THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAJR. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNjESTG , DECEMBER 13 , 1888. NUMBER 183' NEBRASKA LAND DISTRICTS , A Bill Introduced For the Creation of Two More. SUFFERING WITH INSOMNIA. Lnlril Iiald Up nt Hurckn Springs Tlio Direct Tax Kill Passes the House MoSlmtio on Terri torial Admission. WASHINGTON HimnAU TUB OMAHA BUB , 1 613 FouiiTnexTii STIIUBT , ) WASHINGTON , 1) . C. , Doc. 13. ) IAM > IIISTIUCT HCVIfflOtt. The Nebraska delegation wcro In cousulta- tlon to-day upon the question of the revision of the land districts In western Nebraska. A bill Unified by Senator Paddock was In- rodiicoil this nftcrnoon in the senate , calling for the creation of two additional hind dis tricts. The two now districts , us proposed , will bo carved out of the Sidney , Valentine , O'Noll ' and Grand Island districts , the west ern onu to bo called the Alliance land ills- drlct and the eastern , the Broken Bow land district. Under the terms of the bill the land offices are located ut the towns named. The object of the two now land districts is to afford facilities for the largo number of settlers tlors In northern Choyenee , Ouster , Logan , Thomas and southern Cherry counties , who now lie between the Union Pacific and the Northwestern railways , and whoso nearest railway service Is by the Grand Island it Wyoming extension of the Burlington road. Congressman Dorsoy introduced the same bill In the house. It Is the Intention of the delegation to push the matter during the present session , and there uro strong hopes of favorable results. TIIK A1IMV AITOIXTMUN'TS. There will bo a vigorous effort mndo by certain army oil leers to prevent the continua tion of some , at least , of the army appoint ments sent in by the president on last Mon day. It Is generally admitted that , with the exception , perhaps , of Captain George I ) . Davis , the remainder of the appointments wore made largely for political reasons , and without much reference to the military records of the various candidates. Captain Vroom. the recently nominated inspector general , was selected upon the personal de mand of Senator MoPhorson , of New Jersey , from which state ho halls , his father" having been a former governor. Although n. week ago there was scarcely any doubt of Captain liourko'H appointment , and his assurances from the highest oflloials wcro all to this effect , Senator McPherson's demand , coming from the man who had carried New .Torsoy for Cleveland , and who had secured a demo cratic legislature , was too strong , probably , to bo passed over. It is rumored that one of the ofllccrs narrowly escaped courtmnrUaling for cheating nt cards , while in the service. It is scarcely probable that the senate will dcclinst to act upon any of the nominations , but tliero Is a possibility of an investigation into the rec ords of some of them , and a long delay at least , before they are reported back to the senate with a favorable consideration. Till ! AL'IIOlt.V rOST.MAHTHHSIIir. The postofllco at Aurora , Neb. , will shortly * become vacant , If the president decides to make an appointment of a democrat to suc ceed the present republican incumbent , whoso four years'term expires on the I'.ith of the present month. Four prominent dem ocrats of Hamilton county nro applicants for the olllco. It is generally understood that the policy of the administration , with regard to canes of tips nature , has not yet been set tled liny more than has the policy of the senate in the "matter of confirming demo cratic successors to republican oflleeholdor . I.AIKD'S INSOMNIA , A letter was received here from Repre sentative Laird , to-day , stating that ho was nt Eureka Springs , Ala. , suffering from in- Bomnia. His condition was not described in the letter as being especially dangerous , but very distressing. Mr. Laird's friends in the honso , and from Nebraska , who hiivo scon or who huvo been In communication with him Binco the campaign , state that ho overworked hunsnlf in his canvass , and that when the election came ho found himself almost pros- strntcd from nervous exhaustion. Shortly after ho went to the springs his illness took . the form of insomnia , and the constant loss of sleep has so reduced him in physical strength that ho is not oxpcctcd to occupy his seat In the house for some weeks , oven though ho should bo la convalescence im mediately. Till ! DIHECT TAX 111I.I , . The direct tax bill , which passed the house to-day , lacked just fifteen of .receiving two- thirds of the votes of that body. As the bill will likely bo vetoed , the vote of the honso is important , indicating that the bill cannot bo passed over the veto. M'ttlUNli ON TUB Tr.lUlITOUir.S. Representative McSlmne , of Omaha , ono of the few democrats who has advocated the division and admission of Dakota , said this morning that while no definite action was taken by the caucus last night , the drift of fiOLtimcnt was plainly toward treating the people of that territory fairly. There were some Irreconcilable ! ! who Insisted upon admission - mission as a whole or not at nil , but they worn a small minority. "What do you think will be donei" 1 asked. "My opinion is. " ho replied , "that the house will pass a bill admitting the lower hulf of the territoryatouce , unconditionally , tnml organizing the northern half into a terri tory. Enabling nets will then bo passed for Washington , Montana , Now Mexico and per- Imps Idaho , so that the people of those terri tories can vote next fall , whether thuy will will be admitted as states or not. " ( U'.NUIIAI , MANDnilhON. General Mnndorson's friends in this city were gratified upon reading In the Washing ton Post this morning the following special dispatch from Omaha : "Five candidates for Senator Mnmlor.son's scat are mentioned in the eastern dispatches. Nothing of the kind Is known In Nebraska. The people of the state are proud of the record General Man- Oerson has made , and his return was the loading question in the election of the legis lature. The result was a four-liftlis major ity of the ontlro body In favor of his contin uance. There will In reality bo no other candidate before the legislature and General Mmulcraon will bo Its almost unanimous choice. " TUB imt's HUKKAU. The Omaha Herald having discontinued Its Washington special service , Tim Dei : Is the only Omaha paper with a bureau at the national capital , and the only Nebraska Jour nal receiving regular specials by wlro from the neat of government. SIlSCIIU.lNCODS. R. S. Bibb , csq. . of lieutrico , who hns been spending several days In the city , and who was admitted yesterday to the supreme court , on motion of Attorney General Gar land , loft this afternoon for Annapolis , to visit Lieutenant Crcsap , of the navy. Mr. Ulbb's efforts to secure the advancement of the Gage county court house case ujton ttio Bupromo court docket was not entirely suc cessful. The case now stands ut 000 on the list , and will probably not bo reached for twelve months to como. Kx-Scnutor Van Wyck left for his homo In Nebraska this afternoon. General II. L. Swords , of DCS Molncs , la. , Is al the Kbbltt Ho Is an aspirant to the United States marshalshlp for the District of Columbia. I'uiiuv S , HEATH , Tlio HOB to n School Elections. BOSTON , Deo. 13. The result of the vote for members of the school committee \vai the election of the entire ticket nominated by the republicans and endorsed by the com. mltloo of ono hundred. The only member ' of tua present boaru re-elected Is Miss Hast ings , and among the cloven there arc no Catholics. HIE SAHHATI1 UNION. Second Day' * ProuccdliiRH of the National Convention. WASHINGTON , Doc. 12. A business meeting - ing of the National Sabbath convention was held this morning. It was announced that the senate committee on labor would give a hearing to-morrow morning to these inter ested In the Sabbath reform movement , and a committee was appointed to represent the convention before that committee. Officers of the union wcro elected ns follows : Colonel Elliott V. Shepard , of New York , president ; Hov. Dr. D. P. Lord , of Illinois , recording secretary ; Hov. .f. II. Knowlcs , of New Jersey , ccnernl secretary In charge of the publication department. A constitution was adoplcddcclaring , thc.basis ofjtho union to bo "Divine authority and the universal and perpetual observation of the Sabbath. " The object of the union Is declared to bo thn preservation of the American Sabbath as u day of rest and worship. In the nftornoon Mrs. , T. Ellen Foster , Hov. Dr. Conrad , and others , delivered brief ad dresses upon the subject of Sunday rest , etc. The question of changes in the Hlnir Sunday rest bill were discussed. As finally adopted , the words "show and exhibition" wore added to the list of prohibited Sunday nnmse- mcnts , mid the words "open to the public , 01 of u public character. " wore substuted for the words "to the disturbance- others , " the more readily to secure convictions under the proposed law. Several other changes wore made in the bill. In the evening Com mlssioner of Labor Carrel D. Wright spoke upon "The Sabbath and the Labor 1'rob lem. " Ulvcr niul Htirhnr Appropriations WASHINGTON , Dec. 12t The river and har bor appropriation bill was reported to the house this inarning. Some changes are made In the bill as finally agreed upon. It appropriates $ ll'JOGbr > 0. Among the princi pal Items of appropriation are the following Chicago , * K)0COO ) ; harbor of refuge at Mil wmiki'e , foO.OOO ; St. Clair Flats ship canal , $100,000 : Sac river , Wisconsin , below Monti- cello , $70,000 : Illinois river , $ iin,00 : ( ) ; Miss issippi river from Minneapolis to DesMoines rapids , $ .130,000 ; Mississippi river from DCS Moines rapids to the mouth of the Illinois river , JOUOO ( ) ; Mississippi river from Illinois river to the mouth of the Ohio river , . * 200 , ( > 0 ( ) ; Mississippi river from Cairo to the head ol the passes , $1,000,000 , Including the salaries and expenses of the Mississippi river com mission ; survey of Mississippi river com plete , $ : > 0,0)0 ( ) ; Missouri river , IH)0,000. ) Wisconsin Ureon Hay harbors , 6,000 ; Kcnoshn harbor , $5,000 ; Kcwanco harbor , $10,000 ; Munitowoe harbor , SS.-IOO ; Mil waukee harbor , ? iOUO ! ; Oconto harbor , $10.1100 ; Racine harbor , $3,000 ; Superior ba > and St. Louis bay , J35,000 ; Shobovgan har bor , 510X)0 ( ) ; Ashland harbor , $20.000 ; Chippewa - powa river at Yellow Hanks , $10,000. Mississippi Hlvor Hescrvoirs at head waters , .510,000 ; to complete improvement at Des Moines rapids , JS.JHH ) . Tin ; Country's Naval Toiinnic. WASIIISOTON , Dee. 12. Thn report of C. H. Morton , commissioner of navigation , for 1SSS , shows that the total tonnage of the country required to bo included in his statis tics , amounts -1,101,015 , tons , and that our merchant marine Is second to that of Great Britain. Since last year there has been a material increase in vessels in the coastwise trade. Tliero is little reason , lie says , to hope for any considerable increase in foreign going tonnnire while the laws remain as at present. The vessels built in the United States last year amount to 218,000 tons , this amount representing ( > 7.i7 ; ( ! tons more tnan the tonnage constructed dur ing the previous year. As to the establish ment of a naval reserve , the commissioner expressed himself ns in favor of the meas ure , remarking that in case of war , with only the .ilefansivo means now in existence , wo would bo at the mercy of weak nations , like those oven of South America. PrPHidcntinl Niiinilint ions. WASIIINOTON- . 12. Among the nomi nations sent by the president to the senate to-day was that of Walter I. Bragg , of Ala bama , to bo inter-state commerce commis sioner. Postmasters L. II. Connor , Austin , 111. ; Levi Booth , Cliillicothe , 111 , ; C. W. Jones , Greggsvllle , 111. ; Harry M. Rolston , K en- silicon. 111. ; S. P. Tufts , Contralla , 111. ; W. C. Nowberry , Chicago , 111. ; Mrs. J. L. Scott , Galena , 111. ; J. J. Hrennan , Correctionvillo , la. : Peter Johnston , Estherville , la. ; A. Enright , Marcus. la. ; J. B. Wilson , Cor ning , la. ; R. F. Kearney , Sheldon , la. ; N. C. Stanton , Webster City , la. ; Isaac Connor , Poncn , Neb. ; W. .f. Hrennan , Sidney , Neb. ; G. A. Loth , Rice Lake , Wis. ; Charles Schaof , Rhlnelander , Wis. ; W. C. Brawley , Mansion , Wis. ; A. J. McRae , West Superior , Wis. ; G. W. Pratt , Sturgis , Dak. ; J. T. Mc- Avoy , Lisbon , Dak ; William Hope , Miuot , Dalr. The Shcridnn Pension Itlil. WAbiiiNOTON , Dec. 12. In reporting back favorably the house bill granting a pension of 1,500 n year to the widow of General Sheridan , the committee on Invalid pensions says : There has been a decided opposition in this committee to the unusually large pen sions to widows , but this report is made fa vorable In this case upon the ground that congress cannot well refuse such action after giving large pensions to others who are less meritorious. Pneumatic Torpedo Throwers. WASHINGTON" , Dec. 12. Senator Stewart to-day Introducted a bill authorizing the con struction of 250 pneumatic torpedo throwers of the highest power , capable of throwing steel torpedos charged with not less than 100 pounds of dynamite or other explosive a dis tance of live miles. Those torpedo throwers are to be mounted in batteries for the dofimso of our harbors , and $10,0.10,001) Is appropriated to carry out the provisions of the act. The Heimto TI-IHE Committee . New YOUK , Dec. 12. The senate trust committco resumed its session to-day. Francis B. Thurber , of the firm of Thurber , Wyland Co , , was examined In regard to the purjiosa of the Wholesale Grocers' asso ciation , The witness denied that the wholesale grocers' association was formed to compel the sugar trust to sNl to members of the gro cers' association at less rates than these charged tit merchants outside of the associa tion. tion.John John Stanton testified regarding the copper trust , and Charles Ralph a broker , said that copper had been steadier In price since the establishment of the syndicate. Applcton Sturglss , president of the Eagle Milling company , of Brooklyn , testified re garding the bag trust. Ho said itroad of the Mills bill was the cause of the trust , because the managers sought to mnko us much money as they could before the.Mills bill drove them out of existence ; hence the formation of the trust. There would bo no trust possible with a reasonable tax on raw material. P , J , Goodhoart , a whisky broker , said of the whisky trust that the headquarters wcro at Pcorhi. 111. , and that the capital of the combination amounts to $30,000,000 , they paying K to 1 per cent dividends , but being desirous of decreasing their surplus stock they have been paying } per cent for some tlmo back. _ New Postmaster * Appointed. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] Edwin A. Hogs has boon ap pointed postmaster at Trenton , Hitchcock county , Neb. , vlco Nathan T. Hall , resigned , and Andrew J. Fuller , nt Swan Lake , Emmotcounty , In. , vlco S. D. Smith , ro- signed. Postal Thieves on Trial. CHICAGO , Dec. 13. The trial of Obor- kauips and Mack , who will bo remembered as having been engaged In tha most exten sive robbery of letter boxes ever known , last summer , liegau In too United States court to-day. FRANCS INSTEAD OF MARKS , Parisian Financiers Oomo to the Czar's ROBCUO. THE GREAT RUSSIAN LOAN. It Creates the Utmost. Enthusiasm In the French Hopubllo and IB a Ilenvy Itlow to Hcrlln Hankers. SnpplvliiR the SlncwB of AVnr. lCor/it | ; ( ( / kss tin Jamt * ( lantnn lie illicit. 1 PAHIS , Dec. 12. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun Unn.l Since the national subscription to cover the Gorman indemnity in 1S71 tliero has not been stieh spontaneous enthusiasm on the P.ins bourse as there was on Monday , when 100,000,000 francs J the new Russian 4-ccut loan was ortcrcd , and aiO,000,000 subscribed. Financially , the loan Is undoubtedly n success , but it Is difficult to overestimate its political importance. Kussla would dovelopo her military power. Franco responds. Franco gave money in 1STI from patriotism. She gives money again in ISSb for what is it ! Kovonge. The most absolute monarchy In Ruropo asks money ; the most democratic republic in Kuropo Ic'iids the money. Truly los extremes se teiichcnt. M Floquet announced the results of the sub scnptions to a councilor ministers yesterday With great satisfaction ho alluded to it In private vato conversation as the financial enfran chisement of Kussm from the Berlin banking monopoly. I saw n diplomatic personage ycstordnj familiar with the Inside history of the loan. Ho gave mo these facts in brief Last Juno representatives of the Comp- tcir d'Ksi-ompto Credit Lyonnnise am other tinnneiul institutions of France with several private banks suggested to M. Wysh nlgrndsky , the Russian minister of finance the advisability of converting the Kussluii debt and floating a new Russian loan in Paris. Wyshnigradsky reportcd this to the cznr , who viewed the project with favor. At this time the rouble was much depreciated , and the moment not considered favor able. With the rise of the rouble the scheme became practicable and was put in to execu tion. tion.The The advantages to Russia are many. It frees her from the financial tutelage of Ber lin. Hitherto all Russian loans have been floated and owned largely In Germany. This fact enabled Prince Bismarck to put a direct pressure on thu internal affairs of the Rus sian empire by lowering at his will the price of roubles. The iron chancellor could thus practically prevent Ku slu from making war. He could fan social dis content in St. Petersburg , Moscow am Odessai Ho could inflict losses of a million upon tne czar's private fortune and the Russian treasury. Lately German bankers have unloaded their Russian bonds on the market In the vain attempt to again depre ciate the rouble. Those bonds have at once been bought up in France , so that the great bulk of the loan is now owned in Fr.ino\ ! I talked with several bankers about the loan and asked the senior member of thu firm of Jordan & Co. why England , Germanj and other countries did not take the loan. Ho replied : "On general principles since their war England has had as little as pos sible to do with Russia. There is nothing specially attractive to the English Investors In a 4 per cent bond at bO. They find uses for money made to their liking In the direction of the Argentine Republic or elsewhere. As for the United States as long as railways there pay a good dividend and until the na tional debt is considerably decreased thus rctricting the now excellent field for invest ment there is no reason why American cap ital should go abroad. " Other brokers spoke cheerfully about the loan and with pardonable pride at the quickness with which it was covered. The class of investors nro not servants and hand conciegcs but potits rentiers and pco- plo of moderate means , who are accustomed to lay aside every year a portion of their in comes In sound investments. Other nations hesitate to negotiate a loan in Franco on account of the enormous expenses connected with the undertaking. A heavy tax goes to the treasury syndicate. The banking houses which managed the loan bought the bonds of the Russian government at about Sil and put thorn on the market M > . Deducting expenses , their profits uro about \Yi per cent. Ormoiid's Infirmity. | Cop/r/7/i ; / / / ( KSfbi/Jii'iiei fl nl in ll'.nn'.tt.l LONDONDoe. . 1'i. fNow York Her.ild Cable Special to Tin : Hin.l : Commenting upon the sale of the Duke of Westminster's race horse , Ormond , to an American gentle man for 17,000 , the Standard to-day says : If ho were sound his expatriation wonld bo a misfortune , but the ugly fact that he hud a bad roarer remains , and there will bo Amer ican and not English youngsters who will bo Impregnated with the constitutional Infirm ity. It Is not Inevitable that thu produce of roaring sires should bo roarers , but the chances nro In favor of the malady assorting itself ; so that wonderful as the horse's achievements wore , ho can bo well spared from the ranks of English thoroughbred sires. \Valpolu-AVIeileinaiin Case , ICiipurtgM IS81) ) lii ] Jiima ( lunliin Ilennett. ' ] LOSDO.V , Doc. 12. [ New York Herald Ca ble-Special to TUB Hun. ] Miss Wledo- mann , who recently sued Robert Horace Walpolo for$50OOJ for breach of promise , and who was non-suited because she refused to answer questions in reference to the birth of her illegitimate child , has returned from Germany , whither she wont to obtain evi dence concerning her accouchmcnt , and has applied for a now trial. The Pall Mall Ga zette to-day opened subscriptions for her maintenance during the litigation , which promises to bo unusually sensational. The Pnrnell CoiiiinlwHlon. LONDON , Doc. 12 , At the meeting of the Pnrnoll commission to-day Attorney General Webster announced that ho would now pro ceed with the examination of a number of landlords from County Wexford. Sir Charles Russell protested. Ho said .hat the attorney general had not Included Wexford In the opening address. If the other 8Idovero going all over Ireland the area of Inquiry would be Increased to an alarming extent Justice Hannan said ho could only view the future with alarm. The court had been en gaged for many days , but had not yet ar rived at the end of auy ono branch of the in quiry. Ho made an earnest appeal to the counsel to do their utmost to compress the inquiry. Mrs. Parsons will Not Marry. NEW Yonir , Deo. 12. fSpecial Telegram to TUB BEB. ] Mrs. Luoy Parsons now repu diates the Interview ascribed to bor yester day , and says she has BO luUmtlon of marry- log Editor JJorustclu , TIIK FI3DI3UAT1ON OF IiAUOlt. It Discusses A'nrloiifl .Measures in the Interest of iVurkliiuiiicn. Sr. Lorts , Dec. 12. The American Federa tion of Labor resumed its session this morn- Ing. The banquet of Inst night kept many delegates from appearing promptly and caused n delay In committee work. A special committee to report on that portion of Presi dent Gompors' address referring to the eight- hour law , was appointed. President Gompers in n portion of his address , referred favornbjy to the formation of eight-hour leagues in every town nnd city throughout the entire country , nnd urged that trades unions and labor unions should be represented in them. Ho suggests further that a certain day beset set apart on which mass meetings shall beheld held simultaneously throughout the entire country for the discussion of this subject. A rcces > a was then taken until 2 o'clock. On re-assembling , the committee on the president's report reported the following recommendation : That the American Fed eration of Labor use Us best endeavors to establish the eight-hour work day ; that meas ures be introduced Into congress to secure legislation against the importation of foreigner or alien labor by contract , and for the pun ishment of all violators ot such law ; that u "strike fund" bo established and maintained for the benefit of various unions or branches of unions , that may , through HUflU-iL-nt cause , go out on a strike , nnd that an assessment of 2 cents per member be levied when necessary to as sist in any strike that may bo approved by the federation ; that the matter rngarding child labor in factories bo brought to thn at tention of congress , and that bv an amend ment to the constitution of the United States children shall be made the wards of the gov ernment Instead of status , and that such measures shall bo Introduced as will prohibit the employment In fuctorio * of children under fourteen years of age. The question of a strike fund was referred back to u oommittco. All the other recommendations were adopted. Secretary McGuire reau his report and recommended that six organizers be appointed and main tained by the order for the purpose of increasing the membership , and that meas ures bo taken towards inducing the organ- i-ed : railway employes of the country to be come affiliated with the Federation of Labor. After the reiVmiee of several rw olutiotis tt : committees the convention adjourned till morning. F1KKS IN TWO THKYTKJIS. A Piiniu Nun-mvly Avnrtc-d at , ( ) < \VRK < > A Ohiuuiro lllay.c. O"\viro : , X. Y. , Dee. 1'3. Daring Mrs. Lungtrv's performance hero tu-ii&ht in the Academy of music , al the I'tirtnin was about to rise on the hist act , there was a cry of lire from the rear of the hall , and thick clouds of smoke poured up through the large register * in the middle aisle. jTbu erackling of flames was hoard underneath the floor , and UK largo audience rosi\ panic stricken. Coolheaded - headed men sprang ; Upon the stage and called out to thu people that there was no danger. Others mounted their chairs In every part of the house and called to the people to re main cooled. ThU succeed In partially quieting the people , and in two minutes Hie theater was cleurnll , just us the flames sprang up through the floor. By this time tin ! lire department was on hand , and streams of water .were pouring into the ImiMlii ! . ' and thu tire , was soon extinguished. It caught from an overheated furnaeo di rectly underneath tlje center aisle and near . 'Hut ' its discovery the main entrance. Jor timely covery it would , huvo shut olT the people from uscap1 ! by the main door , and there would have been a. terrible scene , as the house was puolced. * Cnii'Ac.o , Dec. 12. Just twenty minute ? nfter the auditorium of the Chicago opera house had been emptied of an Immunso nudi- iMiuo who had witnessed the McCiiull opera company produces "Lorraine" to-night , the employes closing up the house discovered tire in the top gallery. Some time was wasted trying to extinguish it with Habcock's nnd other appliances , and when the fire department was summoned the lluinos had gained good headway. The auditorium had to bo Hooded with water , nnd all the furni ture , frescoing , etc. , ii > the body of the house was ruined , entailing a loss of .Sl.l.OOJ. The only damage to the remainder of the build ing is by smnko and water , nnd cannot bo cstiiflated to-ni 'ht. The building , which is a ten-story tiro-proof .structure , .sustained its reputation of "lire-proof , " ' as nothing but the wood work in tno auditorium was burned. Nohrnska anil louu Pensions1. W VMIINOTO.V , Dec.Special ] ! [ Telegram to Tin : Brn.l Penbions granted lowans. Original invalid Jiunes K. Sears , Ottumwa. Increase William \ Hartlett , Waterloo ; David Hidliilmugh , Bayard ; ICmaniielSmith , Avo.-u ; Lenmlcr W , Springer , Elnuv ; Jacob N. Mercer , Red Oak ; James Stirling , War saw ; James L. Ilemsttiek , Clinton ; John D. Lankton , Sidney. Original widows , cite. , reissue Mary A. , widow of George Hen derson , Sheimmlonh. Mo.xluau survivors- Dudley 1C W. Williams , Davimport. Pensions for Nobaskiw ; . Increase Charles Jenkins , Haratla ; Paler lionney , Crab On-hard ; Aso-A. Davenport , Kearney ; Judson A. Hall , Newport ; James S. Miller , Dcwitt ; John II. Hldloy , Ilumboldt ; Theo dore H. Hurlan , Omaha. Mexican widows- Sarah E. , widow of William II. Ulount , Auburn. * A Mic OatllcSult. CIIIVIXNI : : , W.yo. , Due. 12. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Hii.j : In the suit of I ) , B. Dole against Charles Hccht , for $12,000 , a verdict was rendered In llm district court hero this evening for Uie defendant. The parties to the suit are both cattlemen , Hecht sold Dole a herd of cattle in ISs'l , the hook account of which showed 'i-10J head. When Dole came to count his cattle ho could find but 1-JOO , and brought suit for the dlnVrtinco. The defense claimed that no misrepresentation had been made mid that the book account method of selling cattle- was universally in use nt the time of thu transaction , Tlio case has ex cited Intense interest among stock men. Il.itOH to Itt ! Kentoreil. CuicAdo , Dec. 1U. Ollleinl notice was sent to-day to the passenger agents of all railroad lines in the west and northwest that at the expiration of ton days the passenger rates will bo restored to the former basis. Tliero mis been no plan formulated yet fur the maintenance of-rutes , and nothing defi nite will bo known until next week. Com missioner Abbott said this afternoon that rates would- not bo , restored immediately , and that definite action would not be taken until after a meeting of tno general manag ers on the 18th lnt > t. Murdered 'and Hurled , LAKAVUTTE , Ala. , Dec. 1'J , Robert Dan- forth , a worthy young farmer , was found dead nnd burled npar Ills homo n few miles west of bis place yesterday morning. Gashes were found on his head as if made with an ax. Ho loft home with n negro Saturday af ternoon to weigh some cotton la the field , and was not seen until ho was found as above stated. Ho had had a previous difficulty witti the negro , Wes Chlsholm , nnd all bo- love ho Is guilty of the murder. The negro tias not been seen slnoo Saturday. JuBtlcn Mntthoivd ImpiovliiR. WASHINGTON , Dee , 12. Juctlco Matthews , a week or so ago , had a recurrence of the at- , acka of muscular rheumatism with which jo has been afflicted , but has now become somewhat better. Ho Is , however , very weak. _ _ Steamship Arrivals , At Copenhagen The Hokla , from Now York. At Philadelphia The Lord Cough , from Liverpool , At New York The steamer Nevada , from Liverpool. * The Direct Tax Dill Put to n Vote in the HOUBO , AND PASSED BY A BIG'MAJORITY. A Lively Discussion of the Turin' Question In the Senate The Cotton Tie Amendment Krjeoted. Ronntc. \ \ --niNOToy , Dec. 12. There was but lit tle morning business in the senate , so the tariff bill was quickly taken up , the question being on the amendment offered by Mr. Jones of Arkansas to ndmit hoop or band iron ( cotUm tics , etc. ) free of duty. A long debate followed on this amendment. Mr. Berry said the proposed tax Illustrated the absolute injustice of the whole protec tive idea running through the senatn substi tute. The article in question was not manu factured in the United States. The tax was a direct discrimination against the farmers of the country. Mr. lliscocl : replied to Mr. Berry ut some length lu a speech championing the senuto bill and the protective tariff. In closing ho said that the verdict on this question had been reii'lored by the people. The democrats will have a chance four years from now to try it it over ngain. This Is not the time or the place , so soon after this full discussion ; so soon alter a rebuke of that sort , to indulge in it nunin , and I imagine it will have no effect on this side of the chamber , and no effect on the country. Wo don't believe that the tnrilf Is a robbery. We believe In building up American industries. AVe have raw material here to make tin-he cotton ties , and we believe the Industry can be so successfully cs tanllshcd that the effect will bo to force down the price of cotton ties. A colloquy in reference to cotton and to the question whether its price was fixed in the Liverpool mark ; t , took place between Messrs. Iteainm , lliscock and Chaco. After it closed the c uises of the defeat of the dem- ocr.its in the hist election wcro brought up , Mr. Reivjan claiming that the tariff had not so mui-h to do with It , us had the veto of the dependent pension bill and democratic dis content with the president's civil service policy. Mr. Chnco asked whether the discontent was because the president hud not earned out his pledges. Mr. Reagan The discontent was because ho diil not carry out Ids pledges , and be cause hi ; kept republicans in olllco in cases where the law did not require him to do HO. Mr. Dawes Docs the senator mean to say that thd pros ! tent's party deserted him because he would not breaic his pledges ! Mr. RiMtran N'o , sir ; 1 do not mean that. Mr. Dawos What do you itieanf Mr. Rengun I ! was the president's duty to carry out the law , but it was not his duty to extend the principle of the law to offices that , wcro not covered by it. I monn that there wns'disi-ontent , and the gentlemen on the other slide will soon have evidence of that discontent. Mr. ll'si-ock assorted that tliero was no i-vnienco of democratic discontent in the btato of Now York-with the president's civil service pulley during the last year. Then , replying to Mr. Reagan's remarks about nurieultural Interests in the tariff question , he reminded him of the fact that Urn republicans of thu Btato ol New York came down to Harlem river , with 80,000 ma jority , and that that part of the state WUR fairly agricultural ; that Iowa , a fairly agri cultural state , gave thu republicans a ma jority of 10,0,10 , an 1 that Kansas t-ave a re publican majority of 77 > ,000 or bO.OJO. That proved , he said , that the interest of the country did not consider that It was bulii injured by tl0 | tariff. Mr. Reagan accounto.l for it by suggesting that for the last , twenty years the fallacies about tha blessings of the tariff had been preached to the tanners , and that the lost campaign was too short to undo the effect of such preaching. M - . Hale stated that the president's trriff message had been more extensively circu lated among the farmers of the north and northwest than any other document for years , the circulation being millions on mil lions of copies , which the farmers had read , and which they had answered in the election. The presiding ofilcer ut 2 o'clock presented a special order for that hour , the Union Pa cific funding bill , but as Mr. Allison insisted on proceeding with the tariff Dill , the fund ing bill went over , retaining nil its rights us a special oner. The tariff debate was then resumed. The cotton ties amendment to the bill was re jected by a striet party vote yeas IS , nays ! . Mr. Coke moved an amendment reducing the duty on cotton to 35 per cent ad vale rem. rem.Witlioutiietion the senate adjourned. HOIIHI- , WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. The river nnd har bor bill was reported to the house to-day and referred to the committee of the whole. Tim senate amendments to the department of agriculture bill were non-concurred in and a conference ordered. The report of the committee on elections in the California contested election case of Sul livan against Fclton was submitted nnd placed on the calendar. The house then went into committee of the whole on the direct tax bill. A long debate ensued , during which many amendments were offered and rejected. Mr. Elliott offered an amendment making it the duty of the secretary of the treasury to pay sueli persons as shall apply therefor , and who furnish satisfactory evidence that Hiich applicant was at the tlmo of the sales mentioned , the legal owner or his heir-at-law , or devisee of the legul owner of such lands as were sold in certain parishes of South Carolina , under the nets of congress , the value of iald lands in thu man ner which is set forth In the amendment nt length. in all cases where persons , whllo serving in the army or navy or marine corps , purchased any of said hinds , and such lands afterwards reverted to the United States , it Khali bo thu duty of the scerelary of tlw treasury to pay to such parsons ns shall in each case apply therefor or to their lieirs-at-lnw , devisee or grantees , In good faith and for valuable consideration , what ever sum was so paid to the United States in such case. In order to carry out the provis ions of the amendment ? S50,00 ( ) is appropriat ed. The amendment was adopted , Mr. Oatos of Alabama offered an nmend- mentprovldlnbr ; for refunding the cotton tax. Rejected. ' The question thin came up on the amend ment proposed by the Judiciary committee , striking out the provision in the senate bill declaring that no part of the money appro priated by the bill should bo paid to any at torney or oBout , under any contract for ser vices now existing , or heretofore made be tween the representative of any state and any attorney or agent. The amendment was disagreed to. After several other amendments had been offered and rejected the committee rose and reported the bill to the houso. It was passed ; yeas 178. nays 00. The folr lowing Is the vote in detail ; YEAS. Adams , Allen of Mich. , Anderson of Arnold , Atkinson , Kansas , HakerofN.Y. Uakorof 111. , Bayno , Hcldcn , Hlggs , Uingham , Hoothman , Hound , Uoutello , Bowden , Howon , Brewer , U rower , T. II. B. Browne of Ind Brown of Ohio , JJrowno , J. 1C. Urowu , Buchanan , Bunnoll , Burrows , Uutler , Buttenvorth , F. Campbell of Campbell of T , J.Campbell Now York , Ohio. of N. Y. , Cannon , Caswoll , Choadlo , Clark , OKswell , Compton , Cooper , 2othran , Crouso , Cutcheon , Dalzoll , DarllnRton , Davenport , Qavls , Delano , Dibble , Dlngly , Dorsey , Dunham , Elliott , Fwquhar , Folton , Flnlcy , Fitch , Flood , Ford , Fu nston , Gnrncr , Gallinccr , Gear , Oest , Gibson , Orosvcnor , Grout , Guenther , Hnrmer , Hnugeu , Hoard , Hcinptiill , Henderson of Henderson of Henderson of Iowa , N. C. , Illinois , Herman , lleistnml , Hires , HIU , Holmnn , Holmes , Hopkinsof 111 , Hopkinsof YnHopkins of Houk , Hovey , Y. , Hudd , Hunter , Jackson , Johnston of Keiin , Kelly , Indiana , Kennedy , Kerr , Ketchnm , LaFollctte , Laidlaw , Latham , Lee , Lchlbach , Lind , Long , Ly in an , McDonald , Mahoney , MiiKSUr , Mason , Malson , Mi-Clammy , MeComasi , McCulUnigh , McKennn , McKlnlcy , Merriniuu , Mofiit , J. II. Mori-Ill , Morrow , Nelson , Nichols , Nutting , O'Donnoll. O'Ferrall ' , O'Neill , of O'Neill , of Osborno , Indiana ; 1'gini ; Outhwalto , Patten , 1 'nyson , Perkins , Perry , Peters , Phclps , Plumb , Post , Pugsly , Rockwell , Romels , Rowell , Rowland , Russell , ofConn. Rusk , Ryan , Conn. Sawyer , Scull , i Seney , Seymour , Shaw , Sherman , Simmons , Syndcr , Sowdcn , Spoonor , SteoU Stepheiison , Stewart of Yt ; Strubblo , S.vmcs , Taylor , K. B. Taylor , J. D. Thomas of Ills ; Thomasof WIsjThompson of Thompson of Tillinan , Ohio ; California ; Townshend , Turner of Vandover , Wade , Ktis ; Warner , Weber , West , White of N. Y ; Whiting of Wicknnm , Wtlbor , .Mass ; Wilklns , Wilkinson , Williams , Ynrdloy , Yoder. Total 178. NAYS. Abbott , Allen of Miss. , Bacon , Bankbend , Barry Hlanehnrd , Hlnnd , Hlinint , Hreckcnridgo Breckcnrldgo Bryeo of Ark. , oflCy. , Hm-kalcw , Burnett , Bynum , Candler Carlton , Caruth , Catchinps , Chtpman , Clurdy , Clements , Cobb , Collins , Cowles , Cox , Crain , Crisp , Cummins , Davidson , Dockcry Dunn , of Flu. , Enloe , Koran , French , Glass , Grimes , Hatch , Hayes , Herbert , Hooker , Howard , llutton , Johnston Jones Kilgore , of N. C. , Lagan , Lamlcs , Lane , Lanlmm , Lawler , Malsh. Martin , McAdoo , McCreary , McKinney , MeMillin , MeRea , McShane , Mills , Montgomery , Morse , Meal , Norwood , Oatcs , Peel. Pennlngton , Pholan , Randall , Richardson , Robertson , Russell Sayers , Shively , of Mass. , Smith , Spinola , Springer , Stewart of Tex , Stewart of Ga , Stockdale , Stone of Ivy. , Tarsney , Tray , Turner of Ga. . ' Vance , Walker , Washington , Weaver , Wheeler , Whiting of Mich , Wilson Wilson Wise , of Minn. , of West Vn , Speaker Carlisle Total W. The house then adjourned. IXTI3U-STATK COSlBUiUCE CoolcyS Opinion on the Alovc for ItR Uopenl. CIIICAOO , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hun. ] A dispatch from Washington says : ' 'The first open step of the railroad interests toward securing the repeal of the inter-stnto commerce law is the outright re peal bill introduced by Congressman Morse , of Massachusetts. Whllo there is little reason to suppose the bill can pass , yet there is a possibility that modifications may be had which would amount to a practical repeal. Mr. Morse claims that the long ami short haul provisions of the law have hampered business and arc injuring the railroads se verely. Ha also asserts that the bill has depreciated' the value of their stocks and bonds. " Judge Cooley , ehnirmnn of the inter state commerce commission , who is at , present in this city , expressed the utmost surprise that Congressman Morse should nniUe such state ments. He has mi four of the repeal of an essential provision of the law. It is his opin ion , as well as that of the other commission ers and many railroad managers , that the law Is nn excellent one , and fully meets the expectations of its projectors. If anything it should ho made stronger. As regards the claim that it has depreciated stocks and bonds , Judgei Cooley said it is bringing these things to their true value. Many of thcsose curities were yet far above their intrinsic value , and until thcso came down to their proper level , the country could not prosper. WKSTHHN PACKING 1NTICHKSTS. The Output of Product Still OonlinueH to Shrink. CIXCINXATI , O. , Dec. 12. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.i : . ] To-morrow's Price Cur rent will say : The week's packing nt fifteen leading points has been 320OJO , against ; ! : ) ( ) , - 000 the preceding weak and 375,003 for the corresponding tlmo last year. These places have packed n total of 1,725,000 , hogs since November. 1 , against Z iO.'i.OOO a year ngo , a decrease for the week of 55,000 hogs , and for the season of 530,000. The returns from other places indicate an additional decrease of 50,000 since November 1 , which implies that the points from wliich the returns huvo been received are now O'JO.OJ'J hogs short , In their packing , compared with last year. Op erations continued quite nctlvo a year ngo until a week Inter , after which there was a considerable abatement. It Is not Improba ble that the subsequent packing may com pare favorable with last year's. Colorado's Honutnrinl NKW YOUK , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tnii Hin. : ] A local paper says : Senator Teller declared last evening that ho would resign If the Colorado legislature elected ox- Senator Tabor as his colleague. It was at a meeting of bovoral Colorado gentlemen In the Fifth Avenue hotel , where the senator- ship was discussed. It is generally conceded that the leading candidate is young Ed Wolcott. TriHihhiH. LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , Dec. lii. Black's dry goods house and grocery store In Toxarkuna , Ark. , has been cloted by attachments , The liabilities are estimated at $70,000 , with 5100- 000 assets. . . The liabilities of the Lincoln Mills and Stock Farm company , operated near Varnor , Arit. , and which made an assignment yester day ; are about f)5,000 ; assets about aho sauio , ' The Trouble at Hovior. ST. Louis , Deo. 13. Last night's excite ment at Hovior , Mo. , the scone of the mine troubles , was brought about by the threats of John Atkinson , chairman of the strikers' committco , who stated that the strikers would erect fet tlflcallons In IJcvler to-day. Bcnntor Hutlnr Ile-olnotoil , COLUMBIA , S. C. , Doc. 13. Senator Butler was re-elected to-day by a practically un anluioub voto. ! DOES IT MEAN PEACE OR WAR/ / The LntoBtMovo of the Striking But * Huston Engineers. SECRET/CONFERENCE IN CHICAQ AVldely CoiifllciltiK Humor * Concert IHK the Disposition of llio M : i > ami the Olvloct ol' the Meeting. The StrlldiiK ClltfAHo , Dec. ! . [ Special Tolesrajr. ft Tin : Hun. ] Rumors have again beeouYy prevalent In regard to the old strikes ou tu "Q" system , and It is said that the engineers nro anxious to have theirs declared off so that the men may get back to work. ClmirmatJ Knviinor , oftho | general grievance committee1/ / is in the citytho object of his visit boinglt id said , to negotiate a peace with the eompnn nnd use that ns a card In his efforts to Imvo G rand Chief Arthur retired to private llfo" nnd himself Installed lu the position that Afy thtir now holds. ( Inquiries were made nt the general ofllco ojj the railway company to-day , hut owing to the absence of the general officers nothing very dellnlto could bo learned. Yico I'rosl- ' dent Stone mid General MannedRlple.v arq ! both out of the city. "Wo have not received ! nn.v deputations bore , " said Dr. Williams'/ / ' assistant to Vice President Stone , ' "looking to a settlement of tua dispute. What Is there to sottlol Where Is there room for any compromise tq como inl There are no vacancies on out ? road. All positions are full , and everything is running in u satisfactory manner. Ouu now men are competent and giving ontirii satisfaction. Wo arc certainly not going tQ displace any of them to make room for thrtj strikers. That would be entirely out of the ( question. 1 really do not see where rooty would come 1n for any negotiation. " i "If the strike wcro declared off , and thn brotherhood men should usk to bo appointed to vacancies as they occur , would you re ceive them in that way ( " i * " 1 cannot say ns to that. I presume that their applications would have to be passed upon as the vacancies occnrcd , but wo ccr- ' talnl.v would not discharge-any of our present' men for the sole purpose , of making room for them. " | j General Superintendent Bossier staled . * s that If any committee railed on him ha : would treat them courleoilsly and would listen to what they had to propose , hut this road has all the cu gineers required to do a very large business1- and they wcro nil good , competent , sobeo men , nnd none of them would lie. discharged to make room for thu btriUors. The strikp of the "Q" switchmen was declared off nu conditionally , ami the onleers staled to-day that none of the old moil had been reinstated ! . ] there being no vacancies for them to III ) . Another explanation of Kavener's visit Is that , ho intends to inaugurate a boycott ; against the "Q" road. How the proposed scheme" was to bo worked , and the details of it , were not arranged , and to dovino means , a conference of the members of the different grievance committees of the various roadjl was , it is said , called to meet in Chicago tok . Switchmen Strike nt Toledo. TOI.KDO , O. , Dec. 12. Tlio switchmen in all the railroad yards of the city agreed to strike at noon to-day. Efforts were mndo for a compromise and nt 10 o'clock the strilc- crs in the Pennsylvania yards went back , arf- cepting the compromise oJTcred by the comV pany. The Pennsylvania men having accepted the compromise receive the same wages paid in the Wabush yards , wliich is less than that paid on the Lake Shore. This would lend the matter if it wcro not for the fact that the Wnbiish switchmen are holding out foe the Lake Shore schedule , and though they are working they are only waiting for tha result of the conference with Kecoiver Mc > Nulta and other ofllccrs of the road , who are expected hero to-night. The Columbus , Hamilton & Dayton men , who went out yesterday , are still firm in their do- maud for Lake Shore pay. Work in the Toledo and Ohio Central yards is progress- Ini ; without interruption , ami no trouble is anticipated. The Wheeling Lake Eriu men are working as usual , Having accepted the scale adopted at the meeting of supcrin * tendcntH Monday. In ciso ; the Wnbash men are granted the Lake Shore pay , is is BUS- IK'eled the Pennsylvania switchmen will 118)5 ) for a corresponding increase , when the rcQl dilliculty will begin. TIIK OYSTKIl IM11ATK3. Thiit They Are Pi-opnrinn td Attack Hit ! Police lIontH. iJAi/riMoui : , Dec. 12. Tlio piratical oyster dredgers nro defiant. To-night it was re ported that an attack was to bo made on the police sloop Folly , which is on guard at Hackett's point. As the other police boaUf are elsewhere , Governor Jackson has tola * graphed Secretary Whitney , requesting the use of the steam launches and gal line guns now at the naval academy aG Annapolis. At half-past 11 to-night Superin tendent Sampson received instructions to furnish the state what assistance ho could , nnd ho ut once commenced to make ready two of the launches , arming one with a howitzer nnd HID other with a galling gnu. Captain Howard and the crew of the disabled police steamer McLane will take charge o the launches and go at once to Hackett'n Point , where the Folly is said to he stirJ rounded by about forty dredging schooners. O1V Koillayif , Niw : YOIIK , Dec. 12 , The sloop-of-war Ga lena , manned by 2.0 ! mon , mid the sloop-of- war Yantlc , sailed from the Brooklyn navy yard to-day for Htiyti. As thu war ships bailed they received a salute from the men on tha Richmond , who mounted the yard arum and cheured lustily. Many spcetatora viewed the departure. Tlio delay In getting to sea was on account of the ships uulntj stuck in thn mud. The second nlllcur of the steamer Clnribel , of the Atlas line , which ar rived In port , to-day from Ilayti , reports hav ing heard that the German steamer Clemen * tine had been fired into nnd sunk by the Haytlcn man-of-war La Tnissu. The Clarjj Del did not stop at Ila.vtl. A Western Union Nnvr YOIIIC , Dec , 12.At tnu ro , < ; ulnr monthly meeting of the Western I'nion directors to-day the usual dividend ot 1 ! uce , . cent was declared out of the earnings of the ' * current quarter. The statement shows tlmfi the gross earnings for the quarter ending \ September HO , 1SSS , amounted to I.VOS. OJ. * The operating expenses wro ( .fjUS , ; ) ' , ' ! , and the nut earnings fl,7ii < , : t78 , an Increase ot fc-IOO.-HW over the corre-ipondiiig quarter last ) year. The estimated surplus on January I A Ihiiiiiiy > l III-NII a I Ivlllcil. * CIIATTANOIJOA , Tenii. , Dae. 12 , Yesterday in a laurel thlu'cut ' near thu fojt of Koaa Mountain , In Carter county , east Tennessee , was found the dead body of United States Deputy Marshal Thomas Goadhcn. Ho lofti Ellcabuthtown Novumboi-JiO , to survo pipurs : on a desperate gang of moonshiners , and wan { not again seen alive. It has been learned ' : that on the nuxtday ho was killed , fly whom Is yet u mystery. A Crn/.y niolhor'rf Duoil. „ NEW Yonu , Dec. 12 , This afternoon Mrs , ' J Carolina Schmidt , aged twenty-three , living $ . < atKll ICast Seventy-sixth htreet , while la- > , fcano , threw herself from n four-story win * dow with her two children , .lcjilu : , u three- yeur old , mid , two yfcarg. Tim former wai instantly killed and ilit ) \ > tf nid his bister l/adly injured Mil tu' m to thu hc/n pital ,