Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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    ! \
m ,
"I71OR SAl.fe liciiutlful hou o of Plnrgo roomi ,
JL1 bath-room and More-room , nttle over ttio
whole ) icm o ; house ( Implied In antique onk ;
kitchen nnd np.Mnlrs in nard plno : uplonrtin
rurnkce ; aw-bbl cistern , city wnter , hot and cold
water ; east-front lot , 60x181 , In the most destr-
nblo neighborhood In the city , overlooking
Omaha nnd Council lllulTs ; Iiouxa built for the
owner's own use. Call nnd investigate this prop
erty If you wanttobuy a peed homo. C. P. Hnr-
risen , Merchants' Nat. Hunk. ; 1H
"IOIl Do ron want n loan at lowest
JL1 rntcs on KOO > ! Improved Inifdn proneity ?
Bee il , A. Upton company , al DUO So. loth street.
Sl'M'.Nim ) corner-South front Glxim feet
on 1'opplelon av. , Hnnnrom Plncn , tlrst-clafs
uolghhoihoortt streets nnd lot all Krndvil ; now
cnblollne to Ilnnscom I'nrlt will make this piop-
irty advance nt If ast M per cent. 1'rlcc t r few
ilnvHonly ( m ensy terms , Ueo. N. Hicks ,
room 40. narkcr block. fidJ
TTTOlf "BAMJ MS" acres Hamilton Co. , Nob.
JU land , in per ncru , one-third cnili. linlnnce at
0 per cent. Address W. J. Wililinan , Denver. Col.
13) )
BAHOA1N Klegnnt residence with barn ,
Lntli , rurnace , hot and cold wnter , rlntern ,
Rn , ctc. , nllcompleto , Just ready for occupnnry.
full and sue It. Hicks , room fo , HarkiT block.
T7\OH \ SAM : ' ) r trade : whole or 14 Intereit
AlMOnrraa Sintlcs from two It. It. ilcpoM , Ti
miles from Umuhn , best Improved stock farm
In Nob. Hno chanre for young man with
money. Call or address Win. ( llbson. room , ) ' ) ,
( liamuer of Commerce , Omahn. , or T. It. ( lib-
on. Fremont. Nob. flffl d-ir
JOTH Tor Sale - 1 have 10 Hno lots In
Jplnrn add. for sale. Kor further luforinatlon
nddrciH K. JelTcry ( jjile nii , [ Ij. _ 1J7
"niOlt BAIiKor exclmnga I'Vir Improved city
V property , thnso to live acresnt land on the
licit l.llis Hy. , especially suitable lor lirlck yard
purposes. This ground Is underlaid with a su
perior iiunllty or clny and hnst It It tracks on
onu'xlde nnd a good stream of water on the
otticr. Will tak1 ! brick next Bcninn In pait pay
ment. ( leo. N. lllcks , Darker Dlock. ftliMl
ITlOlt SAI.K M. A. Upton coaipiuy have the
JL. ' bargains In biHttiR-isaiidruHldoucupioperty.
tien them at iU3 ! f < > . 16th street. 4'.D '
rnWO-STOUV brU-k bli > "k , nearly row , with
J- stores mi Illoor and seven room HaU on
second lloor , with nil modern Improvements.
ThlB property Is on curlier trontlne paved
htrcat , with suwer. w.-itur and K.M nnd brings
nn annual rental of , Will still cheap on
terms to suit. AilijnMs II 70. lice. 4UI
"IJAIKJAIN Cliolro corner. tilixHO feet , north
J. and cast trout on Howard anil ! &th MtruutH.
I'rlrc , rnrufuw auys , JO.'JO. Ouo. N. Hicks.
llarkur block , MW 11
T\N"l'pny rent when you cftii buyanlco homo
JLvoa paymuatsof tli ; pur month , Incladint ; In
terest , nnd nocaxh pnymunt rciiUlred. C'oino
nil ye homelu.iir.inil let us make you happy. HI.
B. Cole , Continental block. _ liL1 ?
f7 > OllSAIjK n now house In n desirable part
JL of the city , two lots , lioiixo contains nil
jno < leri Improvements , hot and cold wnter ,
furniiru. gn ? , bath , electric bells , nnd electric
Kn llghtlnif nrrnngHinant , p.irlorH , hall nnd din
ing room l'.nl hed In oiik and cherry , l-'or
l > rlco and terms adaress 1' , O. drawer 47 cliy ,
B A HO A IN Cholco residence site on Sflth nvo
near llurney , ( ilxl-8 fret , perfect grade nnd
nlculy situated between Kt. Mary's nvo nnd
Hartley. 1'rlcu SSW. Uuo. N. Hicks. Darker
block. 60J U
I7IOKSAM3 Wo have thlrtoun lots In Contrnl
-I ? subdivision. Council Itlutrs , twelve acres in
Jtlcu'h .subdivision , nnd eight ncres niljolning
Honson's seconil nddltlon on the north , nil near
Kiectrlc Motor Una. Will ball la n bunch ntn
poMitlvo bargain. C. E. Mnyue , Knal Eatato
Trust Co , , onmha. 3SJ
QJFOO oiiys n full lot an'l goon l-roora cottaga
Pcnsv turms anil good location. I ) . V. Sholes.
romn''IO , First Nut'l banlc , cor. 1.1th and Far-
I7IOH SAMS Cholra ( Ivo-acro tract In West
Jf Uinalin , close to Holt Mne Ity , only twenty
llvo mlnnti-s' rlilu iroin postolllcu , for Milu for a
Khort tlnfo at Ji'.flK ) : small canli payment ; long
lime. Geo. N. Illcks , Marker block. CUU U
T71OU SAIK-Or trade , lots I , 2 and : i block 7.
-A. Kckurmuu ; will Hull cheap for cash or trade
for goovl piano anil part cash , W. J. Wllilman ,
Denver. Colo. 3IH11
TjlOH BAIjR (110 ( acres of cholcn farm land , un-
J Improved , In contrul Ndbraska. A bargain
If sold oim. Hlrks , Hooiu 40 , llarker block.era
FOI1 8AI.E Two olowut homes in Hnuscom
I'laco on ronsoaable terms ; mnrtgngu paper
taken us part payment , ilosworth .t Joplln ,
Jlnrker block. VM
T71OH 8AIjE-Or exchange for Omnhaprop-
JL } nrty. HJ ncres. sultnulo for plnttlng ; will
innku 100 lot" , all clear ; big money In It for
i- nome one who cnu push this ; located jubtout-
- Bldo of the city limits of Council itliittrf. In-
ijlilre Heo. J. Sternsdonf , opp. postolllco. 12.3
FOH SALE-Not for trade. M3.70 ncres of Im
proved land - inlleH from Muniticttu. In
Hamilton Co. , Neb. Knunehouse , frame MUible ,
IKXI acres umler a good i barb-wire fence , round
cednr posts and " stays ; living wnter , good cor-
nil , 2 witlLs , wlud-inlll , ; -nrrcl [ ) tnnk , selt-
tcoiler troughs , etc. ; 1 > nurcs clover , u good
htock ranch.
J'rlre ( about Jl'J per acre ) frt.BOO
Cash : iruu
ayenrstlmontOnercent ; i , CW
( Jo nnd look over thu land and address thu
owner , ! ' . 1C , Atkins , 15U3 Larimer at. , Denver ,
Colo. 1X1
IiibtruinentH i'liicoii on JlooorJ I > ur-
iiiK ycstortliiy.
J I ) Her nnd wife to P E Her , nub lots C
nnd I ! nun part of 4 , secTJ. \ \ . and nil
llk24i : , anil lots 1,2 , 7 and H , pt lot 3.
bk ! .ill , nml lots 4 , A , and C , nnd pt 3 ana
7 , blk S43. nnd lots : t. 4 , ( i nnd u , nnd pt
lots - nnd 7. blk 'M' . Guiana ; lots I. : . ' , : l ,
4 , A , 10.17. IH. 10 nml 20 , blk 4.VJ , ( inuul-
view , nnd pt lot H , blk J.'t)7 ) , lots 2 , il , 4 , fi.
land" , blk 1 , Credit 1'onctur. d O.MK )
A K Itiley nnd wife to J II Connlctiaul.
lot ) , Hillings Mil ) , wd 1'JOO
A K illley nnd wfto to II II llenbon , loto.
blk2. Slierldnn place , wd . . . i.rxw
A 1C Hlley ami wife to J B Cnrmlcnnol.
lots l , si , Klnnd 21 , Albright's Choice.
' ' ' " " ' " ,
A K u'lluy : imi ifo'to'ii"H"ire'nion"lots
18,17 , IB nnd 10 , blk BO , Albright's Choice.
' " " * * ' '
Patrick fa'nd"co"toY ) II iionlii , 'lot'i'ii
bile 115. Dundee place , w d 1,100
D I ) Bmonton to 11C Wilson , lot , 7 , blk 3 ,
I.lpton place , w < i COO
Vf W lieinou nnd ifc to W W Keysor ,
lot 21. blk 12 , Omaha View , wd 1,1(0 (
J Kendls ot al to K D Wend , n H lotr > , bile
1. Hooj.itV Hill's ndd. wd 1,750
II A Moilu and wlfu to J Appleby , lot I1.
blkM , Ulkhorn. wit IM )
Vf I' Muveiu to T WllllaniHon , lots 13 nnd
Id. blk2. Slovens'placu. wd 2,000
0 i : Vest nnd wife to C L Straight , lot 4 ,
blk ! . ' , lnku View , 11 c d 10
Sontn Onmha Land ( < > to. ) .M ( ilnsgow , lot
4 , blk hi. South Omaha , w d 815
( i ( I Wallace et al to ( ) U Wallace , trustee ,
s w n w 4-l."i-ii : D , d
3 Cl Mtwiuli uml wife to J I1 .Megentn. lot
6 , Windsor phice. wd 1
O T Taylor and ifc ) to J K Mnrkell. lot 10 ,
blk I , iMiiluvlow ndd , w d 2,500
J 1' JleKnath mid wife teD I , Thonins , w
! t s w It-10-1ii' ; . u c il
Cl Jl Hitchcock andwlfo to.1 lll'ifi'r , lotil.
blk 2 and lot II , blk 4 , Hitchcock's 1st
ndd , w il 7i" ! >
II i : Smith nml husband to J A Fuller , lot
7 , Windsor Terrae" . w il HX )
3 ( j Yens to Omaha llelt l.inu Hy. u UT tt of
o IfiUft lotfl. llorburli'u 1st add , w d. . . . I.UJl
J V lloyd and ulfo to Tanning \ Slavon ,
lots land " , blk 1 , Itoyd's ndil. oUinalia ,
wd 1 , X )
Twenty-one transfers { . il,47
West Virjtiuln Contest.
CiiAiti.ESTOK , W. Va. , Dee , 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Hint. ] The decision by the
supreme court In granting : the democratic
application for n writ of mandamus against
the county court has turned out to bo a bad
thing for the democrats. The object sought
y tlio democrats In ( jetting the decree waste
to throw out the vote of LcwUton precinct ,
which gave nine republican majority. Tills
was done yesterday. The county court lllco-
wlso threw out Coalburg precinct , which
Kavo a democratic majority of twenty , and
McOlnnls , republican , for congress , is there
fore one ahead , The rcuubhcans are Jubi
lant , and predict that before the lust has
lioen heard of the mandamus business Mo-
GlnniH will have a larger majority than ever
credited to him , .
Four Htm d roil Thousand Loan.
NKW YOIIK , Doc. 8 , The lota by the lire ,
Tvlilch last night burned the ferryboat Mary
land and a train of cars , is estimated at
The Adamt. Express company hail a bag
gage cur on the steamer loaded with through
matter from Washington. This will bo a
total loss , but * owing to the fact that meagro
particulars have been received from the Uos-
ton ofllce , the oJllcors hero could not estimate
the amount. Tliero was no time to save anything -
thing , and the safe went down into the hold
of the steamer with the other wreckage.
Two AVns Hnough ,
Burlington Free ljross : First citizen
I'm proud of my wife. She can
opeuU live dliTertuit languages. How
inuny'lnngutigos does your wife a peak V
Second citizen Uiiitod States and
baby tulk. That's miough for inn.
Bankers Report a Good Demand
For Money.
Coffee Slrotn : nml I5\cllc l I'loiir
JloIdH ItH Own , Hut n Weakness Is
Noticeable Nulls Klrm-Col-
lections Slow.
The Hiinliioss Situation.
I3nnlccr.s say Ihoro lias been a jrood dcmnni'
for money tli past \vcok anil available funds
linvo been readily absorbed by borrowers
Rates are sternly nt 10 per cent , nml the ten
deney Is to a more stringent tnnrkot. Kx-
chnngo Is quoted at tl.CO per thousand.
Jobbers report tr.ulo quiet. The warm
\vlmtlicr has luul n depressing effect on al
lines except hardware and builder * * interests
which arc favored by the bright weather pre
vailing , and brick manufacturers especially
have been greatly benefited , and are not so
blue as six weeks ago.
Prices nrn steady witn nn Advancing tend
ency on iicarl.\ till lines of staples.
The New York colTeo market has been
stronirnnd excited during the week under
speculative inllnenccs. The markets at
Havre. Rio and the Dutch markets all ad
vuticcd , out closed lower.
Flour holds its own and quotations
nro unchanged , though weakness Is notica-
ble , anfl the element Is inulincd to feel
Jubllaii } .
Nulls nrc firm , a Pittsbitrg house having
taken .Yi.OOO kegs on speculation , with a view
to forcing the prices upward , but as there
nro many idle mMls , ready to go Into opera
tion nt short notice , It is not thought that tin
advance can be maintained tit this season.
liuttcr continues In active demand for the
choicer grades , though the El pin market
broke 3 to 4 points during the week from
the nominal quotations of last week. There
is undoubtedly n scarcity or the llnci
grades of creamery , but manufacturers
of artificial butters stand rrady to keep the
prices of the genuine article at not higher
than present figures , it having been demon
strated that when butter is held a few cents
higher than "oleo" and "hutterino" of the
liner grades these articles arc substituted by
Mercantile collections are only fair , anil
the country does not remit as promptly nor
as freely as could be wished , while the city
Is a good way behind thn coun
try. Still , collections arc usually
slow nt this season , and liberal remittances
are harply anticipated till the corn crop be
gins to move in earnest , in January and Feb
According to reports received by the Cin
cinnati Price Current the winter packing of
the west is now C 10OUO , hogs sliort of last
year's showing at this date. Last week's
packing was ! I30OGO liojfs , against 42.1,000 for
the same week In 1087.
At tne seaboard prices for anthracite coal
are unsettled tin it sales are only effected by
shading the tlgnrcs in some cases 41) ) to IH )
cents per ton. From nearly all directions
the report is that yards are fully stocked up.
The lake shipment of iron ore the putt sea
son were enormous , reaching about 0,000,000
tons ,
Last week's output of Hour at the Minnca-
apolls mills was S.'I,2JO bbls , against 1111,400
bbls for the previous week.
Crop prospects in both western and east
ern states are said to have been improved by
recent rains.
Sugar is selling fairly well at the recent
advance , the ruling prices being fixed by the
trust. One of the latest rumors nbout the
sugar trust is to the effect that tno combine
intends to utili/.o some of thu idle refineries
under its control fet the purpyso of boiling
molasses during the coming season and
turning the sugar product thnrcfrom into the
pool nt a lixcd price. The New York Com
mercial Bulletin says a portion of the trade
there has idea that the trust r % ally does not ,
care to take any such action , but is willing to
use what appears to be a reasonable story us
n sort of nienuco to force regular boilers into
coining to snuio agreement and fix a basis
upon which the output of domestic molasses
sugars for 18SS-S9 can bo handled. Boilers
do not think favorable of any such scheme ,
cspscially while they arc at sea as to thu
probable cost of molasses.
ColTeo is in good legitimate demand and
the speculative excitement and decline tailed
to affect prices for colTeo from store. The
statistical position has not changed much
lately. Including 2:12,000 : bags held at New
York , the supply of Brazil coffee at the Am
erican scabrard foots up nearly 205,000 bags.
Thcro are 221.0JO bags of cofToo on the way
from Hlo and Santos to this country , and the
seaboard stocks , together with the coffee on
the ocean bound for our shores , amount to
515,600 bags , against 410,20 ; ! bags a your ago.
Saturday , Dec. 8 , 1888.
The receipts were very light and there was
not very much of n market , out about every
thing was cleaned up before tlio close. The
prices paid wera not much different from
yesterday , but if anything the beef cattle
brought a little llnner prices. There wcro
no fresh receipts of feeders , but one bunch
which had been wanned up a little on cars
brought $3.25. While tins market tills week
has been very unsatisfactory to sellers it
has been no worse than the other markets ,
but in many cases when cattle have gene on
from here it has only been to find a still
worao market. _
The market opened strong and active on
good heavy hogs , but after the best had been
selected the market dropped off suddenly
under the influence of the dccllno in pro
visions , and closed lOc lower. Everything ,
however , was sold before the close.
Thcro was nothing hero to make n market.
Cnttlo . 300
ili Prluui.
The following is a tiuluof pricsa pil.l la
this muncet for the gnUji of stoc.r mun-
Pnmostccrs. 1300 to 1503 Ibs..W.7S (31.23 (
Prunestoors. 1100 to 13JO ibs. . 3.25 1(41.00
Nativcfeeilcrs 2.73 011.00
Western feeders 2,00 ( (42.00
Range steers , com'on to cholco 2.50 $8.50
Common to good cows " . . . . 1.25 fe'2.00
Choice to fancy cows 2.10 C < W. < V >
Common to choice bulls 1.25 ( U2.00
Kalrtoonoice tight hoes 5.00 ii(5.15
Fair to choice heavy hois 5.25 ( $5,35
Fair to choice mixed hogs S.10 < i$5.2o
KoprcMitiitntiTO Sale * .
No. AT. Pr.
1 stag , western 1,000 $1.00
4 bulls 1,250 1.40
it bulls 1,103 1.50
Tbull 1,5'JO 1.50
113 bulls , westerns 1,169 1.50
10 steers , tailings V > 2 1.02
24rows ( -53 I.tl5
0 cows , natives 955 1.05
1'COW. . 1,800 1.IJS
11 ciiuners , 771 1.115
10 cows l.COU 1.75
7cows 05'J 1.05
1 steer CoO 2.00
80 cows 1,041 2.05
icow 1,270 2,05
10 steers , western tailings. . . .1,207 2.15
21 stockers 057 3.25
Ucows 1,841 , 2.40
80 steors" westerns 1,133 2.SO
41 steers , westerns. 1,151 2.t > 0
45 steers , corn-fed 077 U.OO
20 feeders , natives 1,071 U.25
24 yearlings , high grade 85S 3.25
lOstocrs , natives 1,130 a.25
18 steers 1.1S9 H.40
SO steers , corn-fed natives , . , , 1,121 8.45
41 steers , corn-fed natives , , , , 1,2S > 4 3.75
1 steer , western 1OOJ 4.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70..223 1(505.00 ( 57..271 120 f5.20
02.,218 120 5.03 03..271 120 5.20
63..1WJ 120 5.05 04..803 120 5.20
05..SI5 210 5.07W DO..818 320 5.20
51..818 480 5.10 71. . . .21)1 ) 280 5.25
CO.243 300 5.10 Oi..KM 1UO 5.25
73..254 B20 5,10 47 . . .830 100 6.25
63.,24:1 : 60 5.10 B8..277 St-'O 5.25
70..227 5.10 48..801 6.25
03..800 ISO 5,10 67. . . 801 330 8.25
Sold to I'noker.s ,
Showing the nunbcr : of hos sold to
packers nnd leading buyers on to-day's mar
ket !
O. II. Hammond As Co 513
Omaha Packing Co ! , !
Armour-C. P. Co l,0t- :
Totnl Cnttlo Snlc .
Showing the total number of cattle sold on
the different days of this week :
Monday 87"
Tne.vlay 2,2,15
Wed ncsday 1,40 ,
Thu rsday . . . . ' " 1-.3SO
Friday " " 1IM (
Saturday ( HiS
Produce , I'mlt , Ktc.
HuTTr.u Fancy , solid-pacltcd creamery , 20
@ : iOo ; choice country , 22 ( 3. ' > c ; medium
grades , 18i721c ( ; common grades , 10(314c. (
fi.O' 'it Nebraska patents , ? il.OJ$7. { . " > 0 ;
Minnesota patents , $1.25 7.75 ; straight
grades , $5.00.iJ.VJ ; bakers' flour , (5. i&3,75
per bbl.
POTATOES Nebrusltu , 25 ( 4 ) c per bu ; Colorado
rado , 75 ( .SOc.
Swr.m1 POTATOES Sfn.lJ c par Ib.
Poui.Tiiv Llvo chickens , $2.50(32.75 ( per
doz ; spring chickens , $ ' 3.uQ ( ' 3.00 ; dressed
chickens. 7d ? < ! o per Ib ; turkeys , SiIOc. (
Kocis Strictly fresh , 2.lf24o ( candled.
MAI.\OA UiiArT.s In kegs , 12c per Ib.
13 VXAXAS Common , $1.50jii..2.'i ( per bunch ,
choice , ? J.oOfc3.fiO. (
LKMOXS J.VIK ) per case.
On * , Xns ( : Florida , $ H.5l'J'l,73 ( per box.
GAMI : Per dozen : Mallards , $ ) .f > 0ii'2.7r ( ' ;
teal , $ t.OJ'i l.2.'i ; quail. $2.f > 0 ; prairie chick
ens , $ a.7fiM.UO ( ; rabbits , $1.00 ; squirrels ,
Jl.OO ; venison , ( ' ( .HOo per Ib.
CiuxiiEiiniKs Si.OO tO.OO per bbl.
PaovistoNs Hams , No. 1 , HJ-aC ; No. 2 ,
lie ; shoulders , 7Jic ; rib bacon , He ; clear
bacon , ll'tjc ; picnic hums , lOc ; dried beet
hams , lO c ; dry salted clears , short , SJ-fc ;
extra short , 8 } c ; short ribs , fi' c ; plckeletl
' feet 15-lb kits bc ( ) lard
pigs' , - , ; , SytUe ;
smoked sausage , 0jtSu ( per Ib ; hog casings ,
Cr.i.F.uv2Ti'ii30c per dozfaeujncy , 40J.
Oxioss yO@llcper ( bu. -
C.MIIUOU W.OO per 100.
HIITS : : lOc ] ) or bu.
TriiNirs 2.H5 per bu. ,
USAtMitKiiUL'T : Ubls , $ l.7. > ; half bbls , $2.75.
Ai'i' Choice , fj.502.75pcrbbl ( ; ; fancy ,
$3.00 per bbl ; common , $ l.r > Q@l.i5 per bbl.
Ciniiit Michigan , $3.00@l'.50 per bbl of
gals ; California pear eider , fIS.OO per bbl.
PorCoitx Rice , 3c : common , 2) C.
CAUUOTS JOe per bu.
Uc txs Choice eastern hand picked navies ,
2.00 per bushel ; western handpiekcd na
vies , $1.75(7 ( > 1.SO ; mediums , $1.30dgl.50 ; Lima
bcuns , Co per Ib.
HAY F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland 50.00 : No.
2 upland , . 5.00.
Cnori > in : -$14.00@15.CO : per ton.
COHX 2i@'i7e. (
OATS ! J2 ( ( 22e.
VixnoAK Cider , 10 ( < ? tSc per gal. ; white
wine , 10@20c per gal.
HO.NEV 1-lb frames , 15@lSc.
Orpc r ' Tjlit.
Revised prices arc ns follows :
U\aoixo Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
keag , seamless , 17lic ; Lowistown A , scam-
less , lo ! ) ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps ,
4 to "i bu. , IHiBUc ; gunnies , single , 13c ;
gunnies , double , 20c ; wool sack , 3. > c.
TWINIW Plnx , iiSc ; extra sail , 20(131 ( c ; sail
13 , 202lc ; cotton , 22c ; Jute , Oc.
Duiiii ) t'nurr Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 1 _ _
lOc ; dates , in boxes , 710c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , f2.UCit3.7i ! ; Malaga
loose raisins , 2.'jO@2.f > 0 ; new Valencia
raisins , per Ib , S > ' e ; California loose musca
tels , per box , t2.0fl2.10California ( ( : Loudens ,
18SS , * 2.41 ! ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12(213t ( * ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , 7J @Sc ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 24@25c ; evaporated apples , 7K@
ISc ; California sun-dried peaches , 13o ; Cali
fornia unnared evaporated poaches , 1518e ;
evaporated California apricots , ISc ; Xuntco
currants , ( % @ 7c ; Turkish prunes , 4jf(54 ( ? e ;
citron. 22@24o ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel ,
Kic ; California French prunes , ll@10c.
Coppuns Mocha , 2. ) & < ; 2'c ( ; Rio , good , 10 < o
17c ; Mamlahling , 2ilp2Sc ; roasting Rio , l.r ) &
" ' " " Interior , 22& .
and Mara-
Si/OAii Grauu'latcd , 71fjc ; conf. A , 7 ? c ;
white extra C , 7'4'c ' ; exti-a C , 73 < u ; yellow C ,
Grfe ; jiowdorod , 8Kc ; cubes , 8 > < Jc.
IlcnswAX Choice yellow , 20@22Kc ; durlj
colored , l14c. ! )
Ciicisu Young America , full cream , 12@
12 c ; full. cream Cheddars , ll@12c ; full
cream Hats , 12) c.
Pinsi.ts Meitlinn , In bbls , M.OO ; do , in
half bbls , 83.00 ; small , in bbls , 80.00 ; do. in
half bbls , S3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , 1.00.
TOIIACCO Plug , 2fi@fi5c ; smoking10@90c
JEI.LIKS * l.B5 perao-lb iiail.
SAIT $1.10@1.U5 ! per bbl.
Roi'i--7- 10J11 ,
M\i-n Bricks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12 ( < fl3c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 pur gal.
TIIAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 185 $
25C. ; Young Hyson , good In fancy , : tO ( 55o ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22 ( < t'2.c ' ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 4itC.e ( ) ( ; Ja | > an ,
common to moitium , 15 ( 230 ; Japan , cholco
to fancy , l0 ! ( 43c ; Oolong , common to good ,
25ii3. : " > c ; Oolong , cholco to fancy. B0@70c ;
Imperial , common to medium , 25 3oc ; Im
perial , good to fancy , -lOydioOo ;
JUTS Almonds , HXtflSo ; lllberts , 12@15c ;
Brazil. ' . ) @lc ) ; walnuts , ISc ; pecans , UKgtlc :
peanuts , ti@'Jc.
CIIAUKKIIS G'jftlOo per Ib ; assorted cakes , ( per Ib as per list.
CANIIV Mixed , ! > K@12J4c ; stick. 0 %
rock candy , 10K@l"e ; fancy candy , 7 (
Com-isii G
Dry Gooas.
COTTON FI.ANNKI.S 10 ) ) er cent dis. ; LL ,
Kc ; CC , ( % e ; SS , 7fo ; Nameless , 5c ; RX ,
18c ; R , 20c ; No. 10 , 8 c ; No. 40 , 10 > < fc ; No.
( M ) , 12jse ; No. 80 , 1'IJ.ic ; No. 30 , 'colored. He ;
No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12Ko ;
Bristol , 12Ke ; Union Pacific , 17c.
CAIH-KT WAKP Bid , white , lOc ; colored ,
* WC.
WC.BATTS Standard , So ; gem , lOc ; beauty ,
12Jtfe ; boone , 14o ; H , cased , # i.SO.
PaiNrs Solid colors Atlantic , do ; Sinter ,
Co ; Horlln oil , ( ! Ke : Garner oil. @ 7c.
PlllXTS Pink and Robes Allen , ( ! e ; Rivor-
iwint , B e : Stool River , Oke ; Richmond ,
o ; i'acillc , 7c.
IIINTS Dress Charter Oak , B/e ! ; Ram-
ape , 4 e ; Lodl , 5 > c ; Allen , Co ; Richmond ,
( ! o : Windsor , ( % ° > Eddystono , 0 > c ; PaciHo ,
Snir.TiNa : Berkeley cambric ,
Lonsdalo cambric , UK" ! Lonsdalo , Do ; New
York mills , 10J u ; Pcnporoll , 4'J-ln , lie ; Pep-
poriill , 4-in ( ( , 1'Jo : Pcpporell , (1-4 ( , 1 Go : Poj-
peroll , 8-4 , 21c ; Poppcroll , 0-4 , 2Ju ; ; I'cpper-
ell , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-1. SJtfc ; Triumph , Oc ;
AVamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
FLAXNULS Plaid Raftsmen , 20o ; Goshen ,
32Kc ; Clear Lake , SO o ; Iron Mountain ,
COHSKT JKANs-Androscoggin , 79ic ; Kcar-
sargo , 7c ; Rock port , 0 > ( o : Conestogu , ( JJJe.
U > | -LtlUl IJUIUV )
,3 ; Cordis , No. 4 , . . .
li'j.AN.vm.sVhitoUH , No. 3 , % , 23Ke ;
GH , No. 1 , 5f , 2(5c ( ; HH , No. 2.9t',32 > c : UH
No. 1 , } { , 30c ; Quechce , No. 1.Jf , 42c. -
DEXIMS Amoskeug , 0 oz , lOjtfoj E rott7
oz , 13 > jc ; York , 7oz , 13Ko ; Hayinakor.fiUe ;
Jaffrey XX. ll' o ; JntTrey XXX , T5/tfoi
Ucuvcr Creek AA , 12o ; Heaver Creoli UH ,
lie ; JJl'i * * V * Creek lV1VU .
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15o ; Dakoto ,
18ci Durham , U7Xo ; Hercules , 18c : Leaming
ton , W-/SU ; Cottswood , 2H < c.
Ciusn Stevens1 H , OKO : Stevens' 13 ,
bleached , 7o ; Stevens'A , 7J4o ; Stevens' A ,
* I _ l. _ . * J- i _ _ ft A . L-w ' A . * r . .
Table on cloth. t3.0 ;
plain Holland , 0 } c { Dado Holland. IWe
Buow.s SiiiiKUjjO Atlantic A , 4-t ,
Atlantic H ,
Aurora C
Hooalerl . . , - . . - .
Lawrence LL. 4-4. 'Oat , Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5J < c ( Pcppcrcil R , 4-4. 7c ; i'cppercll O , 4-4 ;
n4c ? ; Pcpperell , Ji 4 , blji ; ; Pcpperell , 0-4.21u ;
Peppcrell , 10-4 , 23 < y ; .Utlcn C , 4-4 , 4fc\ \
Wachusott , 4-4 , 7kc ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 7c ,
Aurora H. 4-4 , ti'ie. i -1
DUCK West Point 29 ( n. 8 02. , lOJVo ; West
Point 20 In. 10 oz , 12 , 0 : West i 0t | oy | n < i
oz. , I5c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz. , lOc.
FiAXXBLs-Ked. C , 34iln , ir ) > { c ; E , 24 in ,
211/0 ; GG , 24 In , 30cHAF ! , f , 25c ; , IRF ,
Renfrew dress , 8'i@12 ' > { c.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5Jfc ; Woods , 5 > 4"c ;
Standard , Cijfc ; Peacock , 5lje ,
PHISTS , Ixnitio BIA-K Arnold , O. ' c ; Amer
ican , ( > > 4c ; Gloucester , ( < 4e : Arnold C long
cloth , lie ; Arnold B long cloth , 10 > 'e ; Arnold
Hold Seal , 10V ; Stlofel A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , ll ) > jc ,
Leather. \
Hemlock sole. lSi27c ( per Ib ; oak sole , 3H@
iiGc per Ib ; oak harness , iittofitic per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , ! ttc per Ib ; oak and hem
lock upper , 20jP-2Jc per foot. Hemlock. calf
skin , No. 1 , SOji'JOc per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin. No. 1 , ! Xc@M.OO ) PCI
Ib ; Phlhulolphia calf skin , extra , fl.UO@t. 10
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , GOW70e per
ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70 01- per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip sklnestrabOritT > ) c per Ib. French
call skins , ( according to weight and iiiaHty ] ) ,
fl,151.7. ( ) per Ib. French kip skins , do , sO
( itgl.IOpor Ib. Cordovan rnssett , ISe ; sati
llnish , 20c per loot : welt leather , $ ' .riO(8I.OO (
] > cr side ; moroccos ( pebble goat ) , 20C ; 30c per
foot ; moroccos , boot leg , ' . ' .Vi3li ) % per foot ;
glove calf skins , 20C : tOo per foot ; Douglas
Kid , ! ! 0@40c per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40gr ( > 0o
per foot , according to quality. Toppings ,
$3.00(310.00 per dozen ; linlues.Si.OOca'J.OO pei
do/en ; iiiiron skins , 510.00@12.00 per dozen.
First and second clear , l > 4 in.4' ) 00ff51 ( 00
First nnd second clear , 1U In. . . 47 OOwM ) IK
Third clear , I' ' M in . 43 00 ( < Nl ( 00
A select , l'40 ' lf ) iu . 37 ( K )
B select , HjMUj in . : KI ( H
A stock boards , 12 ® Ui ft , 12 in. . 4(1 ( 00
B stock bohrds , l'Ji$10 ( ft , 1'J in. . 41 00
C stock boards , 12 Sli ( ft , 12 in. . 3G CO
1) stock boards , 12@10 ft , VJ in. . - 23 HO
Flooring , llrst common , ( ) m . 31 OU
Flooring , second common , (1 ( in. . 31 CO
Select fencing lloorlng . 1'j 00
Siding , llrst and second clear , 14
@lli ft . . . . . 25 00
Siding , first common. 1(1 ( ft . 22 00
Siding , second cotnrno . 1 ! ) ( K
Common boards . 10 IK
No. 2 boards , alt lengths . 14 5C
Fencing , No. 1 , 12 and 20 feet . 1(1 ( 50
Fencing , No. 2 , 12 , II and 18 feet . 15 50
Joist and scantllm. , 2x4. 14@16 feet . li ( ( > ( <
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12@1G feet . 1700
Pickets , Dnnd H lint . 22 00
Pickets , D and H square . 22 00
Shingles , extra A . 2 SO
Shingles , standard A . 200
Lath . 240
O G HattB , 2 , > f In . GO
OG Batts , 1 > < X3 , SIS . ! X >
8 in well tubing , D and M bev . 22 00
Metnl.s and Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig ? .2S
Block tin , bar 2'J
Copper , planished boiler sizes 34
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , sheathing 30
Copper , pitts ' 30
Copper , flats 31
Gul. sheet iron , Juniata , 50-10 and 5 per c. dis.
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A 10) ) j
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 B UK
Rootinsr , 1C , 14x20 , . 112 sheets fO.UO
Reeking , IX , 14x2 ( ( . 112 sheets 7..10
Rooting , 1C , 20x2S , > 112 sheets 11.00
Roofing , IX , 20x23. 112 sheets 11.50
Sheet iron , No. 20 3.50
Sheet iron , No. 27 ! 3.00
Solder \ } < < &
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , Btt sheets ? T..50
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets 8.25
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x14,225 sheets ; G.2. '
Stool nails , per U6g. . : 2.2.
Steel wire nails , per keg 2.00
The Now > Cruiser.
San Francisco ! Call : The cruiser
Charleston , as she- lies tit the dock at
tlio Union Iron works , looks as if she
were ready to go into immediate service
if she were only painted. This is not
quite the fact , but it is very nearly so.
The progress made in the construction
of this immense vessel of war has been
eminently satisfactory , not only to the
builders , but to thofi-ononilpovoriinioiit ,
nnd if upon triul , which will take place
early in the coming year , probably in
.Tnmmr.y , she should bo pronounced per
fect and bo accepted by the government
the fact will have boon demonstrated
that the Pacific coast has the facilities
for building vessels -equally us good as
these constructed on the Atlantic sea
board , and in less time.
In conversation yesterday a member
of the Union Iron Work's company said
that the contracts and awards for the
construction of tlio Baltimore and the
Charleston were made at the same tlmo ,
but the Iccol of the Charleston was not
laid until August , 1887 , or some time
later than the Cramps , of Philadelphia ,
laid the keel of the Baltimore. The
latter vessel was launched in Septem
ber , while the Charleston launched
in July. In building cruisers for the
United States government the payments
are made in ten equal proportions , so
that , taking this item as a guido , the
Baltimore is only so von-tenths or cight-
tqnths done , while the Charleston is
nine-tenths finished. Work can bo done
here the whole year round , while on the
eastern seaboard the exceedingly cold
weather during the winter must retard
"With reference to our facilities
here , " ho said , ' 'those who have any
knowledge of such matters are confident ,
that the Pacific coast cnn do as well
with reference to building vessels of
war as any other part of the United
States. Kvcrythiiu' in connection with
the Charleston was constructed here
except tho.stcol plates and her arma
ment. She is the uniisor over built
on this coast , mid it is confidently ex
pected that the trial trip will demon
strate her equality if not superiority to
these built elsewhere , : ind compelled to
contend against extremes of , temperature -
turo during construction.
"Tho this " said
great need of coast ,
ho , "in carrying out contracts of this
kind , is plato-mills. Capital is timid in
now enterprises , but lot it once bo dem
onstrated satisfactorily that them would
be sulllcicnt demand and capital will
not bo backward in coining forward.
The superiority of fteol over iron plntos
is in being inuqh Uglitor with the same
strength. The stool manufactured now
is so much superior to that formerly
made that its rulntlvo strength is much
Creator , and thu same plant intended
Tor the mnnufapturo of steoliilalcBcould
bo utili/.od for the construction of other
"Tho Union iron works have already
constructed , or have now in course
of constructio i , ' eleven stool ves
sels , and In" every instance
llioy have answered every expec
tation. They nro now completing a
Btcol tug for the Pacilic Improvement
company , which is ton feet longer than
the John D. Sproclcels tug. "
As soon as the iron nnd stcnl work of
, lie Charleston is in place she will bo
.akon to the Mure Island navy yard ,
where her musts will bo stopped and her
sails , rigging , hammock-nettings and
other paraphernalia will ho put in posi-
ton , nnd h\io will bo ready for sea.
This , ns before stated , will bo about the
alter part of January. She looks like
n monster of strength , and if she realizes
.ho expectations of her builders she
should bo called the "Invincible.1'
Now Nebraska Postmistress.
WAauiNOTON. Dee. 8. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEB.I Scrub P. Roby has boon ap
pointed iKmtmlstrcss nt Aduton , Sheridan
county , Nebraska , vice Anna Roberts , moved
away ,
Whont Weak and Oonsldornbly
Lower Thau Yostordny.
Provisions Ilclrogradiiit ; Cattle
Jlulcil Unusually Slow llojc Uc-
cclixlH Will be About UU.OOO
licss Tlmn l.nst Week.
CIIICAOO , Dec , S. ISpccliil TeloKrnin to
Tin : Uii.l : : This was n dull and weak Satur
day In the wheat nmrKct. The range of
prices \vns \ l e. nnd the average was con
sulernbly below that of yesterday. The
opening for May wiw fl.O'.i'i' . The market
sold up to * I.10Si1.10'.C ( ! , and ( town toJI.W
during tbe first hour. At fl.O'.i.1 ' there was
good buying , nnd during the middle part of
Hit ) session the price ranged nt Sl.Oli1 , ,
1.09j. About IS : ! ! 0 o'clock a break occurred
which carried the market down to fl.OS' . , ' .
The scalping sentiment was bearish , and the
crowd in the pit worried the market down ,
which they hud little trouble In doing , on ac
count of the light volume of trade. The
market recovered fractionally , but in the last
fifteen minutes It sold off again to $1.0S
with n trudo or two at $ l.OS\J1.0S ( 4' . The
close was $1.03 % , January opened nt Sl.0-l
ranged ntSl.04M31.UJ > , nnd closed ut $1.0:1 :
As compared with yesterday , this shows a
shrinkage of 9je. The grain trade has its
eyes turned on the northwest. The
bulls up there promised several weeks
ngo that the receipts wcro going to
full elf rapidly in the near future , and every
week they have insisted that n few days
more would witness a sharp letting down in
the movement. Yet the receipts at Minne
apolis have kept right up. l-'or n while the
explanation that the receipt ! ) represented the
grain that had accumulated on side-tracks ,
was accepted as satisfactory. When that
became stale the information was vouch
safed that the wheat coming forward was
from the country elevators , and was being
moved nearer the basis of the Hour supply ,
whore it could bo kept under closer personal
supervision. To-day somebody had it , that
the high prices ruling in Minneapolis wcro
attracting wheat from northern Nebraska
and Iowa. In contradiction of this report
came reliable advices from Iowa and Ne
braska of small supplies oC 'Wheat in those
sections. The shipment of quite n lot , on
milling orders , to a point west of Davenuort
was reported by the commission merchants ,
14 per cent of the freight being paid from
Chicago westward. The small millers
throughout northern Indiana and Illinois
are beginning to buy a little wheat hero , as
usual at this season. The aggregate of this
business is small , but it tends to show that
values are not wholly speculative , though
it is probably true that wheat
here could not be ground into Hour at the
present prices and sold at u profit , in consid
erable quantities. The foreign situation is
strong , according to the latest mall and tele
graphic advices , and the export shipments
arc dlscouracingly small , but this circiim- '
stance is not allowed to disturb the serenity
of the bulls. The visible simply is expected
to show an increase of from f > 0GO , ( ) to 1,000-
000 bushels this week , and thereafter to show
very .slight further Increase , unless indeed ,
the flour market should bo supplied from in
visible reserves , nnd warehouse stocks keep
on growinir , as some thlukt probable. The
volume of trade was small to-day. About
thn only dxcltenicnt shown was when Ken-
nutt was selling the market down from
$1.0 ! ) % to $1.0jjjtf. The week closes bare and
a shade lower than on last Saturday , with
the situation not materially altered.
The corn market w.-.s dull almost to stag
nation , but prices were a shade higher dur
ing the greater part of the day , than they
closed yesterday. January opened nt ! < 53 c ,
and May at UTJj'c , which was , ' ( , e better in
both cases than lust quotations
on Friday. Inspection returns showed
only IT cars of contract corn in
to-day'H receipts , while the weather was
mild , but the atmosphere was heavy , and
ruin threatened at this point. The Liverpool
market was quoted dull and lower , but there
were moderate export clearances noted from
the Atlantic Portland llvo boat loads were
bought for shipment in New York , to-day.
Fluctuations were narrow and the day's
business uninteresting and dull. The de
mand for cash corn in store was slack and at
lower prices than prevailed yesterday. The
closing prices were 35 ( 35 , > < , c for January ,
and a7i'o for Mu.v , which is about where
they started in the morning , but they ruled
fractionally higher than those figures during
the greater part of the day , , and only
dropped back n few minutes from the close ,
influenced apparently by the weak closing of
the wheat market. Charters to-day were for
150,000 bushels at 4jtfo freight to Buffalo.
The receipts for Mommy on the basis ot Hun-
day's Inspection on the Galena division , at.d
the St. Paul roads being included , are esti
mated at 5SO cars.
In provisions the improvement of the past
few days was practically lost. Trading
opened with a fair showing of strength , but
as a prophet predicted , a larger run of hogs
for the coming week , the old bear contingent
led by Singer & Huldwln , felt encouraged to
resume operations , and future property was
offered freely. The old time tactics of
pounding trade were used to good advantage ,
and without meeting much opposition , a
sharp break was easily forced. Declines fol
lowed declines in n rapid manner , and at the
adjournment the market rested at the lowest
llgures touched for lard and short ribs , and
only u shade hichnr than thu same for pork.
In pork the depreciation actually suffered
was : iOvejO' ( : c , in lard 17"JJ1 eand In short
ribs IJKgirja'e.
CHICAGO , Dec. 8. | Special Telegram to
TiieHnn. ! CATTI.D A commission man Bald
to-day , in n circular to his customers : "This
is a week in the cattle business long to bo
remembered by those that had cattle hero.
Cattle have been late arriving each day on
account of the railroads undertaking to
weigh stock in transit , so as to Increase their
freight rates. Cattle arriving late in the day
had to bo held over night , and with the in
creased receipts each day it was Impossible
to make u clearance since Tuesday. The re
ceipts for the week will be 01,000 head , and us
a large proportion of them were corn-fed na
tives , wo had more pounds of beef for sale
than wo had the blp week of 70,000 head , nnd
for the reasons given above the market has
steadily declined from day to day , until wo
luul to quote our ma rket barely -steady at 50
JlOOo per 10J Ibs dccllno since last Friday ,
unless wo have lighter receipts prices call'
not advance. " To-day trade ruled unusually
slow for oven Saturday , and the outlook was
that many had to bo carried over for want of
anything like satisfactory uids. There were
only a few buyers present , at best , and they
mil to be coaxed to go nnd look at stock.
The receipts include 1,100 Texas cattlo.
Cholco beeves , f4.-5@4.75 ; medium to good
steers , Ii50 : to l.WH ) Ibs , f.50tl.ll ) ( ) : 1,200 to
1,850 Ibs , f.ii'i&lU.75 : ; Wit ) to 1'JOO Ibs , $ J.80 (
l.'JO ; stackers nnd feeders , if 1.80(33.80 ( ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , ; bulk , tl.SOftJAlO ;
Texas and Indian steers , fJ.OOwa.'S ; cows ,
HOIH The receipts for the week will bo
about 23,000 less than last week. The mar-
cot opened with hogs soiling lOc lower on all
grades and closing dull. Tuesday early
morning prices were steady , with Monday's
( peculators and shippers being the principal
juyera. iiy thu time packers commenced
juylng the market became weak and closed
vcrp dull and lower than the opening prices.
Wednesday was about the name as Tuesday.
Thursday the receipts wore not no heavy , and
.hero was a bolter feeling In the market ,
with some sales a little' higher than the
irevious day. Friday the receipts were
again light , and In consequence the market
was strong and hiKlier. iid ruled so until the
ese , with prices too Higher than Thursday's
closing market , closing with prices on heavy
grades about the same as last week's close ,
iVhllo light hogs of all grades uro 10@15e
ewer than last week's closing prices. To-
lay there was a fair business until near the
close when the demand seemed -.try Tall off ,
the t'cuerul market closing ruthvT eus'.ci *
than at the opcnlne. The following wcro
about the clcslnr prices : Oood to ihoiio
heavy shipping , 55. ! ! , ' > ( iM.4' > * a tow fancy
henv.v sold us. high ns ffl.M ; fair to good
heavy packing , f. > .ir > ( g.'i. > V > ; hrnvy mixed ,
f 5.2 , " > ( ( ? . " > . ! ) , ' > : light mixed. f.V IliftiiV. ? . * ) ; assorted
light , .V20iit.vr > ; light-light , K-.2JQ.V30 ;
skips and rougldots , $4.5Ci5.00. ( |
Nnw YOIIK , Dee , 8. 'Spacial Telegram
to Tin : Hr.c.l STOCKS The stock market
opened weak and feverish , with London n
free seller of our securities. Gould stacks
and Rock Island show the most Important
dpclinos , Missouri Pacific closing ! ' , , nnd
Rock Island 1'j below the last prices re
corded yesterday. The money market abroad
Is a disturbing element , and the rate bus
ruled us high ns li'Ql'J per cent for the carry
ing of American securities until the next set
tlcmcnt day , next Tuesday. The loss of over
$2,100,000 hi bank reserves induced soiuo
traders to realize frcely.and the result Is that
the market closed at about inside prices for
the day. Cotton seed oil , however , proved
to be exceptional , and closes with n gain of
, * S per cent over last night. The Chicago ,
Hurlington & Qulticy shown lossof % . Lake
Shore , V , St. Paul , 1 ; Lackawanna , " ;
Northwestern , ' < ; Rending , ? * ' > d New
Kugland j ; per cent. The total sales for the
day amounted to 111,000 shares , Including
Reading , ' 4,000 ; Lake Shore , 7,000 ; Lacka
wanna , 10,000 ; NorthwestiTn , 7 , * > ( H ) ; St.
Paul , 12,000 ; Missouri Pacific. 4.50J : New
Kugland , 7,000 ; IJock Island , f > , OOJ , and West
ern Union 331,1)00 ) shares.
The following were the closing quotations t
If.8. 4i regular. . . 1ST Northprn I'acldc. .
I'.S.4scoupons. \ doprrfcrrcd fif-1
ir.S.4Hsro uliir. . 1M C. * N. W 104'
doprafcrrod V\ \
Pacificlisof V , .ijIS N.Y.I Vntral Il
( Vntral I'.vrlllo. . . . JCPS I' . . 1)1 ! 24
Chlciign & Alton . .m ! tork Island
Chlrago.llurllngton C. . M. A. St. I' Ill
. * .y r > : . It"3 do preferred . Illl'i '
I ) . . Ij. A : W . n-'i's ' St.I'aul A-Oinaha. , : i- " ,
Illinois Central. . . .lll'.jl ' dopruffrred . W\
1..H.&W . 1:1 : ' Union Pacific . ( i-j
Hunan * Ar Texas. . . WVW..St. I. . .V I1 . l'
I.akuShoro . Miy do pn-forred. . . . " 4' .
Michigan Cent nil. . M [ Western Union . Ill
Mlsf-ourll'acillo . . . 7U'8l '
, MOXKV ox Cu.i. Easv at 1 per cent.
Punic MciiCANTii.u 1'Ai'uit Iffv&'AJi per
cent. EXCIMNOK Hull but steady , at
fl.SI'4 ' for sixty-day bills , and S-I.SS.'i ' for de
mand. _
CIIICAOO. Dec. S Wheat AVonic nnd
lower ; cash , fl.Oi'V ; January , J1.03V ; May ,
Corn Steady ; cash , 34 ; cc ; January ,
1 10c ; May , y7i)4'c. )
Oats Kasy ; cash , 20 u ; January , M > a
May , Ui\'t ) ! .
Rye file.
Jinriey No trading.
Prime Timothy Npthing doing.
Whisky $ l.a ) .
Pork Lower ; cash , S13.32U ; January ,
! t. : ; May , $13.77 > $ .
Lara Lower ; cash , JS.07Y ; January ,
* 7.87 > if ; May , $ * . .
Flour' Firm ; winter wheat , $ .1.7iVir-5,75 ;
spring wheat , St.'jnffarye } , $3.iiO ( v.7.'i. )
Hulk Meats Shoulders , J7.0ii ) ( 7.1-J < f ;
short clear , .a ? ) ! , ' ® ? . . " ; short ribs. 7.0J ( < i >
7.H ) .
Hutter Easy ; creamery , 27@32c ; dairy ,
lSJ2 ( ( > e.
Chceso Firm ; full cream choddais and
flats , 103fillc ( ; Young Americas , ll > 4Cifl
lirgsFresh , 0@21c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salto.l ,
OK'c ; light green saltad , O'fo ; gremi , fc ;
.salted bull , 5140 ; grc3ii bull , -l e : groin
dry flint , ( < T > \ dry calf , "ful'So ; brando 1
hides , 15 percent off ; deacom , 4j@i > 5 each ;
dry salted. I0 ( < < lic. {
T.illow Unchanged ; No. 1 , sol la 53 ; No. 2 ,
4c ; cake , 5'4c. '
Uccoiuts. Shluments.
Flour , bbls . 10,000 r.,0il ; )
Wheat bu . -5,000 13,001) )
Corn.uu . 2:11,000 : 30.,0 ) > ! 0
Oats , bu . 17SOOJ UJ.OOO
Hyo , bu . ; .
Now York. Doa. S. Wheat RoccmtH ,
41OJ ( ) ; exports , l.VJ.aOO ; snot , market irregu
lar. Fair milling business , closing easier.
No. a red , Sl.O-IVCSMH in' elevator ; $ I.OtJ > 4
dSl.Oti afloat ; sl.Oj&C'Sl.lK'V fo. . b. No. 3
red , ' . ( ( JOSJiJ'c. No. 1 red. $1.14. Options
dull curly and © 'a'0 up , declined J C C * c
and closed steady about yesterday's prices ,
No. 'J red , January , closing at $1.05 , %
Corn Receipts , Gii.OOD ; exports , (13,000 ( ;
spot market quiet and ? < 3'5 ' < o higher with
light offerings ; .No. 2I73.ic In elevator.17 %
@ -ISe allont ; ungraded mixed , 37 > fi$331Jc ( (
options quiet and firm and , @ ; ! i'c. higher ,
January closing at 47 > ( i3.
Oato Receipts , (11,000 ( : exports , 277 ; spot
market a trille firmer aid quiet ; options dull
but steady ; January closed at 3Jj4c ; spot No.
2 white , iiSV mixed western , 2'JJieC t32o ;
white western. 3i@\lc. \
C.iffee Options opened barely steady at
1M2) ( ! ( ) points down and closed steady at SO ®
SO points below yesterday. Sales , 41..100 bugs ,
including December , $ lf > .fiOr15.0) ; ; January ,
flfi.lWMiri.O.'i ; February. 515.70 ; March , $ ir > ,75
( ujl.'j.&V Apri',515.sr15.)0. ! ) Spot Rio , barely
steady and quiet ; luircaraoes , SIT. 50.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; united
closed at SSJi'e.
Egn Quiet and easy ; western , 23c.
Pork Active and easy ; mess , ? 1I.75C'15.25.
Lard Depressed uml dull ; western steam ,
$ S.Ciytf < K8. < i3 : January closing at fS.y. .
Huttcr Weak and null ; western dairy , 14
@ 25c ; western creamery , 20f/3:3c : ; Elgin ,
scarce and nominal.
Cheese Steady , with moderate demand ;
western , 10ijll-fc. (
Liverpool. Dec. 8. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun HKU. ] 'J p. in. Close. Pork Holders
offer freely ; prime mess , eastern , bis ( id ,
lirnv ; do , western , 71s ! ld , llrm.
Lard Holders offer sparingly ; spot 4Ss
Cd , llrm ; December , -ISa ! id , llrm ; January
nnd February , 44s , llrm.
Wheat Holders offer freely ; new No. 2 ,
winter , Ss Ud , dull ; do , spring , 8s Id , dull.
Flour Holders offer freely at "K , llrm.
Corn Holders offer freely ; spot , 4s b } < fd ,
dull ; December , 43 7d , dull ; January , 4s
dull ; February , 4s ! t' d , steady.
Dae. 8. I'ho DrovjrV Jo'ir-
nnl rciiorlRus follow. ) :
Cattle Receipts , 2.500 ; market very weak ;
choice beeves , $ l.85jgi ( 75 ; steers , ' 'J.M ( ( ;
4,10 ; Miockers and feeders , $ l.SO ( a20 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , 51.15' < ? 2.SO ; Texas
cattle , $ l.rfa'K. | ( )
Hogt > Receipts , 11,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , $ r > ) ; heavy , ? .VJUc _ 5.50 ; light ,
f5.irC < t535 ; sUips , Sl.l.25. ( ) ( )
Sheep Receipts , U.OJO , market dull , clos
ing S5j ( lower ; natives , $ ' . > .7A&I.SO ( ; west
erns , * : i.OOM4.7l ) ; Tcxans , fiiiOaJ.40 ; lumbs ,
A Man of High I'rlnolplc.
Philadelphia Record : Ilousclcocpor
[ after dining n tramp ) Why don't you
[ jo to worlt ?
Tramp I tun notable to do hard
work , iimduino. As n hey I was obliged
to go to Sunday xehool in nil sorta of
woithor , aifd it iniulo mo so delicate ,
"Oh , well , it seems to me you might
got something iiu-doord eloaulng out
jlllcerf , for iiiKlanee. Why don't you
seek a position as janitor o ! an
olllco ? "
"Miuliuno , I inn a man of high prin
ciple , nnd 1 hold , madame , tha.1 the
ollit.'o bhould scol ; the man , not the
man the olllco. Thanks for Ihls bin- :
quot. If you BOO an ollieo limiting for
mo , toll it I've gene up tlio road. "
it I'I I no.
Detroit Preo Press : It was u pug with
a bl nek nose ( ind u skyward tendency.
First It was too hot in the cur for ft ,
then it was too cold. Windows were
raised nnd lowered , and at last n gem tlo-
mun who sat near was ruquuHtud to
move to the next car.
"Cortalntly , madam , " ho said , with
the ( suavity of a tnwolod American
toward a defenseless woman with pugs ,
"hut may I Inquire why you wish mo to
go ? "
"Yes , sir ; Tootsoy issonsltlvo to cold ,
nnd I hoard you remark that you had u
draft In your pocket. "
Whitohroasfnut" coal , $ l.i5por ! ton.
Neb. Fitol Co. , 214 South 13th at.
Increased Stronpth In the Money
\Vnll Street OoinorullzFd y tlio
l''lnsco ' New Yorii llviiliiuiiro tu
Good Sutiply TryliiK to j !
Snnro COM u TOM. \
Trntlo All OVIT Ilio ( "ounlry.
Ciiifuio , -SHvlulTolpirimtoTiiR | |
Hi'i : . I The general features of the money
mnrUi't are lni'roit < ptl strength in ni ! direc
tions and u gradual hardening of rate < < . The
strength is attributed to the Inert-used di-niniid
for fund * from packers licio and at all leading
wt-stern points where the arrival of hoes nro
fairly liberal and packers are reimired to
borrow moiu-.v to | my fur thorn. Calls from
parties who are carr.v ing wheat in the northwest
west weto fair , mid n good deal of moni'y la
also absorbed by miller * in different parts of
tlio northwest , who are holdiui ; heav.\ More *
of llonr. Thi'lr paper has boon floatiiiR
a rou i ul for some tlmo in thu east , but being
unable to got satisfactory rates there it has
sought the Chicago market , and has been
placed hero at U per cent , which is the same
rate that eastern banners charged. It is n
little too early In the season for a larjro sup
ply ol paper by Hurtles who are prepar
ing to carry com in the Interior.
Some of their paper has appeared
however , and found ready takers , at fair
rates. Merchants nro asking for liberal
favors in the way of loans with which to
meet maturing obligatinus mid to discount
their bills. Mojtof the banks have their
discount lines well extended. Call money at
(1 ( per cent Is not so plentiful as a week ago ,
and that rate is now nn excoptioniil ono.
The majority of call loans arc now made at
O1 , , per cent. On mcivantiln time paper 7-f !
( jj. ( per cent Is paid -the bulk of the loans
being at T's&i.'b per cent outside paper at ex-
trcmi ; rates.
New York exchange was la larger supply ,
particularly tturliig the latter part of tlio
week , and an easier feeling prevailed. Sales
ranged at 2.1C discount to 4Uc premium per
$ lnl ( ) > , and closed at 'J5c discount.
A weaker feeling was developed in the
market for foreign exchange and rates on
shippers' documentary bills on London ruled
lower. Sales wcro made at ? lS-J 4n ( I.Kii ,
and closed mM.S : ) .
Affairs in Wall street have been decidedly
tlcinnrnli/otl during the past week. The
failure of the great "clearing house'1 scheme ,
which was to Include all western and south
western railroads , Induced heavy li'nildn-
tion , cspnclally in ( lould'fl. southwestern
stocks , and .Missouri Pacille declined 10' ' *
and Atchlson 0 points. Tlio severe break
effected his other properties- and gradually
spread to thu entire list. Hurlington dropped
1VJ nointR and Hock Inland 4 points , the latter
lulling " ' 4 per cent below par. The agree
ment to advance east-bound ft eights on De
cember 1 was expected to benellt Vandcrbilt
and oilier trunk line securities , and the de
clines extended to ! ! ' ; points. The impres
sion prevailed that all the railroad magnates
and professional stock operators were
to force prices down to make the situation
look as Ijluo ns possible , and by that means
scare congress into repealing the "long
nnd short haul" clause in the
iutcr-stato commerce bill , which is ob-
lociionahlc to a majority of the railroad
managers , and to which they attribute their
poor earnings. They wore successful in
shaking what little faith the public had in
stocks , but it remains to be scon what effect.
it will have on congress. Moat of the heavy
tiolders of stocks , who , iiavo w.i.ted for
months for the "bulge" to unload , became
disgusted and throw their holding , and be
came very bearish , taking the "short1 side
of the market , but , as is usually the c.isc , got
in at the bottom. London operators sold
heavily early in the week , but arbitrage
houses were buyers. on n moderate scale dur
ing the closing day. The downward course
of prices was checked before the close , by
the Missouri Pacific directors ordering
their agents to receive no more freights jux-
cept at remunerative rates. Should their
efforts bo followed by similar ones on the
liart of Atuhison and other southwestern
roads , they will soon be able to make a hct-
; cr showing in regard to earnings. Tim
Union I'.icilic net earnings for October were
i disappointment , showing a decrease of
f'JOI.OW. Chicago , Hurlington & Quinc.v , for
.he same month exhibited a gain of 45,020 ,
: mt from January 1 to October ill , wcro
* : > , C''t,000 behind last year. A rally followed
the depression , duo to coverings by ' 'shorts , "
ind part of the early decline was recovered.
i'ho aggregate sales on the Now York stock
exchange for tlio week were ! ! ,01lNK ! ( ) shares.
Thu leading produce markets exhibited com ]
siderablo activity during the past week , but ,
a somewhat , nervous and unsettled focling
irovuilcd and prices fluctuated considerably ,
.hough conllncd within a comparatively nar
row range.
Speculative trading was brittle In preferred
leliverics , and in grain trading was cred-
tcd to local operators and to room traders.
In provisions , _ however , outside specula
tors wcro inclined to take some interest ,
ind u lair portion of the business passed
through the brokers' bunds.
Fine weather throughout , the week has
given farmers an opportunity to move con
siderable grain to the stations , and the arriv-
ils at the leading markets were moderately
tree. Shipments of grain to the eastward
tavo been ipiito liberal , being stimulated
: o some extent by the proposed udvanco
.n freights , which was announced for De
cember 17. The virtual blockade of grain ou
the tracks Mere has checked business to borne
extent and rendered the Helling of grain
Bomuwhut unsatisfactory to receivers. The
supplies of grain are gradually incrcaBlng in
the west , as U usually the case after the
close of navigation , nnd the foreign grain
markets have exhibited considerable stcncli-
icss , but no particular strength. The do-
ne.'itiu markets have to seine sxtcnt favored
the buying interest. Thu export movement
of grain continues light , excepting corn , and
only moderate of provisions.
Seeds were inclined to quietness nnd
changes in prices were slight ,
Provisions were somewhat unsettled , with
; oed business at irregular Intervals , ruled
ewer early , nnd then rallying again , closed
UecciptH of cattle and sheep were liberal ,
nit the arrival of hogs was smaller than an.
icipatcd and considerably less than the cor
responding week lust year.
The packing of the west continues to de
crease , and now shows a decrease of 20j per
Tlio 1/UHt Dltcli.
Detroit I'YoQ Pros9 : There wcro two
of thoin tit tlio ( loot1 of n. Mlelii 'im uvo-
iiio mil eon , and they appeared to bo
lolilin u hunted ( HKcuH.sion fur several
niinUcH. Ono of thmn llnally tti'ppcil
jut mid Imltuda podoslrlun : tnd : < ud :
"Say. 1 want you to decide u questioner
or tin. "
"I bet this fellow , llmt Mich I yaw
vould L'O democratic by UO.dOQ. "
"Whow ! "
"ITUvo I loHtV
"Of wnit'so you Imvo. "
"Aro tlio I'otunif , all in ? "
"Lonfr ujjo , "
"Klifuroa all footed upV"
"Yes. "
"No back countv to licur from1
And she didn't jro doniojratio by
"Not by a juj-full ; ! "
"Well , Ihnt'ri what I lumrd , but J 'in n
ellor who htiu Hoii to the last. Didn't
( now but what Ihov'd liiul ajjitf orroi"
oinowlioro , you Icnow , or &ouii'tlilng
vould turn up to knock thn rnmthllcana
till' . I gucHS 1 mitflit uw v/oll cuvo Jn
low , howovor. ThankK to you. C'oinu ,
1111 , we'll Jmvo that hoot1 , hut If they do
Ind tin error you'vo trot to pay it back. "
tho'DoKpnrato ,
1'hUudoljiliin Uo0i'd ( ! : MUsVoitcnd ,
conlldentlaliy ) Mr. Snphcad piopOHiid
o mo last nitrht.
( Uval belle-Did ho ? When I re-
tiBod him in the tiftornoon ho unid 1m
vas fjolnj , ' to do