Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    DECEMBER 30 , 1888.
± aee ,
Steinway Pianos from $500 $ upwards.
CMckering Pianos from ! upwards ,
Knak Pianos from upwards.
Decker Pianos from 3 upwards ,
Vose Pianos from upwards ,
Newby & Evans , Sterling and other good Pianos from $200 and Up.
You can always save money by procuring our prices before pur.
Story & Clark Organs the best organ made from $25 upwards.
Shoninger Cymbella Organs in endless variety.
S ,
Music Boxes from $1 to $5OO. Brass Band Instruments.
Largest stock of SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS in Omaha.
All kinds of Musical Instruments at prices heretofore unknown.
An Important Arroat Made by the
Lincoln Pollco.
A Ijargu Quantity of Stolen Goods
Kcccivoil and tlio Rendezvous
Broken Up Capital City
Notes and Gossip.
1029 P STiirKT , }
LINCGI.N , Dec. 9. )
Oniccrs Mitchell and Pound wade ixu im
port-aril nrrcst Just before noon to-day. I-'or
boveral days ptist they have Imd the arrested
parties under Burvoillauee , but were both
ered cotisidorably in looming their ren
dezvous. This , however , they succeeded In
doing this morning , and they made a swoop
on the place mid succeeded in capturing
George Howard , alias Neddy Wilson , the
partner ot the notorious Doug McGulre ,
George P. Kirk mid Mrs. Kitty Quinhui.
They wore domiciled on K street , butweon
Kleventh and Twelfth , und search of their
premlBcs resulted in Hmlliur divers urticlc.s
tUolcn from Thomus 11. Licuton , Htuto uu-
Ultor-elect , J. J. Davis , J3. P. Itoggcn , A. O.
Reason and \ V.V. . Carder during the past
few weeks. The llnd consibtod
of bedspreads , bUuikots , clocks ,
vusos , silver knivcH and forks ,
overcoats mid other clothing , towels , dishes ,
curt bottom * and a grip containing a full sot
of burglars' tools , powder and acid. That
the olllccra of the law wcro on iiltcen trail of
this band of thlovos is evidenced by the fact
that Sheriff Mollck arrived at the scene Just
after Mitchell and Pound hud bairgcd the
panic. Tuo patrol wngon was loaded with
the plunder found. There is enough evidence
against the two now to send thum to the pen
for a tmn of years. Kirit protests his Inno
cence , This .young man is evidently well
connected. LuttcrB wcro found in his pos-
cession from sisters at Omaha and Knglo-
wood , 111. , that wore well written and g.ivo
evidence of considerable culture OB the purt
of the writers. Kirk , himself , Is prepossess-
iuRIn appearance , and it is possible that
this may bo another cnso. of jwor
clog Tray , Search of his person ,
however , revealed the fact that ho carried u
Inirylar's key , Mrs. Quintan Is a tough look
ing customer. The ofllcers nro on the look
out for her husband. Heddy Wilson is an
nU-nround crook , having already Hcrvod 0110
term in the etuto pen , and ho Is doubtless on
tlio for another. Escape Is the only
tiling that can save hiui. The roua | t is ro-
yiirded as the best haul the police force has
uuulo for a long time. Mitchell and Pound
both deserve credit for the vigilant work
they have done. They Imvu doubtless been
instrumental In ridding the city of the worst
band of robbers that ever Infested the place.
The governor yesterday afternoon Issued
proclamations calling for elections In Scott's
UlulT , Banner , Khnball and Duel counties to
1)8 hold on thu 15th of January , ISS'J. Those
elections nro to bo held to oluct county ofll-
cars and locate county scats , It
will bo rcnicinboroa that at tha gen
eral election "In November the voters of
Oticycune county decided that the comity
was too largo , and that tlio counties named
should be cut out of its boundary. Petitions
having been received by the governor pray
ing for county organization , the uroclainn-
tlous calling for the election * were accord
ingly ( ssued. The vote will be cast at the
regular | K > llin places , and the county clerk
Of Clio.vonno county Is instructed to post the
necessary notices und to make the official
canvass of the vote cast. This will give the
ioys of llio "rowdy west" thirsting for oflU
cial position a clmncu to gratify their ambi
tion , but some of them will get left Just the
Spoakorshlp complications nro becoming Caldwclt gives it out cold that ho
ih In the light to stay , This makes the
chance * of tbo I.auouitur aspirant * dubious
from auy standpoint. With divided home
BUpimrt neither ( Jaldwoll or Mclirido can
hope to win , land with them It is apparent
that it is a case of diamond cut diamond. If
this state of affairs continues it Is the opinion
among local statesmen that tlio spoakcrship
light will narrow down between Dempster
of Fillmore and Watson of Otoo , nnd Cady ,
with the balauccgof power , will name the
man. 13ut during this v/indup interesting
promises will have been inado and the com
mittees will practically bo decided upon and
made. In this , the only danger to beneficial
legislation restn , and it can not bo guarded
with too zealous care. Tlio house-clout is said
to bo anti-railroad. Tins is doubtless
true , but the senate is probably
close cither way. With the com
mittees in the hands of tlio enemies of the
people , however , there can bo no hope for
needed renovations. It may bo Cady , but
under the present outlook tlio clcctiou of
cither Dempster or Watson Is almost a
foregone conclusion. Dempster Is oro-
nounced on railroad questions. Manipula
tions will 1)0 watched with increased interest
from tills out.
Colonel E. T. Gadd is in Denver on busi
ness connected with the new Christum uni
Tlio annual repot ts of the various state
ofllccrs will go into the hands of the gover
nor to-morrow.
The loss to the proprietor of the Raymond
flouring mills by the late fire aggregates
fl,5UO. Total lots , $14,000. Insurance , S'J.500.
The Emulous mandamus east ) will probably
bo heard in the supreme court on the lath.
Mr. Emmons says ho is carrying the case to
the court of lust resort for tlio benefit of the
poor.Oi : the 15th of Dorcm'jfir , the Hurllngton
railroad company will inaugurate n change
in the shipment of live Htock. of
shipping by to much per car the rale will be
so mneh per 100 pounds.
The sewer assessment has been adopted In
spite of vigorous kicks und protests. De
spite protests from nine of the prominent
property owners in the Second district the
original motion went through by a vote of 7
to 1. Ensign voted no.
The Carpenters' union will give n social to
all members of the craft on next Tuesday
overling , There will bo music , games , danc
ing , speeches , and u general good timo. All
carpenters , whether members of the union
or not , will bo cordially welcomed.
ON THE tuanci ) niuii : .
The friends of Hillings have wired him to
coma home. He is said to be in Chicago de
livering scienttlle speeches. No word , how
ever , Indicates that ho is coming , nnd the
belief grows that tin may not come at all. Ho
has friends who still behove In him. He has
friends who defend him to the nnd. The
latest inoculation developments , proving that
it only takes from twenty-uoveu to thirty days
to kill off u herd of hogs after vaccination ,
knocks general rontldanco to the four winds.
In fact , confidence in Hillings is way below
par. Hut his steadfast friends claim that ho
has a rl-fht to be heard in self-defense , and
ask a stay of judgment for a reasonable
The annual council of the Brotherhood of
St Andrew commenced to-day at the church
of tno Holy Comforter. The programme for
the day was as follows ,
Holy communion at the church of the Holy
Comforter at S u. in ,
Special meeting at 10ill : ) in Masonic Tem
ple , with sermon by HUhop Worthlngton.
Husincus session ati \ p. in. , presided over
by thu bishop.
Bcrmoii und baptism at 7. p. in. at St. An
drew's ' chapel.
Special business session ot the church of
thu Holy Comforter ntti p. m.
The fourth annual session of tbo Ne
braska Dalryincu-s association will bo hold
at Gibbon , lluffulo county , commencing Do-
cumber 18. The session will conclude on the
20th. It will bo ouo of the most interesting
over held ID the state.
Ciciicrnl and 5Iru , liarrlann.
Very line ctohcd portraits of Presi
dent-elect and Mrs. linrribon have Hist
been issued by M. R. Hyiimn , publish
ers of thu Indianapolis floral * ! , Agents
wiuitcd in every town in the United
States. Send loc for sample portraits
und terms to ugonts , Ad drees
M. It. livaiAN , Publisher ,
Indianapolis , Jnd.
The First Sketch or Miuioln'x Eman
cipation Proclamation.
The Nloholny and Hay Life of Lin
coln in the December Century gives an
account of the first sketch of the Eman
cipation Proclamation , the original
draft being1 hoi'c printed for the first
time. A cabinet mooting' was hold on
July 22,1802 ; concerning this meeting
we quota us follows : "Further confer
ence was had on organizing negro roiri-
monts , but Lincoln decided tlmt tlio
moment had not yet arrived when this
policy could bo safely entered upon.
Writes Clmso : 'Tho impression loft
upon my mind by the wholes discussion
was , that while tlio president thought
that the organization , equipment , and
arming of negroes like other soldiers
would bo productive of more- evil tlmn
good , ho was not unwilling that com
manders should , at their discretion ,
arm , for purely defensive purposes ,
slaves coining within their lines. Hut
on tlio kindred policy of emancipation
the pmjsidcnt Imd reached a decision
which appears to liayo boon in advance
of the views of his on tire cabinet.
Probably greatly to their surprise , he
read to them the
following draft of a
proclamation warning the rebels of tlio
pains and penalties of the Confiscation
act , and whiles renewing his tender of
compensation to loyal states which
would adopt gradual abolishment , add
ing a summary military order , as com-
inundor-in-chiof , declaring free the
slaves of all states which might be In
rebellion on January 1 , 18K ( ! . The text
of this first draft of tlio emancipation
proclamation is hero printed for the
lirst time : 'In pursuance of the sixth
suction of the act of congress entitled ,
"An net to suppress insurrection and to
punish troobon and rebellion , to seize
und confiscate property of rebels , and
for other purposes , " approved July 17 ,
1802 , and which act and the joint reso
lution explanatory thereof arc herewith
published , I , Abraham Lincoln , presi
dent of the United Stales , do hereby
proclaim to and warn all persons within
the contemplation of said sixth section
to cense participating in , aiding , coun- ,
tennncing , or abetting thu existing ro-
hellion , or any rebellion against the
government of the United States , and
to return to their proper allegiance to
the United States , on pain of the forfeiture * -
foituro and seizures , aa within and by
sixth section provided.
' „ ' 'And I hereby make known that it
is my purpose , upon the next mooting
of congress , to again recommend a- prac
tical measure for. tendering pecuniary
aid to the free choice ou rejection of
any and all states , which may then bo
recognizing or practically sustaining
the authority of the United States , and
which may then have volnntarlnly
adoplcd , or thereafter may voluntarily
adopt , gradual abolishment of slavery
within such stale or states ; that the ob
ject ia to practically restore , thencefor
ward to be maintained , thu constitu
tional relation between the general
government and each nnd all the states
wherein that relation is now suspended
or disturbed ; and that for this object
tlio war , as it has boon , will bo proso-
cutcd. And as a fit and necessary mili
tary measure for effecting this object , I.
as cominnndor-in-chiof of the army nnd
navy of the United States , do order and
declare that on tlio llrst day of January
In the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixtv-threo , all per
sons held as slaves within any state or
states wherein thu constitutional au
thority of the United States shall not
then bo practically recognized , sub-
mitted'to and maintained , shall then ,
thenceforward , und forever bo free. '
"Of the cabinet proceedings which
followed the reading of this momentous
document we have unfortunately only
very brief memoranda. Every member
of the council was , wo may infer , bewil
dered by the magnitude and boldness
of tlio proposal , The sudden considera
tion of this critical question reveals to
f PK Wcarathconl > ' diamond importers in Omaha. Foj
i 111 0 proofs sec books in Onutlm custom house.
Diamond Fins ,
Diamond Earrings , -$3 , $5 , $10 , $15 , $20 , $25 , $50 , $100 , $500 , $1,000
Diamond Studs$3
Diamond Studs , J
IIUltllAP We carry all makes of American and Imported Watches in gel < J
HalUlCy-a silver cases- Prices ranging1 from $2.5010 $1,000.
T IfSl/OC1' / Special bargains for one \veck in diamond sci , ladies' gold
J tlvlivvJ watches. Look at them and compare prices.
T/Vl7AllVr c mvc l'lc ' latcstdesigns in rich jewelry at lower prices than
/ )
J\J \ \ 111 J " "ever before.
_ B AVe do not confine ourselves to one manufacturer , but have
-fjL thc choicest patterns of the leading makers Whiting , Goi
glL' > = "BIham1 Towle , etc. , all of which we sell at less than Now York
prices , A comparison will convince the most skeptical ,
Clocks , Umbrellas , Out Glass , Fine Cliina , Bronzes , Etch
ings and Art Goods of every description. It is impossible to
enumerate every article in our different departments , and we
kindly request an inspection before purchasing.
' I
The finest and largest jewelry store in the west. No
trouble to show goods. One price. Everything marked in
plain figures. Open evenings.
us with vividness tlio difference _ iu
mental reach , readiness und decision
between the president and his conbtitu-
tional advisors. Only two of the num
ber gave the measure their unreserved
concurrence , even after discussion. It
is strange that ono of these was the
cautious attorney general , the ronre-
sentativc of the conservative faction of
the slaveholding state of Missouri , and
that the member who opposed the
measure ns a whole , and pro
posed to achieve the result nidi
rectly through the scattered and
divided action of local commanders in
military departments , was the unti-
slavery secretary of tlio treasury , Mr.
Chase , representing : perhaps more
nearly than any other the abolition fac
tion of the free state of Ohio. All
were astonished , except the two to
whom It had been mentioned a weolc
before. None of the others had oven
considered such a stop _ . Hut from the
mind and will of President Lincoln the
determination an announcement to his
cabinet came almost as complete in
form and certain in intention on that
memorable Tuesday of July as when ,
two months later , it was given to the
public , or as oflieially proclaimed on
the succeeding Now Year's day , an ir
revocable o.xeoulivo iot. "
Advloo to Mothers.
Mrs. Wnslow's Soothing1 Syrup should al
ways bo used for children teething. Itsoothos
tin , ' child , softens the gums , allay , all pain ,
ctiresjwind colic , anu is the best remedy for
dlarrlicua. 'S > i u bottle.
KnlhvayH of tlio United States.
Now York Times : Hero are homo
actual facts.Yo have over ono hun
dred thouHand miles of railway in the
United Slates , and this year wo shall
build 10,01)0 ) miles more. Ties arc
requibito , and the lifo of n tie is snvon
years , und to replace those tics NiO,000-
000 now ones are requisite. The de
mand for tics , since young timber is
used , strikes nt the very source of the
Bupply , General Brisbln ostimutos the
value of wooden fences in the United
States at u timber cost of fci.000,000,000 ,
und that it takes half ns much money
every year to keou them in rqpair. A
train of cars 11,000 miles long supplies
Chicago with lumber for a vonr. Last
year 300 square miles of umber were
cut to moot the demands of the Chicago
market alone. This timber is not
wasted , but is it not ovluont thnt there
mtibt come , sooner or later , an end to
the forostb ? It means u timber famine.
If the denudation bo carried to its , ut
most limit , what tlionV Climatic
changes and water supply dimin
ished , streams will no longer bo
navigable , uud the source of wutor for
portable purposes In largo cities might
become scant. It may eooin fur fetched ,
but If the high regions around Now
York city wcro denuded of their forest
growth there would bo periods when the
water provision foi' this city would bo
scant , notwithstanding the building of
gigantic storage basins , Ocnorul Urls-
bin believes the rainfall is identical
with forest distribution. "Garden and
Forest" tolls us that although tree
planting inuy not yet have made cll-
nmtio changes in Nebraska , yet the in
fluence of trees hits bcneflttcd the land
simply by retaining the moisture in the
soil. What might arise if there wcro
tree growing In larger proportion , wo
do not know. There is no roaxon to
doubt that there would bo nn increasing
rainfall. The author brings out very
cleverly what nro the effects of treea
planted near Hat uroos of hind , and ex
plains tlio advantage of shelter bolts ,
The wind rites over the trees und its
force is broken. There must bo then
lees evaporation , or , if the winds bo
heavy , direct barrier ; * , preventing the
the beating down of crops.
To keep pace with our great overcoat sale , we will offer this
week some exceDtional bargains in Furnishing goods , "We shall
have in every department some special drives , and call your at
tention to the following bargains in Underwear.
Natural Wool Shirts nml Drawers , silk trimmed , at G5c ; regular value , SI.
Fine Cashmere Shirts ami Drawers , in boautifiil cliveshmlc , at $1 each ; goods worth ftillj' $1.50.
Very fine silk finished Hulbriggan Shirts and Drawers , full regular wade at $1.23 ench. ? 2 is the low
est price these gocds can b'e bought for else where.
AS A CLIMAX to this great Underwear Sale , wo will offer MONDAY MORNING
75 dozen genuine sanitary wool shirts and drawers , elegantly
trimmed with silk braid , at 95c each ; we guarantee the regular
price of these goods as $1.75 a piece.
Our Glove Department is the busiest in town. We carry an immense - -
mense line from the lowest to the finest grades. Our gloves take
up strnce enough to make a little store by itself. We keep only re
By "WARRANT" we mean that we takeSevery pair back which
rip or tearand replace them with a new pair or refund the money.
The special drive on the fllove Counter this week will be 25 do/en good Kid Gloves with genuine lamb
skin lining , nt 50c a pair. They can't be matched for $1.00.
We will cnll your attention to our elegant line of Funi wiling Gooils , which we are now showing for
the holiday tnulo. Such n varioly of excellent and huiuUomo goods have never boon displayed before
and AVC will guarantee to have yon at least SO per cent on all purchases made from our oxloii3ivo8loclc.
The system of helling every article at Hie lowX'eft possible prices is tlio ruling principle of out1 business.
Among llic many articles which wo cnrrv and which would make useful presents for gentlemen , we
enumerate the following
Elegant Silk Suspenders.
Silk and Cashmere Mufflers in beautiful patterns and newest designs ,
Silk Umbrellas at all prices ,
Neckwear , in velvet , plush and silk , of choice designs and latest
styles. AH at extremely few prices.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
If inUCV audiill tiriii.iryironlilt/i / i-sBlly.fjulcV. ir. J.
MUHUI lyuiidDartflycuredUyOOarUUAJ'ai"
luluu. Savorul cajjes curd'A la ijQYun iirty , "plil " SurKeonand ' tlY , Icntt . , . . . . . ,
" ' ! 0ffi cRnsf llli-for w'Si. " ± t/rftil.5Sissi'iiAl / ! rtl toM f < A
. I'ul stloiia F'y ! , , - M9-"c' . *
I .
tnWhone. IK > ; U 'iasm ; t lupUou * 5JJ. ROF. F. C. FOWLER. MooUu , Conn.