I THE OMAHA DAILY BI > E { : THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6 , 188& THE DAILY BEE. M.OKMNO. Dully ( MornltiBlMMon ) Including Su.xnxr m.KOna Year . HO M rorHlx Months . { > j J'orThreo Months . . . . . 260 TDK OMAHA HrsinY IlKU , mailed to any address. One Year . < JJ WKEKI.Y IIBK. OUB \ enr . J w OMIIAOlHt K.NO . 1lj ! Sl PI8rAUNAMSTBKKT. OlIIOlOO OWCi : fB7 ItoOKF.IIV IM'tt.liIMI. NKW YOllKOmCK , llOOSH 1 ( ASH IJTlllllONK IIlMi.ni.Nn. WAJIIII.NOTON Omen , No. 51J I'OUItTKKMII BtllKKT. CORIlKSI'UNDtSNcn. A1lfommunlc tlons relating tonewsnncl * ( ! ! torlnl matter should be nddroHsed to the . . uc' Mtcrs niul remittances should bo , il to TUB HKH rum.imiiNn C IMI'A.IV , OMAlM. Ornf Is , checks nmliioHtorflce orders to be made imynblatotheorderof the company. Tlic Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors , K. UOSIiWATKU. liditor. Tllli 1).M1A' 1UUS. Sworn Htntotnnnt ut Uli-uulntlon. Ftntrtof Neb Is. . County of Douglas. | s. < lrorao II. T/.sUmck , secretary of The Ilenl'nb. Jlshlnif Company , dots Kolammy swonr Hint the actual clrculnttnn of TUB DULY HKK for the week ending December 1. lm was us- follows : Hntiday. Nov.fti . I- " Monday , Nov. ai Tuesday. Nov. 37 Wednesday. Nov. 1WK' ' Thursday , Nov. S'J . 1MIM Friday. Nov.30 . SI.M ) , tiBtunlay , Deo. I . ltU l Average IB.GJ7 GliOH'JKll.TX.SCMlOlv. Sworn lo bcforn me und iibsrflbed In my prcseiuo this 1st day of December A. I > , Ml. fcal N. P. Tin U Notary I'Ubllc. tjtute of Nebraska. I „ , , County of lloimins. f ' " ( Icorjze II. Tzschuck , liolnff duly worn , do- poxas nud miys thut lie Is necretnry of the llee rnbllMilng company , tliat th actual average iliilly circulation ot TUB DAILY UKK tor th inontli of November. 187. was 1V il copies } for December , 1SS7 , l..DIl copies ; for Jnttuury , 1SU ir < , iiU0co ) > leH ; for February , IMH. I'i.tC.U ' copied ; for March , J8W. ID.fW'j copies ; for April , 183,1 1K.744 copies ; for JluyWA \ , 17.1HI copies : for June. IHWH , li" ! 't coulee ; tor July , \tiit \ , IH.u.U copleH : for August , ISM , 18,18,1 copies ; for Sap- timber , IKSH , 10,161 coplos ; for October. Wt ? . was WW4copies. Or ( > . II , T/aCIILTIf. Sworn to before mo mid subscribed In my presence this 7th ilav of November , isss. N. I' . l-'UHi Notary Public. SIOUX GiTY thinks her now bridge cvon bigger than lior corn palaco. Mlt. FlAititlbOX goes Mr. Cleveland ono bettert IIo is n sportsniiin ua > vell sia n fisherman. Mil. RKDMAX has once more boon taught that carrying : i packed primary docs not insure an election. TITK sad iinnouncoincnt comes that .lohn Bright is dying. So passes nw.iy one of England's noble men. SENATOII AT/IISO.V and the troasury- nliij ) are likely to become better ac quainted as the 4th of March draws near. ATL this tall ; about democrat and republican in the council is mere bosh. The council is divided into boodler and anti-boodlor. THK defeat of Joe Ilodmmi is only another proof that the people do not forgot a man who hus boon tried and -found wanting. THE republicans of the First ward do not seem to have enough confidence in Kelloyor else they had more confidence in Lowry than in Kelloy. SOUTH OJIAIIA has a Shakespearian club. All that is necessary to make the little giant a literary center is to add a Browning circle to its hoe packing symposiums. Ma. Smuvisit has every reason for gratification upon his victory in the Sixth ward , in vio\rof the fact that his opponent was the strongest man in the ward by all moaus. \Vrrn an exciting municipal election out , of doors and a determined woman suffragists' convention within doors on Tuesday , there was no lack of enter tainment for the politician. , Pimmo the year eight hundred and ninety-one persons were arrested for of fenses In the postolllco department. And Don Dickinson points to that with pride as "increased ellicloncy. " AND now it is whispered that lias- call is to bo made president of the new council by the contractors' combine. In the face of the recent landslide , uudor which Huscull was buried by nearly four thousand majority , this would bo in accord with the eternal fitness of things. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IK it bo asked who are. the greatest land-grabbers in America , the quqstion must bo answered unreservedly , the railroads. Since the" advent of Mr. Cleveland's administration nearly oighty-throo million ncroa claimed by railroads under land grants as aids to construction have been forfeited by them for failure to fulllll the terms of Ihoir contracts. There are moreover Gluts .ponding in the courts and bills J3uw Lboforo- congress praying for Clio restoration to the public domain pf about llfty-livo million acres. If to this total of ono hundred and thirty- eight million acres to which the United Slates lays claim bo added the millions of acres which the railroads have ob tained through doubtful titles , the people It- ple of. this country may obtain an liik- llug of the manner in which the public I domain has been despoiled of its richest lands. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TfiK lust act in the election of a presi dent of the United States will take place on the second Tuesday in January. On thut date the electoral college of each state meets at its state capital. The electors ont their vote for president and vlco-prosidont , The vote is road , CflrtUled and sealed , and throe copies nro prepared , ono to bo taken to Wash ington by n special messenger and ono sent by mall. The secretary of state likewise receives a copy to bo placed in the archives of the stato. The business of the college 1ms become moolmnieixl and perfunctory. The electors are no longer free to choose whom they think proper persona for the high oftlco as was intended by the fathers of the re * jiubllo. They are more machines , "in structed" delegates to register the na tion's choice. For all practical pur poses the electoral college could bo abolished. The people , by their voles on November 0 , sot their seal for presi dent und vico-proaldout , and the elec toral college is simply a survival of an obsolete custom. . < Hocauso the Ifcmld UEr cstcd that the council might not confirm Mayor Urontob's ' nppottitmonU as clerks and Judges of elec tion , Tiir Hun declares it to bo an effort to Incite InwlessnCM and anarchy. f it an archy to decline to conllrm the appointment of n mayor's lioolcr.i and utrikorsl Herald ttefuslng to confirm is ono thing , and refusing to consider is another. The Herald was well awnro that a plot had been hatched In Kd Mauror's saloon , which for months has boon the resort of boodlors , contractors and conspirators against law and order in this city , that councilman should disobey the call for a special mooting of the council to consider the mayor's ' nominations for judges and clcrus of election. By staying away and re fusing to consider those appointments the selection ot judges and clerks waste to be loft to mobs of mercenaries and gangs of stroot-swoopcrs , pavers and graders , who lived promiscuously all over the city , many of whom notoriously are not voters. The effect of this plot was nothing more or loss than to encourage mob rule , riot and anarchy. Docs the Herald pretend to justify such plotsV Does it pretend that the mayor was at fault in asking the council to pass upon the judges and clerks nom inated by him as the charter requires ? Was not every councilman who joined in this olTort to subvert the charter , which ho had sworn to obey , guilty of an impuachablo misdemeanor ? Wus not every paper that encouraged such lawlessness inciting anarchy ? If not , wo do not understand the meaning of the term. It is our conviction that the time has come for the mayor and the courts to acal with „ con spiracy and lawlessness In the council without kid gloves. The resorts whore such plotting and lawlessness are hatched should bo summarily deprived of their licenses to sell liquor. Wo have reached a stage in municipal gov ernment that demands radical treat ment. The present council has scatr- duli/.cd the city in its defiance of law , its high-handed efforts to laclto violence lence , and in catering to the most dan gerous elements ! Through this malign influence the city has fostorcd and encouraged a gang 'of scoundrels whoso only vocation is to hang around two or three resorts and keep up plot ting and scheming against the public , the mayor and all officers who are try ing to protect the city against outlawry. It is about time that those nests of cor ruption bo broken up , and wo call upon the Ilcmhl to join THE BEE in its effort to uphold good government. Politics is out of the question. If the republican mayor is trying to do his duty fearlessly , ho should not bo obstructed by any ro- imtablo citizen or newspaper. TAHIFF JtEFORM PHOSPECTS. The senate will to-day proceed with the consideration of its tarilt bill. The measure will bo dlscus&ed from day to day by sections , amendments to bo voted on in their order as offered. The intention is to bring the bill to a final vote before the holidays , and it is thought this can bo done. Jt can be if the belief that the democrats will offer little obstruction is verified , and there appears good reason to expect that it will bo. The democrats in the senate are not manifesting an obstinate disposition. They will doubtless have numerous amendments to offer as the consideration of the senate bill advances , partly with reference to claiming a part of the credit for their party should the measure finally be came a law , and it is not doubted , that the republicans will make some con cessions to them , but the indications are that there will be no concerted plan of obstruction on the part of the senate democrats , and that they will not bo un willing lo lot the bill go to the house before the holiday recess. As to the fate of the measure in the house , provided certain changes are made in it , the outlook appears also to bo favorable. Ono of the proposed changes is n modillcation of the sugar schedule , by which the reduc tion of reran tie from that source would not bo so largo aa contem plated by the bill as it now stands. The fconuto measure pro vided for a ro vision of the sugar duties which would cut down the revenue about twenty-eight million dollars , while the house bill would reduce the revenue only about eleven million. This feature of the latter measure is chiolly objectionable as being favoniblo to the trust , and it is to bo supposed that no considerable number of demo crats will oppose a change that would got rid of this objection and olloct a re duction of thq rqvoiuo ) frqm sugar of eighteen or twenty million dollars. It is thought also that if the scmuo shall propose the repeal of the entire tobacco tax its measure will obtain the support of ' a number of democrats in thohous'o , par ticularly those from states whoso tobacco interests are extensive. Even Mr , Mills is said to entertain this view. In the event that the senate bill receives the full .support of the republicans in the house , but few changes from the democrats would bo noccssary to pass it in that body , and the anancos of secur ing these would seem now to bo very good. good.While While it is to bo expected that the largo majority of the democrats in the house will refuse to recede from the policy of tariff revision expressed i their bill , for ono reason , if for no other , that to do so would be a con fession of the fault of that measure and a stultification ot the party , .it may reasonably bo supposed that there are others with whom suoh a con sideration will Imyo little force now that the necessity of party unity is loss pressing. It required a vigorous appli cation of the party lash to secure the .small majority for the house bill by which it was passed , and some of those whom the political exigency forced to accept this measure may readily justify themselves now , after the absolution of defeat , in supporting a compromise that will parry tariff revision a considerable stop forward , reduce the revenues of the government to a safe extent , and stop the accumulation of a dangerous and demoralizing surplus , Suoh domor crats , undoubtedly , thoro" are in conr gross , sind it only remains to bo soon whether they are numerous enough to effect at this session legislation that within the coming year will relieve the people of unnecessary taxation and put an end to an excessive accumulation in the national treasury , which the demo cratic president and party profess to re gard with such serious apprehension. ArilllT THK The business of the rich agricultural districts of northwestern Nebraska and of the thriving towns of Norfolk , O'Neill , Neligh and others should bo trlhutory to Omaha. Wo should bo able to receive all their corn , cattle and hogs , and to sell thorn the greater part of their groceries , dry goods , clothing and hardware. There is clangor however - over that the exchange of trade which should naturally How between our city and that section of the slate will bo out olTand diverted toother channels. The complaints of the farmers and mer chants are that they have no'diroct and proper railroad communication with Omaha , that the facilities for shipment are irregular and unsatisfactory and that the local rates are higher and out of proportion to the through rates made from the east. Such a state of affairs should bo rem edied , and it behoves our business community to bestir Its-elf to remove these urtillcial barriers. These com plaints are founded on facts. Almost the whole of the northern part of the stale is drained by the Chicago & Northwestern system. All the princi pal towns In northeastern Nebraska are tapped by the feeders and branch roads of this railway which converge at points near the Missouri-river to feed the main lines running" to Chicago. From the nature of its business , it is to the advantage of the Chicago > fc North western sy&tem to carry Nobraaka's pro duct the whole loligth of Us line to Chicago cage , and bring back to our state the groceries and dry goods and commodi ties used. That is the reason why Chicago cage and not Omaha Is favored. A.nd that explains why the Ch'icago & Northwestern discourages trade be tween northern Nebraska and Omaha , bv irregular service and disproportion ate rales. The remedy in the matter can bo applied. The people of northern Nebraska want to trade with Omaha. They recognize that it is to their advantage to find a ready market for their produce hero. It is necessary , therefore , for the jobbers of Omaha and the business communities of the northern part of the state to take such action as will put a stop to the dis crimination against Omaha. They should encourage the extension of com peting lines from Omaha into the vari ous counties drained by the Northwest ern railroad. And above all the project of building an independent line from our city into that territory should not be abandoned. AN" EXPLODED SCHEME. It is reported that theschemq of creat ing a great railroad trust , disguised under a misleading title , has been abandoned , and that the rail way - situation tion remains a problem to bo'solved , if solution be possible , by some other plan. The trust project , by whomsoever con ceived and it may be remarked that Mr. Gould , who was suspected of its authorslup , disclaims all responsibility for it failed to commend itself to all of the railroad managers whoso acquie scence was necessary to its consumma tion , prominent among them being Mr. Ilughitt , of the Northwestern system , to whoso opposition the failure of the scheme is chiefly credited. It would be interesting' to know the precise - ciso grounds on which the president ; of the Northwestern refused to have any thing to do with the trust , but it is a fair inference that hfs opposition was duo lo&s to any conscientious considera tion for the public welfare than to a reasonaMo fear of being entrapped by Mr. Gould , who , whether or not the author of the clearing house scheme , is by his own statement desirous of some sortof combination. The North'vostcrn president'certainly does wisely , both in his own and the public interest , in keep ing out of any alliance or arrangement that proceeds from or has the approval of Mr. Gould , and the example lie has sot in this matter may prudently be emulated by other railway managers who are in a position to'act independ ently. In doing so they are certain to be on the safe side. According to Mr. Gould ho had an other and wholly different plan for remedying the difficulties of the nitua- llon , but what it was is not unfolded. IIo expresses a willingness , however , to enter into any arrangement that will give the railroads paying rates , and it is more than evident that ho was chagrined over the failure of the clearing-house scheme. His present attitude is ono of menace. His refer ence to the difforoncq between him self and other railroad managers , in the fact that ahoy managed the properties of other people \vhile ho owns the properties ho manages , Is significant when rend in connection with his subsequent suggestion of a concentration of- controlling powor. \yimt Mr. Gould obviously meant was that ho proposes to move against'tho salaried officers on the roada that refuse to go Into his deals , and freeze them out by combinations with the big bankers who furnish the money for railroad building. This would bo a very largo scheme , not , perhaps , too daring for Mr. Gould to undertake , but possibly beyond his power to consummate , That ho is determined to do something in the way of a radical departure , however , there \B \ every reason to believe , an it is not impossible that withiu a short time there may bo some yory interesting developments in con nection with this railroad controversy. It is not questionable that It would ha in the public interest If the , relations between the railroads could bo ad justed on a better basis , with some as surance of permanence , so that rate cutting , which is the source ot preson t dltlloulty , might bo obviated , but suoh schemes as the "clearing house" pro ject will not bo tolerated under any cir cumstances. No suoh dangerpua power over the business interests of the coun try could bo permitted , nor would it bo allowed to continue. The problem is certainly a difficult ono , but its solution cannot bo impossible. IT Is undoubtedly true that the people of Colorado and the territories hardly realize the great natural resources of that section Ot the country awaiting to bo developed. Wo have repeatedly called attention to the possibilities and benefits which will come to the west through the development of the petro leum fields and asphaltum beds of Wyoming and Colorado. It now comes to light that there is a great future for the uses to which the soda deposits so plentiful in all the territories can bo put. In Wyoming , especially , there are remarkably rich deposits ot pure soda found In the so-'callcd soda lakes. The proximity of soda to fine beds of quart/ , sand and limestone makes it possible that in the near future exten sive glass works will bo established. There is but ono thing necessary. Nature has provided everything In the laboratory except anthracite coal , which is a prime necessity to supply a hot blast for making blown or pressed glass. Unfortunately anthracite coal i * not known to exist in the bowels of the Rooky mountain * . But its place can be supplied by petro leum , which can be niHtlo to yield a llamo equally as reliable and as hot aa Irom anthracite coal. It is plainly evi dent that not only the gla s industry but other great manufacturing ontor- prisuH are awaiting the development ot the natural oil regions of Wyoming and Colorado. For that reason the petro leum beds of these localities should bo developed without further delay. THE complexion of the now council , from a political standpoint , will bo eleven republicans to seven democrats , but while the democrats , as a rule , have stood solid , the republicans are divided by Ilaseality. ' thousand Susan TmiiTEEN' names , suys san B. Anthony , have boon added to the cause of woman suffrage in this stale. Nebraska never takes a back boat oven when it comes to signing fruitless peti tions. VOICE OF THK STA.TK IMIHSS. Friend Telegraph : O. C. Sabin's minapre- incut of the Stone affair sounds vor-y much lllco his Insurance matters in this stato. Falls City Journal : Sorao racaus for invui- tig.itinir the permanent school funds should bo provided by the coming logMaturo. Tlioro Is a largo amount of thnt , fund lying in the vaults at Lincoln unomuloyed. Beatrice Republican : And now ll is hinted in political circles thnt Church Howe has an Itching ror United States senatorial honors. But ho will hardly enter the ring against Senator Mandorsun. No , hardly. Dundy Democrat : Nebraska has the rank est , rottcncst revenue laws of any state In the union. Every legislature has tried a remedy , but always did worse than nothing. If the present legislature will remedy the evils of the assessment laws , it will in a measure atone for its promised sins in ether directions. Fremont Flail : The great trouble in equal izing taxation , so that it will represent more nearly the actual value of the property as sessed , Is that ( ho great railroads of the country are valuoB at only about 23 per cent of their cost , and this value is fixed by a state board , instead of the authorized city and township assessors. The next legisla ture should perfect some system of taxation that would bear equally on all. Garfiel4 County Quaver : John M. Thurs- ton has his cap set for a cabinet position. John has got too much of a railroad cap on to suit President-elect Harrison , and ho had just as well hang up His flddlo. State pride , they say , should cause us to lay aside all local matters , and leg for Nebraska's man. Very proper if no Is not a railroad man. If wo are to have a cabinet in the new adminis tration what's the matter with C. H. Van Wyck for secretary of the interior ? McCool Junction Record : The state board of transportation , as It now stands , Is a farce and Is robbing the people of Nebraska out of $0,000 ayear for which they rocolVo not a dollar's worth of services. If mon cannot bo selected on this board of transpor tation that will represent the interests of the people , the Tlrst act of our legislators this winter should bo to abolish the law as it now stands and save the salaries of the board , then proceed to establish a maximum of rates. Iloldrogo Progress : Governor Thayer is to bo cominouded for Ills discretion in refusing to sign u petition circulated In Lincoln , ask ing President-elect Harrison to appoint John M. Tliurston to the position of secretary of the interior. The Progress would lllco to sco Nebraska represented in the coming cabinet , ljut wouia prefer to sue the selection full upon some honored citl/.ou of the Mtato who would moro truly represent an agricultural commonwealth like Nebraska than the so licitor of the Union Pacific railroad. IIo wells Journal : The republicans have a majority in both houses of the Nebraska legislature , and can If they fool so disposcil , pass a number of'laws that will bo of great valuu to the pconlo of Nebraska. The con vict labor bill should bo repealed and u law regulating freight rates .should bo passed. The passage of such a law Is at greater iin- ixortanco than la the election of u United States senator , The railroads doing buui- ness in this state have boon allowed to rob Lho people long enough , and they have a nprht to expect relief from the lawmakers of the stato. Wayne Herald : The submission of a pro hibitory amendment this winter Is very doubtful , to say the least. The declaration of the state platform will have little weight with a member whoso district Is opposed to submission , and mniiy who nro porsqnally In favor of submission will hesitate to piTcnd a largo number of ttoir constituents by voting for It , Besides tliii * Uiero will bo a strong , but quiet , qpposltfpu frtjm an element of the prohibitionists woj do not want submission until they feel more coufldpnt of being able to carry an amendment , With the assistance they will get from these two sources the nntU submlsslonlsts will almost certainly bo able to defeat any mj uro'looking toward sub mission. , J Dreary nnil Hopeless. Kansas City Journal. The message has a dreary , hopeless style calculated to pivo ; the blues to persona who nad enough confidence in Mr. Cleveland to 'Oton Ins statesmanship. IIo Una Sot Uo ( Slakes. ChtfOdo Newt. President ClovQland.has "sot the stakes" for the legislation of the country duriiip the next few yeura , and bis last anhtigl > n 3ajj 0 will llvo long after hupfllolal qaroer Is enaed , The .Rallying Cry. St. Loali Republic , The message la hl closing word. No more portantoUB truths ot political und social ocoa > imy were over put on paper. Ha will soon pave pQlce , having Uono all ho could for his country , No man cauUl have done more agalutt suoh odds , Th9 country rcspocta , him , It does not understand him yet , but the century will not close before what ho said yesterday Cf the money power will l > o a rallying cry for millions of American * bent on overthrowing It by any means ami at ouy cost to it or to themselves. or Interest to I'Jveryltotlj. GMie-DemncMt. The uicisacto. In fact , covers nearly every subject of national concern , It U a mine of information on nearly every public question of Importance , and cannot fall to bo of in terest to nil intelligent persons. AVlint u Doiunornt Says. Chteaao llcrahl. The nation liken backbone. There is not A pasiacro In this important and significant Btato paper but rolmprcsaos the country with a souse that O rover Cleveland , as president , was the right man in the right placo. Why It N filing. Oilrnoo Tillmne. The president Dan , Imvo the renubUcau papers miulc any suggestions about the mca- SlltfO I Dan ( hokine up from his work ) They have generally expressed the hope that It will bo short. The president ( sternly ) String It out to tun columns , Han. Close f/crdawJ / Ltniler. ( < encral Harrison Is proving himself u great listener und mi exceedingly * cloaa-mouthcd student of men and events , The politicians get no promises and the newspaper corres pondents no interviews upon public ques tions. A man who keeps his own counsel so well , especially when ho H a llrst class talker and as gcuinl anil sociable n cpmpanlon us lionjiuniii Harrison , Is pretty certain to prove strong , sensible , and self possessed iu any tests to which he may ho subjected. The ono thing most curtain about the next aduilnls- trntitfti is that the president will run it lu the fullest scuso of the word. A Perfunctory Chtraaa Tribune. The bulk of the message is a perfunctory document. What the president has to say upon thu issue which has defeated him might have been siiid in s. third of a column. What else ho has to Bay is cout'iiueu in the reports of the department officials. The message bears signs of wearinosJ anil the lassitude that follow defeat' ami of resentment airtiinst the authors of that defeat , and lucks the en thusiasm that , mi ht Imvo pervaded it hud not the people of the United States taken thu president nt his word aud limited his tenure ofofflco to ono term. Aside from its free trade argument it certainly presents no point of special interest , to republicans. PKOMINKNT PKIISONS. Senator John Sherman , an insurance paper reports , carries $ o50,000 lu insurance policies on his Ufa. Jnmos McMillen , of Detroit , who wil ptobably bo the next senator from Michigan , is worth ? ir > , OJOlK)9. ) He is tifty years old und began life poor. Carl Schurz is reported to be engaged upon n lifo of Lincoln , which will published this winter. An interesting addenda would bo a chapter upon the extinction of the mug wump. George W. Chillis , the good Philadelphia editor , wears a wig. This isittio only bit of "property" about the man , and this has the happy quality of deceiving no ono except the owner. President Cleveland denies that helms any intention of going abroad after the close of Ills term , except in so far as a foreign jour ney is involved in passing through New Jer sey to Now York. President Cleveland's ' future continues to bo a theme of gossip und rumor. But the probability is that as .soon as ho finds an "ex" prollxed to his present title ho will want to do nothing for 11 while but just sit still and think. Count Herbert Bismarck , the most rising man of the day m European diplomacy , is the only new representative of statecraft who bears a scar received in battle. lie was shot through the thigh in the cavalry charge ut Mars la Tour , in which he rode as a pri vate dragoon. Clmuncey Dopow is suffering from a sprained ankle and is unable to attend pub lic dinners. Yet under oven those painful circumstances there are people so lacking in a-souso of the Illness of things and the proprieties of life as to go on calmly discus sing the late election and President Harri son's ' cabinet ! * Ligo Halford , the Presiilent-eleot's secre tary , is a man of marked pjety. Ho is a Methodist and something of uti oxhortcr. In his early career as n journalist ho distin guished himself at n reporter of executions la Indiana. George Harding conferred upon him the title of "Ranter Around Uio Gal lows , " which ho bore with honor for many years. Miss Ethel lugalls , daughter of the Kan sas senator , Will this season have charge of the society columns of the New York World. She gives as her reason for accepting the position her desire todovotu tl < c amount thus earned to the refurnishing of her father's library , whlch.was cnttrol y destroyed in the llro which consumed the senator's dwelling about n year since , Colonel John S. Mosby announces through a Sau Francisco panor that ho will go to Washington next month and ionium until after the Inauguration. The colonel thinks that it is not unlikely that ho may bo ap pointed to some consular position , but .says he would like to bu sent elsewhere than Hong Kong , as ho has spent already six years upon that "rod : iu the sea. " STATIC AJJ1) WKilllllTOUY ? Ncbrankn Jottiiiirn. The fanners around Hunvull are wbrking hard lo seuuro the building of a creamery. A clothes wrmgor successfully amputated ono linger for a Niobrara infant the other day. It Is claimed that $50,000 has been paid out for city property in Norfolk during the past week. The people of Broken Bow are being urged to waku up to the importance of scour ing a canning factory. Mudlspn county claims the neatest ana most conveniently arranged court house lu the Seventh judicial district. The firewater News says the npo'lP ! at that town expressed their thankfulness for u full harvest l > y f astlng and u night spent in devout cotillion and the sacred wulz. Sneak thieves are so thick at Lircwatcr that uuian can't take u chow of tobacco out of his mouth and turn around to got a drink but what some whelp will steal the cud. Sol Draper Is the alookost looking man In Niobrara , togged out irra $59 suit of clothes , a $100 watch und chain and u $10 silk hut , all won on the result of the late election. The new proprietors of the Norfolk MOWS signalized their advent to thp control ot the paper by giving it a now head and changing the make-up , all of which is for thu bolter , ' Dr , John W. Ulake , n prominent Plutts- mouth 9ltl/.ci ) , after a nlno-uionths struggle with disease , has'recovered. Ho Is seventy years of ago and the regaining of his iumlth Is considered almost a miracle. Iowa , Atlantic Is In need of better church builil- \DKS- \ Free weekly conoorts are given by the Story City band. The Western Poultry Journal has been started at Shellsbury. . A stove foundry is ono of the Institutions that Burlington hopes to secure. The Sioux City corn palace has been razed to the ground aud the last of it lias disappeared 1 peared , The great revival closed In Davenport with a igpostor meeting attended by li.OQO people. A-lodgo of thQ "Order of Red Men" Is v > bo Instituted in Atlantlg wltU about ono hun dred mentors. The average dally attendance of pupil * at thu Creston public scuoola during the pajt month was 1,193. Toe Frnnz bruwcry at Bloux City , which has ttol l sen Wnnltw slnco" its foromau. Arensdorf , was ariwated for the murder of HOY. Cftorce 0. Haddock , Issopnto Ve turned Info an oat meal mill , with n capital of $7V OUOtJohn John Mumt , of Lo Mars , wlula skating , went through the ice Into llvo feet of water and remained there for HU hour before he was rescued. A number of Musatmklo Indians ore c mpcd on the banks of the Wp < iu near \vncntlniul. They will spend ncvcr.il weeks In the vicinity In Hunting , flailing ami bos'- Dakota. All Uio leading churcho * nt Volga nro pus- torlcss. There is talk of reviving the old cracicor factory nt Sioux Falls. The sowcrapo system of Aberdeen lias been tested and found to work llko a charm. There were twenty-six encos In the police court at Sioux Falls during the month of No vember. There have not been enough anosts at Ileadwood recently to glvo even one pohi-o- man employment * The corner stone of the St. Augusta KpU- copnl Astor memorial cathedral nt Sioux Fulls was laid Wednesday. A company has been organized and p.wtios are soliciting funds for the starting of a llrst class creamery In Cass county. The Leader declares that i grand business wave has struck Madison , and everything In Uio business line Is being conducted on the hurrah plan. A Catholic n.incr is to bo established nt Ynnkton under the patronaga of Hishop Marty , with Its headquarters at his resi dence. It will bo edited by Father Hopkins. The Farmer's alliance of Minnchalm county met in Sioux Falls and appointed Henry W. Smith delegate to the territorial Farmer's alliance which meets in James- town. Hon. John , T. Kleiner , representing the cities of Pierre , Chnmbcilnin nurl Uapld City , has gene to Washington to look after the Interests of a now reservation hill open ing the land for settlement without the In dians' consent. WISSTUHN I'AOIUNG INTI3KHSTS. A KtK Shortage In HORN ns Cntii | > Arail With n Your Auo. CisciNNvrr , O. , Dec. 5. [ Special Tele- griiui to Tin : UEC.J To-morrow's Price Cur rent will say ; fc'iftpon of the largest packIng - Ing points have handled MO.COO hogs the pust week , about tlio sumo us tlio prcecciling week. During the corresponding time last year their packing was 425,000 , u decrease of 05,000 for the week for these places , winch have packed n total of 1-10.,000 since Novem ber 1 , against 1,0.10,000 , a j-earnjfo , a decrease of dS'i.OOO. Including sixteen ether points from which wo have returns , the total pnck- iiiKSinoo November 1 Is 1.100,000 , ho Sa rui'nst 'J,010,000 a your IIRO. Other packing Is prob ably equal to the corresponding time last year. The entire west is about r > 15,000 hot ; * behind a year ago. I'aeklug. Nov. 1 tb Dec. 5. | 18JS. j 1817. Chicago. . . ' . . 7. 4iO,000 UVi.OKJ Kansas City . . ! Jr > . ! , < > 00 J 5.0.M Omaha 85.b03 Hi.UOO St. Louis . . . . K > , OIO 1 8.00) ) Indianapolis. . 78OiW . Cincinnati. . . . ir > , iX > ItW.OOO Milwaukee OS.iJOO 91.00J Cedar Kapld.s S7.4W Cleveland . . . . 21UT ) Louisville rs.noo Sioux Otty. la on. 107 Oltinnwa yo.ots , . Keokuk. la ii.uoo St.WIJ Pt. Joseph 15OfO Nebraska City , Neli . . : > V > oo , DCS Moluea. lu 10.1.10 2l.77ii School Boaril Afl'uira. The Investigating committee of the board of education will hold its flrst'fmcoting to morrow night at the board rooms. The pro ceediugs 'vill begin at 8 o'clock. The committee will inquire into the causes which have given rise to the charges against certain members of the board. The teachers of the city schools called yes terday and 277 of thorn got checks for last month's work. The money expended for salaries alone for day teachers during the inontli is ? 18,1550.50 , while nightrschools cost the city for the same period ? 6H. All the teachers save one who tire engaged at night teaching are employed during the day m .some of the public schools. Trnin ChnnccH. Some important changes in the train ser vice at the St. Paul depot took place yesterj day. day.Tho The Missouri Pacific main line train ar riving at.5:51) : p. in. will , in the future , ar rive at < i:10p. : m. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , Oakland mixed train will , in future , leave at 8I0 : ! a. in. and arrive at 5:00 : p. m. The Sioi'xCity express which has hitherto luftatll : a. in , will now leave at 1:20 : p. m. , and arrive at 2:45 : p. m. Those trains do not run on Sundays. A now platform is boimr constructed at the St. Paul depot. This virill materially as sist the traflle , uud bo a gre'at convenience to passengers. The \Voatlier Imlicatloiia. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair , warmer , preceded by slightly colder iu Iowa , winds becoming southerly.- For Dakota : Fair warmer , southerly winds. _ Nebraska in the Cabinet. Z'/o/miii Cniuitii ( fined ) Ihmlil. Thur&tonistho muu.who took his grip tuiok and fled from Omaha whun ox-Gov ernor Puttibon'ri Puolllc railroad coin- mission eiuno to Omaha to inquire into the crimes of the Union Pacific com . pany , and especially into its crimeof bribing and corrupting1 the Nebraska legislature , including the dufout of ex- Soimtor Van Wyck , after the pcoplo of tliuttitulo hud infctructod thu iGgtaUituru [ : to elect him. The Nonpareil lauds on nil occasions John M. Thurston as u grout Blntosinnn , und knows of no rea- hon why ho should not go into Gcnoral IIurrison'B cabinet , snvo "that ho has fccnrcoly done enough work yet for the parly to entitle him to suoh distinc : tion. " The truth is , that nuoh organs as the Nonpareil do not know the dif- oronco between a railroad manager and a statesman , and in this way unwittingly bear testimony to the fact that it has never considered H.ulH- ciontly lo comprehend and that is that the railroad estab lishment of 11)in country is a col ossal power , commanding the high ways of the country and robbing Iho people ot the country through their fraudulent stocks and bonds in the enormous charges based thereon , of moro than $700.000,000 annually , and feeling in the plontltudo of their pow ers mid the docility of their victims , that they are moro than a match for the people In their govormonlul capacity. They are developing a few great cen ters of population and prosperity from wolvo to twenty-four hours' runs apart and driving the intormodmto sections into a mortgaged indebtedness that will transfer it to themselves and their con federates if tli9lr curcpr Is not checked. In short , the people ar | ) to-day living in railroad corporation and the pcoplo's president is but a figurehead up the : real directors of the country aro. , the directors of the railroad companies , ; Mr. John } I. Thurbton is the meanest and worst form of tool and instrument for thu most gigantiu and infamous * band of highwaymen and robbers that this or any ether country liny over been. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. When Bfcbwoj lick , we gore her Castoria. Wha ebe wu a Oulld , elie cried for Cutorle , Wlico * b became HluJ , eha clung to CastorU , A Prominent Physician Talks About Vaccination. The Operation bolng porfbrmnit School Children Very Kxton- Ivcly The Binnll Pox Scnrr. "Are you vnrclnatliiR ninny school rlilldroa turn I ijilay or IHOHI-II ; "notciy ma tlo much family prnctlco. " nntwortxl the doctor , "lint I hnil t o littip fellows utop Into mv omo ftovoiniilayt nirn innl one of them nnnieil tha opprntum pcrroimrtl.huli 1 did tolilsontlra siitlifiirtUm , nppiuemlv for lie left the omc ' 'Jhoii tlio opointluii U not nttemloillth much palti. H II ? " queried tlm wrllrr. "No , It 1 * not pnlnrul , n Uttta KcrntchliiR nntl then npplv tlin virus nnil It H nil over. I hai vnerlnaifit n mont tunny portion * , here nntl olso. w harv , nml linvp vnrrlmitnl thrin at allnuof , fiomimnyeur mitl iiwvnuK Onlyn ton- days nnr I vaccinated n llttlp liuhy girl not morn lluiii n yonr old , mill \vlitltinlie cried soiup , It did not hurt herljut aim \ > a < i tmilly frlRlitvueil , If you would llko toscoliow It look * call on MM. T. Slatiotiliorst , nt No. NH South loth street , It little Rlrl thnt I upon k of nnd .ilio will li-ll yon nil about It I nrrhmu-d her llttlo boy lee niul have treated her son Wlllimn , nnil she will liu plpnseil to toll you nil nbout U , " The writer L-nlloil on Mrs , MiipimlitiMt nt WH couth intli htroot. nnd found ncrv iilennnnt nnil motherly lopklim ludy , whoRincJilin the folliiwlni ! about lier children. "Vt' , the doctor did vaccinate Treildy nnd the baby , but thnt Is nothing compared tn what ho did for Willie , not n cliculnatmici ) . Wlllla wus complaining for u limn time , ho would hnvo horrible ilnll pains o\pr tlin eyi-n with neon tin- ual ho.icliiclie.liml a bust tn to lu hN im.utli. liH nose wns always .stopped up , .sometimes onu Mile then tlin other mid ho was linwklne unit spitting all the time. Hut milled to nil this wn M netlilnii worse , ho wus Kradnnlly growlnc dcnf , ho could ncnrcel } hoar ordinary conversa tion and unles-j wo spoke very loinl to him ho could not understand ; hn Imd u steady runuttii ; from both BUM , and 1 wni very much nlnrmeil for fear lie Would lo e. hli hearing entirely , thnt ' nt had CHtiiirh ; I was Mini for 1. my.sc'lf had Imd that dread tumble ami had been treated M'yy successfully for It by Dr. ( . M. Jordan , nt .110 Hnnmn Illock. After consultlim with my liiiKb.iiul. I took Willie to sco Dr. .Tordnn ami placed him under lite ticiitment anil tlio result Is that ho Is entirely cured of Ms catarrh rmil lie cnn hear a well as yon or I can. . Hero bo uni you cau talk to Him yourself Vll.UE STAl'IWIIOUST. The next moment the writer \vtis enitRged lu conversation wlfh a very bright und intelligent looking mid very mannerly young man who , on being questioned alwmt bis hearing. Bald : "Yes , sir , the doctor ban Imiuoved ray hear ing wonderfully. I could scarcely neariinvthlng ; uud now I can near ns well as ever I could and It makes me fool so much bolter and moro am bitious. Sly ears both discharged continuously * He first stopped the discharge aud then fitted an artificial ear drum , one ot his own contriv ance. In my ears , and now I can henr the slight est whisper. Jiy friends among the bovw are very much surprised at tim cliango In my lienr- Ing. The doctor lias cured mo entlielyof. my catarrh , and I have none of tlio distressing symptoms any more , nnd \ can't tell yon how thankful [ um to him for It. " SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING * A Few Symptoms of Disease That Mny Prove HcrioiiH to Von. Do you have frctmont fits of mental dopros- 81011 ? Do you experlenco i-liiglnj ; or buzzluc nolom in vour eursY Do yon foci as thouuli you must Biirfocota when lying down ? Are you trrmbloil with a hacfelilff couijli ami general debility ? Are yonr oyoa trPiiorally weak and watery anil frequently liillamod ? noes your voice have a liusfc , thick sound and a nasal Nort of twann ? Is yon breath frequently offensive from noma unaccountable cuiuuir Hnvo yon u dull , oppressive lieadadiu , generally - ally located over the oyesi Do you liavft to ImwK und cough fieqnently lu the pllort to clear your throat ? Are you lonlntr yonr H iino of Hineii uml IH your hUHHuol' tu.su becoming dullml/ Does your niiao nlwuya feel Htii ed up , fore- Imr you to hieiithe thiouuli your mouth ? Do you frequently fuel dl/.zy , particularly when Htooplm ; tn pick anything olftllu Hour ? Does every llttli ) draft of lr andovcry ullght Imnuu of temperature glvo you n cold ? Are you annoyed by nconstant ileMro io hawk ililt out nu endlosH quantity of phlegm 1 Do you rli > e fiom bednstlied and weak as you n-cro the imht bu/oro nnd feel 113 though you wanted to no thorn forever ? IH yourturoat tlllod with phlegm lu the morn- u , which uan only be illictmrgoil atter violent onuliing und haw king and xplitlngV Do you occublonally wake from a troubled sleep with u. film t and feel ua It yon h.uljtmt scaped a hoi ilnlu duath by cliulclng ? HIAIUII : : ; Thouboiu are BOIIIH of tha many iyiuptomsot ciitniTli and tliobuglnnliiKof IIIIIR troublox. Not onecasttlnu hundred will Imvo M of them , but every ouu ulftjcled will have u tuw or many ot them. Tlio greater or mure a jr. oimyouraympUimn , the moro Uaugoroni your omliUou. If you Ua > e some or all ot them , UOCTOU J. CRESAP McCOY , ( I.atu of llvllevuo Hoj > ltulNow York , ) Succeeded by DOOTOU Ciiaries M , Jordan [ .aloof the IfuhojMty of New York City and Howard UaKoisltv. Watulugtou , U , U. II AH 01T/OK8 / Jo. BIO und 311 ornpr i'UUcntb uud lluuiey if in. , Ouulia , Nob. , vhur ? all c.iiittl > li ) cases uiu Note Dr. Chariot M. Jordan lias b cu resl * wl physician , for Dr. MiCoy , iu Omalm , for uu pust year and Li tlio pUynicUu w U < < bai ladu thu curiti thut Imvo bueu publlsbod eckly ly tills pajiiu. Medical ilUeiiKo.s treated tklllCully. Cojisuinp. Ion , llrlglit'H dlsvase. Dy peiitla. [ ( heiunutl-im nil Uli Nl.ntVOUB D1HI5A8US. All dlnuuhes pa- ullur to thu hoxm a ujieclully , UATAlllllI CONSULTATION at olllto or by mall , II. Q lllco litmi-H u to 1) ) a , in , a to 1 p , in. , T to S p. i. , Buuduy oiilce hours from U a. in. , to 1 p. in , porrc iponileuce tecotves yjom MuuvdlM > U8utf ure Uw.unl nuccexifullv by Dr , urdon ttnougn the mulis.utul it U tinn pw.Uila irtbo.su untibl to tliako u Journey to obtain 111 11 WWMBST A'f