Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisement * underfills head 13 cents par
line for the first Insertion.7 rents for ench sub
sequent insertion , und l.fiOn line per month
Hoadvi'ttlscment taken for less ttmn So cents
the llrst .nsertlon. Seven words will be counted
to the line : they must run consecutively and
mint be paid in ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must be hnnded In bofora 12w : o'clock n.
in. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Partiesadvertising In these columns nnd hnv.
IDB their answers mldroMod In cnro ofTiiK lUr.
will tiloaso ask for a cheek to unable them to got
their letters , ns none will be delivered except on
t > rcieiitatlon of check. Alt answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvortlsementfi in thcs < ) columns arc pub-
llahcd In both morning nnd evening editions or
THE llnrnui circulation of which aggregates
moro thin inrou papers dally , nnd elves thond-
Yertlsors the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of THE llnr. imt also of Council IllufK
. Lincoln nnd other cities nud towns throughout
this faction otthe country. _ _ _ _ _
Advertising for thcce columns xvlll bo taken
t > n the nliovo condition * , at the following busl-
jiffs houses , who tire Authorized agents for Tim
flEKupeclnl notlcos , nnd vlll qtioto the snuio
rntri * na cnn bo had at the main olllco.
oilNvriHl u T'UannncisCbaJ South Tenth
CIIABK& 15DDV , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
South ICth Street
II. rAHNSWOUTH , 1'haruiaclst,2115fum
ing Street.
W J. HW1HE3 , Pharmacist , C2I North 10th
, Street.
G io.V. : . I'AUH , 1'harmaclst , ISWSt. Mary's
ANTI5D About th < r"l8t of January , n
situation by n man of several years ox-
perlunco In groiory or general storn. Would
taku small tnonled Intcroxt. ( Iood rofurenccs.
Address " ! ' , " care oC 1'llot. Hlnlr , Neb. 6W-14 *
WANTKD Di-esstuaklnp to do In private
famlllus by lady. Call 1511 Faruam , room
J . B5.V11J
WANTED lly an Industrious and rospoctn-
nblo younglailv , some steady employment
or soniu llfflit'work for evonlii s. llavo had
BOiuu o.\t > erience In priutlng aud sowing. Can
plvo icfcrencu 1C wished for. Address M U ,
lleo oinco. . niS-'JJ
TV ANTRI > Sltuntlonns teamster or horse-
T T iiinu by a steady Ocriiuin. U ywirs refer-
cnco. Mm Iliega , 311'j S isthst. . 4'Ji ) ! )
AN HXI'Kldr.NCKn gents' furnishing goods
mnn , window drawer and lloorv fttK r , from
NIIW Vork , desires rngiiKoiiiciit with llrst-clnss
lioii o. Addi'o sM III. llevollice. 471 lUt
AN HXl'KHTIiookkLOpor.correspondeut , etc. ,
inu guuoral olllru man doilrea position. Ad-
du-ss M 1U , IlooolUce. 471 10 ;
\\rANTHn-Hltuatlon to work by a wheel-
T \\rlgnt , n young man with six years' pxp -
cnco. nbout to como wust Ironi Massachusetts.
Addresi , I . Tucker. Oil N ISth st. 4(3 ( tit
P ( OSI'l ION by lady n stenographer nnd typewriter -
writer , address L is Dee. 3.11-9'
WANTKD Sub-agents for one of the best en-
cyclomrdlas In the Kngllsh Intlguugo to
work In Nebraska. Address A. 11. Lalhrop ,
AlllHWorth , Nob. 5a2-12 *
ANTED A first-class broom maker. Address -
dross Go , ) . KouferJroouwood , Neb.
AOUNTS Wanted Iridescent signs nud
advertising novelties. Inimenso sales and
proilta. Outllt free , llouert Sims & Co. ,
Washington 1) . C. C2J u
ANTKD An Overseer , or cldef ad-
vertlser , and two to live assistant ! ) ( accord
ing to size of county and population ! . JM ) a
immth salary nnd exponsuxto overseers , and
HO to assistants. No peddllntr , no soliciting.
Duties conttutid to making collections , distrib
uting printed matter , putting up advertise
ment * , etc. , fortho two greatest fortune-makers
In the world the Farmer's { 10 Flro-Pioof Com
bination Lock Safe ( sold on monthly Instal
ments' ' . and the wonderful Kloctrio Fuel , for
vanning sleighs , carriages , etc , \vlilchunrm
\vlthont llainu. BUioke or odor , and will heat
nny vehicle SI hours for 10 cents. Kxpenses ad-
.vancod ; salaries paid onch month. Kuclose IGc
postage for full specimen line of advertising
Snattcr , to the Warren Safe-Fuel Co. , Lobannn ,
Ohio. Postal cnrd aipllcatlons ] Ignored. Over-
Beer to select his own assistants. K3-9J
An wiorgetlc. teniporato man to
represent nn old house with a now Hue of
goods. Siilaiy nnd traveling expenses pnld ,
i'oniinncnt'posltlon to right party. Unsh Mfir.
Co , Clnelmitl , O. BIB 21 *
WANTHD Salesman to represent manufac
turer's line of ladles' fancy neckwear.
ruchlnps. nlso felt table scnrfa , piano cavers.
etc. Addrosa Novelty Hullling nnd Lnco Co , 177
und 170 Monroe at. Chicago , 111. KIT 10 *
AGENTS Wnutod-To sell the Wilson lamp
burner everywhere lu tho.United Status ,
best In market , no equal for power of light and
Btondy llamn ; sell on sight ; territory gunriin-
ted to good men. Sample burner $1 , with lamp
complete $ - . ' ; prollts largo : send for circular and
terms. The Wilson Mf'g Co. , 8 W. Sllth St. . New
York. 62'i-'J ' *
* Vl7"ANTiD ; AgentM , men or women , to sol
T thn Missouri steam washer to families.
Arguments lulls favor are numerous and con-
vlnelng. Siilesmndo wlthontdllllciilty. Piollts
largf. Sent on two wenks' trial , to bo returned
at my expense If not satisfactory. Wilte for Il
lustrated circular and tcrma. J. Wort ) . St.
Ix > iils. Mo. 25'J ' 2 *
ANTF.O Mnn for work in dairy. Apply
McDowell Dairy. Dundee Place. 44I > l *
Young man for stock raising ;
tlellchtful climate ; horses to ride ; raia
opportunity ; understanding must be had before -
fore starting ; letters ausworod it self-addressed
* nvelopo Is inclosed. R.VanratiD , Loon Springs ,
llexar Co. . Texaa. 447 W
" \\TAK1'En A mnn to solicit , salary $75 per
' ' month , must deposit (25 for sumpli's , and
irivo security for money collected. Address
fleoriro S. Ullno , fill , Flrnt National Hank build-
> 'iff. ' Omaha , or Wagner blk. , Dus ilolnc.s. Iowa.
! ' . " * \\7ANTKD At once n good ahocmnkcr. Ad-
Ti dresa John Wllluesehen , Ueatrlcu. Nub.
L _ 4i6 Of
, for railroad work. AlT -
T i bright' * Labor Agency , 1120 Faruam.
SALESMEN wanted Five traveling snlosmcn ;
salary nnd expenses ; no nxjicrlonco necus-
ury. Addiesn , with stamp , Palmer & Co , Wl-
noun , Minn. im lot
WANTED -Few men to canvass , full line of
household specialties , references required.
Lovoll M't'g Co. . ( ltd. ) 221 N 13th. TO 12
WANTED -Agents In every town In the
west for our oil bmners for cooking and
heating stoves. Send stamp for catalogue. OH Hurner Co. , 'Jl'J S. 12th .st. Omaha.
Keb. JlOldlJ
SALESMEN We wish a few men to sell our
goods by aamplo to the w holcsale and retail
trade. Largest manufacturers in our line. En-
y. . close 2-cent Mtanio. Wages J.i per day. Pcima-
f , neut position. No postals answered. Money
[ < advanced for wagesadvertising , etc. Centaii-
plal Man'fg Co. , Clneliuintl. Ohio. 132 J 2 S3
AOENT8 WANTED-J75 a month nnd x-
JriupciiSHa paid any active person to sell our
goods ; no capital , siilary momlily , cxiienves In
advance , pai tlculars free. Standard Silverware
Co. .lloaton. 803
' QOVB-Aui. Mat. Tel. Co , ISOi Dousus.
JD wa
TAT" ANTKD Mnn to take tin agency of our
TV safes ; size28xl xl Incites ; velghtCOO Ibs ;
retail prlco lj ; in proi > ortlon. A
rare chance and pcrmanniu business. These
Hfca meet n demand never before supplied by
other safe companion , H.I we are not poverued
by the aafe ] > eel , Alplnogaf Co. Cincinnati , 0.
TAT ANTKD Good life , nsitrauce solicitors
IT with bank ruferoticc-.s , are wanted by the
Union Life nt 4U1 Merchants' national bank
building , Omaha , Olllco hours 8 to 10 a. m. and
too p. in. 1)71 )
\\rANlED-8alosfady In notion department !
> * Only those having experience and fully
competent to take charge of denurtnieut need
npply. At the Fair , llltli and Howard.
WANTED Woman to do family laundry ,
who will rent house , convenient , at to per
nioutu. Call nt room 7 , Iron bnukbldg , UT-i )
W ANTUU Stenogrnplinr and typo writer ,
Call loom 4011'axton block. S.v > u
\\r ANT I-Womin ( cook 110. 4 dining room
, , Ti fltla Mpt-r week , cent computeut woman
i to take entire clmrga of child U months old , 2
( lUhwashem , 2 mime clrLs , cook and second girl
" - in name fHtully , t waiter for Oregon , 20 glrla for
cencrul houaowork. Mrs. llregu34Vi ] B 1MU at.
4'JU tt
' ' " " " - '
-\VANTFD A girl for general liouiaworlc ,
Ti 2Ilb Chicago st. 45UU"
"WANTliD A lady In solicit , must come well
11 iccominoiuled and imy (10 for uamnlee ,
r alary H'f > per month. Audreys ( icorgu t1. Clliie ,
u fill. Flr t National Hanic bnlldnig , Omaha , err
r "Wagner block , Dea Moluo-s , town. 4Ui
T17AKTHD-A ir'rl ' for aonerul liousawoik.
TI ttMliluirauillronlni ; . ail 8. 1'tiiMroU ;
4 * * '
\\fANTBD-Oriod girl for general housowork.
> T dorm an preferred , a w cor. 20tu end Web
ster. coo
\\rANTKD-A governess who can speak
T French , Oerinan , and Is accomplished In
vocal nnd Instrumental music. Address llox 3.s ,
rlty. 4m
iti-ssai-\KiNo. :
LADILH'nnd cldldien's garments cut and
lilted nt lowest prices. Miss Tremalnc ,
modiste , 420 S. 16th. 45 2lt
T7INUAir.MENTS to do dressmaking In
JlTamlllossollcitGd. Miss Sturdy , 'JU17 U-avcn-
wort list. 271 J 23
rEliHASICII Employment olllce. Oil N Iflth st.
m dm
a ANADIAN Employment Onico. MM. llregn ,
' 31IKi.S. 15th. Holerenco Omnlia National bank.
WA TTllTKiicrscHe , expoi-Ioured ptiys-
clan , good appearance , to olllco In drug
store starting In booming town. Address O. a.
Movro. Srliuylor , Nob. S31-10 *
\ VANTEOGoodwinlung horse to keep
T > through the winter for his uso. Knuulro nt
HlmGbaugli * Taylor's. .7. C. Gliiddvn. Mi o *
" \V"ANTED A horse to use for keopdurlng
M Inter. HoxiLM P. O. ' - ) !
A VANTHD 108 unstarn people to bpcomo In-
> T terestcd In the Great wllbor Colony 1'rop-
crty , Sarramento valluy , Cal. City lot and Cal
ifornia fruit trnrU frc . l.oaiHMll be , inndo
for linprovcmunt purposes on live years' time.
nt r > per cent. Money advanced for railroad
fnro nnd expenses of trip , from nny point cast
of the Hoeky mountains. Kncloso luc for poUauo
on maps , iiliit-i , etc. , nnd address : \V. It. WluiU
stone , eastern ntjent Wllber Colony , Clnclmmttl ,
o. P. o. box a.i. K.'j-aj
WANTHD-To do washtiiR nnd IrrnhiR for
families al homo , rourof : ia ) Davenport.
WANTK1L lloraea to board nt Furay'a b.trn ,
S1U > and S4di ! Cumlna 8t. Call nnd cot
prices. J > . A. 1'ouelU 481 14
WAHTKD Yoimn ladles nud conttamou to
know they can obtain a thorough nnd
practical knowlmlKo of teleKrapny , tuning themselves -
selves In a short tlniQ for oed pnylnp positions
nt the Klcctilo Telegiaph school. Uoomi&JS
nnd 5 9 1'oxton block , cor 16th aud Farnum st ,
ANTHD Horses to winter. I havn nccom-
mo < tiitions for 200 hundred horses nt
Omaha fair grounds , hnvlni ; largo yards for ex
ercising during the day ; cucli norsa has a large ,
warm box stall nt night. A. Thomson. Omuha
fair grounds. 3..7 d ll ;
WANTKIJ Horse and buggy for winter for
their keeping , lixinlra IJIS Farimm. _
BOAKI ) aud rooms. 1812 Chicago st.
T IAULU boarders wanted , 1COJ Douglas
Atin'NTINE'SShorthand auo Tyi5o ritlng
IiiRtltute , New 1'axton hulldlnir. Omaha.
Neb. The ouly exclusive , legltlmntu shorthand
'school lu the stato. Over ono hundred gradu
ates m good situations. The school is under
the management of C. 0. Valentlne.olllclal sten-
ogrnpherof the Jd judicial district o Nebraska ,
and t'rof. II. II. Iloyles , an experienced teacher
and verbatim reporter. Day nnd evening ses
sions. Students cnu enter at auy time. Send
for circulars. 4 ! > l D15
FOH KENT Cheerful warm room , with or
without board , in mlvate family , nicely
situated In modern residence. 2UtU llarnoy st.
V\7ANTED Two (2) ( ) furnished rooms , con-
Tr icnleut to IT , P , depot , by couplu slnglo
gentlomen. Address M 20 , llee ollice. Doii-'Jj '
WANTHD A nicely furnished room near
business center ; gns. bath aud he it. Ad
dress , stating location nnd prlco , M 22 , Hep.
WANTIID A two-story brick store and base
ment. Address M If , Ilec , S109 *
\\rANTKU-To rent second-hand typewriter.
T for practice , will take good caio of ma
chine , responsible parson. Addrosa M 7. lleo.
17IOH KBNT 9-room house with all modern
JL1 convonlences. > 2o Davenport.
5-room cottage , corner 37th and Ilurdetto st.
Olargo rooms. 118) ) N. 17th at. , suitable lor
light housekeeping : reasonable rent.
U-room cottage. 2210 Pierce St. , ? 12 per month.
O-ioom house , corunr Jacobs mid Jones st.
C-room near 27th and Loavemvorth , with
barn , J25.00
Five 10-room houses 26th and Capitol avo. ,
clienp. Apply to Gieon & Williams. Klrst Nat.
bank building. Dli-'J
fTtOK HUNT Nicely furnished house , u looms ,
JL1 modern convonloncoa. Convenient to Ktreet
car aud cable lines ; splendid neighborhood.
Will rent to good party for JK per mouth. Ad
dress M in. lleo. Ml 9
POU HENT Furnished cottage , 7 rooms , con
veniently located ; references required. In
quire Nothcrtou Hall , room I2U , 1st Natl bank.
POH UKNT liouso t rooms , 10X1 3. 2flth"TT
$13 per month. E. F. Soavor , room 4t > . llar
ker block. 4'JS U
HOUSK 0 rooms and bath , good barn. 2521
Davenport at , apply 2J18 Capitol ave ,
OOtf 12 *
FOH HENT 10-room house , steam , gns , bath ,
hot nud cola und cistern water , good cellar ,
nnd nice yard , . " > , SOU S 21th. Inn.ulrv.307 S2lth.
rpIUHTKliN good houeus , centally locatvd ,
JL nnd furniture for salo. Co-oporutlva Land
and Lot Co , sua N luth st. CU3 10
T71OH UKNT A llvo-room cottage , neatly
J- new , closets , pantry , cellar , city water , etc.
Cheap to a good tenant. liEK ) N lath. M2 Uf
HUNT Now brick house , < rooms , 2
closols. 15i : > Cumlng t. 41 , ' , u *
FOH HUNT A Unit-class soveu-room cottage.
2111) Davenport st. . only &Ij pur month. In-
quite of C. L. Krlcksou & Co , , 212 N. 10th st ,
HK COLU , Continental bloofc. will rent-
2-story U-room liouso on cnblo. ilii.
1-story 7-rooiu house on horae. car , $15. ,
1-story 7-rooui house , bath , KO.
8 elegant n w brick houses , all modern con-
venlemeH. on cable , $ iu per month.
2 tlrst-clnss store rooms , a splendid opening
for u baker and confectioner , an established
trade. Cheap tent.
Wo liavo in addition to above n largo list ot
houses , Htoreiiind lints to reut cheap for the
winter. Call nml sou us.
H. F. Cole , Continental block. 434 11
1710II ItRNT House"ofTrooms , lOSJ S 12th st.
JU 112.50 per month. 410 U *
E0t HKNT Five room cottaRo. l69 s7 2stli
st 113. Modnni ten room hoiiho. Mj S 2HU ave
between llarnoy and St. Mary's. 115. Itlugwalt
Ilros. , darker block , 43H 'J1 '
T710H ItliNT A comfortable house with 8
JL1 rooms , pantry , largo closets , splendid col
lar , city water , sewerage nnd gas. near business
centre ; moderate rent. John H. F. Luhmann ,
O-t B. 17th st. 372
FOH HKNT-A .1-story brick dwelling. 1KM !
Capitol avo. Apply to C. II , ( lulou at the
Chicago Lumber Co , 371
"ITIOH , UKNT At very low rutos. 10 and 14 now
JU lesldonces.tM'JI ' und 2114 Casa street. Clark
Place. One block south of Crolghton rollego.on
Kariiam and' lth street car llnc.i All modern
Improvemi'iits. Apply , 11. T , CltuK.Union Trust
Co , or at 242U Cansi at. ! K)7 )
HOU8K of 0 rooms , rlty wntcr , well aud cis
tern , 1507 Madison ave. , tM luciulre. Mrs.
M. II. Cowun , 150) ) MudUon avo. 200-V *
FT HUNT 7 or C-room house , 1709 .Inckeoa
270 U *
I7KH HENT Homos , anire * and flats ; from
X1 fto ) 8U ) per mouth , to doslrnblo tenant ? .
7 room house , with stable , J .
Broom lint , bathgas , etc. . . ' " > .
Blore , Jio ; Park ave , with basement , Inclusive
of water , UQ.
liloom liouso , rill Chicago st. , JJ ) .
Orooiii house , triable , etc. . < W.
Store i-ooins on St. Mary'aavo , 113 to 15.
Two splendid 14 room residence ! , furnaces ,
ranges , mantel , laundry , very desirable loca
tion , t75 and IM.
11 room residence. : il3C si st. , 170.
Nine room house on Blunders near Pratt
street , hot ami cold wntor , bath and closut.
atabla for two horaos , geran room liouso eiima
location , city miter , good stable , lloth UOUSDJ
very daslrahle ,
C. K , Mnyue , H al Katato & Trust Co.
NEW bouse of 7 rooms. In gooa locality , barn
for four hordes , ti ) per month. Apply at
ouce. C , F. Harrison , Merchauta' Nat. bank.
7J1OK HKNT-0-room cottagf. 131.00 per month.
JJ 1M5 Uaruey st. ao
HEN'T-CoiUgf , HU Convent at. Innulro
I/iOll HENT-5-room house , IU. Q. K. Thomp.
JL' sou. 212 Hhoeluy block.
TTIOi ItliNT-NevY iroom houao with all mod-
X * ern IniproveniBnts. cor. fltokcryaudiloorgla
are , prlco tii , linnulr * lU > Lcavtuworlti nt
15 KAUTlIUL8-romn house , * r s. city wnter.
JL > bath room , hot and cold water , on paved
streets vrltn street car near a KO J ichoof , only
tXi per month. The house is now. Apply nt
once , C , F. Harrison Mercnnnts' Nat. batiK.
Inquire Hoonf6 )8. ) Hhgflcy block. y > l
"I7IOH HUNT Atvcry low rates. 10 and 11 new
Jresidences. . S404 and 2114 , Cass street. Clarka
Place. Onn blook south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam and 24th street car line. All modern
Improvement * . Acply , H. T , Clark Union Trust
Co. , or nt 2420 Cass street 614
F oTl"HHNTA 0-room lint , llrst lloor , over
1617 Howard st. Inquire C. F. Shaw , 1015
Howard st. UOd
T7IOH HENT liouso nnd barn.IInnscom placo.
JL ; Ilnrris , room 411 , First N'nt 1 bk bldg. bl"0
TflOH HENT No. 1411 8. 7th avo. . anlco'i-
JL1 room house In good repair ! rooms newly
IKipcred and painted ; nice yard ; Hue cistern
water. Itcnt } > a month. Possession given nt
onco. Apply 19 Hell's 10th st. pharmacy ,
"IjlOH HENT ii-room modern improved house
J-1 A I locality. Hent moderate. Apply , M. El-
KUtter , 1U01 Farnam st. ffft
"T7IOH HENT lly lloswortli * .lopltn , HnrKsr
JL1 block. . ' ! , 4 , 6 , 0 , 7. f , U , 10 , 11 , It-room houses
In all parts of tlio cltv. U73
. _
ItOO.M house , 8. Clth st , , near shot towor.WJ
FUR HIJNT House 8 rooms Sill Cass St. cot
taco A rooms lutli and Hickory. Incnilre room
COS. Shccley blk. 181
T oTt KF.NT IIouses-7 rooms. 31th ami liar-
-I ? ney ; to rooms , 2l t nnd Locust ; 'rooms.
12th nnd Jones ; 3 rooms , lUth aud Martha.
Llnahim it Mahoney , 1'axton block. fit
8 IIOO.M frame , No. ailJ Hamilton st. . K7.W.
Loavltt Jlttruham , No , 1 Crolplilon block. Mi'J
FOR HUNT When you wish to rent n liouso.
store or olllca call on. us. 11. K. Cole , room
0. Contlniinfal block. - H77
TT1OH ItDNT 0-room house. 2413 , 7-rooni liouso
JL1 LMS. ) 1'opplctonnve. Oco. I. Gilbert , With-
nollUTg. U78
TJIOIt HUNT-.Ill-room liouso with steam heat.
JJ nt J.I S. ! Hth st. O.K. Thompson. Sheoly
block , 15th mid Howard sH. > BW
NICKUV furnlsiiod room' . nil modern cnnven-
loiicus , with board lu private Inmlly. li.07
Vnrn nm st. _ _ WJ1-12J
FOH KKNT Furnished rooms , gns nnd rur-
nnce. In Uno location , Imtf-blocK from rable ,
Terms \ ory roasouablo. 110 SJtli live.
_ _
Nl CKIjV furnished room , 1112 Howuid
TTiritNISIIED room with bonrd ill pilv.ito
- Aftnllv. . ( ins , bath and fmuace heat In honsu
Near cublu line , sill Seward st. 411 IIS
T710H HUNT I'lensantly furnished room , all
JL' modern conveniences , for ona or two gon-
tlomeii , ntoajs. a/th st. , or cor. St. Mary's live.
and U\ti ) ! si. ni.'i
TTOU ItHNT 1 furnished front room , 1 1111-
-E f iiriilslioj. 8I'J N. S3d st. f > 4n-llj
FUKNianilU room , with gas and batn , board
If iluslrod , 6I'J S. Mlst \ , , opposlto All Saints'
umirch. 515
ROOMS furnished , ntl803 Douglas st.ym lloor
_ _ _ _
EIiKG A NT front room with nlcovo. hot nlr ,
hot nnd cold water , gns i&ud bath , SJJjicr
month , -V ; S'Uli. . W
. i oack parlor for rent modern
JD convenience * and Ilrst-class board. 2'13 ' '
Douglas. 4239'
imNLSHKD room for reut.lioa PaclUc st.
4it 0
" 110 LET Fm nlshcd room. 2105 Douglas st.
APUITof tnriilshed rooms suitable for I gen
tlemen or mall aud wife cliean to deniable
partlo.s , with board If desired , lull Douglas st.
43 lot
JJUtONT room , bteftiii heat , 2319 Douglas st.
"VflCELY furnished suite of front rooms with
J- > steam heat uud gas , modem conveuleucea ;
board If desired ; references required ; 2117
Douglas. 407 ! ' *
T7IOH HENT II furnished rooms for light
JL' housekeeping. If desired. G2S S. 2Sth st.
4U1 0
IflUItNISIIKI ) room with board. Inqnlroot F.
1 P. Hull , 1310 Karir.un st. 410 123
TjlUKNlSHKD rooms , steam heat , 014 S IMi ,
J 2d lloor. USit 12'
FUHN1SIIED room for two gentlemen , day
board , 220 N 19tli. 274 W
T7IOH UKNT Suite ot front rooms elegantly
JL1 furnished , Heated , use of bath room , suita
ble tor gentleman nnd wife or two young gen
tleman. Terms moderate , with or without
board , private family. 1707 Dodije st. 607 *
FOR 11RNT Furnished room , with board.
1T2-J Uodg ft. ' 487
NICEl/V furulshod rooms by the week or
month cheap ; HOI Jonas st , 1'oabodj-nlaca.
4 fljlt
d board. 1S13 Chicago. C05J7 *
BlePpliiK rooms.S3 utul
1 uiiwards , payable weekly or monthly , K'H )
Howard. 41 Vt
tiloasant room ? near cable with board
Jin piivuto family suitable for aingle goutlo-
ineii. 2J03 Nicholas , corner otOtli. . 4'.GO !
O I'LKASANT rooms aud board , modern eon-
ivcnlonces. Suitable for \ . No. 5IU S-2nd st.
4.1 10
WAKM , desirable front rooms cheap. IK3 S.
16th. 4W lit
FOIl KENT A flne furnlshod front room
heated , modern conveniences , atu''SSo. 17th ,
ill i 0'
T71OK KKNT-Mcolv furnUhed rooms with
Jt ? Urst- class board. 20IU Lenvenworth. ' 4CO lit-
10U HUNT Furnished rooms. 1312 Do l go.
TjlOU ItliNT Nicely furnished south f rene par-
JL' lor , modern conveniences , $12 pur mouth.
lloatd if Uosirod. VSi Hurt st. 4UI ut
VKNUH Kooms-At "lB13amMfilB Capitol nve ,
Sbloccs from l'O. , uowly Curnlshod , private
hoarding housp.pluasnut room1) . nil conveniences
1st claw transient taken , day or week 7-J ii' :
HOll IlljNT Uooms suitable for two gentlo-
mun , btoam heat. 17 J Davenport st.
St-3 10'
" 17(011 ( UKNT Klegant IIOIKB , steam heat , etc.
JL Inqulie 17- 1 Duvenpoit st. K-2 101
STUAM heat , gas nnd bath , and "pleasant
rooms with Uo.ud , 205 S-'ltli hi. ; ! { ) . ! !
FOIt HUNT Furnished rooms with llrst-
class board ntiiOlJ Douglas. 8liU U *
POH Itr.NT OHO elegantly furnlshud back
parlor , with board , Steam heat mid gas.
For rntei call or address Mrs. II , 1 , . Randall ,
1721 Dodge st. _ ! )231I )
TpOIt HUNT 2 front rooms on second floor ,
J ? tl5.00f.ich. 1815 llnrneyat. _ JT50
AUAIKi I' olesant south room very nicely
furnished ; f urnaco hunt mm every modern
convi'nlcnco. One-half block from c.iblo curs.
2107 Douglas nt. _ till )
ONi ; sulto of liuulsoniD rooms elegantly
furnished for rant to 2 gentlemen or man
mill wife with or without buard. Ueferenccs
exchanged , 017 N 20th st ,
T7IOH H15NT-An elegantly furnished room or
Ju suite of rooms with board In a private fam
ily. All conveniences. Curs pass thu door
every three to llvo minutes. Hofcroncos Ho-
qulied. Enquire rooms HIS nnd Oil ) Pax ton blk.
1JOOMS with board , furnace , CIS S. 10th at.
It me j at
. HENT I'liriilnhod rooms with bath gas
and hent. 2227 Dodge kt. I'UO
FUHNISHED or unfurnished rooms , 14ia
Dodge st , next block to poatonico , from f1 !
upwards. Inquire room borl2J ! Douglna st ,
room 2 , 001 d 2 < i
Dis ; E furulsliod room , 3210 Davenport
Nt. . 173tO : >
TilUHNISIlKD frout room , $3. 1814 Davenport
JL1 uiuauo
ITtOlt HUNT Furnished room. Heat , gas and
JU liatli. WS.2Jtn. t4i !
TWO frout rooms In ona ot the finest real-
deuces lu the city , centrally located , steam
heating , gas. with u o of bath room , on Dec. 1 ;
references required. Imjulre 71 H. luthat 514
A SOUTH parlor and bedroom , suitable for a
Uily and g utleman , or two or tliret centlo-
moderate terms nnd llrat-cluia board.
ZKlOSt. Mary'aave. 4M
N iV furnUlied rooms all modern eon-
Yenleucen ; ulw > board , 1009 DougUa. 311
I710H HENT Furnished roorot in Orounlg blk
J-1 cor. 13th and Dodge sti. Inquire of 0o. It ,
JJavii. Mlllard u t nUUnrd ) ronio. UWJ
I A HQK pleasant room , luralih < l , brick flat.
Jl410CHicttBO t Wl
TTIOU UKNT HO a month , new bouse. 4 rooms.
J- Apply oa premise * , < HW CliarUs U i < * 4 IU
3UNFPUNISH1U ) rooms for nousokeeplng ,
117 N 14th st. jf i'sJ 10 ?
rpwo sunny flotith-fnst unfurnished rooms
JL , with largo closet , feultnblf for light house
keeping. North-wpst cor , Llth nnd How ard sts.
t i 410 \ $
T7IOU HUNT I ! 5 trafurntshea chambers for
JJ housokccplng , 819 N 17th st. M7'17 *
TTIOH HKNT After tied. 13 , five unny rooms.
J- : centrally located , nt reasonable prlco. In
quire 111 N mil , Utst liouso north ot Dodge st.
"TTIOH HUNT Four toonis , suitable for twc
JL1 smnll fftinlllo3.Uor , light uousokcepliig. 23JU
Doilglns st. MO Kit
FOH HENT Twlirobins.unfurnlshcd.suitable
for light lioifs'ikoJlitng. S017 Leavonworth.
I 4Ciiit )
17IOH HENT An unti'irnlshtd room for house-
JL1 keeping or sleeping purposes. Apply 803
Hownrd. 4IH ! )
TTNFL'HNlSHF.D-Sultnbl * for nousoKcopim ; .
O Three O ) rooms , U 7 A.'A > tliat 12 & )
Four (41 ( rooms , 41.1 S. IDthst 27 IU
Three ; t ) rooms , 110SH. 7th st 10 to
Three liti rooms , utii N ! . ' 0tli st 10 ( JO
ThrM < : room < ? , wui N.2 tlist 11 00
Tliree < : rooms , 1010 N. 21st at 10 00
Three fl ) rooms , 707 Paclllo st 11 fiO
Throe ( II ) roonm , 1410 pierce st 10 W
Tnrco < : i ) rooms , TWI Paclilc * 10 W
Six ( fi ) rooms , lOJTi N , 2Jtll st 22 GO
Judge Hentlng Agency , R. w. cor. llurnov and
luth sts. Hoom I , up stilrs. IK < 2
ITtOH HUNT Desk room In a woll. locntod
stcom-heatod , carpeted ollke , ground lloor.
Address P , O. box 7f 2. WM-10J
1710H HENT f\\o store * . B'Jt nnd r > 2l ; North
. .I18th st. / Inquire at the building. Henry
Oathoir. ; iut
PDIl UENT An elegant store room with line
basement on Ifith at. Kent \ ery low t * > right
party ; steam heat nud water IncluJed , Apply
nt 1515 Douglas st. iM
T7IOH KENT Oflico sulto fJo month , S single
JL' olllces } 15 each , nil frontlm " ? 16th at. , Musli
ms n block , N. B. Cor. IBth nud" Douglas. W. M.
liushinau , 1311 Lcavunworth. 1'SO '
OU HENT5 otllce rooms In Hedlck's block ,
LWJ-1M1 Fnrnam st'on2d lloor ; ono olllco ,
east front , on 2d lloor , over Omnlia Hanking Co ,
bank , ror. l.'ith ' st and Harney st. luqulro at
loll Farn nu stM room 8. Faulseu & Co. 4U !
TTIOll HENT One store-room , ono bdkory , cor ,
JL1 Park avo. nnd Wonlworth nvc. lutiulro
Tlioa. F. Hall. 017 1'axton building. 133
FOH HENT Storeroom , No. 214 S. I4tu St. AD-
plvnt 1110 Hownrdst. SI
Fwo' HENT 3 Htorcs on Ifith and Leaves
worth , apply Hauk of Omaha. 084
FOH KKNT Ilrlck store. Hat nbovo. 2ith and
11 amlltou , desirable busluoss location. Lea-
rltt Iliiriiham , room 1 , Crolghtou block. ! W
GCOItnn J. STUUNSUU1CFF. roomti. opp. P.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting homes , stores nud Hats. If you want
your property routed without doiay and to roll-
abln tenants , do not fall to list tuu same with
him. tum
GKO. J. 1'atil , 1COJ Farn. st. Houses , stores ,
etc. for runt. 1M
" \XTEgTvospecial attention to renting and colT -
T T looting rents , list with us. II. K. Cole , room
6. Continental block. its"
IF YOD wnntyour nouses rented place them
with llennvra & Co. , IJtb , opposlto po.stotnco.
! 'S9 '
ONE MILLION ACHES-Stocli men , atten
tion. Tno Union Pacillc Hallway company
otTer for lease one million acres best grazing
lands in eastern nnd fbeiitial Colorado for u
period of ouo or two years.
Will lease In quantities of not less than four
sections to ono patty.
All applications subject to the npprovnlof the
general laud commtssiohcr , and must bo made
on or befoie Dec. MO. ISM ! .
For pnrtlculnis las to .terms nnd location of
lands address , mentioning tills paper , 11. Me-
Allnster. Land Commissioner U. P. H'y , Omaha ,
Nob. O'Odll
PKHSONAL $1.73 will ) buy a very handsome
vnso lamp , vtiso nud shade decorated to
match ; former price $1. See this nnd other bar
gains In lamps nt MooiU' b , . ! ! 02 N IGtti St.
T5KHSONAL 1 wimt to'gct ncquilntcd with"a
X mlddle-ngeil wlflowc'c. single ludy about ! ij
or K > ears with faino uu > aB.s , , by n widower
of uieaus and hnsaljood business and live in
best location lucltj Object mutrluioncy. Ad
dress M 10. lice. 51U 10
' . ) . . - , will .
PKHSONAL-t'.S.- buy sir. IJiigilsh deco-
ratodd dinner set ol 112plecoiut Moody'a
china store , L'OJ N Hth st. Don't fail to see this
bargain. M8 o
. $10 will buva Vienna dinner set.
A liiind-.onuily decorated , ut Mooay's china
store. U02 N lilthSt. M8 ! l
T3KHSONAI younavoa personal item , or
Jany communication , drop it iuono of The
lice's message boxes. ICO
T7IOH ItRNT One good barn loom for three
JL' horses , biiftgles. etc. , 2115 Davenport st. In-
ouire of C. L. tJrickso i & Co. , 212 N. 10th st.
T7IOH HKNT Cheap , I have n largo livery
J- barn , store room and tliroo living rooms ,
IXI.xlUO feet , and accoininodatlni ; tome w horses ,
good location for store , on Do.lgo st. this .side of
tno Holt line , Omaha , that I will rout cheap to
responsible parties. W. K. Vatighun , MM Far-
nam st , Omaha. 24 > dlJ
POH HDNT-llarn , 17U Jackson t.
: ws lot
STHAYKD or stolen A young bay colt
with star In forehead , about ' . , ' year.s old ,
low , heavy build. A liberal reward ollered
llcder. AddrofS or call nt 1517 Nicholas St. ,
Lump's beer dopot. Blevora & Iloyseu ,
STHAYKD or stolen from 1 Ml ) N. 17th st. very
small between brown aud yellow vat dog ,
$ r > reward and no questions usKed for hU re-
turn. Answers to the namuof Tip. 4S' > i > t
KKN UI' A 2-year-old bay colt. Feed
store , ICtli and Clark ata. MJI 10 ;
HOHTHAND and typo-wrlting-Sunerlor
advantagus In these branches at the
Omahu Commercial college , opp. 1' . O. ,
cor liith aud Dodzo , Sroros of graduates lu
good positions. Students complete muniial in
ten daya and lit ) to loj words per minute in three
iiioiithH. IteU teacher in the statu. Practical
ullico drill given students free Dictation llvo
lioura dally. Duy und evening draslons. Rapid
dictation for reports at night. For circulars
write ItohrbougU Ilros. . Onmtiii. Neb.
T7IOH KALI ! A lO-horsO power Otto gas engine
JO and connections , m good running order , or
will trade for material. Addre-is Union Hank
NotoCo , Kansas Clly. Mo , BH 10
"I71OH SALK Futnlluro of four rooms. In-
JJ qulro 415 . > II th st. top lloor. _ fiji. lit
"I7IOK SALK-WJ yacds of moqiiette cornet , a
JU bargain , almost u w , liUJ N Ihtlu OH tit
T7IOH SALU lno ) llratfelass upright 4 > lane
JL ? nearly new , ouly iluO. 'U. Jj. Urfckion & UJ. ,
. ' 12 N. ItfthHt. i . 411 i )
EOH SALK Ouo llrift'-class in horse power en
gine with 21 horsn powur boiler ,
pump , etc. , all compl tii.iCi half of oiluinal cost.
Apply to Max Jaoiwcu. I'.0. box 784 , rpemout ,
Neb. 41 ! ) 1U *
_ _ _
171011 BALK-Ono strictly Itrrtt-clufa upright
-L piano at a special uarirfln. C. L. Krlcksou A ;
3o. . 212 N. Ifllhst. . Mitaonlt block. 431 U
" 17IOH HAI.K or trade New two boHted car
Ju1 rlaga and tluylol top buugy. Sul'jy. Ii2l
Farnam , 1 i t'JO
\v Yeurly.vcontinets with faniiori
for milk. Address | L 1H. ee , Omaha , fiia-m
_ _
NEGLECTED education' 1'rlvuta Instructlou
given to adults In nuitliomtUlrs , graiumnr.
rliutorlc and hlgher'branchos by unlvwralty
; raduate ; thoroughnesa , rapidity , succo : a. M if ,
Hee. 618 lot
WANTED-lly rojpectahlo family , a nice lit
tle elrl tu take aim board. Addmsa M 17 ,
[ Ice. _ KUllt
BEAUTUUL facoa and forms , guaranteed.
Face blAache removes freckles , plniplea and
wrinkles , fl i > or bottle. Hook of receipts for
the couipluxiou 2& cents ! . Bond 4 centa for < jlr-
cular. Mudiimo ituppert , 24J state bt. , Chicago i
andlronlng done at my home
860uiiurdoitQ st.
OITY laundry 1611 Hurt at. , collars aud culTa
2 Sic , shirts I0c. utiderw ear 7f , family wiish-
liigEOo toDOoDcr dozen. ( Joods delivered by
witgonor express. , iM V *
I > HINT1NO , Mcllrtde It Ityan , 1610 Dodge. inrda
_ _
A IISTIIACTS LioaUau k Mahoney , room COO ,
xVpaxtou blocic. 8t >
T\R. MHS. KI'NTXK , midwife , dlsonsos of
JL/women and children cnred. Itcsldence K3 S
Itth. 47IJ7 ;
A OIT can find no cheaper way of buying your
1 homo or pixylig an Incuuibrnnco upon It
than by subscribing for shares lu the twelfth
scries of shares In the Mutual Loau nnd llulld-
llig association. Your lonn will cost you nbout
r > tier cent per annum and easy pav-mcnf.
Olllce hours fiom R to B p m. dally at No. ; ilO S.
10th et. . M. Nottlngor , Sec'y > _ 4fS 15
rpllKbanlotanphtns an art by Gee , F. ( lellen-
JL bock , ; S. 10th st. 1SJ
LADIES Moles nud mipertluous hnlrontiie
face or neck removed , aud the roots In-
atnntly killed by the electric needle process ,
leaving no marks or scars. Positively the only
permanent remedy. Mrs. Dr. Packard , tons
Douglas at. Wednesdays and Thursdays only ,
_ , fii-2 dlilt
MclJHIDK * HYAN , printing , IJ10 Dodgo.
187 d
" ] Vf IDLAND Ounrnnteo and Trust Co.7irA'i l-ar"
" -uam Complete abstracts furulsliod , A tltls
to real estnta examlnod.pnrfoctod A guaranteed.
STOIlAUK At low rates at 1121 Fnrnam st.
Omnlia Auction * Storage Co tui
MIHACKACJK.'storTBe7Towot rate * . W. M
X llushnmu. lilt Loavenworth , PM
\\7ANTED-Oood second-lmud blcylo cheap.
T T Address Chas. Morrison , Asylum , Nub ,
\\7ANTRD-Furiilturo , carpets , stoves and
Tt iioiisohold goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc
tioa & Slot-ago Co. , 1121 Farnnm. 135
MONRV to loan on Improved ival estate for
one , two nud three years by Home Tire
InMiinnco Company , 1)115 Douglas st. I'.Q 17
TJ K. COLE , lonti agent. 4'J3jl
ilHST mortgage loans at low rates , and no
delay. D. V. Sholeji , 210 , First Nnt'l Dank.
VT EUHASK A Mortg. Loan Co. will make you n
-L > loan on household goods ,
hors s , wagons ,
land contracts.
flue Jewelry , or Hecuritle/i of nuy kind
wllhout publicity , nt reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 How ley blk. . South Oinnlm.
Itooms 518-B1J ) 'nxtou blk. , Onmlm , Nob.ISOfl
rpHE Omaha Financial ExchangeHoom in ,
J-llarker Illock , southwest corner of Faruam
nnd 1.1th Mts.
flakes a .speciality of short-tlma collateral
and real estate loans.
Money always on baud In sums of $100 nnd
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
peed first or sucond mortgages.
Loans mndo upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , ttust deeds , llrst or second mortgage no-
curitv , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial buslnus ) of any kind trans-acted
promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Itoom 15 , llarker
block. Corbott , Manager. IIS.
] PEOPLE'S Haauclal Exchange Largo nnd
smnll loans for long nnd short ( line , at low
est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage
note ? , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't fall to call if you want fair
and cheap accommodations- . llouscnron ,
Mgr. , room DOU Darker blk , l.'ith and Farnam.
TVT"ONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay , J.
1'i.W. RciuU'u , 1210 Faruam st. First National
bank building. 105
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approvodseoiirltj- . \V. Hob-
bins. U.a Shyely bit , 13th and Howard. 101
LT E. COLK , loan agent. 4TJ1 !
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bougnt. Lowia S. Head & Co. , li > 21 Farnam.
DO YOU wont to borrow money ?
Head this.
It will snvo you time.
It willpavoyou money.
You can borrow from
II. F. Masters ,
successor to W.H. Croft ,
room 4 , Witlme ibld'n . 13th and Hnrney sts.
< ? 10 , J20 , iW > , * IOj , f.ku . , J.VW , Jl.lOO , J-UOJ , IU.i iD.
In fact any sum you want on furniture , pianos
horne.s. inulus , wagons etc. , on easier terms and
nt lower rates tnau at nav other olllco in tlio city ,
without publicity or removal of property from
your possession.
ICan installment is duo on your pronerty and
you cannot meet it. call and BOO me. 1 will pay
U tor you. If you have a loan lu nny other of-
lleo , call aud get my ratoa. 1 will take it up and
carry it for you.
I make loans for ono to sir months nnd you
can pay a part at nuy time , reduclntsboth prin
cipal nnd interest.
All loans renewed at original rates and no
charges for lupora.
All business , strictly contldeutlnl. Call and
sue mo.
Don t forget the number.
Koom 4. Withnell block. Hi
DU YOU want to borrow money ? it you
iiavo diamonds , wiitclies or jewelry and
dcslto to olloct a loan unfavorable terms In n
strictly private aud confidential manner , or
.should you w.intu loan on fjirnltiire , hoisos ,
carriages , laud contracts or personal property
of uuy dencription , jou can have money ml-
vnnceil ut rates of Interest and ample
time to nay by culling on or sending postal
card to the
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
S"e loan out our own money , make out our
own papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing tlio uonellt to the boirowor.
Our facilities are such that we can accommo
date you In a prompt and conlldeutlal manner ,
giving you fair , honorable and courteous treat
All loans renewed nt original rates.
Wo will pay elf any mortgage you now have
aud gU o you long time und low rates ; will louu
nny .sum from J25 to SI.OOJ.
Commercial nnd lat mortgage paper bought ,
Omaha Mortgage LOIIH Co. , toonia 217 nnd 211) )
First National Hank building. 113
M 'ONIiY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agent1501 Furnam st. 103
ONKY to oan on Improved real estato.
Leavltt iiurnnaui , Crelghton block. 107
fund , $2.OCO to loan nt 0 per cent In-
SPECIAL on Omaha real estuto. Call ntonc ,
L. P. Haniiuor.d , room I' ' . llarker blk. 10J-
< J .r > 00'XU ' ) 0 per rent. Money to loan on lin-
tUproved farms or city property. James A.
Woodman , nt the old llio Insurance olllco of
Murphy & f.ovdtt. 2-'d S. l Hi at , 101
PEOPLE'S Financial Kxchango The fairest ,
quietest , ino.-t liberal money oxchang In
the city ; loans made without delay or imlilMty ,
in any amount large or small , nt the lowest
ratva of interest , on any avullnhlu security ;
onus may bo paid at any timu or renewed at
original rates. O. HouHcaren , mgr , room M'/i ,
llarkorblk , nth aud Farnam. 70- )
II.E. . COLE , loan agent. 433J1
JEE Sholes. 210 , rirat Nat'l Hank , buforo mak-
3lng your loans , ; i58
MONKY to loau on household furniture' ,
plauoa , hoi s 13. wagons uud other pi-rsonul
iroportyalsoon ; mortgage paper und contract : !
is collateral securityc.wii ; ulwnya on hand ; lib
eral ottunsloii'j granted ; buslnesi transacted
fairly , quietly and prnmptly. The I'nlrbank In
vestment Co' , swcor. 15th X Douglas. L'p talrx.
MONRY to i.oau Ixiwest rates. Loans closed
promptly. II. E. Cole , Itoom 0. Continental
IHook. lQi.10
BF , COOK loans , money al n percent on loans
of < 10OTimd ) upwards. Hrlng abstiuct of
tltlo and snvu delay. ItTO Farnam.
mr/iOax ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llimliun \
ip honuy , room iV , Piixtou block. _ UM
iS KMO"VED-TO rooni 308 First Nattonarfii
JV buildllij ; . ProviduntTru'.tCii. ' ( UI
JIMo tU i. cro. ppeca tn place
Pen cholco hnjiroved propurty. D. V. Hholou ,
210. First Nat'l Han * . 3V7 .
MONEY to loan on improved puperty at first
hands. No applications sun awav for ap
proval. Security and tltloa exa jilnud free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard lureitment
company , 'M H , 13th t. I1H
rpo LOAN From ono to two liiiiulruT ili < miiL
J. and dollura or .tmaller sums promptly. e.ruit-
ern capital alwaya on hand chosp. Philadelphia
MortKano nml Trust Co. , ( Joo. w ; J1. Cot . U
bouraof trade HU
" "
W T'KUIC loans monay , cash on hand , r X- )
IU ) , can bu placed on city and farm prop
erty at lowest ratenj building lo. n > u apeclnlty.
Itoom 4. Frenier block. Opp p o , dUt dli *
* "
6 IMJll CKKT monty to loau C sn ou naad
\V. M. HartlJ , room -JO , 1'roniur block , opn.
MONTIY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purpose * } lowoit rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 ,
Harkor block , 15th and Farnam. ( ftiS
| \rONEY- Loans negotiated at low rates with-
J-'loutdpUy , and purchase good commercial
paper and mortgage notoi. S. A. Slomau , ( Yir.
and Farnam.
B UlLDING loans. Llnahan & Mnnoncy.
IVI ONEYto Loan On Omaha nnd South Oma-
J.UhaT > roperty. U. F. Harrison , Merchants'Ni\-
tlonalj.mnk. _ _ _ wj
IS EMOVKD-To room TOsTKIrstlTatlonnl bank
JLV building. Now Kngland lioan and Trust Co.
DON'T borrow money 6n furnltttro , horioi ,
wagons , etc.tiutll you hare seen O. II. .Is ,
cobs , room 4ia , First National bunk building-
cor. Mill and Farnam HU
TNTEHKST In nn cMnbllfthod business to"n
X reliable , ouergetlc mini. About WiO rn h re-
qulrod. Address P. 0. box 7u' . ' . TwS-lUJ
" \\TANTED-A partner for a meat innrki-t. A
i coed butcher can gft Into n well estab
llrhcd meat market. Call at ' 'fa. KUMlj
wiuitodiln n first-class dul
house. Must have IWO cash. Hood oppor
tunity for right man. Address M 2H. Itoo
olllco. (61-12
ONIMWHTH Interest In a now westernNe
braska railroad toivtu ( iood liivmim 'tit
for n man with J..OOO cash c ipltal , Addiuss look
box U7. Oxford , Neb , 5-J-Ut
ACOD ! chnnco to buy a moichaadlsu
store nnd stock In u growing railroad tow n ,
Address M. 15 , lleo olllce. KW-SS *
FOH SALK A millinery a very pros
permis town In lown. The object for soiling
Is that I have two storta ton mtloi npirt nnd
the business has Incroixsv'd lu the last year so
that 1 cannot any longer attend to both , nud
cither location Is n splendid opportunity for
someone. Corre pondeucn solicited. Iddress.
220 Harmony at. , Council llluira , la. K\\-y \
\\rANTKD-Sniartrcllabloman with 1 0 to
11 take half liitoiustnnd have entire manage.-
mcnt of n good business In Nebraska , paying
largo prolltM. Address M 12 , lleo. fi. S-if |
FOH SAI.H First-clnsH confectionery btoro
doing ii.iylucbusltiesi ; satisfactory reason
for selling. Address M 8 lleo. 4Ci ! U
OIOAH and stationery store for sale , ona
good street and rent llglu ; n few good 10-
tnurnuts , and hotels ; fixtures , etc. . of a hand
nundry. Co-oporatlvu Laud A- Lot Co.Ill N Iflth ,
5 ( > 'J It
TflOU SALII ( Iood steam elevator , capacity
JU tiH ) ( > J bu. nt ou of tlio bestgr.iln locations
in state of Nob. , with corn cribs aud everything
in good running order. Also ir > ,0.m bu , of ear
corn In crlb.j. t'art cash , bal. on time. Good
roat.oim for selling. Address lock box MB , Lin
coln. Nob. 420 lit
" 17IOH PAhi ; Pontectlouory , fruits , cigar nnd
J' tobacco store. A 1 locution. Owner has
other business to attend to. luqulre.tlr.i N. 1'itli ' ,
aoo ut
\\rANTED-A reliable man with 51WO desiring
T T a situation or Interest In a bate business to
call fiom 11 to IS , room 24 llarker block.
402 12 *
FOK SALK-Or trade ; a dining hall , seats m
persons ; business part of city. Addiess I
.Mi , lleo olllco. 374 lf )
FOH SALK-Smnll jewelry store , best locu
tion In the city. Address L IV < , Dee olllce.
" 17IOH SALK Or Lease A complete nowspa-
JL ) per outllt in n good country town of Ne
braska , This is a good opening for n republi
can editor. Address with loforenco , L 4i : , care
llee. Omiiba. Neb S.-0 U
"V\7"K wish to employ a reliable mnn in your
county. No experience required ; perma
nent portion for three years. Salary Incrc.isod
eachyoar. LlRht , easy , gi'nteel liuslnoss. Ioney
advanced for * alurv. udvurtlslng , oic. Largest
inauuf'rs In our line. Unclose --cent. No
postals. Centennialtl'fg Co. , Cincinnati , O.
, 1SJ1SK )
T7IOH HUNT Furnished bar room at the for.-
J-1 yens hotel. Address M , J. t'nxiiflc , l'r ° L' ' . .
FOIt SALK-A .small and woll-iissoited drug
block. Including elegant llxture-ui a li.irgalu
If taken soon , Cnn bo moved to advantage. Ad
dress Immediately , A. llrown , care drug : > tortr ,
aia N. 2.Mh , 71 : ;
"I710H SALP. ; iiKU : ( stock of h.irdware for
JL sule. doing u splendid bushier , is locatuii in
onoof the best towns in tlio state. Tliu.stock
is clem nnd lu good shape ; the reason for sell
ing , other biihlnohs occupying my time. I'art
ca-sh and bankable paper for balance. Address
1C V5 , lloo oflire. UVJ
fTIOH SALK Atn bnrguin , : ; , ( X ) nlmres fctock
-L lu Mexican lion .Mountain company. Ad
dress L (2. ( lleo olllce. ilif > 12 *
FOIt SALIi Orexclmngo : lease anil fiirnlturo
nf nlock of .Ti rooms , centrally located ami
prolltably occupied. Address 1C 21 , Hue.
T7Hm SALK "or trado-A lotlsjxi I2 ou S. Pth
JL1 st. , near llancroft. ( lot ( i , llnruer's subdlMs-
loin. Address M 21 , Hoe ollk'O. "i" > l.
"VVTANTI2D Storks of gool.s for good city-
Vi property and farms , ( irover Stoveno ,
1521 I amain st. 621
LOOK Here W have to trade 100 acres clo-
gaut laud 3) ) milus from Omaha 1'or good
city property ; ? 'iOl > OJ worth of good , rleur , im
proved land for wild land and if-sume encum
brance : 3.1 furnished rooms , making n clear
prollt of Si.MJ per year , for city propwrty ; a Una
stock farm In Iowa for city property ; property
In Omaha and ISouth Omnlia for good forms.
Ciiover Stevens , 1521 Farnam it. 521
PTlUlVEH STEVENS , IVJ1 Farnatn. has a largo
V Jllst of good city and furmpioperty for ex-
chauge , ft'4
ITfoit KXCJIANTM ; Mrtii ft on 15th St. . north
JL * of l.eaveiiworlh , with good 8-ioom hou.-o ,
for deblrablo residence property. ThI- > ! > choice
propeity ami will not trade for equities or out-
bldo projiorty. Address liox 7'JO , Oimtlm.HO15
TTIOIl UXCHANOF A gojd Improved fiirm ,
JL clear 01 , und some cash for u
good K or 9 room liouso and lot , \\olllocati-d ;
will a umc a fair Incniubranciilso ; u few
shares of n No. I. oil stock and sonm rush for
L'nod horse and buggy or phuulon. No.
1U1I N I' th bt. M7II
fl ! ,01) ) boot and shoo stock to cxclmnga for real
Pestato and cash or good paper. Addri'tis M II
lleo olllce. 510 Vt
TTIOIl FCCIIANi--For ; : d'-.slr.iblB residence
JL ? propert > lu Oiuahii , nuy or all of following ;
40 fuiuco inside roaldonee lots iu Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln ,
t ( HO acres line farming Innd. Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
Coed I'L-ntul jiropoity , l.liic'iln.
' " ' i funuv residence , corner , Los AllKelo.s.
A uuat rebldcnco property Inllanscom I'laco.
AUo somu go.xl innrtgu e notes ,
Addref s giving location and price of properly
J. K. II .cnro llaiim Iron Co , . il" Lenvenwortli
I' HAVE real nud pursoiial piopoity or all
l-klmls for tiade. Call and see mo. liuorjo J.
Bternsdorir , room i ) . opp. P. O. I SI
i , liiilO Htock of grocerloi doluj good trade ;
j'owuer retiring from business ; cheap rent ,
location. Want good city propurty. II.
15. Coli' , -fl4 : II f
.unio gunural mervliandlso out of the cltv.
$ ; Will tradu for city or 1'atni projwity. K. L' .
Cole , Contlnoutul block , 131 11
WANTRD-A building lot in oxclmngo for
young team of mnle < aud l-ynar-old buguy
horse , anil pliauton. Iniiuli ) of K. O. MorrlH ,
lid door woe of Walnin lilll Khool building on
Hamilton st. 2UO III *
ANTKD-Stork nf gooiM In fxclinngo for
city propmty , Weatein Laud
nnd Loan Kxilmugi ) . ill S. K.tu.
( ) , GOOD lota In Council lilnUu , In. , lightly en
cumbered. . Will tiadu for hinil or Onmlm
projierty ! 'ii/E.'co1u.\VntlmMiiai !
HAVE it section of ehulco land In Frontier
I t'o , Nou , to cxchtlo : ! ! lur n uood stock of gen
eral niilse. Addica-i , L , II. HalsluyGenoaNancu
Co , Neb. 4IH ! M'
T7IOH TltAllillonsonnd ; lot In rlty for realer
or ctiattul moitgagn pan r , hart us , mules
or c.i ttlc , A L' . ( Jrrenwood A , _ . room I ,
Ctiimtngliiim bloi k , cor. Ilitli und Jackson Ht.
"llTHATnavo you to tridn for 3 lots InJcromo
Vi I'lirkIneumbraiicoot ) } , < Uj on tlw Iota , K ia , lleo otlictt. BI'J
f > HOIJSF.S uud lots on 2Tth near ( trant at. , ouo
--'block ' from horse-car line In rlty ,
Will truilii for land , lite xtoci or merchandUe ,
H. K. Cole. Contliu-ulal. 4JI11
it HXCHANOK-IluubuTud lot in Crcston ,
Houao and lot lu Illalr , Neb.
ItKi iicrfs In Lincoln county. Nob.
lui acres in llnwurd county , Nub.
Lot In Sauudera & Hlmubaugh'tiudd.
: o lots la other addltloni.
A. P. Tuki-y. 16th nnd DougUi.
ONH t JOO and one JI.'JO ' stork ot notion * ami
clothing for Iradu for clear Nebrauin lands.
Ouv grocery stock , , ' ,000 , fLX ) cath. bal. land or
loU : \\lllaaaume luuumbrance , It auy. t3UU
stock of ready made clothing to trade for dear
land , or will take Incavhto the amount of In.
Dumurunce and naiuiue It. t-V itock of Iiurd-
ware lu lown to trade for part cash , bal. land.
Furniture and flxtnreiot a hotel undaaloon In
OmaUu , pilca t..i.OO , | .JUO cutli. I nl. In laud or
city low , will trftdu Eomrati' . 1'or otner
see exchanga book Co-outrutlvv Lnud A Lot Co. ,
i03 N. 10th at ,
\Tiri5 clean . ( XX ) Mock of groccrlM. ono of
J- > the best locKtlons In Omaha , for Improved
city property. HuUhliison , v WcailVi ! Dodge.
_ _ _ _ _ _ B70
QF.vnN hundred nnd eighty acres wild land
pin Merrlcfc county. Nob. , M MM encumbrnnco ,
to trade tor stock of merchandise. Addrosa M
5 , lleo onu-e ,
_ _
1OH THADK-Two tnoussnd ncros itiiptovod"
X < land to trade for mcixliandl.M or cnttl and
horses , lleo. II , lion ring , 8tu it , Neb.
ihundred acres of Inml In nortliLouls-
JL lau.i , n nice liomn on n imIgnblo rlvor , to
trndo for Nebraska laud or merdinudNe. Address -
dress M fi. Heo QllU'f. 4Si 10
7OU THADiChoice : lot lii Ornntmercy Pftrfc
4nnd choice double corner In Upton Place for
good Intnl. 1) . V. Sholos , S10 First Nat'l bank ,
IjlOHTl NK 1'ellorMrs. . Li'iuirman can DO eon-
J. ' suited on all nlTalrs of life. Sittlsfactloa
gimrnntcoil. No nuNliithst
T WurreuT clairvoyant. Med-
JL/ical and busluesi medium. Female diseases
a specialty , ll'i , N. Kith st , Hoom 2ftX 1S1 !
TTtOll 8AM ; or rent-In Spring lUuohe ,
J-1 Net ) , , on Hie K. C. .V O. milt-aid , a ni-w frnmi
Btoic with ducillii' , ' nttnohol , and good stock
of general incrchaudlic. Only store hi place. A
good chance tor omo one , Call on or adilros *
Fred Courndt , Sprliu ; Haiiche , Clay Co. , Nob. j
_ _ _
"I7IOH RAI.F. Doyou know that lower Doitg-
J-1 Ins st. Is going to m.iVo llrst-rlass re'nil prtHH
ertyl1 If you don't , go down to tlu < bitdga some
Hue day and see the .stream ofTstcrn Iowa
people coming over You will then IKI con
vinced. Wo can soil 22 , 14. ( G orsf fi-ot on Doug-
Ina.botHcen lotli aud llth stn , at a prlco that
u 111 make purchaser 100 per cent In less than
two years. 'Ihla snap will not lcep later than
.limitary I , l tti. M. A. Upton Company , : W9 8
Kith st _ fi,7
SIXTY' feet on Fnrnam near Itlth ( . , tno boot
piece of busltit'ss property on tin * market ;
canollor for a fowdaya at lUures It will pay
you to investigate. Hicfts , llarker block.
fU01) )
* T. > AIlCiAIN Lnrgo house , nnwly built , nil
JJniodoru luiprovtMiii'iits , with good barn , etc.
fan give Immediate possession , lllrks , Itoom.
4C. llnrker block. -
_ cij )
UUHISALK To those naming to go fnrmtnc
wo cnn put them lu i-ontud of largo or smnll
trnctsof land willed reimhe vi-ry llttlo money
for years ; theio iiovoru.s n betiortltno to en
gage In tanning and stock-raising ttmu now. M ,
A. I pton company , liiMSo. KHhslieot , 4'.lJ '
"I7IOH SALE Splendid 10-acru tiact n nr Jiiiic-
JL1 tlonof F. E. , v M. V. railroad and the Holt
Line , in West Omaha ; hns hous , barn , elegant
grove , and In n line Mnto of cultivation , will
niiiko wpleiidld homn or tine- fruit and Aegmablo
garden , Tliu Droin-rty can bo platted ulildo of
tnree years Into Utty choice lots that wilt .soil
for four tu live hundred each , imd reali/.o from
twenty to tueuty-ilvo thousand forthountlrn
tract : can oiler for a few days at llgure.s that
malkO it a bargain. Call aud suu It. ( Jcorgu N.
Hicks , room 10 , Darker block- . WKll )
17IOH SALE A few lotsluto\vart ! plnco at a
J bargain. The Metropolitan cable n > , idi > as.sos
this nddltlon on Lowe uve. Harris A Harris ,
nxuu 411 , 1st Natl Hank. 41
FOH SALE llurgalns for one \\i-ek. Cheapest
lots In Hillside No 2. On grade on Chicago
Rtieut. ono block cast ot II. W. YatoV now
sumo house. T. J. Hoard A llro. . 1410 Douglas.
_ 4i2 : 11 _
"M ICE residence lot , 33x100 feet , on Popplcton
ll ave , llauacoui Place. A bargain If sold at
once. .Small cash payment ; loug tlmo. Jllcka ,
Knoiii 40 , Darker bloc . fa ) U
.SALK Or trade , a housu of 10 room.s ,
JL1 for f arm or merchandise. In mile limit. Ad-
ures.s. P. o Uos 2E3 , b'outh Omaha. 110 y *
TjlOlt SALE Nebraska farms ; no surer invest-
Jmcnt can bn made. M. A , Upton company ,
fO.i So. Hith street. 4U1I
K IX hundred and forty acres choice land In
H on , ird county , do * ) ! to two railroads ; for
sale nt a bargain. 1 1 ICKH , Darker block. 5iX ) u
17UH SALE -A Una bU-foot corner on ( loorgln
-L 'u\ . , Miuth of LDavnnwoitli. To the right
l-oi--.on who will occupv this , llio very best
terms and louu Umu will be given. F. K. Dar
ling , I.V.'l Fiirniim. ; ru 11
VT EAT il-room IIOIIMI bet. Douglas and Dodge
XT on tilth nt. , $ ] , rjii , j oj cash , balance easy.
I'liu ueat lOltKgn N.V. . cor. "mil and Ohio , with
Byi.iiloao. . run be bought for $ WO. llntc.hln-
sou vVWead , I5'M Dodge st. 370 U
OHOK K piece of trickaco property , 210x000
ffii.llh over six hundred foi't froulngo on
tlio Belt I.lue Hy. for aulu ut u burguui. Hicks ,
Itoom i' ' } , llarkpr block. G0ft 1) )
F OK SALK OrMHl trade for stock of hard
ware. Prop&ity lu town or 5UO inhabitants ,
nt yii'g good interest as nil investment. Ad-
IresH It. McNalr , Crawford. Neb. [ HI lit
FOH SALE Unrgalns for a few days.
IinxiM cor. : fli and Hurt. lots lu lllllsldo No. 2. T. J. Hoard &
llro. , 14 IU Douislns. 433 11
DO you want a homo ? Call and see the bar
gains \ > o oiler lu choice residence property.
HiU.s , U.iuiu 10. Duiker block. 5I > ) U
FtHt Us"roxpiusivolywltli M.A. Up-
t'lii compuny , 110' ) ' So. luth street ; good Insldo
irojierty at a llguro not more than actual value
f you \\nnt your real estntoHolil. 48U
* PIt'l ! ALbai'KuIns In farms , western land anil
O rlty propel ty , call und P " us. Nob. Set-
ling and Supply Co. Itoom I' ' , Hoard of Trade.
H r.SIDHNCKS for Halo by Hicks A largo
double house , nlno rooms each , Just com-
iuli-d on 1st stioot , Hunscom place , llrnt-clnsu
ii-ijiiiboiliood. iiioKnlllrpiit view. Tno grounds
11 u T"ixl."i ! ) I'oet , enst front. Each house tuts lint
mil cold xuiii'r , furnuce , bath loom nnd eloutilo
icIN , all ciimpluti- , and a line barn with city
\Mvt and sewerngo coimectloiiH. 'Ihlspiop-
ity Is only two blocks from three street car
lues nnd is one of tlio nicest and most tonvo-
ilent humes la the tlty. Can give Immediate
) o < Mes.ilon ot the south house with baru. Tills
mipeity will pay H per cent on $ I7rOJ. Price
lor a tow days illj.f
Also a nu-rt li-room house on 2Stn ct. near
Ilnrney. 'I'hU propertv Is close to the busltiosa
: oiilernf the city , ami very ronvi-nU-ntly Bltu-
ited HS regiiulH utroot c.vr line's ; rlty water and
: lstfru and u ulvu llttlu barn. Price (7.UOO , Can
; lvo Immediate posspsslou If sold soon.
ANn u very nk'n lirnom house , f urnaco and
mil all coiiipkVu , nllh lot GOxItiO teot , on 1'lurca
u nr 2 th at. 'J his la a Hint-class residence and
ran be sold for tiJ.SMX ) .
U e can also oiler very chaiti two eight-room ,
o isi-.i lu Windsor Place. Tlicsu IIOUMM were
Jtillt last ye'ir. nro tno blocks west of tlio park ,
ilgh uud aightly. T.m owner IIIIH rumoi'ed
lorn tliu ell ) , nun Is very doslroiu of closing
tit Ills Interest'heie , llwe Is n rare opp. rtun-
ty tu proi'iuo n home at a vety modcr.ui ) cost'
Tuo lotucorni'r Jiickson mid Lown avenue ,
'in' of the llmiit icsldencu. sites In West Ouiiiluu
niiRiillli enl view Pi Ice fl.i.OOl.
Lot la In block 12 , Blinll'H second addition , a
ve-it front on 2ilth si. , SiW feet south of Popplo-
on av . on grade and covered with beautiful
hnde tiei-s. Price < 2i > U.
lot a In block U , Haiibcom Place , IJOxir.O feat ,
imt front onillst st , , between Poppleton av.
nul Piiclllc , nud t\vt > blocks west of Park av ,
'rlco IB' .
S-'outli IVont on Poppleton nv. In Hanscom
'liiru just wrst of 'nd Ht. , and at Ihf tormlnim
if thu cable llni : to bu built In thu bpring , Hlzu
irixJIXJ leat , I'rico I.4.0HO.
4'S foot east front on H. gsth st. ( Virginia nvo. ) .
o blocks houth of Fnrnum at. ; Htreet ( iniml.
> 1th car line , hiwor and nity water ami gas.aud
.bout II blocka from thu courthouse. Price
I,2O , .
Al o olfi-r the cholci'fit pl ro of acru property
Kiund the city , contHstlug of 10 acivs , with
oinfoi tiililo house , lain , iiplondld sluulu trees ,
tc. . close to city nnd Junction of licit Lluu
nlhvny with F. K. * M , V. railway.
list the place for a luce homo
nil llnq fmlt uud VKgelubln gaidim. Tha ! In
no of thu beat pieces ot invtstment prop rty
n thd mnikdt. IIH It can bn Hiib-dlvldcd Into W
holce lots that will soil wllhlii threw ycarti nt
rom tlW to t ! > W ouch. Cnu oiler for u few dny.i
t t7OW. Uoo. N , Hicks , Itiirkur block.
I7IOK HAis-KliiKniit double corner , liwxlf.0
L' feet , on Woolworth nvo. and 'l-ml at. , lacing
lutiMcom Pailc , parfect gradu and Jn t Hie
or nil elegant rcslileuco Mock Pi Ice .
leo , N. lllckH , itnrkwMorii. _ ww
( ! J5 per month buys nn ti-rofiin hou u
I'vmli all modern coiivniiluucut , lot tile 1 In cilia
f the ( Intel icsldomo loi-ut.onx m Onmhu. No
ash payment nfiulrfd and thu lntvre/ t Is in-
ludml In the moothly pivment ot ir.'i \ r
louth. Wlml'4 thu matUT with Cot : < , ( 'mill-
411 II
: T Oir8ALK-One of thn Tn'st phicv-.s lu or
- ' around the city to Sinn n small ronl ad
imber yard uud genoritl groii'iy hutdin-KH.
Ituated ut I lie junction of tin- licit Linn ! > ) '
nd two main ft 'rets lending nut of city in
I'est OmaliH , u.U fi'et trackngc , nndovurMO
) et fruntagu on main thoroiiglifuiv. used by
II the fartuerx living Koulh nudw-itof Ilia
ty. Thin lau kplfnilld chnnri ror u limn v\HU
uitxlciiato amount of iiiuucy. tire , N lllcica ,
arker lllocV. WJ l
_ _
7IOH 8AL15 Good hoiuo of 7 rumua , f i l tot ,
- well , cittern , burn fur I. lior m , HI-'IDO ) .
liurclraud Htoroncar by. Mtrvi-t rar < < UM lilort
ttiiy , In growing piirt of city , good imlij < i. > r-
neil , tltlu ii < > rfa"t. i/imd homo fur m.iii if m ' I *
ratn meiini. flet ready furimxt dprliu I T " 'iy '
ig a lioino now : will t k u vauius. lot n - pirt
nymejit. C , F. Harrison. MwlianU Nat I'J' ' '
FINE Improved Curm u.-jTi" ) n , i < for
xile , ) 'j milutt Irom dmsl.u it < ii IM a'--v.
jiply uti'.li llaiusy ktici'i , I , : . ' j <
) NlFaf tlio until "fK'dilon ci o , ( ' .iir-j/Urt
street on your < i > m UT-IM. ' ' ! UH ' you
il , II. I ! , Cole , Coutliuatil Mm- . ' ) II
JAUIIAlN-CiioIro tiiikiiirsx lot O'l M a nt.
> ! > ! - - ' ; > , foiuliOniahu. r.irn ? t du j a (
1,09) ) . lllck.i , KUJIII IU , : n.rkirJ.J ! L. tiHt