Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No AcivcrtlRoiiitMitn will be taken Ibr
( lie-Re columns nftor ISiilO p. ni.
Tcrntfl UiiNli In advance.
Advertisements under this head 11 conn per
Jlne for the flr t inn-Ulon. 7 rents lor each mib-
teqnent Insertion , ami ii.fli ) line tx > r uionui
Nofldvntlftrnicnt taken for less tlmn2. > ccnts
Ilin llr l .nnrtlon. Seven vonbi wlllbuinuntea
to thp lines they must run coriseriitl- ely and
sntiftl bo l > ftld InAHVAMIJ. All advertise-
incut * liiunt b > handed In bclore 12:3.o clock p.
> n , nnd under no < IreinnRtances will they ba
inkon or discontinued by telephone
' wilumns nncl liav-
I'artios ndvt-rtlsliii : In the-o
Inif their answers mldro-spil In care of I n K NEC
vill plenBo nik fora cht-rk to enable tut-in to get
their It-Hern , us none will be delivered except on
jircFeiititlon of thuck. All answers to mlver-
tlwiiicntHPhonldbo enclosed In envelope' .
All nchcrtlifinents In then/ ) column * arc pub-
Milled In both morning and evening editions of
TIIK llur the circulation of which aggregates
morn tlinn IK.CHJU papers dally , and gives thuad-
benefit , not only of the city circu
lation ofTni ! lint , lint also of Council Hindi ,
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
Ihli section of the country.
Advertising for UIMO columns will bo taken
rnthonbove conditions. at thn follow Ins tmsl-
net-RhoH'-e-c , who nre nuthorl7ed HRcnt" for TUB
JiLKfrpcelnl notlres , nnd will qnoto tha same
rule * im rim lie lincl nt HIP main olllco. _ _
OlIN W. 1IKLL. l hai niaclit , b35 South Tenth
_ _
7fAHr. & itOV : , Stationers and 1'ilutors , I1.J .
C South IfJth .street
Sll. I'AUNSWOIITII. l'harmnclstill5Cum-
Ing Street.
\\T J. IIUUIIUS , 1'harmaclst , C21 NoithlSth
V > Btrcot
OHO. W. PAHH , 1'harmaclst , la-JSt. Mary's
WANTI'.D-Sltuatlon by n trusty young
hcotcliiiKitiii yeow In cmo place. 'ITior-
Atiglilr iindorst.'uuH his liuslnuss. Mrs. llrego ,
: ill'.S. 1'.th st. < I.T 7
CIJNTMIMAN of experience , with city ref-
creiue , AVHII'S ' n sltunilon as traveling sales
Oinil Addiess Led , llooolllre. if ' *
\\rANTlII ) Tosltlon as honsolceeiior. Ail-
> drcHS I , M ) , llee. OS 7t
\\'AN'I III ) Hltuatlon bv man wlio has had
t experience In meat nmikiit and giocery
hti r Acldless.l.Bl" N.-4th st , Oinuliii. I17U U4
ITfATlON wonted by a young Dane. Hobcr
anil willing to do nnv kind of work around
Jiotol ; can give good refeieuro. Address ! , * , ! ,
Jioc. \ ! mc *
WANTKD Situation by a llrst class bread
nnduiko baker. Steady man. Address
1,10 , llco. 7'
1 JOSI'I ION by lady as stenographer and typo-
JL writer , nddieis L ! Uev1. lfH-1' ' *
AN oxporlenrcd gents' fnrnlshlns man , win
dow dresser or lloor waliter.desires position
with llrst class hoiisj , Ii50 Ileuollice. il..i-7t
ANTUD-Poine Kind of work evenings byn
young man employed as stcnopinpher
flurlng the dny. Address I. JJ lice olllc e. 214-S ?
V\'ANTIJO Position bva
\ keeping , or anything wheiou good and
speedy writer Is rnnilreu. Address for ona
\\cck to 1.17. llco olllre. I'M n *
ANT1ID ( ! uod Swede boy , one wlur Ihes
nt home. , I1H S 10th st. -Mil li
rANTP.I ) I ( lerinon waiter , $ ; 1 took ,
llrxt ; iltlnneis , fVl ; I teamster. W . II.
Jl Waiuloll , 40N ! Ibtll st. 40U U *
\\7ANTI2D-Asslitant bookkeeper. Adcliu s
lu own writing , nud ualary e.\i > ectod , M ' ,
lice olllce. 1135
_ _
- - 3gulvnnl7ed Iron cornice work
ers. Hnemplug& llolto , 811 l-'aiimiu st.
" \7lfANTKD-An active , well rHCommuuded
IT boy for let.ill stole , wagej Ji.'X ' ) week. Address -
dress 1.07. Iku Olllce. . M I. "
\\fANTKI ) A girl for general housework ,
> > washing and Ironing , it : I S. r.tu stivut.
; ;
" \\TANT13D-rwo good men to f-c-ll a line line
YV of specialties ; good Inducements. ( all51t
P. V.thfct.
WANTKD once , one llrst-clusn continu-
ker ; bteadv work and gooil prlcea. Addioss
C. M.Hmlth. i\et : ? r , Nub. Ulitse
T\rA NTKD-MeTrior railroad work. Al-
> blight a Labor Agency , 1U.1) ) i'aruum.
tl > V >
WANTl'D Incannescent wlremen : experi
enced men only. Knqulra for C. It. 1'iede-
lick , nuw llee bulldlne. K\ \ &
MANCFACTruiNH and who'.esulo llrm want
superintendent In Omaha. Salary of f..OHO
nnd commissions to right party ; must huvoen-
tlio charge of flO.UJU to Jln.UOJ stock of goods
nnd Ununces. Cash deposit of * JOll to * : > , < m
nncl rcfernncss leciuliccl. Jewell , asVnlmsli
avenue , Chicago. gtxl tit
" \1i7"ANTED 11 or 4 good salesmen. Stoacly po-
TT fcltlon to light parties. Call or ni1itret < s
F. I ) . Carlyle , lit ! South 12th street , Lincoln ,
Kel ) . S.VW
SA I < 1SM I5N wanted Klvo tra ellng salesmen ;
halary ami expenses ; no nxperlenco necos-
i ary. Addtcsy , with ttamu , I'ulmer Ac Co , Wl-
noiii..Mlnn. 15-.I lot
"l\7ANTED SIv good cornice men. Jumihe
T > \Vestorn Cornice Works , 15th St. , bat JacK-
1,011 an cl Jones , IWU
\7lV.\NTBD Few men to canvass , full line of
Tt houpehold specialties , rBfareucos ruiuilied.
io\ell M'f'g Co. , cltd. ) 1 N Will. Wl IS
WANT1JDAgents In every towni In the
west for our oil burners for cooking and
heating stoves. Send utamp for catalogue.
Patterson Oil llumer Co. , J13 S. J2tu it. Oinulm.
Keb. '
' - to sell our
goods by mtinplo to the \ \ holesale and retail
ttado. Largest manufucturers In our line. Kn *
close " -cent atainn.Vnges H per day. 1'euna-
iient position. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wagc-s , aclvuitlslnir , etc. r nten-
ulal .Mcu't'K Co. . Cincinnati , Ohio. IXi J a M )
TTSTANTLD A state manager to open olUce in
each of the following citlBb ; Topeka , NaMi *
vlllo and Lincoln. Neb halury , Sl.tVJci per year ,
Must Jmest * IAK ( ) . Address , Ucoico S. I line ,
V.qgner Hlock. ties ? tolnef , la , _ Ii7
"X HUNTS \ \VANTl'.D- a month nnd eT-
Jiienses paid any active person to boll our
KOOIIN ; no capital , siilury monthly , expenses In
niUaiice , particulars free. Standard Sllvurwinu
Co. Hoslon. iws
B OVb Am. Dlat. Tel. Co-
v\ \ ; ANTKD Maii to taVo the agency of our
1 ; sizeSPxlfxlH Inches ; viiliht WO His ;
lotullmice ! . " > ; tthcr sizes in proportion A
raioihunco aud pfrmanont buslnesti. Thesu
afcs meet a cleiuaud never before Mipplli'd by
olhur safe companies , as wo am not guvernc'd
bj the tufo pool , Alplno&afe Co. Cincinnati , O ,
" 1,17ANTKD Good life , nsurauce soilcltois
T with bank re'eronc rf , are \\-anted by tha
Union Mfe at 401 Mcich.iuts' national imuk
liulldlng , Omnhn , Olllco houi-j 8 to 10 a. m. and
_ tot ) p.ui. _ 1)7j ) _
WANT1SD A man to bollclt ; eulury * HX ) per
mouth ; must deposit ( U5 andgh Fccurlty
for moner i-ollected. Aildrcts Ueorgo S. I'llne ,
Wanner block. Uus Moliiu * . la. UK
l7"ANTiO-A : till forTTousowoik. Apply Ml
T 1'uUllcst , 4l i6t
\\rANTKI ) 1 dlshnasherJJcooku.l laumlitis ,
T ) 20 girls for general housen oik. 11.11. SVau-
dell. 403 N ICtli at. im tip
ANTKD-A good girl to ttork at l
Uodgo st , M : M
WANTni-2 girls on farms ; nice , neat
working housekeeper from 25 to ilj to tnku
entire charge , tclow with daughter prof erred :
nlio 2 competent girls for fumllles of 3 out ot
i'ty | , t2taro pnlcl ; glrU for Ashland , Oreen-
vupd , I'liittsmoutL. i'nllorton : a ) forjiem-ral
hoiikowork. Mrs. llrega , UI4i ! S. 15th. ; ) UIO'
\\rANlT.O-Olrl for general housework. S.\V ,
T > cor.32d r.iHl CalifuriilitalH. iJll
WANTIID Voting ludy stcnoifrnpher ami
tyi > ewrltor. Hillary J40 llrst 'mouth. Address -
dress h 5.1. core ot liee oillce. ar , Bt
A UOOD Hcnuiltnarlan girl about n years old
can get a good place at Itfll tonin 10th st.
WANTHO First-class nuUt-muker ; ciill ut
rooms 1 and 2 , Jncoba blocn , s. K. cor. Utli
and Capitol ave. 31 r.-i. Muude Marti. LU' , 6 *
U I UHT-M AKUItS , It. N. llurgess , Shreiv block.
n iiiL'L
_ _
WANTED Oood girl for general hou \ork ,
Uermau pieferrud , n VN cor. 20th uud Wvb.
* \\rAM'KU A compotout ptrl for general
IT housework. Uerman preforrad ; mmt ho
iroort cook and laundress ; referenced teciulicd ;
ShUrt-niokera , 11UJ tarnum HI.
i 0
" \\7 ANTKD A goveraeM who can Mieak
VI Kreiich , Oeunan.una is arcompllihed in
> ocal aud lottruuiciuul music. AdJro-u llox j-i ,
C'tV. . tiV
. < & A * "
"TANTTin Oood ncrmnn girl tor central
> housework. 2415 Ht. Marys ave , SiM-n }
\\7ANTKD-Alnar to solicits
> > and give security for money collected.
8. cilne , Wagner block. Oes
. 'pareil to do fashionable dre-uunnfclnir at
| most moderate prices nt 117 N ICtli et 015 il ; *
I I NOAOIJMI'.NTS to do ( IrvssmnUtiK In
.lyftunlllos solicited. Miss Stunly , 2017 Leaven-
worth st. 271 i "i
VT Klll'ASKH ntnplojlneut onice , 317 N Ifithst ,
C NAIHAN Employment nnice. Mi a. llregn.
ail'JS. ' Hotel uncooinaha National bank.
4r7cl'iir !
IJOAItDnixl rooms , 1812 Chicago st
rpA ll'liVf boarders wanti'il , ltJJ Douglas
) Horses at I'ura\ bara.0i rum-
Ing st. Coma and got prices. O. A. Powoll.
-CSood ilrhlni : horsa to keep
through the winter for his u e I'nqtllra lit
ATrty lor's. J. C. lilailden , tins M
\\7 ANTKH Iloanl by lailr. Kent nnd llttlo
V ? ( 'Ul lu a neat , respectable place ; huly do-
shei to work for her bond. Address I. M. lice.
iUO ( it
A CTI\T younij business man \ 1th few limits-
- Vnnd dollars \\ould buy lntoiest 111 desirable
buslnoss , I , ul lleootllcp ' ! > ' 1
"IV ANTHU A gentleman room mate , splen-
T did room. - team and bath Kofi-ronco
exclmnged. Addresn Ii.Villco. n(7-7J (
\\7ANTKD Several peed loans for special
i r fund. Mutual Investment Company , room
1 , Darker block. : ilUll
W PANTKD A horse to use for kceu during
winter. HoxCMI * . U. 2J1-
" \\7ANTUn YoliiiB ladles and gentlemen to
VT know they can obtain a thorougli and
practical knowlnclKo of tolegrapny , titling thorn-
wives In H .short tlmo for cootl paying positions
nt the Illectilc I'elfgiaph school , liooms oJS
and ( "J I'axton block , cor lilth and st.
149 (17 $
T\lANTrD : Horse ? to winter. I liavn uoconi-
> > modutions for 200 himdrecl horses ut
Omaha lair grounds , having Inrgo yards for ex-
urnstui ; during thu clay ; each n < > r < 6 lias a large ,
warm box stnil at ntglit. . A , Thomson. Omalu
f.tlr grounds. .t'i" d U
\\rArfTKli Ilorsoand buwy for winter for
> r their keeping. Inquire IJIS r.irnuiu.
" \IiiNTINK'SSlio : rtlmtid anu Typewriting
Iii'titute , New I'axton bnlldliiir , Omaha ,
Nub. Tne oiih axiluslvtj , legltlm no shorthand
sthool In the state. Over one liuti'lred gradu
ates in good sltuiit Ions. The school is under
tne inunagoment of C. C. Valentlno.olllclal stcn-
oginjihtruf judli'lal district of Nobiaska.
and I'ror II. It. lloylean experienced teacher
und voibatlm rfrpotter. Day and exiling ses
sions , btudeuts tun enter at any tlnia Send
forcirculam. 1)1015
HJ3NT A tomfortablo house with 8
rooms , p.mtry , large chisels , splendid cel
lar , city water , .sewerage nnd near busings
centre ; mocleratn lent. John 11. 1' . Lelnnann ,
T71OH ltr.NT-A 3-story brick dwelling. 1'KM
Ju Capitol avo. Apply to C. II. Uulou at the
Chicago Lumber Co. * 371
I71OH HI3NT $15 , new fi room cottage , well ,
-L1 cMern. cellar , largo barn , It-Id and Hamil
ton. Apply to N. l'redrlcken 10W Howard.
TjlOH HENT in Popploton park , new7-room
J house with cltj water , at ? IS per month.
Apply to It. H. OulKl nt Cummercial Nat. Hunk.
! 118 7t
FOll HUNT At very low latos. 10 and II new
residences , 24IJ1 and 114 Cuss stieot , Clarfc
Place. Ouo block south of Cielghton rollego.on
t'liniam nnd l-ltli street car line , j All modern
lmpro\ements. Apply , H.T. ClarK.Union Trutt
Co , or at U140 Cuss st. KU7
HUNT New 8-room house , oil-llnlsh ,
odern com enlencos. Healthy locality.
Very cheap nt K5. SlUSeward. 317 Ut
HOCSIlof Oiooins , city water , veil and cis > -
tern , 1507 Mncllson n e. , * A ) . Inimlro. .Mrs.
51. 11. Cowan , 150J Madison avo. UMJ ! )
"fjlOH ItfiNT 7orO-room house , 1701 Jackson
JJ t. i a u
_ _
TlToH HKNT Houses , ston-n und tints ; from
JO $ i ) to t-TO per month , to desirable tenants.
7 room house , with stable , i > J.
B room Hat , bath , gas. etc. , * J5.
Store , IK ) ; Park ave , with basement , inclusive
of water , ISO.
I ) room house , 2"ill Chicago St. , fj" ) .
Oroom house , stable * , etc . $ JJ.
Store rooms on St. Mary's ave , fU to 15.
Two splendid II room residences , furnaces ,
ranges , mantel , laundry , very desirable loca
tion , 175 and $ K > .
11 room residence. 2113 Casi St. , $70.
Nine room house on Saunders nnar Pratt
street , hot and cold water , bath ami closet ,
stable for two hoisos , Seven room house same
location , city water , good sUblo. lloth houses
very desirable.
C. 13. Jlaync. Heal Kstato & Trust Co.
"VT-W house of 7 rooms , in good locality , barn
-L > for four hor&oi , ta ) per month. Apply at
once. C. F. Harrison. > iorchants' Nat.
FOH HKNT 8-roora cottage , j 'j.OO per month.
1515 Hanieyat. ai )
TTIOH HUNT Cottage , 441 Convent flt. Imjulro
JU 1 , ' IJncksonst. isi
T7IOH HKNT Furnished house ; 8 looms ; nil
J ? Improvemuuts. F. H. JlcConnell , wa Paxton -
ton block. 111 1-7
( ill IIF.NT New 8 loom house , with barn ,
1C13 8 uud st. west side Hanscom park. City
water. Call at icons l-'arnamst. 1(117 (
CTOH 11I3NT S-room housu , $14. G. 13. Thomp-
J noil. 212 Bheeley block. 118
BEAUTIFUL 8-room house , gas , city water ,
bath room , hot ana cold vrater , on paved
streets with street car. near a good school , only
Ml per month. The honso is now. Apply ut
once. C. T. Harrison Mercnants' Nat. bane.
HUNT House of B rooms , KM and Cass.
Inqulie Itoom f > 08 , Sheolej block. S" 1
. . _ HUNT At very low rates. 10 and 14 new
revldcnc.u3. 2101 aud 2414 , Cass street. Clarke
1'ltico. Um > block south of Crelghtou college , on
1'urnam and 21th street car lino. All modern
improvements. Apply , II. T. Clark Onion Trust
Co. , or at 2420 Cass street 014
HUNT A 6-room Hat. llrst lloor. over
J 1U17 llowaidst. Imiutro C. V. Shaw. 1U15
Howard st. UUd
"TJiOIt HKNT House and Iwrn.IIanvcom plato.
llairiH , room 411. First .Na.t'1 bk hldg. ICT
UJinNT | No. 1411 a 7th nvo. , aulw5-
ruom house In good ropnlrt rooms newly
papered und painted ; nlceyurd : line cistern
wnter. Kent J2.5 a month. I'oisosslon given at
once. Apply to HcHI'3 10th st. pharmacy.JW
I'Oll HUNT - U-room modern improved honsu
A 1 locality. Iient moderate. Apply. M. El-
KUtter , Kill Farnani at. _ at. I
OK NTS reduced , n to 10 room houtes all parts
Llotclty. J. H. 1'anotto , 1000 Clilcago.74iJd1
TTlOi ; UKr\T lly nojwoitli & Joplln , llnrser
X ! block , U. 4. 5. if , 7 , H. U , IU , 11 , It-room houses
In all parts of the city. (173 (
ft UOOM house , 3. ; . ' ! Ut st , , near bhot tower.
TT1OU HKNT New 8-room house vilth nil mod-
J-1 ern Improvements , for. Hickory and ( loorgliv
are , pricu i.6. inquire 121 j Luavunnorth ut
T710U HKNT House b rooms 2221 Ca sst , cot
JU tage 3 rooms lUth and Hickory. Incmlre room
hculey blk. 131
HKNT-IIouses-7 room , aith and liar-
Jney ! : 10 rooms. 21st and Locust ; 7 rooms ,
12th uud Jones ; U room * , 19th and Martha.
I.limhiin&.Mahoney , I'axton block. 844
TTIOH HKNT 8-rooni House and barn , 8 K cor
X1 ftth ave and Webster st. 9U per month. In.
qulro cu > 1'axton block , I' , J. Creodon , ITU
8IlOOM fratne , Ko. ailD HiuulUoii Bt. , J27.W.
i.euvltt nurniiam , No. 1 Crelghlon blocg. WJ
FOH HUNT When jou wish to runt a noase ,
store or ollice call on iu. H. U. Cole , room
6. Contluuutal block. 1177
TTIOIt HHNT troom house , 2113,7-room notue
JJ MriU'oppletonave. Oeo. I , Gilbert , With-
EUH HUNT10rooin li'iuie with bteam heat ,
ufJtl 8. 24th st. O , K. 'lliorapeou , Sheely
block , 15th and Howard su. 1)7U )
TT10U IIBM Now -room house , all modern
JU1 improremenU , 2Sd and Chicago sts , . rout
reasonable. Inquire llln I'ainam Bt , 4J
171011 ItUNT 4-room house , KJ a. ISlh.
J : | uoa oat
VTICKLV furuUhod rcoui , UU Howard.
T > OOMS-FlMt-cl ss homo board. 171 * Dodge
. "
I710H HURT Furnished , ulceplng rooms , SS
JJ upwards month , payable weekly or month
ly , WAI Howard. g7 | 0 *
* OQ LFiT Furnished room , 2100 Douglas M.
.L ,1S112 *
17011 HUNT liooms suitable for two gentle-
JJ men , steam heat. 1TJ1 Davenport nt.U.K3
U.K3 10"
room , steam heat , 231U Douglas st.
3 , " ! *
N'IGKl.Y furnl lied "iilte of front rooms Vjlth
xtenm hcnt nnd ga. , modern convenience * ;
board if desired ; references required ; siiT
liouplas. . , J7 f *
17IOU " HRNT rnrnHidl fi out room , ground
JL" lloor of cottage , with Move , 414 N. llth st.
, 41. ! 7 >
niNISHKD room with board In pil.-ate
family , < ! a , b.ith and f unuiti- bent In house
Near cable lino. 411 Hi
Ffl HNIHIIKD room Ith board , liniulro of r.
I' . Hull , taiu rarniim st. 410 128
ITIOH Itr.NT Two neatly funilshecl rooms ,
.1 ? gy > I'arnam st. TO Ot
irU'ltNlSIIKD loom- , steam heiU.roi S lHh.
J-1 ' . ' .1 Hour. SSI 12
loom for two gentlemen , day
- ' board , 22i ) N 10th. ti74 4.9
FOIt HUNT Kleuant lieu o , steam heat , etc ,
iniinli e I'.at Davenpoi t at. bMi 10 ;
STKAM heat , KUS and bath , nncl 2 pleasant
. _ looms with board , 201 saith ht. JU.ll
F IOH ltr.NT-l urnlshed rooms with llr t-
cluss board at Mill I Douglas. IltXl II *
T710U HUNT l.legnnt large trout loom ; best
JL liicntlonjhc'nt , hot urtil cold water bath nncl
good hoard. In' stilrtly prlvat" tamilv. Hef-
urences required. 1721 Cupltol avo. . ! l7 7
"iriOIt HKNT-Ono eloga7it7y fnrnisheii back
Jc,1 parlor , with bonid. StoainIient and pus.
1'or ra'es call or adilioss Mix. II. Itniulull ,
YKDcwlgost. \ . IBS 11 *
fTOU IIBNT Two large nirelj furnished con-
JineotlUR rooms , with bath and convenience * ,
suitable for four gentlemen or housekeoplmi ,
* T > , cir separat" Jill und fit. 8. W. Corner , llth
nml Howatil. entrnnco on Howard. 241-Oj
FOH HKNTTwo or three rooms llcht honso-
keeping , f mulshed , 202)1 ) St. Mary's'ave. .TRl 7 *
" 111011 HUNT 2 front looms on second lloor ,
JL1 JI3.O1 each. 1SI. ' . Hurnoyat. 250
AiiAHfll * elegant south room very nlcoly
fiirnlsheil ; furnace heat anil ovoij modem
coiivenlunce. One-half block from cable cars.
2107 Douglas st. W9
ONH sulto of l.nmlsomo rooms alcgantly
furnished for rent to " gentlemen 01 nmn
anil wife with or without bourd. lleferonces
oxchanged. 1117 N 20th st. ! U2-'Jt
" 1J10H HUNT--Large and small furnished
JL rooms near the \ > . O , p2 ! ! Doilgn. : ) l."i "
1710H HUNTAn ulepmtly fuinished room or
JL1 sultn of rooms \ \ tth bo.ucl in a private fam
ily. All conveniences. Cms pass the door
cvory tliroo to Uvo minutes. IlKferenc'cs Ite-
qnlieil. I'liqulie looms .118 and 510 I'axton blk.
HKNT 2 front looms v\lth Ilrst-cl.ihs
board nt 1,111 Ilowaid. 2SU Ot
ONK nicely fiunlshod room with heat , suit-
.iblo foi two gentlemen , $11. 1510 Hamey.
KOOMS with board , fninacc , 013 S. Ipth st.
: ; IH j at
A VKNUK liooms At 1(113.incl ( 101 * Cupitol avo.
xxsbloccs froml'.O..newly liirnlshed , prlvato
boardliiclioust'.plcasant looms , all couvcnicncos
FOll KENT fuinished looms with bath gas
and heat. 2227 Dodge st. 233
FritNISHKI ) or uafiirnlshed rooms. UK )
Doilco st. next block to pnstollice. from JtJ
upwurcls. Imiuiie loom 8 or 142,1 Douglas st.
room 2. OOld'Jl
DDSlKAUI.r. lurulshcd ioi m , 2210 Davenport
st. 77H W > t
front loom , $ S. 1811 Davenport
FOU ItKNT I'urnlshecl room. Heat , gas and
bath. 110 S. 2Jth. OU
front rooms In one of the finest residences
dences iu the city , centrally located , steam
heating , gas , with use of bath room , on Dec. 1 ;
reft'icucesrecmlicd. Imiulia 721 < . Vithst 511
A SOUTH pallor and Dedroom , suitable for n
lady nncl jrqntleman , or two or three gentle
men > mocU-r.ito terms and llrst-class' Hoard.
25,11) ) St. Mary's nvo. 4iV >
"VTICEliV furnished rooms all modern con-
J-i venleuces , also bo.ircl , 1003 Douglas. Jll
Ifibll KENT Furnished rooms in ( Ireunlg bit
JL ? cor. L'lth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. U. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 080
LAHOE pleasant room , lurnlahed , brick flat.
HllJCtilcasott V81
UKNT-A suit ot unfnnilshcd roomf > , sult-
Foil for light housekcoplng. No. D12 N. Hth.
SUNFUHNISHKD rooms for housekeeping- ,
U ! ) N. 14th. 231 C'
TJIOll KENT 4 or fi unfurnished chambers for
OJ liousekeepIn.K , lil'J N 17th 8C. 147 1
rTNFlIUNISHKn-FultablB for nuiisoseepme.
L < Throe H ) rooms. 1027 N. 2Jth st 12 W
Four (4i ( rooms , 41,1 S. 1'jtlmt 27 of )
Three t3) ) rooms , 1 IWS. Un st 1000
Thiccxilirooms , ] or > N..Dth st 1000
'ihiea.1)rooms.iimi ( ) N.2ithst ) 11 OJ
Three ( .1) ) rooms , 1010 N. 21st st 10 M
Three (31 ( rooms. 707 I'aclllc st 11 50
Three < : rooms , 1410 Piorcoht 1000
TnreeCI ) rooms , Tmi'aclilost 10 IX )
Six ( (1) ( ) rooms. lOii N , 20th Bt , . . . . 22 W )
Judge Hcntlns Agencys.w. cor. lUrnor and
l&thsts. Itoom 1. up stairs. US2
17OU HKNT The best location In Omaha for
JL' an exoliiBlvollnoof gloves. It has no equal
for ladles' trade. Addiega Ij 6 , lieo olllce.
a 77t
OK IlBNT Port of store In the tlnof t loco-
tlon In Omahu for piano and organ Bales-
rooui. Address Ii 70 , Hee Oilice. ; Witt
OH BENT Two stores , 621 nnd KSt North
lllth st. Inquire nt the building. Henry
Oatholf. 3)1 !
5710K JICNT An elcuant store room with fine
-L' baaemcnt on 15th st. Kent very low to right
party ; Rtc'iim hc-at and water incliUcd , Apply
ut I..K. Douglas st. . & &
FOH HKNT-OniceBUlte * 24 month , S Mngle
oilicei | | 5 encn. all fioutluz Ibth st UuHn-
mnn block , N. K. Cor. IBth antt DoncUi.Y. . M.
Bushman , 1311 l.cnven-n ortS. l > 30
TITIOU * URNT 5 olllco rooms In Hedlck's block ,
JL1 IJifJ-lfill Kurnam st , on2d lloor ; one ollieo ,
east front , onM lloor. over Omulm Hanking Co ,
biuil : . cor. l.'th Ht und Harnoy t > t. Inquire at
lull Fauum Bt. , loom B. I'aulson & Co. 4ii2-
"I710H Itl'NT One storo-room. one bakery , cor.
JL1 I'ark ave. and WoniHorth uve. incitiiro
Thos. K. Hull. C17 1'uxtcm building. I'fS '
Trj-OirTfUNT Stbreroota , No. 2U S. 14th Bt7 AD .
JL' plvut mu Howuidst. _ .I3J
OH HENT 3 mores on 10th' and Loavea
viorth , apply GauU ot Onuha. _ 3B >
ll-OIt Itr.NT-llrlck store , Hat above , 2tth and
J. Hamilton , dexlrablo busluesa' location. Lcci-
vltt lUirnham. room 1. Cralahton block. 'JS5
. J. Paul , lfl > ) Parn , st. IIousos , stores ;
etc. for lent. \M \
Ii Kl * special attention to renting and ro-
l c line rents , list with us. H. 12. Cole , room
0. Contlnoatal block. _ US'
GKounr. j. BTKiixsDOitrp , room . opp. p.
U. , will hereafter give special attention to
ruiitlni ; hoiusH. ntorea and ilnU , It you want
your property rentad without delay audio rull-
able tenants , do not fall to list the same with
him. um
If YOU wunt your UOUKM rrntect piacn them
with ilonuwa it Co. , 15th , opposite poitonice.
ONU MII.IJON ACRK3-Stocft men. atten
tion. The Union 1'aciUo Italln ay company
plfer for lease one million acres best gracing
lands in eastern and central Colorado for u
period of one or two years.
Will lease In quantities ot not less than four
sections to one party.
All apnllcatloiu subject to the appiovalof the
general land rommiBukmrr , and must be uiude
on or before Deo. 20.13 t.
For particulars as to terms and location of
lands address , mentioning this paper , H. Mo
Allaster , l. nd Commissioner U. ] / , ll'y , Omalui ,
Neb. tlAldll
* PERSONAL > If youtiBToii ptrsonu item , or
JL any communlcatlju , drop It in cms of The
Uee'a message boxes. 104
FOll JIENT 43ieap. 1 have a Urge livery
barn , store room and threa living rooms ,
UlxlOd feet , and accommodating some ( U horses ,
good locution for utoio. on Dodge Bt. this side oC
the Holt line. Omaha , that I Mill rent cheap to
respoiuible partle * . W , 11. Vaughan , 14'Y > Far-
uam it , Oinao * . i.H5dW
FOK nENT-nnni , ITlS Trckson st ,
r *
* in
rv * no
SHOHTHAM ) and l\tjt . writing- Superior
advnutngos In tli- branches at the
Omaha Commercial college , opp. P. O. ,
cor 11th nnd Dodge. Scoies of graduates In
peed positions. PUHlenfoFoiiinlcto muniml In
ten days nnd MI to 1l wcobtiper minute in throe
months , lift teacher Int ho state. 1'rnetlcnl
onico drill Riven studcmtv"Treo Dictation fir *
hour * dally. D y nnd eveiitnn sessions , llapld
dictation for reports awnlght. Kor circulars
write Ittfhrboitgh llros. . Ofcintm. Nob.
. - _ _ . . _ . _ _ .
I" OST lindloV hand 'Yftlchol ' contalnlnit n
JLJ chain ! ) RIIC ! locket1' , n pair Kotd sjxvtacles
andnittnall roll of niono\ ;\vnrJ will lie
p < Ucl by returnlnR to 105 S Uith t.t. 4118
rpAKRX 11' Hoan heifer , bet. 1 nud 2 yeais
J old. Owner can have Bamo by paying ex
penses and proIng property , nt No. I'til S < inth.
4Qil ti ?
fllAICUN UP-At lllfl N 19th 8t ouo stiuw-
JL berry ronn horse vllli ridlniT brldlo on ,
Dec. 2. dl-13 20-27-J3 *
"jmoil SAM : A pair of sllvei-
J-1 ins j ears old , about SO ounces weigh t. I. M
I O It SA I.t-Ilor : e nnd a buggies , 1)17 ) 8. 15th
i-'iS M
SMiK llhiclc jnarcs 7 yenr ? old , uood
trnvctur , bticklionrtl mill hnrneiid. f'i. . 11 CHS
SHh st , city. 2(14 ( fi
FOIt SAIjK or trade New two seated car-
ilace and slnglo top buegy. Selby. 1KI
Farnani. VM
NOTlrn-"To real estnto men and others ln \ ' -
Inc lot 7. blc cK 4 , Improvement A--socliitlm (
add. , 101i.ilo or trade , tant Hit ) Hume. H out or
.1. It. Arnold. 'Mi
GKNTIjRMKN having colt" , runaways , kick-
ort , linlknrs , harcl-pullei" , sldi > pullers , can
lm\u Ilium handled on ocicutinr pUnclplei b }
rnlllnit on IM. Jllili-r. l.t.W N' . If.tli. as , ' '
"VTOriri"an ! nnjouo tell \\lieio Mri. Xoll.i
iIlyuttran bo found or fi\eauy infonnntldii
leailtiiKio thosainu ? Address llo < c IOJ , South
Omahu , ISoli. Or any Information about a
yniittc man \tho hi'oiiylit mo tiio notwnl \ I'rl-
duvat . 'l.'Wp. in , will leiUiuu itnvardfor IIH
klndiiO'i'i. A. L Vun Wjo , South Omaha.ra
; ra o *
rpllll banjo tuuglit a unnrtby Qeo. K. ( lellon-
± buck , tfjj S. lllth at , ISi
AnieilciuHiilldliiind ) : Loan association of
Mlnueapnlls. .Minn.lllcost :
"iMiarcs nt ( MIC. JIJ t > cr month ; ? llKat ) fi per
cent , pcr month ; total , $17 per month.
A $1H HI UKUI In a local iiASui'lntlon " 111 coat
1,1 snnrnt ? ! , il. ! par mouth , ll)0 ! ! ) at 8 per
cent , fseiiper montli ; total. tslM Dinmonth. .
'tho nlmve Ui-ompiitoiV on u bush ot paylnK
Ulpei i out Diciinliun lntho"\iiR'iicun"aiil ( onlj
" > per cent iii-mliim in a local association.
Slnn-s lU imituroayearoarllorin the "Amer
ican' than In association * . Siib < eilbu for
hliares at "Oi Poiith li.tli.truot. . M. A. I'pton ,
president local bo. ird. ll'i
P ICINTINO , Mclltldo.V llynn , 1010 Dodcc.
1 cl9
A 113 I'll AOl'S-r.lnahan t Mojioncy , room W ) ,
iilocit. S4- !
L A I ) IKS .Moles and Huperlluous hair on the
face or neck removoci , and the loots In-
stauil ) killed by the clfaric needle process ,
leaving no marks 01 scarslAl'ohltlrcly tha only
pcrmaiiL-nt remedy. JU'fi l > r 1'nckaid , liiO" '
Douglas \VudnesdayMijnd Thursdu ; s oulj .
I'tltltlDi : A. It VAN , printing 1510 Dodge.
L M 1S7 c9
Tl/f / IDLANTJOuarantee. nnd Trust Co. . 1503 1'ar
J--l-iiam Complete nbstraf'M furnished , & titles
to real estate exumtnetl.pbj-tcotod & guaranteed ,
STOKAOE At low ratoj at llt Fcrnam st.
Omuha Auction & Stoiiufo Uo. Ifl4
f1ItACI".AaE , storsge , lowest rates. W. M
Jllushmau. . nil Leaveuworth. ! ) JS
dltioiu Flat top clotb overoil preferred.
Name lowest prlco for cash. Addiess L 54 , caio
lice. 3J101 :
WANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and
Household goods of all kinds Omaha Anc
turn A Storage Co. , 11-1 Farnani. 1J. >
FUiST nun tu'cico loans nt low rates , and ni
delay. D. V. Sholes. 210 , First Nat'l llank.
VTI51JHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make yon a
-L > loan on household goods ,
noises , wagons ,
land contracts ,
tlno Jewelry , or securities of any kind
without publicity , at icasonahle tales.
Koom 7 Itowley blk. , t-nutu Omaha ,
liooms riltj-SVl Paxton blk. , Omaha , Neb.
DO VOU ant to uorrow money/
Koiul thl- > .
It will savojou time.
It willH.ivoyou money.
You can bon ow from
1 . F. Masters ,
ucce ser to W. II. Cioft.
room 4 , Witlme Ibld'n . 1Mb and Harnoy-sts.
$10. tit , $ . " > , $ IOj , * Xv , t'iCH , * 1.WJ , 51,000. gll.Ui)9. !
In fact any sum yon want on furulturo. pianos
horses , mules , wasons etc. . on esbler tcrma and
nt lower rates tnanutnav other onice in tne city ,
without publicity or lemoval ofpioperty from
your posies lon.
If an Installment U due on your pronsrty and
you cannot moot It , call and see me. 1 will pay
It tor you. If vou have , v loan In nny other of-
Hco. call and get my rates. I will take H up nnd
carry It for you.
I make loans for oneVo sir months and you
can piy a part at uny time , reducing both pr In-
clptil and Interest.
All loan tenoned at original rates and no
charges for papers.
AH business strictly conlldcntlal. Call and
see mo.
Oon't forjjct the number.
Uoom 4. Witlmelt block. 114
B PliTriiNtt'loans. U. V. Sholes , 210. I'lrst
Nafl JKO
_ _
DO VOl" want to borrow inunpyIf you
, i.ivo diiunonils , Aratchet or jeuelry und
dc-slro to eifctt a loan on f.ivorahlo termi in it
strictly private anil rontlclentlnl manner , or
should jou want a loan on furniture , horses
cairlafeIiiml contracts or personal property
of an)1 ) dodcilptlon , you can Imvo money ad-
vniKuil ut lim en lutes of Interest und ample
tlmo to pay by calling on or scmllinj postal
card to the
theOmaha Mortgage Loan Co.
We loon out our own money , make out our
own papers and pay no commission , thus glv-
IIIK thn hcnptlt to the borrower.
Om facilities are such that \\o can accommo-
clutH you In a piompt and ronllclcntlal mumior ,
KlvliiK you fair , honorable and courteous treat
All loans renoncd at original rates.
Wo w 111 pay oil' any mat tgaifo you now have
and R\O ! you lone tlmo and Ion rates ; \\lll loan
any Hum from STi to $1OOJ.
Comntnrcial and 1st moitgnRe paiwr bought.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , looms 217 nnd 21H
riist Nutlonal llank bulUllnjf. lii :
rpllE Omaha I'lnnnclalt I'vchnneo. Itoom 15 ,
JIlurkiT Illock , soutliuuiC cornurof 1'iinium
and .
Makes U Hp ciullty of sliort-tlnm colUteral
and real estate loans , E 3
Bloney always on-hand ? hi sum ? of 3100 and
upniirilsto any amount , * to loan on approved
security. \j. \
Secured notes bought , 8Qlu or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good Urst or second mortgages.
Loans mndu upon land contracts. Blocks ,
bonds , tniHt deeds , llrnt or second mortgage se
curity. without publicity , delay or reel tape ,
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Koom 15 , Darker
block , Corbett , Manager. 110
"pr.Ol'I.E'8 Mnantlal and
J small loans for long and short tlmo , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate ) mortgage
notes chattels of all klml.t , diamonds , watches
and Jfwoliy , Don't fall to call if you want fair
and cheap accommodations' O , Ilouscaren ,
Mgr. , room Wl ! j Ilarkvr lit * . 16th and iSiniam.
SI'UCIATi fund , liVOCO to loan at 6 per rent In-
Interest on Omaha real estate. Call at once ,
U I * . Hammond , room V , JUrkcr lilk. .1CW-
dlWO.roo-0 per cent. Mcmoy to loan on Im-
3 > proved farms or rlty property , Jamoi A.
woodman , at the old fire Insurance otBce of
Jlurpliy A ; Lovett , 220 8. lth st. 101
f KOPI.K'H financial Uxchange-The fairest.
X iniletebt. most liberal money exchange lu
the city ; IOSIIH made without delay or publicity ,
in any amount large or small , at the
raturi ot Interest , on anr uvullnble security :
loans may bo paid at any tlmo or renewed at
original rates. O , DoiiHcareu , ingr , room W51J ,
llarkerblk , nth and " uniam. . TO !
MONIU' to loan. o7l' . Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents. 1M * j/arnain at. IOJ
MONKY to can on Improved real rstatt.
Leavllt Burnham. Crelghton block. 107
" "
M ONKVto loan ; cush"on"hand ; no delay , J.
W. Bmilre , U1U Kurusrn st. Fir t National
iiif. US ,
LOANSmsflaon reat o .ito and
botignt. Lenli S. Heed A Co. , I 1 Kuruaru.
MONRVto loan on furnitnre , tiorsos , wnpom ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob-
inn * . H. UM ghcely blk. r lh and llow.ird. 101
SKlsholoH , 210. Frst Natllank , before mak-
ins your loans. 8M
" \IONUV to loan on hoilieliold furniture' .
J.'lpliinos , horspi , wnifoiM and other personal
property : al9ocii mortgage pnpcr and contract *
as collateral security : cash always on hand : 111)-
ernl rxtviHlons ginntod ; buslnMs tiaiifiartod
fairly , nulc-tl ) and promptly. The I'alrhankJn-
vobtmeut Co' , swcor. 15th A Douglas rpttnTr * .
MON13V to ixjnn lx > wcst rfttei. Jx > ftiis closed
promptly , H , t * . Cola. Doom C. Coutlnentitl
Hlock. ltW
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ErnxTolfloani money at n per rent on loans
of * IOXOand ( upwards. Urine absttact of
title and save delay , HJ1 Douglas. 410dlU
< I r i,0 > Jto loan nt 0 nor cnnt , Lln.\lun > V JU-
p honey , room tat1'axton ' block. _ VU )
KlMOVni-To { roon7.TiH. nnt National 1 aiik
liuildliii * . PioviduntTiustCo. tl4 1
tDou cholro Iiiiprmeil property. 1) . V. Hholes ,
210. rir t Nat'l Hank. 3A7
GOO Deity and farm oani wanted Uy A. K.
Ulley. Jill Karnam.
| > KAIc tBto loans , lowest rates. Odoll llros.
JL1 * Co. , J12 S.lOtll St. 110
MONT5V toloan : long time. Ootrso J. 1'aul
100 ! ) Karn-im st 111
MON'UVto loan on Improveclpt jporty at nrst
hands. No applications cu. away for ap
proval. Security and tltli" ? exa nlnod frca of
clinrso o borrniren. Lombard Inyestment
company ,
niO LOAN From one to two hundred
.1 nnd dollars or smaller sums piomptly , east
ern capital always on hand che U > . t'hiladulphi.i
MortcajoandTrttstCo. , Ooo.V. . J > . Coatoi. U
board of trade. 11U
/"i W pKCK loans monny. cash on hand , * . " . , -
vJI ix ) I. cun bo pl'iced ' on city and farm prop
erty at lowest rates ; bnlldlBB loaiu a spO"Ialty
Koom 4 , 1'Kiizor block. Opp ! O. BIS ilW *
Gl'Klt CKNT money to loan Cash on nancl
W. M. llarrl * . room 20 , l-'renzor block , opp.
P. O. luJ
MONKY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purpose lowest r.ites ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room I ,
Darter block , 15th anil r.ininm. tif. > 8
MONKV Louis negotiated at low r.Ucs with ,
out delay , nnd purchusu good commercial
paper und mortgugo noteS. . A. Sloman , Cor.
IJtn und Knrn.ini. 4JJ
B U1LDINO loans. Unahau & Jtanoney.
Jlil ONKVto LoanOn Omalm and South Oma-
J-Uha iiropcny. C. Harilson , Merchunla'Na-
tionulbank- . osw
KMOVKIi To roo'm OT."l''irst ' Nalloiml bank
t building. New I'ngland Loan nnd 'IVust Co
DON'T borrow money on furniture , hori s ,
wagons , oto.until you ho.vo seen C. II. Ji ,
cobs , room 41 U , Kirs t Nation U bank building ,
cor. 1 ith and iMrium * W !
\VANTEO- A lellablo man with $ . ' 00desiring
1 V n hltuntloii or Interest in .1 sate buslneis to
cull from 11 to 1" . rouin " 4 ll.iikcr blook.
403 K *
ACTIVI3 young huslness man has 1.0 > Ho
$5Uito ) Invcat In desirable opening. I\p-.rt !
bookkeeper. Addiess Jl 1 , Hue olllce. lul B *
TTlOlt SAM > -A lunuh counter nnd fixtures at
JJ 1123 S.iumlojs St. ; Imvo a good rfctilll-hod
trade ; will sell for what natures aie worth ; ask
no premium. Me ) Stats
FOIt SALII-At a bnig.-ln. , t)0il ( ) shares stock
In Mexican lion Mountain i-ouipany. Ad-
UioaaLia , Itec olllce. .17ft 13 *
FOH SALK-Or trade ; a dining hull , sci ats ft )
pcraoiis ; business part of city. Addi tss L
.V.i , Iloo olIUo. 374) ; I )
IfOK SAI < i : Ur trade : a first-class ie-taurnnt
and chop-hoube. doing gooil bmlnoss ;
obliged to toll on aceounl ot poor health. Tor
partlcnlnis udilreas 1 < tiJ , lleooflice. 377 Ht
FOll'SAI.13 und rent. Sm.ill store room on 8.
Kltli stieet Sultablii forclgur or coal ollice ;
cnubolinil utvery moileruto ictit , by paving
fm smnll Improvements made onxauiu , Cull on
Oate City i.und Co. , a 7 b. nth st. ; iW ! 7 *
ATVVO-CIIAIItbnrborshop and bath-rooms
for sale rlienp , furnitnro nearly new. Ad-
< lres.s Fiecl Deardiirfl , David City , Neb. SSI ) 8 *
TT10II SAI.i-Small : jewelry store , best loca-
JL ? tion in the city. Address L Of. Hco olllce ,
1710K SAM' Confectionery , fruits , cigar and
J-1 tobacco store. A I location. Ownnr has
other business to attend to. tnqulro.nin N ICth.
.m Ot
"I71OK SAlE-r I.oaae A complete IICWMW-
JL1 per outfit in n gocxl country town of Ne
braska , This Is IL good opening for a republi
can editor. Adilrcas with teferenco , L 4,1 , care
Hoc * , Omuhu , Neb USD a
F Li wish to employ a rell.ible man in your
county. No experience requlrod ; porma-
Clnclnnatl' , O.
13i 12 B'J '
FOH HIINT Furnished bar loom at the Co -
ens hotel. Address M. J. Fianck , prop.
. 771
POH SALH A Btoctof general meielmndlsu
In ono of the bust towns on the Fremont ,
lllkhoru & Missouri Valley ralhoad ; Mock will
Invoice nbout ? 11OOJ ; yicrlv sales JKl.OOO. For
particulars odart s J. II. Van Oaasboclc , I're
mont. Neb. 750 ddt
T710R SALI'3-A mnall nncl well-iissortod < lrng
JL htocK , Including elegant lixturus.nta bargain
If taken soon. Cun ba moved to advantage. Ad
dress Immediately , A. llrovvn , care drugstore ,
2I3J25th. . 712
"irOH SALK-tllaiO stock of hurdwaro for
i sale , dolnga splendid business. Is located In
ono of the best towns in the Htate. 'Itie stock
Is clean and In good shape ; the reason fur a ell-
lug , other business occupying my time. Part
cash and bankable paper for balance. Address
K M , lice olllce , era
T710II SALI3 Ore.xchmige ; leiseainl furnitura
J of Dlnck of ,1 > looiim. centrally located and
piolltably occupied , Acldiesi 1C21 , Hee.
"VTTHO wants to trade land lor $2,000 equity In
TT n Him lot ncnr 16th nt ; also n house und lot
with modern Improvements. Address LiV ? ,
Heo ollko. 313 t
WANTKD A building lot In exchange for
young tenm of mules nnd 1-year-old bugiry
horse , ana plmeton. Inmilro oC 13. O. Merilll ,
ilddunr west of Walnut bill hchool building on
llninlltonst. 20010 *
WANTRD-Btockof goods In exchange for
farms und city property. Western Lund
and Loan Kyclinnge , 117 S. ICtli , atr'dii :
rpo Til AD K-Gn foot front on p ived street with
X \ ery Hiniill encumbrance for a farm. 1 louse
and lot In Hiui'com Plice for clear lot or farm.
fi acres unencumbered nnd ncihr South Omaha
for hou.M ) and lot. House la north part of city
neiir ruble nncl car line for building lot. 2 ele
gant lots in South Omau n , each WxIMi , fur a lot
in west part of city. Haveral valuable South
Omaha lots for farms. Clear farms foi good
Impiovecl property , Property of all kinds to
truilo. Olvo ma u call , Urover StoMjus , 15 1
Fornam Ht , 'il-3
F OH TUAD13 House and lot In city forieal
or ciiattol mortgugo paper , liorsm , mules
or cattle , A. I' . Oreenwoou & Co. , loom 1 ,
Cunningham block , tor , 13th anil Juckson ht.
\\riCATnave you to trndj for 3 lots la Jerome
T T j'arki1 Ineiunbiunco of lltl."i on thu lots ,
A duiessKCg , iioeoiiieo. BID
1T10H RXCIIANOK-Honse and lot In Crcston ,
-L lOlVll. '
House and latin Dlnlr , Neb.
ICO aciert In Lincoln county. Neb ,
IX ( ) acres In Howard county , Neb.
Lot lu SutindoN & Illiuubaugh'a add ,
0 lots in other additions.
A. 1' , Tukey , Ititli and Douglai.
ON 13 tWO and one 'l.Wl stock of notions und
clothing for trudn for clear Nebraska lunclH.
One proceo' stock , VifXa , JOW ) cash. baU laud or
lots ; will U38IIH1U Incutnbrance , If any , MM J
stoclc of ready made clothing to trade for cleur
laud , or will take In cash to tne amount of In-
cumbntnce uud assume it. V > , CO ) stock of hard
ware in Iowa to trade for pait cash , bul , lund ,
Furniture nnd llxturcsot a hotel and saloon lu
Omaha , prlco t.bUl , t-'JM cubli. bul. In land or
city lots , will tradu oparate. For otncr traded
see exchange book Co-onvratlre Land < ! c Lot Co. ,
goN. . Ifith at. JKO
"VflCU clean ti.OOO : stock of groceries , one of
a- > the best locations lu Omaha , for Improved
city property , Ilutthlason St Wead.l 'l Dodge ,
T7\01l HXCUANOK-For desirable reaidenco
JU property in Omaha , any or all of following ;
iOrholcu liuldo residence lots in Hastings.
100 tots in Luicoln.
eOacrcu tluo farming land. Lancaster county ,
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
( lood rental property , Lincoln.
Oholco fancy resldento , corner , Iioa Angeles.
A neat r lceuce property In Jlanscom pluco.
Also nome good mortgage notti.
AddreM glvlug location and price of property
J. a , ii. , euro Uauui Iron Co , , 1117 Lcaveu.vorth
- i a ,
IITA'N'Ti MM nnd personal property of all
kinds for trad * . Call and aeo mo , Oeorsa J.
BternsdortT , room a , opp. I * . O , liM
IJIOH F.XCHANOU - Several good InMdo
JOttiaha lots for stock of general merclmn-
dl c. ; M ) acres choice land In enMern Neb. with
several thousand dollars caMi for a pleoo of
ImproxiHl ( linnna real estate1. .1. U. 1'vann , room
1. llnrkcr block. 397 a
"TTtOll TltADU-Tno tnound aeros Improved
JU' hiud to trade for merchandise or cattle nnd
horsos. ( Jeo , H. llowrlnj , Stuatt , Neb.
_ _ _
TTUMTHAOK CholcoTot In ( Tramnlercy Pnrlt
JL and choice double corner lu l.tptou Place for
good laud. U. . Sholes , S10 1'lrst Nnt'l bank.
TTHinTNI5 lcl erlrs L"normnn can no con-
JL1 suited on all adalrs of life. Sixtlsfnctlon
guaranteed. No 313 N lOth st foO clli ;
DH. N A NT ? IKT \ \ arrenrcTalrvoynutr
leal and busings medium. Femilc diseases
a specialty. 1 Hi. N. If.l U st. Hooms 2 A it. K'3
171OH SAM * A line Hi foot comer on ( leorgla
J-1 av , Foitth of Ijcaxcnworth. To the right
person who will ocrupv this , the very best
terms and long tlmo will be given , K. K. Dar
ling , K.iruam. ffij li
VTKAT.I-room house but. Douglas nnd Dodge
J-i on L'Oi h st. , JI.Mm. KiiMcisii. bihtnre ensy.
The nent cottage * . N. W. cor. ) nnd Ohio , w ith
5-yoiu lonse , ran be bouifht for f 0l ) . Hutchlu-
son \ Wcacl , 1524 Dodge st. 1170 0
FOlt SAIR OrI1I trade for stock of hard" ,
ware. Property li ) town of MX ) Inhabitant ,
paying good interest ns an Investment. Ad-
chess K. McNulr. Crawford , Neb. ; < . * > ! lit
SI'ik'IAirimrgalns In faiius , western iiiiuTnnd
city propertv , mil audsonus. Nol > . Set
tling and Supply Co. Itoom it. Hoard of Tiado.
"IJIOH SAI.13 lle.iutltul lioiijo of H largo rooms ,
JU1 bath-room and store-room , tittle ever the
whole house ; homo ( hushed in nntlque oak ;
kitchen nnd upstairs In nmd plnu : silemlld |
finnace ; 2iH-bbl ) cistern , city watei. hot and cold
watei ; c-ast-fiout lot , SUxlSI , lu the most desir
able nelghborhooil in the city , overlooking
Omaha nncl Council Hinds ; house built for the
owner's own use. Call nun inxestlgutothls pi op.
orty If } oil want to buy n good homo. C. F. Harrison
risen , Muichants' Nat. llank. Ill I
FOH SAM3-M2 "acres" Hamilton Co. . NobT
land , ! U per acre , one-third cash , balance nt
0 per cent. Address . J. Wlldman , Dcuer. . Col.
FOH SALU Or tmde ; whole or ii Intercut
550 acres 2 miles from Uvo II. H. depots , 31
miles from Omaha , beat lmpio\ed stock farm
In Nob. J'lno clmnce for young man with
monoiy. Call or address Win. ( llbson , room .
Chamber of Commeice , Omaha , or T. U. ( lib-
son. Fremont. Nob. C02 ilM"
Ol'sFoi Palo 1 lm10 line lots in llrlggs'
co add. for sale. For fill t her Itifoimallou
s 13 .lefTery ( iulc-ii t. III. _
SlCiTTl Hood house of 7 rooms , full lot ,
well , cistern , barn for I hoie , school ,
Chun h nnd storiMienr bv. street cars emu block
away. In growing part of city , good nelghbor
hooil , tltlc > porfei t. irouil homo tor mini of mod
erate ! moans. ( Set rea ly for next spring by buy
ing 11 liomu now : will t.iKo n vacant lot ns pint
payiMcnt. C. F. llarrlson , Meiclmnts Nat. I ) ink.
STOHV brick block , nearly ne\v. with
stuies on llrst liloor an < l seven room llnta on
second lloor. with all modern improvements
Thlsprop-rty Is on corner irontlng paved
street , with sewer , water uud gns uud brings
mi annual rental nf ) , i > " 4) ) . Will hell clienp on
terms to suit. Address H TO. llee. 4U1
IpOHSLKn new house In a desirable p.irl
of the city , two lots , lionsu contains all
modern Impiovemcuts , hot and cold water ,
furnace , eras , bath , electric hells , nnd electric
Rai lighting nrrangemnnt , parlors , hall nnd dinIng -
Ing room t nMicd In onK and cherry. For
prlte and terms address P O , drawer 47 cliy.
ITIOIl SAL13We hwo thirteen lots In Central
JL' subdivision , Council lllinr- , twelve acres lu
Hlce's subdivision , and eight acres adjoining
llonson'h second addition on the north , all iiear
Hicitric Motor llnu. Will soil lu a buttch itta
po.slthe bargain. ( J. Ii. Mayue , Heui 13at vto v
Trust Co , , omalia. 3.-L'
FOH SA fl' A few lots In Stewart place at n
bargain. The Motropolltau cable nmd pisses
this addition cm Lowe avo. Harris & Harris ,
loom 411. 1st NatUtunk. 43)
_ _ _
CBEOOmiyja full lot and goon 4-room cottage
Peasv terms and good locntlon. I ) V. ShoUn ,
room 210 , First Nat'l bani , cor. J3th nnd Far-
uain. lit
FOH SA LR-Hern's n. bargain : 2
feet south fronton Douglas st. between 10th
nncl llth , nt less than W-Q per front foot. How
long will \ o.i lot your inim y wear your pock
ets out with a ban-all ! like that stating jou In
the faeo ? M. A. I'pton Co. U.V"
TTIOH BALK-Ortiade. lots 1. 2 nncl 3 block 7.
JL1 ISckormun ; will sell cheap for cash or trade
for good plnno and part cash. W. .1. Wlldman ,
Denver , Colo. illlt H
FOIt SAIiI3 Two olognnt homes in Hanscom
1'laco on reasonublo terms ; mortgage paper
tn Icon as part payment. Hosworth U Joplln ,
Ilnrker block. IM
FOIt SALE-Or exchange for Omnlm prop-
euy , 8J acres , suitable for platting ; will
make IOJ lot" , all clear ; big money In it for
some one w ho can push this ; located Just out-
fildo of the city limits of Council lllnlls. In-
qulro Goo. J. Stcrnadorit , opp. pustolllco. 12S
TTIOH HALE Not forlrado. fin.7r acres of 1m-
JL' proved land 2 miles from Jlaiquette , In
tlamllton Co. . Neb. Frame hou e , frnnio stalilo ,
5JO acres under n good J b irb-wlro fence , round
cedar posts and 2 slays ; living water , good cor
ral. 2 wells , mail-mill , 'UMuirel tank , he It-
feeder troughs , etc. ; 75 acres clover , u good
stock ranch.
I Tire ( about il'J per aero ) . W ' )0 )
jiish . . i. . . : ir , > m
l > onrs tlmo ntfi per cifiit . . . . . 3)00 ( )
Co nnd look over the land and adclrciss the
owner , F. 1C. Atkins , 1"U Larlmor St. , Deliver ,
Colo. 121
Healed proposals will bo received at thn olllco
of County Clerk , Douglas County , until 2 p. in.
Saturday , December iJtli. 1S8.S : for the Lollowlng
supplies , ( niort * or le s ) , for tlty poor , delheied
at tliu Court I louse :
IfII pounds Colfeo ; 1,000 pounds Tua : 10 lloxcis
SoapA,0 : III pounds beaivi ; 40,000 pounds Flour.
l.'nch bid to ba accompanied by n certified
rhcitlenfJi UU
Thci board reserves ttio right to reject any and
all bids. il. I ) . HOC11U County
Tim City Coimoll at Work.
A full board of aldermen was present ut
council muctlni ; lust ovuning. Aldurmun
Lncy presided in the ubscnuu oC Mayur
The tlmo for the puttlrig in of the crossngs
of the Chicago & Northwestern rullroau was
on application fo their uttoniuy extended from
live to thirty days.
G. P. Wright , osij. , appeared antl Intro
duced u resolution nutliorblnga rrpoal of the
onHnancu requiring the Union Pacific ferry
; n\ln to malco regular trips between Council
lilutTs uncl Umaha. Thu object U to do uw.iy
with that train. Uofcrred.
Attorney Wright also Introduced an ordi
nance changing the carrying rates of the
motor line from 10 cants straight to the foi-
owing : Slnglo fares , lOc ; round
.rip , ! i5c ; twenty fares , used at any
time , $2 : twenty-five fares used In iliirty
days , ' . ' .25 ; Illty fares used in thirty duj'B ,
. ' 1,70 ; ir > r > fares used in ninety days , { 'J.IT .
[ JofcrroJ to a committee of thuholu
The monthly reports of Hie city clorlc.
wlicoand ntiditor were icad nnd approved.
Various parint ; billn , cleaning' up the worlc
of the yenr ns per tontrauts were allowed.
1'etltlon for sldewalU on I'curin street wai
On the petition to put Avcnuo G to ffradii
from Sixteenth street to Oalcland avcnue.thu
commit toe report such worlc to bo Imprncliu-
iblo , but recommend that thu utrcel ha
graded from Sixteenth to ICi lith utrecta ,
Keceivcdund concurrtd In , and a resolution
was drawn ordering tha sumo.
On the report of the water committee ,
water mains were ordered laid on Avenue Land \
and n resolution was udoplcd on the saino ,
After tabulating grading blls the follow-
ng contractors uro the lowest on certain
wrtlons of the worlc advertised ; Mr. Calll-
iaii , Flagole , C. H. Mitchell und.r.R Kelloy.
[ { cfcrrcd to comtnittou on streets and alleys ,
On the report of the llnunco committee In
.ho mutter of the sewer protests on Ttilr-
ccnth street , they wore referred to the city
solicitor , mayor cud city onghftcr ,
Tha following intersection contracts wcro
olosud by the payment of the various
amounts : Wickham llros. , ( laving , 17,277 ;
McAdama & Ambcrg , paving , $14,43550 ;
Wlehtman & Miller , sewer , fliv',87 ; Gcorgo
IIuKhcs , sewer , tli.Si'i.i" ) .
The ordinance repealing the present gas
charter was called up and read.
Aid. Lacy thought it unfair to take
advantage of the gas company by doing this
without ilrst notifying them to appear before
the council and explain tUoir uttlludo in the
matter "Who Is the father of this onlf
nancot" iion < ked ,
Aid. Knophcr "I ntu the father of It , and
1 am a match for the whole city I propose
to ilRht this out so thnt the people slmli get
cheaper pa * . "
Aid. Wcuvpr "I nm opposed to dolnij any.
thIiiRr until the city attcitno.v Rives us un In-
tolllwnt report. 1 i-ottld tnko an old lion , dip
her foot In Ink and &ho would make ns uooU
n icport ns his was , and 1 told him so. "
Aid Waterman "We Unow nil wo wnnt
to nbout it , and wo ought to go ahead with
the rej > onl. "
Aid. llolliiiKor "Tho people havoboon try-
Incr to Rot clic.ijior cas forofihteou to twontv
i i-iiis , nnd wo ought U > give It to thorn now.1'
Aid. Mutoalf "Wo ought to brlni ? the
question to a houd nnd finish It up. Lot It
layover for n half hour nnd get the city
tniglinwtocouui here and glvo us his ro-
port. " An ofllceir was sent to hunt up the
ofl'.cinl , nnd the usual business proocodcd.
OrditiaiKcsohiinis'iiii- grades of Anglo
nud Commercial * troots were referred to the
cllj engineer. Ordinances establishing the
grade of AVOIIUO K front Oakland nvonuo to
clth l-'lr > t street and Tail-mount avcntto
from CJrahnm uvcmio were read a third time
nnd ndoptod.
Anordlnanco granting to W. U. Heck thn
riRht to operate a pon.oxprcsi In Counoil
IJliiirsvius road and referred to the Judiciary
An cmliuniico granting property ownorx
the right to lay sldownlk ni-amst the curb-
line on the south sldo of 1'lorco straat was
rend and adoptod.
On motion the street supervisor was ordered -
dored to tnnko the nocfssiiry protection of
the McMiton street sewer nt Its intersection
with Hrondwav.
The rntoidlnnuco was then brought up
again. ( Jity Attorney Holmes was prosout ,
nun .stated that ho would horo.iftcr submit in
writing his opinion on the right of the gns
company to n proper htiurinjrlu the matters m
question and their right to bo lot In horonftor
on cinml footing with other competing com
panies. On motion the tunttor was Inul over
until the next mooting , and the olorlc was
authorised to notify the gas company to np-
pcar and explain their attitude iu the matter.
A Hint to Thcntor-Oooi'H.
New York Telegram : A corresiiontl-
ont writes : "I'notice tliut in lotivinp
] ) h\co \ of evening lumisomont ] ) eoiilevnl-
inost ulnti-'s , wrup tip their throats.
Thlaisu grout inisl\Io ; and brin n on
the vc'i-y evil tlioy wish to nvoiil by
nmlciii < * the throat hoi and susceptible
to cold nil1 , causing1 tlio voice to bec-omo
htird nnd harsh. When Icixvinp u
crowded building ; the neck should bo
left uncovered und the mouth Uopt
closed for n fo\y minutes ; this will warm
the air before it reaches , the lungs and
prevent colds. Ludiei c-jiti wear iv
thin wrapper ever the shoulders. As a
singer [ Imvo proved how \ilunblo ; this
precaution will be to \\hottikomy