to 42 at $15 per bull. These
Suits tire inado iu our very beat manner ,
trimmed nml finished ixi well as any bull
in our stock ami tire usually se > ld for & . ' - .
Wo mean te > close them out this week tit
$15 pncli. Wo httvo no biimplcs of the
cloth to semi , but will send a sample.
Suit to any address , ami if it is not
found to ho as represented , ma v bo re
turned ut our expense. Send for solf-
measureincnt blanks.
LOT NO. U Wo huvo manufactured
another lot of 101) ) Sack Suits e > f the well
known Mechauicsvillo goods ami will
offer them all through thi month at
the popular price of 8112 per Suit. Dur
ing the past two months wo tiavo sent
hundreds of those faults to till parts of
the vvestand we believe that the univer
sal verelie-t has been that these suits tire
till that wo claim thorn to he , ti regular
$18 suit at retail. Our facilities for
manufacturing enable us to soil them
tit thu tihtoiiithing low price of S12.
LOT NO. , " > Wo olVor a line of 150
Fms Bi.AC'ic WoitsTKi ) Wiiipcoui )
Sl'ITS , ( goods made by the Riverside
Worsted Co. , nml the finest grade that
they manufacture ) made up in Four-but
ton Cutaway Frock Suits , in the most
elegant nmnuur , suitable for dress suits.
Tiiov are goods that we have se > ld reg
ularly in our steick. the present season ,
at $ " 2 per suit. Wo have no better
Worsted Suits to show to-day at any
price. Wo olTor them to close now at
the extraordinary low price of $112 per
suit. The Coats tire bound , the color is
plain black , just the thing for dress
N. W. Cor. 18th & Dodge Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
Host facilities , apparatus nd remedies for > uccei >
fol treRtnient nt ovorr form of illscaju requlrln *
iledlca I or Surgical Treatment.
llcurJ nnd alteadftmoei best lioapltal uocamuiodn-
Dons In Uio wan.
WHITE Foil ClIlCOI.AMnn Deformlllcs nj nraces ,
Tru ic , Club Kect , Curvature of Ilio fc'plno , riles ,
Junior * . Caucer. ebotftrrli , BronclileH , Inlmlatlon.
Electricity. I'drHlyiii , Eyllepjy. Kijnojr. IlluUclcr ,
liye. h" r , Hklu mill lllooa.nn'l Ojiorndoas
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
MAKIITO A si'Ecm/rv of
All IIIooJ Il a ei increisfullr tronted. tiypbllilla
Xoti < oii reinored troiu the ayitom without luorcur/ .
HKV roinrutlro tr.'atraont for Ion ut Vllal 1'ovror.
I'LTSOHS unable to visit us may bo trcntml at homo \ > T
oorri > ponitenco. All ciinimunloiitlont ( untlilentlal.
Mcdlilncaor laslnimvnts ent Ur mall or oipreis ,
vecurely paulteil , nu inirkt to IntllcilQ contiini * or
lender. One porxonal InterTiaw prefurruil. ejall antt
coDiult us or send lilitorr of your caic , anj wo will
Mud In plain wrapper , oar
UPOD 1'rlvalo. Hpoclal r MorTOua Dlsoiiios. Impo-
teacriyi ) > lillli. Ultn < l Vartc cel , wlibuucattoa
Ktt. Aildreii
Omalia Medical tmtl Survival /tudeuM , or
C r. tatli and Oodza 6U. . - OMAHA. MiO.
Everyone wlio has BOOH our fine
Suits anil Ovorconts nro in l vo with
them t , nnel elei not hesitate toxtiy llii'V nro the
Ilnest In the land. K yon Imve ) neit nlrcailv
yon Bhonld KMIIIIACK
itliu Ilrst opportunity yon huvo to do to ,
( JVIUICOATS nro the special feature Jus
Sawdust !
Cor Loads and Less.
J. A. NAUG-LE & CO ,
FT. J.
Surgeon and Physicin.
OfllceN.V Curner nth and Dout'lwat. Olflc *
telepUona , ioa ? ltealdenc UilepUon . oH
suits , nml every suit offered would bo
worth in tlio roRulnr way nt least $ ± J
pofsuit. As the lot is not liu-go Iho.y
will bo clo'otl the proscnt wook. Sontl
your orele't'd ut once if you want them.
LOT NO.1 Ono of the most popular
lots of Overcoats wo have had in our
slock this goason , is our Genuine Mos
cow Heaver in two shades , Drown and
LJluohich we- are soiling for $10 in all
sies.Vo claim thia to Im ono of the
best parmoiits for the price tlmt any
house in the country can furnish , For
business men and those who wish a KOII-
toel Kiiuioiit ! which will bo sorvie-eablo
and at u very low ceist , wo re'coiniuoml
this lot. Uomeiubey the price is only
$10.LOT NO. fi Wo m-o-Jistantly ro-
e-oiviiifj mail orders for our ? ! . " ) I'hin-
ohilla Overcoats. In any town where
ono of thc o fiarincnts are sold , orders
are sent to follow. This is erne of our
standard graelo which wo Ke'op con
stantly in stock- , and wo arc novoroutof for wo are limiting them up every
day und rocoinmetiel it as ono of the best
values ever M > lel in our store. They nro
made ami trimmed with a view to heir-
vise , anil wo gunriintea the color to bo
full Indigo. Price Slo. Sample gar
ment sent to tuiv address.
Wo call your attention to a lot of 1U5
ROY'S Mm/rott OVUUUOATS , cut for
boys from 1 ! ! to 17 in a plain Kly-I-Vont ,
with velvet collar , " \Vo olTor this lot to
close at the extraordinary low price of
$5 each.
Wo olTcr 60 different styles of Hoy's
and Children's Overcoats in this saleat
W.fiOW , J.5.50 , ii , 85 , ? ( i , S8 iind $10 , re
duced an average of 'M per cent , from
Itibt season's price to cloae out.
Wo offer 200 extra heavy , wind proof
Leather .1 tickets , made dewble-brcastotl
and lined with heavy ce > relure > y ami reel
Imimcl , extra .stitched , thoroughly made
goods , equal to the best solel in the
market anywhere , at the extraordinary
low price of .M.-IO each. They tire near
ly indispensable garments , and tit this
p'rie-e no man wlio is oxnosod to hi
ck * cut weather can allorel to do with-
vnrH , rmnvir and PIIIVATB DisiMSnsoC
MK.N nnel WO.MIIN Huccc-bfully tieatod.
Suffering from tlio otToct * * of youthful lulllr'orln
cllscri'Iiun , nr urp linnbti'il wltliVc.iKne1 * ' * , Norvom
Di'lilllly , l. i s ol .Memory. Di'upniKli'iicy. Avenlon til
So < Ipty.Klilnoy Trouble , or : ui > ill i > a u of llm ( icnllo-
I'lliiiuj oruitn" cm here ! Mini u rnlu'iiul niccily euro.
CliaiKL'i rra onutilu especially to ll'u ' poor.
There nrp many troubled with ton frocniii'nt PVIIP-
imtluiiho ! tlio M.ulilrr. mien uccoiiiimnlu I IT a Kilviit
Miiirtl : i or hunting i-en itlon. mid ni > tkruinK til the
' the ' mnot ui'ionnt lor.
HfiU'm In'i inutinei imttrnt < <
On C'Xitinlnlnv tliu urlnurv ilunostts a rouy soiliinunt
lll nliun lie iouml , ami fmic'tlmcH Mini ] | iaruc's ! of
alDiimcn mil ninu'iir , or the color wIII hoot u tlilu
inllkHi line , avnln clniiiKlnj t < i a clnrK or tornlil up
iwnnimi ) . Tlii'remro ninny IIILMI who die. of tills dllll
( iilty , Icnornnt of tlin tuuiu , wlik-li 13 the hcoonil
BliiKo 01 nominal weaknr"i9. The < lo"lor will Kiiar
nntee a perlni't emu In all Hiicn d'.sus mill a lietiltliy
ii'tloratlon ol llo : uonlto-urtnnrv oiizani , Coimilln *
tlon f re . ! > eriil for "Vonim Maii'rt 1 rluiul , or iiiililo
to Wedlock , " Irou to all. Address ,
N. 12. C'or. ICtli & Douglas Sts , , lliisliiiian Illock.
Mention this paper.
2O TO 60 DAYS.
This is ti ( lipenso which has heretofore
Bullied nil Medical Science.
Wo Imve n Homedy , unknown to anyone In thn
World oiitiide or our Cuinpiiny.iintl ono that Ins
to euro the most obftiiinte cases. Ton dnysfn
lectut cusewilous llio > iork , H Is thoolilrliionlc
tleeii boated cases ti'nt woMillclt. WH li.ivo
rmid hundreds wlio liuvo liocn bandmied by
1'liynlcliuiH , und prnnuunctd Incu able , and \MI
tliulleiiKO tlio World totjrin is a ono that wo
\\111 not euro In less tlmn Bl\tv lny .
Klnco tlio history or medirlnu R true fiporlllo
for Svphills has been bout'ht tor lJ" mover
found until our
waBdlscoverod. and wo nra insMlle I in
ft Istliu only Ucinrity In the World tlmt , wlllpos-
Itlvuly rure , he-ciuiho the latest Medli'al Works ,
published by tlio b at known authorltleH , Buy
thuiovns norer utriio speclllo before. Our roin-
eilylllcnru wliein overythniK ol o has riille-i ] .
Why waste yonr tlmo nml money ith pi-.te-nt
iiioilltluij.s tlmt uuver hud virtue or doctor \vltli
pliy lclunBthiitcniinot euro you. you Unit liavo
trlod orrr ) thing eUo should coino t > -juwaiid
get pcrmnnrnt rcllof , you ) ioer can ei , it UK .
whurr. Mark wut ) wo H.IV. In iho end you
must t.ifce our remedy or NllvKll recovei nnel
you that ImVK beeniillllctcd bin n ii rt ; IIMI'
should by nil miiaus e'omw to us now vir ono In
ten of newonscs ever cet purmnmmtir cnioil ,
Many Kt t help and thliik thov are fre-o from tuo
nisease. but ill one. two or thri'o ' ycnro after ft
npp .irnnuatnliia IIHIIB liorrlulu form ,
This is it Hlood Purifier mid will Cure
nny Skin or I51ood JJiBense when
Everything Klbo PnilB.
Iloom 10 mid 11 , U. S. XnUo.inl Hank
, Oiiiiilin , Nch.
\ < \
I'altl Up Capita ! $100,01)0
Surplus 50,000
II. W. VATKS , President.
I.KWIHH. UKKII , Vlco f'rpsldont.
A. Ii TouZAMN.ttml Vlco freiHlilr-nt.
W , II. H. Jlueinui ? , Caalilor ,
II , W. YATKB. f.uwisti , ltiru. :
A , B , Toti7.Ai.lN ,
Danklng Onico
Corner l-'tn nnd Faiwim Bis.
A General liniikliiii IliulneaaTransacted.
Noa , 3O3-404-I70-6O4.
out ono. Remember , that wo warrant
tlit'in llrst-olnss in every respect , unit
the price is only $5.60 each , livery out ' ) j
is worth $8.
We also nsk your attention to OUtf [
great Hargnin Snlo of ! TNi > r.mVAiti7 , i
11USliitYit.OVKS : , C'AUDUIAN ,1 Al'KKTSt '
KTC. , which has boon the most pro- *
nouneed suoeoss of any bargain sale over t
inaugurate. ! ! in our It out's Fnrnishinf * i
Gooils Department since the t'ON- \
TINKNTAL was opcneel to the nubile. j ;
The sale is continued lliis week with J
new lots aeltleel never before shown on ,
our counter , anil at prircs that are sim
ply unapproachable in the west. Look
at the list ! See what the goods arc.
AN NOT UO.Mi : IN I'iH-ON. ; !
We olTer i'.OO dozen of the llnost Scotch 1
Wool , Shetliintl inixeel Underwaro' , ;
goods that in the ordinary course of re
tail trade are not solel in tills murkest or
any other for less than 9- per garmontj
For the purpose of attracting the publlej
to our Kurnislnng tiooels pepartmcnt |
we have decidcel to olTor this entire lot ,
to close , at tlio extraordinary low prioo
of 81 each , in roirular Bi/.es , 'M lo 4-t
Shirts , ! W to10 Drawers.
GOO DO/KN riNi : AM. wooi , SniuT3
AND DitAAVKlis , iiiado by the AniHteJV-r
dam ICnitting Millof Amsterdam , H <
Y. , pure Cochineal colors , full lieavy
weight goods , at the extraordinary lovv"
price of $1 each ; solel this beaten at $ i !
each , and wo do not think in the ordin
ary eour&o of retail trail" they are Hold
at less than that price tiny where to-di\y.
Wo have them in regular sizes , blurts
running from , ' ! i > to11 ; Drawers from 8U
to-lOsixo. They are absolutely norfccd
in ever/respect , and we cheerfully rec
ommend tliem as being one of the. mosfc
remarlcablo bargaitiB over sold over our
counters. Wo resor\e the right to
limit this sale of this line of goods trf
twe > Shirts and twe > Drawers tooncli cus
tomer , as it is onr purpose to distribute !
them tib widely au possible.
180 SO.
Chicago , ills. Clark St.
Tlio Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest' .
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , \
as-NERVOUS DEBIL1TV , Lost Manhood ,
Fallinc Memory , Exhausting Drains , TerrlbleA
Dreams , Head and Back Ache ami nil the effct I
Ic.ulmjto early decay and perlups Consumption01 *
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods wltH
never-failing success.
CHSYI'H ILI3 and all bad Blood and Skin Dl3
eases permanently cured.
flB-KIDNEYnnd URINARY complaintsGleetJ
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all disease *
of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kulpcjs or other Organs. I
0V No experiments. Age and experience lint
portant. Consultation free and sacred , fl&
Jiit * Send 4 cents posM e Tor Celebrated Work * on )
Chronic , Nervoun nnd Delicate Diseases.
tfsf Those conttmpUling Marriage send for Dt *
Clarke's celebrated guide Mala and Female , each
IS cents , Loth 25 cents ( stamps ) Consult the'eld
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer *
inj and shame , and add goldcn > ean tolife. 3IJoOM
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jocentsstamps ( ) . McdlclM
and wntingt sent cxer > herc ( secure from expoiUTO
Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays 91013 Address
F. D. CUARKE , W8. D. , „
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. ,
Meillcmn tlmt ncoi\
to provo Us worth.
Callender's ' left liver Biiterj ;
Tno only Dlstllla'l Hitters In the UnfUet
BUtoa. The einly Hitters I ecogiitjEed by tha
United btntoi lutornnl rovoniiB laws ua aFrtM
prletnrrMndlcinu. Luwfully I'atenter ) . No. ot
I'Rtent 1-VO.D73 , Cejiitaliis no fuall oils , n
eBRontlal ollB , no forolK'i ) BiibHlancn or ilamag
lug elriirs , A perfectly iiura medicine , com <
ppundrel from I'ttre ) Hoot llerbs HU < I Old I'cacht ] 5
, t > leaoniH to thn ta.sto , quiet und dui'lnlvo In ft * II
ffect. Cures Dynpejula or Yeillow.Iatinellc * lal
DYO ( myt , . KcKUluteK tlio flouriH. Invlvoratei
InartlTe I.iyejr. Oure-s Diseased Llrnr , itnvlve * '
Uie Ktdneyi , Imprr/Tes the .Appetite Oulcklr.j
nefrulateH the wnoloiiyatero. Hew Life to tU *
wlicle ejiiom.
olA'ft I.IVLT Ilitiort nrn noli ! In Omi tt , Knit , brtha
.uli0 ! * " " ? 1. ' < i t Illi-hurliiin I-iii { Oj , Hpcclal
SnJfrSMliii ! oM ? < M > lu lmi > n"rtof N-- - "
j.iJ. Kiiu.j \ \ i.-iurkcJ , ll.Mcnnildt. Mai Jlecht , J
H.CIirlsiviison. W. K. J.amborson , It , H. Cm , Max
I'onrad , 1'rnrlc W , ] ' < > itU , It. llamnnunn , < lu . llocde *
lloyd'i I'hnrmaey , o , A. Melcher , Iliivurd Meyurn.
k llullnnn.v t ! > < wliolc al dualun In Cl ur un *
vvr Iltt9rk
Htmtrfcable f or . . _ - - -
' -t
thetlc ttitiu. pliaClB'actlon and i
Plate durability , in years' tec
th best Kuaruntto nt tb c
lenceof tncse Inntriitufata.
WEAK , .
l umPM ba kijirrixuof youtdtLj
1 llfl Mlltrjois , i-ttrly tin
iyT t inniiliK-l.rei ; UI Mud a ulu bl > tli ( M-jltdi i-'M.inlnliiir full i ilkuluii tut
Itomt , rilir , 4 Itaivr. Artillt M ,
PnCF.P.G. FOWLER , MooUueQonn.