Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1888, Image 1

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Fctira Expressed That the Proal-
dent Will Veto It.
AlllHon DOOM Not Want a. Cabinet Po
sition ClurltHoti's Friends Conll-
drill An Kttra HoHslon In the
\VanliliiKtoii Newt ) .
WASIIINUTOV , I ) . C. , Dec.
Members of the fowa delegation to-day In
formed Tim HKB correspondent that there
was no doubt tluit the house bill to quiet the
title to the seniors on Iho Dos Moinoj river
lands In Iowa would bo passed by Iho senate
the first of next week. The urosldent , they
say , beyond n reasonable doubt , will vote the
bill , nllhough some of the features which
met his objection and caused him to vclo the
first bill of this character , are not in this
measure. They say ho will now wnnl lo
veto it , if for no olher reason , lo keep his
record straight on trio matter.
At u meeting of the Michigan republicans
nt the residence of Senator Stockbridgo last
evening , where Ihey were entertained at
dinner , It was decided to formally place Con
gressman Burrows in the race for the
spcakcrship of the FIfty-llrst congress.
The Iowa men will favor the selec
tion of General G. D. Henderson ,
of that state , for the same place ,
nnd they expect to have Iho sup
port of members from Mlnneaotn and Ne
braska to back them. The foimal entry of
thcso gentlemen Into the race lor the chief
position In the next congress , makes a very
largo field , and complicates the calculations
of those who wcronvowcd candidates before.
Iho list now comprises the names of Messrs.
Hoed , McICInloy , Buttorwoith , Cannon , Bur
rows nud Henderson. Mr. Heed's friends
think thai the fact thai the Maine man has
twice received the caucus nomination before
for the position , will have great weight in
securing the support of other members , who
nro not committed by neighborhood or state
pride , to support the candidates of their vari
ous states , and that the supporters of several
of the olher candidates will vote for Ueed
after the first ballot , lliero is a decided dis
position among the mernbois of the Now
York delegation to support Mr. Head , ns
ngalnst the others , but there is no unanimity
of sentiment in this respect. Some
of the Nov.- York members hnvo a
grievance against Mr. Heed. They assert
that he lins Handled them wllh "u mailed
haml" on several occasions ; that ho is too
much given to nrroirnnce , nnd that he would
bo likely to run things to suit himself if
placed in control of affairs.
Mr. McKinley has numerous friends in
every state delegation.
Senator AllUon told mo to-day that ho did
not want a place In the cabinet , not even in
the treasury department , which people hnvo
supposed was his ambition. Ho said he
would much prefer to keep his seat In the
senate , and lot some othorman fnrtn Iowa bo
chosen to represent that state among the
president's counsellors. Still , if General
Harrison desired him to leave tlio senate fern
n new Hold of duty , ho would yield Ills own
preferences and accept. Not a word has
over been exchanged between them on the
subject , however , either by tongue or pen ,
nnd ho had not the slightest Idea whether
Harrison had over consldcicd his name in
connection with Iho cabinet or not.
Editor Clnrkson , of DCS Molncs , was about
the capital this afternoon In conference with
members of the Iowa delegation. It is be-
llovcd thai Senator Allison , if tendered a po
sition in President Harrison's cabinet , will
decline in favor of General Clnrkson. The
friends of the latter are quite eonliclent that
ho will bo prominently connected with Die
In pursuing their canvass for the spcakcr
ship for the Fifty-first congress , the four or
live aspirants to that position to-day encoun
tered a very decided belief among the re
publican members of the house thai thcro
will bo 110 tariff bill passed nt this session ,
nnd that President Harrison will call on
extra session to convene next April.
General Chalmers , of the Third congres
sional district of Mississippi , has been hero
several days , feeling the republican pulse ,
ns to what policy will bo pursued
in pushing the contested elections
in the pouth where the. republicans have
been defrauded out of their certificates ,
Ho has received much encouragement , not
only from these who will bo members of Iho
next house , but from the republican national
committee. General Chalmers will contest
tun seat of his own opnoncnl. Morgan. Il
will bo remembered that Cnnlmeis conducted -
ducted n sensational nnd successful contest
in the Forty-seventh congress , Ho then
represented whnt was known as "Tho Shoe
string" district of Mississippi. It is uniler-
ntood that it will bo the policy of the repub
lican party to prosecute to the furthest ends ,
nil contests which nro believed to bo Just.
General Chalmers thinks ho will get his
teat , and that ho is very much outraged.
lt Is now believed that Iho senate will not
Sisposuof its bill before some llmo In Janu
ary , und that its final consideration will bo
defeated In the houso. The pioposcd nb-
fence of Chairman Mills from the city is
taken ns ono Indication Ihat the democrats
do not intend to take action upon the senate
bill , when It goes to the Jiouso.
A law was enacted In lb'0 appropriating
four condemned cannons to a soldiers' monument
ment nt Omnhn. At that time there were
no condemned cannons available , and in late
years , when there wns such nitjclcs , the law
Bcoms to have been overlooked. ' lleprcscntu-
tivo Dorsoy discovered it rcccnlly , made ap
plication for its fulfillment , and n requisition
lihs been Issued for four good wrought iron
cannon. They will bo tdilpjtcd to Omaha as
soon as possible , The cannons are very good
ones und can bo used In case of necessity.
All the army appointments have been do-
cidcd upon , but will not bo made public until
thu president nominates them to the senate.
It is stated by a friend , much concerned , that
thu name of Captain J. G. Bourke , ot the
Tnlid cavalry , will likely not go In for
nn inspector-generalship. His record
is acknowledged to be gilt-edged , his
character excellent , his claims very high ;
but the president is Inclined to believe that
the captain U young and can wait , und for
that reason nn older man should bo pro
moted. Captain Hourko's friends uro generally -
ally wry confident , however , that he will bo
prr > M ited.
1 Lieutenant Colonel Andrew S. Hurt , Sev
enth infantry , on leave of absence nt Cincin
nati , will proceed nt once to Fort Luramle ,
Wvo. to appear as n witness before a gen
eral couit martini , convened at that post ,
lllsCrll.ANKOt'S NOTES.
Mrs , Paddock ivnd Miss Paddock , wife and
daughter of the Junior senator from Ne
braska , arrived hoie lust night from their
homo in Beatrice.
Itepresentntivo Cutcheon , of Michigan , an
lutiuiuto personal friend , snld to-day thut
General Algor would not go Into the cabinet ;
that ha did not want to bo placed on the shelf
by that process , Ho thinks General Alger
will be tendered n cabinet position und
that ho will decline It.
Pfiiuir S. HKATII.
A Useless Proceeding.
WASHINGTON , Deo. 7. Senator Sherman ,
In'spoahing to-day of the report of thu result
of the vote for presidential electors in
overal of the states transmitted by ttio sec
retary of state to the senate yesterday ,
under the terms of the law of 1857 , said his
objection to receiving the report was bas.ed
I upon a conviction of the usotossneis of \\\o \ \
I [ proceeding. If It was not unconstitutional ,
I Btwa extra-constitutional. Ho said bo had
I ppossd the bill all tlio way through on tlas
ground. If It wns Intended to bo nn ex
pression of power by the senate to control
in any way the right of the stnto to declare
the result of the vote in its Jurisdiction , It
was clearly unconstitutional. If it were
merely to have the result published
or declared , it was cxtra-constitu-
tlolml , in that the same thing
was otherwise provided for. U was on this
ground ho dcslied the report referred to the
committee on privileges and elections , in
order that It might there ba decided how to
dispose of the document.
The Aiiieiluot | Inquiry.
WASIMNOTOV , Dec. 7. The testimony of
Thomas Tjroll before the aqueduct military
court of inquiry to day created something ot
n sensation Ho had worked in the tunnel
ns a Journeyman bricklayer , nnd later had
bcctucmploycd for some time by Kniury as
foreman , and later still ns foreman for
Pnlrncr tt Brennan. In nns-.vur to a question
ns to how the packing was done , the witness
said it was Jusi thrown in dry Just stones ,
nnd oncein a while n bucket full of piaster
was "slobbered" over the lop. The wit
ness said thai Inspector Lucas was
prjsenl nnd not only saw dry packing thrown
in. but ordered It to bo done. "At ouo time , "
said the witness , "Lucas said ho was not get
ting enough money out of it , ns ho had to di
vide with his superior ofllcors " Witness said
ho did bad work deliberately when Inspector
Lucas was standing over him and ordered
him to do II. Ho had scon L'icns watch the
loads of muck ( which were supposed lobe
removed from the lunnel ) dumped in as
packing and smoothed over.
The Vote \\i\d \ no
WASHINGTON , Dec , 7. Upon the motion to
adjourn the senate from jcsterday until
Monday several republican moinbors voted
with the democratic party , and thus formed
an nfllrnmtivo majority on the proposition.
In view of the protest mule against Iho ad
journment motion Jiv members of thclinance
committee In charge of the taiift bill , the
vote has been held by some to bo significant
of the measure bofoio the senate and some
concern has boon expressed by friends of the
bill. To nn Associated Press reporter to-day
Senator Plumb , who was one of those who
voted for adjournment , said the vote had no
such significance and could not be so con
Proposed Contract Labor 15111.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 7. The Ford commit ;
tee on the importation of contract labor ami
paupers has already agreed on the general
outline of its proposed bill. It.will make it a
criminal offense for Immigrants or proscribed
classes to enter the United States , and their
return in case they should succeed in getting
into the country , will bo piovided for by ef
fective legislation. The committee's bill will
also require Intending immigrants to give
noticeto the United States consular ofticors
of thcir iiitontlon lo come to this country , and
will require them to scenic immigration ccr-
tlllcatcs fioinour representative ? abroad , as
essential proicquisitcs to their landing nt any
port of the United States. Tlio present tax
of 50 cents on each immigrant will be in
Overcome by Gas.
Ci.Evri.uri > , Dec. 7. While cleaning out
an oil still of the Peerless Hollning company
at Findlay , O. , to day , William Lightfoot was
overcome by eas and fell unconscious.
Ephraim W. ICrlck was sent to his assistance
and lie , too , was overcome. Phil O'Connoll
undertook to rescue them with the same re
sult. The three were finally gotten out of
the still. Lightfool Is dead , Wericli : is dying
and O'Connoll will recover. The first two
leave families in a destitute condition.
A Child Attempts Suicide.
CINCINNATI , p. , Dec. 7. Charles Hsm-
busch , aged nine , twice attempted to commit
suicide yesterday , because of being repeat
edly cruelly beaten by his father. .First no
tried to cut his throat with n butcher knife ,
nnd when restrained , attempted to drown
luuisolf in a vault. Tlio Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Children has taken
chin go of the case.
Ferry Bout Burned.
Nnw YOUK , Dec. 7. The ferry boat Mary
land , of the Now York & Now Haven rail
road , was burned to the water's edge in
Harlem river after midnicht , together with
two Pullman cars , two ordinary coaches and
an accommodation car. Theio were twenty-
four passengers in the cars nt the time of Iho
tire , bul they were rescued.
An Clkn' Club DIslinndH.
ST , Joscint , Mo. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii : . ] The Elks' club of this
city has Uisbandcd and turned its money in
the trcasvry over lo the Homo of the
Friendless. The club was organi/cd in
Mnrch , 18 * * . , and the cnuso of the disruption
wns the desertion of Iho more prominent
members lo another social club.
A Match Arranged.
BOSTOV , Dec. 7. To-day a match was ar
ranged between Iko Weir and Tommy War
ren for the feather-weight championship.
The fight Is to bo at IIS pounds for f l,70 to
the winner and t250 to the losor. The purse
is given by tbe'Californla ' Athletic club , und
the match will como off about Iho end of Jan
KmprohH Kret'ericlc.
LONDON , Dec. 7. Empress Frederick ar
rived at Buckingham palace to-day. During
the day she received a deputation of Greeks ,
who expressed their plcasiuo nt the bo-
Irolhnl of Pi iucess Sophia , daughter of the
empii'sslo the Duke ol Sparta , crown
prince of Greece.
Only n Humor.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 7. The minor that Jay
Gould had sccuied the control of the Atchl-
son road was still prevalent on Wall Street
today. Jay Gould was not at his ofllco and
Grorgo Gould would only say , "I know noth
ing about it. "
OfllcerKlcutcd. .
ATLANTA , Ga. , Dec. 7. The Amorlcnn
forestry congress elected ofllcors to-day ns
follows : PrcBidentUovcrnor J. A. Heavor.of
Pennsylvania ; vice-presidents. II. Goly , of
Quebec ; J. Y. W. French , af Boston jClmrles
Moore , of Mobile ; Hubert Welsh , of Phila
delphia ; and George II , Parsons , of Denver.
Htoninshlp Arrivals.
At Philadelphia TUo Chester , from Rot
terdam ,
A't Now York The Wloland , from Haul-
burg ; the City of Cheslor , from Baltimore ,
und Wacsliiiiit , from Antweip.
At Quoeiibtuwn The Caspian , from Balti
more. .
Suing Timber ThlcvcH.
mNov. , . , Dec. 7. The United
States government , through the United
States district attorney , hus entered suit
against various corporations und individuals
of. Kureka , this state , aggregating ubout
tllUOO,000 ! , for cutting wood uud lumber off
unsurvuycd government land.
jurlJi ; < niilcc ! Shack.
QuiiUEC , Dec. 7. A strong shock of earth
quake , lasting nearly half a minute , this
morning was felt at Klmonsicl , Father Point ,
Saint Plnvio and Trolso Piatolos. At Hi-
inonslcl tha shock wns so severe us to causa
the blahoy's palace to tremble visibly.
Ofllolnl Vote of Colorado.
DENVKH , Dec. 7. The official vote of the
state , furnished thin moinlng , is as follows !
Hftrrlson , 60,700 ; Cleveland , 3r,5U ; prohibi
tion , a , KX ) , lubor , 1'U3. This shows an In-
crciwj over the vote of 1SS4 of over 'JJ.OOO.
Humors of n Defeat.
BKIIIIV , Dei * . 7. A dispatch to theTflno-
blatt from X-ituibnr states that a flht | hay
occurred rear Uagamcys , and it I * rumored
thnt tlm Germans have ictrcatcd , iH'icr los
ing tflveral uicii.
How Two Dawson County People
Were Diivon
Later Developments In the Fairmont
Failure Scotla'n Two Fires
Woman and Child Ilndly
Worried Into Inrtnnity ,
LIVCOI.N , Neb. , Dec. ft. ( Special Tele
gram to Tuts BKI : ] Nenr Cozad , Dnwsoa
county , something llko two months ngo , n
murder was committed enshrouded in deep
mystery. Neat- the scene of the crime lived
Mr. and Mrs. James Lemons. No ono sus
pected thorn or connected them with the
murder in any way , until the murdered man's
horses were found on Lemons' farm. This
wns Iho signal for gossip and Idle tongues
Mr and Mrs. Lemons brooded over this talk
till their reason gave wnv. The husbaiu
showed signs of insanity about ten days ngo ,
nnd has groxvn worse over hinco. The wifo's
reason soon after gave way , and she is now
n raving maniae. Both were brought to the
asylum to-d ly by Sheriff Taylor , of Dnwson
county , and are now iimior thowalehfulcari
of Superintendent Ivnnnp. Tlio friends o !
the unfortunate couple do not think that Iho
suspicious circumstance of finding the mur
dered man's team nt this place implicates
them In any dcgroa.
People's Hank Frauds.
FAWMOVT , Neb , Doc. 7. [ Special to Tun
Bnn. ] IJecont developments In the People's
bank suspension case h.tvo given the public
mind a severe shock. The most sanguine
friends of Mr. Chase , Iho absconding presi
dent , have ubuulonod the theory of his re
turning and adjusting matters. Where ho
has gone Is not dollnitely known , but a man
answering his description boarded the Knn-
sns City & Omnhn train at this
place the evening bcforo the failure
and rode ns far ns Fiurbury , where
ho took the through train for St. Jose.ih ,
There has been no further Intelligence from
him. An examination of the condition of tlio
institution discloses a very rotten state of
affairs. The books have been falsified so as
to make it appear that parlies , who hail
a balance on deposit , had overdrawn their
accounts ; money on drafts has been collected
and no remittances made to the creditors ;
drafts drawn on foreign batiks where no
credit existed ; names forged to instrumeuls ;
mortgages given on propoity , where no
property existed , or where it was owned by
other parlies , etc. The confidence of Iho
public In Chase rendered such criminal
notions very easy , and it was not until
brought face to fnco with the facts , that
faith in him was shaken. It is openly in
timated that there are others connected with
the affair , and that n thorough investigation
will create a further sensation. The raven
ous creditors have sobcd nil the available
property of the defunct institution , but there
Is not enough to satisfy a quarter of its in
debtedness. As far as known , no attempt has
been made for Chase's apprehension.
egal DcciHion.
Neb. , Dec. 7. [ Special to Tnn
Hue. ] The regular term of the district court
convened Monday with A. M. Post presiding.
A largo docket was disposed of , and the Judge
dep.u ted Ibis morning. A question of inter
est to the legal profession wns raised on the
conslruclion of Iho statute relative to cor
porations in this stato.
In an action where the creditors sought to
hold the stockholders for corporation debts ,
under section 180 , of the statute , Mr. Healoy ,
in urging a demurrer to the petition , took the
position that the liabilities nrisiug under Ibis
section is purely penal , and Ihat the stnlulo
of limitation , barring actions for the re
covery of penalties , unless begun within ono
yenr applies , and upon this ground the court
sustained the demurrer 'and dismissed the
action. The plaintiffs may carry ihis case lo
Ihc supreme court , where it will probably bo
sustained , as the Judge who rcudorod the da-
cislou rarely errs.
Scotia Scorched ,
SCOTIA , Neb. , Dec. 7. jSpccinl Telegram
to Tin : lire. ] Misfoi tunes never como singly ,
consequently Scotia hau a second file tills
forenoon. About 10 o'clock the hardware
store of D. Council & Co. was discovered to
bo on lire , and before assistance could reach
the building the lira had made such headway
thai nolhing could bo saved. The building
was In the business part of the village , and
by the exertion of Iho citizens the lire was
confined lo Iho store and ollleo of Clark &
McMlllin. The loss of T. D. Council .t Co.
was $ < ! .OUO ; insurance $4,000. The loss of
Clark & McMillln was $75 ; no insurance.
Nebraska DnlryiiionM Association.
GirinoN , Nob. , Doc. 7. iSpjdal to THE
HII/ : | The fourth annual session of the Nebraska -
braska Dairymen's association will bo hold
nt Gibbon , Buffnlo county , December 18 30.
Prominent mon interested In the dairy Indus
try , from this nnd other stales , will bo In at
tendance and take nn nctlvo part in the work
of the convention. The papers nnd discus
sions will be of u practical natureami , such
as will be of direct benefit to All branches of
the dairy industry. Programmes or other
Information In regard lo lids meeting of the
association will bo furnished by S. C. Uas-
sctt , secretary , Gibbon , Neb.
Horses and .Mulos Crnmnted.
NoiwiJN , Nob. , Deo. 7. [ Spacial to Tun
BRR. ] The barn of V. Gordcnk was burned
Lo the ground last night with nil Its contents ,
consisting of three mules , three horses , liny ,
grain and hurncssos. The family know
nothing of it unlil morning , when they were
awakened by n neighbor. It is thought that
it is the work of an incendiary , as no light of
any kind had been in the barn all day. Loss ,
about $1,000 , ; no Insurance ,
Dry Good < 4 and Grocery Failure.
NOHTII PIATTB , Neb , , Deo. 7. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Br.u.J The dry goods and
grocery stock of Grady & Egan , this city ,
wustulcon possession of to-day by the First
National bank of North Plutto on a mort
gage of $0,400. The claims of Pa\ton &
Gallagher for flSOO und the North Platte
Mill and K leva tor company for $1,000 are
also secured by mortgage. The total liabili
ties are about 717,003 ; ussots about $25,000 ,
deluding $10,00J open accounts. It Is ex
pected that arrangement * will bo effected
ivlth creditors whuruby the linn can resume
business In u few days.
A Car \VhrolFoll on Him.
PIATTSMOUTJI , Nob. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tol-
ogrnm to TUB Hnu. j U Dutton , a young man
about nineteen years of ago , employed in the
master mechanic's ollleo at the shops ns time
keeper , was passing a car where a gang of
men were unloading car wheels , about 10
O'clock this morning , being unnoticed , ono of
.ho wheels was thrown onto him. His right
log was badly mashed and broken in two
ilaccs below tbo knee , besides olher injuries.
Hay Destroyed by Flro.
YOIIK. Neb , , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tim UCE. ] About ono hundred tonsol baled
hay stacked near a livery barn In the west
ern pat t of this citywas set on tire last even
ing by the breaking of a lantern , aud the
most of it destroyca. It wa owned by 13. W.
Monitor. Loss , about 110,000 , with no iusur-
Supposed Hurnlnrs Arrostod.
PI.ATTSMOUTU , Nob. , Deo. 7. [ Special to
TUB lipjt. ] Two suspicious looking charac-
tors wcro arrested In this city by Constables
ritrpatrlck "und Grace. Hurglars' tools of
various descriptions were found upon their
poisons. They were placed In Jail , but bo tl
jofuscd to glvo nny iinmci They were botl
well dressed. "
I'orlmiw Fatally Hnrncil ,
Coi.fMMfs , Neb. , Dec. 7. ISpaclal Tele
gram to TUB Hcc.j The rcslucnco of Johi
Warnick , in the southern part of the city
was consumed by lire to-day together will
all Us contents. Mrs. Wnrmck was putting
wood into the stove , whdn n lamp standing
on n shelf near by , foil on the stove , the con
tents taking lire , burning her in n frlghtfu
manner. She was taken to a neighbor's
house. Her lifo is despaired of. Ono of her
small children received severe , though not
dangerous burns. The house and contents
were not Insured. Mr. Wnrnlek is a poor
man with a largo family of small children.
IHphthcrl.iBoara ut Plat t mil on th.
PLATTSMOI TII , Neb. , Doc. 7. [ Special to
Tin : Hii.J : The board of health of this citi
has Issued n proclamation ordering the
schools to close on account of the prevalence
of diphtheria. The epidemic is spreading
rapidly , nnd all means uro being put forth to
chock It.
For Selllnc Impiore Without
NinuiMCA : CITV , Neb. , Dec. 7. [ Specin
Telegram to Tin : Bnc.1 Herman Worohon
dorf , of Talmngo , was arrested to-day fo
selllncr liquors without a license , the village
having a prohibition law. He guvo bond
for u hearing next week.
Ono Pout Amputated.
NrmusKv CITV , Nolif Dec , 7 [ Spccia
Telegram to TUB line. ] John Olsen was
run over by a B , & M. dirt train to-day um
had one loot amputated.
Step * ) Taken to Un force the Domain
For Her Heleasc.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 7. Action has been
taken by Secretary Wuilnoy , which leaves
no doubt as to the policy of this governmen
with regard to the case' of the American
steamer Ilnytlcn Republic , recently slozed at
Port-au-Pnncc , Haytl. The relenso of the
vessel has been demanded through the proper
diplomatic channels , and if the demand is
not complied with within a reasonable period
of titno , steps will bo taken to enforce it
Sccietary Whitney yesterday sent tele
graphic instructions to Hoar-Admiral Glen-
uardi , commandant at the Now York navy
yard , to have the ships Kichmond , Galcnan
and Yuntic prepared for sea ns soon ns pos
sible. The Idea is lo have them ready so
that Ihey can sail direct for Hayti early next
week. Orders have also been issued for
Hcar-Admiral Luce , comnianding the North
Atlantic squadron , to transfer his flag from
the Galena to the Richmond , and to use Ihat
vessel as his flagship on the expedition.
The oflleers of the state department aic , as
usual , reticent on the subject and will not ad
m it even that the release of the Huytlcn Kc
public has been demanded. Secretaiy Whit
ney this morning frankly admitted Ihat ho
had ordered three naval vessels to be got
ready as soon ns possible to start for Hu\ti.
Ilo added that the Haytien authorities , hav
ing referred the case of seizing the steamer
to this government , wo have reached a de
cision , and that , in short , is thai they have
got to give her up. It is unfortunate that
fever broke out on the Boston while she was
at Port-uu-Prmcc , and compelled her to leave
thai climale , otherwise the question might
have been settled before now.
Orders were issued morning
commandant of the Koifolk navy yard to
prepare the United Stales Slalos steamer
Oslpeo for sea service as soon as possible. It
is thought she will bo fully prepared to fol
low the olher sleaniers to Hayti within a few
It is learned this afternoon that the
action of Secretary Whitney in order
ing n licet of vessels to prepare
for an expedition to Hayti is duo , not so
much to an absolute refusal on the part of
that government to comply with the request
for the release of the soi2Cd American vessel
as to the dilatory taclics adopted by the
Haytien authorities in dealing with the ques
tion. Tlio position lakcn by Ibis government
is understood to be thai , ns the Haytien gov-
eriimenl deferred the arbitralion of the case
to this governincnl , they are virtually bound
by its decision , and that when they were in
formed by this government lhal Ihey had no
legal right to seize and detain the Hayticu
Republic , Ihey should have accepted the
situation and released the vessel. While
they hnvo not refused to do this , they are , il
is said , noting In such a procrastinating way
as to indicate a strong disinclination to accept
the Judgment against them.
Tlratly to Oo to IJaytl.
NEW Youic , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEE. | Supplies of powder and oilier
slorcs have been put on board the United
States sloop of-war Galena. A dispatch was
received by Commander Ghernrdi instruct
ing him to have the Gulona made ready to
sail on a West India voyage. The object is
said to bo the prompt settlement by the pies-
enco of the Galena of the Huytlcn question , and
the return of tlio illegally detained steamer
Haytlcn Hcpublic. The Galena is a small
vessel , carrying seven guns , including ono
oighl-inch brecch-lo.adlng rifle und six nine-
Inch smoolh-botes.
Denver and St. Joe Will Probably lie
, Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram
lo Tin : HIE. : ] The annual mooting of the
Western Association will bo held to-morrow.
Delegates are hero from Sioux City , St.
Paul , Omaha , St , Jos , Milwaukee , Dos
Moines and Denver. An important question
: o bo decided is whether the association will
DO n six or nn eight club organization next
season. Minneapolis , Sioux City , St. Paul ,
Dos Molncs and Milwaukee are the only
clubs in the association. The reprcsentu-
, ivos of the cities of St. Joe nnd Denver uro
to bo present to urge thu admission of their
respective clubs into the association. Prcsl-
lent Morton has an idea that the association
nay vote to have only six clubs In the louguo.
Ho bolluves the other managers will con
sider the St. Joe and Denver circuit too ox-
lonstvo. The other managers ill ( Tor with
Morton , however , and both Denver and St.
Joe will bo admitted.
To Push thi ) Ouihwnlto Rill ,
WASIIISOTON , Doc. 7. The house commit
tee on Pacific roads hleld a meeting this
norning and decided to'iiress the consldera-
lon of the Pacific railroad funding bill by
the house at as early a date as passible. The
committee will on Monday offer n resolution
setting ap.irt certain days for the ronsldora-
.iou of bills. Mr. Outbwuito , chairman of
ho committee , is confident of the passage of
ho bill by a good majority , if it can bo
wrought to n voto.
Woniulod In a Sword Duel ,
PAHIB , Doc. 7. Owing to a dispute at yes-
crday's meeting of the municipal council , '
wo of the members. Menorviil , Uoulunglst ,
ind Chnutomps , an Irreconcilable , fought a
duel this morning with swords. Chautouips
received a wound Inr.o \ arm.
Attorney Ncwinan'H Cabo Postponed.
CHICAGO , Doc. 7 , The contempt case ot
Attorney Newman , counsel for Lindauor ,
came up bcforo Jud o Prcndergast this
norning , but was postponed until uoxt
An AnlHt Killed.
SAUKIM , Deo. T. Mr. Wakcilcld , an artist
connected with the London Graphic , has
been killed by a shot from the Arabs who
are bcsclglng the town.
Will Increase ttio Korea.
LONDONDue. 7. The cabinet council to-day
decided to Increase tbo forces at Suaklia ,
Figures From the Report of the Su
perintendent of Education.
Considerable UnoaslncHM Among the
Settlers They May HotlM Further
Kvlotlons Sulolilo of n Spring
lllll li'nrincr.
Sohnol Statistics.
DE ? MOINKS , In. , Uoo. 7. [ Special Tclo
gram to Tin : llii : : . ] The mlruiico sheets o
the unniml roportof the state superintendent
of education uro Just out. They show n
Rtcady gain In tlio school I nullities of Iowa
Tlio whole number of nmlo toauhurs now cm
ployed in tlio state is fii , > 93 ; the iiumbor of female
male te.nchers-ls 19,673. This Is n decrease
of 412 umlcs , but nn Increase of 1173 ; females
over last year. Tlio average componsatloi
of mule teachers is * flG ( I per month ; of female
male teachers , $ ,10.03 per month. The
school population of the sUto is tli
viiled ni follows : Males , ! i'r > ,741 ; females
males , ! il3f > 07. The number of pupils
enrolled In the schools of the state is irrlbl
while the nvoraw ) uttomlanco is but .2111,070
The number of schoolhouscs is given as
lS,7fi2 , divided as follows : Frumo buildings
11,712 ; brick , 7T1 ; stone , 2'H ) ; log houses. 30.
The total value of the school houses of the
state Is placed nt $12,007MO ! , which is nn In
crease of nearly a million dollars during the
past jenr. These school houses contain appa
ratus valued nt * y.Jl5,9 > 7 , and they contali
03,109 volumes m their libraries. During the
past year there were itJ,575 ; trees sot in the
school grounds. This is the lirst year that
instruction Is required to bo given as to the
nature of alcoholic liquors , and 111,910 schools
report that temperance has been taught ns
required b.\Maw.
The DCS M nines Klvcr Lauds.
WATKHI.OO , la. , Doe. 7. [ Special Telegram
to THIS 13m : . ] It is reported from Fort
Dodge that , despite the news that the house
had passed the bill to quiet the titles of bona
fide settlers on the DCS Moines river lands ,
considerable uneasiness exists among the oc
cupants of the disputed lands , oxvmgcliiclly
to the report published in tlio local paper to
day , that Richard Siicll had returned from
Kansas City and had announced his Inten
tion to disregard the congressional action ,
and evict at once the occupants of his land.
Mr. Snell is disposed to treat'tho bill lightly ,
believing it will bo vetoed by the president.
Ho is reported as savinc that the only effect
of the bill will bo to make settlements more
difllcult , by extending delusive hopes to the
squatters , and that all writs against settlers
on the Snell lauds would bo nluecd in un
officer's hands for immediate settlement. The
settlers , at Urst disposed to go without any
show of resistance , have gathered fiesh
courage from tlio action ot congiess , and
may not easily be dispossessed.
A Snooting Affray.
DAVBNPOHT , la , , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB 13iB. ] A bloody shooting af
fray occurred in Ford's saloon in this city
about 3 o'clock yesterday. Two young men
named Chailes Iia muu aud Fred Whuor
entered the saloon and found there Frank
Hobeson , Koko Murdoch nnd Ed H. HeupUo.
A quarrel nroso between Winzer nnd Mur
doch about a girl , ana Murdoch knocked
Winzer down. Winzsr pulled n Smith &
Wesson revolver nnd commenced firing.
Murdock got n bullet in his left side.
When firing Winzer made for the doort aud
as ho reached it ho fired again at Murdock ,
but Iloupko caught the bullet in his loft
broast. Winder and Hagman then loft.
Murdock's escape from death was very nar
row and llcupko's overcoat saved him. Each
party to the affray tells a different story , nnd
the true inwardness of the bloody combat
will not bo known until the parties appear
for oxuuiinntio n.
The Transportation of Corpses.
Dns MOINES , la. , Dae. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Dun. ] The state board of
health to-day forwaidod to the National
Baggagemen's ' association some suggestions
on the subject of transporting corpses of per
sons who had died of contagious diseases.
They propose that diphtheria , scarlet fbvcr
and typhoid fever bo considered contagious ,
and the bodies of persons dying from thcso
discuses bo not allowed transportation.
Also , that undertakers bo required to pass
examination as to competency for preparing
bodies for transportation , embalming , etc. ,
and that tlio issuance ) of a false certificate by
undertakers bo termed perjury , nnd be pun
ished accordingly. The state board of
liealth wants the baggagemen's association
to co-operate in having these reforms brougnt
about for the bolter protection of the public.
ICtistern I own Horticulturists.
CCDAII HUMPS , In. , Dec. 7. Tlio Eastern
[ owa Horticultural society concluded Its
eighteenth annual session in this city last
night with speeches by local orators. The
delegates were tendered u ride about the
: lty by Mayor Mullally und were din ed by
Henry Hlgloy , at his country residence. A
hie collection of Iowa apples was displayed
ind many interesting questions discussed.
The oflleers chosen are : President , A. G.
Williams , Chest-or Center ; vice president ,
A. Branson , West Branch ; secretary , C. W.
inrton , Cedar Hapids ; treasurer , II. Strom ,
owa City ; dlicolors , Willard , Clemens ,
Jotngardnor , I'orterflold nud Gregir. The
next place of meeting is West Liberty.
Sh it the IJralconnn ,
Sioux CITV , la , Dae. 7. [ Special Telegram
o TUB llr.K.J Last night , as the Illinois
X'ntnU freight train pulled out of Storm
j.iko , Ed Wright , the brakcman , was ilred tit
by a man standing in the road Just nt the
edge of town. The ball struck him in the
forehead and came out at the back of the
icck , Inflicting a dangerous wound. Con-
luutor Walker , in the same train , was fired
at a few evening" since ut the t > amo spot.
Slio Quarreled With Her hover.
Sioux CITY , la. , Dee. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bii.l : May Glllloy , noted
voinan of the town , having quarreled with
jcorgo Bobbins , the son of a leading con-
ractor , who 1ms been supporting her , gulped
[ own nn ounce of laudanum in his presence.
la secured a physician , lmt It was too lato.
She died to-day.
Driven Inmiuu by tlio Election.
DBS MOI.NBJ , la. , Dec. 7. ( Spoolal Tele
gram to TUB BBC. ] There nro two men In
ho hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleas
ant , brought thcro slnco the election , hope-
cssly Insane from the excitoinenl of the
ampalgn. Doth uro cases of acute ninnln ,
und both are In such an excited state of
nind that thov have to ho restrained in bod.
1'ho opinion of the physicians Is that neither
vill recover. _
A Farmer Huloldo * .
SritixnFiii.D ; , la. , Dec. -Special [ Tele
gram to TUB nee. . ] William Mcycra , a
Jtormau fanner , living a short distance cast
of this place , committed suicide last night by
uttlng his throat. Ho has boon dospoaJent
or some time over the poor crops in the past
and fancied that ho was coming to want.
The coroner returned a verdict of suicide ,
vhllu temporarily Insane.
Change of Venno Granted.
WATEHLOO , la. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tolcgrnm
o TUB HBB.J The case of the State vs Mrs.
Julia Hillings , of unsavory fame , growing
out of the bensatlonal Klngsloy-Bllllnga inur-
ler case at Wavorly last winter , has been
ransfcried to this ( Black Hawk ) county , In
answer to an application for a cliango of
enuc , on tuo i/rvnuu1 of popular prejudice.
A Sn.V
of the Michigan Central
Tamper With tlio Way Hllli.
Cuictao , Dee. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bni : . ] A sensational forgery has boon
perpetrated on the Michigan Central railway
here , and some startling disclosures nro ex
pected to follow the Invcstlg it ! on , which is
now being made Not only will many of the
employes of the road bo1 removed , if their
guilt can bo established , but something not
far from kin to the county Jail will bo their
lot. One ot the biggest board of trade llims
Is also Implicated in the connivance of the
forgery as the ofllclnls of the Michigan Cen
tral believe and assert , having been between
certain employes of the road on the ono
hand , and the employes of the board of trade
ilrmon the other , nnd the compuiy i not
yet witling to say that the heads of the board
of trade concern woio entirely Innocent in
the matter. The forgery in question was
made on certain way bills on shipments of
grain to the east. The bills were made out ,
nnd charged on the basis of 2' ' cents les-
than the rnto ngrccd upon from Chicago ,
The shipments were made bj the Chicago
HI-HI , and how long they have continued no
ono knows. It is sufficient to say that Chair
man Blanchard of the Central Traffic asso
ciation , discovoicd It , and with Just the leust
bit of heat under the collar , ho hustled over
to the Michigan Central freight department
nnd informed the ngeut , Mr. Mi'ICav , of the
discovery. Mr. McKay was astounded. Ho
said ho didn't believe it , but Just the same
ho set In opointlon nearly every telegraph
wlro to HulTalo that the company had , and
the result was Hint the foigory of the \\iiy
bills was discovcied. Tlio shipments weie
stopped , and the rates collected up to their
full amount. '
The ofllcinls ot the rnnd were very reticent
this morning regarding the affair. One of
the morning p ipors published what pur
ported to bo a true report of the forgery , and
it was liintcd that instead of knowing noth
ing of the shipments in question , the road
him a thorough knowledge of them , and was
guilty of iv violation of the law ngiiln-tt dis
crimination. This morning nearlj every
freight ngent in Chicago among the Michi
gan Central's competitors was hinting that
the Michigan Central road was guilty , and
that the inter-statu commission should make
n thorough investigation. Ono of the officers
of the road , who dcslied that his name bo
not mentioned , said this morning : "The
president of the road began nn Investigation
this morning , and it will bo a thorough one.
It would surpiiso people If I named the firm
involved , but until the matter has been sifted
to the bottom the men wo believe to be guilty
shall bo nameless. Then , however , wo shill :
liuvjo no mercy , nnd will give all the facts to
the public. The Michigan Central road has
been guilty of no wrong act. Wo have simply
been imposed upon , and wo propose to make
somebody smart for it. It is not trueoithcr ,
that the shipper made an > thing , as wo dis
covered the fraud in time. "
How the Democrats are Kneeled By
the Hupuullcan Victory.
Nnw YORK , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
THE HBP. ] A Herald special fiom Wash
ington snjs : Thcro luivo been pnities
worse beaten than the democratic parly
was in November , but there never has
boon , in the history of men now living , a set
of men who felt so bully beaten as the dem-
ociutic represeutallves and senators Just
now assembled hero. Discouraged. demor
alized , disorganized are not adequate words
todescribo the condition of tiio democratic
part of congress. They have returned with
out plans , purposes or hopes. They do not
consult together. Every man is for himself.
ami no man seems to think of anything ex
cept to let the triumphant republicans do what
they please , with an occasional meek and
lowly objection and earnest determination to
get what they can in the general grab
game for their "dccstricks. " So far as the men
assembled nre concerned there Is no longer
any democratic party. If the disorganbation
which exists heio should extend to tlio rank
and file , the democratic party would bo dead.
It is probably not so bad elsewhere as hero
that is to say , the army is probably less de
moralized than headquarters.
The I'lirncll Commission.
LONDON , Dec. 7. Patrick Mnlloy , who re
fused to obey n subpajna of the Times
to give evidence before the Parnoll commis
sion , and who was arrested and brought from
Dublin , was placed in the witness box 'when
: ho commls4lou assembled to-day. Attorney
General Webster , for the Times , examined
liini at length , but did not succeed in extract
ing any evidence. On cross-examination by
Michael Davitt , Mnlloy stated that a solic
itor's clerk in Dublin had promised him
money if ho would try and criminate Davitt ,
either by tiuo or lalhc evidence. Davitt
isked witness if it was tlio comn.on belief in
li eland by the league that agents of the
Times and the government were trying to
obtain uvidenc o by bribes and threats. Jus-
tlco H.innon overruled the question.
Cross-examined by Sir Charles Russell ,
Uolloy said bo hud been humbugglm ; the
Times people nnd only intended to get what
10 could from them.
Tlio I'lipnlnr Vote.
CinniGo , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Pin : J3I.E.1 A table showing the popular
vote for picsidcnt , being official from all the
states but Colornilo.Minnesota and West Vir
ginia , gives Harrison , S , 1:14,01)5 : ) : Cleveland ,
i,5lb.-i ! : ; Tisk , 2b,5.'l ; Streeter , HO.Hillj
stuttering , i10 ! , ( ! ; Clovohuid's plurality , ! Ci- ,
r > 4. It needs but n glance nt Texas , Missis
sippi nnd ono or two other southern states to
show wticro the plurality comes in.
Hla/.o In a Depot.
PI.ATT3MOLTH , Nob. , Dec. 7. [ Special to
Tins UKB. ] A lire bioko out In the Burling-
on depot at Pacific Junction yesterday after
noon ubout il o'clock. The lira otlginatcd in
ho baggage-room und Is uuppogcd to hnvo
tiirtcil from a lighted cigar which was
hi own among some rubbish , By the aid of
lose connected to switch engines In front of
.he building , the HiiintH wcro ovtlngiiished.
-'he. damages nro estimated at about . iUO.
KoloHliihki in Detroit.
DBTUOIT. Mich. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telo-
'ram to TUB Bin : ] Father Koloslnski ,
lie Polish priest whoso deposition by
\ither Horgoss was the origin of the notor-
ous Polish riots , urilyed intoun hist oven-
ng from Dakota. Ills intention is to make ,
i personal ippcal to the new bishop , but thu'
utter will not receive him. Many of the
'olcH mill icloli/.u KoIosnmUl , and It Is foarcd
ils visit may load to renewed riots. The
minorities are fully determined to suppress
disorder ut any cost.
\Vllt Not Join.
CLIVP.IA.VI , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
I'IIB BEK , ] Spcnlilng of the formation of u
udcratlon of the railroad workers of the
ountry , Grand Secretary Kvorett of the
irotliurhood of Locomotive Hnginccrfl/Bays ;
'You can put it down us a hoax , BO fur as
ho brotherhood of engineers U concerned.
Vo have no knowledge of tlio intentions of
thcr unions und brotherhoods , but wo can
ssuroyou that thu engineers are not thinlc-
ng of uniting with any body. "
- - o
For thu Iloiiellt ol the i'oor.
NEW YOUK , Deo. 7. By the will of Uo-
toccn K , itoborUon , which was offered for
irobuto to day , the residue of her estate ,
iftor various minor bequests , Is given to es-
nbllsh a homo for enabling poor fumllleti to
i.tvo a brief bummer outing free of expense.
I'ho buqucdt amounts to half a. million dol-
Death of U' . D. Kmviml.
MIDPI.HTOW.V , N , f , , DOJ. 7. George W.
D. Howard died ut Florida , this county , this
nornlnir , atffid seventy year * , ilo wu ; a
n Other of Hosrotury of Slaio William li.
Seward und was the last survivor of his
Mnny Conflicting Rumors as to How
the Shooting CommoucoiL
Another Outbreak Iiluhlo to Occur
nt Any Tlino The ShorllV I'owor-
ICSM to I'reitM-vo Order
.Militia AHkcd For.
The SwcdfH the Ascri' inr * .
ST. Louis , Dec. 7. News from tha
sccno of the labor riots at Bevler , Mo , It
very tnciigcr , but it Is known that order hm
nt least been temporarily restoiod. Thi-ro
nro tunny conllletlug statements as to how
the shooting commenced , but the inliieneo
goes to show that the Swedes worn the ng-
grcssors. Cluules H. Thombold , the only
man known to have been shot , was still altvo
this morning , but Is not expected to survive.
The sherilT is nt Bevior with a posse , but ho
admits lie Is powerless , nnd has so notlllc'i
the governor. ThesheiilT is of the opinion ,
however , that the militia would accomplish
only tompoiari good.
1'ho latest advices from Her lor nro to the
effect that an armed neutrality still exists
and no fresh \ loloneo has occurred , but un
oulhuMk Is liable to occur nt any mlniito ,
man who pissed through Bevler
after the riot states that the
icpoit that snine KM1 ! ) to 2,000
shots weio Ilred is not igu'eiuted , us is
evident by the bullet proforatetl building In
the vicinity of the depot.
Adjutant General Jmnicsou left St Louis
this morning for the soeiio of the dHUiibi
mice at I'ovier , in response to telecuiphio
oidois from ( lovuriinr Morohouso The iron-
rral stated to an Associated Press reporter
that the militia would not ho called out unlcsi
it was found absolutely necossarj to take
siii'li n stoji
A 1'ost-Dispateh fipecinl from .leffoispti
Citvsajsthe slierilt of Mncon couiilj hai
sent a telegram to the governor saj mg ho i $
powerless to control the outlawry Unit exists
nnd urges the governor to semi nt once
sufllociu foico of militia to pioseivo the
peace and lives and piopettv of clti/mm.
' 1'he governor will take no action until ho
heais ftom Adjutant Cicncral Janiicson.
A from Mncon , Mo , says that all ij
quiet nt Bovier , Mu , wtiero a bi r.ot eco ir ,
\Vcdnesdiii night. Sheriff Ljdmroeelvoil
n telegram from Adjutant Ooncral Jameson ,
who stopped olTut.lofleison City , announc
ing that ho would arrive in Bovier to mor
row and his leanest for militia would then
be acted upon. Sheriff Lydia remained In
Hovior to-night for the puiposoof scolnff
that peace was mninlaiiied. The shurilT is
convinced that thcro is no remedy save in
the presence ol militia , until some adjust
ment of the differences between the iiiino
owners and operatives can bo i cached , ilo
expresses the opinion that , unless the gov
ernor nets promptly , the dlsj'raceltil scenes
of Wednesday night will bo repeated.
. Whitney IJo-itivoly Denies the
Truth of ScaiuiulotiH Storlcw.
Cinrviio , Dec. 7. [ S | eelal Tolecrnm to
Tin : Hn : . ] ThoTribuno this uiorntng prints
alongdismtch from Its Washington corro-
spondetit relating to the scandalous stories
which for tlio past year have been indus
triously flruulntcd regarding the domestic
relations of Pi eildcn't Cleveland , and whu'h
were made conspicuous again a short titno
ngo by the publication of their nauseating
details in a Now York paper which is mi- |
posed to bo the president's organ. The
Tribune's correspondent cnlleii on Mrs. Sec
retary Whitney , who has been Mia. Cleve
land's most intimate friend in Washington ,
and In response to a iciiucst for her opinion
of these stories , she tallied to him at length ,
making the most positive and unqualified de
nial of them in their entirety. Shu rolato'l
many charming incidents of the president's )
home life , which go to shut ?
that stories as have been
ciieulatcd are manifestly nbsuid. Kegaid-
Inglho picsidcnt hlniHclI , Mrs. U'hitney sild
thai the stones that the pM\siilent becoinei
Intoxicated ficqiiently are false as ull the
rest. Ho is a tempoi.ito man. She could
jiot uudors'nnd how people could give
eredenco to tlio stoiies about him , for ho il
gentle and considerate. Mrs Cluvi'land , she
said , has been kept in Ignorance of most of
thcso stories and bus never known the full
extent to which the hideous scandal hug
grown. After the Mass iclius ills nun slue
had made public his story last spring , shu
wrote a nolo , which was given tu the piona
at thai time , saying how happy Inn1 life was ,
and later her mother wiolu a kind nolo
about her son ill-law. Mis. Clcvoland baa
not known bill that thcsu Hlateinents wcro
sufficient to kill the scandal. Mis. Whitney
gave the lopoiter full permission to nuolo all
she had said and hoped II would bo tlio last )
of the Money.
The Ollloial Kiunrco.
NrYOIIK , Dec. 7. The following is tha
result of the official state canvass of the votu
for pi evident in Iho states ol Georgia , New
Hampshire , Vermont und Uhode Island'
fJi'orgia Hairlson , icpiililicaii , lO.-i.V ] ;
Cleveland , democinl , 1110 , 17J ; KiHlc , proliilii-
llonlht , It0i ; Cowdrey , united libor , 1 i ;
total vote , ll'-.bJii. Cleveland's iiluralily ,
XPW Ilmnpihlro Harrison , repnbliean ,
l.l.rJS ; Cleveland , democrat , -3t.'iS ! ; I' islf ,
prolubilloniHt , 1 .r > i5 ; btreelur , union Inlur ,
4. , Cuills , Amoriciin , U ; Bcalterint' , I ; total ,
Uii.710 Hurribon'H ' plurality , a.iliO.
Vermont IIurriHon , iciiiibllcaii , 11 VU ;
Cleveland , domoeral , KJ,7hS ; Fudt , piohiliij
tiontst , l.lliU , hcattorlmr , .Jft ; total vote , D.l- ,
lifi. . Harrison's pluralily , ao.WM.
Uhoilulslanil il.irrmoni roimbllcan.319 ;
C'loviihind , di'inoi-iMi , liWU , ; Kisk , piolnbi-
tioniht , l.tiil ; Cowdroy , united labor , 17 ; scat
tering. i ! ; total vote , W,7 < 0. llarribon'd
plurality , -1U ( I ; rimjoiity , i ) 130.
'J ho .Money Hcoovered.
N8iivii.i.i5 , Ton ii , Dec. " . The man who
htole # 1 , 00 in silver from a lot of coin ln'inif
transmitted bv oxpiess from the New Oi
lcans mint , to the truaaury at Washington ,
has been iound , the inonoy recovaiedamliliu
man u'lerwed. H. C. t'lslior , superintendent
of the Southern l'\prcns company , wurkeil
the ciiho up , lot1 itfd the mini iiml recovuieil
iheinniuiy , finding II jn : i trunk ut Bowilni ;
( jreen , Ky. Finhur llally de > linen to gi vo thu
inan'H mime , haying It Is hU lli'nt olTunso ;
that he In of good family and us the money
him been recovered there Is no use of ftayln , ;
any moru about it.
Nnlllviin OuillunjiCH Klli'.iln.
Nr.w YOUK , Doc. 7 John L. Sullivan today -
day challeiujc'd J.iko Kilfain to light him no-
fordlnj , ' to the 1-itcst lu'es ' of ttio Lonuijn
pri o ring fur ? IOOJO u sdo. ! thu battle lo
lake phico hlx months from .signing arllclos ,
ut a place hrrcafter iniitiiully nvicoil upon.
As (3vldcnco of the giviiilnonuss of tin ) offer ,
Kulllv.m ilejiatiitPd $ , OUU with the editor o-f
the New York Clipper.
Hlilpwrouluul hallorH Itefioued.
Ni.w YOIIK , Dec. 7. Tim hark Artemtia
bioughl to jioit thlii morning four Burvlvora
of a crow of uuvun of the t > ihonncr Kttiol
Ouvio , caiisUed Novembar ari of Capo HaU
terns Tim other three were droVnod. Tha
four mon were picked up niter bulng on a
i aft without fond or drink four days. They
weie i
Miilors Will .Mcol.
MI.SNKATOI 11 , J oc , 7 Today a oall ; ran
made bj the Nmtlnyostcrnllllor for a ictut-
Inr of the miller ? of thu United States , to ba
hehl at Mlhv.'uki o , Di'combcr 17 , to consider
the h.luto of traiio. A laruit uUeiuiuncu U
g i.ii'tni'- ( I Oy thu jnlll"ic Irpir.
tuo un./ . . .