Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1888, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Wo. desire to call your attention to
the following prices in
Indies' Fine Shoes.
These ere prices not equaled in
Omaha to-day for first class shoes :
Ladies' extra line French Kid ,
band-BO\vcd , button.
Lttdies' extra fine Dongola
Kid , hand-sowed , button.
Ladies' extra line Dongola
Kid , hand-sowed , button.
O O Ladles' fine Dongola Kid , hand-
* PJ sowed , button.
Ladies' high cut shoes in hand-turns
and hand-wolts from $3 to $5. These
are not shop-worn nor labt season's
goods , but strictly first-cities in every
Ladies' "lino Dongola Kid , button , ma
chine sowed , at $ iJ , 82.50 and $3 , which
wo guarantee to bo first class in style ,
fit and Unibh.
Also a full line of Misses'and Chil
dren's Shoes at correspondingly low
Ladies' Opera and Beaded Opera
Slippers from 81 to $2.50.
A complete line of Oxford and Patent
Leather Tics for party or dress wear in
nil styles.
In Our Gent's ' Departm't '
Wo are showing equally low prices.
Gent's hnnd-Bowcfl French Call or Cor
dovan Custom-mndo Shoes from $5 to $7.
No better goods mado.
Wo also have n full line of Men's
line American Calf Shoos from $2 to $ . ' ? .
Bo sure to see these goods before buying
Wo carry a full line of Ladics'Misscs'
and Children's warm lined Shoos and
A largo variety of line Slippers for
the Holiday trade.
You will save wnnctby buy Ing
your footwear of the Icadiny shoo
dealers ,
N. W. Cor. 13th St Dodfjo Ste.
Appliances for Doformitlos and TTUSBSS.
Heat facilities , auparattin end -mcille for nucoois-
Cl trt'iitmcnl ot OTorr form of disease requiring
udlcsl or Hurglcal Troatruont.
Board nnd altondaaooi test hospital nooommoJa-
lions In th wpst.
_ IVKITM run CiuoutAnaonDeformltloa and Uraooi ,
Tru io. ' , Club Fuot , Curvature of tba fcplno , rtlc > ,
Yuruora. Canoar. Catarrh , Ilronchltla , Inlintatlon ,
Xlectrleltr , l'nrnlr t , Epllopir. ICUnoy , Illadtler ,
J 7u , JUr.Kkla ana HllUurgloal Oporntlons
Dlsoasoa of Women a Specialty.
All I'.looJ DlsoixioB ooccKstiillr trrntod. SjrpUllltlo
rolson nimovoil f rora the Jjrstein without tuerourr.
flow rcvtnmtlvu troatmonl forloas uf vital I'uirur.
a'craonn unubla to vUltuiiuny ho truatoU at homo br
eorrojjHiniloncu. All cnminunleatlons caundantlnl.
Wtdlcliiu * or Initnimonti < ma t > r mall or oiproi ,
feciircly parkml , no mnrlci to Inilleate eontunu or
< t lor. One porsoaal Interrloff prtifcrroil. Call ami
consult tin or nend lilitorr of your ca o , and v will
Mad tn I'luln ' w nipper , oar
ppon I'rtvivto , Hpoclal or McrrotK Il9ui o9 , Impo-
looor , Hrplillli , Ulcat and Varlcccclo , wltli qucolfoa
Miu Adtlreii
Omaha Medical and Surgical Tnttttute , or
0 r.12th and Code * SU. . OMAHA. NED.
Tlie "GWcnning" Cape TOD Ovcrcoa
Tlio most successful guruiout Intro JucoJ
by us this season. The capos nro dn.
tnctmulo and the riuU uro ot
strong twuod nnd tlio splonilld IrU h
Krloze tcxtuvca. Also n omiplotfl stoo U
of plain Ovorconts anil Vrlasn Ulstors
On City nnd Fnrin Prooorty !
1st Mortgngo Paper nought.
Frensior lilock , opp. P. O.
A November Day Uuclor the Sbadow
of the Ozarka
And tlioVny Tlioy Knjojr Tlictunclvqa
At Oznrk Tlio Social ninjl Its
OnincB Onmc r Simp
Hunt ; and daughter.
litfo In tliu South.
O/.AUK Ark. Dec.I
/ , , - ; [ Corrospoml-
cncoof TUB I3in. ] Ono bright mprn-
itur In the last \vook iti November , in
response to nn argon I Invltatlun , I got
n sack niitl mailo preiiimitions topitrtiel-
puto in the labor and festivities of a
The cotton Hold wits in the possession
of young folks of both sexes when I ar
rived. About ton or fifteen girls and
tin equal number of young men \voro
present. Some I had mot before and
some I had not. But it mattered Itttlo.
If a stranger knows a single person In
u crowd In this country it acls 113 a pass
port into the good fellowship of the
others. Therefore , amid much laughter
and many nly jokes on the part
of the others , I shook hands all
around , fastened the string of my sack
around my waist , selected my girl and
prepared to "sail in. " They had chosen
sides before my arrival , with the under
standing that the losers would treat the
winners to four pounds of candy. After
n short but friendly squabble it was set
tled that I should labor with .John
Jccms' party. This led to more com
plications , because I had selected a girl
belonging to the opposite side. As I
carried the sack for both , I was
obliged to search for another part
ner. This matter was readjusted
without any serious heart pangs and
the pickers resumed work in earnest.
It is customary to pick in couples.
Sometimes they take a row together
and sometimes a row each. Tlio pick
ers generally keep in line for an hour
or two , singing songs , tolling stories ,
now and then breaking out in shouts of
laughter when a good joke would bo
told at the expense of a member of the
part ) . Upon this occasion we followed
the establibhed custom. Soon , however
the couples began to separate and each
young man directed his attention and
conversation to his own helper exclu
sively. Occasionally they would stop
and rest a few moments , exchange soul-
searching glances , talk about trilles ,
then resume work. These southern
girls nosscss a peculiar inugncUsm that
makes thorn singularly fascinating.
They are abundantly blessed with the
charms of splendid physical develop
ment , and upon no occasion do they ap
pear to n better advantage than at cot
The cotton plant is about three feet
high and of a spreading nature. Balls
can bo found on most of the branches or
stems , Tlio balls are about the size of
a walnut. As they open the cotton
bursts out into a wad nearly as largo as
an ordinary apple. Tlio balls nearest-
the ground open ilrst. As the cotton
does not all coirc out at once it must bo
gone over several times during the cot
ton picking season. From the above it
will bo seen that the pickers are obliged
to work in a stooping position.
After our racks wore filled the cotton
was emptied into largo baskets at the
end of the rooms. The leaders of the
respective parties saw that it was
weighed and put into the pews. It was
hard work to be sure , but the pleasant
company , the prospect of a line dinner
and a rollicking social in the evening
was enough to sustain a fellow's
The hoube where dinner was served
was a three-room log cabin with low
doorways and scanty furniture. While
the young men congregated in the
yard , discussed politics , and negotiated
trades of various sorts , the ladies sat
on the porch or stops and conversed in
a tantalizing undertone.
was n splendid affair of tlio kind , Two
tables of uneven height had been com
bined to make a long one. Ono whs
covered with an ancient' piece of oil
cloth , while the other was decorated
with an old rod and white table-cloth ,
orniimontod with a fancy figure.
Owing to the lack of goats a chair was
placed at each corner of the tnblo on
the sides , and a board laid from one
chair to another. The neighborhood
parson was present , and started the
dinner going for the first table-full by
asking a short grace , and pass
ing the dishes at his end
of the table. A lady at
the opposite end dispensed the coll'oc. It
was llavorod with cream , but wo wore
obliged to do without hugar or spoon.
Among the dibhos provided was boiled
chicken , chicken pie , boiled beef ,
corn bread , biscuits , several kinds of
pastry , besides vegetables and a few
fancy dishes. A lingo peach cobbler
graced the center of the tablo. The
dinner hour was soabonod with a run
ning conversation of a very fai > ioy sort ,
After dinner the pickora once moro
assembled in the cotton Hold. During
the "evening , " as afturnoon is called
here , wo discussed the prospective good
times in Htoro at the HOC In I in the o veil
ing. Endless plans wore suggested
among the young folks for amusement.
Kuch picket * had something to say and
it boomed as if they all wanted to say it
at the .sumo time. About an hour bo-
fora sun-down the pjckcrs began to
leave tlio rows and nssumblo around the
baskets. After the question of which
hide had won hud boon soltlod , it was
discovered that there was no candy to
bo had at iho Htoro farther up the val
ley. This called forth several expres
sions of indignation on the part of the
It had boon announced during the
afternoon tlnil * the social would bo hold
at the Homo of John Jcoms , who lived
about mile and half ' ' the
a tv 'up moun
tain side. " Some of the young men
wont to tholi * homes to malco prepara
tions , while all of tlto young women and
n few young mon went to the Iiouso
where wo ate dinner. I was with the
latter crowd. As the sun sank out of
sight and tlio air grow chilly , wo drew
indoors and took Bouts in front of a big
open ( Ircplaco. A young man bcrupod
the coals forward , throw a back-log
into the rear of the furnace , and piled
the open space in front full of dry
wood. A roaring lire was the result.
The lady of the house was mother of
nuo of the owners of the cotton , also of
four of the young ladies who had boon
picking. Sha was evidently well ad
vanced in yours , but still retained con
siderable youthful vigor and vim , judg
ing l > v the energetic way in which she
Issued ordnrs to liar "ohildr'n. " The
old lady was uonlod nonr the liroplauo.
and was busily knitting by its fitful
light. Once she stopped , drew a loaf of
tobacco from a space in the etono work
forming the flroplaco. and filled an old
stone pipe , carefully Hurnplng the
tobacco from the stem and packing it
into the bowl with her forogngor. She
dipped the plpo into the coals , "got a
light , " and then proceeded to enjoy n
quiet sinoko during the munu-
fucturo of the sack. By
the nid of n small hand
lamp with no chitnnoy some -of the
girls wore letting down thoii * bangs in
front of a small fly-spooked looking *
glass. They would toss the papers into
the llro-nlnco , then complete their
toilet-making by dipping n small rag
Intonllltlo white box and rubbing it
ever their faces. The oldest daughter
was preparing lunch. She put the tea-
kcttto on the sticks of wood in the flro
place and after the water was hcntod
poured it into the coToo-pot. ! Conl-
wore raked out in front mid the coffee
pot placed on thorn. Tlio supper was
served cold , excepting coltco , and
seemed to htivo boon i in proved from tlio
remnants of the dinner. At any rate ,
it was disposed of with a keen relish.
The hot cotToo had a reviving olfect
upon the young folks , and preparations
were speedily made for the trip to the
scone of
The moon was not duo for many
hours , but tlio stars furnished enough
light to mnUo travel safe and comfort
able. After a walk of over a half-
hour's duration , through the timber ,
along the public road , foot-paths , and
across small btroams of water and llttlo
ravines , wo co-mo in bight of the house.
It was a small cabin of two
rooms. The larger ono , 16x10
foot , was thrown opqn to the merry
makers. It contained no furniture
besides a small Bland and a few
chairs. The room warmed by the over-
present fireplace. Old newspapers
pasted on the walls served the purpose
of wall paper. A number of homo-mado
mottoes , with letters of colored paper ,
and little orncmonts manufactured front
pastboard covered with tin foil off of
tobacco wore hung on the wall over the
firoboard. Instead of a colling , cross
beams and rafters of unhowcd timbers
could bo soon ovor-hoad. Through the
snacos between the rafters shingles
split from native timber wore visible.
About twenty-live people were assem
bled in the room. The soxcs scorned to
bo equally divided. As the chairs were
scnrco some of the seats were compelled
to hold up bovoral young ladies. Of
course the gentlemen stood up. The
young folks sang n few songs , andto say
the least , the music -was excellent.
Then came the games. Toglvoovon
an outline- all of the games would
require tdo much space. Some of thorn
introduced'singing while others bore a
close resemblance to dancing. As they
were similar in many respects a descrip
tion of ono of the most popular ones
will give some idea of their general
tenor. It is called "snap. " A young
man and a young woman stand in the
middle of the room facing ono nn-
ether and holding each other's
hands while the remainder of
the party take places around the walls.
Another young man starts around these
two. Ho snaps his lingers at a girl and
she chases him around the other couple
until ho is caught. The young man
who is caught then takes the place of
the young man in the middle of the
floor , who returns to the crowd. A
young lady is thus left alone. She
snaps a young man , and after being
caught relieves the first young woman.
This game , in conjunction with a num
ber of other very noisy and lively ones ,
was played at the social under consider
ation. A hearty good fellowship pre
vailed throughout the entire evening ,
and the participants scorned to-onjoy
the sport immensely , in spite of the
hard labor of the day. The players
started for their homes about 11 o'clock.
An Absolute Cure *
ii only put up ii > largo two ounce tin boxes ,
mid is un absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cert ts per box by mail 80 cents.
Thcro Is sadness in the Butts family at
Konrnoy over tlio loss of n pet goat , which
has been appropriated by some villain with
out the fear of the law before his eyes. The
Rout's butts nro much missed by the Butts
Sudden change of tcmporatui'0 and
humidity of the atmosphere often pro
duce disorders of the kidneys and
bladder. Use Dr. , T. II. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm to check these
troubles in their incipioncy.
Garland Stoves ;
Oak Stoves ;
Largest Stock !
Best Goods !
Lowest Prices !
Hilton Rogers & Sons ,
Ti : OK
Bellevue Hospital Medical Col
lege , N. Y. City , Class 1874.
Will , I > yhla ownmotlio < ] , guarantee to perfectly
and peruuuioiitly ruro all CUSOHO !
, , , , ,
without usu of KNIFE , LIGATURE.
Carbolic Achlor any L'liustlc. Dr. .Maxwell 1ms
been located In Oiniihu tnorutlian feur. . and Ix
hero purmnnuntly. Tliero nroniiinv It. the city
mill viUnlty who lumi boon cm-oil U him. who
tuctlfy tolliotrutltof the above. Ills trratniont
Is mild ; no detention from business , aud IHI
dunRvr front treatment. Olllce , 1'uxton Illock ,
room 4 0-107. ri ! > in.
to fi p.m. ItCHldencB , Hhcrman Ave. bstueou
t'orby utid J.ocust Sln.
Artijlclul Iccth
Gold nnd other I'lllInRS at reasonable I'rlces.
Tooth Extracted Without Pnin.
313 and 313 1'uxtou Illock , Omaha , Nebraska.
Ttilepboue IXil , -
for holidays. Shampooing ,
Ladles' und Children's llutr
Mrs. KatoM. Clumpltt , 208 N. IBth.
cirron , early < l
| jluhulf
r U ( il < xll coi.uihlni "full "lirtlcuUw fi *
home euro , f mi nfchinrf. AcMrtu.
PROF.r.O. FOWLER , MooUu.Conn.
* * * > y Fatory 9
oodmixn Drug Co. 1110 Karnam It Mason , llthnml Cais Kd Hell. 1807 I.ako J Hcod , 20th and draco
\V K Hamilton , and t W V Ilnllzky. Kitli and Williams I' It lllnhop , Siuuuler.i and Lake 2 Bto < ii > iui.iiiiNuith8lit :
Omulm Drug Co , IM'I l > odiii M T W Smith , No 111 Jl S 10th St II H Sterns , istm S U Hi Biiyilur & Hlnkle , North 10th St
J A rullt-r te Co , lltli nml iiouelaa A t-elirotor. No 1517'4 Fitrnam .1 K Rptty. H17 Ooiinliis .1 H fchtaltt. CumliiRH and Saiuulera
S II r.irnsw ortb , No ll. " > Cumin gj HchonbcrKi'r & Summon , Sbtti and Fnrnnm 1' Mnllnnor.lUlNorth Kith Max Ni-cr. Ilia S lUth St
W A Hosteller. No ? iS Ciimlngu .1 W Clark , I'urk ixva \\ootworlh Cluis Mints ; , 1U07 VlutonSt Muthuws \ Cmmlnidutni , 603 North 16th 1
( ' T I'milseii , Jiltli and Howard A U Shannon. 1IM.11'nrk Ave O M rrl-wey , 2th ( and I.nlco J I I'ruolmnr , 414 S nth
I Jl Oonto , lUtti and Hickory Von Krone I'ahl , ITtli and Uark Cornish & Lo Fovro , - 'tli ' nml Lnko .1 N Dniku , I.oulsvlllo , Nnb.
W S Iliildmr. lUth and Capitol nveiuto Jt r. James , North liitliSt , luv.i CoITeu House. 1118 l.'ougla.s slroot SS Abbott , Ashland , Neb
J J lieu ! 1U. South 10th street. Institute DrillStore , intli and Dodge. 11 .M Ilrown , St Mary'H iivenuo N It Wllrox , rupllllnn. Neb
0 FMiiuro , 801 North liitli * tn > ot K Ithodos , * l.i Cmnluir street , (1 V Palmer A : Co , Illuir , Neb M C Iti'oslor , CU-ar Water , Neb
ICuhn * Co. , 124 South iBth street A s Knowles , lull North Saundcrs street J J Groer , Norton.SKmmnH K JIllUuRor , Ovford , Nub.
II SDyer , Cutbertsou , Nob. Jl II dross , next Clark str.iet John Jlgran. Callow-ay , Nub. .1 A Dnlzcll. linsiOtllM
CliiXH Kalfpr , linllolm , Nob. WURS & lllich , Falrllold No 1 > . I < K Hood , lth ! ) and Capitol ave A K Amlson. 1717 HI Jlnry's nvo.
1I Clurk , Crouton. Noli. . .l.\v Whlto. Meadow Orovp , Neb , It K Twarts , 1717 St. Wary's avo. A i : Hydra , Swanton , Ncb-
11.1 Shnpo & Co , Sid and Cumlng II. 1C. lumbar. AKlilaml1 Neb. I'otwln A : ( llddard , MH S IGth st S J Ooodmnn , TalmaRn , Neb
WJWord , WIN intliHt or Kvmis , ailiOrautst W Walker. 004 N 10th st A II rhllilph. Nalluh. Neb ,
Clarendon Drug Store , 27th anil Lnko sta Kd Hell , Lake st Kd Hull , Dtan , Neb J T Jlullyuaux , Sutton , Neb.
Any dealer purchasing 15OOO of the above cigar can have his name in the this advertisement
CMcaBOl ms. \ ciarkSt.
The Regular Old-Establisiied
Is still Treating with tlioGroatest
Chronic , Nerrons anfl Private Diseases ,
XTB-NERVOlis rJEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and. Back Ache and" all the effects
leading 10 early decay and perfupi Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
uever-faihng &ncces4. '
. .05SYPHILIS. ind all bad Blood and SklnDls-
eases permanently cured.
S-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varicocele and all diseases
of the Gcnlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
ffSNo experiments. Ano and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
3-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
W3-Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly teller orcaUnuysaycfuturesufler-
ing and shame , and add golden years to life. J&iMiool :
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicina
and \\ritings sent cveryulicie , secure from exposure *
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays 9 In is. Address
F. D. CLARKE , IY1. D , ,
100 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
NEIIVOUS , Cnit'ixir nml FIUVATK DISK \scsot
MKN nnd WOMEX sttcce.-Bfully treated.
Them nro mmir troubled with too fnwiunnt n\r.ic-
uullmisof tliu hl'uKlcr. ' ofloii accomimnlol liy n ll ht
eninrtliii ! 01 hurnlnu ni'iisntloii , nntl wenkrnlnx ot tlio
Rjulrin li > u manner llio iwllcnt rniinot account fur.
On I'xntiilntiiK tlin nrlnnry deposit * a ropy HNIlincnt
nlltolton 1)0 liilliiil.iuul , oi'ii'lllMi'H inMll purtiiluiot
Mliiuiiii-ii will nppi'nr. or the culorwlll hoot a tlila
inllkNli hue , ucnln cliaiiulnu to a ilnrK or tnriililnp
jHMintiuo. Them mo inuny men who ille of this tllill
nilly , lunuriuit tit tlio cause , wlilcli Is tlio teruncl-
stniio or noniliial wi'iiknixs , The docter will
unti'uapi'rlcotriiro In all such rases nml n healthy
ro.ilonitloii oftlui Kenlto-iirlnnry oruniis , ( oiiiuliu-
tloii fri'n. S < 'iiit lor"Vdiinit Man's Frleuil , or ( Julio
\VuJloolt , " iroo to all. Aililress ,
N , K. Tor. JfitH ir Sta , , lluslimun Illock.
Mention til Is jiuper.
Itoston , Slats { , CHy , Mo ,
Capital & Surplys , $1 $ ,
This company has opened an Omaha olllre and
IH pi epured to furnish money promptly on Im
proved city nnd farm properly.
No uppHoutlor.t'WBritnwuy for app" > val.
I.oaiiH closoil mil paid foi without delay.
. . .
M 1.tll II , > II.UIBI't ,
WJboutli 13th EtriTt. First Kntlonal llanlc
, . . ,
One of tiio Jlost Successful
In the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
J2l/e Ear Throat Lunu TM'cr
/ , , , t ,
Hlaililcr , Jtlilney ami JVorvoua Dis
eases treated with success nn-
eqn a He il.
Acureiruaranteertlnall case * of I'HIVATK
and HKIN JJIBIUBKS. All dUordcM ot tlio
Treatment by correspondence. Bend Jtamp
for reply.
OlflooDushman BlooI6th and
Dotiulas Sts. Omaha , Neb
Has oblaincd a reputation wherever in-
troduccd for ' 'CouiiECi STVLK , " "Pmi-
ITY. " They Imvo no superiors in Iltiiid
Turns , Hand "Welts , Goodyear Welts ,
and Machine Sowed. Ladies , aslc for the
' Lrni.ouSIIOL : . Try them , and you
will buy no other.
Bids Tor 1'tibllo Prlntlnu.
LINCOLN , Nov. 15. isss. )
* NOTICE TO Ilinor.HS.
Sealed proposals will bo received at any time
on or before i o'clock p. in. of the llth day of
December , A. U. I'-SS ' , for tlio prlnlliigof ulllillls
lor the legislature , with aueh matters as may bo
ordered by either lioii'o thereof to bo printed In
"bill term , " which IH shown anilileslKiiated as
Class ono (1) ( ) under the printing laws or the state
of Nebraska.
I 'or th B printing und binding In paper rovers
onolhousamlil.tKOjcoples each of the biennial
reports of the auditor public nc'count.s.troaburer ,
woi'retary or state and commissioner of public
lands and bulldlnuu ; and llvo lumdied ( M * ) )
copies each of the biennial reports of the attor
ney general , superintendent public instruction ,
Htute librarian and adjutant general ; and all
other reports and rY/cumsnts that may be or-
doied printed by t'.o legislature , except such us
. may enter Into und form u part of the Journals ,
which class of work iH known and designated us
Class ! l under the printing laws of Nebraska.
The bill work executed under Class 1 shall be
printed In biuall pleiuj pe on paper fourteen ( H )
inches long by PlKht und one-lmlt ( Stfi inches
wide , single paco. paper to bo 23 pounds double
cap to HID reum and owupt the title pace uoch
] > KO shall contain not leas than twenty-live cil )
linen of solid matter of seven ( " ( inches In length ,
and the lines shall nn successively numbered
with u blank only in each space between the
Tintitle PUKO ofHAld bills Hhall contain not
loss than eighteen ( I1 * ) lines as above , with CD
Inches additional ( .pace nllowuhlo for display
title matter. Koch bid ahull state what the bid-
d r is willing to do the work complete ) for per
puKe , liieludtiurcompo-iltloii , paper , prcstwork ,
Btitrlilnu , folulnc and all work or material en-
tertiiK Into the work raquirod.
All work oxerutTd under Cla s 1 shall ho de
livered In good order by the uoii'r.ictyr to the
olllcoof thi'Hecrt'tary of state witliln threu ( .1) )
days after tlio le.'i'ipt or the order by said con
tractor from the chairman of the com mlttea on
printing in oltheribniiichof the 1 etislaur
All work executed under Class tniuvili ) hliall
ba printed In lone primer , brevier und non
pareil typn , on paper to bo nlno ( ti ) Inches lomr
by six ( ill whip , Hln le pani * , paper to bo forty ,
llvo a.1) ) Ibs , to the ream , white Look. Kach bid
under Class ! l shall state what the bidder Is will
ing to ao tlio work complete for per pane , on
each report or Item In the cla s , IncliuliiiK com
position , paper , piexsworl ; , htitcliing. folding
und nil work or material entering Into the work
required , ( Julley and puue in oof must be fur-
mulled when rcctnlrutl by the olllcerjj of the
executive department or the of tliu
committee on printing in either branch of thn
lefiUluturo work when completed to bellverod
f reu of expense at the acute lioum.
I'toposum for work on each of the above
classes will not bo considered unless the sumo
flliallbcH'Tompauled by a bond In the sum of
llvp thousand iW.WX ) ) dollars , with two or more
burettes , that in i'a = o the p.irty . nroiio.iliig for
Mich contract shall bo awarded tnu same such
party will within llvo days after the award to
him of KUfh contract enter into bond * for the
faithful performoiifo thereof , as piovlded by
law and tno terms nt thoao proposals.
Proposals shall ho marked "Proposals for
I'ubllu I'rlntliiK" und iiddrKb od to the state
boaid of prlntlnt ; In care of the socrctuty of
state , Mmoln , Nel > .
Contracts on Class ono 0) ) us above npecllled
will be awurde.l ua u whole ,
t'ontr.ictH on Chis'i threu (3) ( ) us above specitlod
will ba n warded In whole or in part , as the
board may sleet ,
Samples of the work t bo executed under
classes one and three may bo seen at the olllco
of the becrct.iry of stute.
Contracts un above classes ono and thrco to
rim two years from Dec. 11 , ifwt.
'I heInto printing board reserve * the rluht to
reje < t uny or nil bids.
(1. ( li. IiAWH. riucietary of Btato.
II. A. HAIICOCK , Auditor 1'llblio Aco'ts ,
i' . \VI1LA1H ) . State Treasurer ,
" " Of the Btuta llourd of I'rlntlns.
Line ,
Itolfasf , Dulilln nml Liverpuol
From New York EverTuesdav / ,
Cabin jmsHaue P > > and iW , according to location
ot Btute room. Excursion i& > to f JO.
Ktoerugo to and from Kurope at Ixiweitt Uutes.
AU&TI.S I1AUJWJN & CO. . at-n'l AgeutH.
M llro. ( tway. New York.
JOHN IIW.QEN , Oen'l Western Agent ,
1 lUndolph St. , Chicago.
IIAHIIY K , > IOOHKS. Agent. Omaha.
Ituduucd Cabin llatea to Glasgow 15x-
PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000. SURPLUS $40.000.
5 ° | 0 Interest on deposits , compounded ooml-annuollyt
K " Savings Certificates with Interest coupons attachod.
DEBENTURE BONOS In Denominations of 82OO , S30O , SHOO ,
Dand \ SIOOO , based upon First Mortgage Real Eatato Securities
deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company
1 of Now York. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of Europo.
0. M. CARTER , Pres. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Prcs. PHILIP POTTER , Sec.
A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamenta
in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices .
Box Trade Solicited. Private Lock Boxes.
liAKKlSll ItLOCK , JFAIlJiAM nml lOtli.
J. S. ( ML d
> - Branch ot the largest iiinuufactory in tlio U. S. Now
> t i i i u '
slt UiOJ-J- Open at 220 S. 14th St. , near Pax ton IIolol , cnrryine
the largest line o TRUNKS , VALISES , HAND SATCHHLS , POCJvE'f-
BOOICS , etc. , over shown in Oimilm. Goods sold at what our competitors
pay for them. Work to order. Repairing n specialty.
Weura nowraeelvlnff all tlio flnanf. < intl latest ( laxl'jii * In Flno Out I'lM
ni InclnillH/ ! > ro ; > Llr/hls , i'arlablo Stttntln , Ltiin ] > actc.Litruevtt-
rlcljj of Jin\iorttitl \ Simile * , ( llobca anil Glitimwai-e.
Exclusive Dcrtyna n KiH'dnlty , Prices netisonublc ,
. ,409-411 South 15th Street. _
' = = = >
Real Estate ,
2i8S. 1 5th St. , Omaha.
* OPHlTCfTO. BTAUH , 181'J Howard 8t. , Omahi. h j rtrfn pl n and
finulillLUl pocltlcatlou for u it-room frame hous < j. whtcli vomblaoa
utlltty.comfort.economy nnd beauty.inuwAy Impossible Inuny good
bouM > u'lixtcoits from JI.'M ) to Jl.iWj , AS moro than l _ - 2 . , . . .
will bo hivi' , ro , 1 can nlTord to offer n copy for OrlflnMand splendid
KU , the iscnl fws otliurwlHo being from -r : 55 df l n furnished , ast n be Judged
ssg ! ! t < tto eets or plansof completed buiMlnBiio (
nil detcrlptlons , I bavo In my nfJlri- , routine 1 rokt
_ _ from W.OCO to$100,000. My unusual cxperienro will jjuarantco Kutlsfactlon
S ' ' tnd reliable contractors only are eugugad oi > my work * . rurUfJtwIoUlcjr to build la/lud.
Uu Uavuu j > u civu cure .
.IIIINII or III.KKIIlMi 1'II.Ri * . llj III
Ijso Ibounnndiof cunea of lonu mini'
iu luru hoi ! n curml. HoBlruiitfUuur
faitli In lit curutuo powur * tlint vro
VwM mull on * onil'lo bin riH.K ID miy
liuld-rer. . HTliU U nu nuaiUuKi
I you uttnuHjr ncelva a box free nr re
turn mull , luot u Int nt circular * ! . u 1
une ainillcatlon win COIIYIIIC.I ) ruu nf
It * troitk. AddroM'llia Ml'lurtl ' I'd. , HillTUlu , N. r
Sloiitloq Itiu Oiimlm tier. ,
i > ud ail urinary troubles
lyaudsufolycuroU by DOOl'UUACui
. .Several Cise * cured in seven dur . Hold
81.W per box , ull drtlxUts ; , or br tnnll fr ) in Do-
cistaMfs.Co liaVhfij \ ht..N. V. Tull Dlteellou *
? \