Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No A < licrtlftcinutit8vlll boVtnUcn tor
those columns alter IQtitO i > . m.
Xcriiis Cnsli In mil mice.
Advertisements unrtci tins head 19 cents per
line for the first insertion. 7 rents ( or each sub
Kiiucnt Insertion , and tlXO a line per montli
No advertisement Inkcn for ICM tnaniilccnts
Uio first .nscrtlon. Seven words will lie counted
lotlio Jlnct they inuet run consecutively and
must bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise-
incuts must Do handed in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
ill , nna under no clicunmtanreo win they be
inken or dlscontlnncA by telephone.
Parties RdTcrtlslnc in tlioso columns ana hav-
Inc their answ M inldre sed in c io of Tnr. BBS
vlll please ask Torn check to enable them to pet
tiiftlr letter * . " ' nnnt > will be dellxered except on
iireseutation of check. All answers to adver-
tlRinipnt * should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All mlifirtliotnont * In thos > columnH urn pub-
lUlied In both mornlnrj and evening edltloiiH of
trim HEI : , the circulation of which aggregates
more than IHfOO tmtwrs dally , and sires the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the cltvrlrru-
litlotiotTiiF. HhF , but nl o of Council IlliilK
J.lncolu Rnd oilier cities and towns throughout
thin section ot the country.
* dvcrtl lng for these columns wilt bn taken
en tlio ubovo conditions at the following busl-
liof-B howCR , w ho tire ntithorlrod njtentH for Tut
JiKBBpeclnl notices , nnd will quota the sains
iMea an cnn bo had tit 1)19 ) nuiln olllca.
" *
OHN flticot. W . HULL , Pharmacist , KM South Tenth
_ _ _ _
HASE&1'.DDV , Stationers and Pi Inlors , 113
C South 101 h .Street.
Cs _
II. rAKNSWoIlTH , Plmtinaclst.Sl 15 Cum-
, Ing Street. _ _
.1. HUUHES , VJiarinnclntlB NoithlGth
Street .
"w.T'ABH , Pharmacist , IbUlSt. Mary's
" \ \ rA.STKD Situation by a llrst class bread
nnd cake baker. Steady man. Address
te. lluo. ! 7'
ION by lady OH stenographer and typewriter -
writer , address L M Hee. Ull-U'
AN experienced RPiits' furnlshina man , win
dow dresser or lloor walker.deHires position
t > lth first cliisH hoiiSf , IiTiU llee olllce. U.'J-7t
'tX ' TANTRD A prultlon by lady stcnoRraphor ,
TT owns machine and cun furnish good later-
s. Address 1 , 45 , lleo ollko. y \ Ct
UEIIMAN lady who can rook wants it posi
A tion' Address 1701 Clark st. MW
WANTED A position as engineer otHtntlon-
ary engine , llcst reconilnendntlons Ad-
J ( 4 , lice olllcu1 JKB Bt
* \TT ANTED Some Kind of w'ork evenings bj a
' > youuK man emiiloyod us htcnoitriipliL'r
during the day. Address IjlIU lleeollko. ail-W
" \\7 ANTED Position by a lady , copjingjiook.
keeping , or iinythliCt Mheioii good and
ppeedy writer Is requlicd. Aildieus for one
eek to It 17. lleo ollicu. IXifl *
° I\7 ANTED Two good m on to sell a I. no line
TT of specialties ; good inducements. Inll51i
H l'Uhst. 33UU
" \\rANTlCD At once , one flrst-rlns-i coatma-
T T kt-r : hteady work nnd good prices. Address
C. M. Smith , Exeter. Neb. 310 8t
"W 7ANTED Men for iiillioad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , I1'J 1'ainam.
YOUNO mall ( butcher ) cor. Le.ncnworth aud
7th st. 3,11 5 *
BOV wanted at Conrad's drug store , 211 South
lUli st. 34I-6J
" \\7ANTED 'I hreo experienced ( talesmen to
T Hull baking powder. Apply at Arcade
liotol , between I ) und 10. i11 , llabcock.
"I \rANTED Incandescent wlremen : oxperl-
T T erccd men only. Emmiro for C. K. I'rcdo-
lick , new Bee bulldine. : ta 0 *
Tt ANUFACTUKINO and wholesale flriifwant
lit superintendent in Omaha. Salary of 42,000
nnd commissions to right p'irty ; mint have en
tire charge of J10.000 to $ niU , ) ntock of goods
mid flnuncoi. Cash deposit of $ jro' ) to 1.1.0JO
nnd refurances icqulml. Jewell , 255 Wabasli
monuc' , Chicago. 280 Ut
\\rANTED ! 1 or I Rood salenmon. Steady po-
TT Hltlon to right parties. Call or address
r. D. Carlyle , US bouth mil btrect , Lincoln.
Keb. SIS 8
SALESMEN w anted Vivo traveling salesmen ;
salary and expenses ; 110 nsperjenco neces-
Bnry. Address , with stamp , Palmer & Co.V1 -
iioiiii. M Inn. 16H lot
WANTED SK good coinlco men. Inquire
Western Corulco Works , 15tU 8t. , bet JaoK-
Bon and Jones. IIP u
"V\TANTED Few men to canvass , full line of
T T household specialties , raferaaces required.
Novell M'fg Co. . ( ltd. ) 221 N Utll. 0111.12
Lf TXTANTED-ApentH in every town in the
Ir "T west for our oil burners for cooking nnd
lieatlng stoves. Send stamp for catalogue.
l'atter cu Oil Burner Co. , 31J S. J2th bt. Omaha.
Neb. jj JWldlJ
Wowisu afewmen to sell our
goods by tmmplo to the wholcsuln and retail
trado. Luigest mnnufactmer.s lu our lino. En-
cloH 2-coiitBtami ) . W.ngesJliiorday. Permn-
iicnt position. No postnls answered. Money
advanced for wages.adu'rtlslmr , etc. Conton-
iilal ManTK Co. . Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J 2 bO
\\rANTI'D A state manager to open ollico In
T T each of tlio following cltleu : Topeka , Nasli-
vlllo and Lincoln. Neb. salary , 11.600per ; year ,
JIusj invest * 4.000. Address , George S. Cllne ,
Vaguer Block , DCS Molues , la , 127
AQENU'S WANTED-175 a month and ex-
peiises paid any active person to sell our
goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In
danct < , pai ticulai s troo. Standard Silverware
Cos Boston. C8
BOYU-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co _ IDSiDouEias.
Man to take the nfiencyof our
safes ; sizeSHxIHxlH inches ; welsUt6UO Ibs ;
jetnll price ? .l ; other nizes in proportion. A
rarn chance and pormammt btiHlness. These
fafc meet a demand never before supplied by
other safe companies , as we are not governed
l > y the safe pool. AlplnoEafe Co. Cincinnati , o ,
\\rANTED-aooa life , nsuranco solicitors
T T with bank roferoncus , are wantsd by the
Union Life at 401 Merchants' national bank
building , Omaha , Ofllco hours S to 10 a. m. and
Jo p.jn. t > 7l
WANTED A man to solicit ; salary J100 per
month ; must deposlcfcii nnd ghe security
for money collected. Address George S. Cllno.
M'nener block. lc Jlolnes. III. U72
" \\rANTni-Good German glil JOT general
If housework. 2415 bt. Marys avn , DJI-SJ
\\7ANTED-Glrl for general house work In a
T T Binall family , wherothere are uobourders
or lodgers. > OVl California. 3.12 6 *
" \\7ANTED-2 girls on farms ; nice. n6at
TT workinghoiiHokooper from 26 to3.1 to take
( intlio charge , widow with daughter prof erred ;
also 2 competent girl * for families ot 3 out ot
city , .1) , rare paid ; girls for Ashland , Oreen-
need , PlattHinoutli , Pullorron : 20 for general
housework. Mrs. Biega , 3l4jj B. 15th. 3UJC
\\7ANTKD-Olrl forgoneral Imiisowork. 8.W.
T T cor. 'Kd mid California Big. yoi
" \\7ANTKD Young lady stenographer and
T > typuwrltor. Salary f40 nrst month. Ad-
drees L 6.1 , care of llee olllce. j35lt ! (
A GOOD Bi'iuiillniiv Uu girl ntMiut 15 years old
-ti- can get a good place at 1811 South 10th bt.
337 Itt
\rANTED nrst-clas walst-maknr ; call at
1 T rooms 1 and 2. Jacobs bloclt. S. E. cor. 1Mb
nud Cupltola\o , Mr , Muudo Morll2J1 UT
JIS , H. N. Burgess , Sheefy block.
Uil u *
\\7ANTRD-Goodglil for general housework.
T T Gorman prcfcried. n w cor. 2Glh and u eb-
Bier. 29S
- A coinpottnt glil for general
houBework , Uvrmiiu preferred ; must be
Rood cooic und laundrusj ; rvferences required ;
X * Dodge. _ 2XI
\\rANTED A cook , ono who knows how lo
T T COOK and wash. Jlrs J. C. Jones , 1022 Culi-
f 01 nla St. . Omaha. 278 6
V ills I'arnam et.
172 ( !
\\TANTED-A Koverness who cn apeak
1 Vrench , ( lermuii. and la accomplished In
vocal and Instrumental music. Address Box ! M ,
cltfc 4M
\\rANTED-Alady to solicit ; must deposit ! : ! !
tand give becurliy for money collected.
Address George B. Cllue , Wagner ulocfc Del
Moluea. la l > 73
ITiNQAUIiMKN'ra to do dressmaking In
J-Ufamllloa Bollclted. Misa Sturdy. ttJl7 Leaven-
yortnut. g.1 J 21
T KUSSMAKINU parlors open where a ilrst
JL/clasa lit la guaranteed und latest Paris
stylos. In connection la adresciutlng ichool ,
wiiero cutting und fitting : la taught lu all Its
bninclics , any onu can maVc their own drtudo *
while learnlncr , llio 1) ) , W. Moody tailorsy -
toui. Uie only system that drafti. directly ou
jlotli. Agents wanted , gt > pt territory given.
Jtc-oma 4 nd iM ituuigo block VS1 ( r
XTKDKA8KU Employment office , 817 NlOlhet.
O-N Wi d3
/"lANADTAN Employmentfjfflc * . Mr * . Urojro ,
v3H'.iS. . 16th. Kcferenco Omaha National bank.
BOARD and rooms , 18 13 Chicago st.
_ st.MO
IJ bdirdtrs wauledQ \ ) Douglas
ACTIVE young business mini with few thous
and dollars would buy Interest In desirable
business , L M llee office S ! < - S
WANTED A gentleman room hioto. oplcn-
dld loom , steam nnd bath. Kefrrcnco
exchanged. Address L 65 Bee. 31 , 7J
\X7ANTI5D Several good loans foropeclnl
TT tund. Mutual Investment Company , room
I , Bat ker block. 813(1 (
"lA ANTED A homo to lisa for kcepditrlm ;
winter. BoxCM P. O. 231-
- Yomig ladles and gentlemen to
kpow they can obuiln a thorough and
practical knowledge of telogrnpny , fitting them
selves in n short tlmo for good paying positions
at thn Electric I'elesiaph school , lloouis 6JS
and 6'J9 Ptxtou block , ror 16th nnd Fnrnitu st.
\\rANTED-Hormm to winter , T hnv accom-
TT modiitions for 200 hundred hor.'es nt
Omiihit fair grounds , hat Imr largo yards for ex-
arcislntj during tlio day ; onh nor c htts a larire ,
warm box stall nt night A. Thomson. Omaha
falrgloiimls. 357 d U
Y\rANTED Horse an I buggy for winter for
TT their keeping. Inrmlro 1J18 l'arunm. _
VA LPNTlNi8 : ' Bliortliand one Typow rltlug
Institute , New Paxton building , Omaha ,
Neb. Tlio only exehiMve , leKlllmatii shorllnnd
school In the state. Over ono hundred iirndn-
ntos in goad HltuiitloiH. The school IH under
th * management of C. C. Valentlne.olllclal ston-
ographerof the > ld judicial dUtiirtof Nobroskn.
and 1'ior. H. II , IMylos , nn oxpcrlonced tnacher
and vi'ibatlm rcpottcr Day nnd ftVenlng se1-
slonfl. Students can enter at any time. Send
for circulars. 45t D 15
WANTED-To rent two story and Imsement
brick store Addreis L5I , Deoofllce. o2 1 *
WANTED To lent a hall for literary pur
poses tw o o enlngs lu n w eeic. Address L
47 , Bee olllce. 3JO K
171OK KENT ? n , now fi room cottage , well ,
JL'cl < torn , cellar , lurcw bam , 3.1(1 nml Hamil
ton. Apply to N. i'redrlcksen , 1C1U How _ i-d.
FOK KENT in Poppletou paik. now 7-room
linitso wlih city water , ut * 18 par month
Apply to K , II. Guild nt Cummertlal Nat. Bank.
3(8 ( 7t
TT OK KENT 2,110 f aldwell liouso C roojns , city
JC water , etc. JIH.IO per month. K. Stevens
2i 01 Davenport st. 2tr > 5 .
I710K ItTNT At very low rates. 10 ntid 14 now
Jleslilen o , Sl'i4 and 2114 Cuss stuot , Chirk
Place. ( Jim blocU south of Cielghton collego.on
rarmim and 21th street car llne.T All modern
Improu'tni'iits. Apply , II. T. Clark.Union'Jrutt
Co , or at 2420 Cass st. ! t07
FOK KENT-Now 8-room house , oll-flnlsli ,
modern comenlor.ces. Healthy locality.
Very cheap at $ i5. LSldSewaid. 317 ( it
HOUSE of 0 looms , city water , well and rls-
tcin , 1,107 Madison ave. , } 20. Inquire. Mn , .
M. II. Cowan. J50J Madison at e. 2'jO-O"
THOU ItCNT T or G-room house , 170'J
JD t. 270
" 171011 HUNT A nice Be\cu-room cottage , Dav-
J-1 etiport and and " 4th St. Inquire of C. It.
Krlckson Ae Co. 212 N ICth ht. 202 5J03
"TjlOll HUNT Houses , stores mul Huts ; from
JL1 t.1j to S.TO per month , to desirable tenants.
7 room house , with stable , 8JU.
0 room Hat. bath , K&S , etc. , JJ'i.
Store , lwr ; I'urk ave , with basement , inclusive
of w ntor.W. .
si room house , 2511 CUlcago St. , $3J.
C room house , stable , etc . &M.
Flora rooms on St. Mary's nve , ? 12 to 13.
Two splendid II room residences , furnaces ,
ramjos , mantel , laundry , % ery desirable loca
tion. J7"i und SW.
11 loom tosldenco. 2412 Cass st , $ ? i ) .
Nine room house on Baumlci4 nnar 1'ratt
slreut , Jiot mid cold water , butli and closet ,
t-tablo for two hoi es , Seven room house sumo
location , city water , good stable. Jiotli houses
very doslrablo.
C. V. Jlnyne , Heel Estate & Trust Co.
"Vf"H\V house of 7 rooms , In goon locality , barn
J-i for four horses. SJJ per month. Applv at
once. C. V. Harrison , Slercbunts' Nat. Dimlt.
tCi )
T7IOK KENT 0-room cottage , 32"i.OO pur month.
J 1515 Hnniey at. _ SB )
ElOlt IU2NT 7-room liouee , 1 > ! 3 Jacksou. _
OK KENT Cottage , 441 Convent st. Inquire 181
FOK HKNT I'urnibhed house ; 8 rooms : all
Improvements , F. It. JlcCounoll , GU2 Paxton -
ton block. 1U1-7
FOU HENT New 8 room liouso , with barn ,
1G.U s : d st. w est side Hnnscom park. City
water. Cull at ICO'i1'arnamat. . 1G17
fTIOK flKNT 5-roam lioube , $14. G. E , Thomp-
JC HOII. 212 Slieeley block. 103
_ _
BKAUTll'UL 8-room house , caa , city water ,
liatli room , hot ana cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near a good school , pnly
$3Ti per month. The house is now. Apply nt
once. C. r. Harrison Meicnants' Nat. bunK."J
FOR HKNTHouseofSrooraa , 23d and Cass ,
Inquire lloom 508 , Shceley bio ok. Ki
IJ1OK HENT At very low rate . 10 and 14 now
JL1 residences. " 404 nod 2414 , Casa street , Clarke
1'Jnce. Ou block south of Crelghton college , on
Karnam and 2ith fitroet car line. AH modern
improremtmts. Apply , U , T. Clark Union Trust
Co. . or at 2420 Caiss Btioot _ 014
T7IOH KltNT A 0-room flat , first lloor , over
JL1 1U17 Howard at. Inquire C , ! ' . Shaw , 1015
Hottordst. UOd
THOU KENT House and bnrn.Hanscom p < nco.
JL1 Harris , room 411. First Nat'l bk bldg. B30
FOR KKNT-No. J411 8.7th nvo. . nnlcafi-
loom house In good lopnlr : rooms newly
papered and painted ; nice yard ; line cistern
water. Kent f > a month. 1'ossosslon given at
once. Apply to Ucll'u 10th Bt , pharmacy.
"C1OK HUNT - P-room modern improved house
JO A 1 lorsllty. Kent moderate. Apply. M. KI-
guttrr. 1U)1 ) 1'arnam Bt. _ ya _
EKNTS reduced , to 10 room IIOUHBS all parts
ot city. J. II. rurrotte , IfiOB Chicago.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TmOK KENT ny Hoswoith & Joplln , Barker
-C block , U. f C. U , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , li-room houses
in all parts of the cltv. U7U
ft KOOM house , 8. 21th st , , near shot tower.
O wi
TT1OK RUNT New 8-room liouso with all mod-
JL' ern Improvements , cor. Hickory and Georgia
ave , price f-'o. Kncuilro 1213 Leuvcnworth st
T710HHUNT IlouHe 8 rooms 2231 Cass Bt. cot
JL' t awe 6 rooms lUth und Hickory. Inquire room
KM. Bheeloy blk. _ 184
1011 KHNU1 Houses 7 rooms , aith ana Hui-
iK'y : IU rooms , and Locust ; 7 rooms ,
12th aim Joiiog ; : < rooms , 1'Jth and Martini ,
LliKxliun A Mahoney , I'axton block. 841
FOU HUNT H-room House and burn , S 12 cor
- bth ave und Webster st , $ .w per month. Inquire -
quire IJ05 1'axtou block. 1' , J. Creedon. 070
8 KOOM frame"No. . 2019 Hamilton st , J37JJO.
LeavUt liurnlmin , No. 1 Cielghton block. b l
TTtOK KKNT When you wish to rent a bouse ,
JL1 store or office call ou u * . 11. K , Cole , room
6 , Continental block. U77
FOK HRNT b-room house , 2413 , 7-room housa
X42II 1'oppletoii ave. Gco. I. Gilbert , \Vitli-
imoil ItHN'JIbroom house with t > te m heat ,
JJ ntwi 8. 24th St. O. K. Thompson. Bheely
block , 15th and Howard Ms. UTU
TJ OK HEM1 New P-tpom house , all modern
J-1 Improvements. KM and Chicago sts. . rout
reasounblo , Inquire 111U Karuam at , 4J
T7IOU HUNT 4-room bouse , SSS , 13th.
-U wa oat
"imuintKlfr ruriilslied sleeping rooms , 8
JL upward * month , payable weekly or month.
lyU Howard. _ SfJl Ot
T7OK RENT Rooms kintablo for two gentle-
JU men , steam heat. ITS ) Davenport st ,
BS1 10-
FUHNI8IIKI ) looms for rfiit. Inquire at
\ \ litti'liotise phannacy , ICth and Webster.
TTK nU KENT Furnished rooms i furniture
JL' new. 1K1 north 17th tt. 273.5 ;
17H > IlNISIII'.n room for two gentlemen , day
JL' board. SMKlttih. _ a ; 7a
O VLB'ABANT frout rooms , funiace , caa and
-ibatli , private family. bo rd , conveuUiit , 2003
lUrney. 1W 6'
T3OOMS-Fim-class | homo board. 1718 Dodfjo
IHOK KENT Rlrgant house , steam heat , etc ,
1 1 mm lie 1723 pa > tnpott st , f10 ?
STEAM heat , gas and bHtli. and S pleasant
rooms with board , 20.1 B2lth st. A. > > 11
KENT lurnlshMl rooms \tltii first
class board ot ! M13 Douglas. no ) 11 *
T710K KHNT Itlegant large front Joomi besl
JL location ; heat , hot and cold water bath aud
F. ° ? AtoM'.111. ttt ! > pJWJnm" & . , < *
inNT-Onoclogantlyurnslea ! bncls
pnrlor , with board. tenm heat nnd pus.
Tor rates call or address Mrs. II , Itnmlall ,
ir.'i uodgo at. _ tsa n
[ 7\0lt \ 11KNT TAVO Inrgp nlcclj furnished con-
JL' ucctlliK looms , with bftth and cotivunlpiicoi ,
Miltablo for four gf-ntlcmen or hotnekrenlntr ,
ISi , or scimrnt 81" nnd $11. 8. V > . Corner. 13th
nnd Howard , entrance on llonnrd. " 41-flJ
Foil UKNT Ttto or thr e rooms llaht liouso-
knepluic , turnlihod. U3d 81. Mniy * i\ve , WJ 7 *
"IjiOlt itr.NT 2 fnmt rooms on second floor ,
Jir .00ca li. lalli llnriiej st. SM
A liAIIOK elegant south rootn Vfry nicely
xl furnished ; furnace heat and every modern
convenience , ono-hnit block from cable enrs.
2107 Douglas Bt. V1B
ONK ftulta of Liuulsomo rooms elognutly
fimiUheil fet rent to v ! gontlnmon or man
and wlfowlth or without board , Kefcrcncus
oxchanjexl , 1,17 N20tlint. IH.-'j ;
"IjAOK KENT I nrco and Biimll funitshcd
J n > ems near the P. 0. , laa Dodge. ; H67
"ITlOll KENT An elegantly furnished room or
JL' suite ot rooms till board in a private fam
ily. All conveniences. Cars pass the door
every three to live minutes. Uufoiences lie-
quired. Enqulio looms iilS and CIO 1'uxton blk.
| 1,01
KENT 2 nlcolv furnlsliod front rooms ,
FOK . hoHi , hot ami cold water , lKti Capitol
n\e. 1st tint east. ll fit
F I OH HENT-2 front rooms with
bo.ud at 1511 IloWnid.
O NFC nicely furnished room with heat , suit
able fur nvo neutlemon , ill. 1'dO Ilarnry.
. illf. W
room for rent at 1807 Douglas
st , ; hoard 1C required. _ .110 M
OOMSwlth board , furnace , 018 B. lUth st.
31 J3t
_ _
VENUB Rooms At IGin.ind 161P Capitol ave ,
.2 blocKs from P.O. . newly fitinlsliud , pilvato
board Ing liouse.pleasantrooms.iill conveniences
72 J 0 J
TTTirKNlSHEDroom with bonid In private
JL1 family , ( ins , bath .iml lurnaco heat In house.
Nour cable line. 2121 Sew ard st. MO 5 *
" 171OR KENT I'urnlshod rooms with bath gas
JL1 uud heat. 2227 Dodge bt. 290
_ _
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms , 141D
Docliro block to postofllcn , from 8)
upwards. Inquire room 8or 112J DotiRlns st ,
room 2. mid'Ji
DT.SIIIAIH.E fuinlshcd room , 2218 Davenport
&t. 77i : ! Mt
_ _
T/lCKNlSIIliU fiont loom , 8S. 1811 Da\enport
J3 .oioat'jj
171011 KKNT 1'urnlsliod room. Heat , gas and
JJ bath. 11H K 2olh. Mi
front rooms In ouo ot the finest resl-
- deuces in the city , centrally located , steam
huulni ; , KIS , with use of bath loom , on Hoc. 1 ;
references toqulied. luqulro 7-1 s. unhpt 511
SOUTH pallor nnd uedroom , suitable for a
lady mid ficntlcmau , or two or three politic-
men ; model ate tcims and first-class bnaid.
'JKSaSt Maiy'BttVo. _ 46"
"VTICEFiV furuUhed looms all modern con-
-L > venlouces , also board , IGOa Douglas. ! 111
irOK KENT Furnished rooms in Qreunls"blk
JO cor. I'lth and Dodce sts. Inqulie of Qoo. K , .
Din is. Mlllard hotel billiard mom. VMI
T AKOEpleasanl room , lurnlshcd. bilck Hut. '
JJl4 10 Chicago st U31
" FtNrUHNISHED rooms for housokeppiiig"
H N. 14th. 2-Jl C *
IjlOK KENT 4 or G unfurnished chambers for
JO housekeeping , 31'J N 17th at. 147 Ntt
TTNrUKNIsilEn-Sulfable for nuuso'ceopimr.
U Three fl ) rooms 1027 N.SJt list . . . 12 50
I'ouriII looms , 411 S. llith Ht 27 W
' 1 breeJ ( ) rooms , 110S S. 7th st 1000
'J hreo ( II ) rooms , luT > N.Ut ) st 1000
Threfl (3) ( ) rooms. 111I'.i ' N. 20th ht 1100
Three ( . ' ) rooms. 1U16N. 2Ist at 10 00
'ihreo ( H ) looms , 707 I'acinc Ht 11 TO
ThreeJrooniB ( ) , 14101'lcicoit 1000
Tnree (3) ( ) looms , TOO Pacific pt 1000
Six (6) ( ) rooms 1030 N. 20th Ht 33 60
.luduo Iteming Agency , a. w. cor Hurncv and
15thsts , IloomJ. upstairs. DS2
OK HENT-Onice suite J25 month , a single
oOlces JIG each , all fronting ICth st. , Kuan-
man block , N. K. Cor. 10th ana Douglas. W. M.
Bushman. 1311 LcRVOmvortb. OSG
oTt ICRNT-O nicerooms 'in Hedick's block ,
1309-1511 rarnam st , on 3d floor ; one ollico ,
east front , on 2d floor , over Omaha Banking Co ,
bank. cor. liith st and Harney 8t. Inquire at
15111'uiuim st. , room S. Paulson & Co. 1'ti
FOK KENT One store-room , one bakery , cor.
Park ave. and Woolworth ave. Juqnliu
T11Q3. r. Hall. 617 Paxtou building. KiS
TmOK KUNT-Storeroom , No , ' . ' 14 B. HtU 8t. An"-
JO i < lv at 1110 How ardst. 083
KENT fl stoies on Jfith ami Leaven
worth , apply Hauk of Omaha. U81
T7IOK KKNT Ilrlck store , flat ubove , SUh" and
JL1 Hntalltou , doslrablo business location.
vltt Durnliani. room 1 , Cro lull ton block. Vi-'t
G KO. J. 1'aul , 1609 Fnrn. t. Houses , stores ,
etc. for rent. UiO
\ /E give special attention to renting nnd col-
V lectlnu rents , list with ua. II. E. Cole , room
6. Continental block. QS7
O. , will hereafter give special attuntlon to
renting hoiuos , stores and Hats. It you want
your property rented without delay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall to list tao same with
him. CJ8
IF TOD want your nouses rented -place them
with Bonawa It Co. , 15th , opposite postofflce.
TJ10K KENT-Barn , 1712 Jackson Bt.
-L1 !
- , _
FOK KENT 7 acres , about a acres In a line
beating orchard , a U-room house and iood
barn , adJolnlUK city. Will rent for a term of
juirs. ; Also corner lot on 10th und Dorcas st ? . ,
il room house and stable. Apply J , M , Slmcral ,
room 2 , Bcdlck block , 1'urnam HC , "i. ! 6
FOK KENT A good barn , room f or 0 hoisos ,
21th and Da\onport st. luriuira of C. L.
Erlckson A Co. 212 N 10th st. _ 2035
TTIOK KENT Cheap , I have a "largw livery
JL' barn , store room und three Ih ing rooms ,
DOxlCU tent , and aocammoaatlns some u ) horses ,
Kood location for store , on Dodge tt. this side of
the Belt line , Omaha , that 1 will rent cheap to
responsible parties. W. K. Vauglmn , 14DO I/ar-
nam st. Omaha. _ g4'dtO
ONK"ifTr7fjToN ACKlTs-'stock
tlou. Tlio Union Paclllo Hallway company
oiler for lease one million acres best Krazlntf
lands in oastoru rind central Colotado for a
perlodiof one or two yeniH.
WlU loofco In quantities of not Ices than four
sections to one party.
All applications mibjcct to tlio approval of the
general land commUsloner , andinu t bo made
on or before Dec. 20. 1818.
Tor particulars as to terms and location ot
lands addiess , mentioning this paper , il. Me-
Allaster , Laud Commissioner U. P. K'y , Omaha ,
Neb. OXidll
HOKI'llAND and type-wrltlne-Sunerior
advantages in the&a branches at the
Omaha Commercial college , opp , P. o. ,
cor nth und Dodge. Scores of graduates in
good positions. Students complete manual In
ten days and no tolOU words permlnuto In three
months. Best teacher in the state. Practical
oftlce drill given students free. Dictation five
hours daily. Day and evening sedulous. Rapid
dictation for reports at night. Tor circulars
write Kohrbough Bros. , Omaha , Neb.
EEHSONAL-'There is ono haiiUbome girl la
, Omaha. "
will the young ladywho took the car colng
nouli cor. 15th and lionglas on Monday noon
correspond with the young gent who was con
versing with two friends In front of tlio randy
more near Hojd'a opera bouief Strictly coull-
dentlal. Address L. 44. Bee. _ 288 CT
IEKSONAL A reapeotable , capable German
girl or a childless widow not mer 3i yearn
old can find a good home on a good farm in
Wuslilnglon county , Nftb. If agreeable to both
a man luge with a respectable man in first-class
standing can be consummated , Conespond-
ence strictly confidential. Address L 41 , life
"I 5EK80NAL- nice boy baby of very rtspec-
4- Uble parents , age 8 months , can be adopted.
Address X & > , U o3lc , us 6
TDERPONAL Tf yonnnvqn personal Item , or
JL njr communication drbp It In on * otThe
Ueo'a mestxt * boxoi. i 10S
_ LO w
RTOLENor strayec \.vZj. \ buckskin horse ,
lle hy , no slintv , v ye ars old Return to 11U'
Dodgy st , midget CS regard. _ 300 6.
_ _
' "
HA LK A pftlr 'ofTn'vA candlesticks"
< 15 years old , about Jlfyunccs weight. LCO
Uec office ,
"TTOK SALE Cheap. oiia .cood orpin , nearly
-C new. c. L. Erlckson' ' Co , 21) N isth st.
y. aJ7ti
_ _
Foil SALU One Rood second-hand uprlitlit
piano , very cheap , 0. 1 * lirlckson & Co , 212
N llth tt. _ 2-17 T.
f j
FOK SALE Black mare , 7 yeaia old , oood
Iravilor , buc'kboatd nnd hnrnesj. is.1. 1KVS
t. city. _ Ml 0-
" 1T10U SALE At special bargain , one new ,
J- strictly fltst-clasa upright piano. C li.
Krlckson A CO , Kit N Ifltlist. EC7 S
HA UE Oar of heavy work mulrs. In-
qulro U. M , I.lpsey , Lincoln , Neb. VM fir j |
SAM ! or tind N'exv two et6d carriage -
riago nud slngla top bucey. Selby , JK1
Fornani. I'iX )
rpllE banlo taujshtns MI art by 0 < ) o. J' . ( icllen-
JL beck. : iJ s. loth t. _ ia-i
rpm : nfmitKNOH-A : Il,000 'loan In the
JL American llvillclluy ami Loan association of
Mluncapolls. .Minn. , ill coat.
JW sharoi ut fflc. fl ! per mouth ; 1,0"K ) at 0 per
cent , * 3 per month : total , II" per mouth.
A ifl.miO loan in n IniJal association AN 111 cost !
Ilsnnrosnt Jl , $ Upor month : Jl.'HO at 8 per
cent , * H fin per tnoulfi : tolnl , Jil.rowor month.
The above Is computed on n basis of payluR
W prr cent memlum lit the "American"aud only
1 pur cent premium in n local ossoclatlou.
Shaic.s will iniitnro a jcar onrller in the "Amer
ican" than In local associations. Subscribe for
shaios nt ! ! li South Ibth ttreet. M , A. Upton ,
president local board. H'i
JUINTING , Mcihliloft Hynn. 1516
. 1B7 19 !
M Ashno Is pre-
JL/poied to do fashlon.tblc ilrcbsmuUlni ; nt
most tnodiM sty prices nt. 31T N lull St. Olu tlSJ
A HSTHAOrs Llnaliau i , Mnhoncy. room CW ,
1'oxton blocK. HU-
LAirifJS Molei nnd auncrlluont Imtr ontlio
fuco or nuck removpii , tvnd thu roots In-
stumly klllca by thn elect ) ic needle process ,
lenx lug no m\rks : or scnrs. Positively the onlv
permanent remoilv. Mis. I r. I'ndcutd , HiO'.i
loutjlas Rt. Wednesdays and 'ihursilayn only.
5'U dlSt
McUUIUn & Ui'AN , prlntlnp , 1J18 lodpo. ) ;
1ST d9
TITinLANDOuaniutco and Trust Co. , IfiOi tar
ilLntui tompleto abstracts furulsliBd , As titles
to real estate ozamluod.pnrfectad & ( ruarantcod.
STOK AO B-Slci cliandlse , 3W South fotli Ht
At low rates at ll.'l 1'arnam st.
OOmaha Auction A. Storapo Co li'JI
l. ' South _ 10th
rfMlACKAQE , .storsge/fiwei tats W. M
JL lluslunan , Ull Lonv hv.-orth. ma
WANTED Second hand desk In Rood con
dition. Flat top clni covered piefetred.
Name lowest price for cash. Address Ii fi4 , care
Bee. t Sc \ ;
WANTED furniture , carpets , to\es and
liousohold Koods'ot rtll kinds. OmaliaAuc
tion & . StoragH Co. , ll-l rjinmin. 13T
FIRST moitgimc loanrrtt low rates , and n
delay. D. V. BIiolcs. 2.10. . First Nat'l Hank.
MKBKASKA Mortg. 1oliu Co. will make you n
i- > loan on household goods ,
lioracs , f-wagoiiB ,
land colJlrncts.
flue jew olry. or secniitlos of any kind
without publlcltyiaiut.isoual > le rates.
Itoom 7 llowley blk. , t-outli Omaha.
) > a\tonUllr. Oliiahi Neb.
llooms 618-61 ! ) \ , ,
DO YOU want to borrow money/
Kead this.
It will na\o Jou time.
1 1 wl 11 save you money.
You can borrow from
B. r. Masters ,
Ruccossor to W.H. Croft ,
room 4 , Wlthne Ibld'n . 15th and Harney sts.
J10. S20. JW , $10j , $ Jlu , S.VW , f 1.000 , Si.OOO. 410.0UO.
In fact any sum you want on furniture , pianos
horses , mules , wagons etc. . on easier terms and
at lower rates tnau nt nav other ollico In tuo city.
without publicity or removal of property fiom
your possession.
If nu Installment is duo on your property and
you cannot meet it. call and see mo. 1 wlU pay
it lor you. It von have u loan In any other or-
llce , call and get my rates. J will take it up and
carry it for jou.
I make loans for one to six months and yon
can pay n p.irt at any time , reducing both prin
cipal nnd intei est.
All loans lencwcd ut original rates nud no
charges for papt'i s ,
All business strictly confidential. Call and
see mo.
Don't forjjet the number.
lloom 4. Wlthnell block. 114
TiUIMM NO loans. D. V. Shales , 210 , Fhst
JJNat'l Bank.
T\O YOU want to borrow money ? If you
.Lxiiavo diamonds , watches or Jewelry and
dcslro to ciroct a loan on favorable terms lu a
btrlctly private und confidential manner , or
should ynu want u lonn ou furniture , horses ,
currlagBB , land contracts or personal piopoity
ofuny description , > ou can ha\o money acl-
\ancudatlotvi2stYuUiii of interest und ample
tlmo to pay by calling ou or sending postal
card to the
Omaha JIortfjOKe Loan Co ,
Wo loan out our own money , maku out our
own papers and pa > no commission , thus glv
luft tiio benefit to tlio borrower.
Our facilities are such that wo cnn accommo
date you In n piompt and confidential manner ,
giving yon fair , hoiioiaula und courteous treat
AH loans icnewcd at orlclnal rates.
AVe will pay oil any inortjugd you now ha\o
and gUoyou longtime and low rat.s ; will loan
any sum from S-'S to SI.UUJ.
Commercial and 1st moitgago paper bought ,
Omaha Mmtgnge Loan Co. , rooms 217 und ! ! 18
First National Bank building. Hil
rpllE Omaha Tlnanclal Es-chiiiK'1. lloom 15 ,
X Barker Block , southvi eht corner of I'arnam
and Kitn ts ,
Makes n poclallty of Bliort-tlmo collateral
and real estate loans.
Momiy nlunjH on hand In Hums of $100 and
upwaidsto any amount , to loan on uppioved
security ,
Secmocl noteslmiiHlit , sold or exchanged.
Clear leal eitato and casli to exchange for
eooi lliot or second moitgnges.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , tiust deeds , llrst or second mortgage. HO-
cnrity , nltlunit publicity , delay or rod tape ,
Pinanclal business of auy kind transacted
promptly , quietly and tali ly. Koom 15 , Barker
mode. Cprbott. Manager. _ 110
Pr.OPI/E'S llnanclnl lltclmiigo Laigu and
small loans for long and short time , ut low
est rates of Intercut. ou ical ostatn nwtgage
noU'H , chattels ot all kiims diamonds , watchcx
and Jewelry. Don't falllo call if jou want fair
and cheap accommodations' O. Ilou&caren.
.M r. , loom 6 Ji Buikur ilk , l&th und rarnaui.
M ONKY to loan on liousi-nold furultnro ,
plunos , liorBL'B. w agous mid other personal
property ; aUo.ou mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always on hand ; liberal -
oral extensions grunted ; business transacted
fairly , nulotly and promt > Uy. The 1'ali bank In
vestment Co' , swcor. 15t A Douglas , t'pstulrfl.
MONKY to i.oan Lowest rates. Ijoan closoa
promptly , ll. K. Colo. Koom 0 , Continental
Block , 10UO
l'KOI AL fund. t2VOCO to loan at 0 per
Intcicst on Omaha iJ estate. Call utonco ,
P. Hammond , room tl.Twrkcr blk. _ 108-
j COO,0XQf ( per cwErtRhey' loan on 1m-
dprov ed farms or city property. James A.
woodman , at the old fire insurance office of
Jlurphy _ * r.oYett. MOjj. nth st. _ 101
"pfiOl'LB'S l-lnancTanrxchaii B-Tlio fairest.
Jqulftest. . most llbo ral money exchange In
the city ; loan made Ithout rtolny or publicity.
in any amount largo or ( mtall. nt tnu lo o t
rates of Interest , on any available security :
loans may bfl paid at any tlmo or renewed at
original rates. O. lloiwuitn , mgr , room M ,
Barker blk , IMli and rarnam. 70J
MONKV to loon. "b. r. DavU Oo. , real estate
and loan agentf , 150.5 Furnum st. 11M
MONKY to can on improved real estate ,
Loavltt Uurnhmn , Crcighton block. 107
MdNKY to loan on furmtnre , noraei. wagons ,
tc. , or on any approved security. JV , Jlob-
blns. K. JO Sheuly bit. 15th and Howard , 1U1J
SEE Sholes. 210. First N fl HnV , before mat-
Ing your loans. 05
"JT71 7. f.OOKloaTis inoney at C percent ou loans
Ji < of SlO.OOiaml upward * . Bring abstract of
tlttejind * nve tHlay. 1121 Douglaa. 410dl < t
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. tkiulre. l l ! > Fainaia st. hrst National
b nkbullaiue. 106
.A. . .
T .OANS made on real estate and mortgages
JU bougnt. JLovri * S. Heed A. Co. , 1621 Farnivm.
VXo6o ) to lortn nt t per cnt. LluMiira & M -
$ hoaey. room W. Patton blocX. WO )
MJMOVKUtotoomft * . Hist National bank
I building Pio"id ut 'Irust Co. ( HI
"fToOj7lr.X ( > . M 0 , IMPO. Tpeciol fiuidTo ) il \ r
'on ' choice tmproted property. D , V. Sholes ,
I first Sni'l llm < , PRE - > 7
_ _ _ _
/J.OOlicIty and farm OMIS wanted by A , K.
VT Klley. Ifitff F raam. IP1 !
lowoit raVoj. OJoll Hroi.
MONUYtolotn ; lone time. Qeorc ' 0. riili
1CU9 l-nrnini t 111
MONEY to loan on Imntoved property nt first
hands. No Application * sent nwny for Ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
cli rR o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company. OOJ S. 13th at. _ 118
rpo LOAN -From one lo two hundred thouv
X and dniinrs 01 smaller sums piomptly , east
ern capital always on hand chenp. Philadelphia
MortKHKo und 'IlVHtCo. , Gco. W. P. Co t J. U
boardoMiade. ll'J
Gi'RCK lonns money , cash on hand , WW ,
( Ml. can bo plated on tlty and farm prop.
erty at lowest rates ; bulldlnit loans a specially
lloom 4 , Frwircr bloct. Opp I' O. (518 ( dir
61M511 CENT money to loan Cash on nand
W. M , Harris , room 20 , 1'ronrer block , opp.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purposes ; lowest rates ; no
delay. Mutual ln\osttm > nt Company , loom 1 ,
Barker block , IStli nnd Farnaii ) . o9S
MONEY Loans ncKotlated ut low lates with-
outdptajnnd pnrclinso coed rommeiclal
imper and mortgngo notes. S. A. Sloman , Cor.
IJtli nnd rtirnnui. 4 i )
loans. Lluahan &
] \1 ON'EYto Loan Ou Omaha and South Omn-
J.U lia vronorty. C. r. Harrison , Merchants' Na
tional baiiK. _ _ JO )
R'K.MOVCD To room ; 3 , rim National bnnTc
building. Now Enjjland Loali and Trust Co.
DON'T borrow monev on furniture , hordes ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. . J ,
cobs , loom 410 , rirst National bank building-
cor. loth and 1'nrnam 1U2
A'IOCHAlRbfiibcrMiop mid bath-rooms
for sain dicap , fmiiltute nearly new. Ad-
Uress 1'ied Doardurir. la\ld City. Neb. 810 8'
FOU SALT. Small jewelry stoio. host loca
tion la the city. Addruis L 6 . lieu olllce.
" 1710K SALE Confectionery , fruits , cigar and
J1 tobacco store. A 1 locution. Owner has
other business lo attoud to. Iiuniliuj.CO'i ' N lull.
T7KK SALE Or Lease A complete newtma-
Jper outfit in a good country town ot No-
br.vka , This is a good opening for a lepubll-
ran editor. Address with icfurencc , L 4J. care
Bee , Onnha , r\el ) KM ) 9
TAT" ! ! wish to employ a rellablo man m 3our
IT county No oxperleiiro inquired ; perma
nent position for thrt'o yoari. Salary Increased
each year. Lltjht. easy , genteel business. Money
advanced for salary , advertising , eic. Largest
mnuuf'rs In our lluo. Enclose , U-cent No
pobtals. Cc'iiteunlal M'f'g Co. , Clnclnuittl. O ,
1JJ jj b'J
FOU KENT rurnlshed bar room at the Coz-
z.ens hotel. Addro&b M. J. 1'ranck , prop.
FOIl SALE A stock ot general meicliandho
in one of the best towns on the Vromont ,
Klkliorn & Missouri Viilley railroad ; stock will
invoicd about Jll.OdO ; y.uly sales JiO.OOO. Tor
partlculnis address J , II. Van Gaasboclr , Fro-
mont. Neb. 760 dJ ?
FOK SALE A small and well-assoitod drug
stock , Including elegant Bxture .uta bargain
if taken soon. Can bo moved to advantage. Ad
dress immediately , A. Brow 11 , euro drug store ,
21J N. 2.1th. 712
: SALE Sl'1.030 stock of haidwaio for
hale , dolntin splendid business , is located in
one of the liost towns In the Mute , 'llie stock
Is clean and in peed shape ; the reosoa i forsell-
lup. other buhlness occmiylng my time , Part
cash und bankable paper for balance. Address
1C 4J , Bee ollli e. 053
I CAN placu about ) lVUi ) on Hist moitgago'St
good interest anl on good socially. D. D.
Smeatoii , liaikor block. 607
FOK BALE Orcxchange ; lease and furniture
of block -of 3i looms , centrally located ami
profitably occupied. Address JC2I , Bee.
-\X7HO wants to trade land for } 2,000 equity in
TT a line lot near 10th st ; also a house ana lot
with modern improvements. Address L 57 ,
Bee otlice. 3137 ;
WANTED A building lot in exchange for
young team of mules and 4-year-old" buggy
horse , ima phaeton. Innulro of E. G. Merrill ,
yd door west ot Walnut hill school building on
Hamilton st. ! .TO 10 *
TUJ TKADE ubloot trout on paved street with
very nmall encumbrance for a farm. House
and lot In Han scorn Place for clour lot or farm.
6 acies unencumbered and near South Omaha
forhou oandlot. House in north put of city
neiu- cable und car line for building lot. 2 elo-
gent lots in South Oman n , ouch UK150 , for a lot
in w est part ot city. Sovornl valuable South
Omnlm lots for farms , . Clear farms for good
improved properly. Property ot all kinds to
tiade. ( live mo a call. Giovor Stevens. 15'il
1 'uriiain bt. 2V1-8
EOK TKAIlHoiiBoand lot In city for real
or chattel moitgugo paper. A E. Green
wood iCo. . , room 1 , Cunningham block , cor ,
liiih end Jackson bt. ll)3 ) ill
I HAVE real and personal pioporty of all
kinds for tiado. Call und sue mo. Ocorso J ,
SternsdorD' , room 6 , opp. P. O. 121
POK TRADE -Too thousand acres Improved
land to trade for merchandise or catllo and
horses. Geo. H. How ring , htuart. Neb.
,100-d 13r
\\7HAT nat o you to trade for 3 lota In Jerome
parkincumbrancoof Sl.Oilontho lots.
Address K 02 , Bee cities. 81V
AN T ED Build Ing inoterlais of all kinds
for cush : ilrst mortgugo notes , lots , lands ,
farms , etc. W , J. Paul , lU i 1'ariium st. 2 7
WANTED HOI-SB anil bupt'v or plieaton for
lots , etc. Win. J. Paul , 1CJ9 I'miium si ,
171011 EXCHANGE' House aud lot In CrostonT
Jloivn. .
House aud lot in Blair , Neb.
100 uere.s in Lliuoln county. Neb.
ICO lines In Howard comity. Neb.
Lot in Sanndors AfHImubaugh'sudd.
20 lots in other additions.
A. P , Tukey , 15th and Douglas.
WANTED -Stock of goods In uxchangB for
tarms and city piopaity. Westoin Lund
and Loan Exchange , 117 S. ICth. U'.r.'dKI
171011 IIXCHANGKr-ror desirable rosiaVnco
X1 property In Omaha , any or all 1 of following ;
40 choice inside residence lots la Hastings.
100 lots in Lincoln.
( > 40 acres line farming fond , Lancaster county ,
J/luo rcsldenco pioporty , Lincoln.
Good lental property , Lincoln.
Choice fancr lesldenco , corner , Los.Aniolos.
A neat residence property In Hnnscom Pliico ,
Also Kiiui good morlgagu IIOHH.
Address Klvluglocatioiiandpricoof property
J , E B. , care lluinn Irou Co , , 1 > 17 Lcaenworth
TTIOKTllADIChoicijlot In Orkimnoiiy Park
JL' mid clidlrn double ronier In Ltpton Place for
good laud. I ) . V. bholts , ilO First Nat'l bank.
TITOHTIlNR'lollor Mrs. Lenorman canne con-
J. suited ou all affairs of llfo. Satisfaction
guaiaiittfed. No UlBNlUtlist ajJdllt
T ll , NANN1K VTWarren , clairvoyant. Me'd-
JL/lcal and business medium , fomnlo diseases
a specialty , ' 1R N. Kith st , Itoomn2 &V , 12i :
OlTSALK-Or Tfl "tnidtTforTtock ot hard-
wale. Prope In town of 600 inhabitants ,
ntcicst an fnvojttmont. Ad
dress il McNalr. Crawford. Nt-l > . IHI lit
OPJ'.t'IALbarKaTns ' In r nn9 , weltorn luml and
fj city property , call and M > U us. Neb. 8Ht-
tllng and .Supply Co. Itoom v. Board < ; fa'iftdo. (
" 1710 II 8A LK floantlf nl house of B largo i oems ,
X' bath-loom and store-room , attic over tuo
wholu IIOIIMI ; linuso finished In antique oak ;
kitchen and np&tafiN in mail pine ; uplmidia
fiiiimcejvnlibl cihifin.ilty water , hut and cold
watiT ; ciiHt-front lot , rxxl ) l , In the most desir
able nelKhborhood In tiie city , ovcilooklnp
Omaha nnd Council Illufru ; IIOIIKH built for the
uwoor'b ouniiHp. Call mm Invei-tlfc'ate ihln proi > -
c-rty ir yon w imt to buy a good home. C. P. Harrison
risen , Merchantu' Nut , Hank. 3J !
'I710K SALI/-5ia uires HaiulJIon T'o. . Noli ,
JJ laud , , iieruiiii | : , onthlid ciiHli , balance ut
0 per cent. Addicua W , \Vlldnmn \ , Dourer. Col.
_ _ _
TJlOft HAM ! Or trade- whole or intoroit
JUliW acres Sniilef from two K. It. depots , ; n
miles from Omulm , boj > t tmprovea block farm
in Nub , line chance for young man with
money. Cell or aadroh w-m. Gibson , room ; r > ,
Chamber of Oommeite. Omaha , or T. It , ( lib.
ton , f rciiiunu. Neb. UH rt0 !
T OTS Vor Snle-j liavo 10 Him lois in HrtKn
J-Jpitic udd , for > > uiii. iVir further lufonriution
. JclTcry tinlena , HI , 127
T5ART1K3 wl hlntr to noltlSoiith Omnhaprop
JL ertyplt ase call ou D , U. SmoAton , llnrkcr
block , Omaha. 601
FOK SALE Oooilhou of 7 rooms , full lot ,
well , rl < t rn , burn for 4 her ej. school ,
church ami storonear by , stiet cars one block
away , In growing part of city , peed neighbor
hood , tltlo p rfo . ooort homo tor man of mod.
eiMtt-inoaus. ( let n-ndj f or next spring by buy-
inga homo now : will tuko nacaiit lot as part
payilicnt. C , 1' . Harrison , M delimits Nat. Imnk.
mwo-mwv blck"block , nearly new , with
JL t < .iij.s . on llrsi tllooi nnd aavon loom lints on
pccond floor , w Itli all modern Improvements
This tu opt-rty is on coinrr tmntlup pived
ttroet , XTlth sewer , water and as and brings
nn anuual lontal ofM.0-0. Will soil cheap oit
terms to suit. Address 11 TO , llee , 40J
TToirsfAl.ft new nnu-pln fWsli \ al 1o part
JL of the city , two 1-fts , housA ccmtilils" all
modern ImiiiKvemtnt * , hot and cold water ,
fiiriiinc , ias , bulh , ilcclilc belts , and electric
casllclillucnriaugniinut. pirlnrs , Imll nnd dln
IiiKronm llnKhcit in oak and ebony. Tor
price ud terms addttss P O. drawer 47 rliy.
iflOll 8 A MiVolno thirTeeii lots jnTccntiriil
JU subdlvltlon. Council lUnirx , tweleacres In
Kiev's xubdh lutoii. and cttht acres ndlolnlup ;
Ienon' ) ! * second addition nn the north , ml near
EUutrlc Motor line. Will soil in n bunch utii
nnsltlio barsalu. C. K Mayim , Ucai U'stato , V
Titist Co. . omnlm. _ ai !
' _ _ _
IJIO'KSALE A fewlotsln btewnvt place nt n
Jl bargain. 'Iho Motropolttou table load ju es
this addition on I/ouo u\o. HariU A
room 411 , Ut Null Hunk. _ _
s a full lot Mild good 4 room
e v terms and goid lucatton. 1) ) V. Sholes ,
roomilltl , First Nut'lb.iuk , cor. 13th nnd Kur-
mini. l-t !
7J1OK SALK Hero'.s a birfraln ; a.-fl-CI-S ?
JU feet south flout on DOURIHS bt. between lUth
nnd llth. at le > s than $ , CO per front foot How
loug will you let your mutiny wear Nour pock
ets out with a bautatn Hko that staring you in
the face ? JLA V > ptou Co. ! tV5
_ _ _
T"VO you know of a blKger lurijalii thau a full
J-'loton24tli and I sts for $1,100 ? If you do let
mo kuo\v of it , U. I ) . Smeatou , Barker block ,
Omaha , M
SALE-Or Uactp. lots 1. 2 and : ) block 7 ,
Kckorumu ; will sellchcap forcoshor trndo
for Kood piano and part cash. W. J , Wlldman ,
Denver. Colo.
FOU SALE Two elopant homes In Hnnscom
I'liu-n on reasonable terms ; mOrtKnge psner
taken as part piiymuut. Boswoith V Joplln ,
llarkei block. LM
_ _
FOK SALE-tr ) oxilianga for Onihlm prop
erty , 8J acrea , snlt'ililo for plattlmj : will
make 40J lot" , nil clear ; big money la it for
seine ono who i i\n push tills ; located Ju t < mt
Bide of the city limits of Council illulls. in-
quho Goo. J. Sternsdoiil , opp. postolllco. 12J
FOU SALE Not for tinde. GI3.70 acres ot im-
pro\cd laud 2 miles fiom MniquL-tto , In
Hamilton Co. . Neb. I'uimolion.-e , finme utablo.
! WO acres under a good 4 barb-wlro fence , lound
cedar posts and S stays ; llvlna water , good col. .
tal , 2 WiilN , wind-mill , iUH-oanel tank , M'lr-
feeder troughs , etc. ; 73 ncios clo\cr , a good
stock ranch.
PUi o ( about t\ " per acre ) . . , Jfili03
Cash . . . . 11,510
Syeurt , tlmo at Oner cent . . . . . iUMo
Go and look o\er tlio laud and address the
ow ner , 11C. . Atkins , 1502 Larimer St. , Denver ,
Colo. 1-tl
FOU SALE Or p\cliane. ( We hao aome
good Omaha re il ustatonnd Ntibraska farms
which wo will > > ell cheap or trade for stock of
clothing , fiirnlshinj'Kooils , diy ioods , boots nnd
shoes , giocerios or haidwarc bLhleslnu'iir Bios.
CMS 10th st. 1U1.
Kunnlng between Council BlulTsand Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stoji nt 'A'weiitleni nnd Twenty-fourth Btroots ,
and at the Summit lu Omnlm.
Leave , I Anlve.
A No. 2 .O.W ) p. m.'A ' No. 1 . 7Xl ( a. in.
( i No. ( I . : < Xl No. 5 . .li : ! ? ) . u.
A No. 4 . . . .li:40 : . in | A 0:41 : p. m.
A No. 4 ; 40 a. in. A No. 6. , , 1M a. m.
A NO. 8 . . 6:35 : p. in. A "No. 7 . .6.30 p. m.
A No. 0 , . ( ) : p. m.iA No. 3 . . .dif)1) ) ) p.m.
No. fl . , :40 : a.m. A No 3 7:10 : u , m ,
No. 4 . ( l.Ojp. m.D , No. 1 7:00 : a , m.
No. 2 8:10 : p. in IA No n b'.l't p , in ,
A No. 2 V:1U : . ni.iA No. 1 .fa:50 : a. in.
A No. 4 . 7:00 p. mA | No. ; i .e.-cop.m ,
A No. 2 . , ! > :21 : u. in. A No , ! ! . . ,6:300.111. , :
A No. 4 ; ) p. in. A No. 1. . . .C:3 : p. m ,
siorx CITV tt pAcina
A No. 10 ,7.06a in.lA No. II ,8:65 : a. m.
A No. ] j. . . ,7UIi. : mlA No. 11 ,0.00 p , m.
A No. K , . : i:40 : No. 7. . . .linrtn. in.
A daily : II fla'.ly except Saturday ; ( ! except
Sunday : D except Monday ; * last unll.
The time given Puovolu for Transfer , tnero
1'OliiK ' from fitotn feu mlDUt bctwc u
fvr und local depots ,
Harrow Tuok SUornmn nud tlio
Daughter of Durrlstor Byrno.
A Young American's Ardor Wlm tbo
Hour ! or a 1'ietty Kn lMli Girl ,
Hut Jlcr 1'ni'onts Cnuso
Itio Arrost.
They Conspired Wllli Ouplil.
NEW Yonu , Occ. fi. The \\oi-lil tills morn-
luff publishes the followlnp Lomlou cable-
Brain \\lioleftunily ol Americans here ,
tiousohold servants nntt nil , Imvo fnlli-n Into
the clutches of Uio Uugllsh com Is In n fclnfru-
lar way on the rlinrgo of conlt lnl ( > y A few
ycnra ngo John Kilwnnt Slicnnnn wns the
Ui.tloit States consul nt Mniichostor After
lie wns removed from the consulship Slior-
initB cnmo to London , nnd wont Into busi
ness. Ho soon became n ptominct tliruro in
the Awcilean colony , tuirlns on the croUtuT
floor In Bpoeitlntlona of some magnltuao In-
volviiiR Amorlean Interests , Lust winter no
livo.l . nt the First Avcnuu hotel In this city ,
hut In the summer rented n line house , culled
"Thu Cellars , " ut Simburv , In Middlesex ,
simouiided by tweho ncres of hcautlftil
b'round. One of his neighbors here was
\Viltor : Aduiii B > me , a barrister in the Mid
dle Temple , nt present noting on tlio Times'
stuff ut tlio I'aincll commission. Sherman
has a son nbout twenty j cms old called Ilur-
io\v Tuclc Sheniian.
llyrno has a ilntightcr seventeen years old
nmnod Helena Kloienco Gray. She lias u
pretty , fiesh , nnpllsh complexion , dark navy
hiiir , black e es and n graceful figure. Hiir-
io\v Shermuti met her. played tennis with
her , tuul fell violently In love with her. Mrs.
liyrne tried to suppress him , because she
thoiiRht both too AOUIIK for such matters , nnd
rioreneo herse'f ' iippmircd to iveelvo the
.VOUIIR man's attentions with indifference.
According to the ullldiivit on which the sum-
mon'-os was granted Mr. Sherman urged his
son's suit , jind is alloced to have said ho
\\ouid iivo heaven mid earth to get the grl (
for his son. This is the curious feature of
the case , for It appears that the H.vrnes are
not rich , while tlio Shermans have prospered.
To eel Florence out of the way of tier vonth-
fnl out ardent lover Mrs , Hyrne sent her to
Hognor , a little Sussex watering place. This
was last September. While she was there
Mr. nnd Mrs. H.M'iio came to London and
took anal tnu'iits near the Bi Itisli inuueum.
In tni ) next act of this romantle drama
Catherine Herbert comes on. She was thu
housekeeper of the Byrnes at Snnbury , null
was well known by the Shermans In reason
of visits exchanged between the two
families. Mrs. Ilei bet t wont to Hognor in
October and is alleged to h.ivo stated that
two was ncnt down by Ityrnu to take the
girl to London for the day In order that nho
might visit the dentists. She did not return
there ami it was dwcoverod that the day
following her arrival in London with Her-
bert.'tho girl vent to the St. I'aucrasjregis-
trar's ofllec , near the Midland iiulway sta
tion , anu was marnetl to young Shormaii.
Mrs. Uyine saj that u few days before the
marriauu she reiclveil n telegram from \Vin-
chciter , purpoiting to comu fiom her sister ,
Annie liaiside , ankiug her urgontlv tu
come to Manchester1 without delay.
Mrs. Byrnes' arrival in Muuehestor had
been notified to Mr. Slioniinn by a toleiraum
from his wife , which , road : "Maggie nt
Manchester , Ganlei-vous on day wedding. "
Sherman met Ityrnu and told liiui of it , ex
pressing surprise and he met the
Undo and groom at Walui lee station. Byrne
went to the registrar's oftlce , and found that
the two witnesses at the wedding woie Mrs.
HIM belt mul Kebucca HulCB The day after
the wedding they went to live nt Herbert's
fathor's house in Hunimry. Two warinms
have been issued against the joung husband.
It is alleged that in mruiiging the prelimi
naries of the Wedding ho twice hioko the
law : first by declaring that Florence had
lived the last four mouths at Sunbury when
she had been nt Uognor ; and second , in
falsely declaring that thcio was no person
whoso consent to the inarrmiro legally
required. Warrants were afso .sonoi on
young Sherman's ' father , mother atd two
servants on the grouad of complicity in the
conspiracy to injure Byrne.
Indicted For Crimes.
The grand Jury completed Its Inuorn yes
terday and returned the following indict
ments : William Grady , assault with intent
to kill. Grady shot a coon through the hand
at a colored dance on Upper Broadway a few
weeks ago during u lowm regard to the favor
of udusky beauty. Grady ordinarily passes for
a white man , but is of African descent.
Charles Grlfllth was indicted on three dif
ferent counts forgciy , larceny by embe-5-
element and uttering and publishing u forged
instrument. GriQlth was u delivery man in
the employ of George Mesclieiidorf , the mar
ket man , at It'JT Itioadway , ami is accused of
defrauding his employer by falling to turn
over funds collected by him and taking out
meat on his own account uiid soiling it tor
his own personal bcncllt. Both of the In
dicted parties have hocn confined in the
county jail since the titno the crimes wore.
committed. Griffith bora n good reputation
previous to the time of his arrest , hut Grady
has long been icgardcd as a bad
A Burglar 'ft ailed Down.
The loaders of TIIU Buu will rumombor the
burglary of William Keelino's rosldenco a
few weeks aso , nnd the escape of the burglar
with BCvoriil hundred dollars worth of jow-
clry and diamonds. Oftlccr Cusick has been
working up the case , nnd has at last located
his man nnd caused hU arrest at Lincoln.
Word was leceivcd last night to that oflcct.
The burglar is the notorious "Dug" Mo-
Quire , who has done several jobs In this city
and Omaha , Ho is also wanted at Crete ,
Nub. , where ho will be taken from Lincoln ,
after winch ho will bo brought hero.
The oil leers have known for some tlmo
who was thu guilty party , "but have been unable -
able to find him. There Is a clear case
against lilm heie , and ho will undoubtedly
bo sent across Hi o stale , G i cat credit Is d no
Ofilccr Cusiok for his energy and ultimuto
success In finally running down his man. (
- . -
Bull Sqtilrlo mi Bull Fov.
C. C. Jones- . : Bnh Squirlo bin berry
buby duh yeddor Jiiukry not on do ( fi-oiui
fur pit wuy full Hood olibolf nn oh film-
bly dull -winter timo. , liuh Fox been op
wuteli um , mi bcfo Buh Syulrlo Hhtui ,
eli blip up an oh grnllum. Uuh Squirlo ,
oil flat Hkaid oh trcmblo nil obor , jiu oh
buiruo Buh Fox fuh lorn < fo , Huh Kox
tolliun Buy oh bin 01- try fur kotuh uiu
long time , but oh hob nioh Bliarp ynyot
an' keen youn spry lojoh ; iiinriiipo full
dodge um ; un now won oh 0t um lit las ,
oh iiiuiui fuh lei 11 um tin eat um. Won
Buh Squli-lo Hno out dut Bull Fox yont
bin wlno fiity umim tun um IOOBO , but
dutch fix fuh kill um nn oat um , Buh
Squirlo Bay tch Buh Fox : -'Kntyyou
Icnow wtiy nobody oughtor eat oh inttlo
bofo oh say ( jruco obor nmV" Buh Fox
111 in molt niihvvcr. "DHl HO ; " nn wid dut
oh filt Buh Squirlo cun front or um , nn
oh fall on oh kncoun oh lubber oh yoyo
wid oh lmiiiin eli tun eon furfcnv ci-aeo ,
'SVlillo Buh Fox or do dia , Buh "Squirlo
muiiuycj fui li ] ) way ; un won Buh Uox
open oh yoyo , 0)1 ) BOO Buh Squirlo Out !
run up do tree wuy him couldn't tooh
um , Buh Fox line oh couldn't help
olibolf , un oh cull ui'lur Buh Squirlo un
oh buy : "Miimmino boy , you done L'lt
wuy now , but do ucx time mo rlnpdU
liun topper you , moffwino cnt you fus mi
euy { rruco nftorward , " Bes plun fuh or
man full mole shnor oh blttlubofo hu say
tonky fuh un , t' BO !
r I'urinniH tip.
Notlro in hereby given thut the firm at I'urrel
k Welch , huu thin iluy ilUboUi-d immitrKljlli.
i\tn.ii I'Aiinmu Jn.
. . . OlMKI.l'H II. WKWII ,
will i > u e < mtiuu < d nndur th
utylo of r rit'll A. < , i.iid till outstanding uo >
conuu will be paid b U6. I'MWKU , & Co.
dot-5 OJl