THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , No Change of Oonscquonco In the Whotxt World. CORN DULL , LIFELESS AND LOWER Provisions StroiiR-Cntlle Motlcriuoly Active \Vllli Good Nntlvcfl Illiclicr llojjn MvolyVUli Another Down Turn. CHICAGO PnoilUOE MAUICRT. CHICAGO , Ucc. II. [ Special Telegram to TnKlJp.n.1 The bullish momentum pained jcBlcrduy was still felt nt the opcninp this morning , and the wheat market started off at nn ndvnncc over yestcrdiiy's close. Tlioro was BOUIO trailing in May at the opening at a range of fl 10)@U1 * * ' . When tlio Bmoko cleared ruvay somewhat , the market com menced to case off , and speedily worked Its way back to $1.10) ) 1 lO jf. A recovery to $ ; < followed , nnd the next move was back to Jl.lO'VTho prlco soon found Its way back to $1.10 % and off nKiiin toi'J.10 % , around which point It hung a long while , finally breaking sharply about noon to $1.0' ' . ) % . The quick rally to ? 1.10' ' was the next feat ure , after which there was a break to tl.oy , , n depreciation of J c from the outsldo price obtainable at the opening. The last half hour of trading was characterized by renewed Htcadlncss , and sonic recovery from the in- Milo prices was realised. The close , was (1.01IX , n shrinkage of Ic , as compared with yesterday. January opened at fl.Oil and closed nt * 1.MJ ( < J ; these figures making thoox- trcrncs. Tlio early firmness was occasioned by Htrong cables , bullish news from the north west relating to the movement fiom farmers' Hands , and Teceipw nt Minneapolis and Duliith , and to the continuation of the local buying fever that set in during tlio last hour ol yesterday's session. Now York reported n , moderate inquiry for the foreign account , nnd some Imying of futures for old world people. Indeed , Now York was llrmer till day than Chicago. The cables received by Dunn , Gcililet , Smith and other local people were in accord with those- that drifted in vi.i Now York , The basis of the improvement in the tone of the foreign markets HOCIIIS to bo the growing scarcity of good millinc wheat , both on the continent and in Great liriUln. There Is now I'ttlo ' doubt as to the true condition of things in the northwest. Fanners' del Ivuiies of spring wheat are ex ceedingly light. The farmers' reserves nro generally very small. The coun try elevator stocks are being reduced rather than Increased , and however much demoralisation there may bo in the market for olT-grado stuff the millers con tinue to compete sharply for all the good milling wheat that comes forward. The Hiili ) tracked car * at Minneapolis art ) falling off in number , and the arrivals , too , are show ing a decrease. Tlio break in prices occurred here was duo to the discovery that some of the big operators , who have been bulling tlio market lately , wine quietly selling their property through Hall and others. Tills dis covery w.ts followed by free selling l > v lioche. Linn , Phillips , Klauffcr , Logan , Mil- mine , Hodman , Hammerer and ICcnnett , who , witli the list of scalpei s , also turned in and Helped Uio mnrkut down. Hutchinson was a seller cnrlv , and a buyer later , and on the bieak , Kairbank , ICennett. ICammeror and Kciini weio good bujcrs. Kuirbunk'ti bio ing checked the decline at $1.01 % , and turned the market back and up again ' -ifJS'gC , baton this little rally tlio crowd seemed determined to "llll him up. " In this purpose they appar ently succeeded , for the price eased oil' once more to the insalo iigtncs of tiio day , but there was nothing of n sltimpy or panicky feeling dlkcernablo. Iho army ot pit traders end Kc.ilpcra are now directing their atten tion and talents to the worlt of anticipating tnc movements of a few leadeis , whom they accuse of systematically "milking the market. " Tlio market is not in a condition to invite ventures hr.scd on anticipations of a long campaign either way. Prices for sevcial weeks have fluctuated within n counlo of cents of to-day's closing quotations , and the position nnd relative strength o ( the opposing parties does not scorn to have undergone any change of consequence in that time. The bear party points to the larger stock of Hour than last year ( Ii50,000 ! barrels , according to Bradstrccts ) as offsetting the 00.000,000 bushels smaller visible supply. While the bull leaders are unshaken in their faitli , thov do not tire out nor frighten out. "They will only E ° ° l't on a big break or a big advance , " said oao of their advisory friends to day. They are at this moment clearly in the position to check any attempts to create "tho big break. " nnd they seem in disposed to organize a big advance nt this moment , preferring , apparently , to await the further inroads of consumption upon the Mocks of Hour and wheat , befoio engaging in n wholesale boom crusade. This involves patience , mid incidentally tempts the hoary weights to do n little scalping or milking to kcop trade and themselves from stagnating. Trade In corn was once more of the same dull , lifeless kind so frequently described of late. There was nothing in the news of the day to lift it out of its confirmed dullness , and there was no accession of outside busi ness to employ the trading clerks who hung Jdlv around the pit. Tim receipts were 2S cars under yesterday's estimates , and in to day's inspection there were only US cars of No. ' ! corn. The market acts as if no Very largo short interest existed , and no alarm scumcd to bo felt at the small pro portion of contract grade in the dally re ceipts. Liverpool received 75,700 centals in the past three days , all of which was from this country. Tlio opening was fairly firm nt yesterday's closing prices , with , however , very little business passing. Hut this firm ness gave place to a weaker feeling and a lower range as the day progressed. January opened nt JMXc , which was the price it closed nt on Monday , and kept gradually sinking , till It touched : U/c , the close being at ! , which is J& ( ) under the closing price of yesterday , February closing at < JIJ o nnd May nt UTko bid , which is J o decline from the previous day's figures. Provisions wcio quite strong. Yesterday's improvement was not fully htistalncd , yet , considering the fair run of hogs and the moderate outsldo interest which products continue to attract for tins sea son , holders nnd sellers had no com plaint to make about the market. Fluctuations all around were conllncd to comparatively small limits , and though prices average easy , trade was well supported. The premium on May futures over January was also reduced somewhat , and nt the close Flood ut : < 5e on pork , ? , Mu on lard , and lOo on tihort ribs. Dased on yesterday's final quota tions the closings for pork showed a decline of , ' ) ( ! ! lUo , for short ribs of 6@iJ o , and for May lard of 5c. Lard for delivery tills side of May was unchanged. Cash lard sold freely at K3.lttV@.07h. CHICAGO JjlVIS STOCK. CIIICMGO , Doc. 11. | Special Telegram to TIID lJp.E.1 Cvrn.E Huslncss was only moderately active to say the least. Under the falling off in the run as compared' with last week , salesmen seemed to fancy that they ought to got more money for their prop erty , but buyers wore slow to see matters In that light , and only at the last moment , when they found that they had to make better bids than last week , or get left , there any business of note done , but when trade was fairly under way salesmen found no difll- culty In getting very near what they were Asking for their property. Most of the buy ers reported values fully 2oc higher than last week on good nnd useful natives , but sales men generally quoted values only 10@15a lilglior , The run of rangers and Texnns \VM nbout 2,000 , and among the same were many good ones. The supply of Tex- ens , however , was too heavy to get any ad vance on the common * native or cow stock , the same Belling as low as at any time. Btocker and feeder trade may be reported as a shudo more active , with prices fully as low us at any time. The receipts included U,000 Texas cattle. Choice to extra , 15.50(3 ( 0.25 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 3.W (84.DO ; 1200 to 1360 Ibs , f3.5X < HOO ; tttO to 1200 Ibs , f3.6XX33.40 ; Mockers nnd feeders , tl.76WO.i' > ; cows , bulls and mixed , f 1.2309 3.63 ; bulk , 1.60 < i$3.30j Texas steers , fJ.10 ® 3.10 ; cews , * UOQ2.15. , JIoos Trudo active , \vitn another down luru ot 6@lUc , molting a decline ol JOQlSo for the first two < Uys of the weoic. Hough nnd common packers sold utfS.COVJfi.10 , anil fair to good nt t > , ir > ( 5.20. Tancy butchci welphts were In good demand. Jones fi Ktllcs bought about f/00 to averaee * 1M Ibs. , nil b.irrow , t WJ3. L'mlerwooil & Co. , Swift ft Co. nnd other shippers bought the bulk of the big heavy best on the market at nbout to 23. A few loads sold nt 13.30 , one at ? 3 32 > and one nt ft3 H.V Light sorts were in fair demand both on shipping and packing account , nnd sold largclj at ? 3 l.Vr ? 52. ) . Mornn & Hcnly bought nbout one thou nnd. to average 1MI Ibs , assorted , nt ti.lfifSfi'in. A New York shipper bought fourdoubledecks , closely assented , averaging 170 to 183 Ibs , at W 20 , and the Fowler party paid $5.2(1 ( for 2JO Ib averages , and down to ICO Ibs. Light-light of lift to 125 Ibs , sold largely nt ? 3 23. KINANCI.XIi. Nr.w YoitK , Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram to Tun Uii.1- ; : Storks London houses were free buyers of their specialties at the noon- ingot the stock market this morning. The first prices showed an Improvement of & ( ! $ ' j percent * over last evening's final figures. The great feature of the dealings , however , was the Immense strength shown by Deln ware & Hudson , which supplemented its marked increase of yesterday by shooting ui f > j per cent after opening up at a 2 } per cent advance , a total advance of S per cent. The reason of tlm ndvnnco was said to be owing to the concentrated short interest , ag- Ricgating from 2)00 to 5,003 shares , to Ing to cover. Traders took advantage of the sit uation nnd bid the prices up rapidly. St. Paul and Missouri PauitTc were taken In hand by the bears , while the pumping pro cess was going on in Delaware it Hudson , nnd these stocks yielded 1 per cent. The friends of the latter stool ; are somewhat dis couraged over Its weakness , in view of the assurance of a 1 per cent dividend , and everi decline brings out long slocks on stoi ) ordeis. No\v \ England , Laekawanna , and Hlchmoni Terminal showed advancing tendencies early , while Hock Island was conspicuous for its unusual weakness , scoring a decline of 1 per cent. At 11 o'clock the market showed a sagging tendency nt a small fractional decline fiom the opening prices. The tone of tlio market again chanced for 'the better after midday , and a fractional rally teen place , & Hudson being the exception , which reacted 5 per cent from the highest figures scored during the morn ing hours. A great deal of talk icgarding this stock was indulged in , sonic claiming that the stock was practically cornered and that the shorts were liable to bo badly squeezed. This stock nt ono time during the morning commanded as high as 2 per cent. Shorts in Jersey Central took fright , and that stock was suddenly moved up 2 per cent. The following were the closing quotations : U.S. 4s regular..U'T Northern Pacific. . J.1'i U. S. 4scouponi. . .1IM1 iloprcrcneil T > SIA U. P.4'Jsrejfiilar. 108 C.i-N. W ll)4' ) U. S. 4' ' $ ? coupons , , 1U8 Joproferreil , .1" " I'aclllc ls ! at ' 9'i . .UK N" . Y. Central ( Vntrnl I'aclllc. . : \i I'.l.iV. I ! 2,1'a Chlcnpo It Alton 1.11 Itock Island . . . . T Chicago , Hut llngton C. , M. &St. I' . . . BOSS " ' .10- . ' ilo preferred. . . . 101U nI.A\v' ! . , St. I'auKV Omaha Illinois Central , ll.l'jl dopreferred . . . .lO . . . . . , . . . . . 1 . iii.itr 11 . f Tnt t > ii j . 1..II.&W 1.1 Union Pacific Kansas JcTuxns . Ill t . .dl. J. . v1 . . . . . 12' , ' Lake-Shore m\ Oo preferred. . . . MlchlKiin Central M I Western Uulon. , Jllssonrll'ncille . . . 1918 ! MOXET ON CALL Easvnt 2 ( < ? 214 per cent ; lust loin , 2Vjj per cent ; closing at 2 } per cent. cent.PllIMH MCIICANTILB PAPEIll rtJO'j POP cent. Srr.UMSO E.\oiUN-on Firm andiinclianpcd ntfl.Sl ) for sixty-day bills , and f J.bSJj for dcinanU. _ I'llODUCE. CIIICAOO. Dec. 11. Wheat Weal : , and lower : cash , fl.tGji ; Januar.v , $1.01 } , ; AIny , Corn Eaay ; cash , tJU'bdi ; January , 34 ! l-lic. ( Oats Kasy ; cash , CC > : January , 2G9 c ; May , 2fl'ifo. Kyo 51 c. barley Nothing doing. Pnmo Timothy Nothing doing. Flax * 1.5t. Whisky * 1.20. Pork Steady ; cash , $13.37' ; January , iia.42l : Mnv. SlH.771 < f. Lard Eus.v ; cash , tS.OSU ; January , tT.'JTK ; May , SS.05. Flour Firm anil ncliangcit ; winter wheat , 61. 7.1(125. ( 7. > ; Bpring wheat , $4.'J58.75 ; rye , . . Uulk Meats Shoulder * , $ r.00i7.10) ; short clear , $7.3K@.50 ; short ribs. $7.0J@ 7.10. 7.10.Uutter Uutter Dull and quiet ; creamery , 31c ; dairy , 18(327c. ( Cheese Firm ; full cream choddais 10X < s ; Hats , ll ( < ? 18c ; Young Americas , ll' HJaC. E RS Quiet and easier ; fresh , 20@2tc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , GI C ; light groun salted , ( Pfo ; Rrccn , 5e ; salted bull , 5)4 ) o ; green bull , 4'fc : : green dry flint , 7' ' @Su ; dry call , 7@5 > o ; br.indel hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 25@30u e.ich ; drv salted. 10(51150. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , sollu 5c ; No. 2 , 4c ; cake , 5. ' c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 0,003 9,000 Wheat bu . 3.1,000 .Tfl.OO'J Corn , bu . 2G2.00U 40S.OOO Oats , bu . 2JO.OOJ 100,000 Uye , bu . . . . . Now Vork. Deo. 11. Wheat Receipts. 75,001) ) ; exports , none ; spot market dull and weak and @ 'jC lower : No. 2 red,1 * ? 1.03@ l.Oj } ! ' in elevator ; No. 3 red , 97/c. } ; uti- graded red. 89e@1.01tf ; No. 1 red , l.ij' : ' < . OptloiiB dull and weak ; cruller 'ffo higher , declined ll @ 15fc , and closed steady at > ' ( j@ % a under yesterday. No. 2 red , January , closed at tl.05f. Corn Receipts , 77,000 ; exports. 21,000 ; spot market fairly active and ) & "i" lower nnd weak ; No. -lOKQItS o in elevator , 47&0 allont ; m.grailed uiixcd , ! (7Kii7 ( ( > c ; No , : ! , 42t'j options dull and heavy , mid % @ 5tfo lower , January closing ut Wj3. Oats Receipts , 131,000 ; cxportn. 2 > 0 ; spot inarltut quiet and weak und hC 'tfc ' lower ; options dull , anil i c lower ; Janimry closed atUlhu ; spot , No. 2 wliito , ! ! 4Jfi2r > i ! ; mixed western , 2'.i } ( a'U5 o ; whlto-wcstern. 3@Jlc. CjlTcu Options opened steady nt 25 ® 10 points down and closed steady ; December 15 points down , others r > C < iir > points up and fnlily nctivo. Sales , 85.0JO bags , including December , fll.70i lD10 ; January , $14. ( @ 151)0 ) ; Fobruary. $ ( l.'i.3ri ; March , ? 14.b5 @ 15.IO ; April , Jlfl.UO ® 15.35 , Spot Kio , dull and unsettled ; falrcartpes , $ ir,50. Petroleum Steady and quiet ; united closed at b'Jo. Kggs Dull and easy ; western,22K@23c. Pork Kasy ; mess , $14.75@15.00. Lard Lower : closed steady mid quiet ; sales , western steam , $3.50 ; January closing at t.2(3. ( Butter Easy and quiet ; western dairy , 14@24o ; western creamery , 20nt3.Jo ( ; Elgin , nominal. Cliccso Steady , witli fair demand ; west ern , lOQliyfc. Liverpool. Doo. 11. [ Special Cablegram toTlin HEK-310p. ] ; ! m.Closo. Pork In fair demand ; prlmo mess , eastern , bis 3d , steady ; do , western , 71 lid , linn , Lard In fuirdnmundspot ; 47s 2d , steady ; December , 44s , steady ; January and Febru ary , 43s Od ; steady. Wheat In fair demand ; now No , 2 , win ter , Ss , steady ; do , spring , 8s Id , steady. Flour In more demand nt 12s , linn. Corn In fair demand ; spot , 4s 8d , steady ; December , 4s 7 > tfd , dull ; January , 4s TJj'd , dull ; February , 4s 3'fd ' , steady. Milwaukee. Dec. 11. Wheat Easy cash , Otic ; January , U co ; May , fl. Corn-Dull : No. 3 , 31 > § 33tfc. Oats Steady ; No. 'i white. 2030c. live-Steady ; No , 1 , 51)/c. ) Uarloy-Dull ; No. 2 , ( Wjfo. Proviaions-Easler ; pork , $13.25. Cincinnati , Deo. 11. Wheat Firm but dull ; No. 3 red , $1.0-131.05. Corn Oulot and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 89o. Oats Wcaktir ; No. 2 mixed 'JJ'kfg'.JSc. live-Dull : No. 3 , 54 c. Whisky-Firm at * 1.14. MlnuonpollB , Deo. 11. Sample tables were not BO well loaded as on yesterday , and with a rise In spcculatlvn markets holders we > o not slow In putting up prices of milling wheat. Huyera wuro slow to respond to any advance. No. 1 hard sold at ll.W , but when speculative wheat started on the down turn prices of samples went along to a certain ex- icjit , though moderate cffcdnga prcvi'ptcil value * from Roing below\cstcnJay. Closing : No. 1 hard , December , $1.301 January , ? I21 : May , J12P , , , on trnck , SI 21. No. 1 norlhcfn , December. $1 Oil's ' January , Minti. May , stir , on tr.ick , $ I.1SJ1 14 ; No. 2 northern , December , il.OJ ) January , $1.03 ; May , fl.Oiiif : on track , $ l.O,1.04. ! ( . St. Ijonl * . Doc 11. Wheat Lower ; cash , $1 01 > 4 ; May , ? 1.07' fffil 173T. ( . Corn Lower ; cash , IM c ; May 34'4 ® 3l-\c. Oats Lower , rash , 21c ; May , WJ c. Pork Dull at * 14.0U. Lard Finn at fS.OO. Whisky11. ! . Huttcr Quiet nnd easy ; dairy , 10Ji25o ; creamery , : ) OQ3.'ic , RnnnnH City , Dec. 11. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , cash. HSo hid ; May , ? 1.05V bid ; No. 2 soil , cash 09V bid ; February fl.OlJu bidMny ; , Sl.05'4 ' bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , rash. 27e bid ; .yonr , 2t5)jc bid ; January , 27'fc nsked ; May ' "Kc bid. Oats No. 2 , cnsh , 21c asked ; January , 23'ic asked ; May , 25'4-0. ' iiivr. t Chlc.ieo , Dec. 11 1'ha DravarV Jour nal reports us follows Cattle Receipts , S,500 ; market dull am cattle , ? 1 1110 3. 10. Hogs -Receipts. 23,000 ; market active anil lower ; mixed , f.VOO ( < ? "i.O.'i ; heavy , $5.05 C < ? 5 0 , light , ? 5.00i.(5 25 ; slttps , $ 'J 00@I.SO. Sheep Receipts , 5OJO , market steady ; natives , f ) .7'i@.V5 ; westerns , J.ViOrfII.05' Tcxans , eJ.IIO 'J. ' , ' . ' ! ; lambs , $ : i.75ji.00. ( ) Kansim City. Doc. II. Cattle Receipts , 4ncO ; slilpmont" , 1.400 ; the duality of ortor- ings was hotter and market irroeul ir , bul goucriill.v stronger ; good to vholco corn-fed $1 lOC'Jl..Vi ' ; oonunon to mWium , ) stoi'kers mid feeding steers , J1.GO&2.M ) cows , $1.00(32 ( ! > t ) . Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 3d2 ; market falrlv active but ft ( I0i * lower , clos ing n shade stronger ; good to choice , $ 510 ; common , $ i.50f ( 5 00. National Stock Yards , K\st : St. IiotilN , Dec. 11 Cattle Receipts , 2,315 ; shipments. ! VJO ; market stiong ; choice heavy nntivo steers. S5.50ii5.l'iO ; fair to peed nntivo steers , fl I0fn5. 10 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , ? 4 40 ; stockers - ers ami feeders , fair to good , S'J.Kci.4 ( ) ( : ) ( ) , rangers , corn-fed , $1.20 ; grass-fed. S2.10 (33.15. ( Hogs Receipts , r.,010 . : Bhipmcnts , 400 ; market lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5r \ > ( itr > 2i : packing , medium to prime , f-I.UO ii.l.lO ; light grades , ordinary to best , ? l.blKa5.00. OMAHA K sroot. Cuttle. Tuesday , Dec. 11 , 1S8S. There was n liberal supply of good beeJ cattle on sale to-day , and us high us $4.30 was paid for corn-fed naUves. The market on beef cattle was nbout lOe higher than last week and butchers' stock l(6JOc ( ) ( higher. A bunch of fancy barren heifers hold for Chrismas cattle at * . ' ! 45. Although the mar ket opened slow It closed quitu active , and a good many cattle changed hands before the close. Feeders were in fair request at steauy prices. Hoes. The receipts were the heaviest for some time back , but everything sold before tlio close. The m.irk ( t was about lOc lower than yesterday , mid although it was slow on ac count of salesmen not wanting to take the prices , the bu.xurs bought freely. This mar ket is high as compare. ! witli other filtices , it being only 10i ( l5c lower than Chicago. Sheep. The supply w.w not heavy , but the market was fairly active at steady prices. Cattle 1,010 Hops ' . 8.0JO Sheep 8UO Irivnlliiisr I'rlom. The folli.vlnj is a tibia ot pnc3 ? pill In this market for tha jr.ijai of stoat 1110:1- : tioncd Primestears. 1303to 1500 Ibs..S3.75 © .no Pnmusteers. HOJto 1300 ibi. . 8.25 t l.03 Native feeders 2.75 ( ! ' ! ,00 Western feeders 2.iO ( ( < J2.)0 ! ) KaiiKO steers , com'on to choice 2..VJ yW.20 Common to good cows 1.2 > fa)3.03 ) Choiceto fancy cows 2.00 @ 2.50 Common to choice balls 1.25 ( iM.OO Fair tocnoico UKht hoes 4.1)0 ) Fairtoctioico neavy nozi 5.10 Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.0J Ijlvo Stook Notes. The receipts of hocrs were liberal al most all market points. St. Paul received 1,500 ious : Indianapolis 000 ; Cincinnati 6,000 , and Bloux City 4.500. The Stanton Hrccdinu PJrni company , Madison , Noh. , had In 135 head of 1(5MMb ( steers , as line u bunch of cattle as bus been eeen hero In u lout ; tlmo. They sold a very clioicu bunch pf barren heifers at the high est price paid ou this market in seine time , 13.45. , OMAHA WUOb.4u < K MKKtS Prodiicr BfTir.u 1'anc.v , 'solri-vackcd creamery SCCif'Wo ! cliolco cnentry. 22f..V ; medium prudes , l * > i 'Jlu ; conunon Kr.ultis , 10 dli ! . Fi 01 it XobM lci i patent' ' * { ( J.CO' 7 50 Minnesota patents , $ < > 2' > ( < i7.75 ; straich grades $ o.00ioli ( ; bakeis' Hour , f5.23 7o per bbl. POTATOES -N'obraska , 2.'a40o per bu ; Col orado , 7'iW Oc. SMEPT PorvTons Tff ( > 'o per Ib. I'ornin Live dhlfkcn * . J. ViiJ.7 : > pe doz ; sprniR chirk w , J2 . * iO ( < i'l 00 , dressei chickens , 7 ( 0 pt-rlb ; tuiku.vs , 8 ( 10 ( ? . Koos Strictly fresh , SJff24o ( candled. MUAOK Gi U'i > IUKCKS 1'Jc pcrlb. 1J4Vis Commbn , } 1.00vii2 25 per bunch choice , * . > .uOl < ? : ) .50 , LrMoJ."i.0v ) per ci o. Oit Nun < FloUilu , $ .J 2if ( ) ( \ J. per box. OAMI : Per dozen : Mullurd , M Sift ! ' .i" > teal , $1.1HIC < ? I 25 ; iiunil , * 25tl ; prnlric rluck ens 8l.75if(40i ( ; rnboits , * l.lHi ; siiulrrel $1,00 ; vonlion , ( K'UOi * per Ib. * CitvMif.iiuil > ? OJii'.l.Ot ( ) per bbl. PlioM tosM Hums , No. 1 , 11'jV ; No 2 lie ; shoulders , 7 c , rib bin-on , lie ; i-lo.i bacon , ll c ; picnie haini , Kk1 ; dried bee lmm , livc ( } [ ; dry suited elcuis , * < liort , S'jC extra short , SUe ; short ribs , S'4f ' ; plrkcltu lilBH1 feet. 1. ) Ib kits , MV ; luril , b.C ! 'o ' smoked sausage , fl@'C per Ib ; hog casing i L'Ll \ . \ \ \ 25j7Wc ( per do.- ; fancy , 40o. OSMO.3V(4o ( ( ( ) ] ) or bu. C \nn un : $ .1.00 per 100. Hunts 10e per hu. Ti iiNir-i 2. " > e per hu. Kivt ; r-i bK-4.7S , hiilt-bbN. $ - > 75 An M Clioico. 2 . "Oiifi < 5 per bbl ; fancy $3.00 per bbt ; common , . M.'iOddl.'i.'i per bbl. Ci -.MU-IIIK.XII. . $3.0. ( rt .V ) per bbl of .T Kalsj C.ilifiirnia pour cider , ? 15 th ) per bbl. Per I'oitNUico , 3c ; common , " } { u. CvnitoTs Kitperbti. . Hi : \ \ - < Choice o.mtern hand pleked navic- , $ i ( K ) per liu liel ; western hundplckud mi vie * , $1.75 < ( t > l ) ; medium , 1 : iirtl.5U ) ; Linui bonus , 5i- per Ib. 11 \ \ V. o. b ci r , No. 1 upland 5i5 00 ; No 2 upland , $5 OU. HitvN-8lVWiltUO. ) ( ! ) CiKii'i'un KIII.II 51 1.OJv 15 01) ) per ton. CHUN SKif' . c1. Ovis-2itjr.Mo. VIXKO.VU 1'ider , 10 ? lSj per guli : white wine , 10ii20i ( ; per pal. HONU1lb frames , 15@lSc. Hoviscd prices arc1 ns follows : l\iui\'o Starlc A , seamless , 22i * ; Amos- kcag , ' eamlcss , 17Jc ; l.e\\Utown , A , so un less , lite ; American , seamless , 17c ; b.irl.ips , 4 to 5bu. , IHifllc ; guniiios , Mnglo , llc ; gun nies , double. 20c ; wool sacic , 3.V. Txvxics Flax , 3bc ; e.\tra'-ail , 200'Me , bail B , 20i(2It ( * : cotton , l2c ! ; jute. lie. DIIII.I ) Fiti'ir Pigs , in boxes , nor Ib. K ) ( ' ? Iflo ; ilntcs , in boxes , " ( TelOc ; London Malaga layer raisins , per l > ox , $ . ' .50i ( < J 75 ; Malaga looae r.iisins $2. : > 0 ( < i2.50 ; few VtilciuMU rai sins , per 11) , bjflCiiliforinii ; loose muscatels , per box , 2UUi.rt2.10 : California Lomlons , IbSS , $ J.40j pitted choiries , peril ) . l < c ; Cali fornia pitted iilums. ncr Ib , l'Ji < 13c ; dried blackberries , per Ib , 7Jjicc ; dried raspbor- rics , per Ib , 212"ic ( ; evaporated apples. 7 , y ( $ 18c ; Calfornlu sun-dried peaches , lc ! ! : Cali fornia unp.ircd evaporated poaches , l.XiflSc : evaporated Califoinia apiicols , lsc ; Xtmtco currants , ( il 7c ; Turkish prunes , 4'jn4Ji'c ( ; citron , 2ii'2lc ( ; orange peel , loc : lemon pei'l , ICc ; California French prunes , IHifilOc. Coi-niB Mochn. 25 , 2 < ) c ; l io , good , \f \ , & 17c ; Mundalilinp , -Sc'io.istiiig ! ; Hio , 15M Hie ; O. G. Java , 2Idc-Me ; Java , interior , 2JOJ 23c ; Hio , Inncy , ISifil'.lc ; Santos and Maia- caibo , 17&Jle ! ) ; ArhncUles , 21'4c ' ; McLaugh- lln'bXXXX , 22'4c. ' Snuu Granulated. 7'jC ; conf. A , 73No ; white extra C , 7 4" ! ; c. tr.i C , 7'gc ' ; .yellow C , OXo ; powdered , b' e ; cubes , S'ij. _ JiBKsWAX Cnoico yellow , 2J@22J.iC ; daik colored , 13iil4c. Ciini c Young America , full cicam , J2 ( 1 12'Jc ; full crcairf cheddeis , Il@t2c ; full cream Hats , 121 , c. PlCM.ns Medium , in bbls. $500 ; do , in hall bbls , i-U)0 ) ; dmall'ia bbls , fit CO ; do , in half bbls , W.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 47,00 ; do , ' in half bols , S-i.OO. Toiucco Plug-VdBJic1 ; smoking , 10@POc. Jri.LiCH S1.23 perlb : ! ( ) pail. SALT-$1.30@1.3 : per bbl. Horn 7-10 , lie. MAIXU Sue.VK Bricks , ll@12c per Ib : penny cakes , ] ' . ' @iqc per Ib ; pure maple syrup , $1.10 per gal. TEAS Young Hyson , common to fulr , 18t/ < ! oe ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , "OC".5"n ; ; Gunpowder , common to good , 22c < i < 25e ; dun- powder , choice to f.incy , 40c < ( ( )5o ) ; Japan , common to medium , l.Va''Oc : Japan , choice to luncy , S0@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 250t:55e : ; Oolong , choice to fancy. 5l70u ; ; Imperial , common to medium , 25@3ic ; Im perial , good to fanc.v.-lOffTJOc. NUTS Almonds , 15C'f l vfc ; lilhcrts , I.c < dl5c ; Brazil , 9@10c ; walnuts , 12cpecans ; , 10JBlie ; peanuts , i > ( j$0c. CuACivEits OfjilOc per Ib ! usborted cakes , 8@25c per Ib as per list. CAXIIV Mixed , ! U4 < 12".c " ; stick , o ; < 0jllc ) ; rock candy , 10' ( ilito ) ; fancy candj , 7&j2Jo. HOMAND Hcuitixn OOc. Dry Gnodo. COTTON PI.ANSEI.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL , 5Uc ; CC , 0 > fc ; SS , 7-c , Nameless , 5j ; UX , ISc ; K , 20c ; No. 10 , bJ4'e ; No. 10 , lOJ o ; No. GO , 12J < fc ; No. 80 , 13jhc ; No. 30 , colored , .lu ; No 50 , colored , 12.No. ; . 70 , colored , 12V ; Bristol , 12 c ; Union I'acllic , 17c. CII'ITVAUI : - Bid , white , 1'Jo ; colored , 22c. 22c.BATTS Standard , 8c ; pern. lOc ; beauty , 12'rfc ; boone , 4c ; B , cased $0.50. PHI NTS Solid colors Atlantic , I5e ; Slater , (5c ( ; Berlin oil , (5 ( > ; e ; Garner oil , ( ! @ 7c. PIIINTS Pink and IJobcs Allen , ( ! c ; Hivcr- pomt , 5140 ; Steel Itivcr , ( i c ; Richmond , Okc ; Pacilic , 7c. PIIIM8 llross , Charter Oak , S. 'c ; Ham- apo. 4V e ; Lodi , 5'4c ; Allen , ( io ; Ulchmond , Oc ; Windsor , CiJjU ; Eddystone , 0 > ; c ; Paciilc , O'rfc. O'rfc.Bi.Evciini ) SIIECTIXO Berkeley cambric , No. (50. ( H c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , ( i c ; butter cloth , OO , 4 4/i3 ; Cabot , 7J o ; Farwcll , half bleached , S'c ' ; Fruit of tlio Loom , ll'io ; Grecno G. t'Ji'e ; Hope , -)4c ; King Phillip cambrif , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric 114ci Lons- dale , Oc ; New York mills , 10o } ; Pcpporell , 12-ln , lie ; Peppeicll , 4i-in ( , 12c ; Pepnerell , 04 , Itlo ; Peppeicll , S-4 , 2lc ; Pcpporell , 0-4 , .Mo ; Poporell. ] ) 10-4 , 25u ; Canton. 4-1 , bje ; Triumph Oc ; Wamsutta , He ; Vailny , 5u. FiANNii.b : Plaid Haftsmen , 2o ( ) , Goslien , 32'jc ; Clear Luke , 30V ; Iron Mountain. FI.AVSEI.S Whitc-GH , No. 2 9 , 8JV < c ; GH , No. 1 , % , 2c ( ! : BH , No. 13. 54' , 2Jc ) ; Bll , No. 1 , Jf , 30o ; Quebec , No. 1. , I''c. CoHBr.r Ji : Nd Androscogum , 7Jfe ; Ivear sargo , 7e ; Uockport , 0 'e ; Conestoga , ( IMe. TicKS-York , 30-in , 12 > io ; York , 3l-1n , Swift river , 7 c ; Tliorndike , OO , York. 7 oz , 13 } ; c ; Havinnker , bj c ; Jnflroy XX , \ \ } Jaflrcy \ XXX , 12'.jc ' ; Heaver Creole AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek H13. lie ; Heaver Creek eg , lOe. KuNfucia JEANB Memorial , 35o ; Dakota , 18o ; Durham , 27'io ; Hercules , ibc ; Leam- IiiKton , 22JjCj Cottwood , 27J4U. CIUHII Stevens' J5 , OUc ; Stevens' H , bleached , 7o ; ritovoiiB1 A. 7'ic ' ; Stevens'A , blenched , $ yo ; Stvemt' ' P , S'o ' ; Stevens' P , bleached , U' ' o ; Stnvcns' N , 'iufo ; Stevens'N , blenched , 10 } < -j Stovuns' S1U , 12' e. ii-h Tublo on cloth , f2.50 ; ) lain Holland , O'o ' ; Dado Holland , 12jo. Buow.v SIIEETINU Atlantlo A , 41 , 7J t ; Atlantlo H , 4-4 , 7jYe ; Atlantic I ) , 4-4 , ( ifc ; Atlantic P , 4-4. { ' * ? Aurora LL. J I , tic ; An- oraC , 4-4. 4 0 ; Crown XJfX , 4-1. ( IJfc ; loosler LL , 4-1 , < ! / : ; Indian Head , 1-4. 7'iJe ; Lawrcncu LL , 4-4 , lie : Old Dominion , 4-1 , SJ-fc ; JVpperellll , 4..4 , 7c ; Poppcrell O. 4 4 , i'fc ; Peppcroll , tJ-ClSV1. Pcppeioll , U-l , JIc ; Pepiiercll , 104 , 2Jc ; UticaC , 1-4. 49,0 ; AViichusctt , 4-4 , 7Mc < 'Aurora I { , 4-i , 7c ; Au rora B , 4 4 , ( ! ' ( ! . ' DUCK Wont Point 83 ih. So ? . , lO' ' o ; West Point 2J in. 10o& , IS o ; West Point 2'J in. 12 o * . , 15o ; U'ostl'oint-iOin , II o . , Klo. FlANNEls-Ued , C , 21 in , 15Hc : K , 21 in , 21 > jc ; GG , 24 in , 20c ; HAF , % , 25cj JHP , "f , 27c. GINHIHM Pluukett checks , 7ijo ; Whlttcn- on , 7) ) < o ; York , 7 ! u ; Normandi dros , 8u\ \ Calcutta dress , BJ o : Whlttenton dress , b > fe ; Uonfrow dress , S @ 12 > fc , CAMIIKICS Slater , 5 > jfo ; WooJs , 5c ; Stan dard , 5'4o ' ; Peacock , 3fe. Pni.NTd , iNUiooBufB Arnold , 0 } < c ; Amer- can , C' c ; Gloucester , ll'i'c ; Arnold C long cloth , Do ; Arnold B long cloth , 10J/e : Arnold Gold Seal , lOK.j ; Steifel A , 12u ; Windsor Gold Ticket , lujtfc. lujtfc.I I > uiulcr. ) First and second clear , l In.40 00(351 ( ( K ) Flrbt and second cluur , 1 in. . . 47 00 < .V ) 00 Jhinl clear , U4@l in 4J 00R40 ( 00 A select , ItfQlitln. . . . . . 37 00 U select , 1KWX In B3 Oi A stock boards. 12 < r 10 ft , 13 in . 40 00 H sleek boaids , I2nlfi ft. 12 in. . 41 00 C stock boards , 12 i 10 ft , 12 In . . SO ) D stock boards , 12U ( Jfi ft , 12 In . . 23 Flooring , llrst common , (5 ( in. . , . 34 o Flooring , second common , 0 in. . 31 0 Select fencing flooring . VJ ( X ) Sidlnp , lirst and second clear , 14 OU'lft ' . 25 ( X ) Siding , llrst cominoi' , 10 ft . 2i IX Sitlini * . < ccontl common . 10 Oi Common boards . . . . . . Ill ( H No. 2 boards , nil lengths . 14 .W Fencing , No I , 12 < n'0 ft . Iti 50 Fencing , No. 2 , 124Qtfi \ \ ft . 15 51 .lolst nnd scantling , 2x4. 14 ( 10 ft 1(5 ( ( X Timber. 4x4 , Sx12 (1(5 ( it . 17 ( K Pickets , Hand H Mat" . 22 ( H Pickets , Dniul H squat e . 2J ( X Shingles , e\tia A . 2M Shingles , standaul A . 2 CO Lath . a 41 O d Halts 3' ' . In . I * O ( ! BattH , l xM , S 1 S . 3 3 In well tubing , D nnd M bev. . 22 00 Hemlock sole , l 'i. U-per Ib : nnk solo. 3. ( tiilic per Ib ; oak liarness , JtOmHio per Ib selected oak nnd trace , 3V per Hi ; oak am hemlock upper , 2K.rf2Je ( per foot. Hemlock calf sHin , No. 1 , Mnl ) > oc pcrlb , nccordlng to weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , l > 0-il.txi ( ( pei Ib ; Pnllndolphla calfskin , extra , ? 1 ooori K pcrlb : hi'inlock kip skin , No. 1 , (50Ci7.'e ( per Ib ! oak kip skin , No. 1. 70 ( Mle porlb , Phila dolphin kip skin , cxlrn , J > inlilc ( ) per Ib Freiii-h calf sliin ( according to weight ntu ' " > i'i ; pur juut ; inuriHTOs. nont it'ir , . . .Mf'.vui : JKM foot ; glove calf skins , 2 ' ( n ! UV per foot ; Douir- lus kid , : UijlOc ) per foot ; Kangaroo skins , 40 ( Mod. ? per loot , uci'ording to qunlilv. Top- pings.sco t 10.00 per do/en : linings , $1.00 ( ' < ' . ' . ( K ) per do/.en ; npron skins , J10.00u ( 12.00 per do/en. nnd Tinners' Stook. Block tin , small pig . $ .2S Block tin , bar . SI Topper , planished boiler si/cs . 3- Cojijwr , cold lolleil . It : Copper , shcnthing . HI t'opper , pitts . ill Copper , Hats . 31 ( ! 1. sheet iron , .lunmta.51 10 and . "ipcrc. dK Pat. planished Iron , 21 to 27 A . 10' j Pat. planished iion,2t In 27 B . U'i Uoollng , 1C. llx.'d , Il2sheets . (5.01 ( Koollnn. IX , 11x20 , 112 sheets . 7.5 ! Kooilng. K1 , L'll.xJ. , 112 sheets . 11.00 Kwfing. IX. 20x2' , 11J sheets . 1451 Sheet iron , No. 2ii . Jl.M Sheet Iron , No. 27 . I ! ( ! ( Solder . l.VjC" 17.j Tin plate , best churcoal 1C. Itlx 14 , BJ.slicets . ft .7 IX , 10x14 , 22 : > sheets . b.2- > Tin plato , cotto 1C , lOx-1 1 , 2.5 sheets . fi.05 Steel nails , per keg . 2.25 Steel wire mills , per Keg . 2.UO Til 13 UlJAIjTY MAIIICUT. Instrmnciit-j Phiouil on Uccuril Dur ing VcHiurdny. H \Vintoiliuin ot al to Hank of inUiom , lot H , blk - , iia foid's mill lilkhorn , il . . . . . . . . i y.-iO W ( J Moot chvnil mill \vifutuT HCuunlnj- ham , wU'4 ! It of u , ! 7t4 It of n ' . lot lltf , Nelson's nilil , il . JOJ ( Win Ciilmui to \ \ m ICiutr. lot 'I , lilk I , 1st a'ld toContinl I'nik , sncrill's ili'eil S'jl S Cnllnoe to M ( iitliniL1 , mid ' . lot U' , blk 4"i7 , ( ! i nml View , x(1. . . . . 1 .il DnuUL-lly to II Hiiclil-i , w ' , lot . ' , blk - , Drcxol's sill ) , \ \ il. . 1 Wm II Mll ! < r nml wile to r C I'urmely , unit ' Itncxuooil 1'liue. i | ud . I.dtO N bliolton nml wile toV W MiComb , lot 1 ] , blk : i , Wimi'or Toiriice , il 40) II A Itosera to ,1 T Itogers s > ' ( ifv 7rii-10) ! ncriM of ( > IKi-lUJ aorea ofs'j ' nmliitt S-l ) > Ue , wil . . . 10.0JO Wm ( ! AlbrlglH anil wile to (1 .1 Jones , lot 71 , blk ' . ' , lluppu's linimnra. w < 1. . . 4 : s A Temple et nl to A Steuula" . lot li , blk 10 , Watciloo , w il . 100 South Onmlm t , ami Co. to T II Hilton et al , lots loaiulll , blk 21.1 , South Untnlia , I r ( I . . . . CO I'orkhiN uml wife to i : I ) Ko\os A. Co , lots II to 17. ami lot If. blk I , lots 7 to 1. , blk \lnttlicn s' Mil ) , ij e il . . 1 J I , Miles ct ill to. ] Mockilnle. lot .W , blk 14 , Oivliaril Mill , w il . TOO Win ? tnrpat7. to (5 I * Iliirnelif v.lj ft s o cnr lot fr , blk 20 , ( 'it'll It , ronelor. < | cd. . . . 2UO S IICii'lKhton to J A Crelghton ct nl , nil propel ty , will . . . . . . . . \ \ in I olfato S \ \ I'enrock. lot I. blk III. lot 11 , blk 17 , Iot- > I.1 anil 11 , blkL'J , lotiii nml ia. blk 'Ji. lot -I , lilk''i. Ciirthngo , il 700 A haimtler * to A Christcnson , lot 23 ami n Wit lotil , riaiiklinstiiiare , \ \ il . fi.000 1 Cliilstiunson to A iNiumlur- 10 ft lot 5. l'i. nikll n hquaievil. . _ . 7,500 1'CoIpotzur umllta to ( ) < loeici < raii , 4 x Ktt lit ) ft n of so cor blk 100. Oinalia , w il . 2.6W ) So'ith Ouialm Lund Co to I'.lonuscnelt , lot I ) , blk HI , ftmtli Onmlm. w < 1 . S.C I ) Cunnlniilmin anillto to A fctcn hlii , lota , blk2 , ) , CuitluiKe. vil . 1,00 J T I.lsy nndnlleto I'Shaiill , uml ' / of n UV ft lots 1 anil 2 , blk , ) . Campbell's mid , w < l . 2,500 J I' Pc-honing anil wlfo to A .lame- , lot M , Ulaik'sadil , w il . . 0,010 Patrick I.nnil Co to 1) If lloiiin , lot'JI , blk HJ , Uiimlee place , w U . , . 1,1(10 ( Twenty-five transfer * , ngt'iegrttlng. . . . (51,254 i ; Pornuts. Tlio following building iisnnits were issued yesterday : AiiRii'-t Iloii7on. elHbt oiie-btory cottages , 'Iwuntysuvond nnd Clark htieets . > $ 1.1KU W. l > . Siiollmnn , oiio-story finmn MiL'ii. . 70 H K lioadv , onotiry ) Iruinu iottiio. { ; Mil- Inrcl X L'aldw ell's addition . 260 'llireo permltc. afe-grmiatlng . t l.S.'O An AIiHolutc Curo. The ORIGINAL ABIKTINE OINTMENT is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes , and is nn absolute cure for old Bores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively c.iro nil kinds of piles. Ask for the OHfGlNAL AB1ET1N12 O1NT- M12KT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co , , at 23 ceuts per box by wail 30 cents. Acolytes on n Strike. Chicago Tribune : The strike fovcr ins at last rciiohcd tlio uhureli , and the rohiilt is n qiieor conipliciitioii ut the o.\- , roine ritiinli&tie Kpiscnpul Cliurcl. of Iho Ahconsion. It ib lonrncd tliuL the icolyti'Bof thoe.huri'li. wliobuur ; i prom inent | ) iirt in the service , formed a t.o- ciety wliioli they niiinod the Sniiotuiii'y , nnd Frank Phillis ) ) , tlic server , was its jrcbidont. A member of this guild was l < ouib Caruiotto. He was an Italian ; lurk , { rood-looking tincl imperious. Ho was the dean of the iriUl , and iiisihlcd on calling himself master of the cero- nonies. Moreover , he afesiimed a sort of lieadBhip over the lads. Uuring the Borvico ho would make gestures , bid- ling them do thib and Unit , mortify- ng tliom in the presence of the oon- grcgiition. So the acolytes revolted , md , with the aid of Mr. IJarry. the lay eador drew tip a hot of resolutions dc- KtaliiK Cnri'iotto from tl o inabtorrihip of : ereinonicH. When Father Lnrrnboo , the rector , heard of this proceeding ho called Mr. Harry to account for aiding md abetting the boys in their mutiny , mil deposed him from tlio position of ay reader. The boys thereupon fell nto a tranhnort of indignation and for- inilaU'd an ultimatum to the ollect that inlets the rector should retaoro Mr. 3arry they would go on a btrilco and re- tibo lo tnljo purl in thofacrviccs. Fallior nrraboo declined to rebtore Mr. Harry o Ills position , and the result wab tiiat tibt Sunday tlio bervicos were shorn of ntich of their ritualistic character , wing to the absence of the crncifor , the thnrifer and the eervors , and the other icolytcs , and the lay reader. Public ipinion is divided , Mr. Ltirrabco is cominondod on the point of discipline ; lie acolytes for their valor. .11. I'.M.MKH. K IMlie.lHAV. J H lUM.SCU.UtII PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , TERFfeLp U. MA LEY Live Stock Commission , loam 15 , LJiliam-e UullJloit , Union Etock Vurda. UNION STOOM Yx.-jDS : CO. , Of Omelia , Limitefl , ' Aerlculturoi TTifpTomonts , CHURCHILL PARKLR , DoalcrinAgricnltnrallinplcniiiils , Wagons JiK ( > ? trf < tbrlt\t'cuminii ' < NcbrnJlin. LINNCER &ericnltnralIinplcincnlsJWagonslCarriagci IJiif lo. rip. Wliolf. nlc. OmKhR. VoVtHtkik PARLlf7 , 1TRENDOR ? A MARTINT" Wliolrtalu ls ) lf r In Agricultnrallmplcnicnis.fagons&Biiggics . _ Wl , swi , ft imil W7 JonM Ptrrct , Omul ! * . _ P. P. MAST fifco. . Mannfactnrers of Bnckeyo Drills , Sccflois CultlTaton. liny ItnkPi.Olilfr Vlll nml l.iiUnn 1'u ! verlicri. Cor litli unit MrlioimHiii-U. _ IMPLEMENT CO. . Asricnltiiral Implenients , Wagons & Buggies OMAHA llItANfll. J. F. SEIBERUNC3 A. CO. , Akron , Olilo. Harvesting MicliiDcry anil Binder Twine W.K . tpaJ , . tan o 1313tcnvenwoiHi t Oiunlin MOLINE.MiLBURN&STODDAHDCo Mnnu ( > ( tur < r finiIJol > tiois In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , flows Etc , Cor. 9tu nml I'nclflc siructc , Onmha.Ncb. Artlato' Mntorinls. _ _ ' " " " A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , iilft Stri'Ot.On lin. Ni triftn. Bookaollors and Stnllonore. H. M , & s. w. JONES' , SuicPSForslo A. T. Kenjon A Co. Wliulrcilo&Kctrl Bookseller and Stationers , Kino WvdiltiiK SUtUuicrjr , ( 'unnucrcliil ' tntlimcrj- I.VJ-J Street Uiimliu Ni.1 ! ' . Booto nnd Shooa- K1RKENDA1 L , JONES Al CO. , o In Howl. Jmiis A. lo ) WholBsalcMannfactnrcKorBootsanilSliocs Aiii'iililor llo tnn ili'tititr MUMOi I1U3 , lll/l A 11W llnruvy ft. , Onmlm , hcbrnahn. W. V. MORSC .t CO. . Jobbers of Boots aiiil Sliocs , 1101 UKUlQj Douglni St . Oinalin Mnr.nfaclorj.Sum morsu. lu nun Coffees , SpicoB , Etc. ' CLARKE COFFEE CO. Onmlm Co Iff o and | Hci > Mill * . Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , f Uvorlui ; Kxlrncla , I.nunilry Hint' . Inkn , Ktr. HU Ktiilliirnor Mruut. Oiniihn , Xylirniku. Crockery and Glassware. " W. L.'WRIGHT , " Accnt for thp Mr.iiuarturiT nml Importcts of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliimneys , Vtc ( > fflce . .lTS lUhfct. , OraRhB , Nebrunia. PERKINS. CATCH & , LAUMAN. linuorlera nnd .Inbbcri of CrccXerj , Gla ware , Lainis , , Silverware Ktc. 1314 St. v.c' PotunUulldlne. CommlGsion and Stor&so- _ * " " " RIDDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Mercliants , iGciclllcs Uttttpr. 17rf Chr n. , lnUry , ( ft ll"IIo\vniil _ Stictt , Oninlm. CJEO. SCHROECER & CO. , Puccrstorn lo Mi Shunt' & i-cbrocitcr ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omauu , Nobruskn. FREDERICK J. FA1RBRASS. Wholesale Floor , Feed , Grain and General Commision Mcr liint. Corro pondcnrocollrllcil. IPII Nurtii lull Slri'it , Din.ihn. Noli. Coal , Coke and Lima- ' " ' " O'MAHA coALr"coKE' & LIME co. Jobte of Hard and Soft Coal , 299 South 131U Street , Omnbn , Ncbratka. J. J. JO7/.V.SO.V .1 CO. , Manufacturers of Lime , And Fhlpn ] ra ot Conl , CuuK , LXinont , I'lnVlcr. l.lmc , Drain Tlio uml bunor I'll" * . Dlluc'JI- . IJlh ft. , OinulinNull. . Tclciilionubll. Dry Goods nno Holiona. " " M E SMITH i CO. . Dry Goods , FnrnisMng Goods and Notions , 1102 nnd 110) Doi'Rlai. Cor. lltli St , Omalm , Neb. KILPATRTc K-l < OC H"DRVrab ODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Gcuta' Furultblni : ( Cnrnor Illli uml IJaJutj bin. Omnha. tfchriisku. NEBRASKA FUEL CO , . * * ' Shippers of Coal and ( M ? , SHSiiuHi nth St .nrn&r.i. Nrli. _ Furniture. _ ' DEVVEYr&'sTONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnnm Street. Omcba. Ncbrnikn. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaba. Nobrrukn. Crooorloa. " " PAXTON , GALLAGHER ft GO ? Wholesale .Groceries and Provisions , 7Uii. Tiff. 703 ami 711 S. IClli Et , Omnhn , Neb , MoCORD BRADY Ac CO , Wholesale Grocery I th and I.cfivi'nnortli Elroc'.i. Omnhn , .NVbrntka. Hardware. _ _ _ _ ' " * MAlfhCs'BROS. SADDLERY COT" Whnlfu.ilo Munufncturcrnot Saddlery & j.foers . of Saddlery Hardware Ami Leather. UOJ , Ha'i nnd 11(17 ( Uitrccy Bt , , Omnlm , Wtbitska. Hardwnro. " ' W. Heavy Hardware , Iron anil Steel , Spring ! , Waxen Stork , Hnrdwnro , l.mnhor , itc , IS.J ( uinl 1SII Hartley Htrcet.Ornalia , HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanic * ' Tool And HnlTalo t-chlfn , liOO Uou lui Ulrcot , Oniabu. Ntbraxka , RECTOR , WILHELMY < Si CO , , Wholesale Hardware , fllisnd Ilcrncr st , Omaha , Neb , \Vnlern Accnti lor Auatln 1'owilt-rCo. , Jvircnon l-lcflhullt , _ Kulrbnnk Hlnniltnl Hruli-n _ _ _ LEE , CLARKE. ANDUFiESliN HAND- WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , . klitct lion , etc. AKontH for llowi HculvJ , Mihr uml liurbtd umaliu , _ _ _ Hate , Caps , Eto. > v > " "L. PARROTTE ft CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , tltnniirnerfctreet.Ouiabn.Mob. Lumbor. _ _ _ " " " ' ' " "OMAHA LUMBiih'co' . , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale Itt 1 Street and Union 1'acino Track. Qm.i , LOUIS BRADFO * RlD Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Uoori.lltc. I rdi-Corner lib mid UoueUi , Coraoi ' _ LUMBER. C. N. DIET2. Dealer in All of Lumber , Ulhanil Utlitomla Slrcct < .Oinali . Nc KHICD W. U wvY. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , , Corner filh ntul Douglas flu. , ninth * . T.V. . HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , Offloo.UKU'nrnum Street Omnlm. " " " " " "JOHN A , WAKEFICLD. * Wholesale Lumber , Elc , Imported nnd Anierlenn IM-tlnml ( Vinpiit PUtl Apunl for Mllwdiikon Urilriiiillc IVmont and y White I .imp CHAS. R. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpal < i ml P.ihiuct Hoorlnir Vili nnrt OougUi rVHIIInory mul Notlono. * " I. OBERFELDEH & CO. . Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions i IllliSlrri'l Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. . Mannfactnrcrs of Overalls , JennsranUkMru.KIluu.iml 1101 Douiilm Street , Ouialm. | , t < b Notions- J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4O ( nnil 4V ( , S < mil loth SI . On. lm Olio. _ _ CONiSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wliolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailollri-nni-.lClc.Omaln. , \ II. lllrlim. Miinnin.r VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? , 1W5 Humor Strci't OuuiliH Office Fixtures. I'livf HIMMONIK V VN'tTACTPIMNU CO. M'lnnl.itt iro.s or Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle . Slili-boni-iK Hook ' 'nsi" . Driif ri.Murps.Wnll l'n o , I'nitltkm * ItnltliiniI'wmli'r * . IIPTiunI Wlnnt Cimlcrt. Mirror * alp ( -iiclurv UMI" otlloi1 , ] Tuiiuil : 1TXI South Mill bl.JMi lii ! , 'I'olephuuu 1KI. I Ii Pvilnto nnd oils. si & , NEILSON' i Whole ulu Denlcriln Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 1111 ! Furnam Street , UmntiaNot ) . _ Papor. CARPENTER PAPEF : ! : : ? . * Wholesale Paper Dealers , Curry R nlco stock of I'rliitlnv , Wrnnplnit nml Wrlllnt I'Uftr , tilieclnl intention riven to i HI lonil iinlvra , Paper Boxos. _ _ JOHN L\VILKIE , Proiirietor Omalia Paper Box Factory , Nos Jl',7 nml Hl'J DoiiKlia St. , Oiimlia , Neb. Eoodo. PHIL. STIMIVIEir\"co. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Ull mul 'JUJonoHMreit ( tinaliu StoraRO , Forwarding & Commlaalon ARlvTsTRONdTpETTIS .V CO. . Urn al Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North UlKtUtcontti Mrcct , Oiiinhn. J'cli. Gornloo. E A"GUE"cbR N i cE"WOR"KST * Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John KpuiiL'ter , I'rnprlitnr. ! W Dniliruaml KIluuil 1M ( Norlli lutli Htruut , Om ilia. Printers' Matorlalo. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Dualora In Typo , rren i > s and Trlnlpri1 fciippllcs , tM Soulli Ktlibtrcc'I.Oimtliii. Rubber Goods. 3 " OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Hannfactiirers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing anil l/callicr UtlUnit. 1UH ranmiii Sjah.JD oors , Etc. " " w" . A."biSBROV I. CO. . WtiulcsulitMRnur.ctiircrKuf Sash. Doors. Blinds and Moulngs , lir.iiKli omcc , IJlli mill Uunl UiruiHi , Uiimliu , Nuh. ' BOHN MANUFACTURING"co. Jiaiiufactiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , ' l'-uldliirs.StnlrWoM ( and Iritrrlur llnnl Wcul Fin ail. H. L . Corner Mil nn.I Lniivunwurlli Hru U , Umiilm , Uvu , _ Stoom Fittings , Pumpo , Eio. _ ' " " A. L. STRANG CO. , Pamps , Pipes and Engines , steam , Wutpr , Kit Iwny anil Mlnlnt ; hii | > | illc9 , Etc. KM..r.BnnilVZI I'urniiin l-tii'ul.Oiiiiiliii. CHUKCHILLVUMP CO. , Wholesale Pnnips , Pipe , Fillings , Ucarn anj Water Supplloa. tfi''l"iiiirii'r' fur M t. . Cnrnain t. , Oma U. b. WIND ENGINE & PUT/IT CO.7 Stepia and Water Supplies 1 IVIlul flll.Mr. . . . . . . , inn Ht.Jiniilia. . BROWNELL fij CO.T : engines , Boilers and General liklrinery , ucptlron v ro- ? " " ' Iron Worlce. " ' STEAM"BOILER'WORT < S. Cat tor A hon , I'rop < .Miniufncluri'r ( nil kinds Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Wort \\'urk \ Smlli 'JOili mill II , k M. Cro ? lntf. I'AX'lO.ViliUI.INO ; IUO.S WOUUti. Vftonglit and Cast Iron Building Wort , llrai * Work Qonoral rnunilry , Mnolilno anil \Woik. OMiionnil WuiK , U 1' . Hjr. unil lilb HtruuM"uulm. OMAHA WIRE i ; IRON V ORKS , Manufacliirci's ' of Wire and Iron Railings Juiis Itnlli , Window ( iunnln. flnwrr Htnnili , Wlrn tefl Nurlli Ktli tilrtcl.Omuliit , 6 M A HSAF EaruTl ROrw ORKS Man'frs ' of Fire SBnrglar Proof Sails ultH. .lull Work , Iron ami VVIr Ki'iii Inu. HlKni. Ute , U , Andiceu , 1'iou'r Cur , lull nnU Jucktuu Hit , CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS ron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards oil Fcruonn , for hink ( , mi' ' . iori' . ruvtil Awnln , . I Aikmnltii Miulilii'iry nml Jjluchtmlili worki. Miroliiu Illli n ire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time LocKs , IcucralAL'euti ( or Dluliolil BtfoanU l.utk C Wttllt fcua JU1 WtlkiUV B , UVkfcJi