Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1888, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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01T1CJ5. NO 11 ! IM3AUL STUI3UT.
Delivered by cnrrlrr In Any I'art ot the City o
Tn only Cents 1'erWeok.
II. W. T11V10N. . . . MANAOKIt.
IlfMNESS OlTItT. N'O. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Conlnndwood. E.E.Mnyno,010B'way.
Elegant overcoatings at A. Roller's ,
merchant tailor , 310 IJroadway.
The homo of It. T. Urynnt wns mndo glad
Trklay In the nrrivul of a little daughter.
TIIK Hr.r. renders will notlco E. Uurhorn'n '
local and the extraordinary bargains offered
for tlio holklujs.
J. N , Norlcm and Christina Ed helm , both
of Omaha , were married yesterday at the of
fice of "Squire " Scliurz.
John II. Sims and Jennie Cornncll , of DCS
Moinca , were married tit the M. E. parson-
ntre Saturday , December 8 , by Kev. D. C.
Itov. J. FlsV , on Friday last , united in
niurrlago Mr. 1'uter WIntlicr and Miss Llna
"Wuls'.cad. Hoth arc from Denmark , but will
now tnako this their homo.
Marriage licenses wcro issued yesterday to
1'cter Wliithor and Slim Wulstcad , of Coun
cil BlufN , anil J. II. Sims and Mrs. Jcmilo
Cornwall , both of 1'olk county.
The judges of the Fifteenth Judicial dis
trict meet at the court house to-morrow
evening for the purpose of arranging their
co'irt terms for the ensuing two yuurs.
A new dynamo has been put In place nttlio
institution for the deaf and dumb , and It is
expected that the lighting of the building
Will now be more satisfactory than over.
Mr. S. T. French has opened nn oflico at
No. ( X)0 ) Hroadway , for the carrying on of n
ceucral real estate and loan business. Mr.
French Is so well known in business circles
hero that ho needs no introduction to the
Fidelity council , No. 1BO , Uoyal Arcanum ,
will hold a society party on the Sth inst.
The lust one- held , Thursday evening last4
was a pronounced success. This series ,
which will bo continued during the winter
months , will bo most plcaslnc social events
and looked forxvard to by members with the
most pleasurable anticipation.
A number of Omaha business men visited
this city yesterday afternoon in one of James
Stoimcnsoii's tally-ho couches. The mem
bers of the coaching party xvero James
Stcphcnson , llvoryinnn ; Thomas Swobo , of
thoMlllard ; F. M. Phillips , stockman ; JJen
Kcynolds mid Diek Shannon , railroad con
tractors ; Nat Broxrn , of the Merchants'
hotel , and Aleck Stuart. The party stopped
n few minutes at the Ogdcn before leaving
for home.
Dr. Cleaver , t0 ! North Main. Tol. 147.
See \V. C. Stacy 's"ad.
The OUI Kellabln Jewelry Firm
of E. Bur horn , No. 17 Main street , has
laid in an immoiist stock of holiday
poods , which will bo sold cheaper than
over. This is a apocinl inducement for
thirty days. All poods lirst class and
puaranteetl to bo just as represented.
It is an established fact that you can
got the best poods for tlio least money
there. Call and o.xamino the stock anil
got prices before purchasing- .
I Don't Want the Earth !
.7. M. Scnnlan , 120 Broadxvay , buys
his cattle from first-class , responsible
farms such as : Morris Hough , W. Barnett -
nett , U. IIn.ll , Dr. Rico , of Harrison
county ; , lohn Tomploton , Newell Bur-
chill and E. L. Shugart and the cream
of N. M. Pusoy's cattle. All purchased
through the agency of W. H. Brown ,
the old and retiablo cattle buyer. I
also buy beef of the well-known firm o {
Gcorgo H. Hammond & Co. First-class
beef , venl , pork and mutton will bo sold
nt one price to all. Call and sec us.
No. 120 Upper Broadway. Telephone
The Record of Ono Farm.
Mr. Martin Hlgglns , a farmer who oxvns
nnd lives on the southxvest half of the north-
cast quarter of section one , in Harain township -
ship , was in the city yesterday for the pur
pose of purchasing more land to aad to his
forty-acre farm. Ho raised this year on his
forty acres 1,500 bushels of corn and 3,000
of potatoes. Ho sold 1'JOO bushels ot pota
toes nt 50 cents per bushel and 1,800 bushels
nt 40 cents. Ho also raised _ 50 bushels of
onions , which he sold at CO cents , and eight
bushels of beans at $2 per ousliel. Estimat
ing his corn at 2J cents per bushel his entire
crop amounts to $1,820 , or ever SJU per aero.
Ho and his son did all the work on the crop.
Where is the farmer in Pottaxvattoinio xvho
can beat this record I
For safe investments in real estate
see S. T. French , GOG Broadway.
h For city loans see S. French , 006
& , Broadway.
If you want to borrow money see S. T.
French , 00(5 ( Broadway.
Weather strips at Chapman's art Rtoro.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Main , ever American express.
The Small Pov.
A report wns circulated yesterday to the
effect that the small pox was spreading In
the vicinity of the transfer , nnd that the
lines ot the quarantine had nccn extended.
The physician in charge of the cases was
soon In regard to the matter and denied the
statements. Ho said there was no founda
tion for any such reports. There arc now
. but two cases In the city. They ore lu the
Klobs household , adjoining the Carters. The
patients In the For in an and Carter families
s nro reported ns bolnp up and nearly well.
g Thcso pltices are still strictly quarantined
nnd will bo for some time , but the disease Is
rapidly on the decrease.
HiuulrcilH ot People
during the past year have bought real
estate through J. G. Tipton'a agency
nnd doubled their money. Ho says the
good work still goes on , nnd that ho has
a largo list to select from on Broadxvay ,
adjacent to the motor line.
Illinois nnd Iowa best soft coal , Gloa-
Eon , 20 Pearl street.
All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
See Chapman for Christmas prosQnts.
Stnrtliif ? the Motor.
The electric motor line begins operation
tnls morning' at 0 o'cloclc. A twenty minute
crvlco xvill bo furnished until the niou be
come accustomed to their work , which will
bo about the middle or last of the woolc ,
when a ton minute service will bo put on. A
straight 10-ocnt rate will bo charged , as pro-
VJiU'u m the charter.
J. G. Tipton , the real estate broker ,
eays that ho has made several sales the
past week and is still prepared to make
people haupy , xvlth homos on easy pay
ments , or vacant lota to build on ,
L. Klrscht & Co. , 407 and 400 South
10th 6t.Onmlm , nro noxv the solo agents
for western loxva for the celebrated
Vnl , BlaU Milwaukee bottle beer , the
best in the market for family use.
Try it.
Fine table ware at Lund Bros. '
Fine holiday goods for txvonty days nt
prices that will surprise you , Call and
tie convinced. J. D. Btuurt'i drug
tore , 080 Broadway.
Capture or an Allogol Oonfldonco
Man and Ohock Ralsor.
Among tlio Churches Settling Tltlo
to tlio Dlcrk 1'roporty Tlio Motor
to Start To-Day A Farm
Knlshm n Chcclc.
Yesterday nftornoon one Wlllliun Mnhnr
wiw nrrostod in Omaha and brought to this
siilo of the river hy Chief Lucas. The im-
portnnco uf the nrrcst did not until
the follow was In the clutches of the law.
At flrst ho wns charged with raising a check
from tl.10 to&JMO by prefacing the llpuro
and the word 2 ( two ) to the original amount ,
The chock wus given by William Arnold.
It now appears that Mahar Is the slick confi
dence man who worked a green country fel
low ( tins same Arnold ) out of his wealth two
days ago , ns already recited In thcbc columns.
After was secured the countryimm
wns hunted up mid ttilfcu In ni a wltnoss
against the shark , whom hd fully Identifies ,
Uetwecn "raising a check" and "conlldonc-
Ing n man" Mahar'a chances uro good for n
llttlo retirement from public life.
Money lonnotl at L. B. Crafts ft Co.'s
loan ollhic , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wnirons , personal property of nil kinds ,
nnu nil other articles of vuluo without
removal. All business strictly conll-
Dr. C. C. Hnzen , dentist , oporn house
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Bargains in real estate in all parts of
the city , \V. S. Cooper , 11)0 ) Main street.
Holiday Presents
Can now bo found in great variety.
Now and artistic designs in dilution us ,
fine jewelry , gents' and Indies' gold
watches and chains , silver and plated
ware , clocks in , French marble and the
best of American makes. A cordial in
vitation is extended to every one to call
and judge for themselves at
C. B. JAC < iin:5iiN& : Co. ,
No. 27 Main at.
Calls to Worship.
The following announcements nro made of
religious services in the city to-day :
Presbyterian Preaching as usual in the
morning by the pastor ; Suobath school at 12
o'clock ; revival services in the evening.
Strangers and othora cordially invited.
The union services , conducted by
the evangalists , Messrs. Smead and Smith ,
will be held at the Presbyterian church at
T30p. : ! in. The evening meetings for the
week will also bo held at the Presbyterian ,
instead of the Baptist church , for the sake of
more room.
St. Paul's church Divine service to-day at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday- school , 12:13 : ;
.voting men's bible class , 12:15. : Sermon
topics , morning , "This Coming of the King ; "
evening sermon , "The Blessing of Work. "
Services at All Saints' church at It a. m. ,
and ; yo p. m. ; Sunday school a p. m. Young
men and strangers always cordially wel
comed to these services. T. J. Alachay ,
Hoi-can Baptist church Pastor , Itcv. T. P.
Thickstun ; divine service at 10:30 a. in. , and
7:80 : p. m. each Lord's day ; Sunday school at
11MB a. in. : prayer mooting Wednesday
Services at Harmony Mission cbapel to-
3ay at 3 o'clock , conducted by Dr , Hartukcc ;
Sabbath school at 4 o'clock ; prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:80 : o'clock. Subject ,
"Tho Security of tlio Godly. " Psalm 01.
Bethany Baptist church , corner of Bluff
anil Story streets. Services at the usual
hours , 10:30 : a. m. , and 7:130 : p. m. Sunday
school at 3:00 : p. m. Kev. E. N. Harris , pas
Congregational Services this morning ns
usual. Preaching by the Evangelist , Mr.
El. G. Smith. Subject , "Assurance. " Mr.
Smith will sing n solo at this service. UP ion
meeting in the Presbyterian church In the
evening. A cordial invitation is extended.
First Baptist Church Preaching by the
pastor at 10:30 : a. m. Sunday school at 12 in.
Union prayer meeting in main audience room
at (5 ( p. m. No evening service.
Union Services Hereafter the Union re
vival services will bo hold in the First Bap
tist church in the afternoon , and in the Pres
byterian church In the evenings. There will
bo a consecration meeting in the First Bap
tist church Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 4 ,
Broadway Methodist church Preaching
services by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. , and 7:30 :
p. m. Sunday school at noon. Class meet
ing at (5:30. ( : Strangers in the city cordially
invited to 'attend these services.
Young Men's Christian Association The
usual alternoon gospel service will bo omit-
Led to-day on account of the funeral of the
president , Mr. E. E. Harkncss. All inctn-
Ders , both actlvo and associate , nro requested
LO meetnttho rooms at 1:3J : p. m. , to attend
the funeral at the church.
For Rent Two new store rooms in
good loc.ution ; Nos. 737 and 739 Broad
way. S. Saundera , 30 Pearl st.
See Lund Bros , for lamps.
\V. S. Cooper lias cash on hand to loan
on approved city property , No. 130
Main street.
Improved and vacant property in all
parts of the city ; 00x150 feet on Glen
: ivonuo , east front , a bargain ; business
property on Broadway and Fourth
street. R. P. Olllcer , North Main
street , DoVol's block , Council Bluffs.
Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib-
bitts , 345 Broadway.
Another Electric Ijlglit.
Mr. Thomas Bowen , representing tlio Os-
taloosa Electric Light company , is In tlio city
n response to u telegram from the city ofll-
cials , asking him to come hero for the pur-
) ese of furnishing information relative to lo
cating an electric light plant In this city , and
.0 submit n preposition to the city council.
[ n conversation with a linn representative
, 'osterday , Mr , Bowen stated that his com-
> any did not make u business of operating
ilcctno light plants so much as it did of
juildlng them. Their business Is to manu
facture and setup the necessary machinery ,
jut not to operate the plant , as they are put-
.Ing in these plants all ever the country , In
espouse to n question regarding the cost of
this light to the consumer , ho said that it
could bo furnished to cost about tno same as
gas at $1.75 to f'J.OO per thousand , Ho do-
ilrod to put In a plant that would give a
twenty-four hour service , and run continu
ously , having duplicate sots of machinery , so
, tmt no accidents could shut off the supply ,
ilo would agree to furnish power for all
small factories by means of electric motors ,
and all would bo on a reasonable basis. < Ho
will appear before the council Tuesday even-
ng and submit considerable Information and
BO mo ilguros relative to the establishment of
such n plant hero. Ho stated that his com-
iany was about to roinovo their plant to
Javonport , whore they will operate after the
Irst of tbo year. The council Is greatly In *
.crested In the matter , and it Is quite certain
.hat there will bo a plant located hero before
.ho end of many more months.
While planning for your holiday gifts
don't fnll to see Lund Bros. ' grand dls-
ilay. _
Lund Bros,1 are making iv special lOo
drive in crockery. Don't ' full to see it.
Loans made on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
mU-Champ Investment company.
In Police Court.
There were but three cases In police court
yesterday morning , D. A. Hayes was
: hargod with drunkenness and was unabla
o prove ability to navigate properly at the
time of his arrest , but bo asked the mercy of
the court In behalf of Ms sis children am
was ordered to go and care for them.
Louis Ungcr , arrested for cmbd/zlemcnt
was discharged. Ungor was n barkeeper In
ft South Main street siloon , and was ten
dered a check In payment for n drink. Ho
gave it to a party named Green to get
cashed , Qrccn disappeared and did not re
turn , and the owner of the cheek causer
Ungnr's nrrcst on the charge above stated
He proved hh Innocence of any criminal in
tent and wns released.
C. II. Mclntyre , an ox-pressman , wns
charged with adultery and assault and bat
tery. Mclntyre stahid that his wife based
the charge of adultery on groundless sus
picions and that the charge of asmult and
battery was all bosh , ho playfully slapped
her face , but did not beat tier. Ills wife
stated that her husband's ' "playful slaps"
made her black and blue and caused a nils-
carnage. The court expressed himself as
unwilling to Interfere with their domestic
felicity ( I ) but said ho would be compelled
to hold the prisoner unless his wife wv
willing to withdraw the charges. This she
refused to do , and poor Mclntvro found it
useless to arguo'wtth hor. His case was
continued and ho was again locked up , The
details of the case have created quite a
scandal among the neighbors of the warring
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Dr. Montgomery has removed his
oflico to the Brown building , room 0.
J. G. Tipton , real estate. 527 B'way.
Rock Spring coal , Glcuson , 126 Pearl
llcsoltitlonq < ) ( ' Jtcspect.
The committee appointed by the board of
directors of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation report the following resolutions
upon the death of President K. E. Harkncss ,
which were unanimously adopted by the
board :
Whereas , In accordance with the dictates
of infinite wisdom it has plcnsod God to re
move from us our most worthy and beloved
brother and fellow citizen , Mr. H. E. Hark
ncss ; and ,
Whereas , The intimate relationship held
with him during an extended business career
by the members of this board and as presi
dent of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion have awakened u deep and sincere at
tachment , wo desire to express our love un.d
appreciation ; therefore ,
Kcsolved , That recognizing the wisdom
and ability with which lie has directed the
affairs of this association , niut us its clnof ex
ecutive by his untiring zeal , Ins counsel and
service ho has sought fo" it the supreme end
of the organization , ho will overlive in grate
ful and loving remembrance :
Kesolved , That the removal of a man so
widely known for integrity anil business
ability and for his many sterling finalities ,
loaves a vacancy in both public and private
life which cannot easily be tilled , and is a
loss to be deplored ;
Resolved , That to the grief-stricken family
and friends in this their hour of bereavement
and piofound sorrow we express our sincere
sympathy , with the fervent prayer that this
distress and loss may. under the kind provi
dence of God , be overruled for blessing and
great gam.
[ SignodJ C. T. Omccu ,
Hcxitv DULOXO ,
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
get your clothes made. U37 Broadway.
"We have some of the best bargains in
the city in cheap lots and easy terms.
Also houses and lots from $ 00 up , on
terms and payments to suit purchaser.
Call and hco us and get prices and
terms. Council BlutTs investment Co. ,
No 10 Pearl street , Council Blufld , la.
The Council Bluffs 'Lumber Co. want
you to try some of their coal.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Tlio Ulorks Property.
The papers were filed yesterday with the
clerk of the district court in n suit of S. P.
McConnell vs the following defendants :
Council Bluffs and Omaha Basket , Woodenware -
ware and Box Manufacturing company ; A. B.
Howe , trustee ; Carrie B. Dierks ; J. C.
Bixby : U. S. Wind Engine and Pump com
pany ; Charles D. Colcson ; Mary Dierks ;
Empkio Hardware company ; Walnut Valley
Coal company ; Emory Stottlo ; Means ,
Kyle & Co. ; W. II. Uolestron ; Ovido Vien ,
and A. L. Strang & Co. The plaintiff pra.vs
for Judgment conferring and establishing the
title in fee simple to the "Dierks property"
In the southern part of the city , and that
each and all defendants bo debarred and es
topped from having or asserting any lien ,
title or interest In or to said property or any
part thereof , and for such other relict as
may bo equitable. The plaintiff's attorneys ,
are Messrs. Wright , Baldwin & Hnldano.
The controversy over the title to this prop
erty led to considerable ill fooling between
the interested parties and put n sudden stop
to the proposed operations ot the "Basket
company , " a corporation which has not as
yet practically materialised.
S. B , "Wausworth & Co. loan money.
All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Funeral of IS. K. Harknosti.
The funeral services of Mr. E. E. Hark
ncss will bo hold this afternoon. In accord
ance with the desire expressed so generally
and urgently , the family have conscntcu to
yield their personal preferences , and arrange
ments ore made for public services at the
Congregational church at Uil'O o'cloclc ' this
afternoon. Previous to the public services
there wit1 bo private services at the home at
2 o'clock.
Sleigh bells , sleds and skates.
OmiLr , & BKYANT , 513 Main st.
Have our wagon call for your toiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Excelsior Lodge No. 259 A. F. & A M. will
meet in regular communication Monday
availing. All members especially requested
to bo in attendance ; election of ofllccrs for
ensuing year. By order M. W.
2O ACRES 01 ?
Telephone IK , No. 0 Main Street ,
No. 14 Pearl St.
, , , , , , , ,
Telephone" No. 2O5 ,
And thousands of the most economical ladies and gentlemen are taking advantage of our
When you take 2O per cent off of every dollars worth of goods you buy it amounts to a good
deal , and people are finding it out. Our entire stock must be sold out with
out reserve. First come , first served.
One entire floor in our house especially devoted to toys and fancy goOds for holiday presents
and each and every one oj. our twenty departments filled with useful and suitable gifts for the
holidays. We have no space to enumerate items. All we have to say is come to our store and
see for yourself and you will say that "what you cannot find in the People's Store is not worth
having , " Remember 20 per cent discount on all cash sales. Come early and secure the best
Don't trade off your old pinno or'Orgnn , because
It is out ofiepah'nor give it n way in trade fora new-
one. Tnke it to
They will , if needed , put in a NEW SET OF HAM
F1N1SH THE CASSE , and your Instrument is bet
ter thnn some of tne new ones.
It is a well known fact that Swnnson Music Co.
gives the best satisfaction in Tuning and Repairing
all kinds of Musical Instruments. The best of ref
erences given.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salar
Buys his cattle from flrst-clnss responsible
firms , such as Swift & Son , or from llrst-
plass farms , such as N. M. Puso.v's , and
others. No worn-out inillc cows t old in this
market , as has boon the habit in the markets
of Council UlufTs heretofore.
Price list of our meats. Nothing but first-
class fat beef , pork , mutton and veal :
CENTS rnu i.n.
Uoil Beef I ! to-I
Coin Uoof I ! to 4
Shoulder Steak 5 to 0
Shoulder Koust . " >
Kib Kpnst 0
Standing Prime Kib Koast 7
Short Porter House Steak ' . )
Lon ? Porter House Steak 10
Sirloin Steak 10
Pork Konst S
Pork Chops nnd Steak 0
VculSte.ik 10
Mutton Chops 10
Veal and Mutton Uoast 10
Veal and Mutton Stow. . . 4
Sugar Cured Hams 11
Lard 10 to 12
Poultry , Fish , Butter and Oystcis con
stantly on hand Mineo Meats , Saner Krout ,
Picklc-d Tripe and Pigs Feet nt lowest mar
ket price. Don't forget the number
Tuos. OFKirrii. \V. II. M. t'usr.v.
Corner Main and Uro.uhvay ,
COlNclli IjliUKI ri , KMVA.
Dcalerh In foreign : ml diimestlc exchange.
Collections made and Interest paid on time lie-
ir > 14 Dnji-rlati St. , Omnha , Not ) ,
OR SALE For u short time , the en
tires addition known ns "FAIR-
MOUNT" located on tlio hills bo-
' twccn 115th sincl Kith avenues , three and
a half blocks cast of Main street and
the same from the street car line. It
commands an oxton&ive view of Omaha ,
and Council Bluffs. ThiiTheaut&ful and
finely locatud addition of forty-two lots
is oll'crcd at a price that \\ill \ biiroly
make the investor1 from 7.r to SO per
cent within two years. If you want a
sure thins which you can begin selling
at once at an advance of from 15 to 80
lioi1 cent over what it costs you. call on
or address II. G. McCeo , K0 ! Main St. ,
or Forest Smith , at the Brown building.
Don't n&k why it is offered so low , but
come and hco the property and bo con
vinced that wo tell it less than it is.
These lots will sell now at from § 300 to
MOO each. Wo don't want that for
them. Komombur this oiler is only for
a short time.
Room ! , 3rd Floor. Urown Uuildiiif. ' .
And will sell meat for the following prices for
cash :
Shoulder and Chuck Uouat fitofic
I'rimr 1Mb loa- ( bo
Chuck Steak ( c
Hound Monk * be
SirJo n Stiuk 1'c '
I'ortarhiiHHo St < mk Itlu
IlilllnKlluff Utolu
-Mutton stew Co
Mutton J.i' i PC
Corn llcuf 'A to Ic
1'ork lilo
1'oik Chops and Steak , . . .10
J.nril , our own make , I''o
tJIUISUKO . . . . tC
And all other meats In the Banio piuportlon.
IJUO BX ) MO'U"fi'AK ,
114 Hist lliondwuy.
1 t.oll 1'ottaw.ittnuilo County Jlcnts , wrappoJ
up in Council Illnira I'apor. Fruo Delivery.
D , 11 , MoDANELD & 00 , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts , talfi Furs ,
loBt market prices. Prompt roluins , t Q
and t Main St. , Louncll lllulls , louu.
I Lot , Bryant & Clar , on Second avc.
\ Lot , Bryant & Clark , on Third ave. -
Lots , Perry's sd Add. , on Avc. C - Each
Q Lots , Benson's First , Avc K Each
j Lot , Evercttjs Add. , Third avc. . . $500 $
Lots , Fleming & Davis , Ninth and Tenth ave's Each
Call and See
Masonic Temple ,
Especially Adapted Caf \
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Frcclflcatlons nml estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Hcgnlatlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can show letters fiom users where fuel Economy Is equal with Corliss Non-Condonslng ,
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
i y vt * > It * zafr KnaP I * * aeP M \ Jte r w w * - > U a
We carry the largest stock in the west , covering 2OOOO square foot of floor. Wo do the largest buslnessl We sell nt the lowest
We deal direct with European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits.
T3y""c"i "E3 m ym iin3/ ism
\ XX / r t . I * f ' > V Y ; . I 'f 1' I
r H0MBH p. - 9Uof RU91 KU0 I U uaM UM
Cash talks , and wo are always in position to
Offer You J
We offer you for 3O days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following :
LOT 1 Hund-paliited O-ipsidors ,
each ICc
LOT U Good Majolica Ciwpldora ,
ouch , . , 35o
LOT 8 English Decorated Olmm-
borSots.7..r , . . . 82 05
LOT 4 English Decorated 60-
piece Ton Sots 83 75
LOT 6 100-pieco ( genuine gold-
band and hand-painted llowors )
Wedyowood DinnorSot , per Bot.$12 00
LOT 0 English Decorated Full
Dinner But , now lluted shapes ,
per sot . . , , ' . . . . . . . 88 60
LOT 7 Nice and choice lot of
Decorated Genuine China
Creamers , each , 25o
LOTS Lurpo Mesa Rose Pitch
ers , each 25o
LOT 0 Rose Jars , iillod with por-
ftuned rose leaves , each 25c
LOT 10 Genuine ( Jhinadecorated
Fruit or Jco Groom Bets , per sot 2.50
LOT 11 Genuine China Fruit
Plntoa , assorted decorations , per
do/en . - 1.75
LOT12 An ologiTntlland Painted
VUBO Lamp- with shade to
match , line burner , complete ,
each 3.60
And n preat many inoro bargains
which our limited space will not permit
us to enumerate.
An Inspection will save
you money.
rp\VO flno olllce moms to rout , oie room 1BX41-
J , Newly piipcrml nntl painted , llest location
in the i Ity. Call nt No , 1U 1'earl st.
Woik by a ( .oljer young married
iiiuii , acquainted with hot air anil stonm
furnace ) , also horse.s , Janitor , carpentur and
fnrmivork. AdclrobsJ. 1 : . Mathuney , Council
HRNT-Modern 10-room house , No. UiJ
Booth ( ith f > t.
FOK BALK Hood 4-yoar-oldlior8o. gcntloand
bound , HnriieMifiii'l ton buggy. Will hell
cheap on easy tunut if bold uoou. Inqulio t
3813 Utll bt ,
Also Fill ! Line of Bcsl Mate In
and Solid Silver.
Hicli Cut Glass ,
Bronzes and Brass Goods ,
Clioicc Dinner , Tea , Fisb , Game , Soup ,
an ! Ice Cream Sets ,
For a Short Tims I Will Offer
In 1'orrjAddition to Council lllulls on tlio fol
lowing Terms :
Jusldo I.otson Avc. A . ? f > 00 . coo
Jnsldo liotson Avo. O . 450
Insldu J.otHoti l''irnt Ave . GU )
Inside l.oti on Second Ave . fiOO
lll lIe ( IM * on Third Avii . 600
Jn ldu I.otHimN. Sld 1'oiirtli Avc . 460
Jnsido l.ottion.H. Hldu Koiuth Ave . 40J
WTA11 Corner hots if XI Moru.
TEKMS Ono-teiuli cash , b.iliiiirulnillno annual
optional payments , with H per cent In.
U-reHt , pnyiiuln annually. Will ulve con
tract for wniranty deed mid rurnlsli ab
Htractlion fully paid.
No. P. North Main St. . Council llluirs. 7a ,
Royal Worcester ,
Taplitz , '
Royal Dresden ,
Royal Saxony ,
Bonn Faeience , etc,1
Visitors anil purchasers cplly welcome
- .A. . IKfc34 = 0
, IOW\A.