HE OMAHA DAILY BEE , EIGHTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 6 , 1888. NUMBER 17G WILL CLEVELAND VETO IT ) The Direct Tax Bill May Paso Botl Uousos. MORE EXTRA SESSION TALK Bpcnkcr Pro Vein. Cox's Killing He versed MectliiR of tlio Ilcpiitillonn * IJjuictitlvo Committee The AVorld on BtumdcrH. WASHINGTON Huniuu TUB OMAHA Dun , I 51U FoUHTEKKTIlSTIlRRr , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Doc. 5. I Mr. Mills offered n resolution In the hotisi to-tiny , which was adopted by uiinnlmou consent , making tlio direct tax bill tlio spo clnl order for to-morrow , Saturday , nnd nox Tuesday. Colonel Oatcs , of Alabama , who won nn tional fame last session by his determine' ' filibustering against the bill , stated to you correspondent this evening that while hi was still opposed to tlio passage of the bill ho would not renew his filibustering tne ties. Ho will content himself by offcrlni nn amendment to the bill , providing for the rcpaymeiitof the cotton tax. His purpose lie says , is to plncu the individual member : on record by their votes. Ho docs not bo Hove that the amendment will bo ndoptcd. Mr. Johnson , of North Carolina , 1ms a sen nation in store for the house. His plan i : actually nothing less than to offer tli Blair educational bill as nn amendment t the direct tax bill , The Blair bill has bcoi generally conceded to bo dead for i this scs slon. I to sudden appearance as nn amend ment to the direct tax bill , will placu a nuin tor of southern members in a awkward dilemma. Their purty , n n party , is opposed to the bill Init the constituents of ninny of them , as , fo instance the Virginians , have , openly am unmistakably , expressed their desire for th passage of the bill. The vote on this amend ment will prove very interesting. Mr. John Btono has been reasoned with not to offer tin dangerous amendment , but to the nrgumcn that the bill was not germane to the subjcc of the original bill , ho has replied that it wil bo germane If a majority of the house decidi in favor of It. A number of amendments of Ics Importance will also bo offered. A for the bill itself , it will vor ; probably pass the house. Colonel Oatcs tid mils that there Is n belief , however , tha President Cleveland will veto the measun when it reaches him. The amount which th bill will practically take out of the nationa treasury is very nearly $20,000,000. It wa ; for tills reason that Messrs. Carlisle ant Mills have hitherto been tho/ocs of the bill They xvcro unwilling last session to take thi : Bum from the surplus , which was to be , ai it did become afterwards , the principal fca turo of the democratic campaign. Now tha the campaign ia over and the surplus is 111 longer a matter of any political Interest l < them , Messrs. Carlisle nnd Mills are willing to bavo the bill passed. Tin : IXTUSESSION. . Some enterprising newspaper correspond ents clubbed togctner to-day and made i very thorough canvass of the republicans 01 the two houses as to the advisability of nr cxtru session of the Fillty-first congress fet tariff revision , or the division and admission to statehood of Dakota , and statehood foe other territories , or both purposes. The feeling is almost unanimous that an oxtrr session is Inevitable if a tariff bill is not adopted by both branches of this congress , and nioro than half or the republicans favor an extra session on the territorial question alone. Assuming that there is to bo.no tanfl | < j legislation , and that the territories are not tc I ; be admitted this session , an extra session li IfApril must bo looked for. There are o 14 number of reasons that point to this , ' nnd strong arguments are used tc convert senators and representatives whc nro opposed to the idea. The very first rca- eon presented Is of coui-so the neccossity foi on early organization of the house , because of the very small majority. There is nc longer any disputing that the republicans liavo a majority. Tlio only qunstlon is as to its slzo. Most republicans say it will bo BO small that it will bo dangerous , politically speaking , to delay organization till the second end weak in next December. Judge Pnyson , ono of the oldest and. strongest members from Illinois , expressed the general feeling when lie said that he expected the now con gress to moot in April , and that they could pass substantially , the senate tariff , bill which would bo disposed of by the senate this session ; of course it would have then to pass the new senate again ; that they would admit South Dakota , Montana and Washington Territory and pass nn enabling act for North Dakota , nud that they would perfect some general Dcnslon legislation before - fore the regular session In November. "I have no desire to conceal my motive for ad- milling the territories in the spring. Wo have a very small majority in each house , inoro especially in the senate is it desirable that this majority should bo increased in the Fifty-first congress. Tlicso three territories nro entitled to representation during tha now congress. I think wo should admit thorn during un extra spring session , so that thov may bo fully organized into states nnd send elx senators and as many representatives ns they are entitled to , to bo regularly enrolled as a imrt of the Fifty-first congress at tlio regular meeting in December. " cox's nui.ixo SKT ASIDE. Speaker Carlisle to-day sot aside the ruling of Speaker Pro Tom. Coy , rendered last ses sion , nnd decided that the bill to qulot tlio title of the settlers upon the DCS Molnes river lands is a priv ileged question , under the rule which makes privileged all bills from the committee on public lands which restore to the public do- in an any lands hcrotoforu granted to states for privuto purposes. After the ruling of the speaker Mr. Puyson , the republican leader of the committee , called up the Des Moincs Hrer bill , and it was dismissed up to the time of adjournment. Without reference to party , ovcry western member favors this measnro , and them is little doubt that It will ultimately secure the approval of n majority of the house. The principal opposition comes from members representing various districts in Central Now York. The members hava among their constituents u number of the stockholders of the Bes Moines River Improvement company , who nro afraid that the passage of the bill violate their alleged right * , and these people luwo been able to stir up a great deal of op position to the measure in the past. It will bo laid asldo until after the direct tax bill is disposed of. and then will bo pushed to Its passage. It is nearly fifteen years since the llrst attempt was imido to pass a bill similar to this. In ono congress It would pass the houBu nnd fall in the senate , and at another time It would pass the senate and fall in the houso. At last , in the Forty-ninth congress , H passed both bouses and wont to the presl- dent , but there it met a setback iti the bhapo of an executive vote , which nindo it neces sary for its friends to boglu work oil over again. Tlicso friends say that they have reason to believe that the views of the president - idont huvo undergone a change and that if it i ngalu sent to him ho will approve it. Icm'UlJLlCAN EXECUTIVB COMMITTEE. Tbo executive committee , of tbo national republican committee , met this evening and held n prolonged session. All of 4ho mom- bej-s worn "present except Mr.Fassutt.of Now York , and Mr. Da Young , of California , the former being engaged in a spirited contest for the spcakorshlp of the Now York legisla ture , and tha latter undoubtedly thinking that the trip would hardly pay , Colonel Dudley , the treasurer , laid his accounts be fore the committee , which wcro audited mid approved. It would bo IntorcbUng to know tbo aggregate rocolpu and expenditures , but oonu of thocomailtlco seem disposed to rnuka } uch a revelation , l asked throe or four of them nnd was tolt In reply that not half ns mud money was collected nnd expended a the newspapers reuortcd , and not n della had been corruptly used during the cam palgn , They agreed , also , Hint there wai still n good sum of money left In the treasury After sotiio other little matters of buslncs were disposed of , the committees had an In formal discussion as to the propriety am practicability of holding au extra session o congress , Mr. Now having expressed a wlsl to learn the views of the committeeTher wni almost nn unanimous opinion that In cas the present house adjourned without passlni n tariff bill , the Fifty-first congress shouli bo called together to revise the tariff to decide the contested election cases nnd to ndmit four new states It was also suggested as advisable , that the republican candidates who intend to eontos the seats of their opponents , who had re cclvcd certificates of election , should prcpar their cases , to present to congress Immc dlatoly nftcr the -Hit of March , prcsumln ) that an extra session would bo called. Thor being several of these gentlemen in the city they wore invited to appear before the com imttco and confer concerning their contests and , In several cases , ' the committee ugreei to advance funds to pay the necessary c.i pciisos. The committee exchanged cougratu intlons upon the capture of the house , us we ] as the presidency , nnd seemed to ngrco thn the republicans would now bo in power In definitely. rOLlTIU.ll , MlSlNFOllMATlOtf. Tlio following from Uiis morning's Nov York World contains u largo amount of po liticiil misinformation. "Alvin Snundcrs. o Nebraska , who is now studying the republican can firmament from the New York polltica observatory , presents the Beamingly curioui anomaly of a mlllloiialro duvoted to thi granger element. Ho is n tall man with i mass of white whiskers covering the lowc portion of his face. Ho was one of the curl ; settlers In Nebraska. With the Nevada bo nanza crowd ho made a fortune in sllvc mining , afterwards ho lost , as mnnj others have- done , much money in cattle rnis ing , but has now greatly Increased his wcaltl by investments in Nebraska coal lands and ii real estate in Omaha , which city is hi homo. The grangers sent him to the Unitce States senate. While there ho did nothing except demonstrate that ho was a peed jolly old follow , somewhat of the PhllctU ! Sawyer brand. Ho liked his life in Wash ington so well that ho wished to enjoy an other term in the senate , and ns a matter o precaution , made bargains which were ukii to the purchase of the legislature of hi ; state. Hut the railroad interests , which an very important and powerful in Nebraska determined that the growing power of th < grangers should bo chocked , and so Saunder awakened one day to n realization of the faei that ho had been outbid , and that the bar gain had been completed. In this way General oral Manderson was made his successor Ex-Senator Saundcrs' daughter is married t < Hussoll Harrison of Cleveland's , son suc cessor. " CUCMVDS fOll THE INAUGURATION. "Already I have refused over liftcen hundred drod bonu tide applications for rooms durliif next March , " ' said the prourletor of one o the leading 'hotels , referring , this morning to the approaching inauguration , "and I ex pect to refuse , " ho continued , "three timci that number. I have , this early , had twic ( as many applications for rooms as I had dur ing the entire season of four years ago. None of the landlords are engaging rooms at this time. " A crowd is almost constantly aroum the quarters of the inauguration committee and to-day the subscriptions came up to WO , 013. Surprise is no longer expressed wher some ono'writes to secure quarters for 8.00C or 4,000 men or a brigade or two of troons , Such things have become matters of course , On each desk to-day were placed tiny little portraits of Harrison and Morton on ivorj cards fastened together with striped nnc star spangled ribbons. Many persons fron : other cities came in to make inquiries about preparations for the inauguration , The inauguration of General Harrison will be the centenary inauguration , ns in 1789 , 100 years before. General Washington was inaugurated as first president of the United States. This Is a fact that escaped notice m all the arrangements so far made for the in- uuguration ceremonies. A citizen , speaking of the matter to-day , suggested that thoTuct of its being the centenary should bo stamped in some way upon tlio character of the cele bration. Ho thought that the designs for the ball tickets and invitations should commemorate - orate that fact , and that the decorations should also have that in view. The idea most general in the designs suggested for ball tickets nnd for decorations Is that of n log cabin. As the designs recalling the old Tippccanoo campaign will probably not find favor , the centenary idea comes prominently to the froiit. froiit.AI.DEUSON'S AI.DEUSON'S cEirnriOATE. The republicans uro not at all disturbed by the news that a certificate of election has been given to Aldcrson , the democratic can- daio for congress from the Third district of West Virginia , and assert thnb oven with the delegation from that state solidly demo cratic , there will bo a republican majority of ilvo in the next houso. AUMV I'ltOMOTIONS. The following army promotions are caused by the death of Colonel Ayrcs , of the Second artillery , nnd the resignation of Colonel Mount , of the Third artillery : Lieutenant- Colonel John Mondenlmll , Fourth artillery , to bo colonel of the Second artillery , vice Ayrcs ; Major Kichard II. Jackson , Fifth artillery , to bo lieutenant-colonel of the Fourth artillery ; Captain Tullv Me- Crea. First artillery , to bo major of tlio Fifth artillery ; First Lieutenant James O'Haru , Third artillery , to bo captain , vice Mount ; First Lieutenant Allyn Capron , First.artillorv , to bo captain ; Second Lieu tenant David .T. Humbough , Third artillery , to bo first lieutenant ; Second Lieutenant M. F. Harmon , First nrtlllcr.v. to bo llrst lieu tenant ; Additional Second Lieutenant Pey ton C. March , Third artillery , to bo second lieutenant , and Additional See-ond Lieuten ant Kugedo T. Wilson , Fifth artillery , to bo second lieutenant of tlio First artillery. rEitsomi.9. Ex-Treasurer A. U. Wyman , of Omaha , was in the capital to-day and formed one of 11 lunch party , consisting of Senator Sher man. Senator Davis and Senator Allison. Ho was very warmly greeted by bin former friends in the senate. Ex-City Engineer Andrew Kosownter , of Omaha , is In the city. L. W. Colby and .T. D. K Ipatrlck , of Ucutrice , loft this evening for the west , Pcnnv S. HEATH. TASCOTr AGAIN CAUGHT. IMIlllonnlro Snell'd Murderer Turns Up In n Now Plrtco. ( Jmciao , Dec. 5. Public Interest was re- rived In the Snoll murder case to-day by the publication in nn evening paper of n state ment alleged to have been made by A. J. Stone , son-ln-huv of the murdered million aire , in which ho said that the supposed murderer had been captured. Mr. Stone said to an Associated Press reporter this evening that what ho din say was as fqllows ; "I received a telegram from u man who claims to have arrested W , Ii. TascOtt ; that lie now has him in his possession , and when could I send to Identify liiin , I answered at once : 'How do you know it is Tnscotti1 In answer 1 received a message saying that the prisoner answered nil the descriptions , ana that the man would send n photograph of the uitin , and that pho tograph is what I am now waiting for. " Mr. Stone preferred not to suy at what lown in the country the prisoner was being liold. The announcement was made by Mr. slono this evening that has additional intcr- : st to the celebrated case. This was that .ho widow , Mrs. Henrietta Snoll , ms Increased the amount of reward ) fforcd from 120,000 to ? . > 0,000 , making t the largest amount over offered tor any human being. This 150,000 , reward vlll bo paid by Mrs. Snell through the Cbl- ago policadcpartmtmt. The offer holds good for four mouths from this dato. All suspects irrostcd must bo photographed and the like- icss bo sent at once to either Mr , Slonu or Hoorgo W. Hubbard , superintendent of the vhictigo police department. No detectives vlll bo sent , us heretofore , uutll strong marks if Identification ore presented. . . . . . The Fonnry | Congress. ATHNT.I , Ga. , Doc. * 5. The joint session if the National and Southern Forestry con. ; reM convened to-day , A COLLISION ON THE B , & M Two Engines Smash Into Eac ! Other at Hastings. A FIREMAN FATALLY INJUREC Burglaries nt Ncbrnnica City A KlRltty-Year-Old Man Suicides A Young Girl Seeks a Life or Slinnic. Collision nt HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. (5. ( [ Special Tel gram to Tun Bun. ] About 0 o'clock th morning a rather serious accident hanpcnc In the H. ft M. yards at this place. Hy soni misunderstanding of signals the switch ci glno collided with the engine of nn Incomlc freight train , both being under n fu'l head < steam. It resulted In the total wreck of bet engines. The engineers of both and ono ( the firemen jumped in time to save then selves from serious injury , but the llroma on the switch engine , Will Nolnn , rcmalnc on hia cnglno nnd was caught between tl ; locomotive and tcnJer by one of the lover which penetrated his body. Ho lay ft twenty minutes in the scaldintr steam bofoi ho could bo released. At this hour ho is Ih ing , but his recovery is scarcely possible. More UurclarlcH nt Nebraska City. NnmtAHKA CITV , Neb. , Dec. 5. [ Sueeial 1 TUB Uurj. ] Burglars lust night broke ml Hatch's second-hand store , Nelson's me ! market and several other places. The valu of the goods stolen amounts to loss than $101 Hurglarles nro of almost nightly occurronci but no clue can bo obtained to the thievos. A DauRlitnr's Heart Grown Will fit HASTINOS , Neb. , Doc. 5. [ Special Teh gramtoTnu BijE.l Chief of Police Cran received a telegram from n prominent citize of Red Cloud , to meet him at the train la ? night , in order to assist him in a search fc nn erring daughter fifteen years old , who ha left home yesterday morning. Ho had a sui pieion of her being in some ono of the bawd houses In this city. By dilllgcnt search th chief located her in the notorious dive c Hose Kerwood's , and at once took her i charge and returned her to her father. 1 is said the girl's actions in leaving homo i duo to the influence of a certain B. & brakcuiaa. _ For Selling Liquor "Without License BLUU Srnixos , Dec. 5. [ Special to TH Bin. ] The usual placid atmosphere of ou city was disturbed n little yesterday by th arrest of John Hell and. G. W. Ptifllnbargei for selling liquor without a license. Th prosecution was brought under tho' state la\ nnd both parties pleaded not guilty , an gave bonds for a continuance , to nreparo fo examination to-day. Pofllnbargcr waived hearing and gave bonds for his appearanc at the distri ct court for trial. This city , in spasm of morality nnd reform last sprinp elected a non-llccnso council , but surrcpt tious whisky has been available to the in tiatcd for some timo. Poffenbarger is th same man whoso wife strangled her twi children and committed suicide not very lonj ago. Ho had tlio sympathy of this entln community in his bereavement , nnd it wa generally believed that ho would abandoi the saloon business entirely. A suit is slil pending against him for $ o,000 damages by i widow whoso husband killed himself by tak mg morphine in his beer at Pofllnbargor' ! saloon about two years since. Supposed Origin. of Bnssott's Fire. NcwroitT , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram tc Tins BEE.J--Tho lire which did so mucl damage in Bassett last Saturday night and which was supposed to bo the work of an in ccndiary has caused much excitement ii this place. It is supposed by some that it i : the work of parties who nro anxious for i center town for the county seat of Ilocl county. There is nn election to bo held tin 21th of this month to louato the now county seat. Night watchmen have been detailed tc watch the town. Chas. Peck , n prominent business man of the town , baa been np pointed chief of the special police , and nnj llro-flcnd caught within the limits will b < summarily dealt with. A Kccolvcr Appointed. VALPARAISO. Nob. , Dec. B. [ Special tc THE BUK.J A meeting of these interested ir the elevator formerly operated by F. A. Sco villo & Co. , at this ulace , was held yesterdaj nflernoon nt Lincoln , and F. A. Hovoy was appointed receiver. Mr. Hovey , who is one of the owners of the roller mill here , is well known nnd will got his share of the grain business. Several parties stand ready tc open a bank In the room occupied by Scovilk & Crafts as soon us uornc disposition Is made of the building. The bank furniture and fix tures will bo sold the lUtb of this month. Ho Gambled Too Much. NEBIIASKA CITY , Neb. , Dec. 5. [ Special tc THE BCK. ] Information has been received hero from the Chicago firm on whom the bogus checks were drawn and endorsed by Patrick Brown , of this city. The man Wolff is all right , but the firm nays ho has been gambling too much of late and has largely overdrawn his credit in Chlcuiro , hence the protested notes. This explanation may also interest V. S. Wolff's dupes In Omaha , Lin coln and Grand Island. The llrin says ho will likely arrange matters satisfactorily upon his return to Chicago. Corn and Cattle Trade. VALI-AUAISO , Dec. 5. [ Special to Tun HUB. ] There is an immense quantity of corn coming into market at present , Mr. K. 1C. Johnson bought nearly seven 'cars of corn yesterday. Several feeders are also buying all the corn they can get. It is safe to say that between now nnd Juno next n thousand head of fat steers will be shipped from this vicinity. An OjtoKOiiarliiu Suicides , HASTINOS , Neb. , Dec. D. [ Special Tele gram to TUB UEC. ] A gentleman eighty-one years old by the uamo of Bowing , living at Kingston , this county , committed suicide this morning by hanging himself to n limb of n Ireo In the front yard , Ho has been do- rangca for some time , and , getting away from the surveillance of the family , ho nmn- iged to execute the deed , and was found Imaging stone dead. A CniKllduto For Speaker. BLUE Spiuxos , Nob. , Deo. 5. [ Special to PUB Ben. I Ono of our local papers , the Sentinel , comes out boldly with the an- louncomentof W. C. Hill , of this place , for ho spcakershfp of the next house of repro- iontatlves. U is probable , however , that 1111 is too modest to make an effort for the loaitiou. Prcsbyinrlan "District. School. " BLUB Si-uiNns , Neb , , Dee 5. [ Special to L'His BKE. | The Presbyterians are propar- ng tor u grand entertainment in the bapo if nn old fashioned district school , in which ray heads and bald heads will act" the part f pupils , and a prominent and somewhat iboso attorney will show uii as tUo big bad > oy. lasting ! to Have a Sewerage System. HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 6. [ Special Tola- ram to TUB DBB.J At a meeting of the usnc ! 9 men of this city last night it was nanlmously decided to have a system of ewcrago for the city. The secretary was istruutcd to correspond with various civil aglnccrs with a view to having au estimate f the cost tbcicc. . Mil. 11ARM3S OP8AN FllANCISCt Ho Hudcly Awakens Mis * Dclnro Froi : Love's Younc Dream. New YOUK , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram t Tun BrE.j Pretty llttlo Hnttio Dclan whoso shapeliness "was ono of the pieman features of "Tho Queen's Mntc , " nnd'whos spirited leadership of the cadets' march wn the delight of the bald-head community , is i the city at present , rudely awakened froi "lovo' young dream. " Miss Delaro mnrric n Mr. Bnrncst , of San Francisco , son of ver wealthy parents. When she announced tin fact , she was enjoying- her wedding trip nn the future looked bright with promise. Mis Delaro now lias a sad dcqucl to tell. It n ) pears that she nnd her husband put up nt th Palnco hotel In 'Frisco after the honeymooi She resolved to tnko a run to New York t "wind up" her affairs. She had n flat to giv up and sundry llttlo tasks to perform. S she took n fond farewell of llnrncs nn left him at the Palace hotel. She came t Now York , executed her missions , and n turned to 'FrUco. During her nbsenci Barnes had been taken seriously ill , sufferiu from aneurism of the heart. His life wn despaired of. His parents , hearing of his 11 ness , Immediately wc'nt to the hotel nnd ha the young man taken to their home. Al though indignant at his marriage , they re solved to BCO him through his Illness thoi oughly , Mrs. Delaro-Barnes went to th house of her husband's Barents , They n fused to recognize her. They positively dc clincd to let her see her husband , or eve communicate with him. After waiting i long time Mrs. Barnes cnmo on to MowYort and is now here. She will probably aceor engagements soon. The only means sha ha of communicating with her husband I through his doctor. Mrs. Barnes has Jus heard that it will bo two months before h can bo even out of danger. She spends he time interviewing heart specialists in the citj ANOTHER IUG SCHEME. Gould Planning to Consolidate All tin Western Uouds. CHICAGO , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram ti Tim BEK.I It is reported thai Gould am other eastern capitalists have been consider ing for some time u sohouio of much grcatc magnitude than the "clearing houso" ai rangcment , the collapse of which was notei yesterday. It provides for the creation of t syndicate , which is to secure n ' controllin interest in all western roads n'nd managi them ns one system . A gentleman well in formed in railroad affairs , but who prefers t bo nameless in this connection , said : " happen to know that the ultimata aim am purpose of the capitalists who have been ii consultation in Now Korkisto form u R re a railroad syndicate ana * mass all the road ; west of Chicago nnd St. Louis undo ono controlling power. The orgnnizatioi is to bo n gigantic stock compan ; nnd the stockholders will bo guaranteed sa , 5 per cent on their stock , so that , while i will amount practically ton consolidation o nil the rnads , it will bo in reality nothing more than a leasing of the various lines There is no law against leasing railroadsnm until there is such a law it cannot bo urgcii that there is anything illegal in the scheme The effect of such nplan would bo bcncfieia to tlio whole country. I do not know hc-w soon it will bo put into operation , and presume sumo the projectors have not decided that point , but that , it has not been abandoned urn sure. Kates coula bCjinado lower tbar they are at present , because they would be uniform. There would bo no competition and fast trains could" be established Just where there was a dwnand for them , aiu there would be no rivals yjruali ID and. kill the prolits of the uusinc'ss'by dividing it ui into infinitesimal proportions. " ' * ' BAD FOIl THB TIMES. A Witness Tells How He was Forced to Testify. LOXDOX , Dec. 5. At the meeting of the Parnoll commission to-day Sir Charles Hus- sell made uppllcat'on ' for the adjournment o ; court from Friday next until January 15 The application was grunted. Witnesses were called who swore thoj knew of cases o boycotting and outrages , On boiag cross-examined all testi fied that they know of persons who had written threatening Jotters to them selves , their object being to excite sympathy. The league , they said , denounced outrages nnd was mainly instrumental in securing re duction in rent. These witnesses said it was tboir belief that if reductjon had been volun tarily granted the couutry would hnvo re mained peaceful. Walsh , ex-secretary of the KIMemong , county Mayo , branch of the league testiflud that by order of the league several persons had been boycotted for refusing to Join the plan of campaign. On cross-examination the witness admitted that he had been charged with the pilfering of funds , tmi that ho had been expelled from the league. Ho also admitted that ho had been an agent for the Glass Insurance com pany nnd had been discharged by the company -for making n fraudulent claim for dnuiugo. Replying to Davitt , wit ness said the police luiil intimated to him that they did not know what would befall him In connection with thoscr insurance matters - tors If ho refused to give evidence on behalf of the Times , and that he hud consented to testify. Tno Times subpoenaed Patrick Molloy , who was connected with the murder o" Cav endish ana Burke , to appear us witness 110- fore the Parnell commission. Molloy re fused to obey and was arrested upon u war rant issued by Justice Haunon and brought to London , Tlio Sheridan Monument Commlttoo. . CHICAGO , Dec , 5. The committee appointed by the Society of the Army of the Cumber land to Imvo charge of : the erection of nn cijuestrlan stntuo in Washington o' the Into General Sheridan , hold its ilrsl meeting hero to-day , and elected General Algerof Detroit , treasurer , and Colonel tjorhln , U. S. A. , sec retary. The following Biib-L'ommlttco was appointed to solicit funds : General Ducat , Illinois ; General Burnett , Ohio ; General Mnndorhon , Nebraska ; General Stone , Mas. sachusotts , and General Lambert , Ponnsyl- vanla. Colonel Corbln was appointed for tlio army am' ' navy. Generals Fullerton , Barnett - nott and Dueut nnd Colonel Corbln were ap pointed to secure from congress au appropri- utlou for the statue. Couldn't Got.a Jury. DEADWOOII , Dak. , Dec , 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BBF. . ] The panel was ox- ImuAtcd to-day in securing n Jury for tlio trial of Mickorson , alias'Spud ' Murphy , the Homcstako train robber.A special venire was issued by tlio court to the sheriff , order ing twenty-four suoulul jjiro s to bo in at- tendnnco at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. An application for postponement was made by the defense on account of tha abscnco of a material witness , but was denied by tlio court. Short $20OOO , CHICAGO , Dee , 5. It is'roportcd that Frank Hates , clerk for B. I * . Hutchlnson , the board Df trade operator , Is missing , und that his accounts are fJO.OOO short , John Lonergan , settling clerk for Hutchlnson , is also said to . )0 ) missing , and it is supposed that there was i conspiracy between them. Their associates imong the young men oil the board 6ay that : hey lived at a very fast rate" Dakota's Statehood Convention * JAMESTOWN , Dak. , Deo. 5. There wcro 'ully two hundred and fifty delegates in at- ondanco upon the convention to doylso neaus for securing early statehood for North Oaltota. The dulcgatos will insist that the muio of North Dakota bo retained. Ilobboel l\y u Hired Man. NubtUSKA City , Neb. , Deo. ) 5 , ( Special Tplcgram to Tim BEI : . ] During the absence if John Stlllihan , u farmer near Delta , John I'rorichs , n hlrod man , robbed tup family of ; 323 and loft for parts unlcuowu. A GREAT DAY IN SIOUX Big Crowds Attend the Opening o the Now Bridge. IT MEETS ALL EXPECTATIONS s The Celebration Closed Wltli a Ilnn tiuot to the Nebraska Visitors A Fatal Shootint ; Afl'rny at Arcadln , A Great Day in Sioux City. Stoux CITV , In. , Dec. 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BCK.J The formal opening o the now railroad bridge across the Missoui river hero was celebrated to-day. In re eponso to invitations Issued by the Slou City Jobbers' association , free trnnsportntloi being furnished , about three hundred conn try merchants from towns i'i northern Nc brasltn , nro In the city. There nro 100 rallrom officials hero. They mainly represent Slou : City lines , but there are n number of prom Inent railroad men from Omaha , Chlcagi nnd St. Paul. The test of th < bridge occurred nt 11 o'clock. Hnl an hour earlier a train of ten coaches , flllei with visiting merchants from Nebraska Siouv City Jobbers und the local recepUoi committees , proceeded from the union uepo to the bridge. Tins train was followed b : another train of seven special coaches , bear ing railroad men , including the spccia coaches of General Manager Winter um General Superintendent Scott , of the Chi cage. St. Paul , Minneapolis & Ornahn ; Gen erul Manager Whitman , of the Chicago S Northwestern , nnd General Manager Burto the SlouxCity& Pacific. The tests were untie : direction of General Superintendent Scot nnd Chief Engineer Morrison. A test trail of eight heavy engines was first nnssed ovei the bridge , seven deflections being taken am all uroved satisfactory. Then , the test train storting from the end of the trestle on thi Nebraska side , was rushed over the bridgi at the rate of fourtvon miles an hour. Th < lest showed that the bridge surpasses tin standard for which it was designed. The visitors In the city nro now beingenlcrtainei at banquets , the Nebraska merchants at one hotel nnd the railroad officials nt another The visitors leave on the early trains to night. The Sioux City bridge was built nnd i ; owned by the Chicago & J-orthwnsler.i nm the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Oninht railway companies. It was built under c charter granted by congress in 1872 to u loca organization , nn important condition thcreol being that the bridge should ba open to al railroads for use at a "reasonable compensu' tion , " to bo ilxcd in case of dispute by'the secretary of war oiby congress. This charter was transferred to the two companies named May 11 , 1SS7. A bill for t bridge charter in their Interest had Just been defeated in congress by Sioux City influence. They stipulated to complete the bridge with in two years. Work began the first week of August , 1887 , nnd the last stone on the last pier was laid October 24 , 18SS. The entires work involved in the bridge , including trestles , approaches , etc. , embraces four miles of track on both sides of the river. The bridge itself consists of ono approach span on tbo cast side of the river and four main spans of 400 feet each , all made wholly of steel" and resting on one abutment , and five main piers of tbo best kind of granite , the spans together having a length of aG77-Xoet The .four west piers art ) on pneumatic foundations , and the cast ono on piles. The three river piers are each 144 foot high , reaching ninety 1'cct below aud fifty-four feet above an average stage of the water. This is ten feet below the deepest pier previously built in the Missouri river. Tuo piers rest on gravel. They nro 28x00 feet nt the bottom and 0x80 feet on top. They weigh 7,300 tons each. Tlio two shore piers nro somewhat shorter nnd smaller. The bridge is of the Pratt truss typo. It is designed to carry a moving load of 3,000 pounds to the lineal foot , or a continuous train of the heaviest locomotives now built.- It would require live time * such a strain to break down the bridge. The height of the span fifty-four feet above an average stage of llio water permits steamboats to pass under it. The top of the span is fifty-seven and ono-half feet abpvo the top of. the piers. The total cost of the bridge was'1,873,030. , Shot I5y a Countable. CAnnoi.L , la. , Dec. S. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] News was received here last .night of a shooting affray at Arcauiu , which resulted in the doiitb. of William Hunter , nt noon to-day. There were but few witnesses to the shooting , nnd the following details wcro gleaned fi o n Constable Mulsoy , of Crawford county , who is in the county Jail hero o i the charge of doing the shooting. William Hunter , the victim of the tragedy , has boon running a saloon in Vail , la. , until a week ngo , ana was under sentence for keeping a nuisaneo in Crawford county. Monday evening Constable Mulsoy went to Arcadia and served papers on him. Hunter offered no resistance when arrested , but asked permission to take leave of his wife. But made good his escape , and remained in hiding near Arcadia until last night , when Mulsey who suspected his whereabouts , discovered him with his wife on the depot platform wait ing for u train , with the evident intention of escaping , As the tram pulled in at 11:45 Mulsoy stepped forward and ordered Hunter to throw up his hands. Hunter threw him violently backwards and started to rim. Mulsoy started in pursuit , culling on him to halt , instead of which Hunter increased Ills pace , whereupon Mulsey llrcd. The ballot sped strnight to the mark , crashing through the back of the skull nud entering tlio brain. Hunter staggered a few steps , fall heavily mil was carried into the depot in nn uncon scious condition nnd died nt noon to-eluy. Threats were expressed ngamst the consta ble , as it is thought by some that the shooing ng- was uncalled for. Mulsoy expressed jrcut relief upon arriving sufcly In Jail hero. A Farmer's Skull Frnclurnd. CBIIAK K.u'jiH , In. , Dec. C. [ Special Tclo- jram to TUB Biu. : ] There was u bud ncoi- lenthcro last evening on Third nvcnuo where t is crossed byjtho Chicago & Northwestern railroad , JUH. MoNamara , n well-to-do farmer living near Fain-ax , ami his son cnmo to the sity with two loads of grain. For some reason they wcro late In getting away from town , caving hero about 7 o'clock. The father I rove ahead , the son following In the second vifgon. As the father was driving across he railroad tracks the passenger , which eaves the union depot nt : ' i o'clock , came nto sight and struck the team. Ono horne vns killed outright. The wagon was dam- igod slightly and Mr , MoNnmur.i was prob- ibly fulally injured. Ills head was badly iruivcd , his skull boiii fractured , it Is bought , and ho was otherwlso Injured. Tlio ih.vNiclaii gave it UK his opinion that the in. urcd man could not survive. Mr. Me- Jnmara is about fifty-five years of ngo , is 'tic ' of the wealthy farmers of Linn county nd is well known in thn city and county , " Cattlemen In Convention. IOWA CJTV , la. , Deo. 6. [ Special Tola- Tarn to THE UBB. ] The State Short Horn ssoclutiou closed its annual meeting hero o-day , selecting JumcsVilson , president , 'ico Judge Nourso , who refused longer to Brve. The Improved Fine Stock association f the stale- mot this morning with a good at- ; ml unco. Vioa Chancellor McCain , of the iw school of the state university , delivered 10 address of welcome. I'olltlual Talk : In low.i. WATKIILOO , fa. , Dee , 5. [ Special Tetosrara ) TUE BBBA | prominent republican mom. cr of the state executive committee said to- ay that In the event of .Allison entering the jblnet , C.pflgressmuu D. 13 , HemlerMu in the direct line of succession , though Governor Larraboo , now stronger than ovoi with the people of the state , might , it h chose , become a dangerous competitor. Tin political talk of Into has connected Colono Henderson's name with the gubcrnutorla nomination next fall. Governor Shermnt believes It will bo necessary to nominate om of the strongest men In the party , such i innn as Colonel Henderson , to carry th state. Colonel Henderson , however , ha more than once said ho would not bo a candidate didato for governor under any circum stances. Killotl lly tlio Car.- ) . Dr.s MOIXE * , In. , Dec. 5. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BIIB.J A Tainn City spccla says : A young lad imtned L , A , Mason , em ployed ns telegraph messenger , went to thi railroad yards last night to deliver u mcs sage. It is supposed that ho attempted te ride upon a passing freight , for when missci' nnd searched for ho was found terribly mu tilatcd with ills head severed from his body A Freo-For-AII MASON CITV , In. , Dec. 5. [ Special Tele pram to TUB Bui : . ] A drunken row whlcl almost ended in u riot occurred noarKoi-kwi'l last night. At a turkey rnlllo at Charle X.orrctt's a dispute arose , and to Rettlo mat nil Indulged In u general row. During tin fracas iCerrctt was nttnckrd nnd was poundo ami lacerated BO bad that recovery Is doubt ful. Ono arrest bus been made and other will follow. Tlio Tripoli Well. Triirou , la. , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram t < Tnu Ben. j The flowing well , discovered b ; Occident a few days ago , continues to bo thi wonder of this section. It sends forth a tor rent of water of a bluish lingo and stroui smell. A six-Inch pipe has been inserted inte the well , nnd it suouts o\tt nt the rate o llfteun barrels a minute. It much resemble ! the famous Belle Plaino well. To Hcprcsont the State. Dns MOINES , la. , Due. fl. Governor Lar rahco has appointed John A. ICasson to rep resent the stnto of Iowa at the centennial celebration of the Inauguration in Nun York on April 30 , 1SS9. Cut OIT Both Foot. Cniuu KxiniM , In. , Dec. 5. [ Special Tele grain to Tun BCK. ] A switch cngino rar over Magglo Gallagher , aged twenty , this evening , cutting oft both feet. Sha will die. JIAIUtlSON GOES HUNTING. And Is the First Ono ol" the 1'arty tc Brine Down a Rirtl. IxniANAi'oMs , Dec. 5. General Harrisor nnd party left at 7:30 : this morning over the Indianapolis , Dccatur & Springfield road in n special car. The exact destination was un. known to any ono outside of the party except the railroad ofllcials. It is believedhowever , that the first stopping place was Dana , in Vcrmillion county , sovcnty-flvo miles due west of Indianapolis , nnd only nbout five uijles from the Illinois state lino. The ? pnrtj alighted and spent the day breaking the brush for quail , prairie liens and rabbits. It was the express desire of General Harrison that no reporters or correspondents should accompany the party , but three special cor respondents followed them , taking the rctju- lar express train westward. The General will sleep to-night in n farm house near Dana , The party will return to this city some time to-morrow night. It is expected that Lev ! P. Morton , vice- president elect , will be in Indianapolis early next week to-calL-uion General Harrison , Ho will probabo acorapanied-by his wifc and two'or throe'ot'"tho , 'prominentiTopubl cans of Now Yorit. ' * " . Kussoll Harrison received a telegram from Colonel Pierce to-night , saying that General Harrison was the first member of the party to bring down a bird , and that they enjoyed n flno humors' dinner at a farm house and a gooel and successful day's sport. THE SE1ZU11E ILLEGAL ) . Secretary Bayard Says Ilaytl Must Glvo Up Jlor Prize. NEW Yonic , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram to TJiiEllBC. ] A letter from Secretary Bay ard to the owners of the steamer Huytlou Republic , which is hold by the Huyticns ns a prize , having boon condemned for running the blockade , was made public yostordny. The secretary declares the seizure illegal nnd states that an American man-of-war will bo sent to Port-au-prlnco to demand the steamer's release. Admiral Ghernrdi thinks the coryetlo Galena will be sent. Secreinry Bayard wrote Iho agents of the ill-fated American steamship that the validity of the seizure and of Iho subsequent proceedings of the alleged condemnation of the Ilaytlon Re public cannot bo admitted. "I have so In formed Mr. Preston , the Haytien represent ative at this capital , " writes Secretary Bay ard , "who lias been instructed by his gov ernment to refer the case of the Haytien Ito- publlo to the government of the United States. " Mr. Austin , the ngont , sold the owner of the ship would leave everything to the gov ernment now. Ho said : "Wo shall bring suit against tlio Hayticn government. Under General Lcgitlmo the passengen-s wore ill- treated. One of the crew has died of yellow fever while on board at Port-au-Prince , nnd the lives of nil the 'oilicors nudcrew have boon endangered. " Mr. Preston , Ilnytlcn minister , received the official communication from the state de partment Saturday , nnd was reading it when a reporter called , "I think It would bo-very Improper for mo to make publlo tlio ofllcial communication which I have with your gov- ornmcnt , " ho said. Aelmir.il Uhornrdi , commandant of the Brooklyn navy yard , said : "If the navy department decides to send a ship U ) H-ayti , there is the c-orvotlo Galena , which can bo Lfot In readiness on short notice ; , and Is un -'file-lent little ship. " A Card From General Klinriiinn , NEW Yoiuc , Doc. 5. [ Special Tolo ram to Tin : Bun. ) General Sherman published the Following card this morning : \Vhitelaw Hold , Rjq. I und my family are now returned , from St. Louis , having de posited Iho conincd body of Mrs , Sherman icur "our Willie , " al Iho spot chosen by ) urnolvos m 1SIW , renfllrmod in ISbU , nnd of- .en spoken of BH a matter of course between us.Vo have followed to the minutest par- .Iculnr her every wish. Every member of ny own family and hor's , the Kwlngs , are wntcnt , for no mortal was over bettor lire- mred to put on Immortality than Mrs. Sher- nan , Of COUI-HU , being the elder und sub- eclcd to harder strains , I expected to pro- -cdo her , but It Is ordained otherwise. In luo limo I will i-esutno my plueo by her nido , ind I want my friends , especially my old sol- Her friunds , to know that they shall nut bo uxod ono cent , fur I have made , or will niikii. every provision. 1 huvo received by eli'graph , mail , card , nnd every possible way , lumlreds of Kind , tiympathctlo messages , ill of which have been road by myself and liililrcn. To muko suitable replies to all IB Imply Impossible , and I otter thu above as u [ cnoriil aiiHiver. Another Hullroael ST. Louis , Dec. 5. The St. Louis , Qtiinry , ) mahu & Sioux City railroad company , yiiich wai incorporated a few day * ago lected the following board of directors : P. 5 , Stearns , Now York city ; F. A. Scott , J. ) . Uiclmrdson , J. L. Holmes and Josiuli 'ojrg. St. Louis ; J. L Bishop , Quiney , 111. ; I. iC. Thui-ber , George M. llnrd , A. B. /levoland and Theodore Weed. Nuw York ; . li. Uoot'o ana James F. Peavy , Koux : lty. F. H , Stearns was elected urc.ilitunt , , 0. Richardson , of St. Louis , vice presi- cut , and Theodore Weed , Now Yoik , sec- clary und treasurer. Tlio capital stock is I2OUOOUO , and the company's object is to tyn , control and operate u through line from it. Louis to Sioux City by way of Qiilncy. Innnlbul undOmalia. This new line will pen up un entirely now territory to Hi , , ouis , which will DO established a > .h < i u-.r ilual iiolQl ufld b.ttadu.imneri ol tuu ) .oul , . A CONSPIRACY FOR REVENGE , The Council Qangr Expoot to Pun * ish the Mayor. BECHEL AT THE BOTTOM OF IT. .1 .1j j i Ford and Mnnvttlo Say That the < ' Schcnio Will Ho Sprung To- llcuhol Hofuses to I Uo Interviewed , j jj -j For the Mayor- 5 The proposed impeachment of Mayor Broatch nt the council meeting to-night was thu talk of the city hist evening. Loenl politicians mot In group * In Ed , Mailer's nnd upon other hunting grounds wherein the gang are wont to meet for the purpose of holding Infortnal caucuses and < where Jobs uro put up against those whom they are inclined to down. ' The sachems , however , wore conspicuous 'l by their absence , nnel considerable difficulty was encountered In trotting down to bed rock ; fue-ts upon the subject of the mayor's 1m- . pending Impeachment. Whenever a city ' \ father would bo spoken to upon the mailer ' * ho would become as close ns a clam and no ' mutter how ingeniously the subject was in- \ troduccd , the inviirlnblo reply was "I don't ' 4 know miythliig uboul it ; see Uechcl , Mim- | villo or Pat Ford. " Whllo on the Journey to Councilman Ij Ford's resilience ) Tin : HUB man met a prom * ' ] incut citizen at the Miljard hotel , nnel from him learned that there was no doubt but what every nerve would bo put forth to ' "i cfTcct the arraliignmcnt of Mayor Hroutcn , t this evening. ' "Although I cannot say to-night , " said the \ gentleman In question , "Just what shape * these charges will take against Broatch , yet , | I know positively thut Bcchel and his supporters - \ porters will try to give the mayor a ' ; Roland for the Oliver ho gave them in the Fourth ward on thoday of the prltunr- j ics. Pat Ford and his clique are furious over the dufcat of Bcchol , in whom the bood- < lera huvo always found , as president of the \ council , n pliable presiding olllcef and n ready V tocjl to assist in raking In municipal Jack pots. J It is n notorious fact that while preserving nn nnpcarnnco of impartiality und bonliomlo i in his capacity as president of the council , " : Bcchel has been llko Joey Dngstock , sly -J devilish sly.sir'and has been nblo oftentimes - , times to frustrate the efforts , in debute , of 4 clean handed couiicilmou who wished to call * atlcntlon to the glaring municipal shortcom ings , by giving the floor to Ford , Manvillc ' and others , nnd by this means neutralizing , Iho actions of the men who nro honestly tryIng - ; Ing to servo their constituents. Bechcl is knocked out , and his effort to get the mayor $ Inlo trouble is n sort of reprisal for the do- j feat of that gentleman. " Councilman Ford's residence wns visited Mr. Forel was uttirod in the scantiest of 1 raiment , and his replies to the reporter were ' \ brusque in delivery. "Is it true Mr. Ford that Mayor t * Broalch is about to bo impeached ! " asked the reporter. . ; j "Yes sir I" replied the councilman , "it is v true. The papers are all drawn up unel - ' ready to bo presented 1" "By whom nro they drawn up , nnd when ' will they be produced J" > "Mr. Bcchel nnd his friends hnvo got the \ papers ready nnd they will bo placed before ft' the council to-night. " was the reply. When asked if ho himself was taking an active pnrti In the proposed Impeachment , lIr. Ford said "No ; put thero.'aro/ plenty of other of Mayor Broatcho's friends , who have . to bo heard from. " Mr. Ford saiel prostitu tion of the flro and police department at tha primaries would bo the ground of complaint. Councilman Manvlllo's house on Franklin street was next visited , and after consielor- able difficulty the gentleman from the Sixth * was seen. Ho admitted having heard of the contemplated nction of Mr. Bcchel PS against Iho mayor , but said ho know nothing of Ills own knowledge. The mayor's energetic ac tion at the primaries against the president of the council was considered by Mr. Mnnvillo to bo sufficient foundation for indictment. When reminded by the reporter that the mayor had n perfect right to par ticipate in an election as a private citizen , Mnnvillo answered : "Yes , but ho had no right to bring thu police and Uro department out in plain clothes lo work for Ins friends. " Pressed upon this point , the councilman said that the uiuyor had slated to him that ho would devote all his energies to downing Bcehcl in tlio Fourtli ward. Mr. Mnnvillo said further that Chief Galligan had protested lq Mayor llro-atch against his men being u cd for electioneer ing purposes , aud llmt all the satisfaction re- ' 4 ceivcd was to bo told to "shut your mouth , i for I'm running the Ilro department. " Councilman Boe-hcl's rosidoneo on Twenty- sixth street was next visited , but the honor able gentleman was suffering from n severe cough , and declined to bo Interviewed. THE DUDLEY CASE. The HolioP Exjmwiod That. An Indict ment Will Ho Ktiirne > el. IxniANAroi.is , Dec. 5.Tim federal build ing was crowded to-day with witnesses sum moned to appear before tho. federal grand | ury now in vcssion. All interest renters upon the prosecution of what is known ns Iho "Dudley case. " The opinion is openly axprcssuU about the court house that an in- .lictmunt will certainly bo returned In this case. The positive instruclloiis of tlio court ( District Judge Wooda ) feinting to the viola- Lion , or udvico to others to violate the elec- Uon laws , is what convinces many that the iu ry will find a bill ugamst Colonel Dudley. iV United Stntcs nmr.shal'H warrant tor his irrcst was issued two day * nfti'r the publica tion of "tho blocks of flvo" letter , fculel to liavo been written by Dudley. Tills warrant is still out , and will bo hold ready for iiiHtant icrvle'o until nn indictment is i-i'iiirncd igninsl him. The letter , of cour e > , will bo .ho basis of Indictment in caiu there is one. ST. Louis , Dee 5. Tlio American nswla- Ion of base ball bull clubs elected the folleiw- ng ofilcers to night. They uro : President , icurotury and treasurer , Whnuler C. WiliolT , Jolumbusj vleso president , John \V. Sponrs , Cansus City ; chairman , Chris , Von dor Aha. U , Louis , Columbus , Ohiu , was admitted o tlio association in place ol Cleveland , ro- Igncd to enter the icagiio. A Ktrunt Cur and ICnclin. Collide- . DCTIIOIT , Mich. , Dec. -Shortly after teen to-day a switch cngiiio ran into nnel omiilotcly demolished u btrcot car on the Irogfian Bli-Qct crossing. The putsengera , Ight or ten In number , wore nil more or less njured , and two of thwnMm. . Mury Honk. nd John Si-onlous will probably dio. The fciitcnt was caused by the llagiimn neglect- ijj to close the gates. The Slave ) Ti--idnin Blookndc , XAN/.IIIAII , Dec. ,1. The Jtijllan Bhlp Dogl ! ! UH Joined in thn Hlnvu trading blockade . 'ho ' situation on the German twit. I | t > exceed- igly fravo. ; The bowing season him arrived , ut thu colonislfi mu id ) no utK.'inpi to cultl- ate Die luiid for fcur of an insurgent nt- ick. The nntlvejs refuse to work , beeaneo ley nre afraid of be < ing ciiptnrcil and sold as aves. Thoic is danger that u famine will llbUO. The Lonti HfirliMiiyiimntnlii , Six r'luxcinjo , Dec. 5 , Tlio stage from [ emeloclmt to In grams was stopped by u rob- 3ihibt night hcventy-llvo miles north of this t.v. Tlio driver was compelled to throw ofl m express box and mail niul < s , which the l hwaymtin secured und tliou a' lowed thu nifC to iirnrcrd , Tlin ) ub > - . : " ) Wii but b'upjiua > il to lo liuavy. .