THE OMAHA DAILY B DECEMBER 8 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIL"BLUFFS. OI-TICn. NO 111 I'HAKIj STHliKT. .Delivered by carrier In Any I'ntt of thoCltya Iwi'iity Cents t'crcek. . II , W. TIM ON . MANAOKK. No. 4.1. NitniT AllNOIt AIISNTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal niiil wood. E. E.May no , 619 B'way. Addltiona. Council HlufTs news on Seventh page. Elegant overcoatings at A. Roller's , merchant Uulor , JilO Broadway. Klclmrd \ \ * . Morris , of Omaha , nnd Minnie Sprlnlt , of Cuunoil liluiTsvoro , united in marriage by Xustico Bhurz. The P. B. O. society will moot nt 3 o'clock this afternoon nt the residence- Mrs. Hornco Kvuns , corner Sixth street and Plist avenue. The Ira I'lntnor livery stnlilo on Broadway has passed into Ihu hands of Cnptnin Hayes , who hati hud u ( { rent dual of experience in this IniRlncss. The Rpuclid assessment Improvement tax for the year Just eloslnu , w estimated oy tlio coiiuty miUltor , will ntnount in round num bers to about M 1(1,1X1 ( : ) . City Auditor Hammer yesterday issued bonds to tlio amount of f-3blH ! ] in settlement of tlio claims of McAdum & Ambers for in- tcisection paving done iu the city the past season. Sheriff O'Ncil says ho has received tele grams locating ubout fifteen of his escaped prisoners. As there are only six now abroad In tlio world , ho thl'iks ' sumo ono clsu has lust tlio remainder. A error mnilo TIIR Bnn state that tlio. lirusli cicctrlu coiiiii.iny asks for an exclusive privilege The fnut is it asks for no exclusive franchise or ri ht. Tlioio who copied Tin : HIK : urror will plc.iso . correct. It is now stated on tlio authority of George K Wright that the mcuor line will bosin running next Momluy. A switch to bo con structed nt the other end of the line in Omaha is all that now remains to complete the road. Charles Norse has sold to Henry Wyoth lots 7 nnd 8 , in block I ) , Jackson's addition. forfj.OUO. Two lots in block 13 , Railroad addition , were hold for $100. It is predicted Hint that addition will come Intu the market next year. In the case of J. T. Stewart vs The City of Council Ulun"s tl.o dainago award of the con demning Jury was $1-U)0. ) The award by the jury in the case just tried was $700 , which innkes the total $ .2,100 , instead of $700 , us has been stated. The funeral services of the late Pi E. Hnrkncss will takn place to-morrow after noon nt 2 o'clock. Tlio Huv. O. W. Crofts , of the Congregational church , the former pastor of the deceased , will conduct the ser vices. The body will rest in Fatrview ceme tery. tery.The The regular annual cow paths are begin ning to appear in linyltss park , notwith standing "Keep off the grass" meets the passer on every hand. I'edestnnns step over these signs instead of kicking them down , which is an improvement upon the practice of last year. Theiowill be no services at the Baptist church to-day or this evening. Mr , Smith will moot the singers for rehearsal at that place to-night nt 7:30 : o'clock ' beginning with to-morrow evening the union services will be held in the Presbyterian church. Tlicy will continue during next week at that place. The now road Into F.iirmotint park is now completed. In place of n steep climb , the summit of the hills is reached by a delight fully winding road , the beauties of which cannot bo described. As soon as possible another road , similar to this one , will bo constructed , so that the descent into the basin of the park will bo just as easy and de lightful. Tlio contract for furnishing the plate glass for the now Mcrriam block has been awarded to J. U. Atkins , of this city , agent for Du Pauw's Ameiican Plato Glass company , of New Albany , Ind. The amount of the contract Is nearly $5,000. Several Omaha II nnd Chicago parties were included in the bidders - dors , but the contract was secured by a local house. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. 147. See \V. C. Stncy'a ad. * The Old Keliablo Jewelry Firm of E. Bin-horn , No. 17 Main street , has laid in an iinmonst stock of holiday goods , which will bo sold cheaper than over. This is a special inducement for thirty days. All goods first class and guaranteed to bo just ns represented. It is an established fact that you can got the best goods for 'tho least money there. Call and examine the stock and got prices before purchasing. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Dr. C. C. IIazen , dentist , opera house block. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once , Ad- drobs or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Main ktrcot , Council Bluffs. Bargains in veal estate In all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 180 Main street. J.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. In Boleotincr poods for holiday gifts go to Neal's , U35 Broadway. Holiday Presents Can now bo found in great variety. Now and artistic designs iu diamond's , flue jewelry , gents' and ladies' gold watches and chains , silver and plated ware , clocks in French marble and the best of American makes. A cordial in vitation is extended to every one to call and judge for themselves at C. B. JACQUKMIN" & Co. , No. 27 Main st. Dalby's band at roller rink to-night. For Rout Two now store rooms in good locution ; Nos. 737 and 7119 Broad way. S.'Saunders , JO Pearl st. Sco Lund Bros , for lamps. W. S. Cooper has casb on hnnd to loan on approved city property , No. 1J10 Main Btroot. Improved nnd vacant property in all parts of the city ; 00x160 foot on Glen avenue , east front , a bargain ; business property on Broadway and Fourth itrcot. R. P. OHlcor , North Main itreot , DoVol's block , Council Bluffs. Neal's opening is a grand success. Tickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib- bltts , 815 Broadway. Crockery , glass and queen swaro cheaper than over before at Neul'a , JJ36 Broadway. While planning for your holiday gifts don't fail to sou Lund Bros. ' grand dls- piny. piny.Lost Lost Gent's gold watch , hunting case. Finder leave at Ban ofllco and receive reward , * Lund Bros , ' nro making a special lOo flrivo in crockery. Don't fail to BOO it. * Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- bull-C'hump Investment company. Rock Spring coal , Gloason , 20 Pearl etrcct. CLEVER CAPTURE OF A CROOK , The Plunder Taken From the Emor- scm Po9toniJ3 Found on Him. DISCUSSING THE MOTOR RATES. 8iinttcrs | on tlio llottoms Fonclne the Alloy * Ijnoy < ti Contracts Hunt for the Jail Breakers I'm InJ unctions .Dissolved. I'ostofflce Ktir lnr. Constable Ct C. Daspain made a neat cap ture yesterday. Wednesday night the post- ofllco at nmcrson.Iou'n , wus robbed. Stamps , money and some clothing was taken. The snino'nlght a horse belonging to Benjamin Morris was taken from his barn , The ofllccrs here were notlllcO of the double crime and Ucspnln set nbout to capture the thief. Yes- tordny ho found him near Emerson nnd brought him ' o Council HlufTs. Ho was driv ing Morris' horse and when searched nil the articles stolen from the postofllco were found upon his person. Ho registered atthc county jail ns ( ieorgo Wallace , but this is undoubt edly n Metitlous name. Ho is a man between ilfty nnd sixty yea1 s old nnd is , without doubt , an old hand at this sort of business. Ho gives no information whatever respect ing himself. His chances nro good for u trip over the road. The London "Tailor's" is the place to got your clothes made. G37 Broadway. Wo have some of the best bargains in the city in cheap lots nnd easy terms. Also houses nnd lots from JfeUO up , on terms and payments to suit purchaser. Call and see us nnd set prices and terms. Council Bluffs Investment Co. , No 10 Pearl Btreot , Council BlulTs , la. The Council BlulTs Lumber Co. want you to try some of their coal. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Uclweon tlin Tivo Cities. The rates of transit between Council 131 ufts and Omaha are now causing much discussion. Many have the idea that the bonus voted to thobridgecompany , and taxed to the people , was with the agreement that the motor company should charge no more than 10 cents for n trip. This is a common error. The bridge tax was voted with an agreed rate of tolls for crossing the 'bridge. Tlio motor rates wore in an ordinance giving the right of way to run the electric motors on certain streets. Those motor rates are not contingent upon the bridge tax. The people have been given to understand , however , that in no event would it cost more than 10 cents to ride from ono city to the other. Now tlio company asks the council to amend the charter - tor so ns to allow different r.ites to bo charged. This has awakened much discus sion .since the presentation of the request. All nro watching the council to sco what that body will do nbout it. Tlio motor company recognizes that there Is a demand for a lower rate than 10 cunts , to accommodate those who h.wo occasion to go backwards and for wards frequently. They claim tlioy cannot at present meet this demand , unless they have a chance to make ill ) , in some other way , for the reduction. They pronoso to charge 15 cents lor a singh ) ride , or lie cents for the round trip , and then grade down by commutation tickets , twenty for $1 , and so on until those buying 150 rides can do so for $7.80 , or 5 cents a trip. On the other hand , many believe that the company should not charge more than the amount ornrinally agreed upon , 10 cents , nnd that if held to this the company will , as a matter of self interest , soon make commuta tion rates to attract and accommodate in creased travel. Sleigh bolls , sleds and skates. OuiSLtBRVANT , 513 Main st. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Weather strips at Chapman's art store. Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value'at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllce cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- EOII , 26 Pearl street. All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Uncy on Contract * . At the last meeting of the city council the matter of letting the city's ' improvement con tracts come up upon the opart of the en gineer on bids for work now advertised. A motion to lot to the lowest bidder , brought Alderman Lacy to his feet. ' ! nm opposed to that , " said ho. "For a long time wo have done that same thing , and what was the ro- sulU Wo have * had poor work , which hns had to bo patched up to bo made at all pass able. It hns kept the council in astew month after month to get the work done at nil. If there is jany objection to nllowing their esti mates they make n grand nowl , und toll us thai their bonds nro a sufllelont guarantee to tlio uity Of course wo could sue upon these bonds , uut It is more trouble than it conies to. A few dollars hero nnd n few dollars there. Nobody wants to bring an action unless there is something in it. Now I want to say right hero that I am opposed to letting another contract to n solitary man , who has in the past slighted his contracts and made us trouble. What wo want hereafter , and what I nm going to vote for , is nrst class work nnd done by nrst class men , No more of this cheap John business for mo. " The position of the alderman will bo main tained by the sentiment of the property owners at large. + i Sco Chapman for Christmas presents. Fine holiday goods for twenty days nt prices that will surprise you. Call and bo convinced. J. D. Stewart's drug store , 030 Broadway. If you want to stop paying rent and buy a house and lot on monthly pay ments , with warranty deed , call on C. B. J.udd , COO Broadway. L. Kiracht & Co. , 407 nnd 400 South 10th ' st.Omnha , are now the solo agents for' western Iowa for the celebrated Val. Blatz Milwaukee bottle buor , the best in the market for family use. Try it. Fine table wuro at Lund Bros. ' The I'nvlne lnj""otloris No More. The Injunction case of Ira Plainer vs City of Council Uluffs has been dismissed. The proceeding was brought to prevent the fur ther issuance of bonds for publlo Improve ments. The effect would bo to stop all pav ing , grading or sewer work , by cutting out the intersections which are charged to the city. The paving In progress at the time the case was instituted , was continued to a finish , as the contractors expressed tholr willing ness to do thl * and take tholr chances on the injunction holding , knowing that payment could bo en forced. The suit was brought in the name of Ira Plainer , but It Is understood that ho was not the only Interested party. The parties bringing the suit offered through their attorneys , Mynstor & Lindt , to dismiss the case for n curtain consideration , which was (1,500 attorneys' fees , and a receipt for special assessments against certain property of Mr. Plainer for paving , in all amounting to about $1,600. Tlio city refused to pay it , and thu injunction held until Thursday , when it was dismissed by mutual agree ment It required the payment of J50 to se cure tlio dismissal of the suit. The money was made up by the paving firms of MoAdain , Amborg nnd 13. A. Wlckham & Co , , nnd the Chicago Lumber company , the two former paying f 1.10 each nnd the latter $50. It is stated that the enjolners agreed to withdraw their suit for $300 , but afterward raised the price $50 , which was paid. There win con siderable Indignation cxprojso.l at the time the proceedings were llrst Instituted , nnd several severe charge ? wore. The papers Suppressed the matter at the limo , ns it oc curred just when the city bonds wore placed In the market , and n circulation ( if the report would have Injured their sale. It Is n matter of congratulation that the case hns finally been disposed of without injuring the city's credit abroad , or putting a stop to the dcsir- nble public Improvements to bo made In nil parts of the city. If you want to see how cheap goods can bo sold , call at Neal's crockery house to-day , U35 Broadway. nnil Mercy. Judge Aylcsworth was In a vor.v amiable mood yesterday tnorninif when ho arrived nt the temple \vhero justice ls"dlspcnsed with. " Jailor llarhyto opened the flood gates and the lido of aflllctcd Immunity rolled out. Number ono RIIVO his name ns T. J. O'Brien ' ; profession daiicor ; home. , nowhere j age , in doubt ; destination , the same. " \Vo have no use for dancers , " remnrko d his honor , "unless they waltz around with a pick nuil shovel. You are a clog dancer , I presume. A clog ; ye * n clog to yourself and your family. You have parents , I pre sume few people have not. " "Yes , sir ; n father and mother , nnd I wtmt to go to them. I won't sav anything to father ; he don't like to have mo bumming around in this wav , but mother will llx it all right with him. " "Your mother will fix It nil right , " an swered the Judge. "Naughty boys always go to 'mother' ' for forgiveness and mother always forgives them. Mother never forgets her wayward boy , nnd no nutter how low ho gets , to what depths ho sinks , mother's ' love will reach after him nnd mother's hands will draw him back to honesty nnd manhood. You can go to your mother , younir man , nnd if you h.ivo any manhood loft heed her ad vice ami bo u man. " Mike Wycoft was charged with being a vag , but as lie had $0 0 on his norson when arrested the charge didn't stick and ho was let go , ho having visible means of support , besides his two stalwart legs. T. J. Euklund , of Omaha , wliom Ofllcor Thomas had arrested on suspicion , wus dis charged. James Lnne , from Bartlett , la . was held for the larceny of n hat from Anton Kink's store. Ho claimed that another man took the hat and the Judge hold bun as n witness in that prospective caso. When the wit nesses against Lane appeared and gave their testimony It knocked out his story aud gave him fifteen days at hard labor. J. Lcokeharot was taken to the station under suspicion of having taken a watch from the Council Bluffs Music company's store. Ho was searched nnd locked up. but no watch appeared. The company declined to prosecute the case iftidtho young man was released. J. H. Glover , a colored "hotel man" from Omaha , nnd Ella Johnson , another light colored oarty , were hold to answer to the charge of adultery. The trial was postponed until witnesses could be secured. * Marshal Guanella has received the de scription of ono C. E. Hoyden , who , it is al leged , robbed a jewelry store at Corsigann , Texas. rjTho Dodge Light Guards will give their initial party at Light Guard armory Monday evening , December 17. The ladies of All Saints' guild will furnish the refresh ments. Not the iJnll Breakers. Yesterday morning OflleerCusick was sent by Sheriff O'Neil to Plattsmouth to sco if the two men held there were a part of the "breakers. " During the afternoon n dis patch was received from the ofilcer to the ef fect that they wore not the mun wanted. The fincbt goods for the least money at Neal's crockery house , 335 Broadway. NEW BARGAINS BKOA.DWAV LOTS , FIirST AVENUK IjOTS , fc'KltKY ADDITION LOTS , PERKY ADDITION LOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , BUY ANT & OJUAIIK'S ADDITION LOTS , STREET'S ADDITION LOT . rtliSO 20 ACRES OF THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN FOll PUATTING. W. C. STACY , Telephone Itr-J. No. 0 Main Street. LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! For o Short Tims I Will Offer 100 LOTS In 1'erry Addition to Council IlliiUa on the fol lowing Terms : InsideI < ots on Ave. A. . . , J nOO 600 Inside Lots on Are. ( J 4riU lunldultotson Klrnt Ave KiO liiMldu I.ots on Second Ave MX ) Jnildo Ixts on Third Ave ntK ) Inaldo J.otsonN. Sldn I'ourth Are 4"0 Inside Jjots on S. Side Fourth Are 400 CW AU Corner Lots $50 More. TBIIMS One-tenth cash , balance-innlneannual optional payments , with H per cent In terest , payable annually. Will Rive con tract for warranty deed and furnish ab stract \ \ hen fully paid. w. sni : > , uvropF , No. 8. North Main St. . Council Illulls , la. HEST ANI > N10B CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LADIES , IMiiBli , Silk nnd Flannel ami Cashmere drebsea ready-made and made to order by Mil * . JUMA STEIX , At White Sewing Machine olllce. . ' " Uroadway , and 1111 DoiiKlau fct. , Onialm. cheapoat prices , and h'ood lit guaranteed SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. WANTED Work by a sober young married mini , acquainted with hot iilr and steam furnace , also horses , janitor , carpenter and farm work. Address J , L' . Muthnnoy , Council lllulla. "filOlt UHNT-Modern 10-room house , No. I1 Bouthtithst. TT10II BALK Hood 1-yoar-oldhorse , gentloand -A ? sound , II in ness aim top buggy. Will sell cheap on easy terms it Bold soon. Imiulro t multilist. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT SALE For a short time , the entire - FOR addition known as "FAIR- MOUNT" located on the hills bo- twcon 18th and 10th avenues , thrco and u half blocks east of Main street and the Biuno from the street car lino. It commands an extensive view of Omaha and Council BlulTs. This boautsful and finely located addition of forty-two lots is otforod at a price that will miroly make the investor from 75 to 80 per cent within two yours. If you'want a sure thin ? which you can begin soiling' at once at an advance of from 75 to 80 per cent over what it costs you , call on or address H. G. McGco , 1BO Main fat. , or Forest Smith , at the Brown building. Don't ask why it is offered bo low , but come and see the property and bo con vinced that wo tell it loss than it is , These lots will sell now at from 8800 to $500 each. Wo don't want that for thorn. Remember this offer is only for a short timo. FORREST SMITH , 4 , 3rd Floor , Brown. 20 ON ALL CASH SALES ! Unequalled nnd surprising Bargains In Soots At Henry Eiseman & Go's ' People's ' Store OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD , Iu order to give us an opportunist to rearrange our business tor our new FOLK STOHY BLOCK , which wo arc-erecting on the old. Paclllc House Site. Customers will not waste their time of they read what wo have to say. Nor \\i\\ \ \ they be deceived when they come to cc our goods and learn our prices. Everything will bo found exactly as we bay. We olTor a discount of HO per con ON ALL CASH SALES On everything have in our house. Now is your time to buy. Do not miss this opportunity. Low prices always make us buy and we arc go ing to make LOW PRICES MAKE YOU BUY ! " \Yo adopted this method of slnughtPi'injr our goods just one week ago. nnd the result has been that our STOUli IS CKOWDED with customers all day long , so much so that wo have added Extra force of Competent Salesmen , And Sales Ladies to wait on , our customers. People are coming from Omaha and from hundreds of miles to lake ad vantage of this GKFLIB.A.T Our regular 'prices have always been conceited to be the lo\\c. = ! olTercu in the west , and when you getl'O per cent , cxtr.i discount on your bill , bee what you are saving1 by buying from us. Wo want to and must CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK For reasons above named. CALL AND SEE US. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. HENRY EISEMAI & CO , ' 80S. 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Kxninlne the followluj ; prices for ( ash only nnd buy your jnonts dn-jseil nt home. I Mill fccll until itiithcr notice ny follows : Slioulilcr ami chuck loa&t 5 to I'c I'rimurib roast ' . . . . Ic Chuck steak l-c Itonml bleak 8 to lie Sirloin steak IDc I'ortethou-i ! stnalc l c Honing U'of 4 to f.c Jluttoustew fie Mutton let's l-c Corn beef 4 to fc J'orkroast lOc 1'ork chem anil stenk K'c J.nril , pure nnd our own make l"c SouuuBe , our own nmko lOc Huniemlicr this Is the only HOME DKI.SS SI HAT SI A HKiT In the city. No foi clgn meats Gold. U. li XU.VAS , No. 821 Ma n St. Telephone No. J9. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PEICB $15. Is equal t ) any High Priced The Eillnon Mlineoiirnph , tlio lioft iiiinriitus | | for mnniroMlnic , uiituKrnphlc und typo writing work. bUU toplvs cnn lie lukcu. ' The Zzcolsior Cc. , Council Bluff : , h. TIIOS. OFriruit. vv. H. M. Pusuv. OFFICER & PliSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Uroadway , COUNCIL UIjUI'M-'S , IOWA. Dealers In foreign tnil domestic exchange. Colluctlonii imulo and latoruu paid on time de posits. S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , VETERINARY SURGEON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No.H.5. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. i : IOWA FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1G1-1 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb , C. K. 11KLL. O. A. linilUNGHOF BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects , Designer , ; and Superintendents of Construction , Mr. Iterlincliof i > us si'ieu jears McndcNsolin , Fisher & Loury , and IMS designed many of ( lie Iliiest hloeks in Oinulin and Council Plans and Soccifications Prepared and Estimates made a Application , Studio , lioom 2 Opct'ti House BlucU LOOITAT THE IRISHMANl J. Uff. SCAHLAN , IHO HUO.VIMVAY. Hill = ell forciihh : Shoulder nnil CuucK Itonst . n to fie J'rlmii 1(11) ( Koust . Cc Cliutl : Strnk . i c Itouml Btuak . Ho SlilolnStcalc . lOo I'ortcrhoiiio Ste.ik . llic Holllns Ueuf . Ic Mutton Ptu\v . f > c Mutton J.OIM . tc Corn llecf . 4c . . .10c Pork Chops anil Stcuk . lOo r.arrl , our o\vm make . 1''c PnusiiKe . to All other iiieiitH In the haine pionortlon. 1'roo Dellvciy. ( htlurs t-ent 1) } ' children iccclvo prompt attention and are correctly nlled. TKLKI'JIOMO 201. Bakery and Confectionery CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Heo him for Hrcad Cakes ; etc. TO DEALERS-A liberal discount , givenl No. 218 Main Street. A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF DRESS GOODS OF EVERY KIND AND QUALITY AT * LOW PRICES ! SILK MITS , WORSTED MITS , ETC. , ETC. CALL AND SEE ! SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 401 BROADWAY , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. EAT CUT SALE ! TO CLEAN UP OUR IMMENSE STOCK , During the past season 9ur sales have far ex ceeded our expectations. As a result we have an NSE QUANTITY OF RENEWS These goods we must sell at some pries , for we have no room to carry them , This is no bargain sale but A Everything must go. The finest gods at your own price Here are a few sample prices : Moquettes $1.00 to $1.15. Regular Price $1.50. Wilton Velvets. . . ? 5c to $1.00. Regular Price 41.40. Body Brussels. . . . ; oc to $1.00. Regular Price $1.30 * Tapestry 4oc to 6oc. Regular Price. . . .7oc to $1.00. Ingrains 150 to 5oc. Regular Price 3oc to Soc. A great many of these patterns are large enough for rooms The sale will open to-day and continue until all is sold out * Conic early for choice. COUNCILlliJffslMPET CO , , HO : 4O5 BKOADWAY. SIZES FROM Especially Adapted tot 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING ; HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators.1 Specifications and estimates furnlslioil for complete- steam plants. Itcfnilatlon , nmnlilllty riuar- > nnteod. Can show utters from u&ers where fuel llconomy Is equal with Corliss Non-CoiideiHlng1. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. CIO Pearl Street , Council mulls. SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , I'KOIMUKTOIIS - OK - COUNCIL 33LUFFS -lOFFICESi- Cotvcn. Ui.t'FFS P. C. Do Vol'iStoic , No. I OMIHA Carpenter Paper Co. , No 111 flO-1 ftliddlo Hroudwny. Telephone No. b7. | Douglas Street. Telephone No. W ) . , ETAIL , We carry the largest stock in the west , covering 2O.OOO square feet of floor. We do the largest business ! We sell at the lowest price * We deal direct with European manufacturer's and payne jobber's profits. Cash talks , and we are always in position to Offer * You Genuine We offer you for 3O days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following : LOT 1 Hand-painted Cupsidors , each , . 15o LOT2 , Good Majolica Cuspidors , each 35 o LOT , 8 English Decorated Cham ber Sots $2 05 LOT 4 English Decorated 60- pleco Tea Sots $3 75 LOT 6 100-pieco ( genuine gold- band and hand-painted Dowers ) ' Wodgowood DinnorSot. per sot.$12 00 LOT 0 English Decorated Full * Dinner Sot , new fluted shapes , par sot $8 50 LOT 7 Nice and choice lot of Decorated Genuine China Creamers , each 25o LOTS Largo Moss Rose Pitch ers , each 25c LOT 9 Rose Jars , filled with por- fiuneU rose leaves , each 25u LOT 10 Genuine China decorated Fruit or Jco Creom nets , per bet 2.60 LOT 11 Genuine China Fruit Plates , assorted decorations , per ilo/on , 1.75 LOT 12 An elegant Hand Painted Vase Lamp , with shade to match , fine burner , complete , each. . 8.50 And a great many more bargains which our limited space will not permit us to enumerate , An Inspection will save you money. NO.j9j.1AIN . STREET. Lntrst > < Mcltie * In 3IKS. C. B. Also Full Line of Best Make ? in Plated and Solid Silver , Hicli Cut Grlass , Bronzes and Brass Goods , Clioicc Dinner , TC3 , Fisli , Game , Soup , anil Ice Cream Sets , No. 14 Pearl St. D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hid68Tallo\vPelt8Wool&Fyfs \ & , , , ( , Highest market pilces , Prompt roltinis , ( CO und KMiiln SI. , Coum 11 Illuirx , loua. is : i.v Royal Worcester , Taplitz , , ' Royal Dresden , Vienna Royal Saxony , Bonn Faeience , etc.1 Visitors and pnrcliasers equally we'JOHN *