Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1888, Image 1

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To Bo Demanded by the Pralrlo
State Senators.
HcHcntment Stirred Up lly Wolcntt's
Sweeping Claims Comment on
the Army Appointments Talk
About the HpcnUcrwhlp.
Cll ! KouiiTiiENTii STKKHT , t
WASIII.VOTO.V , I ) . C. , Dec. 11. )
This afternoon your correspondent asked
Senator Mundcrson , of Nebraska , what there
was in the report that he and his colle iguos
nd some others from the prairie states , in
tend to fight for n reduction of the proposed
duty on lumber. He replied that hU views
were probably those of most of the senators
from the tlmbcrloM states , and that ho
would lllco to see a substantial reduction in
the duty on sawed white pine lumber. Tim
ber Is not n crop , ho said , which can bo
planted nnd harvested , nnd which can
bo enjoyed oy any and nil of the
Btntcs. "I would like to see
a reduction , " said he , "to nt
lenst $1 per thousand feet , which Is one-hnlf
the duty proposed in the bill no.yv before the
senate. If it should come to'a question of
placing lumber on the free list , or voting to
mistnin the duty of SJ per thousand feet , 1
should vote for free lumber ; but I do not bc-
llcvo it will come to that. I think there will
ho n compromise , and that the lumber states
and those not producing lumber , will agree
lo reduce the duty from 25 to 50 per cent of
the present tax. I do not anticipate any
party split or disturbance over the ques
tion. "
Senator Paddock said "I
to-night : nm
quite confident that \vu will have some Im
portant concessions on the lumber schedule ,
and that wo will get material reductions. I
am in hopes that the senate will
by inutunl consent , permit the
duty to bo reduced to ? 1 or $1.50
per thousand. The senators from the prairie
Htntcs will uiaku n strong light for this , but
of course wo would not vote against the bill
IIH a whole , simply because wo did not gut
ono of thcso particular features asked for. "
The senatorial contest In Colorado is at
tracting genera ! attention here. There are
ciglitornir.ecandidates , namely : Mr.'Howun ,
the present senator ; Senator Tabor , Mr.
AVolcott , Mr. John L. Houtt , ex-Senator
Chilcott , Judge Symmcs , the present repre-
aentativo in congress ; Mr. Moore , nnd others
of less prominence. Thupu arc but twelve
democrats In the entire general assembly , so
that there is no question about the election
of a republican. Immediately after
the ejection 'the belief was cur
rent nil over the country that
the republican victory in the Btnto
was due to the efforts of Wolcott , and that
lie would have a walkover for the United
States sunntonihip , but well informed gen
tlemen from Colorado tell mo this is a great
mistake , and that the impression was created
for the purpose of catching thu votes of the
members who believe in attaching themselves
to thu strong side. It is asserted that the
ofllcial returns show that the districts which
went democratic were the ones where Wol-
cott's best friends were running , and whore
the greatest efforts woru put forth by him
self. Ho bus now about one-third of the re
publican members ot thu legislature , nnd
more than any other candidate , but thu .field
Ss united against Wolcott , and it is the gen
eral opinion among Colorado people hero
that hu will be beaten. Hy taking for hiui-
hclf all thu credit for carrying the state at
the election , hu bus made a great many ene
mies among the working republicans who
wcro formerly his friends. As to who will
bo elected no one can predict. It
is anybody's race. The legisla
ture will meet on the 2d of January ,
The senatorial election takes plnco on the
10th , and the contest is likely long nnd
interesting. Tabor has been getting in a
good deal of work , and Is said to have re
covered much of his old popularity. Ho
probably has ns many votes us anybody , with
the exception of Wolcott. Chilcott has also
considerable strength , whllo Symines and
Moore are possibilities. Senator Ho wen is
in Washington looking after Colorado's in
terests mid the tariff bill , and is doing noth
ing towards hH own ru-elcctlon. Ho oven
declines to talk on the subject , and contents
himself with merely saying that ho is a can
didate. nnd hopes to pull through. There is
no real opposition to Howen throughout } the
state , nnd his popularity is as great as over ,
but his vote in the legislature will not be
This evening's Star s.iys : "Tho nomina
tion of six stuff olllccrs in the army was a
general topic of comment among army ofll-
cers to-day , and there , was no effort to con
ceal the general feeling of dissatisfaction.
The opinion was. openly expressed , that with
one or two exceptions , the selections were
mudo through political Influence , and not for
thu good of the military service , and that
there was no evidence that any fitness for the
position or n brilliant military record bud any
weight in the mutter. "
There Is going to bu loss .sentiment nnd
moru curious , far-roachinit business princi
ples Involved in thu selection of the speaker
of tl-o Fifty-first congress than have ever
been exercised In a campaign of that charac
ter. It is not probable that there will bu
more candidates in thu field then are now
out Heed , of Maine ; McKmluy , of Ohio ;
Him own , of Michigan ; Henderson , of Iowa ,
and 1'iiiinon , of Illinois ,
Tom Heed has three times been compli
mented by thu republican minority for the
Hpeakurshlp. Hin nomination by the repub
licans In a democratic IIOIHO was only a
complimentary mutter , and Intended to des-
ignutu him as the party's ' choice , or thu
lender of the parly on the floor. Now that
hu finds himself In the majority In the house ,
and asks his party to tender him n more sub
stantial compliment , there is somu cmburass-
incut on thu part of those who have hereto
fore supported him when he could not bo
placed In the speaker's cliulr , and who want
to veto for soniu other man. Several mein-
bors ny it would bo n , shame to puss him
over DONS * , when thu party has an opportu
nity to glvi * him a substantial compliment.
At the sumo time they say ho ought nut to betaken
taken oil the floor , as no ono will be left to
take his place. In the same breath they say
that a partisan speaker will bo In greater de-
innn In the FiftyIlrst congress than ut any
time since thu wnr. The majority will hu ex
tremely Hinall , and and a man will bo needed
in thu speaker's chair who U quick and who
lias positive decision on the sidu of his own
party ; a man who will not hesitate In be par
tisan on the spur of the moment , nnd who
will nut try to exercise that conscrvatlvcness
which would bo commendable when ) I hero
was a largo majority. A speaker is wanted
who will not. lean so far backward that ho
will , when political questions are before the
IIOUKO , In any degree favor the opposite
party. I { red , nbovu all other men , can take
the bit In his mouth und floor a partisan op
ponent , or take sides with his own party.
IIIMOCIUTS : rii.ini'sTniuxu.
"With majority of llftccnuiid nil of the
machinery of thu house , the democrats open
Uio session with filibustering , " said u repub
lican senator this morning , adding : "It
looks to me as though there will ba nothing
donu In this session in either branch of con-
cress , owing to the disconcerted ami rudder
less condition of the demomtlc crew nnd
thn old ship. Whenever n purty with suoh a
largo majority has to resort to filibustering
to defeat a measure , it shows n demoralized
condition of affairs indeed. If thu democrats
were manly mid meant a clean light In an
open Held , they would make thu issues
BQuarcJy , and tight ttimn down If they could ,
or permit Iho republicans , with democratic
nyMslnurp , lo luissthcm. "
IccprcsoiitiiUva Dalzell , of PUtsburg , said :
"The hou c has opened us though I hero wr.s
k general extermination nn the democratic
jlrtn to do nothing , U the democrats have re
turned from tbc ck-aioiiE vntli any uctonai.
nation whatever , It Is to drfcat legislation of
all kiods. They are n disgruntled and disap
pointed lot , nnd since they cannot rule the
play , they are determined to break up all the
toys. I don't believe there will bo a tariff
bill passed , or that anything will bo done be
yond appropriations. "
There Is wonderful hustling around the de
partment now by democratic ofllciuls who
expect to go out of ofllco soon after the 4th
of next March. They were so confident that
they would bo continued in ofllco that they
made little or no provision for the future.
They were profligate , and spent nearly nil
of their salaries nnd laid no ground work for
business connections outside. Now that they
realize that they are confronted with private
citizenship they nro hastening to secure
other employment.
An old clerk In the treasury department
tells me that more ttinn one-halt of the
chiefs of divisions there , nnd other high
grades of ofllccra who are not protected by
the civil service , nro now , or have been since
the election , away from their posts , notwith
standing the fact that they exhausted their
regular thirty days' leave of absence , which
is granted every year. Several have made
arrangements to go uwny Indefinitely. These
extraordinary leaves nrc granted on full pay.
It appears that the administration which
came into power with such n bluro of trum
pets about economy and reform , has no scru
ple whatever about the allowance of salaries
without the rendering of service. It will bo
remembered that a few months lifter Mr.
Cleveland took possession of affairs , n lot of
horses nnd carriages used by department
ofllccrs were sold , and it was announced that
the .Icffcrsonlan principle would dictate the
use of legs and the patronage of street ears.
There are Just us many horses and carriages
now used for pleasure nnd olliciul business
round the capital as there have ever been
Tim cwwi.Ait sr.nvicr ; .
There Is activity among the consular nnd
commercial agents of the United States In
the various foreign countries. The consuls
expect very early decapitation. As stated
in these dispatches a number of times during
the campaign , the consular service has been
for more than a year used ns a b.ise political
machine. Instructions wcro issued from the
state department moro than n year ago by
which the consular and commercial agents
of the United States were to bond their
clfords towards free trade that mild free
trade proposed by the Mills' bill. The con
suls were to make such reports in writing to
the department 'of stutejns would educate
the public mind to the support of the
Mills bill. Most of these consuls
are now in the service , and.
in their eagerness to act in cpnforniity with
their instructions they wrote some ludicrous
reports , teaching protection rather than free
trade. Since the people at the polls lust
month relegated thu administration nnd Its
free trade principals to the roar , there is
nothing loft for the consuls to expect except
removal during the early days of the next
administration. To avoid this many of them
have wiitten to their frlnds in congress and
ulsewhero to work up influence for their re
Charles T. Goldsmith nnd W. H. Hart , of
Sac Cit.v , Sue county , Iowa , were to-day ad
mitted to practice before thu interior depart
- m
Washington Rrovltlns.
A conference of democratic senators was
held lusf night , at which the senate substi
tute for the Mills bill was under considera
tion. It was unanimously determined to
make no opposition to the bill , and let It take
its regular course.
The house committee on military affairs to
day ordered a favrrublu report to be made on
thu bill to place General John C. Fremont on
the retired listof the army as major general.
A favorable report was also ordered on the
bill for the establishment of n museum in thu
city of Washington for the collection and
preservation of army and navy trophies ,
relics nnd curiosities.
Mr. Chandler presented In the senate this
morning n petition praying for nn investigu-
tion into the nllcgcd deprivation of the right
to vote for olcctors-atid congressmen In South
Carolina last month. This petition is signed
by liH ! ; ) residents of Oranguburg county ,
South Carolina. .The petition und letter were
referred to the committiio on privileges und
The regular cabinet mooting was held at
the white house to-day. All the members
wcro present. The session lasted about two
hours and was mainly devoted toadiscussion
of the Haytien and Sainoan complications.
Kopresentative McCrcary , chairman of the
committee on private land claims , bus re
signed , having succeeded Mr. Hulmont as
chairman of thu foreign affairs committee.
General Weaver , the member on the list , de
clined to act as chairman for the reason that
ho is at thu head of the committee on patents ,
und Glover of Missouri wus made chairman.
The senate llnunci committee will hold
evening meetings to hear representatives of
various interests who dcsira a modification
of the tariff.
nnd Iowa
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; HKU. ] Pensions grunted Nobruskuns :
Oricinnl invalid John Blair , Gibbon. In
crease ( navy ) James Ulrtwistlo , Klwood ;
James AV. Facklor , Elsie ; Samuel Cox ,
Litclifleld ; John Towie , Charleston ; John
Goodwin , Hastings.
B Pensions for Jowuns : Original In valid-
Charles G. Hooks , Gltdden ; Henry A. Jar-
nnglii , Draper ; William Gibson , Muuch
Chunk. Incru.iso fnco'j M. Kdorhurt ,
Mount Etna ; Joseph Watts , Hussett , ( navy ) ;
Thomas Treemun , Mount Pleasant ; Israel
Yarger , Sidney.
Western P.istnl Changes.
WASIUNOTOX , Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tiir Buc.l Thu following Iowa postmas
ters have been appointed : Arthur A. Bisbeo ,
Anchor G ro vo , O'Brien county , vice T. D.
White , declined ; David . I. Ferguson , Fergu
son , Mm-shall county , vice Xuthan M. Davis ,
resigned ; James D. Hurlow , Thornton , Ccrro
Gordo county , vlco A. J. Johnson , resigned.
The postollleo at Orion , Seward county ,
Nub , , will bu discontinued from December
-0 , because of no candidate.
Xehraskn nnd Iowa Patents.
WAHiuxarox , DJC. 11 , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HiiK.lPatents granted Nebraska
and Iowa Inventors to-day : Cornelius C.
Oi > p. Hrudshaw , Nob. , motor ; Levi M. Fox ,
Albion , la. , cur coupling ; Thomas J. Holmes.
Sioux Citv. la. , shirt ; William W. Uhodca ,
Lincoln , Neb , , hen's nests.
All Qulot at Hirmlnirhnm.
ln. , Deo. 11. The excite
ment over the utTalr of Saturday night has
abated. Troops uro still hero and will re
main several days , Governor Sony c-aitio up
from Montgomery last night. He says this
morning that ho will keep troops here as
long ns there U any evident necessity for
them. They may remain until after the cor
oner's Investigation , which will begin this
afternoon or to-morrow. There arc no now
developments in the Huwci1 murder
Governor Sony had nn Interview with
Sheriff Smith to-dny , nnd said afterwards
that ho endorsed the sheriff nnd was glad
that Jefferson county had a sheriff who , no
innttor how painful his duty , could uphold
the law. lieglnning to-night , troops will bo
sent away , cue company ut u time , until all
nro KOIIO. _ _
Tlio Wuathur Indications. ;
For Noli rnskr. nnd Iowa : Snow ; warmer i
winds becoming northeasterly.
ForDakoja : Light snow ; warmer south.
crly winds.
Thn Chamber ol' Deputies ,
PAIIIS , Dec. Jl The chamber to-dny , by n ,
vote < if 6 5 to 0 , adopted the extraordinary (
budget for 18S9 , thcso estimates being fixed ,
nt I6 , oo,000 , francvs. ]
A Lion Tainor'd
Vinxx.i , Dee. H' . During a performance
Hohanmouth , Bohemia , tu-nlgbt , u female
lion tamer win attacked by the brutes iuul
frightfully Ineer.itcd. Sbo died soon after
belli , ; rescued-
Its Porco Sufficient to Shako the
Knrth for Nonrly a MHo.
Ono nnlldlnjr Completely Wrcciccd
nnu Scattered to I ho Wlnda
and Scvernl Other *
A Torrlllu Force.
CHICAGO , Dee. II. Three men nro known
to have been killed , one fatally Injured and a
number of persons badly bruised and shaken
up curly this morning by an explosion of
meal dust which completely wrecked the
thrcO'Stbry brick building on North Hnlned
street , occupied by David Oliver as an out-
tnciil milt. Several adjoining buildings were
also shattered. The explosion , which oe
curred shortly after 'J o'clock , was terrific ,
one shock being felt a mile away. Uuildings
In the immediate vicinity were bombarded
with Hying bricks and timbers , mid nearly
every pane of window glass within a radius
of six blocks was smashed. Almost before
thu ruinbln of the explosion had died away
Humes sprang from the wrecked mill and the
whole place was ablaze in a few minutes.
The lire spread witti incredible rapidity ,
and when the ilrst lire companies reached
the scene they found a block of roaring
flames to contend with. Engines were sta
tioned at every available point around the
blazing patch , and buildings that did not
take tire at the outset were- saved after the
hardest kind of a light. Sparks that wore car
ried by the wind ignited buildlngstwo blocks
distant , mid for half un hour the firemen had
all they could do to prevent half n dorcii
serious conflagrations. It was nearly two
hours before the flames wore under control.
It was known that four men had been at
work in the meal mill and about twenty in
the planing mill next door. Besides these ,
the neighboring houses contained many men ,
women nnd children. The men nt work in
the planing mill made their eseane n few of
them badly hurt , but the majority only
slightly Injured. . Hundreds of men searched
anxiously for the missing millers and
niter some time one of them John Holmes
was found lying in nn alloy across the street
from the mill , terribly burned and lacerated.
Ho was working in the second story of the
mill when the explosion occurred , and was
hurled through a window nnd across the
street. Ho cannot live. Ho trace could bo
found ol the other throe men Charles Mil
ler , Charles Cooper and .lol.n Smith and it
is believed their bodies nre buried in the de
Tlio firemen nro hopeful that no more lives
wore lost , but people living in the vicinity of
the explosion uro sure more bodies will bo
found when the debris is explored. This
cannot be done for several hours.
Persons who wcro asleep in buildings ad
jacent to the wrecked mill were thrown
clear out of their beds by the force of the
explosion , and most of them were more or
less seriously Injured during the tei rifle
bombardment of bricks nnd other debris.
Many of the people escaped from the shat
tered building with great difllculty. The
loss will aggregate $150,000.
A batallion of twenty firemen and over a
hundred volunteers are at work clearing
away the ruins. Ernest Casper , one
of the three known to bo dead , was
working in the cupalo at the time of
the explosion. Thu cupulo was lifted almost
entire and thrown n distance of sixty feet
upon the south side of the street. The mutil
ated form of Casper is somewhere under the
John Christonscn , n kiln man , is the second
known victim. Ills body has not boon found ,
and ho may have been blown some distance
by the force of the explosion.
Charles Miller , engineer , is also buried
under the mass of debris , and it is thought
his body will be found near the boiler.
The proprietor and manager of "the mill
wcro on the ground early this morning , but
have been unable to learn posi
tively the cause of the explosion. Kach
thinks that oat meal dust may have caused
it , but the terrific force is unprecedented if
this theory be accepted. No other reason
able explanation is ottered , however , and an
explosion of dust is accepted until n better
reason can be found.
About 10 : ! ! ( ) this morning the cxcavnting
party discovered the body of a man supposed
to bo that of Kngiueor Miller. The
corpse was found on the north
driveway of the mill and was
covered with about three feet of debris. The
face was mangled so it could not bo rccog-
ni/cd. The unfortunate man had evidently
been blown from the boiler room clear to the
The boilers have been uncovered nnd are
intact , which disposes of the theory that
they had exploded. The police say there is
no evidence of the use of dynamite and it is
now considered certain that mill dust , was thu
material exploded.
Several Men Killed fly an Explosion
C.\NOX CITV , Col. , Doc , 11. An explosion
occurred in shaft No. a of the Canflold coal
mlno last night , resulting in the instant
death of Henry Wallace , the mlno foreman ,
und Peter Galloway , and fatally wounding
ten or a dozen others. Of these , James Wal
lace , brother of the foreman , and Henry
Dodd nrc expected to die at any moment.
The other wounded are Thomas Shields , Jr. ,
John Murphy , John Linn , James Trenor ,
John Coshaln , Thomas Cunningham nnd two
named James and .liinneson. The recovery
of three of these is extremely doubtful. The
mine has been on lire since lust Thursday ,
und last , night it was shut down in an en
deavor to oxthmuish It. The men had been
nt work about three hours , and had the tire
under control , when the gas ignited in some
manner and the explosion followed , badly
damaging the mine nnd with fatal result to
the men.
Rlinmo Kmlini ; In Snlolde.
POMOXA , Cal. , Dec. 11. Susan Kricson , a
pretty and Intelligent young woman , commit
ted suicide by poison nt the home of J. A.
Packard , the richest man in Pomona. She
secured a position at Packard's as lady's
maid. She said she left Chicago becatiHo of
her parents' cruelty. She was found dying
in her room and confessed that tma had taken
poison. She declared that KIO ) was seduced
last July by a wealthy young member of the
Chicago board of trade. When he refused
to marry her she came to California to hide
her shame. It transpires that she tried to
get a doctor to perform a criminal operation ,
but ho refused. She him made many friends
here , and u purse will bo ruined for her
Thu Pope UchnlccN the Irish.
ROME , Dee. 11. A sensation has been
caused by the pope's refusal to blest the
medals and reliquaries sent to Homo by an
Irish priest , who Intended them for distribu
tion in Ireland. The pope sternly said : "I
cannot bless them. The people of Ireland
arc disobedient. They seem to prefer the
gospel of Dilloii und O'Hrlen ' to the gospel of
Jesus Christ.11
Tlio Now ItiiHHlnii
PAIIIS , Doc , 11. The Hunk of Franco an
nounces that subscriptions for the now Hus-
siun loan amount to 2,500,000 bonds , or 1,2.- , )
000 francs nominal. The subscribers will
probably receive 'JO to 2o per cent of the
amount applied for.
Murder nt n Hurprlso Party.
NEW VOIIK , Dee , 11. George Scully , aged
seventeen , was fatally stubbed last night by
John Uaicn during a row at u surprise
party tendered thu lattcr's sister.
The Mnttor of Admission of Terri
tories Thoroughly Discussed.
WASHINGTON- II. The first caucus of
the session was held by the democratic mem
bers of the house this evening. Mr. Springer
stated that the main object of the caucus waste
to permit the democrats' take some action
looking to the admission Of territories. Mr ,
Cox favored the admission of all territories
except Utah nnd New Mexico. He said that
the democratic party might ns well gain the
good will of the territories ns their ill will.
The people of Dakota preferred division on
the forty-seventh parallel almost unani
mously , and he was of the opinion that their
desires should bo listened to. Washington ,
Montana and Idaho should bo given en
abling nets nt once. The great territory
of Dakota should bo divided , and
the democrats should secure the pres
tige which would certainly come to them
from the favorable action of their caucus.
They hud lost Minnesota at the last election
because they had failed to admit Dakota.
which was on the same isothermal lino. Mr.
Mncdomild offered the following resolution.
Hcsolved , That It Is the sense of this
caucus that the territory of Dakota bo di
vided into two territories and admitted as
states ultimately.
Mr. Cox offered the following :
Kesolved. That it is the sense of this cau
cus that the day bo fixed for some time after
the holldiiys for n consideration of thu terri
torial questions , insofar as they affect the ad
mission of states , and that on any bill already
reported or to bo reported from the commit
tee on territories , there shall bo no limita
tion on amendments which arc germnlnc ,
and that in the order of proceeding the Ilrst
vote shall bo on any bills nffcctnnr Dakota
or Its division , or any amendment thereto.
Mr. Outcs of Alabama dcisentcd from
the view advanced by Mr. COY. Ho re
garded the question of the admission of the
territories as largely political , and believed
that , the interests of the deirojratic party
should DO considered. He did not see the
force of the argument that admitting the
territories at present would make them
democratic. If the people of the territories
hud hud so little idea of democracy they
should be left out until they learned thu
principles of the democratic party. Ho ridi
culed the idoii that a republican con
gress with a majority of from one
to three in the house would be allowed
to have its own way In regard
to the admission of territories. Let congress
go slowly. Colorado has been admitted by a
democratic congress , and he saw nothing
dilllcult about it.
Mr. Biggs of California favored the ad
mission of Dakota. To sheol with the policy
of preventing a territory from being admitted
in deference to the dictates of a political
party , hw said.
Mr. Holinan of Indiana supported the om
nibus bill , and offered a resolution to that
Mr. Spinolaof New York said he would
oppose the admission of the territories in
every way ho could , nnd in IS'.iii ,
with a staunch , sterling democrat
at the head of the democratic ticket , that
party would inarch on to victory. He did
not believe in sentiincntnl.measUres.
Mr. McAdoo , of New Jersey , deprecated
any concessions to the republican party.
DMr. Macdonald predicted that if the demo
crats did not admit Dakota it would be re
publican for years. Let Uio democrats bo
wise. The tariff had not , beaten the demo
crats in the northwest , but political mis
takes , such as a refusal to admit Dakota ,
had been responsible for the result.
Mr. Weaver of lowu favored the omnibus
bill and the admission of .all territories ex
cept Utah. +
Mr. Toole of Montana , spoke in favor of
admitting that territory : predicting that if
that were done she would send two demo
crats to the senate ; otherwise she wotRd bo
republican for decadns.i.
Mr. Uland of Missouri said that in 1S02 the
scat of war would not'bo in New York , Now
Jersey and Connecticut , but i'i thu west.
Let thu democratic .party follow Horace
Greelcy's advice and go west and grow up
with the country.
Mr. Voorhues of Washington Territory at
tributed the republican" majority in that ter
ritory to the failure of the democrats to pass
an enabling act for its'nd mission.
Without taking any action tin ) caucus ad
journed until Thursday evening.
T 1 1 K N JOG UO AN ? ) T 1 1 13 B A M OT.
An Interview With" the Attorney Gen
eral of tlio Liifc Conrcdi'iMcy.
NASIIVIU.I : , Tumi. , Dec. 11. The American
to-day prints a long hjterviow with Thomas
H. Watts , who was aftornev general of the
lute confederacy , on llje question of disfran
chising the negro. Ho3 > ald in part : "Tho in
creased political power which the south has
acquired by the freedom of the negroes
ought never to bo relinquished. There is no
policy of the south which demands it ,
or makes it desirable. If intelligence
Is superior to Ignorance , or brain power su
perior to more iniiscloiin the policy of astute ,
the south has nothing jto fear from thu pres
ence of the negro with mi euul ; | riL'lit to
vote. The northern plates , being the con
querors in the . war , unwittingly increased
the political power of { the conquered in con
gress and in the election of presidential elec
tors. Thnt.tho conquuj rs should augment , the
political power of llia-jconquured "vas never
before done in the history of man
kind. It was J. not magnanimity
to the conquered , but n vain luipo and
belief that the slave , When made free , would
greatly increase the power of the republican
party in congress utiti the election of a
president for all titneAwhich induced such u
rcmarkablo action. If the northern states
could now mend thor | work , the folly of
which the experience ? of the last twcntv
years so fully shows hey would doubtless
net promptly and vigorously. Fortunately
for tlio southern statij , the constitution of
the United States jirgBonts an insuperable
barrier to the exorcis of such power. "
Will Kins : anfnn Ahillcatn ?
VIBXNA. Dec. 11. pSpcciul Cablegram to
Tun 13ni.J : The lower honio of the ruichs-
rath has passed the first und second articles
of the army bill without alteration.
In the Hungarian ' .chamber of deputies'
there is a growing discontent over the bill ,
causing Premier Tiszc.i to defer the discus
sion until after Chostmas. If necessary
Heir Tisica will muko the pusuago of the
measure a cabinet question , and thus subdnu
thu malcontents , who Will bo unable to elfect
u change of ministry. )
The situation in Servla Is critical. The
strong radical majority In the Hkuptschlna
threatens to reject King. Milan's revised con
stitution. The government , therefore , has
resolved to curtail the deliberations of that
body. If thu radicals- olntln.itotho
slcuptsclilnu will bo Indefinitely prorogued.
Thu garrisons in Helgrailo and ether towns
nro kept in readiness to crush n revolt. An
article Inserted in tl'icj constitution provides
that In case the king abdicate hu shall have
power to appoint regents during his son's
minority. The article It taken us Indicating
the king's intention to abdicate ,
Suloldo Instoudfof
GAHXHTT , Kan. , Deo. 11. Last evening
Edward Clampet , aged ' twenty-one , living
west of hero , nttondcd'church here with Miss
Whlpps , with whom , l | , is said , ho was con
templating marriage 'during the holidays ,
After arrivinirjiomo and caring for his team ,
ho wont to ids room , removed his Sunday
clothing , drew on a piirof overals , and took
off ono shoo and stocking. Then placing thu
muzzle of a shot qun acruliist his sldo , ho
pulled the trigger with his "too , discharging
the loud into tils heart.
Tlio "llntznr | Workers" ArrnlKiiod.
NEW YOIIK , Dsc. U. The four workers of
the "badger" guma on the gambler. Phil.
Daly Herman and Meredith nmlthn women ,
Stnnton and Hammond wcro arraigned in
the general sessions court to-day , Hmimni )
plead guilty and thu rest entered pleas of not
k'uilty , and were .scut baiii ic the
Sad Ending of nn Old Man's Firm
For u Ploasnut Surprise.
The Sensational Story of nn Inmate
of nn Auylnm Kor the Insane
The Capture of a
.Toy Turned to Orlof.
Dns Motxi : * ) , I a. , Dae. 11. [ Spsclal Tele
gram to Tin : Hti : . ] Jnnm Murphy , nn old
gentleman over eighty years of ago
formerly one of tlio old settlers of Adalr
county , moved to ICunsns several years ago ,
A few iluys ago ho started to return to sur
prise mid visit his son . He reached Greenfield -
field lust Saturday uitd started for their
home , eight miles in the country. Ho had a
ride most of the way , but hud to walk the
lust mile. S uulay morning ho was found
lying dead by the roadside. On his body
was found $ M in money u'ul ' a letter from
the cit.v marshal of some Kansas town , stat
ing tluit the old gentleman was on his way
to Iowa and that ho was subject to heart dis
ease , and requesting nn.v strangers to help
him if overtaken by : m attack on the way.
It is supposed that ns he drew his son's
house he was overjoyed at the prospect of
surprising his friends , whom he hud not seen
for many years , and the excitement brouirht
on nn attack from which ho died in sight of
the old home. _
A SfMiflntloniil Story.
WATCUI.OO , la. , Deo. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.t.1 Chris. Hanly , impris
oned In tlio insane asylum at Independence
for over a year , escaped two months ugo and
has since worked on farms in this vicinity.
Ho desired to go to the soldiers' home , but
was refused by the hospital .superintendent.
To-dny he was arrested. He makes publie a
very sensational story , charging that Ho was
imprisoned in the asylum on trumped up
charges , robbed of his property by his
brother , and subjected to violent assaults in
the asylum. lie substantiates the charges
in court.
Tim Soldiers' Monument Commission.
Dis : MOIXI : < , la. , Dee. 11. [ Special Tele-
grain to Tin : llii : : . ] The last legislature ap
pointed a commission to tuko preliminary
steps for the erection of a monument to Iowa
soldiers and sailors who died in the late war.
The commission was to consist of the gov
ernor and ox-Senator .lames Harlati , of
Mount Pleasant ; ex-Governor Kirkwood , of
lowuCity ; Edward Johnston , of Kcokukj
ex Senator George ( ! . Wright , of DCS
Moines , and D. X. Klchimlson , of Daven
port. It met hero to-day for the first time ,
mid organized by electing the governor chair
man and Mr. Uielmrdwn secivtary. Then it
decided to advertise for scaled plans for a
monument which should cost not to ex
ceed $100OIX > . Tlio legislatures npi ro-
priated $5,000 for their preparatory
work , and so they decided to offer
priies for the best designs as follows :
Kivo hundred dollars for the best , S'JOO for
the second best , and Sl.VJ for the third best
designs. . All plans nmstba submitted by the
second Monday in L'obruary , when the com
mission will meet again.
The act creating the commlssi9n and order
ing the monument stilled that it should bo
erected upon the capitol grounds , but some
of the commissioners think they will recom
mend to the legislature pome other site.
Thej say that if the monument is to bo a
lurge one there is no room for it on the
grounds , which are nlreadv rather crowded ,
and if it is to be a small monument it would
bo completely overshadowed by the capital
itself. Some of the commissioners are in
favor of erecting an equestrian statue of he
roic size. Whatever they recommend will
have to bo passed upon llually by the next
general assembly.
lie Pinches Women.
DUIIUQUI : , Ia , , Dae. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HIM : . | This city seems to have
a mild type of \Vniteehap2l liend , though
the results are not by any means so serious.
A few months atro a great many women in
the Fifth ward complained that some inr.n
assaulted them on the streets , violently
pinching them. He would grub a woman ,
almost frighten her to death , and pinch any
purl of her body that was handiest , and tic ! > n
disappear without offering nn.v other vie
lence. Organized efforts wore made to cap
ture the "plneher , " but he eluded detection
and was quiet for weeks. Now ho has
started up again and is once more in the
pinching business. The police think ho is
some insane person.
A Smooth Korsnr Arrested.
DCS MomIn. : . , Dec. 11. ; SpseI-d Telegram -
gram to TUB Br.c. I Tlia polloa authorities
to-day received notice of the arrest at
Rochester , X. V. , of C. C. Johnson , who is
under indictment for forgery in this city for
quite a largo amount. Ho is about thirty-
four years old , a smooth talicor , and he op
erated extensively in th's ' and other Iowa
counties , selling patent foi'ea p'.impi and
patent washing machines , lie disappeared
from Angus , IJoono county. In OoLobjr , lhS ,
and was last heard of in Ko/nestor , N. Y. ,
lust Juno. Kinco then the plice have boon
searching for him. Hu forgu.l nous HLMIIISI
the Shaver Wagon company , of this city , for
$1,100 , and forged iiapjr against other parties
to the amount of nearly S IOJU.
The Cr ! Mtoii Circuit ,
Cur.sTox , In. , Dec. 11. ; Special Telegram
to Tin : HII : : . ] At the meeting of the fair
managers , held hero to-d.iy , the organization
of a dUtrict fair association wai effected , to
bo known us the Crouton circuit. It Includes
the fairs at Ottumwn , Cruston. lied Ouk ,
Slioiinndouh , la. , and Maryvilie , Mo. Dates
for fairs in the now circuit wore arranged ,
running from August 10 to September : ! ! ) .
Purses of "iK ( ) must ho given to each class in
the speed rings and greater inducements made
to attract line stock. This Is tlio strongest
circuit in the state. Colonel Manning , of Ot-
tumwn , is president , and S , A. Browstor , of
Creston , aecrotar.y.
Tlnhhnd hy a Illchuaymnn.
DIH : MOIXKS In. , Dec. 11. [ Special Tclo-
graui to Tin : Bm.J : Lust Saturday n man
passing for a farmer appeared In Avoca ,
claiming to bo looking for i.-orn-liualccrs , Ho
said he lived near Oakland , and ho secured a
young German , and the two went to Oakland
by the evening train und tnen started to
walk to the pretended farmer's home. When
about half way they were met by n highway
man , whacoverud them with two revolvers
and ordered them to hand over their val
uables , He took from the Gorman a good
watch , dollar * In money , and a wr-
tillcato of deposit on un Avocu bank for $ ' ' * >
It Is thought that the alleged fanner was a
confederate of the highwayman ,
Mrw. Dlgnlo'H Trial Post pound.
MASO.V Cnv , In. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele
gram to Tim Uni : . | Herllm Dlgglu , the
actress , wh'o was to bo tried to-day for the
murder of her hubbund on the 20th of lust
May , by the consent of the state's counsel
bus had her trial postponed until next Mon
day. Her , attorneys claim that they will
soon bo in possession of evidence that will
completely cxoncrato her from the crime.
Crushed fly the WhocU.
Duiiuqun , la. , Deo. 1 | . [ Spaclul Telegram
to TUB lieu. [ A short time before noon yes-
tcrday Alderman Kcnneully's son , about
twelve yeur old , was playfully pushed by
his companions towards a tram which was
passing the corner of Locust and Frst
street , attached to a wagon. The boy fell
under the outtlt mid when picked up was
thought to be fatally injured.
Two Hoys Did It.
WtTr.iii.oo , la. , Dec. 11. fora number of
months past the night trains on the Illinois
Central have becm tlrod on from n point near
Storm Lake , mid Thursday night Hrakcmnn
Ed Wright was shob , narrowly escaping a
fatal wound. This frightened the culprits ,
who , betraying themselves by their nations ,
were arrested by Special Detective Smith.
The offenders were two boys , Chnrles Ulake ,
aged nineteen , and George Smith , aped four
teen. They immediately confessed their
guilt , but each charges ihut the other tired
the .shot that struck Wright. Since their
arrest they have taken the matter calmly ,
and give no reason but n desire for "fun.1'
Hlako s home is at Storm Lnku , and ho belongs -
longs to mid well-to-do .
n respectable - - family.
Smith lives in Sioux Falls , D. T. , and has
been visiting lllake. The railway company
announce an intention of making an example
of the boys , and will demand the greatest
punishment allowed by law.
An Ol.l Gouplo Klop ? .
Dns MDIN'CS In. , Dee. 11. Dr. 0. 1C. Carr ,
who has been a practicing physician in this
city for n year , and Mrs , Frederick C.
Killers , landlady of the Iowa house , have
disappeared together , golii. , it Is believed , to
Canada. Carr is the owner of about six
hundred acres of land near Mitchollville ,
upon which coal has just been discovered.
Ho leaves n wife and seven children , some
of them well advanced In years. Mrs.
Ehlers has a daughter twenty years of ago.
She also leaves a husband , who is Incutcu at
Newton. Carr loft a note to his wife saying
ho had gone to Canada.
Separation , Then Suicide.
WATKHI.OO , la. . Dec. 11. Luke Leech , an
Englishman who recently came to this coun
try , committed suicide near Iowa Falls to
day by hanging. He had separated from
his wife a short time before , and that , it is
supposed , was the cause.
Two Boats Sunk , One- Captured , and
One .Man Shot.
ANX.M'OMS , Md. , Doc. 11. A dispatch re
ceived here to-iluy says there has been an
engagement between the state steamer Gov
ernor McLano and a licet of dredgers in
Chester river. Two of the dredgers' boats
were sunk and a number of boats taken. One
of the crew of the steamer Governor McLane
was shot. This is the Jirst light between
the state llshery force mid the dredgers
since the steamers have been provided with
The dispatch received was fron ; Clarkvillo
signed by Captain Howard , commanding the
steamer Governor o McLane , dated
to-day , to Commander Plowman
and stated that the steamer had
a severe light last night ; that it had sunk
two boats , captured one , mid had the papers
of two others. The steamer was riddled
with b.ills and one of his crow , Mate Fra/icr ,
was shot in the arm. Captain Howard re
quested that help be sent at once. The Gov
ernor Thomas was sent immediately to his
Charles G. Ford , deputy postmaster at
Winchester , says he counted thirty-nine re
ports of cannon , besides a hundred or more
rlilo shots. This morning steamers from
Chester river met the steamer McLuno and u
schooner conveying t'io captured drrdger.
the Maggie Corbet , to Centerville. Just off
Hell Paint , whcro the light took place , two
sunken drodgus wore passed. The schooner's
sails were still up und wens riddled with
shot. One schooner was seen ashore on Car
penter's Island , another on Walnut Tree bur ,
another in Durden's creek , and the fourth on
Kent Island.
B.U.TIM > ii ; : , Doc. 11. Last night's fight at
the mouth of Chester river may have re-
Bulled tn : i considerable loss of life , ns Peter
Mullen , cook on hoard the schooner .lulla A.
Jones , says ho was the only man out of a
crow of eleven to escape. Ho states that the
vessels were hotly attacked by the dredgers ,
who wcro heavily armed with repeating
rillufl , and did not return tUo lire until corn-
pulled to. The steamer MoLano was
thoroughly riddled with millets , aim Captain
Howard determined to resort to extreme
measures. Hacking off from the licet of
seven dredgers , which were lied together , he
singled out the Julia A. Jones , and , putting
on a full head of steam , made
directly for her stern , sinking her
fairly , and the schooner sank almost in
stantly. Mullen escaped by climbing up the
steamer's chain , but says that tne rest of
tiie crew wore in the fore part ami could not
have gotten out. As soon as the .McLano
got , cleared Jrom tlio wreck she was again
backed off aid : headed for the licet , striking
the schooner .1. Mahoney squarely in the
stern. She : tt once commenced to pink , and
tlio remainder of the licet got away sis fast
as possible. Some of the crew of the Ma-
lorioy e.'cupjd bv climbing on board the Me-
Line , and as each one came on board he was
put in the hold. A white man named Cold-
mini and a negro named Bramble , of the
crew of the Mnlonoy. nro believed to bo
drowned , as they wcro not seen after the
vessels wore struck. A large licet of dredg
ers is reported to bo on the unlawful ground
to-night , and it Is tint unlikely that there
will be another light before morning.
, The I'niiamii Cnnul Scheme.
AUI * , Dec. 11. The Panama canal crisis
and the success of the Russian loan absorb
uxcluslvn attention. Financiers have no
hope that the scheme * of tlio cuml : commit
tee wjy/Tivcrt / n crisis. The Credit Fonder
direi'.tors maintain their roftuil to advance
funds to holster up the Panama company
without nn explicit gii'ir.inteo from the gov
ernment with the assent of the chambers.
The iMbllo Riibwiption fUnes to-morrow.
There is small prnspccl that the bonds will
be taken. The reports that the government
will eventually subsidise or give a guarantee
for the Panama company nro discredited.
Financial houses have their i-.yoi open to the
fact that America might not tolerate the con
version of the Panama venture into a state
enterprise. DoLoaneps has his own schemes
to BIIVO the project by making it an Inter
national one. According to his plan JCng-
land , America and other great powers will
bo Invited to contribute ] In ratio of their ton
nage with nn equivalent share in the control
of thecaiml.
This ovcnlnir exciting SCCIICH wcro wit
nessed among tlio small Investors discussing
the prospects of the Pannimi Cunal company
around thi ) company's olllcc. It Is rumored
to-night that the company is likely to obtain
iin advance of ! I > , OUOMM ( > francs nn its Pan
ama railway shares. This , it in estimated ,
will enable it to meet its ungagementi until
the commission , which , it is rumored , will bo
sent to Panama , shall have como to a de
cision ,
LONIION , Dec. 1. The Morning Post's
Alexandria correspondent "It Is
says ; use
less to dUgtiho the fact that the gradual re
duction of the army of occupation excites the
derision of the natives as well an foreigners.
Wo must oitner maintain the honor of our
Jlng or withdraw altogether. The position is
serious , bjth at Suakim and the southern
frontipr. Unless wo nro prepared to take
energetic measures to ro-ussert o r power ,
England' . } iircstUu will bu endangered
throughout the moslcm world. "
A While < ! apVii - < ilii' ; .
CHICAGO , Dee. 11. A apodal from Hock-
ford , 111 , , says : Kov. Mead Holmes , aider-
man from the Second ward of this city , who
lias been lighting the liquor interest , and
who U the projector of an ordinance now
lending which absolutely prohibits thu sale
) f liquor here , to-day received u communica
tion signed "White Caps of Northern Illi
nois , " warning him U > resign his position In
.lio city council , and threatening him with
bodily harm In case ho did not do so. The
are Invc-stluutlnjj the matter.
t Anop\ipf n HIT TUP n \HT t on
The Omalm Election Sqvmbblo la
Discussed In Chicago.
lie nininoH the Kcimbllonna Mora
Than the Democrats nnd Tukot ,
Occasion lo ( live Jndgo
Dundy n Hup.
Ilonril n Chlonuo.
Ciuckoo , Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram lo
Tin : Br.i : . ] A democrntle iiolltlcian , wbb
figured prominently during the lutccnmpultm
In Ncbroskn , was interviewed ut tlio Grnud
Pacific last night by the reprcsentutivo of a
local daily. Ho said : "Thero Is nothing
going on In Nebraska politically. Wo nro
taking no interest in the contest ovcrthb
United States senutorslilp. Thu rcpublicaus
have 102 out of 1U ! incmbui-H , and will doubt
less settle the Mundcrson succession miiong
themselves. There is n good deal of feeling
ninotig democrats about the underhanded
wiiyiu which Manderson has helped to work
up n contest against the delegation from
Omalm , which is composed of eleven demo
crats and ono republican. "
"What about this contest ! " asked the re
"It's a long story , but I will only touch the
main points. There had been n deal of loose
ness in the canvass of the returns at a num
ber of polling places. This was , to a great
extent , thu fault of Incompetent judges and
clerks of election. On top of that , the charge
of fraudulent voting and illegal bullets was
made. 1 concede that several hundred votes
mny have been polled that should have been
rejected. "
"Who Is to blame for that I'1
"The republicans moro than the demo
crats. The republicans hud control of the
last legislature and they are to blame for
leaving Omaha \\ltliout registration. It's '
impossible now to trace out to what
extent the illegal votes polled In
our city would nlTect the . men
who hold certillcutcs to seats in the legisla
ture. Only ono of the three democratic sen
ators is contested , however , and he hud over
thirteen hundred majority on thu face of his
returns. The ten democrats whoso scats in
the house are contested have from " 00 to 1,200
majority. The strangest part of this contest
Is that Dick Hcrli.n , the republican who lioldi
n certificate , is not being contested , though
his vote fulls considerably below ttmt of
the lowcat democratic members. This part
of thu contest must of course bo fought out
before the legislature. But there is a feut-
ure 1 haven't touchcu yet which is liable to
stir up moro liidfirnntion und re
sentment than anything clsu eveif
happening In Nebraska in twenty years.
About two weeks ago Judgu Dundy called
the attention of the United States grand
jury , which is now in session In Omaha , to
the general charge of corruption and fraud
niado by certain newspapers , and directed
them to make a full investigation. "
"Is there any contest over your congress-
main" asked the reporter.
"No. "
"Then why don't they leave the invcstlga-
tion to your state courts ! "
"I can't toll you. It's the first time United
States courts have over taken notice of our ;
local elections. "
"Who bus .set this inquisition on foot ! "
'I don't know. My impression is that it Is
a scheme to indict certain parties who hnvo
made themselves' offensive to the court ofll-
cinlsand Influential politicians. If they can
indict Itoscwnlor they will have to indict
Council , our next congressman. Con null Is
a good lawyer , and lie did not consider it
illegal to hnnd around among his intimate
democratic friends tickets headed 'Citizen's
Democratic' und 'Independent Democratic. '
These tickets had his own name , and the
names of .several other republicans in plnco
of the democratic nominees. You
ask what will bu the outcome ) I can't
foietpll. Ono thing 1 do know there was
ten times as much corruption and fraud in the
election nt Omaha two years ago , when
Church Howe was beaten nnd Koso water was
counted out. but Judge Dundy took no notice
of It. The democrats came into power then ,
and now they are going out. Hut , murkyou ,
they ore not out entirely yet. Dandy's re
publican court officers and clerks who are in
that plot to smirch better men than they are ,
may bo struck by a boomerang. This is all I
have to say. "
They Arc ArrcHtud Whllo Trying lo
i'oruo < i Sufi * .
BOSTONDoc. . 11.--Issue
, - - Kadetsky , aged
eight years ; Moses Silvu , need seven , and
Eddie Hoogusuh , nged six , wuro arrested
yesterday while trying to force open the
safe of George W. Hull , desk manufacturer ,
on Sudbury street. Kadetsky and Hoosuscn
gamed an entrance ) Into Mr. Hall's oftlco by
creeping under the gate which opens into
thu street , nnd then getting into the ofllco
through tlio door , which hud been curulcssly
left unlocked. Thu two immediately nut
about rumimiging thu desk druwci-H , etc. ,
nnd , finding , i revolver , made nlV with it.
Then they started buck to complete opera
tions , and on their way enlisted Silvn. Kn-
trnncu was again made and an attack mudo
upon thu snfu with a hammer. They knocked
oir the handle , split the combination with u
chisel nml made mi attempt to break off the
hinges , doing thflr work with all tlio cool
ness of old housebreakers , Unsuccessful In
this , they went about cleaning tlio olflco out
of what they could lay thuir hands on. They
secured if'J worth of postal cards nnd & 4
of postage stumps , doing them all up in it
paper mid tying them together with a long
gold chain. All of them wcru urrcatcd.
linuerelsi'ii'n Trlnl.
OnxnvA , 111. , Dec. 11. In the trial of
HuuurulHcn , thu striking Pullman engineer ,
for conspiracy to day , various employes of
thu company nnd H. H. Mix , cashier of the
First Nutioiiul bunk at Aurora , wuro on the
stand nnd Identified letters and telegrams
sent by Hauorcit-i'iitoHroderickniid ' Clark at
different times last oprlng ; also checks
slgnud by thu dofendiint. The checks are
those said to have been given to Hovylus to
purclmKu dynamite. Thu in.-nminatiiiK let
ters , tclcgrunm and chucks all seemed to
have been wrlttuu In fiirthur.inco of the dy
namite plot , and wuro very damaging to
Huucruison'a CIILO.
1'imillM D.ilys
ST. i < oriH , Dec. II.Tlio action of old Tom
Allen In suing Hill Clark for stake money
IIIIH broken up the Duly-McMunim fight.
Daly Is disgusted , and so nro bis friends , nnd
it IB at their installed tl'iit he has given up
the affair. Hu buys hu has quit the ring for
i\n I3a-.r Victory fur Soai-lc.
HIIHIUXI : , Due. 11 in the four days1 In
ternational sculling contest here Searlo had
an easy victory. Beach did not compete la
he flnul heat , owing to thu committee refus-
.ng to disqualify Suarlo aid Mattison for
'ouling him , The Ilrst prinu was i'.VJl ) ,
Nn Thought ill' HSlgiiliig ! , |
CUVI.I.ANI : > , O. , Doc. 11.A special from f
'ort Wuyno , Ind. , suys : In regard to the
rumor sent out as to hi * resignation , Civil
Servlco ConiiiilsHlniior Edgerton tw-du.V
mated uutluuitativo y Hint hu has no thought
of resigning.
the Honorable ! .
Pimm no , 1'a. , Dec. II. Mrs. William
who lives : it "SO Spring Garden
i , V i. lie. AUeyl.eiiy , tht ! > mumlng rowhldc'd '
llic Huu , C. O. Lapp , la front of her