THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 5 , 1888. 5 THE I9TH ANNUAL RECORD , 1(8 ( Knormonq Total nnil AVI do Distri bution , UAprlorn of Fortune. Apnrtlalllnnf prizes nbovo Onf Ttiousnnrl Dollur.i , jinlil by the Jjoulnlntui State Lottery Company ilnrlnirthoycnr end ln Novernbcr.lsm , togothnr with the nnmcs nml a < ltlres es Rlvon to tli ( Ximtmny by the holJiTs , omitting those who have requested It. Itecelpte for thp amounts are oa Ille at tlio offlco * of the coiapnny. or i KcKMiinn n. iw. . . 'VlcKrr ' * . Chnstertown , Mil. . IT3.0I ) J' I'omicmllrk , Umaha , Neb \i.ftn H WGrnyblll. Lnncnster. I'a 1U.DW JatneiTnoinp on , 'M anil .17 Union Mark et , fit IxmlH.Mo 10,000 Wm Norrls , Kansas city , tin 1U.IM ) Wm Ofts.som , St Andrew near Wlutu St New Orleniu. l.u . . . . fi.OCO J ) tl fUlilwln , for New Orleans Nntlonnl Ilpiik , New Orleans , I.u on account ot a depositor f.Kfl Ji O Atwood. llenlrln , Ciil p I'rcdcrlckB Morse , lloston , Mnss. fi.vjil Merchant * Nat'l Ilnnk of YlckRburg.Mhs rK , ( ) John McDermott. Ylekslmrtf , Miss . . . . fi.OUJ 1'ctorThompson , Illloxl Hivor , Miss. . . . ri.nno JlntikorCommercB , MemphisTetm . fi.iOi ( lermnn Hank of Memphis. 'IVim. nimii , 11 Mu-flrt-en. : ! llilMoll I'lace , llosloii.Mnts I''Ul I ! II Wnlkcr , Yoillijrstown. O . . y.VH . ) H'-cond Nat'l llnnk of Ne I lawn. Conn , " .ft * ) I'etur Wellor , ' , ri W Itntulolph St Uilrnvo. VJMI I ) J A Wo , Albuquerque. New Mexico. . . 11'lVi Knon Illnrkmnn. 1'ottnvlllu. 1'ft 1'J.VJ fleo. 1Taylor , llurnslde. Ky I"r0 It M Nclmnn.Cnnrlton. la 1'iV ) MI.SH II. Lamb , 1 1 West flutter I'.irk , llnston. Mass . . . . . . . 1SV , ) W II Meeks.tliroiiRh Hank of Winchester , WltK'liesler. Ti mi 1.S10 A W I'nrtor , Aberdeen , Mls.s . . . . LUSH Wells , 1'iirKo * I' < > Han rrulielsro , fill . . .'iO John Itl7.zli , HJ rrn/.ler st L'hlcngo. 111. . l/iH ) 11. II. Mead , i-hell LnkiWls . . . . I.S.V ) Klmer LuiiKln , llulmun , Mich l-l ( Wilkinson .V Irvln , dates.'IVim I.2VJ Konnt7o llros , Ilnnkers , New York. . . . 1'i'tl M Josephson. ( 'iirloadiile , I'a 1,1V ) DltAWINO ( ) ! .lANU.SUY ID , IS.n Wells. I'nrgo & ( ' < > .Snn l-ranrlsrci , Cal . . . I".OX ) Ht.itiNntlonnl Ilnnk of Slemphls , Tean . : . , ) I'Veil ilnrvlM , Kniplio t'lty , Oii' oii l.'i.iMH Memphis National llitnk.Memphls , 'IVnn. l.'i.lXU V Schmidt , I'otaliima. Cnl | 1i ) ) .1 r.stdvt'iison , liny llort , ! ' , Idnho I.VOtl N W Nichols , through WelU rar o & Co , Ran I'rnnrNro , rnl . l'i,0'0 Anxloiillfonilu Jlnnkd.tdi Sun rrun- cl co. Cnl . I.VOil WullH , i'urcotfcCo , Nin rinncNi-d , Cnl 10.0J1) ) Jllss Au iihtii Fllenu , M.ai7 Aic-hur Avt > Clilcniio. Ills . jj 010 W w ( nlboitson. AHlilnnil , Ky r > ( Kxi John Trimble. HIS S Water St Anrora.llls 5XO ( AtiKtHt lltinrulmiinn , Wi ( luutre.s M Nuw Oileans , Ln . 5 oil Mist ) Kitty Dillon , 10i UlunvIIlo St , Now Orleans. Ln . . . nilOO Metropolitan National Ilnnk , ClnclimutL fi'lDJ 1M Miller. ( IniiilnlHJnrii.lnllsco. Mex. . . r. ( M Chns 4Trennor , San DloK . ( ul . . . . . fil l N Tostovln , Union StocK Vunl * . ( lilniKo. L'.OiM A MeLdlth.It-racy City. N .1 . . . . a' ) JK > rt ) \ orth Nnt 1 niuik. Tort Wnrth.Tux.WO ( TC Ttii her. ro.irl.-Tox. . "OX ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' JacobShafer , Inillauuiiills. Iml . . . . . , . . u.'tw ) Htnto National Ilnnk , 1 Ineoln , Ni-b . . . - ' , ( ) Ira I'llbert , .Miuhiichlnockf Iowa ' . ' .OiM IllA\MNli OK nilItrAUV : 7 , IS. , A corre.spomlent at Sun Prniiclseo throiiBh Lutiislanii Not 1 Hank , Now Oi- Icnns , r.a leans , l.a „ An hi-l'nllfornla Ilnnk , Llniltcil , of Snn- rnuiflsro. Cat . . . . . r.OCO M Miiionl , r.iineiotw. Cal , tliroitKh Wells I aiL'oCo , Prnnclsco " nii Cal . 1. > , OW Geii J Jnhiisoii. llaniKU. .Mich. thi-ouuU \VniCo.i.-b , I larnun , .Mlcli . . . . . . MntlieM Slullens , Harrison St I'ollcoHtu- „ ' ! " " , ; . ' 'I"-0. ' " . | -ooo reter \ \ ' llnrrisuii , 740 ( 'luoudoM St Nu\v Orleans , 1.11 . . . . . , -,001 1I. . Cnniliinek. l.lllll , illas ' . ' ( XU Sonthwe.stuin National Hand ofl'lilladJl- nhiii , I'n . - > ono f1 II t-'oudlpy , Abbuvlllo U II. H c' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' " 'coo Joe l ) Ine , llonnu 'IVrre. Mo . . . . 2 Odd 1 , T ( ' < iptr , I 'levelnnd , ( ) . 200 A C Drolilsh , Lincoln. Ill , throiKjh ( icr- man-Aimirlcan Nat'i Hank of Lincoln 2.10) ) John II Trnltt , Winchu.ster. Ill . . . . ' 21X0 lj Curler , Santa Clara. Oil . 2.CUO D Meier. Oenlsou , Io\\n. through Ci w- ford County State Hank of Dcnlson. In. 2,000 I ) It A WING OF MAHCII I.I , IW. ( A depositor thrntiKh Wells , KaiKo4cCo , Snn Kranelsco. Cal . . iooi ) I , I ) Morolock , 111 Ollro St , Ailams Kxn Ollloe , KvnnsvilliInd . . [ 5.000 M r Mock niul nnnk II ( iodnrd , 4111 St. Must Niulnaxv , Mich . 15.00J iKli National Ilnnk ofllolenii , Ark . in OX ) I ! II Uoodson , IVi" > Mnlu St. l.vnchlmnr ! , ' | ! tl"'i"IK',1 ' l-ynchbiirK National Ilnnk. iri.000 T K I N \ \ uodcock. MduojO. . tlnoilKh Citi zens Ilnnk of SIdnny. < > John .Murphy , tr'oiu on. 111. 1 red Holer. 'J'aylor KldKo. Ill , through Cltl 'tins Nat'l Ilnnk of Davenport , lowu l.VftM Amerlcnn KxelmiiKO Nnfl Hunk o ! N V 11,000 Cnpt JumcH \ \ llllnmson , ( ireouvlllo , ( Juo- bi-c , I nnmla . . . llftW Mrs Ullzo Illinium llrooklyn , N V. ' ! . . . " " i : > ' ( liH ) U Kirk. Suncru Knlls , N V . . . 10UOII O TO Smith , MnultouSpringy , Col lOOM ) A depositor , thioiiKh AVollJ , l'urco& Co. Pun Krimelneo , Ciil 10000 Cllut.i ? : Vlllercnr" ot Albert Kclloy A : Co ! I7 Wall st. Now York . 10 000 A depositor through I < onlslaua National ' lluuk. New Oi loans. La 10000 A tlojmsllor.thioiiKh Now Orleans Nation- ul flank , NUM-Orleans. Ln C.OJO A ( li-posltor , tliniiiKh National Kxchongo Ilnnkof Dallas , Tex 5000- Max llenfner , lit ! ( ireenwlch St , New i ork . . . . 5 ooo ' ' J I * I'otergnn , KllsMuitb , Minn , thi'o'iiirYi ' Lyoa Co Ilnnk of Itoek ItupliH In. . . SMO A < lepo ltor , tlnongli TnulcH National IlnincofSmi Antonio , Tex . . . . srao r WJnhnnon , Lowell , MnNH . . . . " 000 IlOliiok , Tiwaloosn. Ala , tlu-ough 1'irst Nntlonrl Hunk of Tiwnloo-w , Ala ' . ' . "iOO Frank Hnll.'iWMagazine St. Now Orleuiis A If Lib Tt , Lulcd Cl'mrleH , Ln ' . ' . ' . ' . s'yo A ijoiiosltor , tlnoiiKU Germiuiln llank of NewYork ( Ity M500 L'linsMr.ilton.Muxlro ' , Ind , through First National Hank of I'tirti , Iml sr > ro Adrp isltort'iroiiKhlhu ' DelUncuNation al Kauk of Dollnnce. ( ) t'WO A ileposilor. tluoiiRh Arkansas National Hank of Hot springs , Ark "two MlHsiluiiiVlsifoni , i-iiro of llaymarkot . .Jho.itre.ChUMKo , III r,0j Unu-Hl Thlmnor. mollver St , flevi-binil.O 2.BIIO I'A Joyce , New York : im ) Inuti' lunkawllaeli , Nl Wlllutt St , Nuw ioik City X'MX ) ' " Matt llnng , lloiiKhton , Alleh . . . | Vj ) 4'rank Mnyiir , Lcavunworlb , Kns l"-.0 JU ! Dairou , l levolanil , O j-ac I'lian A Davi-nport , nu fongri-fti ht , Now- " ' J 'J."iO . 1'ltt.sbnrK.l'a . i 251) ) Chns Nolsou ' 'si Hanover st , lloiton . . . i.ssu Mary A Davis , Nluntlc , Ct . 1,2,7) DItAWI.NH ( ) l .mtlh 10 , 1WS , OIM firenfr. 2.UIS Altar W , I'lillndelphla 7fi,0. AV II Iliiri-I.iy , rittsuurc , I'.i . 7nii ( l Chns ! ' ) iorm > , < vs ) llnrrison Ave , lloiton O.OUO A JospoDltor tliroiiKllVolls , 1'arKO * Co. Snu Kianclhcti , Cal . 5COO AVni Soeriuieo. . Lebanon , Ky. through tlio Nnt'l It.uik. if l.dbanon , Ky . . . . . fi.OJO AV A Krnncls. Salfin. VH , tbroiiKh 1'arin- era National Itnnkof Salem , Vn . Him Tho. Kulr. I'JilladoliiliU , I'a . . ( SJJU ) J ] ' < \ ets < , hotroit , Mich , thiotwh Detroit Sav n.i Hunk , Uc'troll.Mlch . BOJO A liCnrwin , Hun CianrUoo , Cnl . r > , U4) ) J Allnll.throu h U lilInll.HU'hmond.A'n & ,0 < )0 ) Ilnnkof tlii ) llepnbllc.WiiHhinc- ton. DC . . . 7. 5000 1'nrly at Santa HUSH , Cal , tliiouyli I'actllc llftiu otSan 1'Vanclsco , Cnl . p.ouy i'nonl DeiiMiniliii ) , Ki Ileavir St. New Vnik . . 2.COO 9" > h\lllu Savings Co Hanklni ; Hon > o , Nudivllle , Twiui . -.OW ) HIIAWINH OK ilAV 8 , 1 * & . M A Kolley. 1'ltt.stou. 1'a . : , O.IO Mrsfi K Cdleintin , Ml Louia. Mo . l.VOOO .1 W Vnto-sOI'MJ rft.N AV Wukblnetoii. 1)0 l 'ott ) A lUipo.sitor. l.onHlHim Nntlonnl Ilnnk , Now OrleaiiH , l.n . . 100CO The nty National Hank. Dallas. Tux . in.'iiO ) llr It ijulnney. Andoinon. ( Jrline > i Co Tex. 15,0(0 < leo II AbliH.liulveiitoii. Tex . 15MU AlV'lif.lul ! ; kat' ! ' .llluk of KUIIMW City. Mo 11.0W A rilllllpa.tliroT W llouso.lloiiston.Tox. 15.0W Anslo-Callfoinlan linn.t , Uinlted Ban rinnilsro , ( . ! . . . Mrs J'T lloblnson. U.S iiryade * Bt , Now OrlffttiK. La 6.000 \IKV < 1 MOKfl , Kllllllltsbllrf. Mil fi.O'K ) ' ' " " " " " ' " " " " II nntinlns . Mowon'miny'lTi" , . . . . fi'lOl John lliirrlnBton , lloiighton , Mich llenj WK > k , Jiiineatiiwii , N V. . . . 4.UU City Nntlonnl llunkof Cairo , III 4.01111 M WttllBW-kl. New Yolk 4'lAlO t } MitrutiiBtarn , San KntnfJsco , Cul , thruiiuh , \iilo-'i | ( > llfi > rnlnn Hank L't'il , Pnn Ti ancHco. Cal " . . OO Aorrp poiflunt. throutli Wella , KargoX ( , ' 0' * Hunk San I'raiKlM i , Cal , Collo'tcd Mirouub MHrchnnts i Planters Unnkorriiwliluir , .ire CTHUinlr. MC Montgomery rit. Ban I'rnu- cUco , Oal ORAWINO Op'TTlNK IS. ivy. JJ7.olntok4r.Bonham.lVx J'uiil/ NUUulti * . U Uauvvr St , N V dry " Anplo-CaHforntnn Hunk ( T/t'dl ? an I'rnti- Cisco , n i . . . 1'ooples Ilnnk , New Orieani , l.n Ift.OX A C Schneider , Texnrkana , Art . . V.,0.10 Moore , UtmitlfllUK & Co. lloiton , Mas ? n.0 Mnr > U Olark. lloston , Mnss 1V Hall. Hntrhlns ACo. . UnlvcMon , Tev . . r.i 0 A depositor throtigli Cnnnl bank. Now Orleans t.i . . . I.VtfO I'a. . Itlc bunk of 5an rrancl.'C > , Cal . IV * ' llnpbel M ( lotorn. Ao | < ! o-t > . c'nl . l't.0) Iwo ili > pnslt4irs through e M , I'ar n At Co , San rrnnelsro , Cnl 10 , ( i I Murol , Tall.ihansce , Kla fi.OA .las K nl h. Cliiirlestnii , SC fi.iKH .1 A ( rltcldow , Santa FV. N N fi.diO Jed llrnlley , I'nrl" . Tex fi.On W I ) l.nnls , llnbylon. I. . I. , N. V WOO PAV I.eDln. Hi7 Nonlnvestflin Ave , Chi- eHRo. Ill . . r.,01 < AinliThon Simmons , ( lalnoivlle. ( la. . . . fi.OJ llrewer .V Snnslna. lllos < otn. 'lex fi,0 I'rnnk W. Hnnsoin , Jarksoii , Mtrli fi.l 0 < M llnrrill , WftterMlle , Me . . . „ fi.wiu J I ) Houston , Hot Sprlim.s , Ark MUM David W Stnllloy. SebnRn l.ako , Me. . . 5.0JO J Mempbls , nnd Sam I llsenthal , Jarkson , Tcim .tnrongh r'lrst National Ilnnk of Memphis , Term . , . " ' . " "I I'li-st National ltnk ! t Chli-n o , 111 . . . . O.U-0 A T Haiti' , tlirnnah Amlo Cniirornian lliinlcil.lmltedi. Snn Kraniiscj. . . . f-lX J A Johnston. Weldoll. N U 2,5il Miss H c ( lark. Oxfuiil , N C . 2,50) ) I. A I.orinff. .1 llati lieldor st. . Dorchester. Mass . . 2W ) AVultiT A Tonnis. lloMon , Mass . 2,0X ( ) ( I , Kolbi'iilnirg ID I.u st , Huston , Muss Srm ( leo W Chamberlain , Mlddlctown , Mil. . . . SKH I' V Fuller. Tiinnton , MI\SH M.WD J T I'reshwntcr , Ki ( Inlcnnlo at , Now Or leans , l.n . 2.IVW Mr.s.l A Amlei .ni : , Atlntita. On 8.WW 'llm II Ityiin , Jiuksou , Mich L'.ffll D II llrock , San Marclal. Now Muxlro . . . 2EO ) A dejxisltor throimh AVclls , largo A Co , KrnnrKco.Cal 2.01 J < ! elirlp , Nox\ York rlty 2,50) KllaH Scliuttinan , I'.fl llowory N Vrlty . 2,50 II .1 Premium , 1VJ K llroadway , N A' cltj' . , 2/00 DrW Wilbur. Lynden ash T . . . 2.50J XM Woiidruif , Unlli'svlllo. All 2/.0) . John .lohnston. 'fc'J Mnth nve. N. V.CItv. 2,500 ' John Campbell , I'UMO liable * , Cal . . 1 , > 0 DHAWINC ! Ot'Ti'LV III. IhS- " . Jncob 1'olilu.vnnd Aittflo Cnllfornll bulk ( Mnilted , Sun Kram Isro , Cnl . . . ) . ( ) 0 IIII I'ondl.'t ni , Ksthenlllo. Iowa : ! 0.0 < HI JoslnliC Mitchell , lloston. Muss 13.00J Andrew ( InllaKlior. I'll lliint > slnra St. , lloston , Jlnss. . . . I'.OO ) Thn City .National bank , Dill is. Te < c . . 15,0 .0 . roiutb National b.uik , , Tex . . . 15.10J \Veldun A'an Stelnbnrnli , n > C ilnmbla St. , New A ork City. . 11.0)J ) thas Ilinmerlch , IH coliitabla St. , New Yolk City ) "i,0 0 CIl is l'l.\tl ( y& Co. Syracuse , N. A' 10i )0 ) A depositor , 1'unplas lank. Now Orleans , I'J.OOH Ilurnet Hu'lus , Now Vork. . . . . . GiU ) .1.1 lloyellsnnd Krank Mclxoon , Mobllu , Ala . n.OOO C II Klchnvds .V Co . New Vork Citv . . fi.lkiO I'lrst Nutlonnl llmi't ot Mobile , Ala . fi.OOl Norfolk Nntlonnl bank. Noi f.ilk , A'n 5UJ ) A tlejiosltor through Wells , 1'nrgi ) Jc Co. , Snn Kranelsco , Cnl r.otX ) Jus" . M. JenkinsHome , ( la . . , vuoj Anchor SnvliiKS Hank , I'lttsbnr , I'a . . . 2 , > lO Sonthwestein Nnt'l Hank. Philadelphia 2.500 J W I'.itterson. llnvcrlll. Mass . . . . . . 2 ) J Mo os Dlsoloti , llurerlll. JIass . . 2 , > 0) A depositor tbroimlvVell.M , San Krnnrlsco , Cul Serb I. Low , lloston , Mass " ' " ' " ' " ' KUw Joubbrt'r > i"'N"clalboruo st' Now ' Orleans , La | ,2.-o , ! Dully , I'hlladolphla , I'a 1.2.VI U livansNelson , Now A'ork l,2.-iO , DHAWINC OK A1T(5USI'7. ( ISS . AtlKllurtdeKCD , Columbus. O | -.OUO IU1K lUcluinlsoii.l-Nirt Worth.Tex . I.I.OJU A [ isillloOrlsanlll , 1 rent st , near Jackson Ht I'orry , Cietnn , Ln 15000 Joseph HbhlioiiKli , l-"l 1 Irst st.Ullzabeth , A ileposltnr through Wells , Knrgoio , Snn rranelsi-o , Cal l..OOO .Mary I , ( 'nllender , NoA'oik city . . . . i.VcOJ Amos Marsh. Orange. N .1 . . . . 1000 Joe Itlvard. llomestakn WoodCamp.near llrownsvlllo. Dak , tliroiiKh Klrst Na- bank of Deatluood. Dak A depositor tbrouuh Wells , Taruo 4. Co. San I'ranclsco , Oil . . . . . . . 5000 .1 M Woolrldye. Gllllam , Mo . n'ooJ Stewart \ llradway. ItrliU'Oport , Ind. . . . 5'iW ) Aloii7o HdwnrdH. Ithaou , N Y . . . rOJU 8 Goldfarb , ll Division st. N V city L'o ; o A correspondent at Okford.Mlss hrougn Hlckhan * Moore , 21SGravler st , Now Oi leans , La . . , frttY ) .1 Splro , Michigan City. Ind . r/OJO O ( I Tropunler , llonnot Carro , I' O St John tlio Itnptlst , La . -,000 Nnfl Hank of Commerce , Kansas City. Mo . . . flojo ' ' .1 Ileltrnmlnl. New A'ork city . . . . . s'uou American Hxpress , Chicago , Ills . nodi ) Merchants Ihtnk of Atlanta , ( Ja . 2.500 A Depositor throiiRli Louisiana National bank. New Orleans , La ' Kranelsco. Cal. DUAAVINO OK Jacob Sblpsey. New Y'ork city John H llowalil. Columbus , O. oiiKi Comnuirclnl Nnt'l bank of Columbus , o 10 000 Clms H Sawall , Adams Express Co , Hos- ' ton , Muss . 5030 Merchant ) ) National bank of Newbury- port. Mass , thiouKli Maverick National bank of lloston. Mass . r > 000 Merchants Nat'l bnipc of Snvnnnnh , Ga . 5 000 J O'.ltomau , St James I'arlnh , Ln . fi.OOO Ohio Vulley Nnt'l Hnuk of Cincinnati , U. 5.0JO H L llennett , care of Southern HunK of ( in , Siirnnunh , ( ! n . " . C.COO Jas Helm , for State National Hank , Now Orleans La . fi.OOO Hank ot Moysville , Ky . , 5000 AiiKlo-L'nllfoniliui Hank , Snn Krnncl&co , Cal . 5.000 A depositor through Wells , FarKO * Co , San Kranelsco , Cnl . "i.OOl Clarence Hou.ud , WashtiiKion , DC . a.iui ) C C ( Iralnun , MnrysvlHo , Jlo . 2iOO ( lias T Bilk. Gttlesvlllo. Wls . 2,500 KdvMifd Holmnn , Kmlgrnnt Gap , Cal . 2,500 Klrst N'ntlonol Hank ot Temple.Tox . 2,500 Jsinel fc'olisman , Nev Vork City . 2,50) A depositor through Loiiiblnuu National Hank , New Orleans , La . 2,500 J S Ayer. Luwiston , Mo . 2r > 0i ) Snmuet Wolfe , Kilen , Now Mexico . . . . 2.5I-0 Klrst Nnt'l llunkof Sulphur Hprinis.Tux. 2,600 A dopoiltor throuuh Wells , Kaiio \ Co , , San I'rnnclsco , Cnl . . . 2fiOO JolmMlll.T , I'lillndolphln , I'n . 2,500 John Weader , Mulberry , Ind . . . . 1,250 AV A SlmonilH , Mnnslk'ld Centre , Ct . . . 1'JV ) I ) ( lelKiT , South Chicago , 111 . J.250 James llobaids , Illllsilale , .Mich . 1,260 Martin AVolclMhrougu Atlanta bank , At lntita , Tex . l.Sifl It C Porter , Central Mnilc Hull , Chlra o. 1,2W John Welnnls , Jr. HI Derbl'ney ( St. , New Oilcans , Ji . 1,3.10 1) W Ilolleubeck , Auburn , Cal . 1,250 DltAAVING OK OCTOIJKIt 3. 18S3. ( ii'oico Llclithardt , Sn"f.imontoal ; . 11,0)0 1' M llenthcote. Derilek City , I'a . IIOW AUK K Iiiiisp , Seneca , Kas . llOiH ) Meichants Nnt'l Hank of Helena , Mont. . 15,000 I 1) HlioJas , Knfaulu , Ala . lii.OOO II It Chllds. Kast Hoston , Mass . 15.00) Hun 8 Collins , SkowhoKnn , Me. , thronili J < 'lrHt Natlonul llnulc of Skowheunn . , 15,000 John T. Claver , Murray , In. , through Murray Ilnnk . . . 15,000 J. C. 1'iiHibstet & M.C.IInnull , Vancouver WadhliiKton 'i'errltory . 15,000 I" . .M. Locke. Coldwntor , Miss . 13,000 J. W. McGhee , Oskaloosn , Kan . 15,01)0 A. Wlllnril , a ent , Uunymas. Mox . } lM ) C S Wood , Htitaw house , llaltlmuro , Mil. . 5 OIM Ilovro H lluntor. Ncwberry , S 0 . 6.00J 12 M C.ihoy , 22 Olivier St. , St Algiers , La 5.0JO H Clark , Charleston , Tex . j oou AVmS Haley , Now York . . , . n.DOO ! ' ( ' Klnir , New York . ft.OJO Chnrlus Joseph Hurkiiid , 70 N.Mnrgln bt. , llostonMuss . , . jj.ojo A depositor through Wollb , Karyoi Co. , Snn 1'ruuelico . . . f > ,000 I'ufltlc or San rranclsco , Cal . fimo Cbarlusdolfhart. Greenville. Mich . . . n.ooj Mclntyro.V Hlitunliousf. ( molunatl , O , . 1 2.V ) H W Lameon , Jamesto u. N , A' . . . . 1.250 J'rank I'ranson , U41 Woodland nt , Cleveland - land , O . . . . . , . j.250 Miss Violet llachmun , Allegheny Clty.l'a i,2W A. A. Diufonbivrh , tbrongb Klngstou Savings Ilnnk , Klncston. Mo . 1'iM Maulatflj Nntiounl Ilnnk , M luiistee , Mich t50 Mrs , James C.Sprlngor , 'JJO Mth St. , Son til Hrooklyn , N.V . 1,250 A depositor through \VolH , I'arco k Co. , Sun Kranclaoo , Cal . 1,350 Will O'Cullanlian , Kast SaKlnaw , Mich. . . l.M ) London , Paris .V American bank ( Limit * od ) , Son I'ranclscso , Cnl . 1,259 DUAWINO OK NOVKM1JI3K 13. 1839. P O Minor. I'liittmnouth , Neb . 15.0O ) Lydla Jlehme , IHSUtli St. , Now Orleans , La . . 1,1,000 Kd Clayton. 1C. Sixth St. , Louisville , Ky 16.W ) ItJCurtln , rnio of Dunham , Morris \ I Co. , I'nlon htock Ynrds , CliiciiRo. in u ooo Mrs M Ansol , 7V \ ' i \Vtll \ Jlowitn , < U Lnuil St. . tit.Louis. Mo. . A depositor through Well * , Fargo it Co , , Bun Krauciicp. Cul. . . , 15,000 Mra U York , r ru of A 8 Illake. agent -Jia Canal bt root. New York Clly . . . u.coo Ousper Weaver. Wuverly , Mo . . . . 15,000 lilmouil O mm OeoO Albeit. Ittf We t MoplaStroet. Dayton. 0 15.00U A rti-posltor through Wells , 1'urgo It Co. , Son Francisco , Ciil . . 6 , ( < OG Alfred K Wackfmil , Surlngllelil. Mn > 5.HOO 'riK''iun-MnOovftn. L'obnrgh. la fW ) William .Mutitnlui ) , 1M Illoomtlolil itrret , Hobokun. N. J . . s.O.'O Daniel o'riulllran , Markhum , Cal . 5ooj J , 11. Canibell. I'urcoll , liul. Ter. . . . A.UOI . < ) -.5l < J 3..VW S H } ) ' ' ' " ' i Hiililiimil. ( inllon.'O . . - - . , 41 Jdat , New Orleaus , W 0 Ttarrey , Jr. 1JJ1 P. Car ? st , nich- inond , Va . . . ; . . 2,6iW A depositor nt .tacknon , Mlrli. . through Aincrlcnn Ktprpss , Cnlro. Ill IfSA V W 8lmIer. ( U5 Ltullow st , N V city I.KW OH llimllck. Clnclnnnll , O . . I.2.V ) l'lr. t Nntlonnl llnnk , Clilcniro , 111 . 1.2.V ) Mi-i I' MdinnnM. AikmlPlplim , Ark . . 1.2-W S II Kaullmnn , llcailliiR , I'n . lSM Kor full p.irtlrtilar Df the Ornml Mnmnioth Hrnwiiv < if I tn lni . HOP sihyiuo luauotlior coliuiiii of IhU ( inii The rosy freshnost mill velvety softness - ness of the skin i * Invariably oMuinoil by llioso who use Po//.oni's ( Joinploxiou I'owdot * . A fjltilo Newsboy's -Stilt. Now York Times : , The Manhattan Klovtitcd Huilroad compiiny will shortly luivo lo iinswor In the i-onrt of c-ommoii picas a suit fot"M,00j ( tlaina es , brought , npninst it by Michiiol Uioek , a littto twelvo-ycur-ohl newsboy. Hovn8 so- vorolybL'titcn on two occasions this your , once in ilnnunry and once in July , by the olevati'd road guards , anil a imin- bcr of prominent lo al and btninoss men who witnessed the uswuilu Inxvo announced their intention to testify in the trial for this little follow. Ho is an orphan and lives with his undo , Bar tholomew Mclvoon , at H18 Sixth avenvo , and is reported by his people to bo an honest and hard-woi-lung boy. One afternoon in January iio boarded a Sixth avenue train at Chambers street station about r o'clock and was sitting quietly in his .sent with his bundle of papers in his lap when two guards' who had been -eeii in conversation with Inspector specter Kelly , of the Manhattan News company , came in the car 113 it stopped at Twenty-third street and com menced to roughly drag him out on the platform. The boy naturally resisted , and for his pains had his papers scat tered about and trampled on and was tntido tlio recipient of several severe blows and Idt'lts. Hero the pas.-engors in the car and on the station interfered and threatened the guards with condign punishment unles- , they instantly re- loused the boy. They finally did so.and he staid in the car till his station ( Forty- second street ) was reached , where he limped oft' without his little sloelc in trade and crying bitterly. His people did not want to enter a long litigation then and let the matter drop , but after the second abnault in July , which was very similar to the llrst one , his uncle wont to Mr. Dawson and tlio case was placed in Air. Grant's hands. Ailvlco to Brothers. Mrs. Winslow's Roothin ? Svnip should al ways be usi'd for children teething. H soothes the child , softqus the Kiiius , "Un.V.s alt p.iln . , curesjwind colic , and is the bust remedy for diarrliuu. U. > u a' bottle. A Claim on His Hospcut. Chicago Tribune : Reporter In quot ing your remark's , colonel , do you wish mo to print the word Bible with a small b ? Noted Infidel Not necessarily. The book lias a claim on my rospcct , sir. I have made nearly all my wealth by abusing it. The most scientific compound for the euro of coughs , colds and all throat and lung troubles is Dr. Higelow's Positive C'ure. It is pleasant , prompt and safo. 50 cents and 81. Goodman Drug Co. A Sure ; Puck : "Any important news in rail road circles to-dayVasked the editor as briber rushed into the oflice and hastily lognn to scribble on a pad. "Yes ; tlicro must be a frightful acci dent down the road , for when I called nt the ollico I was told there was no in formation for the " press to-day. An Almoluro Ouro. The ORIO1NAL , AUIBTINE OINTMENT Is only put up hi lure two ounce tin boxes , anil is nn ubsaluto cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and nil .skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL , AUICTINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug : Co. , at 'i3 cents per box by "mil 30 cents. After the Sugar Trust. New YOIIK , Dec.1. . General Hoprcr A. Pryor , lor the people of the state of Now York , this morn nig opened the supar trust irosocution before Judge Harrot in the Su ireiiio court. The particular trust under mibldorutton to-day is the North Uivor Itclluing company. Croup may bo prevented by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon us the child bhows the first symptom of , hu disease , which can always bo done if the remedy iskopton hand. Iloar&o- icss is the first symptom of croup. Sold by all druggists , _ _ A Naval Militia. Nr.w YOIIK , Deo4. . Aaron Vnnderpool , chairman of the naval rcsorvo committee of the board of trade and transportation , ap- lointed October 10 , has distributed a circu- ur seeking information and suggestions .omihintf the necessity of establishing naval nllltiu for the United States by let'iilutlve enactment. BTCIFT'S SPECIFIC Ii entirely a Tcjetabla rropuratlon con taining 110 Uorcur7 , Potub , AucaJc , or elbe * poltonout Jubilances. BWlfT'S SPECIFIC Hai cured nundiAds of c.uclof rptthtllo. Via or Canorrof the Ekln , thousaudio of Ecipma , Dloort Ilumorn and bkln DU nil hundreds of thousauds of casoJ ula , Dlood I'oleou and Blood. Talut. WI1T3 6PECIKIO Hat rcllerod Ihouianrticf cases of Iferco- rial Pobonlnj , llbeuiuntUni and SUitnun of IboJoluti. _ OiUITAXOOOl. Tsuii. JunotT. 1338-Sirirt'i pocino Oo. . Allan W , Oa.-Oeulkmcn i lu Hit srly pcrtot tboproteut year , a lioJ ensoul llixiil iiol.ou upueorod upon mo. I ln'Ca tAkluu ti. a. 3. uuuer adrlJu of nnothur , an today I feel grnMly Uiipl-ored. I am HI takluz tbo moJloliiu end thall ronllnuu to ila to ntil I tr. prrfaotlwall. . I b.llavo It U ) aeot a parted curv , Vour truly. 1)00. P. Howtnn , 111 West t > UUi St. COI.fMOU , S. O Julr 7. 13S8-Tho Swift pecinrdn. , Atlanta , Oa.-O uili iuen1 wu tfroatiulturur/ro'ii inuioular rbnumatltni for two years. I could got no pcimunvnt r- Il r from any medicine Lrnortbo. ! l > y my physician. I took ortr K doton IxUlfxi of your H. 3. , nnd now I am M well l urer vrnj In my life. I am sure jour modluln * cured ma. and I would rMommouil It lo uny onf iiiacrlutf from any blood dlejaia. Your * truly , O. K. Hconis. , Conductor O , U O , IL R , ' Wieo , Tntu , May 9 , 1333-flontlonicn : Th wife of onu of my customurs WM terribly mictvd with a l6alhsom ikludls u .Ui l yor r J her wlioj * bo ly. Sin waqonlln d to l r btil for vcral yean by this nrai"ik , " - . . . . .UB uistaio i > am i thxklllof . poyilcans who treated It. Her busban3 flnilly giving bis wife Bwlf I's ana sb * ooi menc 4 to Imprgvuul dlauly , and In tew wo k ibe was p- tuUy well. Bae la now hearty nu > UnK lady. wltU no trace of Iho ainictloa K. your , rery truly , / K. SEIK * . Wbolesalo Drmalst , Auitlo At enue. I Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlso&Mi mallei frw , Tux Bwin Erccirig Co. , Ortwer t , Allacla , ( Jo. ) New York , 754 Droadwiy. , 1 ruu.uomblncxl. UuarantiultK * ouly one Intbe vorld KtncntU > a acoiitlnoous EltctHo Magntttt tifreuTrnt , Bclwitinc. Powerful , Uurable. OomforUkle auit Effective. Arold f rsuds. ( ) > eri , OOicurril. ) BrDdHumpforpuiipbljb KLEo-rillO IJKLTH Full jJl-EABt'lT rfft HEVlflVlllIOlf , 181 W/UUM / AVE , . CHlCAflO. AHH TUB SoM Your teftlivef IS OUT OF ORDER ? H.EAD THES IF IT IS. A Proprietary Meillcine that neetVi to prove Ita worth. . Or , Calender's ' loft Llnr litters , TBe only Distilled Hitters In tlis UnlleJ Btatcs. TUB only IJlttors recognized by the United State * Internal reveimo law * 03 a Pro prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No of I'atfnt 149,073. Contains no fnsll essential oil * , no foreign substance or dninng. tag drugs. A perfectly tmte medicine , com. poundml from Purs Hoot ilurbi nnd Did Peachi plsa nntto thn taste , quiet nntl decisive In It * effect. Cures Dyspepsia jr Yellovr Janndlc * In flr days , lleciilateit thp Dowels. Invleorntes Inactlre Lwer , Cures Diseased Liver , HeTlve * tha Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly. Reimlntcr the wnolo system. Now Ufa to thi whoU irstem. ol.eftl.lver Hitters nro oM In Onmlm , Neli.tiytna llowniK ilruu.'nn IUrlianl < un Dnm ' ' " sroi..i - limit int r. il.neiitsi > ti.iolin r MutisKy.Murreirs I'lmriii icy .Intum horiytti , II. ( ' lloll , Dr. .1. J.SiiTlllo , C M.l'ru. ey.l' Chnnillfr , llnlin'a I'linrmncyUnnioy.V liar's J.t' ICiuK.J W l'lnrki'.1 II. Hclimlilt , Mnr llecht.J II'hrl'ienson. . W. If. I. mbi'r cm , II. H. Cor , M r Conrml , Fr r It w. I'ouH , It. llasnms < on , Ho" , llixnlor Hoyd's I'harmicy , 0. A. Melcher , llowunl Meynr * . I'rank Dollnnn A Cn trholusalo dealers In Olcara unJ LeftMrer Ultltfrs GLOVE - FITTING CORSETS IIAY13 NiVKIl IJUBN KQl'Aii TO PIIUS- KNT MAICK. Jl O U K P O P lr _ | j A U THAN EVEH. A I'KKKKrT IflT OUAUANTKKI ) . Throe Lonfrtli3 Short , Medium nnd Hx- Twelve Grades. Highest Awards a . { v- ' L'c/W yWvwv'V' " Granted. THE BUST GOODS AND C IIEAJ'KST QUALITY. FOK .ftttK EVERYWHERE. THOMSON , LANGD6N & CO. , NEW YORK. SOI.K JIANUK Mention ttio Omntiu dee. anil Tumor * cured * 2& ntpcrlctice. ? So KnlTc. GANGER ll l Wiibaiih A\Cilciitfolll. SteekPiano jtemarhnlfte for powerful ayiapt theUc tnne.lillabla action and b. oimto aurablllly. 0) years' recort 1E bant suaranteo of th iool- lenca ot inane Instrument ! ! . HYF THE BEST U I LO SOL HOUSE Superior Quality and Reduced Prices. We have decided to offer for the bal- aiuo of this month a.special inducement to cash buyers throughout the west to purchase an overcoat or ulster at bot- tota prices. Our entire wholesale slock of $60,000 worth to select from , embrac ing Fine Klysiuns , Heavers. Chincillas. Meltons , Kot'ooys , and Fur Beavers. There is no fabric too expensive for our ready-made OvorcoaU , ando guarantee them to be bettor in every respct than low priced Custom work. We mention a few of the special lots which we offer at the sale. Lot No. 1 , Price $25. Is a Diagonal Chinchilla in two colors. Brown andHluclined throughout body & sleeves witiiWin.Skinner&Son'sibeht syt- in < Sr in every detail of manufacture , they are as near perfect as we can make them. We olVer those Overcoats to gentlemen who can appreciate perfect work and superior materials , but who do not want to pay tailors 155 , which they would have to do for one of equal quality , i'25 ea-li. Wo unhesitatingly claim that thogarinentcannotbo bough't outbido of the Continental for less than Lot No. 2 , Price 20. Wo offer 160 r.luo Chinchilla Overcoats - coats , lined with a light colorotl woolen liniiifT. satin sleeves , piped cilfjcs antl iiinclc equal to any custom Knrinent. We o.xpeot thsit this will lie one ot the most popular lots olTorcil nt this sale. The lrico ) is lower than the same cent ran bo bought for in repular retail stores nnd lor business ijioave reroinmond this as one of the best values we have ever offered , t Lot No. 3 , Price $15. This lot is made of blue chinchilla , perfectly fast color , made and trimmed to give perfect satisfaction. No cheap i trimmings used in any of our low priced I garments.Vo recommend tliib lot for , a medium priced ptrmcnt , knowtnt ; that the purchusor will be entirely snt- islled with it. L'rieo $15 ; all sl/.es ; 115 to 14. Lot No. 4 , Price $10 We offer L'OO Metis' Plain Moscow I Heaver Overcoats in blue and brown at $10. Thin is the lowest priced overcoat Umt we recommend to outtrade. . For $10 nothing bettor can bo purchased than this garment , guaranteed lobe perfectly honest in every respect. All sizes. We believe that the cent in sold for $16 in the ordinary course of trade , Men's ' Ulsters. Mono * Chinchilla Ulsters S10 to $ i % Men's Klysian Uistors , $10 to $ 2. Men's. Irish Frie/.o Ulsters. Men's Capo Overcoats. Mon.s Fur Trimmed Overcoats. Men's Kur Trimmed UUttors. Men's Kur Overcoats ot all kinds. MAIL OUDKUS. Send for iv sainpto garment of any of the lots advertised aii'l it it is nol satisfactory in every respect , return at our expense. C Corner Douglas and 15th Street , IKE XOT XSia CHILD U.ILKS BEftX is tm Anchor" Stone Building Blocks , real ntone , thnra cotorn. Tim II1SHT PUHSENT furl 'clilMrcu aiul uilnlta For $1.75 or 20) a Rood ° r Descriptive Catalogue , cent pait-frao , to Fi AD. RICMTCH & CO. , 310 Broadway , tjuvf Vork. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 2i8S. 15th St. , Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY l > jW Which is the Hiost Popular Ming House in Omaha ? nip FARNAM STREET , \ / / U \ O Because the goods they sell are merchant tailor madethereby insuring goods V w II T style and workmanship.and the prices are considerably lower than elsewhere GAZE ON THESE PRICES. OVERCOATS. $9.OO buys n CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $2O. $11.DO buys a CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $22. $18.75 buys a good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $28. $ I6.OO buys a fly front WAKEFIELD DRESS OVERCQAT , which was made to order for $ OO. $2O.OO buys a KERSEY OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $4O. $24.OO buys a Satin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , wjilch was made to order for $ BO. $28.BO buys a Silk Lined TREBLE MILLED MELTON OVERCQAT.which was madeto order forOO $3O.OO buys the finest SCHNAEELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $05 $3D.OO buys a fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWLCOLLAR ) OVERCOATwhich wasjmado lo order for $7O. 4O.OO buys a FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $83. RRECT STYLES , Elegantly made and Trimmed , $0.6O buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $2O. $11.CO buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was in ado to order for $22. $13.75 buys a Straight-out Sack Suit , which was made to order for $ 8. $ I6.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit ; which was made to order for $30. $2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , whjch was made to order for $4O. $24.00 buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $ SO. $28.5O buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , whioh was made to ojiclcr ft > p J0& . $ OO.OO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( Imp. ) 4-ButtonCutiawou ; * 5vfi cl } Wa ? made to order for $60 An elegant andQOmpiete assortment of PANTALOONS , from $2.50 to $9.00 ALL ALTERATIONS TO IMPROVE A FIT MADE FHEB OF CHARGE A fine line of Dress Suits for sale or rent. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 FARNAN STREET , 1119. OMAHA , NEB. < " - * " n rr T