THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THlhiSDAY DECEMBER G , 1888. Wheat Was Strong1 , Actlvo and Ulffhor To-day. CORN VERY DULL AND HEAVY. Provision Movement Unimportant ntul XrnilliiK Hinnll Gootl ( Jrnilcs of Cntllc About thfi Saint Hogs Arc Li , wor Quotations. CHICAGO PHODUOB MAHKI3T. Cnioxoo , Dec. 5 , [ Special Telegram to Tnr. lU.E.j Wlicnt was strong , nctlvo rniil lilL'hcr to-dny. There wai n ( inick response nbrond to the atlvnnco of yestcrd.ty , showing very plainly Unit America Is not loft out In tlic calculations of the Old World , ns Eng land would Imvo tlielr Yunkco cousins believe - lievo Is the case. Foreign markets were Mumpish lower yesterday , according to the cables. To day Liverpool quotes a slight mlvanco , and other foreign markets nro de scribed M firm , with o fair demand. A most Insular transformation for markets to un- derjjo that lotif ? slnco throw America out of tliulr calculations. Local ami outside senti ment liiu changed with equally surprising suddenness. It Hopped yesterday , and the new position was maintained to-day without n tremor. The bull feeling has taken possession of the local trading crowd , and a good many operators who have been leaning toward the side of lower prices for some tlmo , orolso were occupying posi tions on the fence , have becoino outspoken friends of wheat mid advocates of higher prices. They have concluded not to wait for the market to break back before taking hold. The bulls get consolation from many sources. Sun Francisco confirms the news of Australian exports , and reports a demand from the mime quarter for moro grain and Hour Now York clearances wore 120,000 bushels to-dav and moderate shipments of flour from Atlantic ports nro reported dally. The northwest , however , Is tno source of the greatest bull * Inspiration. The mills at Minneapolis are start ing up again , and the receipts nro fulling off rapidly , while the demand for cars l setting continually smaller. Prices for spring wheat nro strongly hold at the milling points In the northwest regardless of the apparent disadvantage of ICGJglSc bushel under which spring wheat millers are laborIng - Ing in competing with winter wheat millers. The lightness of supply is very likely to be come elironli ! . The brilliant weather has , It Is thought , prolonged and stimulated the move ment from first hands to the limit , and thcro are those who anticipate an actual scarcity of wheat to supply the domestic require ments , buforo the winter is over. The Knowl edge that this market Is chronically and heav ily oversold does not weaken the conlidcnco of holders and bulls , and thoru is nothing in the Inspection sheets to cxeito their alarm. With the daily receipts averaging less than CO cat s , the danger of the longs being over whelmed under loads of cash arrivals , is not pressing. The uncompromising stand taken by the bull leaders deters indiscriminate plunging ori the part of trained profession als , who are only too quick to overload the market with speitttatlvc offerings , when con ditions nro right , and leaves that Held frco for newer and moro ambitious operators to disport in. Whether this is n healthy state of affairs Is another thing , but the fact re mains that while half u dozen strongmen persist In standing on four or live limes as much wheat as there is in store , or that can bo brought hero without n herculean effort , shorts are moro or less at their mercy and must remain " a prey to the recurrcnco of panicky nervous ness every time prices turn up sharply. The course of May wheat will reflect the local price and situation to-day , other months , and for that matter other markets , moving In obedicnco to the market's action in that delivery. It opened at ? l.0tf ; , just where it it left oft yesterday afternoon. An advance to $ l.llj ( followed , and then a decline to $1.11. The next move was an advance to tl.HX , and then a decline to * UOf. At that llguro the market received strong sup port , u n ( I prices advanced rupidly % c. Again tl.11. % proved to bo the top and raoro from withdrawal of buyers than irom bearish pressure , the market . reacted to jl.ll. At $1.11 there was a spirited battle , and the market gave way under the „ combined Influences of the raiding and un- I' loading of scalpers' long wheat , the prlco I' going to $1.10 } , from winch quotation there ' was n rapid recovery and a firm closing at 9\.UX@l.n } { . December ranged at fl.Hg ( ( 1.05 } , and closed at $1.04.f. January opened at II 0. > K , ranged at $1.05K@1.0 ( % and closed at about $1.05f. On the day there was n gain of about Ic. The corn market put on a firmer look at the opening , and offerings at that tlmo were light. The receipts were about ono hundred end twenty cars less than yesterday's rstlmnte , and the .quantity of No. U in the day's inspection returns was only twenty tars out of D-3 received. The cash market ruled dull. In the speculative branch , like wise , business was inanimate , and the pit at times was almost deserted. After the shorts satisfied their wants the market became licavy , and sold off,1)Ut the close was at some Improvement from yesterday's final figures. January was most active in trading , though May enjoyed a fair share , and closed yester day at HSJfc , and opened this morning at K > n&W > t and after selling to llOo. closed at W > Xc , and May , after opening at iiS c , closed tit USc. The day's movement In provisions was unimportant , and trading was under the average volume , being almost entirely local nnd spasmodic in character. January titul May pork , and cash and January lard at tracted some attention , but during the greater portion of the session , and cspo- dully toward the close , the pit picsontod a dull appearance. The largest transaction in ribs was the sulo of 5CO.OOO pounds for the February delivery by the Allorton packing , rompnny to linidwln , at $7.05 , that future , having been neglected for some tlmo past. The opening was qulto strong on the whelp list , and In the early dealings pork showed n gain over yesterday's closing of I015e , lard of fiQIUo , and ribs of 2KC < J5c. Later the nd vance in pork was nil lost and ribs settle back to a llttlo below yesterday's quotations for May. _ CHICAGO IjIVIC QTOCU. Cincuno , Dec. B. ( Special Telegram to THE UBK.I OATII.K As might have been expected under a run of 17 , ( XX ) , trade ruled slow at the opening , Salesmen had to spend a largo portion of their tlmo In finding pens and attending to feed and watering and buyers had to spend n good deal of their tlmo in looking over the Block , hciico , as before sutod , the move ment was alow and uncertain at the open ing : , 13 ut matters were finally adjusted , nnd thcro was an active movement , and nearly all the stock was sold over the scales before the close of the day. A few lots of prime Christmas steers , or what passes now-a-days for such , sold fully as high jis last week , and fair to good natives sold fairly well , but all below such , and especially the 1030 to Ii50 ! Ibs undesirable sorts , sold lower ; how much lower-no one scorned able to estimate. It was soon that it was next to Impossible to quote cow stock any lower 'than heretofore , yet salesmen were reporting another cut of 1UQ 15c. Texuns wore alito rviwrtod lower , and the few scattering rangois on sale were not making as good prices as last week. There Is nothing now in the stoclcer and feeder trade ; business light and prices extremely low. The receipts were 3,000 Toxuns and western cattlo. Cholco to extra hooves , ft. IX ) 5.HO ; medium to good steers , law ) to 1500 Ibs , W.OOlHbO ; 1800 to 1350 Ibs , .UO@UO : WO to 1200 Ibs. * i.90@3. 5 ; stackers and feeders - ors , I1.60a3.00 ( ; eowa. bulls and mixed , $1.10 (33.7.V ( , bulk , fl.75tt9.25i Texas fleers , $3.85 S3.li5 { ; cows , fl.MXg3.00 : western rangers , . < X4.00. Unas 'I ho market opened active , with little or no change compared with yesterday , but as the forenoon were away and reports from other markets begat ) showing heavy receipts and lower prices than Chicago , many orders were stopped hero nml for warded to other markets , thereby taking nway the shipping element , Urn best buyers on the market. At the close the quotations were about 15.WX35. 10 for common packers , f5.1535.20 for the bctt and about * 5.25 for funcv heavy , thcso quotations showing n strong fie below current prices of the curly sales. Shippers nnd I'mlerwood ft. Co. paid as high as f5.30 ( .Yfl > in the morn ing and (5.30 5.2.1 at the close. Ono lot of big heavy , as prltno as eggs and double extra , was sold to Underwood ft Co. , early , at $5.40 , nnd everybody said they were worth the money. Light sorts averag ing from 110 Ibs. down were moro plenti ful , and sold nt &i.30 < $5.3i ; averages of 183 Ibs. nnd down sold at K > .IDQS Ili. There were moro of the light sorts on the market than for nny day during the past month , and it would seem that the recent high prices had stimulated shipments until now the market is overstocked. Values arc 30 ® 3 * > o lower than ono week ago on light sorts , while there has been only about 15-0o drop on lie.ivy sorts. Singeing pigs nro scarcely nominal. KINANCl.Vtj. NBW YORK , Deo. 5 fSpecial Telegram to THE HKI : . j STOCKS The stock market opened feverish nnd weak , the first sales showing general losses of from 1 to IJf per cent , whllo Burlington was down nnd Mis souri Pacific 1 . London cables gave n weak ( and lower market on the other side , nnd brought liberal selling orders. Commis sion houses were also frco sellers. At the decline heavy shorts took advantage of the weak situation , nnd went Into cover on a very liberal scale , nnd a smart rally from the low prices was broughtnbout. After ttio nd- vance had spent its force , renewed soiling began , and prices quickly gave way. Mis souri Pacific , Union Pacific , Heading nnd Lake Shore were especially conspicuous in the decline. Chicago operators have been noticeable buyers of short stocks on all these slumps. Husscll Sage Is quoted as saying that a dividend on the Missouri Pacific will bo passed. Gossips say the raid on Missouri Pacific was made by Could , so as to enable him to cover n largo line ot short con Iraqis in Heading and Laka Shore. Thcro Is n noticeable amount of activity In the loan crowd , nnd tlio borrowing demand is quite brisk for nil nctlvo stocks. A great deal of long stock was forced out on the stop orders during the afternoon , causing the lowest prices for the day. Final dealings , however , show nn Improvement throughout the list , Missouri Pacific recovering 1 > .f , nnd clos ing below the opening price. Now Kngland , Northwestern and St. Paul show slight gains over the opening prices. The total sales were .Tja.twO shares , including Missouri Pacific , 43,100 ; Northwestern , 20,000 ; St. Paul , 10,000 ; Telegraph , 37,000 ; Laekawanna , 88,000 ; Heading , 49,000 ; Oregon Transconti nental , 10,000 ; New England , 19.000 ; Richmond mend terminal , 10,000 ; Hock Island , 7,000. The following were the closing quotations : II.H. 4s regular..1L'7I4 Northern 1'aclflc. U.S. 4scoilpona..l23' dopreferrcd 68S IJ.S.4MsrcK liir. 108 C. &N. W 10.1'i U. 8. 4'in coupons. . 103 dopreferrcd UM'J l'acillc sof * Ui . . .118 N.V. Central . . . . ( "cntrnl Pacific . . . SKl ( 'hlcnpo & Alton. . IJ4 Itoclc Island IW'j C. . M. &St. P Bl'i ' : Quints/ do prererrod 101 ! ) . , ! , . & W 1.14 St. Paul & Omaha. . ; ili ! Illinois Central..113 dopreferreiV. U8'i " Union I'aciilo 12 IvBtisas < tTexns" ! 12J4 \V..St. L. &V K" I.akuSliore ! ) Jj do prefcrr6d. . . . i\i \ MIchlKnn Control . M Weatein Union 81 ! J Mlssourll'acitlc . . . 03 MOXBT ox Cii.L Easv at 2 } < ! 3 per cent ; last loan at 2 , ' per cent ; closing offered ut 24 we cent. PltlMB MCKOANTILE PAI'EB 1J @C > per cent. STKIILIVO EXCIIINOE Dull but easier , with actual business nt $4.S4J4 for sixty-day bills , and M.bSJ-j for tlcmnnd. PJIODUCI3. CIIIUAOO , Doo. ! 5. Wheat Weak and lower ; cash , fl.OJJ ; January , fl.05 ; Jlay , SI. 1110. . Corn Busier ; cash , 33c c ; January,3o.3- ; May. 33 31-ltic. Oats Steady ; cash , 23 c ; January , StJ.Vc ; May , 29 9-lCc. Rye 50c. Jiarioy No trading. Pnmo Timothy Nothing doing. Flax C1.5I. Whisky 51.20. Pork Steady ; cash , $13.33K ; January , 513.42K ; May , $13.65. Lnrd Steady ; cash , $8.13 ! < f : Janunry , f7.85 ; May , $7.07 (518.00. ( Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $5.00 © 5.75 ; sjirinK wheat , ft.50ij.75. Uullt Meats Shoulders , $ G.87X < < > 7.00 ; short clear , 57.50@7.02' ; short ribs , ? 7.00@ 7.10. 7.10.Butter Butter Easy ; creamery , 24@35c ; dairy , 20@30e. Clicoso Unehangcil ; full cream choddais , lOK ® ! " ? ! Huts , 10 ( 110 ; VTounf Amer icas , Hail2c. ERRS Uncliangcd ; fresh , 22@23c. Hiiioa Uuchant'cd ; heavy green salted , 6Kc ; light green salted , f ) fo ; green , 5c ; suited bull , 5 > io ; green bull , 4Jfc : green dry ( lint , 7J4@So ; dry calf , 7@8o ; branded hides , 15 per cent oft ; deacons , 2o@30c each ; drv salted. I0j ( 15c. Tallow -Steady ; No. 1 , solid 5o ; No. 2 , 4o ; cake , OJfc. Hcceipts. Shloincnts. Flour , bbls . 14.000 7,0(10 ( Wheat bu. . . . : . 31,000 15,000 Cornbu . 4")8,000 202,000 Oats , bu . 217,000 103,000 Hyo.bu . i. . . M. . . . . . . . Ijlvurpool , Ucc. 5. [ Special Cablegram to TUB Uin.j : 3:30 : p. til. Close. Pork- Holders alter sparingly ; prime mess , eastern , b2s (3d ( , dull ; do western , 71s 3d , linn. Lard Spot supply poor ; future holders odor sparingly : spot 47s , firm ; December , 4Is ! ( id , steady Janunry and February , 42s ( id , steady. Wheat Holders offer moderately ; No. 2 , winter nnd spring , 8s Id , dull. Flour Hoidorb oJtor moderately at 12s , firm. firm.Corn Corn Soot , holders offer sparingly ; fu tures , holders offer moderately ; spot , 4s 8)fd , steady ; December , 4s 8J d , steady ; January , 4s 4JS d , steady ; February , 4s SJfil , steady. Now ITork , Doo. 5. Receipts , 70,000 : 'exports , 120.003 ; spot market dull. lo higher , nnd steady ; No. 2 red , * 1.00@ LOOK In elevator , Sl.orjtfftl.orJi alloat , $1.00 % @llWKf. o. b. ; No. 3 red WW@ll.OQ ; No. 1 red , $1.10 ; options moderately active , un settled ; opened ? Qj < o up , advanced @X < i , declined K@fo , close ? 6@o over yes terday ; No. 2 rod , January , closed at J1.07. Corn Receipts. 5(1,250 ( ; exports , 100,200 ; ' ' No'a.-U'd ; options dull , and Jf@Ko ( hljlicr , anil woiik ; January , 47 > j@l7 c. ( Jats Uecoipts , 87,51)0 ) ; exports , 270 ; spot market qulot and a trllla llrmer ; options a sliatlo higher nnd dull ; January , ! i2K@ W ? < e : ilpot Np. 3 whlto , S.'iJi'o ; mixed western , 2y > 5 ( Xwlitto \ \ western , 'M@42o. CofToo Options opnnou stq.ul.v ; sales , 12.- ! OOU baK8 , Including Deccmtier , 111Ti fiOii 10.00 ; January. * 15.85@10.30 ; February , * 10.10 ( < 10.40 ; March , $10.10@1055j April , JlO.Ui ® 1G.Q5 , Spot Klo strong and active ; fair car- irocs , 17K@20C- 1'otroluum Qulot nml steady , united closed at 80) ) < c. Eggs Quiet ; western , 24@25o. 1'orlc-Qulot. Lnrd Stronger and moderate specula tions ; siilo.s ; Western steam , tS.SI ; January , 13.1038.31. Hutter Easy and qulot ; western dairy , Ui-0o ( : western creamery , SlG 34o ; Klein , nominal. ClioeJO Western , UK@llf ° ' Mllwnukce , Dec. 5. - Wheat Firm ; cash , IW-tfc ; Jutmary , ll.OOV ; May , f ' " Corn Dull ; No. 3. old , U-foi now.a Oati Qulot ; No. 2 white , 930o. H.VO Quiet ; No. 1 , Bio. Uarloy Steady ; No. 3. u Provisions Pork , $13.25. Cincinnati , Deo. 5. Wheat Firm ; No. 3 red , f 1.05. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 42e. Oats Steady ; ; No. 3 mixed , 28Wo. Uyo-Dull ; No. 3 , 55o. Whisky-Steady at f 1.14. Ht. Ijoul * . Deo. 5. Wheat HlKher ; cash , $ l.O.IW : May. fl.OOKQl.OOtf. Corn Shade better ; cash , 83o ; May , Oats-HUher ; cash , 25 > foi May , Pork Quiet nt f 14.20. Whl ky-$1.14. Hutter Quleti dairy , 12l6o : creamery , 2il@35o. Mlnnnapolls , Deo. 6. Wheat Hecelpts , 323 cars , and 78 cam were shipped out. Sail ors were holding for a sliada higher prlcos on nil the boat grades. Very llttlo hard wheat was oflurcd and tbo supply of good northern was none too preat for the wants of millers * Wisconsin millers wore Innho market for n few lots. Some sales were reported at about jestcrday's prices. Closing quotations No. 1 hard , December , 11.20 ; May , $1.2 ; on track , $1.W. No. 1 northern , December , fl.10 ; May , SUOtf ; on track , 1.12 ( < ? l 14. No. 2 northern , December , 11.03 ; May , 11.10 ; on track , 11.02(31.05. ( KniiMiH City. Dec * 5. Whent Higher ; No. 2 red , cash , Wte bid ; January , ( t4J < c bid ; May , fl.oo bid ; No. 8 , soft , cash MJfo bid. bid.Corn Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash. 27 , ' c : February. 27K < 3 asked ; January , 272fc bid ; No. 2 white , cash , BO 'c Wd. Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , 6Sc bid. L1VK STOOIl. Ctiicngo , Dec. 5 1'ho Drovers' Jour nal reports ns follows Cattle Receipts , 17,000 ; market dull and 10@l5c lower : choice beeves , (4 W (35.40 ( ; steers , $2.1)0(24.80 ) ( ; stockers nnd feeders , $1.80 ( 3.00 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , * I.10@2.75 ; Texas steers , t2.35@3.25 ; west ern rangers , $3.UO@4.00. Hogs Receipts. 20,000 ; market weak and lower ; mixed , M.00@5.20 ; heavy , ? 5.10 @ 3.tO : ; light , Ki.lU@ri.3l ) ; sKips , S3 00@4W ) . Sheep Receipts , 8IKM ) , market strong ; natives , $ . )00@V15 ; westerns , ? 3.4 < ) @ 4.1U ; Texans , $ J.50@t.50 ; lambs , ? ,1.00@5.8 , > . Citr. Dec. 5. Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 3,300 ; dressed beef and butchers' steers , figlOi ; lower ; stockers nnd feeders steady ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.C ! > @ 1.80 ; common to medium , ? : t K > @ 4.15 ; stoukcrs and feeding steers , $ l.,0iu'J.20 ( , ( ; grass range steels , * 1.00@i.SO ; cows , Jl.OOyS 2.75. 2.75.Hogs Receipts , 11,000 : market opcneil strong and active nnd 5c higher , closing weak with the advance lost ; good to choice. ? 5.(0 ( © 5.10 ; common to medium , $4.bOS3.15. ( National Stock Yiirtls , Flam St. I > fmls , Deo. 5. Cattle Receipts. 2,900 , : shipments , 700 ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers. $ ri.Krt50 ( ) ( ( ! ; fair to good do , 54.40@ri.50 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , $3.iOTi4.40 ! ( ; stockers nnd feeders , fair to coed , $ J.OOf < ? 3.1fi ; rangers , corn-fed , $ J.OU @ 4.20 ; Kniss-fed. 8iOOfiJ.SO. Hogs Receipts. S30 : shipments , none : market easier : choice heavy and butchers' selections , S.VJOXjM.HO : packing , medium to choice , S.IOOx'T.V.iO ; light grades , ordinary to best , f4.bO@i.OO. OMAII/1 K Sl'DOlL. Cuttle. Wednesday. Dec. 5 , 1SSS. The receipts of cattle were heavy again to day , but they word not near us goou quality ns yesterday , nnd there wus not a prime load of beeves in the yards. There were some pretty fair cows , mid ono choice load brought $2tM. The market opened very slow , nnd the buyers were very backward about ilomg anytning. Choice beef cattle might have brought steady prices , but the buyers did not appear to want the half fat stuff that was offered. Feeders were not very plenty and were in dcniund at steady prices. MOKS. The market was nctlvo and strong to 5c higher , although the tops were no higher than yesterday. Everything was sold out early. Although the average quality of the hogs is fair thcro are not many good heavy loads. Hhcop. The market was firm and the supply lib eral. _ Itoocipts. Cuttlo . 1,000 Hogs . 5.C.OO . Sheep . 1,750 Prevnllirm Prictn. The following is a table of price ? paid In this marKOt for the grade * of stock men tioned. Pnmestoors. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. .81.10 © 4.50 Primesteors. 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 3.40 ( tfl.HO Native feeders . 2.30 (33.10 ( Western feeders . a.OO ( d'J.iK ) Hanco steers , cotn'on to choice 2.50 y3.90 Common to good cows . 1.25 ( p2.25 Choice to fancy cows . 2.35 ( ZM.OO Common to choice bulls . 1.25 (3)2.00 ( ) Fair tocuoice light hoes . 4.00 rtiS.Oo Fairtocnolco heavy hoara . 5.00 ( .35.15 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.03 ( J. 10 UeproHCiitativo Silsi. CATTLE. No. Ar. Pr. 17 cows , western tailings 935 $1.25 3(5 ( bulls nnd stags 1,2'J3 1.25 21 bulls and stags 1,144 1.25 45 mixed 040 1.33 13 cows 070 1.75 2 bulls 1,600 1.75 2 cows 1,125 1.75 10 cows 1OS(5 ( 1.80 Ibull l.lbO l.bO Ocows ; 1,025 1.85 8 cows. , 1,070 1.85 5cows 1,120 , 2.00 Ocows - . 1.12S 2.23 22 cows 1,018 2.23 3 cows 1,2.10 2.40 14 cows. . . . . ' 1,110 2.45 5 co ws 1,030 2.50 Mstockors 700 250 C cows 1,278 ' 2.00 21 stocltcra 851 3.00 17 cows 1,100 2.115 1 feeder 770 2.75 2cows 1,315 , 2.90 Ocows.- 1,250 2.90 9 feeders 975 ii.OO 3 stags 1.333 U.OO 81 steers . 790 3.00 20 steers 840 3.00 21 steers SSI 3.00 ' 3.4' ' ) 10 steers 1,1'JO 5 steers 1,23(5 ( 3.45 18 steers 1,234 , 3.115 24 steers. . , t 1,170 3.70 14 steers , corn-led nutlves..1,110 ! ) 4.23 11003. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 55. . .181 $1.90 CO..259 80 $5.05 83..141 4.90 01..205 100 5 05 22..142 4K ! ) 01..35300 5 03 09..249 2SO 4.D5 02..283 8t0 ! 505 77. 2bO 4.91 OJ.0'J : ! 320 5.05 09. .251 2UO 4.95 55..200 2JO 505 58. .288 2SO 500 314..210 80 . 5.05 ( 58.VI. . . 'JT9 80 500 70..220 40 505 .235 80 500 07..2S7 80 5.05 OS. . .217 200 5.00 110..275 * 100 5.03 81. . .278 2SO 5.00 05.2'J'J ' 120 5.05 CJ. . 120 500 02. . .290 IMiO 5.03 OH. . .iS&IJ 100 5,00 73 . . . ! I1S 440 5.05 77 . .220 300 5,00 05..2.K1 200 5.03 iU..2l3 : 000 5.00 71. .207 80 5.05 09..25'J ICO 5.00 75. .203 200 6.05 OJ..205 120 5.00 .294 2-10 5.05 57..233 280 5.0 ! ) 141 .8J5 520 5.05 05..247 200 500 57. .299 280 5.05 73..281 4SO 5.00 HI. 242 5.05 2.2SO } 60 5.00 53. .370 100 503 30..191 100 5.00 82. .223 8-10 5.05 00.275 120 5.00 (53. ( .271 240 02..250 200 5.00 03. .831 5.07K fil. . .U03 200 5.00 59. .303 S33 07..270 2SO 505 0(5. ( .29J 310 5.07K 03..307 100 5.05 53. .337 320 C.07K 73..203 2SO 5.03 147. .203 120 5.07M 67..2S ; ! 120 5.05 07. .28 ! ) 240 5.07K 55..277 ISO 5.05 54. .391 200 5.10 75..20S 200 5.05 127. .U03 2CO 5.10 43..330 120 5.05 50. .295 80 5.10 ( U. . . ! I31 . ' 120 5.05 04. .337 5.10 & ! ) . . , . 0l 40 5.05 50. .310 100 5,10 00..2SU 240 505 GO. .283 5.10 f,7..aOI 200 5.05 52. .317 100 5.10 09..20 ! ) 80 5.05 02..283 200 5.10 09..203 20J 5.0fi 01..290 1(50 ( 5.10 73..370 200 505 69..2S9 120 5.10 03..295 1)20 ) 503 62. .80S 120 & .12Jtf M.i03 ! 100 5,05 05. .339 310 6.15 68..238 120 5.05 54. . .331 100 6.15 BUI : ill * . No. Av. Pr. 70 natives 09 $3.25 120 western feeders 85 3.60 0. ) westerns 103 835 OMA.IIA WHOLUBAIiE MAUKI2TS. I'rodticn , Friilta , Kto. HUTTcn Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 30 @ 30c ; choice country , 32@25o ; medium grades , 18@31o ; common grades , lOiJJUo. FI.OUII Nebraska iiatcmts , $ D.tW7.50 ; Minnesota patents , $425@7.75 ; straight grades. $5.0035.50 ; bakers' Hour , f5.23@5.75 per bbl. POTATOBS Nebraska , 26@40o per bu : Colorado rado , 76@SOo. SWKET POTXTOBS 88o per Ib. POULTIIY Llvo chickens , $2.0@3.75 per doz ; spring chlckenq..50@3,00 ! ; dressed eblckeni , 7g8o ( per Ib ; turkeys , S@10o. Eoos Strictly fresh , 33i$24o ( candled. Minoi. Gitircs In kegs , 12o per Ib. BANANAS Common , $1.60@125 per bunch , choice , $2.50X33.60. LUMOXS $5.00 nor case. OniKOKS Florida , $3.60t3.73 ( per box. GAME Per dozen : Mallards , $3.50-.75 ; teal , | 1.001.23 ; quail , fa.oOj prolrio chick ens. f3.75C-T4.00 ; rabbits. Jl.OO ; squirrels , ? 1.00 ; vrnUon , CQllOc per Ib. CiiANnBitiitns J3.00 ( < v9.00 per bbl , Pitovismxg Hnms , No. 1 , ! 1KC ; No. 0 , lie ) shoulders , Mc\ \ rib bncon , lie ; bacon , ll c ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef hams , lOVc : dry united clears , short , 8Wc ; extra short , Sljc ; short ribs , 8)40 : picketed pigs' feet , 15-lb kits , too ; lard , b < J(9c ; smoked sausage , G@Sc l er Ib ; hog casings , 17 © ISc. Cm.KitY Wi\0o \ per dozfnenjncy , 40.S. ONIONS 30 ( IOc per bu. CAIIIUOK-W 00 per 100. UCF.TS tOc | > er bu. TuitNlPs 2oc per bu. Su'nuKiiDUT UbKfl7 > ; half bbls , $3,75 Arrus Choice , ? 3.50i8.75 ( per bbl ; fancv , $3 00 per bbl ; commo i. fl.Niil.D ) perhbl. Clltnu Michigan , f.1.00n.AO per bbl of 33 gals ; California pear elder , 115.00 per bbl , POP COHN Htce , 3ft common , 2J c. C uiitoTs 40o per bu. HEANS Choice tnstern hand picked navies , fl.OO Her bushel ; western handplcked lu- vics , ? 1 75@lbO ; mediums , $ l.30@l.50 ; Limn beans , 5 „ per Ib. Ho F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland $0.00 : No. 3 Upland , $5 ( K ) . Huvv-$15 105510.00. Ciiori'Kii FIKU f 14.00@lo.00 per ton. COHN 2fi@27c. O ITS 23C ? . ' 3c. VINFOAU Cider , lOQt c per gal. ; white wine , HKjj20c i > cr gal. HONUI Mb frames , 15@lSc. Grocers' lilst. Revised prices nro as follows ! UAOOINH Stark A , seamleHs , 22c ; Amos- keag , seamless , l"j < jc ; Lcwlstoxv'n A , seam less , 1''c ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu. , UtiTHc ; gunnies , single , 13e ; gunnies , double , 20c ; wool sack. 3 c. T\MNIS Flax , 3 < c : extra sail , 80@21c ; sail U , 80(831e ( : cotton. 22c ; jute , < ) c. DIIIKD Fitt'lT Figs , in boxes , per Ib. 13 © lOc ; dates , in boxes , 7jJ10c ( ; Condon Malaga layer raisins , ) ier box , 42.o ( > ( 'iJ.75 ! , Malaga loose raisins , S20@2f ; ! > 0 ; now Vtilencl.i raisins , per Ib , bjfe ; California loose iiiuscn- tuls , per box , f2.lWi2.1UCullfornia ; Londons , 183S , $2.41) ) ; pitted cherries , per Hi , Ibc ; Cali fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12 ( < ll3e ; dried blackberries , per Ib. 7J ( ySe ; diicd raspberries - ries , per Ib , 24g2 ( c ; ovitporutcd apples , 7VJ 18c ; California sun dried teaches. 13o ; Cali fornia unuaved evaporated peaches , in tlSc ; evnporated California apricots , Ibc ; Zantco entrants , 0' ( rZc ; Turkish prunes , 4f't4n4o ; citron. 22G 24c ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel , lOc ; California French prunes , HGjJlOc. COFHIU.S Mocha , 3. > ( i(20c ; Rio , good , 1J@ ( 17o ; Mand.ihling , 2(5'3 > 2bc ; roasting Rio , 13S ( ( Itic ! O. G. Java , 2lii2(5c ( ; Java , interior , 2''C'f 2)o ; Rio , fancy , ISGilOc ; Santos and Mnr.i- caibo. 17f10e ; Arbucklcs , 21Lc ; McLaugh- lin's XXXX. 23 > f. Sun ut Granulated. 7J c : conf. A , 73bc ; white extra C. 7'4i ; ; extr.i C , 7'ie ; yellow C , 0 } < e ; powdciud , b ? c ; cubes , SJ-jc. liCKsxv\x Choice yellow , 20@22) ) c , dark colored , 13(7M4c. ( CHII > I : Voung America , full cream , 12 < fi ) 12'ic ' ; full en-am Cheddars , 11QD12C , full cream ll.tts , 1'JJ c. PICKI.RS Medium , in bbls , $5.00 ; do , in half bbls , J3.00 ; small , in bbls , fO.OO : do. in half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7 OJ ; do , in half bbls , $4.00. Toiucro Plug , 2Ki5c ( ? { ; smoking , lOtgOOc. Jni.Lii : < 4 $1.8r > per Ml-\t [ \ pail. Svi.i $ l.iO@1.33 : pur Ubl. KOIM : 7-10 , lie. MM-I.K St'OAit Hticks , ll@12c ppr Ib ; penny cakes , 12@ltc : per Ib ; puio maple syrup , $1.00 per gal. TKAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18S ( | S5o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30a. ( > o ; Gunpowder , common to good , 2'Jf ( 2" > c ; Gun powder , choice to fnncv , 40Mc ( ! ( ; .lapnn , common to medium , 15-0c ; Japan , choice to fancy , ! ! 0it4.c ( ; Oolong , common to coed , 25il'.lTic ; Oolong , choice to fancy , r > 0 ( < t70c ; Imperial , common to medium , 2. > ( a3jc ; Im perial , good to fancy , 40i750c ( ; NLTS Almonds , lofelsc ; lilbcrts , riftfloc ; Hrnzil.OG.210o ; walnuts , 12c ; ) > ccans , lOdtllc peanuts , Oc < E9e. CuicKKKs OfJlOc per Ib : assoited cakes , 8(1(3. per Ib as per list. CAXUV Mixed , 93 < { J12Xc ; stick , ' . : " rock candy , lK@lHc ( ) ; fancy candy , 7 HOLLAND HHUitiNo 90c. CODflSM OJ GJ7Kc. Dry Goods. COTTON FI.AXXKI.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL. , 5Kc ; CC , 0c ; SS , 7 c ; fNameless , 5c ; RX , lbc ( R , 20c : No. 10 , & ) < c ; No. 40 , lOKc ; No , (50 ( , 12 > sc ; No. SO , 13' e ; No. 30 , colored , tic ; No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12Kc ; Uristol , 12K ; Union Pacific , 17c. CAIH-KT WAUP Bid , white , lOo ; colored , 2' c "li VTTS Standard , Sc ; gem , lOc ; beauty , 12Ko ; boone , 14e ; H , cased , $ ri.50. PitiNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Cc ; Slater , GJ ; Uorlin oil , ti' e : Garneroil. ti@7c. PKINTS Pink and Robes Allen , ( ! c ; River- point , 5fc : Steel River , G > c ; Itlchmond , c : Pacific , 7c. IIIXTS Dress Charter Oak , .We ; Ram ape , 4Kc ; Lodi , S c ; Alien , ( ! c ; Richmond , Oc : Windsor , O c ; Eddystone , OJ c ; Piiciiiu , C > c. c.HMHCIIED SnnnTivo Ucrkoley rambrif , No. GO , 9 > o ; Best Yet , 4-4 , ( SJfc ; buttercloth , OO,4i4c ; Cal ot,7 > c ; Farwelf , half bleached , S > e ; Fruit of the Loom. 9 c ; Greene G , ( i c ; Hope , 7J c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalorambric , ll > Jc ; Lonsdale , 9c ; New York mills , lO c ; Pepperell,4'3-in , lie ; Pep- perell , 40-in , 12c. Pcpporell , li-l , Ific : Pop- | ) croll , 8-4 , 21c ; Peppcrcll , 94 , 2ic ; Pcpper- cll , 10-4 , 25e ; Canton , 4-4 , hi e ; Trmmpli ( ic ; Wanibutta , lie ; Valley , r > c. FI.AX.NCI.S Plaid Raftsmen , 2lc ( ; Goshcn , fUKc ; Clear Lake , 30 > c ; Iron Mountain , L'li'tfl ! . FIAXNP.I.S White-GH , No. 2 , / , 22Jc ; GH , No. 1 , y Wic ; HH , No 2. f.23 e ; Mil , No. 1 , % , 30c ; Quechee , No 1. % , 42c. COUSUT JKAXSAndroscoggin , 7c ; Hear- farge , 7Kc ; Rockport. ( iVc ; ConcstOb'.t.ii c. TICKS- York , 30 in. l2' < fc. York , 33-in , 13 > ( fc ; Swift river , 7Jfoj Thorndike , OO , SkTc ; Thorndike , KK , bj < ffThorndike ; , 120 , 9 > c ; Thorndike. XX , I5c ; Cordls No , 5 , 9Kc ; Cordis , No 4 , 7fc. } DKXI.MS Amoskeag , 9 o ? , IGitfe ; Fverett7 oz , 13Uc ; York , "lot , 13' c ; llai'inakor. b ji , Jnffroy XX , llc ; JufTicy XXX , ri , ' . - : UuavcrCieok A A , 12c ; Hcavnr Cicols HU , lie ; Heaver Crook CC. 10 . KnxTUCKY Jcivs iloinorml , 15n ; Dakota , 18c ; Durham , 8TKc ; Horculcs , ISiLearning - ton , ' ytcCottswood \ , 87 i' . CIIASIISlovens' 15 , O&o ; Stevens' H , bleached , 7o , btovens' A , o , Stevens' A , blenched , ScStevciib' \ P , b c , Stevens' P , bleached , OKe ; Stevens' N. ! 0jc. Stevens'N , bleached , 10 > c ; Stevens'SRt , l3J c. MlsciiiANiouh : : Table on cloth , $250 ; plain Holland , 9 ! c ; Dado Holland , \y/tc. \ Hitow.v SitnniixnAtlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > tfe ; Atlantic H , 4 4 , 7'4'o ' ; Atlantic. D , 44 , ( > % ( ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Auror.i Lfj , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Crown XXX , 44 , < 3fo ; Hooslor LL , 4-1 , Ooj Indian Head , 4.-4 , 7 > ii" Lawrence LL , 4 4 , Oz ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Ko ; Pcpporell R , 4 4 , 7c ; Pcpicrcll O , 4-1 ; 0fc ! ) ; Pciiperell , 8 4,13'An Popporell , 0 4,21tj ; Pcpporell , 10-4 , 83c ; Utic.i C , 4-4 , 4c ; Wuchusett , 4-4 , 7Xo ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora H , 4-4 , OJ c. DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , 10&c ; West Point 29 In. 10 oz , 12c ; West Point 2 In. 12 oz. , 15o ; West Point -10 In , U oz. , lOc. FLANNELS foil , C , 21 in , loKc ; K , 24 In , Sl c ; (3G , 84 in , 20o ; HAF , % , 25c ; JRF , Jf , 87c. GisoiiAsi Plumkettchecks , 7KcWhitton- ; ton , 7 > c ; York , 7 > < c ; Normandl dress , ' Calcutta dress , 8Kc ; Whittcnton dress. Renfrew dress , 8X@12 > rfc. CAMIIHICS Slater , 5 > c ; Woods , Standard , 5)fo ) ; Peacock , 5) ) a PIIINTH , INDIGO ULUB Arnold , O o ; Amer- lean , OJi'c ; Gloucester , O c ; Arnold C long cloth , Oo ; Arnold B Jong cloth , lOKc ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOXo ; Stlefel A , 12o ; Windsor Gold Ticket , lU o. Lumber. First nnd second clear , l } { In. . .J49 00g51 ( 00 First and second clear.rljl in , , . 4T OOtoSO 00 Third clear , l ffllKln , , . . 43 OOfifrlO 00 A select , WU ? in , . , , 7 00 U select. I MIW In. . . . ' 3300 A stock boards , 12@10ft , 13 In. . 40 00 U stock boards. 12 ( $10 ft , 13 In. . 41 00 C stock boards , 12G410 ft , 13 in. . 80 00 D stock boards , 12 ® 10 ft , 13 in. . 83 00 Flooring , flrst common , 0 in ! J4 00 Flooring , second common , 0 in. . 31 DO Select fencing flooring 19 1)0 ) Siding , tlrst and second clear , 14 @ 10 ft 2500 Siding , firsj common , 10 ft 83 00 Siding , second common 19 00 Common boards 1000 No. 8 boards , all lengths 14 50 Fencing , No. 1,13 and 80 feet 10 50 Fencing. No. 3,18,14 and 18 feet 15 50 Joist and scantUtiL' ' , 3x4 , 14@10 feet 10 00 Timber , 4x1. 8x8 , 12@10 feet 17 00 Pickets. D and Hnat. . . S3 00 Pickets , D and H square. , 23 00 Shingles , extra A. . . 3 80 Shingles , standard A 800 Lath 840 OGHatts,2K In , . . . . CO OQ Hntts , ! Ux3 , S IS , . 85 Sin weUtubiuf. Duud M bov 8300 Lcntlicr. Hemlock sole , l $ ( 27o per Ib ; oak sole , 33 $ CCis jicr Ib ; oak lint-ness , SO llic per Ib ; selec ted onk nnd trace , ! ! 5o per Ib ; oak nnd hem lock upper , 20 ( < f22c per foot. Hemlock calf skin , No. 1 , MiUKo ) ( ) per Ib , according to weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , POcCjEtl 00 per Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , o.\trn , $1 ( Xgl ) ( 10 per Ib ; hemlock kip .skin , No. I , UorrtTOc per ib ; oak kip skin , No. 1 , 7CWIMV per Ib. Phila delphia kip sklncttrnM'rtl.Ko ) ) per Ib. Frcncl call skinsaccording ( to welt-lit nnd quality , f > C't 1.75 per Ib. French kip skins , do , HV &il.lUpcr Ib. Cordovan russett , ISc : satin finish , 30c Per foot ; well leather. $ ,1. : > 04 W per side ; moroccos ( pebble goati , 20 ( < i.30o per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25jJ30o ( per foot. glove calf skins , 2t\n.Ue ) per foot ; Douglas kid. 30(340e ( per foot ; kangaroo skins. 4K ( < J.Xk' per foot , according to quality. Toppings , $8.00i10.00 ( per dozen ; linings. f3.00 ( t.00 ! ' per dozen i npron skins , $10 00@12.00 per dozen , MclnlH nnd Tinners' .stock. Hlocktln , small pig $ 2S Block tin , bar 2 ! Copper , planished boiler sizes. ' 34 Copper , cold rolled Tl Copper , sheathing HO Copper , pitts 30 Cojor | ) , Hats : u Gal. sheet Iron , Juniatn , 50-10 nnd f > per c. tils. Pat. planished iron , 2 to 27 A 10' ' , Pat , planislicil Iron , 24 to 27 11 l Roollnir , 10. 14\20 , 113 sheets $41. Reeking , IX. 14x20. 112 shoots 7.50 Reeling , 1C , 'JON'J- * , 112 sheets 11.00 Hooting , IX , 20x2 $ , 112 sheets 14.50 Sheet Fron , No. 20 ! UM ) Sheet Iron , No. 27 a. Solder l-Vj'Cll' Tin plate , best chnrcoiil 1C , 10x14 , 23A sheets $ < IX,10.\14. 235 sheets S. Tin plate , colce 10,10x14.235 sheets (5.2T. ( Steel nails , per itep 2 Uo Steel Wire mills , per keg 5.IK ! ) An Absolute Curp. ahe ORIGINAL AHIETIN13 OINTMENT is only put up In large two ounce tin boxes , nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds"chapped hands , nnd all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETIN1S OINT- MEiT. Sold Goodman . Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box--by null 30 cents. THIS ItUAI/l'Y SIAIUtlCT. IiiHtruincnta 1'lnceU on Itncurit Dur ing ; VcHtcrday. F M Vorman and \ \ ife to V C ( irublp , lots 1 imil 2. blk I. Kemlnlls ndtl , wtl . 2 , 0 M A Knlin , ttn > > tuv , \VAKtlultou , lot in , lilku , Ciclghton Heights , wil . tW ) S C Hierw oml nmlltv to K II Shernood. se of i\v iincl w ' j or no and jie of uw LT-lfi-U' , ( | c d . 1 A (1 Cliirlton iiiullfu to J lj ( ! Chiultoti , lot V.1. blk 4 , Intitutc plnce , w tl . 400 AV llensonvtiil lo BV Kirk , Jot a. blk 11. North Oniuhnvd . . . . 350 G II HogKnml \Uto to FN lloss , lot 17 , blk lit. f ; n itoWs' ndii. w d . 160 ls : Hood and \\ltv to Charles Corbett , lot d. blk T , IbilRhfj. IUIIIO.Y , w il 000 l S Hooil nml vlto to Churles Corljttt , lot 7 , Albilght A . \ > lo < > 01 th's Zd adtl , d . . . . ay ) CSltooil nnd wlfo to l Imrles C'orbitt , lot 17 , Albilplit & \ > lcs orth's I'd add. w d . . 3-.0 K S Hood nnd uifc to Chiulos ( iarlictt , lot ! { , Albright \ Aylesivortirb 2il add , w tl . 3.W ES Hood and wife to Clmiles toibctt , lot 1 ! , Alurjght \ Ajk'nWOith's 2il add , w tl . . . . . K.O 11 .Innsou nnd wlfu to A O Davidson , w'j ' lot 7,1'elham 1'lacev d 3EX > 3 W .1 \Vnconcr anil v.ite to H W Iljde. n i'5 It lot 111 , blk 73 , South Umaliii , w d. . . 1.W.O C DSeldfU nnditeto S.I Koit. > i Iots21 nnd iL' . oik . Ftinmilt place , w d . . . . l.COO H HticK nnd wife to .M l.obkc , Lof s e 1- 15-12 c. wd . . . . . . 4.POJ M Hurz nnd wife to J Klein et nl , w 40 ft of n W ft lot 8. blk 2. CamplK'll'fc tidd , w d . - . . 2,003 3 Anlsfleld nnd wllo in ( ieoriio Clotin'r , n ' * Ion , blk HIT. Omnhn. w d . . . 13,100 N t' Solomon ut nl to Mutual Tintt Uo , lot 1. blK 1 , Solomon's add , w d fiOO Eighteen transfers . . .11,151 f rlnr from Uio ti > f > oitiirij ! _ | tiior , tarly ili /iy , loft innnhooil.rtp. 1 will Mini a inh.iililf f.intlM ) tonltil ) fontnlnlng TillI luiltlculam fc. lionief mo. Inc of chnlv * ' Aditrth1 , PROF. F. C. FOWLER. Moodus , Conn. -TIIE- OF THE - Chicago- Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. The Best Route from Omnua and Council ItlniTs to TWO TUAUNS IIAILIT DKTWltKN OMAHA AND COUNCII Chicago , AND St. 1'niil , Minneapolis , Cedar liupids , Itock Island. Frecport , lioukfiinl , Clinton , Dubiique , Dincniioit , MitdUon , Janrsville , WinCim , La Crosbe , And all other Important points East , Northeast nJ houthcatt. * Korthrounh tickets , call ou tlia ticket BRViit nt 1X1 FnrnaiQ ttrcet. In llurkvr llloclc , or t Union 1'acltto Iiopot. 1' Slceiicr , nm ! the finest PiGlnf Cars In tht world are run on tUe nmtn line of tbu OlilcaKn. Mil- vrnktiti A St. i'nul Itallwuy , unit evorT attention In paid to uupaungurs bv i ouneous eru ploros of luo coutpaur. K.MII.I.KII.iIcncrnl Manauor. J.F. 'lUCUKIt , AK > utantUeiieral Mamrcr A. V It CAHl'KNTKH , General I'mstuser and Ticket Avtnt ( iKO. K UKAFrOKD , A. < lstaoi Otncril I'rtscuser and 'llcket Aceut J.T.CLAUK. U < ii THE CHICAGO * V Council Bluffs M And | Cfiica ; , ' ! > JiirJl'1SfC"nlfP1 ! ! ' ! ' ' ' ' "on. L'lilrHiio. M/iwaiikeJ / ! ado Wjroniin Utah ? dh" V < s"v of J > 'et'r ' l' | . < ' < 'l ° : A" Pi ! * ° 'tlie ' " " " ' pnlnti of Bupertorltr ISi'V.1 , ? ' " " > P a ot Mil * mail bctwMUiVoronlm COACIIICs ! , wblcliara * ° lu .thri' < ) traln" * l0 ° ' "AV tlx ilnDjl that liumari art unil ! ? , * , ? nU l ? # " eSIO > JtB ! 'AI.ACK SLEKI'INO CAIIH , . . , n .cv rc. At ncll llluffi. thu ralna of the Unlou I'ntino Hull. " "If connect In union depot wllli thusn of iho Clil- fhF.ui , * Nortbweatern llr. la Chlra.o Iho Iniln. of inli line inakocloie connection ltUluo OQl all oilier . r.isvirrn llnrs. tor Detroit , Colnmbui , Indlan - "llr . "nto nic. . , iSilllNSwic''tl.I/ , ' / ' " * elJ > h' ' * ' Ha lluior , Wu h ! ngton and all , polnti In the Eait. Aik for tltkuli Tla ir . . .VNORTHWESTERN" ' vnn 'liiuauckat ' It.UUUHm ; . "H. I . W1I.80N. 5on'l M n B" . atn'l 1'as. , Agent. \T. N. DABCOCB. ' nVwJ i're U. IS. KIMHAI.L. Ticket . i , , T , ° K "KfaT. Clti iWeui r Agent HOI F rn in St. Om Ua. Neb SOUTH ( HUE : .u. r > iL < ukK. : N. p. niciiMA.v. J.H. PALMER , RICHMAN A ; CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. DBice-lloomJi , Oppoiltu Hichunirn IlulMIng , Union _ t , boulli Oontitt , Neti. , NORMER.WESTERFIELp & MA LEY Live Slock Commission , loam 15 , K.ichonKO liulldlnK , Union Stock Varili Boutli Omaba , Nub. A LEX A NDER i FTTCH , Commision Dealers in Liye Sock , , Oppotlto Kxcbanne llnlldlnit , Italou Stock Yurdi , Houlli uuialia , N o. UNION"sVocsTvARDs co. , Of Omalia , Limited , OMAIJOBBEBS'DICTOB ' ? Agricultural Implements. " CHURCHILL PARKER , Jealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons rnntiff * and nuitilrr. Jmr < i > trccllCtncciitthniii lOtti , ( Jmalm Hpbra kfi. * UN1NQBR ft METC-ALF COT , Agricultural Iinplenicnts.WaEOiis.Garriagcs . . , Rtr Wholrmlc. Otnahn , Ncbruka i AR L IN , ORE NDORF & MAR T IN ? " \\holonlB llenloM In Agricnltural Implements , Wagons&Bnggics Mi , ftp. a anil KJ7 Jonci Street , Omatia. Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultltatcn , May Itakfi. Cider Mllln ami l.ulnii t'ul Terliert. Cor lllh and Nlcliolai Mrreli. WrNo"NVl IMPLEMENT CO. Whole lo - Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies OMAHA ItttANni. J. F. SEIBERLINO X CO. , Akion , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , \V. K Mem' , Manijor. 1J1.I l.envonworlli M , Omnbn. MOLINE.MILBURN&.STODDAHDCO Mnmitp > cliircTa mlJobl > ers In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , PJows Etc , Cor. ! 'th ' nml l' cllic struct : , Oruntin , Neb. Artists' A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douelns Hlrcot.Omalin , > cl > rntkn. Booksellers nnd Stntlonore. H. M , & S. W. JONES , fcaccMicrrto A.T. Ken ) on A Co. , Wholesale A Hclnll Bookseller , ; and Stationers , Hue W ilillnr bti lon rt. Commercial MMtnncrr UT. lloutfim Street Onmlm. .Ni'li. Ooota and Shoos. KinKENDALL , JONES & . CO. , ( > < iiccp iori to HcBil. Joncn A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots aniSnoes AitcnUlor llnnton IlistiBir Shoo Lo 1105,110 * It HOC Ur.rnur St. , OumliR. Ncbrnikn. W. V. MORSE * CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 1103-1105 Uouclnn St , Omnlm Mamif actor j. Sum mer St. . JUntun. Coffooa , Splcos , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO.7" C'malm Co lice mil il'co ' ! Mill ) . Teas , Coffees , Spices , Batting Powder , Flarorlrir Kxtrncti , I.aiinclrj Him- . Inks , Etc. ] < U 1416 llnrn y Mruel , Omaha , Xebraika. Crockery nnd Qloeawnire. " " W. L. WR IGHT. Acent for the Manufacturer ! anil Irarortfinof CrocKery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliininoys , FtrOffice. . 117 S nth M. , Umnlm , Nvliratkn. PERKINS , CATCH & LAUMAN , liuuurtiT ! unj .lotbcr * of Grocery , Glassware , Laints , Silverware Etc. 151' Krru..m St. i\or raMon Uullillns. Commission and Storage- " " RIDDELL fi niDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , 'prclaltlcn Kiittir , FBBV l'\icrn \ : I'nnllrjr , Camp TlSIIownxl Street. Onialm. CEO. SCHROECER St CO. , eueccMors to MtSlinno A Scbrocdtr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , * Oiuaba. Ncbrasliu. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholc'nlo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Cornmision -Mcriliani. Correspondence BOllrltt'il. 10M .Vonh ICtli Mrect.Omnlia , Net' . _ Cool , Coke and Ulmo. o M A HA"cb A L. , c 6 KE""L i M E" lfo. Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 2W "or.tli JStli Stiret , Omnlm , N J. J. JOHNSON &CO , . Maniifac'tiTO ofU'iio ' , nrtshlpiMMN ol < WM | , Cuak , Ccuieit I'laitor * r.l JJraliiTlliMinU Sowar IMp . Olljc 218g.lth ! St. Om-ilia .Sob. ell. Dry Gooda aiio Notions- _ M. E SMITH i CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , l 1104 Dou la , Cor. lllh St. , dunlin , Nob. < n7p ATR7cK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Uoul9 * Kumlitiliie ( looili. Corner llth and llaJney MB. Umiilin. Ncjra | kn , _ ' " * * NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Co'a 211 South Utli Ml. . Onahn. .Vcb. Furnlturoi _ _ _ _ DEV/EY i SVO Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , ft _ Farnam Street , Omaha. Ncbrnika. _ CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Furniliire Ou.alia. > 'ebiaio. ! crocorioo. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706 , 7P7 , 7(1 ( ! ) nrul 711 B. lUlh St. , Oiiialm , Nfh. A : CO Wholesale Grocers , 1 III timl I.caTcnvortli Btreeti , Omnlia.NcbraekR. _ Hardware. _ - - . . % " " M"AR"KS BROS. SADDiTEFTv co. \Vliilebniu ) MJiuifatturers of Saddlery &Jjbbera of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. H3J , H" anil 1117 llnrcoBt.,0iuaha , JHoavy Hardwnro _ _ " / . J/BHOATCnr Heavy Hardware , Iron and Sled , Sprlngi , W Ken .Stock. Hardware. Lumber , lite. 1JU anil 1211 I Harm ) , Hlruct , Uniaba. HIMliBAUOH AtTAYLOR , Builto1 Hardware and Scale Repair Sliop , * l cbmlc ' Tools anil Rutralo 8calP > . UW Douiilui hired , Omaha , Nobra ka. RECTOR , WILHELMY St CO. , Wiiolesale Hardware , -Clbaad Flame * HH , Oranua , Neli Writrrn Accuti lor Aiiltln roirder ( > < , Juflnrwin Hleul Milli , Kalrbanka HUndura a < * le . HARD- Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , JJetnlH , fchrct lion , etc AKfiltx for Hone ticulun , Miami 1'OMilvr and l.yniHii llarbvil Mire , ( linaliu. Hnts , Cops , Eto. \y"u. ] PARROTTE Ct CO. , Wflolesale flats , Caps and Straw Goods , 11C < Uarocr Street. Ouiahn. Nub. Lumber. " ' " " o M A"H'A "L u M B K R c cf . All Kinds of Building Material at Wnotaak ICt.iFtreetiiriil Union rnolfloTrack , Oin.h " " " LOUIS BRADFOntD" Dealer in Lnmlior , Lain , Lime , Sasli , l > 0uri , lilt. T > rtl > Corner Tib and W LUMBER. C. N. DIBTZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , inii and CalionilnStrcot5.Ouialia [ , Nobm k . KUhD W. QUAY. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , T. W. HARVEY LUMDER CO. . To Dealers Only , OKIf * . HvTSKarnam Street Omnhn JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Ijulncy White Lime. CHAS , R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier , Wood Cnrpeti am > Tarqurt Hoorlnn Bth and Donglai Mllllnorynnd Notions. i. OBERFELDER'A co. , " Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions a 21(1 ( ami 212 Mimtli lllli Slroi-l . Ovornlln. CANFIELD MANUFACTURINQ CO. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans PauU , Shlrt , Kta. IKUand 1101 louula ) > Street , Uuinlm. r tb Noti'ons. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4tt ( anil < ( Vi H ( ut'.i 10th ft. , Omnlm. Oils. CON'SOLIDATED TA7JKI.INE co. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailodn-ftH-.KtcOmaha. A , 11. lllfhoi'.Mnimqer V1NYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Guilt's ' Furnishing Good ? , 1106 llarncr SHrtH-t , Omaha. Office Fixtures. _ _ . . _ .j. _ TIIl7 SIMMONDS MA.VUKACTUH1NO CO. Mnniilact tro.a of Bans , Offlce and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * . Slitrhnnnli , . Hook C.tso , Druit Mxtuif .W M Cn n < , rHrtltli > ns , KMIhiK .Coimtor . llccrnnrtMno t'oolori. Mirror * et ' FnctorBIK % onlec , ir.W nd 1T31 fconth l.ilh St , Omaha. Telephone IIJ4. Paints and oils. Wl > olc < ito Dt'nlcr * In Paints , Oils , Window to , Etc , HIS ITiirniim Street. OmahaNob. Pa or. CARPENTER PAPEr : CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice stock of Printing , Wnipplnii and Wrltlni 1'fcar. Special attention elvrn tmarluail onlers. Paper Boxos. ' ' JO'HN'L. WILK IE. Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Koi. 1117 nml 131'J UouRlns St , Ouialm , Neb. Soocia. PhTlL. STIMMEL ACO 7 " Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Oil mid IU ) Joncn Street Omaha. Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Jrnnch luiuaoof the Ilcmicy lluuerOo. HiteKlcaatj nliultBulu anil retail , law lilOmul HI2 Izunl atreet , Oiiiuhu. Telephone No. 7M. Broyvora- STOR2 Si. ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1521 North Kltfthtconth Street , Oinnlm. fab. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Juuii Kpunctcr , Proprietor. Ml Dodge and HUmid 11 * NorlblOtu Street , Omiiba , Prlntoro' Tflatorlals. _ WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNON , Auxiliary Pablisliers , Tyim , 1'renes nnd Printers' Supplies. tOI South lath aireol , Oiniiha , Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUUBER CO. , ilanufacturersand Dealers in Rubber Goods II Clutulne and Leather licit Inf. 10U3 Kunmm Btreet ' W. A. DISBROV I CO. . Wbolcsa'lo .Mann * .cturrrs of M. Do'ors , Blinds and Mouldings , llrancb Ulllcu , Ivlh nnd UarJ btruetn , Unuiliii , t' ' BOHN vi AlF ACTU R lvl a CO. 'anufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , nlillriim.Htiilr WnrV and Inli'rlur llanWoo1 \ ! Klw n > . N. 12. Corner nth nii'l l.eiivunn'orth btri'Qt , ' , ' . Uiaa'ni > 'ei > Steam Flitlnsn , Pumpa , JEtc , " ' X. L. STRANG CO. . 5 Pumps , Pipes and Engines , itentn , Watur , Ita Iwnnnd Mining Huppllei , Et % 'JJJ.'J nml 1UII nrniim bin ut , Oiimlm. CHUHCHILL PUMP CQ. , Wholesale Pumps , Pine , riltings , 3tOMnm,4VJter os pIir"nam"rt ° Om" * U. S. WIND ENGINE .v PUMP CO. , and Water Supplies , njjBg rnrnnn. at. . O.nnh , BROWNELL & CO. . engines , Boilers aufl General Macliinery , liocllron Work Btrnm I'uiiiix , Htw MIHn. 1S1M31J l'iivi r.vfunli Maul , ( ii.iulm ron V/orkB. STEAM BOILER . . Caller thOii , IVnin .Maiiufattiircmnf ullklnd * Steam Boilers , Ms and Sliest Iron Work Works houlii aiili and H. .V M < 'nmlng. ' ' J'AVTO.N 4 VIKKI.r > 0 1 ' N' WOUKB. Wrouglit and Cast Iron Biiitting Wort Klnc , llran. Work General I p'mdrr , AIiioliliio ana ' ' lll ck uillli Work omioiuiil Wiirku , U. r. Hjf. uoil IJlb htrool , oraiilni , OMAHA WIRE fc IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings ? Uoik ltnllf | Window Oiifird * , Klowtr htutnti , Wljfl Mtfn i Klu * 1 1 Nurtti Ktli Hlr-tt , tiujiliu. \ OMAH"A SAFE and i"noN"wo'm < sJ ' Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes ; rault , , J ll Work , Iron and Wlrn KcnclnB. Hltn . ito , O. Aiidrvvii , I'jini'r Our lull nn < IJack unBU. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE V/ORK3 Iron anil Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards and croon . forh HiVn.oni"0"i. " to''c reMonfO fto , lmrr'An \vrnliiM l I ockimuilt AU < liii\r ' > unU li' | M. MEACHER &WIIITMC7KB. Fircani BinUr Pwif Saf