\ 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TJpJESDAY. ? DECEMBER C. 1888. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 1M2AIUJ Delivered l > y carrier In Any Tart of the City a TV. rnty Cents l'cr\Veek. IIV. . T1I/10N . . MANAOEil , llrFt.sr.pfl Orncn No. 13. NKIIIT KniToii , No. 21. MINOR SIKN'TION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal and wood. U.E.Mayno , 010 B'wny , Klepant overcoatings at A. Kcitor's , merchant tailor , 310 Broadway. The members of the Hoynl Arcanum will meet In their hnll thl evening in n icciul party. Kvery member with his family Is ex pected to ho present. There will be n social this evening nt All Saints' church , corner of Third nvcnuo and ElKhtccnth street. Refreshments will bo served. Kverybody welcome. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ann Lane took plnco yesterday from the family residence , corner of Avenue H and Tenth street. The deceased leaves u husband and six children. The sale of land and town lots for delin quent taxes of IbS" and preceding years was not completed nt the olllcu of the county treasurer Monday and was continued untl Monday , tdo 17th lust , The local lodge of tlio Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold a special meeting nexl Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , In their hal in St. Joseph's academy , for the purpose of Bottling up Hp.cclul business. f Tickets for "Trial By Jury" nro put on Bale ot Council Bluffs carpet company , Urockett ft Carnis and nt Camp & Kills. The diagram is nt the last named place , where seats may oo reserved to-day. The funeral of Jerry O'Uonnell , a well known resident of this city for a number of yearn , took place at 0 o'clock yesterday morning from bit Frnncls . ' .avier's church TllO llcCCUBUU rtll-ib IXlj .VCltrS Of JlgO. Mr. Charles Baotens' sight Hinging class will meet this evening at the residence of Mrs. U. W. Bushiu-11 , corner Willow avenue und Fourth street , Bancroft. Members are requested to b o In their places promptly at 7SO. : 7SO.The flro department was called out at 5:50 : o'clock yesterday morning by u blaze on Glen avenue. The alarm was a still ono and only No. 4 hose responded. The damage was very small , as the lire was confined t the kitchen , \vhoro it originated. The sidewalks around the court house have finally been relieved of the heavy coating of dlit which was washed down upon them be fore the present curbing around the grounds was put in place. It Is a change highly ap preciated by the traveling publ.e. Marriage liccnucs have been hsiieU to Al frcd J. Allen , of this city , and Miss Sophia Monce , of Lexington , ICy. , and Henry Wild and Miss Flora M. Uurchard , both of this county. The ceremony for the former couple was performed yesterday by Uov. D. C. Franklin , of the Broadway M. E. church. The board of trade meeting to have been held Tuesday evening was postponed until to-morrow evening , us there was no quorum. It certainly sccins as though liftecn members could bo induced to respond to the c , ill , when there Is business of much importance , as the union depot project , to be considered. It is stated on good authority that the in" Junction obtained against the city some time ego to prevent the Issuance of any moro bonds to pay for the paving of street inter sections will to day bo dismissed. The case is known as that of Ira Plainer vs City , and has caused considerable interest in the move ments of the council , who were charged with unwlso and illegal expenditures und appro priations. The recently organized Eiseman hose team Las elected the following ofllccus : Captain , Charles Nicholson ; assistant captain , Charles Watts ; manager , Jesse Walters. They held another meeting this evening nt No. 4 hose house. The Bono hook und ladder company will also bo organized this week , nnd another hose team , the name of which is not yet de termined. Money will bo raised 'by subscrip tion with which to purchase racing carts and the rival companies will uiuko things lively DS soon as spring opens. Mrs. Mayor Ilohrer gave an elegant luncheon and pleasing homo entertainment nt 1 o'clock yesterday to a select number of lady friends. Her guests from abroad wore Mrs. Mayor Broatuh , of Omaha ; Miss Ilicc , of Chicago , who is visiting Mrs. S. P. Me- Council , and Mrs. Fanny Kellogg-Bachcrt , of Omaha. The hospitalities extended were fully in keeping with the spirit of magna nimity which is possessed by the good lady hostess to n degree not excelled by even our city's distinguished head , Mayor Holder. * Dr. Cleaver , North Main st. Tol. H7. Sec W. C. Stacy's ad. For Exchange For dry goods , SCO acres flno lands. Noinciunbranco. Title perfect. Will put land in at low n'fjuro. Call and see us. C. B. Investment Co. , No. 10 Pearl st. , Council Blutfs , la. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ofllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wncrons , personal property of nil kinds , and all ether articles of value without removal. All Tjusinoss strictly confi dential. _ Dr. C. C. Iluzon , dentist , opera house block. Bargains in real estate in all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street. J.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Fine holiday goods for twenty days at prices that will surprise you. Call and bo convinced. J. D. Stewart's drug Btoro , 030 Broadway. If you want to stop paying rent and buy ( i IIQUSO and lot on monthly pay ments , with warranty deed , call on C. B. Judd , OOfl'Broadway. 1'crnonal I'nrngraptiB. Mrs. O. II. Liftas leaves this morning for Glcnwood for a few weeks visit with rela tives. " Charlie Bray , n well known young man of this city , nnd son of Theodora IJrny , left yesterday for his ranch in Wyoming. From Ihere ho will go to Now Mexico on b pros pecting nnd business trip. Hon , J. C. Blackford nnd wife , of Algona , In. , are visiting with tholr frlonds , Captain D. P. Clark and wlfo , ( kit ! Third street. Mr. Ulnckford and wlfo have been in atttcnd- anco on the National Grange nt Toppita , Kan. Mr. Blackford is the master of the Iowa State Grango. Ho goes from hero to Dos Molnos on Monday next to bo in attend- nuco on the Nineteenth sessionlof the lown Stnto Grunge , which convenes on Tuesday ' next. L. Hirsclit&Co.107 und -109 South 10th st. , Omaha , nro now the solo agents for western Iowa for the celebrated L Val. Dlutz Milwaukee bottle beer , the beet in the market for family use , Try it. For Rent Two now store rooms in good locution ; Nos. 737 nnd 730 Broad way. S. Suunclers , 30 Pearl st. \V. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan ou approved city property , No. 130 Main street. Improved and vacant property in all parts of the city ; ' 00x150 foot on Glen oven uo , cast front , n bargain ; business property on Broadway and Fourth street. R. P. Ofllcer , North Main etroot , Do Vcl'fl block , Council Bluffs. r Pickled tripe and pigs' foot at Tib- bitts , 815 Broadway. Weather stripsjit Chapman 'B art fitoro , Notice the beautiful finish given col lure , cults and ehirta by Cascade Laun dry company , The London "TnilorV is the place to got your clothes made. 037 Broadway. * Hock Spring coalGleuson , 20 Pearl MY MARE A "GRATE" BREAK Sheriff O'Noill'a Prisoncra Walk Out of the SEVERAL OF THEM RETAKEN Tlio Grniid Jurj Itnlict Sonic New Ones The Proposed Klcetric J'lnnt The OrlTlnc I'nrk Personals. Kncnpc ot I'rlsoncrs. Yesterday afternoon at 10 minutes after 8 o'clock the county Jnll was thrown Into com motion by n wild rushing ot footsteps on the btainvay lending from the main hull to the second stairway. Mrs. O'Neillvifo \ of the bherlff , rushed into the hull and saw a lot o men disappearing through the doorway nm down the outside steps. A glance told her tlmt the fleeing tncn wore prisoners. She raised an alnrm and a nephew of the sheriff rushed out nnd caught the last fleeing pris oner. The sheriff was quickly on the spot nnd putting the would-be breaker Imclc into the jail , turned his attention to the lleolnt , men. They lind ROHO in all directions , and having a few minutes start all had gotten out of slcht. It was not long before the alum was Kcncrnl and ofllcers and citizens went ir all directions to search for the runaways. In the meantime an inspection of the Jail was made and the mode of. escape asccr talncd. The prisoners were confined in the two side corridors , fronting the cast. Scpa rating these from the rear corridor are grat ings which nro kept locked. To obtain lib crty it was necessity to lllo or cut the fasten ings ( n lock nnd two chains ) from the door In the lower gratlnp , climb up the cage to the third story , pass over the cage , through to the stairway , aim down into the lowoi hall. This is what was done. U hat was used to do the cutting , or who furnished it , nro mutters of conjecture but the suheino and its execution arc generally charged upon the confidence man who was confined there yesterday. An examination shows that cloven men made a break for liberty and ten succeeded In getting beyond the Jail walls. The break ers arc Johnson and Diamond , the Ncohi burglars , who have been scntonced to four ji-ars each. Wood , Shoemaker , Sullivan , Kiiyuiond , Heynolds , Ferguson , Aull , Leon ard and Mulligan. The latter was captured before getting oft the grounds. About four o'clock Captain Cousins drove up to the Jail and unloaded Diamond and Johnson. He found them skulking in the weeds north of the fair ground. When covered with a re volver they throw up their hands and gave up without resistance. Captain Andean , of the merchants' police , was with Cousins at the time of the capture. This is the first jail delivery ever effected in this county since Sheriff O'Neill has been in charge of the jail , n period of about twenty years. The sherifE has several times called the attention of the board of supervisors to the irate through which the prisoners escaped. 1L is about seven feel high nnd two feet wide , und was secured by only one small lock , which was on the inside , so that the prisoners could work on it at pleasure. In order to strengthen it the sheriff added two chains , one at the top and the other at the bottom , which were also locked. When Mr. Pnuley , of St. Louis , the builder of the jail , was hero last spring making repairs , his attention was called to the gate by the sheriff. Mr. I'auley stated that ho could make it more secure if the supervisors ordered it , but that body re fused to do so , and this long continued neglect finally led to a jail delivery. In nnsxver to a question as to how the necessary tools could have been secured , the sheriff said that any prisoner could easily obtain help from the outside , and that ho was unable to prevent it , owing to the manner in which the Jail was constructed. The side corridors nnd rear cells are within' easy reach of the windows , which renders it an easy matter to pass in anything to a prisoner , and the only way to prevent it Is to keep a a couple of men on the watch on the outside all of the time , day nnd night. On several occasions tools have been found inside which were secured in this manner. The utmost vigilance is required to get possession .of these articles as soon as they ure secured by Fho prisoners. As shown by the escape of yesterday , there was but a trilling obstacle between' the prisoners and liberty. These who remained say that it was less than littcen minutes from the time the first work was done until the last man was out of sight ana hearing. There is no doubt but that the tiuiely discovery of the break was all that prevented n general delivery of the sev enteen prisoners confined in the lower tier of cells. The time was well chosen , as it would have licen almost impossible to get out at night , when all prisoners arc confined in their cells benind heavy steel bars , through which one night's cuttini ; would not take them. The jail breakers watched their op portunity and made their successful move during the absence of the assistant at the postolllco. Captain Anderson captured Charles Aull , another one of the escaped prisoners , near 13ig Lake , just at dusk. The follow had been in company with Johnson ami Diamond mend , but parted company with them while the officer was chasing them. Aull dropped out of the path into the weeds and the former passed within u few feet of him without see ing him. Anderson was aware , however , that there had been three in the party , and remained to search for the missii g one , whi e Cous ins took the others back to jail. Aull remained in the weeds and crawled on his hands and knees over a quarter of a milo before the officer found him. He was soon returned to his old quarters. Anderson left on the Kansas City train at 0:15 : for Pacific Junction , a report being received that two of the prisoners had been seen making that way about dark. The principal prisoners were the ones first recaptured , und aside from thorn Shoemaker , Sullivan 'and Ha.vinoud were the only ones who had reason to fear u term in the pen. It will now go hard with nil of them , if caught , as their act will earn for each of them an additional term In jail. Leonard's term would huvu been out in two weeks more. Ho was in for passing tools Into the jail to the notorious "Hilly" Edwards , over two years ago. For Sale First class grocery stock nnd fixtures. Will take part Council 13 lull's property. Council HlutTs Invest ment Co. , room 10 , I'ourl fat. , Council Dlull's , la. The Council HltitTs Lumber Co , wnnt you to try tome of the If coul. See Forrest Smith'- , special column. . - S. B. WauBworih & Co. loan money. AH grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. The Driving Pni-k. The stockholders of the Union Driving Park association mot at the board of trade rooms last evening for the purpose of fur ther considering the question of soiling the [ > ark and closing up the business of the asso ciation. The committee appointed nt the previous meeting to investigate the matter Jesirod moro time , which was granted. Quito a lengthy discussion ensued as to the advisability of soiling out entirely , or of making arrangements to continue ten years more. Nothing decisive was agreed upon , ind the meeting adjourned until next Wednesday evening , When the comtnlUeo will uiako its report , + Sleigh bolls , sleds and skates , OUKLL & BRYANT , 618 Main st. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. * ' * Money loaned on fuinlturo , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value nt low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A , A. Clark & . Co. , otllco cor , Broadway and Main , over Ainorioan express , The Work Goes On. The revival meetings are increasing in in. tcrest from night to night and from day to day. The meeting of Tuesday night was of special interest. A largo number mani fested a desire to ho Christiana. The text , 'There is no Difference , " was followed by a very impressive discourse , which riveted the attention nf the largo audience and led many to feel that they were lost without Christ The second meetings arc seasons of thrilllnt interest , The plain , pungent preaching o Mr , Stnend , accompanied by the sweet song of Mr. Smith , are evidently resu.tlnt : In much good. The meetings at 3 p. m , , nro very Instructive and beneficial , and nr daily increasing In attendance. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- fcon , 'JO Pearl street. All grades toft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Sec Forrest Smith's special column. Tlio IlruHli Folk * Tnlk Mr. Kmll L. Oppcrmnn , ot the Brush electric company , is In the city looking eve iho field witli a view ot establishing hero a system of incandescent lighting for business houses nnd residences , The lint rates pro posed arc TO cents a light for such as bun till 10 o'clock in the evening , 1)0 ) cents for 12 o'clock lights and fl.bO for all night lights The lights can bo turned on or off nt pleas urc , the snme as gas , and the rates are certainly tainly low , ns compared with the present rates 01 ° gas. It Is the purpose of the com pany , if it establishes n plant here , to pro vldo light in the daytlmo also. If there is a demand for such. There are few places ai present where such lights nro needed , but if there is a demand the Hrusli company has the same facilities for furnishing such light ns any other company has. The company proposes furnlsfilng motor also for manufacturing purposes. It asks for an exclusive privilege , or bonus , nnd nvow1 the commendable policy of being willing to compote in quality and price , and submit ti the workings of the law for the survival ol the fittest. It lays claims of not only offer ing equal inducements to any other company but in some points superiority. Loans inmlo on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim ball-Champ Investment company. The Council Bluffs Investment com pany are now prepared to loan money on real estate on llrst mortgages at lowest rates. Have sevornl.nuro tracts to hell. Two 40 acre tracts for platting , one 13 , ono 3U and one 17. Also houses and lots in best locations in the city at low fig ures and on cat-y terms. Call and bee us. Room 10 , 1'carl street. LEITHEGOITOKGDOII ! GEO. H' . MESCHENDORF NO. : t2T } KItOAIMVAY Buys his cuttle from first-class responsible linns , such as Swift < fc Son , or from llrst- olass farms , such as N. M. Pusoy's , and others. No worn-out milk cows sold in this market , as has boon the liabit in the markets of Council 131uffs heretofore. Price list of our ments. Nothing but first- class fat beef , pork , mutton anil veal : CENTS ITU i.n. Boil Uccf 3 to 4 Corn Heof ! J to 4 Shoulder Steal ; 5 to 0 Shoulder Roast S Hib Koust 0 Standing Prime Hib Koast 7 Short. Porter House Steak 9 Long Porter House Steak 10 Sirlom Steak 10 Pork Koast b Pork Chops and Steak j Veal Steak 10 Mutton Chops 10 Venl anil Mutton -Roast it ) Veal and Mutton Stew 4 SujjarCured Hams 11 Lard 10 to 12 Poultry , Fish , Butter and Oysters con stantly on hand. Mince Meats , Saner Krout , Pickled Tripe ami Pigs Feet at lowest inar- Icct price. Don't forget the number NO. 27 ISItOAUWAY. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. WANTED A competent nirl for general liousoworK.Apply 227 SouthCth st. t\7"ANTi:0-airl for general housework. No. 018 4th St. , .Mrs. C C. Troxell. POUND A bunch ot new keys. Call nt Uco olllce. Ill AVE sold my livery to Mr. Seedon.of lown , ami sold all outstanding accounts to Charles Unison , and If there la any bill against me not settled , please. send In your bill to me , JilOT Douglas st. , Omaha , ana I will pay It.Vm. . Stadclman. TOOK KKNT Modern 10-room house , No. IT. JL1 South ( jth st. ROOMS to rent Three rooms. No. Til 5th avo. 1 front room , bay window , nicely furnished , lo Tor gent nnd wife ; rent cneap. Cull at ho. 10 1'earlbt. , Council lllulls Investment Co. TT1OU SAM" Good 4 year-olrthorso , gentle-nod JL1 sound , lliunesa and top buggy. Will sell : heap on easy terms If sola soon. Inquire t FORREST SMITH'S SALE For iv short time , the en tire addition known ns "PAIR- MOUNT" located on the hills ho- ; wcon 13th nnd Kith avoiuies , three nnd i half hlooks east of Main street nnil the siiino from Iho htroet car line. It commands an oxtenbivo vio\v of Omaha Hid Council Blurt's. This bonutsful and inoly located addition of forty-two lots , s oll'orod at u price that will surely make the investor from 7/5 / to 80 per cent within two years. If you want u sure thinff which you can begin selling it once tit an advance of from 75 to 80 ; > or cent over what it costH you , call on ir address II. G. McGee , 10 ! ! Main at , , jr Forest Smith , at the Brown building1. Don't able why it is ollored bo low , but come nnd ueo the property and bo con vinced that wo toll it less than it is. Those lots will sell now at from $300 to WOO each. "Wo don't want that for them. Remember this oiler is only for i short time , FORREST SMITH , Room 4 , Urd Floor , Hrown Ijulldliif. -S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , E HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No. SOB. COUNUlti BMTPFS , t I IOWA Examine the following prices for cash only ind Imy your meats urcbseil at home. I will sell until further notice a.a rollout ) : ihouldtr and chuck roast r C to f-o rlmurlb roust. . . . . . . to 'hucketealc , , . . , fa lonnd steak StolOo ilrloln steak. . lOo 'ortcrlioubo Btealc. , lOc lollliiK beef 4 to to kluttonHtew , , . . , GO Mutton IcfH. . . , Co 'orn beef 4 to fie I'orkroast , : lOc i'orkchopa and steak , , , . . , . . , H'c Ljml , pur * nnd our own make T2o Jousage , our own make. , . lOo llemember this Is the only HOME DHK6S M HAT MA IIKKT In the city. No foreign meats bold. bold.C. C. L. MUNAS , No. 821 Main St , [ 'olephtmo No. 239. GEfJF GE METCALF L No. 14 Pearl St. 20 PER CENT DISGODNT 03ST ALL CASH SALES ! FORCED CONCESSION SALE Unequalled and surprising Bargains in . Closufes , ClothLirLg : : : ? Boots < Ss Slbuoes At Henry Eiseman & Go's ' People's ' Store OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. , In order to give us an opportunity to rearrange our business for our now FOUU STORY BLOCK , which wo are erecting on the old Pacific House Site. , Customers will not waste their timeof they read what wo have to say. Nor will they bo deceived when they rome to see our goods and learn our prices. Everything will bo found exactly as wo say. Wo olTor a discount of " ( I per con ON ALL CASH SALES On everything wo have in our houso. Now is your time to buy. Do not miss this opportunity. Low , prices always inako us buvand wo nro go ing to tniiko LOW PRICES MAKE YOU BUY ! We adopted this method of slaughtering our goods just ono week ago , nnd the result has been that-our STOKE IS CROWDED with customers all day long , so much M ) that wo have added Extra force of Competent Salesmen , And Sales Ladies to wait on our customers. People are coming from Omaha and from hundreds of miles to take advantage of this GMRJSAT Our regular prices have always boon conceded to be the lowest offered in the west , and when you got 20 per cent , extra discount on your bill , bee what you are saving Uy buying from us. Wo want to and must CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK For reasons above named. CALL AND SEIC US. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. HENRY EISEMAN & CO , PEOPLE'S STORE M 314,316,318 , , Si 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. NEW BARGAINS BROADWAY IOTS , FlltST AVHNUJS liOTS , , b-EltRY ADDITION hOTH , PEU11Y ADDITION IjOTS. EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , ISRYANT & CLi.lKK'K ADDITION LOT8 , STUKET'S ADDITION liOfS. AliSO 2O ACRES OK THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN KOK l Ij\TTlNG. W. C. STACY , Telephone m No. 9 Main Street. LOTS' ! TERRY TDDITIOK ] For a Short Tima I Will Offer 100 3L.OTS In 1'erry Addition to Council Jllulls on the fol io wing Terms : Inside- Lots on Ave. A . 8 fiOO Insldal.otson Avo. II . WO Inside Lots on Ave. C . * . " > ( ) lusldu Jjotson First Ave . ti.0 Inside Lots on Second Ave . M Inside Lots on Third Avu . fifK ) InHldo Lots on N. Sldn Kourth Ave . 4M Iiibldo Lots on 8. Sldu Fourth Ave . 410 IWAn Corner Lots $ > More. TEHMS One-tenth cash , balance In nine annual optional payments , with K per cent In terest. payuulu annually. Will Klve con tract for warranty deed nnd inriilsu ab stract when fully paid. \v. .siii > i : , No. 8. North Muin St , . Council lllnirs. la. i LOOK AJ THE IRISHMAN ! J. M. SCANLAN , ItiO nUOAIMVAY. Will soil for cash : Shoulder and Cuuck Itonst . . . . . . .6 to tic 'rime Hib lloast . 80 ymckKtrnk . Do ( omul Btonk . Fo sirloin Btfiik . lUc 'ortcrhoiiHo Steak . . . . . . lOo lollliiK Heef . < c Mutton Stew . Tie Mutton Legs . . " . tc Jorn Uei'f . . 4o Pork KoiiHt . lUc ork Chops and Htouk . , . I Ho , ard , our owm muUu . J"c Sausueu . Fo All other meatH In the same pioixirtlon. l-'reo Dellveiy. Orders Hunt by children receive prompt attention uud ure correctly tilled. 1101. RED HEADED ! - ) I AM ( - MAD ! MAD ! MAD ! And will sell meat for the following prices for ca-di : Shoulder and Chuck Uo.ast . Static 1'ilme Hib Koast . Cc Chuck Steak . tic Hound Steak . 8c SIrlo n Stunk . Kto 1'orterhouso Steak . 10o Hjillrjg Jiecf . 3UHc Mutton Stew . , . Be Mutton Legs . be Corn Ileef . ; tto4d Porkltoaht . lee Pork Chops And Steak . lOc Laid , our own make . U'c SiiusaRe . tc And all other meals In the fiumo pronortlou. BJUGEME-MUTTAK , 114 East Ilroadway. 1 sell 1'ottawattamio County Jleats , wrnpi'o J up In Council lllulls Paper. Free Delivery. Tuns. Opncr.n. W. H. M. PUSEV. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS.W . Corner Main and Ilroadway , COUNUlti UIjUKKS , IOWA. Dcaluis In foreign r.nd domestic exchange. Collections made ami Interest paid on tlmodo- poslts. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRICS $15. Is equal t ) any High Priced Mahn3. ! The K < ll on Mlmcocrnpli , the best n | > pnnitus for munlfulilliiK , nutiih'inplili' ami typu wntln. vrurk. bUU cupU'NiHU ba lukon. The Escelslor Co..Council Bluffs , la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 151-1 DouiilnH He. , Omaha , Nob. BARENESS BRO'S. A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF CLOAKS ! DRESS GOODS OF EVERY KIND AND QUALITY AT * LOW PRICES ! SILK MITS , WORSTED MITS , ETC. , ETC. CALL AND SEE ! SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 401 BROADWAY , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. GREAT CUT SALE ! TO GLEAN UP OUR IMMENSE STOCK. During the past season 9ur sales have far exceeded - ceeded our expectations. As a result we have an IMMENSE QUANTITY OF REMNANTS These goods we must sell at some price , for we have uo room to carry them , This is no bargain sale but A WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER ! Everything must go. The finest gods at your own price Here are a few sample prices : Moquettes $ r.oo to $1.15. Regular Price $1.50. Wilton Velvets. . .760 to $ i.oo. Regular Price $1.40. Body Brussels. . . .700 to $1.00. * Regular Price $1.30. Tapestry 4oc to 6oc. Regular Price. . . .7oc to $1.00. Ingrains i5c to 5oc. Regular Price 300 to Soc. A great many of these patterns arc large enough for roomsj The sale will open to-day and continue until all is sold out. Come early for choice. COUNCILlLUFFS CARPET CO , NO : 4O5 BROADWAY. . J. Especially Adapted foe SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elevators,1 El Specifications nnd estimates furnished for complete steam plants. ItcKiilatlon , Durability Guar anteed. Can HUOW utters fioin users where fuel Economy IB equal with Corliss Non-Couileiiilug. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Soncl for Catalogue. No. olO 1'curl Street , Council Ululfu. SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , I'jtOlMUKTOIlS OK COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA -lOFFICESl ot'Nrii Hi.rrrs P. C. Do Vol's Stoic - , No. I OMAHA - Carpenter lippr Co. , No. Ill .104 Middle Uroadway. Telephone No. 87. | Loii'liis ) ( Street. Tclupliouu No. 2Gfl. C. K. G. A. IJKHI.INOllOK BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects. Designers anil Superintendents cl ? Stonr JS Z0' T0 DEALEn dlsjount Construction of , Mr. IlcrliiiKlior AMIS HCUMI years ultli No. 2iy Main Stt'oat. Mcndclcsohn , Fisher A : Joury 'l ' ' 'as ' ( h-signi'd muny of ( ho llm' > n Iofl _ in Oniiiliu and Council lllnirs. Q , H , MCUANELD , & pn . Plans anil Siieciflcations Prepared and uirjpn T iinw ppi | . .WJLttJSJffiS ' Srll0H ! , StUll ( > , llOOItl * Ot > Cfll JlHtlHO JHUCI * h | U1 ( ] Ksilu,1Bt | > i ( ouncll HIlIirH. lown. - urers RETAIL , 34O B We carry tlip largest stock In the west , covering 2O.OOO sciuare feet of Hoor. We do the largest business ! We sell at the lowest prices We deal direct with European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits. "WIEJ aP-A/ST S Cash talks , and we are always in position to Offer You Genuine We offer you for 8O days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following : LOT 1 IJand-palntod Cupsldors , ors , each 25o Also Full Line of Best Makes In C'HOICJ PIECES I.V euch 16c LOT 0 Ko o Jars , Hllcd with per LOT 2 Good Majolica Cuspidors , fumed ro e loaves , each 5o Royal Worcester each 35o LOT 10 Genuine China decorated , LOT 8 English Decorated Chamber Fruit or Ice Crcom bets , per sot 2.60 and Solid ilvcr , Taplitz , ber Sots $2 05 LOT 11 Genuine Chifia Fruit LOT 4 English Dccorutod 60- Plates , assorted decorations , per plcco Ton Sots $3 75 dozen 1.75 Rich Cut Gla s Royal Dresden , j , LOT 12 An elegant Hand Painted LOT 6 100-ploco ( genuine gold- bnnd und hund-piuntod ilowors ) VIIBO Lamp , with shade to Vienna Wodffowood DinnorSot , per sot.$12 00 match , line burner , complete , Goods Brass LOT 0-EngUsh Docoruted Full each 3J Q Bronzes and , Royal Saxony , Dinner Sot , new fluted shapes , And n great many moro bargains nor set , i . 88 50 which our limited space will not permit Bonn Faeience , etcj LOT 7 Nice and choice Jot of us to enumerate. Clioice Dinner , Tea , Fish , Game , Soup , Decorated Genuine China An Inspection will save Creamers , each 25o Visitors and purchasers equally welc Ice Cream Sets LOTB Larffo Moss Rose Pitch- you money. and ,