Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under thu heart 10 tenwper
Hue for the first Insertion. 7 cents for each sub
sequent lufttrMcn , and ll.Mln line per month
NoadVM tlfement taken for le s 11m nS."i cents
the first .nscrtlon. Seven Vi onrs will be counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must bp pnld in ADVANCII. All advertise
ments nilist behnnd d lu before 12 : un o'clock p.
m.i ftiul under no circumstances will they uo
tnkcn or discontinued by ttdophono.
Parties advertising In thi > o tolumns and hav-
Inu their answers nildro ned lucaio of riiK IIKC
v 111 pleawi nsk for a check to enable them to Ret
tholr letters , ns none will be delivered except on
jiresentatlou of chock. All answers to ndvcr-
Itspiupntii h"Uld b en closed In envelopes.
All advertisements 1 thcso columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
TUB IIKK , thi' circulation of which nKRrejfatoi
more thin l .txio papers dallj' , nnd elves thu ad
vertisers tne I rncllt , not only of the cUvcircu
lation fTnr. HKK , but nlioof Couiwii Illulls ,
I.lnroln and other cities nnd towns throuKhout
this section of Hie country.
Advprtlslna for thpso column1 * will bo taken
on the above conditions , at the following buil-
ripws hotmos , who are authorised nni > nt for THE
IIKK special notice * , nnd will quote thu some
rote * ns can bo bad nt the main olllco
J OI1N W , 111:1.1 : * Pharmacist , KW bouth Tenth
C IIASP..V KDHV , Stationers nnd Printers , 111
South ICth Mrcet.
(5" ( "TirPAHNSWioaTH , Pharmacist , SlliiCutn-
W. J. Strict lirolIP.S , Pharmacist , l NorthJoth
Gl'.O. W. PAKIt , Pharmacist. 1SUM. Mary's
A v onu e.
" \\r \ \NT1U- ) posltlnn by lady atcnogr.tphur ,
ft owns maclilnii andean furnish good icfi-r-
Clicus Address L 41 , I lee olllro. l l | W
AIHMAN ! ! lady who mil cook wants a posi
tion. Address 1 7U4Uiilk st. M5 ;
AN nrtlvo > oung man , iiyo.'St , desires position
IIH licokki'Piitr , ] iri\nti ) Hvcrctniy. corre-
FlHinilctit < ir gancrul olllcn man : undrrstauds
duties iiertaiiilngto each , owns and operates
Hammond t > p wrltor ; lias entile rlmrgo of
large prl' at" i. 'al estate Intel est In the uast.
bulldln ; ; operations , ntr. U'oiild prefer opening
vlieieufew thoii'amlilolhiiN could bo InvtMi'il
nttoi u time. 1'or Intervlnw , addreis , L 71 , Ilee.
WANTI'.I ) A position ns cnglnopr of stutlon-
nry engine1 , lleut , recommendations. Ad-
diess , I , ID. lieu oll'ce- ' , K fit
"VV7ANTil-Somo : Kind ( if work evenings liya
' young man cmplnyod u stcnumupher
dnrlnn the day. Aildiess L : i IleeolllLO. SII-
"V\7 AN'I HI ) Position bvn Indy.
> Itt'iiptni' , or anythlm ; wheron good and
npculy liter Is ioiUlri'il | Address for ono
week to L n. lien olllue. 130 n *
" \ , \ ANTiD'Ihreo : exneilemud Kalesmon to
hell baking powder. Apply at Arcade
hotel , between ( land 10. I' . II. ilabcocfc.
_ _
"frANTIA ! ! few Ihst-rl.iss solicitors for
V T city woik ; llbTul cominlsslim to good
workers , ( "all Wednesday and Thursday , II to
Un. m , , 'OIH. inthHt. Ill If
" \\rANTIII ) lacaudusceiit wlrnmmi : exp < > ri-
T i'i'i d men only. IJimulro foi C. It. 1'iedo-
rick , new Ilee building. . 'Ui ; ll >
MANI KACTUHlNfS ii-iil who ewlollim want
tmpirliitendent In Omaha. Hulaiy nf . ' , , ( )
and conimi-.slons to rlqht party ; mint haw en-
tlri'tlnirKeof fM.D.W . to Jl i.iWI st , > ck or goods
and lln in. IH. ( ash deposit of O.OJ ) to J'l.Oiu
and itferiuicM required. Jewell , SV > Wnbash
aveniiL' . Chicago. S fl ( jt
" \A/"AN l'lD : . ! or I irnod salt -miMi. Sle lily poT -
T > rltl'iii to rl ht pa.lies. Call or
P. I ) . Carlyle , lilt houth l.'th btiuct , Lincoln ,
Neb. S.Vf-1) "
SA LKSM 1N ! w anted Five trav elliiB salesmen ;
salarj and HXIMUIVH ; no iixperlenco ueces.
sary. Addiess , with Etuinp. Palmer A. Co. Wl-
iioua , Minn. Ift'l ipt
' \\/'A"Nl'KI ) Kl\- Rood cornice men. Iniiuho
T T Western Cornice Works , 1 ith St. . bet .lacK-
Bon and .limes. ir.H ( )
W ANTKDl'evv men to ciiavass , full lluoof
honsoliolil speclivltlos , refarences ru.iulrod ,
Lovell M'f'KCn. , ( Itd.SSlN ) Mill. twl IS
ANTBD-fiU teams for inllroad Riadlnt' in
Wyomlnu , at Albright's Labor Ajoiiiyll.0 (
Farniim Ht. - Wi'l
rANTP.D Men for now railroad work In
Wjomlutf , a good job and will last a year.
AlhilKht s 1 abor Agency , 1120 Fnrnam ht.7Sl
7Sl :
\\7 ANTKDARents In every town in the
TT west for our oil burners for coalcluir nnd
hcatliiK Hloves. Send .stump for dialogue.
Patterson Oil Dinner Co. , 31Jd. ISth st. Omaha.
Neb. HfildM
ALPSMl'-N We wish afowmcn to sellout-
poods b > sample to the wholesale nnd retail
trade. LaiRe'-t mamifactmers In our line. Ku-
clofcoS-ci'iit Mtumi ) . Wanes $ J per day. Peima-
nent position. No postals answered. Money
ndvaniM-d for vvnKfcs , nrux-ittHlUf. ' , etc. Coiiteu-
nial Man'f'B Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J S 89
" \S7ANTLD-A stnto nmmiger to openolllce In
IT each of thefolIowliiKclUes : Topeka , Nash
ville and Lincoln. Nob. halnry , Jl.fyjO per year.
Must Invest JJ.IKW Addiess , ( icorge S. Lllnc ,
WiiKtier Illock , Des Maine * , la. ' 1S7
( jPN"ia WA NTKlJ- "u mouth nnd ox'-
pctiM's paid any active pi rson to sell our
cooils ; no cnpltal , aalaiy monthly , e\tn > nses In
advance , paitlculars free. Standard Silverware
Co. , llostoii , I'M '
OOYIi Am. Dist. Tel. Co. . liiW Iouiui3.
\\7 ANTKD Man to take the agency of our
TT Bafcs ; size Mxl.sxlS Inches ; weight CM Ibs ;
retail price M" . ; other sizes lu piojcrtfon. A
rare chance and permanent business. These
tiife.s meet a demand never bt'foie supplied by
other safe roinpan lea , as wo are not Koveruud
by ttie fafe pool. A lpluoSfifo Co. Cincinnati. O.
WANTHD flood life . , usiiranco solicitors
with bank references , are watitivl by the
Union Life ill 4U1 Meichants' iiiitloual Dank
building , Omaha , Ollice houn 8 to 10 a. m. uud
to p. m. _ 1)71 )
WANTED A man tooliclt ; salary $100 per
mnnth ; must deposit f-i'i nud Klvu security
for money collected. Addiehs Ueoruo 8. ( 'line ,
liloik. DCS Molni > .s , la. 'JTS
\ \ rANTiD : A competent man with j.ood rot.
TT ( 'ii'iici H to take inni of Jioitso.s ami iov\ ,
nnd dogi-m-ral vvork. Apply to (1 , W. Doaue ,
StfSI Chlc-iigost. S l ( I
" \X7ANrP.D Plrot-class waist-maker : call nt
T f rooms 1 nnd 2 , Jacobs blocK , S , K. cor. lltli
nudCapltolnvo. Mrs. Maude Mai tl- r , tf
S IIIKT-M.\KI-HS : , H. N.uurgcsa , pinny block.
Ml li
W ANTKD ( inod gill for general hoiisowork.
( ierinuu piefuried. n w tor. Stth und VVeb-
etcr , SHU
IVANTHD A good girl to nssM In general
hoiueworl. . SlS N itth st. 311 i ;
W ANTKD A competent girl for geneinl
housi-woi It , Otrmau prefeired : must be
good cook nnd lumidio.s ; leferenco leiiulird ;
S2W Dodge. : 'KI
\\rANTKD A ccok , ono who Knows how ID
T > cook nud wash. Mis J. C. Jones , Hi.1 Cull-
fornla st. , Omaha , ' ! , Su *
17ANTKD ( .111 to cook nud for t-'oneral
T honsi'vvork. S:117 : Dougl'is st. J" !
"Y\r ANTI.ltn e\i > orliinci l IIIIIMI for a lady
> 1 u limit to uiiilerKO a biiiKlcal opiiuitlou ,
> lri. llii-iiu , illlit S IMh. Sis (
\SrANTHD-CookMiller's n.Mtaurunl. KMI N ,
TT Ifith St. S , : . ' I
TXr ANT K D-Will t-liialu-f sT " HIS l'RiiiHin sn
V > IV ! I , '
"lAAANTIID-A caveiuou who can opi'iili
T T Krrnrli , ( ieriuaii. nnd Is arconiplHhed In
tocal andliutiumental music. Address llo.\j- < ,
city. _ _ _ 4M _ ,
" \XrANTLD-Alady tOMjlh-lt ;
TT und clvo M-cinlty for monocullettml ,
Adarrts ( U'oruo 8. C'llne , \ \ nuuor block. Des
Holnea , U U
Nr.HKAIjKII KiuiiloynifiU olllce , UK N lfithi.t.
a\NADIAN EmploymentOlliv. ! MM. llrega ,
IllVja. nth. KofTciiceOmnhn National bank.
to dn iln-SMiiakliis In
/faintlliss bollclted. Mlos btuidy , ii'l ' * 1-n.vnr.-
wortlnt. 271 J SJ
Dltr.S.SilAIClNa pnrlois open wTieie u first
i-lntn lit Is puaruntfcd und lalit.t I'.irli
( ilyle.1. In connection In udrrsi-cuttlugsehwl ,
wiirliciitllug und lilting IH taught In nil ltd
brunrlips. nuy ouo can maip their uwnilirSMJi
while lenrnlniTi 'Hie D. > V. Mmnly tail'ii > y .
tent , the uuly lyhtrm that draft * illr-vtly on
cloth. Anonta wuiitPil , corxl lorrltniy giviiu ,
llooiim 4ll U'l ' 13d Kaniu * clock Ml fit
raoius , l5li CUIcaso at ,
TIIIR 8I1EI.TON. 10IS.2rtti at. , cor. Dodge ,
rim-class family hoteL Ilonrd nnd roomi.
sink' ! " or pnsulte , nt reasonable prices. Kofer-
cnccs required. Those wlililni } roomi for tno
winter , please apply Boon. J. Campbell , Prop'r.
T AI1LK boarders v anted , W ) Douglas
\V ANTE' ) Heflned gentleman room-mate , In
TI fine flat , elegant board ; share of room ,
47 'fi month. Address A. O. Sheldon , Kenernl
delivery. SIM :
\\T AN'IKD . " > eral oed loans for special
TT fund. Mutual Investment Company , room
1 , Darker block. JI26
\\MNTii : ) A careful person to use a horse
V > for his koeplm , ' . m N. Pith st. J19 5
"vv rANTlD ! A horMf to USD for keep during
winter , llox tag t * . O. ! 1-
" \\rANTI2I ) Yotnii ! la-lie * nnd Kcntlonien to
i ' know they ran ubiHln n thorouRn nnd
practical knouUdico of toleurapny. llttln th m-
si'l\c In n short tlmi > for peed paylnjj po ltlont
nt tlin I'li'itrlc IVloKrapli schniil. Hnoma r 2i
nml.'CJ 1'nxtou block , cor l tl , and r.irnam at.
) llorfccs to winter. I lm\n accom-
m illations forU ) hundred horses at
Omaha fiilr ground . ha > ln larKoards for er-
inslns durliiR the ilav ; uach nnrso li.ii a lar e ,
unrin linx ttnll at night A. 'Ihomson , omatm
: iir d n
W .YSs'TKIi llorsonnd buucr for winter for
their keeping. Uuinlru i.'IIH rarnntn ,
yAUlNTlNH'SShorthnml nno Type ritlnij
Inssltiite , New I'.ixton liulldlnir , Oinalin ,
Ni'b. The only exclusive , legitimate Hhoitlianil
si hoot In the state , over olio hundred cr.idu-
mi's in ( food situations. Thu school is under
the umntKoinont of 0. C. Vulcntlno.ollli lal sten-
onrnpherof the .Id Judicial district of Nebraska ,
nnd I'riir. II. II. lloyli'n expi'rlonced tenulier
nnd Verbatim rcpniter Day and eNcntug ses
sions. Students can enter at any time. Kund
fci clrculuru. 4M 1) 15
\\7ANTKD Toient a hall fur literary pur-
TT poies twoovonlugs In a weuK. Address L
47. lleo oillee. ; > _ ' ?
I/IOK UP.NT At very low rate1(1 ( and II now
f resident es.S ll and SIM ( iisi stuet , Clark
Plnce. Ono block smitu of frel hton i olIcRe.on
fiirimm andSltli street r.n line. All modern
Improvements. Applj , II. T. Clark.Union'I uist
Co. 01 at10 Cass st. : : .7
FOli HUNT-Now Mooni houso. oll-llnish ,
moileril rouveliloncos Healthy Imnllty.
Voiy cheap at iS.1. SKI Sewaul. 317 i.t
IIOI'SI. of I ! looms , city water , well and els-
Item. 1S07 Madlsim live. , IM. Imiuirc' . Mr.s.
M. H. fowan. IV ) I Madison ave. Si 0 *
KKNT 7 or It-room house , I70'l .Ineksou
rp\VO \ Kood Hats on Slth st , lent fS" > encb'
JL model n i i > enlc-uces. . Co-operativo l.andJ :
Lot Co. , SuS N lltli St. SO' ) I
FOIt HiNT : A nice Devon-room cottaRe , Duv-
enpoi t mid mid Slth St. liimilro of C. L.
Krlcksou , V Co , SIS N Kith .st. SO. 5jjEB
TjlOH ItKNT Houses , htorus and Hats ; from
JL' iii to i.W JILT montli , to dmlrablo tenants.
7 room bouse , with stable , 33) ) .
(1 ( room lint , bath , gas , etc. . $11.
Store. iWi ; I'.irk ave , with basement , Inclusive
of w liter. ? ) .
Diociii IIOUSP , " "ill Clilci' o st , , $5J.
B room lioiiiu , staSilo. eti . fiJ.
Store rooms on St M iry's.ive. $1J to I. .
'I o splondld II room ro-ildencei , furmces ,
ransps , mnnti'l. laundry , very desirable luc.i-
tlon , 1V > nnd f > n.
II loom losulimco. SIUCat , tTO.
Nine room liou- on S.innders u ar 1'iatt
striM't , hot and cold wnti-r. bull and closet ,
stable for two ImisoPcyon room bouse snmo
location , city water , good .stable. IJoth houios
very deslrabli- .
C. K. Mayne , Lst.ito A Tnibt Co.
| JVK KKNT 4-room house on S. lulu st. . two
JL1 blocks south of Vlutonst. ; will lent for gl'J '
per month or sell ou tciius to suit purchaser.
tieo. J. Btcrnsdorir room fi. opp.Sltn ' . O. UiO
N nw house of 7 rooms , In cjooa locality , biru
for four horses , S3. ) per month. Applv ut
onte. C. I1' . HuriiM/u. Merchants'Nat. , o ink.
EOU KENT 0-ioom cottage , lii.OO per mouth.
Kir. Jiarncyst. ' SJ. )
TjlOH ItnXT 7-rooui house , 15if.Jackson.
Oll KKNT Cottnse , 441 Convent st. Inquire
IKS.Iacksoiist. 1SI
TPOK ItHNT Furnished House ; B loonn ; nil
JO Improvements. V. It. McConuoll , I'M Paxton -
ton block. UH-7
FOR HENT New 8 room home , with barn.
1KI3 S tcid Ht. west side Hanscom park. City
water. Call at Ifxtt S Puruaui at. 1C47
C10H HKNT "i-roora house , ill. O. uTrhomp"
J son. SIS Sheoley block. ' .Uj
BKAUTirULS-ioom homo , gas , city water ,
bath room , hot ana cold water , on paved
.streets with street cur , near a goo J school , only
Ml per montli. The house is now. Apply at
once. C. ! ' . Harrison Mercnama' Nat. bane.
_ _ tg )
TPOII HP.NT HOIHO of 8 rooms , S l and Cass.
J Inquire Itoom MJS , Sheeley block. 3.11
HENT Atvery low rntes. 10 aniFl4 new
resiliences. S401 and 2414 , Cass street. Clnrko
Plare. Ouo bloi'lc south of Crelghton college , on
Kiirnim und 21th street car line. All modern
Improvements. Auply , H.T. Clark Union Trust
Co. . or at S4-TI Cass gtteet Oil
Foil HKNT A 0-ioom lint , llrst floor , over
117 ( ! Howard st. liuiulro C. 1' . Shaw. 1015
Howard st. 000
I71OK HUNT House and barn.Hauscom place.
J-1 Harris , room -HI , First Nat'l bk bids. 8yo
F OK HUNT- . 1411 S. 7th nvc.7 iTnTce 5-
room honso In good repair : rooms new Iv
papered nnd painted : nice yard ; flnoclsteiii
water. Kent Wl a month. Possession given at
ouco. Apply to Hell's 10th st. phnrmai-y.
"IjlOK HUNT - 0-room modern improved honso
JL' A I locality. Itont moilerute. Apply , M. Kl-
gutter , lull Pnrnam at. an
Hi ; NTS reduced , 3 to K ) loom house- , all parts
of city. J. II. Pnriotte , Iwi Chlca o.
ITtOU HKriT lly lloswoith 4 Joplin ,
JU block , 3 , 1 , 5. U , 7 , a , U , 10 , 11 , It-room houses
In all pnrt.s of the cltv. 973
5 HOUM house , S. Slth st , , near shot tower.
50 !
'I71OK HiNT ; New s-room liouao with all mod-
Jrn Improvements , cor. Hickory niidtlcorgla
live , puce ( . ' 5. Kmmlro JSI.J Luavonuoitli at
Foil II I'.NT HOU-.O 8 looms SSSI Ta s sf , cot
URDU rooms Kith and Hickory , Iniiulio room
Mi. bFieelpy bljc _ 181
" "
T7vK ) "TrBNT""llons > .s--7 looms.Mill antt liar-
Juey ; in rooms , Sl t nnd Loinst ; 7 rooms ,
13th iiud.Ioni-j , i looms , PJth and Mnilhi.
Llnahnu .V Mahouov , P.tvton block , HI
HUNT s-room noiisu and barn , .S I ! cor
ssth nvi ! nnd H ebsti-r st , J 10 per month. In-
Paxton block. P , .1 , Croodon. ( ' 70
8 KOOM fiamo. No. "M1) Hamilton St. , t'.l.'O.
Luavltt lluriiham. No. 1 Ci oluhtou bloi . ti'i
1710K KKNT When s ou wish to rent a housa ,
JO store or olllrn ca'l ' ou us. 11 , I ! , Cole , looai
0 , Coiitlniiutal block. U77
T/IOH KI.NT ( i-room house , Sim , 7-ioom housn
.V Sisl : PopplBton ave , ( leo. I , Ollbort , With-
iiBiib'i'e. 07
TjlOH HKNT- loom hnir o % vitiT ntuam hoatl
J ? af.tU B.4tli HI. ( i. Ji. Thompson , Khoely
block. Kith nud Howaid xts , liU
17.OH HUM Now uionin house , all modern
J1 Improvemeutij , S ! < l mid ChlcHRO sts. . lent
rc.isunablti. Imiulre 1IIU PaiiiRiu st"J
FimTiD , StJ f. "l7Tl .
Wl D81
JTHt IIDNl' I'nrnished sleeping rooms.
JL1 iipwiiivla montli. pay ubl vvcekl > oi-m.nih.
ly , fc.ii minimi. 21) ) f lit
re KKNT-Kl ? ant house , steam he t , etc.
) niiuiie , is3 iLiMiijoit ft. N-S to ;
1/ OK HUNT Ur > onn siiil.ibln for two fcntle-
} men , btoam heat. Davenport Ht.
Ht.8sJ 10-
TTI oem oim , 110) ) 1'Arlllcit.
Jl- 27'J 4
rooms for tent. Iiuiuiro at
Whilchoiiso pharumcy , pith and \\etojer.
TjlOll HUNT I'liniUheU loomn ; fmultitra
A : now , 1UI uoith 17th st , Sul-iJ
TmTTllNlf-ni : ! ) room for two gon'.lemon , day
JL1 l. < ) ai d , SSJ NJDtU. 4 vi
< ) PLHAHANT front ivom * . ftiruaiifcaa and
butli , pilvato family , hoard , rouvvulvutSiJ5J !
IjUJItNIHIIlM ) triint room. Ktcain deal , every
1 convenience , live mlnutiM wall ; iiom p , o ,
" Bt , Moit d < ) ilr.ibl location la
HUNT Pleaidiiit room lor on or t fo
. g'liileinen ; nil modrni voiivtmrncvs. In.
( iiilrj i-ur M. Mar ) ' * AV mid Atlxat 01.v ( s i'l.tu
nt. 2IC-I
KOO.M3-Flral-clnis home boaril. 171' Iodg
. r,7 e :
_ _
011 KKNT 2 front rooms on second floor ,
} 15.00 each. 151ft Harney t. 230
IJ1OH HKNT Furnished rooms , 1201 1'arnam
9i j t
ALAHtJKclesant south room very nicely
furnished ; fnrnnca fietvt nud every modern
convenience. Ono-halt block from cable cars.
2107 Douglas st. t'lf
Foil HENTATI elegantly furnished room or
suite of rooms with board In a private fam
ily. All conveniences. Cars pass the ( lonr
every three to llvo minutes. iteference'S He-
quire 1. Knqulre rooms ills uud 510 Pnvton blk.
IjlOK HKNT 2 nicely fuiiilshcil front rooms ,
J- gas , heat , hot and cold vater , IJSUCnpltol
avo. 1st Hat east. 1W 5t
. . HKNT 2 front rooms with llrst-class
board at 1113 How nrd. SIC ( It
O NK nicely fui nlshod room with bent , suit
able for two gentlemen , ill. 1510 Harncy.
] 315 nt
_ _ _
room for rent at 1007 DougUs
st , : board It required. _ 310 M
room torrent , 110-J PacllieaU
IflOlt HK.VT Two fiirnlshod rooms suitable
JL1 fur light housekeeping , 1703 California st.
310 I *
IJ OOMS with board , fitinice , His 9. 10th st ,
Ji ills J .It
F MtNISIIKD room for rent. 11W Paclllr st.
! ! I ?
FUHNISIir.I ) room for rent , HO1) ) Paclllcstreet
" " _ _ _ _ Jt"M _
"viNITinoomAtlfil3anlTnlTcnpltol : ( : ave.
S blocKs from P.O. , now ly furnished , private
hoarding house.pleasantroomsi.all conveniences
72 ! ) li *
ITIIJUNISIlCDioimi vlth bo.ird In prlv.ito
Jfamily. . ( ! n . bath mil turn ice heat in house.
Near cable lini1. " 121 fr'nwaid st. 'JoO n *
IjMIKNISIIKI ) rooms with boaid If desired.
JJ Modern conv ouleuces , I'JII Dotiqlas ot.
va 4
HUNT Furnished rooms with bath gas
" ; cat. SSS7 Dodge st. S'JO
FtTlNISHin | : or unfurnished rooms , Hl'J
Dodci-st. ne\t blork to postolllci1 , from JJ
upward" . Inquire room 8 or 11S.I Douglas bt ,
room s. Wl dS )
LS1KAULK furnished loom , JIO Davenport
s | . 77.1 ; ] t
F UN IS Iir.n front loom , $ s\ lslaenport
F HKNT Purnlslunl room. Heat , pus and
bath. I Id Smth. i4i !
rpwo fiont rooms In onu of tlu > Iliu-st rest-
L deuces In the city , centrally Incited , sti-am
heating , gas , with usa of bath room , on Der. 1 ;
references reiiulioil. In.iulre 7SI s. 1'Hhst 511
A SOUTH pallor and bedroom , siiltiblo for a
lady and gentleman , 01 two or threigontli * -
men ; innderato terms nnd llrst-cla s boiitd ,
SVI'i.St ' Mary's , iv < . < S"i
"VTIOIUiY fm nlshcd rooms nil modern con-
-L > venlelieei , aljo bu.trd , IIIJD Douglas. .111
JGfiOtl KENT Furnished looms in Grounlg bile
-L cor. Mth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Ueo. K. ,
I3aIs. . Mlllard hntol billiard room , ! ' & )
L A HIM : pleasant room , tiirulsticil , brick flat.
I 1410 ( mca mt ' .Hi
FOt ? RENT ROOMa U N FU RTj IS H l3. "
o r 'Nl'l HNiSlIlM ) looms for housekeeping ,
O ll'i N. inii. sji u
"I71OU HUNT 'iiin ( nldw ell liOitse d rooms , city
X' water , etc. It. Movuns , SUII Davenpoil st.
s * > ' r >
F OU HI' NT Two 01 three ioons light hou c
keeping , SOSii St. Mary's av e. .dU ( > T
HKNT I or " > uiilurnlshcd chambcis lor
iK"keepIiiK. : H9 N 17th Bt. 117 lift
T OK HKNT riifiiriilshu-l rooms Threu looms
J- III Pit h block , cor. Woolworth and PaiK
avenues , vvatei , KIV- , bath and nil inside conven
iences. Kuqulrn atsoutn cor. of tlat , up stairs.
' - ' for iiousoKeemns
Threi- ( > ) rooms Kl.T N. SJth st . " 12ft. )
Pour ( II rooms , 41 1 S. 1'ith ' st . S7 W
'Ihreo i. ! ) rooms , 110s S. 7th st . . . 10 UO
Th 100 t'll looms , Kill N. 1.0th st . 1000
' 1 hreoJl ( rooms , iiuii N.Sdth st . . . . 110) )
Three ( ' ) looms , 1010 N. 21st st . 1000
Tin cel ( ) rooms. 707 Pacificist . 1150
'I hrco ( ! i ) nvtnitt , Dili Pierce tt . 1000
Tmee ( . ! ) looms , 70'iPAilllcst . 10 ( H
Six ( fi ) looms , lOilN.Slth st . SS M
JuUgo llentlng Agency , s. w. cor. Hi rnov and
15th sts. Itoom 1. uputalrs. _ liv !
FOIt ItlINT Store loom vlthRood basement
on N Ulth st. llontKn. Co Opoiutlvo Laud
and Lot Co. S0.1 N Kith st. 'A"t 4
F"OIlTlKNT oniio biitto * & month. 2 ilnglo
ofilces J15 each , all flouting ICth St. , Itusli-
man block , N. K. Cor. Kith ana Douglas. W. M.
llushmnn. 1,111 Leavfiiwortr. . ! < . %
"imOK MHNT Tlrlck store building and bise"-
JU mi-lit No. 1 % and JOS h lltli st , consisting of
basement and 3 lloor.s , or will rent poitlou of
nine. S. A. bloman , cor Kith and Kiinnm
s _ _ _ M1J _
"TTIOIt ICHNT-ilollIce looms III liedlck's block ,
Jivnllll Pnuiani st , oaSd floor ; one ollire ,
p. ist front , on Sd Moor , over Omaha flanking Co ,
ban ) : , cor. ISth st and llarnoy st. Inqulro at
1011 Puinuust. , loom 8. Paulson & Co. fc'i !
"IPOH IU3NT One store-room , one bakery , cor.
JL' Pnrlc avo. nud Woolworth use. Imiulie
Thos. ! . Hall. 617 Paxtou bulldln ! ; , lls
3 , No. 2H s
ply nt 1110 Howaidflt.
lOll IlKNT 3 stores on Ifith nud Loavaa
X1 worth , apply Dank of Omaha. 'J.S4
TuTNT nrTck storeT flat above. S4lh"and
Hamilton , desirable buslnoa-i location. Lea-
vltt llurnlmm , room 1 , Cielghton block , ; Kl
G HO. J. Paul , 1003 Karu. st. Houses , stores ,
1 etc. for rent. 1MJ
Wi : glvo special attention to ion tins ; and col
lecting leuts , list with us , II , i : . Cole , room
6. Continental block. ! h7
GKOlHin .LhTKHNBDOHKl' ' , room n. opp. P.
O. , will hereafter giyu spoclul ntteutlon to
renting IIOIMOS , stores and Hits. If you want
youi propuity rented without doiay and to roll-
ubla touauts. do mil fall to list tno Bamo with
1dm ' .KH
LI VOI ) vmnt your Houses rentml pmcn them
with Uonawn &Co. , 15th , opposite postolhce.
HKNTllarn , 17li .lackaon st.
30S 10
" | TUK KKNT J acres , about ,1 iicius HI Hue
.L beailug orchaid , a 'I-room honso mid good
bnrii , ndjoliiln ; , dtj- \\'lll \ ii'iit for iitoimof
jvars. comer lo on I'ttli and Dorcas sti. ,
.1 room house and stable. Apply .1. M , Miuoial ,
loom ! , Hedlck blork , Pallium st. St. 5
) KKNT A good biiiu , room for.l horses ,
Slth mid Oavoiiport st iLipifre of C. L.
CD. SIS N H th st. SiKl 5
I710H HKNT C'lieap. I have a largo Iivory
a. bam. store ioju : and three living rooms ,
50\1 < M feet , mill UiVoinniDilatliu ; 1-01110 M ) hoisos ,
good lofatloii tor store , on Dodge st , this side of
the Holt HUH , Omilia , that 1 will rent cheap to
lespoiislble pnitlcfi. W. H , Vatiglmn , 14H Par-
nam st , Omaha , _ S4"dl I
" "
171011 KKNT-l'ivo "iToon"ux i ) each In brick
la building southwest corner Jackson and 15th
stf , Miltuble for wholi'sale or iiiuiuifaclurlng
bnsliiess. Steam power lu building , S , A. 8lo-
man , uir I'llh and I'arnaiii. 131 4
tlon. Tna Union Patlllo Hallway lompany
olfer for li-aso one iiillllou acres best gra/.lii ( ;
lands in rustein nud tciitial 4oloiailo fora
period of ouo or two years.
AMU leasii iu ( inuntlilos of nol less than four
sectlonw to .
All applications subjo t to the approval of the
Rencralliind commlisinair , imd must be made
on or be torn Dec. 20 , ivh ,
I'ot'pnitliiilara ns to terms and location of
lands address , mentioning this papnr , II Mc-
Allaster , Lund Commissioner U. P. H'y. Omaha ,
Nob. inodll
QHOIU'HAND and typa-wrllliiB-Suuerlor
O advantages In tll so branches at the
Omaha C'omiacrclal cullogr , opp. P , O. ,
cor 15th and Dodge , Sioies of graduates In
good positions , students complete muimal In
tcndnja und ute Ifk ) winds permluutolnthrea
mouths. Ile > t touclu-r lu the stoto. Piacilcal
ullico drill given students free Dictation live
horns dally. Day and evening sessions. Hapld
dictation for reports at night 1'or circular *
write Kolnbough Hros. , Omaha , Neb ,
"fillSONAL-"Tlu'ie : Is ono handuome girl In
a. Oumha. "
U 111 t > i young ludy who look the car colng
1101 di cor. I'it n and lioiiRlus on Monday noon
coriespond with the vouus cent who was con
vening with two nlemU In front of the candy
Moro nnar Hnyd'A opera house ? btrlctly roull-
. AUdrisi L , ll , . 883 6r
"OKKSONAli AJ > i pcctable , capable Herman
JL gltl or achlldlwa widow not over ! W years
old ran Qnd a Rnjbifllumie on n good fann In
Washington couuB JWb ) , If agreeable to both
n marrlnge with § T : kiiectnblc < man In llrst-dnss
stindlng can be cmsmnmntcd. Corri'spnnd
ence strictly confidential. Address 1. 41 , Duo
ofllco. r , * so
_ _
ANNIKH-I lfa\e written you twice nt the
last address tTmr'Rav me , but nave heard
nothing from you. Wrlto mo nt oii'-o and let mo
Know w hero a Iftfer will reach you 1 am very
anxious to BOO you. 1C 351 4 >
T > KHPON.\j- | ulco boy baby of very respec
table pnronts , nitn ,1 months , cnn bo adopted ,
Address L 2i . iicernrro un 5-
"IOKH90NAIIf'you nnrott personal Item , or
JL any comnumkAUg.n , drop It lu one ot The
tieo'.s messagB bix&ii KM
or srayed.Abucl ; skiu lmrs .
t-j lloshy , nn sliiies 'i ycnr * old Iteturu to 15U
Uodge st. , auilgct f ) rownnl. ! ) > kl " > t
JOST-I'npor wrappTPontalnlns orders for
-I books : nl o letters inldres ed to U , 1'rnzoe.
Howard for return to room 52 , Hclluinu block ,
.jj 2S74
IfO 1 H SALK llorse nud 3 buggies , 117 S. l.lth
27.1 1
"I71OH SALK - ( heap , ono Bond organ , nearly
JL1 new. C. L. Kilokson i : to , 21. N Kith st
,7 5
SALK-Ouo good second hand upright
piano , votj cheap. C , L , irlck : on \ t o , sis
N I ah st. _ _ S.J7 5
JfOHSVLK ninikmare. 7 years clil. coed
tiaveler , bin kboard and liaincss , NI * , lioys
2sthsr , titj. S.1I4 ( .
T71Oir"sAIn At spvclal batgnlit. omTii wT
J strli tly tlrst class upriglit p.nn" . C L.
Krkksoil & Co. SI'J N ICth st. ' . ' 07 5
T71OK SALU-Cnrof heavy wotk mules. In-
JL1 iitiiie K. M. l.lpscy , l.Iiaolu Nob. H5t i
FOK SALH or trade New two seated car
riage and shljrlo top bucgy. Selbv. 1521
I'nrnam. U , > 0
rpllP. lianlo taught as an art by ( Jeo. ! ' . ( ii'tleu-
Jl beck.uSJS. lUthst. IsJ
HOKHI.S kepi nt my iarm near Pnpllllou at
1.j pel mo. I S I'tli M.m. .
A. IJcll. 171 w' *
rpHK iTlPKiitiNn : : : A $ I,1:00 : loan In the
1. AinuiltanlluIldlUK and Loan us.oi latluti of
Mlnninpolls. Minn. wllliost.
Slhhuie iit MIC , ifl. ! pel month ; f 1,0 it ) at Opel
cent , ft pur month ; total , tl'por mouth.
A f\VM \ loiu lu a local association w 111 cost :
I.I snares at jl , fl I per month. * l , 10 ut s per
cent , $ * tii > per un nth ; total , tsl Idoei month.
' 1 he above Is computed mi a b isl.s of paying
HI per cent premium In the"mi ncnn"iiuil onl.v
" . ' < per cent ] u'inltiiii in a lei ul association ,
bh.ueswlll niatmo a jcur earlier in tne "Amer
ican" than in local associations. Sub 'illw for
shares ut Mil tenth ItHh stteet. M.A.Upton ,
president local bo ird. 1 io
iTltTNTINO , MclUlde \ llyaii , 1510 Doduo.
JL 117 d'J
DltiS3MAlcfNf-Mls : ; ? M AT Rhine Is pri-
p.tred to do fashionable dressmaklnc at
most moderate prices at ill7 N 1'Itli ' st. Ul.'t di ?
A IIS I'HAOTS It Mahoney , room 50J ,
Paxton block. 811-
L A DIES Moles and tupurlluous hall oiitho
f.ico or u cfc reuiDVeii , und the roots In
stantly killed by thei-Uctilc needle pricess ,
loav Ing no marks 01 scars. Positively thu oul >
puriniineut remeJv. .Mrs. Ir ) Paikanl , iwi.i
Douglas st. Wodiio.sdnys and 'IhUMilnjs o'lly.
i . M-S illSt
HVAN , printing , TilO Dodge.
IS7 dU
MIDLANDOuaraiiteo and Trust Co. . l.Wi I'ar '
nam Completeab.itracts fjrnishod , i : title *
to real estate ox3mluetll < nrfccted & guaranteed.
ST K Merchandise , ! 119 Soutli 10th st
JTOUAHR ' At low- Kites at ll.'l I'arnam st.
Omaha Auctifaii 4 Storage Co
S'1 i : lltfusaliold ( jooils ill bonth I0th
r i. \ .ill
rnilACKAOB. storsso. lovrest rates. W M
JL lltislinitn. 1.111 Lonvimvvorth. .flfi .
" \ 7f7ANTfil3l''uriiltnre , carp ts , stoves and
W household goods oC all kinds OmahuAue
tion A. Stoiag Co. , ll.'l I'arnam. _ 1J , '
\J KHKASK A Mortg. Loan Co.vv 111 make you a
-L > loan on household goods ,
hot sos , v , nto > i3 ,
land contraUs.
fliw Jewelry , or so uiltlcsof kind
without puljllclty , at reasonable rates.
Koom 7 How ley hlk , eolith Omaha.
Hoonii 51U-510 J'axton blk. , Omalis , Neb.
DO YOU want to borrow money/
Head this.
It will hiivo jou time.
It will , i vo you money.
Vou can borrow tiom
II. P. Masters , '
successor to W. It. Ciott ,
room 4 , Wltlitu' ibid n . liiihnnd llarneysts.
bill. 4-0 , W > . 810 1 , , { ji v , tM I , Jl.liOJ , i LiKH * l'.0i)0. ' ) )
In fact any sum you wanton furniture , pianos
horses , mules , wagons etc. . on caMer terms nnd
nt lower ritoitlianatunvotlierolllca lutliorlty.
without publicity or removal of property from
jour possession.
If un Installment is dii * on your pronartv niul
jou cannot meet it , cill and see mo. I will pay
it tor you. If vou have a loan In uny other of
fice , tall and get my rates. 1 will take It up and
carry It for you.
I make loans for nno to six months and you
can p ly n part ar any time , reducing bath pr In-
ilpal and Interest.
All loans icnewed tit original tatos and no
charges for papers.
All business strictly conllJentlal. Call ami
see me ,
Don't for-et the number ,
Koom 4 , U'ltbuell block. HI
D O VOI' want to boi row moneyIf you
mve diamonds , wuU-hos 01 jewelry and
lro to elFoct a loin nn favorable terms In a
htrl'tly ptlvato nnd confidential in. inner , or
should jou wuntn loan on fuinltiire , horses
cairlagos , lund contracts orpernoual piopoity
of any ili'.eilpllon , jou can huvo money ml-
vnnced lit lowest rates of intoieat and ample
time to pay liy calling on or sending postal
card to the
Omalia Mortgage Loin Co ,
WP loon out o'irown mo-ioy , make out our
own piperi and pay no commfbsloii , thus giv
ing tne benellt to tne boi rower.
Our facilities are such mat wo can accommodate -
date you In n piompt nnd conllikntlal manner ,
giving j-oti fair , honoinblo and courteous treat-
All loans lencwed ntorlglnal rates.
Wo will pay oil any limits ! > you now have
niul Klvoj'on loim time nud lowiut a\ullloan :
nny xum nom f.'fi lo tl.OOil.
Common 1 1 ! nnd 1st mortgigo paper bought.
Omaha Moit < agi' Loan Co. , looms SI7 and Sid
I'll it Natd mi ! Hunk building. 113
rpllKOnmlm l'lnnn < Ial Kxchunge. Itoom lr ,
Ju llai kor Illock , southwest comer of l-'ainiiin
and Hth sts.
.Makes a Hpeilallty of alioit-tlmo
and rent estate loans.
Money nlwnj'H on baud In sums of $100 and
upward ! ! to any .uiio'mt , to loin on approved
cecuritj" ,
SHCII rod notes bought , sold or ex 'hanged.
Clear mid nish to ucchanca for
peed llrst 01 senyntjnortgaKi'S. .
Loans mudo upon laud mntiacU , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , tlrst or second mortgage se-
uirltj- , without publicity , delay or red tape ,
Mmiuclal Imilnani of nny kind tranyaited
promptly , quietly and falrljKoom 15 , darker
LlocU. Coruett/MMiuger. 11(1 (
IDKOPLIJ'B I Iniini lal Kxchougo Lnrgit ami.
small loans | 'orUnHand ] shoit time , at low-
iht rates of lulere-f. bu real estate , , . , , ,
itiv4 < ' iidiup . ' " * v * > u > .i < murtiiiiKO
f , cliiittt-ls nf iillikludd , dlamomlb , vvutrhei
and Jewelry. Don't fail to call If 3011 want fair
and i heap nccxiuunulations' O llausi urun ,
Mgr. , loom 6 ! , Ilarkei blk , llth and I'ainnm.
ONI5V to foan on hoimenold furniture.
Ml pianos , horsiM , wngoumiud other ptrsunal
propertyaNoim ; nuir'niiB" paiiur andioatratH
us collutoial BK irlty-c-mli always on huml : liberal -
oral extension * -granted ; buuini'tH trans ictnd
fairly , unletly ufid lU'omptly. The I'lilrbuiU In-
ve-itincnt Co' , swear , IJtii If Douglas L'fmtnlrp ,
MONI5Y to toun Lowest rates. Loan * closed
promptly , II , K. Cole , Itoom 6. Continental
Illock. KM )
SPIlUAlTfund , ttofliolo loan nUi per cent Ii7-
Interest on Omaha real on te. Lntlatouce ,
li. P. Hammond , room U , Hurker blk , 10J-
( t MOOOi0 > per cent. Money to loan ou lm.
oproved farms or city , property. James A.
Wood mull , t the old 11 ro Insurance olllce of
Murphy & Lorott. 220 B IJthst. 1U1
PKOPLIi'H rinanclnl I'.xchange The fairest , | , most liberal moiiuj uxuhuuge lu
the city ; loans made without delay or publicity.
In any amount large or himll , at the lowest
rates of Interest , on any available Eorurlty ;
loana may bo paid at auy time or renewed nt
original rates , o. llouscaren , mgr , room MKi ,
Darker blk , nth uud Kurnim. 701
MONKVto lo.xn In uuyumour.i , eilbor for
building or othttrvrl t > , nt iow : il rates of
InUreitaud uu r.hort uutlc . D , v. Kliolos , room
Ziajyint Nal'l Iraui , cor. Lltlt and ftiiuum. 116
MON to can on Improved real estate.
LoavlU nurnhom , Crolghton block. 107
MONBYto loan on furniture , norSes , wai
etc. , oren any approved security , J. W , Hob-
bins. K. SCO Shfely blk. 15th and Howard ,
Tp I" . COOK loans money at fl per cent on I
JH of MII.MIand ) upwards , llrlntr alutrn
title and save delay. 1431 Douitlnv 411
MONKY to loan ; ciijfioti hnudi no delay , J.
W. snulre. 1318 Parn-im st. nrst National
bank building. ini _
LOANS mide-oa roil estate and mortgages
bougnt. Lewis S Heed & Co. , 1W1 Farnixm.
( JNlTv loToan. 0. R Davis Co , reaTcsUto
and loan spent * , 1303 r'nrtuvin st. 103
W , X ) to loan nt a per cent. Lluahaii & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 500. raxton block. WO
-KMOVKD-Toroom3as Klr t National bauk
Ji building. Provident 'Print Co. till
/ " OOOclty and faim oaui vvautoJ bv A. K.
LX Klloy. 15U' Farsam. liw
KKAT , eitate loan . lowest ratM. Odell Hros ,
A Co . JIS S. Ifith st. J10
" \rONKY to loan : long Mine. ( Jeorja J. Paul
O.M IU.M Pnrnim it 111
MONKVto loan on improved property at nrst
hands. No applications sent uway for ap
proval. Security mi 1 titles examined frea of
charga o liorrowei s. Lombard Investment
company , .sous yth it. IH
rpO Li IAN Prom ono lo two hundred thous-
J and dollars or smaller sums piomptly , eist-
cru capital always on hand chonp. Philiidolpl
Mortua.-o and 1'ru-t Co. , ( leo. W. P. Coate-t.
Lionulof tiade. Ill )
Ci W PP.CK loins money , cash on han.l , MM-
' IV\ ) can li ) > plnee 1 on city nnd farm piop-
crt.v at lowest rate- ; building loans a specialty
Koom I. Prenier block. Opp P O. HU illJ *
OPKK CP.N'T money to loan Cain on Hand
W , M , Hauls , room SO , 1'iouzor block , opp.
P. O. H'J
" \TONHY to loan on Improved city property or
1 I for building purposes ; lowest rates ; no
ilcl.'i.\ . Mutual liivestmont Company , room 1 ,
Darker block , 15tli and I'arnntu. u'-w
MONKY I.IMIII lU'gotlnted ntlovv mtes with
out delay , nnd purchase Rood commercial
paper uud mortgage note * . S. A. Slomati , < or.
lath and Parnani. -IU
"JJUILDINd loans. Oualiau & Manonoy .
| V ] ON'lIYto LoanOn Omaha nnd South Omv
J-'J ha tuopeity. C. P. llarrlbon , Merchants'Na
tional bank 'll * !
: . : ) - ' room 30S. First Nattonil bank
building. NowKnglaud Loan and 'liust Co
( ill
LOANS made on city pioperty. ihnttel and.
collateral security , mort-taijes bought , Kimball -
ball , Champ Ot lv ( an Itoom ( i , U. S. Nat. bank
r"\ON'T borrow money ou furniture , hrtrjei ,
J-/wagon' , etc.until you have se"ii 0. It. Ja ,
cobs , room 410 , Klrst National bank building-
cor. 13th and Parmvn 10S
TTIOK SALK ( onfectlonery. fi nits , cigar and
J tobacco btui . A 1 location. Owner lias
other business to attend to. liumlre.Wiy N P th.
"ITIOK SALIl Or r.oasA crmplete now spa-
JL' pei outllt In a good country town of tNo-
brnska , This Is n coo 1 opmngfoi u icpnull-
i an editor. Address wltli iefereu'0 , L 4.1 , care
Ilee. Omnhu , Neb 'Mi'i
TrOlt SALi ; My fi' tauiat.t , situated atJ : :
1 North 1 > thst , doing a good buDltiuis , Will
.sell henp for i If t.ikjn within the no\t 1 >
or M uaja , us 1 want to go south. 11 13. Low is &
Sdii. 0' . ' 4 *
T71OU \LUor ( xrhnngp. A diiic business In
Jc alheyoitcrn town in Nebnuk i , no other
drug store In the town , grains past IS montns
JI'.UKI. ln\olte with tlxturiM. about i.'OI. Can
rout stoio for long tlm , or buy outrlgiit. 1 w III'Omnhn ic.ilcsUte or meri-liandlso in ov
change If nei eary. . A good cluinbo for a live
iiinn. Hi ason Cor soiiinir. owner going into
1'a'iMng. M. ( ! . Mcleod , 1417 , t'al'iiamSt. , loom
1. J.01 J _
V\7"n wish to employ a reliable man m your
VT county. Noexperlenco icqulred ; perma
nent position for three years. Salary liU'reased
each jIMILlulit. . eisy , genteel business Money
aiU auceit for i-alarr. ndvortlslng , etc. Largest
ninniif'rs In our line. Unclose Scent. No
portals. Centennial M'f's Co. , Cincinnati. O.
lit j'J 8'J
T7"H SALR A stock of millinery , an oigan
J and set of carpenter tools , can be bought at
n-nacritki ) as It Is compulsury for owner to sell.
Apply S'Ul Cumtng st. UI3 4t
TTtOU ItHisT i'tirnlhliod bar loom nt the CoX / -
X /ent > hotel. Address M. . I. Prancfc , prop.
171OII SALi : A stock of general merchandise
In onn of the best touns on the Fremont ,
Klklioin & MlsMtuil Vulley rnllioad ; stock will
Invoice about tll.TOO ; yo.ulr sales * tO,0 < jO. Tor
particulars address .1. II.'an ( iaasbecK , Kie-
moiit. Nub. 7i".UdS (
Plt ! ) SAL1'- \ s'nall and well-iis-.orteil drug
sto k , Including vIuKuntllxtuiO'i.ut ti baigaln
If taken soon. Can bo moved to a'lvant.i e.d -
dicss immedmti > ly , A. Iliown , cure drug store ,
si ; : N. 'Hta. 7is
Cb"ll SAMS JU.liO ) slock of hardware for
-C .sale , dolnga splendid business , Is located Inoue
ouo of the best towns lu the state. Tno stock
is and In good shape ; the reason foraoll-
IIIR , other business occupying my time. Part and ImnUiblo paper for balance. AiUlrcsa
1C II , lleitolllce. t > l
1OAN place about fl.KX ( ) on Hist mortgage nt
good Interest .md on good seiurlty. D. 1) .
fameaton , Uarkor bhCK. W)7 )
IjlOll HALU Orevchange ; Innhonnd furniture
JL1 of nlock of .T ) looms , centrally located and
profitably occupied. AddieS4 lvS4 , Heu.
WANTIJD A bnllillng lot In exchange for
young team of mules and 4-j ear-old buggy
horse , nnu phaeton. Inquire of K. ( J. Merrill ,
: id door west , of Walnut hill school building on
Hamilton st. yjo lu *
STOCK of boots nnd shoes to trade for Iowa
farm or good i Hy property. Also a wtock
of books and t it onoiy for good city property.
tinner Stevens , JOJ1 Kurnam. S.'j4-4
\\T ANTKD Stoikbof go ids and property of
TT nil klnilT to trade. Ciiovar tituvens , r Sl
rarnam st. s.Vi-4
rp. ) TltADM SSfoot fronton jtivod Htiootwith
JL very Hinall eiuumbr.ince lor n farm. House
ami lot In llniiscom I'Ucn for clear lot or farm.
u IICIVH imi-iii umli-.o 1 and near South Omalri
lei hoii'-o ' nnd lot. House In north pait of city
n r 'able and car line for building lot. S i-lo-
gant lilts in oittli Omah a. ouch UlxPi I. for a lot
In w e t part of city. .Several valuable South
Omaha wts for Inrms Clear fiums for good
Improved propcrfy. Property of nil kinds to
truli' . ( jl\o me u call. U rover Stevens , 15' ' I
Karnnm st. S. > ) 8
nioKXCIIANUK-Sorao beautiful lots' lu
JH ivestern pnitofcltj' , f ice from Imumbraiii'e.
for lmproed city propeity. Will assume aomo
Incumbrance. C. W. . Mcvlckcr , rooms , Ilaiker
blk. SSI 4
_ _ _
AlVHOItSi ; power engine and holler for a : K )
or I'J ' horse iiowvr mim | uud boiler. Dllter-
rii'oln cish. Imiulro of Vuu Poit llros. inut
nirnanirit. -17 U
Foil flAliI ! or Exchange A first class stock
< it drug- . , well located In the city , fur good
Onmlm propeity Will assume eiicnmhianco
iinil piy some ( ash dlllHrenco. Also new ntock
of boots and nhoi > < for lunu or live htock. l.VJl
Dodge st. W. A. hpomer. SS.1-1
iOH 'I'ltADi : Hoiihunnd lot In city Tor real
i' or cnattel mortgagi ) paper. A I' . Green
wood & Co. , loom 1 , CmmliiKhnm block , tor.
l.ith end .liicUbon ht. i'H ' ill
IIlAVIi real and personal proparty of all
kinds for trade. Call and sue me. ( Jeorgu J.
Htcuisdoiir , roiimtf , opp , P , O. I''l
IilOll Tit \ DC Two tuousttiid acres Improved
' land to trade for men handla. ) or cattle uud
hurae-i. deo. H. lidwrlng , Stuait , Neb
\\riIATha\eyiui to trade for Slots lii.loro'no
> > parkInciimbrniii'o of ifl.ttli on tlw Ion.
Addri'Hs 1C ( Z , lire olllos. HIU
\V" ANTKD liiilliling matcrlaliof ulfkiiTds
T > for ciiBh : llriitinortxuge notcH , low , Ian H ,
farms , etc. W. ,1. Paul , 1UU ] 'ariiumt > t. so ;
\ \ ANTBD-ll < jrso and buuiiv or phuaton for
T Y lots , etc. Wm. J , Paul , IOJU I'nriuim st ,
"iriolt KXCIIANOK Ilouso and lot In CreUoni
JL' Iowa.
House anil lot In Illalr , Nub.
IWnuics In Lincoln county. Neb.
luiiicii'h In Howard county , Neb.
Lot In Saundir3 \ Hlmubaiisiruadd ,
1.0 lots In other iiddltlom.
A. P 'lukey , IMh and Douglas.
-Stock of gooiU In ex-chnngB for
t auns and city property. Wvitein Land
and Loiin Kxchunge , llT H. ll.tli. 'ix'dl.l
| 7UK KXOIIANOK Per duslrublo rn
J-1 property In Omaha , uny or all of following ;
(0 clioliu liisldo reiildunce lots In Hastings
100 lots lu Lincoln.
I ( .Danes line farming liind. Lancaster county ,
I'luu resldeui e proj erty. Lincoln ,
( ! oed rental property , Lincoln.
Choliu fancy iv.-ldeme. lorner , Lei Am-olos.
A neat nsldrnrc propert ) lu llunsumi Place.
AUo soiiiii good iiiortHKgy notes.
AddrossulvliiglocRtluuandprlceof | iroperly
J , I' U .euro lluiim liouCo , , | 'I7 Lcav nwoitli
TTUWTMAun-Cliotcctot In Orammercy Park
JLA and choice double corner In Upton Pluco for
good land. U. V. Shole * . 510 Klrst Nafl bank.
f 77
17IOUTUNU I'cller-Mrs. Lorormnncan e con-
X1 suited on nil affairs of llfo , Satisfaction
gunranto d _ No 313NOtbat ) Csii dilt
D \ \ , yfAN'NiK'TVarrcn. . " clairvoyant. > ted-
Icnl and business medium. Kenulo diseases
A specialty. 111) ) . N. st , HiKims 2&JL 1CJ
"Iol { SALK llenutlfui hou e of t < large Fooms
bath-room nnd store-room , nttlr o\or tne
whole hou Ci house lluishcd lu nlilliiuo oak ;
kitchen nnd up lntrs in hard pine , plendlil
fuuiacc ; anvbbl ciMern , cltj water , hot nnd cold
v.nter ; east-front lot , 50\lsl , In the most desli.
nblo nelEhborhood In the city , overlooking
Omaha nnd Council 11 Hi IThou ; c built for the
owner s ownusi > . Cnll imu inxostlgatothls pie ) > .
erty If jou want tobuj u good homo. C. r. liar-
tlson , Meirhiints Nat. Dunk , 314
171OU SALK or tr.ide ; whole or ) i IiitereU
JL' fi'iO neres ' 'mtlps fromtivoll. it. depots , TI
miles from Omnlin , be t lmpio\cd storK farm
In Neb. line clmnoo for young man with
money. Call or adilress \ \ m. ( Ulxon.
Cliambor of romiiK-rco , Omaha , or T. U. ( lib-
son. rrumont. Neb. to. > U\ ) *
I" > AHTII wUiitnito HiMI South Omaha prop
i-ity plvaso call on D. I ) . Smoiiton , llniker
block , Omaha. WO
TOTS Tor Sale -I hnvo 10 tine lots In
'ttl.iro mid. foi sale. Tor further liifoimntum
uddioss H JctTory ( Inletin , HI. _ \Ti \
$3WObuysa good i story Broom lutuse and
lot. east front , lu Windsor PI tec , a birgilu.
D. V. Mioles , lloom SIO , Klrst National Hank.
SAI.K ( iood house of " , looms , full lot ,
well , cistern , turn foi 4 hor-cs , school ,
church nnd storononr Uj , stieet curs one block
awnv. In grow Ing pait of city , good neighbor
hood , title pcrCo t good foi man uf mod-
oiali' means ( ict u-ady form'Xt spilnu by buying -
ing n homu now : w 111 tnha n vacant lot us pat t
payment , C , P. IliuiUon , Merchants Nat. bank.
awe STOKV brick blo.k , neatly new. with
st res on llrst Illoor nnd seven loom lints on
pecond Moor , with all modern Improvements
Thispropnity Is on coiner fronting pnvod
street , with sow er , water unit gas imd bilngs
an annual rental offl.iUl. Will sell cheap on
terms tn suit. Address II 70. Ilee. 40.1
Fsi ! I SALIl We have thirteen lots In Central
subdl\lsloii , I ouucll Illuir-i , twelve acres In
Mice's wbillvislon. nud eight ncrcs adjoining
HeiiMm's .second nddltlou on the north , nil near
r.lettile Meter line. Will soil In u bunch at a
positl\o bargain. C. 1 ! Mayuo , Item llstntit it
Tni't Co. , onmhn. ! 5sj
ITlOlt SALK A few lots lu Stewart plai-o nt a
JL bargain. The .M.ttiopulltnn cable toad pisses
this addltl'iunn Lowe live , tlarila A Hauls ,
room ill. 1st Niul lianjt. _ 4s )
ajFOO uuys a full lot and gooil 4-room cotUgo
'Pcasy terms and good location. I ) . V. Sholes ,
loom S10. 1'lrst Nat'l bank , cor. LltU and Kar-
TJIOU SALK-IIuroV ) ft bargain : S
JL1 feet south front on Douglas st. between 10th
and llth. at lots than T.L'0 per fiont foot lloiv
long v. Ill you let your innney wear . \otir pock
ets out with a bargain like that staling you in
the faceM. . A . Upton Co. _ frVi
DO you know of u bigger bargain than a full
lot onSlth mull sts for JI.UWV ItjouiloUa
mo know of It. 1) . I ) . Smcaton , Itarker block ,
Onmlm. 50:1 :
FOIt SALP. Two elegant homes In ll.insqom
Place on reasonable terms ; mortgage paper
taken as part payment , lloswoith A : Jopltn ,
Ilarkei block. UO
I71OH SALlI-Ol oxchiingo for Omaha prop-
J-J eity , JU aires , biiltablo lor platting ; will
make 400 lots , all ileai : big money la It for
home one who c-in push this ; locntoa Just outside -
side of the city limits ol Conm 11 illullw. In-
( ] iilio Ceo. J. StcriiMlour , opp. postolllco. I-S
171OU SA I.lVNoFfor trade. 54.1.70 acres of 1m-
J pro\t'd land miles finin Mniiinette. lu
Hamilton Co. . Neb. lYaniohouso , flame stable ,
; WU acres uinler'a good 4 b.nb-wlie fence , i on nil
cedar posts and S stays : ihlug water , good cor
ral , S wi'lls , wind-mill. HM tinrrel tank , helt-
leuder troughs , etc. ; 7. > acres clo\er , a good
stock ranch.
pilLiuboutJl'ipcracie ( ) ffi.nOi )
Cash . ! lr > iii )
; i years time i\t per I'int . . . . . ( )
do and look over the land and uddiessthe
owner , K. 1C. Atkins , 1WJ Lailmer St. , Denver ,
Colo. l a
Oil SALU HIS acres Hamlltcm Co. , Nob.
land , f'l per acre , onn-thlrd cash , balance at
R nor cent. Addiess W. J. Wililuian , Denver. Col.
15 J
POH SALE Or exchange. We have some
good Omaha real cstotennd Nebraska farms
Vihlch we will sell chenp or trade for slock of
clothing , fiunlshluggoods , dry goods , boots and
shoes , groceries or hardw are , Schluslugcr Uro.s.
C14 S 10th st. 1JI.
Sealed proposals will bo received nt the olllco
ol County Clerk. Douglas County , until " p. m.
Saturday , December < ah , ISsS ; for the following
supplies ( more or less ) , for city poor , clellveied
nt tne Couit House :
\tM pounds Colfee ; 1,000 pounds Ten ; 40 Iloxes
SoapfiUj < ) pounds beans ; 10,01)0 ) jtounils I'lour.
Kiicli bid to bo nccoinjinled by a certllled
The bom d reserves the right to reject nny nnd
nil bids. M. D. KOCH ! ! , County Clerk ,
niileto dec 8
for I'liblic rrlntlutr.
LlM'OI.N , NoV . 15 , JWW. )
NOTICL : TO ninncits.
Foaled proposals will be received at any tlmo
on or bnforo S o'clock p. m. of the lltli diy of
December , A. 1) . IHW , forthoprintiugof nil bills
for the legislature. ith hiich mattem as may bo
ordered by either house thereof to bc > printed lu
"bill form , " Vihlch IR shown anil designated ns
Class ouo ll ) unilor the pi luting laws ot thestnto
ot Nebraska.
Per the pilnttng nnd binding In paper covers
onothousandl ( , < KOcoples ) each of the biennial
report * of I ho auditor public account Rtioj.suier ,
so < rotary of Btato niul < oniiiila-.loni'r of public
hinds anil biilldlnuH ; and live bundled (5 ( ( > l )
copies each of the biennial reports of the attor
ney gtncral , siipeilntvndent public instiiictlon.
state liln.u lull imd niljiitant general ; undnll
other reportH and I'omm mts tliut may bo or-
doled printed by tin ! legislature , except such us
may enter Into and foi in a p irt of the Journals ,
which class ofvnrk Is known uud designated ns
Class .1 under the pi intlng luws of Nebraska
The bill work nxeruli'd under Claws I shall bo
printed In xmall nlia type on paper fourteen HI )
inches lonir by eight and one-half ( * " , i Inrhos
wide , Kinglo pine , pupcr to no ' 'd pounds double
cap to the the iltla pagonach
it.ige nhall contain not less than twenty-liveCil > )
lines of solid matter of s-jvon (7 ( > Inches In length ,
anil the lines Nhnll on suciosilvoly numbered
with a blank only lu each' space uctwccn the
'I he title page ofsulil hills shall routaln not
less than eighteen < li ) lines ns above , wlthdi
Inchon additional Hpa'e allowable for display
title mutter , llach bid shall Htate whnt the bid
der Is willing to do the work complolH for per
page. Including composition , pajiur , presswork ,
stili hlng. foldlnp anil nil work 01 material en-
teilng Into the work leimlreiL
All work exociit-d miller Clasi 1 Hliull bo dn-
llveii'd in good order by the cnuiriii-toi' lo the
olllco nf the secretary of Htnto within three ( I )
dajs iiftnr tno lornlpt nt the oulnr by suld con-
traitor from thuchuiiman of thu com mlttce on
pilnllil' ' IneltherDrancliof the Innliiiir- .
All woiki'Xt'cilli'd under Class tnreo.l ( ) ahull
bj jirluti'd In long pilmi'r. br-vler and noli-
purell typu , on pnperio bo ulno ii ! > liichi-s long
by six ( Hi wide , single pngiiiniiir to be foit > -
live (11) ( ) llm. to tint learn , white I o ik. Knch bid
under CliiHsII slrill stati ) what ttio bidder Is will-
lligtixlo the wort : < | ) ] * < > for pur iiagv , oil
each report or It.'jii lu the thisi , Incliidliig torn-
position , paper , piosuwoik , Btitdiiug. rulillni ;
and all work or nmt' rial entering Into the woik
ii'iuilicd. riallcy nnd pigo proof must bo fur
nlslied when required by tno olllcur.s of the
oxecutlvo dopaitmnnt 01 tliochuinimu of thu
( ommlttoe on printing In nltln-r hinuiliof the
leglslatuiu. Moil : whunconiiiliited to bellvcred
free of expense nt the sintu hoi e.
PrnpoHiilH foi woik on uaili of the above
clussi swill not bo cimsIUi'rtMl u ilcss thu K.ime
Hhall boai'comimiilod by a bond In thoHiim of
Ihii thotiKiind i ? " > , ut ) ' dollars , with two or mom
hurdles , that In IUHO Iho irirtj proposing for
sui'h routiuct shall bo nwnidi'il the name Kiicli
part ) will within five da > , s after theawnrdto
him of hiich cuntruct rnler Into bonds for the
lulthfnl perfnrmoui o tlioroof , n provided by
law mid I Jio tnrms dt those proposals.
I'KipuKali Hliall bo marked "Proposals for
Public Pilntlng" and addnu i-il lo the sluto
boird of piluiliiH in care of tno r.ucrctary of
Htntf , Liiuolu , Nub.
Contriu in on Clussnno ill as above specified
Will bo iiwai de'l ns u w hule.
I'niitiactHon Class three ( .1) ) usnbovo poclflod
will bo Hwardcd luholu or In part , us the
lioaul may ilect
hamples of the work to bo ( "ci'c.uted under
cluK < eitniionnd Ihrco may bo teen at thu olllco
of the HfCiHtmy ot Btato.
CoiilructH mi ubovu clnssui one und thiee to
run two yearn from Due. II , IH.H.
'Ilifi Htate printing bun id resolves the rl ht to
reject any or all bld ,
U , L. LAWS. Secretary of Htato.
H , A.HAIlcnCK , Amlltnr Piibllo Act-'tn ,
li II , W1LLAIU ) . hlulwTreA iiMU.
n'JIdtodlU Of the blute Uoarcl uf Printing.
Huuulng bvtweiiiCouncil llhilTsmul Albright.
Inaddttloii to the Millions iiiMitloued , trnins
stop at 1'wenUeth and Twenty-fouitli NtruoU.
ami nt the Summit lu Omaha.
To tlin Stoulclioliinrs of thu Ocnlnllit
Ijaud anil Cuttle foinpany.
Notice ItChi-roby given that the iiunnal meet
ing of tboStockhuliltiiHof the Ogulalla Lund und
CnttloC'ompany , will be held at the Company's
olllco In the city of Omaha , Nebraska , ou
Wednesday , December 5th , Iw , at.I o'clock p.
111. , for thu election of dhectors for the ensuing
year , nnd for the tiansaotloii of such other bus
iness as mav comn before thn meeting.
.loHi.i'ii I'IIANK , Hucrotiiry.
Omaha , Neb , NovnmbHrKth , IHJS.
uov-17 - -
AclvettlslUK has nlvruyn provoa
aucccssful. Hoforo plucliiffnny
Ncwspnpor Advcrtlalng-consuS
illVKKTISIMTfl ( ,
411 U lUedalcU blrt.U CHICAGO.
DIIII'IVani lo hi ) nn Ilulro i.
No now faotH wore divulguil yesterday In
HID cuso of tlio young liuly who Ii wanted
for nn henoss , but will not liavo It so. Mrn.
Cion ; iles sc.'oms ilctermlucd to stay until slio
wins lior iKiiat If Dial is possible , whllu the
young lady exhibits no interest in the mutter
whatever , niul clous not prijposu to talco any
stops Bucuriiifj for honiulf a fortune
of $70MK ) , Her conduct is quito stiaugo. In
view of tluijets , Hho romumbuia irH
( Jnnnlr.s very v.cll , anil < 'tin rccull many in-
cldouta coiuiftcteil with tier early lifo , What
tlio upshot of tlio matter will be 1
Imnl to ilotonulno. Mrs. O , nays
that slio would nillicr icllmiuUh all
claims to nny of the piojturty that
HJIU woulii olhorwlsa ( ; ct , than sou it fall
into the ImuUt , of tlio Klrl's present fouUii1
fatliur. Intlinali ) fiioiulHof ibu partiuu ux-
prcss tlio ljulicf that Mis. G. will eventually
carry the May , and tulto tlio gill baclc to
Mexico to claim her foituno ,
'I lie l/'iiloii Itcvlval.
Tiio union revival muoUngs at tlio First
liaptlst church are every day bocorainf ? uiota
full of Intorcit. ' 1'hn uttondanco is constantly
incrunBlng. 'J'lio uvanKolists , Hmoail ami
timllli , uro earnest , Intelllgont , iuninetiu
wmlcurs. Largo numbers urn nsl < lng uu in-
tiTost lu the jiraycrs of chrlstluus , and a
goodly niiinbcT pi ofi'ss to lawn found peace
in boliciviiiK' . Thuro 1 rooui in Council Itluffs
for plenty of thin kind of work. Meotiiigs
every afluiiioou at It o'clock iinil uvcry evening -
ing at 7 , to which nil are invited.
John McCormlck was run In last evening
in a slate of beastly Intoxluutlon , After
being lamlcci lu the cooler his thoughts ro-
vtrloil lo hU wifu MIII ] babies , HI id lie hcwlccl
for two hours to bo lut out to x" > to tin family
because ( hey "ncfi'icil him , " They Uitlu't
k'tt him , niul will nut until bu is bohur.
The ( lurigor uf u malarial
um > 1)0 avurliid If you will cccusnoimlly
t.iUu a dose of lr , J. II. McLcaii's CW1U
uud Fever Cut'c.