Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Bulls Still Hold a Good Grip on
A Htrnnic Undertone In 1'rovlslons
Cnttlc Substantially Unciianucil
"log VnliitiN Kiinlcr anil Closed
Untlior AVcnk.
CHICAOO , Dec. 13. ( Special Telegram to
Tin : Hnn.1 The llrst bit of Important news
ndont this morning was ttmt Uio receipts or
wheat nt Minneapolis to-diiy were UOO cars ,
and that the snow had put an entire quietus
on the movement from first hamls in the
northwest. Later in the day dispatches wore
received estimating to-morrow's ' receipts nt
225 cars and announcing that the number of
loaded cars on track In Minneapolis I mil been
reduced to 1,000. The number was 1 , 00 at
the beginning of the week. The long ex
pected " lmrp falling off in receipts nt Minne
apolis" seems to have come at last , nnd there
is lltllo prospect that the big movement will
be resumed on the whunb crop , though there
may bo an occasional brief period of pooil
arrivals , as the weather may favor transpor
tation. A cablegram from Glasgow
characterizes the reported sale of Hour
Hour for Luith us absurd. For all that , flour
was being loaded by 1'illsbury to-day ,
and the sale of another 5,000 saclts
by Washburne , for shipment to London ,
wiiH reported. That the price obtained is ns
high us quoted Is doubted by those in the
trade who nra best qualified to Judge , bill
Hour Is believed to have been sold for oxporl
shipment , as rciwrtcd , the only point in doubt
being the price. The local market was firm
at the improvement in vulucsover yesterday.
Tills strength was apparent not only in fu-
turcs , but in the cash market as well , Ueccm-
bcr discount under May narrowing about JVfc.
Tholattercircumstunceisdue , however , more
to the competition between the elevator com-
pan ies for the wheat in store here , than to a
legitimate Inquiry for shipping or milling
purposes. A break in the "elevator combine"
nccins to have uecn startpd , one proprietor
being accused of buying up the receipts
wherever lie could lay hishandson themand
transferring the grain to his own bins. With
tins competition between the parties inter
ested in the storage , the general trade has
uttho present moment only a passing inter
est , though it may cut a figure later. Where
wheat is located it is only mentioned now as
nn Incident. Tho'npeiiiiig .sales were nt $1.11
@I.10 % , and a good deal of wheat was for
Bale at tills range iind around $1.110(11.111/ ( .
A lltllo while later , the market gradually
moved up to ? I.U < , and fell baclc
to $1.1 MM. for the next hour or two
it runcod to fl.ll > j@l.ll % with Kennett
selling frcol.v most of the time , presumably
for ( Jmlaby. A lull In buying occurred about
noon , and a sharp break to Sl.lUJiJ ensued.
Scalpers sold savagely on the break , but the
offerings were greedily licked up on every
littio break , and later trading was atSl.ll'j ,
@ . ? , closing at * l.lW4fl.ll& ( / > . Decem
ber ranged at ? l. ( ) : > ; kii l.UiiV , and closed nt
Jl.05l.jf. The llrst recorded trade in January
was at SI.OIVV Tliat month ranged to Sl.UOV
@ 1.07'tii ' m' closed at $ l.0ti.6 . As compared
with yesterday , the price leaves off ( ito
higher for late futures , and about % c higher
for January. The character of the trading
was supposed to possess rather more signifi
cance than usual , to-day. Contrary to tlioir
custom , local leaders did not sell openly on the
unless ICemiett's selling
advance , to-day ,
can bo designated under that head. On the
contrary , Linn , Ream and Fairbanks , in fact
the whole bull contingent , bought steadily ,
though perhaps not largely , and their information
mation bureau has rarely been more active.
The slump , which lias como to bo looked
upon ns n "sure tiling" of lute every
time the price gets above $1.10)4 ) , certainly
did not como to-day , and the belief
was entertained nmong the wise-acres that
the bull party would try very hard to inako
the resting place at" a higher plane. The
strength of the. public and private cables was
ono of the distinguished characteristics of
the market to-day. The public cables quoted
n general advance , and , as a rule , the private
foreign advices were oven more strongly
tin cod with bullishness than the public dis
patches. There was moro general trading
by commission merchants to-day than for a
long time , nnd the public's confidence in the
market seems to bo returning once again , A
late bit of gossip was the announcement that
the Price Current would to-morrow publish
nn article on the wheat situation , very bull
ish in its tenor. On the whole , the bulls hud
the best of it to-day , us on yesterday , in news
and prices.
The corn market was a participator In the
strength of the general list , to a moderate
extent. The receipts were about twenty-live
cars under the estimates made yesterday , and
the shorts showed a desire to buy back some
of their previous sales , being moved thereto
by the smaller arrivals and less Javorublo
weather nnd the fair demand exist
ing for the daily receipts. The small
proportion of contract grade in what is
at present coming forward to this market
was another disquieting circumstance. Ex
porters nt the scaboardjrontmuo to ho steady
buyers , us is witnessed by the daily clear
ances from thence. There was a good de
mand for May corn at yTJfc , and January
was also in good request at 'il c. There
was rather moro doing to-day than for some
clays back , but the shorts appeared to bo the
principal buyers. The closing figures of ttio
speculative- futures show a slight gala on
yesterday's final quotations , anil spot corn
also averaged somewhat higher. The closing
prices were : December , fti c ; Junuury
Bijfis and May IITJfc.
hi provisions u stronger undertone per
vaded the trade. The receipts of hogs were
ngain under expectations , nnd as the Cincin
nati 1'rico Current's figures show a shortage
in the winter's packing to date , as compared
with lust year , of 030,000 hogs , the old bear
clement were moro Inclined to keep
close to the shore in their opera
tions. The opening was particularly
Btrong , and under the buying l > y Koloson ,
KCUMI and Stauffor , something of an advance
was wltnosnod. On the retirement of fioso
buyers , nnd slower trade generally , the mar
ket subsequently receded , yet on the declin
ing turn there was no evidence of weakness.
The depression experienced was duo to the
restriction in the demand , moro than to any
thing in the situation or in the existing senti
ment , and from the first the strong feeling
held control , following the early Improve
ment. Trading , however , was slow , and
Boilers forced to realize were compelled to
accept concessions to dispose of their hold-
Ings. Still for pork the closings showed an
advance over yesterday of 3) ( tf5o , nnd for
fihort ribs of 5u. Lara for cash and December -
ber was unchanged , but for January and Mai-
it rested at Co lower.
CHICAGO , Doe. 13. ( Special Telegram to
TUB llui : . ] CATTI-IS There Is little or no
change to note In the general condition of
the market. There was almost no demand
at all for medium or for oven good natives ,
For prime natives and for Christinas stock
there were steady sales at good prices ; such
tvcro not over plentiful , and below wo glvo
the Rales and prices of tbo morning. Prices
'on medium and common natlvos.aro placed
nil the way from 60 to OOo lower than last
woolr , In fact , thora la no guide whereby
accurate comparison can bo made , as such
have been sold from day to day at almost
any price salesmen could get. There was a
fair run of Texuns , somewhere about 100
cars , or 2,000 , head , which were sold out at
about the same as yesterday.
It should be noted that Texans
have not shared In the decline
on medium and common natives. Canning
stock Is unchanged. Qood cows and heifers
wo R'.SO steady and la fair demand. Veal
calves arc tolling at the lowest figure for
this year. They are not wanted. The re
ceipts Include 1.500 Texas cattle. Choice to
nxtnv beeves , steady at M.75Q5.25 : medium
to good steers. 1,850 to 1,500 IDs. . $3.75@4.25 ;
1,800 to 1,850 Ibs. , N.40@3.SO : tt > 0 to 1,200
Ibs. I3.1XK33.35 ; stockers and feeders , $3. & > ( g >
.45 ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl.40@3.10 ;
bulk , ? I.Wht2.30 ; Texas stcors , | 2.10ji3.20- (
cows , * 1 40(42.10.
Hens -Tratle opened brisk with omo sales
a simile stronger than nt the close yesterday ,
but later on , nnd especially nt the close ,
values wcro easier , and the market
closed rather weak , with quite n number of
fancv hcav.v nt$5.35C i.'J,40 , and n few loads
at 15.45. Ueht sorts sold at * .Y25i ( | * > .3i > ,
Mornn & Ile.ily Inking nbout all that wns
left , especially the lute arrivals. Kouph ami
common puckers sold down to J5.1.Vb. ( . 40 ;
Nelso Morris nnd others bought 140 Ibs ,
averages down to 130 Ibs , at K > .30ii" ( > .35.
Nnw YORK , Dec. 13. [ Special Telegram
to Titr. 13KK.1 STOCKS The stock market
this morning opened quiet , with prices
irregular , but generally higher than last
night's llgarcs. London houses were not
supplied with vcr.v largo orders on either
side. Jersey Central showed n pain of J/ ,
Missouri Pacific K and Now England ' per
cent , while Kock Island was Jf per cent
lower. There was considerable pressure to
sell long stocks , nnd In the absence of a sup
porting order , the market gradually gave
way , Missouri 1'acillc. New England and
Richmond , nnd West Point coin inoriHeading
In the decline , while the balance of the list
declined in small fractions generally. Coal
stocks linvo shown considerable strength
this morning , nnd there is some disposition
to cover short contracts in Hook Island and
Chlcneo , Hurllnglcn & ( Julney. At the de
cline the market is quiet , nnd trading IK lim
ited ; the majority of traders waiting for
definite ntnvs from the railroad meeting now
in session at Chicago. There was a slight re
covery toward noon , and nt 1 o'clock the
market was quiet and about steady at a shade
belter than the lowest figures. In the ab
sence of any encouraging news from the
Chicago meeting , the bears began selling
Grangers in a conservative way. Northwest
ern and St. Paul wcro the most active in the
downward courso. Cnmmack is said to have
covered his shorts in Northwest , nround 10.1 ,
and is now putting out a fresh line around
10. . The market closes weak and lower at
almost the lowest prices of the day , coal
stocks being apparently well held. The net
delincs for tlio ilny wore : Missouri Pacific ,
1-V ; Chicago , Utirllngton & ( uincy , ! ' > , ;
Rock Island , % ; St. Paul , * ; -Northwestern ,
% ) and New England ] 4 per cent , 'liio ' total
sales amounted to 195,1154 shares , includ ng
Northwestern , ll.OW ; St. Paul , 15,000 ; Lack-
wanmi , ! ! 9,000 , ; Missouri Pacific , 12,500 ; Now
England , 10,000 , Richmond Term ! al , 9,000 ;
Union Pacillc , 10,000 ; and Reading 25,000
The following were the closing quotations :
IT. S. 4s regular..liTPjINnrtncrn I'noinc. . 21'i
U.S.-tsooiipons l-H'i doprcferred f 'i
IT.P.I.'isri'Kiihir. . ips'ulc. * N.V 1U > 4
U. H. I'jsconpons. ' . < lo prof erred 1H054
I'acillourof 'U3 . . . 118 N. V. Central IDtly
Ci-ntral 1'aclllc. . . . ill
rhlpniro & Altnn. . . I3t Uock Island ' . ' 7
ChlcaL'd.lUirlliiL'tou ( i. M. * St. P 0'4'
- mv do preferred . 101
W . ii7' ; , St. I'
Illinois Central. . . . 1ii : > 4 ( lopreferred 1' ! ' }
1. , II. , .V\V 1,1 Union Pacific M !
Kansas & Texas. . . Ill' * W..S1. L. .VI' t-4
Uikc Shorn I'll'4 ' do preferred. .
Michigan Central . HI ( Western Union Wj
Mlsiouril'acitlo . . . TO |
MONEY ON Cu.i. Easv at 2ii3 ; per cent :
last loan , 3 per cent ; closing' offered at a
per cent.
STEULI.VO EXCHINOK Quiet but firm nt
f .8l } for sixty-day billb , and fl.fcbjtf for
CnittAno , Dec ly Wheat Easy ; cash ,
? l.reiiC ; Jnnunry , fl.00 % ; Mav , $1.11 5-Hi.
Corn Steady ; cash. 3-iJkCi January ,
34J < c ; May , 47-tfc.
IJats Steady ; cash , 20j ; January , 20j/o ;
May , 20'fcu.
R.VO 51 c.
llarley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy Nothing doing.
Flax J1.5I.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Easy ; cash , $13.47U' ; January ,
S1II.55 ; May , J13.07K.
Lard Easy ; cash , $3.10 ; January , $7.05 ;
- " " " "
Flour Firm nnd unchanged ; winter wheat ,
$ . ' ! .7."iC'5.7.r ; spring wheat , $4.23 3.75 ; rye ,
$3.50R3.75. (
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $7.00@7.12' ;
short clear , f".37) @ 7.30 ; short ribs. $7.05fl (
Butter Quiet and easy ; creamery , 31@
30c ; dairy , 18@25c.
Clioeso Firm ; full cream chcddais , 10J
@llc ; flats , ll@llj.Cc ; Young Americas ,
Eggs-Quiet : fresh , 20@21c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
OKc ; light , green salted , O c ; green , 5e ;
salted bull , fljfc ; green bull , 4'4'c ' : green
dry flint , 7K@bc ; dry calf , 7Sc ; branded
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 2533c each ;
dry salted. 10 ( < ( ! 15c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid oc ; No. 2 ,
4c ; cake , 6)40.
.Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 12.000 0,000
Wheat bu . 3oUOO 8,000 ,
Corn , DU . 21)0 ) , 000 253,000
Oats , bu . 105,000 80,000
Hyo , bu . . . . .
Now Vorlc. Doc. 13. Wheat Heceints ,
42,300 ; exports , none ; suet market strong
and ? { ( < } \Mc \ higher but dull ; No. 2 red ,
$1.00iil.or ; ! ) in elevator , $1.03 afloat , 11,071
C'Sl.OU f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , D'Jc. ; ungraded red ,
$1.011 % : No. 1 red. Jl.lfi. Options moro ac
tive ana strong , opened K ® ' < c higher , ad
vanced } g@a , declined X < * W'i closing at
% @KV over yesterday , No. ii red , January ,
closing at $1.07 } .
Corn Receipts , 00,103 ; exports , 130,8-14 ;
spot market moderately active ; old corn
higher , now easier ; No , 2 , 4tljft ( IGjj'c ! in ele
vator. 47) ) ( 474C ? afloat ; ungraded mixed , 37
o ; No , -llJ-J@12c ; options dull , and Jf
higher and firm ; January closing nt
Oats Receipts , 83,000 : exports , G' > 0 ; spot
market a trifle firmer and moderately active ;
options steady , but dull ; January closing at
31 o ; spot. No. 1 ! wtiite , 34X@35c ; mixed
western , 20KO3io ; white western , 30@40c.
Coffee Options opened barely steady at
'iO@40 points below yesterday. Sales , 108,000
bugs , including December , $14.yu < i15.30 ;
January , * l5.30ii ? > 1B.H5 ; February. Jir,1i ! ( < 3
l.r.40 ; March , $15. ! > 03JUi. ! . ' > 0 ; April , $15,20 ®
Petroleum Steady anil quiet j united closed
at 90) e.
Eggs Quiet ; fresh steady ; western , 22 }
Lard Opened stronger but closed weak
witli moderate demand ; sales , western steam ,
S3.45 ; January closed at IS.23.
Butter Easy and quiet ; western dairy , 14
© i4o ; western creamery , 19 (310 ( ; Elgin ,
Cliecso Steady and In moderate demand ;
western , 10 1 IJfc.
Mvornool , Dec. 13. [ Special Cablegram
to TIIR Biii : . ] Jli30 p. m. Close. Pork , in fair
demand ; prime muss , eastern , bis 3d , steady ;
do , western , 71s 3d , firm.
Lard In poor demand ; spot 40s Od , steady ;
December , 45i , steady ; January and Febru
ary , 43s Gd , steady.
Wheat In poor demand ; now No , 3 ,
winter , 8s. steady ; do , spring , 8s id , steady ,
Flour In poor demand ; 1'Js , firm.
Corn In fair demand for spot und less do-
maud for futures ; spot , 4s 7 > tfd , easy ; Do-
contour , 4s7 > { 'd , dull ; January , 4s 3d , steady ;
February , 4s IWd , llrm ,
Cincinnati , Dec , 13. Wheat Dull ; No.
3 red , $1.04 ,
Corn In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
20o.Oats Demand fair ; No. 2 mixed 27@27 'c.
Hvo Dull and tower ; No. S , 53o.
Whisky- Firm nt 11.14.
Ht. Jjouls. Doe. 13. Wheat Higher ;
cash , f 1.03 ; May , * ! .OS # .
Corn Higher ; cash , 3I2ffc ; May , 3
Oau Firms cash. 24o ; May , 2'Jtt '
Pork-Firm at $14.00.
Lard Firm at * 3.00.
Huttcr Dull and lower ; dairy.
creamery , 230c ; northern roll ,
Milwaukee. Dec , 13. Wheat Firm ;
cash , l 7cj January , OSJfo ; May , t l.OStf.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , 83K.Wo- (
MlnnonpnllB , Deo. 13. Receipts of wheat
were 200 cars. Under fair inquiry , all classes
of millers' prices of good milling grades were
i IK her. Sotnu sales of northern wcro made
at about lo udvuuco , and holders were firm
In asking prices all through the scwion.
Closing tpiotations ; No. I hard. December
11.20 ; January. Jl.'JlMay. . 11.23 ; on track ,
ri.2U' < l.23 ; No. 1 northern , Deceinbor. 1.11
bid ; .lanuary. $1.11 : May , Sl.lfl : on track ,
$ l.itl.lfi : ( ( : No. 2northern. December , J1.IH ;
January , $1.04 ; Mnv. $1.10 ; on track , $1.02cl (
Kninns City , Doi . 13. Wheat Stronccr :
No. 2 red , cash , li.V bid ; January , tor bid
May , nles nt SUrJ'f : No. 2 soft , cash
li'c bid ; January , S' ' c bid ; May , sales al
Corn Steady : No. 2 , cash. 2iWfebUl ; May ,
251 ' - ' bid ; No. 2 white , May , 3 ) ' < . bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings
January , 23J c asked ; May , sales at 2j > 4C.
Chtcnvo , Dec. 13 t'ho OrovcrV Jour
nal reoortsas follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; shipments , 4,000 :
etcady ; Ctiristmas , W.lfiji'.OO ; beeves , f4.7f
( ao.'i : steers , $3.00au.2.'i ( ; stockers and feed
ers , ? 1.40ii3.Ill ( ; Texas cattle , H.43.21) ( ) .
Hogs Receipts , 2KH , ( ) ; slow and steady
mixed nnd light , W.10 ( < ; ; heavy , M.SVJ
& .4'ij skips , f'J.40I4.1)0. ( )
Sheep Receipts , 10,000dull : 1020c lower ;
natives , $ : < .tKll.sO ( ; westcnis , $3.2."ii4.40 ( :
Tcxans. W.Wn J.40 ; lambs , W.75@'i.7ft.
KnnnnH City. Uec. 13. Cattle Receipts ,
3,5)2.1 ) : shipments , 2,400 ; market slowexcept
for choice stackers and feeders , which
were active ; good to choice cornfedl.i > 0
@ 4.Wi ; common to medium , W.AVc74.30 ;
Btoekers. and feeding steers , $ .l.Xvtfi.H ( ) ! ! ) ;
grass range steers , * 1.75u2.M ( ) ; cows , $ i.2oi2
2. Ml.
Hogs Receipts. S,4t > 0 ; shipments , ' . ' 04 : market -
kot opened active nnd strong , and . "e higher ,
but closed with the advance lost ; good to
choice , $ .VO.'i6J5.12W ; common to medium ,
Nutlonnl Stock YnriN , Kmt : St.
t/oiilH. Doc. 13. Cattle Res-eiDts , 1MU ) ;
shipments. 2.1IUI ; market steady : choice
heavy native steers. $ . " .00 , < i."i f.O : fair tc
good native steers , Sl.40jifi.10 ; butchers'
steers , medium to choice , f.'f.30ii4 40 ; stock
ers and feeders , fair to rood , J-.OOOty.lO ;
rangers , corn-fedj $3.00w. 1.20.
Hogs Receipt ! ) . 4.r > ( K ) ; shipments , MX ) ;
market higher ; choice heavy nnd butchers1
selections , ? .Yln.ViO : ! ( : packing , medium to
choice- , $5.10i.30 : ; light grades , ordinary to
bcst , .W > ( a3.1fi.
Thursday , Dec. 13. 16S8.
The cattle market as n whole was slow.
but the receipts were Unlit and n good clear-
mice was made. Reports of heavy receipts
from eastern markets were not reassuring
and the feoiing was \\cnlc on beef cattle , but
as lilph ns 81.25 was ir.iid for 1313 Ib cattle.
The packers paid mostly 83.i'i ( < j3l.lU for corn
fed steers , anil $ ! .00 ( 2.110 for cuws. A fancy
bunch of the Hay State cows brought $3,33.
There were close to one. hundred loa'ls of
hogs on sale to-day , including the holdovers.
The market opened with u few light lioirs ,
selling at about steady price' , but the heavi
est buyers were very bearish and they suc
ceeded in hammering prices down fully 3
cunts. Salesmen were slow to make the con
cession and the trade moved slowly. Closu
to thirty loads , including those in the hands
of speculators , were held over , althoutrh the
buyers were willing to take everything at
their bids.
The market was slow and lower in sym
pathy with eastern markets.
Cuttio . sno
Hoes . 5i)0 ( ; )
Sheep . T71
m I'rioui.
The following n a tiobof pricj ? pill in
this mancet for the gr.Uei of stoc.t men
Pnniestecrs. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. .J3.73 ffl-i.50
Prime steers. ItOJ to 13J'J lo.i. . H.23 # 1.1)0 )
Native feeders . 2.75 ( iitf.OO
Western feeders . 2.C.O ( ' 2.iO !
Common to good cows . 1.25 CtfV-j
Choice to fancy cows . -.SO W3.i >
Common to choice balls . 1.35 ( oiu'.OO
Fair tocuoice light hoes . . 5.00 i jf > .05
Fairtocnoice aeav.y host . 5.05
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 3.00 ( ; 3.15
No. Av. Pr.
1 bull . l,3til ) $1.75
1 bull . 1,530 1.75
Jbulls . 1.1115 1.75
1 bull . 070 1.75
1 bull . 1,540 1.75
Ibull . 1,030
35 cows . 1,004 ls5 !
a cows . 1,340 2.00
t ) CO ws . 1 ,05S 2.10
28 cows and heifers . S7 ( > 2.15
IS cows . 1,022 2. 0
20 cows . OSii 2 " 5
47 cows , westerns . ' .HIS V " & 2.30
23 cows . W3 2.45
2 cows , natives . 1,255
3 cows . 1,153 2.50
1 steer . lt > SO 2.50
20 cows , natives . 1.12(5 ( 2.CO
11 . 1,003
cows , '
10 co ws . 1,000 2'.GO
(3 ( stockers . (174 ( 2.05
3 stockers . 7S3 270
9 steers and oxen . . " 1,143 2.75
Istag . 1,270 2.75
0 stockers . , . . 825 2.b5
icow . 1,300 H.OO
5 cows . 1,31S 3.00
JO feeders . 1,123 : t.20
10 steers . 1,103 3.30
10 steers , natives . 1 , 187 3.40
2 steers . 1.500 3.40
1 cow . 1,300 3.50
8 s tee rs . 1 , 133
IS stcors . 1,20" I ao5
IS steers . 1,31(5 ( 3.155
Jt ! steers . 1 ,213 3.70
1 steer . l.tiSO 3,75
20 steers . 1,312 3.75
JO steers . l,23ii 3.S > 0
15 steers . 1,303 3.S5
32 steers , natives . 1,320 3.S5
15 steers . 1,2(1(5 ( 3.'JO
41 steers , natives . 1,239 3.DO
IS steers , eorn-fod natives . 1,303 4.K ( )
13 steers , corn-fed natives . 1,313 4.05
1'J steers . 1 ,2iO 4.10
18 steers , corn-fed natives . 1,313 1.25
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. P.- .
S3. . .150 W.OO 7 ! ) . . .280 300M * P.5.0TJjf
03. . .192 120 5.00 48. . .27(5 ( M ) ' '
15. . . .223 200 5.00 71) ) . . 205 2sO 5.'lo'J
07. . . .25S 210 5.00 150. . , . 'iOl 240 5.10
05. . . .20S 6.00 6 ! ) . . , .273 5.10
71. . . .213 120 5.00 73. . , .27(5 ( 5.10
7l ) . . . .24S 20J 5.00 73. . , .270 300 5.10
rt. . . .20 ! ) 200 5.05 CO. . , .23'J ' 2i > 0 5.10
70. . " 300 5.05 54. . , .2'JO 5,10
70. . "Siii 240 5.05 i)0. . , .330 ICO 5.10
0(5. . 5.05 70. . .271 80 5.10
60. . ! ! 200 5.05 (52. ( . .250 SO 5.10
50. . . .2Stl 320 5.05 33. . , .808 10 5.10
JO. , . .251 120 6.05 0. ! . 271 80 5.10
05 . . .219 20 5.05 3S. . , .K07 10 5.10
71. . . .239 bO 5.05 l > 0. . , .32r 4SO 5.10
5(5. ( . . .230 1IX ) 5.03 m , , .301 400
7(5. ( . . .231 120 5.05 (50. ( . .303 frO .
r.O. . . .2(5'J ( 640 5,05 70 , . , .201 gl ) 5.12K
& > . . . .21)7 ) 100 5.05 53. . , .25 fcO 5.12 , ' j
51. . . .2s9 : 30 5.05 515 , . , .314 1(50 ( 5.15
55. . . .310 6.05 ( il. . , 303 5.15
4. . . .271 3 * ) fi.05 53. . , .3t3 ! ICO 5.15
f > 5 , . . .32(1 ( 400 05 (53. ( . , .307 bO 5.18
S3. , .2-V ) t > 0 5.05 01. . , .320 260 5.15
52. , .311) ) 2SO 5.05 5'J. ' . , .321 60 6.20
55. , .210 SO 50. . , .331 200 5.20
10.300 4(5- ( " 425 0.27Jjf
Live Htook NOCH.
Hogs sold too high here yesterday , In pro-
lortlon to other markets , which was the only
cason for the decline. Only three loads
sold ns high as $5.12 } in Kansas City on
Wednesday , while J5.23 was paid for a good
nany loads hero , and 75.15 and 85.20 for a
good many more.
Samuel Ewlng , Genoa , topped the hogmar-
tct with a fancy load of 425-lb hogs ,
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
HUTTEK Fancy , solid-packed crcauiory ,
C0@30c ; choice country , 22@25o ; medium
grades , 18g21u ( ; common grades , 10@llc.
FI.OUU Nebraska patents , 80.00 ® 7.50 ;
Minnesota patents , $0.25M7.75 ; straight
grades. $5.00(25.50 ( ; bakers' flour , $5.23@5.75
> er bbl.
I'oTATOES'-Nebr.iska , 25@40o per bu ; Col
orado , 75C4& > i. .
SWUIIT I'OTATOUS 3@3) ) c per Ib.
-'esli , 23 ( < 534o candled ,
MAI.AOA. GHAI-ES In kegs , I2a per Ib.
lUXih'AS Common , fl.50@3.25 ] > cr bunch :
choice , t2.Wft3.60.
LEMONS $5.00 per case.
Oiusoit'u Florida , ! 3.203.iC > per box.
Goic-Por dozenMftfthrds , $2.50c < r2.73i
teal , tt.OdcU 23 ; qunll , rJ.SQt prairie cluck-
ens , $ l.75ff4.00 ; raboits , tl 00 ; squirrels ,
$1.00. venison , tV lOo per Ib.
Ciusnciinir.s ? s.o.f ( < 0.00 per bbl.
I'HOVI < .I X ! < Hntin , No. I , ll'j'e ' ; No. 2 ,
lie ; shoulders.7s4'c ; rib JIACOII , lie ; elcat
bacon , 11. ' < , c ; picnic bams. lOc ; dried becl
iintns , lO'jc : dry salted clears , short , M c :
extra short , S ishort ribs , ij r ; plckeled
pigs' feet , 15 Ib kits. MV ; lard , SoPc ;
smoked sausage. CftJ c per Ib ; hog casings.
Oii.nnv : IViTflOc per dor ; fancy , 40c.
OSION 30C < HOc per bu.
CAIIMMIIftl.iiOpcr : 11K ) .
HIIT : : < lOc per bu.
Ti UNif 26f ier bu.
S.U-KH ICiUiT-Ubls. 84.75 ; half-bbls , 82.7.V
A I'l'M : " Choice. 2 50a2.75 ; per bbl ; fancy ,
$3.00 per bhl ; common , 8i.Mlc < ? 1.75 per bbl ,
Cm : u-Mlehlpnn. $3.HtfnU ( ( > 0 per bbl of 32
gals : ( Jallfornia pear cider , $ lf > .00 PIT bbl.
Pol1 Con- ; Rice , 3c ; common , 2'i'c.
CUIUOTX 40c [ tor bu.
UKAX Choice eastern hand picked navies ,
J2.00 per bushel ; western handpickcd im-
vies , f.7i@1.8'l | ' ; mcdium > < , $ l.30iil.30 ( ; Lima
beans , iio per Ib. '
IIu F. o. b. cirj , No. 1 upland 10.00 ; No.
2 upland , $5.00.
UiiAN-ir .tM ) < .7
Cuoi-i-Kii Fr.r.u-f 14.0 ( > ( < 15.00 per ton ,
CHUN 2 ( > or'7o.
OATS 22o23c
VisRfiAti Cider , 10iilSc ( per gal , i white
wine , 10n ( 20eper gal.
HOXKV 1-lb frames , 15@lSc.
Grocers' I < lsl.
Revised jirices areas follows :
lUtiulxci Stark A , seamless , 22o ; Amos-
keug. seamless. 17' e ; l.uwistown , A , scum-
less. H'L" : American , seamless. 17o ; burlaps ,
4 toMm. , lint 14c : gunnies , single , lite ; gun
nies , doable. 20i' ; wool sncK , 33c.
Twsii : ' Flax , JSc ; extra sail , 20ff21o ( ; sail
U. 20fi21c ( : cotton. 22c : Jute. IV.
Duir.ii FiifiT Figs , in bcixc * , nor Ib , 13oJ |
liM1 ; dates , in boxes , 7 i lOc : London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $ 'J.Mi ( M.7ri ; Mnluirn
raisins $2.30i < (2.5' ( ' ' : i\ew \ Vnlencia rai
sins , pur Hi , Sjii- ; California loose muscatels ,
per box. 2K'i2.10 ( ) ( : California Lomlons ,
iss ? . 82.4H ; pitted oheirics , peril ) . ISc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12ifl3c ( ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , 7V"SL" dnotl rasnlwr-
ries , per Ib , 24n23c ( : cyaporateil apples , 7 'jhO '
ISc ; Cnlfornin sun-dried pearlies , 13c : Cali
fornia un pared evaporated peaches , 15c lSc ;
evaporated California apricots , ISc ; Xanteo
I'ttrrants , O'u7e ' [ ; Turkish prunes , 4' ' WI c ;
citron. 2. > o 2le ; orange peel. 15c : lemon jieel ,
Klc ; California French prunes , lll(5c. ( (
COKITI : Mocha , 25'n2iic ; Rio , good , ! ( ! ( < ?
Mundatiling : , 2trt2ao : : roasting Rio , \uif \ (
Kic ; O. Ci. Java , 24C " iic ; Java , interior , J2 < ( j
23u ; Rio , fancy , lb , "lic ! ; Santos and Mara-
caibo , liOtlUc ; Arbucklos , 21'ic ; MeLatigh-
1 in's XX XX , 22V- .
Ki o\u ( irannhited , 7'.c ' . : conf. A. 73H'c ;
white extra C. 7' ' c ; extra . ' , 7'c ' , ; yellow C ,
tic , : powdered , sijc : cubc , N' i1.
IISI > WA\ Choice yellow , 2iiaiJ3'jO ( ; dark
colored. 13' < il4c.
< .tinji > i : Young America , full cream , I2i ?
12'je : full cream chcddcrs , Il@l2c ; fail
cream Hats. 12' ' . , c.
PIIKUMrillum , in bbls $5.00 ; do , in
half libls , $ ; i.X ( ) ; small , in bbls , Sli.OO ; do , In
half bbls , $ : t.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 47.00 ; do ,
in half bols , ft.lH ) .
Tor.vccd Plug , 2H@J5c ; smoking , KiyjOe.
.1 1:1.1.1 : us $1.25 i > er : fO-lb pail.
SvjT-l. : ) fnl.33 per bbl.
Roi-i-- 7-K ! , lie.
M.\n.t ; Srovu Hricks , llJii2i ( ; % per Ib :
penny cakes , 12 ( < 713e per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , 81.10 per gal.
TKAS Young Hyson , common to fair , IS
Sot1 ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 'KUit.Viu ;
Gunpowder , conunon to good , 22dC2.it1 ; ( ! un-
powder , choice to fancy. 40ni55f ( ; Japan.
oommon to medium , 15 20c : Jap.m , choice
to fancy , liOCJjiric ; Oolong , common to good ,
2V i33e ; Oolong , i-hoi.-o to fancy. 5U@7c ( ) : ;
Imperial , common to medium , 25 ( < f.15e ; Im
perial , good to fancy. < 0tf50t' ( .
NUTS Almonds. i.Vielsc ; filberts , I'o015c ? ;
lirazil , WwlOt1 ; walnuts , I2cpecans ; , lOjJlle ;
peanuts , Gfiidc.
CHA < KIKS : O'K lOc per Ib ! assorted cakes ,
S ( 25c per Ib as per list.
CASIIV Mixed , H C'tWjc ; stick. 0 } . < ( < 7illc ;
rock candy , lO'.jd/lIic ; fancy candy , 7 ( 23C.
HOI.I.ANII II nun i NO 'JOc.
Dry Goiidi ) .
COTTON FI.ANNT.I.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL ,
.Vrlo ; CC , Olic ; SS , 77 'e , Nameless , 5c ; RX ,
ISc ; R , 20c : No. 10 , SJ c ; Ivo. 40 , 10 > c ; No.
> 0 , 12' < jc ; No. H ) , L't'of No.IlO , colored , Uc ;
No 50 , colored , 12.No. ; . 70 , colored , 12V < fe ;
Bristol , 12'c , ' ; Union Pacific , 17c.
CAHI'IT WAiil1 Uid , white , 1'Jc ' ; colored ,
22c.UVTTS Standard , So : gero , lOc ; beauty ,
12'oc ; boone , 4c ; H , cased ? ( i.50.
s Solid colors Atlantic , Cc ; Sinter ,
tie : Uerlln oil , ( J'e , , , ; Clarncr oil , 0@7c.
PHIXTS Pink nnd Robes Allen , lie ; Rivcr-
point , 5'4 ; Steel River , 0 > c ; Riclimond ,
( P.,0 ; Pacitlc , 7c.
I'KI.NTS Dress , Charter Oak , 5)40 ) ; Ram-
apo. 43 c ; Lodi , 5'4'c ; Allen , tic ; Richmond ,
Oc ; Windsor , flic ; Eddystone , 0)ic ; Pacific ,
JJi.BACiiKn Siliinrixr. 13erkeley cambric ,
No , 00. ! i 2-c ; Hest Vet , 4-4 , ir' c ; butter
cloth , OO , 4i < : ; Cabot , 7 > c ; Parwull , half
bleached , S'.jc ; Fruit of the Loom , llj c ;
Greene G. # c ; Hope , 7 4c ; King Phillip
cambric , lie ; Lonsdale cambric ll } < Jc ; Lons-
dale , 9c ; New York mills , 10) ) c ; Pcppcrull ,
12-in , lie ; Pcpperoll , 4li-in , 12c ; I'ejiDereii
0-4 , lOc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Popperoll4 ! ) ,
23c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 23c ; Canton. 4-4 , S'.jc ' ;
Triumph Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Vatlc.v , 5c.
FI.ANXKI.S Plaid Raftsmen , 20c , Goshen ,
S'iKj'e ; Clear take , liO''c ; Iron Mountain.
Fi.AN.\Ei.s-White-GH , No. 2 * , 22V < e ;
GH , No. 1 , 9.i , 2i5c : 13H. No. 2 , ft , 22 o ; IJH ,
No. 1 , Jf , 0c ; Quebec , No. 1. J < ,42u.
Coiisr.r JKANS Androscoggm , 7J c ; ICear
sargo , 7 ; ' p ; Rock.nort , 0 > fc ; Concstoga , O' ' c.
TICKS York , HO-in , 12'ic ; York , 31-m ,
13 } c ; Swift river , 734o ; Thorndikc , OO ,
S'tjtThorndike ; , KB , bVe ; Thorndike , 120 ,
' . ) ' ' , ; c ; Thorndike , XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
V'tfo ; Cordis. No. 4. 7' , ; < j.
DBNIMS Amoskeag , i ) oz , lO. ' c ; Everett ,
7 oz , IS'-iV ; . York , 7 o * , 13 } < j'c ; Itavmukor ,
b' i1 : Ja'ffrey XX , ll c ; Jattroy XXX , 12 > o ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12e ; Heaver Creek Ull ,
lie : Heaver Creek CC. lOc.
ICuxrt'CKV JBAXU Memorial , 15o ; Dakota ,
Ibo ; Unrliain , 27'c ; Hercules , ISe ; Lcain-
iiiKton , 22) ) < ; c ; Colts wood , 27)ic. )
MiJscr.M.AXior : Table on cloth , 82.50 ;
plain Holland , ! ) 'ae ; U.ido Holland , 12 e.
HIIOWN SIIUETINO Atlantie A , 4-f , % u\ \
Atlantiell , 4-4 , 7V ; Atlnntio D , 4-J , 0 > jc ;
Atlantio P , 4-4. lie ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Aiu
roraC , 4-4. 4J e ; Crown X\X. 4-4 , (5cf (
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > ic ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
6 ' R 4-4 7o PnpporeU O , 4-4
, 0 ; i'cppcrell , - , ; ,
0o ; Pepperell , 8-1 , IS'tfe ; Pepperoll , U-4 ,
2Ic ; Pcpporoll , 10-4 , 23c ; Uticu C , 4-4 , 4o ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 ! c ; Aurora R , 4-1 , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , 0fc. }
DUCK West Point 23 In. 8 oz. , lO e ; West
Point 2'J In. 10 oz. , 12 o ; West Point 29 in.
12 oz. , 15o ; West Point 40 in. 11 o ; . , lc. ( !
FiAXxr.i.s Red , C , 21 in , 15)tfo : E , 24 in ,
21V ; OG , 2iin,20oj , HAF , Ji , 25o ; JRF ,
Jtf ; 27c.
GINOIKM Pluukottciiecks,7) ) o ; Whittcn-
ton , 7'4o ; York , 7 > fo ; Normnndi dross , ;
Calcutta dress , S fe ; Whlttonton dress , S > u ;
Renfrow dross , 8J'ji ( l2 o.
CAMiiiiirs Slater , 5) ) < jc ; Woods , Sj/e ; Stan
dard , 5J4o ; Peacock , 5)40. )
PKIXTH , Ixnioo HLUII Arnold , OWc ; Amor-
lean , OVi Gloucester , Olfo ; Arnold C long
cloth , 'Jo ; Arnold 1J long cloth , 10'fc ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lOJfc ; Steifol A , 12u ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , lo c.
First and second clear , 1 if in . . .flO 00(351 ( 00
First nnd second clear , ly in. . . 47 OyftiO 00
Third clear , IJfOjlKIn43 ! 00f ( < 4'5 00
Aselect , I'tfiJlK In. . 37 00
It select , IXdSlX In . 33 00
A stock boards , I2jtll ) ( ft , 12 m. . 40 00
U stock boards , 12 ( < C10 ft , 12 lu. . 41 00
O stock boards , 12M10 ft , 13 In . . 3d 00
1) stock boards , 12 © 10 ft , 12 in . . 23 00
Flooring , llrst common , 15 in. . . . 31 00
Flooring , second common , 0 in. , 31 00
Select fencing flooring . 10 00
Siding , first und second clear , M
@tft ) . 25 00
Siding , first common , 1(5 ( ft . 'J3 00
Siding , second common. . . . . . . . . 10 00
Common boards . 10 00
No , 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50
FencIiibvNo , 1 , 12a20 ( ft . 10 50
Fencing. No. 2. 12 , 14@10 ft . 15 50
Joist and scantling , 2x4 , 14@10 ft 10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , J2@10It . 17 00
Pickets , Dund Hllat. . . , , . 23 00
Pickets , D and H square . 23 00
Shingles , extra A . 2 60
Shingles , standard A . 2 IX )
Lath . , . i ) 40
0 G Datts , 3 > i in . . . . . . CO
OO Hatts , I'3 , SI S S :
3-in well tubing , U and M bov. . 23 0 (
Hemlock sole , Iif27cper Ib ; oak sole. 3.
( < 73V per Ib ; oak harness , : iOi7.32o ( per Ib
selected oak nnd trace , ! toc per Ib ; oak am' '
hemlock tumor , 20tf22e ( per foot , Ilcnilocl
calf skin. No. 1 , MWKOc per Ib , according tc
weight ; oak calfskin , No. I , MK'01.00 pei
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , $ l.OOU.H ( (
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1. 00ii70o ( pei
Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , lOirfSOc perlb ; Phlln
delphia kip skin , extra , SliiOOc ( per Ib
French calf skin ( according to weight ami
finality ) , $ l.ll > ( < r | 75 per Ib ; French kip skin ,
do , SOi'cT1.10 ( per Ib. Cordovan russott , ISc ;
satin finish. 20i per foot ; welt leatlior. { 3 M
( ir4.K ( ) persldo ; moroccos ( pebble coat ) , J06 ?
3do per foot ; moroccos , boot lee , 25ijr30c pei
foot ; glove i-alf skins , 3)njiOcper ) ( ) : foot ; Doug
las kid , 30ftZ > IOc per foot ; kangaroo skins. 4C
( 50c per foot , according to quality , 'i'op-
pings , 83.00.jno.00 pot' dozen ; linings , 85.W ) ( < !
IUOO per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00 < 212.00 pei
dozen. _
Metals ntut Tinners' Stouk ,
Hlock tin , small pig $ .25
Hlock tin , bar 2' .
Copper , planished boiler si/es , , ! U
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , sheathing 30
Copper , pltts 30
Coiiper , flats 31
Gal. sheet iron , Jutihita,50-10 and Sperc. dis.
Pat. planished Iron , 21 to 27 A 10 > < j
Pat. planished Iron , ill to 27 It Ul $
Roofing , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets O.Ot
Rooting , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets 7.M1
Rooting , K',20x2S , 112 sheets 11.00
Roonng. IX , 20x21 , 112 sheets 14.50
Sheet iron , No. 2il 3.M
Sheet iron , No. 27 , 3.IU1
Solder loKOll'.M
Tin plato , best cliarcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets ]
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets 8.21
Tin plate , 03KC-
1C , lOx 14. 225 sheets 0.25
Steel nails , per keg 2.2.
Steel wire nails , per keg 2.1 > 0
l.o tVIrnriinclM tAi < v lttp < totril. Tie.
" .nE mitiitc lltrlliK mul Kniirllinul illtor.
Mn1 * H r cnrr.l f ftonStnmiicli ( Mpillfinf * .
! S'el ilTrm'iio cnirrtcimappllciitlon ,
IliinnlnKbotwccnCouncil lilufTsanil Albright.
Iinuldltlim to the stations nisiittoiicil , trains
Bton lit Tu'oiitlutU und 'r\vonty-fourtti streets ,
und ut tiu ! Summit In Omalia.
Hronil- Trftns- South Al-
- - OllKltUl | -
wuy. tor. tlcpot. Sheely Onialm bright.
A.M. A.M. A. M. "ATsiT A. M. T > i7
" " " r > :51 : ( Il :
"flilO "Ylrii niiu fi17 : !
7:15 : 7:4J
7r : ! 8:05 : 8TiJ : 8:35 : 8H' )
8:45 : 10:0. : ! 10 ! r !
10:45 : 11:01 11:23 : nw :
' IlJK : P. M. P. M. 1' . M. I' . M.
P. M. r. M. 12:0.1 : 1BW : :
IBiSS 1:1 : i fa 1:11 J
1:15 : 1:1 : yU-i : yIl ! U : . " MU
4:2.- : 4o : ;
4 : (5 ( BIB :
ff.Ki II ; 0. ) ( i-ito
7:0i : 1K 7iO : ;
7:45 8S ] '
Uw : :
10l5 loS'l
8r,2 ; , :
ar llnr : , I
10:15 11:30 :
| lv HM ; : I
Al- South Oniiilni Trunsllroud -
brlBht. Onialni. Sliooloy depot. for. way.
A. .M. A. it. 17717 A. if.
17717Si C:4" : RM ;
(1:10 ( : 0:15 : : S-i oio ; : ere :
7:00 : 7:0. : . 7:15 : 7:20 : 7:41) :
7:50 : 7.15 : 8 : 7 8:15 : 8r ; ; >
Hro : UU7 : Uir : ,
Hito 10:07 : 1U:15 :
10M 11:07 : 11:1 :
11:50 : V. M. P. > l. 1' . M.
P. M. I * . M. 1-:07 : 12:15 : lii" : ; >
J2 : 1:07 : 1:15 :
lifiO SU7 : 2:15 :
SHU as5 ! ! 1U7 3:15
Ma 4:07 : 4:15 : 4r. : :
i Iris BOI : 5:15 : rir : : >
0:07 : 0:15 : C:3i :
7:07 : 7:11 : 7ir : ; >
7:60 : 8:07 : 8 ; 15 8r : >
8.Vi : . ll07 ; ! li'i : :
Ur : > 1 10:07 : 10:1E : 10i' : : .
10 : , " , 11:07 : llr : > 11:50 :
IBiOUiim 11:1)0 :
l.eavo. I Arrive.
No. 2 0UJ ; p. in. A No. 1 7U < ) n. in.
No. li 11:00 : u. in.'U ' No. f. fi:50 : n. in.
No. 4 tl40 ! | No. 3 Ul5p. : m ,
A No , 4 OMO n. in , A No. fi. . . .7:3i : ) n. in.
A No , H r3i ; p. in. A Xo. 7 r)0 : ; ) li. in ,
A No , 0 0jO ; p. m. A No. 3 11:5' : ' ) p , ill.
No. n Us40a. m. A No. II . . . .7:10 : n. in.
No , 4 : OJ p , in. 1) No. 1 7ODa : , in.
No. 2 Bsl'J p. m.lA No. B 0:4.p. : . in.
A No , 2 0:10 : ii. in.A | No. 1 0:50 : a. m.
A No. 4 7 sOU p.m. ! A No. II flH : ) p , in.
A No.2 0:25 : n. iii.jA No. 3 flr : a , m ,
A No. 4 :2U : p. m.lA No. 1 03it ; p. m.
A No. 10 7:05a. : in.'A ' No. U 8Wi : n , in.
A No. 12 7:00 : p. m.1 A No. 11. . . .UOUi : > , in.
A No. 8 : i:4D : p. m.'A ' No. 7 ll:35nm. :
A iliilly ; It dnUy cxcejit Hiitnrilny ; U uxcc-iit
Sunany : 1) uxcupt ifondny ; last mall.
Tlio time Klrun abovols for Transfer , tnero
beliiB from llvo to tun minutes between Trans-
rer und local ilepots.
Arn tin )
. It. l-ALMElt , N. IMIirilWAN. J , II. III.A.VCJIAUII
Live StocK Commission Merchants ,
) ffleo-lloor.i2M > pHuito [ Uichungti lliillillnj , Union
_ Mock \ urUn , KoutU Omaliu , Neb ,
Live Stock Commission ,
loom IS , UichuhL'o Ilullillmr , Unlou Stock Vanl ? ,
Huulli Umuhii. Nub.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
AgrTciiiturni iniplomonts.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
r rrliee * and Wutslf' . . .tciirPtrrrt , between 9lh iR
10th , Otu Nebraska ,
gricnltnrallmplemeuts.Wagons . arriage1 :
s , Ktc.Vboloiatc. . Omaua.Nchraikn.
Whotvialn l ) alrri tn
Agricultural Imnlements.Wagons . & Buggies
101.9KI , tuftaml 1W Joiifi Ptret , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Mannfactnrers of Bncieye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultl-alnr , irar Ilakri.Clitpr Mllt.i'nnil I.utian 1'u )
Ti'tlron , Cvr. lull ami Mcholnn Mrrvti.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
o nor mi , "I1 vl"ho'n ' St
Akron. Olilo.
Hancsling Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. E. 'tcAil.Mi nister. I31J l.caTcnw > irtti * t. Oranlm.
.ManufacttirtTn anitJobbcrf In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Pthnmt 1'aclric streets. Om liaNcl ) .
' _ _ _ _ Artists' Mntorlnls. _ _
AHOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douulai Htrppl. ( lnmu . Nobraika.
Jiookaollors nnd Stntionors.
H , M , & S. W.JON ES.
Sucec * or to A. T. Kenjron A Co. , "A'holi'salo A. llctult
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine AVeildliiK Sla'lonorj , Connm-rclat Stattoncry
I4M Douclas Street. Omalui. Ni-b.
Boots and Sliooa-
( Siicccs'or to Ili'ort. Jones A. Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoos
AKent fur Huston lluhbcr Hhoe Co. IKK , 1104 A. 11W
llnrnej ft. . Omaha. . * > ubraaka.
W. V. MORSE \ CO. .
Joolicrs of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 HOS-110J Douglas St. ( Itnalin ManuttictorjSum -
nior M. . Motion.
_ Coffooe , Spioos , Etc. " _
Omaha Coffee anil i-plco Mllli.
Teas. CoiTces , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring ICitracti. I.ciinilrr Blue. InXs. Ktc. Kit.
lllti llurner Straut. Omaha. Ncbrnka ,
Crockery and
Agent forthpManufacturrri and lmportct § of
Crockery , -Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
KtOfllcc. . 817 S. l.'itU St. , Omalia , Nebraska , . _
I moorlei.N nnj Jobbers of
Crcc'iery , Glassware , Lanirs , Silyerware
Ktc. 151' Kora-ic St. . 'or I'c ton IlulUllnif.
Commleslon and Storcgo-
" ' " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Sprrlaltlr ! " "tit-r. Vrr rii < > " . P"'iliry , Cnr.ic ,
112Ho\vnnl _ Street. Onmhn.
CJuccosinrs ( o'McSIiiuio A Spuroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Kwbrattka.
Flour , Fccil , Grain and General Commision
Merchnnt. CorrcpomlPtico solicited. 1011 North ICth
airuutOninlin.Scl ) .
_ Coal , Coke and Limo.
Jote of Hard anfl Soft Coal ,
i 13th Street , Omalia , Nobraikn.
J. J. JOUA'SOy A CO. ,
Mannfactnrcrs of Lime ,
And shipper * ol Cuiil , Cuiik , Cement , I'lnVlcr. I. line ,
Drain Tllo itnil iHcr rinOilicc | , 218 S. 13tli
Ml. , OniHlin , Null. Telephone 811.
Dry Goods nno Notions.
" "
M. E SMITH A : CO. .
Dry Goods , FnrnisliinK Goods and Notions ,
1102nnd 1104 Douglai , Cor. lllti ft. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and JODDOK in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gt'ntu' KurnliihltiK Ooodo. Corner lllh und HnJucj'
Bio..OmiiUii. NebntHka.
* '
Snippers of Coal and CoKe ,
2H South 13lh m. . OoioVa. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Koruaiu Struct , Oin hii.NebriiaVi .
Oraiilim , Kobroiiiiw
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706. ; U7. TOO nnd 711S _ , lOtli St. , Oraahi , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 Hi and I.envouiruith Strc' < i'Oninlin , Nebrmkn.
Wholcsiilu Munufncturtrit of
Saddlery & Jjbiicrs of Saddlery Hardware
And I-outhcr. JID ) , ltd" , nnd 1117 Ilarc r St. , Ointtlia ,
Hpavy Hardwnro. _ _
" '
"W. J. BROA TCf. ; ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring' , Wanon Slorlc , Hunlwuru , Lumber , Etc.
uua K'll llarnuy Utrout , Uumhu.
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tooli nnd llumUo Kculm , 1 105 JUUKIK !
BtrCCt.Oiimhu. Ni'bru liii.
' "
Wholesale Hardware ,
Whand Harnc Kt . , Omahu. Neli. Wvitrrn Aeenti
tor Auatln 1'owilorCD. , JatTtrmn Htcul Nall ( ,
_ 1'alrbunki KlHuilmil Hrntt' .
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals. Phcct Iron. etc. Asonts for Howe Bcaieb ,
Mlumll'uutU'ruuilI.ymiin llarheUvlu' ,
( jmuhu , Ncbra.ilcB.
_ _ Hnto , Capo , Etc- .
" " " ' ' '
'wi'll' PARROTTB & CO.7
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods-
11'J7 llariic ? Street. Oiunhr. Nob.
All Kinds of Building Material at WMa
Ut.i Street mid Ualoa I'uclUcTjftfli , Oui.4' ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Saso ,
UuOit.Ulc. Yirili-Oorner 7lU fcnil Uoiulan Corcei
C. N. DIliTZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
I5th i\ml Cnlltornlft Street * , Onmlm , N
Lnnilier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ ° _ r ? < 'rrih 'lri' ' ' IHnislai KU..Om tiiu
To Dealers Only ,
_ Omfp. HKI KaniKni Street Oman- . . _
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported iimlAinrrlrin ' 'orllnn.l t'ement. Pt W
Acent lor Mllw a i.o ItrOrmillo ( .Vmwil and
_ _ tjulncy Whim Mine. '
Dealer in Hardwood Luraher , .
Wood Cnri'ots anil I'nrqucl Vloprtnr Pth unit lou ) l i
Mllllnoryond Notions ,
" "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
a . tn nnd 215 Smith tlth Slrppt.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcam I'anUf , hjhlin , Xt.limmul 1104 Uuinjln ? Street ,
Umnhn. .Neb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing ; Goods
4O ( unit < ( OS < nth 10th St. . Omaha.
Wholsalc Refined and Lnoricating Oils ,
Ailo OroaKo , Ete.Otimha. A. 11. Ill-hop. Mounte
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1110 Hurni'y Struct , Onintm.
Office Fixtures. _
! ! of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle- . Sideboards llook Canon , DniK I'lxtnres.WlxIl
Ca-i- < , I'HttltlniiK , llHllliiiI'oilnlrrs. . llocrniul Whin
Coolers. Mlrrorn.oto Karlory am" oHloe , IKXJnnJ I.JJ .
South Mlh Ht. , Omnha , Tulcphonu ! ! . ' < .
Paints nnd oils.
Wliolc'nlo Deaicri In
Paints , Oils'Window , Gla < s , Etc ,
HIS Fitrnam Htroot. Onmhn , Nob.
1. . ' = * = ± 3
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nleo utiiek oij'rlnlliii : . WrnipliiK | and Wrlllni
l' tjiicclal u'.tenllon uln > n to iar load orilurn.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
No1.117 nnd 131'1 lloiirflns St. , Omnhii , Nob.
_ _ _ Scotls.
P m L. STIM M E L A"c 0" . " 7"
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
I'll and 1IU Junes Strutt Oinulm.
Storage , Forwarding & . Commission
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
Bram'li hoiiKCMif tlm Iloimoy HiiKKy Co. lliim.'U"tal
wtiolt'ealo and retail , l.KH 1 llOnii.l 1'i \ \ Iz.ird Sli eet ,
Ouialm. Telephone No.7F0. .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1K1 North Klifthtconth Street , Omnha ,
J3ornlco ,
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jolm Upeniitor , 1'rnprlrtnr. in ) I'oilcu and ltd and It *
North luth Street , Om.ilia.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Ptnlcrsln Trno , 1'iH'M'N run ! I'rlntiTu'Supplies. UH
Sur.lli littli Street. OIIIIIJIB.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnlte Good ?
Pi ) Clothing urnl l-catlicr Hultlnu. 1IIH3 Kiirniim Bttoct. '
Sash , l > ojora , Etc.
r > t. Ai bTsBRbv , f coH
Wbolu nlo Mnnu. .cturors of
Sash. Doors. Blinds and Monlngs ,
llrnnrh OOlco , Kill and Iziml tflrrel" , Oniiilni , Nub. , '
' BOH N "IviTTN UFACT u R i N o co.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
V ultllLiM , Ktulr Work mid Intorlnr llnril WuuJ Kin *
u. N. 1 ! . CorucrHh nnd M'liVLMiworth Htretle , '
Oumtm. JSeu.
FlttlnBQi Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
ilram , Water , lla.lirny and Mlnlnic Sni-iilles , lite , mill V.'l I iiriiiiin hlU'ul , Oiiiiiha.
ffiie'saie-PifnTps , Pice , Fittings ,
Steam and Wutcr Euppllus. II-- ' 'iinn < .r for Mn t.
_ _ Pirnirn t. , Om
Bteam and Water Supplies ,
' _ | > ? i . nous " , Acting I'Mnrniim ' MHniiuur , - Bt. , Oinnlii.
. BROWN ECTL&ijO i\ \
engines , Boilers and General Machinery
'JlBflt Iff IIIVirl / U . . . n . , . . . . . . . . ,
Iron Worko. .
Carter ft ton , 1'ror'i. Manufni'liircmorall kinds
Steam Boilers , 'Ms ' and Sheet Iron YM
\Torka Soutli ' . ' 01 li and 11 , A. M. ( 'roitliiir.
J'AXmvTrviBTn.lxiriltoN .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK ,
lnci , llr WorK.flonora ) I onmlry.Miiolilnoima
lluckinillliVnrk. . uillcu mid Work * , U. 1' . It/ . ,
uml litli htruut , Uinitliu.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
| iu > k Ilnllf , Window ( lunrd . MIWIT Puiuli , Wlio 4
hltfiiH , Kto. W Koctli ICtli Klrut't , tlinulm. jj
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes 1 |
( 'uulti , J llVort. . Iron ami Wlro Funcltiv , ttl rn , IUd. " 'i
U. Auilrocn. 1'iou'r Our. lull unlJackign L'u.'y
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards rj |
BD3 Screen' , for tr.iki'inK'ii , < lor" 'ailjiiiuoi , ute ,
Irupriivml Aitnln. ' , f.ook fuitli M xliliit'ruiul
llUclmiillh Work > . lUtHmlll lull til.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,