r 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 5 , 1888. THE BAIT A7 BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ui PICK. NO in rp.Aitij siuHirr. J illtntiitirrnrrKr in Anv Pnrt of the City n TlMinty ( tuts I'tr\Vtek. II. W. 11I.TON . M.\N\Oiit. : iii.r.i'iinNisi : : Hr isr. - On u E No. < ) . MMIT r.iuinii , No.si. MINOR MKVIION. N. Y. Plumbing company. ( oal and wood. r.K.Mnync , < ilO B'wny. Llegant overcoatings at A. HeiU-r's , incichant tailor , : IH ) Broadway. Best bard and 'oft eo.il and Missouri wood. K. 1' . Ma.Mie. ! > H ) Broadway. Q.\Ir. and Mrs. Charles "WINon will en tertain friends Thursday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hend- 1 icks. The district com t resumed its grind on the case of Stewart vs. city , jester- dav morning , which was unfinished lasl cveiiing. It will probably bo submitted mine time to-daj. after which the trial of criminal cases will bo resumed. "Paul Slebold has rented a place on Upper Broadway and placed on cxhibi lion the remarkable fungus curiosity in the shape of n human hand , rccontij found beneath his house on Madison Mreet. The < 'urio-1tj was on exhibition for several dnjs in the window of Till Bii. : olllce. Special services will be bold at Salva tion Army hall to-day and to-morrow i ondnc ted b\ Major Dale. To-morrow evening ' supper will be served in the hall from oj.'iOto S o'clock to which all are iaited. . An admission fee of tweiity-ihe cents will oe charged ill the door. Citj Attorney Holmes' report on the ga ordinances is so complete that it would bo well to have it introduced nsa text book in the public schools. Unit by properly educating the rising genera tions , there will lie an end of the be wildering ( inestions and perplexing theories as to how a gas company in the Blutls can secure an exclusive and vtrrual right to charge the people about three prices for gas. The new road leading into Fairmounl park will be completed to-day , and will be one of the greatesl improvements yet lidded to Ibis beautiful resort. The new- road is cut in from Graham avenue , and bj follow ing up the heads of ravines find a system of cuts and lills leads into the ptirk by a delightfully winding drl\e on a grade but little , if any. steeper than that of Madison street. The new drive will be greatly appre ciated by all those who have occasion to i-ntor the park' witn vehicles of any de scription. It .seems very strange that the Union Pacilie company fails to provide proper accommodations at the Broadway depot especially as the suburban service be tween the Hlutl.s. mid Omaha is one of the best pajiiig branches of their whole business. Notwithstanding the im mense amount of travel over the" dummy trains , the mo-,1 meager accommoda tions are furnished at the duininydepot. There are no water closets provided for the public , and the policeman who happens to be on the Lower Broadwnj' beat and lias to visit the depot on the arrival of each dummy , is called upon a ilo70n times a day to 'inform inquiring passengers that the company makes no prov isions of that kind. A duo regard for the comfort of their rations should induce the company to make these nec essary impiovcmcnts at once. Dr. Cleaver. North Main st. Tel. M7. See \V. C. Stacy's ad. For Exchange For dry goods , SOO ncrcs line lands. No ineumbrancc. Title perfect. Will put hind in at low liguro. Call and see us. C. U. liivostniont Co. , IS'o. 10 1'earl St. , Council Blulls , la. Money loaned at , L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly conti- dential. Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , opera house block. \V. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , Is'o. HfO Main sUcot. Mated For JAR : The marriage of Mr. Andy Mahoney , of South Omahii , and Mrs. Lizzie Luet- x.inger , ( neo Merger ) of this city , took place at the residence of the latter , No. 607 Knst 1'ierco street , at 5 o'clock Mon day afternoon , Rev. T. J. Muckoy ofli- riatinir. A reception tootoplace after the ceremony. Tlioro wore about sov- onty-lho present , including guests from both sides of the river. There wore numerous and appropriate gifts. Mr. Mahoney is a young contractor of South Omaha. Tlio nrido has many friends here , having lived'in this city since irirlhood. Improved anil vacant property in all parts of the citj ; 110160 feet on Glen avenue , east front , a bargain ; business property on Broadway and Fourth street. R. P. Ollicer , North Main street , DoVol's block , Council Ulu-ITs. "Pickled trlpo and pigs' feet at Tib- bittb , Hlo Uroidvvay. Weather strips at Cliapinnn's art store. Notice the beautiful Mnish given col Jars , cull's nnd shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Loans made on city business and rosi- donci ) property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Clmmp Investment company. k Hco Forrest Smith's special column , j ? Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glea- $011,1 ! Pearl street. Illiliir ! | ilni Hospltnl. The Indies of the W. C. A , hospital acknowledge the receipt and express their appreciation of the generous Thanksgiving oirerings , including 810 fii cnsh colloutcil t the union service In the Presbyterian church' , ? li from Bt. Paul's Kplscojwl church ; a half bar rel of colToo , a like amount of sugar from T. J. Kvans ; aciiho of eggs from tlioM. li. church ; turnips , Ffiiiashosnnd ix barrel of apples from Mrs. Jr. Gordon. Mits. ,1.11. ATKINS , Treasurer. Wo have nn competitors in flnishsng collars , ouils and shirts. Cascade Luun- Ury Co. All grades t > oft coal , C. 13. Fuel Co. S. B. Wudaworth & Co. loan money. The llnlsh on oar collars , cuffs anil fliirta cannot bo equalled. Gaseiulo Laundry Co. All grades hard coal , C , D , Fuel Co. See Forrest Smith'a special column. Hock Spring coul , Oleiison , CO Pearl treot. Unreal us in roul estate in nil parts of the city , W. S , Cooper , 180 Main street. ALL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS , Moro Than Ono Company to Bid on the Incandescent System. ADMIRING THE SPECIAL TRAIN. City Clerk Itnrkc K\i > lnln < Abonl ( ins Tin- Hoard of Trnile SllxtI CiiKos in I'oticn Court Happily \Veilileil. Ilie nirvtrlo lilt-lit PlntitH. Mr. Johnson , of the Uriibh Klcctric Lifjht eoman.of ] ) . Chicago , appeared before the city council Monday evisn.ni ; in behalf of his ooinp.inj , to secure the necessary ponnib-uon to operate a plant in this city. Mr. Johnson ittitcd that hia company desired no honors or ex clusive franchise , but simnh wdojrt the right to use the streets for conductinir their wires about the city , to furnish cheap litjht to the eiti/ens. The price would be < " > < ) cents a month for each light of sixteen candle power , if run until 10 o'clock , and 70 cents per month if run until midnight. The council did nothing In regard to the matter , and it is understood that the aldermen are not very enthusiastic over the allair. D'uring the \isll of Mn.\or Kohrer ami Alderman Lacy at lailuo-v : they looked the of electric lighting over stem % ing in USQ in that eity , and express themselves as very much in favor of it , and are rather partial toward the es tablishment ofRich a system in this eity. Tim lights are so arranged that they can be turned on or oil like gas at any hour of the day or night , and arj furnished at even lower rates than those olforod by Mr. Johnson. It is claimed that the system possesses great advantages over the Uriish , in that it is always ready for n-o , while the latter would necessitate the addi tional use of gas or oil if light was de sired after midnight , or during a dark , cloudy day. The gentlemen above re ferred to are so enthusiastic over the sy-lem that they will undoubtedly ask tlic Oiltaloo > a company to bid for furnishing a similar plant in this eity. It is quite probable that all bids solicited will be for such a plant as this , rather than for one to bo used only during the evening. Steps will bo taken immediately to secure an electric lighting plant that will furnish incandescent lights to resi dences at a reasonable rale. The citollicialh in ijuwsing any more ordinances should see to it that the city is given the privilege of ordering all poles icinoved. and wires placed under the ground. Already there are so many poles and wires as to make it apparent that in after years a change may be necessary. J.G. Tipton h.is bargains in real estate. The Council BlulTs Investment com pany arc now prepared to loan money on real estate on lirst mortgages at lowest rates. Have several acre tracts to sell. Two 10 acre tracts for platting , ono ! " > , one 3. ' { and one 17. Also houses and lots in best locations in the city at lo.v fig ures and on easy terms. Call and see us. .Room 10. 1'earl street. For Sale First class grocery stock and fixtures. Will take part Council Bluffs properly. Council Bluffs Invest ment Co. , room 10. Pearl' st. . Council Blulls , la. The Council Blufls Lumbor'Co. want you to try sonic of their coal. _ _ _ - . - Sleigh bells , sleds and skates. O JIL & UIIYANT , 513 Main st. The Double King Unlinnnoi * . City Clerk Burke , who has occupied that position for nearly twenty vcarrf , has tit last discovered how it was that the Swift gas ordinance was never in corporated in any of the compilations of city ordinances heretofore published. The first book was compiled by Babitt & Carpenter , previous to the issuance of that charter , which was granted March 30 , 1S70. The next was compiled by I. W. Itoss , and the charter was in borne unaccountable manner overlooked. Later compilations were largely copied from the Ross edition , and the Cone ordinance , which appeared in that , was copied in all later editions as the one now existing and un * der which the present gas company does business. Squire Burke says that the Swift ordinance failed to appear in the Kcatloy compilation , which was re jected because it contained all ordi nances ever .passed , those that were ob- boloto as well as the e in force. Itseems that the Swift ordinance has been over looked on all occasions , thus giving rise to the belief that the Cone ordinance is now in force. The city clerk states that thio impression is entirely erroneous. His idea is that the Cone ordinance was forfeited according to its own terms when the company failed to begin work at the specified time , and the Swift ordinance distinctly speeilios that "all ordinances are hereby re pealed. ' ' Another argjunent advanced by Mr. Burke in supporlnf hisnsbortion is that Mr. Swift and his ni-aocintcs began the work of putting in the pres ent gas plant , and they wore followed by Mr. Joel F.ntun , who has remained in the capacity of manager of the gas company up to the present time. This would go to show that the present com pany is doing business under Lho Swift ordinance , which docs not expire until March HO , lbIO. ! Tlowo\or , the council does not propose to wait patiently for the expiration of the ordinance , whether it bo the i-'d of February , 18SI ) , or March ! ! 0 , 1W10 , Intl will take immediate steps to repeal the charter and advertise for bids for a now plant , as suggested by the city solicitor in bis report. It IB intimated that Mich i move would have been made at the last meeting of the council if the book containing the old ordinance had been on hand , but it was in the possession of City Solicitor llolmus. It is stated on good authority that an attempt will bo undo to consummate the move at the meeting to bo held to-morrow evening. Have our wagon call for your boiled " clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Sec Forrest Smith's special column. Money loaned on fumituro , pianos , liamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of intorcbt. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Chirk & Co. , oflteo cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. QTIm .Special Admired by Tho-now "Cioldun Onto special1 to run botwco n this city and Sn'i Fran cisco , arrived in this cltj from Chicago cage at 0:1)0 : ) o'clock yesterday morning , rcsh from the Pullman shops. The rain came in over the Milwaukee , and was taken to the Pullman yards at the rnnsfer. where the cars were all thor oughly cleaned , and placed on exhibi- ion during the afternoon , on the track lut west of the depot. Ilundro.ls of iurioua visitors thronged the cans dur- * ing the afternoon , admiring these mar vels of comfort and elegant luxury , a description of which appears elsewhere In this issue. The train will leave this morning on its llrst western-trip. Ilngino No. H'-J" will pull the special out of this cit\ % , having been prepared for the occasion. The round trip will bo made in lc" < than a week , mid the "Golden Unto' will roll into the transfer again next Tuesday , after its llrst trip of nearly four thousand miles. Poor Pepper In n I'lekle. Thu chi'stnntl.v expit'ss racket , In its nio t undent and threadbare form , was nignin MIC russftill.v wuikoJ In our city 1ml uvuainiroii mi inisoplilstiiated .lining pumpkin hunker from Nance county , N'cln-.tsltu. The tender plant selected b\ the ( raj and festive 'eon man is a victim suds under tins name of Irvm Pointer , but the tears Unit dimmed Ills t\vcs lust ovi'iimp vvuro not caused by his own smartnpvi. According to Ids own Morj I'upper liad lu-vur bufoio breathed auirlit but the piMceful and icassiirinifatmotplieivif the farm and l.now nothing of tlunk-ceittul wiles practiced bj wicked men In Onuilm and other cities along the banks of the "Mli ; Muddj " He started for Circe 11 connt.v , Iowi , on a pleasure trip , seemingly drawn thither In the stranuo nutuo , the meaning oC wuicn ho did not know. Ai i ivlng in Omalu , he inuda the iKvpiuintiuu'o of a pleasant stranger-n most ticrcotiblo man. U w.is Ilko incut lint an old fncml In a strange land , and the two nn bo oimil themselves to each othei in a must sin prising manner. Thoj came to the trans- ler. The stranger suddenly dlscnvoied that be wis short of cash , and must ] iaj the ex press charges on some pooils then In the HluiYs , to Illinois , when ? ho was ivturniiiR to bis old home. lie had a chock for fU'u. Would Mr. Pepper cash it for him' Could not. Well , xvoiihln t be loan him a few dollars until he could pet it cashed' Ot coin-so ho would , and ho did K\vc \ up all his eaithly possessions , about ? ' . ' , Which was immediately turned over to the expicss agent ( ! ) , who then appeared for the lirst time. The stranger then dep.it ted to Ret the check cashed , and poor Pepper is sill ! waiting for him Chief Lucas was nntitled and " 0311 succeeded in nncstinir the bonus ex-picss aueut , and Omana olllcers bagged his pal , who had immediately sought Nebraska soil. Pleaded With Hie The souvenirs of Council BlutVs. pre senting views of its principal streets and outbuildings' , are being sent broad cast by business men. The acknowl edgments tire many , and they are all plinsunt. The following is n fair sample , received by darkness Uros. from K. S. JalTray& Co. , who have houses in Kuropo as well as New York. ' 'It gives pleasure to note the enter prise and yeal displayed by yourciti- y.ons in building up such a substantial eity in the face of some natural and dis couraging advantages. It shows that you are made of the right kind of stuff , and hope you will continue to grow and spread , until your beautiful blnil's are covered with palatial residences , and your broad , handsome avenues lined with thriving and prosperous business houses. ' ' Fine holiday goods for twenty da.\s at prices that will surprise you. Call' and be convinced. .1. U. Stewart's drug store , OI0 ! Broadway. A Mixed Orist. The judicial mill l.ad a mixed grist to grind in police court yesterday morn ing. A. Petrel and John Berry were each taxed $8 for taking tin overdose of "Oh , bo joyful , " and William licnning and Thomas Curtis were assessed $7.00 each on n similar charge. Willitrn Thompson insisted that he was not drunk and that there was not enough- prohibition juice in Tow a to knock him olT his pins. His case Was continued pending an investigation. l { . U. Maxon and Dielc Landou were charged with disturbing the pence and malicious trespass. Their cases weie also continued. If you want to stop paying rent and buy a house and lot on monthly pay ments , with warranty deed , call on C. B. Judd , C0 ( > Broadway. Personal I'nrniiraphs. Hon. John Y. Stone , of Glemvood , arrived in the city last evening , and is a guest at the Ogdei ) . Captain A. .T. Dyer , of the city police force , is laid up with a fever and unable to attend to duty. Mr. W. II. Beiiiis , of Davenport , state manaaer of the Aetna life insurance company , is in the city looking after the business of his company. He .leaves for a trip east this morning , in company with thu local agent , Mr. K. C' . Smith. Mr. P. Me Adam , of the paving firm of McAdtim & Amborg , arrived in the city jcsterdny morning from Chieairo. ' Mae" says that this is delightful paving weather , mid far diiTerent from what they have been having in Chicago , where they kept their men working1 for the past three weeks in order to got through the season work before a storm set in , which is daily expected. His lirm has just finished up a season's work of over 1126,000 yards , a good share of which was done in this city. He will remain here several days to close up his season's business. The London "Tailor's" is the place to get your clothes made. 037 Broadway. LETTHECODDWOBIBOOIII GEO.H.MESCHENDORF \O. I3uys hU cattle from first class responsible linns , hiich us Swift & bon , or from first- class farms , such ns N. M. 1'uscy's , and othurH. No vvord-ont milk cows sold In this market , ns has boon the habit In the markets of Council Uliiffs heretofore. 1'rlco Hat ol our meats. Nothing but llrst class fal beef , iioi If. mutton and veal : cnxis rnii I.H. Hoil Hcef . ! Hot Corn liocf . , . n to 4 Khouhlor Steak . 5 to ( i Shoulder Hoast . , . ! > Hlb Hoast . (1 Standing 1'rlmo lib { Hoast . 7 Shoi t Porter House Steak . 0 Long 1'orior Hoiiho Steak . 10 Sirloin Steak . 10 Pork Hoast . b Pork Chops and Steals. . . . , . t ) VcalSteak . 10 Mutton Chops . 10 Vual and Mutton Hoast . . . 10 Vciil and Mutton Stuvv . t SiiRar Cured Hams . 11 Lard . lOtolii Poultry , r l'i ' Hutter and Oysters con stantly on hand Mince Mimls , Suucr Krout , Pickled Trlpo and Pljrs I1 cot at loivrct mnr- hot price IJon't forget the number NO. ! t'J7 KKOAOWAY. _ LOOK AT THE IRISHMAN ! J. M. SCANLAN , 1120 UUO.YIIWAY , \MllselI forr.i h : Shoulder nnd Cuiick lloast . 5tofla I'lline Hlb lluast . t > o ChufkSU' k . o Koiuul Bte.ik . HJ SliloInb-lcaJf . 10o 1'orterhousoHtoak . lOo liOllllltf UfBf . < 0 MuttonStcw . 60 Mutton Lees . fro Corn Hff . < c 1'oik lloabt. . . 10o I'oik Chops mid Steak . lOo Lard , pur ow m make . . . 1-c . to j All other mriiUliilbo hume luoiiortlon. Vieo iWlvery. Ordcu sent by ihlldrun rocejvo Httentlon nnd aie uoirertly tilled. UOl. ON ALL CASH SALES ! Unequalled nnd surprising Qnrgntns in Cloaks , Olot.3a.i3a.gry Boots At Henry Eiseman & CofsPeiipe9s ! Store OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. In order to give us an opportunity to rearrange our business for our new FOP 11 STOHY BLOCK , which we are erecting on the old Pacitie House .Site. Customers will not waste their lime of they read what * ve ha'-o to say. Nor will they be deceived when thej' come to see our goods and learn our'priees. r.verjihing will bo found exactly na we saj . We offer n discount of I'Operoen ON ALL CASH SALES On everything we have in our house. Now is jour time to buy. Do not miss this opportunity. Low prices always make us buy and we are go ing to make LOW PRICES MAKE YOU BUY ! We adopted this method of slaughtering our goods just one week ago , nnd the result 1ms been that our STOUH IS CROWDED with customers all nay long , BO much so that we have added Extra force of Competent Salesmen , And Sales Ladies to wait on our customers. People are coming from Omaha and from hundreds of miles to tnUe ad vantage of this QIR.EAT JFOIROEIP Our regular prices have always been conceded to be the lowest ollered in the west , and when ytni got 120-pcr cent , extra discount on your bill , sec what you are saving by buying from us. Wo want to and must CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK For reasons above named. CALL AND SEE US. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. HENRY EISEMAN & CO , PEOPLE'S STORE NOS. 314,316,318 , , 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SEW BARGAINS BUOADWAV I.OTP , MltST AVKNUIi LOTS , IVI2KRY ADDITION' L.OTS , I'KHKY ADDITION IOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , imYANT & Cl.UtK'S ADDITION IjQTS , STHKIOT'S ADDITION IjOTS. ALiSO 20 ACKES OF THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN FOR 1'I.ATTING. W. C. STACY , Telephone ! ' . . No. U Main Street. LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! For a Short Tim3 I Will Offsr 1OO LOTS In I'ciry Addition to Council Itlulls on the fol- lov\Jng Tumid : InsliU- Lots on Ave. A t TOO tiHldaJ.olsonAvu.il . . . . . . MX ) Inside Lots on Ave. C 410 IniJde J.otson Plrst AVO rai Inside Lots on Second Ave iiOO Inside Lots on Third Avc r > ( l Insldtt Lots on N. 8U1 Tourtli Ave . . . . 45U lucido Loth on K SIde 1'ouith Ave . . . -UK ) JVAll Corner Lots Sil ) Moru TEItMS Oiie-ti'utli cii li , biluiuo innlno annual optional pavinents. vlth K jierrcnl In Icrest. i > a > alilu annuiilly. Will nlve con- tiait for warranty deed nnd furnish ab stract ulitm lully paid. w. siri > 8\Tonr , No. 8. Nottli Main St . Council lllulls. la. * "SPIECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. - ( oninotunt Kill for K WANTUD-A . ) --7 South nth st. TTUIPNI ) Almnchof new keys. Call nt lleo olllce. _ _ III AVE sold my livery to Mr. Secdon.of Iov\n , and sold nil onttstundliiK accounts to ( ( mill's Unison , and If there 1 * any bill iiKulnst mo not settled , please Mind In your bill to mo , UI07 Dougliix St. , Umah.i , and I will ] > ay It. Win , Mmlflnuui. TTldK ItlfNT-Modein 10 room liouse , No. X.-4 JJ Olltll ( All ht. TJOOMS to lent Thrco ronms , Xo. T-.I Mi ftve. Jit 1 1 out , loom , bay \\lndow , nicely furnished , do for Kimt nnd nlfu : runt cneai > . ( nil at No. ID IVurl.st. , Council Jlluilu luvustmunt Co. "fjlOH SAI.I3 Good 4-yonr-olil horse. Kcmloiind J. ' sound , llninosinna toil biiKKX. Will hell rhcnp on easy terms If hold ( .0011. Jwjulro t IM.'tttti ht. HUNT Good 8-room house with iinntiy FOIt nnd closetHj mo tmirt'lcisturn ; Kooif burn with Mtftlls for live lioraus. All In good repair. W. C. Htacy , No. 0 Miiln Ht. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT'COLUMN. OR SALK For a short time , tlio entire - Fc tire nddition known as "FAIR- MOUNT" located on'tho hills be tween lHh ! and Kith HVOIIUCH , three and n hiilf bloulcH east Of . .Ms-n street and tlio saino from the street car IIno , It commands nn o.xtunsivo view of Omaha anil Council Hlulls. This bcnutsful and linoly locutod addition of forty-two lots is offered at a prlco that will surely inako the investor from 75 to 81) ) per cent within two years. If you want a faiiro thing- which you can begin gelling at once at an advance of from 75 to bl ( per cent over what it cohta you , call on or uddrcss II. G , McGop , 130 Main st. , or Forest Smith , at the Drown building. Don't a bit why it IH ollored to low , hut come and see thu property and be con vinced that wo tell it loss than it is. Those lots will sell now nt from WOO to $500 each , Wo don't want that for them. Remember this otter is only for u short time. FORREST SMITH , Kooiu i , tlrd ricor. Drown Handing. A SfKOIAl/lV. WIND MILLS , IRON and WOODPUMPS PUMPS , PIPE $ > and FITTINGS , No. nil 'Main Strt , C'oiiiioil HluIVs , la. Corruhiiondents Mi'iitlmj Tlilt IMiitr. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 151-1 Douglas St. , Omaha , Not ) . c. i : HULL. ( ! . A IHIItLINfJIIOr BELL & BERLINGHOF , Arcliitecfe , DosigneK and Simerinteiuleiits of Constrncltoii Mr. IlerlliiKlinf as SCMMI 3oin > llh .Mrnilolt-Milin , rislicr ' I.o ry , nnd liii : ( li'slk'iiod nnuiy oMhc lines ! blochs in Oinalia and Coiiiicll Itlulfi. Plans and Specifications Ppreil and Estimates made on Application , Stntlio , lioHin 2 Opci-ii J fount } fi. n t CIGAnS AND TOBACCO. See him for Ilic.id lakes ; etc. TO DEAL.EHS-A liberal discount given ! No. 210 Main Street. Tims. Ornn n. W. II. M. I'CM v. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nn ' Ilroaduny , Cni'NOM. ' IJl.ri'M-'H , IOWA. Healers In forclKH . .nil domestic cxdiaiusc. Collections made ami 1'ite est ) > ald on tlmude- THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PJIIOB $15. Is equal vi any High Priced If&chinj. Tlio Idl on .Mlraco.'ropn. Hie test npparutu for uaiilfoldicii nutuzmphiu una ti > a vtriluitf vrork. , UU lopletcan Liu luki > n The Zseelsior Cc. , Council Bluffs , h. No. 14 Pearl St. MUELLER MUSIC CO. , No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. What is nli'or for n Chrixtinn1 * or New Year's pro enl than nn elegant Piuno or Organ.Vi > have tan out j-five of the celebrated Hardman , ft , B. . Chase , Fisher , Erot& ! Pease and Howard Pianos , AND ROYAL CENTURY ORGANS On hand. which wo oil or nt a iucial discount of TTN' PKU 1'1'NT oil our regular nrloei for Ou next TH1KTV 1)A\S. \ \ > cm r.v tinlar fsi stock of small musical instrument's of every description ninl hui > nmnv novelties suitable for jirosent . Oar stock of slico't music mid luusio books is tin' latest anil most complete. lieinenilicr our entire stock of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS \Vul In < > ld at cost , anil Ic-s than cost. It must be closed out rofriirdlos * of prloo. N on \\ill liml nmti.N bargains. A souvenir yixon with over ) nurohaso.Voulm HIM a In , t \\iihi\er\ $ j purchase on tin elegant I'iuno.Ori'iin , and other nrr/oa. vsilloarl. } . SN S ! \ Lot , Bryant & Clar , on Second avc. \ Lot it Clark Third . . , Bryant , on avc. - - - | Q Lots , Perry's sd Add. , on Avc. C - - - Q Lots , Benson's First , Avc K - - - - Lot , Everett's Add. , Third avc. . . . - $ Q00 Lots , Fleming ifc Davis , Ninth and Tenth avc > s I inch D LOTS -ON EASY PAYMENTS Call and See c. j. COLBY , Masonic Temple. DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AMD ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. LOCAL A.\B > TBtAViLl.AUC.VI'S ; OX COtf. ' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. | Dl/ I M Dl M C Hydraulic and Siinit.tr > > Engineer. Plans , Intimates , . DlnlMINDlML. " " SpLcificatioa-i. Supcm-ion of Public Work. Ilrovvn Building , Council Ulufl's , Iowa. CIMI L V DIlDl/ET Attorney at Law , Second Floor Crown Building , 115 rl.lLLY DUlllXL. " Pearl St. , Council DliifU. , Iowa. N QPHHR7 Justice ol the Prace. Olllce over American E\picsf , No. 419 Uioadway , Council Blull's , Iowa. CTHMIT i ? Cll\/l'7 / Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fedora OlUllL. GL OIIVIO" ' Courts. Olllce Rooms 7 nnd 8 , Slnigart-lJcno IJlock , Council III u flii , Iowa. POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H. PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS. Mmnifnctururs und Wlioleiiilc Dutilurs in re of .A.11 SSian-ds. Ordoi-fa 1'ruiuptlj Killed nnd Dc-livorcd. No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. F. J. BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. Ponnnncntly located sit No. 11 North ( ith St. , opposite 1'ostoniee , on Motor Line , Council Blutfb , Iowa. If you have specinons ! don't v\iit : for prices. Homl them to him lioforo they spoil. If you dent want thorn after they uro mounted , ho will \my \ you the highest inai-Kct price for thorn. Will iiuiUo a spccinlty of hcaiK and drcssini ; of furs during the vvinter. TIKE foe Adapted SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , I -iirnn.ii. . . M , I estimates fuinlslieil for coinjilpto srram planti. Itognlatlon , Diiralilllty ( iimr- uiitteil Can faliuvv atturs from UPtrs where fiu-1 Kconniny Is cijua ] with ( "orllst Noii-Conilenilni ; , E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No.10 I'curl Street , C'ounuil Hlulfs. SMOTHERS & , BEECROFT , ruOIMUKTOUS OK COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA - ) OFFICESl - t'oivcil Mil Do Vol'B Stout , No. I O > uiu-Carontor | Paper Co. . No. Ill M4 MJdtllo . aj. Telephone No. U7. | Uouflas Sticul Tolcphono No , 2iW. NO. 29 MAIN STREET. taliM NoiCllles In S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , VMNARY MGBOM SriTAL15 FOURTH STIl25r. Tclcplionc No05. . COUNUU , W.UI''F8 , ! i IOWA D. H. McDAHELD & CO. , mdesTalloiilreltilWool&Fun , Uljhtot iimrli > t prlcei. Prompt roliir uuil S-V M.ilu til. , i.'ouir.ll Ulufft , Jo