Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    * - =
Washington Politicians Anxiously
Awaiting the Fourth of March.
Many of Them Think Ills Defeat Pro
vonictl the Disintegration ol' the
Party In nu mi rnl I'roGurillMga
Nebraska's DrlcRAtloii.
Awaiting Developments.
WAIIIISCITOV , nap. 12. [ Special to Tnr
llr.n 1 Tlio short session of congress begin
under the tnlltionco of tlio reaction from the
campaign. The excitement and contcntloi
of tlio closing months of the long sosmoi
have gone and both parties seem willing to
test on their oars tiul await tlio inevitable
change which the 4th of March wil
brills Tlicro la loss exultation ainnnir th
republicans than might have been expected.
The feeling tlmt the coming udtninlstrutloi
and a change of parties will throw heavy ro
Bponsibllity upon them has naturally i
fiob'orlng offuct , The uncertainty as to the
nlzo of thu republican majority In the house
lias also provcnteJ any front exuberance on
that side of tlio capltol. Now tlmt n smal
republican majority seems assured , the vorj
Biualliioss of the m.ijority makes the prospuc
un uncomfortiililo one. There seems to belittle
little doubt that thu strongest possible pi 09-
HUIO will bi3 brought upon Pros !
dent Harrison to nt once con
vcno congress in extra session if for no ica
than to assure n working republican inn
jority In iho house of icprcbontatives by the
settlement of the thirty or foi I \ election con
tests , which will have to bo decided.
Another i auscof disquietude Is the feeling
of unccrtaint.v ninong icpubllcans a-v to the
cluinicter of thu president-elect. It is an
open sooiot that uhilo in tlio senate Scnatoi
Harrison niado many enemies and feu
friends. As a public onicur ho was cold ant :
rcsorvod and was considered moio than un
obliging bv his associates. What coin so Ins
reserved self asset tion may take when ho is
seated in the presidential chair no ono can
predict , mid patty Icadcis guuorallj ex-
luoss apprehension as to tlicir iclations with
the executive
Tlio depression among the domoeiuts Is
largely conllned to olMcc-holders , but
it is astonishing to note how many
of thesu hud iiheiuly d . < < ) u tiled the
result boloic the election and had nuule quiet
pieparntions for u change winch they con
sidered inuvitnblo There aicfew who do not
bitterly assail the coursool the picsidont in
viitn.illv taking the entno party manage-
incut in his own hands and declining lo con
sult with tlio IcMdois of the Marly as to the
jilanol battle and ihn Hues upon whiuh it
tthoulil bo fought. Among the older leadois
of the domoci.iev there is open anil uncon
cealed satisfaction and expressions of opin
ion uro fjeucnt ( | that the ontnu dcstniction
of the p.irlj has been prevented b\ the robuft
of the late eUclion. Mr. Handall has no
hesitancy in giving this as his verdict upon
the defeat , and believes that the silver lining
to the cloud will bo louml in the refusal
hereafter of any democratic candidate for
the piosidciicy or occupant of the white
house to decline to consult with the old
wheel horses .mil leaders of democracy.
gThe tunics people of Washington are fcel-
IIIR the effects of athe iinpeiiding change of
ndininistiation Many ot the clerk in the
unclassified divisions of the dep.irtmcnts and
nil of the highest ofllcinls expect.i shoit
Mirill after tho-1th of Maieh. 'i'liej aie ac
( xirdmgly economising in every direction and
the cfleot is seen in the case of dealers in
luxuucb in the capital.
scramble to collect bills and clean up before
Inauguration and a consequent tightness of
monoj wheie two weeks ago eiedit good
and money easy. Mnny ollioiuls , wlio , o fe\v
jnontlis ago , would have declined to rent
j oems in their houses , now have signs in
their windows oiTeriug parlors and second
floors toientcrs for tlio session. The most
arrogant of the holdover republican clerks
have suddenly become obsequious and gentle
in their dealings with the public , and especially -
ally to any lepuWicans whoso inlluence they
fool why bo of value. The tone in the dc-
jmitments has perceptibly changed and
the humble seeker aftc-i- informa
tion Is now treated us if ho
were of some use In the world ,
especially if his connection with a reiniblicun
repicsentative or senator is known.
Preparations for inauguration aio going on
rapidly and promise a scene of brilliancy and
B'.iieiidor such as has not been known for
years. The military display will undoubt
edly exceed any ever before seen in Wash
ington , while the civic organizations
linvo announced their intention of partici
pating are legion. The entire national guard
of Pennsylvania expects to bo present , and
troops fi oin the F'acillo coast and far cast
will fail in line with hundreds of batalliont. ,
regiments , companies and squads from the
middle and western states. The city will bo
taxed to its utmost to accommodate the vis
iting oiganizations , not to sneak of tlio enor
mous crows which will ovoiHow the capital
on inauguration day. Hotel JceeM-rs | aud
ownois of oems to rent have nlieady
hoisted their pi ices to top notch rates , and
will leap a rich harvest for tlio most
wretched accommodations at prices varying
from $5 to f 10 a night during inauguration
week. The voi ucity of the uvorairo Wash
ington boarding housekeeper is foiouous
cough in all conscience tluilngordlnuij years ,
Init thcpiospects of an inauguration put them
lit onro on their metal with a result which
\\ould bring the blush of shame to the check
of the average Omaha Imckmaii.
The Nebraska delegation has settled down
liiletly to woik in the routine of pension
matters and land bills and the answering ol
the enormous correspondence which has been
Kroatly increased since thooloction. Jf them
uro olllce seekers m Nebraska who have not
yet learned the nddiess of the Ncbiuska
delegation in Washington they can easily
usccituin by asking their nearest friend The
mails of both senators and of the t\\o icpub
licau rcpiobontallvns. groan daily with uppli-
ratioiiB for oflleo or suggestions .is to le-
jnovalf ) and appointments. Of course until
.Senator Munuorson has been elected to
succeed himself , or until the succession is
otherwise determined , there can bo no action
by the delegation upon mattcis of patiomigo.
The custom of allowing each rcpicbontalivc-
to dictate ihi ) pobtolllco appointments in his
district will probably not be departed from ,
nnd Messrs , Doi-suy , Laii d and Council will
bo given the sweet privilege of settling the
innumerable contests which arc ceitain to
arise In theli bailiwicks. The other oillccs
\vill doubtless bo decided upon after consul
tation between the * onatois and icprusonla-
tlves , and the pntionago of the state outside
of the postonlcos will bn parcelled out as may
kceui moot advisable , it is underhtood that
nt present the delegation stands unpledged ,
but what the condition will bo after the turn
ing sonalorlul light Is a problem which , as
ord Dundreary would say. "no fellow can
iind out. "
\Vliy Selloi-H
s , Dec. 12. Anent tlio resig
nation of United States District Attorney
llrnory H. Sellers , which was not publicly
Jdiowa hero until this mornlug , there li con-
* fllderablo political gossip touching the i-atibes
* for the suddenness and secrecy observed by
J Sellers In the matter. The chief reason is
attributed to Sellers' dissatisfaction with the
case tried before the federal grand Jury
against Colonel Dudley. It Is said that ho
was averse to entering upon the prosecution
of scaso of suoh iinpoitunco with what ho
( icouicd an unsuniciuut amount of evidence
In this connection it Is also assorted that
certain prominent democrats who publicly
claimed to possess specific and damaging
evidence touching the alleged Dudley letter ,
hare cither failed or icfused to produce said
! evidence. It is oyon stated that Suhcrs does
R not lnow : and cannot ascertain the miir.y of
[ . ? the republican county chair-nan from whom
* the democrats claimed iu the pubho pilots
they had obtained tno no IT lmnou "Ulocks-
of live" letter. As this Information U of vital
importa'nce to a aucsestful ( irojeculion of the
case , Seller1 frioods privately declare that
* Ji resigned \vllh a view of washing hl
J Jmiids of the whole mutter.
Oantnn Nnlb Wounded ,
StutiiM , Deo. 12-TUe rebeli milntaln n
Jieavy musketry firel Their eomnundor ,
Oinian Nalb , has boco wounded in the neck
Vy tlio explosion of a shell The sholU 'IroJ
fit tuo rebels arc doing heavy
A Madrid Mnn I < 'ound Dead With n
Ilnllrllii Ills Ttrnln.
Munitn , Neb , Doc. 12. [ .Special Telegram -
gram to Titr UBR ) A man named Soger ,
livlntr southeast of this place , loft home Sat
urday evonine with the intention of hunting ,
but failed to return. Search was Instituted ,
and last night his body was found in a hole
ho had dug in a side hill , With a bullet
through his lieid. Ho Is supposed to have
( ommltted suicide during n fit ot temporary
insunit ) .
A Candidate Tor tlio Pen.
Cur.Tn , Nob. , Dee. 12 [ Special to Tun
Ur.n J Between the ovonlng of the 4th and
the morning of the 5th Inst. Jacob Snavrly ,
a farmer living eight miles wcit of Crete ,
decamped for parts unknown. As soon aa
the vai ions buisness men and mnnej loancrs
of Crete , to whom ho becauio Indebted In
divers ways and amounts , discovered this
fueltlioi all made a tush to secure what
little property ho had loft behind , which
consisted clilellv of such as ho could not
carry away Hefore leaving ho mccprtled In
moitgaglnir a team , wagon and Harness four
times to four different parties , for sums
ranging from $ " > 0 to * 7/i. / ' 1 his same team wai
el inned by his brother , Silas Suavely , and
taJcen possession of by him as soon us .lacob
hail skipped. Later itas rcpMltu'd b.\
ono of thp money loaners of Ciotc holding n
moitgago against it. Yesterday the case
w.kx nrgucrt before .Instiio Schilling , who
leiideied Judgment against the defendant ,
Silas SmivelN. tugi-ther with all costs So
far .laeob's \vhereabouts have not been dis
covered He is about tlili ttwo jcnr * olit ,
llvo feet two inches in height , weighs 1U ! )
pounds , wears a light-colored heavy mus-
tuehe , complexion slightly llorid His wlfo
and family are in destitute citcumstauco .
Atkinson ATnlis. (
ATKINSON , Neb , Dec. 12 , ( Special to Tnn
UIE.J : A young cowboi , wonting nt Hous
ton's ranch , MHitlwest of this pl.icc , to.\ed
with a revolver Sunday until it went olT and
took away one of his lingers. The wounded
youth came to Atkinson yesterday evening
and had his mutilated hand suigically re-
Mjitlo Sicltett , u lotirtepn-year-old miss
living near Doty , in this county , iccontly dug
fifty bushels of potatoes with a folk , then
harnessed a couple of cows and catted the
ft nit to the house , where she stowed them in
the colliu , doing all tlio woik lieiself. Holt
county is now waiting for some other gill of
like age m Nebraska to heat this nvord.
A fort.\-si\ pound boayi-r wus-captuicd in
a trap Monday , in tne Ulkhoin rucr at
this place. Quite a number of these annuals
infest the streams in tins vicm it j , and ho > oral
have been killed , but this is the first , so near
town. _
Vlotiins of tlio r. n. & 31. V. SinnHliiU ) .
ruiiMovr , Neb , Dec 1-J [ Special to Tin :
! : : . | The people nho were hint in the ac
cident on the Ftemont , Elkhorn & Missouri
V.illoi r.nlioad , whou reluming from the
democratic rally at Omnlu , November ! ! , arc
not all getting \\ell rapidly. Mrs 13de * is
nearly well. Mis. Moore is Just able to ride
out for a shoit distance. Mr. Allen is up ,
and able to he out n little. Mis Iloaglatul
has been compelled to give up her position
for the remainder of the school jcar. Her
twin sister , Miss Minnie Ko.uioldK , was the
most severely injuied of all. She sustained
a compound ftacturo of tlio right shoulder ,
and the right clavicle \\as also bioken , and
now , in her enfeebled condition , she has
fallen a \ ictiin to soarlot fever , and her ro
an cry is doubtful.
Hrilliant Wodillna at Aurora ,
Atniouv , Nob. , Dec. 12. ( Special to Tun
LJr.i : | At high noon josteiday e.x-Mayor W.
I. r.uley and Miss Laura Ogler were joined
n mainagc at the ipsidcnco of Di. .Jones , in
.his city , in the midstof.i host of friends.
Mr. r.irle.N is Wealthy , and both paities to
.ho contiact'aio prominent in social circles.
The presents weio unusually line , and the
occasion the greatest affair of its kind tlmt
ms occurred in Aurora. The bridal pair left
'or Denver via Oniaha at the conclusion of
the ceremony.
Royal Arch Masons.
liBA-nitCE'Neb. , Dec. 1U. ( Special Tele-
; rnm to Tun 13ii.1 : : Tlio Grand Chapter of
loyal Arch Masons met hero to day , w ith
.00 members present. Among the prominent
numbers hero are : It. W. Farnas , Cadet
Taylor , L. II. Davidson , C. A. Holmes , John
J.ilc and L. D. Kiclmtds. Last night u coun
cil of toyiil and select master Masons was
organiml , called KabonI council. Dcgiees
weio conferred on four companions this
Elected to tlie City Council.
BBAiuirt ! , Neb. , Dec. 12. Special Telo-
giam to Tun UKL-.J Robert Smith was
elected a member of the city council last
light , iu place of Judge II , W. Parker , rc-
mgnod Parker goes to California to spend
the winter. '
rho Waterworks Main Hrcukt * With
Disastrous Rcsultg.
Ci.Evni.AXi > , O. , Dec. 12. The water plpo
n the main running from tlio pumping stn-
ions to Fairinount reservoir burst early
his morning , and the heavy pressure aided
ho escaping flood In tearing a passage
hrough the streets. The torrent cut n deep
tolo in Division fltreot below the bicak ,
earing up shade tices by the roots
ind then rushed down tow.uds the river.
HiiUliiigseio undermined , Bidewalks ,
'encos nad dootsteis | were washed away ,
mil a channel , half the width of tlio street ,
MM worn by the water. Fiom eight to eigli-
een inches of mud was donoaited oil tlio
uilioad trucks in theoio dock jards , com-
iletoly blockading traOIc. The damage
vi ought by the washout will piobably reach
The cltv of Pueblo , Colo. , hits live of
ho guotost snioltiny plants in Uio
country. Tlio sixth , now building , is
ho lorpost in the world. It IB the
only city in the west tlitui can faupply
team coal at $1 pur ton , mill has an In-
oxliaiioUblo water stinply. In addition
o this it is u down-mil pull from every
ninintr camp in the htnto. Those iiiunii-
tu'torioh i > uy out 31123,000 per day for
> rcb and $ 50,000 poi1 month wujjes to
cinilo\os. | ) \ This iiniiu-nso sum into a
city of only liO.OIXl people. The lirbt ( if
t borioH of o.xcursioitb will leuvo Omaha
Iccombor 1 ! ) . a. m.ovor the Union I'a-
cific , running ; through to Pueblo with
out ehnngo. The parties on thib ox-
curalon will bo in my charge , and
n addition will Imvo n ( lortct * to euro
or ptisboiifors. On arrival of party
here they will bo taken in
charge by eitlzons , shown tJu-ough the
grout Hcssc-inor steel rail mills , the cop
> er inul load plpo mills , and the great
bmoltors , The fare on tills occasion
vill be only $25 round trip , gooaor CU
ln\8 and llvo days lay over at any point
Ichirod , For epuco on this occasion
vrito or call on P. M. Wall , room No. 8 ,
Arc-ado hotel , Omaha , Uenrcsonttng
, 'uoblo board of trade.
The longest polo Unocks the persim-
nous , and lilgelowM J'ositlvo Cure
uioelts all coughs , colds , croup , hoarou-
icba , bronchitis , ustlnnti , induoiua and
consumption , Ploutiuit for children.
Safe and speedy. CO uenU. Goodman
Drug Co ,
Tun Ghli Killed li > n Train.
CHAIIXNOOOA , Tonn. , Dec , VJ. At Alex
undeis , N , U. , yestciOoi afternoon , Miss
lynum , aged twenty , n school teacher , mid
> lUs Low ! ? , aged olghteon , wore on a high
rosslo at a sharp curve of the Western
Coith Carolina railroad. They were caught
> y un Incoming axurcsi train and Instantly
allied , licth wprd l.ornbly mangled.
Uroko 'lliroiiKh tlio Ice.
iTiixoi , Nov. 12. Of B party slratinc on
Jwyer'H dam , ID this cUy ; this evening , ( our
> cr < on $ broke through the Ice act ! two v.ucti
They Discuss the Subject of Form
ing' nn Association.
The Commission Men Xooil to [ Bo
Drought to Tlmi- Occasionally
The Ilacc nt tlic Cotoisouiu
Orocoi-H Talk of Coinhlnlng.
At the board of tratlo ronm last night
about llftj retail groceis of this city met for
the purpose of forming a retail grocers as
sociation. Mr. Chris Hansel was called to
thu chair and . I. A. Stevens iii'ted as secre
tary of thoteinporaryorgani/ntlon. Thoehair-
m.m addressed the assembly , setting forth
the object of the association. Ho stated
that the time had come \\hcn something
must bo done for the protection of the retail
grocers of this city. Omaha was the only
city in the United States of any m/o uhoio
there was not n retail grocois association
There was a largo number of grocers In the
citj , and alt should joih the association. It necessary for their own protection
as well as for the protection of their cus
tomers. Wholesale groccas were protected ,
and so weio the commission men The retail
grocers were at the mercy of those last two
bodies and they wanted an association that
\\ould unable them , when the commission
men would not come to their terms , that
some few of them could order u car load of
goods where they chose , and have thorn de
livered independent of the wholesale or com
mission men.
Again , sumo ictailers with no consciences
gave short weight and used other Illegitimate
devices to customers. This tliosocletj
would tiy to remedy , and he invited the gen
tlomcn present to HUbscnbo their names to
the roll of memboiship , and hoped every ono
present would come forward and do so.
Thirty-seven of tlio-ie urcsent subscribed
their names on the enrollment list. It was
found tlmt all the gro < crs in the room had
not consented to become members , and u
motion was put to have those who had not
done so excluded fiom the meeting. A
wrangle uroso on this subject , when it was
discovered tlmt the loporters would also bo
turned out It was uviitunll. . \ decided that
as this was somewhat of an informal meet
ing the renoiters might stay. Hints wore
made that the others not signiiur should
leave , paiticular stress being biought to bear
on Huydon & Co , or their icprcsentativo
Hven body wanted Ilnyden's man put out ,
but ho refused to follow tlio MIS-
gestion , and remained during the
meeting. Finding that the vlsitois would
not leave tlio meeting proceeded with tlio
ne\t order of business.
The following gentlemen weio appointed
to canvass the respective wards , in which
they live with the object of securing addi
tional members for the association , and to
report at the ne\t mootingH. . W. Spalding
and an assistant in the Ninth waid ; .1. Weill
and W. Het/el in the eighth , \V. J. Ken
nedy tlio Seventh , Al. Slovens the
Sixth , C H irrison and M. .Tamos
the Tiftli ; Messrs. Quistgunrdj and Court
ney in the Fouith , .1. .1. Heal ana Jeotmak
the Third , H. Vomboy and \V. .1. Uodle in
the Second , mid 1' . M. Hack and W. S. Smith
in the First.
A committee of llvo was appointed to
frame by-laws for the government of the as
sociation. The temporary organisation was
then made permanent and tlio meeting ad
journed until the lirst Thursday in .lanuaiy ,
to assemble nt room .7J of the board of trade
The Knee nt trio Colosseum.
That the interest in the gieat six days race
at the Colosseum is being maintained was at
tested by tlio hit go and enthusiastic
crowds of yesterday afternoon and evening.
It ib becoming moie and moro evident , how
ever , that the bicyclists will come out win-
iicis. Prince and Eck are both in excellent
condition , and capable of riding faster than
ever , whiio the long anil rocky pilgrimage is
fust telling on Heaidsley , the indomitable
cowboy , and lie begins to look tiled and
played out. Tlicuhculmcii toyed with him
yesterday as a cat toys with a mouse , and
instead of only being llvo hips aheiRl they
could easily hove been ten or fifteen miles ,
but feeling certain of the race and stakes
they don't want to the plucky bronco
ridei1 too badly. The total score for yester
day is as follows :
Hcardsley. Bicyclists.
M. L. M. U
First hour . 15 0 1-1 8
Second hour . 13 4 13 S
Third hour . 153 13 0
Fourth hour. . 10 3 113 1
Fifth hour . 13 la 5
Sixth hour . 12 5 14 5
Seventh hour. . 13 5 14 S
Eighth hour. . 12 8 IS a
Total . 107 0 109 3
Giand total three days :
Miles. Laps.
Beardsley . 1)13 ) 3
Ulcyclists . 31,1 8
The 2.10th mile was inside by Heardsley in
17 hours and 11 minutes , by the bicyclists lli
hours and fill minutes ; thu JiUOtii inile by the
horses In 20 hoursund 51 minutes , and by the
bicyclists in 20 hours and ftl minutes.
Prince has made 17-1 miles anit 5 laps , and
Eck ICO nulos aud 3 laps.
The perftimo of violets , the purity of
the lily , the glow of the rose , and the
Hush of IIobecombino in 1'o oni's won
drous Powder.
A Itcinni-knblo Kicnpo.
"Commodoi o" Footc , the engineer who so
miraculously cscapod with his llfo in the re
cent collision near Sin Jose , 111. , on the Chicago
cage it Alton railroad , is at present in this
city , the guest of his sister , Mrs OC Hun ,'tf ' St. Alury's avenue. Mr. Foote has
been through u variety of exciting events
duimg h'is llfteon years' career us an en
gineer , but all palo into insignillcaiico u'li-Mi
coin pai ed with his latest adventure. Ho was
engineer of u passenger train , but fortun
ately the coaches were empty at the time , as
ho had u special train and was on his way to
take ou a loud of excursionists. Tlio nine
passenger coaches collided with a freight
train with twonty-threo cars , and as both
trains were going nt lull speed Just
before they mot , the collision was
territic. The debris was piled
up lifty-threo feet high on the track. The
lircman who was by footo's side was cut
into pieces , and although ho was a imu , who
weighed about 2-10 pounds , the fragments of
llosh and bone tlmt were gathered up
weighed loss than forty ponnds.
l-'ooto fell Into a ditch full of water at the
bottom of tins huge mass ot debris , and the
cold water cooled the escaping hot water and
oavoa him from being si-aided to death. Hut
it wan wlthftho greatest dllliculty that ho
iminugcd to keep his mouth aboyo the water
and osinipu druwning. On his breast lay one
of tlio drive wheels of the locomotive , crushIng -
Ing Inn lung with its tremendous weight and
injuring him for life. He was stripped al
most eutirolj of his clothes and his body was
n muss of biulses and cuts. Ho lny pin
ioned In this pjuco for thrco houiit unu a half
when n farmer dug out a little tunnel under
the \\ieck and released him.
Ho can le-i u number ol scars as romeni-
brancebof thu fearful event , and although
the affair happunud suvon weeks ago , he is
still incapacitated for work.
' Positively cured by
these Liltlu IMIIs.
They also i clluYo Dls- ;
tie-is from Ujaiwp&ln , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart )
IVER Katltiff. A perfect rem
edy tor Dlzzlui'sa , Nnuaeo ,
PIUS. nrouelne&s , Had Tabti
la tlio Mouth , Coated
Tongue , 1'ulu Iu the Side ,
Touriu I.IVEII.
i U.O liorrela. j
_ _ _
OI2NiilAlj : imoOKKONTIlia AUJIY.
Tlio Ijongtli of SerMce nnd Cunses For
General Hrooito , vy cn asked ifho was In
favoi of u term of ihrco years service for the
enlisted men , repllcds
"Yes , There hhould bo n shorter term
than that of flvo yc'uH , but my opinion is not
based upon the arguments that some use In
favor of it , namoU that a shoitor term of
service would lessen the number of deserter *
That Is altogether contrary to my cxpetl-
enco. Froiiuontly i occurs tlmt men who
have enlisted for flvo years inherit large
sums of money or obtain possession of
wealth and property Uy other means. Those
of course Immediately desire a discharge ,
and it is hard on thorn to bo obliged to servo
out two or three years more Others
meet with opportunities and chances In life ,
which will never again bo offered them A
shorter term of sei vice would help thcso men.
Hut that vv hich vv'oiild bo especially beno-
ilcial to enlisted men Is allowing them the
privilege of puiohaslng their disehaigc. I
am greatly in favdr of this and have no
doubt that eventually the soldiers will ciijoj
this option. >
As regai ds de.sortlon , It is n mistaken Idea
that the c-uuso ot it is too long service. 1
have kept an account of every man that de
seited fiom nn regiments for twelve years ,
and also the probable teasons , thu terms of
enlistment alteadi served , and in fact Imvo
weighed cnrofull.v every cause that might
promote dosoi I Ion. My researches have coil
vineed mo that , but ouo out /if every 1,00. )
in nn old soldier , that nine tenths go
vv itlnn tlio llrst , \ ear nnd that the same pro.
poition of these ire in the Hist six months
Theio tno professional deserters in the army ,
men who commit some misdemeanor In olv'l '
life fiom the consequences of which tho.v
must escape , and they enlist. Aftoi their
tioublo quiets down , they desert. There mo
other men who enlist for tlie purpose of get
ting into another pait of the country and to
travel. When they arrive at a place that
suits thorn mid leain tlmt thu regiment is
about to be moved , they dcseit , and , after
a time , lotuin. Others desert on account
ol troubles they meet with in tlio nrmj.
Some of these troubles arc occasioned by
di inking , gambling , and countless other slus
which n reckless young man can heap upon
himself. There is no doubt that a leforma-
tion in the army will soon take place in re
gard to slioi toning the term of service mid
the number of years i-cquisilo for retirement ,
granting the enlisted men the privilege of
purchasing their discharge , aud some otheis
of equal impoitanco "
Pours' faonp is the most olegnnt toilet
air. 3IolUIhoii
The circular appointing S. Li. Charles as
general purchasing agent for the Union Pa
cific-has been cancelled , nnd everything will
lomnln as heretofore , with Acting-Pin chas
ing Agent McICibbon In charge. The pro
posed separation of the supply and stoi ago
dop.irlmcnts will not take place for the
Tor the last thrco years the general pay
car for the Union Paclllc has been aban
doned , and the woik of distributing tlio
wages loft to the superintendents of divi
sions , who made a monthly tour This plan
has pioven too onorou" for the superinten
dents , and now it is proposed to piy the em
ployes at each station through the station
agents , who will i eceivo the checks direct
from tlie head olllces.
Locomotives "i and endeavored to use
the same switch at the same time Tuosdiu
afternoon at Council HlutTs. In the misun
derstanding that followed ' .142 got the woist
of it , and both went to the Union Pacillo
shops for repairs. '
Owing to n Haw in the driving axle , loco
motive ' ,11-5 lost her main driver Tuesday
and went to the car shops.
No 2 on the Union Pacific , arrived from
the west in two sections yesterday moining ,
owing to the heavy trallie.
All trains due at the Union Pacillc depot
were on tnno jestorday morning , ami the
new time card is working well.
The Goidon Gate special left on its second
trip west yobtcnlay morning , with
thirteen berths engaged for through
travel. Engine 820 , . in charge of
Theo. Livingstone and Pete Upton ,
took her out , and Conductor Pietce and
Hrakoman Murphy will look out for the pas-
J. P. Allen , night opcintor at the H. & M.
depot , goes to Hellovuo ab station agent , and
Hert H.Knapi ) , night man at Gibson , takes
his place in Omaha.
The ICimsas nnd Nebraska Passcmrer asso-
ciatian met at the U , & M headquarters yes-
tci day morning , and in addition to the ollicials
of the local-roads , Assistant General Passen
ger nnd Ticket Agent Ca'.dwoll , of the Mls-
souii Pacific , and G. W. Dubaeh , of the Chicago
cage , Kansas it Nebraska , wore present.
Only routine business was transacted , with
tlio exception of tlie question of holidav Crates ,
which were finally iixed at a single lare for
the round ttip between piints not more than
200 miles apart. They will bo sold December
21 , 2. > , nnd ill , and January lttnd will be good
until Januarys.
1'rotcot Yoni-Holf anil Family
By keeping a buppl.v of Zulu .Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism , spi-niiiM , etc1. , and
Xulu Healing Ointment for cute , , burns ,
sores , eto. Abk jour druggist.
VotinK Tavpiyers.
J. I1. Thomas wrltm to Tin : Uui : offering a
suggestion with regard to tlio voting on a
city hull site :
I herewith make a suggestion , In connec
tion with the proposition of changing thu lo
cation of the city hall. H is iuijmiativo that
it location or re location bo a matter to be
decided solely and exclusively by the ta\-
payeis of the city
To secure n vote of that character can not
the election take place at the county comt
house , and iho citj trc-iuurcr act as judge of
the qualilication v\hoa clnllenges nro made
on the gioundof "not a tax-payer' "
This will close the door against all trickery
nnd repealing by gangs of graders and tools
of the contractors ring.
I am a now-c-oiiM-'r hero , but own property
in the citi , and ot course am interohted In
the matter of tixntiQii , whether it bo fora
city hall or something elite.
I-'oic-falhei-s' Day.
A few gentlemen interested in the celebra
tion of Forefathers' Day met last night at
the Millard hotel. Mr. J Gilbeit presided
and Mr. O. It. Lewis acted as secret iry Lit
tle intciost was manifested in the proceed
ings , and aftar u short informal discussion ,
in which Colonel ClusoV. . J. Connell und
iho chairman took part , It was decided to up-
! > dint n committee to confer with the St.
iMury's AVOHUO Congregational < hutch com
mittee , with a view to lane part in the pro
posed festivities on the > 21bt of December ,
: lmt mo to bo hold by that congregation. The
committee appointed for that purpose con-
histcd of Messrs. Low-is , Vale aud llaywmd.
The mooting then adjourned , subject to a
cull from the chairman , .
fiolil TJIIOIMi | | Klnctlnn Day.
Herman Loliean , a b.n tender nt Jack
Wood's place , charged with telling liquor on
election daj , was tried b'/foro ' / ) Judge Horku
mid a special jury -yijtsterday aftcinoon.
Captain Green dopoiod to having bought a
pint of whisky at r > o'clock hi the afternoon
ontlioduy In qui'stiom ( There was piacti-
cally noitofeuso and tbp Jury found the pris
oner guilt j. TUoc.iBu.WQ3 appealed to the
district court.
In Jail Attain ,
II , A. Roberts , an ex-convict , was arrested
last ulght und locked up as suspicious char
acter. 1 to bo i ts is an old oiTonder , and has
only lioen n fuw Uajs out of Lincoln peni
tentiary , after dolag a term.
Ailvico lo
Mrs. Wiiiblow's Soothing Syrup should al-
wajp bo used for children teething It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
curesJvYind colic , ami ia the boat remedy for
iiurrhtca. 23c u bottle.
The Homo Mission CatiHf ,
Cine 100 , Dec. 12. One hundred and fifty
Congregational ministers , from Illinois ,
Michigan , Wisconsin and Iowa , nro in con-
forciicc ) hero upon the subject of homo mis
sions , Hoy. Mr. Hvorz , national superin
tendent of homo missionary work , to day
urged the need of its cxtcntlon among the
Germans , declaring that the bible was the
most potent weapon against anarchy.
Efforts Bolng Mndo to Rovlvo the
Orclor In Iowa.
Convcntlotiortlio Untlorwrlters1 Asso-
clntlon Dc.itli ofn Well Known
1'loncpr Other Ilnw koya
Notes of Intercut.
TlioStnto Orntiuo.
Drs Moivn , la , Dec 12. [ Special Telegram
ogram to Tun HKK. ] The state grange ,
Patrons of Husbandry , spent the afternoon
hi n visit to the governor at the i-apitol , and
discussed the railway and other questions
affecting their Interests. A strong effort is
being made to revive the grange throughout
the stito. The organization has declined ,
so that there are compaiativply few
lodges in existence , but the treasurer icpoi N
money in thotieasury which could bo used
for stni ting new ones , and the delegates
pi e ont nro generally In favor of triitig to
icvlvo the outer. They think tlmt while the
railway question is still unsettled they can
do well to organl/e as thei did j cars ago.
The Iowa Untlot-wi-ltpri.
Di-s MOIXIM , la , Dec. 12 [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hnn ] Tlio low.i Undorwrit
ers' association met hero to-dnv , for its an
nual meeting. About fifty delegates are
present. The president of the association ,
George A. Armstrong , has removed from the
state , but the secretary , Stephen Cote , called
the meeting to order. The business of the
day was con lined to a discussion of Insurance
matters alTcctiug their business ,
Death of a Pioneer.
Dwuxpour , la. , Dec 12. Hnrvo Leonard
died bore yesterday morning , aged sovonty-
sixHo erected th" first brick house In
Iowa. He also constructed the court house
and many of the early buddings of this
county. Ho was sheriff of the county thirty
Hlie Has Six Gr.initmotlier * .
DBS AIoiM's la. , Doc. 12 [ Spaclal Tele
gram to TUB UIK | There is at Maine , Cas
county , the rare case of llvo generations liv
ing at the same time. On October 'J.I a girl
was born , who is the ilfth generation on hoi-
mother's side , and the foiutli on her fathers.
On the mother's side are the groat-great-
grandmother , Mr * . Huth Smith , of Center
Sandwich. N. II. , aged ninety ; the grcat-
giandfatlit'r , Mr. Isaac Smith , of Gliddon ,
la. , aged sixty-live , the grand
mother , Mrs. E. H. Kimbnll , of
Glcnrock. Wjo , aged thirty-nine ; the
mother , Mrs C. II Uollius , aged nineteen ,
and the little lady heiself. On the father's
side are the grandmother , Mrs. Mary
A. Wilson , of Norwalk , O. , aged seventy
seven ; the giandmother , Mrs. A E. Kollins ,
of Areca , la. , aged fifty-two , and tlio father ,
Mr. C. II. Hollms , station agent at tins
place , uged twenty-two , all well and showing
sijjns of hying many years to come. Little
Miss Uollins has six grandmothers , a dis
Unction not enjoyed by many chlldien , and
from her present healthy and lively condi
tion gives promise of becoming at least a grandmother herself some day.
' 1 he Inu.'i Central.
Mi ov Cm , In , Doc. 12. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun HII. | The towns along the
Central Iowa nro much mtoicstcd in the
policy that is to be adopted by the Iowa Cen
tral lalhoad company. If theio is to be a
chingo every tiunk line m the state i mining
east and west will bo affected , as the Cen- ib the most valuable feeder On De
cember 21 a meeting will bo held in
and perm incut oillcers for the road will bo
elected. It is probable that Stiekney will be-
continued as president , although it is known
that lie favors making the load a sole feeder
for the Chicago , St. Paul A : Kansas City.
Kussell Sage , who bus u controlling inteiest
m tlio Central ! will nrobibly insist that it
still bo operated as an independent system.
H is stated that $ . ' ,000,000 will be expended
in additional ic-pairs and rolling stock. This
is good nr-ws to the towns along tlio line , as
it means the infusion of new life and vigor
into the road.
A Jewell Jlobbr-i-y. .
i , la , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hii.l : : Last night burglars entered
the jowehi stoic of Charles \Vcigle , on Main
street , and after boring several holes m his
safe , gave up the job ot blowing it open and
took out about. $70i ) worth of silver wan * .
They also took a horse aud buggy belonging
to Mr. bticotcr. The hoiso has boon found at
Mauon , and It is supposed the thieves got on
the mam line and made good th > > ir escape.
A heavy rewind is offered for their deten
tion , Tills the second burglary hero since
the 1st of November.
Killed AVIiIle Itlastlni ; Kock.
KCOKI K , la , Dec. 12. [ Special to TUB
Uni.J : Yesteiday , John Peterson , twcuty-
tlireo years of uge , was instantly killed while
engaged hi excavating rock near this city
Arrangements had been made for two blasts ,
.and both \ \ ei o touched off at tlio same time"
Oiilj one exploded , and alter waiting a mo
ment , thinking the other fuse had gone out ,
Petcison roluined to iclight it. As ho did so
it exploded , dtiving the look against him and
causing his instant death.
An I'nil to Fine AVe.xtlier.
WvTiiiiioo , In. , Dee. 11. [ Special Tolo :
gi.un to Tin , IEI ! : . | Anoarly winter sea
son of tlie most rcmaikably fine weather
known" northern Iowa lor jears , was
biought to u clone by a heavy snow storm nt
wide extent which lias been falling steadily
since noon to-day.
< 'nn lil in a 'J lu-cshnr.
Dmitri u , Iu. , Dec. 12 , [ Special Telegram
to Tut Hi.H.J A sou of Patrick ASelhh , at
Table Mound , in this counU , was caught in
thu tumble ted of a threshing machine to
day , and fatnllj Injuied.
The H. & O ,
Hu < miour , Dec. 12. Various rumors as
tojtho proposed c-l.-mgoa In the executive
ofllccrs of the Hultimoru & Ohio railroul
company have icsullod in thu issuing of a
statement by tlio paities now in control of
the boat d of directors. The statement is to
tliu offpt-l that the nrcbldcncy of the road has
been ofleied to Charles F. Mnger ; that ho
lias accepted It and will bo elected at a moot
ing of the dlrecUirs to be held on tlio i'dli
lust. The statement U considered evidence
that the Gattctt paity uro to have things
their own way la the management of the
roud. .
Tli < ; Death Itcooril.
IZoiiu , Dec. I1 ! . Colonel Haug , who was a
close friend of Garibaldi , is dead.
W. H. Todd , Troy , Nob. , Is a fucst at the
U , A. Duist , St , Louis , Is stopping at the
N. L. Huclclnghum , N. Y. , is a guest nt
the Murray.
G. A. Hiillard , Now York , Is ro isUsrod at
thu Millaul.
M. O. Myors mid wlfo , Uodfield , Neb. , ai-e
ut the Puxton ,
I ! . L. Mt-rntt , Springfield , III. , is a guest
at the Paxtou.
lD. . Frokell , Alliance , Nob. , is rogl&terod
at the 1'iiKton.
Miss Kium-a Hluex , Crestoa , In. , is a guest
at thu Puxtou hotel.
E. A. Hoyc-e , Providence , U. I. , Is roils-
tered ut thu Murray.
II , U' Moire and wife. Chloayo. are rogls
turcd at thu Alun ay.
Sum. J. Ovvon , Kin rrancUuo , Cal. , Is a
gucHt at the MUiurtt.
L. 13. Khepherd und daughter Jlolliitftoa ,
are guests at the Alilhird.
Hon. W \Vhitmore , Valley , Nub. , wa
a guest yesterday at the Murray.
For ParnoU'rt DC Ton HO to tlic Tltnon.
The generous donation of n fcVK ) lot In Cor-
riirau plneo. by Peter .1. IMwnrds and Hcr-
imrd.I. ( 'onlgan to the St. Agues fair , is a
handsome contribution and is likely to bring
the fair gncn by the St. Agnes congiegatloii
Into woildwldo notoiicty. .leremmh How
ard , nmoiig others , took a book to * ell
chnnceji in the lot. Five hundred chances at
? 1 each will bo sold , but Mr. Howard
conceived the excellent , pan lot Itand
inipiilar Idea of buying even one ot
his subsenbcrs agree that it he wlni the
lot that the u inner will put the lot up again
at l,00il chances at ? 1 a ehaneo , the Jl.OOi ) to
go to the defence fund iu the suit of the Lou-
don Times against Charles Sttiait Parnell.
'I ho lot Is cortaiu to nut St. Agnes' fair $501) ) ,
und the Paraell dofeiuo fund frVM , and bring
St. Agin's congregation , Uov. rather
Mnrlnrty and Mr. .loreinlnh Howard , bcfoic
tin- English speaking worl-1.
An Attempted liu-cudlnry Arrested.
Joseph Hi-okup or Knight , a Hohemhin
living in the woods in the eastern pmtof the
city , went out Tuosdit.nleht about ' . > o'clock ,
plied kindling-wood mound tlio house and
attempted to set it on Ilio. Ho was pi c-
vi'iitod , and on complaint was uricstcd and
c-otillned In jail over night.
Not ( " < About i lie City.
William Hirrlo left Tuesday night for
Poitlnml , Ore.
Thomas Sweeney. 0110 of the Third ward
boys , has purchased David Eaton's saloon ,
Twenty-eighth and V streets.
.1. H. Hamilton has succeeded O. E. Shan
non as the local lopio'ieiitutive ol the
Omaha Republican. Mr Shannon's many
friends will regret his departure from the
The Union Labor club will meet Saturday
ovi'iiingm Edgerton & rurnsw 01 th's law of-
llco to orgamro a rending room mid to in-
ratmo for a series of fico public lectuios to
bo-given this winter.
M ss Ella McDonald was at homo Tncsda.i
night to ascoi oof frienus. nnd thonewho weic
there were dellghttully ontei tamej. Danc
ing , music , and most palatable icliesliments ,
with the easy welcome of tlio hosUss and
her winning mother , made the evening unex
celled in cit\ social annuls
W H Meeker has icslgncd as manager of
the Stai Union Lumber company.
The sub-committee to draft tlie skeleton
for n ciu charter or suggest nnicmlinonts to
the law governing cities of the second c-lass ,
lias completed HB labor * , mid is lendyto
meet the Joint council committee when the
repoit to the whole committee will bo made.
The Uov. A W. Lamar , pastor of the Fust
Haptist cliuich , of Omaha , will Icctmo in
Hunt's opoia house , Tues 1 iv evening , the
ISth , on the subject , "Were Adam and Eve
the Only Created Pair or the Three Haccs of
Men ! "
J. H. Mopes , of the firm of Mopes .t King ,
has gone to Uiand Island to adjust n lire
\V. L. Ciirmen. of Chicago , siipoilntcndrnt
of the WcstcinVoi'hmg | association , and ( i.
\V. McMlllcn , of Omaha , were in the city
yesterday consulting with local agent Lon K.
C ! W. Morrow has sold a half interest in
his music business to Foulks Uros. , i"c " Co ,
MaKein , I.i.
Alex E. Timber ? , of Hooor ) ) , is in with
cattle ol his own inisingnnd sold through
commission linn of Lonmer < \ , Alului , a
iCis pound heifer at J.r > .
George Green , of the commission firm of
Sa\ugo& Green , lias gone to Chicago on
iVTavjiajcr AVIio Seen
and ( Uh'clal lioodh-lsiii.
I am a icsidcnt of tlio city and .1 taxpayer ,
the same as bundled * of others , add it is nl >
aiiotoiiouH fact that the wishes 01 inteiest
> f residents and tnpaeis are n nst grossly
ignored by the. picsent admniiatralioii.
1 object to tlio unjust unu iine.illeil-foi
amount of giadmg that has already and i >
being done , and I want to ask every tax
pier to i efnse to p iy one cent of the unjust
tax demanded by the pi esent Jobbers 01 that
will lie-realtor bo demanded to pay for the
two-priced gi.uling that they had no legal
right to contract for. I trust that tno lot
owner- , will not bo so foolish us to sit still
nnd be robbed in this way. if they will only
make a pi otost and stick together they i\iil
not have to nay thib special tat. The law
is veiy plain on this question , as an\
ono can see by looking at the i ompded stat
utes of Nebiask.i lor IVrfoii pages 2 ( ) , ' > , 'JOil
and 207 1 saj tocveiy laxpavur , stand up
Jlke men and lepudmto , not his honest debts
but those steals. It is a well Known fart
that our piesent government is costing
more than double what mi honest adminis
tration would. For pi oof of the above ub-
scrtion 1 can give a few pomtcis.
The piesent admtnistiation lias a eit\
attorney , ixho is supposed In attend ti the
business ot the i ity Ifhedous so , why do
wohuvotop.ii Mr Cowm , of Oniaha , $ IHJ (
for his opinion on tlie viaduct business , nnd
whdo wo have to pay Mr Wobslor , of
Omuha , * il.VJ ! for show mg and tolling nur eity
attoincy how to do he is supposed to do
m order to cam Ins salarj. It weald take
too much spuco inoiir p.ipoi to give the
complete history of all tingnovamos we havt-
to state , but 1 will say that what is tiuoin tl.o
above ease is so in the case of almost evur.\ \
olllcial appointed by thepiescnt adiiiinistiii
tlon. Ability goei * for nothing. Tlie onb
iccoinmendutioii that counts is tlmt thi j me
political associates. Tliis does not bhow anj
fi iendship for the poor laboicr , the man that
rtoos the woik , for , when his work is done
and lie asks for his money , lie is given in
stead u piece of paper which he H glud to
discount Jiom 15 to 31 per cunt to get his
cash. Who is benoliUed , the woruing mini
or the mini who bu.\t > tlio paper !
1 have icpeateiily heard it said by HOIUO of
these boodleis that I was a inosb-bncu and
opposed all impi ovrinc-nth. 'I hii is not i m'ht.
I want to teu nil the nnpiuiomcnU made
that can be. , but I want tu see thein doiu ) 1-1
nn honest and legitiinuto vvi > Veiy truly ,
Killed HU Uncle.
M\cov , Mo , Dec. I -Monday afternoon ,
ncnr Meieyvillo , on tlio Santa Fo loud , thirty
mile * northwest of Mneon , in Maeon CDimly ,
Squid Uoberts mid his nopnew , by the n.itnu
of Uoberts , got into , i < | uancl over Kobe-its'
v\lfu , a woman of bid cliurictcr. Tim
nephew diow ills luvolvorand shot the unc-ie ,
uhnosl insiar.tly killing linn.
In vi-Htlii.u nit ; .1
, Tex , Dec. 12 , i-'om-Uui. jiroml-
nent Uuptist miiiibters are in : btlgiitlug the
scandalous ihmscsagaliibt Ke' K T Hanks ,
pastor ol tlie clmu-h heie , with rlose-1 dmjis ,
The chnrgaH implicate inurnment female
membeis of thu chuich , '
The Next Vice Frooldont Onlla on
the Proshlont-Eloct ,
The Visit an Inl'ormnl Affair In Which
Great QuestIOMH of Stnto nto
I/oH Entirely Iu the
At Oonernl Harrison's Homo.
Ci rrt VNI > . Dec. 12. Vu-e Pii si , | , nt elect
Morton was In Cleveland a few hears tins
morning , but his arrival wus so unexpected
that but few , othei than the emploves at the
union depot , weio awaie of it. Ho remained
hciu until 10 o'clock , when a spm ail train
was made up nnd ho left foi linhannpoll-t
over the Hee tine , aceompiinied bMi < Mor
ton. Thi'.v Uieakfnstcd at the depot and at
li o'clock took a uu Hugo for u slioit itrivo
about the citj
INDIAN u ui i" , Deo. 12 VHO President
elect Morton and wife luaehcd liuhnmnnii < i
nt < J o'rlnck this moiling on a ipi i ml
train. Thu mammoth lolumln of tin-
new union depot was tilled \\ith citi/ons ,
travelers and newspaper eoiiesioiiiioiits |
nwnltiiig the miival of tlie. distinguished
visitors , A eiti/ens" reception ciiininitto i
was also iu wniUnir. ( llariisnn Unl
not emie down to the station 'Hun was no
deinonstralion. It was the Intention vostei-
daj to have Winmnitihci's Guaids present
us escorts , but on lecnimUleijition not
knowing Mr Motion's \\isheHin tlirptem
ises , It was deteiimnei1 to abandon all pie
] oots looking to a imblii demon-it rat ion , and
in lieu of this to appiint n commit'eo to
await upon the president and vice pirsulent
cleet nnd ask them to name the time and
place fur holding a public icception In honoi
of Mi i ton's \ Isit
As the train c-amo to a standstill , Colonel
Now , Seerctiny llalford , Mr MelCoe Mayor
DeiiiH , .ludge Mnrtindiile. Colonel MrldgD
hind ami Mr. Scott Immcdmtel.x buaided tliu
vice picsldcnt's cm from tlio lear platform
They were met nt the door of tlie smoking
1,10111 by Mr and Mrs Morton , who had al-
leady doniied their wriilH nnd weie prepar
ing to alight. Colonel Now was the llrst to
conlially welcome the honored guests , mil
hit rod iircd Seerctiny Hal fold and Mr Me
Kee , who welcomed them in tlio name of
Genera ! and Mrs. Harilsoa The mem
lu-rs of the committee and other
gentlemen \\eio then introduced , and the
pail.immeilmteh alighted and wt-ici moiled
tinough the rotunda Carnages we re
iu waiting , and after bidding a inimbir of
gentlemen irood night , and thanking1 them
for their preseure , the \U-P presidentelect
nssltod Mrs. Motion to a seit , nnd VV.IH foi
lowed bj Mr MelCoo and Mr Hal ford The
carriage diovo r.ipidithiough the cit\ and
out Noith Dclawme stieet , to the icsidence.
of ( icneial Hniiibon
At l > : tl ( o'clock the i-.n nage drew up m
front of the Harrison resuleiieo Sec-retarj
HalforJ alighted and assisted Mr and Mts
Morton nut , leading the w.o up the path to
wind the fiont door In the \ard \ stood a
group of curious sight-seers 'I he | i.uthad
scarcely reached thu tnpof the steps when tlm
goneial opened the door and extended his
hands to Mm Mm ton , assisting her within.
Hi the bide of the general stood Mis Hum
son , mid as Mrs Moiton enteied the thresh
old the next l.ulvol the white house cordially
iiinbraced her and bid her welcome.
Meantime Gonciul Harrison turned to bid
Ins distinguished associate welcome , leading
thi-waj into the front pin lot The little pin ty
sat down bofoto the tire place nnd chatted
about the tiip After a low moments' con
versation , the giic-bts were shown to their
nppai tments. and at a ijuai tor p ist 7 tho.v
sat down to dinner. OnH General Hariison'a
family and Mr and Mrs Mm ton \ \ oropi.sent. .
He-fore diner was concluded Federal .Indgo
Woodf a wai in personal fnend of ( iencral
HaiiKonM. dropped in on them Shortly
after duiicinl Hamson and Mr Moiton ex
cused themselves to the Indies , and with
.ludpo Woods ictlred to the library to
enjoy their clear Meforo the
gtntlomcn had finished their Ha
vaims friends bcean to arrive ,
anxious to pay their rcspect-i to the general'H
guests. As tiio number of callers Increased ,
an impinmptu iccc-ption held , and General -
oral Hinrisoii , with Mr and Mrs. Morton by
liis side , stood in the back parlor mm con
versed with visitors in the most informal
manner. When the citizens' committee ar
rived , Mayor Dennoy , s spokesman , warmly
welcomed the vice piesldcnt elect and bin
wife to Indianapolis , mid extended to them
the freedom of It.ocity. He suggested that
tlie state house was the proper and most con
veiiiont place for n public ii-ception , and said
that tlie coninntte had nn doubt bu t Governor
Gray would gladly tender them the use of
the c-apltol for such n purpose
Mr .Morton , on behalf of his wife and
himself , hoiutily thanked ( he mayor for his
welcome , and to tlie committee stated ho
would make a reply in tinmoining logard-
ing the public icception so couiteously ex
The ( rcntlcmcn comprising the eommittcn
and other c-ulleis piesent then entered into conversation. At half past 0 the
callei s bid the general and his guests good
night and Mrs Moiton retired
Foi the ( list time tlie president and vlcn
iresident elc-it found themselves alone , and
hey sat down on a hi Bsofu in the ( Jack pai-
or and ( hatted for hall nn hour or more.
Shot tly nfter 10 o'clock the household retired
"or the nUht. Tlicio is no set piograiunio
for to-monovv.
Tin- U'e.illieiIndications. .
For Nuliraska and Iowa. Pair , wuicner
vc.itlier , vaii.flile winds.
For DiH' . 'a- Fair , colder weather , north
crli wlndi
( 'iilliii-c ut llc-ntrloo.
HIHTHK rNeb , D < v. 1'J - - | Special Telegram
to TIIJJ Hri : ] Gi.ivVarner , dry goods , this
noi nlng gave moilg.igcs on his stock for
wi.OUOto the Amc'iie.m S.ivingibank and the
'irst National bank 'J'ho store is running ,
with the Ameriean savniBs b ink in posses
sion It has a M > , iili ) ) stock of staple goods.
J'Uq iudebtedness is u good deal less than
.hal. .Mr Winner is a loading citl/cn , u
iieniber of tlie city counell , and has the eon-
iuoni-o of the people , and i-mi undoubtedly *
) .iy all his debts in full He bus a good
i.nlo and ic-latixcs who wdl help him if i > cu-
'Jh- "Q" Coimplracy OIISPH.
GINIVX. III. , Due. - . ' - the liial of
t uic-ioiHi-n , to-il iy , Al'sx ' Smith icpeutc-d the
Ftoi-y told bv him at tlic preliminary exainlna
ion , about pulling dynamite- ti.o track at
; ola and South Auioia II" said
S.uioivisun w.uiU'd Howies am ! himself to
brow a burn I ) m tln < col'ar ' of tlio hotel
vheie the new men w H bjii'Mi > ' , ' , ami blow
tup. Tlu-j refus.'d , The roiinunon of the
oitimony was unuiportant
* rSfei
Thus the * " Rflustang" conquers pain ,
ftiakes RfiAN or BEAST well again !