Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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DallrfJtornliisKdUIonHnc-ludini ? SOMIAT
lln.0n Vcnr . . . 11000
rorMx.Months . f > 00
S'orThreo Months . SW
7iiK OMAHA HI'NIIAV HKR , mailed to finy
Addl-f s . One \ > r . S 00
WKKKt.v IlKK , Ono Year . SCO
< : incfio OCFICB M" HOOKKHV Ht'iMitsn.
Atlrommunlcatlons relating tonowsnnd till-
lot Inl matter should be addressed to the liUtTon
. .
and should b
All bntliiew letters remittance ?
mldlPMed to TIIK Ilr.K 1'tmi.l.llllMI COMPVNV.
n.'iun. DrnftH , chocki nnd ( KMtolBccordcM to
liomade payablotothaorderof the company.
TOe Bee Publishing ComDany , Propriclors ,
K. JtOSnWATKU , Editor.
Till : DKK.
( Uvorn Statement ol Circulation.
Bt t of NebniOci. I , ,
County of Douglas. ( " "
( Seorito H.'IV.scliuck , secretary of The nwl'iib-
llchlmr Uoqinnii ) ' , docs solemnly swcnr tlmt tlio
nctmilclidilution of TUB DAii.r HEX for the
Weekending I'ocomber I. 1883. was as follows :
Pundny. Nov.'i ) IViJjJ
Holiday , Nov. ai ] M1 ;
H'tirHilny. Nov. ST IH.I11
r Wcdiiesdny. Nov. SS
ThursUny. Nov. > . . . . .
Vililny. Nov.flJ
* bdtnrdny , Ioc\ I > <
Bviorn to lieforn mo and snUsct-lbod in my
presence this lst day of Dercmber A.I ) . IMi.
f cal N. I' , rill U Notary 1'ubllc.
Etnte ot Nebraska. i
Oiituty of DoiiKiut. (
Oeorpe II. Tzachuclc , bolus ( ttily sworn , do-
rose < nnd wtyo thnt lie Is ! < ccretnry of the lies
1'ubll.ililiiK company , tliat the actual avcraio
dully circulation of Tiiu I AIIV HIK : for th
month of Novninber , ItW. was l.Vi'il copies ; for
December , 1SS7. IS.UII copies ; for January , IWS
ir > , ! Mic < > jlL"j ; for IVbnwry , IbSS , 15.1VJ copies ;
for Jlarrli. INW. WJHQ copies ; for April ,
1.74 ( ? < copies ; for May , ISfS , 17,181 copies ; or
June. IH-H , jjii-il copies ; for July. IfW 18 , : ! I
copies ; for AiiKU't , 1W , 1H.1SJ copies ; for Sop
tember , 188 , 1H.15I copies ; for October. IW. was
It'.O'fl copies. GKO. II. T/SOIIIJCK.
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed in my
Presence this 7th day of November , IHfU.
N. ) ' . lM51Ij Notary Public.
WINK suppers , it seems , arc ncccs-
Bary to intiUo the life of certain niom-
lors ) o ( the board of education a thing
of beauty und n joy forovor.
NKW YOKIC proposes to establish free
ivarm baths iluriiig the winter. This is
nn opportunity not to bo lost by the
proat unwashed Tiunimuiy crowd.
Tun total vote cast in Nevada at the
presidential election , November 6 , was
12,009. Nevada evidently needs a brac-
iiifj' tonic to stir up her sluggish indus
KTHK Outhwaito bill to extend the pay
ment of the debt of the Union Pacific
railroad lifty years is not likely to pass
out of the door of the house in the light
of recent disclosures.
r , IIAKUIKOX is Fuid to hftvo
lagged n brace of partridges , throe
cnnvass-bauks , ono grouse , nnd u score
of tufted cabinet hunters on his recent
shooting trip. It evidently takes a
l > residont-oloct to bring down the game.
IT behooves every member of the Ne
braska legislature to keep in mind two
broad propositions affecting revenue re
form. The first is to pass laws by which
taxation may bo equally and justly dis
tributed. The second is to cut down the
extravagant expenditures and appropri
AND now comes the Mexican postal
million ties and bring serious charges
against the American postofllco depart
ment , accusing it of negligence and
carelessness in handling Mexican'mail.
'This , too , after Don Dickinson made
his glowing report to congress of the
ofllcioncy of the postofllco department
for the year.
INVESTIGATION does not always in
vestigate , it was not to bo expected
thnt members of the board of education
vvlio are mixed up with the school fur-
iiiluro traders would tell half they know
t-- about these peculiar transactions. It is
not expected , either , that the furniture
agents will give away the secrets of
their trade. It is well known to all
who are familiar with the echool b'ook
nnd the school furniture business that
4 !
the influence of school boards nnd em
ployes is sought and procured through
percentages nnd ' "divies. " It is not to
bo presumed that Mr. Morrow , who
plumes himself upon being "Influential"
with gortaih members of our board of
education , and especially with the
building committee , has invented the
btory he told ' to n man whom , at the
time , ho believed to bo the agon't of a
K'hool-desk concern. If Morrow did
weave this yarn out of whole cloth , ho
Is ji very bud mah to have about the
promises of a school board ; if ho told
tVro truth , the premises need a very
general overhauling.
TUB legislature of Colorado will , nt
its coining scission , elect n successor to
United States Senator Bowen , und the
present indications nro that Mr. Ed
ward Wolcott , u prominent railroad at
torney , will bo the choice. This gen
tleman has a good local reputation as a
lawyer , n more than local reputation as
a poUvf pluyOP , ftnil has made one or two
nlovor ofTorts in the line of oratory.
Hut his strength lies in the fact that ho
is a devoted friend of the railroad cor
porations , which are a power in Colorado
rado , and are using all their iiilhionco
in his behalf. IIo is opposed by a largo
majority of the republican newspapers
of the state , mainly on the ground of
hid devotion to the corporations , but
the Colorado legislature is largely
composed of men who owe their
political standing to railroad influence
and aidand with the brass-collar crowd
"SVolcott could have no stronger recom
mendation than the fact that he is the
creature of corporations. It will bo a
matter for general regret if Wolcott is
Hucccssful , However ample and bril
liant Jils qualifications , the United
States senate already lias too many
members owned by the corporations ,
nnd there is reason to believe that
Wolcott would provo to be ono of the
most aggressive in their Interest. The
policy of the people should bo to keep
railroad attorneys out of congress and
by Btatuto prohibit a member of that
body , as the bill of Senator Bock pro-
poscst from accepting any employment
from a railroad company. Only in this
way can the people ever bo assured that
tlioir Interests will receive just consid
No ono knows better than the editor of
TUB HKE that the question of location of the
city hall 1ms never been voted upon directly.
* * frM 4 *
Meantime , It ( the TirpuMtorn ) Insists Hint
tlio question 1ms rievcr yet been passed upon
by tlio people ) Unit the bulldozing and under-
iinndcd methods ot Tun I3cE liavo aroused
public sentiment to n degree which makes
submission nn nb elute prerciiuUlta to con
struction , nnd , It may be truthfully added ,
done more than almost anytlilnpclso to preju
dice the public mind against the fornuni
street site. JfrptiMlean.
The men who now run the Republican
were not in Omaha when the city hall
was located. Their persistent misrep
resentation of historic faota can only bo
ascribed to ignorance nnd malice. The
records are within their reach nnd they
could toll the truth if they were so dis
Tliero are many people in Omaha
who have- boon load to believe that the
city hall location has never boon sub
mitted. For their benefit wo repro
duce ox-Mayor IJoyd's proclamation
which was published for twenty days
before the general election hold on
November 'I , ISS'i :
Proclamation mid Election Notice.
Ornti : , October 14 , 1833. )
H.v virtue of the authority in me vested , I ,
James 13. Hoyd , mayor of tlio city of Omaha ,
do hereby proclaim to tlio qualified voters of
siild city , nnU the respective wards thereof ,
nnd votliiB districts therein , thnt on the 7th
day of OctobCi * A. D. , 1SS5 , nn ordinance was
duly iiasscd hy the city council of said city ,
anil on thu Sth day of October , A. U. , 1885 ,
the said nnllitiinuo was duly unproved by the
muyor , of which ordinance the following is a
coiiy , to-wlt :
Ordinance No. Or.O.
An ordinance providing for the construc
tion of n city hall and submitting the sumo
to the electors of the city of Omaha for rati
Ho it ordained by the city council of the
city of Ouialm :
Section 1. That the city hall building
heretofore propoacil for the use of the city of
Omaha unU the board of education of said
city , as provided by contract , nnd located on
lots live and six In block ono hundred and
sixteen , In the citv of Omaha , bo and hereby
is authorized to bo constructed , the said
building to cost not exceeding the sum of
two hundred thousand dollars , the construc
tion of said building to bo proceeded with as
rapidly as funds therefore can bo provided
and m accordance with the plans proposed
by K. E. Mvers.
Sec. " . That this ordinance bo submitted
for the ratification of the electors of
the city of Onmlm , nt the general
election to be hold in said city , on Tuesday ,
the & 1 day of November , 1835. und that for
such purpose the city clerk cause to bo
printed in form suitable for voting , copies of
this ordinance , with the following question
printed thereunder : "Shall the ordinance ,
of which the above is n copy , be ratified J"
A suitable number of said ballots to liavo
the word "yes. " nnd a suitable number the
word "no , " printed thereon.
Sec. 3. That all votes "yes" shall bo ro-
ganlccl or considered in favor of ratifying
said ordmatu'c , uml all votes "no" shall bo
considered against ratifying said ordinance.
Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall talcc effect
and bo in force from and after its passage.
Passed October 7 , 1835.W
W > r. F. Bncnir- ,
President City Council.
Attest : J. B. SOCTIUIIII. City Clerk.
Approved October 8 , 1885.
JAMIS E. Bovn. Mayor ,
Now , therefore , in pursuance of the pro-
vjsions of said ordinance , notice is hereby
given that nt the general election to bo held
in the city of Omaha. Douglas county , state
of Nebraska , oti Tuesday , tlfo 8d day of No
vember , 18S5 , the proposition recited in said
ordinance in regard to the ratification of said
ordinance will bo submitted to tha electors of
said city.
All votes "Yes" shall bo considered as in
favor of ratifying said ordinance , and all
votes "No" shall bo considered as against
ratifying said ordinance.
On the day before the election the
following editorial appeared in THE
The City Hall Proposition.
The proposition to erect a city hall costing
not more than § 200,000 , on the corner of
Eighteenth and Farnam , will be voted on to
morrow. The building , to bo constructed on
the lot opposite the court house , is to ho a
magnificent and substantial structure ,
planned by E. E. Myers of Detroit. The
perspective view of the building has been on
exhibition for several days , and lias been
pronounced by all who have scon it a sightly
and tasteful elevation. While- Is to bo just
as substantial in every respect as the court
house , it has been planned expressly with a
view to make n striking contrast to that
classic building.
That Omaha needs a commodious and per
manent city hall building is admitted on all
hands. Tlio old llro trap now occuplcdin
part , as n city hall , would bo a disgrace to
any village. The quarters which the city
has secured in the now court house for some
of Its officers must be vacated In three years
under tlio contract , which is not likely to bo
extended , because the county will need tlio
room for its increasing business. Next to
having the city under the miuic roof with the
county buildlnc , the location opposite to the
new court liouao is the most convenient and
desirable. The property owner who goes
to pay his taxes does not want to travel half
n mile from ono sot of offices to the other.
Every year the city and county business Is
becoming more clearly identical , and the
transactions between tlio ofllclals of the ono
nnd these of the other more frequent and
Viewed from the standpoint of public im
provements it is to the Interest of every citi
zen that the proposition should carry. The
assurance of the construction of the city hall
will stimulate property owners on upper
Farnam to erect largo and costly bloolts of
ofllco nud store buildings jvUhin the next two
years , diva employment to hundreds of la-
iKirors nnd mechanics and add largely to the
aggregate tax Income. It will givo. Omaha
building b ° om during the coming year ,
which will aoou place u ? by the eido of Kuu-
sas City , St. Paul nnd Minneapolis.
Every ballot cast on the city hall
proposition on the 3d day of November ,
1685 , had upon its face the full text of ,
the proposition to ratify the location of
the city hall on upper Farnam.
The proposition was ratified by over
throe thousand majority. Even the
Fifth ward , of which Jofforeon square
is the center , only cast sixty-five votes
against it , and ono hundred and eixty-
eight votes in favor of it.
And now lot us ask where has the un
derhand worlc boon with regard to the
city hall ? Who has boon guilty of de
ception and venalityin this connection ?
Look at tHe men who wore making
harangues in the council chamber before
the recent election I Every ono of them
was in Omaha when the location was
made. Hascall was a party to the con
tract by which the ground was acquired
for olty hall purposes. Dr. Mercer
bought the corner of Sixteenth and Far
nam for thirty thousand dollars , and on
the strength of the city hall location
two blocks beyond resold that lot for
seventy-five thousand dollars. Later
on lie und others bought the Richards
lot , corner of Eighteenth and Farnam ,
for twenty-fire thousand dollars , and
they resold that lot to eastern capitalists
for fifty thousand dollars on
the assurance that the ' city
hall was forever located on
f , , * 4S3-ii * ,
the corner opposite arid cast. It was the
most unblushing effrontery on the part
of Dr. Mercer , after ho had induced
capitalists to invest enormous sums in
Upper L'arnam property to stand
up and ndvocato a re-location. The
other champions of violating contract
obligations and robbing unsuspecting
investors nro on a par with llacnll nnd
Mercer. They either liavo spite to
gratify or Mercer-nary ends in view.
To keep up any further agitation of
this issue , in view of the obligations
which the city has assumed toward for
eign capitalists nnd its own citizen's ,
would bo worse than repudiation.
There Is ono fact in the annual report
of the secretary of the treasury to which
very llttlo prominence is pivon , but
which , nevertheless , is interesting and
instructive. It relates to the decline of
American shipping in the world's car
rying trade. Tlio report shows that
while the imports and exports of this
country have considerably more than
doubled in the last thirty yours , the
proportion thereof carried in American
vessels has decreased from ovorsov-
onty-fivo per cent before the war to loss
than fourteen per cent at the present
time , while of this small proportion only
fifty-three per cent was lust year car
ried in American steam vessels. In
other words , over 80 per cent of our
trade with the world id done through
the medium of foreign vessels , chlolly
those of Great Britain.
Thus our merchants anil manufactur
ers pay annually into the pockets of
European ship owners nearly or quite
two hundred million dollars for freight
charges , wluln they are necessarily also
placed at a disadvantage in competition
with the merchants and manufacturers
of Europe , both as to rates and privil-
leges.Certainly among the disasters
of thu war hardly ono was moro serious
limn the .destruction it brought to our
merchant marine , and while nearly
all eiso has been repaired our
shipping Interest , so far as the
world's , trade is concerned , is in worse
condition now than when the war ended.
No statesman has appeared capable of
presenting a practicable and satisfactory
plan for restoring this important inter
est , and year nftor year it has gone on
of the world the American flag at the
declining , until now in most parts
masthead of a vessel is ono of the rarest
of sights.
The next administration and congress
will have an opportunity to consider
this subject , and it is altogether probable -
blo that within the next two yours it
will become prominent in public attention
tion and discussion. With the moro tin-
mediately urgent questions of a re
vision of the tariff and the admission
of the territories disposed of , which will
bo done at the first session of the next
congress if not by the present congress ,
there is no question in sight of greater
concern to the practical interests of the
nation to the future of its commerce
and to its ability to successfully com
pete for the world's trade than that of
rebuilding its merchant marine and re
gaining at least itn former position in
the world's carrying trade. If the next
administration shall be able to solve the
problem involved in this question , so
that American commerce shall bo sup
plied with American faciTitics for its
transportation without building ui > an
interest to becorao a charge upon the
public treasury , it will perform
a service to the country of such
ineslimabfo value as to give it a most
conspicuous nnd honorable place in the
nation's history. As j'et an entirely
practicable and satisfactory policy has
not been suggested , although the ques
tion has boon discussed ia and out of
congress for twenty years.
Committees liavo been appointed by
the city council and board of trade to
prepare amendments to our charter.
These committees , for the present , at
least , nro acting separately. Tlioir rec
ommendations may clash in many very
essential particulars. Loss than four
weeks remain for them to complete
their work , and the chances are , ten to
ono , that by the time the legislature
convenes the delegation will Hud itself
loaded down with all sorts of recom
mendations , on which they will bo as
much divided as Iho committee. And
then wo shall liavo another huggermugger -
gor for a charter , with Incidental con
troversies that will retard its passage.
In fact , if any radical reform is
proposed that touches corporations and
syndicates on a tender spot , wo are
liable to liavo a repetition of the dis
graceful conflict of. two years ago. This
ought to , If possible , bo avoided.
The charter committees and members
of the delegation should got together
as soon ns possible , talk ever every
change proposed , and harmonize differ
ences before the legislature convenes.
Unless this is done , Omaha will again
bo the butt of jobbers und legislative
mountebanks , who always take advan
tage of such squabbles and make moun
tains out of molehills. Whllo the
Omnlm charter affects nobody outside/
of this corporation , nud Omaha pays
one-tenth of the state taxes , and receives -
coivos in return loss than ono per cent
of the appropriations , she is obliged to
tussle and wrestle ever her charter as
if the state was contributing millions
toward her institutions ,
Tnn report that the Chicago pork
packers liavo formed u trust to embrace
the packing industries of St. Louis , St ,
Paul , Chicago , Omaha , Dos Moines ,
Kansas City and Sioux City is not at nil
improbable. It is well known that the
pork packing establishments of Kansas
City , Omaha , Sioux City , St. Paul and
other cities are closely connected with
Chicago firms. In fact , the former wore
originally branches of the parent houses
in Chicago. An understanding there
fore may have boon reached to coneon-
trato the business us much as possible
nt several of the prominent packing
centers. This would , of course , neces
sitate the shutting down of houses in
centers not so well adapted and forcing
smaller concerns to the wall. But the
formation of a trust in the sense to con
trol absolutely the pork packing busi
ness of the country ia out of the quas- "
T/r/LV eras
The relations between the United States
and Samoa are not ns wpll known as they
should bo. The kingdom of Samoa Is com
posed of that group of Islands in the Pacific
which was formerly known ns Navigator * '
Islands , the cljjqf ono bolrig Tutttlla , which
has an excellent harbor called Prtngo Paugo
by the Samoans , In I3t2 tlio chiefs of Tu
tu II a requested the United States through
Commodore Meat to assume the protectorate
over this island a d harbor , wriich the United
States consented > ode , anil scat tin agent to
confer with thoc ! lefs of all the islands nnd
show them the Necessity of extending-
jirotectorato over the whole group. This
was In 133. ? Hut the Polynesian natives ,
with the frivolity and chnniroablcnoss of
their rnco had In tha meantime determined
to elect a king , mid the special agent of the
United States brrnmo his pritno minister. It
ia quite clean that the American nation can
not insist upon n protectorate which the
Samoans iloslro to abrogate. The Ocrmuns
have stepped in. and liavo assumed tlio pro
tectorate , but they nro a conquerlm ? people
which we an- not , and will not br. Some
very silly attempts have been made to defend -
fend Secretary Bayard , who hits blundered
as usual , for ho llko nil southerners is always
ngog for foreign conquest , ami the nation will
not hoar of thorn. The Dominican republic
Is eager for n United Stntcs protectorate , but
we have persistently rcfiHJu. That indeed
should be n mo-a vnluabla ncquisltion , but
wo do not want lo enlarge our border. Wo
have no ground of complaint against the Ger
mans , who have treated Americans in Samoa
with moro than courtesy , with real friendli
ness , and it Is out of the power of any south
ern dMungo ( uo to imikoiiny political capital
out of Samoa.
To the average American reader the ono
great port of Japan Is Yokohama , but thcro
is another port which lias become more or
less fnmllinr , and tlmt Is Kobe , from which
various shipments of coal liavo been mude to
San Francisco during the recent coal famine.
An American Journal published in Japan
the Japan Herald has been studying the
statistics of the two portsj ami lias come to
the conclusion that Kobe will bo In the
" future the great port of the Flowery King-
"dom. In ten years its foreign trade has
grown moro than 100 per cent , while tlio
foreign trade of Yokohama 1ms only grown
CO per cent , Hut tlio comparisons for the
last year are still more striking , for the total
trade of Yokohama for eight months of ISS3
Is about two-thirds the amount for the whole
year of 183" , showing no gains , whilst that
of Kobe for the same period Is greater than
the total for the whole year of Is3 , showing
a gam in a single year of ! KI per cent. Kobu
has already diverted from Yokohama much
of the yarn trade , and Is beginning to secure
some of the silk business. If , in addition ,
there should bo developed atrufUc : between
Tncoimi nud Kobe of coal and petroleum ,
Kobe furnishing the 1'ucllic slops with coal
and Tacoma furnishing Japan with oil from
the wells of Wyoming , Kobe would at once
far outstrip Yokohama , insplteof its vicinity
to the capital , Toklo. Kobe Is , so to speak ,
the port for the great cities of Osaka and
Kioto , andicoimnauds the trade of central
Japan , so that it is well situated for the
petroleum business.
* *
Signer Lnnciani who has boon for years
the director of excavations at Homo for the
Italian government and the city authorities ,
is a profound archicologist , and therefore Ills
book entitled "Ancient Homo , " has been re
ceived by the Italians with great applause.
It is an account of his labors , explaining
fully and clearly.tho importance of the re
sults , some of w'fiic"h were wholly unlooUed
for. Hitherto nothing has been really found
prior to the time nt which Sorvius Tullius ,
the first of of the Etruscan kings of Home is
supposed to have lived. Such of the nrchnio
fortifications as have been unearthed from
time to time huvo been ascribed to him ,
though "perhaps he never existed , lor it is ad
mitted that the earlier books of Livy.nnd par
ticularly everything relating- the Etruscan
dynasty iu Homei-uro all to be regarded with
the utmost suspicion. Signor Lancinni has
discovered a neAtah5'ucol ' ° Slcal stratum , to
tally unknown DCf9ri an4.antedating all the
monuments nscribedto , Servlus Tullius. Tins
is n necropolis or cemetery , from which liavo
been taken some ii.OOO Urchnic specimens m
bronze , nmbor , stone and terra cotta. Aa
this bronze is made not of copper and tin ,
but of coppar , lead , zinc and antimony , it is
certain that it was of Etruscan manufacture ,
since the secret of making hard bronze , and
more particularly bronze with n cutting edge
was unknown to every nation save the pre
historic Phoenicians who sold cutlery of this
kind to.tuo Egyptians of Memphis.
# *
During the present week the blockade es
tablished by the English and German na
tions along the coast of Zanzibar goes into
force. This , of course , Is aimed nt the Bel
gian nnd Portuguese trailers who have been
supplying the coast people with arms and re
ceiving slaves in payment. Of these prac
tices , there is now no doubt whatever. The
position of the German government is
laughably mixed. A liberal in the rcichstag
declared emphatically that he was opposed
to negro slavery , but that ho would oppose
all measures for putting down slavery in
Central Africa until slavery is abolished
along the coast and under the very shadmv
of the Gorman flag. When questioned as to
his meaning , ho declared that lie had information
mation with regard to the German coloniats
near the coast which reflected disgrace upon
the Gorman nation , if true. Ho cred
ibly informed thnt the coloniats reduced
their hired servants to n condition of abject
slavery , chaining them nt nlght-tlmo to prevent -
vent them from escaping or from joining fa
the revolt against the Germans. It seems
that this vllo inhumanity wa the- cause of
the outbreak which ha ° resulted in the total
destruction of German property m the differ
ent stations and in the ports aioim the In
dian oooan. Tlio two fortified harbors of
Minoiiguni and Tunghl wore abandoned by
the Germans and have since been burned by
the natives , and the whole country is dis
turbed. Tlio English bishop of Equatorial
Africa has ofllcially recommended thai all
English missionaries bo withdrawn , which
looks as If the potentate of Ugunda had
roully Joined hands with the maliJi's suc
* .
The English nro In a peck of trouble ever
the situation In Epypt. Thcro is now no
longer any doubt that the Mahdl has done
something to the Nile which 1ms essentially
lowered its stream , so that not only has there
boon no inundation , but the great irrigating
ditches liavo remained dry. Sir Samuel
Hakcr is of opinion that the great tributary ,
Atbara , which rlsos In Western'Abyssinia ,
has been turned. Ho.says that it could easily
bo done , anil that tljo government at Khar
toum knows enough 'to do it , and has In the
Soudanoso abundance of strong arms that
would accomplish anything ho ordered.
Other travelers nt Eastern Africa support
Sir Samuel Hakpr-'t hypothesis , and ono
assorts that the probable point where the du-
iloctlon has beoii1 ; inudo is near Kassala ,
which city comnmuils the roads to Suuklm
nnd to Mussowah. Imagines that it has
been turned into the Rod Sea near Musso-
wah , which has been given up by the Ital
ians to the Abyailuiunu. This would bo
looked upon by the Abysslnlatis ns an act of
great friendliness , and it would liavo a ten
dency to bring about a perfect understand
ing botwucn the Mahdl and the Negun , who
would in future work ; together ns true allies.
Truly the English have madu a mess of it by
dethroning IsmalU Ktiedivo , for Egypt is
nluioat doomed , since it was thu alluvium of
the Atbara that was the fertilising clement
in the yearly inundations. Take the Atbara
away from the Nile , and food Is taken away
from Egypt. This comas of the interference
of money kings in state mutters.
In spite of tlio fact , that If Germany seizes
Luxemburg , and thcu Holland , upon the
death of tbo old Icing now dying by inches at
Lee ; and Hussla at the same time attacks
Austria , having made all necessary disposi
tions for the onset ; in spite of the undenia
ble fact that under euch circumstances the
self-Interest ot Franco and England prompts
them to combine together to put a stop to
the ambition of Germany , it is clear that the
two countries are drifting late something
more than coldness lute positive aversion.
The great London dallies do not hesitate to
affirm that the republic is doomed , and aotns
of thorn suggest that Franco , clso , is doomed
umlor any form of government. Tlior is no
doubt that France is practically bankrupt ,
nnd that unfortunate country exemplifies the
utter falsity of a system which allow * wealth
to become concentrated In n few hands. If
wo take Into consideration the wealth of In
dividuals , Prance Is enormously wealthy
but tlio government is bankrupt , agriculture
is depressed , viticulture is ruined , ami moro
than half the worklnpmen nro without work.
There Is no doubt that Franco is on the verge
of a revolution , but probably It will bo al
most bloodless , The world will look on with
n curious eye to see what now system France
will devlso for the scientific distribution of
national earning in such away that there can
not be liny concentration In few hands for
that is the malady of which Franco Is dying.
People of Omaha who are anxious for
detail * of the marriage of the young Chinese
I'tnperor will have to wait until tlio Chlncso
now year which will arrive on the Uotu da ?
of FebruaryAs ovcry Chinaman spends
all his available funds ut his wedding the
nuptials of the young emperor were to liavo
been exceedingly gorgeous , and an outlay of
twenty millions dollars was contemplated.
Uut the bursting of the Yang tso Klang from
Its boundaries depleted the treasury consid
erably , and tlm cost was pared down to Uf- ,
teen millions , Ami now that the
Island of Formosa Is in revolt it is probable
that there will bo a still further retrench
ment. The Princess Kang Sing who ia the
future empress Is probably not so vcxiul
about the mutter ns nn American girl would
bo umlor the same circumstances , for Chl-
iioso wives do not consider their lot to bo a
happy one. Formosa has bcon quiet fern
n hundred years for the last rebellion was in
178S. The island has never been thorouchly
conquered by the Chinese , nnd the eastern
part .still maintuiiii ! Its Independence.
On this occasion it i.s the Chinese element in
the island , which has revolted uiuler the
pressure of heavy taxation. If they nro
joined by tlio free natives they may bo able
to mnko a successful stand more especially
if they should bo assisted under the rose by
some European power.
They are short of coal in Hutto City and
Helena , In western Montana , for reasons
which linvo not yet been satisfactorily explained -
plained , but which possibly nro connected
with the doslro of the Union Pacific to make
money by sending coal from Hock Springs
and Evanston to San Francisco during the
recent coal famine. And in addition to this
thcro is in Uutto City a want of woodfor the
local sources of supply have been exhausted.
Two of the mines may liavo to suspend for
want of f uol , nnd the Montana Central rail
road is being petitioned daily to bring wood
from other quarters , until coal comes. Noth
ing can bettor illustrate the paramount ne
cessity of not allowing n railroad which is a
common carrier to enter Into other business
and the sooner this is inudo law the butter ,
not only for Montana but for Iho whole of
the United States. Thcro Is such a law in
Pennsylvania , but what is wanted is a
United States law.
Australian merchants liavo bcon buying
wheat in Sun Francisco. What is ttie-cause
of this marvelous occurrence I Is it drouth
or is it rabbits ?
All the territories of tbo northwest nro in
line waiting for the gift of statehood from
their big sister Columbia except Idaho. It
seems that the people of the northern section
object to bearing their share of a burden
which they claim will only benefit the south
ern portion of the territory. Very good.
Idaho can po ami sit in the corner with her
face to the wall until she has composed her
feelings. Columbia will attend to her case
in good time.
Dr. Williams of Toronto , the Canadian
who was In Africa with Stanley , is convinced
that lie is dead , m spite of the recent authen
tic news of him at the head waters of the
Niger. Ho believes that Stanley was more
desirous of making fresh discoveries than of
rescuing Emm Hey , unit that ho struck out
from the direct path with that object , and
was massacred through the treachery of
seine of his own men , furnished by Tippu
Tib , who led him into an ambush.
Nebraska Jottinca.
York wants u down-town telegraph office.
Thcro is talk of converting the old court
house nt Madison into an opera house.
Two hundred tons of hay are being held at
Ewing for shipment to eastern markets.
The ofllcials of Brown county have moved
into tlm new court house ut AInsworth ,
Judge Gu.slin is making the Adams county
lawyers hustle while ho is holding district
court at Hustings ,
Nebraska has a new lady attorney in the
person of Misc Jennie Davis , who was ad
mitted to tbo bar by Judge Gasllu at Hoi-
A move was made toward starting a
gymnasium at Kearney , but It 1ms suddenly
como to a halt , the treasurer having skipped
with the funds already collected.
County Judge Ivenaston , of Hrown county ,
has resigned , and II. H. Hlsbeo , editor of the
AInsworth News , has bcon appointed to fill
the vacancy. Hisbeo is a democrat.
Frank King , who has boon a respected
resident of Puston for twg years , was caught
stealing hay from u minister and forced to
pay for the stolen property several times
WUi't it was worth.
Whisky and cards caused Butcher Hussen
to neglect bis business nt North Lonn , but
ho raised the money ho needed by mortgaging
property ho didn't own. Now ho is missing ,
nnd Ills creditors mourn.
Tlio Ewing Democrat reports a case of
railroad robbery as follows : Two months
ago J. W , Drayton , of this place , bought and
shipped a carload of coal from Hloomington ,
111. , to Ewing. The ooal arrived on time , but
when Drayton went to receive It ho was in
formed that the freight amounted to the
enormous sum of tli < 4. ! > 0 for twenty tons of
coul. HOW'H that ! $0.73 per ton freight ,
Druyton refused to take the coal , and it t'jen
latu on the tr.ick licro for over two months ,
when last week the railroad company ordered
their agent to sell the coal for the freight. It
was sold , and did not bring enough to settle
the freight bill by over fJ5 , und yet this Fremont -
mont , ElUhorn & Missouri Valley is no
monopoly ! Whory is your republican rail
road commission ;
School teachers arc very .scarce in Calhoun -
houn county.
There are said to bo fifty-two empty Jails f
In the state.
Policeman Donahue , of Crostot ) , ims ro-
colvod an anonymous letter telling him to
leave town or hd will bo u dead man.
About thirty persons were seriously ix > ls-
onoil recently at Hush Crock , by eating head
clieeso. All were recovering at last ac
The Hcheino for the disposal of the Aborn a
house nt DCS Moincs by lottery has not
fallen through , but ia going through ut
Helena , Mont.
George P. Uoso , of Dubuque , lias invented
an electrical dial by which all the clocks Iu
the different parts of any largo establishment
may keep exactly tbo aamo time , at a small
The Orange City Herald says tho- placid
surface of Calliope society U ugam disturbed
by a rumor that u young gentleman of that
town must cither murry his lady love or bury
liimsolf in an obscurity so deep that tlm
sheriff of Sioux county can't find him.
Clark Andrews , a collcgo student who In-
jurotl his thumb with the point of an Ink-
ruattnl pen last week , Is lying in a very crit
ical condition at his homo In Otuo. Illood
poisoning has not in and hU whole arm U
badly swollen. Fatal results are anticipated.
They are still talking base ball at Abor-
Saloons have been refused a license at
Columbia ,
There will probably bo no court hold at
llaplil City until next March ,
There ure 210 cases on the docket of tbo
court now in saislqu at Fargo.
It is expected the plans for the system of in
sewers ut Yanutou will soon bo completed.
Mllbank U agitating tbo question of a
public library , that there may bo a
for the young men to .spend their ovcnmga
Ihls winter.
0. C. Uassett , of Woon < voke1 , is trying
nis h ml nt improving the invention of Darius
QMrs. Ulshop , principal of the Kaptd City
schools , has resigned her position and will go
to Florida for the winter season.
A young farmer namotl Chnrlc * Hrown ,
living near Ellondnlo , tins mysteriously dis
appeared , mid Frank Name who lived with
him , has been arrested on suspicion of being
the cause of his disappearance.
A number of young bachelors at Dondwooil
nro talking of sending out for t carload of
young Indies to spend the winter In Dead-
wood. There scorns to bo n soitrclly of them
nt present , nnd the consequence Is th.xt
ftlnchund high Ilvo are papular but expensive
There is nn organization In Yankton col
lcgo called the Order of St. John. The most
that Is known concerning the order at pros
cut is that the members hnvo foicsworn nil
association with the gotitlo BOX. Tlio amount
of moral courage required to tnlo this o.ith
will be comprehended when It I.s known that
all thu knights are at that tender ago when
their affections nnd mustaches uro jUt com
ing to bo felt.
"Kanch 10 , " presented nt the Grand opera
house last night , Is Intended , ns Its title im
plies , to Illustrate phases of llfo In the west ,
nnd for this purpose the nutlmr located his
scenes nnd Incidents In Wyoming- n date
seventeen your * past. It is just possible tlmt
nt tlmt ported there wcro types of character
in the western territory somewhat similar to
n few of those presented in the drama , but as
usunl with such productions , most of Its people -
plo nre exaggerations or caricatures. How
ever , "Unnch ID'1 Is no In this
respect than all plays of Its cast ,
nail It possesses qulto ns much
Interest as any of them Love is the nll-pcr-
vndlng sentiment and moving force of the
drama the love of n cultivated Massachu
setts girl for an unpolished frontiersman
who is prepossessing , courageous and manly ,
and who has a twin brother the perfect
counterpart of himself. Of course thcro is n
villain , nnd there Is n Judge of thu kind sup
posed to hnvo formerly administered Justice
In the far west , n doctor who dominates
pretty much everything , a lighting lawyer ,
a parson , und u woman who has no confidence
In mankind and no fear of anything. Thcro
is an abundance of the sort of heroic senti
ment which no ono but n writer of west
ern plays ever uttered or thought , the
rifle , pistol and Howie knife coma into fre
quent requisition , and , In a word , alUtho es
sentials of a thorough-going melodrama nre
provided. The most realistic feature of the
jiln.v is tlio burning of the corral and ranch ,
and it was warmly nppluudod. Mr. J.
Clinton Hall assumes the dual role of the
twin brothers , Al uml Tom McClellnud , nnd
mnkcs of Jhom all thnt is perhaps possible.
Miss Fay Chester Is the Massachusetts girl ,
Anniu Smalle.v , in love with Al McClelland ,
nnd she also does as well with the part , as
is necessary or ns it merits. And this sort of
comment might as well be applied to all the
characters. They make no demand for
artistic or careful acting. The audience was
small and not notabl ) ' demonstrative.
United States Court.
The case of Sheppanl vs the Chicago &
Northwestern railway , in an uction to ro-
covcr $3,000 damages for injuries sustained ,
has been continued to the May term of the
.The case of David II. Lincoln vs L. Hol
land , to annul payment of n note for f.V50. is
on trinl before Judge Dundy.
The federal grand Jury rested the election
frauds investigation temporarily in order
to take up other business yesterday.
This matter is a. pending in
dictment for perjury against William
Dunlap , of Silver Creek , this state. It is
stated thnt nt n recent land trial in the
courts at Grand Island testimony was given
by Dunlap which is extensively questioned
ns to HH truthfulness. In the hearing before
the jury to-day Robert Dluir and Alexander
T. Stcen gave testimony the tenor of which
is said to have been strongly sustaining the
charge of perjury. Dunlap has not us yet
been arrested , uml in consequence the mat
ter is kept very quiet by the government ofv
ficiuls. About eighteen witnesses liavo been
summoned to appear iind give testimony.
The Jury in the case of John Grant against
the Union Pacific has not as yet reached a
The case of Marshal vs Goblc , an action
to recover ? 3,500 as commission on sale of real
estate , hns gone to the Jury.
The case of Christiansen vs The Nebraska
and lowu Insurance company , an action to
recover f500 insurance , is before Judge Ooff.
The Muller Music company bring suit
against Johnson Biehl for the recovery of
$5,000 damnfjcs. The Muller company nro an
Iowa corporation doing business in Council
Frank P. Hunlon hns entered action
against .r. W. Phillips for the payment of
? ( XX ) given in a promlsory note dated Septem
ber 20 , 1SS" . In default of payment plaintiff
prays that certain real estate collateral bo
sold and the proceeds devoted to the liquida
tion of this claim.
A. J. Popploton has filed a petition against
David Smith and the rountyjof Douglasct.ul.
The subject mutter of this suit is a dispute us
to aright of way.
The Onmha and Grant Smelting company
bring nn action against Daniel Cutnro.e late a
foreman In tholr employment. On Septem
ber IT , 1837 , n man named lirady was injured
and subsequently recovered S , ' 00 d.imujres.
The smelting works company cluim now Unit
the accident to lirady was the result of
Cuthroe's iiccligcnco.
Judge Doano is engaged in hearing the
case of Mary A. Dngdale against the city of
Omaha. Mr * . Iugdalo claim ? $10,1)01) ) ) for al-
logoi.1 tirunuges done lo her property by ica-
son of Iho grading of Dodge street between
Eighth and Ninth streets.
In Judge Wakoley'H court Nol Solcroo VH
Tiemi L. HOIUOII Is on trial. $000,10
claimed for labor dona nnd building material
Tno attachment in tlio case of Maxwell vs
KnlKlit was discharged nn motion.
Gcorgo Hcrllnghof has entered Milt vs K.
M. Genius In an action to recover Judgment
to the extent of JOIiO.
Oicamp & Humes wcro awarded a verdict
In the sum of against O. Newman.
Death ol' Sir * . Or. Dlimnoor.
At noon yesterday occurred tlio douth of
Mrs. Orpha C. Dlnbiuoor , wife of Doctor
Charles M. Dint > moor. The dcmiso took
place ut the family residence , corner of
Twentieth nnd Podgo strooth. Tlio Imme
diate cause of death was apoplexy. The
deceased , who WUH about sixty yours of ago ,
find enjoyed excellent health up to the morn
ing of her decease , when f.ho complained of
slight indisposition , Nothing hurlons was
apprehended , and Dr. Dlnstiioor umilo hit )
usual professional calls , At noon wlien
seated dictating u letter to an amanuensis ,
Mrs. Dinsmoor was suddenly btilokvn , and
before medical aid could bo Hummoned hud
passed uwuy , Thu nrraii'eintintt | > for the fun- ID
em ! arc not yet completed , Uut It will prob
ably occur to-morrow.
In tlio douth of tills lady Omaha
society bus. biiHtulnod u grout lota ,
From licr youtli up Mrs , Dliumoor hus
been nperrtiniof icinarublouapuoity , Ulnpluy-
ing uttributcs of no ordinury * character , and
thff luttoryears nf her llfe.lmvo been dovotcd
to the works of cliurlty , Jnuecd Mrs. Dhis-
moor's epitaph cun hnrdly bo written hero.
Her memory will bu kept green by couutlowt
people to whom nho wnu ever ready to extend -
tend u helping hiiild. Bhoviii u lady of
very pronounced opinions iiw ] > n certain oi lal p
muttora. notably the women's sufTruga ques
tion , und ouly as recently us last Tuesday
night , she was actively cugaged m thin work ,
which had for her n great fusclmitlon. Mrs. by /
Dlnsiuoor WHS at the noad of tlm Omaha
Creche association iind was ileenlv Interested
in the * tuto homo xltuutuil ut Mlllford und ,
organized for the reception of rcforrnoil
women. , , , , , ,
Unity Unitarian congregation will fcnl hoi-
loss very much , She was greatly InUircsti'd
the wclfuro of that pluoo of worship , unU
there ure few ladle * m Omaha who liayo
done more to further the cau e of churity or
public oducatlou ,
tin < \\vFoni > ROOMING.
Unllronil "Work ItiMlU New YlRor Into
Iilvcly Town.
Ciuwponn , Neb. , Dec. 1. [ Correspondence
of TIIK HEB.J The uilmlsof the dwellers In
our midst liuvc bcon Civ od of much anxiety
since the H. .fc M. railroad company recently
let to Messrs. Ktrkimlncle Hros , & Collins ,
of Hcntrlco , a. grading contract which will
employ 2,000 men on u line commencing nt
Crawford , and running to u point ton miles
duo south , where a tunnel will bo con
structed , nnd purchased six niul n half acres
of land adjoining the Fremont , Elkhorn it Mis
souri Valley railroad conmuny's town stto nt
Crawford , on the north , cast and south. Wo
now look forward to commercial relations
with Omnlm.
Crawford fins prospered so far , nnd prom
ises great growth in the future. As nu
rurncst , a bounl of trade , with H , S. Pad-
dni-lc. n liberal-minded and far-slphtetl busi
ness miin of the northwest , as president , nnd
Emmctt Dally , n rising young attorney from
DCS Moincs , as secretary , was organized
a few days ngo. In n desire to direct the sur
plus labor mid capital of the crowded dis
tricts of the country to a most product Ivo
uso. W. U , Alexander , conducting vnrlou *
Hues of business bore , will soon wholesale
groceries. The Montana I'ntilo company Is
to establish a canning plant of thirty-man
power ; the erection of n ereamory Is probable -
able : the Now HnmpMiIro Cuttto company
hus hcudqniirlciH bore , with a lurgo foodlng
ranch in close proximity , nnd Prosldont J. II ,
Harron intends milking his homo with us ,
Hesldo.s thcro Is directly north nnd opposite
the Fremont , Elkhorn t Missouri Valley
railroad station n foundry , machine
shop uml planing mill combined , cover
ing half and acre. The main building
is a brick veneered structure with two largo
wings nml an engine house. The pinning
mill Is two stories hlpli , anil encloses ma
chinery Uml will convert niitlvo Inmbor into
luth , shingles , flooring , otc. Smelting works
will also bo operated by this management.
The Whlto river rolling mills huvo been In
operation but ono year , nnd drawing wheat
within a rait ins of eighty miles by wagon ,
contribute materially to our prosperity.
Crawford is In the White river vulloy , immediately -
mediately south of the military reserve , anil
three and n half miles east or Fort Robinson ,
In the midst of rich farming land , with n
view5 of the picturesque Crow
Buttcs lo the southeast. The soil
nnd climuto cannot bo surpassed for
agriculture. Iron , timber , petroleum ,
marble , tin , gold , silver uml conl uro found
in abundance , and , besides , there Is waterpower -
power awaiting the application nf labor nnd
capital to those wonderful rosou > cos of na
As nn evidence of an increasing apprecia
tion of the truth of this letter , it might bo
asserted that within the past two months
there has been n general advance In city
realty of 40 per cent.
I'crsevcrinj ; Civil Service.
A. W. Griflln , chief cleric of the railway
mall service at this place , has been removed ,
nnd F. T. Murphy , a former messenger on
the Uurllngton , between Council HlnfTs nnd
Chicago , succeeds him. Superintendent
White made the change. Griflln hus bcco In
the oillce hero for six years. Murphy as
sumes charge to-day.
Buggies Collide.
About 0 o'clock last night two Imgtficn col
lided on Sixteenth street nt tbo Juncture of
that street and Capital uvenno. One of the
carriages contained n lady n'jd a littlo'chlUl ,
who were thrown out , but beyond u sovcro
shaking up they sustained no injuries. Lloth
rigs wCrc badly broken up.
Glnss Worth $2,000 Itrokon.
Yesterday morning nt tlio IConnunl Glass
and Paint company's store , on Sixteenth
street , a number of cases of plato glass top-
Elcd and the entire contents were broken
ito fragments. One of thu store men nar
rowly escaped being crushed by a casu ns it
fell over. The total loss will probably foot
tip 52,000.
Ono Marrintic Iilooitso.
The following marriage license was
grunted yesterday :
I Potcr Kusummus , Omaha . S3
1 Annie Wutson , Omaha . . 35
Skin anil Sonlp Olscascvltli Iios of
flair , lire - - | > 30 < lilporuianontly ,
and oconoinieally uuroil by ihu Cuil-
curn Hoini > < linR wlii'ii nil ntlior rem
edies a nil ttio best plijmciain fail.
I'torlasln , Kcrnma. Tetter , Jllngworm , l.lchen ,
Prill Una , Scall lli'ad , Milt Oust. Dirndl uir.Ilnr-
bent' . linkers' , Grocers' ami Washerwoman's
Itcli.nnfl every species of ItchliiK.IliinilnR.Bcnljr ,
J'lniply lltiniura ( if the Skin iind Scalp.wlth I/ois
of Ilnlr , urn Instantlv relieved niul spot'dllv
cured by CUTICUIIA , the grunt skin ( 'nro , and
CUTici'iiA So A r. iin oxqulUlo M.ln Ilcuutllicr ex
ternally , nnd CUTICUII v UKSOM'KNT , tim now
Illood I'urlder. internally , when physicians and
all other remedies full.
psoniAsis , on SCAM" HION.
I. John .1. CUse , I ) . 1) . 8 , having practised
dentistry In tnls rounty for thirty-live yenroand
bolnK well Known to thmisamln harcuboutH.wUh
a view to help any wlio are nlllkted IIH 1 have
been for th post twt Ivo yours , ti'Htlfy thnt tlui
CUTlDi'iiv ItKJiui'ius cured mo of 1'soriasls , or
Fculy Skin , In lshr rtnvs. iifler tlio doctors with
it horn I luid consulted guvo inu no help or en
N \\TOM , N. J. JOHN J. C'ABH. I ) . I ) . S.
Your CifTiouiu HKMHIHKS performed u won
derful euro lut < t summer ouonooCtmrciistoinui'N
nn old ( Tfiitli'innn of hovcnty jcaraof iii.'c , AVlui
miirorecMvtth a fearfully digressing eruption on
his hend mill fart- , and who luid tried nil rom-
rdlu.s and doctors to no purniHtt.
II. K. rarpcntcr , Henderson , N. V , , cured of-
I'horlnslH or Loproiy. or twenty years' htundlng.
liy CL'TiiTiiA KKMKIHKS. The most womlvriiil
ruro on rccoril. A dn tpnnfnl of HcaltH fulj
from him dally. I'hyhlclaus inul lila friends
thought he must die ,
1'orthd rmllcul CIIIG of nu obstlimto canu of
1'c/oina fit } < > i\K \ htnndlntr , I give cnllio riodlt to
tha Ci'Tic'iiiM HiwuiK-i.
li. II. JIIOJIAKD.1UN , Now Iluvcn. Coiin.
Sold ovorywhoio. i'rlcis ( VTICIWA. We. ; .
Ji'.c. ; KIHII.VIMI. : I'repuiod by tliu I'oruni
Unrn AND Cui.Miru. ( , ' ( > . , HOSION , M vss.
r fS md for "How to Cure HXln llisoatos , " 0 (
s. W Illustration1) und UK ) tuHtluiouUH.
' < > ; s. bl.ick-UdiilH. chapiiod nnd oily Bkln
mi'I ' MiuiCATV.i ; > rloAi' .
. PilllnfrAinlnrtforall I'ulns , Inlliun-
' , iiiatiou and Wotiknessi or I lie Aiwl l <
Itho Ur t und only I'lUu-klllliiK ,
, iUng 1'lastcr , New , | iisUulvuMtana.iu >
fallible. ; |
Snti'o ' Tuiel Coiiiimy :
A il gr o fur forstlusuru aginail tlio ) > UTUO TILS'-
NKIil'oujpuiif UUH Juit l/ogu onlnro'l ' In Ilio Unlli'il
htutes Circuit t'uiut , Nlutli I Ircint D | > lrlrl ofNovuiln
nntlllio | iro'Cly | ot Ibut CUIIIIMIIX illU > m > lil Ilivru-
under uluri u.irly tlalc , Tlio KoonimiUulioii Vvni-
milieu licruUy civet nullcv tliut ilwkliulHTXif pnt
coinpuii- will bj nllowiMl u imU'iil'I'ultiililtr ' ' to fro-
tect lltelr lillliuilu ( JiiaMimloil uluik bjr > ulj > ( > rlt > liiK
| liu n w lioiulkuiiil iliiia | < iliiiti lliulrilock uilicrelo-
fore it > crllsuJ hubfcilplloiiH lomlil Uumli will IK ,
lei'Dlruil iill'io ' I nlon 'irun CV > iniin > , Nu 7J HronU-
wujr , Kuvr Vork t tlm folluwliiK UTIIH , l < ) -\rll ,
fifi UliNTH I'KU hliUI < ! , A > SKNT-
NOV. 11 , 1HH8. Ai < JU SI. ,
1X11(1 tlHTillUUT
U.MIIj JAN. y , 1HHU , AT. 'I P. M.
f uU nrllicie lutliu l > oii > liHll | riroIvoTrusU'ouii'anr
rerllnf lr , ciilltllnii lljeiii lo tlid CHIIIV iiiiinberuf
iUur > k Uui > t < il | Mi ltvi t > y tliHj. iiaH.liil' < ; iu ! < for
rh Wconli uucl ( IJciMili ruJponti . / > l Uy Iliom ,
liiuruit tit Hi * ratf ut < t > nr umt. will bu i > llu 4 uri
iuli oililaui | | from ilatoot I'nyi ,
' 'lit ttioiil.l I'Oiimclu hy i-lictk ou NfW Vurk lo
Ibo Uiilnii'rrnitCoiuuiiiix n J lnuillbc ; C-iiur "IC'l
Hie Uukcluli tiiiiluifoit In blank nnu uftulln > i *
l/tllon in lb Union Truit r-tiuipiiiir , Uluuk ( urin *
lurlhli MUlborUullon au < lco | > luii ( drc'Ul r c n Lo
Jbtuliitil upouiiiiillratlnii | HI lliu llnlu.i Trutt ( Mm.
pun/ unicti. oruv room IJhurrulh Ituor , Mllli JIullU'
MJ , K tv Vmk.
Datoil NKW VOIIK , Octobur H , Itel.
II , It. UAI/J/KH , CliQlriimu. "
1 % C. A , Al. VAN WKKlt ,
CO.MMIWil ! .