Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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TUP nni'itf i viit 11 AI i nirtrrn
Yesterday a Rather Dull Day In the
Wheat Pit
Provisions Comparatively Itulllili
An Unprecedented Hun Urenks
the O iltlo Trade Host Grades
of llon ( Illclicr.
CHICAGO rnonucE !
CHICAGO , Dec. 0. [ Special TclCRram to
Tin : URR 1 This has been a rather dull da >
In the wheat market , which seemed Inclined
to drop most of the day , though It could not
be properly described ns generally vvealt , un
til the last half hour. Karly trading wni on
n ncalo of declining values. May opened at
tl lUtQl.lOJjf , sold down to f 1 10 , inline-
dlntly.and after 11 fractional rally , worked oft
to 1 1036 , At this staKO of the proceedings the
market looked "weak cnouph to sellnn 2c , "
to use the language of the pit traders a
tihrasu clearly born of experience for recent
history shows that values are prone to exalt
themselves very energetically at periods of
urcmliiKly gieatest depression. At any ralo
the market bewail to mend , Sl.101 belnff
the bottom on the first break. For the next
couple of hours the price fluctuated between
tl.lOJi nnd $1.10Jf , with K-ory light tr.ulo
passing. Hutchlnson was a steady , but not
an aBKrcssive seller of wheat , and tlicio was
moderate buying by commission houses most
conspicuous icccntly on the bull side. About
12 o'clock ' rumors bnpan to circulate
that there hail been larfc'o trims-
actions in Hour at Minneapolis.
Later there came an unconfirmed report that
100,090 barrels had been sold there in export
order. Meanwhile the market had been
crawling up to the vicinity of f 1.11 : then the
scalpers caught on and vvhoopod the price up
to tl ll > ' , f. A dozen dispatches were sent up
to Minneapolis for confirmation of the 100,000
barrel sale. It could not bo confirmed , and
in the opinion of several coriespondcnts , the
story sprang from 'negotiations" for a much
smaller amount of Hour , llright , the nucnt
of u leading commission house , wired that
the report was generally discredited in
Minneapolis , nnd "that never In tile history
of that city had there been that much Hour
sold In a single day. " The effect of the failure
to confirm this Important item of bull news ,
was a local breali In prices. May worked
quickly back to Jl.ll , then to Jl.lOJtf , then to
tl.10) ) , iindshniply to $1.10. This brought
the session down to 10 o'clock. A hard battle
was fought at $1.10. Tlio pressure of long
wheat nnd'spceulativo offerings depressed
values still further , however , tlic price going
to tl.OOX , closing at tl ( K KTho range for
December was tl.04'i@l IM1 , and the close
was fl.O.ljf. Januaiy ranged at $1.05V ( >
1M)6 nnd closed oat fl.lMJ . Cables were
quiet as u rule , and some ot the private dis
patches from the other side mentioned
that holders were re-selling cargoes
oft the coast , there being actually
moio wheat available than waR needed.
to meet the requirements. The temper of
the foreign situation at this wilting is ccr-
tninlv discouraging to the friends of wheat
on this side who have been banking on the
probable foreign demand thenextfow months
on nuyvvhoio near the present Chicago prices.
The local speculative situation has not under
gone any nmiked change. The price of wheat
may be too high , figuring vvtiatit would bring
on being ground into Hour and sold to con-
nunicrs , but so long as any one of half a
dozen firms have ns much long wheat on
their books as there is actual wheat in store
here , short selling cannot bo expected to bo
very popular. Tills seems to bo the present
diniculty. Now York was llrincr , If unv-
tlilmr. than Chicago , and other m.iikcts fol
lowed Chicago fluctuations. The local trade
was not heavy , except during the last hour.
The dcclino was as purely speculative as the
advance was yesterday , and it amounted tea
a fraction more.
The offerings of corn wore liberal , and the
feeling weaker soon after the openlngof the
market. The receipts were again under the
estimates of the preceding day , and the
English markets were firm. Exports were
quite moderate , however , and all told do not
count for very much In u crop of such mag
nitude as the ono now being moved. The
weather was clear and dry , and everything
favors a frco movement by farmers. The
quantity now grading No. 2 is quite small ,
there being only eight cars in to-day's ' re
ceipts. St. Louis was said to bo selling
freely in this market , anil the demand from
shippers was slack. Thcio was nn entire
absence of outside business beyond what
was dome on account of the city above re
ferred to , and , after about hnlf an hour's
moderate activity near the opening , the pit
was dull and nearly deserted and continued
Inanimate during ihc greater part of ttio ses
sion. Closing prices show losses on all
futures of 5i@ c per bushel , January clos
ing at SS fc against a. > % < 33T > J o yesterday ,
nnd May t a JJc ( to-day , as computed with
U8c the day before.
In provisions the movement was compara
tively bullish. According to advices re
ceived by the Cincinnati Price Current , the
winter's packing of the west to date shows a
shortage from last year's returns for the
same time of 510,000 ho/8 / , and with the mar
keting of hogs at Chicago and other points
far under expectation * ) , the product isie-
gardod with Increased favor. To day the old
supports of trade vvcro strengthened and en
couraged In their position by good short and
Investment buying , and by the strong under
tone higher prices prevailed almost us a mat
ter of course , and the closing all around ap
proximated to the best quotations made. In
pork the advances established amounted to
.S2i(3V. ! ( In lard to 20@iiy.Je , and in short
ribs to 12c.
CHICAGO , Dec. fl. ( Special Telegram to
TuuHEE. ] CATTI. ! ! With the fresh arrivals
there were at least 22,000 cattle on sale. The
pens and BOIIIQ of the hog sheds wore full ,
The market Is completely broken under this
unprecedented run , Some salesmen hnvo
cattle that have been In the pens two days ,
and for which they have not had an off or.
As to prices , no ono sooinod to bo able to
make comparisons , ns there was essentially
no guide or rule In the way sales were going.
Some salesmen quoted the best cattle at 20@
STio lower ; others' quoted good BtcoistiOo
lower , ( omolOc , and a few & 0o lower than u
vvook ago. The run of cow stock was not ns
heavy us heretofore , and the run of Tcxuns
was rather light ; hence anything useful in
cow and heifer lines sold steady ; that [ s , it
dla not share so largely In the general down
turn as steers , but shippers should remem
ber that pi-ices on cow stock are jet ex
tremely low , with little or no chance for im
provement in the near future , liuninoss Is
light In the stoeker and feeder line , with
prices down to low water mark. The re
ceipts include : i00 Texas cattle. Choice
boovcs , fl.75i'r.00 ; medium to good steers ,
ISttO to ir.OOlbs.M.OOQUO : 1200 to 1350 Ibs ,
f3.0@3.00 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , f > .bO@ ; < r 0 ; stock-
era and feeders , $ I,1WN ( ) 00 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 1.00Crf2.T5 ; bulk , * 1.7fl@220 ; Texas
Bteorn , tJ.80 a.20 ; cows , $1.25 ( < jS.055 west
ern rangers , ( J.OOgiM.OO.
Hoas Business brisk , with % slight up turn
on best packers ana choice heavy. The bulk
of packing sorts and the ordinary run sold at
fS-SsSS-ttt. ! ! ! ! best heavy at * 5.25. The
market olosca steady , with about everything
desirable sold , Light sorts sold at UX ! < i
6.70 forll'Olbs down , and 5.15@5.25 for HO
down , Thcro was no change of tate oa light.
Now YOIIK , Dec , J ) . [ Special Telegram
to TUB nee.1 STOCKS The action of the
Missouri Pacific In giving notice of an ad
vance In southwestern rates , bad a stimulat
ing effect on the stock market thin morning ,
nnd prices at the opening showed a gain of
K to IW Pcr c ° ° t throughout the entire list.
Hook : Island started off at IK , Atchlson 1 > ,
Missouri Pacific } ( , Now England 1 , and
Chicago , llurllngton & Qulncy % bettor than
the closing prices last night. Foreign nouses
that have been largo Bailers on the decline ,
it few days were active buyers. At
nee , however , there wore some real-
a , nnd at midday prices show some
from the best prices , with tUo
market comparatively quiet nnd prices steady ,
and with no apparent tendency In cither di
rection. Conservative Dear operators were
looking on quietly , and claim that the ad
vance Is but the natural reaction after the
sharp break of the past few days , and that
as soon as the market becomes evened up ,
prices will take another downward turn.
Ttio customary noon hour drive at the market
failed to make Its appearance , nnd the mar
ket has shown a gradual hardening tendency
In the final dealings. The early sellers were
eager buyers throughout the list. Missouri
Pacific , Chicago , Hurllngton & Qulncy and
New Kngland , particularly , lead 'In the ad
The net gain over last night's closing
shows Keadlng eif , New England 2 , Mis-
sourl Pacific 3JC. St. Paul 13 , ( , Cotton Seed
OI12 , Western Union IJfi Chicago , Uur-
llngton & Qulncy 2Jf , Hock Island 1 * , ami
Northwestern % per cont. The total sales
were 3158,000 shares , Including Missouri Pa
cific , 22,000 ; New England , 33,000 ; Richmond
mend Terminal , 10,000 ; Oregon Transconti
nental , 10,000 ; Heading , 77,000 ; Lacknwanna ,
4,000i St. Paul , 15,000 ; Western Union ,
The following were the closing qtiottlons :
tJ. H. 4s regular Northern I'm-llle.
U.H. 4s coupons dnpteforred
U. HMSsrogalur ItH C. tN. W
U. H.41sconpons 1 < H do prof erreil. . . .117'i '
I'acincwof 'Hi . .lit N. V.Central . . . .KIT'S '
Central I'arltlc : UV > . . ! > . & I !
ChlcBKO .t Alton 111 iltoclclsliind .
Chlcngo. llurllngton G. M. tst. 1'
At gulncy . . . . 1W5'6 do prefc-rreil
! ) . , ! < . Ac W. . . 1H' . St. I'miliOitmha . IC'4 '
Illinois Central , ll'l I iloirofcrrcil | . . . . tfi'i '
1..I1..VVV. „ . Union I'acillo . U
. l.l'i ' W..SI. I , . St V . . . . K'i
I.akoShoro M . . lix ) do prcforrcd. . . "I't
MiclilgnnContnil M'i Wcstcin Uulon . K't
Mlssourll'uclllc . 71 I
MONBI ON CAM. Casv at 2@2J < f per cent ;
closed offered at 2 per cent.
PllIMB Mr.llUANTILU PAl'BIl l" @l"0 < l I'Or
SmiiMNO nxcnANor. Quiet but steady , at
f I.S4 # for sixty-day bills , and f l.bS for de
rHoi > ucc.
Citu'Ano. Dec. 0. Wheat Easier ;
cash. $1.031 , January , 1.01K ; May ,
. -
Corn Steady , L-a9h35c'1aCJanuary135 ; 5-10 :
May. 37' < c.
Oats Firm ; cash , 25fc ; January , 2 ( ) ' < ; c ;
May , 24o. [ ) '
Kvo BOc.
Uarley No trading.
Prune Timothy Nothing doing.
Flax $1.51 4.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Firm ; cash , $ I357K ; January ,
13.li7K ; May , $14.071. Firm ; cash , ' $ S.33 ; January ,
? 7.07l ; May , J-7.l7KOZiS.00.
Flour Steadv nnd unchanged ; winter
wheat , $5 00 ( 5 75 ; spring wheat , SI 50(5 ( 5 75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , J7.00i ( 7 12) ) $ ;
short clear , ? 7.50@7.0JK. short ribs. $ T.W ( $
Butter Easy ; creamery , 23@34e ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream choddais nnd
flats , 10Jile ( ; ; Voung Americas , ll QH
Kl/KS-Stendv ; fresh , 21ii22c. (
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
OUc ; light green salted , 0'fo ; green , r > c ;
salted bull , 5' ' c ; green bull , 4' c : green
dry flint , 74cs5 dry calf , 7fbc ; brandel
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 25@JJc each ;
drv salted. 10c 15c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , soliu 5c ; No. 2 ,
4c ; cake , 54c.
Receipts. Shlnmcnts.
Flour , bbls . 9,000 8,000
Wheat bu . 24.000 20,001) )
Corn , bu . 198,000 201,000
Oats , bu . 151,000 117,000
Hyp , bu . . . . .
Liverpool. Dec. 0. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB HUB. ] 3.UO p. m. Close. Pork
In fair demand ; prime mess , eastern , b2s Ud ,
linn ; do western , 71s 3d , Him.
Lard In fair demand ; spot 47s , firm ; De
cember , 44s Gd , Him ; January and Febiuary ,
43s , firm.
Wheat Demand poor ; new No. 2 , winter ,
Ss , dull ; do spring , bs Id , dull.
Flour Demand poor at 12s , firm.
Corn Spot , demand poor ; futures , de
mand fair ; spot , 4s"Mdsteadv ; December , 4s
Sj.j'd , steady ; January , 4s 3d , bteady ; Feb
ruary , 4s 4il , steady.
New Vork. Deis. 0. Wheat RecoiDts ,
39,250 ; exports , none ; spot market very
dull and lower ; No. 2 red , $1.05V ( §
1.05' < in elevator , $1.00l.OC4 nlioat , $1.0i5 ( < iJ
1.07) < f f. o. b. ; No. 3 icd 'JSH < > @aOc ; No.
1 red , $1.14 ; options dull , irregular and
weaker ; opened about steady , advanced ®
"jo , declined UglK1-1. ' " "I closed Jtfglo over
jestorday ; No. 2 red , January , closed ut
Corn Receipts , 113,403 ; exports. 00,300 ;
No. 2 , 47 > < @l7fc In elevator , 4S@43) c
alloat ; unpiaded mixed , 37@IS- ; options
dull , ana J < c lower but steady ; January
elosinir at 47 0.
Oats Receipts , 79,000 ; exports , 187 ; spot
market weaker and dull ; options dull , und
iftc lower ; January closing at 32 c ; spot ,
No. 2 white , 33 } < (3-t5/c ( ; mixed western , 30
@ 3.1 ; white western , M@l2c.
Cofteo Options openeu barely steady and
40@75 points down on realizing , closed steady
nt ! IO@5r points below yesteiday but fairly
active and cables irregular ; sales , b4,000
bags , including December , $15.50@15 05 ;
January , $15.75@10 15 ; February , $15.bO ( < 4
10.00 ; March , $15 SO ® 15 93 ; April , $15.9J@
1020. Spot KIo easier ; fair earcocs , 17J < fc.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; united closed
nt bO'fjC.
EggH Weak and quiet ; western , 23i@24c.
Pork-Dull ; mess , $15.0J@15 25.
Lard Higher on small receipts of hogs
and export demand ; western steam , $3.70 ;
January , closing at $3.39.
Butter Quiet and easy ; western dairy ,
11(3200 ( ; western creamery , 21@J3c ; Elgin ,
nominal. .
Cheese Stronger , and in better demand ;
western , 10@10tfc. City. Dec. 0. Wheat -Strong ;
No. 2 rod , cosh , l)3J ) c bid , < J5c asked ; May ,
$1.00J bid ; No. 3 red , cash , 79o bid ; No. 2 ,
soft , cash 97 ] o bid ; January , USJtfc bid ;
May , $1.07 asked.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 27o bid ; year and
January ; 27c bid ; No. 2 white , 30e bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , 55' c bid.
Kt. Jjimitf. Dec. 0. Wheat Irregular ;
cash , $1.02 ; January , $ )
Corn Dull ; wish , 3iHo ; May , 31o.
Outs HUher ; cash , 'Me ; January nominal.
Pork Dull at $11.23.
Lard Higher at $ M5.
Whisky $1.15.
Butter Quiet ; dairy , 132ICc ; creamery ,
Mllwnulcpo , Dec. 0. Wheat Easy ;
cash , U7 , o ; January , ll ! ) fo ; May , fl.0i ,
Coin Dull ; No. 3 , old , 3Jo ; now , SJfiJUIc.
Oats-Quiot ; No. 2 white , 29@30s.
Uro Quiet : No. i , rac.
Barloy-Dull ; No. 2 , Ii7 c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , cash , $1355.
Clnoliuintl , Doc. 0. Wheat Ouiet ; No.
3 red , $1.0I@1.05. f
Corn Heavy und dropping ; No. 2 mixed ,
4 Wo.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2SJ Tfc29o.
Rye Dull , but easier ; No. 2 , 55o.
Whisky-Firm ut $1.14.
Miimiiapollti , Dec. 0. Wheat Receipts ,
33J cars , nnd 84 cars vvcro shipped out. Snll-
eis were usklnp ; yesterday's prices for nil
wheat lit for milling , but buyers took hold
very gingerly , nnd anything lower than No.
2 was scarcely noticed nt nil. Closing quota
tions ; No. 1 hard , December , $1.20 ; January ,
.815f ; May , ? 1.27X ; on track , $1.20@1.21.
No. 1 northern , December , $1.09 ; January ,
$ L10) ; May , $1.16 ; on track , * 1.11@.14. No.
2 northern , December , $1.02 ; January , I1.03K ;
on track , $ I.OJ(31.0' ( ' > .
tlVK HfOUli , .
Chicago , Dea 0. The Urovori' Jour
nal rouorts as follows :
Cuttlo HccolpU , 15,000 ; market dull and
demoralized , and 10@20o lower ; beeves , $1.75
(35.00 ; steers. J2.iiOQ4.GO ; stackers und
feeders , $1.0503.00 ; caws , bulls and mixed ,
$ l.00@2.75 ; Texas cattle , $1.2X33.20 ; west
ern rangers , $3 OOQ4.00.
Hogs Receipts. 17,000 ; market strong nnd
5o higher : mixed , $5.00@5.25j heavy , $ .5.10
QiSlO ; light , $5.05@530 ; skips. $4 00 4.85.
BQlOo lower ; natives , $2.50(35.25 ( ; westerns ,
$ . 0001.25' Toxanu , W.OO@3.B05 western '
$300@5.25. .
National Stock Yards , Kant St.
LouU , Deo.O. Cattle llecolpu. 1,700 : shipments -
ments , 2,300 ; market steady ; choica heavy
uatlvo steers. I5.005.40 ; fair to goocl ,
$4.20(35.10 ( ; butchers' steers , medium to
choice , 13.35(21,45 ( ; stockers and f eeacr , fair
to peed , fJ.Oa .l.CO : rangers , corn-fed , 13.00
(34 ( 16 ; erais-fed. t2.10Wa.30.
Hogs Hrcolpts , 8,703 : shipments , 1,200.
market 5(3100 ( higher ; choice heavy nnd
butchers' selections , ISSOdp.RO , packing
medium to choice , : f3.00(35..X ( ) ; light grades ,
KntmnH City , Dec. 0. Cattle Ilocolpti ,
4.43.V , shipments , 3,1)00 ) ; miirkct weak nnd
dragging , with values Irregular ; peed to
choice corn-fed , $4.40@3 00 , common to mo
dlumf32.V4.15 ( ; stackers nnd fccdinc steers ,
SI CO'53.20 ; grass range steers , J1.50@2.SO ;
cows , fl.OOtft'j 75.
Hogs Hece p's , 8,050 ; shipments , none ;
market weak , light hogs preferred , heavy ,
slow nnd Ac lower ; light medium , steady to
\vcak ; good to choice , Jo 10(25 ( 15 ; common
to medium , fl.bOQo.50.
Thursday , Dec. 0 , 1883
H would be hard to Imagine the market In
n more unsatisfactory condition than It waste
to day , so far ns best cattle nro concerned at
least. There wcic not many good cattle hero
and there was no demand for what were
hore. There was practically no market for
ftit cattle. The maikct for cow stuff \MIS
moro iictlvo and n good many head wort
sold but nt a di'cllno ot lOc , It required gooi
cows to briti ( , ' $2. Thcro were hnrdly nnj
feeders on sale but there were u few stale
stockcrs. The market on good feed ing
c.Utlc remains ubout stonily.
The market was active early nnd t > f 1
highereverything being sold out in the mom-
ing. Somu fancy hc.ivy hogs sold at 53.23
The market closed strong ut the advance ,
Tlio market was steady and cvcri thing
desirable was sold.
Cuttle < (
Sheep 35D
Fri'valtini : Prlom.
The following u a tiblaof pncn pill In
this marxet for taa grajji of stouc men
I'rimestcoM. 1303to 1500 Un. . l.lO ( ffil.73
Prime steers. HOJ to 1UJJ ibi. 3.10 ufiUO
Native feeders 2. " ' ( iMOO
Western feeders J IK ) ( . < ? . ! 'JO
Kannesteers , com'oa to ehoico 2. ) ! ) vi < M.i > 0
Common to good cows 1.23 fff'i.OO
Choice to fancy cows a.10 W2.H3
Commonto choice balls l.2i W-.OJ
Fair tocnoico light hosrs flee ittS 15
Fairtoctioloo tiexvv (1029 ( o.Ti ( ii.'i 2j
Kur to choice miwil nous . . . . 505 ( < { 5 15
KeprcHcnt itivo Sal ) i.
No. Av. Pr.
8 canncrs 1,0)7 ) $ MO
IB cows lorS 130
BOcnnncrs 8X5 15(1 (
2 bulls 11K ! 1.51
4 cows 1,112 l.OO
Ucows l.UT.l l.U'i
( Scows 1,110 , l.ttt
17 cows tl'.U l.TO
47 cows lib" 1.70
1C. heifeis T5 1.75
1 cow 1,200 1.7.r >
2,5 cows , westerns SJ3 1 75
2 (5 ( cows , westerns bO'J 1 " >
2i cows UVJ l.bO
1 bull 1,700 , l.SO
20 cows 1,121 l.S7' ' < ,
47 cows 1.077 2.00
12 cows 1IN1 , 200
2.1 cows , westerns 1,074 2.05
1 cow , western 1,010 2.0" )
lS > ; covvs 1,104 221) )
4 feeders 1,075 2.23
2 cows 1,151 225
21 cows 1,101 2.IK )
11 cows.- . lillO 2.M )
lOfceders 1,01'J 2 : > 0
30 stackers d'.io ' 2 111) )
U fecdeis , native1) W > 1 205
3 feeders l.POO 30) )
; ) feeilcrs 1,131 : tK )
astcors 1,0-1J : t.lO
CO steers , corn-fed westerns. . 1,214 330
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
m..2J4 sin $4 no OB 21:1 : 100 $3 10
(17..2JO ( IliO 5.00 u ; . . .2d2 M ) 510
12..2WI bO BOO J..1HJ 200 5.10
.0..2Sii 5K ( ) 505 00 2U1 000 510
07 2 ( > 2 200 5.05 0 > . . . .21) ' . ) 400 510
7..220 ) 240 505 1U..210 200 510
OS..2l > 7 240 505 57 2bl 2bO 5.10
5'i..275 120 503 in. . .2't7 40 5 12 } <
04..201 1W1 505 5J..20' ) . ' ! 00 f > 12 }
( ! 5..2iil SO 507K 5r.IO'J ) 240 512 * ;
5S.tJO : 11,0 , 5.07 ! { 57..y.i.i 440 5.15
03..2(50 ( 210 507 ! 53..207 2sO 515
05..231 81)0 5.10 . } . . . . : ' bO 5.15
58..275 bO 5.10 OJ..21HJ 100 5.15
03..250 5.10 5b..2i'J ' 5.15
02..231 200 510 ' ) . . . . : 320 5.15
81..211 120 5.10 f > 0. . . . 0l I20 ! 5.15
! iG.Ut ! bO 510 GJ..20I5 lt 5.15
J50..241 510 217..210 200 515
01..28 100 5.10 57..825 40 5.17
ni..272 lee 5.10 ( > . . . . : , ' 240 s.u
03..278 210 5.10 fll.:501 : 100 5.20
07..250 160 5.10 04..204 80 5.20
5S..v2j7 20d 5.10 51..339 5.25
OJ..2b7 100 5.10 50 . . .407 240 5.25
No. Av. Pr.
2N5 stock sheep 77 f2.00
2. " > 0 westerns , corn-fed 127 4.20
73 westerns , corn-fed 120 .20
Sold to I'nokerH.
Showing the number of ho i sold to
packers and leading buvcra on to clay's mar
ket :
G. II. Hammond As Co 013
Omaha Packing Co l.Ii.'O
Armour-C. P. Co 1,0.10
Swift & Co 3"i7
Produce , Fruits , fitc ,
HUTTEII Fancy , holid-packod creamery , 30
( ffliOc ; cholco country , 22c 2oc ; medium
grades , lb ( 2le ; common grades , 10S14c. (
Fioi'ii Nebraska natonts , JI50J7.50 ( ; ;
Minnesota patents , $ i2' > 7.75 ; stralu'lit
grades , $3 00 5 50 ; bakers' Hour , $ j.255 ( ; 75
jier bbl.
POTVTOCS Nebraska ' bu Colorado
, 25(24'Je ( per ;
rado , 736tSOu.
SWEIIT POTATOES 3g3) ( c per Ib.
POUI.TUV Llvo chickens , $ J.50@3.75 per
do/ ; spring chickens , (2.50iOO ( ; dressed
chickens , 7CiSi ! per Ib ; turkeys , 8@10c.
Knos Strictly fresh , 2 MttMc candled.
M HOA Giitrts In kegs , 12c per Ib.
lUNtVAS Common , Jl 50W2.23 iier bunch ,
cholco , * 2.30@3.50.
LKMOSS $5.00 per case.
OHAS-OIS Florida , $ .1 & & 1 75 per box.
GAME Per do < ! eii : Mallards , $ J50@i.75 ;
teal , flOO@1.S * ; quail , ? i. 50 ; pralilo chick
ens , $3.75a4,00 ( ; rabbits. $1.00 ; squirrels ,
$1.00 ; venison , OC' lOo per Ib ,
CiuxiiBimiKS $3.00 < gO.OO per bbl.
PIIOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , HKc ; No. 2 ,
lie ; shouldeis , 7J e-w rib bacon , llo ; clear
bacon , HKo ; ptcnlu hams , lOc ; dried beef
hams , 10j < o ; dry salted clears , shoit , bKc ;
extra short , &yashort \ libs , 84c ; picketed
pigs' feet , 15-lb kits , bOo ; lard , SQ/'Joj
smoked sausage , 0@So per Ib ; bog casings ,
CisLBiir SS'SSOo per dozfaenney ; , 403.
ONIONS HO ® lee per bu.
CAUIUUK $ . ) 00 per 100.
HCLTH lOc per bu ,
TuHXiri 25o per bu.
aSAticu ICniiUT Hbls. $ ! 75 ; half bbls , $3.75.
AiTi.ES Choice , $ ) .502.75pcrbbl ; funev ,
$3 00 per bbl ; commo i , tl.50Vi)1.75 ( ) per bbl.
ClDEii-Miohlgan , $ 't.00gtl.50 ( per bbl of 32
gats ; California pear cider , f 15 00 per bbl.
Per COIIN Ulce , 3o : common , u c.
CAIIIIOTS too per bu ,
MEANS Choice eastern hand picked navies ,
2.00 per bushel ; western handpicked na
vies , $1.75@l.fcO ; mediums , ei.30@1.50 ; Lima
beans , Cc per Ib.
HAY F. o. 1) . cars , No , 1 upland fO.OO : No ,
2 upland , $5 ( M )
CiioiTiu > -14.0015,00 : : per ton.
COIIN 20@27e.
OATS 22 ( ( - > 2c.
VINEQAH Cider , 10@lSo per gal. ; whlto
wlno , I0@20o per gal.
HONKV 1-lb frames , 15@16c.
Grocert > ' List.
Revised prices are as follows ;
HAOOINO Stark A , seamless , 22o ; Amos-
kcag , seamless. 17Jo ; Lowlstown A , seamless -
less , lOo ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu , , ll@Ho ; gunnies , single , llio ;
gunnies , double , 20o ; wool sack , 85o.
TWINES Flax , 3sc ; extra sail , 2021o : sail
13 , 20'tc : cotton , 2Jc ; jute , Oc ,
DitiKD FIIUIT Figs , In boxes , per Ib. 13 ®
16o ; dates. In boxes , 7@10o ; London Malaga
layer rulalns , per box , 12.50 3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , $ J30@2.50 ; new Valencia
raisins , per Ib. 8o ; California loose musca
tels , per box , $ J 00$3.10Callfornla ; Londons ,
1889 , tA-JO ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISo ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12 < & 13o ; dried
blackberries , t > erlb,7 > i(3Sc ( } dried raspbc--
no * , pcrlb , 2l@2Ic ; evnro/ateil apples. 1 * 1 $
ISo ; California sun dried poaches. IV Cali
fornia unp.ired evaK | > rnteu peaches , ] 3.iMSc ( ,
evaporated California apricots , 1 0 ; Kanteo
currant , HVnJo.Turkish pl-iincs Hjf/n4Vi
citron. 22i.r.4ri oruugc | H | , 13 * . ' , Icmnn jicel ,
ICe , Cnllfornli Trench itr.mcINgl'lo. ' .
Con-fLS-Mocha , 25u'Uc. ( : Hio , peed ,
17o ; Mnndnhllng , 2f > 3' > e , ronsttnp IJIo ,
Ifiol O. O Java , 24r2t ( > o .Invn , interior , 22 ' ?
'o. Kio , fnney , IX'tlPc ; Santos nnd Mnru-
enibo , 17 < < nOi. * , Arbucklcs , 21iO , McLnugh
lin's XXXX. 2- . " ,
SroAii Granulated. 7'fc ' ; conf. A , 7\c ;
whllo extra C. " r ; extra C. T'nc- ' yellow C ,
OUc. powdotcd , SMO : cubes , Sai\ )
HLESWKV Choice yellow , 20iT22J ( cj dark
coloied , 13gM4c.
CIIPI K Voung America , full cream , 12 < S
12'tc ' , full cream Cheddars , Ilctl2c ( , full
cream Huts , 12 } ji' .
PK KLF.S-Medium , In bbli , K , 00 ; do , In
half bbls , $ .1.00 ; small , In bbls , MK1 ( ; do , In
hnlf bbls , M 50. gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
In hnlf bbls , ( H ) .
ToilACCO Plug. 2XWe ( : smoking , 1C < 590o.
Jr.i.Lins H 23 per 80 Ib i nil ,
SALT $1 .H1. 3 i r bbl.
Hoi-n-7 10,11.
MU-I.E Sinvn Hrlcks. lliM2c ( per Ib ;
pennv cakes , 120 ( > l tc per Ib ; pure mnplo
syrup , $1 00 per mil.
TFA Young Hj son , common to fair ,
2.f > o ; Voung H\son , good to fnt/l-y / , BO'it.Vic ;
Gunpowder , common to good , ( f < 23c : Gun-
powiier , choice to fancy , 40C < 't'5c , Japan ,
common to mcaium , li ( (20c ; Japan , choice
to fancy , JiOCn ISo ; Oolong , common to good ,
25 ! 'Bo , Oolong , choice to fancy , 50u70o ( ;
Iniporial , common to medium , vifitit3'c ; Im-
pcilnl , good to fancy , 4i We :
TS'LTS Almonds , lff l o ; lilberts , 12iil5c ( ;
Briull. IViUV ; walnuts , Uc ; pecans , 10 ( He :
peanuts , tifi(0c. (
Ciui KIII : * - 0' IOj ncr Ibs assorted cakes ,
fi(2."o per 11) as per list.
Cistn MKcil , flnfiil2i ! < e ; stick
rock candv , lll' ypru'j fnncy cantty , 7rt2 ( c.
Coiiri * ) ! !
Dry Coons.
COTTONri.vNM.i.s 10 per cent dis.l.L ; ,
r. . c ; CC. ( % 'c ; SS , : ? < < ; Numcless , r > c ; RX ,
Ibo : H , 2Uc , Xo 10. ' 'V * ; Xo.10 , 10' < c : iNo.
iiO , 12'jc : No. Ml , l ! ) . , c ; No. HO , colored , tic ;
No BO , coloiod , 13c ; No. 70 , colored , l- > e ;
Bristol , 12 . .e. Union I'acillc , 17c.
CAUTI.T tf'utr Uid , white , VJc , coloied ,
B".TTS Standard , So ; pcm , lOc ; beauty ,
1'J'jc ; boono. I4c ; If , cased , $ il r > n.
PniSTtSolid colors Atlantic , He ; Slater ,
Oc : Merlin od , ti e : ( imnwoll. Hj7c. (
PUIMI'ink and Kobcs Allen. IV , KIVCI-
point , .V V ; Stet1Hhcr , OJtfc ; Kichmond ,
O'.c. I'udllc , 7c
PIMNTSDress Charter Oak , S'-iC ; Ram-
ape , 4'n'c , LodK . " | ' . Alldn , lie. Richmond ,
tii1 : Windsor , lH.c ; Kddj stone , i'.ij'c ; ljacillo ,
( iKc.
liirAiiinn SnrnTiso IJerkcloy cambric ,
No r,0 , UHc : Host Yet. 4 4 , ( i c ; bnttercloth ,
OO , 4'jC ' , Cabot , 7V1 ; rurvu-lf. half bleached ,
bjc ) ; Fruit of the Loom. ' .Il4c ; Greene ( ? ,
il'4e ; Hope , tc , K\I\K \ \ I'lilllip cambiic , lie ;
Loiisdalo camlnic , ll-jc ; Uonsdale , ic ; New
York mills , lO c , Ponperell , 42 in , lie ; Pep-
perell , 40 in. 1'c : Pepperell , r4 , lOc ; Pep
lci ell. v4. 21c ; Peppeieli , 04 , 2c ! ; Pcppci- '
ell , 104. 2Tiu : Canton , 4-1. bj- Tiiumph , tic ;
Wainsutta , lie ; Vallcv , Be
FiNM.I s Plaid liaftsmen , SUc ; Goshen ,
'UVse ; Clear Lake , Ul ! ) c ; lion Mountain ,
Coii'-r.T JCANS Androseopcin , 79fe ; Ivear-
rse , < / ' < ; Rockpoit , % ; Cniiestoj.Mll' c.
TICK' ' York , .10 In , 12' ' jc ; Yoik , ,1'i-in ,
it'jc : ; Swift river , i ir. Thoindil.e , OO ,
h > , 'e ; Thorndike , EH , s > c ; Thorndike , lit ) ,
OKc ; Thoindike , XX , ir.e ; Cordi * . No 5 ,
yl " , c ; Coidis , No. 4 , 7l.c.
"rn\ White-GH , No. 2 , f , 22 , , c ;
GH , No. 1 , % , 2lic ; UI1 , Mo. 3.,2J1.c ; Ull ,
No. 1. Jf , HOe ; Quechee , No. 1. jjf , 4'-'c
HI-SIM'S Amoskoatr , 'J oz , IbVje ; li relt7
oz , l.ll < .e ; York , 7 07 , l.t' ' e ; Ilavmaker , bKl > ;
Jaffiey XX , 11 e ; JatTiey XXX , VJ' c :
Heaver Creole A A , 1'Jc ; Beaver Creek B13 ,
lie ; Ucavci Cieok CC , lOe
KENTUK J I\NS : Mcmoiial. 13u ; Dakota ,
IS1 , Durham } e ; Iluicule'Ibc , ; Leaming
ton , 'J'J'iie ; Cottsnood , 27' e.
CHASII Stevens' 1J , t > jc ; Stevens' 13 ,
bleached , 7c ; btevens' A , 7' ' < , c ; Stevens' A ,
blenched , SJ c ; Stevens' P , S' ' e ; Stevens' P ,
Vlcachcd , Si'ijc ; Stevens' N , ! ) e : Stevens' N ,
blenched , 10V ; tatevens' blU , Kh -
Ml-i CM. VNLOLS Tublo on cloth , $3.50 ;
jlain Holland , O'jfo ; Uailo Holland. 1'JJie.
BKOVVX Siini.nvu Atlantic A , 4-4 , "Kc ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 V ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , Cj/e ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , tic , Anioia LL , 4-4 , tie ;
Aurora C , 44 , 4 cCiown ; XXX , 4-4 , tijfc ;
Hoosicr LL , 4-1 , be ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 73-jc ;
Lawience LL , 4-4 , ( is ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
5Ke-Pcpi > creil R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pcppcrcll O , 4-4 ;
il Peppeieli ; , 84 , IbJ-fc. Pepperell , 9-t,21e ;
Pepperell , 10-4 , ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Xe ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7Hc ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ,
Auiora B , 4-4 , tiKc.
DUCK West Point 20 in S oz. . lOKc ; West
Point ! J'J in. 10 07 , V.'Kc ; West Point 2'J In. 12
oz , ir > c ; West Point 10 in 11 oz. , Hie.
FI.ANSKI.S Ked. C , 2 in , 15HC ; E..24 in ,
21UcGU ; , 21 in , 2'Je ' : HAF , J.f , 25e ; JRK ,
, 27c.
GivniiAM Plnmkctt cheeks , 7tfeWhlttPn-
ton , 7 } e ; York , 7 } c ; Noimandi ilress ,
Calcutta dress , 8J < c , VVhittenton dicsb.
Renfrew ilrcss , b'-fOilSWc.
CAM IIKUS Slater , B } ' ; ' " Woods , B c ;
Standard , fiifo ; Peacock , B'4e. '
PKINTA , IMHOO HI.I i : Ainold , ( ij c ; Amer
ican , ( i' c ; Gloucester , ( S e : Arnold C long
eloth , Sir ; Ainolil B IOIIK cloth , lOJ c ; Arnold
Gold Scul , lOHc ; Stiefel A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
Hemlock sole , 1S ( < ( 3Te j > cr Ib ; oak sole , 33@
SOc per Ib ; oak harness , aufti I2c per Ib ; selec
ted oak and tiace , : < T > c per Ib ; oak and hem
lock upper , ! ! Oc < i.Uc per foot. Hemlock calf
skin. No. 1 , bO uOUe. per Ib , nccotding to
weight : oak calf skin , No 1 , 00t@fl.00 per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , fl 00@1. 10
per Ib ; hemlock kii skin , No. 1 , t > ( ) ( i < 70e per
Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70fiiMe ) per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skn cxtra.KKu'.Uc per Ib. French
call sl < in3accordinK ( to weight and ijuality ) ,
* l.l. > ( ! il.7.r ) per Ib. French kip skins , do , SOo
( * 1.10 perlb. Cordovan russett , iSc ; satin
llnish , 20o per foot ; vvolt leather , HBO ® 1.00
per sidemoroccos ; ( pebble ftoat ) , L'UOtllOc per
foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@'iOc per foot ;
Klove calf skins , 2 ( > ( nWo per loot ; Douglas
kid , : iO@Oc ) per foot ; kangaroo skins , 4lWu
per foot , according to quality. Toppings ,
Jb.OOlO ( K ) per doom ; linings. fj.OO&i'.i.OO per
dozen ; apron skins , $10 00@12.00 jicr do/en.
First and second clear , 1'4 In. . . WO OOfttSl 00
Fi stand bccoml clear , ! > . , in. . . 17 ( Mfi.'jO ) ( 00
Third clear , l > 4c > tl ln . 13 ( X40 00
A select , l'4 ( < il'j m . : t7 00
B select , I' fel'ij in . MOO
A stock boards , 12f. < It ! It , 18 in. . 40 00
11 stock boards , 12felO ft , J'J in. . 41 00
C stock boards , r ' ( < 4 10 ft , 12 in . . 'M 00
D stock boards , I' ylf , ft , 12 in. . 23 00
flooring , first common , 0 in . i(4 ( 00
rioorini- ' , second common , 0 in. . HI 00
Select fencing flooring . , . . . 10 00
Siding , lirst and second clear , 14
010 ft . . . . 2S 00
Siding , first common , Iti ft . 22 00
Siding , second common . 10 00
Jommon boards . 1(1 ( 00
N'o. 2 boards , all lengths. < . 11 BO
Fencing , No. 1 , IS and 20 feet . 10 BO
roncinp. No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet . IB SU
Joist and scanlliiiL' , 2x4 , H Of Iti feet . Ill 00
Timber , 4x1 , SxS , 12@l ( ! feet . 1700
Pickets , D and H Hat . 2200
Pickets , I ) and 11 square . 22 00
3hinn'lcH , extra A . 2 iO
shingles , standard A . 21-0
Lath . , . 240
O G Butt * , 2 } In . 00
o G Batth , I' ' x-i , s i s . : r-
J In well tubing , U and M bev . 2200
MctnU anil Tinner * * ' Hiook.
Block tin , smallK \ > \ . * .26
Uloek tin , bar . , , . 20
-oppcr , planished boiler sUes . U4
Copper , colil lolled. . . , , , . ! Jl
Jappor , sheathliiK. , , . , . , , . . . , . . . .30
Copper , pltts . ! ! 0
Joppor , Hats . 81
! al , sheet Iron , Junlata , SO-IO and & per c. dls ,
Pau planished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10J-J
Put , planlsned lion , 84 to 27 B. . . , . ! ) j
, 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . ? CIKI
, IX , 11x20. 112 sheets . 7.60
ioottnj ? , 1C , 20x28 , 113 shouts . 11,00
tooling , fX,20x2S , 118 sheets . 14.BO
Sheet iron. No , 20 . 1160
Sheet iron , No. 27 . a K )
Solder . 10K@W
Tin plato. best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 2A5 sheets . f < 5BO
X , 10x14. 225 sheets , . , . 8.25
Tin plato , coke
0,10x14.225 Blioets . 025
steel nails , per Kdg . , . 2.2. >
Steel wire nails , per keg . s .W
Tlio most Bclontillo corn pound for the-
euro of couphs , colds and till throat nnd
UIIL ; troubles ia Dr. Bifjolow'a 1'ositlvo
7ure , It is pleasant , prompt and eufo.
60 ccats mill ? 1 , Goodtnaa Drug Co ,
tiintrumcnts PIncoit on Hcooril Bur-
MT Morrl on el nl to A llntlam.e,1l ft
lot * i ! ) MiiUtl. lilkll. Mnynv I'lnco , wd $3,60J
, , Man i < nnil \ .llo to r U ngnpr. e lUOft lot
I Iniidi , blR is , Ilodlord s.Mnddwd . 4,003
II J I'niyn ami liu l > iuul to M K Itcoco , e
S lot n. 1 > IV. I , 1'rttrlck's ndil. w d . 2.&OJ
It Kouutrenml to II liolln , lots Cnnd
' , bile II , Kountzc Pluci ) , w < | 1,800
Mnx Mmer ct nl to II \MllHui I . lot 13 ,
bike , .Mniihikttnn , w < 1 . 4-5
Miituni Trust < o to ,1 , J TcbbllK , lot , W , blk
I , Nortlillold iitltl w d
C W Hamilton loV J MunUT.lot J Sunny *
Mile , wil . . . . I.OX )
0 llnnmannndito toJ Ilollmnn , lot l > ,
lilk ,1. Kountn' .Td nilil. w d . . . 6,000
J lloirniiin to .A Honmiui , lot 9 , b'lc.i ' ,
Koimtze Hd ndil , wd. . . . . . f'.OCO
Hs Uooil and vile to K C Mailer , lot Id ,
blk 4 , .Ulirlght'i tinnex , wd
Tin trnnsfcrs t-1,65
Hnllttltii ; LVrnilti ,
The folio wing bjlldlng permits were Issued
1 rsterdnv :
llobort Olursrh , addition ted clHng , 1007
I.i'nvenmirth st . . . . $
Charles Wuriipr , 1'i-story dwelling , Monmouth -
mouth i'nrk ' . . . . 1,000
1'otcr llan * > en , 1-sturj dualling In Park
Tluce permits , nggrcrrntlng I 1U5
Tlic rioililn OrniiRC Crop.
Now York Independent : It is good
to learn Unit the Florida oi-a
ers mo not to bo embarrassed by
less iiunrnntinu or delay in
their aljumlunt crop. The idea of
oranges , swinging on the trees , harboring -
ing microbes is grotesque , especially as
the pungent oil of thu pool is in it-oll
an antidote to fever 'jerms and mieceHS-
fully employed as a preventive. So the
market will soon bo abundantly sup
plied with Florida oranges sweet ,
hc.'iltliful and cheap. This delicious
fruit , unlike any otbor , requires a full
jearto develop. Tlio trees are white
with bloom in February , and though
the orant'os attain their growth by
October and are yellow in November ,
they grow sweeter by hanging on the
trees till Fobrimry , when they are por-
perfeet , though the bulk of the crop is
marketed long before , owing to the
demand and fear of freezing.
This jeur the crop is estimated to bo
full.\ y.U.K,000 ) boxes , more tlian double
that of any previous year , iiieh box
holds an average of at least 160. Each
freight cur carries about 1100 boxes. So
to nuno the crop will require live trains
of 120 ears each per day for 100 days , and
the,000 ) ) oranges \\lllallow nearly
10 each to c\ery inhabitant in the
United States.
To sucii nma/ing proportions has this
fascinating business developed within a
verj few jears. aud the. young trees yet
to come into bearing promise in alow
years to multiply the above figures by
ten. Many are Nitisfietl when buying
to learn from the dealer that they arc
"Florida" of
getting oranges , ignorant
the fact that the varieties are as num
erous as their grades of quality. In
buying apples one generally selects fall
pippins , greenings or Baldwins to suit ,
whereas in purchasing orangrs the
brand of "Florida' is suflioient. Con
sumers will soon find out , if they have
not ahcady , that the variety in oranges
is greater than in apples , and learn to
-.elect . HomosasMi. Nonpareil , _ Sweet
Seville. Indian river , Tangerine or
batstima as readily as they now do
various apples.
Thvio is one trado-mark on Florida
oiangcs that Ctinnot bo counterfeited ;
when the peel is discolored by what is
known as "rust , " you may know the
fruit was grown in the land of Hewers.
So far fiom this being a drawback , ex
cept for looks , this rust is a positive ad-
\antage. Russets are invariably solid ,
sweet and juicy ; the tiny insect that
caubfd the discolored peel thereby
hennetirally seals the pores , confining
the juices that would otherwise- evapor
ate ; yet jou may buy russets for about
$1 per box cheaper than brights. So
much for "looks ' or the wnims of taste ,
Few oranges are marketed as
carelessly as apples , all sizes and quali-
ies being dumped into a box. Instead ,
each box is carefully packed in lajers
containing exactly the same size and
number , the boxes holding 1US , 140,17G
to ' .0. The medium si/es are consid
ered best , the box being stenciled with
the number as well as the quality of
the fruutas 17U russets , brights , fancy ,
etc. The orange-growers' packing
houses adjoining the groves in Florida
are now scenes of great activity.
Rollicking negroes mount loner lad
ders into the trees with sacks swung on
their shoulders and , pruning shcais in
hand , clip the golden fruit from its
rough stem and place it in the bag ,
whichwhen full are huidcnsomeiscaic-
fully emptied in boxes under the trees
to be hauled by teams to the packing
houses. The fruit is never pulled fiom
the tree , as the stem comes out "plug
ged" and worthless for shipping ;
neither can they bo tossed about , or the
delicate sacs bursts and the orange de-
cnvs. In the packing house the sorter
rolls each fruitdownan inclined trough
with gradually spreading sides , so each
fruit drops in the box underneath con
taining exactly the same si/.e ; thence
the boxes are taken to the wrappers ,
who dexterously twist eaeli in tissue
p.ipor and place in regular layers. Tlio
lucking houses , \\heie possible , line a
railroad sidetrack ; so the boxes as
packed are loaded into the cars , which
run direct fiom the gioves to the north
ern cities without change.
Residence ;
MILWAUM.I : , WIs , Dec. 0. The IZvening
Wisconsin's special fiom Oconomowoc , Wis. ,
says : The elegant i evidence of ex-Alayor
Hutler , of this city , burned last night with
all its contents. Loss , $ jO,000 , insurance
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I70-CO4.
inicoetafully Ubixl monthly by nvpr 1UXX ( )
Ixuilea. AruS'a/e. Kfftituatantl I'ltasant
$1 pi rlmx hymall.or atilruc lsts. Kraled
-i'irficui r 2 pouUiB RUimpi , Aildrcwa
THE Kuitiai CULMIOAU Co. , UBIHOIT , Micu.
QV sale < t nil yi/ mall bu Goodinttn
DrutiGo , , Oinulta , Kelt.
oiu rarly d
ntnnhnod ftd I will M-nd A VMluublf
srAUNl ) r nt lnlnir full ( wrtlluUrs ttA
lif Hirnir * . fieerif 1 1 Arirt * Ad'lrrHX.
PROF.F. O. FOWLEI ? . Moodua.Conn.
un(1 ,
julns , hourul cases cured In HUVUM da ) s. Kofil
II. OU per box , nil dniL'Klits , or by mull frnm Do-
cutu ilft'.Co ir.'WlirieBt..N V. Tull Dlroctlona
It. IMI VIKII , v r niciiiMN j ii
Live Stock commission Merchants.
Officu-Hoom Zl , Oppokliu K'chaimo Jlulldlrm , union
block Vanlii , toulU Umalia , Not1.
-Liye StocK Commission ,
Room 19 , Ezcbsniio llulldlng. Union Block vtrcU ,
boulti Umalia , Neb.
_ _
Of Omalia , Limited ,
Agricultural Implomotito.
" *
DealerinAgricnlliirallmiilciDcnls , Wiisons ,
i nml B "
Kill Om&hA VYbrntHa.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons.CarriaEG1
Iliistilcs , Klc Wliolomlc. OinMia , Nrbrmkn
' ' '
l AnUN ,
AiTicnltDral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
Rl ) , 9UI , m itnJ W7 Jonci Slrccl , Oni h .
P. P. MAST A CO. , .
MannfaclnrGrs of IMcyc Drills ,
CulllT Ii'm. liny lUkcu. OJer Mill * ( > n < l l.vlrnn I'ul
trrlirrt. Cor 1Mb ml Nlrliolni Mrcru.
WhoU > iili >
Akron , Uhlo.
Haryesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W K Mcml , Miinnscr. IJlltpiiTonworlh sU Omnbn ,
ManufncturmniulJobbera In
WagoiiS , Buggies , Ra.cs , Rows Etc ,
Cur. Vlli nmt 1'Addc glrecls , Onmlm , Noli.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
' Materials Pianos anil
Artists' , Organs ,
1513 I'nuL-lcn Strcrt , Omatin , Ncbrnnliiu
_ Booksellers nnd
H. M. Si's. W.JONES.
Successors to A. T. Kcnyun A Co. , Wliulionlc A Itclrll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Hue WeJrtliiR yiatloner > , Conuuvrclal S-
ISA Douflni Struct. Omulm , .Npb.
Doota end Shoes. _
( bUCCC990r8 10 lUCMl , JOlllN A CO )
AKcnt. lor Ho-lon
W. V. MORSE \ CO. .
of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,11(3-1101 ( Uouulns St.Omnl.n Mnnufaclorj.fSum-
mor St. . liLiton.
Goffoos , SploeB , Etc-
Onmlm Coffee and MUcu Mill * .
Teas , Cote , Spices , Baking Powder ,
vorlfiu Kitrncti , IxutidrjIlluc. . Inks. Ktc. 111 !
UK , llnrnor flroot. Uuiabn. Nuliraika.
Crockery and Glassware.
Agent for the Manufaclurcn and Impnrtcu or
CrocKery , Glassware , Lamns , Chimneys ,
Ktc OBI ce..117 S nth St , OmiilJ , Nobrailm.
Imoorturs and Jobbcri of
CrccXery , Glassware , Lamps , Silyerwarc
Ktc. 1514 J-ornsn : St.Xov Paxton BulWinif.
Commission and Storago.
' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
fcpcelaltlrs "ntlcr. Kutrs Cbpvrp , I'nnltry , Uarac.
11J ! Howard Slrctt Omnlin.
fiucceiiors lo McSlianc A Sclirocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouiaha , Nebru k .
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 10l North KlU
tjtrcct , Omaha , Ncl > .
JDoaljCoko and Lime.
' '
Jolihers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
00 South 13th Slrect , Omaha , Nebraika.
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And Milpprrs of Coal , Coalc , Cement , I'lii tcr , l.lnic ,
Drain 'lllc and hcwur ritu > . unicu,3l8N illli
t , Omaha , .Nt'b. IVIt phone 811.
JOry Goods ana Notions.
M E SrvflTH i c"o.-
Dry GooflSj Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
nm and 1104 Douglni , Cor. lltti ft , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jooliers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gcnta' li'urnlthlnR ( InoiU. Corner lltli and lluticy
au.Omaha. Ncbra ka.
" *
Shippers of Coal and Cok5 ,
214 Soulh nth Ut. Omaha Nob.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnaui Street. Omahu. Nebraika.
Omaha , Nebraska.
_ _ _ Crocorloa.
Vfiiolcsalc Groceries and Provisions ,
706.707. 703 nml 71 IS IQlh St. , Om Ua , Nob.
Wliolesale Groccrs
I ( li and Lcnroutrortli Street , . Omalm , Nabnukn.
Hardware. _ .
Wliolctalo Manuactiiri.r > of
Saddlery & Moors of Saddlery Hardware
And leather. 1401,140.1 and UI7 Unraiy 81 , Oiaalm ,
' " " "
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlngi , Waiion Htork , llanlnaru , Lumber , Utc.
uud Ull Harnejr tJlrivt , Oinuba.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Uvcnuulct1 looli and IlulTaln Kcnlci 1OJ Dou lni
Wholesale Hardware ,
( tit and Ilarrie * 8 ( . Oniaba , Neb Wcitcrn ARCIlti
( or Auilln Potrrlcr ( Vi , JeRcmnn Kleel Nulle
1 lrb Lk riundard hc ! n
Wliolesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato ,
Metals. Pliett Iron , etc Ai.'Piitg for Howe Sc.ilci- ,
Jliunii 1'OHikT iiiull-yiiun llarbed ulro ,
Omaha , Nibronko.
_ , Capo , Eto.
W.L. P'ARROTTE & co. . "
Wliolesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
UK Hjrucr HtrteU Omahn. Met ) .
Lumhor. _ '
All Kinds of Building Material at VIioW
131 j Hlreet and Uulon 1'tclflo Track , Oin-S
' "
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasb ,
Dcuri.Ktc. VidYirner ( 7th and IXjuuItt , Coinci
A / II
Dealer in All Kind5 of Lumber ,
ISthnpq Caiitornla Slr ( M . Onmha , Nebraska.
W. UnrtY ,
Inmiier Lime Cement
Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner fth nnd
To Dealers Only ,
JMtf , I4KI KiriiBra Ptrocl Omaha
Wholesale Liiinber , Etc ,
" , : ; , w.Bi L ass ! .ni ?
Ijulnc ) Whlto l.lmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carp < m and I'nrqnct Kloorlntt 9lli tud
_ Mllllnory nnd Notions ,
Iwporters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
W 310 and 313 Smith lllli sin-i'l ,
Ovornlla. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pauls , Shirt' , Kt.Ilinand 11UI loinl r Street ,
Uiuuhit. ficb
Wliolesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
( ] and < U' > P ( nth IC'th st , Omalm.
OIlB. '
Wliolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Ore-mo , Kir , Omalia. A. H lllnhup. Manamt
Notions and Gent's '
Funiisliing Good ? ,
1101 Uarncr "Iroet , Omnlia
Offlco Fixtures.
Miuutact ire.s of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle' . SMrbomiK Hook t'nai" > , l > rii Klxlures.Wall
CaT" . I'mtltloni HalllnuKl'onnl r . llnoranil Wlno
Cooler" . Mliror- ate I actor ; unr * onlri' , iru nod 1134
South UlU rtt , Oraulia Tulopliuno 1124.
Paints and Oils.
Whole ale Ito.-iler' In
Paints , Oils , Window Gla s , Etc ,
i Fnrnnm Street. Omalm , Nob.
. - ' -J
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlro Hoi k of I'rlntlni ; . Wrtipplnp and Wrlttna
I'lirEr. Special attcatlnnKlTvn to tar load cirdors.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos 1.117 and Ull ) Douglas M. , Oiualni , Neb.
"STIMIVIEL'A : cb .7
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 and 'J1J ' Jouc-a Street Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding A Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Crunch hou o of Iho llormny1 fliiiftfy Co. HiiK leaal
wbultinulu und retail. LIU 1 llOuni ) 11U IiurU Hlrcot ,
Oniaua. Tulephuni ) No. "W.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
UZl Norlli KltflhtoontU Btreot , Omnha ,
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
JobuKpeuctcr , Proprietor.J ) lidr ) ( ( anil Idlnnd 1H
North mil Htroi't , ( Jiu.tlin.
' Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dvolcraln Tjrnu , I'ru'nos nnil I-rlnlorn1 Buppllce. Ml
Souti l.'ili tiiroet , OmuUii.
_ _ _ FubbprCoorJst
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubher Goods
Jll Clulbinic and Lvnthcr llcltlnu. 1' ' > H r nmm Htro U
SjQh , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV / CO. , '
Wholoaalu Mannf . .Lturura uf
Sasfl , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llranch Ulflco , J.'tli nnil lianl ijtrutti , Onmlm , Neb.
B 6 UN MA N U F A CT U RTiv 6"CO. .
Vannfacturers of Sasli , Boors , Blintto ,
iililliiftn , SlnlrWorlr nnil Interior Ilnr'l Won I Fill"
* u. N. li. CumvrMh nnil I * uvuiiwurth ttrtvH ,
Uiun'm. Neu.
Rtomn Fittings , Pumpo , Etc.
. Pumps , Hurt Engines ,
jtoam , watnr. Ha Iwar and MlnliiK Supplies , Klo ,
\IM.VU \ aud VJI n > rnam Hln ul , Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jtoam and Water Hujiplloa. ! ? " " " > r" for Mn > L
- rurniim t. , Om
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llttllldaf Wind .Mills. OlSan.l . tOlrnrnam 81 , Oumba.
_ U I llQSB.Actlin ; .MHiiaqer.
fiiigincs , Boilers and General Machinery ,
'heotlruu Work Hlcam I'umin.Snw MIW
Liavinwonh fctiuul , oiniihu
Iron Works.
Carter tl ton , l'n > | > x Maiinfactiirrri of nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Worfc
Works South anli and II. i II
Wromlit and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
KnCliiCB. Ilni" Work Gonornl foundry .Muolilne ttiut
Uluckiiullli Work uttUouinl Work * , U r , llr ,
neil Iill ) telrml.Oiualiu.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Dual Unll * , VMnrlnw riimrli flnnir Hliinrt , Wro |
fMin'Klo. Ul Nort.'i Kill Strn-l , Oinulia.
Man'frsofFirc&BnrglarProofSafes '
Vuull > , .latl Work. Iron mil Win , KonrlnK. HWrii. 1210 ,
G Aiidreea , 1'iou'r Cor. luliunU Jutknun Ht ,
" " - -
Iron and Wire Fences , RailiiiR ? , Guards
aud Sercen * . , for bunk , , ollliun t | ri' ieilrtunt.ui.otol
rnvtd AHiilnti- 't nmliM tlilinry uuil
lllaiknullli Uorki.JlIiMjutli lull r > l ,
M HA < Illltl A 'Tm'UOHl ! , ' "
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time IMS ,