Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Born To .T. nml Margaret Kgnn ,
n , eon , 112 pounds.
A consignment of clgtirs wns received
rd the custom house from Cubu yester
There wns only one building' permit
Issued yesterday , which was to John E.
Kwall , allowing him lo build n barn at
1207 Cnss street , to cost $100.
The horse railway company com
menced yesterday to cut the pave
ment on Ninth street , between Douglas
nmi I'arnatn preparatory to laying its
track between those streets.
13. I. Wiifnor , of this city , asks if
Cleveland's majority in Now York in
1888 was greater than it was in 1881.
Hid plurality was greater. In the late
election Cleveland led by about /W,000 / ,
while in 1881 his plurality was 13OJ1.
Miss Mnry Brown , ( laughter of Dr.
.7. Morris 13rown , of Fort Omaha , will
make her debut next Tuesday evening.
Elaborate preparations are going on for
a dance which will take place on the
occasion. Over two hundred invita
tions have been bent to the city.
Early yesterday afternoon fire wns dis
covered in the Bohemian church at the
corner of Fourteenth and Williams
Btroots , and an alarm was sounded. But
Blight damage was done , the llamas
being extinguished before the arrival
of the fire department. A gasoline stove
was the cause.
Richard Gentry , Kansas City , is at the
A. M. Clnrk , St. Louis , Is a Ruost at the
A. 15. Knight , New York , is a guest at the
AV. J. Frame , Reacting , Pa. , is stopping at
the Mlllard.
O. H. Perkins , DCS Molncs , Is stopping at
the Murray.
Samuel Host , Salt Lake City , is registered
at the Paxton.
J. McCullogh , Philadelphia , Pa. , Is a guest
at the Paxton.
12. C. Holbrook , Now York , Is registered
JU the Murray.
Miss Ktta Dierks , Ewlng , Neb. , is stopping
at the Paxton hotel.
Mrs. D. T. Smith and Mrs. Anderson , Den
ver , arc nt the Mlllard.
L , Pincars and Jauios Dunne , Chicago , are
registered nt the Mlllard.
F. 15. Woodruff and Isaac Wnixla , Chicago ,
are registered nt the Pnxton.
II. J. and Miss Louisa Gray , Mlddloton
Spa , Vt. , are guests at the Millard.
C. VV. Spcnce , of the Kearney County Dem
ocrat , a bright paper published at Minden ,
Neb. , suont yesterday in Omaha.
Mrs. S. T. Smith and Mrs. Andrews , of
Denver , are 'in the city , guests of Mrs.
Thomas Swobc , of the Millard.
Dr. F. N. Dick and Mr. W. H. Ryan , of
North Platte , are in the city , being called
hero by business connected with the United
States court.
At the Arcade A. C. Gowdy , Pairbury ;
D. W. Baldwin , Claries ; A. II. Chappie ,
Waterloo ; A. M. Spooner , Hooper ; Alfred
Larson , Wayne ; J. II611er , of Wayne , A.
IJeckiiKin , Oakland.
The mother and sister of J. H. Daniels loft
Monday for San Diego , Cal. Miss Daniels
came hero from Iowa an invalid , but a cou
ple of week's stay in this climate enabled her
to undertake the loner journey to the coast.
DubolH Held for Trlnl.
Dubois , the man arrcsto for repeating in
the Third ward was arraigned j eslurday after
noon , waived examination and was bound
over to the dlstri court in the sum of 200.
An Old Man. H ibbocl.
An old man named Kieloy was robbed of
all bis money , about $9 , in a saloon opposite
the St. Paul depot last , night. The old gentleman -
tleman docs not know who robbed him and
declined to give any information to the po-
lice. _
Ijo.-u a Roll ,
C. W. Garmang , contractor and builder , of
No. 1812 Izard street , went to South Omaha
Tuesday forenoon and between the time of
buying his railroad ticket and his return from
South OinaUa. lost his pocketbook contain-
Cooley's Case.
Julius S. Cooley was charged before Judge
j Wndo yesterday with aiding and abetting
illegal voting. A warrant was issued ngnlnst
! r Cooley Tuesday on complaint of Toin Doran.
The case was dismissed and Duraii ordered
to pay the costs.
Tlio Golden Gate.
Encino 827 , in charge of John Dolan , with
Howard GolT as fireman , took out the Golden
Gnto special yesterday morning , and will
leave It at Grand Island. Conductor Carl
Ponrco and iirakeman Murphy will proceed
as far as Chcycnuo.
Tjiiulsny vs. Deni | > 4cy.
There will bo an Interesting glove contest
at Ilowloy's ' hall South Omaha
, , Friday evenIng -
Ing , the principals being the middleweight
champion , Jimmy Lindsay , and Johnny
Dempsey , who Is said to be a top-noteiier.
There is every indication of n big turn out of
the sporting element , and Manager Fallen
insures a rattling good mill/
Corcoran Is Willing.
Mr. n. Corcoran writes the following to
the BBB regarding tno challenge of Thomas
Hayden who wants to run n four-hour sack
race of one hundred yards for 50 a side :
In reply to the challenge of Mr. TUomas
Huydcn , I wish to state thut I will run a
four-hour go-as-you please race for J50 u sldo
providing there is n suitable place to run.
Accused liy Ills WiCo.
F. Walters was nrrcstod on ft charge of
ndultory on complaint of his wife. Walters
has n lady friend who lives In Walnut Hill
named Mnry Hoiscr. To this laity , it is
claimed , ho pays too much attention to please
his lawful wedded wife , hence the arrost.
One of Mr. Walters' children lives with Mary
Heisor and is sick , therefore- she was not ar
rested. Walters rooms on Farnain street ,
near Fifteenth. .
A jUornliii : Illnze.
| ? A cottage , situated on South Eighteenth
" * below Vintou streot'wns burned to the ground
about 0 o'clock yesterday morning. The
person who attempted to turn fn the alarm
handled the box so roughly and clumsily cs
to break It. The alarm , therefore , had to bo
turned In from another box. and this occa
sioned such u delay that , by the time the lire
department reached the scene , it was too late
to Bitru the building. The structure was
worth about fitOO , and probably f 100 worth of
ttio contents were consumed with it. A do-
feotivo tluo was the cause.
Ognllnla Cattle Company.
Yesterday morning the annual meeting of
thoiOgallaln Cattle company was held in the
office of W. A. Paxton , in that gentleman's
block , corner of Sixteenth and Faraam
streets , There wcro lu attendance Messrs ,
Paxton of Omaha. Joseph Frank , the ccro-
tnry , Colonel Keith of North Platte , Isaac
WaiJtel , Chicago j J. H. Hosier , Carlisle , Pa. i
B. Lawrence , and E. Niigloof Cheyenne.
Mr. Paxton presided. Reports /of the bust-
up ss of the year worn road and wore found
to be of a highly satisfactory character. All
the olU ofllcors wcro elected ,
' lion It'fl Done Nonr Norfolk.
There must bo soma baa men near Nor
folk , Neb. , as a resident from that point has
written to the Nebraska Detective associa
tion thut some of them stele a house , barn ,
corn-crib and hen-houso. Detective Ulaufus
ha * the matter in hand and will proceed
there in a day or two , The following is u
part of the Icttert
NonroLK , Neb. , Doc. 8. I wish to say to
you that I have a nlaco seven miles from hero ,
with a bouse fiplalioa , one and a half stories ,
temporary barn , corn-cribs , hen-house , all
stolon. The house vvus stripped inside and
out si Jo , so acar as I can ) adgc , removed and
burned. >
The Y. M. O. A. HaUdlng Formally
Opened For HcllRloiiR Work.
The dedicatory services In connection with
the V. M , C. A. occurred Tuesday night In the
now bulldlnsf on .Sixteenth street. The lurgo
concert hall , capable of seating CM persons ,
was filled to Its utmost by a highly respecta
ble audience of Indies nnd gentlemen. T.
H. Taylor , president of the association , oc
cupied the chnir , and upon the platform wcro
Kovs. Louis ftxlmor , rector of All Saints'
church , WiUard SuDtt , Detweilor and Clcn-
dcning. The laymen present embraced
Messrs. P. C. HimcbAUffh , Janitor , J. L.
Kennedy , O. P. Stawnrt , . ! . A. Duinat , ( Lin
coln ) , Nash , stsito secretary ; U. M. Hlttih-
cock , Mayor Urcatch , and other prominent
President T.ivlor in a few well chosen
words welcomed the audience to the now
building , and solicited their countenance nnd
practical si.iiort to the management
of the institution. The well known
hymn "Coronation" wns then sung ,
after which pra.vor wns offered up by the
Uov. T. C. Clemlonttlng , who was followed
by Kov. Joseph Dctivcillcr In a scripture
reading , after which Kov. U'illnrd Srolt en
caged In an eloquent prayer. Miss Pcnnell
thoroughly tested tnc acoustics of this hnll by
singing Allen's "House of Prayer" in her us
ual artistic manner. This f eng is n simple
little mot , and in Miss Ponuoll's care It was
Invested with n beauty of expression that
would bo wanting in many vocalist's rendi
tion. J. L. Kennedy , Lc.ivitt Uurnham , Mr.
Nash and others inndo short nddresses.
Mayor Hroatch in rcspom.o to n call from
the'chair , spokes as follows :
Owing to other engagements I was unable
to visit this building during the days upon
which the gcncr.U public was received. It
wns upon last Saturday evening that I paid
my llrst visit , nnd to say that 1 was delighted
with thondmir.iblo arrangements , iinduniimo
design would feebly express what 1 felt. 1
sauntered Into the ofllco and was Micro met
by gentlemanly ushers whoso duty it is to
welcome all strangers nnd by u cordial greet
ing make thorn fuql nt home. 1 was shown
through the parlors , so elegantly and gener
ously lilted up by tno ladles of our city , and ,
indeed , 1 understand the entire furnishing of
this building is their gift. Woman IH fore
most in all good works , and can always bo
counted on the side which labors for the
bonulit of society nnd in the in
terest of humanity. Your secre
tary kindly took me to the upper lloors
where I found a completely equipped gymna
sium , and a class of young men exorcising
under an Instructor ; I was also shown class
rooms whuro it Is proposed to give instruc
tion In modern languages , and the moro use
ful studies necessary to a young man who
would enter upon n business career. IZc-
turning to the llrst Moor I found that the
lawyers of this city had mot in the lecture-
room , and formed a Hur association ; and , us
the surroundings were pure and healthy , wo
will hope that with so auspicious n begin
ning , it will continue with credit to Itself. I
nin advised thut there are only six other
buildings in the United States devoted to the
work of the Y. M. C. A. , which are equal to
this in size , value nnd complete
ness of its appointments , and these
in larger , older and wealthier cities than our
own. This is certainly something to
bo proud of. It was in a sense an enter
prise which , to my knowledge , suggested an
other in the elegant structure across the
way. As thn exterior suggested an imitation
the spirit within will set an example for
young men to follow. There Is a general
impression that to become a member of the
Y. M. C. A. n young man must bo very re-
religious nnd belong to some church. It is
supposed that he must attend daily prayer
meetlncs and in. the reading room devote
himself to the perusal of sacred books. In
my conversation with your secretary ho
stated that the work to bo accomplished was
four sided social , physical , intellectual and
spiritual , it is proposed to give a high order
of concerts with an admission.fce so low that
any young man can afford to take with him
a sweet young lady nnd have the additional
cnjoymeiitofhersoclety. Wehuvorcadmuch
of late of the scarcity of young men at social
gatherings , said to bo caused by the severe
drain upon a depleted purse. To the young
men I say , hero is your opportunity , nnd any
sensible girl will apprcciato tno situation.
The physical side is cured for in the gymna
sium into which you are admitted by the
payment of a membership fee of only $10.
Considering what is furnished , this fee is
ridiculously low , and is but a small sum in
comparison with whut is charged in such
places as Chicago , where the management
conducts the gymnasium for profit. Tno
lecture-room is designed to develop the in
tellect , where an interesting course of lec
tures will bo given , and to these who prefer
the spiritual , work-rooms are provided free
from Interruptions. What struck mo was
the remark of Mr. Allen that all tills
could bo done at one tlmo , with
out interfering with one another , and
ns there is no compulsion to attend ser
vices , and a perfect freedom from restraint
nothing could bo moro desirable for a young
man than a membership in this excellent in
stitution. An institution of this kind is an
advantage to pur city. Taken from a busi
ness stand point no better investment could
bo raudo. Any work which has for its object
the moral elevation of a fellow being is a
good work , and deserves the encouragement
of all. Certainly our merchants nnd bankers
are vitally interested in retaining in their
employ young mon of good Habits. Their
clerks occupy positions of trusts , and should
the clerks fall to deserve the confidence of
his employer the latter might suffer a pecu
niary loss. There Is scarcely a busi
ness man in this room who cnnnot
recall instances of n late date whore
an employe has been discharged for
dishonesty. There are in irtany of the estab
lishments of this city from twenty" to sixty
clerks cmployod , and the majority have no
place to spend their evenings. To such the
pool rooms are open , and tlieso places offer
ovary inducement to a joung man to chance
not only his own but his employer's money.
As one of our judges remarked only yester
day , the law wiis inadequate to prevent this
species of gambling. Hut n short tlmo ago a
young man lost n valuable situation because
he would not heed the warning of his em
ployer to avoid the pool rooms ! The vlco had
such a hold upon him ttiat he would steal
away during business hours to bat upon un
certainties. Some llrms maintain a system
of espionage , and there is many a clerk
whose habits nro perfectly well known to
his employer , though ha himself is
not aware of it Tlidro tire many
other dangers besotting a young man who is
n stranger among straimera. Wo know what
they nro. No one can realize what a young
man feels who is without friends in n strange
pinco unless ho himself has passed through
that experience. There comes a time when
the novelty of his situation wears off , and ho
begins to crave for society such as lie hud at
home. If ho is fprtuuute , well nnd good , but
if not , then I pity him. I huvo been there
and I know what lie feels. If his character
Is strong and his morals well grounded ho
will come out all right , but if ho is weak nnd
Inclined to bo yielding he will need the pro
tecting care of just such an Institution as
this. I am informed that the theory upbn
which the Y. M. C. A. Is worked is that
"Prevention Is better than to
reform , " and the object Is to
reach young men within n day or two
after arrival in tills city. This , of course , Is
best , and any institution striving to obtain
such results should bo sustained. Mr. Gen-
ncr stated that the lecture course would em
brace some on political encouomy. I ho DO It
will contain many upon municipal reform
with utterance as bold and free as these I
read in the North American Review not long
ago upon that subject. I have always main
tained that the bettor clement predominates
In any community , but I am sorry to say that
it Is only at long periods that it asserts it-
gulf. It would bo Impossible for the lawless
elements of society to obtain control of a
city government were it not.for the apathy ,
and criminal iniffcrenco of the law-abiding
people. The people are generally patient
nnd long-suffering , but there comes a
time when the burden of taxation be
comes too great to boar , and a cry
goes out against the wrongs committed.
A little caru at the llrst would hava pre
vented all this. I hope the lectures on po
litical economy will cover this ground. Tbcso
are questions which the young mon of to day
will have to meet , and there is no better
ulaco to debute them than the lyceum of the
Y. M. C. A. What a care is lined front the
mind of a parent , and especially a mother , to
know thut her son , though in a strange city ,
has como under the influence of the fraternal
care of the Y. M , O , A. Us associations , its
influences , Its works are all for good , and no
greater encomium could bo passed upon it. I
reiterate that In the possession of a building
like this our city has much to bo proud of ,
and to the generosity and indomitable energy
of one wan we are really indebted for it. I
do not need to namohliv , for Mr. Hitnobaugh
in too well known to require an introduction. .
I , In common1 with you nil , hope ho nnd his
associates will live long to see the need of
their plnntlng expand , blossom nnd bear fruit
to their labors.
The bulkllnp- was thoroughly Inspected by
the visitors and every one expressed him
self as thoroughly delighted at the splen
did appearance of the association's room * . shorthand school. 1605J Fnr-
The Knll of Sclmfitopol.
The amphitheater which was erected for
the accommodation of the audiences at the
Scbnstopol display has been torn down. Fred
Gray nnd several other lumber mon have
purchased the mntqrlnl and will dispose of it
for sidewalks nnd other purposes. Tlio man
ncrcrs of the enterprise do not know how
many feet there were In the pile and have
not yet figured up the amount which the pile
brought when sold. The llgures , however ,
will bo reached in n few days.
l''or StcC | > lCfl8IICNS
Use IloHfoi-d'H Aol < l Phosphate.
Dr. C. It Drake , Hellville , 111. , says : "I
have found It , nnd it nlono. to be capable of
producing n sweat and natural sleep in cases
of Insomim from overwork of the brain ,
which so often occurs in nctive professional
nnd business men. "
Miss Uecchlortho slayer of Harry Klngrc-
colvcd by telegraph from Chicago , $1GUO
which she deposited' in one of our local
banks. She checks the , money
out at intervals according to
her needs , signing herself ns Mrs. Henry
Hccchlor King , jK A few days ago she
ordered n rcadj'-mado black cashmere dress
from one of our ladies' ' stores. The article
was sent to her In her cell , whore she In
sisted that It should bo of good lit ,
and that some -trimming upon
it should be removed. Yesterday , the dress
was sent to her nnd accepted. She wns
sunta ijrroralso by n friend In town , to
whom she had conveyed the information that
her call was not supplied with that essential
to a ady's ' toilet.
These who take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic never hava 'dyspepsia , costiveness -
ness , bad breath , piles , pimples , njjuo
and malaria , poor appetite , low spirits ,
headache or ludnoy troubles. Price 60
cents. Goodman Drug1 Co.
The Guards Prizes.
The financial results of the Oinaha Guards
bazaar must be considered as very satisfac
tory , bearing in mind the counter attractions
of tlio past wcelc. The accounts are not yet
made up but it is safe to say that the net pro
fits will exceed J,000. Mr. At. Meinbcrg
alone raking in ? 5K [ ) clear profit out of his
"Hazzlo Dazzle" show. Tlio following are
the names of the principal prize winners and
their trophies , Mr. C. A. Harvey , buggy ; F.
E. Kichic , arm charM. ! ; C. Darr , toilet case ;
Mrs. Captain Ulio , Fort Omaha , donkey ; II.
W. Yntc's. smoking jacket ; Joseph Harker ,
pony ; E. Motfott , knox silk hat ; Mrs. F. H.
Lowe , vase valued $100 ; Nato Crary , sleigh ;
tlio Elks club , massive silver punch-bowl
nnd dipper ; O. E. Crary , standing lamp ; Mr.
Sargent , jersey calf ; Mr. Colpotzer , bloycte ;
David Kaiifmann , twenty-live dollar bonnet ,
prize in the razzle-dazzle drawing nnd W. H.
Alexander n fifteen dollar jewel case in the
same drawing.
MAKK NO MISTAKE If you have made
up your mine to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla
do not bo induced to take any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a pcculinr mcdi-
cine , possessing , by virturo of its pecu
liar combination , proportion und com
bination , curative powers superior to
any other article of the kind before the
pooplp. From all affections arising
from impure blood or low state of the
svstom it is uncqualcd. Bo sure to got
Soldiers Must Have Good Eves.
The rumor circulated at Fort Omaha some
few days ago concerning the discharge of
some of the men at the garrison on the 1st of
January affects not only married but single
men. Hy some mistake it was construed to
effect only married men. The foundation
for the charge lies in the complaints , or at
least the reports on the rifle practice for the
last season. "It was remarked that
quite a number wcro excused from this duty ,
or it they did attend , made very poor scores.
Upon , investigation made by tno company
commanders , it was discovered that defect
ive eyesight was the cause of the complaints ,
consequently an order will bo issued dis
charging those men whoso eyesight is so
poor as to interfere with the performance of
their duty. _
The Direct Route to WnahrtiRton.
The Baltimore & Ohio R. K. is the
shortest and most direct route from
Chicago and all points in the west to
the national capital. It is the best line
running1 vostibulcd trains from Chicago
to "Washington. The B. &O. Vostibulcd
limited loaves Chicago daily nt7:05p. :
in. , and arrives at Washington thonoxt
evening at 9:35 : , and Baltimore at 10:45. :
Every car in the train is vcstibuled , in
cluding' baggage cars , day coachas und
Pullman sleepers. All 'the cars nro
heated by steam drawn from the loco
motive. No extra faro is exacted for
passage on this train. The Eastern Ex
press , leaving Chicago nt 10:25 : p.m. ,
daily , has day coaches and Pullman
eloopors through without change to
Philadelphia via Washington uud Bal
Posses Away.
John King , who has boon afflicted with
consumption for several years , finally suc
cumbed to the inevitable call about 0 o'clock
Tuesday evening. King was well known in
sporting nnd saloon circles here. Ho was at
one tlmo associated with Henry Hornborgor
in the liquor traffic , and also with Low Hib-
bon , Latterly ho conducted a saloon on
Douglas street and afterward opened what
Is Known us the "Turf Exchange"
near the Millnrd hotel on Thirteenth street.
Tlio deceased was born at Whitechnpol , N.
Y. , about thirty years ago , and has been in
tills section for the past seven years. Ho
leaves a widow residing at 21"5 Pork avenue.
At the time of his death ho was ) vithout
moans , and the funeral expenses will consequently
quently bo borne by his friends. Tlio ser
vices will occur at the above place at 2 p , m.
to-day , und the 'remains will bo interred
in Forest Lawn cemetery.
Absolutely Pure.
This powdernevervaries. A marv ldf purity
Btrenpth and wholesomeness. ilore econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and cuunot be sold i
In competition with the multitude of low cost ,
ebort weight alum orphosplmte powders , bold
only In cans. HoyalUakins I'owtler Co. . laa
f f Ju"\ trirortndHuiboo4KMk > rKL fr * .
* rnaturt I ) clln and Kuncllon.l dlixr.
droiir.d itilkoujf launch Ucdlclnci.
Wbur\E ron
Snuta Abie : and : Cat-E-Curo
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Go.
Many mon nro unmindful ot
IholaWB at health ami expose
themselves to u'l ' ktiuls of
DURING weather. Such imprudence
often results In dnniierous
Coiiulm , Colds , Clicst rains ,
AN llhoumatlsm , Sclntlcn and
other painful nllllctlon * . IIKN-
so.N's I'LAsllMl will be found
thu most reliable cxtcrniil
EXCITING remedy known for the prompt
relief mid euro of such all-
jucnt ! " . It kceiia up n licnllhy
flow ol the blood when the
body Is exposed to the ravnsei
PRESIDENTIAL of the most Inclement weather.
Ciirpful buyers will nilc tor
nil others.
IST'seiiU two cent stamp to
CAMPAIGN Scnbnry .V Johnson. 21 I'lHtt
btiuct , N. Ytor a copi of
run , u valuable household
n man for groaning ulien lie has
Ilhcnmatisni or Neuralgia. The pain
is simply nwful. No torture in the
ancient times was more painful than
these twin' diseases. Hut-youchtn't '
a man to be blamed if , having lUicti-
mutism or Neuralgia , he wont use
Ath-lo-pho-ros , when it has cured
thousands -who have suffered in the
eame way ? It has cured hundreds
after physicians have pronounced
them incurable.
"The skill of flva phjaiclnna could not
care mo of Rhcumttlmi which had fettled
in the hips.'neck and shoulders. So Inteneo
suthejnmin sleep was flmost impos
sible. The first done of Athlonhorofl Eire
me Belief , and the third oniblea mo to eleop
for four ind a half hnura without wakinz.
I continued Itn MB , nd am now well. "
IlEV. 8. It TKOYKIl. Nfw Albany , Ind.
3-Send 0 cents for the bcnntiflil colored pic
ture , " Moorish Maiden. "
WEAK O DebnitalMlhTO
Jndlicretlitii or
tr t\i-e vnt * o * iBuc ivr
this ipteiflcpurp f ( ccnEor
S * * * finoo' , hiiM , teething currents of
' it/olrccUy through All weak prtir itor *
Mo health fend Vlgorcuf Btret.glh. Electric
- ellinH nr ! ot-we forfeit $ .1WO tn enti ,
, itlUCQtfi All Othtr belli Wtlff
< uiuBt < k ni'i OTF * t CBItlpftf *
Kntnrutly curtdfnth'famoftUii. Sealed pttnpblet4c. rlaran
thaSiodeiiEUctrioGo. IC9LaSalictLChlcaa
IT. J.
Surgeon and Physiin ] ,
OfflceN.AV Corner Utli un.l UotulasSt. OOlco
telephone , iOj ; Iteslduaca talopUono , uj.
Thoraostsuccosafulgarment Introduced
by us this season. The capw nro do-
tuchablo und the matarinU nro ot
stroiiK tweed anil the splonliil Irhh
Frieze toxtnrcs. Also n complete stook
of plain Ovorooats and Priozo Ulsters.
. . ,
Ouo of the 3Iost Successful
In the Treatment of all Chronic or tli2
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
ISl/e , Ear , Throat , LIIIHJI , Llrcr ,
Jllaililer , Jddiioy niul A'erixmn Dis
cusses treated with success un-
A euro fjuaranteed In all cases of PRIVATE
and BKItJ DIHliASBS. All dlsordcra ot the
Treatment by correspondence , Betid stamp
for reply.
Offco | Bushman Bloo * . 13th and
'Donalds Sts. Omaha. Neb
Hundreds of customers to whom we have sold overcoats during the
past few weeks , expressed their astonishment and inquired how it is
possible that such garments can be sold in the regular way at snch
figures. To those and to thousands of others who cannot understand
this , and think that the goods must be inferior because we sell them
so cheap , we will explain that the reason lies only in the buying. The
warm weather prevailing for the last few weeks has been especially
disastrousto the clothing trade. Manufacturers are overstocked and
discouraged , and to realize cash they offer goods at ruinous prices.
This is the chance for the wide-awake and large retailer. Our ample
resources enable us to take advantage of such opportunities , and thus
it is that we are now offering Overcoats which were made up to re
tail at $15 , $2O and $3O , at one-half and less these figures. The over-
whelmingsuccess which we have had with our overcoat sales , has
emboldened our buyer , and induced him to make several big deals.
We have opened during the past few days over
All from first class manufacturers. We intend to make just ns quick work with them ns wo did witli our
first purchase , and i our former prices have created excitement , the figures wo put on this last lot , will do so
still more.
GOOD CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS , with heaviest serge lining.well made , at $3.75 ; other
houses ask § S for such a garment.
GOOD CHINCHILLA ULSTERS with plush collar and cufTs.liued with heavy oaisimcrovory ,
long cut mid an excellent storm coat at 84.75 ; regular this garment would cost about § 10.
A lot of ELEGANT CHINCHILLA COATS , lined throughout with fine quilted satin , corded
edge , satin sleeve lining and o excellent workmanship , we have marked § 7.75. This garment wo had i
intended to mark SO. but we made such a bis hit with our first $7.75 satin lined overcoat , and
BO many customers were disappointed , within the last few days , at not gCtting it , that we have decided
to mark this the same , though it cost $2 more. We challenge any house in this country to match us
in that coat.
We are opening every clay novelties in our furnishing department
Yesterday we-got in an elegant line of Silk Mufflers and Scarfs for
holiday trade. Prices as usual , just about one-half what others
charge for such goods.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner i th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
N. W. Cor. ISth & DoclRo Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Trasses.
llojt facilities , apparatus and reiuellts for succujv
ial treatment ot overr form tit ilfscasj requiring
Me J lea I or Surgical Treatment.
Doird and attendance ; besl hospital uccomuioda-
tlons In the west.
WHITE you CincULAm on Dofonnlllen snd Braces ,
"Ttuajoi , flat ) Fret , CurTAtuio of ino ptne. Piles ,
O'uiuors , Cancer , Cutarrh. Urom'liUti , inhalation ,
klectrlcltr. l' rur"s. ! Bpllcpsy. Kulnay , IJIaddor ,
Xje , K r , Skin and Ulood , anl all Surgical Opur Uon
Dlsoasos of Women a Specialty.
All blood Dlieanci auocra fullr treated. Si > hllltla
I'olion rimioreU from the ; st m without incrcurr.
Now rovtoratlro forlois ot Vital 1'owcr.
1'crsona unaDle to vlitt u j tuny ha treated at hu mo br
orri' ponJenco. All ooiilmunlcutlons couddgutlul.
Modldnun or lDltmm Bt > sent by mall or nipri > s %
ecurely packed , no irmrlts to Indlcnio contMnto or
Beudcr. One personal Interrltiff pruforrcd , CJill innl
consult u or and blitorj of your c o , and ITU will
Had In plain wrapper , oar
Upon Private , Bpoclal or Nervnui Dlicaset , Impo-
Crnc/.SyplillH , Ul et nd Varlcacde , null quuitloa
litt. Ajilreu
Omaha Hfedlcal and Sursiwal Institute , or
C r. 13th and Dodge St . . OMAHA. ftKD.
Mos. 303-4O4-I 70-604.
Or the Liquor Habit , PoslUrelj Cured b )
Administering1. Unities' Uolden
U can be Rlren In a cup of coffen or tea with *
out the imowledKa ot thu person taking U ; abso
lutely hermlof g. and will effect a permanent and
p edy cure , whether the patient U a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkard ! hart ) been made temperate men who
tiare taken Uolden Hpeclilo In their coffee with
out their knowledge ami to-day believe they
quit drinking of. Ihelrowu fice will. It never
'all * . The N/t > tein once Impregnated With the
Specific , It becomes an utter Impossibility for
tiie liquor apputlto to oxlnt. Forfcalo by Kuhn
k Co. , 15th und Douglas sis. , and Iblh and Cum *
Inarsts. , Omulia. Neb. ; A. I ) , roster & Uio ,
Inunell IJluffa. Iowa.
. . . ,
Itootu 03 Traders' JlulldlnCi
eules. Several cases cureil in
i.CO per box , all drtiKgljiU , or
; ulftMfir.C
Real Estate ,
21S S. 15th St. , Omaha.
IlliE o4fcnetic Belts ! |
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Sol-
ISonlFf men's Pelt Best SrlcnHEe cnllfically Made and Practically Applied.
with Suspensory Klertrie , " Bjib.DISEASE ! CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES )
I pottinoy. Onlurrh. JMIcn. Epilo | > T. J > mnl Airui * . llttl ) > let , lltdrncrlf. lilunil IMtvuMH , Itropay , fir. , flu n
Itlil * licit In jiint wlint you iii-nl. Urctrlnlu liiitanlla FtW Unn be utinlleil lo any part of the body.
I WJiolo family can wjr H. Jt ulcctrllliitliu blood taf jj. C ? R9 A B D K R fi ? ft1 CHII C
lT CYIBinfdlAI C J > rrr onoRcnulno And mod IIT tirrniliilon. isoJ'K tlio fnllnwlnir who Kavu i , ci
I IkOI ifilUrJIllLO ( M'liClri-A ( . llonBlsncI , 1C. 8. ruikornndJ. M. ! la Iett , II on Uoaiil orTrndp.Clilcii.
giro ) A , Oliwry , coirmilimlon nil reliant Ktock Ynrdni liuctil Dotile , thoi.'roat lioricmani A U. Wondlcy , M. [ > / ,
IMS MuhiHIiri t. lluirulu. N , V.l U W. Ucllun , M. ! > . , Mormontown , IOWM Lemuel Mlllc , Kankakee , 111. ; Juilito I.
IN Murray , Naiiir'lllr , 111. i K. I. . Abliott.j ujit. city wiiicr works , bouth lleml , liul i Itout. u. hnmpaon , ciilrniro
I poet office : ! , . ] > . JlcMirliael. M , ! > . , llulTalo , K. Y , "Your licit lial acrailllilKlliil what no otlicr icnirdy liusi
l.ltady niTvcsanilcomfortablo _ - iloep at night. " Hobt. Hull , alderman , IM > hatt Siiihhtrttt , New Voile , oto.
DO. . ' J
iwiilllvily cunS
'only ono Intli * worldmncratlnn Kic , HUMtr and i < iliustlnK !
conttnuous Zlrclrla Of JUayvttlt chronic alfceosoR of hollubxes.
f. &clcnUttr Powerful , Durable. Contain * 23 f > I do itegrefi of
. W. J. HORN E , Inventor , (91 ( Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
caa3Ba3 asia5ffinstgzCTggirarap ia ; &xv& TOrea3 BHt ! sssisjs&sffi&raaffi
L. BTAUB , 1819 Howard Bt. , Omaha , has drawn plans and
peclllcntlonafora ( Mourn frame lions'- , which combines
utlllty.comrort.uconomy and beatuy.lnnway Impoeflhlo in.inr good
Uoubu tliat coats from 11't.O to I.WJ. AH moro tliau 1W _ Z-
wlllhslnuit co , 1 can alfmil to offer a copy for Orlulnnlam ] sjilendla
fc , the -IBKB ! tte from = :
atlmrivjiio ljnlnB - SZZ dfalgns farnlahtd , as can bu Jurtfed
6 to , per couta,9nt applied for. , . . = = =
ofM : : : = rorm the sets or planaot completed bnlldliifa ot
all debcriptlons. 1 liavo In my olllre , runclnw In test
from { ,000 to $400,000. My unusuul experience ulll guarantci aullsfactlon
ZZ' " " and reliable contractors ouly uro cnguged on my works. 1'artlcavIshlUB to build
ue lu rlted.
Preserve Your Health
n. c. H.M.L Aco.'s
KATii : lll'f'KHKIN U.NIiit- ;
( lAltMKNTSiSmltn'sl'at.luirord
to peril ( inn Hiihteptlblu tocoiutlia
b"Ht protection iKjain-.t I'NIIIJ
JIONIA , HlliSCMAriSM. und
all 1,1'NO DlMiAHCS Kccom-
tnended for [ .lullim und guntle-
men by the Mcdlntl I'ociilty
Stuiil for illustrated circular.
86 Leonard St. , He w YortCity
( Successors to John 0. Jacou-i.i
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old stand , lin * rarnam St. OnlPM by
telegrupli solicited und promptly uttvmlqu.
Telephone to No , - - ' .
National Banff.
1'nltl Up CajiHn ! * 100.000
Surjiliifi 50,000
U , W. VATI.S , Provident.
Ji\vih : 8. Urn i ) , Vlcu ( 'resident.
A. II. To IMA MX , JJml A Ice I'rohldont.
W. H , S , lIuriiiKS' ' .
\V , V. MOHSH. .loilN a. Cni.ii.N < 3.
Corner Utri and I''urnamHt .
A '
r powerful rrajV
thBtletTine , pliable Action und fcC
Mlutc durability. 'I I yfitri rr cordr
tha b U Kuurantne of the xc
lent * of tiTcso liutrinuentu.
\ . ' -A. ( JO'JIWIUU . .
\\VqM.'K4 \ , ATTOHNIV.Ar.lM\r ,
1J JiUunr''orn ( Ht. , Clncauo ! uilv'lcu fioc ; ' 'I year *
cvi tu > luu < jutctl/"uil Iccally tramuae. !