Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The W. C. C. Students' association
will hold its annual reunion at the
IJnrkor hotel to-night. The programme
will consist of a grand banquet followet
hy n concert.
The Omnhn Art association will moo
this evening at Llnlngcr's art gallery a
8 o'clock. An address will ho dolivcrct
hy the proprietor. All the member
are urged to bo present. The subjcc
of the address will ho the specialties ii
the collection.
I'crsonnl rn
F. t. , . Bradley , n prominent merchant o
IMum Creole , Is in the city and Is stopping a
the Arcmlo.
John Malmvncy , a prominent ItnpU'iiiou
donlor of Hebron , hu been in thu city
couple of dnys.
Tlio ilcftii of Trinity cathedral leaves tbi
inornlnif fur St. Joseph , Mo , , where ho Wll
conduct n suvon days' mission at Holy Trin
Hy church , of which Kov. Joseph Gardner I
rector ,
O. Ttulor Orintths , of Iho Commercial Na
tional bank , wliolms been In the hospital fo
some tlmo past , sulTcriiiK from typhoid fever
i so far recovered as to ho nblo to Icavo thu
11. White and ( IcorBO A. Snow , vice
ilcnt nml Kcnural manager of the Consoll
dated Implement coitipan.V of Salt Lake City
ORdoii , Mllford ami Lo an , Utah , stopped ofl
in the city last night on their way cast.
At the Murray C , K. Kohlns , Chicago ; C
K. Curleln , Marlon , la. ; M. Stone , No\\ \
York ; U. W. Thomas , Denver , Colo. ; J. C
Acldlnt'toii. St. Louis ; A. S. Hcnnctt , Now
York ; J. lloltwcrfot , Cincinnati , O. ; A. M
Yorn , Ucs Molnes , and O. Ooldstuiii , St
Superintendent Dlckcnson , of thoMlssour :
Pacific railroad , comii Into tlio Webster street
dcot | yesterday afternoon. The centlemat
nml ono or two other officials tire running
over the line In an ofllclnl capacity. Mr
Dickonson travels In his own private cur by
special train.
At the Paxton C. S. Dohe , C. L. Pratt
John M. Shaw , Henry Paine. George H
Marc , G. S. Hammond nnd w. Kramer , o :
Chicago ; Joseph Dart , Now York ; John Vnn-
dcvolc , Cleveland , O. : K. 1' . Grcali , Phila
dulphla , Pa , ; 10. S. Gunncll , Galesburg , 111.-
Major A. S. Hurt , U. S. A. , Fort Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Chester , T. I'ylto. Hostou ; D
F. AVnlker , wife nnd family , Salt Lake City
A. K. Campbell , Milwaukee ; C.intuin U. O
Phillips , U. & M. land agent , Lincoln , am
T. W. MolToU , Denver , Col.
At the Millard W. Nelson nml C. E
Swift , Nebraska Cit.v ; E. H. Ho wen and Max
Hachert , lloston , Mass ; C. 15. Lntz , H. O.
Hall , J. G. Hall , George Find : , J. 1C. Krol-
mer and II. A. Jenny , Chicago ; J. II. Allen
and H. Held , Now York ; J. L. Shirley am'
wife , Oregon ; Al Cohen , Scott Matron and
H. M. Dailoy , St. Louis ; W. Allen Mund ,
Detroit ; J. S. Williams nnj Wife , Kansas
City ; John W. Patrick mid W. Gathriirht ,
Fayctto , Mo. ; Miss Sansloy nnd Mis Hoover
ver , Nebraska Cit.v , and G. U. Watson ,
Urecketiridge , Idaho.
At the residence of the bride's mother , COS
North Seventeenth street , Jerome Soibort ,
cashier of the Pauilic Express company , tc
Snlllo C. HoU-omb , Hev. Harsha ofllrintinK
The contracting parties nro well known n
Omalia , and their many friends extend wol !
The ninlor Starts.
The electric cars on the motor line across
the new bridge commenced running yester
day. The llrst car started from Council
Hluffs at noon and reached the Omaha side
in twenty minutes. A twcntj--minutos ser
vice has been established until the operators
become a little more familiar with , their
work. Four ears with ono or two passenger
curu ran Irorn noon until half past 10 at
night. Throughout the day the cars wore
crowded each way. Persons who rode ex
pressed < lielr delight at the comfortable
cars mid the speed at which thu train was
Sidewalks have boon ordered to bo laid on
the following streets before the BUd of this
month :
South side of Center street from Fourth to
Sixth street , four feet wiaa.
West side Fourth street from Center to
Oak streets , four feet wide ,
North siilo Oak street from Second to
Fourth streets , four feet wide.
East side Twenty-second street from
Spencer to Lathrop streets , six feet wide.
West side Twenty-second street from
Spencer to Lathrop streets , six feet wide.
North side Webster street from Twenty-
second to Twenty-third streets , six feet
Xho U'cuk'H Amusement * .
Monday Milton Nobles m From Sire to
Tuesday Milton Nobles In Love anil
Wednesday Milton Nobles In The Phcnix.
Thursday Afternoon Minnie Madorn In
In i'jlcolll ) / for the benefit of the Omaha
Press club.
Thursday Night Minnie Maddcrn in
Friday Night and Matinee 13soeh &
Bowers' minstrels.
Thursday ami Friday and Friday Matinee
Havorly's minstrels.
iii.v : ) : MUSRC.
Every Day and Night The Woolly Child
and other attractions.
Press Club IIiMicUt.
The members of the Press club' hold a
meeting yesterday afternoon and perfected
the arrangements for their benefit next
Thursday afternoon at Uoyd'a ' opera house.
The sale of tickets was reported as being
excellent , mid there is every probability of
the opera house being crowded. The folio w-
gcntlemcn were appointed to net as a recep
tion committee ;
George L , Miller , chairman , Thomas M.
Swobe , Frank A. Unleh , Hiohard Kitchen ,
13 , Silloway , John M. ThurBton , K. M. Bart ;
Intl. .1 \T Wnnlivm'Hi rllt.ii'lna riff , , * * It II
, , , . . .
4't tl'tj , f * ' jjiiuijj , d. It. v tllliuilll , J , 1 * ,
13oyd , Judge Grail1 , General Cowln , W. G.
Albright , Earnest HInll and M. L. Uoeder.
Standard shorthand school. 1G05J Far
The Funeral oi'IMiH. Orplilu O. Jins-
moor A Noliln AVoinnn'8 Idle.
The remains of Mrs. Orphia Dinsmoor
wcro laid at rest yesterday afternoon , There
have been few funeral ceremonies so largely
attended as that of yesterday , ami it was a
Ijjht never to bo forgotten to view the
crowds of ladles and gentlemen who were
assembled in the yard In front of the Dins-
moor residence , that had been crowded out
of the apartment where lay the body of
Mrs. Dinsmoor , A most Impressive specta
cle was witnessed in the uncovering of every
gentleman present as the voice of Canon
Doherty emno through the open doors and
windows , reciting the aliening passages of
the Episcopal burial service , "lam the resur
rection uud the life , " Amidst breathless
alienee broken every now and then by the
sobs of the listeners , the service was
proceeded with up to that portion that waste
to bo performed at the grave. The body was
then placed in a hearse and followed by u
largo number of carriages containing eome
of Omaha's most prominent citizens , Forest
Lawn was reached about 4 o'clock and thu
remains laid at rest in the family burial
"The flowers upon and around tlio casket
were beautiful in design. At the Head of the
coftln was a very Deautiful pillow composed
of roses and Binllax. Suspended from 11 chan
delier hung a magnificently constructed sli
ver maltcse cross. At the foot of the casUet ,
which was exceedingly plain in design , was
displayed an exquisite cross composed of
roses. A gate ajar , a broken pillar , and other
emblems wcro jloK | > sltcd in the mortuary
chamber. Among those present were Mayor
Hroatch , Judge Wakoloy , Mr. Holbrook ,
Hey , Uillara Scott , Harry Hall aud. wife )
Colonel and Mrs. Chase , Mr. Markcl
Mr. Swobe , Canon Doherty and P. C. Hlmo-
Mr . Dinsmoor was born on December 2
1S3S , at Kandolph , Vt In Juno , ism , she
wedded Dr. Dinsmoor , and three years late
they removed to this city , where they have
resided ever since. The whole llfo of till
pi fled lady has been spent in the most mer
Itorlous Held of labor , Ilmt of the humanitar
Ian , and her death removes from ainonf
Omaha's citizens one of the most loved am
best known of them nil. She had a clca
Insight Into human character nf the type
that lie between extreme' ? , and her charities
wcro always bestowed In the mos
worthy way. A woman of rare anil nobl
endowments and llmltloss generosity , showas
known to all charitable institutions In the
country. She wai a strong advocate before
the legislature of the establishment of theme
homo for orphans and indigent children , am
was prominently associated with the Mil
ford , Neb. , homo for unfortunate young
women. Kho took a prominent part in the
organization of the Creclic , the best knowt
charitable institution of this city , and wa
unceasingly striving for an inrrenso of it ;
scrvUw. She was also a leading member o'
the Nebraska Humane society , as well ns o
the Woman's Suffrage association. In fact
Mrs. Dinsmoor was connected in ono way ot
another with about all uf the charitubfo am
eleemosynary institutions of this city am
state. Slio might well bo called r
great woman. Her vision of life was at once
sympathetic and pathetic ? and us n lust re
ward , a Hit of melody suffused it with niusl
ns the Holds are ovorlloodcd In the stiinmc :
with the skylark's thrilling note. Every
body loved and respected her. Her tender
ness was never weakened by any touch o
maudlin sentiment , and the honesty am
veracity of her Judgment were unlmpeach
nblo. This Is the testimony of hosts o
friends who knew ami loved her best ,
Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint
Hood's Sarsanarilla purities the blood' '
and thus permanently euros catarrh.
ItH Annual .Meeting Held Yesterclaj
at Trln 1 1 } ' Cathedral.
The Nebraska Humane society hold its an
nual meeting in the parlors connected will :
Trinity cathedral yesterday at lliilO o'clock.
Colonel Champion Chase c.illcd the meeting
to order. The Kov. Mr. Martin , pastor of the
First Christian church , offered up prayer ,
after which the chairman muilc a few re
marks explanatory of the objects of the
meeting , in which he regretted that the sod
ety had not received the support that it de
served. The colonel then delivered the pres
ident's annual address. Upon motion of Dr
Miller , seconded by Dean Gardener , a vote
of thanks was accorded to the president for
his address , nnd it was resolved that 300
copies of it be printed nnd circulated
Dr. Miller intimated that the linn of Gibson ,
Miller & Uiehardson would print
free of cost. Upon motion , the president , P.
II. Allen , and Dr. Miller. " wcro appointed n
committee on legislation. Hon. John M.
Thurstoii , in seconding this motiou , said :
This society is organised for work and not
for talk. The president has done enough
talking for to-day without calling upon mo ,
and 1 don't know why Dr. Miller has such ti
mania for more speeches this after
noon , but I will say this , I
am entirely in sympathy with the
objects of the society , and I consider its
most excellent nffoi'ts are in the protection
of helpless little ones from the brutality of
parents and guardians ; and 1 do hope that
the work of the society in the future will bu
more particularly doyoteil to this branch.
The motion was carried by acclamation.
Dr. Miller was called upon by the chair
man to make a few remarks. The doctor
was in his happiest vein , and prefaced his
address with a delightful anecdote connected
with the work of humanity in San Kcino , and
drew a moral from it that particularly up-
ucalcd to the women ol Omaha. Dr. Miller
said that having been connected with the so
ciety since its inception , he was nuahtied to
say something about its work. Ho deeply
regretted that there was so few workers in
the organization , yet dlscourugingns it might
.seem , he came to the uicctinir In a thankful
frame of mind , because ho saw before him
the representative clergy of the city , who
wcro present with them and prepared to give
their weight of influence to this society and
its operations. It was to bo regretted that
the instincts of cruelty to animals 'were
inherent to the youth of this An
glo-Saxon race of ours ; it seemed
as though the llrst thing some of our boys
wanted to do , was to commit animal murder ,
and Jt was to help check this scaudalous
condition of affairs that the Nebraska Hu
mane society was in existence. There is ono
tiling , said Dr. Miller , that this soeiety can
do , and that is to tcaeh the world that there
is no such thing as hydrophobia. I have
been twenty-live years looking out for a
genuine case , such as is prated about by
Omaha humbugs , and I have never seen one.
There is no sueh thing as this disease and I
challenge any ono to prove it. This scare of
rabid ( logs exists only in the imagination of
nervous women and thoroughly demoralized
men , who get into a worse scare over the
matter than do the ladies. The dean of
Trinity cathedral , Rev. C. II. Gardner , re
gretted that there was more cruelty towards
animals evidenced amongst the Christian
pdoplo of the world , than could bo. found in
unchristian communities. The only consola
tory feature about the deplorable condition ,
was that these Christians were ' 'bad
Christians , " Man hail no inoro right to take
the life of ono of the brute creation than ho
lias to take human life. The brute creation
was given in subjection to man for his ser
vice , but it. v.'us ordained that mnn
should treat that ereatiou humanely ,
Kov. Wlllard Scott Biiid that ho had especial
interest in the work of the society , and as a
minister of the gospel ho had been especially
lileased to have the presence of himself and
Ills brethren referred to in such complimen
tary terms. The ministry would nt all
times bu found upon the .side of humanity to
children and the brute creation The claims
if the society were most notably advocated
jy Mr. Scott in a very eloquent speech ,
The president paid an eloquent tribute to ,
to the memory of the late Mrs. Dinsmoor ,
and upon motion the following resolutions of
sympathy were adopted :
Kesolved , Hy this society , that In the sud-
oen dcath.of Mrs. C. M. Dinsmoor whllo a
: ncmber of the Nebraska Humane society , It
ms met with the loss of ono of its most ac
tive members. A woman whoso kindly s.vm-
lathles wore always extended toward the
lufferings of man or beast ; whoso every
thought and effort was always actively en
gaged to ameliorate the conditions of both ,
ms been lost to us nnd the society
resolves that this , their sense , . bo made a
uirt of the records of our proceedings , and
JO it
Unsolved , That the same bo published In
.he Omaha papers , and a copy be furnished
.ho family of the deceased.
The following are the ofllccrs of the society
'or the ensuing year :
1'resulcnt , Champion S. Chase ; vice prosl-
lents , George L. Miller , Henry Pundt , Uov.
J. A. Williams , Kov. Dean Gardner. A. J.
Popploton , O. M. Carter and U. E. II. Ken
nedy ; secretary , Preston A. Allen ; corresponding
spending , James W. Savage ; treasurer ,
Alfred Mlllnrd ; executive committee , Col
onel Guy V. Henry , Kov. WHlaril Scott and
and K , L. Stone ; board of managers , How-
ml H , Smith , G , M. Hitchcock , John Evans ,
Harrold Gilford , Kov. Dr. Doherty , Mr. J.
M. Hlalr , Mrs. J. M. Woolworth , Mrs. H.
SI. Cnldwoll. Mrs. G. A. Joslyn. Mrs. J. M.
rhurston , Mrs. W. J , Council , Mrs , Nathan
Slielton , together with His Honor Mayor
Uroatch ( ux-cnlclo ; .
Will you sulTor with dyspepsia and
Ivor complaint ? Shiloh's Vitulizor is
njarantood to euro you. For sale hy
j'oodman Drug Co.
WHIPPLE On Sunday morning , at 7:30 : ,
Mrs. E. W. Whipplo. '
Funeral services at her Into residence , 1553
'forth ' Nineteenth street , this afternoon , at
2:80 : , The body will bo taken to Friendship ,
$ . V. , for interment.
Wcnk CnflVa.
Philadelphia Record : ITushand This
colToo ia o.xusporatlngly weak.
Wife I Unosvitis. No mattoV how
nuoh I talk , that now girl will persist '
n liUlng the coffee pot with water clear
o the top. What snail I do ? Discharge
jor ?
"Certainly not. Discharge the coffee
> ot and got a smaller ono that won't '
told BO much water. "
It Cnn Tnlk , and Sine , anil Is Kc
nini-knbly Intelligent.
Now York Dispatch : A talldng doll
is Thomas A. Edison's latest invention
In his laboratory nt OrangeN.I. , there
are a number of dolls that speak quite
naturally. "Dollphonos1' is what ho
calls them. They are not like the old-
fashioned kind timt say "mamma" when
pressed In the diaphr'nin , hut they ro-
nent long sentences and talk with ease.
Mr. Edison has been working at the in
vention two years , and only lately com
pleted. It is BO constructed that phonograph
graph cylinders nro interchangeable ,
and now * ots of sentences may bo intro
duced into the toy's talking machine.
This is a little phonograph , with a
clockwork accompaniment , which is
placed in the doll's hack.
Mr. Edison showed a number of the
"dullphonos' ' to a reporter to-day ,
borne of them wore dressed and ready
to entertain company ; while others ,
while they could speak , did so , strange
to say , without the use of their heads.
Mr. Edison picked up one of the dolls ,
whoso golden , curly hair jind pink
cheeks wore lovely in their perfection
nnd whoso light blue eyes stared in
mild surprise at the reporter , nml wind
ing her up hy inserting a clock key in
the small of h'cr back , handed her to a
reporter. Ho then pressed a spring ,
and the doll , still looking at the re
porter , said in a plaintive tone :
" 1 love you , mamma ; 1 love you
dearly , mamma ; but I am tired anil
blcepy now. 1'lcase put me In my little
bud. "
Tlio doll continued lo stare with the
widcstof wide open eyes at the reporter
while assorting tho'fact that she was
sleepy , but the distinctness with whii-h
she said it and the guileless expression
of her pretty fivco convinced him that
she was tolling the truth , so ho laid her
gently down on the table near by.
Then Mr. Edison wound up"n bru
nette doll , with jot black curls and
sparkling brown eyes. This doll started
oir at n brisk rate with the following :
Twinkle , twinkle , little star ,
How I wonder what you are ,
Up above the world so high ,
Like u diamond in UMJ sky.
Another doll-baby sang in a sweet ,
childish treble " tlio
"Kock-a-by Baby on
True Top" all the way through with
good expression and without a falo note.
She sang , it quite loudly , too , so that
any one could huvo heard her across a
moderate-sized room. Still another
sang a pretty little Gorman song.
"Worso Tlnin a I-'h-e Alarm.
Ono of the most dreadful alarms that
can bo sounded in u mother's ears is
produced by croup ; dreadful because it
is dangerous ; the more dreadful because
the lifo of a loved ono is in jeopardy.
ChninbcrluiiiB Cough remedy is a
never failing safeguard against this
dangerous disease. Its reputation as a
preventive and cure of croup is fully
and ilrmly established. In fact , it is
the ; only remedy which can always bo
relied upon. Sold by all druggists.
Itoitinnco in Kenl liit'a.
Kearney Daily Hub : What is lifo ?
It is iniide up in unequal parts of happi
ness and sorrow , of success and failure ,
of comedy nnd tragedy. From the be
ginning of the world'thero have been
no exceptions from this-divinely ap
pointed order of human existence. The
writer of ( lotion tolls wodcrful tales ,
lie weaves the web of romance about
the life of a man or a woman , and the
reader holds it simply marvelous. Yet
there are romances , and comedies and
tragedies , outside the realm of fiction
which in print are no less startling than
the tales of the novelist , and need no
embellishment to make them equally
interesting. >
Jasper Clayton is a resident of Majors ,
Buffalo county , Neb. When a child lie
lived with his parents in Ohio. When
ho was llvo years old his mother died ,
and his father found him a home with a
neighbor's family , and removed to In
diana. Years passed , and tlio informa
tion reached young Clayton that his
athor had died.
The war of the rebellion came on , and
Clayton , now a young man , enlisted in
tlio union army , with the First Ohio
cavalry , and went to the front. Uo was
wounded at Kushvillo , Ala. , July I ! ,
1802 , with a shot in his breast , and was
disabled for further service.
While this was transpiring , the
father ( who was not dead as had boon
reported ) was serving the union cause
iu an Indiana regiment , and the father
and son were without any knowledge of
tlio fact , lighting rebels in tlio same
division of the union army. The elder
Clayton had a log shot away at the bat
tle of Peach Tree creek , where General
( now president ) Harrison made the gal
hint cnurgo that brought him his lirs-
military fame. This ended the father's
service , and ho returned to Indiana ,
lie had heard that his son was dead ,
and as the years passed became recon
ciled to that belief.
During the last summer Mr. Clayton ,
the younger , wrote tin article to tlio
National Tribune , correcting some
statements made in a communication
written by another Grand Army man ,
James O'Kiino , of this city. Tlio signa
ture caught the eye of the younger
Clayton , who recognized the name and
initials of his own son. Correspond
ence ensuedand the identity Of each was
established. Recently there was a
happy reunion in the Iloosior state of
the long separated father and son
which was made doubly interesting
from the fact that each had served in
the same division of tlio army , and each
had got in the way of rebel load.
Stranger stories than this may have
boon written by the story-toller , hut it
would need but little embollishmeht to
weave tlio whole into u romance of
proper length and duo proportions.
The rosy freshness and velvety soft
ness of the skin is invariably obtained
by those who use Pozzoni's Complexion
JIluli lint or Goblet.
Pittsburg Dispatch : In union there
is strength. If the men who hate high
bonnets and the women who are tired
of being door-mats and smelling cloves
join hands there will ho a union of
mighty forces. Then , perhaps , the wo
men will consent to curtail their bon
nets or doff them in the theatre , while
the men , in return , will agree not to
plow up the parquet between the acts.
An association for mutual protection in
the playhouse may thus ho created.
Which shall bo the first victim of the
reforming gullotlno ? Shall the high
hat or the entr'acte goblet load the
way ? Ladies first , gallantry sug
gests ,
An Absolute Cure.
'Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an nbsDlute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bands , and all skin erup
tions , will positively care all kinds of piles ,
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box by mall 80 cunts.
In the Future.
Philadelphia Record : Wealthy clU-
tzon ( fifty years hence ) Yes , I am will-
'Ing to subscribe to the campaign fund ,
but my inonoy must not bo used to cor
rupt voters.
Ward statesman No , indeed , sir. It
will all ha spoilt in purchasing silk and
velvet voting dresses tor tlu ladies
what supports our UcK9J $
Absolutely Pwre ,
Thisnowdurnevervnrlc5. A mnrvolofpnrity
utronpth nml Morn uroiiom-
Icnl than the ordinary kinds , anil cannot be solil
In competition with uiomiiltumtoof I w rest ,
short weight alum or phosphate powitora , Sold
only in cans , itnval Unking 1'owdor Co. , IM
Wall street. New Vork.
E roi\
' - . . | itT kltit.3 ( or 9.S . '
M INEMfflcfl.ORoyiur.flu '
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Gure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Go.
Everyone who lias soon our fine
Suits and Overcoats are in love with
hum , and do not hesitate to say they nro the
Inest In the land. If you have not already
usppcttMloursio'k you hhotilil KMI1UAU1- ;
, tlio llrst opportunity you have to do so.
OVHKCOAJ'S are the special feature Jubt
Mas Moyer-'Estatlishsi 1856-Adolph Meyer
General Ag iils for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clari and Shonlngor-Bell Organs
Write for Catalogue
. . . ,
Ono of Iho Jlobt Successful
n the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
JJye , Ear , Throat , Ltinifn , Lii < er ,
Jlladder , Ulaney and Nervous Ja- (
ettnea treated wltli success un
equalled ,
A cure BUAranlcoil In all cases of PRIVATE.
anil HICIN UI8KA813S. All disorders of the
Treatment by correspondence , Bend stamp
or reply.
Offloo Bushman Qloorf , 16th and
Douglas Sts. Omaha , Neb
To Close the season in everv deimrtment.
Close buyers who appreciate bargains
will bo mnply repaid for making a trip
of n hundred miles to Omaha to secure
any of the lots of goods advertised this
week. It is our purpose to make this
the largest months business of tills sea
son. You will not bo disappointed if
you come. As specimens of the differ
ent bargain lots comprised in this siilo ,
wo mention the following ; commencing
with our
Men's Ready - Made
Department ,
jWo olTer u line of 160 Men's It-button ,
cutaway Suits , made from the celebra
ted Uroadbrook Cusslmoro , in regular
sizes from 'M to12 at $15 per suit. These
Suits arc made in our very best manner ,
trimmed and finished a well as any suit
in our stock and are usually sold for &JU.
Wo mean to close them out this week at
$16 ouch. Wo have no samples of the
cloth to send , but will send a sample
Suit to any address , and if it is not
found to bo as represented , may bo re
turned at our expense. Send for solf-
measureincnt blanks.
LOT NO. 2 Wo have manufactured
another lot of 100 Sack Suits of the well
known Median iosvillo goods and will
oll'or them all through this month at
the popular price of 81- per Suit. Dur
ing the past two months we have sent
hundreds of these suits to all parts of
the west and wohoiiovo that the univer
sal verdict has been that these suits arc
all that wo claim them to ho , a regular
S1H suit ut retail. Our facilities for
manufacturing enable us to soil them
nt the astonishing low price of $112.
LOT NO. 8 Wo oirer a line of 150
FINK ltrAfic WousTisn Wuircoim
Srir.s , ( goods made by the Riverside
Worsted Co. , and the linest grade that
they manufacture ) made up in Four-but-
ton'Cutaway Frock Suits , in the
uii-ganl manner , suitable for dress suits.
Tiiov are goods that we have sold reg
ularly in our stock , the present season ,
at $ " - pt > r suit. Wo have no better
Worsted Suits to show to-day at any
price. Wo olTer them to close now at
the extraordinary low price of $12 per
suit. The Coats are bound , the color is
plain black , just the thing for dress
is OUT OF mm ?
Ai'royriwUry .Medicinu that ueu
to prove Its worth.
DnCallendef'sLcffLirerBitlers ' ,
Tfie only Il3tlllol ) Hitters In the United
Btntcs. The only flitters recognized by the
United .States internal revenue laws as a Pro
prietary Mcdlcin . Lawfully Patented. No. of
Potent m-9.G73. Contains no fusil foreign snbstancn ordutnaB.
injr druKB. A perfectly pure medicine , com
pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs and ( lid Peach ;
pleaiunt to the taste , quiet and decisive in It *
aifoct. Cures Dyspspsla or Yellow Jaundice in
flrodays. Iteculates the Dowels. Invlcorntea
IntctlTB Iiirer , Ouros Diseased Wvor. llevlvo *
Kidnoya , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
the wnolo system. New Llfo to tU
oI-eftLlrcr lllttori nro KOM In Omalm. N'eb , bytlio
IJowinK ( liiiu n lUclinnljnn lirni ! On. , Sperlal
H hnlciuie. for tu0 ilniu interest of Nebraska. Uo-
Inllorn ii.i lollops.
Left hirer Ulttcrx
2O TO 60 DAYS.
This is a discaso which has heretofore
Uallled nil Medical yuionco.
\Vehavoa llcmedy , unknown to anyone In the
World outside of our Conipatiy.and onu that has
to cure the most obstinate cases. Tun days In
recent oases does the-uork. ! fls the oldcliionlc
deep heated ca > > fU tuat Wd solicit. Wo have
cured hundrodn who have been abandoned by
I'livHlcliuiH. and pronouncfd Incu able , and wo
challeiiBetliBVnrld loonnij as a taso that we
will not cure In les > a than lxtv.lav .
Blnco tbu hlHtory of tuediclnn trnu Bpoclllo
'or .SyphlllH has been bought for bu inever
fumiil until our
was dlHcoVBroil , anil wo are Jiwtllle l In
t IH thu only Iteraeily In the World that will p
lively cure , because the latest Muilleal Works.
published by the beat known authorities , say
hero was never a true spot-Ilia before. Our rem
edy will cure when eyerrtlilnt : oUt has failed.
\Vhywastoyoiirtlnio and' money with patent
neillcinen that never had virtue or doctor with
ihyfllclansthat cannot cure you , you that have
rled overythlnKelse bhould tome w -Jowand
Bnt ponnaiif nt relief , you never can HOC It else
where. ilnrk what wo say. In thu end vou
mint take our remedy or NKvI'dl re covet nnd
vou that have been alllieted but a "lion time
should by all means come to ns now -jot on * In
en of new cases ever get pormunentiv cured.
Many ( jot help and thliik they nro free from tno
dlseaue , but in one. two or three year * after it
appear * again In a more horrible form ,
This is a Ulood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Elso'Fuils.
Room 10 and 11 , U , S. National liatik
building , Omaha , > ( ! >
oil Tui ior cured. 2t 7curt *
ripcrlcncr. fie k'ulfr. ttavk
frit. J.U.M MH : AKI , .B.
suits , and every suit offered would ho
worth in the rogulur way nt least $ - -
per suit. As the lot is liot largo t hey
will he closed the present week , Send
your orders at oueo if you want them.
LOT NO. 4 Ono of the most popular
lots of Overcoats wo huvo had in our
stock this season , is our Cicnuine Mos
cow Beaver in two shades , Brown and
Blue , which wo are soiling for $10 In nil
sizes. Wo claim this to bo ono of tlio
host garments for the price that any
house in the country can furnish. For
husiness men nnd those wlio wish a gen
teel garment which will ho servioeahlo
and at a very low cost , wo recommend
tliis lot. Remember the price is only
LOT NO. 6 "Wo nro constantly re
ceiving mail orders for our 815 Chin
chilla Overcoats. In any town whore
ono of these garments are sold , orders
are scut to follow. This is ono of our
standard grade which wo keep con
stantly in stock , and wo are never out of
sixes , for wo are making them it ] ) every
day and recommend it as one of the best
values ever sold in our store. They are
made and trimmed with a view to sur-
vise , and'wo guarantee the color to ho
full Indigo. Price S16. Sample gar
ment sent to any address.
Wo call your attention to a lot of 12o
Bov's MKI.TON Ovuiico.vrs , cut for
hoys from 1J5 to 17 in a plain Fly-Front ,
with velvet collar , AVe offer this lot to
close at the extraordinary low price of
$5 each.
Wo olTerOO different styles of Bov's
and Children's Overcoats in this saleat
8:2.50. : $3 , $ : ! . )0 , $ -1 , $ . . , SO , $ S nnd $10. re
duced an average of i ! ( ) per cent , from
last season's price to close out.
Wo oiler 1200 extra heavy , wind proof
Leather Jackets , made double-breasted
ana lined with heavy corduroy and rod
llniiiiel , extra stitched , thoroughly mndo
goods , equal to the best sold in the
market anywhere , at the extraordinary
low price of $5.50 each. They are near
ly indihpuiibable garments , and at this
price no man who is cxiiosod to in
clement weather can afford to do with-
N. W. Cor. 13th & DodRQ Sto.
Appliance : : fcr Deformities acd Trusseu.
HUM facilities , apparatus amlrcniciUcs foreucocas.
/nl ui'iitruont ot ovury form uf lUgo.'uo requlrluu or Surgical Treatment.
* Itoinl and attendance ; best uccuuuuuJfv
tlonsln the WCM.
WIIITI : Hilt CiKCUT.An.-9 on Deformities nd Drnrai ,
Tnntos , club l-'i-et , Curvntuiu of tbo Spine , I'llvs ,
Tumors , Cuncor. C&lnrrli. llrom Uiila , Inli'ilnllan ,
KlH.'lrloltr , l'nrnlr 5 , Upllfpir. hulnr. llliuldcr ,
tjo , Kar , .Skin unil Iiluoiliiii 1 all.Surtilcil Oporntluns
Dleonsos of Women n Spoclulty.
11 Illool Il ) en c incct'itfiillr trraitu.l. liyphllltle
I'olion rumuvrd from tbo nyatt-in Trtthout mercury.
tivvr rtiS'urfltlvtt ' tr. atinunt forlosf of Vllnl I'owur.
1'urfO.u unutlo to vlult u may l ' . trt-ntcil nt liurau by
euriuspomlcnca. All rommiinlcallom confidential.
MedU Inori fir InntriiravnU kent l > y mall or oxprt-aH.
fei'inely uacki-d , no ui.'iric * to Intllcata contcntfl ur
itfmlcr. One pi-ri-nnnl intuirlew prrffrri-tl. Cfill nml
connult u-tnr Bciul lilitory of your emu , anil we will
mid In plain wrapper , our
Upon Prtvnto , Hpocial or Nervous Il en cs. Impo-
tcncy. HyplillH , UUetnuJ Viinctcela , wlili iut Bllon
lift. Andrew
Omaha Medical end Surgical Institute , or
0 r. 13th and Dodce HtB. . OMAHA. B ,
Jln.v unrt WOMIIN sucLCrsfiiliy treatoil.
PulTcrliiK from tli oirppts of youthful Inlllrinrln
flm'Totlon.rirniu Ininlileil with Wfuikiuiii * , .NiTvoiu
liclilllty , l nsi of MoMinry , DvuponJuncy , Aversion to
KiM'loty.Kldiioy TriMiblr. or liny illtrnso nt' till ) IjoiulU'
1'rlimrj ' oruiinx.cim liem llnilii mlHiinil pt' Uy turc.
' n muiinblu unpoflully In ttiu pour.
Tlicrnnro mnny trouWrit with too frirnnont oviic.
lliilliinh uf tin ) lilaililur. ultcn urciiiiiimukul hy H ullvlit
niniirtliii : or burning prntiitliiu. iunl wcnki'iium ol tlio
BVMCIII IIIB iminniT the Mitiiint ruiiiiot iirrount fur.
Oiioxuiiiliilnu Ilioiirliinrv iluuoiltH n rimy Fvininunt
Mill olic'ii bu louiul. nml iMiiniillmuH miiuil pnrtn'lt'H ol
iilmiiiiHi mil nppeiir.iir tlm color will bo of n [ hln
milklHli linn. nwiilii rhiuiKliu ton iliirn or lorjiM im
pciiranco. 'I'liiTiuiru ninny invri wlioillu nl tlilndllll
fully. JBnnr.iiit < "f tlio rautc , wlilrli l tlio K.'CUII. |
IIIKII nt iiiiiiilniil weiiknim Tlio iloclur will ifuur
Hiitro n luTluct euro In Hll mica I-HHUK mill u licnllny
ri'Morulluiiot tlio viiiiitoMirlnnrr uriniim , C ii iillu-
tlonfri'c. M > nil for "Viiunif .Miui'8 rnunil. ur fJuMo
to Wedlock , " I rte la Hll. AUdrcsi ,
N.I ! . Cor. Iflth & Dniih'lus Bin , , Iliisluiinn IllucK.
ilflitloii tlils l
UtmnViVble for povrertiil inn pa.
thetic tone. i > llabla aclTon ami C
lute quraLlllly. ill ycam' record ,
tin beat guaraijlCB of th oc >
lenca of tlieae Inatrmiif Pta.
Advertising Ims always proven
successful. Ueforo placing at&
Newspaper AdvcrtUhiK coneirtb
it U It "iwJtliU iJl'ftU CHICAGO
out ono. Hoinombor , that wo warrant
thorn llrst-clnss in every rospivt. anil
the price is only $5.50 each. Kvery ouo
is worth * S.
Wo also ask your nttontioti to our
great IJargnin Salt' of UNDKUW UIK ,
llosiir.YtuivisCAHUioAN : ; : , Tu KITS : ,
ETC. , which lins boon the most pro
nounced success o ( any bargain sale OVOP
inaugurated in our UOUI'M Kurnfshing
Goods Department since the CON
TINENTAL wan opened to tinpublic. .
Tlio sale is continued this wci'U with
new lots added never bofuro Hhown ou
our counter , and at prices that are sim
ply unapproachable In the west. Loolc
nl the liatl See what the goods aro.
SUNI ) roil SAM I'l.Kt HY iXt'Kl : > s TK YOU
AN NOT COM i : IN l'iitSO.\ .
Wo olTer ! > 00 of the llnost Scotch
Wool , Shetland mixed Tudorwaro ,
goods that in the ordinary course of retail -
tail trade are not sold in this market ou
any oilier for less than Sil per garment.
For the purpose of attracting the public
to our Furnishing Goods Department ,
wo have decided to olTor this on tire lot ,
to close , at thu extraordinary low price
of $1 each , in rci/ulnr si/e's , HO to 41
Shirts , oU to 40 Drawers.
AND DHAWKUS , niado by tlio Amster 1
dam Knitting Mills of Anustordtini , N.
Y. . pure Cochineal colors , full heavy
weight goods , at the extraordinary low
price of ? onclr sold this season at Jii
each , and wo do not think in the ordin
ary course of retail trade they are sold
at IOSH than that price nnywhoro to-day.
Wo have thorn in regular siZoa , Hhirta
running from , 'il ! to ! ! ; Drawers from Jtii1
to ! ( ) si/.c. They are absolutely mTfecb
in every respect , nnd wo ehporfull rccr ,
ommend thorn ; is being fine of the mostl
remarkable hargnins evurntld over ouu
counters. Wo rosurvu. tlio right toi
limit this sale of lliitj line of goods to' '
two Shirts nnd two Drawers ( noui'li cus
tomer , as it is our purnoFO to distribute
them as widely us possible.
111(18 IVir Public i'l-iiillinr.
Orricu or Tin : ST.VII : HiiAiinor THIN 'ivi ' , >
J.l.M OI.N'OV. . 1.1 , J S. )
NOIICI : TII ni Miif : < .
Scalpil proposals will lie renM\ oil lit. niy tlmo
on or bi-liirv - o'elork j ) . in. of the lllii il iy i > t
Dttci'iiiiivr , A. I ) . I > JW , for tn ! > print IIIK of u iillla
lor tlio IvjiMiituiv , uilli sih-li ni'itlers , s i , uy bo
ordcri'il by ultliiT IUIUMthenfit to be pr.tutlin
"bill lorill. " Wlilrli IK shown unit ilrsljuit ; 1 ns
C'liiss wife (1) ( ) uiidur ItH'iJiIiillngluu'-i ol tlio-iinto
ol Nebrnskn.
1'or tliv printing nml blmlliifj In pnpor iwcrs
out' thousand il.UO } copies enli ol'tlii' "Icnnltil
ri-ports oft iimlitor public ncciiiintfi.t 10 is , ircr ,
siTretiiry of slate mm I'ominlS'-iimor ntpubllu
lands mill building ; unil Ilvilinii'lrt'il ' ( f.OO )
copies with of tbo biennial reportot the uttor-
iH'y general , snprrliiU'iuk'iit im bite inst rnotlin.
Hliito llbr.iVIun mill mljnluni vi'iio.'nl ; and nil
other reports unit I'ocuiiH'iils that nm > bo or
dered nrmtL'fl by tiio lijrlMiitnuivi'pl siu-h ns
may enter Into and form n imrt of Iho .Iniirnala.
wlifch class of work Is liinnvn ami ilKnlKu.i'ed ' ns
( . luss : ) under thu print liu ; lawn of iN'ulir.isku.
Tbo bill work itndi-r clusi 1 Nhiill bo
lirlntcd in sinnll plmtypeon piipprlourl 'end I )
inehcs loni ; by right and oiiu-balf il * ' , inclioa'
Wlilu. sliiK'c ' piro. paper to lie ' ! " pniimltt < loubl %
onptollii- ream anil evcc'pl tbotltlo pu > ; c cucli
hhull romalii notions than tin-nty
llui'sof Milliliniitlerof ! , yvoii < ilii'-hus ) > ii luiiKth ;
mid tjio line * shall u suum-ln-ly n.iii boroil
\villi a bluiili only In each sjitco : between the
Tlitltlip KO of Mild blllx shall con'aln not
less than ciubteen ( IM lines us above , with (3) ( )
Ilirhi-i additional spuro ullouulil" fi d splay
title matter. Kuril bid shall Maliwbat 'he blil-
dnr l willlniMo fin tun work complete lor per
IncltiiliiiKcoinpo-'ltloii , piiiH-r , proHsuork.
. Colnliunml all wiirl : or material oil-
to thu work ro.inlred.
work nKecut-d unttcr ( la-.s 1 Kliull boda-
llvered In Koodonltrby the omi' ' raotor to the
olllcoof the s 'creta'3' ' of Hlato wltliln three ( II )
days after tile receipt of the. order by said con-
trartorl'iom the ' hulnnan of the com mltt'le ou
pdntlni ; In either nranchof thu lej.'ifclaur'-
All work rxt'ciiteu mulct Class inreo CD shall
buprl nted In lomr urlmer. brevier and non
pareil type , on paper to be nlno ( H ) InelualoiiK
liy six ( ill wide , .slnslo pafje , i > ancr to bo forty-
live ilA ) His. to tbo ream , white nook. Ditch bill
under Clatis : ! shall stain what thu bidder IH will- '
Inutoiio Hie. worlc complete for per i > aie ; , ou
each report or Item In the class , Incliiillni ; com.
lioKitbin. p.ipcr , pres- work , btltchniK. foldlni ;
and nil work or material entering Into the worlc
required. Calley and IIIIRI > Jiroof mnwtbofur-
nlslied when reiiulred by the olllcer.i of the
executive department or the chairman of the
ou prliitliif , ' In either branch of the
Work when cumpliitodto bcllverod
free of UXIIPHMI nt the state lim.
I'lojioialri for work on each of the above
classes will not bo considered unless tliawuno'
Kliull bcaironipiinled by a bond In thoHiim oC
live tboiiKaud if.VM ) ) dollniK , wltli two or mores
HiiretleH , that In case the p.irty iiruim.tlni ; for
HUrhfontrai't hliall bo awardeil tlio name Hiicli
| ) itrt > will within live dayn after the award to
Mm of hiirli contract enter Into bondH fur the
I'althfnl pcrforinonco thereof , as provided by
law and tlio turniH ol theno iiropo al8.
I'roposals sliall be markiid "I'rojiosald for
I'nbllc PrlutlnK" and addressed to the slate
bo.ird of printing In care of thu necretury ot
Mate , I.lll ' ( illi , Neb.
Contractwon Clatmii : (1) ( ) as nbovo spi.lleil
will bn awarded an u whuln.
Contracts on Clans three (3) ( ) as above pe lllod
ill bo uuai'iU-il In wliolu or In u thu
loaril may jlec.t.
Humpies of Ihe work to bo exec.itel miilee
clashc.-i ono and tlii'co may bu heeii ai the olllcu
of tne Horrrtnry of htate.
Contracj' on above clashes one nnd tbrco to
run two years from Dec. II , ISCH.
Thu Htate pnntliK. ijoard iviiurvcs the rl ht to
eject any or all iilds.
( I , J1A WH , Si cielarv of Matii.
II. A.IIAIICdCK , I'lllill'1 ' Ac 'to.
' . II. WM.I.AUI ) . Slain Treasurer.
li''IdtodIO Of me Mate ISoaiil ut rrlntuif.
A Great llcdical Work fer Young and Middle *
Aged Mec. , 'j |
oiiiiLuniliiilitillu'Hi.'iiil ini'ii ulin HMI xiim-rliii ; from
lli < ! i.'iir , < ; ri'Ujni ( ot youth , l.ililulMi'il VH.llll ) Ncrv *
iMinuiKJ l'liy liil ; IH'bllliy. I'M niulilrn liei'llim. Ac. ,
uii < l tliut liouiiuid iinlold inlK'rlcH ronta iirfit tliuic *
on. unil till * ! if > 'iro ' d k ml untrurlnif , HIK ! ilonofi
know v , hut "Us llii'in. can Lit i.'iiiri ! wltlimit lull liy
rullotvlni : Hi" liiilni'tlriii * In tli Hluwo of Uiooe
bclf I'lofervJlliiii. I'llcuonly ( I , by mull | iii t-imlil ,
fiiliul. U l u LnuUfor orrry mrni.V : li'i | > < < ' . fiiluIIt. :
121 prexiTlplloii * tor Hll nruto mm i lirciiilo tl iM ei. '
Fully Inilom'l l > y thu Niitlomil ilnllrul AMochulou.
to 7 VUU V * UE. & * t > Ou"
Cm- Loads and Less.
. . . /a
OM A M A , - - - N EB.
_ _ _ _