Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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There nro 210 touchers on the pay
rolls in Omaha.
Collection nt the Intornnl re von u
depai'lnvjiit tliln morning WSS.iJ7. : )
The Congregntionnl headquarters a
tlic 1'niton block hn\c boon novvly doe
ornted , carpeted , and present a very at
tractive npooiirntioo.
The I'arni'll Social club 1ms been re
organi/ed and will give a series o
parties iltiring the winter months , semi
monthly , al their hall , corner o
Thirloenth and .lack-son hlrcots , coin
monoing-"Wednesday evening , Deccm
bcr 112. 18SS. Persons nulding invila
tlons are respectfully recjtio tcd to 1 > <
present , and tlio-o not having invila
lions , who bnve been In the huhit of at
tending these parlies , can obtain then
from members of the club. A neat pro
grammo lias been arranged and the
very of music will bo in attend
Milto W Cnne. of Now York , Is in the city
the guest of Kmll Hrundels.
.lako Wolff , one of the llrst lint men wh
"tnndo" Omaha , Is at the Puxton , now rep
resenting Ulndskopf & Harblcr.
JPSRO P. Allen , night opcrtor for the li.
M. lallrond , hns been promoted to agent ant
opc'tator nt Hellovuc , Xeb. , vice J. ilnydcn
F. M. Fish , advertising nnd oxcursioi
ngont , representing the city of Pnoblo
Colo. , is in tlio city booming an oxctir
filon to hia ulty from hero on the llitl
Spud for Ciilnlt | > .
A pelilion is being circulated among the
residents of Walnut 11111 asking thnt J. C
Fnrrhh , hotter known t\s "Spud. " the scerc
tury of the llro department , bo appointei
cnptnln of tlio lire company al that place
Some of the most prominent residents o
thut burg have signed the p.iucr.
10Vctl. .
I The following marriage licenses were is-
eucil by Judge Shields yesterday :
I William Young , Omnhn 2 , "
I N'annlo Urawfofd , Oninhn 1 !
j Carl Aorlckstlon. Omaha "t
I Wiailoln Johnson , Omaha
County Court.
The case of Larch vs Woolf Is before thee
o int. The action Is brought for the recov
eay of WiO.
Martlia Troxvbridge , a minor , was adopted ,
with tlio consent of tlio court , by Mr. James
Turners' Election.
The Omaha Timivoreia hold Its annual
election of oDIccrs Monday evening , with the
following result :
John Hiuimor , llrst speaker ; Max Ilompcl ,
second speaker ; Ernst G. Griibc , secretary :
Phil Andres , lirst turnwurt ; Carpnr Huceh-
ncr , second turnwurt : fills Doyle , treasurer ;
Theodore Hcckc , assistant treasurer ; Fr.
I3randes , librarian.
Klcclion I
Among the witnesses yesterday were Ed
Lccdcr , Louis Golden , and the Mulshing of
the examination of Mr. Itoatch. Mr. Lccder
said ho heard two men saying thnt they had
each gotten n hnndful of ballots just before
the row at the election in the First district
of the bccond ward. Golden w : > with
Lcptlcr and corroborated tlio statement. The
examination of Koatch consisted mainly in
comparing the number of votes at the elec
tion in qucjUon with previous elections.
t * laiuuct. |
The ex-students of Wyman's Com mercial
college held their third annual banquet Mon
day evening at the UarUcr hotel. About llfty
persons word in attendance and a royal good
time was enjoyed. The early pirt of the
evening was npcnt in the parlors , where the
guests were entertained with music , decla
mations and speeches. At" ! ) : ! W they sat
down to an elegant supper comprising the
choicest dainties in the resources of Manager
Hatch , topped off with good old port. The
address of welcome was delivered by Mr. E.
E. Zimmerman , and short speeches were
made by many of the guests.
Hip-Hap nt tlio Waterworks.
Mr. Underwood , manager of the water
works , has returned from an extended trip
cast. Ills company have decided to rip-rap
the river bank to protect their now works at
Florence. With this object they have en
tered into a contract with the Omaha Stone
& Sand company to supply them with suf
ficient stone to make an embankment
along the river front near Forencn. It will
roijuiro several hundred carloads , and as
work will begin next Monday nild continue
through the winter it will afford employment
for several inon both at Florence and at the
quarry at Louisville.
Kellncry Movoi.
The announcement has been made that tlio
Fairbanks lard refinery of this city is ubont
to remove to Hutchins , and the proprietor
has offered his plant and building for sale. '
It Is said that the inducement , has been a
bonus of ? > Kt.OOO , which will supply.
a now plant and otherwise de
fray the cost of removal. Hut'ihins
js n town of 1,500 inhabitants in the southWest -
West part of Kansas , and Is situated on the
TopoUa & Santa Fe , Missouri Pacific and an
other road. The object in leaving 1ms boon
to get ncarcrtho south , whom they get cotton
seed oil ; which Is used largely in the busi
ness and and where better railroad rates can
bo had. The refinery has been located hereabout
about live years , Fairbanks having bought
the rellnory formerly run , by J. J3. Hoyd. It
pulil ftiii.oou a year in wages , The removal
will not take pineo until spring , though ar
rangements are now bulng made for it.
The board of public works have made an
other computation of sidewalks in the per
manent district , with the following results ,
tlio amounts being all In square feet : Stone ,
natural and uitillclol , voluntarily laid this
and other years , ! ! ( i7,700 ; ntono , natural ami
artificial , laid in 18SS , being condemned under
ordinance , Ti'f } > ttO\ \ brick walks , 21,0(1:1 ( : : as
phalt , JS.5M ) ; wooden walks , ail. ISO. Of the
brick , asiilmlt , and wooden walks to bg re
placed with stone in the early spring ( now
under contract ) , -l..o.'O.
Of the ill-1,5 0 hqiuiro feet condemned this
year snfijO square feet have , been laid by
the property ownuri in compliance with the
sidewalk Inspector's orders , leaving only the
email amount of r.i.O-'O siiuaro feet , which is
now under contract. Thorn ivmulns to bo
condemned - > 1,1$0 square feet of board
walks , which will bo ordered removed next )
season. If the work is nil completed next
year , all tlio 001,01) ) square feut of sidewalks
in the permanent sidewalk district will bo of
stone by next winter.
Standard shorthand school. 1005 }
Farn urn
Ktipcrlnlcmlont JamitV
In conversation yesterday Superintendent
James snid that tlio discipline of the schools ,
of Omaha has improved during the years of
his administration very remarkably. Not
only is it true that the rod or ferrule has
cca.sod to bo a factor in the government of
the schools , but suspensions are much more
rare than formerly and the minor methods
of puulbhmcnt , such nsstandlng on the floor ,
etc. , are practiced IBM frequently , Mr.
Juiacs bullovcs that in no schools
in the country b the discipline moro
efficient. Parents' complaints to him of the
kind or frequency of discipline are almost
unheard of , and the teachers In the schools
invariably rufcr to the character of the dis.
clpllne both in respect to mildness and ef
fectiveness as their most excellent feature ,
Mr. James says that m his vUits to the
tchools , In which hta whole ifliii ) is occupied ,
ho kcarcoly ever ROCS anylhlnir In this dirre-
tiou deserving rrltl'.lRin. Hu clous not be
lieve there is uny occasion for the recant
itrlclu'rcs concornlaglUcHtnndln ? of chlhl reu
uinn the Hour for an unreasonable lu.igui of
elolhlnjr for at Mulai-d
Lolol ' funslsbin goo-J
AVIint nn Act of Cdimreis Did l-'or Tlio
Union 1'acillu ltnn < t.
The Hon. John M. Thurstou was seen at his
residence Mondav night , In reference to the
petition tiled by the Western Union Telegraph
company apalnst the Union Pacific railroad ,
restraining it from seizing the lines of the
former company.
"LJoth the Union Pacific and Western
Union companies , " ho said , "have been oper
ating the telegraphic scrvico west of Omaha ,
under a joint contract entered Into In 1 1.
Tlic practical result of that contract is , that
up to date , and as nearly ns can be estimated ,
each company owns about one-half of the
wires , poles , and equipment of the present
Union Pacific system. The contract contem
plated that each company should make nn in
ventory of their property at the time it was
entered Into , and presumably that ouch
should keep n correct account of the income
and expenditure for each year thereafter ,
until the expiration of that contract twenty-
live years later. No doubt that the books of
each year will show that this has been done.
"The bill of particulars filed by the com
pany claims that tno Western Union was
m-uetlcnlly In possession of tlio territory before -
fore the Union Pacific was in existence' . "
"At what time did the latter come into
possession i"
"It was prior to 1SS1 , probably about 1SSO ,
whr-n , owing to seine misunderstanding
about rate1 * or ownership 1 have forgotten
the circumstances , the Union Pacific took
possession of what they deemed their rights
that is. the right to operate the wires along
their right of way as granted by tholr char
ter. Vlio Western Union objected , and their
.objections came in the shape of tempory in
junctions , which were arirucd in duo course ,
but never came to a tlnal adjustment. Vou
can find the decisions in First McCreary's
circuit court proceedings. So far as decis
ions were rendered , they were rather In
favor of the Western Union regarding their
claims to the Kansas division of the Union
Pacific subsidised lines were concerned , but
otherwise they ratlicr favored the Union
Pai-illc. Hcforo the case was finalli decided ,
however , tlio contract of 18bl was entered
into , and the claims compromised. The terms
of this contract would have remained In
force had it not been for the net of congress
passed on the 7th of September last. As
soon as that was really brought to our
attention , 1 consulted with the
attorneys of the company , uml with Judge
Dillon and Judge Wilson , of Washington ,
whom 1 met in New York. The result of
tills consultation was that In a general way ,
wo thought It our duty to obey the net of
congress , and wo commenced at once tailing
the necessary steps to accept all the com
mercial business that offered along our sub
sidized lines , from any person , or any com
pany that desired to connect with us. It is
on this the complaint of the Western Union
is grounded , or , in a nutshell , on our obedi
ence to the law , which compels us to violate
the terms of n contract entered into with
that company. U'e have already notified
the attorney general of the United States of
our determination to obey the law , and of
the probable litigation that would ensue on
that account , so that he could intervene on
the part of the government if he so desired ,
ns the act of September , 1SSS , which seems
to annul the contract , requires him to do.
Wo also notified him that an application for
an injunction had been made by the West
ern Union , and we notified the Postal Union
company to the .same cfYeet. so that all par-
tjcs , concerned could bo heard when the cao
comes up before Judge Hrower. "
"You speak of the contract of 1SS1 , and
say it is n compromise of the rival claims
prior to that date , and yet , in their bill of
particulars , the Western Union goes back as
far as IMS. Will that ground have to bo
gone over again I"
"Yes. it must all bo gone overngain. "
'Well , if the Union I'acitic is successful in
the suitand gains possession of its own lines ,
"I'm not a practical telegrapher , and can't '
say , but I suppose the Union Pacific would
liavq to prepare a schedule of rates for all
parties doing business over its system of
wires. All other companies would bo noti
fied , add the rates graded according to the
Lousiness done , as is at urcscnt the case. "
"Would any Change benefit the Union
Pacillc , or what would bo the clTcetJ"
"I think our present contract with the
Western Union gives us a better service for
our railroad business , and earns us moro
inoneythan a compliance with the law would
do , but that is only a matter of judgmcnt/and
results alone can tell. "
"Who pays for the repairs , working ex-
lenses , and other incidentals of the present
system ! "
'That comes under the contract , nnd it is
fair to assume that whei these are paid the
interest of each company in the plant and
equipment as it now stands is about half and
half. "
"On what , then , does the Western Union
Iwso its claim for the fioo.OOO ! "
"It is not for the amount. Their bill Is
iroughtto compel us to live up to our con
tract. "
"How did thocompnny the Union Pacific
como to take possession of their lincsi"
"When they took them there were two
systems running parallel to each other over
tlio Union Pacific right-of-way. IJoth lines
were in operation and in competition , until
the agreement of libl , after which the most "
serviceable were retained and tlic others al- ,
owed to roll away. Since then the work has "
icon done over n single system , mid would
emaln so had it not been for the act of Scp-
tcinber 7. "
Mr. Thurston left yesterday to appear m a
mnder ca > e at Hoone , for which ho was ro-
taincd before accepting the position of gen-
iral attorney for tlio Union Pacific. Ho will
be absent several days.
The Finest Train In tlio World.
The Golden Gate Special of tlic Union
? auillu , ' "The Overland Kouto"between
Council BlutTu , Oinnlni anil San Fran
cisco is "Tho Finest Train in the
A'orld. " It is composed of Pullman
Vestibulcd Curs , \\ith dining oar , steam
icnt , ulcctric lighthoparatc bath rooms
or Indies and gonllomen , barber .shop ,
ibrary , observation , and smoking
ooms. A lady attendant for the ladies
tnd children. A modern hotel on
vliuols , . Leaves Council Blurt's every
Wediicpuay , 7-13 : a. in. Arrives San
francisco every Friday 'J-15 : p. m. Faro ,
ncluding berths , nuals and all convon-
ences , $100. ciocnro your nuconunoda-
ions early. II. P. Uouol , city lielcot
agent , latW Fiirnain st. , Omaha , Neb.
Kailrnail Notes.
Two extra switching rrows have been put
o work at tlio end of the double track by the
Union Pacific and reported this morning.
Ed lligloy , chief dork of the Union Pacific
ardmasti-r , is away on a well earned vaca-
ion. Ills place Is supplied by F. M. Kcrnnii ,
rom the local freight department.
During working hours yesterday , the
nuha elevator unloaded lit cars , and
oadcd ninety-one cars of corn.
"You would hardly think it , but there are
Ighty-fivo miles of side track owned by the
Union Pacific in Omaha and Council iiluffs
arils , " said an ° employe yesterday
norning , "and elghty-llvo miles la a In
eng distance--especially if you have to
valk It. Still there is not enough track for
ho work just now. " '
"Wo have done a larger business for the
y than.over before , " said n Union Pacillc
nicial who is in n position to know , and the
imio can bo said for the last few days.
\bout twenty-four hundred cars are handled
hilly , and I know that die switchmen took
arc of eighteen huiutrcd that were received
General anil Mra. Harrison.
Very line otcliod portraits of Prosl-
lont-oleot ( iiul Mrs. llnrrlsun have Hist
been issued by M. It. Hymnn , publish
ers of the Indianapolis Iforald. Agents In
vantcd in every town in tlio United
States. Send Ifio for eainplo portraits
and terms to agents. Address
M , U. IIVMAX , Publisher ,
Indianapolis , Ind ,
A Complaint.
Lew Illbben , proprletorof the Now Casino , and
vlovonth and Douglas , complains that the
xilliij and newspapers , between them , are and
jiving him the "worst of It , " Ho says :
'borne ( line ago twj of my people were ar for
jstcd for robbing n man trained ICidd of
TOO. At the trial KIdd emphatically ilanled
thnt they hml robbcil him of anything , and
it W.1S also shown thnt Kltld did not have
over $100 any way , and that lie sjisnt. Now
comes nn nrtlolo snylng thut 1 refuse to
admit policemen , nutl thnt n uinn nntncd Flu-
my wni robbcil of $150 by n prostitute ycstcr-
ony afternoon In n wlno room nt Iny plnco.
sio\v , I hnvo no wino rooms and j-e terdny
nftornoou tlioro wi s not a womnn In my
place , As to tlie pollcoitmn , 1 pnve my door-
liccjicr orders to ntlmlt no one without 11
tlchct , and ho refused ndmtaton to nu olllcor
nntl there xvns a fuss. The police force know ,
however , thnt I ncvrr hnvo and never will
refuse to mlmit an onicer in ll.e disoharRe of
his duty. "
That hnckiiiL' coti h can bo PO quickly
cured by Shiloffs Cure.Vo ( nianinteb
it. For bitlo by Goodman Drug Co.
Ir. McruciSnys Tlmt They AVI II l\a
Dr. Mercer , of the Motor line , was seen ycs-
tcrdny and stated thnt the courts would refuse
permission to his coin puny to put up poles ia
the streets , when they held that the franchise
was grunted to his by the vote of
the people wns null mid void.
"Has not the city attorney held that you
hnve no rliht to erect poles In the streets ( "
"Xo sir , lie has not. Ho WAS asked by the
mayor on the subject , niul ho s.tld ho thouttht
It would be best lo leave the pole-raising fern
n liUlo time until he should bo able to ex-
itiiilno Into the mutter. "
"How innuy poles had you erected } "
"Fotty. "
"Where are they ! "
"Oh , they nro all around. Wo put tlicm
where wn tliousht we illicit be ? able to use
them. There are tlireo of thorn on DoiiRlns
street between. Kiev-oath nntl Twelfth
streets. Thou they run south on Twelfth to
Hmioy 1I 1 : nnd thence to Fourteenth back to
Douglas. I
These poles were creeled without nttract-
1s itip 1 much attention ami It will therefore bo n
surprise to many to learn that nearly nil the
poles 1 In the motor loop have been placed ,
They are p.iiiitinl n dark red color.
'Jt Jn this connection it limy bo stnted that
the various companies nslnjj poles In this
city distinguished their property by iillTcroitt
colors , under the recant ordinance passed by
the council. Those of the Western Union
tire painted whlto and black : Western Union
Telegraph white nnd red ; Fire department
red , whlto nnd hlno ; Thompson & Houston
red and blnck ; Northwestern Electric Light
lead color and blacK ; District Telegraph
company ( 'rccu nnd yellow ; Pacillc Telegraph -
graph no color ns yet.
Will you sulTcr with dyspepsia and
liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize ! ' is
{ 'imrnatced to cure you. For bale by
Goodman Drug Co.
iK < l c ; Compiler.
Yesterday morning there was a largely
attended meeting of special agents
of insurance companies in the Millard -
lard hotel. J. M. Richards of this
city , was elected chairman , and Frank
Dana secretary. There were representatives
of some of the companies in all the leading
agencies in the city. The object is to make a
change in the compact which has has hereto
fore existed between the various com
panies doing business in this city ,
those chanires having been suggested
by the recent clinnge in the condition : com
mercial ami otherwise of Oinnlin in the past
few years. At the head of this compact is
Mr. A. M. Weir. What changes have been
made will appear later.
The city of Pnoblo , Colo. , has live of
the gaetest smelting plants in the
country. Tlie sixth , now building , is
the largest in the world. It is the
only city in the west than can supply
slcain coal at $1 per ton , and hn& an in
exhaustible water supply. In addition
to Ibis it is a down-lull pull from every
mining camp in tlie state. These iimim-
factories pay out S12. > , OOJ per day for
ores and $ 30,000 per month wages to
employes. Thib immense sum into n
city of only 20,000 people. Tlic. liistof
n series of excursions will leave Omaha
December ] ! ) , a. m. , over the Union Pa-
eilic , running through lo Pueblo with
out change. The parties on this ex
cursion will be in my charge , and
in addition will have a porter to care
for passengers. On arrival of party
there they will bo taken tn
charge l > y citizens , shown through the
great Bcs-seme.r steel rail mills , the cop
per and lead pipe mills , and the great
smelters. The faro on this occasion
will bo only 8i round trip , goou for ( JO
days and Jive days lay over at any point
desired. For space on this occasion
write or call on F. M. Fish , room No. 8 ,
Arcade hotel , Omaha. Uopresenting
Pueblo board of trade.
Wny's murderer.
William S. Ma.yall is wanted at Exira , la. . ,
for the attempted murder of John Way , a
elti7cn of that place. A largo rowurd is of
fered for his in rest. It is thought that the
fugitive is in Omtihn. He Is described as a
"peg-logged" man , six feet high , of slender
build ; , smooth face and light complexion. Ho
was ' poorly dressed in dark clothes at the
titnc ho committed tlio deed.
Ilooiy of UN
Uurglars broke into Johnson's store at
Twenty-fourth mid 1'iurcc htrects Sunday
night and helped themselves to : ) JJ worlli
of boots and hhoe.s .
Absolutely Pure ,
This powdornovcr varies. A mnrvol of purity
BtrnuKth anil wlioleaoitii'iie s. More econoni-
Icul thun the ordinary kimK and cannot bo sold
competition with thu intiltltiido of low cost ,
short weight ulum or phosphate powders , Sold
only In cam. Hovnl lluktuu' 1'owdcr 0 ° . , lid
Wallatrcut , Nuvv Vork . *
Dr , J. E. McCrcw ,
Ono or the .Most Successful
the Treatment of all Chronic or ilia
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
EUC , Ear , TJtrmit , Lumj * , Liver ,
Jllutldur , Jildnru nntl Not'i'ous Dis
cuses frm'eit with success nn
A euro guaranteed In all cases of PItlVATB
SKIN D1SKA8US. All disorders or the
KNUltiiV UKSTOltlii )
Tcoutiucnt by correspoutletice. Send stamp
reply , .
Office Bushman BlooK , 16th and
Douglas Sts. Omaha , Neb
rtro's Hiu , Tsnti. J n8 M. IU ( > Tfe
Biriri Specine Company , Atlanta , Oa. Ocn.
tlenwn Ona of my eBlIdrtn nas troubled
with itiMinmtUm nnil ibolli for about two
jenrV Li Ivcrrarlons kind * of mrcl-
Inc.but without tiro.'U.unl bRan lo nripatr
of curing liorftt nil. I iritn ir radnl to try
your fiwltl'n Specific. After Hio used
lerrrxl lottloi thodti. . Ail UlfapnerreJ.
mt lii t * now a bald , hMrtr and n nljhy
Klrl tuilro yr r oU. jLnolhff child hiui
Jii t b-como ftflllctnd . nmu way , find I
nih i ln < j tbeH.S.s. lunl antlclptlo prompt
toil permaacnt euro. H. C. WAanosxR.
Hicil HIM , Mo , Jnlr T , USI-Tlte Svxlft
Bprcllla < 'o. . Allnnto , ( In. Ofnt nien : Our
little ulrl whnn but throe wtcki old hroka
rut mill rcicmn.VottloJ tlio jiri-rcrlptlitu
from ocvrrnl seed ddclori , but wltnout uny
Iwclnl bi-icllt Wo tried B. S. 8. , KJi'l by the
limo o < brttl WRI ( fonc her hentl t > cpi n to
honl , and liy the time > JiQ hud token six
pottlM ho TTH ( cotnplelolr otn-c-tt. Nowilio
has ft full nnil hrnry facdrfrf lislr o rolni't ,
bcarlj i'lll.l. I r < vl It litit my tint ) ' to innk
tiili itaicsicut. Hoiroclfully , II. T. fcnooit.
CiUTTA ! < POH , Tcxs , Juno 57. If9-Th
Bnirt ftpfclllo Co. , Atl nta , Us.uiiitlcmcn I
lu 1380 I coutract d blood polum , Rlul nt olico
ioucht n ptiyilntnu. who trpittttl tnu fur nor *
trol inont'ii. Ily lili oittlce 1 went to Crab
Ur.-hnrd tprlng ) < 4 , Hv. , where hl ( lonrso of
lra l > .ient i > i-trifnlly obacrml. I ncor-
rrod , n I thought , lint the rcxt piln < c pirn-
flcn trcin tn appear on mr fnco ct Iliudy.
lie RrndunllT iticrrn rtl to tore * ixtul run *
ntnK uK'cri. I nm nilMnxl to try S S. S. , and
iiimedlatcly utter tikln * It I cunimciiMil to
linprmt1 , nlowly at nrst , hut mom rnpMly
et ! 'riiril , nnd iioou nnttiliiff ritnaluvd to
loll of HIT tr.iublo. Ily bloo.l U now thor
oughly cleansed , and my tjnlcra free from
tiliit. nnd I uwo my prrkoiit c ndni u-A
perfect euro to ) our mnllclnc 1 cheerfully
Rlvn thin filntfiiuciit that others nho Imro
% UTcicd C9 1 havif may n Ai | lhsr.Tno ( benefit.
lunor M. HURT , at West -Nlntli St.
rtol-'PH. H. , MHJ-SS. 1S33 Tlip Stvlft SprrlAo
Co. , Atlntit.i , Oa. Geiitlctneii t Alxmt two
fears nso my K ncral tu'AlUi rnvo TTR.V en-
Ire ly. Ivnl in dobllllnleU that t nlmciit
flo'iinlrcil of otor frclln ? well .ipnln. All
that the phjflcl.itu done for niol'rutiailit ro
permanent relief. Xrlonds liulnteil thnt I
huiild ttltP sS. . n fair trlnl. nltlioiigh I
Ihought It would bo throwing ana ) ineney.
After tnUlik' a tliorougli roiirso , my liraltb
nnd ( trouRth rptcrnei ) , and I imut any thnt
p. B. H. ntono cured me. na t clUeAnled * U
others while uMng It. An a tonlo I can most
beartlly rocnramonil It } for ponrnit Uebllltjr.
n certainly it a specific. W. P. imaacs , J. K
Iloarn. L . I know Mr. W. V. Ilrlilgea , au4
Wli ; > ay mat hli utatcment la correct.
Trenllno on Dtooil andSUIa DscQ ! ° ce mailed
Crro. TIIK Kwifi Srzctno Co. , Drav.-cr ft
4tlkUta.Ua ,
Itewjrc of Fraud , as my nnnic nntl the. price are
ttAtnptil on the bottom nt nil my advertised < hoca
bclor lenxin the l.iclrryhicn protect the \\e.irri
against lu'tli prices nnd mfiruir Rood * . I f n iknlcr
olfcM W. I < * X > iMiulin hluiLS al .1 recluccil price , or
tays lie has them \\ithottt tny name and price stamped
cn the bottom , put him down ns a fraud.
The only calf S3 SEAMLESS Shoo smooth In-
feet , cai-y as liand-seweil niulY1 IA , NOT 1SI1 * .
The recent circnUrB nt out br the N > wKnlcn < l J. . ( er'f
Prottethu Union tlaled.Anjtiutlit. ISM , rttji cftinp labor cr-
paiilzatio-ii to loycott iny el.vct , li fultOfiiMl iniikodlnjr , nt
Ihi-re | DUtruiibtctit inv factory * * s itinrmtntn ; * ttlip iniU'kt
cepnoity. otitl Jmi lirrn tor n critjcnr. Junp'oy tn-t'i ' Knlgliti
id | , abur Binlthe Juiter'i 1'rotertivc Union menanU in orJt-r
ID | in > vo to ttiQ ineiiiWri vf Jjitwr Oi aMi/jilIohi Ofryy hfr
thut the ( tateincnti nmdc Intaul clrcuUrurc TalHU 1 u > lcr
to ony p rion orporBona uIiowHIproieaHthcftntctnci tniruile
Id raidLirrular to bv true. Tlill otlir Mill ho ! < l oed ui.tll
January 111 , I'
W. I > . .
For sale by Ifclloy , Stifrc.i & Co. and
Gco. S. Miller , 012 North Kith St.
, Kveryono who 1ms f-epn our line
Suits niul Overcoats nro in love with
tliulii. anil ilo no' In-slt.ito tosay tlii'y nrn the
,11111'M , in the liinil. If you hnvp not alronily
lii-t i'cti.'il our K'O 'k you Mionlil 1)MIII.\C'K ) !
tlin ilrit opiiortunltv you hnvo to do HO.
OVKHCOATS uro the feature Ju
General and NEUVOU8 IJEBILITV1) )
Weakness of llodyand Minds E/feeti
Itobutl , > otilo JIlMHXIUriillr Union d. Ilo In K > lar < r Kml
Vlnnnlben tl LAk , I MIKV CMimi IIIMUMt A I'iltl B of IIOIIV.
ni.r . lllnk11(1111' TBKATJIfNT llrnrllli l > itj.
Urn from 47 bl lrfl. TrrrltfctloM , an.1 rnrrlxuloantdri.
) oa ran writ * Ibrra. floub , fbll inUnallon , tnd proof * m&ltfil
frtr. Addm. [ R | ( M-ClCAl CO , , BUffAtO. t ) . Y ,
1'tt Douruoni tt. , Cliiwo ; "it lca lioui 'il junrs
p riuniui Imimuii quletlx uiU lujally truu uctu I
Mas'Heyar-EstablishoJ 1856-Adolph Meyer
ro ,
General Tor
, .
and JAS , W , STARR
P-I-A-H-O J '
Story SClari and Slionlnjap-BsllOriaiJ
SI'I "IAf < ritJCKd AND 'JiUMS. :
Writ * for Catalogue.
= 13
To Close tlie season in every department.
Close buyers who npiircclnto bargains
will bo utnjily repaid for milking' it tri ) )
of it htintlrcd tnilos to Onmha to soctiro
uny of the lots of Roods ndverlisod this
week. It IH our purpose to innUo this
the lurjjest tnoiitliH luisincss of this sea
son. You will not be dissiippointed if
you fonio. As spoeiinoiis of tlio dllTor-
cut bargain lots eoinprlsod lit this sulo ,
wo inoiitlon the following ; commencing
with our
Men's Ready - Made
We offer a. line of Ifiij Men's 3-bntton ,
putiiway Suits , miiilo from the celebra
ted llroadbrook I'tisslmero , in regular
si/.es from : t" > to112 at S15 per suit. These
.Suits arc mo-do in oiirvory best manner ,
trimmed and llnislied a wollas any suit ,
in our stock and are usually sold for $ - - .
AVe mean to dote them out this week at
$ lfi psieh.Vo have no samples of the
cloth to Hi'iKl * hut will send a sample
Suit to any address * ! and if it is not
found to bo as represented , may be re
turned at our expense. Send for solf-
meahiiroineiit blanks.
LOT NO. li Wo have manufactured
another lot of 100 Sack Suits of the well
known MechanifHvillo goods and will
offer thorn all through thin month at
the popular price of 8 > 1- per Suit. 1)ur
ine tlio past two months wo have sent
hundreds of these suits to all parts of
the west and we believe that the univer
sal verdict has been that these suits are
all Uiat we claim thorn to be , a regular
818 suit at retail. Our facilities for
manufacturing enable us to sell them
at the astonishing low pricu of Sl ±
LOT NO. It-Wo offer a line of 150
Fi 'K 15i.u'iv WoissTisn Wiiircotin
Srrr.s , ( goods made by the Hiversitlo
Worsted Co. , and the llnest grade that
they manufacture ) made up in Four-but
ton Cutaway Frock Suits , in the most
elegant manner ; suitaVile for dress suits.
Thov are goods that we have bold reg
ularly in our stock , the present beasoii ,
at2 nor suit. Wo have no better
Worsted Suits to show to-day at any j
price. Wo offer them to _ clos'o now n't
the extraordinary low pi-ice of $112 per
suit. Tlio Coats are bound , the color is
plain black , just t-li ° thing for dress
883 J 'ffiil
Thib is n disease which hax hcrotofoio
iittillcd "I' ' Medical Science.
Wclmv 'a lltmuuy , nnmown tonnyo lain thu
World out -lilo ofour Cuiupiiny.and 0110 that haste
to ctuv the most obsinmto casiM. Ten tlaj-s la
ic'cntc.'sescloos 'lioA.ork. ' 't Is thoold clioilc
deep he.ilol caivt H'ut \ voKlicit.Voh.ivo
cured Imndreils who havp been b.tudonpil l > y
[ 'livhluliuis. mid iirotiuiincvil liiou nblo. nnd o
clullt'iimotho World todr.ii/ a cw-e wj
\\lllnotiMiroln less tlinnsl\tv. lays.
fliifo tin- history ur mediclin a truu spojlllo
for Svphllls lias been fcousht for b tnevor
fi. mid until our
wisdlscovcie.laud J'.is'.lllo I la saylns
II Is tlie only Itciuvily In tlio World Hint will pos
itively mro. because tn ! > Utp-t Works ,
pulill-h-d by the b t known ntithorltit'S. say
thi'io wns never atrue .spi'ellic li 'lon > . Oiriom *
edy wJU euro when ovcrytliliiK eKe Iris litiled ,
Why wnstoiour time and inou y ivith ii.urnt
liu'dti Hies tliiif tiover had virtue ? ord.ietor with
physlrinnHtlmt ciurioi euro you , you th it liavo
tried < > \erj thing ehonhould i omen inlow and
Kut iierniiinctit relief , you nevur enn w < - It t-Ne-
when1. .Mark what we In tltu entl vo-i
niti'-t t ike our remedy or NKVKIl rceovel anil
you tliat Imve liten ullllctvtl bui a 'hurt.nie
slmiild by all menus ooiiin to us now -.or CM Jn
ten of new eases ever fjjt jmrnmiieu'lv cuied.
Many et help and ihlnk tln-v are 1'n'U from tlio
( Mseavp , lint In one. two or three veu after It
Bpi'er.r-i iiKnln ' " a more liorrilila form.
This is a Blood Purifier nnd will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Hl o Kails.
( loom 10 anil 11 , U. S. > 'nliiiil ) : : Hunk
Ki Oiimlnui'I > .
AA'roprlvtury Medlcinn time butuUitJ
to | ) rovu Ita worth.
i Calender's ' left liver Biilers ,
The only lutlll ) d Hitters In the United
States. The only Hitter * recognized by th
United States Internal revenue Uw as a Pro.
prletarf Meillilne. "Lawfully 1'atentpd. No , of
I'nteiH I4-O.G73. Contains no fusil oils , no
essentlnl oils , no foreign tmbMancn
lag ilruKS. A perfectly tiura medicine , com.
poiindrd from I'ure Hoot llorbn aud Old I'eaehj
pleaiantto the taote , quiet and declxlva In It *
effect. Cures llyHpepala ttr Yellow Jaundice In
HTcdkye. iti'/rulatrs / the Uowfls. InvlcoriUcn
InactlTB I.iver , Cures Diseased I.lvcr , Jtcvlvci
UID Kidneya , Irnproves the Appetite Quickly.
BeguUtCf the vrnole uybtem. New l.lfo to th
wlisl * irbtem.
ol-edl.Uer Illttori am until In Omnh& , Nfl' ' > , ti/lla
. . ( luvrinif < l"'ltii ' U Hlvlinnlinn Drill ! Co. . Wpiclil
iiil ! lU" drui' " 'K-1" ' ' Ncbr * * . Ha-
. . OoooSiu."l _ . . . . > . ? uJ . ( . . . J. V iU huii tf. ' T.VN - if-
, P.ciiaiiUfur. llnlin't . . . „
Ser ( ) KiiiB.JV t'liirku. J. II. Sc'liraliH , Mm f
KCbrlmcnion.W. K. I.ambcwin. II. H. Cut , -Mir
U > nr d , Krar.k W. I'o.It. . lli mui on , OP'Unoler '
1IOTt' rh rra cr , 0. A. Melcher. llowiinl , Aiurori.
I'm ok Iiollone * iJ.t wliolvta'u rtoulen In Ol-'ur unJ
( t I.iver Uitterx
Jncomcirablv the U st.
suits , mill every suit offered would bo
worth in tlio royultirvity at least $ : . ' -
per suit. As the lot is not larffe tho.v
will bo closed tlio present week. Send
your orders nt once if you want them.
LOT NO1OueoMliP most popular
lots of Overcoitts wo have hud in our
stock this season , is our Uemilnc Mos
cow IJenver in two similes , Urown mid
Hlue , which wo nro soiling for $111 In all
sixes. Wo eliilin this to bo 0110 of the
best pavilion I * for the price that any
house in the country can furnish. I-'or
business men and thoio who wish a Ron-
tool Riirtuont which will bo serviceable
and at a very low cost , wo recommend
this lot. Remember the price is only
LOT NO. f > Wo nro'on Ml null y ro-
coivliiR mail orders for our $ lo Chin
chilla Overcoats. In uny town whore
one of thc-so fiarmcnls are sold , orders
are sent to follow. This is one ofour
standard fji"ul ° which wo keep con
stantly in block , and wo are never out of
sizes , for wo : ire nmkiiiR them up every
tlnv and rccoininend it as one of the best
values ever sold in our store. They are
made and trimmed with a view to set-
vise , and wo jjuarantoo the color to bo
full IudiTo. | Price Sl'i. Sample gar
ment sent to mlv address.
Wo call your attention to a lot of Ii >
boys from Hi to 17 in a plain Kly-l'Yout ,
with volvol collar , Wo ofl'er this lot to
close nt the extraordinary low price of ,
$5 each.
Wo olTerC ) different styles of Ilov's
and Children's Overcoats in this saleat
-.SO. & ) , $ -.j ; ( ) , $1 , $ ) , $0 , irS and $10 , re
duced an average of iM per cent , from
last season's price to close out.
Wo otTer l)0 ) extra heavy , wind proof
Leather Jackets , made doublo-bren ted
and lined with heavy corduroy and red
llaiinel , extra stitched , thoron-riily made
poods , equal to the best sold in the
market anywhere , at the cxtrnordinurv
low price ofr > . "il ( each. They arc n ear
ly Sndibpon able jrnrmonts , and at this
price no man \vtio is exposed to in
clement weather can ttffonl to do wit'n-
WniTrtiitfil to lie u i nncNccllcii rcmrilj in emails : m 1 m-iso s prf-mln-i ! liy .
sirinns tn flu-nioxl Mtliihin mcil'cinc for Inr.uij.'itK linmciiiSN uml iliSMMsil ( do
liiiu-x , ils cflVcl i i catarrh'of Ilir < > micli , li MUM r'miilh and inc-1iiiil ! : < IM urban , csaiv
i : o v ncriiiaiicnt than ( ! io-.o of tlio i roilncl of if j uiiicr nninrnl S" ' ' " ? -
At HIP Intenintloriiil Inhibition nt liiui--i > N tin-S.HIKN MIMIIM. \ ' \ i ii.i1woro award-
oil 'nil. llliisi' ( ! ! MIM'IN TION by iijiiry of moil men.
-ui'TX MINKIIM. 1MPTI MJ-itro ncnnowloilKon to bra rnniPilLit n ont of Die flr t olnss by the
) . ) ! ' < iiivl the ni'--t ' inm-iusspoil ill t ) l llurniii * . ttinl .no ] iuliltiiy
rccoininoniliMl lu llK-lrlfcttircbiin wil nib'- . 'Ilio folluuiiijiucii futv ot tlniu v\lio ceitlfy toils
merit.- . :
London , Frtinkjcrt it. M.
Morcll Muckcn/.ie , M. 1) . o MoiitSilimlilt , M. O.
Dresden ,
Dr. Moil. Klcimnor. , T. Ooukl.
Dr. Mcil. Jncijucsmoux. Dr. Mcd. Obst.
LftlUlfillllt Ainiftbci'i/ ! .SVi
Dr. Mcil. Alter. < ? Dr. .Moil. ICalltholT.
llnrtn < l n. M.
Dr. ICohlcr. O Dr. HtPlt.'inp1 ,
Member ot the 1'oaril of Ilonlth Member of Hit1 Jloiuil of Health
HI M/linnmMP / nnilPU 'l ' > lik ht. t.liln conKliI alwajs MI ilMros-Ints mill painful. Si
\ [ \ WrIUUrlnb bUUbll MIM-.U M. I.O/KMH.I lire of the motmman .teryii-i. a '
MiUrnbly Ic-ht-u tin-f..ici > of\y ni. A iour > o of CD PCM PC fL )
treatnuntMili the . 'lozeiisci Is i-.IMM Hilly wioniiiii'mk'd LI IULIIIIUO Ul
In or for the piwintlun of the nbu\o niiuifu ilUe.isi'1.
" Solo : Afc'pniy fi.r . llio rnlleil i-talct ,
SoilPii Mlnontl Pprlnfcb Cimuianj. I-lmiteil. 15 feilitr street.ev Voik.
Nmivors ruitriMi and I'HIVVJI. Iisisrs ) of
JIhN nml UOMH.N Riircc-hftil'y tie.itcd.
friimlheonvetfi of jouthfiil lnlllo orln
, . ; i.nraiii liuiibli'd wilii tti'tlnoNenon
, , | . ) M < 't ' .Mi > uinr > U''iiwiMeiM ] j , \ \ or'.itir to
limli'lj.KliliiO ) Tiimli'i' ' . ur nny illMMt'o "I I ho iji'nllo-
I'llniii ) < rauif how llnil u Mili'und tpeciljr Hire.
Uuiiues l1 ft ii.iiihlo fhiii'trill ) tollic1 pum.
ThciiMirp ninny Irouhlcil wltlitun fiornui'nt CVIIP
iiiilluiiH in tin' ' M.uliler , ullf'U iiv . .inpiiiiln.l h > 11 hiiulit
hiiiMrlliiK or hiiriuiik' ri'iisntliui , an I UI'J.IMI nil ul HID
Mfttin li' ' i' iiutiini'r Ilin 1'iiiH'iit ' c.inmit ai'dnint lor
On rMiiiiliuni ; Ihu urlniiiv iloiiii ils n imiv 'I'lliini'iil
Mill nlii'ii I o Jiiiiinl. anil Miiiiutluii1 * min'l ' pnrtirti-s ( if
aliiunic'ii MIII appeiir.or thu ro ! r will lie "I n thin
uillkl'li line.afiiln iliiinnlni : toil 'lane "i mrpld nn
petiriuire. 'l'her ( ariMiiuny men Mlititiloiil thu dill
mil ) , luiiiiniiitnf Ihe iiiune , nlilili 11 the ( annul
stiue ol niiiutinl > nkneH The ilnctur will : iiiir
iintiHii perlmt emu III nil mu'li < nsi' mid a ln'icllhy
re > lnraUiiii ill Ihc renltn-urlmirr urunii * . < iniiMilla.
llnnlri'i' . Send lot "Viiuim Man i I riunil. ur liuldu
toWi'dloik. freotoall. AUdies" ,
ti , I' . Cor. lldh .V DiHii.'l.ii HtH , , Itublllliall Illock.
Mention tlH p.ipur.
Cnr Loncls nnd Less.
Blocks ,
c , tent to Hrio , to
Fi AU. RIOMTCR ft 00 , ,
alO liroadw&y , 'lew Vctk.
2 AihTMlsInt ; has nlnajs | novcn
succfsafiil. Hcfoio pl.teinjf any
Nowgpapor AdvtTilblnif consutt
out one. IJoinninbor , that wo warrant
thoin llrsl-i'lass in every ros ) > oot , rifid
the jirii-o i < only ViM etu-li. Kvcry olifl
is worth $8 ,
Wo nl o ask your attention to our
proat Harijain Sale of Us iiinVAUii : ,
lIosuuYci.oviCAUUIOAN : ! .IACKKTS ,
Kri' . , which has liooti the most pro-
iiotincod stiooosaof any bargain sale ever
itiaucnratod in our Uont'a KurniHhing' '
Goods Donartniout since the CON-
TINHNTAL was opened to the public.
The sale ia continued thirf wor > l < with
new lots added never before shown on
our counter , and at prices that nro sim
ply unapproachable in the west. Look
at the list ! See what the goods nro.
SINI : > rou SAMIM.HS uv KM'iti : > > s ir you
Wo offer SOO dozen of the lineal Scotch
Wool , .Shetland mixed Umlorwnrc ,
poods that in the ordinary course of re
tail trade are not s-old in this market or
any other for lo-s than $ 2 per garment.
For the purpose of attracting tlio ptiblio
to our Furnishing Coeds IJepartmont ,
we have decided lo olFor tliis entire lot ,
to close , at tlio extraordinary low price
of $1 each , in rr-fulnr si/.eb , HO to 44
Shirts , U lo 10 Drawers.
AND DitAWHits , made by the Anihtor-
dam Knitting Mills of Am.-.terdam , N.
Y. , pure Couliincal coloiN. full heavy
weight goods , at the extraordinary low
price of 31 each ; sold this sear-on ' nt $2
each , and wo do not think in the ordin
ary course of retail trad" they are bold
at lo.--s than that price anywhere to-day.
Wo have them in regular sixes , Shirts
running from ! ( l to II ; Drawers from :1'2 :
to1(1 ( s-i/.c. They are absolutely perfect
in every respect , and we cheerfully rec
ommend them as being one of the most
remarkable bargain'- or Mild over our
counters. Wo ro.M'rve the right to
limit this bale of Ibis hue of good * to
two Shirts and two Drawers toi'iieh cus
tomer , as it is our purposi ; to dibtnbuto
them as witk-lj as jio
N. W. Cor. 13th Si DotlRO Sts.
rOK TIIS Tit * tTME'J rillAM ,
Hi ifl Hi Dii
Appl'.aricos ' for Deformities and Trusses. .
Hot fuclllt ft , np | rntiii nii'l mnifliUen Uir ptii'cosa.
fDl trrulmrnt ul atvry foriri uf iliauaso ru'iulrla orSurelriilTrcJtiuant
lluiril u 'l nttonilunoai licit lioi | > .UI uocouimodv
Uoinln ( he i
Dlsoasas of Women n Specialty.
HOOK ov DiarAaM of WOMBX rniu. :
All Illooj Diina-cs inraditriillr tionterl. S/ilnlllla |
Pulton rtiniucct Rota tlia lyitnm wlltioat fneicur/ .
Mew rciioinllfe for Ion nr Vi ul r.nyi-r.
1'eriiuin Mimblo tn rlitt tu HIAIm ir < * .itvi1 nt lin.'uu bf
eoili'jp'jp I'nro All cmiiuunlcullaiii
WrilllM' ' cr IrntniinvnH "ni l < r iiiivll ur usprQ i.
rOLiuely ii tknd , no ni'irkj ' ft InitU'nta conttntt tit
Ono pi'r.onui initrrle'.f prcfurruH. OUI unit
nlt in ur uil lililurr uluur tu o. miJ ru will
itud in I > | KM | mapper , oar
Dpon IVIrAh' , Niirclal or fiurrmi * Ducnim. lmu >
tpiicjr , SypUlli , Dltet tuJatlc cel , wllli ijumtfou
Uit. AdJrex
Oi/ia'm ' Mcdlcnl and .s'urj/tcal / Jmtltutt , ar
Car. 13tliai4 IJoJeo 8t . - OMAHA ,
itemarkntile for powerful rui > n.
UieUc toiii' . plinbla aclloa'iiDa K T
plot * auraiillity. jti yeTryjrteor
iha bait teimriinnre ot tbo p lC
" " *
lencoof ttmolniirijiiti-pta.
' " " ' " 'I ' uniury triiiiti.itiiianllyiiiilck.
ly ndHir-iycured : by IXIUI'UII A Can-
, i < ev rili ii-vt i nnd m MKVUII il/iva. Kola
I I.KI pi r l.ox , all di iu -lx i , or l > v null from
niUfu.vrt..N. V. I nil