Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Loading Bulls Have Not Changed
Tholr Position.
Corn Still Ijowcr Provisions Coimld-
crnbly Higher Cnttlc nt Ilio ln > w-
tflt 1'olnt on Ilccord licsc
Hlgho r.
CIIICAOO. Hoc. 7. [ Special Telegram to
TUB lJEi.1 : The wlicatmar-Kot ruled dull and
sccmltiRly steady to-day. The distinguish-
InR feature of the local trndo aslclo from Its
small volume , wns the continuous , though
not heavy pressure , put upon It by Hutchln-
ROM , and his supporting ordcrson llttlo breaks
caused thereby. H'S ' policy scnms to bo to
tire out the longs mid buy their wheat when
they dump It overboard. The lending bulls
do not appear to have changed their position
or diminished their holdings , and us they are
credited with thu dctcrrninntlon to protect
tnolr Interests from bear raids , the tendency
to short the market Is checked. Neither do
they seem to bo possessed of a frantic desire
to add to their lines , regardless of cost.
They nru seemingly Imperturbable and not
given to paying heed to bearish news , rumors
or gossip. Cables were r.ithcr easier
to-day , but speculative trade is pay-
lug oven loss attention to old
world prices now than It has at
nny time previously. The most engrossing
subject Is the movement of wheat irom the
Interior. The weather could not bo bettor
than it is now and has been for the sixty
days for marketing nnd the shipment of
wheat by farmers , and there has been every
Inducement to push wheat forward , nnd very
little to hold it back. Another explanation
fortno continued liberal receipts of 'spring
wheat at Minneapolis Is found In the fact
that neither formers nor country elevator
people can hold wheat back and make carry
ing charges on It. They arc forced to sell
wheat in the only market open to them , and
this Is at Minneapolis. Thu only class that
is holding wheat in the country elevators uro
the millers , und stocks thus counted back of
Minneapolis arc less by 12,000,000 bushels
than n year ago. This property , there
fore , keeps coming forward In a volume
fiuniciently largo to perplex and alarm many
of the friends of wheat , but prices up in that
section hold steady In spite of It. The local
crowd is afraid to buck 'against a stone wall
of concentrated holdings. It is rcmemberi'd
that very little of the wheat that came out
tinder (1,10 on the II rat and second breaks
und wont into the hole has como out of that
hole , und the belief Is expressed that it is not
going to como out until prices ge.t better , and
this In spilo of the oft-repeated anil firmly
believed statement of the bears that prices
nro already far too high , and that thcro must
bo u break before healthful conditions can
bo restored. May opened nt Sl.OSJY , sold up
to f l.Olitf. nnd down to $1.0 < jtf. The price
then advanced to fl.lll,1 nnd declined to
tl.00 } { . Only a few sales were made at the
Insi io ilgurcs , however , and In a
few moments the price was back
to Jl.Mlltf. Thereafter , until about
10 o'clock prices ranged to $1.HJ4@1.0'J ( } ' ? .
Toward the close the market was raided
down to $ l.Kif ( ) , but rallied and closed at
tl.O'J ' OH.lWV January opened at tl.WJf ,
ranged to l.M ( > @ 1.04 and closed at $ l.OI-V-
Compared with yesterday , wheat closed about
MO lower. Outsldo markets were lethargic
und news was as scarce as hen's tooth.
The receipts of corn wcro 1 1 ghtly in ex
cess of the estimates. The only signltlcanco
In this , is that on the preceding days of the
week the expectations have been disap
pointed In thu opposite direction , previous
dnys estimates having generally been less
than cx.ccted. | Inspection showed some im
provement in grading , there being thirty-six
cars of contract corn received to-day , against
eight yesterday , but even the larger quan
tity is small enough to prevent cautious
short sellers from offerine largo lines at the
present prices. The business of to-day
was small and without any special
features. Dullness nnd apathy were
the chief charactcristies. ahd local specula
tors were in control of the market. Fluctu
ations wcro narrow and wore influenced to
ft slight degree by the ups and downs of
wheat quotations. Opening prices were :
December , ! He ; January , iiS.ifc , and May ,
" nnd the result of ' business
8"Xc , to-day's was
ft reduction , as shown by the following clos
ing figures : December , B4J c ; January , a5c ,
nnd May , : i7 cbid.
The provision trade averaged considerably
higher. The continued moderate runs of
hogs at all western packing points opened
the market with the short sellers In an un
easy frame of mind. During the early part
of the day buying wns moro than sufllclont to
absorb speculative offerings , and the ruling
prices wore nt a material advance over
yesterday's closings. As the day progressed ,
however , the demand fell off , the boom wit
nessed was followed by on easier
turn , and n severe slump occurred
all around. Pork sold off 20c , lard I''iJQi !
ICc and short ribs 7 > i l2Ko from the high
est figures obtained , and for the last hour or
more the dull feeling hold control. Uased ou
yesterday's final quotations , pork closed un
changed to 7 } < c higher , lard for January and
May So higher and short riDs at an improve
ment of Kc. Lnrd for December showed a
decline nf lOc at the adjournment. Cash
property wns In moro limited demand than
for Homo timo. The speculative Interest was
confined mainly to January and May. The
last named month ranged ! l5@)7 ! ) > i'o higher
than January pork , ISKe higher for lard and
12) @ 172 c higher for short ribs.
CHICAGO , Dee. 7. | Special Telegram to
TiicUKE. ! CATTLE The fact goes on record
that the late yesterday afternoon prices on
* the ordinary run of native stcors touched the
lowest Ilgurcs for l&SS , and some level
headed men say the lowest on record , quality
considered. Certain heavy buyers , who nro
never boastful and always reticent , broku
their silence last night after the business of
the day was over , and declared they nmdo
purchases of thick , fat steers , good enough
for nny market , fully ( Wo lower than last
week , and one well known buyer for Pitts-
burg wns of the opinion that some me
dium stock ho purchased was 70o lower.
Thcro was llttlo or no improvement , und the
run was comparatively light , but there wcro
plenty of cattle In sight clsowhoro. and up to
u late hour but little business had been trans
acted. Salesmen that hail big cattle could
scarcely gut buyers to look at them , and
none would make offers. Cow stock al
though down to the lowest Ilgurcs of the
year , especially canning sorts , was ngaln
dull und slow. Some fair to good lots
changed hands , but In n general way the
market was un unsatisfactory ono for suiters.
There were only a low Texans nnd no
rangers on the markut , hence they were not
a factor In trada to-day. There was nothing
now In the stocker nnd feeder lino. Prices
ore very low nnd business slow.
Out of the rush of countrymen hero this
week there were perhaps a few moro pcoplo
that asked some questions concerning trndo ,
and perhaps looked ever the stock , but the
talcs nru fovr mid far between , and llablo to
remain so until thcro la some sure improve
ment In fat cattlo. The receipts include
1,600 Texas nnd western cattlo. Choice
boovcs , f 1.75(35,00 ( ; medium to good stcors ,
11150 to l&OOTus , f 4.00(34.00 ( : 1800 to 1350 Ibs.
W.60@4 00 ; MOte , 1300 Ibs. tioo@3.40 ; stock-
era and feeder * , $1 jr > @ 3.00 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , fl.OOX32.bOj bulk , $ i.70@3.00 ; Toxui
stoera , * . ' .15u8.20j cows , l.aiOJ'J.10 ) ; west
ern rangers , $3.00 4.00.
HOGS LJusincss was active with an upturn
of about lOo on packers nnd cholco heavy ,
best packing sorts selling at $5.'JJ@t5.13 ! , ana
.test heavy at * 5.-JOi$5.45 ; QUO lot of fancy
heavy ut I5.CO. Thorn was qulto u demand
for assorted light , The Fowler Brothers
nnd the Morris outfit were on the market ,
but the Llpton company tilled In yesterday ,
and were not buy I tie. The Fowler people
paid ( 20(35.33 ( for 100 Iba and down to 150
Ibfi : the Morris party paid 5.e5@5.bO for HO
Ibs und down to 120-lb averages.
NKW VOIIK , Dec. 7 , [ Special Telegram
to Tim Huu.l STOCKS The stock market
showed u moderate degree of animation nt
the opening this inaruln ? , but first prices , as
compared with last ulgbt's figures , were
generally lower. London houses were sell
ing their specialties In n limited way , and
the bears were not slow to f6llow suit. They
began their operations by making a vicious
drive at Hock Island , on n rcpirt that the
next dividend would be but 1 per cent , nnd
they succeed In carrying that stock down 2' < , '
per cent below the opening figure. The bat-
nnco of the Hit eased oft from 'jtol' ' per
cent. At the dedlnp , however , the bulls
cntno to the front with liberal buying orders ,
nnd soon succeeded 'in establishing n peed
rally , Missouri Pacific advancing 1 , Cotton
Seed Oil , 2 < r , New England IV. nnd Atohl-
son Jf percent. More favorable views of
the railroad situation in the west and south
west huvo induced good buying of active
stocks In the face of bear raids. Cotton Seed
Oil was being bought by the insiders on the
report tlint the company wns earning at the
rate of 10 per cent on Its stock.
The stock market ruled somewhat quieter
after 1 o'clock until near the close , when the
ofllcinl announcement of the restoration of
west-bound freight rates by Commissioner
Fink , inking effect December 17 , was made
known. This started the shorts to covering
freely and the last prices were not far from
tlio best of the day , coalers In particular
showing marked strength. Lake Shore
shows u not gain of < ; { , Cotton Seed Oil , 2' ;
Missouri Pacific , ? ; I.nckawnnnn , ! ? ( ' , ; Dela Hudson , 1' ; Rending , } ; New Kng-
land , % . The total transactions for thu dnj
wcro : ! 0."iOW ) shares , including Mls ouri Pa-
clllc , 21,000 ; Hook Island , 13,000 ; Northwest
ern , 10,000 ; Laekawnnna , .TI.OOO ; St Pnul ,
17,000 ; Western Union , 15,000 ; LaKe Shore ,
13,000j Mending , 20,000 , und New England ,
The following wore the cloiinir quotations :
tl. P. 4s regular. Northern I'.irlllc.
1T , S. 4SC01I1IOIH 1M ! doprefcrrcd M- '
lT.H.4 S8rcgulnr. . 108 C. . N. W I OS
IT. S. 4'is ' coupons .1(18 ( do preferred Ill )
I'ftclllctisof 'ITi . . .118 -V. V.'Central 107 > <
Central 1'arlllp . . i4 ! 1' . . 1) . A : K SJ' '
Chlcauo Ac Alton . .131 Hock Island ! ' * '
Chlaigo.lliirllugum C. . M. A ; St. 1 . . . . IWl
Acgnlnrv 107 dopreferieil 101)14 )
D..I.VV t. 1W' Ol. 1'iwl A Omaha . : r
Illinois neutral. . .11:1 : I doprpfcrn-il 11"5
1..II.&W 1.1 rnlnnl'ai-lllc ( B j
Kiinsat iVTuxni. . . . invW..St.I < . At I' l-5
I.nkeShoro UK)1 ) , ' do preferred. . . . i"3'5
.Michigan KVi Western Union f. §
Mlasoiirll'acitle . . . 71'il
Mover ON Ctu. ftusv at 2a.2 ( > per cent ;
closed offered ut 2 per cent.
STI : LINO EXCIHSOK Dull but steady , nt
f4.S4V for sixty-day bills , and H.&S , ' . , ' for do
Ciui'ioo. Dec. 7. Wheat Easier ;
cash , $1.03 ; January , (1.04-V ; May ,
f 1.09 9-115.
Corn Easier ; cash , 34cc ; January , 35c ;
May , 37 < c. 1
Oats Easy ; cash , 25J c ; January , 2Cc ;
May , 2'J'4e. '
live noKc.
llarlcy No trading.
Prime Timothy Nothing doing.
Flux J1.I51.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Steady ; cash , J13.CO ; January ,
$13.10 ; May , $14.07 .
Lard Firm ; cash , t3.2o ; January ,
$ S.10 ; Mav , $ ' * .22' .
Short ribs-$7 10.
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , fTi.OO ®
5.75 ; spring wheat , SLoO o.,1 ! .
Hulk Aleuts Shoulders , $7.00 [ < T7.12 } , ; ;
short clear , fr.ar1 ® * - ; short ribs. ? 7.10 ®
llutter Lower ; creamery , 23S.33c ( ; dn'.ry ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream cheddais and
flats , 10 < S ( i llc ; Young Americas ,
Ergs Steady ; fresh , 20c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
OXc ; light green salted , f > % c ; green , T i ; ;
salted bull , oj c ; green bull , -I'-jo ' : green
dry flint , 7j } ( < < ; be ; dry call , 7@Sc ; branded
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 25@33c each ;
drv Baited. 10i$15u. (
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid oc ; No. 2 ,
4c ; cake , 5J c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 7.000 7,000
Wheatbu 27,000 ' .1,000
Corn , bu 170,000 357,000
Oats ; bu 104,000
Kyo , bu . . . .
Now Sfork. Dec. 7. Wheat Recemts ,
2,750 ; exports , none ; snot market quiet ,
weak and K@-5' ° lower , with n moderate
milling demand. No. 2 red , $1.04Jf@1.05 !
in elevator ; $ l.OC 4 afloat ; * l. % ( ? . 4' f.
o. b. No. 8 red. ! i&83J.fc. No. 1 red , $1.14.
Options dull , heavy and V@'j ° lower ; No.
2 red , January , closing nt 91M % .
Corn Hocoipts , 700 ! ! ; exports. 103,250 ; '
43@44c ; options moro nctivo and
lower , but heavy ; January closed at
Oats Receipts , ( il.OlH ) : exports. 2,400 ; spot
market moderately active at H'SI4 < J lower ;
options dull nt } 4@\c lower and weak , Jan
uary closing at 32Jtc.
OITeo Options opened barely steady at
2l''i.'i points down and closed IIrm ; Decem
ber 10 points up , and others unchanged to 5
points down. Sales , 103,750 bags , including
December , $ li.40 ! < < gl5.-15 ; January , $15.JOM (
J5b ( ) ; February. $15.70 ; March , $15.76(3 (
10.05 ; April. $13.SO@10.15. SpotUiolirm ;
ftxir cariroes , $17.50.
Petroleum Higher ; united closed nt SSJ c.
Eggs Easy and quiet ; western. 23c.
Pork Lower and dull ; mess , $14.75@15.25' .
Lard Higher on export demand ; moder
ate speculation and closed easy. Sales :
Western steam , $3.70 8.75 , closing at $3.75 ;
January closing at iS.42.
Hutter Easy and quiet ; western dnlry ,
14@2Ge : western creamery , ZlQ'lZs ; Elgin ,
Cheese Fair demand ; western , lOQllJfc.
Kansas Cltyi Dec. " . Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 reel , cash , J2c bid ; January , Silo bid ;
May sales , * t.lKKijl.OO ) ( > i ; No. ! ! red , cash ,
70o bid ; No. 2 , soft , cash , Jl.OO asked ; May ,
$1.01 bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , ci } bc bid : year ,
No. 2 , 37o asked ; May , : iOe bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , 25o bid.
St. Louis. Dec. 7. Wheat Dull and
weak ; cash , $1,03 > / ; January , 11.03.
Corn Lower ; c.iali , ! < Uc ; January S\fc. \ }
Oiitu Easy ; cash. 20o ; Aluy , -'D'i'c.
Pork * 14.rt.
Lard fd. 10.
Whisky $1.14.
Hutter Quiet ; dairy , 2-2 ( < i30oj creamery ,
Mlltyiiukec , Dee. 7. Wheat Easy ;
Uyo Steady ; No. 1 , 61c.
Harley Firm ; No. 3 , 07 ;
Provisions Firmer ; pork , cash , $13.75.
Oinoliinntl , Dec. .7 Wheat Firmer ; No.
3 rod , SI.05.
Corn Fuir demand and freely offered ; No.
2 mixed , 41c.
Oats-Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 2S29c
Hyo Dull ; No. 2 , 5lo.
Whisky Steady nt * U4.
Minneapolis , Dec. 7. Wheat on sample
tables went begging for buyers , nnd not
withstanding the decline in wheat the demand -
mand did not appear to grow , Sellers were
not offering much concession In values of
jest milling wheat , but low grades wcro
forced on thu market. 13uylng was not
active at nny tlino. Closing quota
tions : No. 1 hard. December , $1.20 ; January ,
M.215tf ; May , 81.27K ; on track , $1.21.
No. 1 northern , December , $1.09 ; January ,
fl.lOK ; May , $1.15 } , ' ; on track , $1.12 1.14.
So. U northern , December , $1.09 ; January.
1.03K ; May , $1.00 ; on track , $1.03 < R1.IH.
LIVE srooji.
Clilcngo , Doo. 7. The Drovari1 Jour
nal reixma as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market steady ;
stcors , f2.V03-l.00 ; Miockers and feeders ,
tl.7IXii2.50 ; oowii , bulls nnd mixed , 51.00(4 (
2.60 : Texas cattle , $1.30 ( 3.20 ; western
rangers , $3.00@1.00.
Hogs Hecoljits , 13,000 ; market strong and
6@10o higher : mixed und light , $5.10@5.35 ;
heavy , $5.15g5.40 ( ; skips , $35 4.t 0.
Sheep Receipts , 8,000 ; market dull and
lOo lower ; natives , f-.75@5.00 ; westonis ,
U.OiXiM.OJ ; Toxuns , { ) . 'J5Q3.00j lambs.
Kiinunu City , Doc. 7. Cattle Receipts ,
3,400 ; shipments , ; offerings chlolly in-
fcrior ; murket dull and weak ; good to
cholco corn-fed , tl.40@4.bO ; common to mo-
Hum$3.20@4.20 ; stocuern and fcedlag steers ,
fl.t' < 0@3.15 ; grais range steers , $ l.tXX2.8'J ;
cow , $1.00 < S3.75. *
Hoes llecelpts , 8,156 ; shipments , none ;
market fairly active and .VftlOe hleher ; , ,
to choice , $5.15jjo 20 , common to medium
$4.85(3,3 ( 10.
Nntrnnnl Slock Ynritu , Iin < it St.
IjOiiU. Dec 7 Cattie Rcceliits , IXK ) . ship
mcnts. 1.400. market steady : choice hcavi
nutivo > > tcrrs. $ . - > .00. < ( ij.M , fair to good
$4 40Cfi.MO ; butchers' steers , medium to
choice , $3.4 < V'4 40 ; stockersnnd fecilcr * . fair
to trood. $ . ' .00ft3 10 : rnngor ? , corn-fed. $3.O (
( H4.20 : crass-fed. * ' 'OOM3.20.
Hogs Receipts , 3.10 > : shipments , 1,400
icarkot higher ; choiceheav.v and butch
ers' selections , * 5 25 ( < i" > . i5 : packing , choici
to Kline , f.'i.iHin.'i.Sd ; light grades , ordimirj
to best , $3.00u5.i0. ( ;
Thursday. Dre. .
Very little that Is new can bo said of the
cattle market , which was very dull am
unsatisfactory. Prices nro 30ftICc ? lowei
than the llrst of the week on all kinds ol
cattle , cxcrpt'.nir only good feeders am'
etockors. The receipts are not heavy , but
the demand Is very light and the buyers in
dltTorenl. The supply of feeders is small
nnd the demand keepi prices up.
The market was active nt an advance 01
5i lOc and the pens weie cleared early It
the morning. Not a load uf hogs was left
There were only u few here , but thej
met with ready sale.
ir.r > o
Hoits -I.OUO
Sheep 3'0
I'rt'vnllini ; I'rluu * .
The follo-.vln r i a tibl of priC3 > pill In
this m.trxct fur the gr.itlj ) of stoc c men
PnmostccM. 1300 to 15001b . .f3.7A ra4.fiO
I'nmesteers. UOJtO WJJ ib * . . a.33 c4.00
Nutivo feeders . 2.75 ( oJUO ) !
Western feeders . 2.C.O C'W..H )
Hanuo steers , com'on to cholco 2.50 yiX.50
Common to good cows . 1.25 C'tii.OU '
Choice to fancy cows . 2.10 it2. 15
Commonto choicebnlls . 1.2" > ftfJ .oo
Fair toenoico light hoes . 5.10 i < 5 20
Fair to ctioioa heavy hoca . 5.20 iiiJ.DO
Fair to choice mixed IIORS . 5.15 d5J.25
ItepreaiMiL.itivo S.xl.n.
No. Av. Pr.
10 bulls . l,2'.it ' ! Jt.25
in cows . . . l 5S 1.75
41 bulls nnd cows . UsO 1.7r ,
21 cows . ( . S5 1.75
Icow . 1,000 1.75
SO cows . U37 1.50
21 cows . 1,039 1.M
b co ws . , \ . . 1 , 120
17 cows . 1,120 2.00
1 bull . 1,210 2.00
IS cows . 1,0(10 ( 203
19 cows . 1,0'iC 2.05
5 cowsf . 1,120 2.05
1 stag . 1(5W ( 2.05
5 cows . 1,150
112 fecdCM , nativcb . 909
22 cows , corn fed . 1,127 2.35
1 bull . 1,40 ! ! 2.50
Isteer . bH ) 2.5'J '
22steers . 1,003 2.CO
20 feeders , natives . 1UO 2..M
2 steers . Iltl5
5 steers . S-'iO 11.00
'M steers and cows . 1.0 2 3.00
hi feeders , natives . 1,029 3.05
57 steers . . . . 1,830 3.25
21 steers , natives . 1,15'J 3.25
14 steers . 1,114 3.30
1 steer . 1,4(10 (
17 steers . 1,278
tW steers , grass Montana . l,2b ( )
lh steers . 1,272 3.75
17 steers . 1,2. 3.7A
30 steers , corn-fed natives. . . . l.SHs 3.75
10 steers , natives . 1,3513 3.73
Owner. Av. Pr.
Denver L. S. Co.
40 steers. . . . . ' . . 1,003
1100 s.
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. AV. Shk. Pr.
55. . . . 2X3 440 S5.05 tl0. . .2 ( bO SV20
.240 440 5.10 5 . .277 20. ) ' .I .
'o. .220 120 5.10 47. . . .310 32 J . )
35. .240 2SO 5.10 40. . . .29 fcO 5 : . )
14. .103 5.10 01. . . .275 10' ' ) 5.20
21. .1'Jti 5.10 114. . . .21 ! ! 120
71 .24'J 120 5.15 2i9. : . , . : ! 05 240
75. ,24'J ' HOO 5ir > Bo. . . . : ) 100 t > , , ' 0
03. .274 200 5.15 55. . . .2,13 fcO 5.25
71. .254 200 5.15 59. . . .313 80 5.25
53. .315 440 5.15 57. . , . : )25 ) 2SO 5.25
12-1. .231) 5.15 0-J. . % 100 5.25
59. ' 252 SO 5.15 5S. . ! ! 3)7 ( ) 100 5,25
72. 'Jl ? 200 5.15 O0. . . .310 100 5'S
71..244 5.15 51. . . .327 60
71..250 4bO 5.15 5.V. . . 2U 300 5.25
71. . . .240 240 5.17H 05. . . .293 1(50 ( 5.25
07. , 300 5.20 ( it. . . .290 SO 5.25
55. , 200 5.20 04. . . .209 100 r. > . - ,
70. . . .200 100 5.20 59. . . .310 2bO
09. . . .202 120 5.20 07. . " f > 99 320
( . . . .2TO 120 5.20 03. . "siiti 120 S.'Jj
70 235 fU-'O 00. . . .2(17 ( 320 5.25
O'.l. ' . . 2bO 240 5.20 02. . . .278 240 5.25
GJ..27S 5.20 02. . . .293 100
59 ° 55 100 5.20 ' ' 5i27JK
115. . . . 202 2sO 5.20 54. . . . 3U 4(10 ( 5.27K
IM..2S.O 400 5.20 50. . 109 5.30
5S..273 60 5.20 . ' 7. . 5.3(1 (
120 5.20 01. . 240 5.30
200 5.20 01 . . . .114 320 5.SM )
TO. . 5.20 04. . 100 5.30
2-10 5.20 49. . SO 5.80
O0..2ob 100 5.20 63. . , .300 100 5.30
SUECP. .300Av.
No. Av. Pr.
3'2 westerns , corn-fed 124 4.35"
Sold to ( 'ackers.
Showing the number of hts sold to
packers and leading buyers on to-Uay's mar
ket : '
G. II. Hammond As Co 255
Omaha Packing Co 1,3'JtS
Armour-C. P. Co 1,777
Swift & Co 2s'J
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
HuTTcn Puncy , solld-pachcd creamery , 20
aOf ; choice c-ountry , 22t25c ( ; tnuilluw
( jr.ules , ! Sjf21c ( ; coinnion Krudes , 10c < ? 14c.
Pie u NobrusUu patents , $ iOUj57.50 ( ;
Minnesota patents , $ ! . 'ifT.T5 ; struU'lit
Kratles , 5.00 5.50 ; baUcra' Hour , t * > .2.V 5. . >
per bbl.
POTATOKS Nebraska , 25 ( < f4'Jo ' per bu ; Colorado
rado , 75siSOL ( ! .
SWKET POTATOKS 3(33J ( c per Ib.
I'OULTHY Live c-liickuns , f2.502.75 per
doz ; sprint ; uhlulcuns , fJ.50jj.OO ; ; dressed
elilekons , 7 ( So pur Ib ; tiirlco.ys , SQjlOu.
Kens Strictly fresh , 2 WUo candled ,
MAIAOA Giui'is : In ko s , l''c per-lb.
lUs'ASts Common , $ ] .50a2.23 ( per bunch ,
choice , ? 2.50&i.50. :
LKMONS fVOO per case.
OiiANnus Florida , $ .J.5C ( ( $ 3,75 per box.
GAME Per dozen : Mallards , ( i.30@3.7C ;
teal , $1.00@l.25 ; quail , $2.50 ; prairie chlu-k-
eii9 , $3.75@4.00 ; rabbits , ? 1.00 : aqulrrols.
$1.00 ; venison , GQllOo per Ib.
CnAXiiEitiiiKS f S.UOtj'.i.OO ' per bbl.
PHOVIBIOXS Hams , No. 1 , HKo ; No , 2 ,
lloj shoulders , 7c ; rib bacon , lie ; clear
bacon , HKo ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef
tinniB , 10J < c ; dry salted clears , short , SJrfo ;
extra short , SJ c ; short ribs , 8)40 ) ; plckcled
pljjs1 feet , 15-lb Uits , bOo ; lard , Sdi'Jo ' ;
smoked sausaKC , OQSo per Ib ; hojjcasings ,
UHI.KUV 25-f30c per dozfaenjncy , 40j.
ONIONS liO(440c ( ( per bu.
UiiCTd lOc per bu.
TUHNIPS 25o per bu.
DSlUKUKiUJUT Ubls , JI.7.V half bbls , $3,75.
AITI.CS Choice , f-J.50JC2.75 per bbl ; fancv ,
$3 00 per bbl ; common , f 1.50@1.76 per bbl.
CIDKU Michigan , l.00@0.50 per bbl of 33
a'lils ; Cnllfornin pear elder , (15,00 per bbl ,
Poi'CoHS Ulco , 3o s common , 2j c.
CAItllOTb 100 poi bU.
DEANS Cholco eastern ham ) picked navies ,
2.00 per bushel ; western hundplclicd nu-
vies , fl.75@l.tO ; mediums , fl.30 1.50 ; Lima
beans , Co per Ib.
HAY F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland fO.OO ; No.
3 upland , (5.00.
HiUK flS.CO@10.00.
Ciioi'i'Kn PKUU { 11,00@15.00 per ton.
Cons 20 < 3'J7e.
OATS 22C < t22o.
ViNeoAii Cider , lOQISo per gal. ; whlto
wine , 10(7J20o ( per gal.
HONEY Mb frames , 15@l8o.
Grocers' Ijlwt.
Revised prices are as follows ;
UiaoiMO Stark A. seamless , 22u ; Amos-
coag , seamless , 17 > ioj Lowlstowu A , seam-
ess , lUo ; American.seamless , 17c ; burlaps ,
4 to S bu. , llt(14o ( ; Kunules , single , lie ! ;
gunnies , double , 20o ; wool sack , U5c.
" " - - '
. . /per / Ib , 13 ®
ICe ; dates , in boxes , 7Q10c ; London Malaeu
layer rnlsins , per box , fO.10 ( 3.T5 < , Mnlapft
loose rnisltis , | 3 30QJ.50 ; new Viilencla
raisins , ( tor Ib , S c ; llallforriln loose unison
tcl < , porbox , * 3.Hiif2.10C.\lif ; \ irnln I ondont
1SN ? . (1A\ ( \ : pitted chprriei , per Ib. li-c : Cnll
fornm plttod plums , per Ib , 12i13o , driei
blnckliorrle * . par Ib. 7 ( n3o ; dried nmpbor
rtcs. per Ib , 'JlnCSTc ' ; onu > oruled apples , 7' < i ( (
IJ-c : I'lillfornlu'sun dried hcni'hc * , I3c ; Call
fornla unparvd fvnporated poaches , l
evaporated CnUforni.i apricots , l > c :
ctirnuit ? , r.c(7oTurklsh , ( ( prunes ,
ritron. 22ft21c ; oraiiRO peel , 15c : loinon peel
Itlo : California French prunes , llfttlHo.
CorfKKs Mochu , 25ii2Co ( : Hlo , peed , KVJ
17c : Mnndahlinp , 2 < > rt2 > e ; roasting lie { , lfit (
K'KO. : . U. Java , LMdii'iic ; .Invn , interior. 224
25c ; Kio , fancy , l Ml'Jo ' ; Satrtoa and Mnra
cnlbo , 17iJlUc ; Arbuckles , Ul c ; McLaugh
lin'sXXXX. 2i .
SfoMi Oranulntod , 7JVo ; conf. A , 78'c
white extra U. " ' 40 ; extra C.7.l < o ; yellow C
H1.i" powdered , * tfc : cubes , SS'c.
Ilciiw \ Cholco yellow , 2U(322 ( > fc ; dark
colored , 13irl4o. (
Uiiiif * ! ! YounR America , full cream , 12 ®
12'ifull ' : ore-am chcddurs , llQi'12c ' ; ful'
cream Hats , 12J i" . '
I'll KI.CV Mi-dlutn , In bbls , $ , " > .00 ; do , In
half bbls , $ 'l.)0 ( ) ; small , In bbls , tli.OO ; do. in
hnlf bbls , & ) . & [ > : gheiklns , in bbts , (7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , fl.lK ) .
TOIIAKO Pliij ; . a'i ® Vic ; smoking ,
Jr.i.Lii : . ' ) SI.25 per 30-lb i.ail.
SU.T f l.Wjl.S5 : ( per bbl.
Koi'i-7-U > , 11.
Mu-i.n Sixuii Hricks , llM2o ( per Hi ;
pennv cnkrs. 12c13c per Ib ; pure tiinplo
syrup , $1 00 per pil.
ThAs Vouug Hyson , common to fair , \Sa \
2. > e ; Youtif * ll.ssoti , Rood to fancy , 30CiC5."cj
Gunpowdei' , coinnion to good , S'l'tSoc ; Gun-
p-iwuer , rlunco to fancy , 4K'ti" ( > e ; Japan ,
common to medium , I.VM-.V ; .Inpan , cliolco
to fancy , ; ) ( ) ( ! 4."o ; Ooloiifc' , common to coed ,
Sft'iiCe : ; Oolonivchoice to fiuioy , TAifTOc ;
Imperial , common to medium , 25g35e ; Im
perial , peed to fancy , 4 , it50c ;
Mi is Almonds , I5rii- ; ; illbcrl * , 12f15o ( ;
llrnril. li.ii . Id , * ; walnuts , 12o ; pecans , UVf lie :
peanuts. ( i , ' . ) e.
CIUCKIH- : < - 010ij per Ib ; assorted cakes ,
feCif 25e per Ib us tier list.
C\s'l > \ Miscil , H'tfftir.ytfe ; stick. 04f < ? llc ;
rock candy. lOKi Wc ; fancy candy ,
Hlll.I.VMI Hi HltlN'O 'JOC.
Council OVyiaT'ijC.
CnrKTVAid1 Hiil , white ,
HVTT-- Standard , Sc ; pom , lOc ; beauty ,
12V ; boone , 14c ; I ! , cased. * tl.30.
PitiNTf Solid colors Atlantic , He ; Sinter ,
( V ; lli'rlin oil , ti' e ; Gnrncroil. 0i)7c. ( )
I'IIISTPink und Itobes Allen , lie ; Kiver-
point , . ' . ' 4'e : Steel Uivcr , 0 > 'c ; Hlchniond ,
ii , ' c ; t'acilic , 7c.
PitiNTS Dross Charter Oac ! , S'lC ; linm-
ape , 4'-jc ; Lodi , ft ' 40 ; Allen , tic ; Hlchniond ,
Oc : Windsor , O' c ; Eddystone , O' c ; Pacillc ,
( ) < .
HM\CIIKI : > SunKTixn Berkeley cambric ,
No. TO , ' . 'Kc ; Be-t Yet , 4-4 , Of4c ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4'c : Cabot , 7' ' c ; Farwell , half bleached ,
SJ.jC ; Fruit of the Loom , il c ; Grocno G ,
ll'jc ' ; Hope , 7Jfc ; Kmp Phillip cambric , 1lc ;
LonsUnlc cambric , ll' c ; Lonsilale , 9c ; New
York mills , lOVfo ; Peppercll , 42-ln , lie ; Pep-
perell , 4H-in , 12c ; Peppcrcll. 0-4 , Kic ; Pcp-
perell. v.Jio | ; Puppuroll , U-4 , ; Pepper-
ell , 10-1 , 25e ; Canton , 1-4 , b ) e ; Triumph , Oo ;
AVamsuttii , lie ; Valley , 5c.
FIAS\II.H ; Plnid Kaftsmen , 20 < s ; Goshen ,
3-'kc ; Clear Lake , 30' c ; Iron Mountain ,
COICT JHVNS Androscopsin , " 'J'c ; Kear-
sarpc , 7 c : Knckport , 0 ? < i' ; CnnestopaJlSc.
TII-KS York , 30-in , 12ic ! ; York , 32-ln ,
13'ic ; Swift river , 7Jfc ; Thorndlkc , OO ,
SJ e ; Thorndikc , EK , c ; Thorndlkc , 120 ,
' 'Me ' ; Tliorndike , XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 ,
ll'flo ' ; Cordis , No. 4 , 7' c.
l-YiSNii.s : U'lnto GH , No. G , % , 22'c ' ;
GH , No. 1 , ? , 2iic ; BH , Wo. 2. " { ,22' ' , c ; 1JU ,
> ' < > - 1. ? . * > e ; Qucohce , No. 1 , * { , 42c.
DIVIMI : Amoskeap , SI o/s , lli'jc ; E rclt , 7
or , 13'jc ; York , 7oz , 13 > , , c ; Haymaker. 8 } < Jc ;
Jiiffivv XX , 11V ; JaJTrev XXX , ] 2' < , o :
Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; Buaver Creek BU ,
lie ; Beaver , Creek CC , lOc ,
KKVTUCKY JKAVS Memorial , 15u ; Dakota ,
l&u ; Durham , 27 c ; Hci-cuics , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 2.y e ; Cottfiwoodf 27'-ifc.
CHASM Stevenb' B , ( t&c ; Stevens' B ,
bleai'l- , 7c ; btevens' A , 7ii'c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , Si e ; Stevens' P , b > ; c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , ' , e ; Stevens' N , l J o ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10'c ; Slovens' SHt , 12 , ' < fc.
MIBCCM.NEOfs Table on cloth. $2.50 ;
plain Holland , OJ c ; Dado Holland. 12'fc.
UKOWN SIIURTIXO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } < e ;
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7'4c ' ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ( % ;
Atlantic P , 4-1. Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , tic ;
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4JCc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJfo ;
Hoosler LL , 4-1 , Cc ; InJian Head , 4-4 , 7Jtfc ;
Luwronco LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
fij e ; Poppercil II , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 ;
( Bc ; Pepperell , S 4 , Ibjtfo ; Pcpjicrcll , 0-1 , 21c ;
Pepperell , 10-4 , 23iUtica ; C , 4-4 , 4 > ! fo ;
Wnchusett , 4-4 , 7X ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 7c ,
Aurora B , 4-4. ( ij e.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. . 10' c ; West
Point 20 in. 10 oz , 12 > e ; West Point 2'J ' in. 12
oz. . I5eVest ; Point 10 in. 11 oz. , lOc.
FLANVCLS Iwsd. C , 24 In , 15 } . .c ; E , 24 In ,
21 c ; GG , 24 in , 20c ; 1IAF , f , 25c ; JHF ,
? 4 , 27c.
GIVOIIAM PlumUett checks , 7XcWhitten- ;
ton , 7'ijc ' ; York , 7 } c ; Nonnuiidl drcs > s ,
Calcutta dress , 8) ) c ; Whlttuuton dress ,
Uenlrow tlrcs > , H'itit'rJifc. '
CAMIHIICS Slater , ft e ; Woods , 5) ) c ;
Standard , 5' ' c ; Peacock , BlCe.
PIIISTS , IMIIUO Arnold , 0V , < fc ; Amer
ican , O'jc ' ; Gloucester , O' ' c : Arnold C long
cloth , 'A- ; Arnold B lung doth , 10 > c ; Arnold
Gold Seal , K > V Stlcfel A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , ID , ' , c.
Hemlock sole , lSC.37c per Ib ; oak solo , 3. ) @
'id ; per in ; oak harness , HOMT.'c ] > er Ib ; Belec-
ted oak and trace , 35u per Ib ; oal : and hoin-
lock upper , 20'c ! pur foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOa''Oc ' per Ib , ui-i-ordin to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , OOeftgH.OO per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , $1.00t.lO (
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 00d < )70i ) ! jier
) b ; oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70f < SMc ) per Ib ; Phila-
doiphia kip skin.extra.sO.i/lWc per Ib. French
call Hkiiisni-cordinp ( to wctpht and iiiallt.v ] ) ,
( l.I5C'1.75 ' per Ib. French kip skins , do , sou
C"31U > per Ib. Cordovan russett , ISc ; satin
Jlnlsh , 2Jo per loot ; welt leather , 1.50(31.00 (
licr sidfc ; moroccos ( pebble peat ) , 20i 30e pel-
foot ; moroccos , boot lojf , 2 Qi300 | ) ur foot ;
plovo calf skins , 20iiUOo ( per foot ; Douglas
kid , 30rt40o ( ! jinr foot ; kanparoo skins , 40fJ50o (
per foot , aecordmp to quality , Toppings ,
* S.OO@ 10.00 per dozen ; linnps..f5.00i/l.IO ! ( ! ( per
do/on ; apron skins , f 10.00@12.00 per doxcn.
First nnd second clear , H { In.f4n 00 < jir > l 00
First nnd second clear , \y. \ In. . . 47 OOfrfW ) 00
1'hlrd clear , l C'U in. . . . 43 00 ( < < MO 00
A select , 1 > 4" ! I In . 37 00
B select. 1X@\X \ In . 33 00
A Block boards , I2 ( lfi It , 12 In. . 40 00
B stock boards , lUfeTIG ft , 12 In. . 41 00
O stock boards , 12iiHl ft , 12 in. . 3t ! 00
L ) stock boards , 12 ( < $1H ft , 12 in. . 23 00
flooring , llrst common , (1 ( in . ii4 00
i-'loorinp , second coinniOn , 0 in. . 31 00
Select fencing flooring . 10 00
Siding , llrst and ECCOIU ! clear , 14
® ll ! ft . 25 00
siding , llrht common , 10 ft . 2200
Sldlnfr , second common . 10 00
Common boards . 1000
S'o. 2 boards , all Iciigths. . 14 50
Fencing , No. 1 , 12 and 20 feet . 10 50
Fencing. No. 2 , 12 , 14 und IS feet . 15 50
Joist and scantHm. ' , 2x4 , li@10feet . 10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12@IU feet . 17 00
Pickets , D und H Hat . 22 00
'ickets , 1) nnd H square . 22 00
Shingles , o\tra A . 8 80
Shingles , standard A . 2 CO
Lath . 240
OGBntts,2 In . . . , . 00
OG Baits , Utfx3 , S IS , . 35
J in well tubing , D and , M bev . 2200
Matnla unit Tinners' Block.
Mock tin , small pie . $ .28
Uocktln. bar . 2'J
Jo | > per , planished boiler sizes . 34
'oppcr , cold rolled . 31
Copper , sheathing . itO
Copper , pitts . 30
'opper , lints . 31
Gal. sheet Iron , Junlata , 50-10 and 5 per c. dls.
'at. planished Iron , 21 to 27 A . 10f !
Pat. planished Iron , 81 to 27 11 . OK
toollni ; , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . ? < J.OO
tooking , IX , Hx2U. 112 sheets . 7.50
tooling , 1C , 20x23. 112 sheets . 11.00
tooling , JX. 20x2S , 113 sheets . 14.50
Sheet iron , No , 20 . , . D.50
Kheotiron.No. 87 . JUSO
Solder. . . . . T . 15K@17 > <
Tin plate , best charcoal
O , 10x14 , 2i5 bheets , . . . .J0.50
X , 10x14 , 225 sheets . , . 8.25
Tin plate , coke
0,10x14.225 sheets. . . , . 6.25
steel nails , per ucg . , . . 2.25
Steel \Tlroualls , per keg. , . , . 2.W
Flro Coniunilnc Tclrplionps.
P. B. KnlRliL , formerly with the Western
Union in this city , but for several years past
special agent of the Bell Telephone company ,
has become distinguished nstho torch benrcr
of that company , In connection with his
qualifications , The victory In the courts of
the Bell company over competing onrnnim *
lions of the s line kind has impelled them
summarily to dispose of nil the Infringement
telephones which they may find. With this
work of disposing Mr .Knlpht has been In
trusted. Recently , ho went to Little Hock ,
Ark. , seiml l , ! > iU telephones which wore the
property of the old Southern Telephone com
pany , nnd heaping thorn in n vacant lot , , not
llro to all of them , consuming in n short time
$2OtH ' ) worth of material. The metal In the
telephones which was not consumed wns
thrown into the river.
A Coucli , I'olil or Sere Throat should
not be neglected. Brown's Bronchial Troches
nro n simple remedy , and give prompt relief.
2oC n box.
Didn't Bull the Morphine.
W. F. Huffzky , the well-known druggist
on South Thirteenth street , says ho did not
sell morphine to Charles Lenr , the man who
died from the effects of an overdose of that
druc in St. Joseph's hospital , as mentioned
in Thursday's Bin : . Mr. Huffzky claims
that he did not know Lcn ? , and , further
more , that the deceased had not uecn in the
habit of purchasing the drug at his place.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
BunploR for trl 1 of 12 different ? t > lwi liy inilt.on
rccdi'tof ' It ) ernu 1" t > tJiui | > * . AkX lor card > , o. H.
Omaiia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
. Dos Molnes Marstmllown
inton , Dlion , ChlMKO. illl ukpe ,
To tlle I'Pni'lo of .Vebrnilia.i'olo ;
' Illah" ' Nl < < ' ! . Oregon.Vasli -
of tbe roun polntn
0 "atr ° n tl" " ' " ' ' hetwopn Omiihi
, . "ro " ? " rali"Inr of WAV
, . . . lcl1 ro thut human art anrt
liiccnultr . '
he rq a of which , ran not bo fouml cl c hpro. At
rouncllllunr ti.otralniof tha Union 1'aolilo Itnll-
wnyromifct In union rtupot with ihosn of the Chl-
t'Sfi. 1iNorl'lwV" i ' < lr11 Hr" ' " ' ' " < > Uio trnlni. of
1 ° co""cclloQ " ' ' " > tho.oof nil ether
vKlir..1"v'rilt'1iF ° i.nPblJ' IniJIannnolli.
. . ? . ' Cincinnati.
? Inearn l-alls , Iluiraln , l'ltl biirif , Tnrnnlo. Jlonlrcul
onon. .Now York. Philadelphia. Iluliliuoro. WH | [
Ids' Points n the hint. A k for tickets via
' '
' " " " 11"0"A" '
1 1. . -B. P. WILSON.
n'l MinaRpr. Qen'l 1'aas'r Agent.
. 1C. .U Ticket Acont.
, . u < KWEST. . CUT Pasopncer Agent
HOI F rnam at _ Omaha. Neb.
! V10i'rt" ! ? . r ° lly ; 'T . ' "r Vlro hnvo tttlcu-lj dralnrtl
lliclrMmlllror Dcl.llllntcd ihrlr Kcnous tjtttmi , auil ho
ie : | nc.ipacit > ! J for Iho .Maul/ Duties or Ufa clu find a
perfect reiteration lo
IFeollh , Flranrlh on.1 RntmiOhrhitnJ In tlm
ihroii iiroiirvi rrizii < , , ! ; ! . !
HielrI er ouiSl l M. , IDrMufd > ml EooiT.loa III Irl'o
I' ' ) OLDER MEN wlt , , . viil liy.n.i i-oi , , , V ' r"mll
1(0 ( Fulton Street. Now
If jmi ilcslro tri open ( mo or innko any tli.iiiRo.vo
tihnll Ixi ) > luns ( > il In rondnltli Jim. Wo iilluw In-
ti'ic'kt nn Tlnio li'u ) | lts , Dlsciiunt Itiisinc's-i 1'aixr ,
lama Drafts im the principal Cities of ICinopc , also
l.clli'is nl Crcillt. Hiul trj abaci any Inisluoss In thu
lliiiinr II A MCI NO.
e.ifu SfciirltUs , no Mull l > ) > leas.'il tnt-cu or curio-
fiponilltli JIMI. An I'lpcrlnii-c of twenty-live ) cars
ilvi-s ; us ailvnntncu In M'IrrttiiK the lic t ln\ct-tiiinits ,
liolli 113 In ICL-.illiy nnil i-tninllnK. Wu iilso
1 1 ( Ml In I.VM U'AUK.\.VrH AX HCItll' .
N , V. Offlcel 2 Wall 61. , cor. Broadway.
Finest toned , moet durable , and poeneBS thu only ib-
ftulutely correct cale , WArranteu to btaiid In any
climate. AaU your dealer for th ra. rubilrutjrftt
f ring from the
D rtrctcti , or yuudiru/ /
_ I errors , larly cl
luit innnliood , t lc- . I will win ) A yaluaUf
i ( > r l dl ci > ntalnlni full pnrtlt-ulan ( M
horn * cur * ' , f rf .f rlian ; * . AHdrfwi ,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER , ffloodua , Conn ;
MHUCV and " " urinarytronblesenally.riulclc-
VI U II U I ly uiui Hiirely cured by DOUTUIt A Can-
EUlen. Kovurul C'ises ciireil In heven fluys. Bom
I.CO per box , all clruKKlxts , or by nuill from Do-
cutaMfB.t'o liaWhftoSt..N V. Full Direction *
" .it. r At. ME . K , f. j , n ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Dmco-Uooin2)ippoiltu ) Kicliunau llullUIng , Union
Block YnrJ , HoulliUnmln , Nub ,
Liye Stock Commission ,
loom 15 , KxdJinne Ilullillntr , ITnlou Block Yaiila ,
sToc YA rs co. .
Of Omaha , Limitcil ,
Agncuiturni implomonta.
Dealer in Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons
Unciflo. JMIK ? ttoct.l ) tirccnPth ni
10th , Oirfilm Nebr/nkn.
METUV\LF co. ,
& TicnltnralIinilemBnlslfa ! onsCarria , cs
llugglfl. Etc. Whokmlc. Oni < h . No im ln.
AgTicnltnrallmiilGfflents.Wagons&BHggies .
Ml. XV Btt iind m Jonr Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST it CO. .
Hannfaetnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seders ,
CullUfituri , HOT lUtm.CUIrr Mlll Knd l.uknn I'ul
T rlirri. Cor. llln na .Nlcbon ! strrtlt.
- Wbolesnlr-
Airiculturai Imnlcuients , Wagons & Baggies
Akron , Olilo.
Haryesting Macninery and Binder Twine ,
W K. McnJ.MMincer. 171.11 cnvonir.irth J-U Omnlm.
M tiuHctur 'r anil Jobbers lu
Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Pth i\ml I'nelllo iitrcets , Omntm , Ni-b.
Artists' Motorlnl . _
"A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1S13 Uouitln Stri-cl , ( ) mah , Npbrn k .
Qookaollorf ) nnd Slatlonore.
HTw. & s. w . 'JONES ,
Surccstorsto A.T. Kcnyon A Co. , WholesiloA Ilctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino W IIIIK | | StnHoncrj , Cotnuu'rclnl MiMloncry
\Kl \ Doutiln * Street Omnlin , > rb.
_ _ Boots and She a.
( SuccoKiors to Head , Jonvt A to )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AaenUIor llostim Hubticr Shoe Co. llOt. 1IC A UK
llorney Si. , OuinUa. h'cbrntk * .
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101.1103-llUi lo"tln St.Omnlm ManufactorySum <
ucr St. . lictton.
Cpffoos , Splcoa , Etc-
Uiimlia Coffee aud Splcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , ,
Flavurlne Kitrncti , Lr.unclrr llluc. lnk , < { lc. Kit-
HlSIlurnor Stront. Omaha. N bra ka.
Crockery and Clnssyvoro
Agrnt for the Manufacturers and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc Ofl ce. 317 8.13th SU , Omaba , Ncbranka.
Importers and Jobbers of
Crcfierj , Glassware , Lainis , Silyerware
Ktc. 1314 FlTJam St. , Kor Pzrton IlulUllnt' .
Commission nnd Storage.
" " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties 'ilfT. Ypa * . ( ' | IOH O , IMtiltry , Ciumo ,
llSUownrJ Street. Omnlm.
Eucccnors to McHbane A Hchroeilcr. )
Proflnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaba. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 .North ICth
Street , Omaha , Nub.
Coal , Coke and Limo.
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
SODConlli nth Street- , Omaha , Ncbraika.
j. j. jonxsox A co. ,
Mannfactnrers of Lime ,
And Bhlpprri ol Ci > al. ( . 'oak. Cement , Plailor , l.lmo.
Drain Tllo anil r-ewur I'll"Ofllco. . 118 ti. IJIh
ht. . Oiiiahu , Neb. Telephone bll.
Dry Coodo nno Notions.
" " " "
M. E"SM"ITH i co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions.
1IU2 anil 1104 notiglai , Cor , llth Pt. . Omaha. Nob.
Imuorters and Jooliers in Dry Goods.Notions .
Gents' Furnish Inc noodi. Corner llth anil
MB..Onialia. Nebratku.
Shippers of Coal and Coif ? ,
2I South 13th nt. . Omatn. Nnh.
r '
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
I'arnaui Street. Omaha. Nebraika. _
Omitha. NubiaiUa.
. Groceries. _
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
70S. 707. TO nnil 7U S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I Ih anil Ixmvonwortli StreutiOinaha , Neliraika.
Hardware _ _ _
Wbolcsnlo JlnnufacturoM of
Sadfllery& Jjuteof Saddlery Hardware
Ana leather. KOJ , 1(05 anil 1477 lluratr tit. , Omalm ,
NcbraikK ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron anil Sled ,
flprlnfi , WAKOII Htock. lUrJwnro , lurat > or , \
uud lillUarmiy titruut , Uin Uit.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Jluclinnlcs' Tools ami IlufTitlo Hcnlci. llUi Douglui
htroct , Uiimha , Nebmika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
tth and Harner HU. , Omaha , Neb , Wt-storn Aenti |
( orAuntln I'O'Tflfr ( ; < ) . , JeiTurron Kttol Nall ,
KuUL iik Htmidnnl Hcitlpi.
Wholesale Hardware , Gallery , Tin Plalc ,
Metals , Sheet lion. etiAuent.i for llowr Scalcb ,
llluuill'o\ulcr uudl.ymun Itarbod wire ,
KcbrusLu ,
, Etc.
' '
w. L.'PA'RROTTE & co
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HOT Ilaruer rJtrceU Omabft. Neb.
- . . . - * - - . - = i
Lurnljor. _
" ' '
oivfA H A"L u M BtifTco'
All Kinds of Building Material at Wfioftalj
IStJ Street and Union I'aclCc Track , .
Dealer in Lnraher , Lath , lime , Sash ,
DcOf , litc. 1'jrJi-Oorntr 7lb am ] IXiUUlao , Coruci
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier ,
tli anil CftUtoml * . SlrccK. Omaha. Nebraska.
Lumber Lime Cement
, , , , , ,
Comer Mhnnil IMn la Fl . . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Offloc.IKtll-'arniimSlrfft Omaha.
Wholesale Lnmlicr , Etc ,
djrtS ! an. AN e CcSS
giilnrj Whllo l.linv.
Dealer in Hardwood
Wcoi > Carprta anJ 1'nrqupt rloorln * pn , „ j iou ) , .
. . Mllllnorynnrt Notions.
" "
" ' " * *
Importers & Jolliers in Millinery & Notions
W. 3IOaiuHI2 Smith llth Mrrot
Mannfactnrers of Overalls ,
Jeans P ntsSblrti , Klc. liaiand 11UI Douulni Street.
Umnlm.Ntb. .
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishing Goods
fl runt < ( T , Hcutli ICIhHI. , Omalm.
Ol8. |
Wholsale Refined anil Lubricating Oils ,
Aila ( Ircme.Klc..Omaha. A. II lll hni. Minmger.
Notions and Gent's '
Furnishing Good ? ,
1105 llarncr Street , Omaha
Offlco Fixtures.
' '
Bank , Offlcc'and'salcoii Fixtures ,
Mantle * , Sl.U-honnls , Hook Caspn , lnm KlxtureV H
Ca eiirnitttiiiiis , HalllnK , ( 'o'inturM , HeoriviulVlun t
( 'ooleri * . Mlrror .eto Kuclorjniu * tttllpo , irW und ITU i
boutli I lib. rit.Omulni , Tulephono 1KI.
Paints nnd Oils.
Wliole ulo IH-iiloraln 'J
Paints , Oils , Window Gtos , Etc ,
IMS Farnmm Street. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paner Dealers.
Carry nlca utock of Printing , U'rnpplnu nnd Vi'rltlBI
1'n sr. Special Hllcnllon cUon to < urloail unlurB.
Pnpor Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
Nos. 111. and lil'J ' DoiiiilaB St. , Omaha , Nco.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 and BU Jonux Stn-ct. Uiinilm.
Storogo , Forwarding & Commission
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
Drancli hotiMciif the llunni-r HuKKf Co. JliiL'Klcia
-nil , retail , H IJIOaml 1.112 Itard blit-ut.
Juiuliu. 'IVIcphouo ' .Vu.750.
Lager Beer Brewers , <
1S21 North Elelhtccntli Street , Oiiriha ,
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Uuenetor. Proprietor ' .m luilK < - mid ll uiid Jbd
Nortli mu-strcet , Ouiulin.
Printers' Wlntorlola.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
3 < .nlcrs In TJJIC , I'n HCH anil I'rlnti-rH1 Supplies. tot
South 12th Street , Unialm.
Coods. _
unfacturers and Dealers in Riler Goods
311 Clotblue ana Leather llcltlnz. luOj 1'ariinm Hiroou
SjBli , Doors , Etc.
X holeHulo tiinur icturero of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Uranrh UfUce , litli nnd Izanl StreeU , Oui.ilui , Neb. , '
" "
manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
" nldlnri , Ktalr Work iinil Interior llnr.1 . WIHH ! I'ltv
u , N. U , UjruerKlh and l.i'iuuinvortll M-rc-cti ,
Omalm. filuu ,
_ Staarn Fittings , Pumps , E
' ' ' "
'A' . L. STRANG CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
jtcam , Wetcr , ItaJiray nnil Mlnlnx Kuppllet , ICIo ,
VJO.vaRivl'Jil J arniim r-lrL-ci.Oiunha.
Wholesale Pdinps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Jtcain and Wnter Supplies. II " ' ' iri.r. for Mnft.
_ _ Curnnm t. , Om
and Water Supplies ,
Bninnes , Boilers and General Machinery ,
' ' ' 1- ' '
Iron Works.
Curler A tion , 1'rup > . .MHiiufuclurur ] of nil klnil.
Stcani Bflilers , Tan aiid Slice ! Iron Worn
WorlttHoullrjIili uiul II. A M. Cnnnlntf.
. VIKUI.IW'0 Hlo7s WOltKB.
rAAi OM A. ) ir * tJ ) ) * - " " ' * '
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Bnnlno , llri Work flencr l r'OMiirtry. MnoUIno and
JIluckiniHU W < 'ik LMUuitml Wi/rk > , I1' . Itjr.
anil Kill btruel , Uinulm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Dejfc llnlliVlridnw Ounnli. Klnvtrr Htnnili , Wlrg
- ' to. 1U North ICth HUeol.Omulia.
Man'frs ' of Fire& Burglar Proof Safes
FaulU , Jail Work , Iron un.l Wlru Kcnclnv.HlKii > , KM.
U. AnUroou , l'ou'r Cor , lllli iiuUJucknun tit * .
. . .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
aod Krri'eni.orbankioll > oHilurpii iciililoncei.oto , t
Improvril Awnlimn , locmmllU ifulilucry uud 4
Illuckiinlih Wurki. 4UI.--outli Kill HI.
jtf WUv'i / & 'IIITMlltn , '
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time LccKs ,