Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ti ll il uii HI TTTr iC ' ' n , S ? T
Enoa Meyer , of Lincoln , Moots With
a Frlghtflil Accident.
A Trlsoiicr at lite County .Inll Takes
n Iienon In it lunette New
NotnrloH Appointed
Incorporation ? .
I.1XCOI X Bt'KKAU OPTllcOvtAlH llss , )
10."J 1 STiinr.r , V
L.INCOI.V , Doc. 0. )
'llili iccmn to hnvo been a Jay of tragedies
Sn the city of Lincoln. At 2 o'clock this
afternoon lines Moyor. nn cmployo nt
JIcdRM' foundry , mot , with u sudden and
jiwfu' ' death.Vlnln at his post at worlt In
Jiont of an oincry wheel , grinding down thor
r < 1o ( ? of a larfic shoot of Iron , the wheel burst
Jn two In the middle , whllo turning at the
i aloof a thousand timci u minute , und the
) inir nearest to him struck lilm sipinrcly bo-
twocu the eye * , splittiutf tlio whole top of
MR head open and sctiUcriiiK his brains upon
nil the objects ncnr where ho stood tuul fell.
S'lio poor follow novcr ICIKMV whnt hurt him.
KntH was about 11 Inctpon yeatM of age , nml
liad been working ut the moulder's trade for
nearly a year and ti half Ho was the chief
support of his widowed mother , who live"
lust east of the \Vindnor hotel , nnd the news
of her boy's awful death completely pros
trated her. No ono neoms to bo nblo to
RIVO n good reason for the bursting
of the wheel. It was nn extrnor-
ordinary occurrence , und perhnps another
tragedy of the kind never occurred.oun
nloyer was nn exemplary young mnn. Ho
was sober und industrious nml hold the cs-
loom mill confidence of all who know him.
Coroner Khoin.iker was siimmoneil to the
HCCnc , but deemeil an inquest wholly unnec
essary. The velocity of the stone was prob-
ubH too much for its texture mid become n
fleiitli-denllnir instrument without blame nt-
1 aching miy whore. The body was placed In
the undertaker's hands about : ) o'clock anil
will lo prepared for burial on the morrow.
Mnn > friends mourn xvitli the widowed
mother. Tliis is ono of the saddest deaths over occurred in the city.
All unusual occurrence toolc pluco at tlio
rountj Jail to day nt the tinnier hour. It has
heoii customary for the prisoners to occupy
regular places nt tlic dinner table , tlie older
Or longer termed follows getting the preference
encei'ctcr Johnson , the colored man jailed
on the diargo of burglary and captured at
York a day or two ago , readied the table
llrst to-day and seated himself in Boers'
clmir. Hours , It wilt bo icmembcied. is the
jiiurdoior awaiting a now trial , his case liny-
lug leon ) reversed by tbo supreme coiut. Ho
expostulated with tlio colored man for hav
ing taUoii hist clmir nnd asked him to vacate
It. Tlik Johnson rofitsed to do. Words
passed back -mid forth , but JJccrs behaved
himself remarkably well , says the sheriff ,
Tint Johnson assaulted bim without
reasonable provocation and tlio molcc
commenced .lolinsoa was tlio stronger
mini nml it scorned that ho would getaway
with ills man , when John Clark cnmo to bis
rescue und In loss time than it takes to toll
tlio story Johnson's ' best friends would have
frilled to rccoKiiko him. Ho was taught
table manner ? before the sheriff could got iu
to separate the Sullivan sluggers , liut the
shoi lit investigated thu inattor anil he says
that Johnson did not got a lick moio than lie
run niRTinoT rofirr.
In the case of the Capital Steam Laundry
vs .loan Uobcrts , the Jury returned u verdict
for the plaintiff for the sum of $2T. 0 , The
talk is that the case will go to the supreme
First National Hank vs John Fit/gcrnld.
Court found for plaintiff in the sum of 61-
4W O'.i. This cause , also , will probably go tea
a higher court.
Highland Wheeler vs Ileubon Miimfonl ,
Stipulations of settlement were llled und tfio
case dismissed.
\Valtcr G. Corruth and T. A.
Carothers appeared in court to-day and ho
came surety for the appearance of James H.
Porter , who assaulted Mayor Sawyer sev
eral weeks ago. The bond'wns Jlxed at $2.50.
Two now cases were tiled to-day. First ,
Henry A. Con way vs Jason G. Miller ; second
end , Fanny Quackenbush vs Isabella Hord-
inanutal. Tim petition calls for the sale
nnd division of the property of Horace Bonl-
jiiau , deceased. The plaintiff claims a ninth
Interest In the property in question.
The governor commissioned Nebraskans
tis follows notaries public to-day :
It. C. May , Arapahoe , Furnas county ;
.Tames M. Ross , . ) arisen , Jefferson county ;
John Agnew , Shubert , Klchardson county ;
It. W. Story , Pawnee City , Pawnee county ;
Howard O. Manning , Grand Island , Hall
county ; John H. Cotlman , Omaha , Douglas
county : George N. Bcels , Norfolk , Madison
county ; John II. Frazier , Nebraska City ,
Utoe county.
Tim following cases were docketed for
trial In the supreme court yesterday after
noon nnd to-day :
AVilliam V. Morsoet nl' vs John Uabon ;
en or fiom Hull county.
William Gillen et nl vs Andrew Illlcy ;
error from Dixon county.
John McGruth vs The Stnto of Nebraska ;
error from Douglas county.
Elijah II. Jones ct al vs Lucy A. Bates et
al : error from Dlxon county.
Henry Cunningham vs James Conwnj ; ap
peal from Johnson county ,
Articles incorporating the Stnto Bank of
a'llden were llled In the olllco of the secre
tary of state to-day. Tilden , Madison county ,
is the principal pl.ico of business. The bank
commenced business on the 1st dav of De
cember , nnd will continue twenty years
uuder the charter. The incorporate
authorize n capital stock of $ 'iJOJO ' , and
flJO.OOO of the stock was subscribed and paid
op on the day of business commencoinont.
A fcCHOOI.llOt CJCUIIII ! ! , .
Several schoolboys bceanio involved in n
scrap at the J street school" yesterday noon
in which n colored boy nourished a razor.
An ugly rumor was started that ono lad had
been badly wounded , but it proved to bo * -
' Done. McCJulro was taken to Uroto by Oftl-
. ( cer I'ound yrstoiday , wlicrobo wns wanted
\ for robbery. It is said that several places
I iirij waltlns for thulr turn , but Crete Kets tlio
i Jlrst. Ho wns turned over to the Crete ntt-
i tliorltle's ana committed in default of * 1,000
cmjcisws x .VOTES.
\ VV. . Claidea wus ndjudgcil Insane to-day
ud taken to thu asylum.
Captain J. E. Hill was amen ? the guests nt
Sio btato bouBo to-day. He will soon make
tlie treasurer's room his permanent home ,
J. I. , Siiuff , of Tahnaco , was In Lincoln to
day Mr. Siiuff Is among tlio substantial
Iiirmers and stock rnisors of Nmimhu county.
William Hcltlsli anil Miss Hottn Gordon , of
AViH'crly , voru pronounced husb.uul and wife
by Jmlgo Btuwart this afternoon.
Salt Itlicuni
With its inlonso Uchlnpr , dry , hot skin ,
often broken into painful oraeks , nml
the llttlo wntory pimples , often causes
indescribable siiirorlny. Hood'b Siuii -
purilla hus wnndorful power ever tills
clir-oiiso. H purities tlio blood nnd ex
pels the luiinof. and the elan heals
without ft scar. , Send for book eontain-
intf inuny statements of euros , to C. I ,
Hood & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowoll.
Affairs in Mexico.
Cirv or MEXICO , Deo. 0. The Uullotin ,
organ of the postal authorities in Mexico ,
bring * Berious charges against the American
postal authorities , accusing them of ticgll-
Kenco and carelessness iu sending mail on
loug routes.
An outbreak , duo to religious excitement ,
Is feared in thp city of Morells. Guards are
patrolling the streets.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup takes the
loud of nil cough preparations oil our
shelves Carpenter & Pulmotor , Jumos- is
towii , N. Y.
I heartily roromwonil Salvation Oil
for neuralgia , for it ucU liku u cburiu.
J. S. McOAULLBY , ( Policwnau. )
rieblilenco 05 N. Bond si. , Balto. , Md.
Ait Inilcpcndcnt Movement Decided
Upon l > y tltc Members.
Cot.fMiif < , p. , Dec 0. District Assembly
No. 135 , Kn'lghts of Labor , hold a session
yesterday , nt which Powdcrly was pres
ent nnd set forth the Impoitaneo o' standing
by the order , nnd making certain promises
In behalf of the miners. The federation
held n meeting also during the forenoon , and
decided thut they would accept no proposi
tion at n Joint convention except that looking
to a single national union. There wcro about
ninety delegates present nttho Joint conven
tion. They nt onro proceeded to discuss the
call for the formation of the now organiza
tion , nnd n larpo numborof speeches were
made. When adjournment was taken the
delegates opposing the .new organization ,
and suppoi ting tlio Knights of Labor , wen-
given to understand Unit they need not
return to the evening i'sslon unless they
were willing to proceed with tlio miners to
orcnnirc indencn U-ntly. Last night it was de
cided thnt the new miners' organl/atmn
should proceed. W. T. LPWIS , master work
man of district No. iyr > , will tender his rcsig
The vote on the pro | > 3sllon ! for nn Indo-
prudent movement was about equally di
vided. Tliono who romam with the district
it Is understood will elect as master work
man tholr worthy foreman John 1'oc , of
Cunlmont , i'a. The territory represented
by the delegates who Joined with Lewis in
th" formation of an Independent organization
extends from Canflcld county , Pa. , on the
east , Including the anthracite regions , to the
Kansas on the north. Tlio organi/ation esti
mates a following of 85 per cent of district
assembly No. iir : > . They still claim to be
members of the K. of L. , and will have their
membership clsc\\hcre.
Wuuinit'H Work.
There is no end to the tusks which
dully confront the yood housewife. To
ho n successful hoiHcUeopui * , the first
requisite is good health. How can u
woiniin eon tend ngainsti the trials nnd
worries of housekeeping1 if she bo Mif-
foriiig from those dibtre.islnfr irregulari
ties , ailments and weaknesses peculiar
to her bexV Ov. Pierco'et Favorites Pro
scription is aspccllicfor these disorders.
The only reinedy , hold by ilruligl&ts ,
under a positive guarantee from the
uiaiuifacturers. Satisfiiction guaranteed
in every case , or tnoiioy refunded. Sco
printed guarantee on rottlo wrapper.
It Is Vrry Illttpr AKJilnst the Itopub-
llcnn I'artj' .
Ciiicxoo , Doc. ( > . | Special Tolrfiram to TUB
BII : : . ] John A. Slelchcr , editor of the Al
bany ( N. Y. ) Journal , is on his way homo
from the national editorial convention at San
Antonio , Tex. ' Mr. Slelcher was one of a
party o > editors that visited the City of
Mexico. In conversation with a reporter Air.
Slelclicr said : "VVhlla I was south I took
some puins to make inquiries among the
southern editors as to their feeling toward
the now administration. I found It was uni
versally antagonistic. There is a bitter feel
ing among southerners toward the republican
party , nnd particularly among the young
men and women of the south. I told some
of my southern friends that there must be
adopted some national law which shall make
fair federal elections ; that them must be
some system provided for making it possible
for negroes to vote and have their votes
counted. I was told that uny such law meant
war that is , 'trouble , ' as they expressed it.
They told me the elections must not bo in
terfered with , but they did not attempt to
deny that the negroes did not have the right
to vote us they pleased. "
California Cnt-U-Curo.
The only guarantee euro tor catarrh
cold in the head , hay fever , rose cold
catarrhal deafness and t > ere eyes. Re
store the sense of taste and unpleasant
breath , resulting froin1catarrh. . Easy
and pleasant to u = e. follow directions
and a euro is warranted by all drug
gists. Send for circular to 'ABEKTINJ2
MKDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cal.
Six months' ' treatment for 31 ; isent by
mail , $1.10 , For bale by Goodman
Drug Co.
Certain of Success.
PAIIIS , Dec. 0. [ Special Cablegram to Tun
Bnr.J In an interview to-day General liou-
langer said : "Tho government will try to
postpone the general election to October ,
J8SO , at the risk of periling the exhibition by
nn electoral campaign. But it will make no
diflerenee. The revisionist parly I repre-
sent will bo returned by n largo majority. "
He laughed at the Idea of a radical coup
d'etat , nnd said that every man arrested
would bo elected ut the general election.
With reference to an alliance with the con
servatives , ho complalnol that tlio people
failed to see that ho was weaning them
irom their royalist leaders to the espousing
of his cause an honest republic. Their
leaders perceived this to their disgrace ;
therefore the Comte do Paris was rather an
ally of himself and Floquct than of lion-
Croup may he prevented by giving
Chamberlain's Coiifjh Remedy as soon
us the child show ? the lirst symptom of
the diseabc. which win always ho done
if the remedy is kept on hand. Ilonrsci11
is the llrst symptom of croup. Sold
hy nil Uruj { lstH , _
Nclrnsku and Iowa 1'eiiHlonn.
W \-iiiiNOTO.Y , Uec. U. [ Telegram
to Tin : lluc.j Nebraska pensions granted :
Original invalid Gor.ird SmItliMenonlmco ;
George D. Uurclick , Stanley ; Jolni Glndy , ;
Superior ; William Gleason , Kudoll. Increase
Mary Garrison Crone , Soutli Omaha ; Hur-
ton II , Shoemaker , Lincoln.
Petitions for lowans : Original iuvallds-
Albert Savage , Chariton ; John M. Carter ,
St. Chnrlos Jumos . . a '
-ji \ iiuii .at u ninvji Po8tor , _ Ies ) Mqlncs ; 'J
David ) T. Ilogue , Mt. Ayr ; William A York ,
Sidney ; James W. Wickham , Kldora ; John
C Strayor Hudson , lio.itoratlnn , reissue
(1 navy ) Ezra MoUunn , Ues Moln < ; 3. In
crease -Albert Koso , Eddyville ; Kbenczer T
Jayno , ( goldierB1 homo ) Marslmlltowii ;
Jlugh Liallanton , Junesvlllo ; Solomon T. I
liarkor , ICeosauquu. Uolssuo and Increase T
CharlcB P. MoMastors , Corydon. Slo (
survivor Ellas II. Williams , I'ostvllle. !
Tlio i" frobhncss nnd velvety boft- C'iCl
ncss of the skin is in variably obtained Cla
hy the o who use Po/zonl'a Complexion Clai
Turned Up All ICIghl. Jilol
St. Louis , Dec. 0. [ Spoclal Telegram to
Tin : DIIK.J K. 1C , Junior , the missing Pull olbi
man car conductor , baa turned up nil right , bi
nml claims that ho mndo his run Monday
night , as usual , and that tlio report about hm
disappearance wa duo to a blunder of another -
other I'ullman employe. It Is a fact that the
ottlcors of the company hero believed the re
port and Instituted u vigorous search for him.
Those who take Dr. Jones' fled Clover
Tonic never have diapopsia , costlvo-
noHd , had breath , pile * , pimples ,
and malaria , poor nppotlto , low s ,
headache or kidney troubles , I'rico 60
cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Thrown Out of the Party.
Xuw VOIIK , Doe. 0. At a mooting of the ,
republican county committee , tlio largest
republican organization of the eighth assem '
bly district , of wuicU John O'lirion is the
control llguro , was thrown out of the repub
lican party for treachery In the campaign on
the county ticket. Uoforo O'Drioa assumed
control iu the district It bad been a demo- per
cratlo stronghold , but has shown republican nra
majorities at each presidential election. bo
An Absolute Cure.
ouly put up in largo two ounce tin boxoi ,
atid Is nn absDluto euro for old sores , burnt ,
wounda , chapped hand * , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
Ask for the OKIGWAL AUim'INK
MKriT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
couts j > or box by uiallSO oonu.
Bright clear complexion .
"PEAR8f Th8 Great EnglisH Complexion SOAP-SoId , Evaiywliero , "
Tun cor UTS.
Htiuos Court.
The following' nro the Juror * empaneled
and drawn and ordered to report for soivice
Monday next : J. M. Suowdcn , Culbertion ;
L. C. lllount , Pallindo ; A V. Dyer , Ilayi's
Center ; Joseph Wilcov , McC'ook ; P. V. .
Hardy. Norfolk ; .loliu C. Olnoy , Norfolk ; E ,
H. Ccuio , Oiniilm ; Klinur Mliiulnt , Palls City ;
Hobort Uooth , Lincoln ; M. A. Frank , Falls
Citv , W. ti S.ipp , Wilcov ; .foliu Hlnton ,
Falls City ; C. H. He.irli , Lincoln ; Ccor ! o
Hpenccr. Lincoln ; A C. C'nbb , Loup City ;
. ) . C Plotchi'r , Luun City ; Samuel Fair ,
Kockvllle ; T. H. Heasoner , Llti-lillold.
Contrnctor Hiiph Murphv w is before the
grand Jury in the election frauds hearing.
.ludge Dundy overruled HIP demurrer in
the e.iso of Rlondorf aij.iinst MoAldoer , and
irraatcd the plulntlft twenty daysto illo .1
icply. _ _
The case of Mary A. Dtigdiilo ngainst tlio
City of Omuha , in an action to recover dam
ages in the sum of Jlit5'J ' , is on trial before
Judge Donne. It i3 bmjlon the lowering of
the pr.uto of Uodgo streat In front of loU "
and 3 , between Eighth and Ninth street.
Cuiinty Attorney Hied information
to-day n uinti th" following : Truman N.
Shi'phurd , obtaining goods under false pre
tenses ; Wllllim Kmmelutli , ijr.iiid Urcony ;
Dirdie Robinson , assault to commit murder ;
Abraham U. Soucr , larccnv ; Praulc l > jll.uny ,
adultery ; Georiiiebster , fornication.
Tlimo cii < ias have boon given u preliminary
hearing in tlio police court.
The Jury in tlio case of J. L. Klco .t Co.
vs. Louisa Hilleke returned n verdict for the
Motions in ciiiiity cases arc being consid
ercd by .hidgc U'akcloy.
Tlio case of Ucrnerd Hachsse and Adolph
Landergron vs. Martin Quiiik , in an action to
recover $1,010 , as commission on Bale of
e-itato is on trial before Judge GrotT.
The o.iso of Marshal vs. Goblc is on
before Judge Hopewctl. The action is to re
cover JSiWJ commission on sale of
The cn c of Loeso vi. City Treasurer
I3ollu wus passed unn [ by Jud'-'o Wiikcicy
yesterday. The Htiir.Uion resulted Irom the
taxation for public imp.-ovomi'iitsof property
bordering on St. Mary's nvcnuo tit its intei -
section bv Jackson street. The ] ) lantifT's
jirojiorty adjoins bnth streets , and t.i\ed
for the iiii ] > rovcments on both streets.
In jKtssing upon tlio c.ise , Judge \Vakeley
granted the plulatitt a perpetual injunction
01ti all the property excepting the above men
tioned lots , but held that lots 1 , 'J and ; i , bor
dering on the Junction , were ciiuullv bone-
flted in value by improvements made on
cither street , and should bo assessed accord
ingly. This is leg.irded as un important
matter , inasmuch as a great numbsr of lots
are so located in the city , and several similar
cases ! were about to lie brought into court.
Mueller & Ncpper have illed proceedings
in nn from Justice Wade's court in an
action to obtain > ! G Judgment against T. P.
Taocaseof the state against Shepherd ,
alias Ulshop , that xvas heard in Justice
Wado's court , has been conveyed to the dis
trict court. Tlio defendant in the individual
who represented that ho WMS thongnnt pf the
Consolidated Tank Line company , und on the
strength of tills obtained considerable col
laterals from various individuals and busi
ness houses.
In the suit of Suclisso Quick n verdict
was returned bv the Jury in favor ot plaint
iff , damages 1,0" > .
.fudge Shields entered a decree for the
defendant in the case of Ellen A. Davis in
the . estate of Margaret GrilHths , in un action
for $7X ( ) .
Hoslnk vs. Vollcmoyer , Judgment for defendant -
fondant for possession of property valued at
§ 105.Hcdick
Hcdick vs. Elliott , judgment for plaintiff
to thu amount of 64i" .
Oscamp and Huwcs wore awarded a vor-
dlut iu 'the HUIII of $ J ! O.U-J naitist O. Now-
In the matter of Hugh C. Clark against P.
P. Roll for possession of certain promises
and real estate , n verdict was given in favor
of tlio plaintiff ,
Allrod Millard , A. P. Hopkins and Anna
C. Millard enter snit against Herman Dews
for payment of JlbO nnd S per cent interest
from ' thu-i.'jtli of January , 1SS * . This sum is
alleged , to bo duo uptm a promissory note ex
ecuted in favor of the Ezra Millard estate.
Apiotlto ) and slcoj ) may bo improved ,
every part of the systeni strengthened ,
and the animal spirits retain their
buoyancy ? by the u o of Jr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier.
TlioV. . ; . A. Grateful.
The Women's Cliristi.m nssociation wisb
to ' publicly acknowledge the generous donations -
tions , of the past month , especially the ,
Thanksgiving donations , nnd return thanks
to the aonors , as follows :
Prom the Congregational ladles , cake ,
ginger-bread and clothing for children ; two
chairs ' , china , and clothing for children , from
fHe-mi ; Mrs. Comstock , clothing for chil
dren ; .Mrs. J. I { . Mlllnrd , bread , Jolly and
flowers for the old ladles in thu homo ;
Hibi . MiOuguo , npjilua and Kinder-
bicad ; Miss Perty , mcnt ; Mrs.
Tlmr.ston , clothing for children ;
Mrs , ,1. H. Millard , a hot chicken pie and
plum 1 puiIdhiK for dinner , the day before
Tliankhnlvlrig ; Dr. Parker , u turkt-y ; Mrs.
1S . \V , Ames , a turkey and thrco glasses of
Jelly : Mrs. Clark Woodman , a turkey ; Mrs.
Woodman nnd Mrs. Uoaglmul , bread und
cakes ; Mrs , Huumiin , turkey , jolly , pouches ,
candy , nnd a carpet ; Mrs. Ulchard Currier , '
turkey : Mrs , J , H , Congdon , two turkeys
and cranberries ; Mrs. Virgil O. IJogouo , a
turkey ! ; Mrs. Junnott , oranpos and turkey ;
Mr. Chambers , three chickens ; Mrs , Lort ,
mince pies ; Mrs. A. Pratt , grapes ; pupils
tha Park school donations , viz. :
Six baskets of apples , potatoes , two
buaheU apples , turnips , cubbngu , beets ,
canned corn , cornmeul , oatmeal , Jlour , toma-
tncd , sturcli , also clothing ; Mrs , Dr. Vim
Camp , culekcn plo ; Mrs. Gllmore , grapes ;
Mrs. Morton , a plo ; Mrs. Hill ami Mr < . Me-
Council , cuko and pickles.
Other friends Imvo sent donations to the
home , but wo could uot get their names.
Advlco to Mothers , . .
Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup Bhould nl-
ways bo used for children teething. Itsoothoi
the child , softens the gums , allays nil pain ,
curesjivliid colic , and Is the best remedy for
cllnrrhm.iwi . u Unttln .
St. Mary's Pews.
The tlrst rental or pews of tUo St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church will take to
place on Trlday evening of this week at 8:30 :
o'clock , la the audience room of the now
church. Or the 120 pows , forty-two will bo
reserved a "froo " ami
, eighty-four will bo v
offered for rout at llxcii rates from MO to $100
pow without premium or auction , as thov
applied for. Half pows and slttiufrs will
rented in any part of the bouse , sittings
bolnjr as low as { T per year. In connection
with the rental , the ladles will glvo a dlmo
social during the evening and bcrvo coffee lar
, cakci.
Htrlko Hints i France ,
Pi it it * , Deo. 0. Hlotous strikes have oc
curred among the workmen at Henuos , in the
department of Illo Vlllalno. Troops havo. ors
boon sent to quell the disturbance.
Hy NL Quad : On a wild mountain
road between the adUin river and .Sal-
ishnr.N. X. C. . I ennio upon a humble
cabin ! n which resided the Widow Wnl-
klus and her three children , the oldest
being ] n boy of fllteen and tlie joungest
n ( girl of live. I had heard of the widow
wlille ten miles away , llei- husband
was a justice of the peace and some
thing of a religious cxhorter. and \ \ hat
lie did n't know about the hibhu-y o
America wasn't worth looking up. His
nuilo ran away with him oni- day a m
fell into a ravine and both wore killed
The widow , as ono of the natives ex
pressed it , was the well "llvedest wo
man in four comitiiH. " having a sinal'
farm nil clear and considerable persona
property. Half n mile from the house 1
met Jeremiah , the. boy spoken of. Flo
\ ns biire-lieadod. bare-footed , ooutloss
vestlens. and so freckled that it was
hard to sav what hi'-natural complexion
was. Ifo rose iii ) oil n rock ns I approached
preached , made an awkward bow anil
Mini ;
"I'rlbbins. stranger. ' '
"Cribbins to you , my boy. Am1 who
may you be ; " '
'Merry Wiitlthis. " '
"Son of the widow.
' -Vaas. He yon he 'un'1"
"Yes. " '
"Hrom the no'thV
"Yes. "
"t'nin liiL-1"
to bee - ;
"Yes. ; I'll stop for dinner. ' '
" ( Jlad on'l. Gwine to hev chicken.
Mn sent me out to meet yon'nn. "
"Many thanks to both of you. ' '
"Sayl'1 he continued as ho trotted
along beside me. "I like ioii'm. ; joit'iin
wear * white shirts mid clothes , and I'll
jiggei'betou ( ) "un knows roots from
treetops. Ifov you 'un cum to marrj
[ laughed , and lie was much put out
for a moment. Then ho said ;
"Wish you 'un would. Then I could
liov a gun. If you "unvill I'll mind
everything you say.1
" 1'orhaps yo'ir mother doesn't want
to marry again. "
"Mugs ! she'd marry you 'un like
lightning. Say ! If you 'un lias her ,
yon 'un will git mo a. gun , won't you.
Saj ! I saw a b'ar yesterday. Say ! I
know whar' I Could shoot a oowerful lot
o' coons. Say ! I'll speak to ma fur yo if
you "mi will promise the gun.
The widow was tit the door to give mo
welcome. The second child , who win si
ton your old girl , was barefootol and
freclhed and tow-headed , and the
younger ono had on only a single gar
ment and was rolling in the dirt.
"Cum right in an'smuit , " snid the
widow as we shoo ) ; bauds. "Pete Mc
Coy was saying last' night that you was
headed this way and would stop. Ar'
yo thlratuble ; May , jostle him over a
glass of buttermilk. We'll oribbins ( eat )
in about an hour. ' '
We talked about tlio weather , the
stale of tne roads , etc. , as she bustled
around to got dinner , but pretty soon
Jerry wont out of doors and called.
"Ma ! Ma ! Cum outer yore ! "
" .lorry , you bhot ! " replied the mother.
"Ma ! will you'iin nmri'y ho'tin' : " ' con
tinued Jerry.
'Now , Jerry , if ycr don't btop ycr
gax/.um I'll skin ycr alive ! " she ex
claimed as she stood in the door and
nourished a skillet at him.
Jerry made oil ana sat down on a log
and tlio widow turned to me to explain.
"Don't pay no seriousness to ho'un ,
sir , Jerry wants a pop right bad , and I
do say that I am dun tired of this yero
gittin' along alone , but I'm not gwino
to offer myself to anybody. "
Just before dinner the oldest girl
intulo friends with mo , materially as
sisted by some caudy , and she suddenly
bawled out :
"Ma ! Ma ! gwino to marrv him ? "
"Now. Molly ! " chidcd the mother.
"Wish yer would ! " added the young
est , who wi-nt by the name of Nancy.
"Now. Nancy ! \Vhilu t do go fur to
say lio'un is the smartoat looking htran-
gor f 'vo ween fur a year , " mubbo ho'un
n't think itn s'cs ' of m > .
I kept lighting shy of the main ques
tion , and bvo-and-byo wo feat down to
dinner. The blessings had boon
scarcely asked when Jerry , who made a
tremenduous ! ' effort to wash his face and
comb ' his hair , looked up at his mother
and ( asked :
"Has he'un asked you yitV"
"Jerry ! " who chided.
"Hut don't he'un want yerV"
"Jerry ! "
g"But don't I want a now pap and a
un'MiJ lo illy
"Don't serious him , " she said to mo , ;
us she helped mo to tholog of nchickon.
"Whilo I will go fur to declare that I
have seventy-six acres of land , three
mewls , a cow , thirty-two hogs , four ,
slacks of hay and ? ± S In eash.ryo allors 01of
sorter disagreed with second mar of.c
riages , They mayn't bo happy. " .
"Your husband was a good man , I've ,
heard , " I replied.
"Yes , A pumpkin is good good ttO
'null fur a iiiinipklii , Ho knowed con ttnl
siderable , and thai1' was considerable nlK
ho never knowed , lie was all goodness
too much of It. Never made a hun SO
dred dollars in his Ufu. " . SOgl
"You must have been quite a business thr
woman to have got along no well. " r
"You jigger ! I 'kin turn u dollar as
well as the best of 'em. While L will Ht
go fur to say second marriages are not tiS
ulltH happy , the man who gits mo won t S
git no sitter nor complalnor. ' nat
I managed to turn the subject for na
awhile , but as soon as dinner was over >
Jerry . took his mother into the other
room for a consultation , and Molly came
and nut down bosidti mo and asked :
"Do you'un llko inn'1" ;
"Oh , you. " ?
"And she likes you. Wish you was
my pup. Mobbo you will bo by to- ;
morrer. "
I wont out and eat down under n tree
Binoko a cigar , and pretty soon Jerry
came out. Ho had u business look all
over hia face as ho said : at
"I've axed ran if two would liov yo , " atn
"IIuvo you ? You are roul kind , " ch
"And faho says eho will. " chTI
"Indeed ? " TI
"And now about that gun ? Who" thn
shall I git It ? " n
"Say , Jorry. did you ever have a dol-
all at oncoV" I asked.
"Lor1 no nor two bits ! "
"If L'll give you a big silver dollar
will you lot up on the gun until I como
again ? " nnd
"Will I ! Hoop snakes and bad Jlght-
, but I will ! "
I gave him the dollar and bo daalied
To Close the season in everv department.
Close buyer * who appreciate bargains
will bo amply ro pa id for making u trip
of u hundred miles to Omaha to sivuro
anof , the lots of Roods advertised this
wool * . It is our pnrpo-o to make this
thn Inrjjest months lnillne s of thl * sea
son. You will not bo disappointed if
yon i-onie. An .sprviinens of tlio dilTor-
cut bargain loN comprised in thin sale ,
wo mention the following ; commencing
with our
Men's Ready - Made
We offer a line of l" > 0 Men's it-button ,
ontawaj SuilH. made from the eolohra-
tect Hroadbroolt I'nwhimoro , in regular
Hl70.s from ! > 5 to 1at $ K > per still. Tlioso
Suits are Hindi' in our very het manner ,
trimmed nnd llniyhediifi well as any suit
in our stoelc and are usually sold for & ! J.
\Ve mean to elo o thorn out tin's week at
9\n \ oni'li. AVe have no ample s of the
eloth to send , hut will send u sumplo
Suit to any address , and if it IH not
found to bo as ivproiotitod , may ho returned -
turned at our ovpenso. Send for self-
LOT XO. L'o have manufactured
another lot of 100 Sai'lc Suits of the well
known Moehnnicsvillo goods and will
oiler them all through thin month at
the popular price of $ lil per Suit. Dur
ing the pahl two months wo have bent
hundreds of these snltto all parts of
the west and we boiievo that the univer
sal verdict has boon that these suith are
all thnt wo ehiini them to bo. a regular
M8 suit at retail. Our faeililies for
inanufaeturinir onalilo IH to sell them
nt the astonishing low priee of $1- .
LOT NO. ! -Wo 1 ofTer a line of ir > < )
KINK Hi.At K Woijsiicn Wniffoiti )
SUITS , ( goods ma do by the Ktversido
* \Votsicii Co. . and the linest grade that
they manufacture ) made up in Pour-but
ton C'ul.iway Frock Knits , in the most
elegant manner , suitable for dress f-uits.
'L'liov are goods that wo have bold reg
ularly in our stock , the present season ,
nt $ li- per suit. Wo have no hotter
Worsted Suits to show t-i-day at any
priee. Wo oiler them to oloso now at
the extraordinary low price i > f $1" per
suit. Tlu' < \ > nts are hound , the color in
plain black , just tlio thing for dress
through the IIOIK-.O to show it to his sis-
tor.i , and then started on a run for a
neighbor's two niilosa way. When I re
turned to the house and said I must bo
going I was met by such an iwalaneho
of protest * that t had to agree to stay
until next day. That night I "sat up"
with the Wid'ow Watklns. 1 got around
to it after awhile to state that I was liv
ing with my third , and had three bets
of children numbering live in a set , and
that I couldn't possibly see how I could
make her my wife. I was very sorry ,
but helpless , and I hoped she would lot
mo send her a new gingham dress from
"That's honest and straight , " she snid
in reply. "Whilo I will go fur to say
I like yor looks , nnd I believe wo could
Live happily together , if yo can't marry ,
why. ye can't. Ye would if yo could ,
wouldn't yo ? "
"Quicker'n scat-
"Thafs next to it , and I'll go fur to
ay that I'll wait live years on ye and
eo how things turn. Mnbbe I'll wait
ix. but I'll say live fur sartin. I'd as
lief bo a fourt as a second wife. "
And she is waitingwhilo Jerry writes
that "guns hev got so eheaploss that ho
Kin git ono for W. "
Knot-Sugar Mnkint ; in California.
San Francisco IJtillctin : Of all the ISO
men now engaged in C'laus Sprockets'
now beet-sugar factory at Watsonville ,
none are busier daily than the mil
lionaire-sugar rolinor himholf. It is his
boast that , bo was trained to labor , and
no ono who has soon him there
tlio lirst week of beet-crushing can won
der that snub earnest activity has
brought him success. Dressed in old
clothes , surrounded by the necessary
dirt of the factory , lie has f-ep all his
workmen his example of Industry.
There wore hundreds of details of crush
ing noted by him during his recent trip
to ( > ornmnywhich he could hotter show
than toll , und this ho hus been doing.
Only during the hibt three weeks1
or so has he taken time to come home.
Labi Saturday ho came to the city on
the morning ti'niii , but the afternoon
train took him back to bin work. Uo-
irarding results of his experimental
project , ho is satisfied and enthusiastic.
I'Yoin the lirst ho has been confidant of
hc success ot the boot-sugar Industry In
California , when properly managed ,
with the best modern mechanical appli-
inccs , and the product that is being
turned out daily only serves to bear
out his predictions. The first shipments
crude sugar came from Watsonvillo
.c the Potrero rolhioYy last week , and
rains have , since been bringing ear-
oiulb daily. Thu beets produced abou
Watsonvillo nro proving satisfactory.
Duo farmer , whose boots contained
about " 2 per contsaccluirine mutter , will
let $3 a ton for his crop. When tlio
seed was distributed the farmers were
junrantocd'-l n ton. but few anticipated
.hey would n.'ali/.o double thut llguro.
riiat the project is r.H much n success us
could bo Is questioned. The ) under
standing now is that whoa the busy
.imcs are through at the factory Mr.
Spreckels | will thinl ; matters over and
irrungo for the location at ono or two
avornblo points in the statu of other
lnutb for the carrving on of the iudus-
ry in which 1m has such conlldonce.
ICUIioia On a iluuui , .
GAI.VCSIOX , Tox. , Dec. tk Tim National
reis association , 11U strong , arrived hero
ast evening. They wcro entertained at a
raud ball und banquet. To-day tho.v
eft for Dallivs , and from thert ) dispcrao
their homes.
fjindsuy vs.
There will lie an interesting glove content
Kowloy's hall , South Omaha , Friday ovou-
ng , the ininclpals being the middleweight
'lmmplon , .Ilininy Lindsay , und Johnny
Jcnipsey < , who U Bald to bo u top-notchor ,
There Is every Indication of n big turn out of
ho sporting clenu-nt , and Manager Pallon
nsuroi , a rattling good mill ,
Fuiinrnl of Mr , Dylmll ,
The funeral cxorcisoi over the romalns of
ho late G. W. Dj ball were held yesterday
afternoon ut Ins late residence. . Twenty-sixth
Popplcton nvonuo. A largo number of
riendsuml traveling men , of whoao ugsocui.
lou ho was 4 valued member , were In ut-
ondanco , Tbo remuiua weru Interred at
IToroJt Lawn' cemetery.
snit . nnd every salt o ( To rod would bo
worth In the regular way at least si2-
per suit. .As the lot is not largo they
will bo rioted the present week. Send
your orders nt once if yon want them.
LoT NO. 4 One of the most popular
lots of Overcoats wo have had in our
Mock thin t-rnson , it * our ( lenuiao Mos
cow loa\or ! in two shades , Urown and
lUno. which wo nro selling for 610 in nil
si/.os. Wo claim this to lie one of the
best garments for the price that any
hon-o in the country can furnish. For
bnsinef-s men and those who u gen
teel garment which will bo sorUcenblo
nnd at a very low cost , v\o recommend
ibis lot. Itcmembor the price is ouly
$1(1. (
LOT XO. / > Wo are constantly re-
eolving mail orders for our ? ! > flilti-
ehilla Overcoat5) ) . In any town whore
ono of the o garments arc sol * } , orders
are sent to follow. This is ono of our
standard grade- which wo Iceop con
stantly in stock , and we are never out of
slyes.'for we are making them up every
dav and recommend it an one of the best
valno- * ever sold In our store. They are
made and trimmed with a view to sor-
vlso. and wo guarantee the color to be
full Indigo. I'rico $ IC. Sample- gar
ment.sent to any address.
We call your attention1 Ion lot of 1"5
HU'M ( Mi'i/ius' : Ovr.iuovT-s , cut for
boys from ll ! to 17 in n plain Fly-Front ,
with velvet collar , \\ro otter this lot to
chtecnlthc extraordinary low price of
S-J each.
Wo oiTor ( V ) dilleront styles of Hov's
and I'hlldron'H Overcoats in this btileat
$ i2.f ) ( ) . ! , iKI.m ) , $1 , 85 , $ ( ! , $ S and $10 , reduced -
duced an average of0 iier cent , from
last season's price to close out.
Wo oiler liOO extra heavy , wind proof
Leather Jackets , made double-breasted
a lie" lined with heavy corduroy and red
llnnnol , extra stitched , thoroughly made
? oods , equal to the best bold in the
market anywhere , at the extraordinary
low price of'fo.fiO each. They are near
ly indispensable garments , and at this
price no man wlio is exposed to in
clement weather can afford to do with-
Council Bluffs
And Cilice B
, Chlcimo. Mllwniilipc
P'o ' of NaliriukMVilo-
OT IB. | Orenon , Vvmb-
" " 'cr'or ' >
; .uw ° ' i1"-1 nnmeroui polntu of suficrlorlly
thoputromofthH ru < l t.ctwnan Oinaliii
* 0 < , .T" lts .ihn < 0 trnln" d0of A '
| wUlcl1 * th8 no t tlutt l.umnn . nrtim.l .
cn " " > ' . ' .
lliorii Blof p"c : ! - l'Al.A8ijI.BKl'iNUCAIia
whlclicnri not tin found olnowhoro At
Council Uluffj the train , of tUo Union I'nclllo Itnll.
wnr lonnect In ualon Mepot wllh tuoie of tbu Olil-
iftF ' ° n * ' " 0Jl' ' " ira rr In Clilcniio tlm train , of
Ku'lorn iTnos" ° " " Iton with thosoof ullother
'JJri' ' " ' r ° iuubl,15l. 'ndlarmnoin.
f.lKKara , , , ! , , ' . ' ' rinolnnntl.
Jails lluffnlp I'ltliibiiru , 'j'nrnntn , Slonlrenl ,
in0".1,0"1 N"1'r .Voi * . IWIailUlilna , HuTtlmbro. "vii-li-
ine ' pjn | ntllohait' A"k fo
1 1. u L-I ; H n-r. ' u. v ,
CJun'l .MunHRPr. ' Oen'l 1'ass r Agcnl.
HOI K rniim St. ' . dmifhiif'ti
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
TlielJcsl Koute from Onmlia nnd Council
JllllllH (0 (
ClilcngOj AND
St. 1'anl , Minncupiilisi , CVdar Kupids ,
Itnck Inland. Frcepor ( , Kockfonl ,
Clinlou , Diibiiiiio | , Dniciuioit ,
Klfjln , Madison , JuncHtillp ,
llcloil , Winonn , La C'nissc ,
And all cnliar Important nolntf Rait , Norlboiist an 1
Forlliroimli ticket * , call on iho tlckot nzcnt at 1M1
Kuniniii treft. hi llnrkur Illock , or at Union I'ncltlu
nilln.nn Slceperi nnd the llnMt Dinln ? Cars In Ina
world ute run on me main line of tbu Chicago , .Mil-
nuken & bl. 1'uul llnllnrar , ami urorr utlentliinli paid
to pHiauiieera by coimcou >
employes of tliocompaar.
H. Mil.lVk.ltJenernl ilapnifor.
J. ( ' ' 1 AtnlitiiitUHiioral Mnnngor.
A. V II. CAltrnNTKll , Oi-nt-rul ! 'ai ni { r and
Ticket Aa nt.
UKO. i : IIK.UrOKI ) , A < < titani Oenerai ViilCDStt
and 'llokut Auent.
J.T , CLAKE. U ncrtiSupurint udont.
Introiliitu our nuw ' 1'uiiny lcicen" c ! rar.Vn
will. If oMcrert nt once , drlltop ! < ) ( ol ihora , 1
liojoa of U ) ilium eucli I'ltllK to unr I'nit or
Uipre ollltu m the U H Alto iinejriir' * null *
irrliilliin pontiai't I" Tcxtm Sllllniu upon re-
tvlpl vt four iliillurn Ilia reurlr r iu forlhut i > ou >
uhirllliiEtratfld Kipaco joiinnil Wrllu naino nnd
pontoUloo uddrcmi plainly llcmlt tij rejlalercd
mull or posiul note nnU nililrcyi nl onre
H. W. TANSItL&CO , , 55 Stale St. , Chlcan *
Car Lends and Loss.
33K < L2Srr3f3
IncomDirably tli-j Bast.
Ailvortlslivr IIUD altviiyn i ovoa
eucoc8afnl. Ilcforo iil.icln nny
Nowspnpor Advertlslnj ; consirib
II ( i lu4 < U.U aintL. C4\IOAOO. ,
und Tuiudrit curtd ,
lcrlei > r .
IVt \
out one. nomonibor , that we wnrrnnt
them lirat-class In every respect , and
the price Is onlv * $5.60 each. Kvorv ono.
is worth * ) .
\Ve also aslc your nttention to onr
pi-eat Hnrgtiin Sale of irsnnitw AUK ,
HOSIiUYJl.OVK'-Atl : ( | > lIAN JACMHS ,
Ki'f.i which has hoen the most pro'
iionnccd biiccussof anj barfjuin sale ever
inaugurated in onr Cent's Fnrnishliifj
Goods Dopnrlment Rinco the COX-
TINTiNTAl : > was opened to the pulilio.
The pnlo is cojitlnned this \\ook with j
new lots lidded never before shown on
oni- counter , nnd nt prices that are aim- *
ply unuppronehnblo in tlio weal , l.oolc
nt the list ! See what thn goods mo.
Sr.NM ) ro s.\Mi'u > nv Kxntihy : IK votr
ANXOTCOMI : ix rints-oN.
We offer fiOO do/.cn of the llncat Scotch
Wool , Shetland mixed Tiidei-waro ,
poods thnt In the ordinary course of re
tail trade nro not sold in this market 01 *
any other for loss than $1 ! per pai-inont.
L'or the purpose of attrncUiiptlio inibllo
to our Kui-iiNluiip ( foods Dcpai'tmont ,
we have decided to oll'oitills entire lot.
to cloHO. at the extraordinary low pried
of SI each , in i-cirular sixes , ! ll > to 41
Shirts , t\2 \ to 40 Drawers.
500 DIWKV rivi ? Ai.r , WOOL Sttticrs
AM ) DUAWIKS : made hy the Amster
dam KnUlinp Alills of Amstcrdnm , K.
Y. , jniro Cochineal colors , full heavy
weight goods , at the extraordinary low
price of 61 each ; hold this season at $ U
ouch , nnd wo do not think in the ordin
ary course of retail trad" they are sold
at le-s than thnt price any whore to-day.
Wo have them in rcpulai * sl/.es , Shirtn
rumiinp from 110 to 11 ; Drawei-fi from 112
to 10 si/e. They are absolutely not-foul
In o very respect , and we cheerfully roe-
oinnicnd them as bolng one of the most
remarkable bargains oversold over our
counters. Wo reserve the right to
limit this biilo of thin line of goods to
two Shirts aril two Drapers tooach cus
tomer , us it is our purpose to distribute
them as widely as possible.
Chicago , Ills. I ClarkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
Is sllil Treating with the Greatest
Clirouic , Neryons and Prlyatc Diseases ,
7-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhuming Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the efleco
ladmi ; to early decay and pcilLip. Consumption of
Insanity , treated wcnllficjlly by newmclliods with
r.cvsr-failinc mcccss.
S-sypHILI8anli 11 bad Blood and SUIn Dli-
eases permanently cured.
-OS-KIDNEYnnd URINARYc < ) mphlnttaieet ,
Gonarfhoea , Blrlclu re , Varlcocele and all dlseaiei
ofllie Gcnito-Urin.iry Organs cured promptly witlioul
Injury to Stomach , Kidney oroiherOrgim.
* SNo experiments. Age and experience 1m.
portant. Consultation free anil sacred.
# 3-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works oa
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
? -'Jhose contemplating Marriage lend for Dr.
Clarka'a celebrated guide Male Hiid Female , each
15 cents , both cents ( iUimis ) Consult the olj
Doctor , A friendly letter or call may savcfutuicumer.
ins and shame , and add goldeu.eirs to life. Atfilook
"tife'sSecret ( ) Errors"joccnuktampi ( ) , Medlcint
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hour * , 8 to S , Sundays 9 to la. Addrets
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
106 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
20 TO 6C DAYS.
Thiw in : i disease whii-h has horbtoforo
Dallied nil Medical Seioneo.
\ Vcnvf \ \ n lletitiMr } ' . iiiUiiown to iinyo w In the
'l ouMilo of our ( 'iiiniuiix.ulKl uuu tliat Itai
tociirntliaiiioHt ob iinntc caim , Ton dnyij lit
lun-nt iMM-silocii 'lio\/ork. ' 't in theolil cliionlo
iluop Hi-uteil casi-B innt Witiollclt , Wi > liuvii
enroll uiniilieilH who IIIIVP liouu sbanrtoaoil by
I'liyxlcl.iiiH , anil priiiinuuc'd lucn iiblo. nml wa
tliullcnuetliu Worl'l tuortiu is ! l < ' * * < > tl'at ' wj
u ill not cm o In less tlnin Hlxtv ! iy
hlnto DILI lilwtory ot meiltuiim a tniu spoclllo
for HvphlllH 1ms been Hoiiglit for b" inuvi-r
foiiiiu until our
witHdlsx-ovoicJ , niulVUUIM Justlllo I In
His tliti only l ! iii ( > ( ly In the World thut wlllpo-t-
Itli'uly ciiri' . IjcrutiBo tli IntoHt WorkH ,
puhllslic'U by thn lirst kiniwii autliorltlcH , Hay
ihuro w novi-r iilrtlu HiHJtlllu Oofitiv. Our rein-
edy will cure ivlicu ovorv'liiiitt ' B | J Ims fiilltwl.
Why v\ii toiir t time unit money \iltli patniit
medlrlnos that never vlrniu or doctor with
pliynIdiinBthiU runuot euro you , yf > it iliutliuro
IrJed ovciytlilnKclto wli'iuM toinu vt nujciw nml
gut ricnniitioiit riillcf , yon nuver rniiK' * ! ' H uNo-
HhiTo. Murk ) mtru HUV , in lliu riid > oii
nniot taho unr rt'inoilv or NftvKIt recovei iiad
you that Imvo been iitlllctod Inn 'Jiort : < ine
Hhould by all means I'oinc to IHIIOW Kit
( ell of new onset over B''t ' pormuooiillv nuii-d ,
iluny KOI In-Ill und think tlioy ru tiati from tlio
, but In OHH , two 01 tliri'O YUM * nCtur it
a nioiu horrlblu form
Thit ) is ii Hlood 1'urlneiund will Cure
liny fekin or Hlood Disouso when
ExorvthiiiK Hlho Kalis.
Itouni 10 anil 11 , ( ' . S. Nntloiiiil Ianc ! !
Iniililint , ' , Oiniiliii , Xcb.
i uruugo uux.
> lr > j.lyri/r Jteicrlptlvo Caaloirae , rout ixuO-rriw , to
010 Uivacl-.r. 7'ov Vork.
itMii.M > npMiirii rfciMiiirnr irr ynirnrrnri in Hi
Sold by ) ) uiiil3ti. ;