EIGHTEENTH YEAJR. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER o , 188S. NUMB Ell 175 THE SENATE SUBSTITUTE , Mills Thinks Thnt It Will Pass the Houso. FOR SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. KrprosentnthrM lioiitcllo of Mnmo , niidrIho > iinHorilllnolsni'iilloiid A Hill to Prevent I'ood Adultcr * ntlon Hclnu Considered. WASHINGTON' HiinnMt TiiKOvnn * . HRE , ) la rofllTKEVTIlSTIlRBT , > WASIIISOT , D. C. , Dec I I 'Jho senate committee on finance nl Its meeting to day decided that the senate sub Hlllulu for tbo Mills tariff bill , shall bo pushed to a vote , and that II shall take prcc- ( dcnco over all other business before the senate. At the Informal healing represent atives of the culloij ami the cooperage inter estswcro heard. Shortly before - o'clock Senator Allison , for the committee , called up the Hubititute , and asked Unit the formal reading of iho bill bo dispensed with , but Senator Vance , of Noith Carolina , objected , and tl.o clerk was p 'occodin with the read ing , when Mr. Vance announced that the object in dcmundhig thnt the bill bo read wns to secure delay , ns It was desirable that there should bo an understanding among the democrats us to what amendments u ill bo offered. This , ho said , could not bo deter mined befoio J o'clock to morrow afternoon Senator Allison said that the republican members of the senate would not interpose obstructions , under these circumstances , but that they would bo willing lo giant the delay desired , and with this understanding tliafun- ale adjoin ncd until lo morrow. Sovci.il le- publican mcmbcis of the senate committee on finance informed jour cotiespondcnt this afternoon llmt the programmo adopted pro vlilcs that the bi'l ' shall bo first discussed bi sections , and Unit amendments slnll booted on seriatim. After Ibis is done it will again bo considcied by sections and additional op portunlty will bo given to amend. It is the expectation of the republic ins that the final vote will bo tulvcn before tlio holidays , unless tlicio nro evidences of factional opposition on Iho p.ut of Iho democrats It is not thought that the ilemociatic son- ulors will try lo ohslruct , ami ns a conss- IJUUIILO , those in cliaigc of the measure ex pect Unit it will bo ready to send back lo Iho house befoie the holidays The chances aio that the bill w 111 bo modified in several im portant paitieulais , which will win foi it the hiippoi t of some of the southern dcmocrals who voted for the Mills bill Among other things pioposed is a modification of the sugar schedule so Unit the cut on that stapla will fall a little bolowr Iho figure proposed by Iho bill as il camu from tbo finance committee. Mr. Mills , chairman of the committee on ways mid means , haul to d i.v th-it ho thought that the son.ilo would send over to the house a bill which would bo lil.ely to meet the ap proval of ilia i opublic.ins .is a body , as well us sevei.il demociats. He said further that ho thought the bill , or rather the biibslilute , would scenic enough \otca in the house lo insure its passage. Mr Mills diagnosis of Iho situation is en doiscd b\ the it-publicans They say that the scniitu bill will doubtless icpc.il the tobacco tax cntnely , and that if it does it will ceitainh secuio the snppoit of a num ber of the demociutic ! mcmbois from the tobacco growing regions. It is piudicluu that Iho senate bill will cer tainly bccuro the suppoit of the cntuo ic- pnblican side of ihe house , us well as the votes of tbo four democrats , Sox\don , of Pennsylvania , Hliss , Merrmtu und Grccman , of New York , who voted against the Mills bill , as well as Handull , of I'cnnsvlvania , and Foi mi , of Ohio , ono of whom was iibscnt mid the othei did not vote when Iho bill came up for action in the houso. Jtiaingucd further that ns a reduction of tbo surplus is ono of iho things for which the doinocials have been contending , there will be olhels fiom Iho mil Ibcrn and wesl- ern states who will bo inclined to vote fpr the substiluto , rather than bee Iho session brought to an end without the accomplishment of this object , rurther than this , these who mipport the rcpuohcan view of tlic siluuliou say , Hint the vopeal of the tobrcco tuxcj will bo sure to bccmo the support of the members from Noitb Carolina , Virginia and Ten nessee , win fo constituents nio diiCctiy inter ested in tobacco culture. Among tlioso who aio counted upon as suroto suppoit the substitute aioCowles and . 'obnston ' , of North Caiolina , Wise and OTarrell , of Viiglmu , and possibly Phelan nnd Knloo , of Tennessee. Secncy , WilUlns mid Foi nn , of Ohio , and Hull and ICt men- trout , of Pennsylvania , are among the list rmuUcd as sure to veto for iho bomite sul sti- tuto , rathci than for no bill nt all. Your eoncspondent made an effort to nsccitain the due sentiment of the mcmlcis of tbo house from the tobacco regions this afternoon , towards the proposition of Iho t-cnato While the nllonipt was not fruitful in definite icsiilts , it was evident fiom tbo talk of Ihouiombc'is seen , thai the icpubliciu View of the situation is well founded , nrd t bat there are six or eight democi alic iiicin- bcmfiom the southern Htatos , who will sup poit iinj measure which proposes to lelicvo lliolr people fiom tlio burdens ot the tobiuei tax , whether the tailtT upon impoits Is cut in two or al lowed to rcm lin i s It now mists , Tor these reasons it s ems certain that Ihe scmito bill will Im piusedbybjti bouses at Ihw session , II erobv relieving 1 r tudent HiiU'Jsou of the necessity of call ing an extra hcssion of congress O e of the most potent la ( Ins In diawlng thoc'emocials ' to Uio t.uppoit of the Rcnato MilHtitut" is this fact , us an o\tui SQ-.SIOII would depiivo several hundrus of their fi lends of their places. 1OII M ( IIKTtlil Ol Till. VV\ \ . Thciouietwo icpubltean mombeis of the lioiu.c now who aio aUnicting even moro al- tentioii than the tin co randidatcM for speaKer of the Pifty lirst congiobs. They are Cnpt- iiiii Houlello , of Mitino , and Captain Thomas , of Illinois. Their mimes aio being v < ty fteuli used In Washington In connection with the sccretari ship of the navy under Presi dent lluulson Verynniio men high up in the ( oimcilrt of tlio I'.utj ' , and ( juilo a number who have iccenlly talked to tbo piesidout- c'lccl , believe thai one of these gentlemen urn } ho culled to the may poiifoilo Hotb aiu Hplcndid fellows and uithei would make a good secretary of the n.iv.s. llotli luuu fpleiulnl milltiiry records , Ciiplam llautullo will bo fifty jours old on the lull of 1'obrii nij. Ho Is n native of Iho Pine Ti co state ) , nn Intimate fiiend of Mr Hliiine , and heivcd in the navy during the late war , Alter the tioubte , which ended upon the surrender of General Leo ul Appomltox , ho I etui ncd to Ilia Btnto and was an editor until ho came to tungrojtt mic.urt ago Ho has been a mem bo i of the house cumnmtoo on nnvul aftaiis for four i ours. Captain Tliomna is foi ty two jcius old , and a nati\o of Illinois. Ho nerved during ihu war of Iho lubellion with crcat iivdit. uftciwaidb he became blatcs nttorne.v , inul then came to uongicss ten jeara nso , Buceceding Logan. He has for six or eight ycius brcu a member of the com- mlttco on naval atfairs , luis made n study of marine and naval mullein , becoming nn ex- pcil imvagntor , ill leant In theory , nml hus ilrslgncd a number of cruisers ami men of- \\iir , one nf which will bo adopted by the government. Ho Is intensely popular , yeiy tnniu'lous nnd would I'o very original weto he in the position with which ho has been connected b > tbo gossip \\ashington , lOODADll.rCIIVTIOV. There will bo a inciting of the house com snlttuu on niM'icultuia next week for the pui- puso of ngieoliig upon ono of the food milliter- nlion bills , w Filch il is intended shall bo luitiod to ullnal passasjo during the present ictslou of contficss , Tlicio uro four or llvo of Ihcso bills on Ihe calendar. ] \ > ine\oil months during the last session thciewusa thorp sXJitultiu over lucasuui cl this chri.iv- tcr , nnd long investigations wore made bj the npnoultiirnl committees of the two houses The light Hist enmo up , anil in fact is now being conducted , between the poik packers and the compound lard inainitiutin- cis , No matter what form the food adulter ation bill comes up In it is a struggle to put n stop lo tlio manufacture nnd sale of compound lard , and pork p.u K - eis in Hoston , New York , St. Louis , Omaha , and elsewhere , mo working to e- euro the final adoption of some kind of u bill on the subject The. south is urravdl in op position to the proposition , boeius il means u cessation of tbo consumption of cotton seed oil , which goes into the composition of man- fact mod lard Members of the hous" com mittee suv one of the various bdln on the cal ender will probably be pissed. Theic is a special order giving two dn.vs to the com- milleo foi Hie consideration of food adultera tion bills , and one is to bo selected for eon- sideintion among tlioso on the ealcndir. Theio Is no nsstirinoe , howcvor. that the senate will adopt the bill even If it passes the house. The south Is to make a bitler re sistance. in > v. mm p i u. Hon. Alfied Uly , of Rochester , N Y , was on the floor of the house todaj , mid nt- tractcd a greit deal of attention. Mr lily wns a member of cotiRtoss in 101 when hos tililies woio raging licicelv between the 1101 Ih and sotilh mid there were irro.it bit- ties cvciv dain thu Old Dominion , Imme diately south of Washington when he teamed that the bittlo nf Hull lun ! was about to take place , bis curiositv to see n saiiguht.H.v contest , such as that one prom ised to be , led him to go out of the house of ioprosunti'.tivos onodnandTlown into Vir ginia , to vlow the contest. While ho was calml.v looking on the light ho was taken Piisonerby Iho icbels and di.igged off to Richmond , vvltoro lie was thrown into Ltbby piison nnd kept for inanv months Klv's agony bec.itno intense when ho lellccted tint ho was a member of the federal congress , which was furnishing munitions of war nnd dlieeting Uio fedeial foiccs in the gical con test , and v el was umiblo to make his power felt , in piison. Some of the bolduts who wore outraged in the battle of-Hull Hun iccogni/'ed this afternoon and greeted his mesence on the lloor of tbo house. u ttsos's DIM vi. When Senator Allison was qucrried to-diy eoucerningn special telegram fiom Luna , O , in which Railroad Commisnionci Campbell , of lovvu , w.is quoted as s ivmg Uiat the sen ator had been offeicd the Hocielar.sship of the ttcasury bv Piesident elect Harrison , bo s\id : "I don t be-lievj Mr. Campbell made the statement 01 edited to him , for I have not seen him slnco the election , and he does not know Unit I have been tendeiod the nomina lion lefci red lo , because it lias not been of- feicd to me. I Icnow nothing mote about 111 } going into President Harrison's cabinet than the public knows " The impression is gam ing gionnd in Washington veiy rapidly thai Senator Allison will bo the uc xt scci et irj of tlio lrcasurnotwithst inding that bo icfuscs to stand iindei thest itoment 111 it ho is to be in charge of that poitiloho. ' AIIMI MATTI i.s. General Seholield h is determined to inau gurate , in the niniy , the system of niauouvois practiced in all the continental armies , and to that end ho to-day issued the following ordeis : "Supplemental1 to Article LXIX of the regulations , it is directed , with the up- pi oval of the soeietary of war , thai when not prevented In active semi e , all the avail able Inf.intiy. cavalry and light nrlillciy of the arm } , shall devote a put of each summer to practice marches , ciicaiiumi'Mit maneuvers and other field operations slinulutinir the op erations of aetti.il war. Toi this purpose the available foico of each division or depart ment will bo assembled in as lingo bodies as piacticablo , having duo ieg.ud to the number nnd to the location of Indians , v.'ho may possibly reciuno coitlrol Conecn- Irntion will , in gcnci.il , bo made by m u die's ' , bill In some case- when Iho st.ilo of the up propn.itions will permit , infantrj may bo sent by rail lo and from Iho place of concen tration , for tbo purpoiu of joint operations with the mounted troops. Piojocts will bo prepared in advance for each dcp.iitiiient , senaiatel } or in combination with other d"- pnrlments , as Iho division dopirtmont sh ill dncct. Tlic plans should cmbriic in del.nl , as far as practicable foi eueb bodv of troops , all Iho otdmar.v opcialionsof acttvo service for a command ot ils sii ? and composition. These plans , accompanied b.v estimates for miv additionrl funds which mv be luquircd , will , at a date sufllclc'titlv in advance of tbo Held season , be foi warded by the division commander to the adjutant genet al , for Uio acliou of the major genei nl ( omm Hiding the army mid the war do.jirlineiit. ' I UliOX VI . Captain Hughes , of tlio Ninth cavalry , ac companied bv hlri wife , is spending a few d ivs tit the libbllt house Ex-Senator and Mrs Van Wyck enter tained nt dinner the other evening at their residence , IsOl Massachusetts aventio , n few inlimalo fiicnds. Mr and Mis. Vim Wjelc aio at the Riggs house for scvcial weeks 1'nitin S. HUVTII. Tin : runs ! DUN r-nriUCT. lie 13 Preparing to Go on n Hunting ' , Dec 1 About the out- IN'Divroiis , only - of-town ca'loi1 of note upon the president elect to day was CJcaeial J. A. Williamson , of Iowa , ex eommisbioncr of the general land ofllco , who is on louto to Uoaton. Speaking of Sen itor Allison'a piob'iblJ meinbcrship of Piesldent-olect HariUoa's eiblnut , the o\- commissioner st ited thnt ho w is inclined to hellexe , afte a long iiciuaintance | with the low.i senator , that lie did not c.uo to le.uo the senate at piesent.und w Inlo ho thought it more than likely that Allison would be in- vttod to aeiy high se.it in the cabinet , tie thoucht It would bo declined , ana that the senator would recommend Viou Chilli man Cl.ukhon for a poi Ufollo. After Allison , ho felt that Cluritson was the choice of the louu lupublkaiiH. i't-iiiarriivv , if the wcnthor Is pica-glint , the lirjsidcnt doc t proposes to tal\o a lioliday and enjoy n littln grouse shooting. A few d ijs IIL-O ho iccoivcd a hamibomo present from Syracuse , N. Y , of u new p itont double biriel shotgun. H is olegi'itlv mounted ii. gold plate , and set In the bloeU is a fainall [ 'old dcBlgn , ujion which Im name is tnuraved , uiiil tlie words "Protection to Amerli'iin Industry " The piitj will leave to moriow over the Imiamipoll ! , Deciturit Hpri'in'Iiuld ra id The car will ho switched olT at some binall Ftution , and fiom that point they will malfou enmit and scour the Holds for fe.itheicd grime , Tlio Itcvci'rir of Itiinmudc. CirMo , , Dae. ) [ Special to Tin : Uin.l : A faw weeks ago the C'liiciiro p.ipeiH contained accounts of the olopcmcntof Misj Hoich , Iho ninoteon- yc.ir old daughter of a mi'liouniro capitalist of that city , with a J-OUIIR clerk named Cun ningham. J'hoOUIIR lady.it seems , was a social bollc\ and thomarriige created the usu il nine dny rossip In a largo circle ot filuulsund iuiualntancus. ] After the mar riage the . \ o ung couple came to Kaiibas City and for n few da ) s baaidodat a leading hotel Their money rjnningoiit , and no le mlttances coming from the wcullhy but irate father , Cunningham was forced to seek work. All the work ho cjuld llnd to do was nh .1 street inr driver , and he is now suing- in , ? the whip o\or n pair of metropoliliu inulus , and his liltlu wife Is keeping house in tin humble littlohonio oiiCluilotlo fatroot. When itie beu mei of atro , in t.voe.n. . . - . , HIO ! will have afottmio In herown lights. It scrms that the ir.ito father is beginning to relent , for the other day ho , nl the . \oung woman a chock for ( ' > } , with a promise of more on Christmas. A rouliuy In T.-oulilo. Oi.Ainr , Kan , Dec. 4 [ Spacial Tol'Vram tol'lnu Htu. | James Morgan , n tjpical cowboy fiom Colorado , \\ut nrrebted iOiter- diiy at ( Jardncr , eight nules south of hero , by Sheriff Towiiluy , lit the insfinca of fie au thorities of Denver. Aiorcnn has induced a lllleon-jeiir old girl to lea\o her homo und conic to Kansas with him. AVn onVnrky litiriicil S > n\ci..sr , X Y. , Dec , I. A dispatch from C'oitlaml at 1 HOo'clcek says that the Cort- laml Wagon \voiks aru In Ihiir.'s , with no f taviuj them. i VP Lili , The Torrlblo Dose Tnkou By Two Iowa Chlldron. FATAL RESULT OF AN EVICTION f Tlie VtutlnrH OciKh bnl.l to lie Due to I.'iposure A Case of 'Mc.'illcal linticclllty llauJtcyo IIaipenlni | ; . Drank Coiieontrntetl Ivo. DrsMoisrs , la. Dec. 4 [ Special Tele gram to Tun Ilii : | A distressing accident is repoited fiom Sliuevillc , .lohnson countv , lii the home of .1. II. Kephart. On last Wednesday a servant in the employ of the fnmili was using cincentratcd lye and lett thoean containmi. the same on the chair , wliLiotwm children , eighteen months old , obtained it and drunk nf it. One child died Thursdiy night and the other 1'ridav morning. Medical linliccilll v. DrsMoiNT- , Dec t [ pjcial Tele gram to Tin Hie | A icport lias bcon 10- reived heie of the Itillmg on Thanksgiving day of Krastus I'oinpkins neir Stiawborry Point. Ho was accidentalU shot by his son While loading his gun Tlio father was about to stai t hunting , and the son put n shell in the gun and brought the hammer back quickh. It exploded the shell , the shot sinking Mr. Toinpkins in the fore head , killing him instantly. The doetoi who was summoned insisted that the body must not be distui bed till the i oronei m rived , so it lu\ for sihouis exposed on the thicshold of the man'b own home. An i\lrteil : Settler Die. " . Drs M < MM > , I\ . , Dec 4 [ Special Tele gram toTnc Hi -Theic | isu lull in the evictions of liver lanil scttleis which may not bo bioken 'till spimg. Meantime there is considerable talk of lesistancc , and some of the more reckless sij that they will shoot bufoie the\ will suffer any moio evictions. A mm named Nathan Harbor , living at Stiatford , has just died , his death being pntly due to e\posuics receued when evicted some two weeks ngo There is a good deal of feeling o\er the matter. A fontict I'ui ( toned. Dr. * Mom s , Ia , Dee 1. [ Special to Tin- Hi i 1 The goveinor to day paidoned H. L. Hailan , sentenced from this city to the pcni- tcntiarj for eighteen months for horse steal ing. The man el.iims to ba\o stolen the horse while intoxicated some weeks ago , and th.it as soon as ho rcali/cd what he had done he helped the olllcer to recover ttio horse. Tne judge who sentenced him urged that ho be pudnncd , and the go\einor pardoned him on condition that he piattice prohibition stnctly hencefoith. A "Mason Cltj Pntlnre. MA > OV CITI , I.i. , Dec. 4. [ Special Tele- giamtoTin : Hrr 1 ( Jicditors tonight put an attachment , of jj.fOJ on the boot and shoe stock of M. A , Allen , and this establishment , one of the laigesl in the city , is in possession of the sheriff. A shot t time ago Alien pur- eh ised the stoc'j of 1. r rishor , of Austin , Minn , but the sale scemu not to bo valid , ns it is Fisher's creditors who put in the attach incut. A TALKING MlWM'APnrt. Ijatcsr Sclioiiis of Udlson With the 1'hono rajtli. Nnw YOICIC , Dec. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun Brr ] Hdison piomisos to put his latest in\ontion , the phonograph , to acurlous and practical use His intention Is to furnish subscribpis a talking daily newspaper. The little itibtrumont will bo ch.ugeJ with a con- densattoii of the news of the day and each subscriber can listen to it while at brc ikfast The 1'dsou Talking Xow p iper uomp-xny will supply iU pations with p'lono rip'is at an nnnual rental of .1 small sum. I'hcs ; phonographs graphs can be used the s uno ns any other ? to icpioduco singing , piano playing , whistling , band music and elocution , but will be especially designed for cor respondence. The phonogiarns of fie litter will contain each day nil the latest news In condensed form , and will cover eacn sub division such as cable , toleginpbie , political , diamatic , crm nercial and monelary. Hach phoiiOc'iam will bo plamlj m irked , so that the leader , or laibor hearer , can these for him self which one ho cares to use Hist. If a newoiiua has been piodiuol the nieht before fore , no cm listen to an able but concise criticism and enjoy the novel sensation of having repented to delighted ears the choicest pis-agcs of music precisely as they weio renduied at the theater. It wns staled at the laboiatoiyesteida \ bj onointhose- cret Ihat If nci "ssi'.v 'JU.OO ) moio copies of the s une liudor . could bs turned out in ono hour and can bo adjusted to any phonogiapli , so that -1,0)0 or more of the "talking ma chines" c in ivpjat the s 11113 sentenca at a given moaicnt. TIM : \VKVJ JIN : AKSOCIATION. The Olliolnl Avernucn M ido Up IJy I'l e.siilcnl Bnni Morion. Ktsstsl'iri , Mo , Dec I. | Sp"cial Tele gram to Tun Hn : ] President Saaiuol Mor ton , of the Westotn association , has at hist issued the ofllci.il nvorago of the association. It Is seen t n at Hiiltth Johnson , the thli.lbise- inan of the Kansas City Mlues , leads all the b itteis with a pciccnl.uro ot .114 J. The neat est man to him was old "Orator" blmeflor , of DCS Monies Shacffergolnniivcragoof " 3i. Maniiinu's balling aveiago was . ' 'Ss , Steins' 3U , Mearr's ( ! . 'J10 , lloovei'b i')7 ) and Swart- zol's 171. In i lub bitting DCS Monies leads and Kansas City come * second. The other clubs follow in this order : St Louis , Sioux City , St. Paul , Omaha , Davonpoit , Milwau kee and Chicago. In lloluing , .Sioux City leads and Kansas City stands fouith. Kan sas City's ca cheis did well. Reynold headed the list and Jake Wells camupCLOnd finnson alao stood well Hcckley out ranked all the llisi basemen. Slcins was bi\lh and Cart- wright eighth Tlio averages , however , were all bunched. All In all , Kansas Citv Mauds well in the averages. Manager Wal- knis and Attorney Krouthiiff , of the local Amctic-an association team , lia\o lent for St. Louis , wherj the meeting of association managers will take place lo-moirow. Alllbou HIM ! the Ti niiliirysliln. WAsniN.rov , Dee I San itor Allison's attention was called by an AssaciatoJ pioss repoi lei to a telcgiam from Lima , O , quot ing H.iilroiil Caiumissionor Campbell , of Iowa , as nulhority for iho statoinont that Allison had bcon olfercd the secrotaiy-ihlp of the Ireasury by Piebidenl-clccl Harrison. Ho said "I known Campbell very well. Ho is an c'Acollenl genlleinan , lliuu not seen him umco the election , nor communicated with him by loiter , and ho h is not wrilton tome mo 1 have not been odci ed the secretary ship of th trctsjry nor have 1 accepted U. I should say ttial Hint paragiaph Is pretty nenrlj made out of whole cloth. " IMIII Oatircr , AMSTBIIIIVM , N. Y , Doe 1 , 'Jonoral H. n. Spinner , cx-Umlc.l States troisarer , in wnl- ing to a friend in this city bays ; "I have a sere on no f'1 mat U said to bo a species of cuucer. A doctor Is irojling it , and thinks ho can euro mo. The treatment niTccts my eyes , to such a dcgrco us to muku inn very nearly blind. I am foi bidden to cither reader or write , and 1 write this sunnlo acknuwl- cdginent will ) pain , and contrary to medical orders. " General Spinner U living at Pablo Uttacb , Flu. He u eighty-six j curs old. SrAK-SPANOIjlCD IIANNHIIS , Three of Them sdll AVavliif ; Oyei' tl > o lI.iytleii'Hppnlyllo. XPW YOHX. Dee 4 r9vjcl' ; l Telegram to Tin : Hnn ] I'ho ship Andes of the Alias line mined . \ostord.iv , from Port-iiu-Piince am olber Hn.\ lien ports. When the Andes lef Port au Prince the seized United States steamship Haytien Uepublic was Ijing in the harbor wifi a prl/o LTJW on bjard. Prom tbo top of her three mists , however , there tloated tinoo st ir-sii inglod bitiners The captim of the Andes hal i\n Interview will the captain of the solzjd ship three days before his departure. The plucky Yankee skipper swore until Iho air was black am bluothat hoMsootho blanked Ha > liens in the deep before ho'd haul the Mags down. Ho expressed the opinion that his ship would bo released bcioio many dn\s The lings ho bad nailed to Iho masts , knowing that the negro soldiers woic too lim to climb into the rigging and tear tticm down. 'tho Atlas line steamship Allsi dropped down the biy jesterday , hnvitiur oloirod for Port au Prince with a c.ugo made up in part of munitions of war for the Hnvtlen govern ment. In tbo consignment weie ID.lKli rillos and " )0,000 cartridge" , a'l ' of which had been purchased Irom New York and New Lug- land Hi ms. Consul General Uassott supei In tended the stowage of the munitions of war In tbo stc unship , lie did not earo to talk much about the shipment , but it was evident from his demeanor that in his opinion affalis in Hajti weie on lUo eve of a crisis The Hiiytlen govo'iiinent , has resolved upon a vigorous policj for the snppiession of insur rection. It is probable that news of a clash of iirms w ill shortly como fiom Huytl , or else nn arrangement between the government and thuiebils Consul c.enoral Hnssctt as sorts that the goveinment has means at its command and can , by resorting to extreme meustiies , put au end to the ti cubic GOLMiD'S IMIONUNCIMI3NrO. . The Knllronds Must Do Something or Dm ; DisiiHior Will Follow. Nnw Youic , Doc. 4 [ Spscl.il Telegram to Tnr HIT. ] The greit railway clearing house scheme , winch has been so much dis cussed in commercial and railway circles during the past ten days , receives another blow this morning Ihrough an intciview which Jay Gould gave lo a Wall slrcot paper. The heaviness in the maruot has been at tributed to Gould , und this seems to have piomptcd him to unbosom himself in the way he did. "It is nonsense , " said Gould , "to talk about my being a bear at any time M > moiu'i is Invested m the properties I manage , and in this respect my posilion is different from that of most of my neighbors. They manage railroads ; other people own them. Of course , " Gould continued , "I do not shut my ejes to what is going on around me. If oth- ei s w ill build parallel roads w here they ai o not needed , cut rates and inaugurate railway wars generally , I must try to get m liters in such shape that I can stand it. I am willing and anxious to enter into any arrangement that will give tlio latlroads paying rates I have read in thn papers that tlie plan re cently ngiced to by some of the roads was mine. It was not. I had anothornnd wholly difleient plan. Some of the roads now de cline to adopt the schouiu ou the ground that it docb not go far enough ; that tates could not bo maintained under it. Hut I s lid that if rates could be kept up for even ono month that would help some , so I uirieed to'it. The troubles may end any day , and if , they do not tot minato favomblv soon , perhoj i great banking-com panies like KothsehllTt , Drcxcl , Morgan & Co , Kidder , Poabqdy * & Co. and Biowno Bros will call for a deposit of stock with a \ tew lo concentrating and controlling power. Should such n course bo adopted , all my slock would be deposiled the Jiist day. " This prouuncmmcnlo has bcon generally locelved In Wall street as n tin eat tint if something is not done at once to Hint Mr. Gould's ideas Iho result will bo dire disaster. Tlie Schema CJoes Under. Nuw YOIIK , Deo. 4. It was officially announced this morning on Wall sheet that all negotiations for a settlement of the rail road troubles west and south of Chicago have been broken off , and tbo great dealing house plan has fallen through. The commit tee headed by Picsldeiit Wilhrow , of the St. Louis & San Francisco road , is still In existence , out has not yet considered any new plan The fuilurd of Iho cloning house scheme was caused by Iho opposition of Piesident Hughitt of the Northwestciu railroad. A IJHOTJIKH'S Ho Cheated Ills htstcr and is Sus pected ot'MurdorltiK Her HiiHli.'iml. CnooKhTOMINX. . , Dec. 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hci : | During the \ear 1877 , Mr. Perriault , a wealthy farmer living near Florence , Kan. , was muidcrcfl while return ing from lown. Ash'owisnot robBsd the murdeicramt his moUvo remained a mis- tery. The brother qf the widow , a ma'i named Lambelltook , | charge of her atfairs and she soon removed to Crookston , hoping by a chaiigo of scene to forgot her former bonow. Hoforo leaving Kansas , howcvor , she signed n piper which Lambcll pioscntcd to her , and whic.li ho bald was n pow er of at- totne\ for him to traniiact hoi' business. Shu came heio and lived in the family of Dr. Per- riault.a i dull vo of her hnbband. In the Jail of jsj1 } slio viote to her brother forsomo money , which he icfiiHcd , claiming thnt slio li.nl deeded the property to him when she signed the bofoio mentioned piper , and told her that ho had turned Iho propei ty into cash and was leaving the eouuto . She then gave up all hope About two years ago she was married to Mr. 1St. . dorm in of this city. About six months ago Iheiu came Into her possession a newspaper published near her old homo In rioieni-e. In it was printed a lotlor descrip tive of Kansas ami signed by Iho brother who had robbed and deseited her. She tneii told her husband for the lirst tirno nil that had befallen her and the mysterious murder of her lirst husband. An Investigation was seton on foot and it was discovered that Lnmbell hud rcmoyed t ) a distant put of Kansas from where his sister had lived , and Is now one of the worthiest and most influential farmer ) in that part , of the coun try. The dolecllvci liavo fustned the mur der of Perriault upon one Ku haul and Lam- bell and his wife uro implicated. A civil suit has also been begun and iho properly , now woiih 515,000 , will no doubt bo recov ered. al A'tchlRon. Kxvus Cm , Dec. J , fSpeeiil Telegram to Tun Hir : J The Misfiouri Pacific- railway couip my's bhops at Sodalia are to bo aban doned , and Atchison , iuui. , has secured Iho pi ie Al a moating of the Atclnson council last night the proportion of tbo company lo loeatouxtcnsho tar und machinery shops thwo was accepted. The proposition was that tlio city give the 5ino , XXl bonds Hereto fore voted upon by the city. Theio is re joicing nt AtchUon to day. A Itoiil KHtnlo Tot ii < i , Kan , Dee. 4 Special Telegram to Tut : lint. | W. H. llygooii , a icnl estate dealer , was m rested today for erasing iho name of .T. II. Donnls nml substituting his own tiiaaoed coiivi'i'Ingpropsity in Ctnso county wo i tli fc . ' 0,000 Ho was iinublo to give bond and \vua gout to the county ] uil. The Burlington Heduo's Union. Kis-'A'jCiT , , Mo , DoI I , -SpOv'lal [ Tele gram to Till ) Ura I Owing to Iho com.iotl- tion of rival litiua , tbo Hurl ing ton .t MISSQUI 1 Hivcr rath oal hat ( jlvoi notLo of a reduc tion in ficirht-ratc3 between Lanham , Neb. , Hiinover , Kmwons , Wahn ! ! on , Marrow , Hulil..ii , Wayne , Holli-i nnd Cuucordia , Kan , lo Kansas Cly froa > 14 to 12 cents I'bn is the rats now made by tbo Missouri Pacific unit ttio Koc , ( Isu.iiJ. NEWS OF NEBRASKA TOWNS , The Vlllnso of Basaott Nearly Wlpod Out by Flro. A NEBRASKA PIONEER DEAD. JJrowii County Di\idcd A Mud DOR Scare nt IMattainontli A Hody i\liuincl Tor IiiiiPKt | The Y. ai. C. A. Rrnwn County Dhiilcd. Lo\o Pisr , Neb , Dec. 4 [ Special to THE Hii : : ] Hiown county has been cut In two , and iho new county nanicd Kock. The governor has issued n proclamation for an election to locate the county scut Tlioro are llvo points in the field struggling for tbo county sent , nnd everi other man is a candi date lor ofllce , making the cimriiini | veiy In- tciestlng nnd unllnisiastie Now towns have begun to spring up and n postolllce has been established nt ono of them called Hock Centre , nnd buildings are being erected , and the citizens have trot the tinliis on the Tre- niont , nikhoin und Missouri Valley rallioad to stop there , and , its being in the center of the county , it tnds fair to get the county seal of the new county Death of Daniel , Neb. , Dee. 4. [ Special to Tin : Hi n ] Daniel Dodge , nn old resident of this ( Dodge ) county , died miday at his homo in Coltciell township mid was buried lo day. Mi. Dodge was neatly eighty seven .vcars of ace. Ho came to this county twenty -seven years ago and lias lived here ever since. Ho leaves u wife nml nlifo children , all but ono of the hitter being residents of the county. lYcmoiit i'u\itii ; . rimiONT , Neb , Dec. M. [ Special to Tun lint : ] The work of paving distiict No. 1 of this city was completed to-day at noon. It comprises llvo blocks , amounting to ten thousand j at ds. There are two moi o paving distiicls. but the work will stop bore until the opening' of sumirei next year. The p iv- ing , which is of Sioux Palls granite , has been very satisfactoiilv done , and the pooplu of rrcmont feel pioud of the inauguration of this iuipoi taut public improvement. V. M. C. A. Or-j'MiUed at Fremont. FIII.MONT , Neb , Dec. 4 [ Special Tclo- gi am to Tin : HIT. ) The pioject of the in- auguiatlon of a Young Men's Christian nsso elation in this city terminated successfully to-day by the completion of the worlc of securing pledges for S4.000 to maintain the organization and push the work dm Ing the coming year. Suitable looms for meetings and licadU.uteis ( | will be seemed us soon as possible , and n genei.il secietary lo take charge of the inteiests of Iho assoeialion will bo employed when a suitable poison can be found. _ Noun From Norfolk. NOUFOI K , Neb , Dec. 4. [ Special to Tun HPR ] Cointloth it Pel/or , c in yiilg u stock of dry goods and clothing , were- closed up on Saturday evening by N. A. Hambolt , who hold a chattel moitgazo of $303 on their stock. Huso & Son , of the Ponca Journal , who recently bought the Daily News , took posses sion yesterday , and thollist number under tho"new proprietorship wns Issued lust oven- ing. P. F. Boll of the former publishing company has irene into business with Louis Sessions , taxidermist and undei taker. 12 M. Norton has gone to Fort Smith , Ark. , on a visit to relalives , but will icturn and go into some business here , ns will P. F. Spiechor , the founer editor. AfT.iirs at Atklniin. ATKIXSOV , Neb , Dec. I. fSpscial to Tun BBC ] The Catholics of Atkinson nnd vicinity have closed ai intcrestmg nnd buccessfnl fair of a week's duration. The net proceeds amounted to about $ " > ' ) , which will nearly wipa out the debt on their new chuich. Mrs. Dudley , the lady whoso marvelous i ccovery under the chi istinn science tre it- inent has been the sensitionof Iho hour , continues to improve , and there is every reason to believe the cure is permanent. There are now otheis under treatment who are improving rapidly. Disastrous Klront LON'O PIMNeb. . , Dec I. [ Special to Tin : Hnr j Hassett last night met with a confla gration whlcli was veiy disastrous to the town at tl'o ' prcsenl. Xc.u 1 v all the business Iioi lion was wiped out oy the flames , nnd it is now In a foijorn and dilapidated condition. There is no clue to the oiigln of the lire. Some think it was the work of an incendiary and olhors think it an accident. There was scarcely nnv insuiam o on any of the build ings or blocks of goods. Mnd Do Shot. Pi A rrsMOc'Tii , Neb. , Dec. 4. [ Special Tclugiam to Tnr HinJ A gia > hound known as Queen , and owned by Shcriit IM Kenbairyof this city , went mad last Sun day , nnd was afterwards scon biting several other dogs ou the slrcets , but was shot bj Mr. E. 1 Kcnbnrry before any person was attacked. Since it is known thai nover.il dogs were bitten the alaimhas been gieat , and the ) nuthoiilles to day ordered all dogs now running loose lo bo either chained ot nulled. _ A rnrmer'H House Iliirnod. PI.ATTSMOLTII , Neb , Dec. I [ Special Telegram - egram to Tin : Hn. ] J. H. Sejbolt , a funnel living about eight miles west of this city nnd icar Mui ray , fiuftored considerable loss by Ire jeslerduv afternoon , The lire occuircd liboul 4 o'clock. 'I'ho loss is estimated at ibout $1,000 The ptopcrtywas insured in iho Continental Insuianeo company for about Arrested Tor HOIIHC YOIIK , Neb , Doc. J [ Spooial Telegram to I'm : Hui : . ] Peter .lohnwon , colored , wno Is wanted In Lincoln on the charge ) of house ircaking nnd grand latcony , was nrrcsto.l icro today. Ofllcjns fiom Lincoln are ox- ) cctod to night .lohnson was formerly a esidunt of this city and beard the name of a haul character. Tlio 1'ronH OetH n New Drown , NnmubiiA Cm , Neb , DeefSpeeial 1 J'elcgram to Tin. line j The Nebraska City ress thU morning comes out in n now dross and form , with piico reduced iiml gunoiul mpioved uoinlltlon. Thopipor ibnnonliio low sbcci and has ono of iho finest olllces in ho Mate. I " 'of liiiioht. | M ( COOK , Neb , Dec1. 4 [ Spjeial Tulcgram o Til , . HI.I : ] The body of Hurt . 'oi.iison ' , ho } ard master who was killed in the yaids icro on Ihu night of the "nth lust , was ox- lumed lo daj and viewed bv a coronoi'a urv , who icturiicd a vcrJicl In accordunco Mth iho facts IIH above stutcd. Just why ho imiucit was not held butoio builal Is not mown. Tno iclalnus of thojoungmun will icgln n still immediate ! } ngalnst the H. & . M. for t-5OJU dainusos. District C.Hirt Oiiniu nt 6nl. Otin , Neb , Dec. 4. | Spcotil lo Tin ; Hi n. ] The udjoui ncd fall term of clrcuil couit or Valley county opened hero to day Tlieio s u lart'O docket , over oigrity cisas belni ; up or hearing. Time Chlldrnii ( JrJinaio I. Li.INOTON , Uu , Do. ! . 4 A no ro woman ockcd lior three childiou in iho houeu and vent v.sltin ? . During luir abbencu tbo louse was burned to the ground und the chlldicuici"-bful- VAM AlJAlSt ) AMj HK5IIT. Tim Kane-ally Hunk Men Did Not lluin the Town. VAirviutvo , Neb , Dec. .1. To tbo 1'dltor of Tnr Hrr In n special from this place- dated November 3J , nud published In Tin Hi r. of December 1 , concerning the Scovilk failuie , I notice n few items thnt do mo nt injustice , and mo calculated to Injure the in tercstsof this town. Your con espondcnt s.i } * "Uffoi ts at e now being made to open up the Motel , bank uui elevator for business again , as their standing Mlo damages the trade of the town , " leaving people who are not acquainted with the situ ation to Infer that there weieno other hotels , elevators or banks in the town. Youi cor respondent also continues in this sttutir "Several business men me now doing their buiking In Lincoln or Wnhoo , while scveiul farmeis living near hcio luivo been hauling their coin to other towns " Now for u few facts bearing on this case I hive been lu the banking business hoio. for the last ten years , and lia\o boon able and willbiL' to e\tend to the iieoplo of this town and vicinity , all reasonable accommodations in this line' , afforded by any other banker In a town of this sl/o , and urn still piep.ncdto do so. It may bo ti uo Unit I do not wear as line clothes us u b inker ought , and 1 do not den } that 1 mnv have shovoledco.il into some fin met s' wagons , and have peibaps done some oilier bard manual labor in the mean time , but none of m.v depositors can claim Unit 1 have lost an } of their mono } nor misappropriated a dollar loll with mo lor any puiposo If any of the business men of this pi ice hesitate to do business with mo on Ihcgiound llmt it ts unsafe , tbo besl nil- swer that I can give them is to icfer to the inscals who have squundeicd W0,000 of the people's money In a vain endeavor to "knock mo out" by engaging in the most icckless competition in nil lines of business in which I am engaged , and to point to the fact Hint I am still hero and caiiing on business as usual. Four joins ago 1 built nn elevutoi hero wltti a stoingo capaeit.v of IKIHH ( ( ) bushels , costing S17oOO , being then , ns 1 think jot , the largest and llncst elevator in the state outside of Omaha , and cap.ible of holding all the grain within ten miles of tins place , and last jear I could have stored In it all the giain mar keted in this place , without shipping n bushel. And jet vour cot respondent com plains thai farmers aio obliged lo haul their coin to some other town to inaiket It. Why did they do iti It ecrtaiiilv was not for roomer or capacltv to handle il. Pei IUUH it wns ou account of the piicopiid. Lot's sec about Unit. The last c 01 n that Scov illo bought ho paid 'M cents for tor at least ho agiecdto pay it ) . Immediate ) } after the fmluio It was advanced to ! 3l cents huie' . a-id has been Ucpt thcie over since , though every giain man in the stnlo will tell } ou that within that time the puce of com in eastein markets bus declined from - lo 4 cents per bushel. In the mean lime , the pneo of coin , at stations on all sides ot us , has been i educed to IS ) cents per luishcl , and in stead of tbo assertion of jour eoi i espondcnt , that "coi n is being hauled to other stations" being tiue , Iho veiy icverso is true. Coin from near other stations is conung here , because - cause Ibey me gelling a bolter ptico boie In regard to the hotel accommodations of the town , allow me to s.u that 1 have heaicl of no onobeingunabloto find good accommodations , during the past two w ecksw hen there was tin unusuil number of tiavelcis , drawn heio ou account of the failuie. The fact i , that tbo building built by Scoville. and oci upicd by him us bank , hotel , etc. , was far in advance of the needs of the town , and from the com mencement of it dates the course of his down fall. For the last bit months bo has run tbo hotel lit a loss of not less than ? 150 per month and his banking business was run in Iho s'imo reckless way , ns lie would pay almost an } rate of intoicst , in onler to get deposits , to enable him to keep up Ins cMiavngant iniiiinei of living , and } et theio me some people in this community , who beck to con- dome sono of the nets of thi- , man by saying lhal ho was lee liberal to the poor , tli.it ho gave freely to chanties and to the suppoit of the gospel , forgetting that he committed nearly every crime in the dccaloguo to obtain this very money he was so libeial with. lie has robbed widows mid oiphans of their pntu- moiiy , the aged and Inflim of their means of suppoit , that ho might lor a brief time icvcl in the power finnished by bis ill gotten gains , to bo finally obliged to desert home and family , a ndgo foitli bianded as a felon , hunted as a criminal , with a pi K e set on Ins head , and the lorlurcs of the damned lagmg in his bosom , as he contrasts his piesont sit uation with what might have boon had ho followed the counsel of his aged and now licarl-brokeii mother. Itcspeclliilly , H K. Must Support Herself. CinCAfio , Doc. I ISpceml Telegram to Tin : I3i i. ] A special from New York says Mis. James G. Hluiiie , Ji. , has dctci mined to go on the stage. The btoiy is told by the Morning Journal , which is lather noted for its "faking" proclivilios. 11 claims thai a rcpoiter saw Imr Monday nfteinoon and , in i espouse lo a question , she said : "Since } ou picss iho subject , yes. I am poing on the singe. " "Why do you lake this step' " "Hccauso I am forced to It. My affairs are well known , and huvo beau discussed In ull the papers. I am dependent cntiicl } upon m.v self. 'Ihcicforol take this slcp " "Is that the only reason ! " ' None bivo thai , " she icpllod , looking low ard her boy , crowing in Iho nu e's aims. "Ilavo you icieivcd an } oflerf" "Yes , 1 have , but I am not at liberty to nako nny Matomonts rogaidiii' , ' U. " Two jcais ago Madiuno Modjoska , who wns au intimate fiiend of young Mis Dluliic , was icpoited to have offeiod bur an engage nent bccmisa her family luboved the girl losscssed diam.ilic ability. The runuwuv natch intoivened , however , and broke off .b o thcati icul ciicaKcmciits. Business TroubloH. Cinrrrw v Pvr i s , Wis , Dec t r , T Leo , i heavy dealer in gcncial merchandise , as signed this morning lor the benefit uf bis ciedlloiw Liabilities about t.uoo ( ) , 'assets about * > n,00) ) An 1111 v , Kan. , Dec. 1 [ Special Telegram to Tin Hi r. I ( ieoigo llosii > & Hio , I irgo wholesale groceis al Alkalis .s City , dosed their dooi s this morning. Liabilities f iiO.OUO. J'lje Him has covoied all Its propel ly in such i manner as to show no assuls. Tlio Wichlla News company , of Wlcbila , was closed Ibis afternoon by u ( IniHol mort gage Its debts amount to < l0 , ( ! ) . The stock s much l.nger. U will icsiinie UDiNM-u , Dei ITho I clothing house of J. S. Di eyf uss was closed to day by attachments igninst the stock lo Uio amount of ill , 100 I'ho stock is claimed to be woith fcW.OOO , vilh , ' 0OUJ book accounts. Important Hallro id Bull Decided. Nr.vv YOIIK , Dec 4 The injunction suit of ho O logon Ti.iiiscontinonlal company against the Oregon Navigation company was lecldc'd ti du } in favor of the plaintiff. Hy hta decision the latter company m prohibited rom buildin0'.braiich lines , as well us fiom using money in the hands of the trust uum- an } or pi creeds of Iho Giegon Navigation ompam'rt consolidated moitga o bond , in ho construction of thu branches in question I is now reported tuat the Union Pacific , n whoso interi'bt tlm bi .inches were pie- umiibly built , mid the Nnithmn ,1'ucillu oads , will hit } Iho Oregon Navigation Block i om the Oregon TransccntmcMt.il company md SOBCC in u control of Ihu pionurty with out guuuinteeinK dividends on tioalini ; the lock. _ Dccanipnlillt $15 , ( ) ( ) ( ) . ST. LOLIH , DOJ. 4 A Hpucl il fiom IZvans- illc , Ind , Hujd tnut a Bunsation wa-t cio'ilcd heio by the announcement that , Simon We I , member of u prominent linn of iraiK m.do ampcd with some | ir > , UJii , whicii tie. it ; i ! ugcd to have defiuudcd Kenlat.K > ' .n-iL/i out of , Vnrlouo Antntnl Ilouotta Laid Before fore Doth A SHORT SESSIONbF THESENATQ Coimllleratlon of the Partir Kill Post * ponod I'ntll To < dii } 1'clltlnii I'or the liniiiedlnto Admission of . South Dakota. Senate. W sinsoTo\ , Dec 4 In the senate to- da } various nnnual icpoits , including that oC the secretnrv of the tieiisur } were piesoiiteit mid nppiopi Intel } lofeirod Numeious bills were nlso introduced mid icferied , including one for the construction of two steel rams , to bo nri.icd with heav.v rilled dynamite guns , mid one foi tbo constiuctlon of two steel ei niseis , to be armed with djnamltu guns. The motion to take up Iho I'nioii Pu 'itlo bill wns mil piossod by Mr. Prve , who bald ho would ask to huvo it made a spcilnl order for next Tuesday The senate then pio- c ceded tocoiisldeuilion of the. t.ulff bill On motion of Mr Vmico the tariff lull was fuithei postponed until to-moriow , and the ) senate nt I',1 W adjoin tied. House. WASIIINOTOV , Dee. t Tlio speaker laid before Iho house the mutual icpoits of tlm secretarj of the tiensury and compltollor of. the ciurcncj , which woio npproprlutolj' ro- ferrcd. On motion of Mr. Ptiois leivo was grnutcil the commitlco ou nppiopiiatiuiis lo sit dur ing the sessions of the house Mr. Macdoiuild , of Minnesota , presented petitions of the people of Noilli Dakota for immediate admission into the union of South Dakota and Montana , mid lor i oust I- tulional convent ions in North Dakota , Washington mid New Movco. Kefcricd lo Iho committee on lei iltorlos A bill to allow pci sons who bnve aban doned or icliiuiuished then bonn stead en tries to make another ottliy was intiodiiced mid icferied. Mr Dingle } called up Ihe bill , made a special older nl the last session , providing for electing a monument to Ciuneiiil Henry KIIOX at ' 1 lioinnsten , Me. Air. Kilgoio objected to it. waving that congtess exceeded its nuthoiity In using mono } niising complete ! } b } taxation to cieit monumciits in Maine. Mcssib Hiockcnudge , of Kentueliy , Mc Millan mid others spoke in a similar vein. Sever il ineffectual loll calls were had , aud finally Mr. Dluglov yielded to Mi. Mmisiir to oflcr an amendment locating the monument ; in Washington The pievtous ( [ nestlon was Ihcn in clei od ou the animidmcnt , mid a third reading of the bill. On Mr. Mmisui'Bmii- mendnient Uio vote stood .vcasMi , nis'.lJ no quoium and moio calls follow ed. ' 1 his , procedure was continued until fi o'clock , when , under the older adopted at the last session , Iho house adjoin nud NI-JW HIMjS. s'tpil ( o Create National N.itioiinl Jtnreaii ol'llo.ilth. WASIII\.TOS , Dec. I. Seualor Oibaon In- lioduced a bill to day lor Iho estnblishinertt In the Inleiior depirtmcnt of a bureau ot uoulth , to bo under the direction of a corn- mlssignqr nt 55,000 per annum.-It- _ pro vides for Uio appointment by the prosidontof i health commission , to bj composed of Iwent } mcmhoia , who shall bo divided in bix sections , as follows ; Tivo for the yellow fever section und Unco uich for eltolorn , typhoid fever , scarlet fever , sm ill pix and liphlhcria sections K ich mcinber of tbo commission shall receive an annual i. ihiry of ; > 1,20J , mid it shall bj his duty to investierato .because , 01 igm and bsst mode of pi oven- lion of the diseases mentioned. TIVO mem- > eis of the commission shall bo oigmn/ed In a ipiai .inline eomniUsioii , Tlio hcallli com- niissionern dnectcd , whenever called on by the goveinor of u state , to m iko rules and regulations and tuko meisutcs for the mip- piusslnn of iinv infectious disease It Is made the dut } ol < onsul.ir ofllcei s lo make u repoit vveekl.v to the hoaltli cotniniisionln te- gaid lo the hiinitaiv eondilion of foicign potts It is made unlawful for .my jiersou Loohstiuct the conimcico between stales , or with any foreign countiy , except in nc- eordanco with the lules pi escribed by the health commissioner. Tinec senators , Plumb , Herry nnd Dolph. and icpicscntnlivo McHao to intiodncea lulls similar in their piuvislons to allow per sons who have nb indoned or relinquished their hoineste id entries to nmko another enlry. The bills provide th it any person' who has nettled on tlio public domain , who tins not jet peifooted his title thereto , nnd who may not bo able ) to subsist on the lands Liy ic.ison of drouth , the whole or p.utinl desti m lion1of ciops , sickness , etc. , may tali ( > out another homestead cutty in place of tlm' abandoned claim Hopiesentalivo Stone , of Kentucky , to day Inliodmod n joint loioliitlim proposing an mucndmc'iil lo Iho constitution moviding that Iho piosldenl mid vico-prcsic'ont sh ill Lo ( boson iiveiy louitli jeir bv the direct votes of , nnd the people 'Iho io olntoii ! lirovidcs that u board authorized by the InvvH of oich state to count the vntcii for i-tale oflh eis , Bhnll also oiint tbo vntq for pusldent and vli o piOHidcnt , cerlifv the result under oith , mid liansmil the H mm to the proper officers of the goveinment before ) the second Monday in December IK xt suc- ( ceiling llio election On the Hist Tuesday iftor the second Monday in Di ic-njber next KU ( i coding the eleclion , the1 speaker ( if the louse shall , nt 1 o'clock p in , Inform the uiuso Unit the hour bad mrhed for em.tiling tbo votes. When ttio votes Mull have , been ouiited the speaker sh ill inform Iho house of Iho icstill. Onn paragraph of the joint lesolution for- i > ldx holding mi } local orht.itoelection i xcopt 'or monibois of cnngieis on the day set apait ' 01 the election of pi usidont nnd vice prosi- lunl Tin ) election Is to lake plac t em Ihe ) lihtTuesday of November. A Niivv Itond IncorpointeH. Sl'HlMii'ii'i ii , III , Dec 4 Aitules of Incorporation - corporation wore filed to da.v of the Toledo , ndianupollb & St uouis railway company , vith thi ) priiicip.il olllio at Uobmsoti , III. I'ho cnpiUil iitoek Is CN'I.OI'IO.OLO. 'Jl.it line In irojcctud to i mi fiom n point on ll.o W ibaali iv''i at or near Mcreei , in the lounty of JrHwford , west tlnough the lonnties ot 'inwfoid. Jaspi-r , Uningiuni , Ll.n , I'mettn , Pinion , ISond , Clinton , Madison and St. 'lair , to or near Hast hi Louis I heio will w a line commencing at tlio same point lu Ciawford county , nnd running hOiitbwcst hiuiigh .luspor , Uichliind , t'lav , Million , .lef- foiKon , Washington , Pern and Jfandolph , lo a poml ill or hear the vdlago of Lhcslcr 'Jh-j rodor.illon ol''tllncr- * , COM Mmf , O , Dee 4Tim fcdorat.ou of iiineirt and mine laborers convonol tlili norning Damol McLinglilin , of Illinois , van elected rhmrmmi. The day wan liken ip In the discussion of otio topic , ivhu.'i le- ullcd in Iho adoption of ihu following Koiolvcd , Thai wo nro now , nt wo havi ihv.i.v.'i been , in favor of one nultoiiiil oi'an. ( IHllMl Distiict ussoinbly No 113 , Knights of , , ibor , also convened thin morning The ( ntiuiont se < ? m lo bo that tboie will bo a ivlsion in iho assjinbly. mid Unit an indo- oitdcnt miiiura' orguiiualion will bo per- cctcd. _ _ _ _ _ _ A Mit ; 'iliiihuc Illn/.e. Me8Mio\ Mien , Duo. 1. 'I'ho pruatcst imbor tlio Muske ou hat m'or had biukoout nionn' Iho timber pile * on Heanluy's At lumo'fi do lu this afternoon. Tlio lira bju ed tier , e-1 } , owin/r to a high wind lire- v a ' nig 1 J uvt.uii 7,00OXJ ( ) and -j.OO'J.OUO foot < f lumber bunictl , cntailn. , ' u loss of