Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Artvertisorncmts tind" r tn s hpnd in cents per
Jlno fortlie lirst Insertion. 7 ( tuts for eachanb-
ff < iueiit Insertion , und Sl'fln line tier montn
I'o rirtvPiU ( mtnt tfiKcn for less thon-.cents
the tln > l.n crtlfiii. Seven XMirds will bo counted
to the line ) they munt run cim&ecntlxel ) nnd
jnnst 1)0 paid in AHVANC'U. All advrrtUo-
inenl * nittnt bo handed in before 12iio : : ) clock | > .
TIL , niul under no rlitnmstancts will they us
taken or dlscont inncd b > telephone.
I'nrtles adv < rtlstnK In tlic < o columns nnd liav.
Inn thplrnnwors addre-sedln rnro of Tiir. HKK
vlll please auk forix ehf-ek to enable them to get
lliclr letter * . HS none will tin dell vprwloxrept on
vrcpcntiillon of rherk. All nnsxx-ers to adver
tisements should bu enclosed In cnvulopos.
All advertisements In the " columns nro pub *
lUlicd In both morning and evening editions of
3'ni ; HUB , the fin ulatlon of which aggregates
jnoro than lHr < jonnpprsdnilxandclves thend-
mtlspis the Ijcnollt. not only nf the cltvlicn.
Inllnrof TIIF Ilr.r. . but nlso of Counrll lltntTs.
J.lnroln itnrt olhpr clt ! "i nnd towns throughout
llil < section of the roim'ry.
Advertising for thco columns wilt lip taken
n tl > nlwve condition1' , nt the following bunt-
HeIIOUBCH , who me authorised agents for Tur.
Jtr . Kperial notlrnu , nnd will quota the f > am
rntcs nit rnn bo hnd nt thn main olllcc.
W , HKU- , Pharmacist , KV South Tenth
tl Btrcet.
C . Etntloncn nnd 1'rlnlcn , 1U
eoultl ICth Mrcet
SI I. rAHNSWOUTH , I'liarmnclat.SllSCuin *
. Ing Street.
\V ri fro I ills , Vhtumncist , OM North lath
I'h.innaclst , IfcOOSt. Mary's
"WANTIin Situation ns monographer nnd
npo-xvrltoi. Address Klttlo lltirth. Hast
ings , Nub. tvs.1 ID
" \\7ANTI3D lly a sober business man of Si. n
IT position \xlipro hit rnn earn nn honest llv-
Ing for the xx Inter. Address M Ji. Iteo. ( XU lit
AVOI'Ml iimn , Htrictiy sobor. xx'ants tout-
tend. drl\oliorsn , or do any kind of xx Inter
Work. AddrefH M Itt. lli'e. Will *
"I WANT1.I ) Situation by young num us book-
ii KuopcT or other xxorfc In ulllio or stole ,
( lood references. Addrcs * M , W , lleo olllcp.
I _ ( til I.It
\ \T A NTKI-Ssltnatlon ivillnrtender , city
reference. Addu-rn MSZ \ lleo. 5i 1 It
T\MNTJI : > Position by young ladv to do of-
ii lleo xx-ork , ( lood penman , nnd nmlerntnnds
Ihjokkueplnj ? . Host or ipferunces. Addrau * . M
W , lleo ollico. CAB ; : : *
WANTIJD-Sltnatlon by u dressmaker to do
plain soxvlng nnd dressmaking by the duy
Jn pilvnto famlllBS. 1'KI South mlijureet ,
TATA NTIU > About the 1st of Vannan-
i T Hltnatlon by a man oC scx-crul ycMi-s o\-
Jorlenco In grocery or goneial storu. Would
take small molded Internet , ( lood icfcrrucus.
Addic-ss "I1. " cum of 1'llot. Illnlr. Neb. IHU-U *
WA NT ED - - rL
" 'ANTlib A foiiipuU-nt "iMjokkoopcr xxlTh
best of references xx-unts situation In Ifiin-
.as or Nobraskii , to boKln about Jan. I. Ad
dress Win , lllndley , .li > ; W. Ailitms at. Chicago ,
V\/AfTii ; llrlght ycnnu nmn for olllce mill
Vf general xxork , iiiu > xxllh HOIIIU Knoxxledgo
of book-kooplng preferred. Address , utatlim
iltmllllcatlon-i anumihiiy expected , M 17 , lleo.
"l/VA NTUD A 3-onng man about 10 or 18 yeai s
TT of age , a good penman nml rapid at tig-
iiros. to assist in olllce of xvholosulu house. Ad-
xvith rererence il tf , lleo ollico.
7'i , 13 ?
rroic. 1 drug clerk , 12 casliboys. II.
II. V > iindell , m N. Itlih. nn 1 (
T\7"A NTRD Oooil cake baker nt ISlfi El.
Mary's avc. None but llist class need up-
ply. 017 13'
WANTKD-A lliM-clasi job printer
J to take cliargii of thnmeclianlculdopattment
of a country ollico. Address , stating refetunms
nd a es desired , Itepoiter , Seward , Neb.
U'M3 !
_ _ _
"V\rANTHD Immediately , two voung men to
i do janitor woik for tuition. Valentine's
iShorlhaud Institute. (117 (
T\rANTnn Agents Wo xxnntdi-ht clusiinen
xxhoaru already traxollng hiilesmen , to
raiTy our lubrlcallng oil s.imnhts as u sldu line.
.Address II. , cnro Carrier . 'W , Clox'uland. Ohio.
1H)5 ) 17
"tlfANTKO An energetic , tempnrnto man to
TI reprcsunt an old liousa xx'lth a nuxx llnuof
poods. Salaiy and traxMling o.xpcnscs paid.
1'eriimiH'iit position to right party. ItushMfg.
lClnclnatl. . O. r.lif-'l'
ANTRtl A man to solicit , salary $7'i pel-
month , deposit F-o for Hiimples. and
plvo Rccurlty for money collected. Address
( loot go 8. Cllno. Ml , National Hank build
ing , Omuliii , \Viigncr blk. , Uus ilolnes , loxx-n.
44. *
\\7ANTEI-Men for railroad xvork. Al-
TT brlght's I.nbor Agency , lliJJ Farnani.
"T7ANTKDAgents in ox-ery toxvn in the
Ti xx-est for our oil burners for cooking and
heating stox'es. Send tamp for catalogue ,
i'nttemcn Oil Co. , Ul.I H. l 'th st. Omaha.
Web. ! WldlJ
" _
AIil-SMliX We xx-lsh a few men to sell our
goods by Hample to \xholrsalo nnd retail
Undo. Largest manufacturers In our line. Kn-
close 2-ccnt stamp. Wages S5 per day. I'ennn-
nent ponitlon. Ko postals ansxxored. Money
ndx'anced for xxnges.adx'ertlslng , etc. Ponton-
Jllal Mun'f'K Co. , Clnclunati , Ohio. IS ! J S M )
"TVOKNIB WANTllU-Ko a month nnd cx-
a -pensi'S paid any active person to Bull onr
floods ; no capital , stilary monthly , expenses In
ndxnuce , puillculais rice. Standard Sllvorxx-ara
Co. . lioston. iiea
rO01'Ani. . UUt. Tel. CO. .
'lAr ANTUD Man to tuke the ogtncy of our
V > Mifes ; blzeSSxlSxlU Inches ; w eight MWlbs ;
retail price JH ; other sizes In projicrtlon A
fare clianca and permanimt business. Those
hales meet n demand nexer bcfoie supplied bv
other safe companies , mxxo mo not governed
liy the Bate pool. Alplneb'afe Co. Cincinnati. O.
\\7ANTU1) ( 'ompetcnti-lil forgeneral house-
TT work at 1UUS Hint at. Herman pieferied.
U7H 1 1 *
\\rANTUD Gill for general lionscxvorK , 719
T 8. 1'Jth. ' d70
' \\7ANTKn-2xxomon rooks. Bhort-oiderics-
T > tain-ant. Addiess P. U \ \ Ing. caie It. , v .M. ,
J.hicolu.Neb. _ _ 08ll _ * _
3 DINlNf ! HOOM girls. 1 pahtrv cook. 4 Bill *
'Jforgeneial house work. H. H. Wuudell , 40-1
K. Hltli. C ! ) ] 13
"VVANTUDIVxltlon by laily steuoginpher :
TI llisl-classieferences given. Addiess 1UII
Howard st. Cll JU
MNTUD-Oiil nt Ifill Chicago btref.t.
JTANTKD-A good dining room gir at 1013
< TsTTi
I Glltlj-l'or 1't'iienil hoitJoxx-orU ; Slftl Douglas.
_ _ _ tt)7 ) 1J _
V\MN'l'UI-At Ifca Howard st , a reliable.
Vt c-ompetent girl for kltciieu , Mustboagood
and laundiess. fJvnimn , Dime or uhli
_ DW _
"t\TANTISI > I/idy canx-msers on a new and
W fa t selling book. Salary * J jwr day. Ad-
i | Press M ItJ lleo cilllio. _
" \ . \rANTKD A lady to solicit , must come well
T > recommcndi'd and imy if 10 for Kaim.lo . ? ,
Faluiy I'l&tier month. AudrexnCJrorgo f. Cllne ,
CD , First National llaiu building , Omaha , or
Wagner block. DM Hollies , lovrg. 413
* | AD1KS' and chlldieu'x { 'iirmeuts cut und
4 < lltted at prices , .Mlsi Tremainr ,
lnodlalo.420S. IS th. 475 8U
' _ _
TrNn'Am.MKNTS to do dressmaking In
Jl/fuuilllua solicited. Mhs Btunly , 2U17 Leaven-
t 01 tlllt. 271 J 2J
ANTUD Young Indies and ueutleinun to
know they can obtain a thorough and
practical knoxx lodge nf telegrnpny. tlttlng thorn-
n'U on In n short time for good paylujr positions
nt thn Klectllc Ti'legraph school , lloonmtii
BU < ! t."J I'-.itou block , cor 18U ; and Fiirnam nt.
V\f ANTKD llorsee to xx Inter. I hava acconv
V > modatioiis for .1 > J hundred lioraos at
Omiiha fair croiiuda. liuvlng lurgo yards for rx *
uicmlaf : during the day ; each noi-daluu a larne ,
varm box Htail at nluut. A. Thomson. Omnim
inlr srounds. UJT d U
! ! ) Ilortea to board ut Kuray'.s barn ,
.and .MW Cimilng at. Call nnd get
jirlcou. UA. 1'ou-oll. 481 1
HArANTtD-A lolln teacher xxlth oppoitimlty
torpiacllca ivcnlng * . Address xvitli lernm
M ii. iu omcc. eci u
ANTKIi llorao and buggy for xvlnt r for
ther ! keeping. ] n > ) nir [ Jltl if
liuiplcytaout oiUco , 311 N 10thst.
CANADIAN Emjiloymrntonicff. Mrs , flrfffn ,
314' ' < S. lith. HefcrenceUinnlin National bank.
OA 111) and rooms. 1313 Chicago til
'PA U bourdon wanted , 1MJJ Douglas
ArAI.rNTINil : Shorthiunl tine Typoxirlllng
> Inv.itute. .Nexx I'nxtoi InilldlUL' , Umaha.
Nob. The only CTcltislx-e , IcKltHnat'1 shortlmnd
RI heel in thp stnt ( > , Ox-or ono hundred gradu
ates in good situations. The school is under
the management of C. O. Vnlentlne.olllPlal sten-
ocrnphoruf the M judicial district of N'ebrnska ,
and rror , II. II. lloylo < , an oxpcrlenced teacher
and \urbitlm rcpntter I > ay nnd ex-cnluK SPS-
slons. students can enter at any time. Send
forclrcnlura 4M 1)15
Foil ItKNT-"ilnrfffl in-ronm lions -s , > x-1th all
modern ronx-enlenci's. be < t row In rlty.bclnK
half block from cnblc linn nnd pavement and
tlin B blocks xx-est of high school. Will rent
MTV roasonnbln tniongh the xxinter to right
jmrtlcs. Apply to Orc n A : Wllllntn , I'lrst
Wat. bunk buiming. u _
Tiinit HUNT Iloitfoof 8 rooms light In the
J- heart of the city , tl2t ! \ \ chster ft. ; good cis
tern , veil , gas , upli-ndld collar , li.irn , ( tcMi
PIT month dill ut unco. C , I' . Harrison. Mer
chants' National ( > tu
' \TI.WI.V llnlshed P room house , modern Itn-
i-i iirovcmpiit" , luth st.'outli of l.t-nxernxoith.
Addiess .1 , A. S , Nebraska Lli. Co.
IllXT : A llrrit-class house. Inqulto lira
J-1 Dodge st. t l ID
TTTOIt IM'.NT New It-room brick house xxlth
U modern coinonli'tu-us , JIO per month.
I'or lient 1'iotlllv furnished 7-room cottage
near < nr ltm > , ? . " > i ) poi montn.
I'or Kent A : room cottage , fisorgla nvc ,
largo yam and barn. t ! > p r month
I - llentroom month.
M- - -room enttage , Jlii per
I'or Kent " -room cottage , ill per month.
Tlicso tire nil bargains , liuinlro at once ,
Nethuitonllnll. Hoom i.y , Plrht Nat. bank.
TJ10U HKNT-3 room cottogo. 1JZ ! Cass st.
FOK HKNNT rixxMoom cottage near linns-
com tmik , xx ell , cistern etc. C. A. 1'ottor ,
Itoom wa Tlist National bank building
Oil )
HUNT Nexvfl room house on street cm-
e. JI5. Apply to Julia Stelu. Illl io
JJ OH HUNT Honsi of 10 rooms conveniently
locited. All modern Improvomcnts and
large laxxn very cheap to right pirtj. Apply to
S. A. Diehard , rariiam nnd Uth. Mill !
FOH HKNT-CoUage 1007 S i'Otli st. In inlre
1701) ) Jackson st. O.'l IK
FOIt HUNT T loom Hat on Sd tloor. llnouiro
The 1'alr cor l.ith and lloxxard sis. i > - < l
"TilOK HKNT 10-room housc , team , gn , Inth ,
-1- hot and coin and cistern water , iznoil ci'llar ,
nnd nice yard , $ ! ' > , ' 'OiS'ith. . Iminlie..W S'JIth.
" 1/10H HUNT A comfortable house with H
-1. rooms , p.inlry , laijtii clost'tH , splondld cel
lar. city xxater , neweriigo and gas. near business
centiu ; moderate lent. John II. 1' . I.ehmanii ,
a. ' < s. nth tt. iir-1
_ _
F olT HUNT A a story brlclc dxvelllnif. 11WI
Capitol nx-e. Apply to C. 11. Gulou at the
Chicago Lumber Co. H71
171011 IlTlNT At very low rate * . Ill nnd 14 nexv
X1 residences , 24')1 ' ) and L'II4 Cass .street , tlaik
Place. Olio block south of Crelghton nollege.on
rarnam and yith street car llm.1 All modern
Improx'eiuents. Apply , II. T. Clark. Union Ti list
Co , or atiM \ \ Casst. . "M
" \TK\\ house of 7 rooms , In gooa locality , barn
is for four horses WO per month. Applj at
once. C. ! ' . Harilson , Merchants' Nat. oink.
1T1OU HUNT ( . -room cottage , Kl.W per mouth.
JL1 15P , Ilnruey st. ! )
T71OI1 HRNT Cottage. 411 Convent at. Imiuire
J IfiTJjHcksonst. W\ \
OH HUNT .Vroom house , 214. G. U. Thomp-
son. SK Sheeley block. l ) s
OOH HUNT Nexr 8-room house xxlth all modem -
- em inipiovoiuuuts , cor. Hickory and Ueorgl.i
ve , price i . ' 5. Umiiilro 1211 Leavenxvortu st
BUrTirUIi8roonihoiise. . gas. city water ,
bath room , hot ana cold water , on paved
.streets xvith stieot car , neur a gooj school , only
ffi per month. The house is now. Apply at
once. C. F. Harrison Mercnauts' Nat. ban.c.KM
171OH HUNT House of 8 rooms , ad nnd Cas .
-L' Impilre Hooni TiUS. Shcoley block. ail
IJ1OH KENT At very low rates. 10 nnd 14 nexv
JL1 residences. " 401 and 2114 , Cass street. Clarke
I'laca. Onn block south of Crelghton college , on
rarnam and ! ! 4th street car line. All modern
ImpiovementH. Apply , II , T. Clark Unl nTrust
Co. , or at 24,20 Cass street OH
KUNT House and barn.Hanscom place.
Hams , room ill , I'li-bt Nat 1 bk bldg. 8M
lJiflfENT No. 1411 8. 7th ax-e. , a nlco
' -room house In good repair : rooms noxxly
papered and painted ; nlco yard ; Hue cistern
water. HcntUi a month. Vessels Ion gix'en at
once. Apply to Hell's 10th st. pharmacy.
TJ'OH HUNT t-room modern Improved house.
JC A 1 locnlity. Itent moderate. Apply , M. Kl-
gntter , 1001 Farnam st. 'il )
Poll HUNT lly Ilosxvorth 4 : .loplln , HnrKcr
block , il , 4. 5. fi , 7 , 8 , . Hi , 11 , 14-iocm houses
in all parts of the city. 07J
5HOOM house , S. 21th st " near shot towor.
TTKUt HUNT House 8 rooms 2231 Cass st , cot
JL1 ( ago fi rooms 10th and Hickory. Inquire room
C08. Klieeley bile. 181
FOH HUNT Houses 7 rooms , Sith and Hnr-
noy : 10 rooms , 2lbt nnd Locust ; 7 rooms ,
12th and Jones ; : i looms , lath nnd Martha ,
l.lnuluin .V Mahoney , 1'axtou block. M4
8HOOM frame. No. 2H1D Hamilton ht. , CT.50.
Lenvltt Hurnham. No. 1 Crcighton block. M'J
OH HUNT When you wish to rent a houso.
store or onicti call on us. 11 , K. Cule , room
U. Contlniiutal block. 077
T71OH HUNT 0-room house , 2413 , T-ioom house
JD 2(2:1 ( : ronnietou ave. Cuo. I. Ullbert , With-
nell b'l'e. 78
FOIt HUNTIDroom hou&o with htesim heat ,
ut 20:1 : S. 21th fct. n. K. Thompson , Shecly
block , Ifith and llowaul st.s. U7U
OlT T'nnir roonTs7 wither
77 HUN T- \ without
L : boiud , in private him lly , 1017 Cass.
077 10 *
F'KNISHUD rooms , 1701 Capitol are.
1.71 IQt
ONI' nicely furnished room with heat , nlho
ono nlctfly fiirnlrliuil front pallor xx till all
modem coux cnlences , MH N 17th tit. < > U"fit \
EI < Ui.VNTljY ( furnished looms board for
man and xxife or Ixxogents ; lefcronces ; .kM7
Vainam. C.H ) l ; > )
ITlOlT HUNT Two largo nicely furnished conJ -
Jncctlng roouiH , xx 1th bath and conx'enlonceH ,
unltablo for four gintlomcnor housekeeping ,
f-U.orbeparutufUand tit. 8. W. Corner , 1.1th
and lloxxnrd. entrance on lloxxard , 6 4
frulsicd room , all
modern conxpulcnces , for ono or two gen-
tlvmen , att IS.2uth bt. , or cor. Bt. Mary'n ave.
uuiUVtii at. 5m
TTIL'HNIHHUI ) room , with gas anfl bath , board
JL1 if iioslred , S19S. 2tith at. , opposite All Saints'
tliurcli ,
AT V furnlihed room xxlth , ntiltable
J- > torttto gautlemen , * 10 , 1510 Iliuney ,
COI 13t
17\OH \ HUNT Throe nica unfurnlslicd rooms ,
-Every cheap. 7UHItth8t. Ml M ;
IpOU TtltNT ruruliihod room with board.
JL' 1722 Dodgu ft. 487
AJICUI.V fiiinl.ilied rooms by the week or
J- > month cheap ; liOT Jones * t , i'eabody place ,
K OOMS and board , 181J Chicago. 6C5JT *
W.MI.M , dcsluiblo front rooms cheap. fi.'Ud.
16th. 473 lit
IJIOK HUN'JV-i'iinilshed rooms , laii Donee.
JL1 4& H
RULV furnished room , lit ! lloxx-ard
A vnNUnilomns-AtHl.lnnd 1015 Capitol ave ,
.Yx : ; blocks fiom r.O..nowly furiiUhod , pilv.ite
. .
iilcnt taken , duy oruoi \ 'i-"J 1J *
Ol'l-KASANT ' fnrnUhed rooms , slnple or en
3Ultt ) , xvltU board i ( denlred , WO 8. Uth nvo.
t 7 lit
TjUlt Itr.NT I'lirnished roomt with buth gas
X1 and heat. S il Uodgo bt. rjo
or unfurnished roomn , 1110
-L Dodctfst , next block to pojtofrtce. froui id
upwaul.s , jnnulro room Bor Hi ) loticla gt ,
rooni s. _ uui ja )
"Pvt.SlItABU. furnlsiicd loom , Silt Uavcnnort
furnished rooms xvlth
Crit cliaa bOfvrd. Xl'J Ltavsuwoith , { (6 ( Hf
IOtMt rooms for tt5. HO * Oones strctt ,
place. 6t'7 ' 1HT
FOll ItKNT Cheerful xxftnn room , xvlth or
xxitlioiit board , tn prlxata family , nicely
situated In modern residence. 20SHarnoy ht.
_ _ _
Foil linNT A furnished front room xxlth or
xx-ltlioiit board , all modern convenience" .
eg N. fin st. PI. r > ti3
"IJlOll HUNT rurnl hed lccplnn rooms * s per
JL month , xxeukl ) or monthly , S17 lioxx-
nrd. Also furnished room for housekeeping
and ono nnturnl hed , MS 1,1 *
IiUMl UI'.NT-'i'xxo furnished looms for light
hon t'keeplng. cu.'iiSt. Mary's Av * ftVi 1J *
"iroil KKNT rtcgnntlv futnl hed rooms , heat ,
JL gas , bath , etc , , good board in prlx-ato
family , location the very best. 1721 Capitol
ave. C'.f ) 16 j
, IIKNT-NIco furnished rooms xvlth bath ,
and hent.noar earn. Sis S aid st. ( HI 15 *
HUNT ! ! front rooms on second lloor ,
' . 151h Iliiruev st. 2.W
AiiAlUIllolegnnt south room very nicely
fuinlshod ; futtmco heat and every modern
ronx-enlc-nco. one-halt block from cable curs.
2107 Dougliisst. 1)1' ) )
"IT'OH IU.NI'All elegantly furnished room or
JL1 anlto of rooms xxttli boaid In apilx-ato fnin *
lly. All conx-onlencns Cats pass the door
every thteo to llvo minutes , lleferences He-
quired , Unqnlre rooms 1S und 513 I'axton blk.
OOMS xxlth board , fuinacc. 013 S. intu st.
: ili J 3
1JOOMS for lent. 117Slithst. C9HW
ITllltS'l-l f.Afr.S trout lonm In piix-ate family
JL1 at mo lei nip price. J-'IIU Dodgu. f.07 11'
front loom , fc ) , 1311 Davenport
IllOlt IlliNT rurnlaliml room. Heat , gasnnd
11 bath. 116 S. Sjtli. Mi
T1WO front rooms In oua of the nm-st rosl-
denfpsln thn city , centrally located , steam
he.itlng , gas , with us ? of bath room , on Dec. t !
references raiulied. Iiiiuiro72l ( s. luthst fill
N V fnrnlslied rooms all modern con
veniences , nlso board , 18JJ Douglas , illl
ITOIt KENT Furnished rooms in ( Jrounlg blk
JL' cor. 1.1th and Dodge fits. Inqulro ot Goo. It , ,
Duvis. .Mllliird hotel billiard loom. VS )
( pleasant room , turnlshed , brick Mat.
lllUCnicagost tm
rooms 112 , 003 N. lllth st.
hSl U'
HUNT 2 unlnrr.lshud or partly fur-
uHliil moms IUKI Hurt bt. O'Oll *
TJV > H HIJXT A unite of II and one of a mi *
JU furnished rooms.xxater nnd s is.,11 ILJ N Kth.
1)41 ) IK
1 front loom with closet for 2 or 4. 1UIJ
-J Chicago st. ( .U 11 *
rp\\O sunny south-east unfurnished looms
JL xxlth laigoclo-iet , suitable for llufiit house
keeping. North-xxest cor. Uth and Howard
O HIIOMS uiitiiniished.sllltable for light liotise * ( Mt. fiiw ) )
IlKls'T I or f ) nufurnlshcd chambeis for
isukecplug , DID N 17th St. 117 17'
U'Nl'L'HNISllUl ) i-ultabla for nuUaeKeeuin. ; .
Iliree rooms 1U.7 N.'Jtlist 10 W )
I'our ill 1001111. 411 . llith st 270' ' )
Three Ji roomIMsS. . 7th ht 1000
'I hrcc . . ! i rooms. IUC.M N. 20th st 10 00
Three ( HI rooms. lilil > N.2Jth st 1103
Three < : ! ) rooms , 1018 N. 21st st 10 DO
Three fit rooms , 707 I'aclllc st 11 W )
Three ( II ) roonin , 1410 fiercest 1000
Tnreo Cl ) rooms , 71"I'acitlcst ) . . 100) )
KlK ( h ) room * , lOil rl. 2-ith ht si tit
Judge Kentlnjt Agency , s. xxcot. . Ilnrnor and
IMhsts. Hooiu 1. uputitis. ! )
"T OH HUNT Noxv stoio room , 5 living looms
-1- above , xvlth all conx'eniences , rent \ery
te.isonable , 1' . li. Darling , 1)21 rarnam.
(170 ( It
I7IOIJ HUNT Stoic-room , No. 1113 Douglas.
J ? llest rot-ill propertj In the city.Villput
plato front in by Jannarj 1. Set Dr.
Joseph Nex Ille , 140 , ' Douglas. 015
TJWH HUNT-Two stores. 521 and KM North
Jluth ht. lujulro at the building. Heury
Ostholl. 331
" 171OH KRNT All elegant store room xvlth hno
Jbasuuieut ? on 15th bt. Hentory loxy to light
party ; htcani heat nud water included , Apply
at I'll" ) Douglas st. 3\ >
FOH HENT-Onice suite 8Si month. 2
ollicei $15 each , all fronting letli st , . Jlusn-
man block , N. K. Cor. 16tll ana DougUs. VT. Mi
Uushman. IUI1 Lcavonwort& . llsfi
FOR HUNT -5 ollico rooms in Hedlck's block ,
IfiflJ-lull 1'arnam at , on2d lloor ; ouo ollico ,
east front , on 2d door , ox-er Omaha Banking Co ,
bank , cor. lotli st and Harnoy Ht. Inquire ut
1111 Karuim ht. , room 8. I'anlsen & Co. 4')2 )
Foil HENT One store-fooiiiTono bakeFy , cor"
1'ark nve. and Wonlworth ave. inquire
'llios. 1' . Hall , 517 I'axtou building. 1.M
T71OH ItKNT llriok store , lUt nDove. aith and
JL ? Hamilton , desirable business location. Jjsu-
vltt lliirnliam , room 1 , Crelghton block. tlVi
GU01K1U J. STKHNSDOrtlT , loom 0 , opp. 1' .
O. , will hereafter euro special attention to
renting homes , stores and Hats. If you xvant
your property rentoJ xx-lthout duiay and to loll-
able tenants , do uot fall to list tlui same xvith
him. _ IH8
G I'.O. J. I'aul , 1003 Turn. st. Houses , stores ,
etc for lent. 150
WK glvo special uttentlou 10 lentlng and coN
lectlug rents , list with ua. If. K. Cole , room
[ F YOU want your nouses rented place them
with DeuaxrA It Co. , 15th , opposite postolfico.
Jl.SII to oorieipond with a lady between
the ago of 2.1 and SO years. Object matri
mony. My ago Is 'JO. Address J. II. A * . Collins ,
Hooper , Neb. b'll M ;
PKHSONAL Ifyonnavou personal Item , or
any communication , drop it In one of Tha
Iteo's message bones. 10 !
/ lilKAMnitV for rentVO miles from
v llrat class buttur-mukei. Address M .Ib. Uyo.
eju n *
FOH ItI.NT One good burn loom for tl
horcos , buggies , etc. , " 41. ) Diirenpoit Ht.
( inlio or C. Kilckto.i Si Co. . ; 'U N. 10th t.
T OST-A halt blood female led Irish setter
J uog , had on chain and collar. Tinder will
plcasu return tol'.Hii ' rarnam st uv llee ollko.
* USJ 18
LOST On Decembei 10. a lenther pocketboolc
containing .sorno money und laud receipt.
Kinder am get a reward by returning It to the
I Ice olllce. f.17 lit
I O3T Hotxvccn the Webster street depot and
I jHlvteeuth street it red Moio-co pockctlxx > k
containing fiinnll amount In bills , draft nnd
threi ) passes Issued to Mr.s. 1- ' . Van Kiiut , also
two buggagu checks. Kotuin to tills ollico nnd
recelx e reward. HJ3-134
mAKI..S UP At lllfl N 1'ltli ' bt ono straw
J berry loan horse xx'lth riding brldlo on ,
Dec. 2. di > | , l-20-27-JJ *
STHAV Ilouo-C.une to the premUos of W.
S , Nelson , Casaldy farm , dmitli Omaha , haniU high , weighs about wj
fioiindH , hind feet xthlte , xrhite xot ] in fure-
luad. Otxner call , pay charges , und takeuul-
ma ) , or il xx ill be disposed ot nccoidlim lo law ,
lllO m
SIIOHTHAND and typo.xrritlng-ftwerlor
ndx-untages in these brunches ut the
Omaha Commercial co'loge ' , opp , 1' . O. ,
cor Mth nnd Dodge , i coioa of graduates Hi
good positions , titudenls complete manual In
ten daxs and ut to 100 xvonl * per minute In three
niontliH. llet teacher In the ttute. Practical
ollico drill given students free. Dictation tlxe
houis dally. luy ) and evening Hcsnlonx. Hapld
dictation for report * nt nlxlit. I'or circulars
write Kohl bough llros. , Omaha. Neb.
iru > lt SALU One nlco 1,0JD pound hoise , 1121 ;
-i one nlco 1,20) pouiu family horses iino. Iloth
tound and kind. A. P , TuKt-y , 15th A-
Full SAIiK A good llolutelncoxvchenn for
cash. Apply 1225 N. aith nt. uol-inj
T710K BALK-An improved SfcAHUter stere-
Jontlron , xrlth complete outfit , for popular
exhibition , or xxlll take partner. Party xxlth
small inc'iiiH ciiu acciiiD a proiltablo bualnes .
Address .XVZ. Council lllulla Hoe olllcf. 04D-1DJ
8 A LI ! or tradi New two seated r r.
rlace and slugl * top bUKcy. fcelby. 1611
T/10H SAf.K-Ouo Ilrst-clas * 10 homo poxver cn-
JU gino with 24 ho e poxver boiler , pulloyK.feod
pump , etc. . all half of orUliml coat.
Apply to ilar Jaeiucu , r. O , box. 754 , l-'romout ,
ISvu. iH U'
ED fb borrow (100 otflot tvoith four
times this amount. Address M 4 lice.
S' . CT3 073 I'ft
HOUSE or team mules xxnntod to fipplv A
llrst pajtnenton housuntid lot , t > r residence
lot , balance- monthly payment * . Write or rail'l Knrnnm. C i
A IlriTllACTS Llnalutn'A. Mnhouey , room 500.
-cXi'nxton block. 8IJ-
rpllOSn wishing tn Icfirrf to rend music can do
Jso by Joining class of beginners , on 3d lloor ,
over Crap Ilros. ' mn l'WorilAth Htreet bo-
txxeonCap. nxe. and lcLo ) ( , every Thnrsdiy
evening. Mrs. s. i : . Chujgydirector. . OH llf
1lt. . MItS. lit ST/i : , mliTxxlfp. diseases of
J-'xxomen and chtldren.cnred , Itesldeiu e NU S
17th. I 471J7 ?
ATOl" can find no cheaper xxny of buying your
I homo or payhijt nn Ineumbrance upon it
than by subscribing for Minres la the txxolfth
serifs of fdiares in the Mutual I.nun mid Hulld-
Ing association. Your loan will c est you about
f > per cent JUT annum and ensy pixvment .
Olllcu hours fiom r > to Op m daily nt No. : ) IOS.
10th St. Cl M. Namngcr. jcr-y. W fi
T Uli : banjo tatmht as an art by Cleo. 1' . ( li > flpu >
beck , ; ) 8.10th at. 1W
JAUIKS Moles nnd fmperlluotii halrontho
-/face / or neck romou'il , nnd the roots in *
utrtiitlv killed by the electric npcdla process ,
leaving no jnnrkt or scars , positively the. otilv
rormanent rnmecly. Jlrs. li 1'ncknrd , iw.t
longlas ) si. Wednesdays nnd'I hur.sdaytt onlj.
TVrnt.ANlau.irantoo nnd Trust Co.riW" > l' r
u-nam Complete ubstr&rti fnrnlshod. .V tltloa
toraal ojtato exauiluod.pnrfectud \ ( rUAr.integd.
S'lUUAli-At loiv itttoa at 11 J | ramniu St.
UmnhnAuction .tftorijto fo u.u
f IIKACKAOR , ftorAge. lowest rivtoi. W. ii
Jllushman , Mil l.oavcmvorth. Wfl
A\r ANTHD-Snloon or good loc.ttton , or ntiv
i i paying bnslne-a. Addies.s M 4,1 , lice , nrai 1,1 , *
" \\rANTI2f ) ( lood -onil-liand piano for
IT xxlntt'ixxill ' rent or buy n good Instru
ment If olleictl che.ip enough. Address M ; k ) ,
Iloo oilier. 070 11
\\TAVI'I1 ! ! I c.insell .11 houses and lots nt
T t once If easy monthly IMMIIHUIH xxlll ba ac
cepted ; nlsDhiixo u customer for a tenement
low. or n row nf cottages or hens s on easy
term" . Said full doscilptlon to C. K.Mnvno.lfitu
nnd Ilnruey st ; . 5sl 11
" \\7ANTnH I'nrult ire. carp"t < , stoves and
M Household poodH of all kinds OniHliaAnc
tion A f-'toragu Co. 11.11 riirnam. Ml
rpim Centra ! Loan & TniM Co. . No Ifill I'ur-
1 nam. x111 maLe ' holci- city loans at th very
lowest lutes. No delays. till 17
DO VOL" w.vnt to hnrrow money/
( to id this.
It will s.ix-o you ilmo.
II x\ll ! -'i\e you money.
You can boriox fiom
II. ! ' . llsto s ,
RllCL'O.S10 W.U ( YOft.
room 4 , Withne ibid n . 11th .ind Harnoy sis.
8h > . ti ) . * V > , SIOj , } . ' „ , MIi , Jl.irfJ. i'l.iUJ. il Mi 0.
In sum you wantonfiiriiltine jiianos
hoi iei , mule , W.IJO.H etc. . on easier teims mid
nt lower , s tit niv otaer olllca In t n i Ity.
wl'hout p'lbucltyor of propsrty from
VOIll pliOSSUll. .
If an in talliiiPiit is duo.p-1 your pi-onaitv an 1
you i.innot meet It , e.ill.tod sea me. \xlllpav I
itturjo i. If xou iiiXL'u loin 1u nnv other of-
lice , c'lll and net my intcs. 1 will tnko it upand
carry Ic for jon. i
I make loans for ono to six mouths .ind you
can ii ly u n.irt at .my tlm * . rodu .uluti ! prin- aiidlnleiest.
Alllo.u. itinoxxed ut original rates and no
chaigt's for 11 iiiora.
All buslni'Si wtrlctly conlldoutlil. Call and
see me. in
Don't forget the iinmlur.
IlDom4. Wlt-inell blo.k. Ill
pi:01'.i.S : ! : l-'inanrlal i\change-Tlia : falrost ,
-L ii > ilete < r. i.ii it lloiiil juouey cxcnan : ; In
th" city ; lo'ins madu xvltllo'nt del IV or piibtleltv.
in any amount laigu or smnll , nt the l > < -t
l.itoor iuteii" > t , on any iixallnblu secuiily ;
ln.-iim may tin paid nt , im Hmior renewed at
original rates. O. Itonscaron , m'r , loom M)1 ; ,
llatkerblk , hthand ran > im. 70i
H.U. . COM : , loan agent. 1TJ1
S UU Sh > les. 210. First afl Dank , boforomaU-
In ? > our loans. ; . ! KB
to loan 'on houseliold furniture ,
MONUV . hoi ses. wagons au.l other personal
lroi > eityalsoon mortgage paper mid contracts
as collateral feminitycash alxvay.s on hand : lib
eral oNtenslO'is granted ; business tnin"actod
fairly , tiuii-tlv iiul piomptly The ralrbank In-
vastmenl Cosxvcor. . IjUiiV Douglas , rpstah.s.
MONUV to i.oan I.oxx-cst rates , l oans closed
piomptly. II. K. Colo. Hoom 0. Continental
Hlouk. ia > 0
EK. t OOK loans monev at C percent on loans
of $10,00'and ' upxxRids. Ilrlng abstract of
title nnd euro dHl.iy. I'Ol rnrnaui. HJdllt
; W,0 ) > J to at 0 iiar cont. Mn.Uiau & .M.i-
9 honey , room i"A)3 ) , I'uxton block. tick )
T > IMOVKD-TO : roonTan rirst NoTioimTlImk
-t > muUlliiR. 1'ioxjdent Trust Co. iVl
$ " , CO ) , ( l.BOP , 8IW. MOO. Special fund tr place
on L'holt o Improx ed property. D. \ " . hholes ,
10 , l-'lrit NatM llaiu. 3X
/ " 01)0city and farm oans xvnuto-l bv A. 1C ,
VJ lllloy. rili'Faiaim. 1W (
1 > KAIjentato lorxm , lowest ratos. Odell Ilros.
V.V Co. , JW S. 15th at. 1IJ
1M1 f : . COLi : . loan agent. 433J1
M1 ONUV to loan ; long timo. Oeftrije J. I'aul
1WJ I'armin st 111
MONKVto loan on Improved piopcrty at first
hands. No appltcntiona sons uxx-ay for ap
proval. SeemHy uuil titles ox nlnod fieo of
charge o borrowers. Louib. srd investment
company , . -OJ S. 13th st. llj
MONUV to loin on Impioxed real estate for
one , two und llueo years by Homo I'lra
liisuiance Company , 151 Douglas st , 47017
U U. COLU. loan agent 4IIJJ
1T IHST mortgage loans at loxv rates , and r
JL1 delay. D. V. dholes'iO , llrst Nut'l Hank.
N'UHHASIvA Mortg. Loan Co. will imiLeyouu
loan on household goods ,
hoists , Wagons ,
land contruUs ,
Jluo Jew oliy , or huc-wltte * of any kind
without publicity , at icnsonablo rates.
Itoom 7 llinvley blk , touth Omaha.
Itooms . "tlb-firi J'axton blk. , Omaha , Nob.
rilllUOmHlia rimtnclal U'-chruue. Itoom H ,
JL linker lllock , southwest corner of I'm mini
and 1'tlista.
Makes , i spn lullty of hhort-tlmu collateral
and leal estate loans.
Mono ) ulxx-nys onhnd : In sums of 1100 nnd
upwards to any amo nit , to loin on approved
Seemed notes b-mghr , nold or ex 'hanged ,
Clear real estate nnd cash to uxchango for
good llrnt or second moitgagOH ,
Loans made upon land c-ontincts , etock'i ,
bomU , trust deeds , or xocond moitgage fie-
iniIty , without publicity , delay or ted tupo.
I'iimnchU buHlnoss of any kind tranxautod
romptly , ( inlctly and fairly , Hoom 15 , Darker
lock. Coruott , Managert' 1IU
] : > liOI > IH'S l-innnclal K\clmnge Iarco and
Kinall loans for long nnd shoit tlmo , ut low-
e.Uiutt'3 of Interoht , on rval cstuto ni'irtgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamond ? , watches
and Joxx-nlry , Don't fall to cull If jon want fair
nnd cheap accommodations' ( / . Houscareu ,
Mgr. , loom M'i ' Darker blk , 15th and rarnam.
i } 703
MONI5V to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay , .1 ,
W. Hqulro. l.'l'J r'arnain bt. first National
bank building. r 103
LOANSmadaon real e. tate and mortga oj
bougnt. LexvU S , Heed & Co. , li.'l r'nrnam.
' '
_ IQtl _
MONUV to loan. O. l''T ) vls Co. , real estita
and loan ngsnt1M1 Kiinam st. 101
MONUV to oan on Unproved teal csu
Leavltt lUirnhain , ( Jri-lghtou block. 1U7
"jpr U. COL1' ,
priLDINU loans , D , V. Hliolos , 210 , I'lntt
JJNafl lluiiic J
rr'ir ; iools ugeiit ; ;
GW IM'.CK loans inonty. cash on hund , t'tU-
00 > , can be piaced on city and farm piop-
erty ut lowest ratus ; liulldiuff louif > a m > a > laity
Itoom 4 , Krenztjr block. Oppt'O. UI2 ilU
Gl'KH CUNT money to loan-Cash on nand
W. it. HarrU , room 30 , 1'ieuzer block , opp.
P.O. _ lui
" \rONKV to loun on Improved city proiMity of
J.11. for building purpontia : lotxuat rules ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 ,
Darker block , 18th and I'urnam , _ tfrt
MONUV Loan * negotiated allow rate * with-
out delfev , and purrhuse good commercial
paper mid mortgage note * . H. A. Slomau , Cor.
3th and FHI nam , < J )
13 UlLDINaToixnZ Lluahan & Mauoney.
Cj > 500,000 fl per cent. MoUoy to lon on lm-
e > l > roiud farms or city property. Jamoi A.
Woodman , at the old lira mturaMce olHc of
Murphy & Lorett , 210 S. Utb 1U 101
n O LOAN From ono to two hnndrixl thons-
1. and doljfiM or smMler sunn promptly , * ist-
rn caplt&l alvrnys on haml che\p , rhiUdolphla
Mortgage and Trust Co. , Oeo. W , 1' , Costes , u
board of trade. 119
l\l [ ONUYto 1/ian On Omaha and South Oma-
J-i-1 lm Droperty. C. 1lliurlson. . Merchants'Ni-
ttoiittl bant. _ " ' .i
KV.MOVKD--To room H r 1'lrst National batik
building. New rjiulnml LOMI nnd rriist Co
MONUV to loan on furmtnr * , horses , wpous ,
etc. , or on any npprox-od security. J. W. Hoi >
bins H. 2VO Slu tly blk , 1,1th and Howard. 101
"TVON'T borroxT monoylTti furnltnre7howes7
JL/xxagons , etc.until jon huva seen 0. II. J * ,
cob , room 410 , I'lrst Natloml bank bulldtni ; .
cor. Itth nnd Tarnam 10 : :
BOTI lifNd xxorks for pale. In one ot the best
towns in Nebraska , ( lood territory , four
railroad * , otittltninrly noxv. Am one xx anting n
good business xxlll plcaM1 lux estimate. Address
M 41. Hoe olllc o. U < 7
iroit S\ll. A nice ne\x- stock hardxxarc in
JL1 Nfln-askn , part cnnh , part tlinej also
a peed printing proas nnd olllce a good open-
In. ; . Addiess r. U. box 2-J8 , Coznd , Neb.IV
IV ! ) 10
AIH"PIXis : man nnd experienced book-
Keeper xvltli capital xx-otild llki < to lux est ill
nn established i oncern or buy th wlmla bust-
lii'ss , or xxottld purchas-o stock in n icllablo tn-
coiporati'd company. Address M | i ) , lloc. CC1 lb
TJ1" ! ! PA1.K- llrst rln s. money mnklnp dry
JJ goodt , clothing , boot nnd siioc > business , tn
i tinning order. 'I'ovxn has txxoinllroids. doing
Into xx hole-sale business , Addiess Oxxner. bux
S , lluxxnrd. Neb.
] illSAI.II \ ( \ ( . 'heap , or low triida Tor good
1 Hint inortQiiKu pupi'r : Ono bay horfi- ,
wolght l.ftVJ lb-s. wllli phaeton unil
iny hoi e , wi'lcht i.tno Ib1 * , with new C"lumbus
sltie-bai litiBity and liarneM ; 1 ( ? f' ' > > nor < o.
widKlit 1.1M1 liM. c. li. Sloinnn. rooms iin niul
S17i 1 U * > 1 Nat , bank bullilliiR. iU ! II
AlirODihan.'o to buy a miTclinndKo
soi o and htock In u grow Ini ; riillioud tow n ,
Address M. l.\ liceolllro. . M'VJJt
WK wish to employ a rellnblo man in your
county. Nouzperlcnoo icninlied ; perma
nent position for thri < o yean Pal irr increased
each year , lilulit , easy , neutool business Money
advanced for salary , luhortlsliifj , otc. l.nro't (
innnnrrd In our Hue. llni Insu 2-cent Xo
pottnU. Centennial MTjj To , Cincinnati. O.
JTIOU HUNT 'uriilfdicd bar loom at the Cox-
L1em hotel , Addroia il. .1. 1'ianck , prop.
171OH SAhll-A small well-nsnortol
- nud - drill ?
JJ stockInoltidtiiKulu uut llxtuiei.ala bargain
If taken soon. Can bo moved toadviintaio. Ad-
dicsH ImmetUatelv. ' A. Ilrown. c.iro druir "tore ,
JIJ N.Jith , 7W
fTlOlt SAlii1.0)0 : ! ) stock of liuriHviiro for
JL1 hale , dolncuBpiunilld buxlnesi , is loi.ittul In
one of the bust towns In the htuto. Tim stock
Is dean and in Rood nh.ipu ; tlie reason for soil-
lup. other business ocftipylni ; mj time. Tart
cash nnd bankab'e ' p i ei tor baUnco. Address
K4I , IteuollUc. liVI
\\rANTIll ) to lxi'hnnKi ] > n ijnmter dectlons
t ouuto a < u s , otiuw lane1 , tlii.ul ) woithof
to n propein- uno of the bi'tit to ni In
bi.iskn , 1 > IO popuKtlon. lei stocks or yi'l
me-fliaiidUe. Addre-s M 41 , lleo oMIto. lii > i !
"ISrilAT hnvo you to trade fur n dun mure ,
i t weight J.UOO iioundx , and ago 7 yi ? Call u
( . ] > b 10th .st. tfx l"i
i\CIIANcr. ; Team horses or mules
wanted lor llr-tt pajineut on housa and lot ,
mii o monthly or ijuarteily payments. Sclby ,
15S1 J-aiiuim. CS4
ixc'IIA.NCiK-l : < nr linulwaie or generi
-L inorcliandlsu , * JOiK ) to ilti.'OJ ' woith of wood
ImproM'd land , well located , oi'Koott county
scat lots and Homo c.if > h. llox GOJ , ralrbnry.Nob.
IJXril ANGH Ififl acres laud under fence
-1 ? llimlis from llutlulo I'liilc , nc-w fr.imc house ,
h-ablo nnd wind mill. Would uv liiinye for
iioiiso or cattle. Atldnas uox 5'J ' , liullulo 1'aik ,
Kan. IMl'i"
FtlK ixc'HANUi : : South Omaha lot for
learn or nuilus , w agon and
Pelby. ia | Riinaiu.
JJOTTll OMAHA-'i lots to tiade for futm
VJpropuity , Oro\er Stevens. 1VJ1 I'tiinam .st.
: $ . ' ,5)0 ) new hou--eand lot
JL > lor Mimll la.m near Neb. county scut.
Selby , lri"l I-'armun. Ml
"I71OU lOXCHANni' Uurrlage and buggy with
-I ? $ Jft ) t sh for tnispcitrca or long time
mortgage. Selby , lfc.'l ruinani. 081
"lAr.VNTKIl Stocks of gooJs for good city
TT property and fium.s. ( Jrox-cr Slovens ,
1K1 l < urunm .st. 'j'-'l
TOOK Ileie Wo Imx-n to trade 100 acres ele- land 3) mile- , from Omaha for good
city property : PW.UOJ xxorth of good , clear , 1m-
proxeil iaii'1 for xxlld land and ausnmo encnni-
briincs'i \ furnished looms , making a cl'-ar
jirollt of * i.,0j per year , for city property ; n llnu
htockfarm In loxvii for e-ity property ; tuopntty
In Omaha and South Omiihii Air gooil farmH.
Uioxer Stevens , l.Yil raruam st. 5Jt
fvJtll STKVKN8. HU l''aninm ' , has a largo
vJtll lst of good city and farm pi opurty for OK-
EOK UXCHANni-l'or : deshanlo residence
property in Omaha , any or nil of following ;
40 choice insldo residence lots In Hustings.
KM lots In Lincoln.
HIT ncrcs line farming land. Lancaster county ,
rino H'Hldence property. Lincoln.
( propany , l.lnculu.
Choku tuner residence , corner , Los Angolos.
A n at residence property In Ilrinscom 1'lace.
Al"o some good mortgage notes.
Address giving location and price of property
J. J { . JJ. . caru llaum lion Co , . 1217 Leiix-euxvortli
I1IAVI3 real nnd personal property of all
kinds for tiade. Call and see me. Ueorze J.
Bternsdorff , roomH , opp. I1. O. 121
WANTKDStock of goods in pxehango for
l.irnis and city propoity. Western Land
and I.oiin i\c.huiigo : , 117 B. Kith. '
IMA VII ' 4 section of cholc ; land In Frontier
Co , Neb , to exchange- u good stock of gen
eral mdsu. Addiusi , L. H. llaUIoy , Cicnoa.NaiKO
Co , Neb. 418 20 *
T71OR THADU-Houseand lot In city for real
-I ? or cnattel mortgagn paper , hoi.senmle
or Kittle , A. U. Oreenxvood .t Co. , room 1 ,
Cunningham block , cor. l.tth and Jackson ht.
" \\rilAThax-oyou to trndo forllots In Jerome
TT I'ark. ' incninbraucoof JI.Ull on the lots. 1C C2 , llee olllcts _ _ _ _ 8li )
" 1711)11 TUAUi : Txvo taonsnnd acres improvnd
JL1 ( and to tritdj for or nuilo nud
liorsas. tioo. 11 , lioxxilng , Stuait , Neb
17IOH THADU-Cholco lot In Oraimnerey 1'ark
i1 ami choice double corner In Llpton 1'laco for
good land. D , V. Mioli'S , lt ) I'lrgt Nut 1 bank ,
"ITIOHTUNK lellor-Mrs , Leiiorinancannacon *
.1. Hiiltud on all altuln of llfu. BatlsfActlou
guaranU-i'd. No IllSNPJthst Qjildll ?
fSlt. NANMU V. " V/arren. cUlrvova7it , Med-
J ieal and business medium , remaladisease !
a specialty. Hi ) . N. Ifith xt. Hooms 2 & 1. U"l f
8ALU ( Jood house Of " rooms , full lot ,
xxcll , cistern , barn for 4 horros , school ,
church nnd sloronear by , stioet cars ono block
iiwuy , In grow In f part of city , good neighbor
hood , tltlo purfo t. L'ood home tor man of mod
el ate means , ( let ready for naxt spring by buy
ing a home now : xxltl take a vacant lot us part
payment. C , 1' , Harrison , Jlei chants Nat.'bank.
LKOn easy ternih nnd longtime , oa
lU on Sinn st. near llitucrolt ( I.otil.
Ilaiker'rf biibdivhlon ) . Address M a. Hoc olllcu.
t'"J '
1710K SALU Do you want a loan at loxx'ost
JL1 rates on coon improved liulde propeityi1
Seo.M. A. Uptoncompaiiat.lOUBo , luth struct ,
_ _ 41.1 *
TJIOH HAliK ' ) r trade ; xxholeor H lutoroit
X1 6V ) . rej 2 mlle.s from two H. H. depots , in
miles from Omnhrt , beet Improved stock fiirm
In Neb , HUB chain a for young man xxith
money. Callornddiess Win , Gibson , roum.O ,
Chamber of Commeice , Omaha , or T. It. ( lib-
eon , I'ruinont. Neb. _ Cfij die *
T710H .SALK-51'i acres llaralltun Co. , Nob.
I.1 land , j'l per acre , oils-third cash , b.iluuco at
0 per t em. Address W. J. Wtldtnan , Dent or. Col.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-iJ
( "BUD uuyi n full lot itad goon t-room coitv'i '
Penay terms and good location , 1)r. ) . Sholoi.
room ' 'W. 1'lrst N fl bank , cor.-lJtU and Far-
nans. 1J-1
_ _ _
FOlfHAI.i : Or trade , lots l.lTonil .1 block ?
I'.ckcniKinj will bcllchiup for cash 01 trudi *
for good piano anil part cash. W. J , Wlldiimu ,
Dem er , Oolo. 3H 11
_ _
TTIOII SAI.U Two HejHint homes In Hiinacom
J ; I'lui'oon rji'.onnUlo toinu ; mor' iu-o paper
takoituHpnrl piynient. lee ! worth A Jopllii ,
llurkcr block. KM
TTlOlt KALU-Not fortrudn. M1.70 cra of im-
J. proved laud 'J miles from Muuiuctlc , In
Hamilton U > . , Neb. 1'nune house , fiamo btablu ,
IXXJ acres under a good I b.ub-xvlre tuiice , lound
t-Bdar jiostwaiidSiftajt. ; ihlug xv.iter , good cor
ral , a txrll * , xvlnd-inlll. U j-ljarrel tank , self-
feeder tront'hv , etc , : 73 ucrea clover , a good
Mock ranch.
I'rlre ( about SU per acre ) . . .ii'.BOO
Cash . , U.WJ
a year * tlnia at finer cent . iJ.fiOU
do and look over tha luud end addrexa the
owner , K K , AtLliu , I'M Larltuor at. , Denver ,
- . . . --i < K To those wiuitlnu to go funning
wo can put them In control of targe or small
tract * of land wnicu require very lltllo money
for yoarsj there never VXBS a better time to ii-
Kiige In tanning nnJ stock-ral'lnn than noxr. M ,
A rpton company , iWJSo. 18th strict. 4'M
m WO s foiivlirlck bloc b , nearly new. xvlth
i. st ires on llrsi nloor and seven room Hats on
second tloor , with all modern Improvements
This property Is on corner fronting pai-ed
J Btroet , with exvpr , water nnd ens and brings
nn nnntinl rental nf M.HV ) . Will soil cheap on
terms to suit. Address U 70 , lleo , 40.1
1JHHS.\I.K a noxx honso in ix desirable part
of thu city , txvo lots , honso contuns nil
modern Improvements , hot and cold xx-ntor.
ftirnaco , UBS , bath , electric bells nnd electric
Has lighilni : arrangement ti.irlori , hall and dlu-
Inproom finished In oak nnd chorry. I'oi
price and terms address p. o. draxxcr 47 etir.
A KINK Improxod farm ncnr I'npilllnn foi-
sale , ri mill's from Omaha nt } O an nctc * .
Applv at 'J.M7 Hartley street. 475 J7
LOTS Tor Snlo I h.iru 19 nun lots In llrlugs'
idace nttd. for sale. I'or fnrthor luforiuntloii
nddiess K .lottery dulen.i. III. l-7
"iroTt SAI.II Doyen kiioxv i.oxvor Dong-
JL' las st. Is going to make first classiotallproih-
trty ? If > on don't , go doxx-n to the bridge omo
line dny and see the utreiim of xxeslc'in loxxn
people coming over Von \xlll then bo con
vinced. \ \ e can f.oll S ) , II. 16 orss feet on Doug-
las. bctxveon Itith and llth sts. at n price thnt
\xilliiiiikppnuhasor HH ) per cent in loss than
tx\o > oiirs. 'I Ills KUI\V xvlll not Keep litter than
Jnntinry 1 , l.ssv. > l. A , Upton Company , r "
Illth st M7
TiMHSALU- ! vacant lot Milt clear , will
J-1 exchange for house nnd lot and nxsumo
Incumbr.itRo. Don t object to paitof
intumbiiince coming dnu In the spring. ( } . ! ' .
ti , Merihanls Nat , bank ,
"IjlOH SALU-Ulegant 5-roont house In linn' ; .
J-1 com Dlacr , east front lot. city water In the
house , Miwer on the stret. . Just the thing for a
j'oung innn stiirtiiig out xxhoxxitnts a neat , nlco
cottnkO not largo. l'rlci < f2.MO. Uasj inijinonts
Imestlgato at onco. C. Munition , Merchants
Nut. bank. fUJ
1/10if S.\1.H ot Hxchunge-l.-inds and Tlty
JL propeity. Hpoclal a'tontlou given to ex *
changing. McCiulochCo. . loom 4 , Cielghton
block. Oiniiha. tos 14
"Ij Oll SA M ! In KounUo IMnco. It-room house ,
JUxxlthnll tnodnrn Improvements , barn for 4
horses ; pilco$7riK ( ) ; teims , * 1BOO cash , balnncn
$ . > 0ioveiy (1 ( months , or terms niranged to stilt
x-tiiom house , Huh nnd Corbrsts. . south front ,
city w ater. gas and hew er , &liM ( ( ; ? 1W ittsh , b > 1-
unce $ .11 per montji.
l-Uegunt t-room cottngo. llnlshed In hat d wood ,
ritj xxnter , sexx-er , gas. cemented i-elkir , xx-alk ,
lences , outbuildings xvlthln thn inll limit , 2
blocks from cabtu car ; price , f.i.nOd ; termx , itf 0
cash , balaiKO to suit purchiisnr. I'lill rommls
Klouonanv of aboxe to agents. I'lacK \ Ho
man. room II. Kronzor bio k , opp. I' . O. Os it
F.HI \LH-l.tst exclusively with M. A. 1'p
tun company. ; id ) fo. 10th street ; good Inside
property at a llguro not more than actual value
If you want your real estate sold. 41M
SI'lICI Ahbaigulns In fiiims. xxestc-rn Iniidiind
city piopoitx- . call andsoons Neb. Set
tling and Supply Co. lloimit ) , Iloaul iC Trade.
FOIt SAM ! Oi oM'hango for Omaha prop
erty , M in ros , Miitiihlo foi platting : xxlll
make 10) ) lot" , all i-leni : big money In It for
some one xx-ho c-in push this ; locateu Just out-
sldo of the city limits ofCoumll lllutU In-
" ) . J. Starnsdoiit , opp. postolllco. 121
"I71OH SAI.U Notiraska farms : no ntiier Inxcst-
J ineiit can b > > niiide. M. A. I'pton company ,
Ul.'i-o. liith utroet. 4sJ )
Tor sale by < ! eo. N Hicks ,
lloum.40. Uarkcr lllock.
llargalu 33 feet , south iiont , on I'uppletnn
nvcnue , llansiom 1'lnce. 1'u-feet grade , xxater
and gus in street , cl < He to paxomont nud thren
lines ot xtreet mis , healthy location , splendid
ncl hboihood , Just the place lor ate ? > home.
I'lice , f01 fuxvdays , W.IOJ ; only $10) cash , bal
ance on Hx'o years' time. Call mid fee this.
Tor sale Lot 13 In block 1. , bhuU'h second ad
dition , a west front ht , 20) foot f-outh of
I'oppletou axe ; on grade , and cox'eied with
beautiful s-hade trees. 1'ike $2C ( J.
Pol Sale A largo double house , nine rooms
each. liiHt completed , in st class neighborhood ,
magiilllcent \ \ The gioiimls nro'lxMO feet.
east fionl. Uiu-h house has hot and cold
xxater , furnace , luth room , electilc bulls , nil
complete , and a tine birn xxith city xx tor and
sewerage connections This properly is only
txxo blocks Irani three street car lines , and \ none
one of the nicest und most convenient homes In
the city , tan gixo Immediate possession nf one
house with barn. This property will pays pel-
cent oiiJU.HA ) . Pilco foi it low dajs iflli 0) ) .
Sixty feet on lull .st near Km nam , the best
plocti of business property on thu miuket ; can
olfor for a fev days ut llgurcs It xxlll pay you to
Invest Igato.
llaigaln Snlendld corner , south front , CflxlOO
foot on I'opplrlon ax-e , Hauscom pluco , llrsl-
clnsH nelgliUorhood ; streets and lot nil graded ;
iioxrciblo linn to Hanscom park xxlll maku this
liropcrtyadxauco at least C > 0 percent , J'Uce
ror lexv days only 81,5)0 , on easy terms.
Tor Sale Mrst cliss improved farm In
eastcin Nebnibka ; .small cash payment , long
time. Call and got prices.
I canotl'cr fur afoxvdayh the llnost summer
gatdenpropjrty ever put on the mirkot , at
prices and terms that m.Ofo It the biggest bar
gain ever olicrod In Omuhu. It xxlll pny you to
Investigate this at onco.
I'or wale Splendid ID-acro tract near Junction
of V. U. & M. V. H. H. , and the licit Line Ky. . In
\\'o < t Oniaha , In a line state ot cultivation ; xvlll
make u splendid honnt or Una fruit and vege
table garden , a he property can be platted In-
hldo of three years into titty choice lota that
xvill sell for four or llvo hundred each , and rail-
170 from twenty to txxonty-llvo thousand for the
entile tract ; can oiler for a few days ut figures
that make It a bnrgaln. Call and .soo It.
fc > For sale BID acres of choice farm land , nnlin-
prox cd , in central Neuraska. A bargain if hold
Hargnln Elegant residence with birn , bith ,
furnace , hot and cold water , clstorii. uiis , etc. .
all complete ; Just leady lot occupancy. Call
n nclM'olt.
I'or sale or exclmnno for imiroved city prop ,
crty , thieo to llvo acras of land on the Holt Line
rnlixxnv. especially suitable for brickyard pin-
posen. This ground is underlaid w 1th a supoi lor
quality of clay , and has railroad tracks on ono
sldn und a good Htreiimof xvuter onihuothur.
Will take brick next Htnson in pait payment.
I'or mile Choice llvo aero trnct in West
Omaha clone to Ilelt Lint ) rnllwuy , only txxonty-
llx'e minutes ride from postolllco ; for Bale for a
HhorttlmoatHOX ) ; small cash payment , long
Kor Sale Ono of the host places in or around
the city toHtart a snull coal nud lumber yard
and guiioral grocery bUHlnoss. bltuated at the
Junction of thu llult Line iiillway und two main
streets leading out of cltv in West Omaha ; 0.1) )
feet of trackage and ever WO foot frontage on
main thoiougnfuio , used by all thn farmer * liv
ing south .md xxest of the city. This is n splendid -
did chance for u man xvlth u modaiuto amount
of money.
llaigalu Choice business lot on M st , near
27th , South Omahu. fern few d.ivs at HUM.
To exchange twenty-four cholcH lots in West-
lawn park on Ilelt Line rail w y In W nt Omahu ,
only wuxcn blocKB Irom btreet car line. 1'rlie ,
H.2H ) ; incumbiance duo In. , ,1.1 , und 5 years ;
W.urj ouneiH < | tiliy In jS.l'A ' ) ; xxuntod to trade
for good farm land
IKXP.OW xx nith of good Omaha pi open j to trade
for good htix k ranch ,
IWaeie ( loir of Incnmbranco to tiado
for a good honso and lot.
ill1) ) ucies choice faun In eastern Nebraska ,
fre of Inciimbrunce ; want tlrot class rimdunca
li > W acres of good farm land In central Ne
braska ; no better boll In the statn , xvlll ex
change for residence block or lmHln f > i property.
Also txx'o choice ton ncie tracts < lo8a to licit
llnoriillvxay. prlco f7.5U ) and tll.OW. Undi of
theao tracts will make nfly ntcn lots , that xxlll
well Insldn of three yeais for tvxi each ; w-nnt
imnrovcd residence property or business lot.
Whnthnwyou tooilor/
( Jeorgo N. Hicks , Hoom 40 , Ilsrker block ,
TTIOH SANK M. A. I'pton romp my have the
J- ' bargains In buslnossand ro.slduncu proporty.
Hen them t 001 go. llith street , 491
I'piuiiylvanln nnrl tlio Trc-ililoiit.
Pliiliiuolphia I'ross : Poiiiihylvaiiia ,
( is everybody unclur.sUuids , Is nuito huro
to coino in pretty xvoll under I'rcHltlont
IfiUTison , bc liiiilng with u cabinet
pliteo. Tlio Htnto 1ms furnisltoil u eon-
bldorublu nimiborof cabinet olllcoi-8 in
its time , having been represented in
every domrtnioit. | ) It lias contributed
two bccrotnrios of Htato , IJticliiuiaii titirt
Black ; f-ovon soi'i'oturios of the treasury -
ury , Oullntin , Dullaa , Rudh , Inghiun ,
Dunne , Ferwai'd and Meredith , the lust
frolng out ofolllce in IS-OI ) ; six hecrota-
i-ies of war , PicUoi'injji I'ortoi1Vhkinn ,
Hiinon Cuincron , .Stunton and J. D.
Cameron ; tx"o HL-i'i-otariob of tlio ntivy ,
JOMUH and Uorlo ; one HCfi'elary of the
interior , McKonnaii ; seven altornoy-
{ 'onurnla , Hradford.Hueh.Cillpin , llliuiK ,
Stnnlen , MaoVea 'h and lirewster , und
two postmabtor-Konnralg , J'lclceringf and
Campbell , Of thc'so only four are now
livlnjr Simon Cameron , James Campbell -
boll , Junior ! Donald Cameron and \Vayno
MnoVpntfli ami only ono is in public
life. Hx-lVHtmiistor-Uonoral Campbell ,
who retired from ofilco more than thirty
jeat-6 aj'o , after fcorvint , ' through the
whole of 1'ieruc'a administration , lives
In this city , with a oed many years of
lifo in him yet , doubtloas , lie Is full of
roinlulsconcoa of tlio dayr > when ho wau
In public lifo aim in fond of tulkinn'H'or
the events of a gone rat I on ( iffo. All of
Mr , Camribell'fa cablnot nsfoolatcs are
now dead except JclTorsou Davis , of
One l'it7Zlo Solved ,
New Yorit Sun , " An observing nmn
recently so > t n loiter to this ofllee ask
ing wliy it \\as tlmt every clock ntul
watchmaker \vlio slung nn imitation
\vntch or clock aultidu liia shop us s
sign hnd the- hands painted on the fnuo
at exactly 8:18 : o'clock. This was n poser
to cvorj clock seller n reporter asked.
The signs ciuno to them that way they
laid. The majority of them had'novoV
noticed the curious coincidonco. It
nskod where they got their signs
painted the reply was thnt the.x left the
order with their wholesale dealer nnd
the sipn mine along * That was all tho/
know nboi't it.
Inquiries among the wholesalers In
Murray street nnd Maiden Inno developed -
volopod the curious fact that there is no
coin pot It Ion in the trade of painting
cluck signs. Tills state of atTairs in
brought about by the wholesale clock
and watch dealers themselves , who got
used to patroni/ing three dealers many
j ears ago , and never pot enough out of
the namt of it to give tinj other painloi'
the ghost of a show to succeed with alt
opposition shop.
"Hut Father Wnshburn , " said ono
wholesnlo dealer , "N father ot them all ,
and of emblematic signs asxoll. . Ho
was the llrst painter to make a sign om-
bloniHtic of any businc'w , and he started
in way hack In ' 5.1. Why , the big eon-
rerns that make metal signs don't
bother him at all. llognvo his ideas to
the whole wirld to copy , and the world
got rich. The friends he made back In
the ' 60'a have stuck to him ever since ,
and ono branch of the business has
stuck so close that no competitor In
oilier branches of sign work ever think *
of getting a clock or watch sign to
mako. and if by ohanco ho did , ho'd
probably bo so scared ho'd send the
customer to Father Washburn. "
Mr. Washburn was painting n cloolc
on a big stur xvhon the reporter called.
Ho XX-HH old an man xvhh a happy faeo
and : i xvhlto beard. Therexvoro elook
sigtib mapped out. half done , und Un
it-hod , banging all around , and every
blessed one of them had the hands
pointed tit 8:18 : o'clock.
"Tho reason nil the dummy-clock
hands point to that hour , " salil Mr.
Washburn , "Is because 1 paint them all ,
nnd 1 always paint that hour. When I
painted the llrst emblematic sign ever
painted ns a matter of business , back in
'oil. it xxas n clock. 1 don't know how I
put the hands. All I romombcu1 about
it is that it xvas for I' . T. Harnum'H old
concern on Curllandt street , the Jerome
Clock company , since gnno up the snout.
I painted the hands any Jxvay I chose ,
up , down , enmxxise. or together , as my
mood dictated , from thnt time up
to April II , OlSlTi. That night ,
the news xvas Hashed into the city
that Lincoln had been shot in Ford's
theater. 1 was working on a sign for
Jexxoler Adams , who used to keep on
Hroadxvay , opposite Stewart's , at the
time. I'was malting a great clock to
hang outside. Adams came running in
while I xvas at work. Ho was a strong
Lincoln man. Ho said :
" 'I'oint those hands at the hour Ltn- f
coin xvas shot , that the deed inity never /
bo forgotten. '
"I palmed the hands , therefore , at
8:1S. : The idea fitriick me forcibly , and
when I came to look at the ellect I found
it xvas thomostcoiiveniont arrangement ,
since it displayed both the hands xvoll ,
and left the top half of the clock tree to
paint in the name of the clock seller 11
doHit-cd. So 1 threw all my stencils
away and made new ones for that hour.
I have never varied , from the xydtom
since , and that is the reason all thp
clock signs point as they do. The Chicago
cage and Cincinnnli people , I Hnd , are
doing the same thing. They don't ,
know the story , but , they probably were
won to my plan by the capability of that
particular arrangement for artistic dis
play in painting. "
The perfume \iolets , the purity of
the lily , the glow of the rose , nnd the
Hush o'f Ilobe.uomhino in Po.oni's won
drous Powder.
Tray'H Unl'iu-lunate Siicczn.
Chicago Tribune : .lames Tmy , of
Allontoxvn , I'a. . got. on n train ut Mo-
Voytown to go to JLowistown the other
day. The car wan warm , and Tray
raised the window at which ho xvas sit
ting. Soon afterward he had lo sneo/p.
The concussion of the snee/o hurled his
false teeth out of his mouth. They shot
through the open window and went *
bounding along on the ground. Truy
had just got tlio sot from the dentist's.
They cost him $25. Ho got out
at the next station , "IIvo miles from
whore the teeth had escaped from him ,
and walked back to regain them. Ha
found them. Then he started to walk
the live miles back to the station to got
the next train. As ho xvas crossing the
railroad uridgo over the Big Kun n ,
west-bound freight came along. IIo
was walking on that track and stopped
over on the beams of the east-bound
truck. HH ho did so ho glanced bacll
and snw a freight train from the wont
just coming on the bridge toward him.
There was no tune for him to got across
tlio bridge before the train would bo
upon him , and ho did not dare stand on
the narrow space botxvoon the txvo
trunks until the trains passed. Both
locomotives soundcii their danger sig
nals. Tliore xvas but ono tiling to no.
Tray sci/.cd a bridge beam or tie with
bin hands , and dropping quickly doxrn
hung by his lingers until the long train
hnd passed ever him. IIo then dragged
himself back to the track.
The engineer of the train was bring
ing it to a stop , evidently to see what
had become of Tray , but when ho roan- j ,
pcarod , and the conductor saw that ho '
was all right the signal was sivon to go if
ahead , and the train wont on without
taking Tray aboard. A milo fnrthor on
another oast-bound freight came along.
Tray thought It waa running slow
enough for him to got on the caboose.
When the roar of the train \\a passing
him ho throw his overcoat on the plat
form of the cuboofco and grnbod tlio rull to
swing himself on. The train was going
faster thnn it looked , and Truy could
not got a footing. IIo had lo lot IOOMJ
of the rail , and ho was thrown twenty
foot down the bank. The skin waa
scraped off of his fuco , hands , and logH ,
and ono undo was dislocated. The
train wont on , taking Tray's overcoat ,
a brand now $30 coat , with it.
In spite of his injured ankle and
mutilated face , hands and logs Tray
managed to got ever the remaining two
miles of his journey , reaching the
station just as his train came in. With
out waiting to huvo his injuries at
tended to lie boarded the train. When
the conductor came around Tray
remembered that the conductor of the
Ili-ht train had taken up his ticket for
the entire journuy. IIo could not
Induce the second conductor to pass him
either on the strength of that fact or of
the story of his many mishaps , and Tray
had to pay his faro ever again. IIo u
now In bed.wondering whether It isn't r
moro than likely that the colling will 5
full on him. , |
"Why Tliny Ailjourncil , j
Philadelphia Record : President ( Debating -
bating club. ) Well , wo have had some
stirring speeches on the negative slue
of the question of the evening , "Is Mar-
rlago a l/Alluro ? " but none of the gen
tlemen appointed lo speak on the aflirm-
alive side huvo responded. Bocrotary
( whispering ) Their wlvoa nro horo.
The president ( loudly ) Owing to the
lateness of the hour further debate U
postponed , Adjourned ,