Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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"Xh ofTnemtntJi niidrTTn s nc aa lu
line for the first Insertion. 7 cents for encli sub-
Kcqucnt Insertion , and tiM n line per month
NondvPTtl-cmcnt tnkcn for le s tlian' > cenM
the first .nsertlmi bet en words vi 111 be counted
to tlic llnci tlipv must run conseculUc-l ) nnd
mutt bo paid In ADVAMK AH iut\ertt >
ineut * mnut be handed tu before 12 'Ho clock p.
m , nnrt under no clicumstances will they t > o
tntcn or OlKcontlnncd by telephone.
I'nrtlesndvrrttilng in thflco columns nnrt hav-
Inij their nniwprHnddre ieillnc i , nfTm. HPP
will please ik for a check toi imblo them to got
their lettei , in nmio will boilellYi-i t < l except on
presentation of check. All nnswun to ndvcr
tlsemcnts should bornclo" d In i-im Mpes.
All ndvertltenu nts In thc'so column * nro pub-
Hshtd lu both mornlnit nnd cnonlnir edition * of
Till HEK , thi > clrrulnttnn of which tipcrn otc ?
jnololhnn IHlcoimpprHdnlly , nnd gives the Ml-
Ypitlieis the benefit , not only of tlio cllyrlrcu-
Intlon orTiir. Ilrr. but also of. Ponnrll IllulTa ,
J.lnrnln nnd other cities mid towns throughout
tlilKSeellon of thn country.
Advertising for these columns will be token
f > nthr > nbo\o condlttoni. at th following busl-
jipsfl lieu M , who are. authorised agent * foi 'I nr
fltv special notices , jind Mill quote the same
rntrs ns can bo had nt the mnln office.
\ \ , HKI.h , I'hnimacist , KW fcouth Tenth
J Btrcot.
0 HA K 4. HHnTStutloiiers and Printers , 111
South inth isiicef
H. I AliN"\VOliilI , I'lmriiiaclst , SllJCum-
Ing tre-et.
TV ' . ' HI ( .HKd , PhurmnclitGJI Noitli 10th
T T . Street
K07\V. pT\HH , PharnmcHX ISWhU
" \VANTKD Situation bv young in mi u book-
T ? keeper or other work In olliie or stoic.
Ooodruferemm Address M M , lleo olllce
\\rANTLD-81tuullon foi n first class ( ami-
TT dr ssScotrro ( , can do second vvoiknlcelj ,
also for n neat , quick Iiisli Kill In private
fnmll } , ; hn\e any amount of good strong
of all niillonalltlns ) forgeiierariionsowoik. Sirs.
Ilri-gii , .HP , S 15th. r.i'i 2
\ \ 7ANTKSituation ! as llnrteiider. city
T T icferi-me. Addrets M JJ lleo. 5W Ut
AYOI Nl niBii , strictly Hribur , wants tont-
tcnd. drive horses , or do any klnu of winter
work. Addiess M T > . lice. ft'JI n *
\\rANTii : ) Position by j ruing lady to do of-
Tt llco work ( Iood penmannnd understands
bookkeeping. Host or rotoruucos. Addnss M
S9 , Ilco olllco. Mil IS *
' \\T'ANTii-t'ltitatlon : bv n dre-Hiimfcer to do
TT plnln sowing and dii" > miiklnjbj the diy
In pihato fnmilius 1J'I bouth 17th Htieet ,
WANTI'D About the 1st of .laiumrv , n
situation bj n man of suveuil jenrs o\-
peiloncoln groieiy cu stole. Would
Inkn Hiunll monlc'd interest , ( iood refi'ienci'S.
Addioss "P , ' i at oof 1'llot , Illnll , Neb. BIO II *
'l\7"ANTii ; > fjood cnko baker nt IHtn St.
TT Mniy'snvo. Nouu but Hint class necrl ap
ply. HIT 1J'
pIUNTKH WANT III-A ) llrst-olnss lob prlutci
.1 to tnko dinigi' of thn njccliiinU il depaitmont
of n ( ountrv olliro Address , stutlnjy cforoncus
nnd wogus deslied , lliportei , towaruTNeb.
( 0-18
" | \TAlSTni ) Mnn for now riillio < xd woik In
TT Wjomlng. Albilghts labor ngenry , HA )
1'nrnam st. ii0 U .
° \\r ANTKD Iintnodl'itelv , two young men to
TT dojaidtoi work tor tuition. Valentine's
Hhoitliniid Institute 017
"lrANT151)Clood ) binbeiSouth Omnhnhotel.
00,1 ! . '
) AgenlH Wo want llrst-classmen
TT who nro nlrondj' ttivellug fdilvbinen , to
cniiy our lubrlcntliiK oilsnintilcH ns n sldo Hue.
Aildicsa II. , cure CarrierI ) , < Jle\eland. Ohio.
IWi 17
WANTIM ) 'Ivvo men cupibloof i-olllnR a nice
line of goods on Instnlincnu. fill fill
Soulh ) th t. D7i ) lit
"l\TANTKD Sub ngt'nts foroiie oC the best en-
TT cycloiid-dlns In the [ .ngllsh liuiKiingo to
wnk in Nebraska. Address A. 11. I.nthrop ,
Alnsworth , Nub. 5JJ-U *
\\TANTKD An cnoigetlc , tempniuto ninn to
Ti re-pi enunt an old house with anew line of
poods. Salniy and traveling expenses paid.
1'erinunent position to light pait } . Hush Mfg.
Co , Cincinatl. O. lilitai *
\\7ANTKD A man to solicit , salary * " " per
TT month , must deposit ti' forhnniples , and
give Hecuilrv for money collected. Addieas
dun no S. Ullne. All. TlrHt National Hank buildIng -
Ing , Omaha , or Wnftner blk , , Des Molnus. Iowa.
\\7ANTKD-Men foi railroad woik. Al-
TT brlght's Labor Agency , ll'A ) 1'aiuum.
W ANTED Kuvv men < o caina n. full line ot
household specialties , refeieuces leqniied.
" M't'K Co. , ( ltd. ) ' 1N 1 till. Ml 1J
ANTItD Agents In every town In the
west for our oil burnen foi conking and
heating stoves. ISond stamp foi catalogue.
Patterson Oil llumer Co. , U1J S. 1 'th t. Oiiuihu.
Neb. ; lldlJ
ALI'BMKN We wish a few men to sell our
Itoodx by sample to the wholesale nnd retail
trade. Largest innmtfiutuitit ) in out line. Kn-
clone--emit stnnin. W ages W per day. 1'erma.
nent position. No pomnl ansvvuied. Money
advanced for wages.nuvcrtislnt. ' , etc. Centen
nial Mnn'f'g Co. . Cincinnati , Ohio. l.BJtfJO
OKN1B WANTKD-JTS a montli and er-
A ix-nses paid any nctlv o person to sell our
coeds ; no capital , suluty monthly , oxix-nses In
dynuce. partlculats free. Btandnid Sllvorware
Co. .lloston. HUit
B OV'b Am. DUt. T l. Co. . 1301 IJouiaas.
% ArAN'I151) ) Man to take the agency of our
T > sufos ; size ixl8.\lh inches ; w eight 6UO Ibs ;
rotnil price J U ; other sizes In ptoportton A
rale chance nud pnrnmnnnt business. These
safes meet u demand never before supplied by
other safe coinpnules , as wo uro not governed
1 liy the fiufu pool. AlpluoSafo Co. Cluclmiatl. o.
T \rANTI3I ) 1'osltlon by lady Menographei ;
TT llrst-classiBfetencos given. Addiess IDH
IIovYnidst. ' DIG nt
"V\fA1STHU ( ilrl to nshlst with hoimeworlt ;
TJ must wash and iron well. 1IJTN lUthst ,
UK jyt
l/ANTKD A llrHt-chiHS cook and hinndiess
at It'll ' ) Capitol uve. ill ) ! - '
A ( IOOD girl for goueinl hoiiscwoik , 1817 Dav-
\\TANTKI ) -A peed girl for general house-
f T w 01 k r.t i"i4 ! DoilKlas. UlS-l''t
7ANTKU-OUI at 10U Chicago btiect.
> mi i
KD A good dining loom glfl at 101 S
llth at.
17ANTKU- exporle-nced cook who is a
T good w usher ami Iroaer at 1721 laeuport. ) .
nil it
" \ \rANTKD Olil for genoisl Jiotiie work.
IT Mrs. J C. Jones , lies Calif 01 nliibt , flia is *
GIHIi 1'or geneial housewcakjyiOTi Douglas.
_ _ _ t0713 _ * _
\VANTI.D-At Tffl HovvUrd st , a reliable
TT loiiipotunt gill for kitchen. Jlust bo agooil
COOK and lauiulit'bd. ( Jonu.ui , iluio 01 nbh
preferred. _
* \ \7ANTUD Ulrl for geneial house work. A
T oed actl\o worker. Apply ut OU7 N seth t.
rANTKD-I.ftdy c.\nvn ser cm a new and
fnht belling book. Bahuy W par ( lay. Ad-
* il r * * * Jl U ) Ili-u olllce. Os3 1 i *
TT7ANT13D A lady to solicit , must come well
TT ucoinmeudeil and imy tlO for campion ,
Uiy f < i5 per month. Addii'x.s Utorgo M. Clliu- .
. Hut National Jlunic building , Omaha , or
Wttgner bldcki DCS Moiiioi , Iowa. ' 413
"I ADlUrVaud chlldien's mirinents cut nnd
JL/nttod nt lowest price * , MUs Trumalue , '
- e. 4J)8.16th. ) 435 ail
_ _
ACKMr.N'I'B to do dressmaking in
, os kollcUod. M lib Sturdy , : Xil7 Leavcu-
wort list. > 71 i at
I > YOUUK ladlsi' sentle"nien To
know they can oblaln thoronsti nnd
\7ANTED-lly a > omic clil of n. romantlo
T i turn of mind , as a ( lu
fiom n certain young man , one of those be.
\vltchliiK honveulra from ( hnse , ic
Uddy's tl tlu'i iy stoie , UJ . | 6th t. UIC l-'t
NTEO T nors to"v7 for keopdurini ;
winter. . ' . o ,
UOTCU.MJ' ! l.
_ . _ . . .
VtrANl KBlloitfi to w later. I L < ir accom-
> mo < lJtiCQi for J'H litmdrol horaea at
Omaha f.-.iruronndt. Imvlus Inruo ysriU for ex-
rn li ) ilurtnc th day ; ouch norsa hus a lMe ,
rr rm box null al nlflu. A , ThcniiniOni.iTia
Uii rouuiU. JjJ < < u
Horws to board at Furny's barn ,
W ANTnt ) llor .o nd buggy tor winter for
their keeping , inqnlro 1313 rarnnm. .
\Illt\Sh.l ! ! ! Kmplojmcnt olllrp. 31 ? N Ifithst.
CANADIAN' Emplnjnic-lltnnic-p MM Ilretfn ,
, IH'S. ' . 1 All , HelirenccOmnha National bunk.
1 JOAIt ( ) and rooms , ISW Chicago st
H"'AfilTIf bonilers wanted,1
VAI.I.NTlMiSHIorlhHUd nno typewriting
Institute , Now I'nxtnu liutlillluJiimha ( ,
Neb 'Ihooiil ; ox < hi l\e , loftttlintto sliorthnnd
school In ttio stnto ( iveromi Inmdri-d prvlii-
atcs in Boodslluatloni. The school i * under
the nmniKoincnt nf t < Valentine olllclnl "ten
OKltJiliel of tlio Id ludlclrtl dHtrlc I of Nrbtnskn ,
and l'r n. II. II. lli > lcs an uxp rluuced teacher
and \ rbitluirepnttcr Daj nnd evening sov-
Flon1 * . Students can enter at any tlimSenu
for circulars 4il 1)15
IJ1OH KK.S'I New ' ( -room brlrk house with
JO modern com enic'iiros , J4D lit r month.
For He-lit Prettily furnished 7-room cottage
near ( nr llm , Ml ) per moiitn.
1'or Kent A 7 room cottage , Hsorgla n\e ,
larg < - jam nnd birn if ' 1 per month
I < ii Kent uidin d AI age , f Id per month
I'oi Kent -fi-roum colt mi. } l' per month.
These nro nil bargains. Inciulrn nt once ,
Netheitun Hall , Itoom I J , i'lrst Nat. bank.
. _ ] Ml H
Plt HKNT 3 loom cottngo. US C.iss st.
OH 11'
FOH KKNNT rive-ioom cottage near Hans-
coin Dark. well , clstcin etc. C. A. Poltor ,
lloom iOJ I'll it National bank building
FOH HKNT Naw (1 ( room house ou street car
line , tr > . Apply to Julia fateln , 1111 Douglas ,
WJ M *
IJ/10K / IlKNT HOIHO of 10 rooms conveniently
loeiitcil All modern Improvements nnd
latgo lawn veiv che-np to right paity. Applv to
S A.Oichaid , rninamnnd 11th. Mi lt !
_ _
IJIOHHKNT rottttgo 10073 20th st. InjUlra
-L1 iTuyjuikson st. flit It f
I OH HKNT I loom home , ! Mh and DavMi-
poit , Jt ! per montli Vt nlhice , Cioluhton blk.
IIDN I' 7 roomllat on ! M lloor. Knijulro
o Tnlr cor Dili and Howard sts i" > sl
H HI &i'J : rooms nnd bntl'i , good barn ,
Davtnportst , apply ! U13 Capitol avu.
CM 17 *
FOIt fiKN'T 10 loom hotiHo. stcnin , pas , bith ,
hot and cold and cistern wilier , irood ci liar ,
and nice j aid , * . ' > " > . -Wb . ' 1th. IiKiulu--W SSltli.
ITIOIt Itr.NT A tliM. CI.T.S HI vim-room cottage.
JL1 y"i | | Daveupoit st. ( inlv ii" > nor month In-
ciulio of 0 L. Krlekson X Co. , ai , ' N .10th St.
ITUm HUNT A comfortable house with 8
JL' rooms , puntiy , huge closets , sploi.dld cel-
lai. city water , hewernge and gas. near business
centre : modcinte icnt. .lohu II. r. Lchiniinu ,
V4 S 17th ht. .17-
. . . . Kl'.NT A Istoiy brick dwelllm : . V > 01
Capitol live * . Apply to C. II. Cllllou at the
Chicago Lumber Co. .171
17UK HKNT At\eiy low rates. U nud II now
JO leslduiKcs. 21UI umiaiu Cuss stieot. Clink
Place. One block south of CrclRlitonollegoon
I'arnuni nnd " 1th street cai llue-.i All modern
Improvements. Applj , II. T. Clark.L'nlon Irust
Co , 01 nt Jl.'U Cnss st. .Ki7
"VTI3\\ house of 7 looms , lu gooa locality , b.uu
JL > foi four holies , $ JO ler inonth. AppH nt
once. C. I' . Hnulson , Jierrhants1 Nat. bank.
T71OK IU3NT G-ioom cottilge , $ a" ,00 per month.
JO 1511 Hainey st. ft
T71OK HUNT Cottage , 441 Convent st. Inquire
JL1 1W3 Jnckson st. Ill
r/IOK HKNT-ft-rooTtThonse , $11. Q. K. lliomp-
JL ? son IJ Sheelcy block. I'h
IfOK HKNT- New 8-room house with nil mod-
om Impiovoiiieiits , coi. Hickory amUioor Ia
avu , price i6. I'.miulra l.'U Ijoavenvvoitli st
B i U IiK-i oem house' , giis , city wutei ,
bath room , hot and cold water , on puu-d
streets with street cir , nont a good school , only
fK pur mouth. The lioiu > o is new. Apply nt
once. C. 1' . Harrison McicnunttT Nat. baiiK.
TT'OH ' HKNT House of 8 rooms , S'd and Caw.
JU liiciulio KoomlJOg , Sheeley block. ! 1
1I1OII HKNT At very low rates. 10 and 14 new
X1 residences. 'J404 and 2411 , Cass atleul. Claiko
Place. On block south of Cielghton college , on
rurnam and 21th stieot car Hue All modern
Improvements. Anply , II. T. l/laik Union Trust
Co. . or at g4 0 C"s * street Oil
FOH HKNT House and barn.HaiiMOiu place.
Hams , loom 411 , That Nut'l bk bldg. JO
F ioltltr.NT No. 1411 H. 7th a\c , n nice 5-
ioom house In good lapnlr ; looms newly
papered and iialnted ; nice yard ; llnoclHtein
water. Hunt fiio u month. Possession given at
once. Apply to Hell's 10th st. pharmacy.
TT10K HKNT 0-room modern imnioved house
JO A 1 locnllty. Kent moderate. Apply , M. Kl-
guttei , 1C01 rurnam st. 'J.1
F OK HI5NT Hy Iloswoith & Joplin , Hunter
block , J , 4. B. 0 , 7 , 8 , U , 1U , 11 , 14-ioom houtes
In all parts of the cltv. U73
HOOM house , S. 21th st , , near shot tower.UJ
UJ )
TT1OHHKNT House Blooms 2iI ! Cassst , cot
JO taco 5 rooms 10th and Hickory. Inquire room
603. Bheeloy blk. 184
T7IOH HKNT Houses 7 looms , 20th and liar-
JO noy : 10 rooms , aist and 1/ocust ; 7 looms ,
lath and .loues ; : i rooms , 1'Jth nnd Martha.
Lliiahini \ ilahoney , I'.ixton block. Ml
HOOM frame , No. MU HumtUon st. , $ - ' ' . ) .
l.eavltt llifruham , No. I Cnilghtcn block. H.U
Foil HKNT When jou wish to rent a house ,
ntore or ofllce call oa us. 11. K. Cole , room
C. Continental block. 1177
TR10H HKNT -room t house , ail3 , 7-room house
JL14il Poppleton u\e. Ueo. I. Gilbert , With-
nell bTj ; . U78
F I OH HKNTluroom house w Itli hteam heat ,
atau ! S. aith bt. (1.13 ( Thompson , Sheely
block , 16th and How aid sts. Ii7
ZfOR J ? "y " 1" ' $ oqwis FU n STsHE _ bT
" T'Ol'NG lady can bo uccommoiluted with
J- loom und hoard with use of parlor , l en son-
able , prl\atu family. AddtossM S5 caie or lloo
olllte. fi.Ul.
T > OOMTfor rent. 117817th st. C8118 ;
FOIt HKNT Two furnished looms for lluht
housekeeping , aUiil bt. Mary'n Ave OH- , \ > >
TTHMINISHKD loom with board 111 prli'nto
JO fiimlly.las , bith and furnace heat In house
Near cable line , " 1J1 > ovvard st , 411 1-3
IjllST-rijASB front room In private family
JU ut moderate price , i'4ll Dodge. t 7 14'
I710H HI5NT Two largo nicely furnished con-
i nectlne looms , wllh bath und oonvunlencos ,
suitable for four gviitlemcn or hoiiKukcHplug ,
* J5 , or separata * IJ and fr4. ! H.V. . Corner , Uth
and Howard , entrance on Howard. tfH
TJIOU llKNT-t'ionsanUy furnished room , all
Jc ? modern convenience" ! , for onn or two gen
tlemen , at t 0 H. JJtli ht , , or cor. Bt. Mary's no. .
omlSUthat. 645
UHNIHIIKDroom , with gas und bath , boaid
If desired , Dl'J S.6th tit. , opposite All Ualnts'
cliurch , f'l'
IC13IA' f mulshed room with 1 eat , suitable
tor two geutlomcji , tlO , 1510 Hmney.
IXl Wf
K OO.M8 for Kent-1015 Howard st , 3d lloor.
TIOHIIUNT 'lliioe nice uuCnrnlshed rooms ,
1 vt'iy cheap. 71181i'lhbt. Hit U ?
looms , steam heat , Wi S Utli ,
lid iloor. M IS *
_ _
1J1OII HUNT Km nlshod loom wltU boaid.
J.1 17W DodBO St. 487
ICK : ! ljY TnnUblied looms by the week or
month cheap ; HUT Jonoh st , 1'eaLody place.
TI > OOMa mid boaid , W1S Chlcniio. 5WJ7 ?
AllM.rtecUaLlo front rooms cheap , ( TiJS.
ittli. '
lKN'l-Kuralilied ( * rooms , 1J1J Dinted !
ICULYfuinUbeiUoora , HIS llowaTrl
_ _ 3SO-UJ
"Ob Mrr riirmshed room , ; ! I03
A VBNI'KHooms-At ' 1913 and 1CIK Capitol RVCJ.
from l > .O..iiowlyiiirnl8hii'J , private
IstclHti transient tiiccn , day ow cole , : ) U
T7\OH IlKX'lV-.NIcolx furnlKheiV rooms with
U UK : cljuM boaiu. 'Ml'J Unouwoitli. \ . 4 JO IU
* furnished roomi , all moilern convon-
lt nci > f > . with bontd In private family , sio"
Farnam st. Ml-iaj
TilOUH rooms for 115. 1107 Jonrn direct ,
JJ 1'eabody plnre. HI ? 1 K
_ _
IJir with board , InnulreofT' .
I ? P Hull. HI'I Knrnim St. UO 128
" | jl ( H HP.N P niccrful wnim loom , with or
X without board. In private family , nUoly
situated In modern rcjidcnro. SOuS Jlnrncv st ,
O Nlfin front looms at "lllTiOHglas at by
j stein. on. is >
_ _ _
AOIt HKNT A furnlnheil trout room with or
without Inard , nil modern convenlmces.
03 N. isth tt i 04J r > T .3
1OK HKNT rnmMicd slpcplne roomi s per
J innntii , pi nblo wei klj or monthly , W7 How
ard. Also fuinlsliod loom for housekeeping
and one unfurnished , KJs 15 *
T/i ) | { HKNT Kit-Rant l > furnl hed rooms , bent ,
X1 , bith , ( tr . with good boatd inpiivato
fiiinilj , location the \uij bobt. 17 , ' I Capitol
avo. _ & 'M 10 J
' - rooms with brttiT ,
and heat , near rara. 518 S M st. fiJI 15 *
J/VH UKNT S front rooms on second lloor ,
'tiriOQpneli. lol't ' llnrne > st. Z
At.A 11(1 ( K elegant south room very nicely
furnished , furnace lie-it nnd cverv tnndwin
ronvenlenro Olio-half block from cable cnrs ,
107 Donglns sL IM'I
iroil HKNTAn eleiriintly furnished room or
suite of rooms with bond Inn pilvato Tam
il ) . All Minveiilenros. Cais pass the door
every tin eo to live minutes. Itt fi-u-nres Ke-
aulrcd. Iliuiulri- rooms 51 and CIU I'nxtonblk.
KC OMS with board , futnace , CIS S. 1'ith st.
,11s j , ! t
HKNT i tiriilshed looms with bnth gai
J-1 and heat ; SS1 Dodge et. - * . 0
Fl'ltNISHKI ' ) or unfurnished looms. 1119
Doilgo st. next block to postdated , fiom J !
npVMiids. inquire loom 8or Itil Douglas bt ,
room . ' . HOI d "M
"PlKSlHAUI.K funilslied room , Kill Davenport
n fiont loom , $3 , 1K1I Davenport
.iiiuaii ]
HUNT I'urnlsliiMl loom , Heat , gasmul
bith. IM l > . SAtlt. b4J
_ front rooms in ono of the llnest rusl.
dtnces In the cltv , centrally located , steiin
heating , gas , with USH of bath loom , on Dec 1 ;
references required InqultoTai s , UUhst 8U
ASOt'TH puloi and nedroom , sultiblo for a
lady and genllnra in , or two 01 thtee jrentk'-
ii'en ; inodeiatH teriiu nud Hrst-class boaid.
% ilSt Marjsn\o 481
"VTH'nijY fninlsliod looms nil modern con-
i. > leniences , also boiird , If/M DnigU * . illl
fpOll KKN P rurnishod looms in GreuutK blk
JO cor. 1 Ith and Dodge sis. Inqulio ot Goo. U ,
Dmis. illllaul hotel bllli ird room. 'MJ
TAIiOKpleisant room , tuinlshed , Irrlck Hat ,
-JlllbC hicnirojt 'isl '
FOlfltnNT A suite of : t and one of 2 nn.
furnished looms.wutui audgas. M'l' ' , N Kith.
J \Hr.i : front loom with closet foi i-'or I , till
J Chlcauo ht. OW 1 > *
rpsiimij < ) south-east nnfiirnl'hod looms
J- with large rloset. snltiible for IlKht house
keeping , i\oith west coi. 1 ith and Howard sts.
( OJ lit
3 HOOM is unruimshedsuitable-tol light housekeeping -
keeping , fctf. b luth st. ti'i 11 tf
T71OH HKNT I 01 fi iinfiirnlslied chaiubeis for
JO holise-ke-eplnc. Jl'J iN lith St. 147 17 *
U'MTHNISHCD-Pultableror noiibe-keeninz.
'Ihloe rooms 10-7 N.Mill st . .1010
1'oui (4) ( ) looms , | l , t < . I'lth st . . . . " " l l
'Ihree ( I ! ) rooms , llOH.s 7th st . . . 10 UO
Three CD rooms. KrJoN. SOt h st 10 ( )
' 1 hreo ( U ) rooniK , llli" N.ajthst 11 OJ
Three ( t'ioonis ' ) , 101BN.ilst.3t 10 UO
Three (11) ( ) rooms , 707 I'uelllo st 11 rO
Three ( , mom1410 Plurcuht . . . 10 W
Tin eu ill looms. nrlPullle-.t . . . Ill VI
MX ( (0 ( looms , luri N. J > tth st a ! ft )
Judge He-lit Ing A : . llurncv and
15th ts Hoom 1. upMtnlii. 'H.
irOH HUNT Two MoreBJJ ! and hit North
JO luth st. Inquire nt the building. Henry
Ostholl. .M :
TJ1OH , HKNT All ( deaant store loom with line
JU InaeiiK-nt on Ifith st. Kent vciv low to light
party ; hteain heat nud wntui included , Apply
ut inn Douglas st. .Wi
TjlOK KKNT-Olltce suite tSj month , - ' slngla
JD olllcei { 15 each , all fronting IBth st , Ilusn-
man block , N. E. Cor. Idth nncl Douglas. W. M.
Hushiiiiui. 1 ill I.eavenwortti IHi ,
TrToiritTjVT-5 olllce rooms" Hedlck's block ,
JO IViy-lfill rainntu st , on-'d lloor ; ono olllce ,
eaht front , on'd lloor , ov er Omahn It inking Co ,
bank.cot. nth t and Hurnuy ht. Inqulio at
lill 1 ai mm st. , room 8. Paulson & Co. 401
FOH HKNT One stoie room , onTbakory , con
I'.uk ave. and Woolworth ave. Iniiulm
'Ihos. r. Hall , C17 1'axton bulldliig. lis
OlT HENT- stoiosrou" jflfli and Leaved"
worth , apply Hank oromnha. ! ) H |
FoTf 1U3N1' llrlr iTstore , llaTabove. aith nnd
Hamilton , desirable business location , heu-
vltt Iliuiiliam , room 1 , Crelghton block , 'iv ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
GEO1K1K J. BTIJHNSDOIirr , room , onp. 1' .
O , , will hereafter BIVU spociol attention to
renting houses , stores and Hats. If you want
your property ranted without doiay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall to llat tUo same with
him. ana
G KO..Paul ( , Io09 I'lim. st. Houses , stores ,
ote. for rent. 160
T\7E give special attention to renting nnrt coU
T T letting rents , H t with us. II , 12. Cole , room
6. Continental block. IH7
IF YOU want your Houses rented pmcwthem
with IJuufHTii & Co. , 1Mb , opposite postotlica.
Itt IHH to ronespond with a lady between
the age of " . "mud oOveais OhjuU niatil-
moil } . Mjngeib.iU. Addicts J. II. V. Collins ,
Hooper. Neb. f/ll IB
TJKHSONAlj 1C you naroa , porsonil Hem , or
J- any communication , drop it lu one of The
Hoe's message uo > .os. 10 >
Y foriont' 0 miles from Omaha , to
v llrst-cliiss buttai-iniikei. Addn-ss M .in , lleo.
0 14'
F OH HENT One good bain loom foi three
M , buggies , otc. , ll'i Davenpott st. In-
c. iiikkbo uv coUis. ; ! lothM ,
LOST A jioiKet calendar } one of those pretty
souvt'lilis given uwav to till puicliabiix ot
Chiistiiias cards , by Chase < V Uduy , 113 S. 18th
bt. ( .m lit
"I O3TIletween the Webster street depot and
.1-ySlxtct'iitli stuict a led Moiotco pockttbook
containing Miinll amount In bills , draft and
three pa ! > es Issued to Mrs , 1' . Van Sam , also
tvvo baggage checks. He-turn to this oUlco and
receive rew.ud , tlilJ !
T7KJITM > A pocket cshcdni ; ono of those
J- pretty souvenir * given away to ull piuchus-
ors of Christmas cards at Chase i. Kddy's , 111 B ,
luth st. Clil J *
STHAY Horfco-rnmo to the piemlses of \ \ ' ,
- d. Ntlxon , Cassld ) farm , South Omahn.
blown horse , 14 hands high , weighs about WJ
pounds , hind feet white , white spot in fou > -
he.ul. Owner call , pay ( hargc8aiid takeuiil-
mill , or It w ill be dUpuaed or uecordtiiK to luw
UK ) nt
ilOlTTIIANl ) rniii typo-writlng-Sunerlor
mUaatiijjui in those branches at the
Omaha Commercial college , opp , I' , ( ) . ,
corl' > thand Dodto. Pcoiai of guiduuteg In
rood positions. Students complete munuul in
ten ( lays and i > 0 to 1U ( wonu pei minute In three
months. llo-t teacher In the btuto. Practical
office drill given students free Dictation llvu
hours dally. Day and evening sessions. Hnpid
dictation for reports at night. For circular J
write Hohrbough tiros. , Omaha. Neb ,
O R B A L E M 1 30 EL LANEOU 3.
liTcow'rJlIenp for
cash. Apply l. i N , i.9th st. 651-H-J
FOH HAMI-An improved McAllister slero-
optical ) , with ( ompletu outtlt , for popular
e.Nlilbl.lon , or nil ! take partner , 1'nrty with
hinnll means can eerne a inoiltable business
Audrey * XV/ , Council lllutls Ilou olllce.
PAItK Calendar most sensible and
\iidiihlru ChrlttmAa romombraiKO-ln all
6tlehjit amso A. UiUly * . 113 b.lUthst. gj
F ilt SAX/B or tride New two eeataa car.
il u and tlinrlo toj > bluer , Belby. li-'l
Fsraam. tfX )
ALII-Ono uls'laB * 1 horse power en-
glue HUh2 | lioisc nm * or boiler , pullejs.fcod
piirni ) , etrr all comixete.nt half of oiialnal vost.
ply ty Alux Jamaica , 1' , 0. box 764 , Fremont ,
j. 'Bl3f
A IisrilAOTS-l.lnahftn JcMRhontr. room 600 ,
bloct. 843-
rpHOSR wishing to lennitoreml music can do
- * - so by Jnlttlnir rlnss of iK'gluners , on 8d tloor ,
over Cr n Hros ' music sfirc , isth strict bc-
tweenCnp. nve. nud DoOgo , every Thursday
evcnluir. Mrs. S K. Clnppe , dim tor 0 < 7 IU
J 'women and children cured. Hc'sldr-noo ! 3
17th. , . . 4TJJ7t
* 'O ' 01 n nnd no cheapo w a ) nCbuvtngyour
homo or pining niMmc umbrnnce upon It
than by subscribing for Snares In the twelfth
perls of shares In tha Miftual I.nali and Hulld-
liig n so nit Ion. Your loinwlll cost > ou about
fi per cen * per annum snO easy pnv menta ,
ntllro hours from ft to n p in daily at No. .110 a.
10th sLJH M. Nnttlngcr Bee 4V ) IS
rput ; bnnjo tniiuht a * nn art by Oeo. P. ( ( llen
Jbeek. . ttj S. loth st. l"vi
JAMII.S MolM and superfluous hair on the
Jfnco or neck removed and the roots in-
stantlj killed b > thoelectile needle process ,
leaving no marks or scats. Posltlvolv the only
permanent rcmndv. Mrs. Dr 1'ncKnrd , IfiO'i
Douglas st. \ \ edncsdays Und 1 lntr da > s only
\/T IDLANDOuaranteo and Trust Co , 15J'i I nr
- Unnm Complete alutractifiirnliUod , A. tltl i
toreal state ox .mlD ilpnrfeclod Arcuixrnntfod.
S 'lOHAtlu-At low rntoi nt ll'i paFnun st.
Umnlin wVuctlon & Ston-roCo 'm
f pUACIlAaKRtorsspo\Te rate * . W. M
JL lluahmau. 1311 I.eaTenuorth. Hi > 0
_ _ _ _ WANTED-TOBUY _ _ . _ _
\\rANIUIl 1 ; Kid seond-lmml ( "pT no foi
> \\lutd , will rent or buj n ijood Instill-
moiit If ollercd ( .haip enough. Address M .W ,
lloeiilllcc. r.70 U
D I cnusell ftl houses nnd lots nt
oncu If oftsy inontlily pa\ mi'iitslll bo ai
ccptod ; also luun n customer fur a ti-nomoiit
row , or a roof cottages 01 nouses on easy
turniR. Si-lid fiul do cilptlou to C , I ! MnMio.liith
and llruneysts. AS ) u
" \\rA Nnt : ) .rundture , carpuM , stovus nnd
> i liousohold goods of nil Kinds Omaha Auc
tion & .bkuair.o to. , 1IJI I'arnani. 1J5
milKCeutinl Loan & Trust ( o , No Kill 1'u-
Jnnm , will make i holie citj loans nt tlm veiy
lowest into * . No delays. (1)117 (
IAO YOU want to lioirovv money ;
JLJ Hold this
It will wi\ojou time.
11 w I 11 sav e 1 oil money.
V ou c-Aiilouuvv tiom
II. r. Minteis ,
meressor to W.H Cioft.
rooirHitliue ibldn . iMhnncl llninoysts' .
In tin t'.mj'sum you\\.uiton Cur'nitlire'pla'uos
licu-es , mules , wnsons etc. , on \slertiiinsnnd
nt lowei ilteatliiuatim othet olln o Inttieclty.
without pnbhi Ity 01 iemo\al of propaily funii
your po Cession
If nu liisiallnuut is due on jour piom-itv and
5 mi cannot meet it , ( ill anil see me. 1 will pav
ittoijou. IC > oii huvoii loin in un other of-
Ike. cull and get mv rates. 1 will t iko it up nnd
cairy It foi jou
I make loam foi'ona to sK mouths and you
can iuji p ut a' .1.1) tlni2 , lodm ln bath prin-
cljial ind late lost.
All loans ic-newcd at oii innl latesnndno
chniges lor pupeis
All biisinc'S * htrlctly conlHIentiil. Call and
see mo.
Don't forjrc't tl | numbor.
liooiii 4 , Wtlmcll block. 114
PKOl'-LU h-I'lnn-iclal Kxeluuuo The tallest ,
( mlote t , most lluoiat' ifloiuiy exchan o lu
the city : loans made vvltliWil delnj" or publicity ,
in mi ) amount large or MU ill , at thu lowest
rvtos of Interest , on niiv nvnllnblo senility ;
loins mny bo paid at nuvTlme 01 rene ed at
( i.itus. O. lloUNcal i , uigi , loom fiMi ,
llarkt'i blk , Uth and I 11114111. 70s
TJT K. COLKrioaifngoilt. ' ; } lijl
* , t T
O KB Sholes , aiO , 1 irat Natl Itlilik , beloie-iuak-
Olnf join loans. " " " J-iS
"S1ONKY to loin on jhouscliold fnrnitine ,
i' pliinos , hoisef. wa oils/lttl othci iieiionil
piopeityslilso.on moitgitgo papvi andcontinets
ns collntdiil hecutltv. catnnlwiijsioii baud : lib-
pinlnxtenslons giuntcd ; liusinoss tiansiiited
inlily , cuiii tly and inoiuiitli. The 1 aiibiuk In-
vetnient Co , sw coi. 15th ti Douglns l/pstniis.
* 117
MONKYto i.oan Lowest rates. Loans closed
iuomptly , H. K. Oole.flCoom 0 , Continent il
Hlock. 3000
El. f OOIC loans nionev at n pel cent on loans
nf flOXM ( and upwards. Hrlng aljsti.ict ot
title and save delay. HOj 1'nniam. 41Ud4t !
WX ) )00 ) to loin at 0 per cent. Mnahim & Ma-
$ ho.iey , loom ROj , raxton block. WJ
KOVi-Toow.W8'hst ] National I
building. I'toruluut'lriiht Co. ( Ml
Q > " .CO ) . ilr,0t' ' , S1X ( , JfiDO. Special tund to place
tDon choice Improved pronorts. I > . Y. bholos ,
210 , first Nat'l Jiang. ! ) .7
/ 10ODeity and farm cans wauted l/v A. K.
VJT Hllwy. ini ! rainam. 101
KKAIj estate loans , lotveic Htxis.
< V Co , JLJ S. Ulthjit. 110
TJ 13. COLK , loin ugent. 4UJI
M ONnvtoloan ; long itme. Getrcje J. i'nul
1COU rnrnam st 111
MONEY to loan on immoved pioporty at first
hands. No application ) sen , uwny for ap
proval. Security and titles oxn nlned free ot
charge o borrowers Lombard Investment
company. . } J S Uth at. _ 11H _
MONIJY to loun onlinpioveil icnil estate for
one , two and tlueeonis by Home File
Insurance Compaii ) , 111 Douslns Bt. 4'i017
T3 13. COM' , loan agent. 4OJI
171IHST nioitgiigo loaiisnt low rules , nnd nu
JL1 dohij. D. V. Sholes , 210 , KiistNat 1 Hunk.
\TKIIHASKA Moitg , Loan Co. will mukojoua
-l-i loan on household goods ,
hoiscs , VMijruna ,
land coiitiaits ,
line jc'vvehy. 01 seciiilttoi of nnv kind
without publicity , at iiasonnble'rates.
HnntnT How ley blk.ciiith ( Omaha.
Hooms niti-oi'j ) > , i\ton blk. , Omuhn. Neb..vw
rpllKOinaliii rinuiirlal lischniiKc1. Hooni IB ,
JL llurker lllock , southwest coinei of 1'uinam
and 15th sts.
Makes a spi > rlnllty of shoittlme collatoiul
nud realfstntuloins.
Money alwujN onhund in sums of * IOi3 and
upwaidsto any amount , to loan on nppiocU
bocuilty ,
Bocuied notes bought , weld or exchanged ,
Clnm leal estate and cnsh to excliiuiKO for
good Ihstoi He < otid moitgages.
Lotus made upon land contiacts , stock ! * ,
bonds , mist deeds. Unit or second mortgage se
curity , w itliout publicity , delay or red tape.
niinuclal biiHln < M4 ol ? any kind train-iatcd
pro'iiptlj.quletlj uiul fniilj. Hoom 15 , HaiUer
block. Corbett , Managor. 118
IHOPIr8 I Inanclal Rxrhange I.uigu and
small loans foi long and fcliort tlme at low
est rates of interest , on itnl estate muitgaco
nott'S , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
ana Jewehy , Don't fall to call If lou want fair
nnd cheap accommodations' O. Ilouscnren ,
Slgr. , roomWI' , Ilarkerblk , 15th and ririiam.
MONKY to loan ; ca hoi liandj no rtolay , J.
W. .Siinlio , l.'iu I'arnani st. Hist National
bank bulldluu. I ' 105
T OANSmadoon real ? mto nnd
J-l bougnt. Lovrls H. Heed & Co , 1'ail 1-arnnin.
M ONKY to loan. O. r. DavH To , real esl ate
and loan agent * , IWi Karnam . _
. _ to oan on Improved real estate.
Ll.cavltt Huriiliam. Creltshton block. 10
COM ! , loan agent. 1WJ1
)1MMINJ loans. 1) . V. Blioles , aio. rirst
JNnt'l Hank W1
T It. COlTK , loiin"aijeut. i
JL flX
GW 1'KOK loans monovVcnsh on hand , r > W , .
001. can bo placed on my and farm prop
erty at lowt'Bt rat M ; bnlldini ; loans a Kpenially
Jlooin 4. Frenzer blocl : . Opp 1' O. tildU'
i'Tjil CElS'T"nioney to loan-Cash on naud
\Y. M , IlarrU , room 1W , l-'ienzor block , opp.
' to loan on improved city propoity or
ail for building purpose * : lowext niton ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room I ,
Darter block , 15th and I'aiimm. o'J3
MONKY Loans negotiated at low lutes with ,
out delay , and puiuhaso goml roininercial
paper und mortgage notes. 8. A , 81omun , Cor ,
IJtli and 1'iirnaiii , 4JJ
loans. Mnahun & Manonoy.
"ni ONKYto Loan-On Omaha and South OmaT
J-Ulm property , C. 1' , liairlbou , Mcichunts Na
tional l ) nk. WfJ
I5M"OVKD-'lo imT'ir National lianlc
TIJ - room ) t
11 building. New Kn land lvo < tu and Trust Co ,
MONEY to loan on furniture , nomi , wagon ? ,
etc , or on any approved security , J.V , Hob-
bins. It. W Hhcoly bit , 16th aud Howard. 10
rt > W ,6oo-fl per centr Money to loan on ira-
it ) pro ted farms or city property. James A.
Woodman , at the old tire Insurance ! o.'Bca ot
Uurpur i LoT-ttC , W ) a. UU * U 101
LOAN-Trom one to two hundred thous-
JL and dollars or imuller sums promptly , * \ tern -
ern capital always on hand choiip. Vhilndclphla.
MortHRBoanda-rustOj. , Ueo.Y. . F. Coi t .
board ot trade. lie
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horios ?
wagons , etc. , until you hfiro s n 0. II. . ! ,
cob , room 410. 1 Irnt 'Nationil bank bulldlac-
cor , loth and famum lti (
Poll HA I.I.A first class , monpj- making dry
goods , clothing boot ind shoe business , In
lunninK crder. Town has two railroads , doing
Into wholesale business. Address Owniir , tioic
5f ) , Howard , Neb.
FOH S A 1.13 Cheap , or low trndft for good
Hrst mortuape paper Ono bay horse ,
w eight 1,050 His , , wlln phaeton and harness ; l
buy noise , weight l.iWllbs , wlthimw Columbus
slue-bar buggy nud lmrne s- i graj hornc ,
wcleht i.iwi Ibs. C. II. Slomnn , rooms "Hi and
. ' 17. I Irst Nnt. bank bulldlna ; RW U
1)\IITNKH wanted In n tlr t-elaiis elub
house. Musi have } I,0-Xcash. Good oppot-
tunlty for rlKht num. Address M 2-1. lleo
olllce. DM U
A CK'ODdianco ' to buj n Ronoial meirhnndlse
_ - stole and to < k In n grovMngrallioad town.
Address M , 1\ lice olllce rMX
\\rANTKD-A rollnblo man with l.TOdosliing
u situation 01 Interest In sat businoiis to
call fiom 11 to 1A room l llnrker bhx k.
40i 1.
V\TKwishtp employ n reltnbio maninvour
> > county. No experience rmiulrod : poinm-
nent position for three years. Salnir lucreaied
eaih > ear. l.lRht , easy , nonteel business. Money
advanced fornalary adcrUxlnc , etc. Largest
mmiuf'rs In our line , Km lose "cent .No
postnls Centennial M'f'c Co , Cincinnati. O.
FOH HUNT nirnlshod bni loom nt the Cos-
i > ns hotel. Address M. J. 1 rautk , plop.
1JHOK hAM-A ! small nml woll-nssmtod drug
JL1 sto'kincluding t bargain
If taken soon. ( an bo moved to advantage Ad
dress Imiuedlnti'ly , A llio\vn \ , care ding store ,
X'U N. JJth , 7ia
TTIOII 8A M-IV110 { Rloik ot liirdwnio tor
i Hale , dolugn splondtd business , Is located lu
0110 of the bast towns lu thu stutc. Tliostotk
is t leiiu nnd In peed shape ; tlio resoii foi sull-
Itig , otliei ImMuass occupying in ) time. I'ait
cnsh nnd binknblo pnper for balunco. Address
K II , lleuolllco. UM
FOlt SA1/15 At iv TmualnTnlm ) siiftrcrt Mnck
iliMexhun lion Mountain loiupiny Ad-
I.IU , Hcoolllce. ,17.1 U *
SOflll OMAIIA-2 lots to ttade tor farm
. _ property , ( jiovvrbtcxcns 15-1 ruinnni Ht.
( ) Ui-\LIIANOi-r.JO : : new hou-oaud lot
foi Miiall I'm in luur fveb , < _ ount.\ seat ,
Selbj , If-'l r.iniam. ul )
ir tH SAU : or ttadn A lot MxlU ( ins nth
J1 st. , near Hutu roll , dot ii , llaiker's subdtvls-
lon > . Addit'ss M1 , llea olllce. fi'il.
"VSTAN'l ttD-Stoi ks of goods for gooil c ity
V > piopt-ity nnd fat ins Uiovoi Stevens ,
l i\ \ I ill Hum st. t-l
JOUIv Here Vt e have to lincleKW net CM ele-
Jnnt land 3) ) miles tioin Uinnli i foi good
cltv. proputv ; { HMU woith ot go id , rlenr 1m-
pioved laud lei wild laud nnd assume e-nciim-
brume' .t"i fiiinlshocl IOOIMH. milking n ilinr
prolit of J'.fiOJ pu jear , forelM piopeity ; n Una
htOi kfaim lu town lei cltv. ptopeit } ; piopeity
In Omaha mid i-oiith Om ill v foi good farina
( liovei atevt-ns , 15JI rainiin st ft.'I
/ 1 HOVKH Sl'KYKNS , l"il raninin , has n largo
\TUlst ot good city nnd faim propoity for ex.-
Lliiinge. r 'l
TJvJirilXniANor A good improved fuini ,
-I ? cluai ot Incuinbrance , and some cnsli for i
good t * ( ii 1) ) loom house and lot , welllotatid ;
will assume u fair inrtimbrnuc1 ; also a fm\
HhnresofnNo 1. oil stock and sonie cash for
good hoi so and bugij 01 pliUHton. Addret.s No.
IIHI N I1 th st. "IT 11
Oil llXOIIANtJIJ Kor deslrabto losldenco
piopeit ) ill Oniuli i , aiij nr nil of following ;
to ( noko inside residence Iota lu Hastings
UK ) lots in Lincoln.
1143 luici line farming laud , I nncaster county ,
JTIuuiosldencuproiortj. Lincoln.
( iood lontal piopeil ) , Lincoln ,
Clioltu fiintv roslileiipu , corner , f.os Angolns.
A ueiit iLrfldcnco property In llniiscom I'laic.
Ale f-ome good mnitgngu notes.
Address gh Ing Imatlon and prlceof property
.1. i : II . c.uo Ituum lion to , , IS17 I.oii\tnworth
II AVI1 ren 1 and personal piopeity ot all
kinds lor tiade. Call nnd see me. Goer o J.
Sternadoill , roomfi , opp. t' . O. 1-1
-Block ot goods In exchnngn for
fiiniis nnd city propeity. Western Land
nnd Loan Cxch.uigo. l IT 8.10th. JJ-'dU
IIA YK ' 4 section of choice hind In Krontler
I Co , Neb , to exclmiiKC tor a good stock of gen-
ernl indso. Address. L. H. Jlalsluy , Uenon.Nanco
FOH'IKADR-Housoand lot in city forienl
01 cnuttut inoitgnge paper , horsemule's
01 cattle , A I' . Gieenwood As Co , room 1 ,
Cunningham block , cor. Uth und Jnckson st.
llfj til
\Vlf AT nave you to trade for t lots In Jerome
V > Parki1 Inciinibrnnco o Sl.OJi on the lots.
Addiebs ICC2 , liee olllce. 81' ' '
TTIO1I ' 1 \DK-Tvvo tiiousann acres Improved
Jj laud to trade for merihandiso or cattle and
horses. Goo , II. Howibig , fatuartj Neb
OH'l KADK Choice lot In Grnmmeioy I'.u k
and choice double comer In I.ipton Place for
good land. D. V. Sholcs , X10 1'Iiat Nnt'l bank.
FOHTl'NK Jcller Slis. Loiiormun cin Do con
sulted on nil affairs of life. faatUfnctlou
gimrameed No aiSNliHhst _ hSUilHt
n.'NAN NTlTN'r Warren , "cUirvov int. iled-
leal and business medium. I'emule dlscasej
n specialty. I Hi , N. irtli st , Itooms a A ! . 1- . !
"Ij'OK BALKiJlilciainnt lots , all clear , will
-i ? uxclmnge for house and lot and Ubsumo
JI.OJU IncumbrancB. Don't objert to | aitof
liuumbuuice coming duo In tlio Kpilug. C. ! > ' ,
llarilion , Merchants Nut , bana. d"
ITloTTbALi : lilegant 6-rooin hoiua lu Hans-
JJ com place , cast liont lot , city wntui In the
lioiihu , fci'vver on tlio street. .lust the thing foi u
young man slttrtlur ; out whowmits a nuat , nice
cottage not larite. I'rico tJ/iLQ. Has ) pajments ,
InvestUate nt onto. C. I' , llaiilson , Merchants
Sat. bank. ( Ji {
POIt SAM ! 01 KxrhaiiKa-Lamls and city
jiropeity. Special a'tentlou gl\cn to ox.-
clinngini ; . McCulIoch & Co. , room 4 , CielRhton
block , Omaha. MS 14'
FOH SAM' Good house of 7 rooms , full lot ,
well , olstein , bain foi 1 holies , school ,
chliu h and Moroucar by , httoet carsonu blocK
away , In glowing part of city , good neighbor
hood , title pot foil , irood homu for iiuui of mod
erate menus ( itttciuU fornett wpiliKtby buj.
Ing u home now : will tiiko \acaat lot us ptrt
payment. C , 1' , lluitlson. Alcichaiits Nat. bunk ,
Al'IM ; inniiov.'d farm in-ill I'apllllon for
' ale , li miles finm Omaha ut ft i an acio.
Applj at 17 llailley .stieut. 4 J7
ITiOIt bALl ! Do jou want a Sonnnt lowest
J ? tales on ijood improved inside pioperty/
bee M , A. L'ptou companj , at : Wi ! So , l th street.
F Oil hALII-fil- acres Hamilton Co. , Neb.
land , SIriicie ) , onu-thlid cash , balnnco at
0 per cent. Addieia W , .1 , \ \ lldmun , l > enei _ . Col.
IS )
TTtOH HAMJ Or tradoj wliolaor Vt InteriiJt
Jj nil ) uues i miles fiom two H. H. depots. l" >
miles from Onmha , best Improved stock farm
lu Neb , Hue chaijeo for young man with
mourn. Call or addiesslin. . Gibson , room , ! ) ,
UliamlitM of Commerce , Omaha , or T , It. Gib-
BOU , riemont. Neb. MsdJO *
IS | Tot Hilo-i ha\n iu tlim lots In
Jilii ) ( D add. for haln. I'oi fuither infoimiitlon
nddress K Jellery ( inlcnn , 111 , f 1 7
rp\VO-SIHY' \ ) k block , nearly new. with
1 nt > res pn Hint tlloor and bovon room Hats on
second lloor , with all modern ImprovomonU
'Ihlopioperty Is on cnrnur ftontlng pared
street , with frewer , water and gnsand bilugs
nn annual rental of H < iV ) . ill bell cheap on
terms to suit , Address II TO. lleo. 40J
IJMJH SA LI' u now benne In n fle lrnblB part
of thu city , two lots , holisn contains all
modoin iiupiovcmi-ntx , hot and fold water ,
furnace , fax , bath , elect rio bells , and electric
, parlors , imllnnd din
ing room ttnltlud in oak and chorry. 1'or
pi ice and terms address J' 0. drawer 47 cliy ,
QJ600 ouys a full lot unrt gooa 4 room cottaga
Peasvtornn and good location. I ) V. Bholei ,
room Sl'J ' , Tlrst Nat I bunk , cor. Uth and Fat.
. J'-'l
nam. * _ _ _ _ " _ _ -
1OH SAIK7ortTado."lotB 1. 3 and J block T ,
J. Kckormuii : will nell cheap for cash 01 tnulu
for good phino and purl caah. W , J , \ \ ildiuan ,
Demur , Colo. mul
"ITioll BAM ! flQ ule/unthomeVln
X1 I'larotiniiHisonilble tc'lms ; inortuage paper
taken miiurt piymcut , ilosworth & Joplin , ker block. J. &
T710II SAI.H- Not for timid. 513.78 acres of Im-
J1 pro\d land 'J miles fumi MuKmelto. in
Hamilton Co. , Neb. 1'r.imcliouw , fiume stable ,
< mu ntre $ under a wood 4 Imib-wtro feiue. round
cedar posts amUst.iyji IIUnz water , good corf
ral , K WKllrf , windmill. UiJ-bnrrul tank , Kidf.
routlvr troufhs , etc. ; 75 acre.i cloi tir , a food
block ranch.
J'lhu laboul Ji ; per tre ) . , , M.509
ClUll , . . . . . , MM.I , . . . , . . , , . , . , , , li.UO
Uyonrs time at Opar cent . . . . . . U.&U
O o antl look over the laud and dJdregsJUo
owner. FK. Atkliw , IW Luvimor t. . L ( wv r ,
" * a . * j i ,
To those wRiitlnp to go fftrinlnic
we CSu put them In control of Inrpp or suiMi
tracts of iitnd vvntcn require very llttlo money
for years ; there never was n better time to en
gage In raitnltlft and atocfc'ruIMn * than now. M.
rpton company , M ) So. lotlistroet.M
SALE Po you know that Lower Daui-
Ins st. Is golneionnko first clinsrotnllproi *
crtyv If you don't , go down tothobrldgpt-omo
line day nnd see the stream of westein lowu
people coming over lou will then be con
\lnci-il ANocHii sellti ! , U. iiTi r vs f < ot nn Doug
las between 10th and Uth Ms , at n prlrr that
will malvc pun hrvsor liX ) per rent In IMS than
twoyenis. ' 1 his simp will not keep later than
Jntmiuy I , ISM ) , il. A. Lpton lompan ) , liy S
Ifith st _ _ _ _ _ f > ' ,7
Yj10HS\IK l.lst ov lush elv with M A. Up-
JJ ton compnnv , W So. liith strci t. go id inside
piopcrty at a tl ure not more than netuaalno !
If ) ou w ant your rent estate .sold , _ 4ffl
S' Pr.ClAt , bnritnlns In ttirni' , westetn land and
city piopcrty , tall andboctis N b. Bnt-
tlltig and Supply Co. Uoom V. Hoard f 'Jiade.
J .J J
_ _ _ _ _
"II10II s.vilJ-Or oxrlinnco foi Omahn prop-
JL1 11 nHI arr s. suitable foi plsttlng ; will
ninko 100 lots all < km ; big money In It for
Rome one wlin ( in push this ; lointi'd Jint out-
sldo of the rlty limits of Connrll llluffs In-
( Uilia Geo. J , bturnsdoiil , opp. posiolllco. IU
" 171011 SAtiK Ncl'rnskn farms , no suier Invett-
J inent can bo made. M. A I pton company ,
. Ibthstieet 4JJ
IIIOH SAI.K M. A I ptou company halo the
JL bRtgullislu business ami leildunco piopurty.
See them at . .IW So. Mill stieet. 4'H '
Tlio i-mulltlon of Mr. Mlliigan , of the new-
Ogden. is much bettei , unl Dr. Maeicn , his
attending ph\siclan , expects to hnvo him
about as usual in a few davs
Jlr T. S Couch , master mechanic at the
local Hock Island shops , returned jesteidav
moining fiom n lining tup to Chicago , ac
companied by tils mother , who will tom.ilii
hero for sometime
Some rochless individual , without tlio four
of futtiro winth in his henit , has stolen n
thirhfoot sporting ladder belonging lo the
Hie depaitmcnt The ladder was in charge
of .lolin Oohimy at theopor.i house As the
article is needed llio boi lower ( 0 would do
well to i etui n it immcdhitclv and avoid
ttouble , us the lire Inddks are on his tiall.
The Union Paelllc fouj train is to bo
abandoned Accoiding to the statement of
nn nfllcinl jcstetday , the travel for the past
few weeks has not been heavy enough to pay
the expenses ot the engineer. A heavy fall-
lug olT is also noticed on the dutninj , and
seems to bo constantly glowing beautifully
A plat was \estorday filed with the county
recorder of Hclden's subdivision of lot ! . 1 , 1 ! ,
II and 4 , of block U , Ilngg's second addition to
the ciU of Council Hlulfs The hind is owned
In ilcssts I'alincr H Uelden and .lames K.
Hlcc , and is situated ij. ) the cistern pirt of
the cltv , neai the corner of Nicholas stieet
nnd 1'ciin avenue
W. T Smith , a founer loaldcnt of this city ,
will an ivo hero tomoirow moiiung foi u
ahoit visit with Ins sou , T b. familli , nt the
coiner of fo-neuth stieet and Sixteenth ave
nue. Mr Smith , sr , now resides In Wichita ,
Kan. , and is en route to C illfornia Ho is
well known iu the lUufls , nnd a large num
ber of old friends will be pleased to gtect
him dining his stnv hcio.
Sc\ei al injunctions have been issued dur
ing tlio past few dajs to prevent the sale of
( .01 tain land for taxes The laud lies within
the oitv limits , but is so far out that it is
used for purposes , and the
owners object to pajing otty taxes on it
The court compiled with thuir ic-quost nnd
is sued the nccessaii pipers to pi event the
ticasui or fiom selling the bind foi the uon-
paj mcnt of these taxes.
For the second time within n few weeks
the home of Mi. and Mis L 15. Cousins is
bereft bv the visitation of deatli Their in
fant daughter , but nine weeks of age , was
taken fiom t'icm 'icstci day morning. The
little ones was frail fiom its birth , and the
'icsult was not wholh unexpected It is but
two months since Ralph , n manly llttlo fellow
of nine . \ earsvas called av.ay , after a long1
illness biought on by the cuelessness of u
teamster , \\lio dio\o over him iu the street.
The bet caved pueuts liirvo the sincoiest
Biinpathy of many fiieiidb in their double
nlltlction. The f uncial will tal Ppluco from
the lesidoncc , ut.'l.'ATenth avenue , at 10 , .it )
o'clock tins moiiung Rev. O.V Uiofta , of
the Congregational cliuich , will olllciatc.
Thn Motor Servian.
A now turn table lias been put In just be
low Thirteenth sticel , and another switch
on the street car line near the transfer , to bo
used w lieu the now time card goes into ef
fect. As soon ns the electric cars begin to
tun on a regular schedule three horse cars
will bo put on the transfer line , iiom
Thiiteeiith sttcct to tlio transfer , and will
make connections with eacry motor car ,
thus running the Omaha and transfer lines
in connection. Tlio Mini street service will
be conducted ns an independent line , the
same as heretofore , running the three cats
through to the cast end of lirondwuy , and
giving a IHtecn-inmute service , On the
other lines passengers will bocairlcd through
to the transfer for u cents , ns at present.
It is stated that if the electric sjslem proves
satisfactoiv after a few months' trial , the
service will oe extended to the Main street
line tlio 111 st tiling in tlio spring , and later
to the entire Si stem. If the season was not
already so ini advanced , it was the intention
of tlio company to put In another switch in
front of tlio Hradlej building , on South Main
stieet , and put a ten-nilnute sen Ice on that
line , but it will not now be attempted , Tor
the next tin co monthi it w ill bo u fair ti ial
of mules veisus "motes , " nnd tlio indica
tions are ten to ono iu favor of the latter.
A I1"ral I Shoplifter.
T An infoi motion was yesterday Jlled before
'Srpmo ' Sthur/ charging one Lena Frank
with the laiceny of $ - 5oith of velvet ,
Jackets , shawls , etc , from tlia dt.\ goods
stoic of A. L ruiinnn. The woman was ar
rested Tuesday evening in Stella Long'i
bagnio on Hioadwuv , of which she Is un in
mate Some of the stolen propeity was
found In her mom. Shu was taken to the
countvjnll , wheio she now Is contlncd , pend
ing nn examination , which will talto place as
soon as County Atloinoy Oailcycuu sp.iro
the nerossiiry tlmo from the distiicl couit ,
wheio bo is now engaged in the prosecution
ol casos.
Personal I' .
'i raveling Auditors H II. Cadwallader , of
the Uhic-ugo , liuillnglou & Qulncy ; K II.
Hcnnanty , of tlio Kansas City , mid 1 } O ,
Hiandt , of the Huilington .t Missonii , are
it the clt checking up the tlekots ut the
depot uml uptown offices of tho"Q. " Their
work will tcquiio two or three days.
II. 1' . Ilattonhnuer leaves to day for Daud-
wood and other tow ns in the ivooloy west ,
IIo will bu awuy scvcial Uujs In the interest
ol his business.
Special ( ommunic.itlon of Mluff City I/nlgo
No , 71 , r. & A. M , this ( Thursd iy > even.
In if , December IBVoik in third degieo ,
Visiting biothrcn coidially invited. JJy
order of the W. M.
llio Ir > illiiiiiit ( ) Still I'opuliir.
You say tlio ] ) cojlo ) don't euro for llio
lok'Hiimito ilnnnii nujnioio , bu\stlio
Now York lie , aid , and nro "iilcaboil
with the nitllo , tlelclud witli tlio stiaw"
of burlesque and farce , tin thunder ,
transformation bcencs and othut' bo-
Well , Mr. Hoothand Mr. Jlat-rott Imvo
luid miraculous hoiibcti , nnd have con
tinued to draw u& steadily as a bix horse
team. Thoj are equally good in single
or double luinieas , and whether It is
] tooth or ] 3nrrottslnglyor both of them
tocoUior , they are Btiro of a lavyo audi-
Mis' ' * Mary Anderson , too , in "Wln-
tor'bTtilo , " ib deli lituigf Now Yorliors.
Thny gro OIKJO , tlion n second tiirio , and
tlion all tlio lime. Thcru iw no clnplnip
about the pl < ii ; it is all full of honest
Of coifr-o we like to Jauffh , nnd tlicso
is oomothinj , ' about tlio ininetrols and a
tiavesty iiiul an oxtv < ivnnn < ! a which
helps to drive dull care ivway. Wo
split our heads against hard , llinty bus
iness all duy.aiid it does us good to split
ourjiidea wUJkjoJity "t nlfht.
Dut wlion1yotTBiiy tlmt strop g dra-
matlo itrt has had itn day why7 } ou arc
mistaken , that's all , .
The Second Day's Dolntrs of the
Horticultural Socloty.
Accident to n 1/o.uIeil Illp Pookot
Ijnboi * Well I oil -
ini'lo ) HoL-oxor-
lutr I'roiii Siunll-l'ox Tln ( Jns
Onllinxni'c Xot Ucpoulod.
Tlio Moi-tloulliirNls.
The sccoiul dn > ' mcotiiiROf tins Western
lowu IlintlcuUur.U association was ovril
nioiuloigoh iittuiuliJil thitu tlio Hist , fully
twenty iiiot'O iiioinbors arnvint * from adjoin
ing counties Tim proKi.uniuo us published
In .vcstcr < lni's Unrvai ROIIO throiiRh nllli ,
and oxcral IntorcitiiiR | > iH'rsvriu | load.
Tlio lust day of the session opuns this mom-
liiKt nml tliero will bo
Tlio oidcr for to ili\i It us follows
Kuspboiilointid Ulockboiilos A C. S bln ,
( .ilOll\\00l.
Ki'i'oi t Sliclby Cotinti J 1J. Ulnck , tlnr *
Hepoit Coiintv J. IVan Simla , Oitc-
UoHiit | On tin k < County Ulcliiinl Hopkins ,
near ( trove
A Comparison of Hoi ticultuto with Oilier
Pursuits . 1' . iillott : , Hod OiiU.
Kopon Iluirlson Countj M. 1'ngsloy ,
Kopoit Cnss Countj H. D. M Qcchon ,
dubs and II\briih ; Their Value II. A.
Terry , Ciesoent Cltv. /
Strawbciilos L , A. Williams , Oleuwood.
AVIint Huvo We heained New in the Nu >
scri,1 H Klce , Couneil Ultirts.
Unfinished IJusiiiess. '
Adjoin nmcnt
The Otis Urtlliinnco.
At the last mooting of the city council n
icsoliition jiaylng the way for the annulment
of tlio pieseiit gas clmi lor was adopted bv n
unanimous vote. This showed how the
councilmen full relative to the mutter and
nothing uioie. The oidiuauco lopeillug the
chatter v\as culled up and , and ufIOL-
Ueluto was laid ever under the ittlos The )
adoption of the resolution iu no w.n affects
the chat tor or the business of the company
opointlng under It.
During the debate CityAttoinoj Holnio )
pa\o cxpiesslon to nis \ lous in substance as
lolloxvs Supposing the council does losclml
the cliaiter , what then ! No powei cm tom-
pel the tfas ooinpiinv to vacate its piopoitj.
Jt can contluuo to nnuuf ictuio and siipp'i ' to
customois the suno as uo\v. If another
company comes lu hoio wjth u plant
then the business of supl\hiK ) ) Is u mat *
tor of competition. The people would Rot
cheap IMS for awhile , but ovontu illy ono
unupanj would ub-iOib tlie other , and the
( .omfllious tlien would bo worse than they
uro now. hot an elci'ti ic light comp my put
n plant in heie and t1 into competition with
the pas compnuj , and the < iuestion of o\
oibitant latos will settle itself
The oidinunco is in the hands ot the coun
cil us a committee of the whole , nml should
this MOW of the city altoiuebe concurred
in by that bodj the ordinance will probably
die whciott is Theio aie now foui cloctilo
light companies seeking entrance hero with
their lespootlvo s\items , HO that without
doubt tlio city mil bo supplied b\ \ the best
Unouii hi stem of illuminatlan at tlm lowest
possible rate , and that at an e irli day.
An J nil to Siunll 1'ox
In UCPOIdance with the action taiten by the
touucil at the ntoctmi ; Tuesday ovcnliic , the
iniisos cmp'oicd ' in Liimg foi the hinall pox
p.iticnts at the lAnm.ui icsiduuce in thi )
eastern patt of the i Ity nio to bo leleased
fiom their conlliieinent after belli ) ; piopoily
disinfected , but the place will still he quur-
i.intincd for soveial days It is stated that
nil of tlio uflhcted ] ) .ii lies have antiiclj ic-
Lovctcd , with the e\ceition | of one of tlm
Kol/ ! children in the building adjoining tlio
Cat tcr house near the transfer , and she is
iccovcuug , It is also stated that each mom-
bui of the stricken households has had the
disease , and theie aic no more to take it. If
tins statement is title , mid the iiuaiantlno
has been as perfect as it should li.ue been ,
theie will bo no moic new cases.
Iln Found U'IIN loaded.
A peculiar accident occmiod at the dnif ?
store of IZ C. Hro\vu , on South Main stioot ,
last cvcnliiK A stranger cntoiod and bought
n cigar and slatted out. As ho closed the
door after him , a deafening' icpoit was
heal d , and tlio stranger was seen standing
on the sidewalk vlgotously nibbing Ills log.
An investigation icvealoil the fact that the
door sliuck him on the hip , exploding a re
volver that ho was carrying , and tlio ball
ranged down his le < ? , buiii'iignnd ' blistering
the sl.iu Ho dlsipiicaicd before his Idon *
tlty could bo nscoi tamed , evidently bulng
airnld to have it known ho was uinyiug
n concealed weapon. The manner In which
the Jlrcarm wn discliaiged wim a most pe
culiar one , and should seivo as a wutnlng to
other walkingarsenals. .
Good Slum in ; ; for
There sccui1 } to bo 11 great amount of work
going on for this season of the year. Steady ,
tellable workmen are not having so much
Idle time as generally in cold weather. A3
an indication of how labor is bjing employed ,
the icpoits of tlm Knights of Labor in Uii.4
city apeak well for this city Tlio Knights
have an organized bureau ol labor , for the
piiiposo of btouijiig work lor those who
need it , and sccui ing employes foi tlioso
wanting such help. At ptescut tliero are
none of the Knights whoaioout ofomploy-
meul , and there aio more men needed than
can bo supplied just now. This spo lies well
for tlio piopeity of Council lilulls. When
labor is Kept steadily employed , the city
must be Ihih'ing.
AVonld-Mo Woodmen.
The wives o tlio Modern Woodmen met
yeslci day aftoi noon and perfected tlmlr or-
ganl/ation. The nunio uoluctful is tlm "La
dies , Woodman society. " Tlm lollowing
ofllcoiB wcio clcctcU1 I'resldent , Mrs. W ,
D Klrkland ; vice president , Mrs. J. S.
Keith ; secretary , Mrs , C. W , Williams ;
Measurer , Mrs , J , H , ( Jleuvcr. The ofllcon
are to bo selected seini-nimually , In tliclr
dcllboratlons tlm luilies oxhiblted an nptnons
for business la their methods which could
not , bo excelled by anybody of tlio stronger
sex The objects of the association are not
glxcli to the public , but it Is presumed they
are to bo helpmates of their husbands in thn
uoik of the oigaul/atlon. Succeus to the
ladles iu their effort.
Dentil ol' Jnuol ) Appel ,
Jacob Appol , n well known South Main
sticotgiocer , died Tuesday ovoiunif ofiiou | -
nioiiia , lit the age of forty llvojeais. JIo was
bout in Ostrigcn liriicksul , Iliden , and cnmo
to tliis country in lt > < < 3 , settling in this city ,
whcie helms blnco losidod. IIo had a wide
circle of ueijualntancos , and was highly ro-
hpocted , The funeral will occur fiom fit.
Fiancls Xavior's chuuh. at 0 o'clock tomorrow
row morning. All members of branch No ,
231 , C. 1C of A , uio rofU"itcd ( to bu at their
hull at 8 o'clock , promptly The following
nieinbeis will act ns jwll bearers ! Peter
Tholl , Uudolph Teller , John Kit/gerald , P. J.
Uwing , Peter Hoi 1 : and Hormuii Uiumsmuu.
Tlm motor cars ran until midnight last
night , although business was a llttlo duller
than usual , It Is stated that when the curs
gut to running on regular time , thn lust cae
will lo ivo the Methodist church at I2o'tlock ! ,
and will cross the bridge If tliero are any
passeiigeis , otherwise to go only as fur us
the car house. _
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,1
When Daby wu tick , wo cave htr Coatorio. n
When elio woa a Child , Bho cried /or Cwtorla ,
When the bocarao Hlsf , ( he clur.f to Caitortaf
U'lieu itliohaj ClilidrcJi , nhe gave lUsta CaotoriX