Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    H * . . . . - - - * - - -
Bis Candidature For the Position of
Commissioner of Agrloulturo.
II o "Will Not Enter ttio Itnco
Ho Itccclvca 1'otltlvo Assurances
or Success Iilnculii News
and Notes.
LINCOIN DuncAti orTitnOuini Uss , )
L.INCOUNOoc. . n. )
For some weeks niwt the nnmo of II.V. .
/ 'urnas has boon frequently mentioned as a
probable candidate fop commissioner of agri
culture , a position that bids fair to bo raised
to the dignity of a cabinet poaltlou , and ,
meeting the distinguished gentleman to-day ,
TUB Ucn representative sought an audience
\vlth him , and the following dialogue ensued :
"Is there anything In the rumor , Mr. Fur-
nas , that you may become commissioner of
ugrloulturo under Harrlslou's tidaunlstra-
tlon ! '
"I cannot say Just how much , but my nnmo
has been mentioned in Unit connection , uud 1
Imvo received some very urgent requests
that I permit my name to bo used for the
position , "
"You have not authorized the use of your
name , then I"
"No. Personally , I am averse to it. The
stnto has honored mo In many ways , and I
do not now think that I Imvu a right to ask
further consideration. There are many reasons
sons why 1 lake this stnna that I do not uaro
to glvo. Ono can not ho too guarded in
ho 8U.V8. You newspaper men are so up : to
mislead that the interviewed uio often left
In u very bad light. I nm not so young as I
was twenty years ago , and breaking up old
tics uud associations Is ono reason , a good
one too , why i ought to fool .satisfied with
my present position.1'
"You would not accept the position then , if
It were tendered you ( "
"I do not say Unit. I have boon a public
servant so long that , in ono sense , I am In
debted to the public , and If my state should
say that I roiild do better service in the po
sition ofcommissioncr of agriculture , I might
feel compelled to permit the nso of my name
and make an nctivo canvass for it , but 1
fthould Imvu to feel assured that there Is
Homo assurance of success. I would dislike
to have it said that 1 simply made a good
ilght for ft. That never siitiallcs men with
my oxperlenco in life. "
"Do you think that Nebraska has a good
chance to secure the position ! "
"Shu has un equal chance with other aspir
ing states , at least. In somu icspects her
chances are better. Hut t do not euro to enter
into a discussion of my reasons for this state
inout. To mo , however , they are sulllciditly
good. Hut there are some strong men In the
flcld for the position. .Both Ohio , and Illinois
have candidates who would honor the posi
tion , possibly better than I could. Uut I
must catch the IS'10 Union PaeiUu for 13e-
ntrice. Good day , sir. "
JtrilUIAI. JOTTINfi * .
Ill the case of The State vs. Louis Howard ,
n mistake was found in the indictment , and it
vftis , quashed without prejudice to a new
prosecution. Prisoner was held over to the
next term of the disfict court under 100
bonds to answer to the charge of horse steal
IJcn Winegar and John Allen wore found
puiltj. of burglary and grand larceny mid
wore sentenced to three nud four years in
the state pen respectively. Their little pro
test went for naught.
The case of The State vs James Wilson ,
alias James Campbell , was called to-day.
Wilson is charged with shooting a follow-
employo at the Uurlington yards , last fall ,
xvith intent to kill. The case will probably
take up the attention of the court until night.
Fifteen building permits , aggregating $143-
, 000 , were reported and allowed at the meet
ing of the city council lust iilght. Smco
April 10 , building permits in Lincoln Imvo
reached the magnificent sum of ? 1,10S,170. | 3
The Judicial committee reportcu In favor
of giving the alloy in the block occupied by
Stout & Uuckstatl to the company. This
will probably meet with general nprobatlon.
E. It. Sylvanus has been greatly hindered
by the refusal of the Union P.icillu railroad
company to haul the material for curbing ,
.unless the material , for paving should betaken
taken from the same place. Itscoms.howover ,
that this company has been exceedingly con
trary in other matters. Mr. Sylanus re
minded the council that no provision hud
been made for paving him. The contract
provides that payments shall bo made
monthly on the work done , and his first esti
mate has been in for some time. It was al
lowed hist niifht ,
Lewis & Lewis were authorized to dispose
of WU.OOO worth of bonds on the same terms
as heretofore made. Apropos of bonds , it is
said that Mr. II. T. York is drawing an in-
coma of something over f 100 pur month on
funds realized from the sale of bonds in ex
cess of the amount duo him from the city.
lie has been requested to make u settlement ,
but for reasons the settlement has been de
ferred ,
The nnnual chicken show Is now in full
blast nt 1BI5 ! O street and the room has been
crowded nil day long. The exhibition is
under the superintendence of J. it. Moiatmn
who is supported by a number of assistants.
It Is a very creditable exhibition notwith
standing the contracted quarters. This
criticism , liowover , deserves generous treat
ment for the quarters are the best that could
bo found in the city , and visitors are in
clined to bo very good naturcd on account of
this. Tlio exhibit consists largely of chick
ens and turkeys , but other lines nro lepro-
fiented quite well. Nearly six hundred entries
have been made. IClrctric lights mnku the
dhow very attractive after nightfall. An ad
mission fee of ! io cents is charged to defray
expenses. , ducks , guineas , fowls ,
un few Is and other birds of the feathered
jpnbu are to bo seen. The annual cxiiibit
PJ.IU the exhibit of the late state fair. This
prnlflo enough for a praisowot thy show.
The following causes weio docketed for
trial hi the sunremo court to-day :
Samuel Hlalrotul'vs the People's bank ;
error from Gage county ,
George Martin VB the State of Nebraska ;
error from Lancustor countv.
Charles L. Ford ot al vs Thomas L. Steele
ct ul ; error from Puwneo county.
O. K. Onkloy vs George II. Peghu ; error
from Lancaster county.
Gi'orgo J. MeDulToo vs Matthew U. Bentley -
ley crier from Webster county.
Governor Thayer is still confined to his
& > om at the Windsor house. Ills physician
tofuses to let him sec callers , and commands
absolute Mulct for the next few days. The
governor Is troubled with bronchial affec
Judge Apnlcgct , of Tecumsch , spent last
Xight nt the Capital hotel. Ho brought
the end news of thu ticath
of J. C. Jones , prominent in Knights
of Pythias circles , at that place Sunday niclit.
Ho was found in his bed Monday morning
cold In death. Disease of the heart claimed
another victim ,
Heddy Wilson prefers to bo tried In Lan
caster county for the crimes he committed
hero. He does not relish the idea of being
taken to Hurt county where ho Is wanted on
the cbargo of shooting with Intent
to kill. Ho fears lynching if taken to
Tokimmh , Kcddy HCCIIIH It bo choice of the
place where liebtauds trial. His pal , Quin
tan , waa arrested at Omaha yesterday after
noon and lodged in Jail here last night by
jMurahull Cooper. The last of the gang are
now lu custody. They have all been ar
raigned and committed , waiving preliminary
hearing ; Wilson and ( Juinhm in default of
$1,000 bail ; Mrs. Qululan , $71)0 ) ; Kirk , $500.
The perfume of violets , the purity of
tlio lily , thu glow o ( the rose , and thu
Jlush of llobocomblno in Pozgoiii's won
drous Powder.
The fiuporintondont of buildings hits
sworn out a warrant for tlio arrest of II.
L. M nulls for dumping brick refuse on
thocoriiur of Lutlirop and Sixteenth
streets , and refusing to remove the
euiue. _ _
Advloo ID Mother * .
Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup should ol-
way * bo uiod for children teething Itsoothoi
the child , BpfUiM the { rums , allays all puin ,
cuns\vlud ; gollo , and u tl.o tot remedy for
S5c bottle.
A. Ilcllc oT the Inyn When Corner
Wcro I'Virt linos.
'J ho case of the Nebraska National bank
vi. Stcrnsdorf. P. S. Bust I * and the & M.
Uallwny company , on a note for f 1,700 , cnmo
up before Judge Oroft joitcrday morning.
This note was given by Stcrnsdorf
ct ul to Hustls , nnd by Eustls
endorsed to the baiiK. The note was
ostensibly given lor n number ol
lots in alleged town , known ns Hustlstown ,
on a branch of the H. & M. I'lio full con
sideration was $3,000. The defendants now
claim that in the making of the note Uustls
promised to use the influence of his railroad
position In looming the lots ; that It was
represented that Kustlstown was a village ol
100 houses and the county scat , and that the
railroad would shortly bo extended thereto.
Later developments showed that there was
no such n town as Kustistown , that it wasn't
a county seat and that no railroad was ever
built , or ever thought of being built to the
point designated nnd sold. Defendants also
claimed that the bank toolt the notes ns
a cover to assist Hustis in its collection. It
Is rather a rich suit and is attracting much
attention. The Jury returned a vcrdlctngulnst
Stornsdorf for s" > , : U.57.
The case of McCormirk vs the City of
Omaha , which was on trial yesterday before
.Judge Doane , was I'lven to the Jury yesterday
morning. The jury awarded the plalntilt
$7OiM.OO damages and -jrj , " > for Interest since
March 3 , 1W7.
Jtuigo Uoano Is now occupied with the case
of the Hunk of Commerce vs J T. Hurt , on a
promissory note for WOO. The defendant
claims that he has paid n portion of the note ,
nnd that the note upon which suit Is being
brought is not the original document , but ono
that has been so changed and tampered with
ns to render it as worthless as u piece of
blank paper.
The action of Peter McCaflTcry nt al vs
Lucy McCatTer.v ct al was filed yesterday.
The petitioners as to bo declared the owners
of the undivided nine-tenths of certain real
estate situate in N. W. ' 4 of S. K. > { of Sec
tion 7.
Mary Hropliy enters suit against O. E.
Thuisieet ul. The plaintiff asks for an ac
counting upon certain promissory notes nnd
mortgages nnd that her proportion may bo
declared a first Hen on premises situated in
lot 3 , block 10 , In Isaac's and Solden's ad
In the case of Christcnsen vs Nebraska
and Iowa Insurance comnany , the plaintiff
recorded a verdict fos.V37.17.
Kttu Fritchcr was granted a divorce from
her husband John.
In the suit of Unit vs Van Ettcn for the
recovery of f IT1. ) wrongfully detained by de
fendant while nctiii us plaintiff's legal ad
viser , the court had the opportunity of wit-
nessinir Mr. Van Etten in the dual role of a
counsel examining himself. The case Is not
yet concluded.
The Commercial National bank sues
ChnunceyO. Howard nnd Alice Gertrude ,
his wife , for payment of $1,030 and Interest
nt the rate of 10 per cent from February y ,
lbb ( > . The defendants executed a promissory
note at ninety davs , which has never been
ictired , hence this suit.
HKndolph Mnrcho has filed a suit against
the Missouri Pacific Hallroad company , and
nsks $20,000 as damages for personal in
juries sustained September , 1SS7 , on the
tracks of the defendant company near their
round house in the northern part of the city.
Mnrcho fractured his left thigh and ulti
mately had to have his leg amputated above
the knee.
United Suites Court.
GeorgoL. Uean was convicted In this court
yesterday morning on a charge of sending
dunning postal cards. Uean filed a motion for
an arrest of Judgment on the grounds that
the facts stated in the indictment with
\v lifeline is charged do not constitute un
offense , and because ho was not informed of
the nature of the accusation against him by
being furnished with n copy of the indict
In the Kit Carter cattle case , a
motion to discharge the receiver was
overruled and leave given to amend bill and
cross-bill by making the trustee named in
the mortgage a party to the suit. George E.
Armstrong was allowed to intervene on the
giving of a bond in the sum of0,000. . It ,
will bo remembered thst the Kit Carter Cat
tle company , of Texas , brought suit acainst
the Harlem Cattle company , of this slate ,
and n receiver was appointed.
Fred Gund , of Freeport , 111. , filed n 1)111 of
foreclosure vs. Domrlns unit Sarah Yonson ,
Whitner Bros. , A. N. Hooker and George O.
Niesor , of Webster county , Neb. Foreclos
ure of mortgage on certain real estate ,
amounting to # 2,000 in the above county.
Mr. Fay , the assessor of the Sixth ward ,
and Mr. S. S. Auchinoedy have been .sum
moned to servo on thu United States grand
Jury in place of two of its members who
have been excused on account of sickness.
J. H. Jacobs was found guilty , yesterday
afternoon , of opening letters nt the nostoflico
of Jacobs , Nob. , and Judge Dundy lined him
$50.00. Ho was released on his own recog
nizance until the line shall bo paid.
The bonds of J. L. Lewis , charged with
impersonating a United Stales olllcer , and J.
K. Steiner , accused of sending unmailablc
matter through the mall , and George J.
Flomming , were declared forfeited by the
non-appearance of the prisoners. Warrants
wore issued for their arrest.
The most remarkable cures of scrofula
on record have boon accomplished by
Hood's Stiraipnrlllu. Try it. Sold by
all druggists.
How Ford's Men Rouclit Votes.
The en so of Julius S. Cooley , charged with
using undue Influence m obtaining an illegal
vote , was before Judge liorka Monday.
This case was brought on information Iliad
by Pat Voril , the latter being the principal
witness for the prosecution. All Mr. Ford
could say , howuvor , was that ho snw Mr.
Cooley conic up to the polls with the
man leboiso and that lie challenged him.
that Uebolso swore ho was a resident of the
state anil n legal voter and that the judges 1
allowed tlio ballot to pass in. HI
For the defence tlio man Doboiso swore HIm
that Cooley had not intluonccd him in any
way. All ( Jooloy did was to glvo him n 11o
republican ticket after he had o
asked for it. Witness stated
however that a man named Frank Solan ,
who Is a particular friend of Pat Ford's ' had
come to the witness saying ho [ Solan ] was
authorized by Ford to offer him $5.00 If ho
would go back ngaln nnd vote for Ford.
Witness declined to vote again and was
turned over to n policeman nnd locked up ,
charged with being an illegal voter. The
case was then adjourned until to-day ,
The longest polo knocks the persim
mons , ami IJlgolow'fl 1'ositivo Cure
knocks nil cougliH , colds , croup , hoarse
ness , bronchitis , asthma , inlluoiizii and
consumption. Pleasant for children.
Safe nnd speedy. 60 cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
Tlio St. AKHUS Vulr.
The fair given by St. Agnes' Hainan Catho
lic congregational In South Omuha was
opened Monday night In A. I ) . H , hull , How-
ley block , with an attendance that taxed the
capacious room and was as gratifying to
Hov. Father Moriurty and his co-laborers as
could by desired , ana gives abundant assur
ance of tmcccss.
IjCKlsIutloii Committee.
The legislative committee of the board of
trade mot yesterday afternoon. The session
was u brief ono nnd the only business trans
acted was the addition of six additional mom-
burs to the committee. Their names aru : .1.
A. Young , F. J. MoArdlo , E. P , Overall ,
Jumcs Hloclt and George ICooiTner. Tlio
Eoeretary was Instructed to Invlto the attend
ance of the city council at the mm mooting
of the committee to-morrow ut - | i in.
Hail u bilious attack and one of those
indescribable oases of constant weari
ness. Took quinine nnd other reme
dies without relief. Tool : Dr. Jones'
Rod Clever Tonic ; nm strong uud well ,
Asa Thompson , Loguu , Ohio. Good
man Drug Co. _
In Hiding.
There is supported to ba In hidlbg in this
city n horseUiief who tole a thteo-year old
ttturo with a saddle and briddle at Kpiluir.
llekl. The thief U described a t fellow of
about 2J , with u sm ll muaudio and light
complexion. He is short In statute , and
stoutly built Ho were a leather jacket , and
his Is iwtomnd i'.h wulto
uu < id u a cowboy hut
i iW ito FCUF\E Ton
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Gure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incoriionxtivl liy the Itntls'nturp ' of 1813. for
IMiicntlonnl nnd Clmiltiibli' purposes , nnil Its
frnnchlie inndo n pirt or the pio-ient Mnto Con
stitution , In I1 * " ' . ' , by an overwhelming popular
tnkuplace Suml-AtimullyiJuua nilil De oinlior )
ami Its OltANI ) HINCihi : Nl'MIIIIlt DltAW-
INC S take plucu In uumof ; tlio other ton months
In the your , nnd nro all drawn Injmblle , at tlio
Academy of Music , New OrleatiH , ln.
"Wo do hc-roby certify tlut wo M.pervlse the
arrangements for nil tlio Monthly iinil faeml-An-
nual DinttiiiKsof The Louisiana State Lottorv
rouipany. and In person inainiRu ami unitiol
the Urnuliitts themselves , nn.l that the sutno
are conducted with honest ) , faliness , and In
K < > od faith towuut all parties , and we authorize
the company to nso tnU tvitlllcate , with fac
similes of our slynattues attached , lu its adver
tisements "
We , tlio undersigned Hanks and Dankers.will
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may Uo presented at our coun
U. M. WALMST.KV , Pres. Louisiana Nat. Hank.
PIKlUtnLANAl'X. Pro.State Nafl H.uik.
A. UALUWIN. Pros. New Orleans Nafl Hank.
CAUL KOHN , Pies. Union National Hank.
In elio Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , Jecoiiilicr IS ,
, $600,000.
100,000 Tickets at $40 ; Halve ; $20 ; Quarters ,
$10 ; Eighths , $5 ; Twentieths , $2 ;
Fortieths , $1.
T.IoT OF 1MU2K3.
i ntrzE OKJI o.i > .uis svnon
i I'Jtix.i : UK awuoon tw.ow
1 I'JtI/.K Ol' lOO.UflJfs -1(0,000 (
1 PKI/,1- ; OK fiU.UXJis . . WMTW
2 PUiyiSK : ( ) ii.0)lnro . . . . . m.uoj
r , Piti/.r.sor 10,000aro. . IVICOJ
12 PKIXIISOI- ' 6,11MI nro. dO.dUO
ffi Pltr/.E301' .0)0 ) are.
10 ( ) PItl/KSOK bOOuru. HI.UOO
" " " " " " " '
500 PJtIXIISOK waro. : : : . ; . . . . . . uoiow
aMvnoff I'Hi/.iss.
100 Prizes of f 1,0 xi are JlOu.DOO
100 1'rUod of WOiire. . . . HI.OOJ
100 Prizes of < OJnro. . . 40,000
Tini'.K Ni'Miiuu
09 ITlres < if ? aiO are . $79,300
90 Prizes nf Irti lire .
000 Prizes of jam are JIIM.OTO
IMil'ruesof JJUOnre . UO.OUO
3,146 Prizes , amountliiffto . $2 , 118 , SOO
tarKoiitii.i'ii II TKS , or imy furllior InfurniutloD
iloilrrtl , wrlta IcKllily to thu uiulcr l iie < l. clearly
etutlim your rcMilc'iuv.wlth btato. County. Struct ami
imintxtr. Aloro rapid return mall delivery will bo ui *
Hired l > y your cuelOHlntf an envelope tjearlnt ; your
tull uiltlreAi
nil 1'OvrAf , Nori'S Kvpiess .Money Or.lora. of
S'ow Vnrk KxcliuiiL'u In orilln.iry letter , Uurronoy by
Bxiiresi ( at our oxpenao ) udilrossod
Or.M. A. DAUI'III.V , cw ( TlejiH , Ul.
Wanhuuton , I ) . C ,
Address Registered Letfcrs to
New Orleans , .la.
K I'jiVLrjiMlSI " ! IP Tli nt the iironpiira of ( Jen-
.r.iH lluiiurflKarU mi.l .
Knrly , wln > nnt In I'hurtiu "I tlio druHlniiH , N n u r-
anteo of ahiulttto fulrncAH ami Intourlty , uinl tlio
cliintet uro Hll I'guiil , Hint tliutlioonu run possibly
Uivltiu wliut niiinber will ilrutv prl/o
"ItKMKMIIIMt niHii. tlmtlht ) iiuymont of prizes U
s'ow ' Urk'UMs. uinl tlio TlLketa nro nlcntHl liy tlio I'roi
limit ( if nil Institution ivln o clnirlerpil rljfhti nre
rerojiilzo * ! In tliu lilnhont courts ; therefore , bo\\uro
01 all Imitation * or anuiivmou
State I Line.
To Glasgow , lU' , Dublin and Lhorpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cabin possaso f.11 and J-'iO. acpordlnK to location
or state room. Excursion fin to $ fl.
SteoraKO to MIX ! from Kuropo at Lowest Kates.
AUSTIN HAI.OWIN i CO. . ( len'l AjjflltH.
fj.'l llroanway , Nuw York.
JOHN HI.KQKN , Gcn'l Western Asent.
int Jlaililolph ht. , Cliicago.
HAUItY K. MOOHIJ3 , Agent. Omaha.
Uoducod Cabin ] Iate.s to Glus.-o\T \ Ex
Warranted iituuliiiclu pure
Vocon , from nliich the excess ot
Oil lias been removed. 11 lus mi 3
than three limes the itrcmjth
ot Cocoa mixed with Starch . \rruw.
root or Suffar , and js tltertfore tit
tncicccoDom\C3\cotln'J \ \ lets than
one cent a cuj > . It n delicious ,
i ouriiliinr , itrcnBthcninc , ra lydi >
Ifested , and admirably adapted for inv -
v jlult Ji well 01 ( or person * in health.
Sold If Grocer * orrrjrnliere.
W , BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Moss ,
.wlro-llosudlo licit-
. . 'uu.coratlnoa. Uu&ranUvdtba
on/ ) ono In the norlcl marratlug
Btontlauout fltctHa d. tlagnrtfi
'CatEfu-uM uid
" , IXVfttTOB , IBl W AS AVt. "
DYES Alt- ! : THC IIK3T.
Onrn rnmU ESTABtlSHEO 1851 J ISO So.
DDreinresijchcago , Ills , \ Clark St ,
Ibe Regular Old-Established
li stP.I Trcall.ig . with the Greatest
V M / % TT.TT.f'
Chronic , Neryoiis anfl Privale Diseases ,
4B-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falllnc Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache and all the effect !
leading to early decay anil | iihar * Consumption ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new rnethuds with
never-riilmz success ,
-SYHHILIS and allb il Blood and Skin DIs-
cases permanently cured.
4i-KIDNEVand URINARYrcir.phln . , Gleet ,
Qonorrhoen , Strlctu re , Varlcocele nnd all dUeaies
Of the Gcnlto-Unnry Orgitu lurtd rtomptly without
Injury to Stomach , Klilnejs or other OIKII" .
Of No experiments. ARC and experience tm
pottant. Consultation Tree and encred.
43-Send.icenis - for Celebrated Works
[ iolJi-e on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate IMea < et
aff-Thosa contemplating Marriage Mnd for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male nnd Female , cacR
15 cents , loih s ; cents ( stimpi ) . Consult the uld
Doctor. A frlenilly letter or callmay saverutuirsuffer.
Inland shameand add poldcnjean ( olife. AltTDook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 5occnt ( Mampi ) , Medicin
andwiitings sent everywhere , seoire fiom exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays g ti > 11. Address
F. D. CLARICE , ( VI. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL ,
These figures .tro more eloquent than voltimoi
which ralKht ho written In ptulso ofthcnc itlliit
Dterlts Dossi'osed liy tlu % Mngcc ( ! ( io Is.
"I mo the Muj { < 'e Iliiuijo constantly in nty
SchnaN mill I'rlvatn Kltolien ; It fnlillN i'\-ct.v
loqiilroDicnt for tlio must evactlnitMitk ; I
would not excliniiKo II for any raiiKc iniule. "
bond fur our Pnnuue L' suiil re.ulhut
plivMcinnsjuoft'ssorM. .sclentUtir.mcflianlcsimil
iiit'ichiints say of the lllKen rurn.u't" . tnyv linvo
In nso. Don't pnt m MiMtn or licit Wuti'i1 Ap-
p.iratns.tiliyoiiKvow what .1 HIIST r tas Hot
. \lr fuinap1I1 ( lofnrlinlC tlttx-n t.
Till Mini K ItlMllsFlHINAi I.4.HIlTtO VNI )
( 'OOKIMl SlDVKS AUK' ' Poi.ll l\hll\WIIIJII' : liy
our agents and wowiiiunt enoli one t < i ilvi
perfot't siiflsfiutlon to the inner \(1I2IJ (
Kl KNACK CO. . JM ro.M I'NIO.V T. , Itostoit. 88
Lake bt , Chlcoco.
MILTON nor.nits A SONS.
Agents Omaha , Nob.
iimu nullliai LK1
L'aid Up Capital - . i ? 100,01)0
Surplus . . - . 50,000
II. W. YATKS , President.
LEWIS S. ICKII : > , Vlco 1'resldeut.
A. U. Tou/.ti.iN.-nd Vice President.
W. H. S. Iluniies Cashier.
II. w. y.iTfcs.A. . I.KVTIS S. Jtiu. ! :
A. E.
Corner Vxn anil rnruamSts.
A lUiikini ; liuslnusTiunsictod. .
W , J. QALttRA.lTn ,
Surgeon and Physical ,
OfficeN.W Couier iltlinna Douglasde. Oillco
telephone , 40J. UuJldoueo tttiopuouu , 3H.
To keep pace -with our great overcoat sale , we will offer this
week some exceptional bargains in Furnishing goods. We shall
have in every department some special drives , and call your at
tention to tlie following bargains in Underwear.
Natural Wool Shirts nnd Primers , silk trimmed , nt Goo ; regular value , 51.
Fine Cashmere SliirU ami Drawers , in b nutifttl clive shade , at $ t each ; goods worth full } ' $1.50.
Vorv line silk finished Hnlbri.ggnu Shirts and Drawers , full regular made ut f 1.25 each. $2 is the low
est price thcso gocds can bo bought for elsewhere.
AS A CLIMAX to this great Underwear Sale , we will oiler MONDAY MORXIN'G
75 dozen genuine sanitary wool shirts and drawers , elegantly
trimmed with silk braid , at 96c each ; we guarantee the regular
price of these goods as $1.75 a piece.
Our G-love Department is the busiest m town. We carry an im
mense line from the lowest to the finest grades. Our gloves take
up suace enough to make a little store by itself. We k6ep $ only re
By "WARRANT" we mean that we takeSevery pair back which
rip or tearand replace them with a new pair or refund the money.
The special drive on the Glove Counter this week will he 23 do/en good Kid Gloves with genuine lamb
skin lining , at 50c n pair. The } ' can't be matched for $1.09.
We will call your attention to our elegant line of Furn telling Goods , which we are now showing for
the holiday trade. Such a variety of excellent and liiuuUoiuo goods have never been displayed before
and we will guarantee to save you at least 50 per cent on all purchases made from our extensive .stock.
The system of selling every article at , the lowest possible prices is the ruling principle of our business.
Among the many articles which we cnrrv and which would make useful presents for gentlemen , wo
enumerate the following
Elegant Silk Suspenders.
Silk and Cashmere Mufflers in beautiful patterns and newest designsf
Silk Umbrellas at all prices ,
Neckwear , in velvet , plush and silk , of choice designs and latest
styles. All at extremely low prices.
Plain Figures * and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Kiicr-essfully UMX ! uiontlily liy over 10,000
yr&dles Araafe.KffeclualunilJ'lca ant
. >
KXTItA I10ljl AY OKIT.K. To rapid/ ! , .
81 perboEbyraailornttlru
Klst8. Smltit
liittuilucu our new "l * ny Qntvn" CI-THT. Wo y
will , If ( irderetl at once , dcilier 1OO ol thf > ni i " Particulars . 2 postnge stamps. Ail < iri is STEEL
lioxe.i of ' t cUiiri each FI5K1J to any J'oit or 5 Euncr.A Cii'iuiaAL ' Co. , DBWOIT. riion.
Kxprc onico In tli < LT S Also mi * * yrur' uli
crlptlini postpaid to Tv-xn * Nintuj * upon re saleandb'j mall Goodman GOLD MKDAI. PARIS EXPOSITION 1373.
ceipt ot four i1ollur3 tlm > c irlrralc furtlint ) op- DruaCo. , Omaha. Nob. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-OO4.
ul r itlnstrntod Hipi-o jotinml. Write nurno nnd
ptmtolUcG utldrcss | il.itnly. Itcuilt by regUtored TH33 MOST PERFECT OP PENS
mull or POP la I nets und no < Ire ft nt onie WEAK
. W. TANSILL& CO. , 55 Slate St. , ChicaRO.
* TjTnt mnnhoodei1 f"lTl wsnij'n * ilim untl Tuinorn , cured * 35 yearn1
ii'titl ffli'flloil nuitJLinln rut ftprrfciitr > o Kntfts lloulc
RYFR THE BEST ) * : ) imitUntuni
UlLu honiecjin % fri < * * f > frhjr _ 't _ Aililrif . j * . .
. .
MnnHf in. tlnn fill Arubttith A * tf
: *
House in Omafea ?
Because the goods tliey sell are merchant tailor madethereby insuring-goods
style \vorkmanshipand the prices are considerably lower than elsewhere
$9.BO buys a CHINQHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $22.
$13.75 buys a good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $28.
$ I6.OO buys a fly front WAKEFIELD DRESS OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $3O.
$2O.OO buys a KERSEY OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $4O ,
$24.OO buys a Satin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $ BO.
$28.BObuysaSilk Lined TREBLE MILLED MELTON OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $ OO
$3O.OO buys the finest SCHNAJ3ELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $65
$3B.OO buys a fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOATwhich was.'made to order
for $70.
4O.OO buys a FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $88.
Sepnfly made and Trimmed ,
$ O.BO buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a Ono Button Sack Suit , which was made to orderfor $22.
$13,7B buys a Straight-cut Saclc Suit , which was made to order for $28.
$10.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit ; which was made to order for"$3O.
$2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O.
$24OO buys a Ono Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $6O.
$28.BO buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $ OO.
$3OOO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( Imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $03
An elegant and complete assortment of PANTALOONS , from. $2.50
to $9.00
A fine line of Dress Suits for sale or rent.
Iucr a &aaa tuf I I I R D xl xaa i