Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Bulls Are Aqaln on Top in the
Whont Whirl.
Provisions SiroiiRcr Game nnd Poul
try Dcpri-SHlnu Hie Ilcef Trnilc
lloitN Opened Iilvclj , With
an Up Turn.
CiifCAdo , Dec. la [ Special Telegram to
TIIR HKK I I'lio price of wheat averaged
higher to dixy , nml the market was strong
most of tliotlinu "It nets as though it Is
Rcoring for n decided movement ono way or
the other , " the freiiucntly expressed
ftcntimcnt The bulls had the cull on news
nnd prico. The first item clrculiluil icl.itcd
to the terrific mistake in the footings of
Hradstrcels' tublo of slocks of flour. This
error was variously stated to bu fiOJOOJto
5&O.IXX ) tind Ci'jfl.iHjJ ban els , this erroneous
total making the stocks appear to ho much
larger tliiin they really wore. In connection
with this , I'lllsburv wired the stocks of
flour were In reality iibout 2t,000 ) barrels
less than the average stocks on tno 1st of
December Since tlio publication of these
reports \vas commenced 1'illstmry finds the
error In Hradstreots' iiildition to bo tiSO.UOJ
barrels. Ho ulso conllrms the report of the *
Biiloof MO , 000 biriols of lloitrfor export lit
the "highest price on ciop " Tlio further
Items of bull news m.iy bo compressed Into
the statement that it is snowing hard in
Dakota and western Minnesota , and that the
ir-eolpts are expected to fall olT rapidly at
Minneapolis In consequence of the storm
nnd the consequent reduction of supplies ,
that the receipts nt Chicago for to-day foot
lip to only twenty eight cars , of which one
car H contract grade , th it the estimates for
to-morrow are for twenty-eight C.UM ; that u
demand is sprlm-ing up for wheat from the
Interior winter wheat points through Indiana
and Illinois and from Louisville. Some in
quiry is also reported for the foreign ae-
count , but no business can bo reported The
manufacturers of b.ikers' grades of flour to-
port H revival of the interest in the export
trade , however not largo as jet ,
but Ntill something and indicative of
lifo. These were u few of the bull Inllii-
CIILCS. Another factor was the growth of
the belief that thu bull leaders had it in their
power to advance prices without risk , and
that they were about ready to abandon their
milking policy , nml inaugurate a little ante
holiday boom. As long as tlio "extravagantly
high prices , " alleged to bo ruling here , fail
to attract wheat to this market , the leading
operators cannot bo made tc- see that they ate
running herious risks. They even icfusoto tlieio is enough wheat in the
country to overwhelm them and they still In-
flisl that tlio correctness of their position will
bo fully established by an absolute scarcity
of wneat before the next eiop becomes avail
able The bears weio deficient hi ammuni
tion , and the local speculative sentiment was
against them. Kven Hutchinsoti , their recent
Holaco and backbone , was seemingly doing
nothing for their comfort and advantage , ami
for onto they desisted from threshing over
the old straw that has been doing set-vice for
the last thieo or four weeks. Thovwoio
unusually nerveless today. May
opened at $1 ffi' % . scored an iidvanco to
$1 JO's c.uly , wonted back , with occasional
} { c ic.ictions , to l.l'IY ) ' , advanced again to
$1.10' $ , sold oft several tunes to if I 10 or
vicinity , and at the tail end of the session
Btoanied up to S1.10K , closing nt $1.10 ' v $
110 } . . .liitiuaiy opened at ? l.05'j ' , ranged to
$1.0-lJ1"l-0.'i M. and closed at tno outsiilo
ilguics. Ti.iding was of only a moiiei.ito
volume and largely piofcssional , though
commission merchants repoit u renewal of
tno public interest to some extent. Tlio
closinu' prices show an entito recovery from
yestei day's decline. On tlio last bulge thci o
was fico selling of the local lone : wheat
bought on previous breaks , but the market
took tlio offerings without weakening.
There was considei able disposition shown
to buy May coi n at Hi } o at the opening of
to day's market , and thcro was likewise it
good deal for sale at the same figure , which
resulted in some fair-sized lots changing
hands. The demand exceeding tlio
supply , however , caused a slight
advance In the price , but it was a
narrow market and devoid of interesting fea
tures. There was about the usual quantity
domed from tlio Atlantic ports , although
Liverpool was quoted as dull and tending
down for American corn. The noticeable
feature was the grading of tlio receipts at
tlila point ; only 14 inspecting No. " to
day out of ! i 14 received. Some strength ac
crued to the market near the close , from tlio
advancing tendency displayed by wheat , anil
the final transactions showed considerable
stiength of feeling amongst the local spec
ulators , wtio were again the princiiul partic
ipants in the struggle of the day. May closed
strong at ilT fttST o , being a gain for the
day of 'fcQ'.j'e ' , and January at 3l' c , which
Is J. ( ( " 2' ' < tc higher than its icsting place yester
In provisions n stronger feeling was mani
fested. ThO local receipts of hogs being
smaller than anticipated , tradcis were In
clined to take n mot o confident view of the
market , though there was little or no dispo
sition to branch out with any fiuedom. From
the stm t trading was slo\v and featureless ,
and for the dav the business transacted was
under the average volume for the season.
The opmatois leaned stiongly to the conservative
vative side , and trade opened and closed in a
somewhat uneventful manner Fluctuations
In prices \\eie confined to a .small range , and
the closings all around were a little higher
than yesterday's last quotations. In pork
the advance established was lOylDc ( ) , in lard
2tfa and In short ribs 507 e.
CHICAGO , Dec. 12. | Special Telegram to
TUB IJr.i : . ] CVTTI.U The Into closing of the
market icstcrday was about ns "mean" as
can bo imagined. Dressed beef bujcrs , on
whom salesmen usually depend to help them
out , went out of the market without buying
half their usual number , with the two best
not buying at all. This action loft n largo
* number of fair to good steers in the pens
over night. Then again thoiugular shipping
trade only bought sparingly , less than 3,000.
This was the condition of afTaira when the
market opened this morning , and up to n Into
hour trndo ruled blow , with the outlook that
common and fair natives would sell lower.
The demand was solely for a few good na
tives nnd Christmas stecis. No ono seemed
to want medium and fair stock. Tim
city markets , as uvory ono IB aware , IUQ full
of game , poultry and treasonable articles that
tnliu tlio place of Uoof. consequently diessed
beef doaUiTH are only buying from bund to
mouth , as the sajing goes. It now looks as
though thcro would bo little or no Impiovc-
untll after Christmas , nt least. Of , n
ight run might help matters n good dent ,
but it would seem ihat every furmor and
feeder that had a load of c.ittlo was anxious
to got It to market. Tex mis were In light
supply and sold steady , which In turn may
have helped to strengthen the cow stock ,
mocker nnd feeder tnulo remains dull.
Hods Truilo opened active with nn up
turn of about lOo , closing steady at the ad
vance. Common and rough packet B sold nt
I5.16i$5.25 $ ; best mixed , fS.-JoOCS 30 , nnd the
bent licavy ut f3.U5Cg5.40. The quality of
stoclc was novel1 better. The Un-
dorwood people paid as high as $0.40 for
three loads that would average 400 Ibs , and
the romuindor of the fancy heavy sold largely
at $5.85. Light sorts of 170 ibs and down
were scarce. The Lipton outfit bought about
thrco hundicd , to average 170 Ibs , tlmt cost
15.30. Light mixed nnd assorted light over
using 210 lb and down to 100 Ibs , sold at
| 5.0 { < tA iiO. liuyors for Nols Moi rls got
nbout two hundred tlmt would avoragu 1U5
Ibs , at t5.HOif5 ( 35. Ono toad of St. Louis pigs ,
averaging 110 Ibs , sold at $5.15.
NBW VOIIK , Doo. 13. fSpoolal Telegram
to TDK UBB. ] STOCKS The stock market
opened Irregular and lower , the general list
showing declines of ) ( ( & } ( per coaorsey \
Central , However , opeuoJ j { and Atchlion } (
per coot over Ust ulfjut's closing flguro * .
London was on the buying side ot tha market ,
particularly in St Paul , while the conimis
slon houses appeared to bo picking up stocks
all nround the ronm The profcsiional room-
traders bc an btivlng foi turn , nnd the mar
kut soon brcamo active nt advances of W1
per cent , Missouri 1'aclflc scoring 2j , Union
Pacific , IV Hock Inland , 1V5 Jorsoi Cen
tral , I < , Chicago , Burlington fj , Qulncv , I1- * ) )
and Now England , 1 ' * per cent advance. The
dliectors of the Missouri 1'acltlo nro to moot
to-tiny , nnd it Is said on good authority a 1
per cent dividend Will bo declared Dela
ware .t Hudson has been quiet. Fluctua
tions are within a narrow range. It is said
that n largo block of short stock was settled
yesterday at 1 'JO , on private terms , thus
leaving the market In n normal stile. The
buying of Jersey Central was Improved on
tlio report tlmt the company was earning S
per cent , and the stock was booked for much
higher prices. Toward noon the market was
more quiet , and prices were n little easier at
fractional declines.
The market Improved considerably In the
afternoon , on the announcement of n dlvl
dcnd of 1 per cent on Missouri Pacillc and
1 ' 4 per cent on Western Union. The shorts
wore active buyers , Missouri P.iclllc , Liulm-
Wiiim and St. Paul all closing nt nbMit the
best prices of the day. Now England ex
hibited some strength in the early dealings ,
but peislstont selling , said to bo for Boston
account , weakened that stock , nml the close
shows n loss ofjjfper cent from the best
prices. Tno not gains for tlio day show :
Hock Island , * f ; Northwest , 1 ; Chicago ,
Hnrllngton & Qulncy , IV Norfolk .t West
ern proforicd , * { ; Delaware & Hudson , 2'fT ' ;
Lake Sliote , lt , and Lnckawani , \ " * per
cent. Total sales , 2s5,419 shares , Including
Lackawana , 32,00(1 ( ; St Paul , 20,00 ! ) ; North
western , 10,000 ; Union P.icille , 21,0)0 ) ; Held-
Ing , 43,000 ; Missouri Pacific. m.OOJ ; Now
Kngland , 24,000 , and Uock Island , 1(5,000 (
The following were the closing quotations
U.S. 4s regular 1 „ ' . ' ( Northern Pirlllc . ! M'
U. H. 4scoupons r.T'f doprr-rerri-il , . . . fii't '
t' . S. 1'sriKUlar H C. A N. W . . 101
V. S.4'tHcoiipnns IDS < lo preferred , . .IIS
Pailllcilsof ' 01 II'J N. V. ( Viittnl . . . .107
( Vntrul I'iciltc .U'i 1' . , I ) .VII
Chit uiro A. Alton III Hock l-ilxnil . . . 1'TU '
CliiiMigo.Ilurlington C' . , M. A. St. l > . . . . ( II
, VJulucv . . Kid' ' i iloprofurroil. . . .NM'i
I ) . , Ht \ W . .UT'-i I St. rani .V ( imnhi
Illinois Contra ! . 114 tloir | ferrnl . .101'
] . , II. Av\V. . . . 1 ! Uulnii Pacific XTevas . ll'i \V..Kt.J , . .VI-
I.nki-Shoro . . ! i < ) ' , do preferiod. . -I
entral Western Union. . . JtJ'i
.Mlssoiirll'acillc ; 71
MONKV ov CAM. Easvat 25B2' ' < per cent ;
last loun , 2Vrf percent ; closing offered ut2)-j )
per cent.
STEIII.ISQ KVCIUVOE Dull but steady at
M.SItf for sixty-day bills , and M.SSj ; for
demand. _
CIIICAOO , Doc. 12 Wheat Pirmer , cash ,
W.OI'rf ' , Jantiiirv , * 1.0" > J < ; Mav , $1.10 11-10.
Corn Firmer u'ash , 3'J 0 lOe ; January ,
; )4Xo ) ; Mav , 47 ll-lk ( ? .
( jats Firmo ; cash , 20 ; January , M'o'c ;
May , 'J'J 5 li'.c.
Uvo 51c.
Uiirtoy Nothing doing1.
Prime Timothy Nothing doing.
Flax 51 m.
Whisky fl 20.
Pork Steady ; cash , $13.47 } ; January ,
f.l.r.2l | < f ; Mav , $13 MJ .
Lard Stead.v ; cash , J3.10 ; January , ? S.OS ;
Mav , ? x 07' ' . ; .
Flour Firm and unchangedwinter ; wheat ,
$ n.7V ( S 75 ; spring wheat , $ I V ! . " > ( Sii5 ) 7. ) ; rye ,
% Bulk" Moats Shoulders , 57.00 7 12 ;
shoit clear , ? 7 a7'ji7.oO ' ( ; short ribs. J70J(2 ( >
Butter Dull ; creamery , 22@30j ; dairy
Choose Firm ; full cream cheddais
Hats , llall'/o ( ; Voung Americas ,
btendy ; fresh , 20@21c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
G ) u ; light green salted , G o ; Rreen , flu ;
salted bull , 5'fc ' ; green bull , 4'4'c ' : green
dry flint , 712'Jl'3c ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; bnmdc.l .
hides , 15 percent off ; deacons , 25@3Jc eicli ;
drv salted. IDC'tiric.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid 5c ; No. 2 ,
Ic ; cake , Q' c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls. . . " . . 14,000 11,000
Wheat bu . 23.000 13,000
Corn.UU . 313,000 2S4.000
Oats , bu . 210,00'J 121,000
Uye , bu .
Minneapolis , Dec. 12. Samtilo wheat
was held nt about yesterday's ' figures , but
holders complained about lack of inquiry , and
aim-go share of giaiu could not find pur
chasers ut previous prices. Receipts wro
2b3 cars. A gooJ. deal of low ( Trade stuff was
carrion uwny pnsold at the lltiish. Closing :
No. 'Ihmd , December , $1.20 ; January ,
if 121 ; May , $123 ; on track , $1.21 V
No. 1 northern , December , ? 1 09' $ ; January.
H.10 ; May , $ llPHon ( ; track , * 1.12oa 15 ;
No. 2 northern , December , tl 02 ; January ,
$1.08j May , * 1.0UK ; on Hack , ? l.0-'oi)1.05. )
Mllwaukcr , Dec. 12. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 0(1 ( YC ; January , OSc : May , $1.01 < .
Coin Dull ; No. y , : U@Jlc.
Oats -Steady : No. 'J white , 2
live FirniiiNo 1 , 51c.
JJarloy Kasy ; No. 2 , ( itl' c.
Provisions Firm ; poik ,
Clncliiiinti , Dec. 12. Wheat Dull ; No.
2 icd , $1 01.
Corn Dull and licnvy ; No. 2 mixed , 37c ,
Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed 27@27)io..e = 3
Uvo Dull ; No. 2 , We.
Whisky-Firm at il. 14.
St. liouls. Dec. 12. Wheat Higher ;
cash , $1.01 ; May , $1 OStfOl.OS ? , , ' .
Corn Higher- , cash , UO cj January , 30
Oats Lower ; cash , 20c ; May , 2S v320c.
Pot k fl 1.00.
Lard Finn at $3.00.
Huttor Dull ; dairy , 10@2Cc ; northern
roll , 2JC"3lc ; creameiy , 30@ilc. ;
Ijlvernool. Dec. 12 [ Special Cablegram
to TUB llri : ] - . ' ! 30 p. in. Close. Pork , holders
offer moderately ; prime mess , eastern , His
3d. steady ; do , western , 71std ! , firm ,
Laid Holders offer spot moderately and
futures sparingly ; spot4s ( ! ltd , steady ; De
cember , 453 , steady ; Januaiy and Febru
ary , 43s lid. steady.
Wheat Holders offer freely ; new No. 2 ,
winter , fcs , Mcnd > ; do , Bpiing , bs Id , steady.
Flour Holders ofTer moderately at 12s ,
Corn Holders offer freely ; spot , Is 7 d ,
easy ; December , 4s 7d , dull ; January , 4s
February , 4s 3d , steady.
fi City , Dec ; . 13. Wheat Quiet ;
No 2 led , cash , HUe bid ; Mav , * 1 03 1 < asked ;
No 8 led , cash , S3o bid ; No. 2 soft , cash ,
.HPjfbid ; January , 9 > tfo bid ; May , 51.07K
Corn Qulot ; No. 2 , cash , 2(5 ( 0 bid ; Jan
uary , 20 0 bid ; Mny,2'.iKobid ; No. 1 white ,
May sales at Uli o.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
January , 21 } i > bid ; May , 24J o bid.
Nuw Vork , Doe. 12. Wheat Receipts ,
54,450 , ; exports , nouo ; spot market very
quiet , hut strong and KilKc ( higher ; No. 2
red , ( l.l > 4@l-05K in elevator , JI.OO Q
1.07 , ' afloat , * l,0ilitf < vj1.03 ! frco on boatil ;
No , 3 red , Us > o . No. 1 red , 51 14. Op
tions quiet , but ? i lc higher aiur strong ;
No. 2 led , January , closing at S1.0t ! } { ,
Corn Receipts. C9.3M ; exports , 107,300 ;
Bjwt market fairly active , but u trlllo
weaker ; No 2 , 4l@IG ( ) c In elevator , 47@
47J-jo afloat ; uiignulcd mixed , : i7@47j o ;
No. 8 , 42e ; options dull ; December } o lower
and others steady ; January closing nt KlJ-is.
Oats Receipts , OJ.OOO : exports , 20,0)0 ;
spot nmrkot leas active , J4 < 3l < o lo\ver nnd
weak ; options dull , but steady ; January
closing ut Sljtfc ; spot , No 2 white , 31 ®
mixed western , 30$3.3c ; white west
ern , ! t.40c. ! .
Oatteo Options opened steady at 15 25
points up mid closed firm at 20 ( < 35 points
above yesterday. Sales , 7U.MX ) bags , In.
eluding December , | 15.15@1525 ; January ,
( PID.25MH5.40 , Fobiunry. f5 ! 80i15.40 ( ; March ,
$1545Q15tW ; April , * 15BJ15U3 , Spot
Rio , unsettled ; fair canroos , IU.23.
Potrolouui-Qulet and steady j united closed
at 89) ) < o.
nnd about steady ; western ,
Pork Dull ; mc , $14.751500.
Lard Stronger , with freer speculation ;
ales , western stcatn , IS 50 ; January closed
ut $6.30 blil.
Hutter In inoderato demand and weak ;
western dairy , U@.Mo : western creamery ,
iiOfijyic ; lilein , nominal.
Obeeso Firm and in fair demand ; west
ern , 10@liic.
MVK srouu. .
Doc 12 I'ho Drown Joir-
nnl reports as follow *
Cattle Receipts 11,000 ; market dull nnd
slow ; Christmas steers , W JO ; others steady.
I logs -Receipts. 20.000 ; market active mid
firm : rough nnd mixed , * ' ! 00@i.lO ; ; light ,
$5 lV < ji3 : , > , packers nuil shippers , ( j.2Jd ?
a 40.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 , market fairly
active and lower ; natives. $ .1 onfttS 50 , west-
cms , M.lOjdTu ; Intnbi , f300-ri70.
Kiumnn City. Doc. U. fnltlc Receipts ,
4,000. shipments , 2 sK ! ) ; market stendye\ccpt
for choice cows nnd feeding steers , which
were. . ( JlOe higher ; dressed beef nnd butch
ers' itecrs , slow ; good to common corn-fed ,
fl.40l ( < ? 0 , common to medium , * : i20iit4. : ) ;
stockcis nnd feeding steers , ? l C0
grass range Blccrs , $1 Oitj2 ) > 0j cov\ ,
Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; shipments , none ;
liqht weights stendhcav.V ; , slow , steady to
weak ; Rood to choice. & % 07 > a@5 1SK < com
mon to medium , II ' .10(35 ( 05.
Nntlntinl Slock Ynrds , linst St.
houis. Dec. 12 Cnttle Receipts , 1,100 ;
shipments. ' 00. market strong ; choice
he.ivi natlvo steers. W.OOrttftliOj fair to
good native stecis , $440 f.MO ; butchers'
steers , medium to choice , f.1 : ) ' < f4 50 ; stockers -
ers mid feeders , fair to irood , $ JHoc845. )
rangers , coin-fed , $3.00(1 ( ? 1.20 , crass fed. * .MO
wi : 10.
Hogs Receipts , 0.400 ; shipments , 700 ;
market n sliado higher ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections , 5 20 ( < t. > : ! 0. paeklng , 1110-
tlium to prime , ( riOOifi'JJ ; light grades , or-
dinuii to best , fLDOQi'i 10.
Wcdncsdnv , Dec. 12. 1SSS.
There xvns no quotable chanpe In the cattle -
tlo market to-day , but there was n heavy
falling off in receipts. The jards nppeiircil
almost deseitcd and there weio hardly
enough entile to make a market. Sonic of
the cattle , however , weio very good , and as
lilKli us S4 paid for stec-rs nnd $ t3 ° >
forcous Almost everything desirable was
sold before the close.
The receipts were heavy again to-dav. and
thn mat ket was nctlvo at nn advnuco of r > o.
Tlio buyers bought up oven thing early and
nothing was left over , aside fiom n few
loads which arrived Into in the afternoon
after tlio maikcthad closed.
The receipts were liijht nnd cvcjj thing
was sold before the close.
Cnttlo . T . rir 0
Heirs . 7,500
Sheep . 2r
The following is a tiblcsof iiriC3 ? pill in
this marKOt for the graio * of stocc men
Primesteers. 1309 to 1500 Ibs. .fUft ( HH 50
Prime steers. HOi ) to 13JJ ibs. . 8.21 rtl.OO
Nntivo feeders . 2.75 ( ii.1.00
Western feeders . 2 ( ! 0 i 2.)0 ! )
Ranvo steers , com'on to choieo 2 50 vfdH.'JO
Common to good cows . 1.2" > ( rt'J.OO
Choice to fancy cows . 'J.OO ' < t2 50
Commonto choice balls . 1.2"i WJ.OO
Fair tocaoico light hoes . 500 ( cf.'i U5
Falrtoclioioo tieavy lion . 5.15 ( # 525
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.00 ( (4315
llJ -
No. A.r. Pr.
4 bulls . 1,512 51.40
1 cow . 040 l..O
I bull . 1OM ) l.t.j
II bulls . lH7.l 1 to
4 bulls . 1,3" 1 75
4 yearlings , . 4J7 1.75
1 cow . 1.2..0 1 ! K )
It ! cov\s . 7. > 7 l.'JO
20 cows and bulls . 1,101 1 ' .10
1 bull . 1,210 200
7cows . IHO 2 10
11 cows . ll'Jl 2 10
4 cows . 1,175 2.25
18 cows . 1,0 0 22o
1 bull . 1,1170 280
1 cow . 1,110 240
I 1 co \ \ s . 1 ,0s7 2 50
4 cows . 1,2(0 ( 2 50
: t calves . -KU 2.M )
2 cows . 1,300 2.75
1 cow . 1,810 2.75
4 slockers . bbl ) 2.75
2 stockers . SM 2.75
2 steers . &M ) 2.75
1 steer . 1,110 2 75
17 stockci s . 8 15 2.SO
1 feeder . ! )10 ) 800
12 cows . t . l,0.iO 300
10 cows . 1,171 3 10
1 ! ) cows , natives . 1 077 3.25
3 butcheis' steers . 1,020 3 25
5 steers . 1,020 8'iO
20 steers . 1 ,05 $ 8 35
3 cows . 1,44 ( > 8 35
10 steers . ltH ! 840
4 steers . 1,183 840
10 steers . 1,012 8 50
II steers . 1,123 8 50
a oxen . l.S'.IO 8 ( < 0
10 steers . l.ST.O 400
1 calf . 150 400
1(1 ( steers . 1,24 " 400
19 steers , corn fed natives . 1,27-J 4 15
14 steers . 1,139 450
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk , Pr.
73 . . .211 IHOfl 54 S.1 58. .293 200 f 10
01 . . 207 2X ) 4 05 fk ) . .2(5.2 ( IdO 510
03.-.U 500 4S. .11 JO 100 5 10
70..2d9 240 500 80. .250 28J 5 10
71 . . .1I3 ! ; tH ( ) r.oo 72..U1 320 5 10
Ml. . . . 253 fad 500 l > S..2'Jt ' 240 5.10
59. . .24' 80 5.0. ) CO. . .2i0 ! 40 510
1.9. 213 40 500 03 200 5.10
72. . .25 120 500 04. 120 5.10
02. 1) ? ICO 5 00 . . : uo 20 5.10
! .250 720 500 57 240 5 12'
. 2.1(1 ( ( MO 500 ! ! itot 820 5,12 < < f
" bO 500 100 2'11 2b ( ) 5.12tf
"an 440 500 57 1(0 ( 5 12K
. .24'J J20 5C .2-3 120 5 15
M , .24 ( ! II JO 5 03 5' ! . . . .314 120 5 15
. .2.17 5 01 5,5 . . .311 210 5 15
02..24.3 100 5 05 " . .SJO't ' 40 5 15
5' ) . . 272 3 JO 5 05 Ill" . .317 200 5 15
4aO 5 ( II 4S. . . .3.10 ] 2 ( ) 5 15
04 . . . -Til ! 200 r. o- > ' . ajl ) 2SO 5 15
OS. ' ' . ) - , * 200 5 05 b . . .2b'J kO 5,15
. ! .2'.0 ' 2M ) 5 05 51. . . .331 80 5.15
. . . 'Jill KiO 5 05 51. . . . ! ! ( ) ( ! 1(50 ( 5 15
. . .270 120 5 (15 ( rr . . . .8ir M ) 5 15
' 210 5 05 50..2'I7 ' 200 5,15
. ! .202 2 0 5 07i (50. ( . .Hir > 5 1C
. . .275 120 5 07K ,2'J-J 1C ) 5 15
. . .2)2 ! 200 5.10 01. . ! UI bO 5 15
. . .H-'O 510 01.4l ! .JB1 } 40 5 17K
. . .271 Tso 5.10 05. . 'M > 200u 5 17)u )
. . .277 210 5 10 5J. ] u ) 5 20
5.10 bO 5 20
120 510 1. . . .849 240 520
57..254 200 5.10 01 . 5.20
53 . . .284 100 5.10 51 . ! ! iiU 5.20
5.1. . . .301 120 5.10 ! . . . . -'Ul 40 5 25
65 200 5.10 52. . .3(51 ( 120 5 21
0 . . .2711 fell 510 4b . .3ir ( ItO 5 25
02 . . .270 200 510 51..851 5.25
GJ..305 5.10 43..85. ! 5 S3
C0..30'J ISO 5,10 43.300 60 525
bllCLl' .
No. Av. Pr.
220 natl vo sheep . 84 * 3.45 '
Ijlvo Sloolc Notes.
Sioux City received 3,000 hogs , Clnciiifntl
12,000 , Indianapolis 5,000 , and St. Paul
1,0 , JO.
Prndiicn , Fruits , Ktc.
HOTTER Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
20Q7300J choice country , 22V ( 25o ; medium
grades , 18 < 321o ; common graded , 10fel Ic.
FIOUK Nebraska iiatontu O.oOf < $750 ;
Minnesota patents , tt.2V ! > i7,75 ; straight
grades. 15 00&5.50 ; bakers' Hour , 5.255.75
per bbl.
PorATorsNebraska , 23(240o ( per bu ; Col
orado , 75 ( < rbOc.
SWKUT POTATOI.S 3@3J o per Ib.
POUI.TIIV Live chickens , J250@2.75 per
doz ; spring chickens , & 250@'JOO ; dressed
chlckcnii , 70bc per Ib , turkey u , 8@10c.
Kaos Strictly froah , 2.i@24o candled.
MALAOA GIIAI-ES In kegs , 12o per Ib.
HANAXIS Common , fl.50@2,25 per bunch ;
Choice , $2.50 3.50.
LBVIOXS 15 00 per case ,
OHAISOI : * Florida , * J.20ii3 ( i5 per box.
GAMH-Por dozen- Mallards , J26J@J.75 ;
teal , J1.00@l 25 ; quail , J3 50 ; pralno chick
ens , $ ) .75' ' < s4.00 ; rabbits , Sl.OO ; sciulrrols ,
J.OO ; vonlson , OGMOo per Ib.
CitA.sniuniKS-fb.OJ : ( < { 9.00 per bbl.
PROVISIONS Hums , No. 1 , ll o ; No , 2 ,
lie ; shoulJors , 7 o ; rib bacon . . , llo ; . clear .
baoon , HJjc ; nicnio ham , JOc ; dried beef
1IUUJ3 , * v/ * i dry salted oleais , short , 8 > ic ;
extra short , 6Ko ; short ribJ/SJ/c ; plckcled
pigs' feat . 15-lb Kits , SOo ; lurd , 8 0 ;
BUioked sausage , 0@Sc per Ibj '
CEi. ttv-25S30o ( per dozj fancy ,
OVIONS.TOin(4Pc ( per bu.
CAnner JJii'pcr ' 100.
HF.IT4Pc ptr im
Ti JIMP * 2.Vper bu.
Sitt-uKnviT UbK 473 half bbl . * J TV
Al'l l.i.s Choice , 2 50R'J 75 per libl . fancy ,
W 00 per bbl ; common , 41 3Pw ( 1 in per bbl
CIB n-Michipaii , ? 30i.til50 ( ! per bbl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , * 15 1 > 0 per bbl.
POP Cons -Rice , ! ic ; common , S'jc.
Hts choice eastern hand | > ickcd nnvie ,
f 2 00 per bushel ; western hnndpickcd nn
vies. $1 75(31 ( SO ; mcdlum < - , * 1 80jil ( 50 , Lima
bcuiis , 5c per Ib.
HvF. . o. b car , Xo. 1 upland 1000 ; No.
2 upland , S" > OH
Hii\v-r > ( Xff ? 10.00.
CIIUPPI.II ru.ii $14 OOijilo ( 0 per ton.
Cons 2iM27c.
O ITS -S Aji .Me.
Vi\io Mt Cider , lOQlsc per gal. : white
wine , lOiiSOc per pal.
HOVDI Mb frames , 15ilSc. (
CJroeers * Lint.
Revised prices arc as follows :
lUdois'ii Stark A , seamless. 220. Amos-
keag , seamless , 17' ' c. Lewistown , A , cim-
Icss. Hie ; American , svnmlcss , 17c. barlnps ,
I to 5 bu , lK'I14c. punnlc * . single , 13c , pun-
tile" . do'lble. 20o ; wool saelt. 3.V
TWMI.X Fla3"c ; extra ail , aomSlc , sail
H , 20ii 21 r. cotton. 22c : Jute. IV.
Dun i Put ir Figs , In boxes , nor Ib. l.fof
Ilk- ; dates , in bo\cs. 7 C10c. Lomion Malaga
Injcr raisins , ] ) er l > ox , ;
loose nil-tins f2 SOui 2 50. rew Valencia
sms , per Ib , 8ic ; California loose muscatels ,
per box2 iMim2 10 California Lonilons ,
18 8 f240. pitted chciries , per Ib. 18c , Cali
fornia pitted plums , nor Ib , l'Jf lc. ) dried
blnclibcirlis , per Ib , " 'iCiV. dried uisnber-
lies , per Ib , 2l i2" > c. evaporated apples , T. ' i"
18e ; Calfoinia sun dried pviahes , l.ic Cili
foinlaunp.iicd evaporated peaches , l.'in.lji-
cvnpoiati'd California npiicots , IV. X.antce
curi nts ( Pj'iiTc , Turkish prunes , 4 i4i'c ,
citron. 22" < 2lc. oianj/e peel l.V : lemon peel ,
Kic , California French prunes , llmlOc.
Co l 1 1 K Mocha , . ' 5n2rti ; Rio. good , M't f
\latuliililing , 2 iCtt2sc. loasting Rm. 15 i
10c , O O Java , 2iw2'c ' ; Java , inttnor , 2-2 ( .
S' > e ; Uio , fancy , IS I ! c . Santos nnd Mnia
culbo , Kd/PV ; Arbucklcs , 2P c , McLaugh-
lln's XXXX. 22' ' c.
Si out tir.intllntcil. 7' ' c. conf. A , 7V < ' ,
white extra C , 7'4i' ' ; extr.i C 7'j.c.cllow ' C ,
I)1 ) ! , ! ' , powdered s'jC. ' cubesloi - .
DPI < vx Choice yellow , 2'l@2'2'.c dnik
colored , 1.1 a 1 Ic.
Ciu.ii Young America full ci cam , 12 (
12JjC , full cream chcddeis , IKSWc , full
croiini lints 12' c.
Pn M i : Medium , in bbls , $500 , do. in
halt bbls , < : UHI , small , in bbls , 10 00 do , m
half bbls. * - ! 50. gherkins , in tibl , i7 00 do ,
in halt hols , 5-f un.
Twiuio Plug. 2iffi'C ( ) , smoking , 10aPOe (
.It i.i.i ts Si. 25 pi-1-.W Ib pad.
Svi.T ? ( 83 per bbl.
ROPI 7-10 , lie
Mil MS Si \u-15ricks , 11(5120 ( per Ib
peniij cakes , 12nlSc ( i > cr Ib ; jnire maple
syrup , rl (0 ( per gal.
TFAH Young Hy on. common to fair , l Cii1
25c , Young Hi son. good to f.incv , .ithii.Vic.
Gunpowder , i omnion to good , 22 ( . ! , Kun ; ( -
pnwdor , choice to fancv , 40 ( tric , Japan ,
common to medium , 15 > t"20c Japan , choice
to liuicy , : ' 0f45c. Oolong , common to good ,
ii.VK.l5o ; Oolong , choice to fnncv S'IGBiOc. '
Imperial , loimiiun to medium , 25jf3'ii.1 ( , 1m-
imrlnl good to fnncv , 40a50 ( .
NL rs Almonds , 15 ( lse. lilbcits , KttClSc ;
Ui.i/il , ft ( 10i. ' , walnuts , 12c.pec.ius , lOjglk.
liuanuts , d a'Jc.
Citic KI iis 6 < < t IPc per Ib' assorted cakes ,
8 ( C3f per Ib ns per list.
CVMI Mixed , ! > M < 12' . c ; stick , { I'jWlle.
lock candy , I0 > . ( nl8c. fancy candj , 7a2 ( c.
IIoi.i AMI IlKitiuso 'JOc.
Coin i > n ti ( 71jc.
Drj Good's.
COTTON Fi ANM i. K ) per cent dis . LL ,
5' , u ; CC , OYc 5S , 7 c , Nameless , 5u. RX.
ISiR. . 20c. No 10 , ' < ; c : No. 10 , HIJ o. No
dO. 12' c ; No. W ) , l.t'.c. No.JIO. colniLil , ' . 'c ' ;
No 5t.\oloicd , 12.No 70. coloted , IJ'jC ,
Bristol. 12' ' , c. Union Pacific , 17c.
Cutlr.TViurHid , white , 1'Jc ; coloied ,
22c.HITTS Standaul , 6i < : pom. 10c , beautj ,
1. " , c ; boone , 4c , 15 , cased * ( > 50
Pin NT- . Solid uilois Atlantic. ( ! c , Slatei ,
lie ; Berlin oil , 0' c Ci.miei oil , 07c.
Pink and Robes Allen. Oi : Rlver-
pomt , G'0 ' | : Steel River , ( ' . 'so ; Riclimond ,
( > ' , e ; Pacific , ie.
I > ii\r [ Dioss , Cluitur Oak , 5'4e ' : Rnm-
apo. IK1- ; Lodi , -V.,0. , Allen , do. Uiclimond ,
( Ic : Windsor , O'jf. ' Uddi stone , O c , Pacific ,
0' < c.
lit.cvriiM ) Sin iTisr. Hcikeley cambric ,
No. 00. li' c ; Hest Yet , 44 , O c : butter
cloth , OOl c ; Cabot , 7HiTaruell ; , half
bleached. S1 o : Piuit of the Loom , ! ' , c ,
Greene G. O c ; Hope , 7j4c ; King Phillip
cambric , lie ; Lonsdale cambiic 11'jC , Lons-
d ale , ' . .ItNew ; Yoik mills , 10' . c. Pcppeiull ,
42-in , lie ; Peppciell , 40-m. Uc ; Pepueiell ,
0 I , Kic ; Pcppeiell , 8-4. 21c. Peppeiell , ! l 4 ,
28c ; Peppoieli , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 1-4 , ' 3c ;
Triumph Oc ; Wamsiuta , lie , Vall-.v. 5c.
Fi ISM.IS Plaid Raltsincn , 20c , Goshen ,
32'c . ; Clear Lake , JO' c , Iron Mountain.
Wlnte-GH , No. 2 = , ' . 22V c ;
GH , No. 1 , ) _ , 2V DII , Xo 2. % . 22' ' . c ; HH ,
No. 1 , % , 80i. ; Quebec , No 1 / 42c.
Consri JIUNS Andioscoggin , 7J/c ; I\car
sarge , 7 c. Rockpoit. 0\c Conestoga , O' c
TICKS York , 30 in , 1'2'jC. York , 31-m ,
13Kc : Suift river , 7 c. Thorndiko , OO ,
8 > j ; Thorndike , Hi : , ' -'jc : Tlioindike , 120 ,
9' ' < je ; Tliorndlke , XX. 15c , Conlis , No. 5 ,
tlj e ; Cordis , No. 4 , 7'jC. '
IJHNiM'j Anioske.ig. 9 oz , 10'jC , Hvcrett ,
7 of , l.Tje ; York. 7 o18' ' < , c , Ha\maker ,
b'ic , Jattiey XX , HKc. Jallrey XXX , l.c ,
Heaver Cieelc AA , l.'c. Heaver Creek UH ,
lie. Heaver Ci eek CC , lOc.
ICrMiciv'i JTANS Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
Ihc ; Duiham , 27-.e. Hercules , Ibc , Leam
ington , 22' ' c ; Cottsuood , 27-jC.
CiiAbii Stevens' 15 , ( i'jC. Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7e ; htcvcns' A. 7'.c . , Stevens' A ,
bleai-hed , t > l c. Stevens' P , s' e ; htovens' P ,
bleached , U'c. ' Stevens' N.'I'jC. Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10'3'c ' , Stevens' Slit , 12' c ,
MISLI l.\\ni s Table on cloth , $2.50 ;
plain Holland , ' , c ; Dado Holland , I2jji-
Hni\\N SilLiiriN i Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7' ' c :
Atlantic 11,4 4 , 7 > , e , Atlantic D , 1-1 , 0e , ;
Atlantic P , 4-1. Oc , Aurora LL , 4-4 , he. All-
loraC , 41 , 4 c ; Crown XKX , < ! ! , ( lfc ;
Hoosicr LL , 4-1 , Oc , Indian Head , I I , 7'jC ;
Lawi-enco LL4 ( , He , Old Dominion , 41 ,
fi'1,1' 1'oppeioll R , I 4 , 7c ; Pcppeiell O , 4 I ,
O'.c ' ; Peppciell , b-l , Ib'jf. ' Peppciell , i-l ) ,
2Ic , Peppeiell , 104 , 2c ! , Ctica C , 4-4 , 44e.
Wnchiisett , I I , 7'jc ' ; Auroia R , 4 I , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4 4 , 0V
DUCK West Points' ) in. So10'Jc ; West
Point 29 in. lOo ? . , l ' c ; West Point 21) ) In ,
12 oI5c , West Point 10 in 11 ot . ] 0c
Fi.ANNi-i.s-Red , C , 21 in. 15' c ; K , 21 in.
21'4c ' ; GU , 24in,20u ; HAP , X , 25c ; JRF ,
J7c. .
GiN-oii'.M Plunkctt checks , 7' c ; Wlutten-
ton , 7'jc ' ; York , 7' ' < c ; Noimamli dress , 8' j ;
Calcutta dress , % Wnittenton \ dies ; . , fajijc ;
Renfrow diess , bjtfftj 12' j'c.
CAMIIHRS Sinter , 5' ' < o ; Woods , 5'4c ' ; Stnn-
duid , 5'4o ; Peacock , 5 ' 40.
PUINTS , iNiiidoliLUU AinolilGVc ; Amer
ican , OJ c ; Gloucester , ( j'c ( , Arnold C long
cloth , 'Jo ; Arnold H long cloth , 10' jc ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 } < Jo ; Steifcl A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , lu c.
First and second clear , l'.f ' In. . . MO OOfiZ.M 00
First and second clear. 1'j ' m . . 47 ( ) .ilf)0 00
Third clear , 1 'Wl lu . 4J 00i(4ii 00
A select , l'4ai ( m . 87 00
H select , 1' , Ml ' 5 In . 3. ) CO
A stock boards , I2 ( 1J ( ft , 12 in. . 40 00
H stock bonids , 12 111 ft , 12 In. . 41 00
O stock boards , 1' inft , 12 in. . 81 ! 00
D stock boards , 12@lt ) ft , 12 in. . 2.1 ( ) ' )
Flooi ing , first common , 0 in. . . . 84 00
Flooilng , second common , G In. . 81 00
Select fencing flooring . 10 00
Siding , flrbt and second clear , 14
( ftlUft . 25 00
Siding , first comtnoi1 , 10 ft . 22 00
Sliling , bCLond common . 10 00
Common boards . 10 00
No. 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50
Fcueinc , No. 1 , 12 ( 20 ft . 10 50
Fencing , No. 2 , 12 , 14@10 ft . 15 60
Joist and Bcnntling , 2x4 , 14@10 ft 1(1 ( 00
Timber , 4x1 , 8x8 , 12(210 ( ft . 1700
Pickets , D and . 2J 00
Pickets , D and H sijuiuo . 22 00
Shingles , extra A . 280
Shingles , standard A . 2 ( X )
Lath . U 40
OG Halts , 2Ja' in . CO
O G Halts , ! Kx3 , S I S . 35
3 In well tubing , D and M bev. . 22 00
Hemlock solo , 18@2Toperlb ; oalc solo , . ' 11
( ajjloperlb ; oaklmtness , 80@32c psr Ib ;
selected oak and trace , 83c per Ib ; oak and
hemlock upper , 20@22o per foot. Hemlock
calf BUln , No. 1 , bO(400o ( per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf sUIn , No. 1 , OOc@I.OO per
Ib ; Pniladolphia calf skin , oxtrn , fl.OftQl.10.
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 00(3 ( 70o Per
Ib ; oalf klpsUiu , No , 1 , rOQSOo ucrlb ; Phll -
delplua l lji skin , cxtr.i , Si\nOOc per Ib
French calf skin incoordinate weight and
quality i , Jl l"C < i l 75 per Ib. Fremh kip ikm
do , bOo ( ? l 10 per Ib Cordovan nf c-tt I * . .
ntlii finish. ' 'Uo per foot. welt leather , S3 ' ( '
0/4 M ) per side ; moroccos i pebble coat ) ' 2 < ' ( < i )
, Utc per foot , tnoroc , boot lee , 25 ( < ifltv per
foot ; plovo calf skins. 2 'dp 'Oo ' per foot. I'mijr
Ins kid , HOrdlOc per foot : knnp.iroo skln . 40
( i(5Uc ) > or foot , nccordln ? to ijiiiilHy. Top
l > lncsMO ( li > COpcr do7Cii. lining" , | 1Hir ) (
V.K. ( ) per dozen , apron skins , $10.CO ( 1S.W per
Motnls niut TliniprV Stock.
Hloclt tin , small pip ? 2S
Hlocktin , bar SH
Copper , planished boiler sizes 81
Cojiper , cold lOlleil Ml
Copper , shenthing. . . 30
Copper , pitts HO
Copper , flats 31
Gal sheet iton. Juniatn,5'i ' U ) and6perc iln
Pnt. planished iron , 21 to 27 A Ifl'j
Piiv planished Iron. Si to 2 * I ) '
Rooting , 1C. 14x20 , 112 sheets OHO
Roofing. IX , ll\20. 112 sheets
Roofing. 1C , 2 < ix'2s , 112 sheets 11
Hoofing , IX. 2\2S ( ) 112 sheets 14 W )
Sheet it on , No 2it 8',0
Sheet iron. No 27 MK )
Solder ir > , ( jl7 !
' 1m plate , best charcoal
1C. 10x14 , 225sheets 050
IX , 10x11 , 2.5sheetf ' b 2'i
Tin phtto , cone
1C , KMI. 225 sheets 02. '
Steel nails , per hoe S
Steel wire nails , pel keg 2 It )
OM11 \ .
I t'llM * ArnM-
Depot 10 and M ri j Onmlm. Omaliti'
I Itn nln , lloatrlic nndi
Alinil I " -.II n m. M Vi p. in.
"Oil llnllil 1 lU'l" * < ' 'Da. m , .4U ii. in.
Lincoln llintikeiininll '
l--lanil I'xpio-s f > imp.m 'tl1:20 n m.
I'liciili Mull unit r.\pn > s , ' 7n : < iii , in
-Dully. iDall } i\cupt |
HL'ltl.INl.TON IllHTi :
Depot 111 mill .Milton sU.
O Past l'\puss
u Mail
Doiupr I ast i\iii'i3. : ]
C'lilllnuila Mall .
( iilnt.ili Mall.
Kansas Citv IXpiess ,
Kaiis.iMlt _ _ v ixin : i-ss.
o .v N.-W n , n.
lfol ] 10 anil Mnicyit > " . |
Nit. Ii . . ! 'i-irui m
No. 4. \ f-tlbnle .1 r , sip m
t.Vo. . ' . 7:15 : p. m.
No. 1 llinlv esropt.Mond'y "tin n. in.
No. .1. Ve--tlliile
No. n. 7.0'i p.m.
_ _ _
C , M. .V ST. I'U'1,7 I\ Airne
Hi-pot 10th uuil Jlunvsts. ! Oinalui. Olinili i.
Xo. i ! JiI'iB m.
No. 4 ( I-A'I p m.
7 15 a in.
_ " _ _ j.d'ip m ,
C."hr. P. M. A. O. I.eup ! Airm
T > cpot 15th \\distci sts. ( Inuilia. . Omuli i.
lonC.t } . IHip. . mi 1 ( Kl p m
ItaiKioft KxpiuHS. OJ p. m. Ill nia in
Ouklniul Aiioimnudatlon ' ' . . .i'lii m. Wlp in
M. 1'iinl l.lmtti d U.I i ji m.
'I'xtept Miiiduy.
.MIhM > l'lll I'ACIl ll. Luue .A 11 lid
lK-pot lltli \\ebstti st Oinuhii Dniahi
D.iv i\prc-s : ii , iU a. in.
.NMfht l'\lin--s C in p in
P. , i : . \ M V. II. It.\ < - , \ i rive
Depot I'tli \ Uebitu st Omiihii. Omiihn.
s A III I. i 7li"i 11. m h UMp 111.
5.V < ii.'oik ti.Iirp. in1 1 W a. m.
SUitllllltAN TKAINS.
lliiiinInKlPtii > in'niiiirlI ( I Hulls nnd Albriclit
Inailditlon to the stuloin iuntloni < l , ti.ilns
, it Iiiiiitnth and Ttv -
vtop < ! iity-fiiiiitti stiet-ts
unit nt the uiimli ) in O.n inn.
lliond- Ti in - I Omnlia ci.uSouth i Al-
w.iy. | tu'i. depot. | & ' ) .Omaha blight.
U i > onih i Omaha Inins- lire id
btlKlit. Omiihn. fehculey depot. ler. | waj.
"A. .M. \ . M. A. .M. 17 M. AT rr TM.
6 ; r fi : , ' )7 ) , ( K ) i
i-in , ( I 21 ( , tO
7.0) ) 7 .111 T.lft 7:20 : ' '
7 r. . ) ' , nf , ( l.l'l ' t11 s'7 ' .i.'i
H:1l : I'I ! l :07 : V 15 ' .1:27 : 'i.K
HVi : 10 07 10.n 10 z ; in.f'i
10.10 1(1:51 ( : 11 (17 n r > 11:27 1IB
11 .10 11. "i I' M. P. .M. I' . M. i 1' . M.
I' . M. M 1U 117 l- I" . 12.11
12SO I2fi.i : 1.07 1 15 lH :
1H : ) 1.11 1 ' „ ' 07 U 15 2 ; 11
2:10 : ,1.117 .1 r. J.n
3. fit ) 4 07 1:11 :
4. WJ 4.5.1 ! i (17 ( I'll
6-51 l > 117 ( r.
7:07 : 7 n
7.M 8 OT
h HI 8.M ( I 07 IMG
U5 > SinVi 10.07 10 I' ) in : 11
10f,0 : 1(1 ( : Vi II 1)7 ) nr. II.r. 11:41 : lIuU
11.51 11.T.I I''iOliam h. II.0
. .
A No. 2 ti.OJ p. m , A No. 1 7.W ) a. m.
C1 Nn. ii H.O ) n. in C Wo. 1 il.ll ) p. in.
A No. 4 'l 10 n. m A No. . ) li:4'i : p. in.
CIIICAOO. IIUtUN'li'lON \ OI ' 1N\ ( . -
A No. 4 ! MO : - . . in , A No. 1 7 I ) a. in
A No , H fi 15 p. III. A No. 7 fip. ) . 111.
A No. 0 d. JO p.m. I A No .1 .ii.5J p. in.
niitAcu A. NoitTiiwr.tTi : ii.v.
A No I ! U-JO n. in. \ No .1 . 7 10 n. m ,
A No. 4 D Dip in. 1) ) No 1 7.0' ) a. ill
II No. . ' * .1U [ i. m. A No 5 ( i:4r : > p m.
Uliir.VCO. MIUVAI'Kii : < ScS'l. I'At'U
A No. 2 . 0:4(1 : ( a. in 'A ' No. 1 d.r.O u. in.
A No. 4 7.00 p in. A No. ; i UM : ) p in ,
' .
No. 2 0:25 : n. m A No. .1 fiTO : n in.
No 4 ' 1 .21 p. in \ No. 1 . . .li.TJ p. m.
( M'V A. PACiri
No 10 .7.01 a in. A No. Si . .ki'ft n , in.
No. 12 7 W p. in. A No. II , 'JUO : p , ill.
OMAHA \ 81' 1.01'IS.
A No. ( < .1:41 : p. m , A No. .11. 11 a.m.
A dally : II dailj exc-pt SuHirdnj ; c exitpt
Siinduy ; Dexn-pt Moii'lny ; * lu t mull.
'Ihc tlmo Klti'il u1)i\ela ) fni TialHtii , tncro
being tinni ll\ i to ton mlniit i btt\\con '
fi i and local di pots.
of > 'i > ) > artncntii | | > .
Notice Is IiuiMby ( , ' ! > 1-11 that thu coiiaitnemlilp
llCK-IOfOlU UXlntlllg liel l-ull till' lMHUllltIIL-ll ! ill
tlh' Him mum \Uihncll llio- > . Inn bun ills-
Hohedliv laiiluul < ont-ent. All dehtH duo and
] iii\abli ! toMild Him munt bu huttii-il hythi * first
day of Jiinuniy A. 1) . Inbi , nil BIK-II debts uiiiald |
ut tlmt iliitn will IIP iiIacL'd | n tliu luind.-i o ( our
attorni' ) * tor collection. All dubti against Mild
linn v.111 bipHld on prcbi-ntntlon at mom No , 17
In the Wlthnell Itnlldlm , ' , coinur of Mth und
HaiiiuystrettH , Oinuhii Ut >
The iiulividiuil inumbciii of the sild Mrm nlll
cniulnuu In tiniiimo liiiouf ImulniMs but ench
for and tin hi * supui ntu nu omit.
December 10 , isj" . HH 11 uiu N. WITIINKM , .
. .liiiivVnn.M i.i. ,
N II , 1'or tlio tlmo beini ; we olltr the follott-
nort > for halo Hi a bargain : About
nti i-s of lunil oppo'slto t litgvi > riim > nt corral on
t-onth nvuino. nenr thu I' I' lly tiiuk will
forinamifuctiuini ; puiposus or lumber
yiirdK. Alw > the brlik block , iWltlmell lluild-
Ins ) at \ Is , cornel of lOtn and llarnoy si root ,
Omaha. U'mi M.I.I ,
d-12-d JtJ
Live Sfoclf Commission Mercliants ,
03tu ! - ( loom 31 , Oppojllu KicUspje lluildlns , l/oion
_ _ block ) anl , Boulli Uinalni , Ncli.
Live Stock Commission ,
Itoom II , KxcbanRe HullilliiK , tinon block fardi ,
boulli Uoiubn eLf.
' " " "uTTlON STOC * YARDS COT ,
Of Omaha , Limllel
felui f.
AgrTcintiirni impTomonta.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
nrnngis nnil lliuulo ,1 n - trrpi
luttt Omaha St-litniVn.
Agricnllflrallmiilcments.WapiiSjCarriagK .
KloMiolos.llo Onifilm NVhr kn
\Vholc i\io Denier In
Agricnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
SOI. Xl.t Vi ini ' 07 Jonn Siren. OiimliK ,
P. P. MAST Ai CO. ,
Mannfactnrers of Bncicyc Drills , Seeflers ,
tultlvMorj l ! r ll kft , Hrtcr Mllln ninl I > ilnm I'ul-
vvrttcrt Cor lubnuil MclKi'MMritti.
\Vliolptmi *
Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons &Bnggics
- 1 M in i > trn (
Akron , O'llo.
Harvesting Micliinery and Binder Twine ,
W K Mi ml. l.'l. t enTi-nw > rlli 'L Omnlin
Wagoiis , Buggies , Rak'us , PJows Etc ,
Cor. lull nnil rmtlc Streits , Umnlin , Neb.
Artists' _
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Mattnals , Pianos and Organs ,
lit lluuulnt Mri ct Omnhn Ni-tirn XR.
Booksellers nntl
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
\ . .T.KonyunACo.luiUsiloAHctnll
Booteellew and Stationers.
1 tut Wuitillnu tjtn i i er ( ' 11111111 nlnl Mnllnnorj
U. " ' DdUklniHlrci-t Uiimlm Nt-b ,
Boots and Shoos.
Cuccininri In ll"i"l Joins .VI "I
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots andSlioes
, \ > .eiit lor HiKlon Hi-tin rhim t'o lilt ! , 111/4 A 111 *
IIluin13 M Oiiiithii NctiiaiKn.
VV. V. MORSE \ CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
1101 IKO-lllIu DouslH1" fet Oiimlm Maiiutiulorj , Sum
iui > r- > Ilotun
Coffees , Spicoo , Etc-
Oiimlm Lorrcianil SplnMill * .
Teas , ColTees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
MauirltV KilmcU. l.nuiulry Himlnk . Htc. UK
1411) ) Unrne ) Mruet Omiihn. .Nilirtt kn. .
Crockery nnti classw00'
Audit for thr Munnfucturrrs nml Iinrnrl < > i nf
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Kic OflUe. il'S HtU St , Onmlm , jMlirnuki * . .
luiiHiriLrniul liilbtr-iuf
Creeper/ , Glassware , Lamrs , Silverware
Me. lil'l-r. p-S' ' . XC' Iton llullillnit.
Commiaolon nnd Storage
Storage and Commission Mercliants ,
r * * iltiyt diuoc
1U Howard Street Omnhn.
Nicn-SMir-i to Mi littnc A Schroeiler )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouiuliu , rstfbniDka
Aholc nlo
Flour. Feed , Grain and General Cominisioii
.Merclmut CorrL' nonilonccfloliclioil 10M-N'urth Ii tli
Mnut.Oiiinbn. Ni b.
_ _ Coa ! , Ccko and Llmo-
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
2UO poiitU lllh Street , Omnlm , Nebrarkn.
J. .7. JO/f.VSOA * .1 TO ,
Mannfactnrers of Lime ,
And MilpiKTH of lull lu.uLinoni , I'm KILT , I line ,
Drnin 'I llo iinilcnir I'll" ' Ollitt- , alb f. lltli
M , Oinali.i , Ncli. Tuliiliunubll.
Dry Coodd r ; io Notions
M. E SrvflTH A. CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 ami 1101 IKmuliis , Cor lltli Ft , Omnrm , Nob.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
( .nits' rurnlnbltii ; Condi Cor nor IHIi uud IlaJncy
Uln OiiiMlm , tb-iiHliH.
Shippers of Coal and Cois ,
211 ' outli 1 Hi I t .Om / Vi'ti.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnilnrc ,
Kurnaui Slrirl. Oiualia , Ncbrnikn.
Omnlia. Ti
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
,06 , : in , OTnnilTIIP 10th St , Omnlin1.Neti.
MoCORD. BRADY . < c CO. .
Wholesale Grocers ;
1 ( li nml I ( aviMiuurtli Struct.Onmlm , Nulirnnka.
_ _ ' _ _ Hardware.
Wlmlcsalo MnnufiirturLraof
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware
Auil I cailicr HUI , ltu > nml 1117 lliirucy ai.Oiualin ,
Koavy Hardware.
* ' " ' " "
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
flprlniii , WUk'iin yliicU , Ilnrdwnro , Lumber. iic.
unit M\\ \ \ Hartley Ctrttl , Oumtm ,
Builders' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Michaulo' Tools HIII ! IlulTaln hialei 1106
Uri'tt , Uinahu > cbm kii.
Wholesale Hardware ,
till and JInrni PI" Omalin. Neb Wi-storn
( or Aumln TowiliT Co , JutlerDon Mi fl t > ult ) ,
_ h lrbttnk Ijl
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Mctiilx. Mx'i't lion , ( ti y\trutH fur \\m\K \ \ Suilc-t ,
'ouiHr iindl.yiii.iri ItuilicclUru ,
Hats , Caps , Etc.
" "
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods.
. lid llarnoy Street , Omnhp. Nob.
Luinhor. _
" " "
All Kinds of Building Material at Walc
I'.U hlieclnrid 1'uiau I'Aclfle ft nek , Ooi i
Dealer in Liimtier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Uo r , .Mo. V rUi-Corner ttti aJ LKU/rl , C
kill i > 4 Iliuiilat
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber ,
l.thnml Cnlifomln Street' . Oniahi N'ehm'kft.
Lninlier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cornrrfiliniii < iv lm 'i Om-xiio.
To Dealers Only ,
Oltlco , 1403 riunntn trcct Onutin.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Impprtfil nml Anifrlmn IV-Unml Ccmont S
AiJi'tit lur Mllimiilt * , ' lly < lranlio LVoient anil
yulncr Wluio l.lnic.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Ciurct * nml t'nrniiet tloorlne Otli nrt lV > n Ui
Mllllnory nnd Notions.
Importers & Jobijcrs in Millinery & Notions
an aillBn.HHVoiilh. lllli "lr < * M
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pauls , bMrts , Kt ll'.r.'ivn.l ' 1101 Doiiitlas Street ,
uiunliiu Neb
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
nil timUUiSiiilli KltliSt Onmlm
Wholsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ulu ( inn i' , Kir .Omnlm .A II lll liiin M im * f ,
Notions and Gent's '
Furnishing Good ? ,
1105 llarnoy lro t , Oiimlm
i !
_ _ Offlco Fixtures. ' _
TltlC MMMOMi * M\Xl'FArTL'lllMj'ca
Mnniilnrliire. ' * of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
antle * Mlrhoanl" Hook lmDriiu 1 litiire , Wnll
ra < " < I'lirtltlnnn HiilllMO , Counti'i , lln'ranilmii
riMiji'r * * , Mlrrori oti t-iul r > atu' ottlri17 Wntul loJ
Suulli I ilb Si , Oni iliu Toluiiliunu U.'l.
Paints and Oils.
\ \ huloHitlo Demur" In
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
Ills Farnam Mrool. Omnha , Nob.
_ Pnpor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlcu stork of I'rintliiiVrappliiir ami Writing
l'urr 8iiclnliitl | nllon irl\i > n toini loml onlere.
Pa per BOXOG. _ _ . _ . . . _ . J.nmt
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos 1117 nml Ul'J Douglas i-l , Onmlm , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
DM Mini V13 JOIIOK Mnit Uiimlm ,
Storngo , Forwarding & Commlaslon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Ornnc'h IIOIIKC of the IlriHics llnecr Co. HiiL-glo al
wliulUDuluiinilrotiiil. KM l.lOivml UK'IzuriJ Slreut ,
Onmlm. TtlcptiDno Nu.7.riO
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 Nor til Klgtlitcontli Street , Oniiiha , Neb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice/
Julin L'poneti'r , rrnprli tor ! BU llniluu uncl 1(11 ( uuil 1UJ |
Printers'Materials. _ '
Auxiliary Publishers ,
IKalcru In Tyl > u , I'ri'Msca ninl Vrliitiim' Supplies. t03
ioulli Ulli btrtcLUiiiHUa.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Jil Ckillilui ; anil ttalicr ! UclUni , ' . KW I uriiain Hlrcct.
Sjsh , Deere _ " ,
I CO. ,
' .Ytiuksnlo .Miinur
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrantli umtc , Kill iinil tzanl btrni'ts , Oiiiftlia , Nub.
rannfactorers of Sash , -Doors , Blinds ,
iilillui'ii , Stair Work und Inlorlnr liar I Won I I lit <
an N. U COURT Bill HIM ! l.cavciiwurlli btrfCU ,
llinuliii. NfU. I
MJ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stonm Fittings , Pump's , Etc-
" ' " ' >
'A _ L < STRANG CO. .
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
itcam , Wnli'r , Hn Iwuy unil MlnliiR hiippllr , Kto.
10) , Itti anil il ruriiiun htrLut.Oiiiuliit.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jtoara nn J Wnter Buppllon. tl " 'nnn-inr , for Mn t.
_ _ Ifiirnam I. , ODIH
and Water Supplies ,
engines Boilers and
, General Machinery.
h ut run k . . . , , „ , „ , lum
Iron Works.
Carter & Foil , I'rnpn Mniiiifucliirontof nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Msand Sheet Iron Work
Works fcoutliJOtli m1 II. A M Criming.
Vronglit and Cast Iron BiiiliJing Work ,
KiiLlno * . llrHmi Wurk Oanerul loundry Mnolilnoima
Jllucktiultli Work oli-u HIM ! \ \ iki , U r , 11 jr.
und ITIb fclreU , Miunlui.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Dunk Hull" , Window Ou ri ! I-lower HlnnifiVlro
t-IU'i't Mo. Ul Nortli ICtli btlu.,1. Uin.ilm.
Man'frsofFire&BiirglarProofSafcs ' I'
Vaults , lull \Vurlc , frnnonl VVIru fuiiclnir Hlin < Ito ! ,
O AiKl'oi-u , 1'ipu'r Lor. lull mill Jacktuu bii
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
nnJ Hcri'i'iii , ( or Imnki.ofllie , MOH * > lemlonro * etc ,
fuiurxvi-1 AwnlnLt , lx > 'k iinlli . .Muilnin.ruuil Hoiku Wi-uulli lull rit ,
MIA ( nun A wiin'MoiiH , "
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Uc.iivrttU.iunU lurlilubulil r-ateunif lockn ( ! i
Vaulti ud Jail \YorH \ , ( U b. Ulli ttl