Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The Attorney Gonoral's Report Presented -
sontod to the Governor ,
Xlln Views on the Union rnclflo nnd
Other Important Matters Clrnrlv
1'roblcm Lincoln Notes.
orTneOwAiu BBS , ]
1W3 l > STIIF.ET , >
L.INCOI.X , Vac. 13 , 1
Tlio btonnlnl report ot the attornej cen-
was bnudoU to tlio governor on the lOtli
Just. Owing to his well known position on
railroad question * , tlio public 1ms reason to
expect u document containing rich meat. It
Bnri without saying llmt dUupi > ointmeiit
v ill not follow In the wako ot Us homling
ilown. Tlio attorney general builds liivlnci-
blo reasons , and advhei thu foreclosure of
nil Union Pncillo property under lion or
mortgage to the general government. Ho
emphatically states tltat tlio Union I'uclflc Is
insolvent , and that It Is unjuat for tlio state
to be compelled to imlst In paying olT a
bonded debt jf more tlinn twice tlio value of
every mile of tiack owned by the company ,
by extortionate freight rates , especially
when the road denies Its allegiance to the
laws of the state , and Insists upon federal
jurisdiction nlone over Its property nnd ( ? on-
eral rights , -il'ho ; report shows the fact
that the state pays about seven-tenths ot tlio
earnings ot the load. With this fact pressed
liotno ho asks the governor to Instruct the
coming legislature to Insist niton our repre
sentatives In congress demanding the foic-
closure of the government lien upon all prop-
fityof the road. Thii is asked tlmttlic
> eau may bo put upon n csuli bjsis. Ho fur-
Iher states thnt the IWSSIIRO of the Outh-
walto bill virtually amounts to a donation of
the government claim against thoioad , mill
that it is not light to tux the gonoioslty of
the government when the Insolvency of the
joail is wholly due to mismanagement.
TJC attorney gencial recommends the pas-
nngo of n maximum fielght rate seheilule ,
imd Htates that while the hoard has done
very llttlo toward such reductions as are evi
dently necOHsary , he expresses the hope that
the board coming in will bo able to give the
people speedy redress. Ho cites n constitu
tional remedy for such contingencies us fet
tered the board during the Ho
expresses the opinion that the direct election
of the Btato board of tiaiispoitation would
obvisito present difficulties nnd ombai rnss-
nients. If i-iado olectlvo political patronage
ivould lose souioof its power. Besides , lie
Buys , the state ofueiah have enough to
do to attend to the dlicct line of
tholr ofllciul duties , and the voice
of the people could not ho throttled when the
trust aad Issue calls for tno intolllgcnco of
the voter. This conclusion inevitably fol
lows : If the hoard is uindo elective the
dearest interests of the people of the state
\\onld soon ccaso to bo under the iron heel of
corporate power.
Tin : sriMKCUsiiir riiom.nsr.
Since L. P made a chance for
the spcakcrhhip nn impossibility , by his
bra/en attempt at bnborv , there has been n
restless activity among the railroad cappers
of the state to get their shattered fences in
jepair , and the suggestion that W. C. Ilill
lias entered tlio lace Indicates that their
efforts have not been in vain. The novice ,
however , can sco through the atone wall ,
without glabscs. At this time
the situation Is not at all com
plex. The candidacy of E. S. Halter ,
of Kairlmry , Is unquestionably duo to his loy-
nltytoJohn M. Thurston , and inasmuch as
lie has generally been recognized as a hlprh
minded gentleman and by many as an anti
monopolist , it is supposed , and not without
reason , that ho will bo able to divide Demp
ster's strength effectually. Major * is the
HurlniRton tool to further the candidacy of
Major Watson. Unldwi'll stands as the rod
to keep lightning from striking General Me-
Undo. Cuptain I ec also belongs to the Bur
lington skirmish line. The play Is amusing ,
but not unintelligent. Dempster , Cody and
McHritlo nio behoved to he of the people and
for the ( iconic , nnd if they are able to unite
this stiongth , there can ho no question as to
the result. If Baker , however , can dlvido
Dempster's strength the , tide will , doubtless ,
turn to Watson and ho will bo elected
speaker of the nett nouso of representatives.
Tlio oil room crowd have been playing a
bhrewd game , nnd thcro is n chance
oven now that it will win. It will
be no easy matter to convince Baker's
friends that his candidacy is duo to railroad
inlluencos , disguised by personal friendship ,
nnd the chances aio that they may resent
the imputation. Tlio candidacy of W. C.
Hill is but another cog in the wheel that
goes to show the desperation of the railroad
titrikcrs and cuppers. Next to dispatching
tiains over the different railway routes from
day to day. thospcakcrship contest is the
one absorbing question , and it husbands
every device nnd treacherous scheme that
tomes under the reign of keen imagination ,
civing any assurance that the interests of
the people can ho kept under the Iron heel of
corporate power. The light for the spuukor-
Hhlp Is on , nnd it lies between Watson and
Dempster. "Jf Dempster , Cndy and Me-
Bride , " said a prominent politician , "stand
true to their constituency and will make con
cessions they can decide the spcakorshlp
question bojond porndvcnture , and there
will ho no danger ot the Honor and commit
tees falling Into the hands of the railroads. "
A .T Weber , of Norfolk , Madison county ,
states tlint ho had a stallion shipped from
1'awneo Ulty to Beatrice , a distance of forty
miles , over the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska
railroad , and was charged f 13 for the ship
mont. He further states that the stallion
was roshippcd from Beatnco to Norfolk
over the Union Pacific , n distance of 20(1 (
miles and that the rhui go between the last
named places was but $11 reeling that lie
hnci been robbed on n small scale in the
charges for the llrst shipment , ho comultilns
to thu statn board of transportation and asKs
to have the matter investigated. The dif
ference in the respective charges , considering
the distance of tlie hauls , does see m to he a
little singular. Mr Weber will bo asked to
veilfy Ids complaint and the mutter will
como up for hearing and adjustment.
xuw XOTAHIIIS rum.ic.
Tiio following Nebraskans were com
missioned notailus public by the govcrnoi
to-day :
John K. Buit , Kearney , Buffalo county ; S
T. Mclntyrc , Kearney , Buffalo county ; John
W. Kingul , Wisuer , ( Juming county ; W. U.
Hlirlvor. Omaha , Douglas county ; Thomas
M. Fisher. Oration , Fillmore conntv ;
Clmrlos K. I.uoo , Jnman , Holt county ; W.
W ICvuns , Fultbury. Jefferson county ; A.
D ( Jloyd , Shubeit , Kiclmrdson county ; M.
S C'ook , Arlington , Washington county.
lion , Wash Koberts , of Tecumseh , was in
the city to day.
, Willie Hiool.B and Arthur Pnyno were sen
tenced two years each to the state peniten
Senator Ncsbitt , of tlio Thirtieth senatorial
dlsti let , is in the city. 1 * Is said that ho will
not refuse the Honor of president pro turn , of
the hcimto.
Alexander Poyda has tirort ot his wife and
8Mls a divorce. Hifl petition recites adul
tery to uo tliocausc.
W ( J. Ashwlll and J. J. Dunbar. of Strut-
ton , wore in the capital city to-day. Mr.
Dunbar'H wife , gave birth to thu llrst child
bom on the Lincoln bl'.iMr. . Ashwill edits
thuKtriiUon Herald.
Wo nro iibtonlalioil at pnrtlos who intro
duce now romadlc * for couglis wlion they
Hiiould IEIIOW tno p oplo will have Dr , Bull's
C nuh ; Si nip.
"Hint's uru like sturj , they ilaoand set. "
' 11 icy have hcaduchu , cutn and hurts HUu
mu.iMar men , and uro Just us buiv to ct.ll for
Salvntlon Uil.
_ _ _
'I'hlnUj Stir ir : 'Marrloil.
The nnthoi-illes have bcm nsko.l by Clan *
OoUbeiu to question Into tlio report of tlio
rumor oonoor/ilni ; t.o ! marriiit'o of Magt'lo
OottberiT , his dhotvoa wife. Adlvorc\w\s
obtained by the 1 ait or in the district court or
tlm grounds of r.on Jpiort ( , last September.
The wife wont to At.utitie , wliote it t 10-
ported th.ti she La > ueam married. 'Hie law
explicitly upcu'ifies that neither of the liti
gant * In a divorce case shall nfiln marry
within a period of nix months alter huving
duly obtained a decree ot divorce , and the
husband wants the report invasUgattid , in
View of proitiautlug tils divorced wife.
South Oinnha AfT.ilr * llartly Mjxod tTp
In Ofllcml Circles.
"It | ) lacesus in n bad position , " remarked
MaJ-or aloan , of South Omaha , when nues-
tioncd concerning the Injunction case
yesterday. "Now , you see , wo
were acting Judiciously , and were
dnlng nil wo could toadvanco nnd
build up the city. A large number In South
Omaha have avoided paying their taxes , and ,
in consequence , tlio official business
generally has been sadly neglected. Wo
had no funds In the treasury , and for what
public improvements we needed wo decided
to confess Judgment to the extent of 60 per
cent of our indebtedness , and to issue city
bonds for the remainder. By confessing
Judgment we would Inaugurate a necessary
s"stem of taxation , and wo would have ro-
nll > od enough to have defiajcd nil
our expanses In public Improvements.
You see the injunction proceedings
were brought about bv ex-officials , especially
ox Mayor Savage , who have become Jealous
of oui labors. It will hurt our city ma
terially if this Injunction ho made pcrma-
meat. Hero wo hnvo 400 graders at work ,
and th\j ( will bo turned idle. Tliej have no
money , and this action will prevent us from
raising any funds to pay them. I fear there
will bo un outbreak thcio If things
nro not lived up In some way. These
men : nc mostly men of family and
have no other means oT maintaining their ex
istence nsido from tholr day's labor. "
J. R Kltchhnrt , a real estate dealer , who
Is one of the prime movers in the Injunction
proceedings , when questioned hinted thnt the
action \\ns taken as a last resort. Ho said
that the city authorities had aliendy run bilis
against the citv $1'J,000 ) in excess of the
amount prescribed by law nnd that the tax
payers as a rule had grown tired of such
Oao Fact
Is worth a column ot rhctorlc , nicl nn
American statesman. It is u fnct , cs-
tnblHied by the testimony of thousands
of people , that I od's Sarsaparilla does
cure bcrofula , salt rliouinaiul other dis
eases or affections arising from impure
state or lo\v condition ot the blood. It
nNo overcomes that tired feeling ,
creates n good appetite , and gives
strength to every part ot the s. tcm.
Try It.
Kail Notes.
The contemplated improvements of the
Union Pacific depot hnvo commenced from
the inside , and the new ticket ofllco was
opened for the first time yesterday morning.
D U. Thomson , general mnnnccr , and V.
O. Kngllsh , train master , of the 11. & M. , are
among tlio arrivals noted yesterday.
All the trains were roported-ns coming in
on time at tlio Union Pacitlo and B. & M.
depots yesterday morning.
Ninety-live cars of corn and ono of wheat
were icccivcd at the Union Paciilo yards
since 10 p. m. Wddnscday.
A break down in the locomotive delayed
the overland flyer 30 minutes yesterday morn
Six now lodges of the Switchmen's Aid as
sociation have been formed tins month ,
against three for the preceding month , and
: u.'J members enrolled Two of the lodges aie
in Michigan , one in Illinois , one in Jersey
City and ono in Pittsburg , tlio latter being
mimed nfter Eugene V. Debs , the seeietury
and ticasurer of the Firemen's brotherhood.
The association paid the following
ninounts to the persons named ,
dining the month of November : Lodge 10) ) ,
Kllen ami Catherine Dooley , ? 700 ; Ledge 105 ,
James Collins , § 700 , and Lodge 100 , Mrs.
Mary Stewart , 700. Commencing with this
month tlio benefits will bo $500 instead of
S700 , as formerly.
" 'A surveying party at work nt midnight'
Is a thing that not even Omaha can boast
of , " said an oflicial of the Union Pacific en
gineering departmtnt yesterday , "but
if there .vns such u thing the Union Pacific
knows nothing about it. Wo have had no
party out in the vicinity named in n ceitain
paper this morning , and do not expect to
have any. You can say in shoit that there is
no truth in the rumor of a side track being
laid by the Union Pacific to reach to the nl-
logcd fort site.
Live stock will not ho shipped bv weight
from Nebraska points , although a few weeks
ago it was intended to do so. December 15
was the date named for the change to go
into oitoct , but to-day the Cnicago < k Alton
have sign Hied their intention of refusing to
weigh the live stock at Kansas City or St.
Louis , and the lines centering in Omaha have
no choice but to follow suit.
Had a bilious attack and one of those
indescribable ctisos of constant weari
ness. Took quinine and other reme
dies without relief. Took Dr. .Tones"
lied Clover Tonic ; am strong and well.
Asa Thompson , Logan , Ohio. Good
man Drug Uo.
Election Frauds.
Tlio United States grand Jury is still driv
ing away at their election frauds investiga
tion , nnd the probabilities arc that it will not
roach a windup before Saturday night , If it
docs even then , .fust what bus or lias
not been developed of coin-so is impossible to
find out , but the opinion seems to prevail
among well-posted people that sufllcient
crookedness lias been unearthed to warrant
the indictment of soveial parties. &o far ,
theio lias been n large number of witnesses
examined , and summons aio out for
moi c.
Tlio form of the catechism put to one of
the witnesses yesterday morning was some
thing afler the following :
"Do you know of any illegal voting having
taken pluco in this olty ai the late presiden
tial election i"
"Not absolutely. "
"Do you think tlioro was any ! "
"I certainly do. "
" Where J"
"In all the wards of the city. "
"Any pluco in particular ! "
"Yes. "
"Where ! "
"Atthe First precinct of the Third ward. "
"Why do you think sol"
"Becauseat a late census taken of tliopop-
ulalion for election purposes , tlio entire num
ber of voters was aseortaliied to bj ' .IJO , mid
at the election l.Ih'J % 'otus woio cast. "
"Do you think there was monuy usa 1 ! "
"Lots of it. "
"Who used III"
"Thnt I can't stiy , but was
nt those polls puddling lepnblican tickets and
running in republican voter * by iirove-t , mid
it certainly took money to do that. "
"Did you sea Martin use any monovJ"
"Not a dollar , but liow'd hu got those re
publican votes ! "
Henry Brunlng nnd Martin Quick of
the First ward were aho examined
yesterday morning. Quick testified
to ono of tliu judges In the
First precinct of the wa rd having been a non
resident. This was It cnry Schoen , who , it
is alleged , resides in Gh irago , nnd it is boldly
assuitcd that ho will bo indicted.
"Nip the evil In the bud. " Slop that
cough in its flrnt htagcti before serious
coiibeiiuonces ensue. Dr. J. II. Me-
Loan's Tar Wine Lung liuUiun is an
offoctlvo remedy. ! M cents n bottle ,
Tlio Smelters Get It.
Complaints have hern mndu in Omaha and
along the eastern division of the Union Pa
cific railway of the scarcity of soft coal sold
by the road to residents. Tlio chief cnuso of
the slackness of the supply Is attributed to a
want of cars for IU transportlon , Another
cause is the fact thai the company Is. under
cnntinct with the smelters nt Butte , Mont. ,
to furnish n certain number of cars of coal
dully to llio smeller companies. A failure on
th" part of the railroad ccmpany to live up to
the conditions of thoconunct costs the Union
Pacific SI.OlX ) per day for uvor > day it falls to
furnish the required number of tons. To ful
fill tin ) contract it takes a large percentage
of the the total output of the Hock Springs
mines ) ( operated by llo ; Union Pacific ; , but
there ate n number of prlvatu mines In the
camp which furnish a doily outoulsullloiently
largo for the eastern trade , If the railroad
company would hnnl it to market. In addi
tion to the supply from Heck Springs , llio
Dillon mine In Hitwllns U capahlo of furnish
ing coul enough for Omaha , but there U no
way at present for shipping it ,
Advice in Mothers.
MIII. Wlnslow' * Soothing Syrup should al.
wayn bo used forchlldrcn teathlng. It soothes
tua chiU , ftoftnu * the gums , allays all pain ,
cuicsiwind colic , and is tlio ( j t remedy fur
vliiirriiiuu. : $ o a bottle i
Mont Hit Ifjx > se < n Kuvrf , l"JSu m C. irala ! ,
Mnny nnd many a hundred years ngo ,
centuries before there was any Christ-
inns , the king of Csrypt sat on his ivory
throne in his palace hall , gunrdod by
soldiers armed nnd dumb. At his right
hnnd , a slop below him , was the crown
prince , n beautiful youth of nineteen ,
thoflgo when the years nro alt summers.
On the left , two stops lower , sat the who
councilor , with board white as frost ,
and ho lived nt four-score , when the
years are nil winters. Ho wsia the only
subject who sat in the presence of the
Icing or dared advise him. Wiser than
oilier men , ho could foretell the future ,
know the language of beasts , what the
stars are made of , nnd why comets go
wandering through the sky. A poet
once , now toothless and deaf , he could
onIj mumble scraps ot old versos in a
voice as shrill as a , grasshopper's chirp.
The sullen king and his gloomy coun
selor sat with hands on their knees ,
their feet close together , like
the ( Trail i to Htatucs of gods on
the Nile hanks staring eternally at
nothing. The prince was restless as
quicksilver , glancing in every direc
tion , talking much nnd very fast. Sud
denly he exclaimed :
"There is an eagle overhead. I will
order my arrows and shoot it. "
"No , " said the king , languidly rais
ing his painted eyelids ; "that is only a
speck ot cloud. "
"I see it. Look , quick ! now lie swoops
down. "
lie ran to the lake , but before ho
reached the bridge spanning it some
thing dropped into the center of the
court. Ho picked up the fallen prey ,
and was about to iling it into the water ,
when tlie'ldng called :
"Itring it hero. "
The boy returned , holding a shoo , or ,
rather , sandal , ofory small size.
"What iin odd thing for an eagle to
carry olT ! It is foreign. "
The king examined it with as much
curiosity as lie should who is adored as
a god by the mere carth-wonns called
"A pretty thing. ' ' he jaid , weighing
it in his immense brown hand. "Some
dnnccr'b slipper. * '
"No ; if it had boon danced in , the
straps would ho strained at the holes' .
It is not the curved and pointed sole of
our shoemakers ; this is Grecian work. "
"Whoever the owner be , she dwells
in the Happy Valley of Childhood , "
chirped the counselor briskly. "How
delicate the print inside ! How tender
must be the foot which has pressed it so
lightly , for it is not now : the stripir- *
are frayed and lining faded. I wonder
whose It is ! Let us try to imagine her. "
"Why not lind her : ' A now idea.
Go , " said the king , changing
his rigid gummier , "take my signet ,
order heralds and swift ship/from the
Delta to the Cataract. Proclaim that
whoever brings the mate ot this shoe ,
and can wear them both , shall sit on
the throne of llumcsc's and ba buried
with mo in the Ued Pyramid. I shall
kill my fifty-four Ab.\bsiiiinn queens and
have only this one. I .swear it by the
lotus-hud of mj scepter , and make oath
by the Nameless Name it is death to
utter. For 1 am Pharoah Neclio. "
Then there was tumult throughout
Egypt. East , west , north , south sped
the runners , and swift camels carried
the decree from the Red Sea far as tlio
Mountain of the Moon. The courtiers
said the king was t-o well pleased ho
was seen to laugh , hut that was not be
lieved. It could have been only a mys
tic half-laugh such as the Sphinx wears ;
for when was a Phnruoh known to
laughV They thought , or would have
thought had they dared , that ho was
crazy , and trembled lost the owner of
the slipper should not bo found. Who
brought such news would have his skull
.split by a blow of the golilon seopter ,
which was so heavily loaded , ono touch
would slay the strongest. The death'
stroke was on the back of the neck ,
swift and sure as lightning.
It was at the closu of a day"of splendid
ceremonial , and the king wore nis
double crown. The chief of the guard
advanced , pale as the dead , and fell he-
fore the throne , his plumes sweeping
the stops. Pharaoh roused as from
"Sho is found , O king. Give thy
slave leave to bring the laay of the san
dal ? "
"Go. Beware of another blunder ! "
The captain Dackod out , and soon re
turned. Slowly across the wide area
marched the ulllcur. After him , with
soundless stop , glided a young jfirl ,
slight in shape as u child , White linen ,
draped in clinging folds , showed her
form of perfect mould , The robe ,
caught high on her shoulders , left her
arms bare , and they \\cro as pure as
pearl. Her hair , Iloating liKe spun
gold , was hold by a fillet of scarlet
cord , her only orna'niont , except a neck
lace of lotus-lilies lying on her bosom.
"What loveliness ! " exclaimed the
prince , running to meet her. "She , too ,
wears the double crown youtli nnd
beauty. The marble is slippery ; lot
mo lead thee. "
Her modest eye sought the winsome ,
eager face , and in silence fiho laid her
hand in his strong clasp. Led before
Pharoah , instead ot sinking on the
pavement , she looked up at tlio tall ,
high-crowned figure with fearless
giizu. Such eyes , blue as deep-sea
water , had never before mot that glance
"Tho sandal , " said ho , ninnvod at her
It was brought. Her hare foot ,
shaped in exquisite curves , were
scarcely larger than when n mother's
hand hold thorn in her own , nnd each
toe was separate and perfect as a
sculptor's ideal modeled in wax. Ono
dimpled foot , with skin line as white
satin , easily slipped into the
sandal. She drew the other from her
sash , crossed the thongri on tlio
arching instep , clasped the buckles of
both ; then folding her hands across
the dove-Ilka breast , she stood erect he-
fore the dark awful form whoso voice
inadu men gasp for breath nnd women
faint with four.
"What is thy name1" ; asked Pharaoh ,
" O . "
"Rhodopo , king.
' Than art well named Ilosohloom ; and
thy nation ? "
"I am ot Ionia , and a slave. "
"Tell mo what thou remoinberest of
lhat barbarian region. "
"Ualhor ask what I forgot. It is over
near to me , " she answered , wistfully , in
a tone like delicate muslo after thu
hiirsh accents of Egypt , She continued ,
us ono talks in sloop , and the shining
pyes grow dreamy : "I see isles rocked
in a sapphire sea ; hills of violet and
amber ; cool , green gardens of olives
uiul clusterips vines ; altars of carven
alabaster with fragrant llrs nnd gar
lands. Each tree and rock and rill is
the haunt of some kind nymph or lov
ing god. I hoar boos humming through
the wild thyme. In balmy eves the
nightingale sings , nnd rushing brooks
keep time with llutes and reeds ot the
shepherds. No crabhing symbals and
llshbkin drums are in my fur. sweet
land. "
"Havo you columns like unto mlno ? "
asked Pharaoh , pointing to a tower
built like a stairway up into the sky.
Its wall was painted in vivid color.
Qlunts with throats circled by uspsgaz
ing with baleful eyes ; crocodiles ,
emikoB , crawling reptiles , hldeouu past
tolling symbols of the brute grcntnp ?
of Egypt. And running through nl
was the imago of Pharaoh , grinding hi
heel on the foreheads of kings , stain ] )
ing the breath out of tortured captives
nnd dragging tlicnl , gnahod and man
glcd , at Ins chariot wheels.
"Wo have nothing like them. " sil
replied , disgust and horror shadowing
the gentle faco. "Those monsters mils' '
bo memories of a fever dream. "
Pharaoh was stunned by her insolence
"Ahem ! She doesn't notice mv per
trait. What have you , then ? " ho
"Wo have pictures of women made o
love ; godllko men , with ivy and Inure
circling their smooth brows ; crown1
won in victories where thcro is no
blood. "
This to him whoso chief joy was to
miuch on the nocks of the vanquished
to count piles of heads dripping will
warm life-blood , and watch corpses go
drifting down the river !
"Her time has como thought the old
counsellor , mid ecnerod his face with
his hands to shut out the fearful vision.
Tlio prince sloped quickly to her side.
Pharaoh curbed his wrath , nnd con-
tincd : "Wouldst thou return to thy
people ? "
"A slave can have but ono wish. "
Sparkling drops gathered tinder the
veined cjelids and fell on the pave
"Do not cry , Rhodopo , " said the
prince ; "thy tears fall on my heart. "
" 1 would not grieve thee with my
griefs , bright princo. Thy pity dries
my tcnrs. " she said , softly.
lie wiped her eyes with her hair ,
smoothed the ripplhig gold away from
her neck , and patted her shoulder as
one quiets a , baby. A pink Hush tinted
her brow and faded as it canie , wliile
she studied the make of her little shoorf.
The lotus necklace trembled with tlio
flutter of horbreasl.and fora time noth
ing was heard save the splash of falling
water and the scream of the cockatoo
swinging in his hoop of roed. Itasa
pretty bight ! Two blameless children ,
heedless of the tjranl who looked over
their heads at the outline ot llio Libyan
hills. Warm winds blowing across'the
garden \\aftedastray ringlet against
tlio prince's robe. Tlio youth bent low.
lifted the bright wonder to his lips one
moment , and then went back to his
place , but not with his usual bounding
step. The counselor's dim eyes filled ,
and the king felt defeated , lie know not
why , nor know he how to answer tliu
lofty look and appealing gesture ot his
' How long since thou left Tonin ? " ho
inquired. Irving lo subdue his thunder
ing speech.
"I know not. My father was torn from
mo. My six brothers , whom the gods
iniulo good as they were beautiful , were
to death. 'Iasdragged by my
hair "
"Those sunbriglit tre.sbcs , ' ' murmured
the prince.
"Was prisoned in a ship and sold ton
noole lady of Nauoratis. "
"What misery , father ; think of that
adorable form bending under the dread
ful water basket.1'
"I was not sent to the field. " pursued
tlhodope , with a grateful look ; "but it
was a bitter change for one"u ho had
never heard hnrshor sounds than the
ishert. ' chorus answering their wives
out nt sea. Iliad only to arrange the
toilet of rliy nn.stress and &ing to her. ' '
"Lot mo hear one of thy native songs ,
my Kosoblootn , ' ' said Pharaoh.
"How can I sing my country's songs
in n strange land. O k'ing'J"
Was over anything like unto it ? A
slave refusing to bing for Pharaoh !
Why , all the women of Egypt would
give llioir eyes for such a chance. But
lUiodopo was wilful as she was inno
cent. Tearless and qtiiot , she stood ,
neither willing nor disobedient , only
eho might not sing. Never in his reign
of forty years had the monarch such
an experience. Heas rather amused ,
as lie had been who.i a child once
climbed his chariot and pulled his sa
cred board. The mother oxpeeted the
Icnth blow for the outlaw , and instead ,
le took the boy in his arms and actualjy
cissed him. There was a warm spot in
: iis heart after all.
"Knowest thou , rash girl , thou art in
danger of death ? Tangles of yellow
: iair and eyes like the shimmer of the
sea will not protect thee. I never strike
twice. "
His hand sought the dread Bcopter.
"Canst thou kill that ? " retorted the
launtless maid , pointing to a moth
sailing by an silky wing.
Pharaah struck , missed his aim. and
sparkles of tire followed his blow on the
stono. The butterfly lluttored to the top
of an acacia , and glowed like a little
amp. He smothered his rage.
"Kool ! " exclaimed ho grimly ; "thou
mst no wings. "
"My soul has'she answered ; "they
ire folded until I bhnll rise by thorn to
the dour company of my people , "
And this to a king of a hundred kings !
only she refused I igbut boldly
lelled him to hiH fno < . I or the first
iine in his life he was pu//.lod. Tlio
lose of the yl'jgoan wasa thornyprickly
itlle thing ; but as for letting her go ,
10 , no. Nor would ho beat fior brains
out. as he was tempted.
"She is a simpleton , " "nid ho in the
angimgo sacred to royal y.
"Sho is n priestess , " piped the coun
"Sho is a delight , " sang the prince.
"Dost thou know my power ? " loudly
lonmndcd the despot , "Thousands of
vomcn are this moment dying of loyo
or mo. Half the grace f have shown
bee would be to them un everhiHling
glory. "
"Thou hast said it , " replied Rhodopo ,
imply ; in no way moved , except lo
ivort her face from his frown.
"She is tired , my father , " said the
M'inco , coaxingly. "Lot her sit on thy
ootstool. Hero rest theo , Hose-
naidcn. "
"It does not bopomo mo to sit in royal
n'osenue ; thankfafor thy courtesygentle
irinco. "
Monstrous , this ! King and prince
both bnflled nnd confused by n slave
vhoso life was no more than a bubble of
oam broken on th6 waves of yesterday.
"Ignorant ! " said Pharaohhaughtily ,
naking a hist effort to overawe the
trango spirit. "Knowest thou why
art brought to the lord of day-
n-cnle , whom the sun salutes ns his
H'othcr before ho rises ? "
"I was told there is a prize waiting
or her who could \vcar my sandals. "
"First toll how ono was lost ? "
"Wo were bathing in the river. After
ho bath I hunted it in vain , and sup-
> osod it was stolen. "
"It was stolen byabird , Rhodopo. "
"Tho king is plenbod to jest with his
borvunt. "
"No"broke in the prince ; an "eagle
carried it oil and lot it fall in this very
court. I was for throwing is in the
lake "
"Hush , dearest , " interrupted Pha
raoh. "Wo must see if the Btraiigor is
equal to her destiny. She IB well
unusually dull. What Is thy wish ?
Able , Rosoblooinl"
She scanned tlio pictured reptiles on
the walls , the writhing , twisted
asp ; then the earnest eyes cumo back
tq the colossal statue of the king , cre
ated ns though to outlast the wear of
4'A slave knows but ono wish. "
"Thine is granted. Though art
free. Wilt though return to thy people
ple ? "
"My people have crossed the black
flowing river , and uro In the Fields ' L
To keep pace with our great overcoat sale , we will offer this I
week some exceptional bargains in Furnishing goods. We shall
have in every department some special drives , and call your at
tention to the following bargains in Underwear.
Natural Wool Shirls nnd Drawers , silk trimmed , nt Gee ; icgulnr value , $1 ,
Fine Ciislimi'ro Shirts and Drawer * : , in beautiful clivo sliuuV. nl $ t oaeli ; goods worth fully § 1.50.
Very line qillc finished Halbrisignn Shirts nnd Drawers , full regular iniulo at f J.23 each , $ 2 H the low
est price thi'so gocds enn be bought for elsewhere.
AS A CLIMAX to this great Uncloi wear Sale , we will offer MOX DAY MOKNING
' 75 dozen genuine sanitary wool shirts and drawers , elegantly
trimmed with silk braid , at 95o each ; we guarantee the regular
price of these goods as $1.75 a piece.
Our ( Hove Department is the busiest m town. We carry an im
mense line from the lowest to the finest grades. Our gloves take
up soace enough to make a little store by itself. We keep only re
By "WARRANT" we mean that we takeSevery pair back which
rip or tearand replace them with a new pair or refund the money ,
The special drive ou the Glove Counter this week will be 23 doyen good Kid Gloves with genuine lamb
skin lining , at f > 0e a pair. They can't be matched i or $1.00.
We will call your attention to our elegant HUP o Fnni isliinjGooils , which we are now showing for
thtf holiday I rink' . Such a vimoly o excellent nnd hamlsonie goods have never been displayed before
and woill guarantee to save you at lon&t50 ; per cent on all purchases made from our extensive stock.
The system of selling every article at the lowest possible prices is the ruling principle of our business.
Among the many articles which wo cam * and which would make useful presentsi for gentlemen , wo
enumerate the following
Elegant Silk Suspenders.
Silk and Cashmere Mufflers in beautiful patterns and newest designs ,
Silk Umbrellas at all prices ,
Neckwear , in velvet , plush and silk , of choice designs and latest
styles. All at extremely low prices.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Blybian. My homo is ashes , my city is
jut dual , her bow is broken. Not a
liher'H net is spread on our coabt to
day. "
The haby moulh trembled.
"Ask ; wore it half my kingdom , I
give theo. A Miigulnr study , " said
L'liaraoli , abide , to his counsellor.
"I know not wliat to bay , " rejoined
Rhodope , bashful and troubled. She
changed eyes with the charming
"Cliooso , " ho insisted , smiling
- "Tho ' commands
n-ightly , king's bon
it. "
She shook her head , and grew red
nnd white by turns.
"I have sworn by Isis and Osiris the
wearer of the sand'alb shall sit on my
Ihrono , and bo buried in the Ked Pyra-
nid. Cheeps and Shofra alone are
greater. " Ho proudly looked toward
, hreo mighty wedge * cleaving the
desert nir. "Armies ot slaves have
.oiled on it day and night. My history
s painted on the inner chamber. All
s ready for our mummies to bo laid
iwny in the darkncbs. "
lib expected her to MVOOH with rnp-
.uro , and kuccl at his feet and kiss
them. Tlio counsellor phrilly piped ,
lot so low but that all could hear :
"In the kingdom of love , youth is
cing. ' '
"I will not lie scaled tight in the
"ted Pyramid. A mountain of btone on
ny breast , I could not bleep. Bound in
Mintages and daubed with bitumen , I
shouln bo a pribonor oven in death ! "
The Mvcot voice , as a Dorian ( Into ,
carried a force which abashed the
"What is thy teaching ami supersti
tion ? " ho inquired , with freezing cold-
"Lot mo rest in the land of my love ,
mdor the bontinel cypruss-trou , in n
ilons.injt tomb , with a windov cut
. ( trough so 1 can .see * the swallows when
, lioy come back in the bpring. Or lot
ny hody be purified by fire and gath
ered into a hoi } urn when my bhado
las passed tlio viewless gate. "
"Useless to waste words on n silly
firl without wit enough to love life or
oar death. Only ono more question to
end the matter : Kosomnidcn , what
btiyest thou to sitting on my throne ? "
She surveyed llio place princesses
vould die to possess ono hour.
"It is too high for mo , " fade said.
Pharaoh gnnbhcd his teeth , foam
gathered on his lips , and they whitened
vita wrath fearful to behold.
"Now , by nil the gods of Kgypt.1' ho
ilssod , "tompt mo not , or it may bo
verse for theo. "
MIt cannot bo worse for the
vrotchod exile. Know , mighty Icing ,
am of a noble line , the daughter of a
chief. " Her voice rang trumpet clear ,
gaining strength as she continued :
'Ho and my brethren are in the Holds
of fadeless asphodel , encamped with the
leroes. They wear the shining armor
of the immortals. Think you I fear to
ollow ? Break this frail shell. It will
jo a welcome touch which gives my
pirit room to stretch its wings. Happy
Lethe will wash away the memories of
xmdngo and the scars of my chains. "
She lilted her hands. On oauh wrict
VUK a ridge where fetters hud cuton into
ho tender flesh.
* * * * *
Pharaoh had fought many buttles ; his
imt struggle with self was eoon over ,
she regarded him listlessly , as if she
vould say , "What now , my master ? "
The couiibollor wit with his hundb on
lis knees staring straight on nothing ,
'ho prince was gaily humming u btrcet
"Son"said Pharaoh , tenderly , "ono
lay my power almighty will bo thine. "
"One day , O father ; not now , " ho
ilcndcd , kissing thu extended hand.
'Tho double crown tnuUcb her.-Iacho ,
and the scepter is heavy to bear. Lot
no enjoy Hfo while It is May. "
"Come nearer , pretty ono , " Pharaoh
ontinuod with a smile which became
uim bettor than his crown ; "tho regal
cushion , barred with hlack , red and
gold , has waited for theo hix months.
i Thou habt bcenand rejected it. "
"The seat ib too high for mo , " re
peated Khodopp , with the stubborn hold
of an unreasoning child.
"Veb , thou art right. Many have
fallen in the attempt to climb this
throne , and thy tiny feet might slip , but
no harm can live under the shadow of
my copter. Como hither , my son , my
darling. Here , on the lower htop , beside -
side theo , I lay the barred cushion of
tlio coming queen. "
Her heart's color flashed into her
llower-liko faco.
"Tho blush-rose of the Egcan is mine ,
is mine , " sang the princo. "I gather
her homo to my breast. "
Rhodopo gave a glad cry , but stirred
"Wait.sit still , my boy. Pair maiden ,
the beauty of the beautiful race is thine ,
and a courage which has conquered the
world's conqueror. Thus I heal thy
t'ay sears. " Pharaoh brought her slen
der wrists together , spanned them in
one grasp , and drew the milk-white
arms over the prince's head. "Pass
under the yoke , crown prince ol Egypt ,
captive of the heroic Greek. I set my
royal seal on the bonds , and tlio banner
over you is love. " Ho lightly kissed
Rhodope's forehead , and pre&sed it
with his signet ring.
"I yield mo prisoner for life and
death. "
Tlio prince entwined her in his arms ,
drew her close , and , as ho leaned to the
rosolcaf cheek , she whibpored : j
"Thou art my father , my brethren ,
and my country. "
_ 9
II'.M moiis Women.
11 is a significant fact that most of ttio
woman who have achieved fame in art ,
literature , or "aftiiirs" have enjoyed
vigorous health. This shows that the
mind is never dupable of tlio bcvcro and
continued application necessary to cre
ative work , unless the body is at its
best. The woman who u&pircb to fill an
exbaltcd place among her associates ,
mubt bo free from nervous debility and
female weaknesses , Dr. Pierco's Favor
ite Prescription will banish these , and
it is warranted to restore those func
tional harmonies which are indibpensi-
blo to health. As u specific for all these
chronic weaknesses nnd ailments pecu
liar to women , it ib uncqualcd.
Something About Dakota.
Minneapolis Tribune : yes , Dakota
is largo enough to make a do/on or two
nverago eastern slates nnd then have
room to spare. Either half would muko
lltty-cight Rhode Islands. The un
touched school land of tlio territory
would cover Delaware twice over , ft
hub population and wealth enough for
buvoral states , having eleven times as
many people us the btato ot Nevada und
In the recent election cubt nearly UH
many republican volob for one delegate
to congress as the state of Georgia cast
for nine full fledged congressmen. Da
kota is the home of inlolligoiice , ontor-
nrisu , thrift and republicanism and hub
fewer criminals in proportion to popu
lation than any htato in the union , the
ratio being ono in every iUOO ! , Iowa ,
Minnesota and Wisconsin following in
tholrordor. No btuto Boulh ot the Ohio
river has bo many newspaper ; ) , bunks
and nubile huliools.
It has room for the present population
of the United States and not bo as
crowded as Belgium , and has area to
grow all the food crops ot the union , In
1887 it raisjil an average of "SO bushels
of grain to each of iu > (100,000 ( people.
Wo might continue to enumerate the
extent and valuu of its production , its
pro-bent wonderful development and its
possibilities , out it's a twice told talo.
Now York Sun ; Mr. Hulford was a
reporter for years before ho was an
editor , und not u tow funny stories nro
told about him. Ho was what is known
as a hustler , and the journalist who
beat him in gathering nowti had to
Blocks ,
rani fltone ,
irot , colon.
11m III'.ST
or Descriptive Calaloifuo , cent pant free , to
S10 Broadway , How York.
KXTltA IIOI.Ill.VTi' To rapidly
Introduce our now I'Miuy * lurii" cigar. Wo
will , ir iirctoreil ul once , deliver lee nl them , J
IIIIIUH of IU clvara ouch I'ltii : to nnr I'ost or
Kxprpni ofllco In llio U. H Ainu " " " yvur'n iili-
crliillon | ) U9li > tlil li > IVxii. Hirtlng * upon ro-
celpt or four dnllnrn the yc'nrlr rule for thnt pop-
ulitrlllufttrulvil ifipaiio journal , Wrllu iinmo unit
imptofficii nddrcHH plnlnlr. Itomlt uy registered
mull or puBlul note und ddrc ntnnru
R. W. TANSILL& CO. , G5 Slalo St. , Chlcafltv
rUOl 1 1 BE General and NERVOUS DEDILITVt
Weakness of Bodyand Hindi Effccti
of Errors or Excesieatn Older Youn * .
llnlin.l , Vtilo jmiHmllfutlr llc.lorrd. lluw In Knl > r * .4
tlrr.ill.rnHUk.l MIM kMlf'FII ( IIUIIY1 A r. lllSof liuiir.
ili.olnlrl. unrillliiK IKIJIC. TIIF1TMLM llrnrflli In * J./ .
Urn Irklfr ; fn a 47 MUlri , 7rrrllnrlri , mul torrlgnloculrlf * .
V0R t tn writ * Ihtri. Hook , mil ii tknallun , nril nroor. milled
C..UJ ) fret. rtM R | [ E.UCICAL CO. , BUITAIG , N. IT.
i I'rum.coinMnixl. ( liiurunlirdllio
Ji w- only ono In llio world ircnrratiBfi
* 3 nrontluuoud J'lfftHa < r llagmlla
. . . J cnrmif * hclentlilc.I'owcifiil , IJuiAble ,
. /y yf'Comfortatilo nnd Ktrccilvo. Avoid frauds.
VS r OrrrllOnOrmoil. HtnilMntnufol pauipblot.
M.HO ni.Koritiu IIKI.THnu ni-r.AHix
Cl. limiriE. iM/EIITOn. 101 WA8A3H AVE. CHICABO.
AUvcitislntr hog nlirnys p'oyon
successful , licfoio pluclnirnny
Nowepnpor AitVLTllsliitr consult
< t to itt < Un ol U Blretl , ClIICAOO.
_ J Biicccssfully iibed montlily hjrcnor 10000
p" > J.ndleH. Are/'n/ci Jtfectualand I'lctitant
' y 81 prrbojcbymall.oratdriiirclsU. Nctileii
I'lirticulart i ! | io3tiifH ) Ktmnim. A'lilrosa
TUB Kirituiu Cuuuioiu Co. , Duritoit , JJitu.
For tittle anil l > ] / mall lijiootljnun
Co. , Onutltti ,
( flDMCV amt n'l ' tiniwy double ! iwlly.milclC'
MUllUl Jj anclhiitolyriiiutl IjylMHM'mtACiip-
suU-1. tiuvoral c.isua ruroil limovtw ilajH. Hud I
tl.CO per lioy. nil rti nc lsni , nr by nuill from Do-
cut ail ft' , Co llJWIiiloSt..N V. rnll DliiTiloni
I LLnULOJ U I UO tJoiii ) MV l > uuuiii3Tti.
_ _
Men around lively. Ono tune Hulford
was assigned to report , n haii in . und
on this occasion hu did a bit of orix'Iinil
work that attracted HO.JIO ut'iMilion. '
Two or throe houivi before the fatal
moment ho wu normittjd to have a
talk witli the Piinduiiined man. Hero
uro Homo of the things lie said to him.
"My friund , huvo you any objection
to help Hottlo a ncloiuillc questionV"
" 1 dumin. "
"Well , lot mo toll you. Tlioro hai
been a < , ' ( > oil deal ot l.illc in thu nowspu-
iicru lately us to whether u man who in
hanged has any consciousness or fooling
after tlio drop falls. Many | > ooihithinl ) (
his struggles uro purely involuntary ;
that ho wholly lese consciousness and
doosa't sulTor at nil. Now you , if you
choose , can Buttlu thib question. "
"How can I settle IlV"
"Well , now look hero , " continued
Halfonl. "H'pCHO after thn drop falls
you Hlill huvo coiirfcioiiHiioba. If you
will just keep wiggling the little linger
of thu right hand Uiul will bu u signal
to mo , I will know that you uro con-
bclouH , and as ' long iw the linger kucps
wiggling ru'bo sure you know what la
going on. Will you do so ? "
After n little noraulislon the mini con
sented to try , iurlng the Bruno thnt.
followed Hulford had no e > u * for any
thing but that llttlo finger. And it
never wiggled.