Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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orricn. NO in IMARIJ : STHKITT.
Jc1lverein > } earrtrr In Anv I'nit of llic ( Ityn
'Ivuntj Cems J'trVVcek.
1lrriM-'f < Oi ri ( i. No 41.
MdltT l.niTOll , .N- ! .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
( Ami nml wood. i.i.Mnyne,010H'wny. : :
KU'k'nnt ovi'ivo'iUnRS nt A. Holler's ,
merchant tailor , : tlO Hroiuhvnj.
A nmrrlairo license was iwioil jcslcnlnv
to Hincrsoii H rieMior nml Ml w May I ) .
Walker , both of Oakluml , la
The l\ro \ Inihllcs , with lliolr families nml a
few friends , will cnjcn n snrl il hop at No. 4
hose house to-monou evening.
There will bo u labor meeting In G. A It
hnll this cvrnlni , ' A corJInl ituitntlon N ov
tciuled to \\orklncnimi , when her tnctn
bris of Inbor ortrunbntlons or nut.
Lecture by Kiibbi llcnsoii , on "Judaism'1
nt Masonic temple bnll , Kundny nr\t , Do-
Lumber III , at 7 : ) p in Tlie ndmlssloii will
bo.10 cents , and the piocccds nii > foi the
Ullcor C'belim coninegiUion , of this city.
The Kliumnn inciiiK hose team hold n
nuetlni ; nt N'o I hose hist ovcning for
the consideration of ccitaln business'-c iiid-
inn the preparation for next season's vu > i Ir ,
training , etc. , and gutting t oaily for the Juno
Tim \\ivcs of the Modern Woodmen aio
contemplating an extension of co opoiutiv e ,
woik In thnt they will nrpntibo themsolvcs
Into an association which will opcrnto as an
-ndjunct to tlio one fholr husbands ( Oinpose
They will meet to perfect this oiganlrullon
this aftci noon.
Illo Golden Gate special completed its
Hist round trip jestoulav moming , and
pulled into the tiiinsfor aid o'clock on time
The inn was an uneventful one , aside fioin
the great cmiosit.v manifested along the
loutu. 'Ihu actual i mining tune between
here and thu coast is cut down sixty houis ,
thus suInir one da } in ti.insit.
'Ihc great hrotlioi hood of vacs was icpre
Kcntcd in police com \ehtciday moining b\
two delegates , foi the Hist time in several
weeks i'liu suoxstoun diovc ihcin in , and
compelled thum to accept of the city's hospi
tality. 'I hey wcic 1' .1. O'Hnen and John
Smith , and were both sent to thotount\ jail ,
the foi met for thirU and the latter for te'i '
< ta\s John Olson , drunk , was lined $7 00.
The county nuaitor 1ms just completed the
list of special assessment improvement taxes
to be paid bs'the ( ill/ens of Council UlulTs
next jcai , for this Deal's grading , p.iviuir ,
Hewor.igc and sidewalks , aside fiom thu in
terscctloas. The amount is WJ,50J I'M , as
compared with $4 ,71/1.VJ for the same pur
pose this i car foi lust season's work. The
amount is assessable to thepropeuj abutting
on the Impiovcd stiects.
It is now the intention to ucgin work on
the Manawa impiovcments as soon as the ko
is strong enough to allow the necessary ma
terial to bo hauled over the lake on wagons.
The neces ari nionci with whlili to cair.on .
the ImpiovcincntR is provided foi , and thr
work will bo pushed vigoiously foiwaid.
Next j ear there will bo an abundance of
water in the lake , and no complaints will bo
beard as to mud , as the Mosquito creek is to
be cut out into the south lake.
The case of the owners of Vcriv addition
VH 1. II. Kimb.ill and Lute Suits , bqiiaUcis ,
wasoutual in the supi lion 01111 .vestoiilaj.
The city ictoiitl.v oidcicd the opening of i er
tain btrt'its mill alleys fenced in by the de
fendants cloven ieais uLro , and thej refused
to comply on the mound that the land be
longed to them. 'Ihomaish.ilwasinstiuctcd
to tear dou n the fences and did so , after
which the blocl.s wcio fenced as platted.
'Iho court took the mutter unUc < advisement ,
and will gi\c Ins liccisicn in a lew ilajs.
Yesterday's snow stoun sufllcient to
call out the snow plow of the bttcet cai com-
innj , although tbe fall scived to do nothing
but innko tiavel disagreeable though not
Cifllcult. Much cunosltj was cxpiessed to
see wliat effect snow would have on the suc
cessful opeiation of tlio olecti 10 motor c.n s ,
but thoj continued mo\ing as easily mid
nipidly as if there was none of the beautiful
within a number of miles. The snow und
sleet on the oveihcad wire nor tbe damp and
slippery condition of the rails affected tbe
perfect working 61 the motors in the slight
est degtec.
Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. 117.
See "W. C. Stacy's ad.
The Old ItollnbliJmtelry Firm
of E. Bui-horn , No. 17 Main street , has
laid in an iinmen > > t stock of lioliiluy
goods , which will bo sold cheaper than
ovor. This is n npeclnl inducement for
thirty days. All { 'oods drat class and
guaranteed to bo | iibt us repiosontcd.
It in an established fact jon can
got the best { roods for the least money
there. Call and examine the stock anil
got prices before purchabing.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Personal 1 * nragrnplis.
Mrs. S. H. Ncnl arrived in tlio Bluffs j es- "
terday and with her husband will hereafter
nmko thjs city her home.
C. E. llurnham and bride , of Now York
City , are in the city visiting his parents-
residing on Oakland nvcnuo.
Mr. Milligan , one of the inoprlctors of tlio
New Ogden , is very ill with crisipclas , and
many fi lends aio watching cagoi ly for s.vuiiv-
toins of improvement. Ills condition last
evening was unchanged.
i -
Tno ehoicefat line of porlumcrics ,
sachet powdois , rosa pot-pourri for hol
iday presents in the city at Dell G.
Mm gan & Go's.
All grades toft coal , C. U. Vuol Co.
See Chapmnn for Uhrihtmns presents.
Ij. Kirsoht&Co.107 and -100 South
10th St. , Omaha , are no\v the solo agents
lor western Iowa for the celebrated
Vnl. Ultitx Milwaukee bottle beer , tlio
best in the market for family ubo.
Try it.
Fine table ware at Lund LJros. '
AVOCA , In. , Dec 11. The Low and LoUie
"Waters' Novelty Company have just closed a
successful week's engagement , each night
being greeted with good houses. Mrs. U'utcis
in her various chaiautoi bis exceptionally line.
.Her equal has never as yet graced oui boards.
\Vo bespeak success for thorn wherever they
Court after two weeks siwsion , with Judge
Dcemcr on the bench , adjourned Satuidav ,
to again convene In the new , \ car llrst month.
Huv. ,1. G. Lcmua of the Christian Home ,
supplied the Congicgatlonal pulnit Sunday
very acceptably. Blncii the rcbignution of
luv ! , Hartsaugh the chinch has been without
n pastor. It Is now expected that 1'rof. Tuir-
llold , of Tabor college , will favor us next
Itov. 1) . O. Stewart , assisted by Ids son , Is
holding a scries of meetings at the M. K.
J. M , T. Schneider , now of Nebraska City ,
was Blinking hands wltn Avoca fi lends und
noting Imtirovemcnts Monday.
Mrs. L H and Mrs. V. A , Worth w-cro
Council Bluffs' visitors Tuesday.
George 1'abl , n former Avouilto , but now
of Siraliano Falls , W. T. , passed through
Avoca Monday oa Ids way to Davenport , la.
Mr , and Mrs. Ilendrlcks , assisted by and
under the auspices of the Sous of Votcians ,
will produce tlio play , The Iutch ; Volunteer ,
It Is thought about Christmas.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , ciitfs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
While planning for your holiday gifts
don't fall to see Lund llros. ' grand dls-
' If you want to btop pay'ng rent and
; / buy a house and lot on montlily pay-
men t . xv 1th warranty deed' , call on U.
} ) . Judd , (500 ( Broul\viy. :
All grades liar coal , C , LJ. Fuel Co.
The Horticulturists of Western
Iowa in Annual Session.
'Iho Hmkct Pactors'
Uciuly The Grinith
incut Uotiuci us of tlio Cjtin
ell Jlilel Hems.
Pi ult and
The thh tccntli annual meet ing of the West
ern Iowa Hoitlciiltural society is now In ses
sion In ll.c south couit room of the county
court hnuse. The meeting opened yesterday
moining , and will continue until tomorrow
evening The association has a membership
of nc.irli n hundred , and about forty wcro
picscnt jesteidiy. more aio ex
pected to day. Tlio meeting was called to
onlor by S W AVilson , president , after
which Major Kohrcr , In balnlf of the city ,
delivered an address of welcome , to which
lion. Silas Wilson , of Atlantic , a cousin of
the president , responded.
The routine business of tlio association was
then taken up , and the icports of vailous
committees wcro hcaid. Theieaio eighteen
counties included in this district , which em
braces the entile westcin portion of the
A most excellent display of flue fruit w is
made , although the specimens \Vcre not fully
prcpaiou for exhibition until evening. There
wcie displays fiom all parts of this section
of the state , and many choice plates from
this eit\ and immediate vicinity , .is well as
fiom different puts of the county The
fi Hits atti acted Kieat attention and weio
highly praised. The following is tlio pro
gramme for to day.
Winter l i election l'iaetlcablltty U 1) .
MtfJcchon , Atlantic , W. M. UomberKCr , lllll
l"ci tili/ing the Plum U L Uo\ci , Council
Ucpmt Montgomery County T. 12 Cllctt ,
Ked Oak.
Koport Mills County A. O. , Glen-
Hcport Adair County -L. M. Kilbuin ,
Uci'ort MadUon County W. II. Lewis ,
Kepott Dallas County John Hagg , Wau
ls cc
.Insects W TPollett , Malvei n
The G i ape Varieties anil Cultuie A S.
lioiili.un , Council Uluffs ; F. H. Hi lining ,
PoiestM II Colbeit , Ciomwell.
Mmkctlng null J. W. Minphy , Glen-
Uepoi t Pottaw attain 10 County A. 13. Mair ,
Council lilufls.
Kepoit Fiomont County S. S. Oir , Thnr-
man.Kepoit Page Countj S. D. Field , Shcn-
i rritsoov > . -siov. .
Influence of Stock on Scion M. Pugsley ,
Valuable Varieties Foicst Trees II. C.
KaMiiond , Council Bluffs
nxperimentiil Hoiticulturc II. A. Terry ,
Ci escent City.
Orcharding J. II. Masteis ,\.iCIty ,
Neb. ; W. 1C Follett , Mahein.
Pi lining Jonathan Thatcher , Honapaite
The election of olMcers for the ensuing
jcnr took place in tlie evening. With the < > -
cention of the assistant seeiutarv all were re
elected , and aie as follows : S W. Wilson ,
Atlantic , president ; W 1C. Follett , Malvoin ,
vii o picsidcnt : George Van Honten. Lenox ,
sccictary and tieasurcr ; G. "W. Shephcid ,
Cnss county , assistant seciotaiy. J.T Stead-
man was unable to be picscut to give an ad-
diess , as was cxpccteu. and it will probably
bo delivered to day. The place of holding
the next meeting will be deuded at 2 o'clock
- * -
Blncic dirt for sale. Inquire of Owen
Brob. , Pacific House block.
Sec Foi rest Smith's special column.
Sleigh bells , sleds and skates.
ODULI , & BIIYANT , 013 Main bt.
- -
Have our wngon call for your soiled
clotlies. Cascade Laundry Co.
Lnnd Bios. ' arc making a special 10c
drive in crockery. Don't fail to tco it
Fine holiday goods for twenty dajs at
nrices that will biirpribCou. . Call and
bo convinced. J. D. Stuart's drug
store , WJO Broadway.
Money loaned at L. B. Ciafts .t Co.'s
loan ollicc , on furintiiro , pianos , lioiso.b ,
vvagons , ] ) ersonal property of all kinds ,
mid all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Dr. C. C. Ha/.on , dentist , opera house
block- .
Dentil ol' 31 r . Julia Doilgu.
In the death of Mm. Julia T. Dodge , widow
of Sylvanus Dodge , and mother of General
G M. Dodge and N. P. Dodge , Nebraska as
well as western Iowa loses another of its
cat ly seniors.
Mis. Dodge was born In Uo-vley , Mass ,
January ! ] , 1SO.J , anil was married to Sylvanus
Dodge , November 2s ! , 18J , They made their
home in Danvers , Muss , of which town her
husband was pobtmnstci for many years
until their icnioval to Omaha in lb.V > .
Dai ing the winter of 18,15 11 they lived in a
hovibu which stood on the ground now occu
pied by tin1 residence of Herman ICountro ,
csq . in the south pait of the city. At tint
time thcro were but three dwellings south of
the cieck , one occupied by Mr. Dodgo's
faiialy at the top of the hill , one on the cast
slope occupied by Mr. A. D. Jones , and ono
near the creel : in which Mr. Gllmoio lived.
Early in the spiini ; of 187) ) Mis. Dodge re
moved with her husband and daughters to
their farm on the Llkhorn liver near Elk
City , fiom which her husband and sons had
been di Ivon b\ the Indians the year previ
ous. Heio she icnmmcd a .vear or two ,
when she removed to Council UlutTs ,
which was her homo up to n jcar ago. when
she removed to the home of her onv daugh
ter , Mrs. J. U. Heard , In Mnplotan , in. She
was tondeily cared for there during her last
t > icknc3s , and her death occuned there Tues
day , December 11 , at 1 a in. Many of
the older icsldonts of Douulas and Dodgu
counties , Nebiatka , will i cmembcr the hospit
able homo of Mr , and Mrs Dodge on the Elkhorn -
horn , and us they load of the death of the
latter , will recall her deeds of kindness as
well as her true neighborly love. Her hus
band , who wan Justice of the peace la the
Elkhoin ROttlement during thoao tioublo-
Bomo dins of claim Jumping and Indian
i aids , died In Council Hluffs In 1871. being
register of the United States land ofllto for
that district nt the time of Ids death ,
For a full line of choice holiday books ,
plush goods , autograph albums , photo
graph albums and odor cases , call and
see the stock of Doll G. Morgan fc Co. ,
No. 71i2 Lower Uioaihuiy.
Bargains in real estate in all pat ts of
the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
liollilny 1'reneiitB
Can now bo found in great variety.
Now and artibtio designs in diamond's ,
line jewelry , gents' and ladies' gold
watches and chains , silver and plated
ware , clocks in French marble and the
best of American makes. A cordial in
vitation is extended to every ono to call
and judge for themselves at
No. 27 Main st.
The Hnslcot Factory.
* Thb Council HliitYn and Omaha Basket ,
"Wooden Ware and Uox Manufacturing com
pany Is getting toady to start up at their
new location on North Sixth street. The
machinery has all ai rived , and Is nearly all
in position , a largo part of it being moved
fiom the depot yesterday. It Is not expected
to start up Loforo the lattpr part of January
or first of February , when about twenty op
erators will be employed , although the force
will bo increased during the summer to fully
n hundred. The dlflleulty In regard to the
Dicrits property , In the southern part of the
city , delayed the opnnln ? about six months ,
but the ofllccrs of the iTofnpany declare that
the enterprise has by no means fallen
through. It Is expected that the factory will
bo able to furnish n laruc part of the baskc.s
used in local trade , and that it will have all
of the business It can do. There are several
obstacles1 ? jet to bo overcome , and some of
the opposing parties express grave doubts n
to the successful earn Ing out of the pro
posed scheme.
Choice Itcslilcncc Lot.
Ono hundred by two hundred feet ,
nicely improved nropcity , located in
ono of our beautiful glens , all within
live minutes'walk of electric motor lino.
The whole cau bo had if taken within
twenty days for W.OOO. Will sub-divide
ifdesitcd. For terms and particulars
inquho of Gcorgo Mclcalf , No. 11 I'earl
street , Council BlulTs.
Two Troiii Two nml Onr Urninlns
Ami this is how ho did it : Ho wanted
a hca\y suit of two-dollar undorvvear.
Ko wont to the knitting factory , where
ho uought the hiiit for ono dollar. So ho
now has a two-dollar ' nit and ono dollar
lar reniaiiib in his pocket ,
Men's heavy sockb and misses' ho-c oe
at the knitting factory.
. - .
' Tlio City Council nt Work
The city council met last evening In special
session. The major and full boaul of alder
men were present.
A petition for water mains on Grace street
was rofurcd to the water committee.
The icnortof the poll-ta < c collector was re
coivcd mid Hied. It shows cillections
amounting to $1,010.
The limit cstiin ilc of McAdims it Amboig
was allowed.
The judiciary committee repotted that if
thoUaion P.H'illc would i educe the p monger
fare between Council Uluffs and Omaha to
10 cents or twenty live tickets for M . " > 0 , the
committee would bo willing to Snivo the Jerry
trams taken oif. After deb itc the company
w.-u allowed to take the tiains oil for ninety
John N Haldwln , esq , desired the ouli-
nnncu modifying the passenger latcsof tlie
motor company called up Committee of the
whole icpoi ted advoiselj to the adoption of
the ouliiMiicc , all voting no.
Mr. Baldwin also had the oidinanco calling
for a repeal of the present gas oidmancc
called up Oidinaneu lead. Aid. ICnepher
intioiluccd a number of petitions
signed by a huge number of business men
of the citj for tbe same. Aid. ICncpher
moved that the prayer of the pctitioncts bo
grafted. Amended by Aid Mctcalf that
the petitions bo made a matter of iccord.
Caincd. Aid. ICnepher moved to adopt
the resolution. Mr 13 ildwin stated , lisa
rcpicsentatlvo of the gas conipmv , that the
company did not deem it ncccssaiy to make
any i cply to the notice of the council to ap
pear Seconded by Aid. Lacy and Weaver.
Adopted , all votinir n\o.
The matter of putting Commcieial street
fiom Angle street to the foot of the lull to
grade , was discussed and a i csolution order-
Jug the simo was adopted. Tins cuts
eighteen inches nt the mtci section of Anglo
and .1 till of the s imc below that point.
The oidinanio repealing the gas ch.uter
was re id a second time and went over under
the lilies
An oidinanco gi anting to the HavvlvC.\o
Electi ic Light company of Davenport , In. , a
iwenty-icar franchise to put a plant into this
city , was read a Hi st nnd second time and
was refciicd to the judiciao committee an
citv solicitor.
The "Uiush" ordinance followed the same
The mayor repoi ted the Ldlsnn co-n
pany had a rcpicscntativo hcio and would
submit bids and turnish a bond. Also tliat
the Council Hluffs compan\ desired an op-
poitumtv * * ) como in as a competitor in the
same matter.
Tilr < l fop K
The case of State vs Charles Gn filth was
called in the district c ourt j cstci day morn
ing. Griffiths Is indicted on three counts ,
but was ariaigncd on the charge of embezzle
ment from his emplojer , Gcorgo Meschcn-
dorfcr. Ho was defended by Captain H W.
Hight. The case occupied the entire day ,
and was submitted to the juiy about 5
o'clocK. Several lively tilts were indulged
in between Colonel Dadey , the piosceuling
attorney , and Captain Hight , which fui-
nished gieat amusement for the spectators ,
and did not fail to excite .1 broad smile oven
on the dignified countenance of tlio court ,
who called them to eider lepcatedly ,
- tf -
Men's knit jackotb OOc at the knitting
For Rent Two new store rooms in
good location ; Nos. 7. 7 and 7I1U Broad
way. S. Saunders , 80 Pearl st.
See Lund Bios , for lamps.
- o -
W. S. Cooper has e.ish on hand to loan
on approved city property , No. 1.10
Main atrcet.
Dentil of Mrs. Anna Jcpsnti.
Monday morning at 9 o'clock Mrs Anna
Jcpson pissed away from this llio , at her
homo in Minneapolis , Minn. , aged twenty-
eight years , one month and four days. This
announcement will bring a pang of gnof to
umn > hcaits , for many leaders of Tnc Hi E
know the deceased during her cai Her life.
She was the second daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Thomas Jofleris She was bo rn and
passed the years of her girlhood in Council
Hluffs. Hero she was educated , glow to
woman's estate and man led the m in of her
choice. About nine .veais ago she loft the
home of her childhood and gave the devotion
of a noble life to the building up of a hapiy
homo in a distant state.
The death comes with crushing force , for
It was entirely unexpected. Tliop irentHwero
notified of the illness of their daughter nnd
wore preparing to go to her when the
telegram announcing her death wasiccclved.
The relatives residing m Council JilulT.s arc
two sistcis , Mis. Fmluy Uuike and Mrs. T.
I ) . Butler. The parents icsida in Omaha
Hesidcs these who mourn aiu the husband
and tin co childicti , the oldest being bovoa
i cars of ago. To their lips the cup Is a bit
ter one indeed , and while they must drink it
alone nnd fcnl the desolation wliith the
death of a wife and mother brings to the
heart and homo , vet many hearts grieve with
them , and a wealth of honest sympathy is
the ! is.
The remains will arrive In this city this
evening at ( kilO , via the Chicago , Hock Is
land & Paclllo railroad. The funeral scr-
vices will bo hold to-monow , Thursday , nt
11 o'clock n. m , , at the homo of Finloy
Hurko , No. 705 South Sixth street.
Improved and vacant property in all
parts of the city ; 90x150 feet on Glen
avenue , east front , a bargain ; business
property on Broadway and Fourth
btreot. K.1J. . Otlicor , North Main
Btreot , DoVol's block , Council Blurts.
Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib-
bltts' ' , 315 Broadway.
The London "Tailor * * , " ib the place to
get your clothes made. 037 Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
The Hroadway M. E. church was crowded
last evening by an appreciative audience ,
which assembled to hear Hllnd Hoono. The
concert was fully up to the standard , and
the audience was not in the least disap
Buy groceries , stationery and Christmas
goods of ICelloy ft Younkeunan , 10J H'wny.
Loans rnado on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'way.
Rock Spiing coal , Glenson , 2G Pearl
"Weather strips at Chapman's art fitoi o.
And thousands of the most economical ladies and gentlemen are taking advantage of our
TT TOif iflkTTIfcJ F O A T T ? T
u jjiouy u ii i o A JLJD !
When you take 20 per cent off of every dollars worth of goods you buy it amounts to a good
deal , and people are finding it but. Our entire stock must be sold out with
out reserve. First come , first served.
0 mi
One entire floor in our house especially devoted to toys and fancy goOds for holiday present
and each and every one oj our twenty departments filled with useful and suitable gifts for the
holidays. We have no space to enumerate items. All we have to say is come to our store and
see for yourself and you will say that "what you cannot find in the People's Store is not worth
having , ' " Remember 2O per cent discount on all cash sales. Come early and secure the best
Itonid of llriilth.
The citi t'oniR'il broke the nsmil monnto'n
of Its cxcicisos Inst cvenitiK borRnmniK us
n boaul of hciilth. The city phjsifmn was
lrt"ipnt nml loportcd sc-vcinl nisei of dlpli-
thuii.i in the citi Also that , the I'oimini
fiimlly Imvo nil recovc-ied fiom small po\
ami nskod to have tlio nurses released. The
mattei was left m his hands foi disposal
When the stomach lacks vigor anil
icgnlarily thoic will be llatulenco.hcart-
hurn , n.HKca , sicKhoadaehe , nervous
ness , use Dr. J. U. Mi-Lean's Slicngth-
onii g I'ordial anil Ulooil Purilicr , to
give tone and icgularily to the stomach.
Money loaned on fuinituro. piano" ,
diamnnds , hoisos , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honoiablo dealing.
A. A. Cliirlc & , C'o. , ollicc cor. Hroailvvay
and Main , over Amorlcan e.spress.
Illinois and Iowa best soft , Glca-
fcon , ! ! ( > Feail street.
Louie rranks , n fonmle of nneeit.iin vn-
tne. was arusted last ovciiiiip for the lur-
tenv of some coeds fiom the store of .1. L.
roiman She was locked up mill will have
n hearing tins moninif , ' .
Worse Tlimi a Klro Alarm.
Ono of the mo t dreadful alarms that
can bo sounded in n mother's ears is
produced by croup ; dioadful because it
is diintrciosis ; the more dreadful because
the life of ii loved ono is in jeopard.v.
C'hnmborlain.s Cough remedy is a
never failing safeguard * against this
dun gin ous di--oaso. icput.ition as a
psovontivo and euro of croup ! * > fully
and lirml.v estiiblislied. In f.icl , it is
1ho _ onlj rem ° dy vvhicli can alwavs be
iclied upon. Sold by all diuggibts.
14 I > SAK9 ] , .STJICCT , COUNCIL ,
Residence on 6th ave . ? 3,000
Hcsidcnce on iith nvo . 1,100
IJesidnnco on Otli nvc . l,00i )
Kosliloni'o otiiith .ivo . 1,000
Kosidonco on ( ith ave . 1,000
Resilience on ( ith avu . 8")0 )
Kcsidoime on dth st . 0..100
Hesldcntu on dth st . 0,000
Kcsidcnta on North bth st . 0,000
Lot lUlxiwiJt ; pie.itbirff.iin .
Hunch ofr houses ; iml 4 lots on , ! ul uvo S.OOO
RpsiJoncc on Scott st . L'.OUO
Uesiilenco on Plainer st. Kor ] ) nco
and p.u ticiilars inquirn .
An clc , int icsidcncc on 1st uvo. , ono
nilnuto ualk fiom government
huildin ? . Tor price und p.uticu-
luis Inquhe .
HcsldciiLU on dtli nvc . thieo minutes from county com t house.
f'ush . 3'JOO ,
Residence and four lota on nvo. "U , "
Street's mid . 2,000
Stoiu building and lot on Pacific uvo ,
neurU. P. ttmisfur . l.bOO .
Two-story fiiinio stoic in town of Carson -
son . . * . . ii.OOO
lots in ' add.
Seventy-live- Sriuiie'H ,
north of tinnsfor , olcgniitly loc.i
tc'd , $ . Mto ) Slid ) each .
Hunch of 11 lots , Ccntial mib . 1,500
Hunch of U lots , Coopoi , McMiihou .V
.leffi ics udd , if taken befoio Jan.
1st , for . 5,000
An clcfrunt lot on Mil st. Cash . 8,000
Tliico line lots on liluff stieet nt u
b.irpun . !
109 feet liontago on Po.irl uvo. lorU
per foot .
Hnslncss piopoit.v on Uionlw.iy .
jlusincss propm ty on Main fit .
An nnpioveil furiu of IdO aeies not fur
fiom Ch.intiiiujnn ironinls , con-
sislin ; , ' ol hill und dale. For (1,11- (
ticulars inqiilro .
IS ucio ti.ict one milo fiom liio.uhvay ,
uliu bin location only . 7,500
In addition to tlio ubovo 1 have v.iiMtit
propel ty in ncai ly c.tury iiihlitlon
to tlio city ,
. M I'
COKJ.VCBL , ui.urrs , JOWA.
ill1 mm G SALE i
I must have loom for pprinp goods ,
nnd will boll nil gootls fiow in Ktoclc nt
jiricos far below any ever olTorcd before.
ThiH is no bait to cuti'li the trade but ,
a L'oiiulno eleariiitf-oUt i ale , and ovcry-
tiling must go.
Parlor bets , bedroom note , boating nnd
cooking stoves , bunding lampb , oil
cloths. All gees without rosorvo.
1 have n big stock nnd can bull jou in
whatever you want.
Come nnd hco mo and o.Mimino my
Hoods. 1 must soil. No pricon quotcil ,
but no reasonable offer will bo refused.
COUNCIL iiL-urrs - , IOWA.
1511 Douglna 8t , , OuiabB , Nob.
- il\C
nKo\mv\Y LOTS
SHY AUDI i ION 1,0 rs ,
sTitnnx's AimiTioN i.or. ' . AIJSO
sio Arium OK
Telephone l' . No. 0 Main btrcet.
WKV.NTVou to know tlmt non Is your
clmnco to Ijtivii liomc rhnp. vimvo u
rov\ Hill lot ! ad lots left , \\hitll vvotvill sell on
> -y turns OniMuntli of tlio puchvie i > ri < o
down : ImlnncoMtliout intu < - . ' ' . * e ( me a nomu
bufoic Ihc'V me all gone. 1) .1. llnUhinson A ,
( "o , Sclo A
i heal liotism nml lots that wo
WANTED ! on sp.iall caxn ] iiv mints anil ew
tctin-J. Council Illulls Investment Co , No 10
I'l-Ml 1 St.
OOOVIs to i tut bv Co uifll lilnlls lncrtmont
l Co. . Xo. 10 l'i.ul-4 _ _
flWO line elli < o rooms to i cut on Hist llooi ;
-I- ono loom tsx-fi ; both mwlv p.ipeii'rt
painted. lit" > t locution in tlio tlty. Call at No
111 , I
o , No 2 * >
South Lth st.
"ITlOJt SMU ( Jooil 4 Vf Dirt liorso. Rcntluanil
V sound. Iliu ness nnd top bugcy. VVillhcll
oliunp on easy terms it s.old soon. Iminlio t
Every man or woman vvho has $ 0 or
? 7o wh'di they wish to invent where it
will bp us hiifo ns it vwnijd bo if it wcio
deposited in the Bnnlc of Kiifrlnnil and
insilto him more money , to cujl on us nnd
buy a lot in Fairmount addition. The
be-it location on the hills for sticot cur
service and school priv ilexes ; closes to
all tlio railroads , wiioles.ilo houses nnd
city depots. The only hill pioperty to
bo had at such low p'-u-es and easy
terms. Prices innjrc fiom WOO to $400 ;
terms , onc-lifth cash , biil.inco in Unity
equal monthly pajinents ; it 8 percent
If ion are renting' now and vyant n
homo'of jour own , commence p.ij ing for
a lot now'bcfoie jon have to pay double
the money for the same loc.ition. 13oin
atonro and you will he surprised to llnd
how soon the thirty months will roll
around , making , \on the owner of a lot.
fall on II. G. McOee , llil ) Mnin street ,
or l-'orrcst Smithnt the Blown building.
, , , , , , , ,
Telephone ! Nn.1)5. .
COUNflti BMJI-'FH , : s I'JWA
And will bcllmeat lot thu follov\lnt' lulieu lor
int-li :
Shoiildor anil Cliutk lloiiht . . . .5 to fie
I'ljino 111 ! ) Koiut . . ht
Chili kMunk . . , ic
Itnnml Meuk . . . ht
Ml Ion Me.ilc He
I'orli'ilioMM' ; lite
II ) llinill < t Mo Ic
.Mutton Mow . . fie
.Mutton I.IKI ' ' c
I oru 11 i'ti T ! l to io
I'orklloast KIP
I'm k Chops and Ftcuk . ir
Jjiuil. ( iiirovMi niiiKo . I.V
\iul nil oilier nu-.itH In tlio nuno iiionoitlon.
ii ; ; iiM-si.'e"rAv : : ; ; ,
111 K-ii-t Ilioiuhuiy.
1 soil I'nttuvtnttninlii l ounty Mmtf. vviappod
up In Council lllulfa 1'apor. 1 reo Helix ciy.
Eatery and Confectionery
Pec him for Ilieail ( nkcsj etc.
TO DEALERS-A liberal discount
No. 21U Main Street.
D , H , MoDANELD & CO , ,
Hidesjallow , Pells , W&Fursi.
Highest moikot pilcn * 1'roinpt rctiniiH. tM
anil Ki. Main St. , Comull Illnirs , Iowa.
oTl ! . llii.K. : ( , , A. Ill'.ltMNflHOr
Architects , Deslencn and Snpcrintciiflcnts
of Construction ,
Mr. llHliiitfhof > > as scu-n JOUIHillh
Mc'iiiIclBwihii , rislH'r Loiwj , nml lias
( li'slgncd many of tlio llncsl lilovks
in Oiiiuhii nml Council llluflS.
Plans and Specifications Prepared and
Estimates raadfi on Application ,
Studio , Kooin ! i Oi > cni Ifottac lilocli
SIZES FROM Kspoclixlly Adnjitcd for
POWER , Mills and Elevators , i
, ' J
and estimates ftuulHlied for tompleto ! ontn plants , hegulatlon , Dinnlilllty Ouur-
uuteid. Can show letters from users while luel I'lonomj Is Kjual v\lth \ CorlKs .Nnu-l'oiiileiiiiiB. |
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. Xo. olO 1'eail btreot , C ouncil Bluffy.
During the past season our sales have far ex
ceeded our expectations. As a result
we have an.
These goods we must sell at some pric\ for wo have no
room to carry them , This is no bargain sale but
Everything must go. The finest gods at your own price
Here are a few sample prices :
Moqueites $1.00 to $1.15. Regular Price $1.50.
Wilton Velvets. . .750 to $1.00. Regular Price $1.40.
Body Brussels. . . .joe to $1.00. Regular Pnce $1.30.
Tapestry aoc to 6oc. Regular Price. . . .7oc to $1.00.
Ingrains 15C to 5oc. Regular Price 3oc to Soc.
A great many of these patterns are large enough for rooms
The sale will open to clay and continue until all is sold out.
Come early for choice.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
rormancntly located at Xo. 1 1 North ( ith St. , oppoiito I'oblolllco , on Motor
Line , C'OUIH il Bluflh. Jo\va.
If you have specimens don't vvait for prlics. Stud them to him huforo they I i
spoil. If you dent want tn-m ) sifUr tho.aio . \ mouiiU-il , ho will imy.vou the
highest imirKot iirk-o foi tlicni. Will mulct -pciialtj of hoadb and diet-faint ' ,
of fui.s during tlio winter.
Tuns. Oi nci n. \ \ ' II , M. IVsi \ .
Corner Main anil lio.ul ! ay ,
CLNl > II < JlIjLS'l-.s , 1\V\ .
Deakih Jn foralMi i nil ilomo iii e. . . „ .
Colli i lions iniulo anil Intuiuit jialil on tliuu ili > -
1'Ubllhi. '
V\ill f-oll for cash :
Bhollliloi "nil CHUCK lloilbl , to ( , r
1'ilniP Illb Koast KCM
l linik MiaU , M
Hound btuik . . . . l-o
Slilom stuilc , . . . , . ll'c '
1'orli inoUBiMcuk . . . likit
IIOlllMK ltd t it
vintton Stow .
Mutton J.i't-'s . . . . .
Corn Hi ft .
I'oikHout. l c
I'ork ( 'hops ana hit ak . . . . . He
J.anl. our ow in maUo. . . . . U'c
, , > c
iitliu ineniHJn thu nuno inniioitloii. luu
Dtllvui ) . Onlcirihiiiit \ > v ilillilifii i < it\o
piuinpt lUtLiitlun and are ouirully llllid
tin i.
the lollouln ' p'lios for'usli only
ami buy unit ini-.itH CIUNKIM ! at homu ] \\tll
ftll mull rui tliei iioliit lUifollnnu :
Mloulili i aiuliliucl. loint . . Tito Co
I'llllll ) lib IO I t . . fO
I liiuk sii.t ) . fo
Itllllllll f tO IfO
sir'iiln htt'iil , . . . . I0o
1'oitulioiiiu ftiak I c
llolllliK liiuf 4 to To
Mutton Mow fo
Mnttin lii/s . . to
( oia bent . . . . . . i to r < j
I'orkniiist . llo
1'oiki loin nml Hlc.ik , . Il a I I
I mil , jiui i niiil oiu O\MI iiniku Uii
bonsiui' , < > nr own nulo ; ) UD
llonininbi ! . lllls Is tlu > only IIO.MI. Kill . ' -H
MIIA'J M VltKU'ln the Ut > . No tun IKH Ju , .i
< \ Ii Mu\\S : , No. Htil .Main St.
' . ' . '
'loloiihouii No.'Ml.
, ion.v
No. nut J liiln Klr-i t.
( /llllllll ( Hhltl * . l
iUutltm 'JIili * l'a | r.