THE OMAHA DAILY BBS : MONDAY , DECEMBER 10. 1888. 3 rim's MiJ TXXA , loafi K > . rrtirt Bcina Companr. Atltntc. O . Of n- llemcn Ono nt my tlill < 1rrn WM troiiMed null tlivimMlita curt Iclln for utoiit two you. Wo rtvn tier varlaui kind * of inrCI. Inr , bat wlthaiit rro3t , nnO IKRnn In ( It i.nlr etcartnirlrftr Kt AIL t wn pcrtua'tvl totrr yant Knltfi Htxclflo. Xflor h IIK ) ncra tereral b ttlc Ihortll'Mrs nil Olr i'nfnrr < l , n'l ill ) If now ft liilr , lenrtT Hid lionllhy tWflvo yrnn oU. Another child hat nrl t > ccon\o amictol la tlj * tnmt tv r. nd I niu > litlicB.S ! H. uil untlelpum ( i prompt Dd pcfomncnt care. H. a WAQUOKIB. * -nicir irtLt , Mo , July T , IW-Tho Brrtft Bprcino Co. . Atliuln , on. Ocatltirrn : Our IIU1 ijlrl > Tbon liiit Ilirpo trttbiiold brok * out with fcrtnn. WouiM the prcKilpllani from xrcral eoo < 1 doctors , tmt vrlthout nay incclal bmi fit Wn trkd 8. S. 3 , raJ by th llmoa * t > nttlan sono ber houl l > Ntin t , aoJ tiy Uio lline ilia h" < l Hken olx . j hs via complotnlr euro ! . > ow the n full and lifary haarfof hair n robu.t , brnrtr rTifld. I fret It ti-it my Oiitr to I IMi itatrmmt. lutpcclfulijr. It. T. i'noer. CniTTiJioO'ii , Tun , Juno ft. IW1 Th CnlftiUraiftaCo. Atlanta , ( la. urj.tlrmon I In IKM J cnnUrcl * . ! blood pc.Uun , anil at cine * louaht tniritlcjau , r/bo treatwl run for " tral m-nttu > _ fly lti , a < ltl < o I went to Crab OrchfrJ K ovbnr Mi courto of troatt.unt < Sn > curfnlly cbsrncd. I tccor. rrwl , M t tUt < rnt , bill ih urt &trlnin > lm. tile * beswi to * vi ar on rar ( srn ni I body. Tliora craau-3ltx Inennipd to mm , nnd run- tilnft tiJcom. 1 trai arlvlicrt tn trr H H. H. , nnd | -jim ( ? ilatirfyDfter taking It I cnniminceil to Jmprmp. slowly nt nri-t , Imt moro rapMtr livrwirda , unit ooa nuthlna nmnlnol to tc-ll of my tl''iiblo. I'y tilmi.1 l > i nw thor < ( tiltlily clunr.wil. and inr njulcnt f.-infrnm Uilut , ami I niT rar prrtcnt iMinitltlnn psrfcctcurr to ) our m dkl o. Ichcerfulljr RlrR ttil * oiatemriit ttat ( , thorn nlm t.n\ . I vrtcro.1 iw I hivn mny nap thn tame bci.rnu lUnnr U. 1JUUT , 21 Wor-t Ninth St. nonr.ii. ! . . , May t-L I8 < a-Tio ) nwirt Scclto | Co , Atlanta , tin OontloMcn ! About two v ari nun my K < mi ral lienllh tavc nay en. Itrcly. I was K < > dphllltatwl Iliat 1 olrarxt flMtiMrcil of ever fccllliK well OKiiln. All that the t'li > flclni8 : rtone for mat > rnuirlitro permanftit rellrf. Frtrmli Inilstnl that I tibiilrt give a. a. 8. a fair tilal , althuUKh I thoUKlit It would b tbroivliie anv money. After taking n thorough rimrsu , my licnlth Mil t-trcMitili reliirneil.niul 1 mini ror ttiat . 8. H. Rlune rurcd me , aa I dlu-aravd nil othrri while utlnK It. A a tonic I ran moit bfatllly rocnnimcnd It | tor ccnpral ilobllltr , ttccrtaluljrlia p clflo. W.V. niiiLTi , J.K Hnurn , I.A.-1 know Mr. W. K. Ilrlilfei , aod WUltay tbttlhj , utatcinont licorrrct. Josicm SUKLTON. UruggUt. Trtatlso on Illoml anil Shin niscaroi niatloj freo. TUP. BKIKI HIKCIFIC Co. , I > ra\rcr Atlanta , Ua. Thonisos s Celebrated GLOVE - FITTING WMM : CORSETS . IIAVI : NKvr.u igrAi : , TO KNT MAICI : . MO Hi : 1'OPUl.AH THAN iviit : , A rBKFBOT Fir Throe Lengths ue. > TX > a Short. Medium nnU Ux- fVlfetiMl | traLonB. rw / Wa Twelve Gracl09 < tpf " * ' ? ' Awnnls ' t'ft' ' t&X * Mifc'hcM IW ( < XA t'VwM rantnl. 1'HE UKSr GOODS A 'I ) CHKAW3ST QUAMTY. FOII SALK EYEllVWHKKC. THOMSON , LAHOroOH & CO. , NEW YORK. OI.i : MANLrACTI HiUS. Mention lUc umalia Ueo Sure CuresESTABUSIJEDI851 ! } 183 So. Ills. Clark Chicago , . St. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Cbronic , Keryons and Priyate Diseases , Xi- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Fnlllnc Memory , Exhaustinp Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Acne and all the effects leadinq to early decay and peihap * Consumption ci Insanity , treated scientifically by new inctliuJs with * lever-failmi ; MICCCSS. -SYPHILIS and all bail Blood and Skin Dis eases permanently cured. * S-KlDMEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcocete and .ill diseases of the Genlto-Urinary Organs cuied promptly wthout > Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. MyNo experiments , Age and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. 43-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases 491 hose contemplatinc Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male iind Female , each 15 cents , both as cents ( stamp * ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may savefuturesuffer- IIIR and shame , and add golden years to life.KB"Hook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors"socentsstamps ( ) . Meilicino anil writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 lo 8. Sundays 9 to 13 , Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. CHICAGO RAILWAY. Ontaiia , Council Bluffs And Chicago , IBW of inn numtrous points of itiperlorltr iatro i of this road betwo-n Omaha e IU thrre tralni n il / of DAY rBT.'J.r.r."M"d ? rB yi 1n st tliat riuman artiind IncBiiulty ran create. Iti I'AI.ACKHI.KKI'I.NU CARS } vS.'l,1 ii ° r " * 'll.c'lc ' ' * ? not l ) < l f ° 11"1' el anhere At < ouncll Illiitr . * iho tralni df tbu Union 1'acltlo Kail , war connect In u-ilon depot with lliojo of tha Chi- ff , A Norlhwe tni Itr In Clileavo the traliiiif Ka'tcrn fine § * ' Cl0 * " co"uec"OB""i ' the uof allothsr for Dflroii'rolumbin , Indlanapolli. Cincinnati , r.iaxara l allf , ItuiTalo. I'ltltbur , Toronto , Montrpftl .jonon , Jew York , I'lillaUolpUm. llalthuoro. Waah. jngtou. od all point ! In the jta.t , Aik "or ticket. T | ' ' if . 'NORTHWESTERN „ A" Mrtil . . . u. uuciiurr , % i. wnaov Oen'l Manager. ' { , euYl'i.7AlIeDl. r. N. B A ncocK. .UK ffiffif'Al ent. 1) . M. KIM IJAI.U Ticket Aiient. , , " K > WK8T. Cltr l' ii n er Agent KOI F rn m St. dm alia. Nub. XllC XOX X111S CHILD JLIKXS ItEST \ IS THB "Anchor" Stona Builds Blocks , real atone , ttirva color * . Ilia II11HT . JtraENl' for 'children ' tail aJulK Fur 1.7Sor I2.UJ a goal Ufcngo Uii. / { < [ > ! } for DeicrtrUvo Catilosue , cent po t-jrce , to F , AD , RIOHTCn & OO , , 010 Oroidway. New Vork. 100 CIGARS FREE. KXTHA HOLIDAY Ul' ii ( . To rapldlr IntriHtuce our new "l'mi y tiir u" cigar. W will , ir ordered at once , Urlltnr 1UU ol tbou , 1 > > oie ot to cUar * eucli 1 ltin : to HUT I'oit or Kzpro otnc In the U. H. Alia ie yrur't tub * crliilluu postpaid to'l'exiii Nltlliiu * upon re ceipt or lour dullin Ibo jearl/ r tu ( nrthm pop. uUrllluitrtled UIUIKB journal , \Vrllo uame and Hitdreia plalulr. Itcinlt br tuull or poital uoto and aJdren nl once K. W. TANSILL & CO. , 55 State St. , Chicago- into < ARE tjou THE BEST THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , WhontVoalc nnd Considerably Lower Than Yesterday. CORN DULL AND UNCHANGED. 1'rovlMons Itctronrndlne Cnttlo Killed Unusually Slow I In ; ; He- cclpts Will 1)0 Almut JJU.OOO I/css Thau Ijnst Week. CHICAGO PHOIHJCi : MAKICfjr. CHICAGO , Dec. S. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Unc.1 This was u dull and weak Satur day in the wlicat mnrxot. The ran go of prices wiis 11'c. anil the average was con > sidcrably below that of yesterday. Tlio opening for May was $1.00 > / . Tlid market sold up to $1 10l (3t.lO ( , aiid down toS1.0'Jx' ' ' , during the Hrst hour. At iJ.U'Ji there was good buying , nnd dtmiiR the tnlddlu part of the session the price ranged at Sl.O'Jfs ® l.otijf. About 12.31) ) o'clock a brcaU occurred which dirncd the market down to tl.0 > , ' . The scalping sentiment was bearish , and the crowd In the pit worried the market down , Which they hul : little trouble in doing , on ac count of the light volume of trade. The market recovered fractionally , but In the lust llftccn minutes it sold oil again to Sl.Os f , with a tradu or two t $ Ub\@l.lbX. Iho close was $1 OSJ < . .January opened at 51. ( M V , ranged atl 04 , ' @ 1.03's ' nnd closed util.OJ , . As compared with yesterday , this Miowa a shrinkage of JjC. Tim grain trade has its eyes turned on the northwest. The bulls up there promised several weolts ago that the receipts were going to fall oil rnpidly in the near future , niut every wool : they have insisted that a few days moro would witness u slurp letting down in the movement. Vet the icceipts at Minne apolis have kept right up. Kor a while the explanation that the icecipts lepresentod the gram that had accumulated on side-tracks , was accepted as satisfactoiy. When that became stale the information was vouch safed that tl'e wheat coming forwnul was from the country elevators , nnd was being moved nearer the basis of the Hour supply , where It could bo kept under closer personal supervision. 'JLoday somebody hail it , that the high prices luling in Minneapolis were attracting wlicat from northern Nebraska and Iowa. Jn contradiction of this icport cnmo reliable advices from Iowa and Ne brasKa of small supplies of wheat in those sections. The shipment of quite a iot. on milling orders , to u point west of Davennort was reported by the commission merchants , 1-1 per cent of the freight being paid from Chicago westward. The small millers throughout northern Indiana nnrt Illinois are beginning to buy u little wheat hero , as usual at this season. The aggregate of this business is vmull , hut it tends to show that values are not wholly speculative , though it is piobably true that wheat here could not be ground into Hour at the present juices and sold at a profit , m consid erable quantities The foieign situation Is strong , according to the latest mini and tele graphic advices , and the e.\port shipments me discoiiracmgly small , but this circum stance is not allowed to disturb the serenity of the bulls. The visible supply is expected to show an increase of from 710,000 to 1,000- 000 bushels this week , and thereafter to show very slight further increase , unless indeed , the Hour market should be Minplied from in visible reserves , and warehouse stocks keep on growing , us some think jirobable. The volume of trade was small today. About thn only excitement shown was when Ken- nett was selling the market down from ? 1.0'.l = i to Jl O jf. The week closes bare and a shade lower than on last Saturday , with the situation not materially altered. The corn market wr.s dull almost to stag nation , but prices were a shade higher dur ing the gi eater part of the day , than they closed yesterday. January opened at * ioc , and May at 'l" c , which was > s'e better in both cases than hist quotations on Friday. Inspection returns showed only 17 cars of contract corn in to-day's receipts , while the weather was inild , but the atmosphere was heavy , and ruin threatened at this point. The Liverpool market wasquqted dull and lower , but there were moderate export clearances noted from the Atlantic ] > orts , nnd live boat loads wcro bought for shipment in New York , to-dny. Fluctuations were narrow and the day's business unintcrcbting and dull. The de mand for cash coin In store \\ns slack nnd nt lower prices than pi evaded jesterday. The closing prices were 35rif35'ic ' for January , and UTJjC for May , which is about where they slatted in the morning , but they ruled fractionally hicherthan those figures during the greater purl of the day , und only dropped back a few minutes from the close , influenced apparently by the weak closing of the wheat market. Charteis to-day were for IfiO.OOO bushels at 4c freight to Buffalo. The receipts for Momtay on the basis of Sun day's inspection on the Galena division , and the St. Paul roads being included , arc esti mated at S O cars. In provisions the improvement of the past few days was practically lost. Trading opened with a fair showing of strength , but as a prophet predicted , a larger run of hogs for the coming week , the old bear contingent led b.y Singer & Lialdwin , felt encouraged to lesumo operations , nnd future property was offered fieely. The old time tactics of pounding trade weio used tocood advantage , und without meeting much opposition , a sharp bicnk was easily forced. Declines fol lowed declines in a rapid manner , and at the adjournment the market rested nt the lowest figures touched for lard and short ribs , and only a shade hiuhcr than the same for pork. In pork the depreciation actually suffered was 30@30 > fc , in lurd IT ribs 15 < i l < c. CfllCAOO MVB STOCIl. CIIJCAOO , Dec. 8. ISpecial Telegram to TiiuUEB.l CATTLE A commission man said to-day. In a circular to his customers : "This Is a week In the cattle business Jong to bo remembered by those that had cattle here Cattle have been late arriving each day on account of the railroads undertaking to weigh stock in transit , so as to I IK reuse their freight rates Cuttle arriving late in the day had to be held over night , nnd with thu in creased receipts cadi day it was impossible to make n clearance since Tuesday. The re ceipts for the week will bo 01,000 head , and as u large proportion of them were corn-fed na tives , wo had moro pounds of beef for solo than wo had the big week of 70,000 head , and for the reasons given above the market has steadily declined from day to day , until wo hud to quote our ma rkct barely steady nt 60 QoOo per 100 ibs decline slnco hist Friday. Unless wo have lighter receipts "prices can not advance , " To-day trudo ruled unusually slow for oven Saturday , and the outlook ' was that many had to bu carried over 'for want of anything like sutisfucturyolds. There were only a few buyers present , nt best , und they had to be coaxed to go and look at stock. The receipts include 1,100 Texas cattle. Cliolco beeves , $ V.5@4,75 ; medium to good steers. : ,350 to 1,500 Ibs , W,50@UU ; 1.200 to 1,1)50 ) Jbs , f3.5@3.75 ; 950 to 1.2UO Ibs , i'2.fsOfl ( H.'JO : stockers and feeders , f 1.30(33.20 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , 1.15@2.SO ; bulk. il.60@-J.10 ; 1 Texas and Indiun steers , | J,00@3.25 , cowu , tl.10O3.00. Hoes The receipts for the week will bo about 23,000 Jess than lust week , The mar ket opened with hogs selling lOa lower on all grades nnd closing dull. Tuesday early morning prices were steady , with Monday's speculators and shippers being the principal buyers , liy the time packet u commenced buying thu market became weak and closed vcrp dull und lawcr than the opening prices. Wednesday was about the same as Tuesday. Thursday the receipts wcro not so heavy , and there was n better icclmg in the tnaikct , with some sales n little higher than the previous day. Friday the receipts wcro again light , and in consequence the market was strong unit higher , and ruled so until the close , with prices lOo higher than Thursday's closing market , closing with prices on heavy grades about the same as last week's close , while light hogs of nil grades are lOQlfio lower than last week's closing prices , To day there was a fair business until near the close when the demand scorned to ( all off , tug general market closluu rather easier than nt the openlne. The following word fiootit the vltBlnir prires- Good to choice heavy shipping , & > n.V < { * > 4. ; n few fancy heavy sold as high ns 5.5) ; fair to good heavy packing , gS.lO . 'i.a.'i ; heavy mixed , $ .VJ.X'i * > 8. > ; light mlxiKl.WHKgS 85 ; ns ortcd light , ? : . C0ni.2. | > ; light-light , J3.25QVDO ; snlt > s und roughlots , $1.50Q 5.00. FIXAXCI.VIi. NEW YORK , Dec. 8. fSpeelal Telegram to Tun 15ct.l STOCKS The stock market opened weak nnd feverish , with London u free seller of our securities. Gould stocks nnd Keck Island show the most Important declines , Missouri Pacific closing lf , and Kock Island I'f ' below the last prices re corded yesterday. The money market abroad is a disturbing element , and the rate has ruled as high ns 10012 per cent for the carry ing of American securities until the next set tlement day , next Tuesday. The loss of over ? 2tOO,000 in bank reserves induced some traders to realize frcely.nnd the result Is that thu mmkct closed nt about Inside prices for the day. Cotton seed oil , however , proved to be exceptional , and closes with n gain of , ° < per cent over last night. The Chicago , Burlington & Qulney sho.vsn lossof ? b' , Lake Shore , J < ; St. Paul , 1 ; Lncknwannn , % ; Northwestern , ; < ; Heading , P . nnd New England % per cent. The total sales for Iho day amounted to 111,000 shares , including Kendiuc , M.OCO ; Lake Shore , 7,000 ; Laeka- wanna , lO.tluO ; Northwestern , 7f > 00 ; St. I'.iu ) , 12,000 ; Missouri Pacific. 4.OJ ; New Kiiplaml , 7,000 ; Kock Island , 5,00) , and West ern Union "MiCO ) shares. The following were the closing quotations ! U.S. 41 rcRtil-xr . .127 Northern IMclllc. . 2I > 4 U.S. 4icoill'iH. ! U * Oop'oforreil iSb'i U.S.4'isrocnlnr. ' . 1U3 C. k N.V U. S. Uiscoitpons .10 * do preferred. . . . ,1.W Pnclllclisof 'irt . . .IH N. V. Central iM'i Ccntrnl IMr-lllo . . . fl'J ' I' . , 1) . A : I' - ' ( Chlcnuo & Alton 111 lltorlc lulnml f > i Ohlcano.llurllnstoii iC. . M. & St. I * . . . . bl \ Qulticv ICO'j1 ' tlopmferroO lum n. . I , . * \V 1 < 5'5 ' St.I'aiiKVD.nah.i . : iu"4 Illinois Central. . .Ill's ' ! tlopreferreil WJ ) I.II.V\V 1.1 Union I'.icitlc r.'i.i Ktniins . . lPW..St. I. . A I1 It LnkcShoro . . . . f'J'ji Uo prpfprretl.IU .Mlrhlfan Cent l.U ( > i Western Union 31 MlhwiirU'.icitlc . . . 70i' ! ' MONEY ON Gii.t. Easy nt 1 per cent. I'uiMC MEUCANTIU i'lrcit l ' " ; i'ujilj'j pot" cent. StnitLtNO KKCII WOE Dull but steady , nt SI.SJ1 ! for Rixty-day bills , nnil S1.S8J.C for tlo- tnuud. * IMtODUC- ! : . OniiMno. Dec. S. Wheat Wean nnrt lower ; cash , { 1.02 # ; Jnnunr.v , fl.03X ; May , Corn Stead vt cash , 34 cc ; Jnnuiii'.v , < ' ft I lto ! ; May , liTj o. Oats Easy ; cash , "G c ; January , U'OJjO ; Iny , 2'fsc. Ilvo 51c. li.trioy No trailinrf. Prune Timothy Nothing doinjr. Klax-l 54) ) . Wliiskv * l.-0. Pork Lower ; cash , fin.Il'J1 ; January , : > ; ; May , J137TH- Lard Lower ; cash , fSOTV ; Jnnunry , Klnur Finn ; winter wheat , S3 7513.73 ; sprinc wheat , $4.-5i ( i 75 ; rye , > ,1 "itlfi ( > 't73 Hulk .Meats Shonlileis , $ , ( ) . ) ( i7.1' . short clear , S7.3i'fl'ijr.50 ( ; short ribs , $ .OJ4 ? 7.10. 7.10.Uutter liasy ; creamery , ! 27. ' < 32c ; dairy , Cheese Firm ; full cream cliotldais and ll.its , 10J < ( llc ; Young Americas , llL'yi ) II ? { < . liL'ss-Fresh , 20@2lc. Hides Unchanged ; hoary green saltel , ( ' ( ' - c ; lislit ( jroen "s.ilteil , iVfc ; Rruon , r > u ; salted bull , "I'ic ' ; gieon bull , t'j'o ' ; Rt-aan dry Hint , 7' f < 6-'j ; dry c < llf , 7t < JSc ; braiflol hides , 15 per cent , off ; deacons , liiJc ; ! eajh ; drv salted. lOMloe. Tallow Unclianged ; No. 1 , soliit5c ; No. S , c ; cake , oj 'c. Ueecit'ts. Shiuinonts. Flour , bbls 10,000 5,000 Wheat bu 23.000 13,000 Corn.bu 231OOU E03,0l,0 Oats , bu 17S.OOJ 9J.OOO Kyc , bu New York. Dee 8. Wheat Receipts , 11,003 ; exports , 159,200 , soot , market Irregu lar. Fair milling business , closing easier. No. 2 red , tl.OJ'ifOl.CHJi'ln ' elevator ; S1.W)4- Ol.OtiJi' alloat ; 9l.U5' ' Dl.07if f. o. b. No. 3 ted. ! > t@9SJ , e No. 1 red , il.14. Options dull early nnd ( ji'ifc up , declined ( ti c and closed steady about yesterday's prices , No. 2 red , January , closing at $1.05 ? . Corn Receipts , G'j.tiOO ' ; exports , 03,900 ; spot market quiet and % @ c higher with Ill-lit offerings , Xo. 8 , 47j c in elevator. 47 @lb c alloat ; ungiaucd mixed , 't7' < Ja3s1Jc ( ; options quiet nnd firm nnd } f@K" higher , January closing nt 47' < c. Oats Receipts , 01,003 : export" , 277 ; spot maikct a trille llrmcr o id quiet ; options dull but steady ; January closed at 3i' c ; spot No. 2 white , 3r K ; mixed western , 2' ) ' cOt3ic ; white western. Z\\\l/c. \ \ \ CifTco Options opened barely steady at 10@20 points down and closed steady at 20i > SO points below yesterday. Sales. 41,500 bags , including December , $ iri..riOui > 150V January , , February. 615.70 ; Murch , § 15.75 015.65 , April , $15 SJ@1500 Spot Ulo , barely steady nnd quiet ; falrcaiL'oes , $17,50. Petroleum Steady and quiet ; united closed nt SS c. Eggs Quiet nnd easy ; western,23c. Pork Active nnd easy ; mess , $ ll.i5t < M5.25. Lard Depressed and dull ; wesitnrn steam , $8 lV24 } ( 8. < i5 ; January closing at ? S.32. Uutter Weak and uull ; western dairy , 14 @ 23c ; western creamery , 20f 33c ; Elgin , scarce and nominal. Cheese Steady , with moderate demand ; western , 10lljfc. lilvcrnuol. Dec 8. [ Special Cablegram to THE DEE } 'i p. in. Close. Pork Holders offer freely ; prime mess , eastern , b2s lid , linn ; do , westoin , 71s3d , firm Lard Holders ofler sparingly ; spot 4Ss Cd , llrm ; December , 45s 3d , llrm ; January and February , 44s , Jirm Wheat Holders offer freely ; new No 2 , winter , Ss 2d , dull , do. spring , 8s Id , dull. Flour Holders offer freely nt 2s , llrm. Corn Holdeis offer fieely ; spot , 4s S } d , dull ; Deccmuei , 4s 7d , dull ; January. 4s 4Kd. dull ; February , 4s 3 > . ; d , steady 1AVK SPOCJIi. Cliiciico. Dee 8 1'ho Drovan1 Jour nal rcncrtsas follows. Cattle Receipts ' . ' .SOO ; market very weak : choice cceves , f4 25(34 ( 75 , steers , 42.SO/i 410 , flocker * and feeders , SI,80(0)3 ( ) U ) ; cows , culls nnd mixed , $ l.l5@2.bO ! ; Texas cattle , il lOQJ2i Hogs Receipts , 11,000 ; market strong ; mixed. 10(35 ( 35 , heavy , $5.20 ( < i5 50 ; light , | 5 1SC' 5 35 ; slops. ? 3 00@1.25 I3.00Q3.00. OMAHA 1.IVK a Cm tie. Saturday. Dec. 8 , 18SS. The receipts were very light and there was not very much of a market , but about every thing was cleaned up before the close. The prices paid were not much different from yesterday , but if anything the beef cattle brought a little ( inner prices. There wore no fresh receipts of feeders , but ono bunch which hud been warmed up a little on cars brought $3.25. Whllo the market this week has bean very unsatisfactory to sellers it has been no worse than tha other markets , but in many cases when cattle huvo gene on from hero it has only been to find a still worse market. _ lie s. Tbo market opened strong and active on good heavy hogs , but after the best had been selected the market dropped off suddenly under the influence , of the decline in pro visions , and closed 10u lower. Uvcrytlifng , however , was sold before the close. Slice p. Tborc was nothing hero to make a market. CHttlo. . B * , , , . . , , , . , , , 300 Hogs . 3,200 Pruvallmi ; i'rlum. The followln ? u a table of prioas paid 'la this raarKet for tha t'raJoi of stoolr mon. tioncd , PnuiosteoM. 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . 3.75 ( J84.25 Prime steoru. 1100 to 13JO ibs , , 3.U5 citi.OO Natiro feeders , . . . , . 2.75 (83.00 ( Western feeders . , . a. o ( < ta.90 Range steers , com'on to cholco 2.50 H.60 Common to good cows . 1 5 C 3.00 Common to choice bulls .V.jv. . 1.03 (32.00 Fairtoenoicoitshthoes. . . . . . . . 60J Cd5 ! , " > Falrtoctioico hoavv how 5.2 > Fmr to choice inix < Mho s. . . , . 5.10 lleprmrntitiva Kohl u > Shnvvinsr the nil nbjr of hoi sold to packers und leading buvcrs on 10-d.iy's kot : G. H. Hmnmoml tc Co . M2 Oinnliu I'aukiti ) , ' Co . 1.191 Armour-U. P. Co . liJ2 ( Total Cnttlo Snla > 4. Showing the total number of cattle bolt ! on tlio ililToiunt days of this week : Monday . . . 8" Wednesday 1,105 Thursday. . . . " " l.-0 Friday 1,310 Saturday OC > 3 OMAHA WIlOIiKSAMO .MAIIKIC'IS. I'rothice , 1'Vtiit-f , Etc. : u Fancy , solid-jiaoked creamery , 20 choice country , 2iiic2jc ; medium gr.idus , iNiBJlc ; common grades , 10rtl4c. ; Fie u Nebraska patents , fi ( ) . ) ( ( ? 7.5(1 ( ; Minnesota patents , fJ2".i < )7.73 ) ; btiauht ( 'rades , $5 00 aj.5) ) ; bakeirs' Hour , ? " > 23 5.75 jior bbl. i Poriroi : Nebraslrn , 2"j5j4)c per bu ; Colorado rado , 7"'i < ) -0j. . S\\ rut POT \TOKS 'VVMJjfo per Ib. PDUI.TIH Live cbiiTkcn1. , * J.5"rtJ.75 JILT Ap/ ; * priiis chlckciib , > . ' .uX < ( ) i.OJ ; dresse.l 'nukoiii , 7 ( < ? bc p3f Ib ; turkir/s , bf ( ( 10j. Euiii Strictly fieili , 2li ( 24cc < ttidlcd. MAI.VCIA On\rub-In hw > , I-'o pjr Ib. 15vvvs'iCoininonl.50v ( < > 2.23 per bunch , clioic-e , 5-2.50 1 V ) . LUMONS $5.00 per caso. Oil WOKS Florida , $15'7j ( } per box. GAME Per dozen : .Mallards , $ i.50C'2.73 ; teal. 81.00 ul.2V on-ill , * ! . ) ; praino chick ens. ? : ! .7. ( J4.00 ; rabbits , * 1 00 ; squirrels , il 00 ; venison , < K .10e per Ib. Cit \xiiuuitii : W OOiitii.UO per bbl I'ltovistoxs Hams , Xo. 1 , 11K ° ; Xo. 2 , lie ; shoulders , 7e ; rib bacon , lie ; clear bacon , ll'tfc ; picnic hams , 10c ; dried becl hams , 10 > c : dry salted clears , shoit , bKc ; extra short , S'-Ic ' ; short nb , S' ' c ; pickclcd plies' feet , 15-lb kits , feOc ; lard , Sf'i'Jc ' ; smoked sausage , ( ! ( < fSc per Ib ; hotf . Ucr.Uiiv 2,5 rf30e jiar dozfaenjncy , 40j. ONIONS tolOo ; ( jcr ) bu. CAIIIInis - WOO per 100. 13iirs : lOc per bu. TLUXirs S. > c parbu. nSvL-r.iiKitLUT I3bN , SI.75 ; Half bbls , ' 53.75. Ari'i.BS Choice , | J. JOi2'J.7.'i per bbl ; fancv , S3 CO per bbl ; comtr.o.i. il."iO ( < 01.75 per bbl. Cn > iit-Micliigan : , fJ.OOfgit.riO per bbl of 3'i pals ; California pear elder , H5.00 per bbl. Pol- Cons llice , Ho : common , 'J c. CMIIIOTlOe per bu. UKASS Choice custom hand picked navies , 2.00 per bushel ; western liandplckcii na vies , $1 r."ii ( l.iO ; mediums , Jl.3Uipl..VJ ( ; Lima be.tns , C-c per Ib. H\A F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland fO.OO : Xo. 2 upland , 5 DO. Hu\x St5fO@1000. CiioiM'Ki ) FIID : : ? 11.00@15.00 jier ton. Cons 2Ufiii7c. Vivnovii Cider , 10@lSc per gal.vhito ; wine , I ( ) ( > 20cperal. ( . Hoxin 1-lb fiames , 15@lSc. SPE 01A L NOT TOES. _ FOR SA I < K A fnw lots In ? t wnvt plnoo lit n bargain. The .M.itiopolitiin cnlilu ro.icl insh'-s this iiilcUtlon IID i.owu uvu. llun'ls \ Harris , loom -111. 1st Nntl II ink. 4HJ 771OU SAI.i : Ncurasku farms : no SHUT inveit- J. nit-lit c n bo made. .M. A. Uptou company , : ; U'yo. lilth stteet. 4UJ SIX linmlroil nnil forty ncres ctiolco liuitl In Ilimurd county , close to two rallroiuls ; for siilo nt n liiirKiitn. HICKH , Darker block. fi'O'.i ' "TT1OH SAIJJ A tlno N-foot ) corner on Ueorula Juv. . , MHith of Leavonworth. To tlio ritflit fori-ou who will noriipv this , tlio very lmt lenus anil Joint tlmuxull be given , K. 1C. Dar- liny. l' l I'arnum. atu U VTIJATil-room house bet. Douglas ami loilro ( Jon 261)1 ) St. , > ) , J' > 0 ( ) casli , biilauco eusy. Tie ! neat cottaKn N , VV. cor.anil niul Ohio , \\itli fi yoiii le.t-i' , can bo botiKlit for WOU. llntrhln- eon U'cud , IV.'l Doilge st. 1179 ! i CHOICK piece uf tMrknun propartv , S'Oxi 03 ffot.wltli uvuri-lx litmilidd font trontap ) on thu Holt Mau Hy , for naloat a bargain. Hicks , Itoom 1U , llurla-r block. CO ) U 7OU SAIiOr : will trade forstockof lnnl- u1 waio. J'rojierty in town of fiUUinliabltuntH , KRood intcii'.st as an Investment Ad * Uri-HSlt McNiilr , Crawford , Ncl ) . K11 \ : IitOH SAf.H IlurKiiIns for a iow ilaj-s. 1 HWxIfiOcor. : > ltii nnd Hint. I lest lotn in Illlluhlo No , i T. J. llcnrd & Ilro. , HIU DoiiKla * . l.U n TT\O you want n home ? C ill and sco t'io bar- J-'Kiiins o olFer in cholco residence proporty. 1 licks , Itoom 40 , Harbor block. MJO u FOIt a.\M-Tlat : excltiHl\elywltli > ! . A. I p- ton Cdiiiinmy. ; KI'J go , lutli btreet ; Kami lnaldo property at a llguro not moro thitn actual value If you i\nt your real cstatpsolil. 41M SI'KCIAIjbnri.-alns In fnrms. wextern Inniliiiid rlty property , call .nnil sua us. N b. Hft- tllngund Supply Co. Hoomli , lloatil of 'IVatle. U.JJ-JIJ TTiOK SAIjK-Ono ot the best places In or Jaronml the cltv to wturt u umall rod unU lumber yard nnd Kunrrpl grocery buslneKS. Hltuatedut thu Junction of tlm lltlt MIIH Jty. and two main ttivets leaillni ; out nt city m West Omaha , ( * iO ti-et tuchngc. and over R 0 feet frontage on main thoroughfare , n&fd by all the farmers living south and of thn city , 'llils is a bplentlld chance ( or u man \\ltli n in xleiate amount of money. ( Jeo. N. HICKS , llarkur Illoct. + MX ) 9 "ITIOIt SA M : ( load house of 7 rooms , full hit' L ! well , cittern , barn for 4 horses , bchool , church nnd stftr ncar tiy , street cars one blocJe juuiv , In growliiB part of city , good nfllchbor- hood , title perfect , irood home for jnan of mod. erate nieuns. Uet ready for next bprlnirby buy. ing a homo now : will t.ike a varant lot as part payment. 0 , 1' . Harrison. .Merchants Nat. bank. A FINK Improved farm near J'apllllon for sale , 13 miles from Oinalia at } li an acie , Apply at am Hainey street. 4 J7 ONK of the tlneat residenceson * C.ilIfo"rniT ; street on your own terms. Let tu show you : hla. H. i : . Cole , Contliiuutal block. 431 11 BAHOAlN Choice business lot on > I atieet , . near -'Ttli , South Omaha , for n few Uaya at IJ.OOO. Illcku , Itoom 41 Il rkerjllock. _ 6 9 U _ TTUM SAU-iiegant : double corner , lOOxIM ) J.1 feat , on Woolworth ave. and lend t. . facing JIauscom I'urk , perfect grade nnd Just the place residence block. 1'rJce . . urn * CFS for Sale liv Hicks-A J X iloubJo liotiio , Jilno nvtini rivh. Jn t com pleted on 1st street , llnnsrom placp , llr t-oln s nclKhborhood , itiniiiiltlreut view. Tno cnninds aio ? 5x.V | ) feet , east frnnt. 1'arh UOH I' JHIS h't nnd cold vnter , furnnc-p , liath room and clei 'lie bcll , nil completp , nud a line barn nlth < Uy water nnd so eraip connection * . This prop- eity Is only two lilocks from three street oar line * , nnd Is one of thn nlreat and most conve nient homos In the rlty. Can Elvp tmuiedlnto possession of the south hmiso with fo.un. This property v 111 pnyS per cent ou tl'.cuj. 1'rfce lor a few days SIVOU. Al o n nlco I'-room ' lio\ite on 2ftn t nonr llnrney. This pinpertv li close to the litislnois cetiteriif thoclt > , and \ery con\cnlenlly sltu > ntcd ai regards street inr lines ; rltj water nnd cistern ami n nice little liain. 1'rlrp * ; . ( XiO. inn KlImmedlato ) po esslon If sold -oon. Also n very Hire v rnnm house , furiince nml bath nUcntuphte , with lot OiKltiO feet , on I'leno near 26th st. Thills n llrst-classresidence and inn bo old for jtlS xi. \Vc can nlso otter very chn t > two elBht-rooin 1 o i esln Wiitiloor I'hi'-o. These houses weie built la tyent. ate two blocks west of t lilKh and sightly. 'Hio onner Irom the city , anil Is very deiiroin of i out his interests here , llerx Is n raio uppDituu- Itv toptiK-nroa lioini-at a veiy iii iier < iti < io f T o lots corner Jackson aim I/owe avenue , One of the Illicit lesldence sie | In West Omnn.u tnnRtilllrcnt view 1'ilco $ ' 04)1. ) Lot IK In block 1 ! , Shilll a second addition , a west fiont on ' 'dtli st. , iju feet sonthof J'opnle- ton nv. , on grndn it ml covered with beautiful Bhndu trees. 1'rlco 1 , 'KiO Lot A In block it. Ilanscom 1'lnce. iOxl'O feet , cist front ou .list st. . bet een I'oppleton nv. und I'ncltlc. nnd two blocks westot J'.xr.c uv , I'rlce M.5 HI. youth trout on 1'oppldtoii av. In llnnsrom I'Inee just wc-t of i"'inl at , and at the terminus of the cable line to bobullt in tha spiing. sl-e U5XIOO fiet i'llco KWW. 4" feet east fiont on H.'J'th st , iVIr lnln ave.i , two blocks south of rarnuin l. : itieet paved , with cirllne. fexu-r and tlty w.xterund Kin.utid atxiut 11 blocks from the coutt house. 1'rlco JV-'OJ. Also oiler tlio eholcest piece ot acre propertv nr.xind the i Itv. coiisNtltm of ID n < n > - . with comlortable home , b.uti , ! | ileinlid vh.uli1 Heps , etc. , clo > e to cltv mid function ot licit l.tno lalluny with T. K. .V M. V. railway. .Inst the place for a line nnd line fruit nndej.'ettble iraidcii. Tliis Is ono of the best pieces of lUM-stmcnt ptop rlv on thi'iimikot , us It ( .an tvj suu-dlvidi'd Into JO i holre lots that will -ell within three . \ eaiat from JIM ) to } ulJ ( eit'h. oiler tor a feilaMi nt JT/.Od. ( ieo. N. lllcki. ll.iiker bloiU. 41'7 ' U $ ,5 per month buys nn I' lio'i-o niih nil modern convenient e- > . locate < l in o 10 of the tines' icsltlt'iice lo * nt ons in Omali.t. Ne ca h piyment r iillrod ( and the Interest Is .n- eluded in the monthly p.ivment of i'.j pur month. What's the matter wit ! . Cole. Contl- neiitul bloi-k/ jit II FOIt bAl.i : lleautlftilhou-eof bath-room and store-loom , nttl ' o\or tne whole house ; housi' iimshed in nntiiUa | oak : Kitchen nnd upstnlus In mild pine : plei.dlrt finnace ; LlliJ-bbl rlhtern , city water , lint nmlculd wntei : east-liont lot , oiixHl. In the most desir- nblo iiolKhborhood In fie city. ourlouUing Onmlm and Council Illuir- , : house built for the ow tier's own use. Call and Investigate this piop- eity if\ou wanttobuy n peed home. C. ! ' . liar- rKoii , Merchants' Nat. Hank , _ J14 _ Foil SAIjC Ho you want a loin nt lowest rales on need Impioved Inside ptopeityi1 See M. A. Cptou company , at JUU So. luth strett. corner-South front li'lxlOO ieet I'oppleton av. , lli.ii-uiin I'lafe , Ilist-class neighborhood ; Mieet * nnd lot nil uiailed : new cable line to Half-coin I'.irlt will make tills pi op- erty advance at liust SU pet cent. 1'ilit * tin few dnjsonly K.'WI. ' on easy teims leo. ! N. Hicks , loom 4'i ' , ilaiker lilocK. fully FOIt S.U.K ulU aoros Hamilton Co. , Neb. laud , f ! ) per ncii * . onu'thlid cash , bnl.inci at 0 percent. AdiUess \ \ ' . J. Wlldman , Dciner Col { AKCiAIN nie.-ant re < ldencc with b.u n , * linth , tnrnact ! . hot niul cold wntnr. c ! < tern , gasetc. . , till complete , just ready foi occupiiin v. tail and see It. llicks , iO'in 40 , Dainci I'lot ' _ 7IOH SAMJ 1r trade ; whole or Vi Intore-t . AV ) ncres "miles from two It. U. ilenots. i" > iles from Om.ilin , beit impio < < ! -to k farm Neb. Una cluiuo for vouin ; with ioiii'V. Call or address Win. ( Jlb on. rmm P , Cliambef of Commerce , Omaha , or T. It liib- ton. rremont. N'-b. > ' < > ! dM * Vs 1'or Snle-l have 10 tlm- lot > in ire mid Inr sale. 1'or further information ss II. Jclleiy ( J.ib'ni , 111. _ l'J7 _ "IT OIt SAI.Hor pxclinngo Tor Improved cltv JL1 piopeity , tlnoe to live acic" . f land im tin ? Hell J.lne lly. . cspei lally suitable tur bilik y.ud puiposcs. This ( .round is uinleilaid with iisu- per.oriiuullty of clay nnil has It Ittimk-on one hide and u oed stream of woter on the otnor. Will tnk" bilck ntuct se.ii > n In part pay- nent. ( ieo. N. Hicks Ilaiker Hlock. o'w ' U TTICMt SAI.i : M. A. t'pton company hnve the -1 La"gains lii biiilnoss and residence popcrty. : b'cu them at 'Ml &o. ICth stieet. _ Wi _ rnwo-STOHY brick block , nearly ne v , with JL stores nn Hist t.loor nml seven loom Hats on f > ocond lloor. wit'i all mod-in improvements Thluniopcrty is on corner trontlDK pa\ed si reel , with ewi r , w.itcr and BIIX and brings nn rental ofil.fl'O. Will sell cheap on trms to htlit. Adlies ( H ,0 , Ueo. 4uJ "IJAKCAIN Choice corner. i.\HO ! feet , north JJand east front on How.nd nnd 2Hh stiosts. i Ice , for a few a.iy , JO.uOO Oeo. .X. Hicks. Duiker block. Ml. , U TT\ON'Tpay lent when you cAiibiiyanlcc homo JL/on payments of 4.l"i per month , Including in- teiest , and no cash payment leiitiiicd. Come all ye liomelc'-i and let us maKe you happy. ( II. K. Cole , block , l.U 11 7011 * SALIJ-n new house In n deMiable part of tlie city , two lot.s. house coiituns nil modern impio\ements , hot and cold wntrr , ftiinace. trus , bath , electric U'lls , and elpctilc gns lighting arinimu'iiunt. p.ulor- , , ) iill : nnd din ing room llnWied In onlc nnd < hcriy. I'or piiconnd tines ndilte'S 1' O. drawer 47 i ivy. _ _ _ _ . Jtii _ BAHOAIN Choice resMenrc site on 211th me nem llninev , ( iUJ.'t f et. pel feet grade nnd nkely situated between tt.laiv's me and Hnrney. Price 1' .2iJ. Oeo N. Jlkk.s. Marker blocit. _ _ _ _ _ iVJ'J ' U _ I710K SAI.i : Wo havathli teen lots In Central JL' subdivision. Council llliuts , t i-l\-e acies in Jtlce'.s biiuillvistoii. and el lit acie * adjoining llonton's second addition on I lie ninth , all iieitr Hlcctrlc Nloter lino. Will sell in n bun h nt a posltivo-batHaln. t ; , U Mayuw , Ueai tstnto Trust Co , , iiniiilia. 31 ( gbOQoiiysa full lot hnd Rood 4-room cottag' ) I'casv terms and good locitlon. I ) . V , Sholes , loom ijlu , First Nnt'l bank , cor J.'Ith und 1'ar- jiam. r.4 _ FOIt SAM : Choice tlvo aero wvt In West Oiiiana , close to llelt Line Hy , only twenty live minutes ride trom postolllce , toi f-ule lyi a short tlnio at } J.UU : , tmnll cn-h payment : long tlmo. Geo. N. Hicks , Darker block. iiU'J U FOIt PA 1. 1 : Or trade , lot * 1. 2 and .1 blork 7 , Kckerman ; will hell cheap for ca h or trirlo for good piano and part cnh. H' . J. Wlldmau , Denver. Colo. Ill'ill ' FOIt SAM : 040 acres of choice f.irm land , un improved , In central Nubmaka. A iMtvaln It sola soon. Hicks , Itoom 40 , ll.nker block.PT3 .7)0 ) .I FOK SAI.i : Two elesnnt hom"s In Hnn-com I'lnci'un loisoiiable turnii ; mort nc * paper taken as part payment , llosworth .V Jnplln , Ilaiker block TM FOU SAI/K-Or oxchangt ) lor Omaha prop erty , n ii'-res ' , Miitablft for plattlni ; ; will make 4UJ lot" , nil clear ; big money In It fur > < > me onu who cm puMi this : lei atca | u-t cut- bide ot the city linilts ot Council illnll-i. In- ( jiilro Oeo. J , tternsdonr. opp. postolhco. 12s TJ OIt SAI.n-Notfortiadn rtio acres ot Im- i proved Inua 2 milt's Irom Miminettc. m Hamilton Co. , Neb Kiamehou-u , frumo si.iMo ! M acres under a good 4 barb-wire fence , lotind cedar posts and 3 f tnys ; living water , good cor ral , 2 wells , wind-mill. . -u.irrtl tank , telt- feeder tioughs , etc , ; 7' acres clover , a good Hock ranch. I'rUembout HIV per acre ) JO.SOO Ca h . . . . a 600 'J years time atC per cent . . 3iyjij ( io ( Hid look over the land and uddiessihe owner , K. K. Atkins , IM2 Larimer st , Denver , Cole 120 Toilasow ( , Belfast , JMiblln Mini J/hrrpool From New York Every Tucsdav , Cabin pnhsauo i3 ami i'jO , according to location ot mate room. Kxcurclon itrt to i' < u. Htccrage to nnd from Kurope nt r.owest Halts. AUSTIN I1AUJW1N A : CO. , flfn'l Agents. Kt llroadway , New York. JOHN r.OUN , Gen'l Western Aseiit , 1C4 llundolph St. , ChlCHgo. HAltllV I ! . MOOItlM. ABCiit , Oinalia. Reduced Cabin Hales to Glasgow Kx- lilbitlon. , l. I'.XI.MKH. N ! > .ni'll > fAN. J. 11 ISIAM . . . > PALMEFJ , niCHMAN t < CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , MALEY Live Stock Couimission , Itoom K , KictianKO llullJlnu , Union Stock boutli Uiunlm. NeU. UNION STOCM YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Umited , AgricuittfrQi inTpTomcnto. CHURCHILL HANKER , Dealer in Agricnllural Implements , Wagons , Kid Hucelr * , li io < ? I root lUtu , Ouibi\ L TN TN a En ft M ETOA LF co. , Agricultural Implements , Wa onsCarrtage , ? llnpplci. Etc , \Vt'Ole .ile. Onmh IteMcrt In AEriciiltiiralIffliilenicntsWagonsiBng , } ics . UB unit IVJ Jonri Slrcal.Oruiiliii. " " p. p. Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CulllTMoro. llnj nakri.Cldfr Mllli unit I ulmn l'ul < _ icrlieri. Ccr nth knd Nlcholai Mrerti. _ \VINO NA IMPLEMENT CO.i Wholftnlr Agricnllnral Implements , Wapns & Buggies OMAHA nilANCII. J. F. SEIBERLING & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binte Twine , W IS Mi'iiil , Mnn'xcr. l.'ltic.iTonw > nh t Orunlia. MOLINE.MlLBUnN&STODDArm'Co MniiufnrturcrnnJ Ji > bbcrs in Wagons , Buggies , Rates , PJOWS Etc , Cor. Ctli n n 1 I'acillc ktrecti. Onmlm , Nob. Artists' Materials _ A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , lil i DoutilM Street , Omihn , _ Booksellers " nnd Statlonqrs. H. M , & S. W. JONES , SuccesicrMo A. T. KenTtn A Co. , \ Vhilciilc.Ilclnll Booksellers anil Stationers , KlneVcotltnp StAtmrrrr , ( oniineiclnl tAtloc UDom. . s Street Omulin , .Nfb. _ _ Boots antl Shooa- KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. . ( Succcfjori In Heed.Jpnrt A t-0 ) Wliolesale Manufacturers of Boots anil Shoes llr'ton IlutiCfr Mice Co 1103 , lit ! \ 1IW llnrnej St. , Om-vtia. .Scbraaka. XV. V. MORSE A CO. . Jobte of Boots and Shoes , 1101 HC3-IUC Uouglns 81. Oniahit Mnnulaclory , Sum- tuerM. llnton. Coffooe , Splcos , Etc- , . " -njw CLARKE COPFEE Go" Uiiinlia Coffee snil splcc Milli. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kitrncti , I.r.undrj llluo. Inkf. Ktc IU HID llarn y j-iruut. Orntha.Stlir ak . Crockery untl Closewa ro. " W. L. WRIGHT , Ap'nl ( or the Mnnufncturvra nnil Imporlots of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Kl" Offlff , SI7 S litli St. , Ooialia , Nubr Ka. PERKINS , CATCH & . LAUM/VN ImooriLTs a'id J"tibpr ot Crcckery , Glaware , Lamps , Silverware Ktc. 15)4 ) Fcr" .tc St.OT 1 utoii Uulldinii. _ _ CornmlBslon nnd Storage. RIDDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , Kpcclr.ptlc "lut'er r > r riiP" p r > ltrj , Gnmp. lUMlnwnrtlStrct t Omaha. CEO. SCHROEDER & . CO. . Successors to Mihbune A Hclirocdcr ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nobrneka , FREDERICK J FAIRBRASS. \Vholc5nic Flour. Feed , Grain anil General Cominision Merchant. Corrc ronilcnco tollrltoil toil North 1Clh StreetOiniihu. .Net * . Coal , Coke and Lima. " 6XL. COK E & LIME CO. " Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 13th Street , On-alm , Ncbratka , .7. /0/7-Y.SO.V / . ( CO , , Maiuifactiirers of Lime , And shippcr-i of Coiil , Coalc Cement , I'laslrr , I.lmc , Drum ' ( Ho iinil ' oner I'll"1 , oniu. , ! ! ! b. lUli M . Oinalia , Mcb. TtiiepliuiioMl. _ Dry Cooclo nna Notions- ' M. E SMITH A ; CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , HWanrt 1101 Dougln' , Cor Ilth Pt .Omaha , Neb. DirY GOODS Co Importer and Johliers in Dry GoodsNotions , Ucnta' rurulsUlne Cooili. Corner llth nud Uuney fcla. , Umolia. Nell rna kn , _ NEBRASKA F'UEL CO , . * ' Shirners of Coal and Cola 511 South ithf-t. ; . Onia'-a Neb. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnaui Strr CHARLES SHlVERICl < i Furniture Omulia. Nebraska. Crooorloa. " " PAXTONTCALLACHER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Proisions ? , 'Qi , ; < n , "M anil 711 S 10111 Ft. , Omabn , Nt > l > . McCORD. BRADY . \"cb. : Wholesale Grocers. 1 III anil I.carpDworlh Sirerti.Oaiaha , Nebra kr. Hardware. _ . " MAR KS BROS. SADD"LERY CO , \Vhc.k' aIo .Miinuluctuririuf Sadfilery&Jahoers of Saddlery Hardware AcU l.callier. H'JJ , 1CJ5 nuJ In ; UnrccHi. . , Omiitiu , .StUnma. Heavy Hardware. ' " W. J.'BROAYCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring ! , Wavon f-tork , Hardware , I.umtior , Utc. I'JW nJ 1211 Jlurnu HIMEDAUGII U TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and H Repair Shop , Uccbanici' Tool ! nnd IluDMo t-cnlcn. Hoi Douirlai Htltcl. Omnlja. .S'Blira ki. [ RECTOR , WILHELMY lit CO. , Wholesale Hardware , dli nnd Hariie ; hi * . . OmuliH NeliViilern Accnli lor Akitln Powder C'u , Jtllcr-cm ' - _ _ _ ' ' LEEVCLA'RKE , AND'REESEN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metnli , Hhfi't Iron , ctr At-'ftits for IIowu 8caie , iliumtI'OMdiTandJ.yiiuui liurljeilirv , UniHh.1 , Hate , Cape , Eto. " W.V. PAMROTTK It. CO. , " " " Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , UK llurucy fatieeUOuia.'ia. Nob. - . , Lumber. ' _ _ OMAHA LUMBliR'cuT All Kind ? , of Building Material at WIiotealE UfiElreutanU Union I'aolflc Track , Oin..h . LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer * in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sasl ) , UoOrn , Kto Viril rorner tin and UuuKlmi Coroei VUi uuj Uiu ltt * C. N. DIET2. Dealer in All Kinds of Limber , Htli ami Caiifomla Street * . Omaha , .Vcbnv t . ) I-HED w. CSRAY , Linuber Lime Ccicnl Elc Etc , , , , , , Corner fth i ml Doticlm rt . . Omnlin. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , llCJ 1'nrnam Street Omaha. A. WAKEFIELD" Wholesale Lumber Etc , CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , WPO > > Ori-ftx niul I'nrqnrt ( Ipurlnit I'tli and tKiugtai rVtllllnory nnd Notlono. " " " * I. OUEnFELDEn , N : CO. , luporlcK & JobUcre in Millinery & Notions ; in nnd1 \ South lllh M Ovornlla. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Mannfaclnrcrs of Oycralls , Jcatis r.-ints , fcLlrta , Fl IIIKitiul 1IUI Uoutfliu Street. Uiunlm. .NiI ) . _ J. T. R O B N S ON TvJ 6 fl O N Wholesale Noiioiis and Fiirnisliing Goods nth inth SI . Oti.nlm. Oils- - _ _ CO NSbLfDATED TANK LIN E CO. , V/liolsalc / Refined and Lnliricaling Oils , Ai'o ; ( Ircnic , Ktr , Oinalin. A. 11 lllfhop , Mnnnif.-c . VIN Y A"RD & " SCHNEIDER , Nolions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 11(6 ( llimpy Struol. Oinnlia Office FixturoB. TIIK SrlMMUNIW MANITl'ACl'UUINO CoT " ' ' BanK , OJIiee'S'salcoii Fixtures , Muntli" Mclrlionrl" Hook Cji c . DriiK nmiroi\Vall Cn c .l'ftrtitiin llHillaux.l oimtor" . Hcirnml Wjnq ro < > lor. Mlrnu1' * ctt * bnclory nm1 itrtkco. r.JOauil 1 < J4 boulh bill hi , Oiuulin Tclcphu Points and Oils. \Vholc iilo lc > itlor < In Paints , Oils , Window Gin , Elc , UN Vnrnnm Ptroct. Omnlm.Nob. " _ _ _ Pnpor. CARPENTER I'AFEn CC. . WliolesalB Paper Dealers , Tarry inlf o Hock of Printing.Vniiplnir | nnd Wrlttna I'Kftt. fepiclnl uttt'iitlon iU t'li t . tar lou.l urJurj. Pnpor Boxos. ' " " > JOHN 'L" WILKIE. Proprietor Oinalia Paper Box Factory , Nos 111 ; uml UIO Uou bt. , Onmbn , Nell. Soocls. Wliolesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds lilt nnn Mj.loncs i-tri'il Unrilm. Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARfvTsTRONcT PETTIS \ CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Coininission , Drnnrh hoixmr the lluirncy llnt'py C < > . llii lci at HUolcsuluiuulri'tiiil , tin UlOnuil 1112 l/urUblrcut , Omaha. Telephone Nn " 50. Qrovvore- STORZ&ILER" Lager Beer Brews , 1M1 North L'lgthtcoiith Street , Om.ihn , _ Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE ManiifactorcGalyanized Iron and Cornice. John Kpciictur. I'roprlulnr 'XO JloiU" Hint 10J und 1UI North lUlh btruut , ( Jiualm. Printers' _ _ WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary PiiMislicrs , Dmlcrala Tyic | , I'luvics nnd Printers' Supplies. Ml lionh Hih biruot , Uinu'ja. _ " _ _ Rubber noocls- _ "OMAHA RUBBE.R GO. , Hanufacliirers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clotlilm : and I.cstlier llLltlct ; . imx I itrnnm Btraeu _ Sash.JJoors , Etc. M""A/DISBR OV i coTi Wholceiili ! .Mninir .ctuioia f Sasti Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , ; IlrHiioh Otfltc. 12th li.inl Strccta , Uniuliu , N ° b. " CO. Manufacturers of U. Doors , Blin , V ulclliict , Htnlr Wnrls nnil lntorl"r llnnt W"0 I I I.P su. N. I. . LuniL'r nil nnil l.i'nvvuwortli btiui-ti. Uiiiiihi ) , iiMj. _ _ stoiim Flttlngo , pumpo , ' flc- A. L. STRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ilcaui. Water Ha Innnnil Mining Siiilles ] ; , He. ' . 'Is.\ffl \ anil 'Jll r iirimin Mircut , Oinuliii , \VholesalG \ Fiimiis , Pipe , Fittings , jlcum nnd Wntor SiiM.llos. . Per1infii r- fur Mn t. . _ Karmim t. , OUIB U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . " Sta and Valor Supplies. " UROWNELL & ( JOM 'j engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Jron vorko. ST'E'AM'BOILER w , Carter ft non. I'rop > .Muiiiifm turura ul nil klnili Sleani Boilers , TanliniidSiiBfit Iron Y/orK / Wurki hoiitli Will unil II. A M. CrotolnK. TAVION ArviWU.IMl IIHIN WdllKtT " " Wronglit and Casl Iron Building VM , Kiilnci , llruni U'urk. Gcnnrnl l-oiinclr ) . Miioliinn uriil Illuckmiltli Wi.ik Dilnuiiiiil W < uk < , V. I' , Hjr. anil lilt ) hiruot , Oraiilu. OMAHA V/IRIi it IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Vfire and Iron Railing ? Dusk llnlli , Window Ounriln. Klowi > r fl'imliVlra tUni , lite. Ul North JUli bmu , ( iiiulnv. "o M A H A S A F E an cTl R O N W O RISS , " Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Faults Jull Work , Iron mil \Tlri , IVnclriif.Bl n Mto. O.Audiuun , I'lou'r Uir ' CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railing , Guards end fcreennforli'inki ollliun'ton-n , iuiU1iuico , ute , liuprnvvil Awnuij l/ji.k tuiil > .Muililnerr MliU IHu < knultli Wuik . nil Miulli Illli M. MKAlltMl \flin\MUltH. \ . Fireand Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , ' ( Jvccrul Ak-onli lor l lub'iid Hufuaml I/jck I'oaDaur *