Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No AcUcrtlHoincnls will bo t a It en lUr
tlirfco column * after lUiilO ( > , in.
Terms Cash in ndrnncc.
Advertisements under tins head 11 rents p r
line Tor the llrst Insortlon. 7 rents for clicli ul > -
KCiinnt | Invrtlon , nnd $ l.Wn ) imp wr monlli
Ii'oadviMtlfleincnt Ink for less than 25 cents
tlio first .nscrtlon. So\6n word * will be counted
ttl the line ! they must run roust cutlvrlv nnd
mu t be paid In ADV \ NCB.Ml ndvertUo-
liicntd must hclmmled In before 12 > o'clock p.
in. , nnil uniUr no rlrcumstiincts will they be
tnicn or discontinued by telephone.
I'nrtle * ndTortlsliiK in these iclnmnt nntl Imv.
ln tlii-lr nnwrrs addressed in euro of TUB HKK
vlllploasoaikforiidlirck to enable thorn to get
lliclr Icttors , ns none will bo dclhered except on
presentation of chock. All answers to ntlver-
tlM'inents should bo enclosed In pnvelopen.
All ndvcrtlspmcntM in these columns nrc pub
lished In bnlh mornlnu nnd evening editions of
3 UK IIKK , tlm circulation of which nfcnreialrs
more than 1S , ( J pnpcrs ilnlly , and Klves the ml-
Yertlsors the ijcnellt , not only of tlin cltyrlrru-
latlonof Tnr. HhK. but nlsoof Council IHiilM.
IMncoln nd other cities nnd tons throughout
this Boctlon of the country.
" ' "
Advertising for these colutnni will ho taken
( in thn nbovo conditions , ut the following biul-
re s houses , who Hro uuthorlred iiiji > nts for TUB
JJip.speclal notice * , nnd will quote the same
rates ns cnn be 1-ncl nt the nniln olllco
"TOHN'W. lir.LU J M7anfmclit7ia ) South Tenth
v eticot.
C llARi.V : r.OOV , Stationers and Printcn , 1LJ
Houth Ifith btroot
311. rAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 turn-
lug Street.
w. .1. Btrcct IIU01IE3 , I'lmrmacht. C2I Noitli Mth
GYJO.V , PAItlt . , Pharmacist , 1BC9SI. Mary's
' _ atTUATiOM _ _ S
WANTKI ) Ily n vounK man n potltfon. "Ux-
perlfiitcd In railroad olllci' , gouts' turnlsU-
ings and vlndow dressing Addiuss il 24 , Heo.
yotJNO man wants position with mirvuioiH1
corps. Hnffreimw. Addiuss M ) lien. .ITTIO *
WANTI5D A situation to do choies in ri1-
tuin for board by n strictly sobt r joung
man Aildross M 28 Hue. 67i 1(4 (
ANTUD Position by ) oting lady to doof-
II co work. Good penman , nnd understands
bookkeeping. Host ot referonits. Address , M
SO , Itco olllco. GWI ji
ANTHD-Slttmtlon by n dressmaker to do
plain xowhm nnd diessnmklnuhj the day.
ill prlvnto families. 13.M South 17th street ,
im IK
W ANTUD About the 1st of Jamiai ) . n
situation by n man of several ye us e\-
poiioncoln grocery or general stoio.ould
laKu small monled interest. Good rofcicnces.
Address "P. " euro of Pilot , lllalr , Neb. 5)0 ) 14 *
" \ \ \NTUD Dri'ssmnklnc to do In prhato
' families by lady. Call fill laiiiam , loom
JH. _ _ 5V. 11J
N UXI'UllirNCUlKonts' furnlshluK goods
man , \\lndow tlrcesoi nnd lluoruatkur , fiom
Kcw Voik , desires cngaKoment with llrst-clnss
liouse. Address M 'II. UPC olllcoI7I10T
AN UXI'UHT hookkropcr.coi respondent , ttc. ,
and general oillco man desires position Address -
dress M I . HOP olllce. 171 lOt
* V\7ANTKD A paity to represent us as imcnt
tci f-ull "Slatolllack Hoards ; " ono solllm ; u
line of school supplies pioferrod. Addicss to
'I ho Wind Map Muntol und Illuckboaid M I'g
Co. , Huston , 1'cnn , 5 ! > 7IW
\\rANTIll ) Two lilPll cnpablnuf HolllliK niiltv
T Him of ( joodi on Instalments. Oil nil
South Kith st. Gil ) Iff
Fp INN Kits wanted nt bavage's Tin Shop , 816
-t Boulh 15th. ti7.l lut
"I\7"ANTI'D Sub-iiRiMits foi onoot the buiC nil-
v T cyclopci'dlas in thci r.iiKllsh Innguiico to
Voik in Nuhriiakn. Address A. 11. Lathrop ,
Alnswoith , Nub. CJ3-1J *
ANTKD A llrst-rlnss broom makor. Ad
dress ( Joo. Ivcufor , tiieunnood , Neb.
"V\rANTKD An enorgdlc , tempnrnlu limn to
ii ri'pu'sent nil old house with anew line of
unodM. Palmy and tiaveling expenses paid.
J'orniniient position to light paity. Hush Mfg.
( 'A Clncinntl , O. Cliigl *
W ANTUD Salesman to rctiresoiit mnnufiic-
tin el's line of ladles' fancy neckwear ,
J uchlngK , nlso felt table t > carfs , pluno tn\cis ,
ntc. Addresa NoMiUv Hullllna and Laou Co , 177
nnd HO Monroe st , Chicago , 111. _ n.-i7 10 *
\ \ rANTUD A man to solicit , sulary * I5 per
T month , must deposit $25 for Dumpies , nud
security for inonoy collecti'd. Address
i'O B. Cllno , 511. Klrst National Hank bulld-
, Oinnhn , or Wugucr blk. , Dos Jlntnus. lawn.
W ANTKD Mun for railroad w ork. Al-
brljjht's Labor Agency , 1120 1'anium.
SA LUSMKN wanted 1'lvo traveling salesmen ;
faliuy and expenses ; no nxpeilencB neces-
waiy. Addtess , with stamp , Palmar 4 Co , Wl-
110110 , 111111. _ 150 101-
W ANTUD Few men to canvass , full line of
household specialties , refoieuco.1 leiiulied.
Lo\6ll MTgCo. , ( ltd. ) 221 N IJth. Jill U
" \\7 ANTUD Agents in bvery town in the
ii west for our oil burners for cooking and
heating stoves. Bend utamp for catalogue.
1'utlerscn Oil liurncr Co. , JIU S. l.'th fit , Omaha.
Neb. : midU
_ _
- wish nfew men to seirour
goodn by sample to the wholesale nud ictall
trado. Largui-t manufactmers Inotir line. Uu-
close 2-ccnt stamp. Wages f ) per day. Peinia-
lifiit position. No postala answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Cent en-
lllal Man'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. _ 13. ! J 2 Kl
AOCN'18 WANTUD-175 n month nnd o\ .
PUUSHS paid uuy net ho poison to sell our
Koofs ; no capital , sulaiy monthly , expuuxesln
nihnnco , paitlculara free. Standard Bllvornnre
Co. .lloston. * iCB )
- . Dlst. T l. Co. luCiDouemi.
_ _ mar
' \\r ANTUD Mnn to take the agency of our
v ) safes ; sue2 xlhxl8 Inches ; \\elght6001bs ;
retullinlLoWi ; other sizes in pioportlon. A
raiuchanco nud permammt biiHlne&s , 'Ihesa
rmfrs meet ft demand ne\er befoiohupptlcdbv
nlhur Bnfn companies , aso nio not governed
lij tuo snfo pool. Alpluot-afe Co. ClncFiiimtl , O ,
r _ U70
WANTKD-/iOod llfo . nsurance soilcltori
with bank references , nio wanted by tlio
Union Llfo nt 401 Merchants' national tinnk
building , Omaha , Ollico hours 8 to 10 a. m. nnd
ton p. in. _ U7I
\VANTHD-nirl to do second work.
> Ueiman piofcioJ. Idl4 DoUgust.
" \\7PANI'I I ) i\perloncud : drfissmali.ori' . aHo
JMlnppreiitlca ylils , I'lOl Cap. a\e. 5 J 10 *
WAN'l HIA pretty ollico girl to traol w Ith
mi * . ta \ week and oxpunsos. Mr. IL ,
JIW ) DoiiulasiHt. 5iU ( 10t
r\\rANTI'.D A lady to solicit , must come well
T recommended and jiay iflo foi Mimples ,
Falniy < J 5 per month. Address OeoiKof. Oilili' ,
Ml , 1 list National Hank building , Omahu , or
agner block , Dos Molnos. lown. 4U
\V ANTCD Uood KliTfor general housework ,
' Gennan preferred , nN cor. SWu. and U'eb-
eter , : "M _
TUD A govcinoss who can bpeak
Pri'tich , ( loiman , and Is accomplUhvd In
viral and Instrumental music , Addro * * H'j
clly. 4i l
* \ \ rAN I'UD-Drt'S'i making nnd sewing in
i > families by day 01 week by lady of ox-
Call at loUJ Howard bt. , Ilral lloor.
1 , ADllifa' and thlldu-n'tt garments cut and
Jlltloil ut lowtst prk'o ; , Miss Tronmlno ,
jnodhlo. IM 8 , 1 6 th. 4iSau
AGUMKNTti. , to do drcssm.iklug in
.lUfamllleu solicited. Miss Stiudy , 2017 Lrnv n-
woithst. yJ \ J 2i
IlllHASKH limploymont oillcci air Nlothin
OANApIAN limploymi'iitonico. MM. Hiea" .
JKU ti , 15IU. Hurvruncu Omaha National bank ,
' \ \rANTHU To do w nshlug uiul Ironluit lei
> ? fauilllea at homo , vcar of son ) Ua\euport ,
4'AI iOf
W ANTUD 15ner ctlc , experienced
clan , good appvnrnufr , to oillco In uiif
i > tnre Bturtluir tu booming town. Address O , H ,
il ooro , Bcluiyler , . - '
ANTl'U A horse to usa for keep during
winter , floxofji' . 0. stt'
Horsce to winter. I have nrcom-
modations for WO hundred horsaa ut
Onmuii fairgrounds , having lurgu yards for ex-
u-islnc durlnir thu day ; each iiorsa has a largo ,
varm box null at aigUt , A , TljJmsou. Omtha
Tnlrground . Otfdlj
WANTKIHomes to board nt friray's barn ,
24U1 nnd 210-1 Ciimlng st. tail nnd get
prices. DAPowell . 41 U
WANTRD-Young ladles and Rentlemen to
know tkev can obtain n thorough and
practical knowlndffe of telcgrapny , llttlnx themselves -
selves In n short time for good paying positions
at th Ulcctrlo IVlonraph school. Hoonn iVd
and 6J Pnxton block , ror 18th anil Karnam it ,
14911 $
WANTUD ' 'cwlnt ; nnd dross mamno ; In
faintly b ) Hie dav or week by export-
diced dress mnkcr. ' nl ( nt MM Hounrd st. ,
fltst llnor. 501 10 *
WANTKIi HorsoundbURKyfor winter for
tholr kocplug. liiqnlro 1J18 r.irimtn , _
13OA111) and looms , 1812 Chicago st
_ _ _ _ i _ _ 44911MS
T'AIILl ! boarders wanted , U M Douglas
" \rALiNTINi3 : : Shorthand nno Typewriting
lu-tltnte. Now I'axt in bulldliir , Omaha ,
Neb 'lliuonly cxclusUe , legitimate shorthand
school In the mate. Overono hundred gradi- !
ntos lUKoodsItu-itions. The school H uuilor
tlio management of ( ' , r Vnlenllno.oillcKl sten-
OKI nnhorof the .Id judicial dlitrlr t of Nebraska ,
nnd 1'ior. II II. Hoy-la * , r.n oxpcrlti'ifed ' teacher
nnd voilmtlm reporter Day and ovinlng ses
sions. UnK'titffcaiiontur t any time. Send
forclicularB. 411 I ) IS
"Vl/ANI HI ) A nicely futntshod room near
T > Iwlness center : can , bath nnd host Ad
dress , Dialing lucutlun aim price , M i , lice.
CM 10'
" \\7AN1 r.O To rent second hand typewriter ,
? for practice , \ \ lltnko \ irooil cam of inn-
chine , lOiponslblo pcisou. Adelines M 7. lice
4fll Hit
FOH HUNT J-rooin home , itsth and Oavcn-
poit , fa per mouth. Wallice , Ciulchton bile ,
OH HI'ST 7 room Hat on 2d Hour. Knmilro
The 1'alr cor I llh and Howard sta. nbl
T71OK ItHNT Nlcelj fuinlihed house , r > moms ,
JL' modora romoiileuces Convontont towtient
car and cable llni's ; bnlondld nulRhborhnod.
\\\U \ lent to uooil party for $ JT > per month. Ad-
dicss M 10 , Ileo. Kl 10 *
TTIOIt HI'.iVT rurnl' hodcottiKC. "rooms con-
JLJ MiilentH located : rpft-ieiico-i roiiiilroil. In-
iltilro iSethoitoii Hall , loom 4AJ , 1st Null Imnk.
Ol'.si : H rooms and bath , gnod barn. Sill
l.i\ ) npoit st , apply ' > 13 Capitol avo.MU
MU 12 *
7J1OII HUNT 10 loom house , steam , gap , bath ,
M- hot and coin and rlsteiu water , si'od collar ,
and nice yard , 4w , SWJ4th. . InquiuV.'UT SUIth.
rpllIHTiiN : ; jiood houses , centrally locited ,
Jnnd furulturfl foi salo. Co opt-nitl\e J. mil
and Lot Co , L'Oi N IBIh St. 601 10
r. COilJ , ( ontlncntnl block , v 111
2-story i ) loom huuso on ( .able. ill.
1-st urj 7-ioom lioiiso on horse tar , J15.
1-story 7-ioom house , b illi , i0. }
H oli'Kant now brick house" , all modem con-
\enleuies , on cable , 410 permoiilh.
! i IlrHt-clnsi store rooms , s splendid opening
l r u baker and coiifeulonei , mi ustahllsliud
tunic. Cheap lent.
Wo linvo in addition to above a largo list of
hoiifoi , .stores nnd Mats to rent cheap for the
\ \ Inter. Call anil see us.
H. r. Cole , Continental block. 451 11
FOIt HUNT A ( list-class sovcii-roomcottnce.
! M Ifi 1) 0:11101 1 t. , onh $ I" IIDI month In
quire of 0 L. llrlLkbOii Co. , U N . Ifith t.
HUNT A comfortable house with 8
rooms , pantry , lirpe Uosols , splendid cel
lar , city untnr , beweraKC and K'IS. ' near business
ccntio : moderate lent. John II. r. Ijuhmnnn ,
U'4 B. 17th st. : i7i !
FOH 11KNT-A : i-storj brick dwelling , l'nl.1 '
Capitol avo. Apply to C. II. Uulou at tlio
Chicago Lumber Co. : )71 )
TIJIOK HKNT At very low rates. 10 nnd 14 now
-I ? residences. 2104 and " 114 Cass street. Ulars
1'lacc. One block Houth oCCielh'hton 'olleKO.on
Fainum nnd Kith street cai line.'All modern
improvements. Applj , H. T. Clad.Union 1 rust
Co , or at 'JJ O Cass s . , J07
Foil HUNT Houses , hioies and Hats ; from
> f.M to . ' 00 ] ) ( . ! month , to < l slr.ibla tenants.
7 loom hoiibo. with stable , 8JJ.
0 room Hat. bath , gas , etc. , & " > .
btoro , 1 71'uika\e , with b.iscmout. inclusive
of water , f JO.
U loom homo , 2.111 Chicago st. , $3) .
fl room house , stable , etc . J-.U
Ftoro rooms on Ht. Maiy's ave , $12 to 1 > .
'Iwo splendid It room residences , furnaces ,
ranges , maiitol , laundry.ety deslrublo loca
tion , J73 and SSi.
11 room lesldcnco. 2(1" ( Ca Bt. , $10.
Nine room house on Saiimlura nnar Pratt
street , hot and cold watoi. b.Uh and closot.
stable for two hoises , Seven loom house sumo
location , city water , good stable , lloth houses
y desirable.
C. U. Mayne , Koal Estate & Trust Co.
NKW house of 7 rooms. In ROOCI locality , birn
for four horses , M ) jier mouth. Apply nt
once. C. 1 * . Harrison. Merchants' Nat. bank.
TilOH HUNT 0-ioom cottage , JiS.OOpor month.
JL1 I51r Hnrnoy at. ao
TOH HBNT-Cottago , 411 Convent St. Inouiro
JL1 1K3 Jacjcaon st. Hi
_ _
I710 H HKNT Ti-room house. 111. G. K. Thomp-
JP BOH. U bheeley block. lt
"filOIt HKNT Now 8-room house with all mod-
JJ em improvements , cor. Hickory and Uoorgla
nve , pnco $ Ju. UmiuUo l-'U Loavenworth at
BHAUTinjr/S-iooin , house. ay , city water.
hath room , hot ana cold water , on paved
Mieets with street cur , near a good school , only
KM per month. The house is now. Apply at
onto. C. I' . Harrison Mwcnanta' Nat. bank.
POH HUNT House of 8 rooms , 2Id and Cass.
Inquiio Hooin fiOt ) , Shooley block. U. ' > 1
FOH UKNT Atverylowrates. 10 and 14 new
resiliences. 2404 and 2414 , Cans street. Claiko
Place. Onn block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam nnd24th hticet car lino. All modern
improvements. Auply , II. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. , or nt 2420 Cass street _ UH
7loir HHNT- doom Hat , ill st lloor , over
J IU17Howutdst. Inqulio C. 1" . Shaw. 1015
llowaulst. 1HJJ
OH HKNT Home nud birii.Hiinscom place ,
Hams , room 411 , Plibt Nat'l bk bldg. b.O
FOH IlUNT No. 1411 S. 7th a've. , a nlco 5-
loom house in good lopalr : rooms * now ly
] ) apured and painted ; nlcoyatd ; line cistern
water. Hunt J2i a month. l'o cs Ion given at
ouco. Apply to Hell's 10th st. pliarmacy.
"IjHJH HEN'I U-room inodern unproved house
JU A 1 locality. Hunt modutato. Apply. M. El-
gutter , 1C01 1'arnam st. _ _ ail
ITlOlT ififNT Hy Iioi\Voitii * .loplln. llaruer
X1 block. It , 4. C. 0 , 7 , 8 , V , 10 , 11 , 14-ioom houses
lu all pails or the cltv. U7J
51100M houseTs. Slthlt.rncai1 sliot tower. Mi
171011 HKNT House Diooms 2221 Cassst , cot
X1 tagoilroom * luih and Hickory , Inciulro room
Ik 164
FOH lllNT-Houses-7 looms. "Mill and liar-
nay : 10 rooms. 8Ut and Locust ; 7'rooms ,
12th nnd Jonas ; ; i looms , 1'Jtli and Martliu.
Llnahiin > V Mahoney , I'aslon hlock. 814
8 HOOM frame. No. 201) Hamilton st. , { J7.50.
Leavltt lliirnhain , No. I Ciulghtou block. MJ
FOR HUNT When you wish to n nt a iiouso ,
store or olllce call ou us , H. Ii. Cole. loom.
6. Contlnuntal block. U77
TTIOIl HUNT d room home , 2113. 7-room houno
J3 sjJU 1'opplelon uve. Ueo. I. Ollburt , With-
nell b'l'fi. U78
F HUNT10room house with steam heat ,
J at2UI H. 21th ht. G , U. TUoiupsJU , Sheoly
block , 15th and Howard sts. U1U
"VOUNO lady can bo accommodated with
J. loom rtud board with use of parlor , reaHon-
ubln , prlvuto family. Address M 25 caie or llee
olllrv. - VV , U"
_ _
l OOMS for rent. IJTHlUhfit. DS1 1C ;
FOU HUNT Two fnniHliPrt looms for lltht
hQiueUcopliig , SQM St. JUry a Avo. 5a5 L >
Tjll'HNISHKD room with board in private
J. . family. Gas , buthand fuiuacuheat In hou&o
Near cable Hue , 21Jl ow ord kt. _ _ m 1 Si _
JUST-CLASS \ front room In private family
J3 at moiloralo pilce. 21 U Dodge. 6U7 It'
fTlOH HUNT Two large nicely furnlihed ron-
JJ iioaing IOOIUK , with bath uud coiivunlencci ,
suitable for four gentlemen or hougikceplmr ,
111 , oraopmatolU'iiiid ill. 8. W , Corner , Uth
nud Howard , entrance on Howard. 2H-UJ
TJWH HHNT-Pleasautly furiiUhed room , all
JU modern conveniences , for ona or two gen-
tlomou , ut WS. 2jth bt.orcor. fct. Jlury'a n\o.
FOH HKNT 1 furnished front loom , 1 im.
furnUhud.8U N. S3d st. J1C-1IJ
Ll ) room , with gai and bath , bord
lfil sUedDlVt > .2fitUat. , opjiOjltuAH Saints'
cmirch. _ tl }
1O HKVT Nlccly farnl ili a looius with
X1 C 201'JUttvuatvunb. '
ITIOH HF.NT Clteorfnl trarm room , with or
X1 without board , In private family , nicely
situated In modern residence 200J llarnoy st.
' 'JJi. '
Poll niiNT-New furnished , compieTo
throughout de lrnhle front room ; also In-
tudo rooms ; gi * lighted nnd heato'l. ' At 1R03
Howard. Call utter r. p. m. 5 .11o
> TlcuT7Y furnlsned torims , all modern com en"
x > lences , with board in pinate tnmllv , " 07
1 ariiiun st. 5G1-12 ]
FOH HUNT Kurnlstied rooms , gas and fur
nace , in tin" lointlon , hilf-bloPK from ruble.
Terms\ory reasonable. 11J S. 2.1th ai e.
N 1CELY furnished room , 1IU Howard
EI < KOANT front room with nlcoio , hot nlr.
hot ami cold water , gas anil bath , M pcr
month , ar ? 8 24th. M
* no LK1 Kurnls'hed room , 'JIM TJbuylas at.
A SUIT of tnrnlMipd rooms sultible for I Ron-
tlt-mptior mm nnd wife cheap todoslrnble
parties , \ \ 1th board It doelred , lull Douplas st.
IjM'HVI'Mino room with board , Itimilro of r.
J,1 l1. llull-lJI ! ) rnrn im st. 410 12J
rooms , steam heat , 014 S llth ,
Sd lloor. ass U'
poll HF.NT Kurnlsheil room with bonrd.
' na : Dodge t. 4 7
V funilshoil rooms by thn Maok or
month cheap : HUT Joucast , I'enbodv placo.
15 OOMS nnd board , 181Chicago. . 6UTiJ7t
f ) I'LI'ASA NT rooms and bomd , modern con-
\enlences. i-uitable for 4. No. 51(1 ( S SJiul st.
431 ID *
\\7 AHM , dcsliablofiont rooms cheap , r. 3 S.
16th. W lit '
I710H ItnNT-Furnlshcd rooms. ISlSDoitcc.
J1 4W ( 11
A VIlNUKltooms Atllimand 1RI5 Capitol ave ,
xvy blocgs from l' ly fuinlsheil , prlvnto
Istcl.iss truiHluut tiiktu. day or week 7.1) ) 1 1 *
I OII HUNT UooniH suitable for two gentlemen -
} men , stonm bent. ITS ) Davenport st.
st 10'
FOH HUNT Klegnnt house. Htcam heat , etc ,
Inqulie l' ) Davenport at. 3 10 ?
STKAMheat , gas and bith , and ! i pleasant
rooms Mlth bo it'll , "M > S21th ht. .txl 11
IJ OH HI'.NT rurnlslied rooms with llrst-
J class board at ) U Douglas. ,1hO 11 *
FOH Itr.M'-Ono elegantly furnished back
parlor , with board and L'as.
Tor rates tall or address Mrs. H. U Hnnuall.
ir.'l IJodKQ st. JM 11 *
I/'OIl ' UHNT wfiont rooms on second lloor ,
* in00i-acli. l.l'i llarno\ . L'30
ALAIUJnelasant south room very nicely
furnltmod ; turiiica heat and cvei v modern
romimlenco. ( Jne-haK block from cable c irs.
J107 Douclas&t. Ml )
TTlOlllUJNr AueleK.intly fiiinishod room or
-1 suite of looiiiH with bo'ud in apiUatc fam
ily. All i.ouenlonces. . C.xis pass the door
every thioo to live minutes. Hcforences Hc-
iiulicd. Knqulie looms nib and 61'J I'axton blk.
: ui
_ _
OOMS with board , fuinace. 013 S. IDth st.
: iis j ; it
_ _ _
HKNT rurnlshod loomawith both gas
and heat. iT ! Dodge st. Lth )
or unfurnished rooms , 1110
-t ? UodKO st. no\t block to postolllcifiom 8
upwauls. Inquire room 8or 14 J Uotifjlis at ,
ruoniji. _ 1K)1 ) (1 i-'il
DKS fuinlshod loom , 23W Davenport
ht. 77,1 not
trout loom , $3. 1814 Davenport
T710H HUNT rurnlshPil room. Heat , gas nnd
Jtf bath. llflS.S5tii. 6U
TWO front rooms in one of the llnest resi
dences in the city , centrally located , steam
heating , gas , with nsw of bath room , on Dec. 1 ;
references required. Inquire 7 l s. VJthst G14
ASOl'TH parlor nnd uedroom. suitable for a
lady uiul gentleniati , or two or three pontle-
men : moderate teims and llrat-class lioaid.
Uo3J St Mary's ave. 4fl."i
" furnished looms nil modern con-
-L > venleuces , also board , 10W DougUa. ail
ITlOIt KENT Furnished rooms in Oreunlg blk
JL1 cor. ] 3th and DoclKo sts. Inquire of Geo. It , .
Davis. Jllllard hotel billiard room. MO
AllO K pleasant room , luiulshed , biick Uat.
1410 Chfcagost IW1
TT OH HUNT $10 n month , now liouse. 4 rooms.
J _ Apply on proinlsus. UJ Charlea st. 4S3 10
O rNri'HNIfiHUD rooms lor noiihokeeplug ,
O1I7N llth ht. 4bU lot
rilWO sunny south-east unfurnished rooms
J- with large closet , sultablo for Unlit house
keeping. North-west cor. Uth and Howard sts.
484 Wt
TJ10H HUNT 4 or n unfurnished chambers for
JJ houRoUeping , 313 N 17th st. U7 17 *
T7IOH HUNT After Doc. 1 . Ilvo Bimnv rooms ,
-L ? cuntialiy located , nt rn.isoiiftble piIco. In-
qulro 111 N 17th , llrst house north of Dodge st.
4M ! 10 *
FOH HKNT I'our looms , Bitltablo for two
small families , tor light housekeeping. M O
Uouglasst. 510 10 ?
fTNT UHNISHUD-Sultable for nuusoKoeping.
U'lliieepi ) rooms. 11K7 N.aJthst la 60
Four (1) ( ) rooms , 41,1 S. llith at 27 UO
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 110jS. 7th bt 1000
Three tJ ) rooms. WMN.i-Othst 1000
Three (3) ( ) rooms JOifi N.BOthst ' . . . . 11 03
Three ( .i ) rooms , 1010 N.iilit at 10 00
TlireoO ) rooms , 707 1'aclllo st 11 CO
Thioolrnom ( ) < i , IHOl' 1000
Tnreo (3) ( ) rooms. 70UI'ncltlcst 10 00
Six (0) ( ) IOOIUH. 10-Jj N. Will Bt Xi 50
Judge Hentlnp Agency , . w. cor. Hurnov and
15th ats. Hooml. upstalia. Uiti
TTIOH HUNT Desk room in a wolFlocated
X1 Rteam-heated , carpctod olllce , ground Itoor ,
Addiesj 1' . O. box 75'- . ' 600-10J
TjlOll HUNT Two storeB , D'.M nnd 6J3 North
JL' Kith 8t. Inquire ut the building. Hcniy
Oetlioli. Uil )
ITlOIt HUNT An elegant Btoro room with line
JL1 basement on Iljth st. Kent very low to right
party ; titoam heat and water included , Apply
at I > r > Douglas st. : teC >
rpWO HUB olllce looms for rent ; one room Ifx
JL 45 , newly papered nnd pAlntcd. Host loca
tion in the city. Cttll t No. 10 i'uarl at.
" Olt TtENT-Onico sulto a month. - ' singl
olllces } lrj oach. all fronting loth at. , Ilusn-
man block , N. K. Cor. IQth ana Douglas. AV. .M.
lliislimnn , Ull LeavDiiworlh. pmi
TJ1OH HUNT-S olllco rooms in Itcdlck'a block ,
JL ; loOJ-1'dl I' st , onl-'d tloor ; ona olllie ,
cast front , onM lloor , oor Umaha 11 inking Co ,
ban ! : , cor. 15th st nnd Harney st. luqulio at
J3II K.iiirun at. , room H. j > auli > on & Co , Vti
"OOH HUNT OnsBtore-room , one bVery , cor.
JL' I'aik ave. and Wonhvorth avu. Juquliu
Thoa. 1' . Hull , 617 1'aicton building. 1W
-T\OH \ HBNT-Storeroou ! , No. U 8. 14th . Ao.
-L' plv at 1110 llowurdst. UM
TJIOH HKNT 3 stores on JOth ana Lotvea
JL1 north , apply Uank of Omaha. Ubl
T710H HUNT-Ilrlck store , Hat above , 21th ami
JL1 Hamilton , deslrahlo bunlnoss location. Lea.
vltt lluriiliam. room j. Crelahton block. a
KOIlfil' J. BTKHNSDOHl'l' . loomi ) . opp. P.
O , , will hereafter giro special attention to
renting houses , store * and Hats. If you want
your property rented without delay and to roll ,
able tenants , do not. fall to Hat tlio tame with
him , ViS
GKO. J. Paul. ICO ) 1'ain. it. Houses , stores ,
etc. for rent. 150
W'K give ipacul attention to renting and col-
letting tent * , list with us. II. U. Cole , room
C , Continental hloclt. U 7
IP VOU want your nouses rented place them
With U naw.i & Co. , Uth , opposite poiUolDca.
NK JlTLUCN'AOHUd- { men. atten-
tlou 'jhe Union 1'aclilo Hallway company
oifer for lease one million acres best aru/lng
lands in eastern and central Colorado for u
pel led of 0110 or tw o years.
Will lease la quantities of not lees than four
ona patty.
All application * subject to the approval of tha
general und commUsiuuer , uml must bo iu Jo
on or before Dec. 20. ista.
1'or ) ) ortk\ilars us to terms and location of
Uiids addreu. mentioning thU paper , II. Me-
Allastvr , I.uiid Comiuisslouer U. I * , ll'y. Omaha. '
Neb. Jxidll
ALADV w Ulics the acoiialutauco of a gentle
man ot uif BBS who will assist her in small
well paylu ; , ' hu lnesa nnd tak a prollt. Address -
dross , la cc-nldene ! , ii 27 , ue , 075 n *
pEHBOXAL If > ou nav V pernonM It m"o7
JL uuy cowmunl'-etjoii ' , drop U lut > a otTho
li ( ' 4 wtjs a bv o W
TOEHSOXATj 1 imnt t < n ? nen.nalntcd with a
Jl mtddle-appil widow or single lady about 30
or ! tt years with some means , by a vldower
of means and ha * ft good business and live in
best location In city ; object matrlmoney. Ad >
dress M 10. llco. 6(6 10
FOR J7 E N T.--M ! g gEjpAjjgp.US.
TTIOirUBNT Ono peed b < mi ioonTfor tlirpo
JL liort.o , buFRles. nte. , 2115 Davenport st. In
quire of I. L. Krtckson 4-IC-0--- ' > 10'h st.
TTOIt TiliNT Uficnp. IUui > o * a largo livery
JL1 barn , tore room atulf three Hving'Tooms ,
60xtM ff t , nnd ncoommodAtlnirfionie fie horse * .
jiood location for store. ( jnUodgo Ht. this aldo of
the Holt Una. Omaha , that . .1Mll rent cheap to
re pen lble parties.V. . K.v Vaughan , 14JO rar
nam st , Omaha. " ' S4'ulia
HKNT-Ilarn , UWJarkson st.
STHAVEO or stolen A young bay colt
with star In forehead , about "H years old ,
low , heavy build. A liberal reward ottered
finder Address or call at 1617 Mcholas at. ,
I.cmp'H boor depot. Slevors x lloyscu
fl1 A S-yoar-oia bay colt. Feed
btoie , ICth and Clark sts. 6UI 10 ;
SIIOHl'llAND nnd typo-writlnB-Puticrlor
ndxnnlagcs In thesa branches at thu
Oiualni Commercial college , opp. 1 > . O. ,
cor nth and Hodfto. Scotes ot giadimtes In
good positions , students complete manual In
ten ( Itvatind dJ tolOi words per minute In three
months llest tearhi'i In the state. 1'rartlnit
olllcu ilrlll glvtn studontJ free Dli tulion Ilvo
hours dallv. Day and ovcnltit ! sessions. Hnpld
dlctiitlon for luports nt nlttht I'or ilrculara
wilto llohrbough Hros. , Omaha. Nch.
F O R S A L EMfl I S"c EL L Af EOU S.
Tfholt SAI.U-A full-blooded Nt-n roiindliitid
JL'dog , one > ear old. Address Carl , HIM Si.7tli
M , clt > . 578 lit
FOH SAIiU AMilunblo lease , property on
iiood retail street In Omaha , prlco tl.lXJJ. M ,
G. Macleod , 1417 I'lirnam stieet , Hoom I.
vn n
T71OH SAI.U A 10-hor-o poworOtto gns ciiKlna
JL uiul roniu'Ltlons , in good running oidcr , or
will trade foi material. Atldios Union Itaiilc
Note Co , Knn ns City , Mo , 6.1S 10
"IjlOH SAliU rumlluro of fotti looms. ln-
JL1 quire 410 s lUth bt. top lloor. r-y lit
TJUHt HAi.U Ono llrat-class in her o power en-
JL1 glue with "I horse power boiler , piillcjg.foi'd
pumi ) , etc. , all half oforlulual cost.
Applj to Stax Jaenscit' 1' . 0. box 754 , 1 lemout ,
Nob/ 41U IJ
"TTIOH SAJ.ii or trade Now two scafud car-
Jilago and bluglo top bimgy. fcelby , li'l
Farnam. l1 ' 0
guen to nilults in mnthnmatus , frammii ; ,
ihetoilc and higher branches bj unheislty
Rindmito ; thoioughiioas , liipldlt\suc > o-s. M If ,
Doe. 04 s 10 ;
" \\rANTUD Hj renpoctable fnmllv. n nlco little -
tlo clrl to taUnai'n boird Address M 17 ,
neo. r.-'o nt
Gil Y laundry 1511 Hurt ft. , collars and culls
2'4c. ' shirts 10c. undeiwcjr "c , famllj wash-
IngL'Oc lo OOo Dor dozen. Goods dolHoied by
wagon 01 express. llil H *
A TlSTHACrS Unahan A Mahoney , room 603 ,
Paxton blocs. 8U-
T VHTTl ItsT"KTVI'U , mldwlfoT dTsmisoTof
J-'women and chlldicu cured. HesldetKo Ki ) S
17th. . - . 17IJ7 *
AT'Or find no cheapdr w av of buj ing ) our
J home or pavi'Jg an liuumbinnco upon It
than by HiibSiTlulni ? tor bh.ires in thu twelfth
Kcilt'b of ah.iros in thu Mutual Loan mid llulld-
Ing association. Your loan w ill cost you about
Ii per cent per annum nnd easy paincut" .
Olllco hours fiom f > to 0 p in dally nt No. HID S.
lUfli bt. 0 M. Natllugcr. Sec' ) % 4JJ 10
niHU banjo tausht as an art by Geo. K. Oellcn-
-L buck , J21 S. loth st. 1S2
LADIUS Moles and hiiperlltious hull ontho
face or nucl : itmoveil , mid the roots In
stantly killed by the uluctilc needle process ,
ieaUngnoimiiksorsc.iiij Positivi-ly the only
peimanent remedj. Mrs. Dr PncXnid , loo.i
Douglas st. Wednesday nnd 'llimsdnyi only.
6K ! dlbt
MIDLAND Ou.irantee and Trust Co. , 1505 1 or
mm Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate oxamluatlpiirfected Si guaranteed.
S'lOHAE-At low lates at 1LJ1 1'nruam st.
Omalm Auction 4c Storage Co.
rilKACKAOB , storese , lowest rates. W. M
X llushman , Ull Leaveuworth. ( K)0 )
"VyANTED Oood second-hand piano for
wlntei , will rent or buy n wood Instru
ment If offered choip enough. Address M UO ,
Doe olllce. 670 U
\\rANTUD I cunsell 60 houses and lots nt
T T once if easy monthly payments will be ac
cepted ; also hiue a customer for a tenement
row , or a low of cottages or nouses on easy
teini" . Send full dosciiptlon to C. U.Mayne,16th
ami Jlaiucy sts. 58.1 11
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nud
Household goods of all kinds Omaha Auc
tion IL btoiago Co. , I1JI Kurnam. 1JJ
MONUV to loanoii Impiovod icnl estate for
one , tnound tlnou years by Homo I lie
iHsuiunco Company , 151 Douglas st. 41017
T3 L' . COLD , loan agent. 4J3J1
"IJ1IHST mortiiage loans at low rates , and no
JU delay. D. V. Sholcs , 210 , first Nat'l Hank.
Vf UH11ASK A Mortg. Loan Co , w 111 mnko you a
J- > loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
line JoHolry , or secuiltlos of nny kind
without publicity , at reasonable ) rates.
Hoom 7 How ley blk , Fouth Om ilia.
Uoonib 51tS-519 Pnxton blk. , Omaha , Neb.M
, M
rpHU Omaha rinanelal Uxchaugo. Hoom 15 ,
JL llaikor lllock , southwest coiuerof I'urnain
and liith st.-i.
Mnkemi hjiecltillty of shoittlmo collateral
and UNI l cstato loans.
Monoyalwajs on hand In minis of ? 1U ) and
upwaidsto any amount , to loan on appro\od
Seciiioil notes bought , Hold or axtlinngod.
Clear leal estnio and cash to uxcliaugo for
good llistoi second moitgages ,
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , tiust daeds. llrst or snc end mortg igo bo-
curity , without publicity , delay or led tupu.
I'lminclal business or nny kind tiaiHacted
nro'iiptly , miletly and fairly. Hoom 15 , HaiLer
block. Corbett , Maimgor. lit )
PKOPLU'H llnniiclal Kxchnngo Lnrgo and
small loans fm long nnd shoit lime , ut low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , wuuhcs
and jewelry. Don't fall to call if you w nut fair
nnd cheap accommodations' u. Houscuron ,
Mgr. , loom 5tHj Haikei blk , 1'itli and rariiam.
MONUY to loan ; cash cfii hand ; no delay , J.
W.Haulio. l.'li PainaiiTBt. 1'lrat Notional
bank building. R 105
MONIiV to loan on furniture , norie.i. vagons ,
etc. , or on any npiiroved bBCUrlty , J.V. . Hob-
bins. It. 2UU Sht-ely bit , 15th and Howard. 101
JT U. COLU , loan agent. Oljl
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bougnt , Lewis S , Hood & Co. , lO.'l 1'unmm ,
DO YOU want to borrow moiiHy ? If you
navu diamonds , watches 01 juwelry und
doslro to ellectu loan on favorable terms In u
strictly prlvuto und contldentlul manner , or
should you want u loanrfm furniture , horae-i ,
cariluges , land contracts or porsonul pioporty
of any description , y ou cart have money ad
vanced at lowest rates ot Interest nnd unipla
time to pay by calling on or sending postal
card to the
theOmaha Mortgage Loan Co ,
We loan out our ow u money , make out our
ow n papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing the benelit to the hoi rower ,
Our facilities are such that we can accommo
date you In n prompt and confidential manner ,
giving you fair , honorable and couitdous treat *
All loans renewed at original rates.
Wo will pay oil any mortgage you now have
nnd ghoyou long tlmo and lowratis ; will loan
any Mini from * -3 to il.OW.
Comintirc'iul and Ut mortgage paper bought ,
Omalm MorUago Loan Co , , rooms 217 and M
Kim National Hank building. 111
M ONl'.V to loan. O. F. DavU Co , real ootato
and loan uyeuU , 1503 r'aruam at , IQD
ON15Y to can on improved real eitate ,
Leuvltt Huruhum , Crelghton block , 107
H. * COIiU , loan s nt. 4JJJ1
> riLIlNO loans. D. V. Bliolos , 210. I'lrst
> Nat'l Hank. ; A'l '
< * WO.OOO-fi per cent. Money to loan oa im-
JDproifJ farms or city property. Jamej A.
woodman , at the old ( Ire Insurance otlioa of
Murpnjr * X.0 tt.iMS. LJtUiit , 1U1
T\0 YOU want to iwrrow money ?
It will save you time.
JMvlllfnvoyou money.
You can borrow from
II. P. .Musters ,
iticcensor to W H. Oroft ,
room 1 , N Ithne iblcVn . 15th and Harno.T st < .
110. t \ H < \ tV > i , I * * , , MOO. H.COJ , Ji.OOH. < U > . 'J ,
lu fact any sum you wanton furniture , pianos
horse" , mules , wagons etc. , on easier terms nnd
nt lower rates ttmn nt tnv other olllce In t no city
without publicity or remo\al of property from
your possession.
If an installment Is due on yonr property ami
you cannot meet It. call and SPO me. I will pay
it tor you. Ifoitnaven loan in nnv ether of-
nco , rail and get my rntej. 1 will tnko It tipnud
carry it for you.
I mike loans for one to sU months and you
can pay n part at any time , reducing both pr In-
clpal nnd Interest ,
All loans renewed at original rntosnudno
clmigi's for pipers. . .
All business strictly coutldoutlal , Call and
see mo.
Don't forget the number.
Hoom 4. wlthnell block. IU
OKOPI.KS Financial Uxchiuiuo The fairest.
L. ciuleto t. most liberal money exchange In
the city ; loans made w Ithout delay or publlrlty ,
lu any amount largo or simll , nt the lowest
rates of Interest , on any nxnllnblo securltv ;
loans may bo paid nt any tlmu or renewed at
original ratos. O. HouscAien , mgr , loom Mif ,
llnikorblk , nth and 1'nrnaiu , 70S
U. COLU , loan agent. 4.C1J1
SUU Slxolcs , 210 , Hist Nat 1 Hank , bofoiomak-
lugyoui loins. IRS
MONUY to loan on household fiirnltuio.
pianos , horses , ungons nud other personal
propertynlso.on ; mortgage paper nndrontrncts
an collateral svrurlM icasli always on hand : lib
eral extonsloits planted ; business trausittod
fairly , iiiitolly nnd pimnptly. 'Iho 1'alrbank In-
\ estmcnt Co , swcor. 15th A Douglas. I'pstalrs.
MONUY to i.oan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly , II , E. Colo. Hoom 0 , Continental
Hlock. IOIX )
El. f OOK loan * money nt ( ! poi cent on loans
of $10,000 and upwards , llrlm ; alutiuct of
tltlo nud bttvo ill-lay , luij I'nrnnm. 41UU14 ?
. to loan at fl per cont. Llnahan s Ma-
tp honey , room 503 , raxton hlook. tnU
Ki.MO\ ; To room : w.\ rust National 1 ank
buildlnjr. Provident Mi ust Co. iKl
$ ' \ < X ) > . fl,5X ( > rIAX ) . roO. Speclil fumltbplnco
on choiio lmpro\cd pioperty. D. V. Hholos ,
210 , Tlrst Nat'l llauk. OW
G 001) ( city nnd faun onus wanted by A. K.
Itl'.oy. 15W rarnam , 10U
EUA loans , lo\vo ratM. OdoH Hros.
& Co , 3U S. 10th st _ _ 110
J.7 U. C01.U , loan agent. 4J3JI
S ! ONUV tol3.ini long tlmo. Uotrjc J. Paul
1(500 ( Tiuuiiii3t. Ill
MONKYto loan on Imiiroved pioperty * t nrst
hands. No applications sens away for ap
proval. So < urlty and titles xn nlned free ot
charge o borrowers. Lomh&rd luvostmont
.XW S. Uth st.
company. y
_ _ _ _ _ _
ri O LOAN Prom ono tn two hundred thous-
J- and dollari or imaller sums promptlv , eastern -
orn capital alwnvs on hint cheap. Phlladulplila
Moi tuago and Trust Oo. Ueo. W. P. CoUeH. u
boaidof tiade. Ill )
f 1 U * PUCK lo ms money , cnsh on ban 1 , $ TK- )
v 001. can be plated on city , md farm prop-
city ut lowest rates ; building loans a specialty
GPUIt CENT money to loan Cash on nand
\V. M. Harris , loum 20 , 1'renzer block , opp.
P.O. _ _ _ 1W _
MONUV to loan on Improved city property or
ror building puipnsos ; lowcit rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Compauy , room 1 ,
llarlccr block , 15th and i'arnaui. < | UJ
MONUV Loins neROtluted nt low rates with
out drlhy. and puiclmso Rood commercial
papoi and moitgngo notes. S. A. Sloman , Cor.
IJtli and i'arnain. 4
TD UILUING loans. Unahan
Tl 1 ONUYto Loan On Omaha and South Oraa-
J.'Jhairoeitj. ] ) C. P. llnulhoii , Merchants' Na
tional bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oti.
1) ifJlOVUD * lo room M , I'lrst National bank
JAi building. Now Knglaud Loan and 'IVust Co.
D ION'T boirow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you Imvo seen C. 11. Ji ,
cob.s , loom 41U , First National bank oulldlu -
cor. 13th and f arnam 10J
A YOUNn man \\itu J,001 nnd Al refinences
deslies nu interest in some citaullshed bus-
inchs. Address M , Heo olllce. MB 10"
"I NTKHlfST ill un established business to a
J. tollable , energetic mini. About $100 cnsh ra-
auirod. Addicss P. O. box 752.
W ANTUD A paitner for a meat market. A
irood liutclier can got Into a well estab
lished meat maiket. Call at 2122. 54'J-llj
P.HITNUH wanted In n llrst-clnss club
house. Must have $1,000 cash. Good oppoi-
tunlty tor light man. Address M ffi. Heo
olllce. f51-U
A GOOD chance to buy a general merchandise
store and stock In a grow lugiailioad town.
Address M , illco olllco. MHSt
\X/"AN1UD Snmit reliable man with 8.50 to
T i taUo half Intel oil nnd liavn until c manage-
mout of a good ImnlneH'i in Nebraska , iiai inj
largo iirolltn. Addiess M 11 , llec. 65S-IOr
FOH SAI.U I'list-class confectionery store
doing paring business ; .srulsfuUoiy loasou
foi selling. Addioss M 8 Jlto. 40J Ut
\\rANTKD-A reliable man with $ . . " 00 desiring
l i a situation or interest in n saio business to
call fiom 11 to 1. . ' , loom 24 Darker block.
402 12'
Troll bALU-Small jewelry store , best loca-
JL1 tlon in the city , Addiess L5S , Heo olllce.
.140-11J .
Wr wish to employ a reliable man in your
county. No experience required ; perma
nent position for three years , fealary Increased
each year. LlKht , easy , genteel business. Money
nd\aiiccd for salary , advoitlslng , etc. Largest
manufrs our lino. Untloso 2-ccnt. No
postals. Centennial M'f't' Co , Cincinnati , O.
UJ 12 83
FOH HUNT rurnlshod bar loom at the Co/-
yens hotel. Address M. J. 1'ranck , jirop.
TTIOR SALU-A small and wcll-iissoitod ilriig
JL1 block , including elegant llxturos.ata baigatti
if taken boon. Can bo moved to advantage. Ad-
diess Immediately , A. liiown , euro drug store ,
21.1 N.'nil , 712
IfOH SALU-J1.I.OW slock of lor
' sale , doing a splendid Itiihlncfis , is located In
0110 ot the best towns in thu tttuto. The stock
Is clean nud in good shape ; the reason , for sell-
lug , other buHlnutis ocuipylng my time , Part
cash and bankaljlo paper for balance. Address
K 4 I , Ileo olllto. UJII
"IT10H hALU Ata bTrBalnT"i7)00 ; ) shaieflTstock
JIn Mexluiu Don Mountain company. Ad
dicss L 02 , llco ollko. ajr. U *
POH SALU Urpxclmnge ; lease and furnlturn
of lilocl : of il't looms , centrally located and
profitably occupied. Address Iv2l , Itcc. "
Ortrdojiotiso ot 10 rooms ,
for faun or ineichiindlse , in inllo limit. Ad
dress , P. O llo2.VJ , fcouili Omaha. 410 U >
TTMIt H\Li : or tradd A lot ( > ) xll2 on S. mh.
Ju ht. , near llunrrort. dot fl , llauter's suhdlx Is-
loin , Addiess M 21. lluo ollico. 5ril ,
T\TANTUI-Stooks of goods for good city
ii proprity und fauns , urotcr atovens ,
IV.'l rjunpiiibt. 021
OOK Here \Voluivo to trade 1W acres clo.
Jgiiut land 3) ) miles from Omaha foi good
city pioperty ; J.10.iOI ( worth of good , Hear , Im
prou-d land for wild land nnd iissninu ( iicuin
brnncti : .i' < furnlHlind rooms , making a clear
prollt of * , ' , Mj ) pi-r year , for city property ; n line
htockfarm in IOWH for tity property ; propoity
in Omaha nnd Houth Omaha for good farms.
( iio\er bterciw , 15.1 1'arnuufMt , & . ' !
l 7v iTll ST'UV7NS. W'l I'arnum , has aaTgo ]
list ot good city und faim piopurt ) for u < c-
chnnge. 0'l
"IJ1OH UXCIIANdU Olxuiltoii 15thbt .north
JL1 of l.oiivonworlh , with good 8-ioom house ,
fordefiliuhloinxldencu pioperty , Thlslscholta
pioperty and will not tiadu for equities or out-
bldu propurty , Addrc&u Cos 70(1 ( , Omnna
FOH UXCHANOl' A good Improved farm ,
tlourot Inciimbiance , and Homo rush for u
good 8 art ) loom liousu and lot , well located ;
will aaaiimo a fair Incumbrance ; ulso u few
No. 1. oil Block and tome cash tor
gcod hoibo nnd buggy oi'pliubton. Address No ,
WUNMhst. 51711
. . UXCIIANUK-ror desirable leuidcnio
jiroperty lu Omaha , nny or allot follonlni ; ;
40 ciioko iiuide residence lots In Hustings.
1UI lou in Lincoln ,
H'J ucres line farm in if land. Lancaster county ,
J'ino resldencu properfy , Lincoln ,
Oood rental property , l.liiculii.
Choice faucv ro ldenco , corner , Los Aiwlos ,
A nuat ivsldence property InlUnscom 1'lace ,
Aho komu good mortgage notes.
Addrens glvluu ( oration and prtco of property
J , U. it , , care lluum iron Co , , l lt Lcaveuworth
IJIAYU real and persor.ul property o : nil
Kinds for trade. Call and see me , Ueoi a J ,
btc-i ludortf , room fl. opp. P. O. t l
$3.000"stock lf "groccrlei doinrf good 'trade :
owner retlrluu from business ; cheap rout ,
good location , want good city properly , II , '
Ii. Cole , Coutluental. 1W U
djl.fno gcnerftl morcliiinillso out of th * city ,
CpWlll trsdo for city or fariu property. , II , U.
Cole , Coiillnolitftl bloch. 431 11
WANTKD-A liulldlng lot In exchange for
youiiKteani ot mules and 4-ycnr-old buRgy
horse , and phaeton. Inquire of U 0. Merrill ,
ad door won ofValntu bill school building on
Hamilton st. a-P - 10f
\\7ANTnO-Plockot goods In exchang * for
i farms nnd olty property. Western Lund
and Loan lixclinuKQ. 117 3. ICth. _ 3J.MI.1
O dotU lots Hiounrtl UlnlT * , In. , enc -
' c uni tioroil Will trada for land or Oniuhn
propeity. H. K. Cole , ContfnentAl. 4JI 11
viTectlon of choice land III Pronllor
Co , Neb , to cxchingo tor n good stock of geu-
ornlmdse Address. I. . U. Ilnlsley , tlfnon.Nimco
Co. Neb. 419 '
FOHTHADU-IIomoand lot In city for real
or chattel mortirsRe piper , her es , mules
or cattle , A K. Greenwood ic Co. , room 1 ,
Cunningham block , cor. Uth wnd Jnck on st ,
It'j ' ul
" \\niAT nsveyoti to trade forSlots In Jerome
ParkIncunilirnncoof ilO.V > ontho lots.
Address 1C 02 , lit * olllce. 8I'J '
O IlOlfsuTiuid lotTou27th near Grant St. , ono
-block ( from piliiclpal horse cm line In city.
\V III tradn for land , 11\ stork or merchandise ,
II " U olt. Contlnenlaj. _ 411 II
"lilOH K.\OHAN(1K-I10U ! a ml lot In Crcdtou ,
JL1 Ion u.
House nnd lot In Blair , Nub.
lonncies In Lincoln county , Neb ,
IWncres In Howard count v , Neb.
Lot In Maunders A Illtnubaugh'sudd.
U ) loU In other additions.
A. P Tukey , 15th nud Douglaj.
_ _ _ _ _ . - .
HVRN hundiod nud eighty ixpresvild land
. In Mel rick coiintv. Nob. , W.MK ) encumbrance1.
to undo for stock or mcrcliaudlse. Adcliess Jl
fl , lion oii ! . < 1
_ _ _ _
iriOH THADTs-Trt'otnousand ncros Improved
jy land to trade for mciohandlso or cattle and
riMllll'.U hundred acres of land In north Louis-
JInun , a nlco home on n naxlgnblu river , to
tiade for Nobinsknlatid or mcrchatulliio , Address -
dress M 6. lieu ollloo. 4JJ lOt
FOUTHADU-Cholcolot In Ginmmeicy Park
mid choice double corner in Llpton Place for
good laud. 1) ) . V. Sholos , . ' 10 1 list Nat'l bank.
' K'llor Mis. Lenormnn cin lin consulted
sulted on nil nlTalrs of life. tUIUfacUoil
Biiniauteod No 318N IQthst QjOdUt
D It7NANN115 V.Viirren , clairvoyant. Med
ical and business mudlum. remalodlsciif > ei
n specialty. ll'J. N. K.tli st , Hooms2Ai. : I2l !
EOH SAM. or rent -In Spring Handle ,
Nob. , ou tlieK. C , & t ) . inllroad. 11 new frumo
Btoiewlth dwelling attnchol. nnd gooil stock
of ( ftmentl meiclmndlso. OnlJ store in placo. A
l-'ociil chaiico tor some one1. ( all on or address
1'ieJ lonradt. Spring Hnucho , Clay Co. , Nob.
_ _ 6II-IOJ
"IT1OH PAI.U Do you know tint Lowoi Doug-
JL las st. Is going to maUo Ihst-class rolall prop-
eilyi1 If you dpu't. go down to the brlilgo some
IhUMlny and sea the stream ofvruitciii lo\\n
jieojile coming o\or You will then bo con
vinced.outn sell 22 , II. PC or "s feet on Doug
las between loth and llth sts , nt a prlto that
will make1 puiclnaer infl per cent in lostlmii
twojoms. ' 1 his Hiiap \ 111 not Loop later t him
January 1 , 1-tU. M. A. I'pton Company , .WU S
lull st _ _ 557
" 1710 K SALU To these wanting to go faunlna
-S3 wo can put them in ( oiitrol of laigo or small
tiactsof land which loqulro very little money
lorcars ; tht'io nc\cr wasu bettor tlmo to en
gage" In tunning and atock-ialslui ; than now. M.
A. Upton company. ! ! 0i So. loth stieot. 4'J.l _
FOH SALU Hai gains for ono week. Cheapest
lots in Hlllsldo No 1. On grudoon Chicago
Htiaet. ono block east of II. W. Vatos' now
stone houte. T. J. Heard & Hro. , 1410 Dougltts.
_ _ _ _ _ 432 1 1 _
TTU1H SALU A few lots in Stewart place at n
JL' baiftaln. The Mntiopolltan cable ioadpashC3
this addition on Lowe ave. Hauls & Hairis ,
loom 411. Ist Natl JHnuk. _ 4 )
TTOH SALiT Or"wili tiado for stock of hud-
Jwine. . Property in town of 600 inhabitant" ,
pavmegood inteic'St ns an invobtmont Ad-
duns U. McNalr. Ciawluid. Neb. : 1 IU
FOH SALU Ilarcnlni for a tow dajs.
llKlxir < Ocor. .Mth anil Hint.
Hc'st lots In Illllsldu No , 2. T. J. Hoard *
Ilio , 1110 Douglas. 4.U It
FOH HALt- LIst OKOluslvcly wltll > lA. Up-
ton company. Ii03 t-o. Kith sti < ot , peed Insldo
mopeity at n llguro not moro than actual value
It you want jour i cat estate sold. ll'J
SPUCIALbargains in farms , westcin land and
city propei tv. call mid noons. Noli. .Set
tling and faupply "Co. Koom Ii. lloaul of Tiade.
"I71OH SALU Good house of 7 rooms , full lot ,
JL' well , cistern , bain for 4 hori-os , school ,
church and store near by , htioot cars ono block
away , in growing part of city , good neighbor
hood , title perfoct. food homo foi man of mod
erate moans. Get icady for no\t spring by buy
ing u homo now : will tnko a vacant lot as part
payment. C , P. Harrison. Merchants Nat. bank.
Al'INR impnnad farm near Paplllion for
sale , U miles Horn Omaha ut { D an acre.
Apply at 2517 Hainey stroet. 42 J7
/"VNK of the llnest rosldonces"oii CanoniIii
V/Mtiootonyoiirown terms. Lotus show you
tbH.It. _ U. < olo. block. 4JI II
$5" ) per month Imjs un elegant Uioom lionm
uiih all modern conveniences , located in ono
of the llnc-sl lesldonce locations In Omaha. No
cash payment reciulrdd and the Interest is In
cluded in the monthly payment of $75 per
month. What's the matter with Cole , Conti-
neutal block/ 414 II
IJ10H SALU Heautlfill house of 8 lurgo rooms ,
JL1 bath-loom and Ntoro-ioom. nttlc o\er tliu
whole house ; house Iliushrd in untliiue oak ;
kitchen and upstairs in haul plno ; Hplomlia
fuinaco ; 200-bbl clmtrnc-lty water , hotundrolil
water ; oast-fiont lot , nOxlSI , In the modt do > ir-
ublo neighborhood In the city , overlooking
Omaha and Council lllnll.s ; house built for tha
owner's own use. Cull and investigate this prop ,
crty if you wnnttnbiiyii good home. C. I' , liar-
rlHou. Moichunts'Nat. _ Hank. JJ14
FOH HALU Do you want a loan at Ion oat
- - - -
lulas on Rood Improved lusldH property/
8co M. A. Upton company , at AI'J So. luth Htreet.
4CI !
FOH BALU-5I2 acios Ilnmillon Co , , Nub.
land , in prr aero , onu third cash , hahinct ) ut
01 or cent. Addioss W. J. Wlldmnn , Denver , Col.
In )
TTIOH HALU Or trade ; whole or ii Intarait
X'fi'/o au < M 2 miles from two .It , H. dojioth , 11
miles from Omnhn , best Impiovoct block limn
In Nub. line dm me for young man with
moiiiiy. Cnllor nddiess Win , Gibson , room.U ,
Chamber of L'ommeice , Omaha , or T. H. Gib-
sou. Fiemont. Nob. Dn > cl.'O *
LO Its Tor Sale l ha\o 10 line lots In llrlifgs'
pliK c > ndd. for ( .ale. I'or fin ther lufoiinillgn
uddiflbS i : . Jellcry OalcMia , 111. l-'T
1710H 8AIUor oxeluuigJ Tor linprotpil city
JL' property , tin eo to live nereHof land on the
Holt Line Hy. , pHpciclally suit nbloior bilck yaid
inujiDscs. 'i'hlij ground Is midcrliilcl with asu-
jioiforcmallty of clay and has It Htuul.son
one hide und a good slieum of watei ontho
other. Will tnki bilck next hoason In part pay
ment. ( Ico. N Illckif. H.uUr lllock. &XJ i )
T7IOH 8ALU-A line ) toot co.-ner on Goorgl.1
Jin , , Boutli of Lsavcnwotth , To the right
idoii who will occupy this , thu very host
erms nnd long tlmo will bo glon. . K. 1C Dur.
ling , IW1 l'iirimin. 3'U ' 11
block , nearly now. with
- stores on llrst llloor ami sovun loom lints cm
( second lloor. with all modern linprovumonts.
Tills property Is on cornur Irontliig piivod
street , with sewer , wutor nnd is and brings
an annual rental off.l.iro. Will sell cheap on
terms In suit. Address II 70. Heo , 401
DON'Tpnyiontwhon you clin biiyn nlrn homo
on payments of tn per month , Incliidinu in.
torest. und noa h paymrnt ruauliud. ( 'omo
nil yu homuliissandlft us makeyou lumpy. ( II ,
1C , Cole , Continental lilock. 4J1 11
Ii OHSALU a new hoiibo In a desirable part
of the city , two lots , hunsfl contiins all
modal n Improvement , hoi nnd colcl water ,
ftiinacu. cas , bath , electric lutllx , and olrctrlu
gaslluhllnganaiiuuiiidiit , puloni , haiiund din.
Ing room llnlhhcd in oaK und cliorry , I'or
price and terms addruss P O. drawer 47 Uiy.
ITIOHHALU-Woliaxothlrteuii lots In CunlitU
JL1 subillvlnloii , Council Illuira , twulvo acres In
nice' * subalMslon. and cU'l't ' ucrus adloiulni ;
llonton'H Hccond uildltlon an the north , nil near
llluctrlc Motor lino. Will boll Inn hunch at a
noslth o burculn. U , U Mayue , Hoai ( Citato tc
Ti n t Co , , omalm. U
a6GO buys a full lot and goo I I room tntt.iua
Pcasy terms und peed location. D V. Bliolui ,
room 210. I'lrst Nat'l ' bank , cor Uth mid I'ar-
nam in
OH f A LK-Or U adu , Ints 1. 2 and II block 7.
JCcUcriauii ; Mill t > ullchc up | or cash nr tradu
for good piano and part cash. W. J. Wlhlm in ,
Dunvtr , Cole , aiUll
"IT'OII ' HALU-'Two oleannt homes In Ilanscom
-L rincooii re.ittonablo toims ; morttrago psner
taken as part paymunt. Hodworth A , Jopllu ,
Ilaikur block. ltd
1,1011 , KALl'-Not fortrudti. 5U.7B acres of lm-
pioved land 'i mllud from llunjuutie , In
Hamilton Co. , Neb , J'nuMuliome , frame stahlH ,
, Vj < j acres under a good I b.u -wlre l funce. round
cedar pouts undSstays ; living water , good cor.
rul , X wi'llx , wind-mill. 3-iMmrrel Unit , ( ilf.
fueder troujjliK , etc. ; 7J ucruj clorar , ii good
ht 3ck ranch.
Pilto ( about J12 per aero ) . . , , . , . . W.500
Cosh . . . . . , , . . . , . , . " , . , . . .
9 year * time mttper cept . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . U/UI
( Jo and look oier the landaud aJdrossthu
owner , V , K , AUIon , 1WJ Lucluur/ . , Denver ,
Colo. - I'.M
OH PALTI-Or axclianfto for Omnlmprpn
on ? , SJ ntros , stlttntiUi for plMlliiR.1 will
m k 4W ( lnt . nil clear ; big money In H for
someone who cun piHh this ; located JiHt out >
stdo of iho rtiy limits of Council iiiutis ln
qulro Goo. J. StcrtudonT. opp. pnstolllco. 133
"irUHl SALK Nebraska farms : uosuwr Invest *
J. ' mi-lit cn bo made. M A. Upton company ,
IW.'fco. itJthstroot _ < v.i
"I710H 8AL15 M. A I'pton compmy hn > o th
A1 barKnlni In buslnnssniidn < sldoncepropcrty ,
See tin-in at 3W So. 10th stu-ct. _ juj
Abe Lincoln post. No. O't ' , O A. K , ran-
duotod the funornl scrvlc-cs of llcnluiiilii
McOinnls yesterday nftornoon nt llnzcl
Doll church. 1'ost Coniimuuior Wllllnm
Hopcr was In chnrK * ) of tha s < iuiiilvhk'li
nutnboioil nbnut tliirty. Clmplnln ICIltroio
coiuUii'tcil the Horvli'os nt tlio KMVO. Thn
fuiiprnl was very Inr ely nttcndocl Pull
bcnrers Willluin Knssoll , OotllobVI11 -
lams , .losonU Oromor , 1'orry Knight , John
Dunn und Wnll McK.uMon , nil members of
the post.
A ronsccrntto ; > nicolliiK will be liolil nl the
UnptUt church to morrow nftornoon , from 3
to I o'clock AH Christians , und ttioso do
slrlns to cntur mnro fullv inlo the spiritual
llfinrnursod to bo prusont.
Mnniod-Hy the llov. D. II Coolov , nt his
rcsldi'iico josU'nliiv , Mr. Addisoit Luddon
nnd Mis * l.uln K. Duvisou , both of ijliolby
county , this slnto.
AVerse Tlmn a l-'lro Alarm.
Ono of the most dreadful alarms tlmt
cnti bo sotuulod In a inotltor's uiirs In
iH'oducoil by croup ; droiulful bocituso it
Is iliuifforous : the more lU'omlful bocausiQ
the Hfo of a loved ono la in Jeopardy.
Clmmborlutns Cotih } voiuody is u
novoi1 fitilinp ; sifouurd ; } ajriilnst this
diuigorntiR tlibotiso. Its ropututioti : m a
provotitlvo and euro of croup la fully
and firmly established. In fnot , It ifl
the only remedy ivhli'h can always bo
lolicd upon. Sol'd by till dr
A Ulodiiiiiijr Mlstnlco.
A rospcctnblo uppo.u'ing mini nncatoil
by Ofllecr Uloom Sniidiiy nlglit , nml
although ho hiul plenty of inonoy
nnd was minding hii own busi
ness , Hloom pilvo him n rhlo In the
patrol wngon nmHio spent the night with tlio
dirty rabblu in the ccntuil station , The
stranger is D. Doiiiunn , n policeman fiom
San llcrniclino , Util , uiul uvon though ha had
Ills sUr in hts jiossi'sslon the ollleur Inslstnl
tlmt ho was n suspieiuus chur.ictor uiul Im
was nrraliinod on tlmt clinrjfO.Vlicu tlio
Juilffohis.ud the tostiniDiiv pro nml eon ho
released the pilsonor without n comment.
Advice to
Mrs Wmslow's Roothliif , ' Syrup should al
ways be used for child rcn teothinjT ItsootlieJ
the child , softens the mus. nllnys nil pain ,
euiesjwlnd rollo , nmi 19 the best remedy for
dim rticiM. 'JVubottla
' Westward.
llunnlng between Council lllufT.snnd Albrlgllt.
In addition to the stations ni'mtlouud , trains
stop nt Twentieth nnd Tiveiity.fourth strooti ,
and at thu biunmtt. In Omulia.
Al botilh Omaha Trans
bright. Omaha , Shecluy depot. fer. way.
A. M. A. M. ATliT' A. M. A. M.
5 41 fif,7 :
(1:15 ( : ( l:2i : : co ; 11.42 : fO
7.U ) 7:05 : . 7:15 : 7.20 1-M 7:40 :
7W : 7:5J : H:37 : H.r
D.W :07 : 0:27 :
; ro 0:55 : 10.07 10:15 : 10.27 inlitt
10 .Vi 11.07 11:15 : 11)27 ) II : H
11:50 : 11W : P M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
P. M. P M 13.07 12:27 :
13:55 : 1:01 : 1:15 : 1:37 :
1:50 : 1:5.1 8.07 2:15 : 2 27
2:50 : 2.M : i:07 :
4:07 : 4115 4 ! 37
4:55 : f.:0l : fir : > 5:27 : 5'rt
r.Wi : G"51 (1.07 0,15
' 7in ; 7 11 7J : )
7.5'J ' IM 8.U7 Bu-7
KM BM : 11.01
0:51 : 10:01 : loiih
lJfyJ ( : 10:51 : 11:07 : ar. II ilfi 11:47 :
h , 11:10
12 lOam
A No. 2 . 0:25 , nUA No. 3 . . .CiTO 8. m.
A No. i 9.W ! Ji. in.lA NO. 1 . . .fliJ'J p. IU ,
BlOl'X I'lTV rff PAtll'ia
A No. 10 7.0fi in.lA No. fl . , .8M ; a. in.
A No. 1 ! 7:09 : p.m.lA No. 11 . , VW ; p , m.
A No. 8 , . , Jt40 ) p. mA | No. 7 . . | 1:1BB. : in.
A dully ; H daily except Hitunlsy ; ( J c-xcoia
Huinlay ; D except Monday ; * Uit tuall.
'Ilia tllno glvuit tthov * ii ( orTiAntfnr. Inero
being from ill u > ton uilvi'4 ue'.W ( a
ft-r uud local dopma.