r THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. KECEI\LBER \ 4 , 1883. WARRANTY DEED. KNOW ALL MEN - THESEPRESENTS. . That 0HE ? PATRICK LAND COMPANY of Oinnlm , a corporation duly oi-pnni7i > tl under the laws of the State of Nehniska , In consideration ot A7iic Wtnltsund ( $0,000) ) Dollars , in hnntl paid by Join F..V.HD.cu . , of H'j/'Oii/om / County and State of Kansas , and in further consideration herein niont'.oned ' , and Unit the said John F. liowmanii'.t / heirs , administrators , executors and ni- frlgnS shall truly nnd fully comply with and perform all tlie provisions nnd conditions heroin contained , do hereby grant , bargain , sell , convoy and confirm \\\\\o \ \ \ \ John 1 < \ flotation , subject to sal it provisions and conditions , the following described Heal Estate situate in the County of Uon In und Stale of Nebraska , to-wit : All of Ms five ( ) , fix ( G ) , senn (7) ( ) , ti'jht ( S ) nine ( P ) , ten (10) ( ) , tlcvcn (11) ( ) , vnd twh-e ( / , ) , in Mock onr hundred and fmtrtrrn (114) ( ) , in DVXJiKll VLAt'E. an tnldittnn to the city of Omnhu , us mmyal , plaited and rtconlcd. Together with ull the tenements , heredita ments aud appurtenances to the same belonging , and all the estate , title , olalin or interest ot suiil THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY of Omaha , of , in or to the same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abavc described promises , with the appurtenances , unto the said John F. Jloicmun , and his heirs , executors , admlnlstrtors aim aligns , forever , subject to the following provisions and conditions , to-wit : First : The said premises shall be occupied nnd used for residence purposes exclusively for a period of at least fifteen years from the date hereof and for no other purpose whatever. Second : No residence or dwelling house or other building Bhall at any time within said period of fifteen years be erected or kept , wholly or partly , on any lot hereby conveyed , within Lwonly- flvo feet of any street line bordering on such lot or lots. Third : No residence or dwelling house shall be erected or Icopt on said lot or lots hereby conveyed , til any tlmo within said period of fifteen years , costing less than twenty-five hundred , ( $ i,600.00) ! ) dollars , exclusive of other buildings and improvements on said lot or lots. Kourth : The premises herel y convoyed shall novcr during said period of fifteen years be used for any Immoral or illegal business or occupation ; nor shall any spirituous or malt liquors bo solder or bartered nwny on said premises during said period of fifteen years. Fifth : And the said .Mm F. Hmrmtin , hereby agrees for him < clj nnd his heirs , executors , administrators and assigns that said THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY of Omaha , its successors or assigns , or any person or persons for the time being owning any lot or lots in the said Dundee Place , shall have the right ( and such right is hereby reserved ) tit any time during said fifteen years , to obtain from any court of competent jurisdiction , an injunction mandatory or otherwise , to prevent u breach of any of said conditions hereinbefore enumerated nnd to compel the observance of said conditions by wild John F. Jlomnan , his heirs , executors , administrators and assigns , and in addition to snob remedy the party or parties aggrieved by any such broach may recover damages therefor the same as if there were no such right to mi injunction : And in case of a breach of any of the said conditions by said John F. Uommui hit heirs , executors , administrators or assigns , said THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY of Omaha , its sueees'-ors or assigns shall have the further right ( which right is'hereby reserved ) at its or their option to declare a forfeiture , and thereupon the said premises shall revert to and become the property of said THE PATK1CK LAND COMPANY of Omaha , its successors or assigns , and it or they may eutor upon and hold the biinio and thu tltlo thereto , anything in this deed to the contrary notwithstanding. Sixth : Each and all the conditions nnd covenants aforesaid shall run with and blnti the land hereby conveyed and every part thereof and bo binding upDii every person who shall bo the owner thereof ( luriig ) aid period of fifteen years. Seventh : By accepting this deed the mid John F. floicman hereby binds himself and his heirs , executors , administrators und assigns to observe all the conditions hereinbefore mentioned in fully as though he had signed these presents. And the said TH E PATRICK LAND COMPANY of Omaha , for itself , its successors and assigns , covenants with the said John F. Jiowinun and his heirs and assigns , that it is lawfully seized of said premises , that they are free from incumhranco , that it has good right and lawful authority to sell the same , and that it will warrant and defend the same unto the said John F. Jiotctnun , his heirs , executors , administrators and assigns , forever , against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever : subject to the conditions heroin und subsentisnt ( d.rw. WITXKSS WiiKitnor , THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY of Omaha , has caused these presents lo be signed by Us Vice-President and Secretary , and the seal ot the corporation to bo hereto aflixed , this 3rd day of Jccnnbn ; A. 1) . one thousand eight hundred and cighty-c/j/M. / / The Patrick Land Company of Omaha , SOLE OWNERS OF DUNDEE PLACE. Hoom 26 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , Nebraska. W. H. CRAIG , President , N , D , ALLEN , Vice President. W , K , KURTZ , General Manager , THE RIGHTS OF WOMANKIND , Two Loading : Advocates Proaont Thorn to an Omaha Audionco. GOOD WORDS FOR ENGLAND. .liilin Itull'rt Policy Toward 1 lie C.cnllor Sex Hold li > for Krotlior .loiiu- tliun'a Emulation MUuvu - tliony Kiidoiw.s Tlio llco. The Woman SuflVnglstH. Itoyd's opera house contained last night a fairly largo audience of ladies and gentle men , the latter predominating , who were us- sumhlcd tohcarMNs Susan It , Anthony and islri. Elizabeth Cady Stanton address the members of the Nebraska Woman Suffrage association , and such of the general public as felt inclined to p.iy an admission fco for the privilege of hearing the two ladies men tioned , The meeting was called for S o'clock , but It was about a quarter past the hour before Mr * . ClatM U. Colby took the chair. Mrs. Colby was accompanied upon the platform by about half udo < : en ladies who arc inter ested lu tliOjWork of the society. In Introducing the object of the associa tion , Mrs. Colby referred to the gro.it pro gress that tbo society hud made during the pnst two years , in the htato of Xobr.ika par ticularly , and the count ry ( , 'nerally. America v as described as being away behind other civilized nations upon the subject olvmmuj suffrage , and the members of the association were exhorted to combine in the future , and thereby ntfi-ct better results. The .Methodist mid Lulhcrnti churches were oulogi/cd for their liberality in recent coiivontioim by al lowing female- delegates to take part In their deliberations. An eloquent oiiloginm uus iiald to William ICwart cihubtono and Lord Salisbury for their advocacy of woman suf- irngc , aud the Wom.m's Suffrage a * < ! > ociaiion wore announced as being here to stay until they got tlicic. Miniatcift of religion , United State sonulont.nnu nwvapapiT editors generally cumo in for a severe cantlgation at the hands of Mrs , I'olby , for their poibistcnt mitagonism of the rights of women tovoto. . Statistical matter was given by the speaker to prove that .suicide , drunkonnetis , pauper ism and vko generally was IOSH prevalent umonst women than the male HCX. After paylni ? ti feeling tribute to tlio memory of Mrs. Harriet Hrooks , of Omaha , whoso great ci'rvlco to the cause of woman's , suffrage was testified to , Mr . Colb.\ Introduced to the audience Mis. Kluabeth Cady Ht.inton. Mrs , Stanton addressed the meeting seated in u chair and read her speech from niaiui- Kcrlpt copy. In subst.inco she said : . .ludgoVuilo , in a recently published pamphlet , had conclusively shown that in the thiitccu original colonies of this country women \\cro assured the right of voting , but when an appeal is made to-day to the legis lature of u btuto lor similar rights , we tire lira told they have no poivcr to grant the re quest. In JCnghuid from tune immemorial women had granted to them Iho right to vote and hold important public olllccs and perform Impoitant functions ; but these rlgbts had been stolen from them and it hail remained tor Mr. tiladstono , by his ' mu nicipal franchise" and "married woman's property" bills to commence to restore to her the prerogatives ului had been defrauded oul of , The trouble with ICngland was that to have a vote u woman must have a property ijuallllcutlon. I propose , said Mrs. Stanton , to talk to night , not upon the right of us women to ' vote , but rather upou the duty of voting. Men in the struggle to-day fur wealth are losing all Interest in the great political ibsucti that como boforu the country i and the government of our country la relegated into the care of a few professional politicians. The great bulk of those who should exhibit an In terest in such matters care little about re- hulls ; and women likewise to-day evince little - tlo appreciation of the importance ) of the tutf- fiugo. The inevitable consequence follows , and corruption and Imbecility in our govern ment is visible. Our public ! newspapers are constantly peferrlng to this apathy on the part of our people , and only recently In a splendidly written editorial TIIK OMAHA Hii : : ( Iho most Influential journal In Nebraska ) hud commented upon the necessity of ull law. abiding citizens attending the primaries and so preventing thu goveruuietit of the city . .C'J4jt'VT.i ? - . - " from falling Into Iho hands of boodlers nnd up principled mou. Thu sphere of man and woman arc the sauio , but they have different duties to perform ; but her interests aru iden tical with the uisin , and sbo sufferers ju n corresponding ratio witli the mnn , from tuo evil effects of the mul-aduiinistniUoti of our social life. Women hiivo paths of duty in social lif" K-r which tlior arc peculiarly lilted , the supervision of education , religion , school houses , our jails , the treatment of criminals anil the protection of children , arc especially work for which women are lifted. Man has failed in two in stances very signally. First , to Hud out the true iiuttiro of women , nnd secondly , to as certain the location of the north polo. [ Laughter. ] Let a muii treat n woman prop erly mid he will soon find out her true na ture. Is not an American woman capable of wielding the power that Queen Victoria asserts f Queen Victoria , when only seven teen jearn of ago , cheerfully undertook the enormous responsibilities of her oftiee , and by careful study hod lilted herself for hrr exalted position. Mrs. Stnnton gave a vivid description of the preliminaries to , ami the actual coronation services of England's dueeii , which was listened to with profound ollcnco by the audience , and at 'its close It was i-nwnrdud by n hearty round ot applause. Dignify , said the speaker , our women , and wo give our sons now lessons in reverence for women. Al ! our institutions , social nnd political , have ever been luuscullno in their formation. In them man lias ocen selfish and only consulted his own Interests. Kent , Lucky , nnd other legal und historical authorities were severely handled by Mr * . Stanton for tln-ir prejudiced views upon woman1' ; rights. The hoei.il evil was than referred to , and its treatment bv men ridic uled in bc-iiUiing language. The cheapest article of commerce , said Mrs. Stanton , is woman , and the purchase of girls for the purpose of infamy go on under our present enlightened masculine form of government. [ Loud Applause ! . The remedy for this Is , educ.itu our daughters , and lit them for the responsibility that conies with -oioo in the government of their country , titvo thum access to the learned professions and throw wide- open to women nil the privileges of our colleges. Concluding , Mrs , SMiiton exhorted I hi ) women of the u.iy when discussing the question of suflrugo to discard old creeds and authorities amlHOL'kinspjr.iUon from a higher power ; and try and nay whether or not woman Is forever to remain the slave of another human soul. MUi Susan 15. Anthony being called upon made u brief speech in which the development of the pnncip es of the association wcro referred to with much gratlllcatlon , and the Tsood work ac complished in Kansas was alluded to , and held up to the NobriisUn association us an incentive for redoubled o.\ortions thin com ing legislature. Miss Anthony gave the newspapers seine hard rubs , and at times blu < handled the subject of her speech "with out glows. " The lalo "dilllculty" between the north mid south and the emancipation of the slaves was referred to iia a military ne cessity , and Senator Plumb , of Kansas , got n severe cnstlgatlon from the Hpcnker. Clwwlng and ttmoklng tobncco and drinking wcro held to > 'u indefensible In u supurlnlon- dent or male teacher in the public schools , ami the success of the republican ticket in Knus.is was stated to have bcc.n the outeoino of the combined efforts of ttio female voters ol that Hate. | lioforo dismissing the meeting Mrs. Colby gave notice that the association would mcc't to-day at'J ' o'elocic in the Methodist church on Davenport street. At II o'clock a visit will bo paid to the Llninger art collection. lie assembling at 1 : 'M p. in. , It will continue in session until it p. in. , and at that hour will adjourn to hear Miss Anthony's Iodine. In the evening a reception will bo held lu the parlors of the P.iMOn hotel from 8 until 10 o'clock. _ TIII-J OOUNOlTr OOXSIMKATOHS. Tliey Ajjnln I'rcrciit a Quorum Man - vlllo ItoiiHtH ol' Ills Guilt. The city council met last night that is , some of its members did. Councilmcn Kus- pur , Lowry , Alexander , Cheney , Kitchen and lluriduim met In the council uhainbor , and were thcrowhcn , President Hccholl culled them to order. Councilman Mnnvlllo wan there ut the same tlmo , but was afraid there would bo a quorum and slipped out. Before leaving1 , however , ho wtiUpcred to a cltlrcn that there was just enough present to declaie no quorum awl they "would down 1)roach ) any way , " Ho intimated further that an adjournment for want of u quorum wua the only way to do It , as It would give "tho boytf a chance to get lu their work to elect the judges aud clerks of tlcction. " Pat Ford was lost In the shadows that surround the police cells , and only adjourned when .liin Crcighton told him that Mnndvillo's scheme worked. Iko Hascall got as far as Manor's saloon before ho heard the good news , and then remained there the greater part of the evening in order to get his friends primed for to-day's work at the polls. The motion to adjourn for waat of u quorum was mndu by Councilman Lowry , afid .limCreigliton at once struck for Wit- tig's saloon , where ho was scon at a lata hour telling the wavering voters. "I'm for Pat Ford. " The whole farce was over at 7:53 : , and the few members of the council who stood In the corridors awaiting the grand flnnlc , were then permitted to go to the various ward headquarters nnd "plug. " 'HIE "UEUAIjI > " SOLD. H. A. Crni K liuyt ) u Controlling In- tcrcHt null Tu ken Charge. U. A. ralgg , formerly connected with the business department of the Pioneer Press of St. Paul , but luterly In a similar capacity with the Times , of Chicago , has purchased a controlling interest in ttio Herald of this city , having taken charge yesterday. When soon by a reporter last night Mr. Craigg stated that the purchase had been made as above stated and also added that ho would occupy the position of general manager of that paper. In politics he stated ttio Herald would undergo no change. As to the price paid , ho had nothing to say , but it is under stood that an inducement was made to him to invest. John McShano Is Btill Interested and is a joint owner with Mr. Craigg. The new manager has had years of ex perience in the business and in rated asbeinir well up in the newspaper art. Ho has taken up quarters at the Murray , ami will bo Joined by his AVifo in n few dais.S'ilimm K. Ward , his stop-.son , will occupy an important posi tion with the management. The Arniour'CiHlntiy Fire. By 10 o'clock Saturday uight men wcro at work investigating the loss at the Armour- Ciulahy lire and arranging to repair the works. Assistant Manager .Innie-s H. Howe Informed Tin : Kii : representative that the damages would not exceed ? 'iO,000 , unless the machinery Is Injured moro than they now have cause to believe. Superintendent JamoR Phillips states that ho does not know to what extent the machinery has been injured. But with a Binllo born of confidence Mr. Howe said the Injury would bo repaired In a day or Uvo.und that the work would bo going on as usual by Tuesday or Wednesday next. 11 Irani Miilx , cashier of the ( icorge H. Hammond Packing houses , running to the fire , fell among tlio ties on the stockyards track crossing the driveway Boutti of the feed-master's oftiee. and was badly injured. Following Mr. Mills were two unknown Bohemians , ono of whom fell nnd the other lumping over him and to the fihlo between the tracks , lighted In the drive-way ten feet below and was jambcd up some. An un known man ran over the bank near the Klcctrio Light house but escaped with a painful jar , while a moro fortunate ono ran over the twenty-foot bank Into Thirty -third btrcot and escaped without Injury , The work on repairing the damage done by the lire , Is going ua night and day us fast as men and animals can do it. DiXZER-In this city , December 2 , 13ll/a. belli Denzcr , mother of Mrs. P , K. ller , nged 75 years and 11 months. Funeral on Wednesday , December 5 , at 2 p. in. , from the residence of P. K. ller , corner Sixteenth and Jackson streets. Friends Invited. Mrs. Denzor was formerly from Tiflln , O. , ami was an old resident of Omaha , and Was a devout member of the Knglisli Lutheran church. _ Hnllroait Vvlul | > oilu IlldofN Killed. PHOVIUK.NCB , It. I. , Dec. 3. Thomas Uurk , n bignal light tender on the Old Colony rail * road , while traveling on a railroad velocipede early yesterday morn lag- , was struck and killed by a locomotive. Two hours later , at Mount Hope station , Michael Nolan , track man , while on a velocipede , was run down by u train aud killed , WniitH to Hprlut. Thomas Huyncs of this city Is anxious to meet uuy pedestrian In Nebraska , barring John Hourihun , lu a four-foot race , for f50 a hldo , or in a sack race , to bo ran in 100 yards heats , IJnnk Wanted. To buy , or buy control. State amount , dopositH nnd rate of interest obtained. All letters confidential. Address "Bunker , " care First National bank , Oniuhu. A Tpiiwernncc BIcotlnR. Mr. Crilchileld commenced a scries of temperance meetings at the Illllsldo Con gregational church last night. About sixty- five peplo signed the pledge. Much interest was'takon. The meetings will continue for several evenings and as much longer us any good can bo accomplished. For Sleeplessness Use Hosford'H Acid Phosphate. Dr. C. U. Drake , Bollvillo , 111. , says : "I have found it , and it alone , to bo capable of producing a sweet and natural sleep in cases of msomiia from overwork of the brain , which so often occurs in active professional and business men. " The Gihson School Open * . The Gibson school was opened yesterday by Miss Nagl , the novvly appointed principal. There rtro accommodations for nbout ono hundred scholars who will bo transferred from Bancroft school. Pears' soap secures tt'bcaulilul com plexion. A Pnpcr Clothing Factory. T . C. Mudgc , president of the American Paper Clothing company , of Deiroit , has es tablished an agency in this city. Ho was much impressed with Omaha during his recent - cent visit and thinks very favoranly of it as n silo for a factory for his goods. The plant of the establishment would Involve an outlay of ? Or > , OCO. The pronrietors of Salvation Oil , the great est euro on earth for pain , will pay a largo reward if any certificate published by them is not found genuine. Tom , Dick and Harry appear again with tholr grandmother's recipes for coughs , etc. , but Iho people know Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup too well. To Up Sent to I'urt Ijinvonwortli. In accordance with instructions from the office of the adjutant general of the army , the commanding oOlccr at Fort Omaha will will send , under charge of a sergeant and two privates IIH guard , to Fort Leavenworth military prison , the following named military convicts : William O. Kcut and Thomas J. Taylor. _ Tlioso who take Dr. Jones'Rod Clover Tonic ncvor have dyspepsia , costiveness - ness , bad breath , piles , pimples , n uo and malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , headache or kidney troubles. I'rico SO cont-J. Goodman JJruy Co. ii 1'ormits. The following bulldinu penults wcro issued yesterday : llrynnt I'lielps , ono nml half story frame dwelling , Iliumiton struct , near Tillity cltrhtb htroet H.MO I'hlllli ) Clarke , Darn ivnil ullerallon to i\wollln \ , Trtenty.lUth and Cumins Mroitn COD N , ( jrush , ono triune guttuge , 1'ourtcentli , ni'iir Mnrthn street ' . . . ( XX ) /.Ion llitpti.st chiirch fnuno church. Grunt , between Twenty-second and Twenty. fourth streets -"OO Four permitnggretmtlng f..t/JO \Vlicr H LowU ? W. M. Stevens , of Tabor , la. , has written the chief of police requesting him to ascer tain If n man named Kd Lewis bad suicided hero since August 7. Ilo also desires to know If any'person 1ms tmluldcd horoilmt has not yet hoon Identified since the above dato. A negative reply was raudo by the coroner in either caso. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. Whan Babr wai gJck , we cave her dutorla. When Mio was a Child , ike cried for Quitorla , WJien ebo became JIlu , ebo cluflpto Orutorta , MTlien ha UaJ Children , he B TO Uiem CSoirtorla. Bias Tor rublic Prlntlnc. STATR Ol' NKI1HA8ICA , 1 OrKicn oi'Tiiu STATE UOAHDOII'HINTINO , > IilM'OI.X , NOV. 15 , JBfl ) . ) NOTtCn Tl IIIDDKIIS. Sealed proposals will bo received at nnv tlmo on or before : J o'clock p. in. of the lltli tlnv of DoceinlHT. A. D. 1883 , for tlio printtngof nil bills Tor the legislature , with such inattora as may bo ordered by cither house thereof to bo printed In "bill form , " which Is shown mid dciljcuatod nn Class ono (1) ( ) under the printing laws oC thustnto or Kcbraikn. l''ortiojrintlup ! ] nnd binding In paper covers onothoii iindli ( 0)coIcH ) | each ot the biennial reports of the auditor public Bcconnts.tren'iuror , secretary of state and commlstfonor ( ifpubllu , lands nnd bulUUnus : imd live hundtotl ( fiW ) copies each of the biennial reports of the attor ney general , superintendent public instruction. Htato librarian and adjutant ccneral ; and ull other reports and Documents that may bo or- doled printed by the lojtlfiluturo , except such as may outer Into and foim a p.irt of the Journals , which class ofvnrlc IH known und doalKiiated iiu Cla.ssi : under the piinliiit'laws of Nebraska. The bill work executed under Class 1 shall be printed In small pica type on paper fourteen ( II ) inches long l > y eight and one-half ( M.i Inches wide , single page , paper to l > o UH pounds double cap to the rviiin tinil except tholUlo pagooacli page bhall contain notions tlmn Wvonty-llvo ( S5) ) lines of milia matter of syven (7) ) inches in length , and Iho lines shall DO succcsHlvely numbered with a blank only In each space oetwcen the linen. The title page of said bills shall contain not less than eighteen llh ) lines as above , with Cl ) Inches additional space allowable for display title matter. inch : bid Bhall state what the bid der Is willing to do the work complete Torpor page , Incltultngcomposltloti. paper , presswork , HtltcldiiR , folding and all work or material en tering Into the work required. All work executed miUer flats 1 shall bo de livered In good order by the contractor to the onicoof the H.'cretnry of state within three ( . ( j days after tinut'celpt of the order by said con tractor from the chairman of the com mlttee on printing In i-lthor br.inchof tlio lu islaniv. .All work executed under Class tnreeiill shall bo printed In long primer , brevier and non pareil type , on pnpor to bo nine ( ! 0 Inchon long by six ( ill wide , slnglo page , imticr to bo foitv- llvo < IJi ) ! ! ) ( . to the ream , wlilto I ook. Kach bid under Cl.iHHil shall utalii what the bldiler H will ing to do the work complete for per page , on each icport or Item In Iho cla s , Including composition - position , paper , pi OMwork , htitchlng. folding iindiill work or material entering Into the woik roinlrod. ( Jnllcy and page juoof must bo fur- nislied when reqidifd by the olllcers of ttio executive doparlinent or llio clialiinnn of the ronimlitoo on printing In either branch of tlio legislature. Work when completedto bellvcted frco of uxiiciiki ) at the tiiiito lun o. Proposals for work on each of the nbovo clusHeH ulll not bo connlderi'd unless tliusiiinu Bhall boflrrompunled by a bond In the sum of llvo tlioiiHiiiiil li'i.KO ) ( lollurx , with t\\o or more nuretle.s , that In case the p.irty proponing for such rontriH't shall bo awarded tlio name such party will within live days after the award to htm of Htich contract enter Into bonus for Iho faithful performonce thereof , us piovlded by law nnd tlie terms ot tliefco propo > als. Proposals shall he marked "Proposals for Public Printing" and addressed to the stain bonrd nf printing In earn of the aocretary of fctnte , Lincoln , Neb. Contiactson ( 'Lies one ill a above specified will be awarded , IH u wholu. Contnictson C'liiss three Cl ) ns above fcpccllled will l > o awarded in whole or In part , us the board inuy ; le < 't. Samples of the work to bo executed under classes ono nnd tlueo may be Been lit the olllco of the secretary of btate. ContrnctHoii above clast-es ono nnd three to run two years fioui Dec , II , | PH8 , 'Iho slate printing board rmorves Iho right lo inject any or all bills , (1. li. I.AWK , Kocrrtary of fitato. II. A. IIAIICOKK , Auditor Public Acc'ts , . l. II. WH.LAKD , StatoTreasnier , n''ldtodlu Of the state lloaul of i'rlntln ; ; . Preserve Your Health I ) . (5. HAI.fc & CO.'H I JtATKfl niTKBKIN I' ' to portions ouscoptlble tooold tlio liast iiroteclloa nijatnit 1'NF.U MO.VIA , IIHIlfMATIHM. Ulld II II I.CNO U1HHAHKS Iteroni- mended for I.odlM nnd Kentlu- men by the Mnllrnl I'acul ty Bend forlllnbtroted circular. C.VNFIIILI ) HUnilKIt CO. S rK M.lNl'lMCTrilKIH S3 Lcor ari S . , How York City JiniCIOUB AND PlHSISHNf Advertising lias always p'-ovoa Biicccsaful. Ilofoio plncintran ? Kowspupor Advertising consui LORD & THOMAS , iDTrniiMfu iiKJis , IS ( i IU * UU Utrect. CHIRAOO. Surgeon and PhysicUi , UfQCo N. W Corner nth aol uouul.ii dt. Oilica talaylioijo , i3 ( ! ; ItoJkluuco toloyliona , ull. D1VO11UK.S-A , ( loODllICIl , ArrollstV-AT-I.Aif , l.'l Dearborn St. , CliicuMdi mlvleu fruui VI ycari - tiuiiiieti ( | uletlanil ' DR. HORDE'S Electromagnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science Set * Scientific cnlifical1 * lvladc and P "cally Applied. " ' DISEASE CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES Hnvc JOH I'oln. In ( lie ll . 'lllln , li.n.l or I.linh Nrrv WHEN ALL ELSE FA8L.S. ' mod t y permission. JNOl'U ttio following i\ho liuto hern TESTIMONIALS . . - . . . . . . „ ml. 1C. H. : Parker and J.M. llaalett.Allun Hoard of Trade. CMra- Bfftt I A. ilrenory. ' commission im reliant Utock Ynrusj Jlndd I'uble I , tlie ) treat hoit.ptHQIH > A. O. AVundtitr. fil I ) , MalnBtiWe , Ilufraln , N. V , ; U. W. Hellutt.M. ! > . , Mormontown.Iflirai I 'inuol .MI1LKnnWnkeii , 111 [ Jud o I. 31urrayNanervill > , in. ; K. I , . AbbottMiut. city writer works. Huuttillfiitl , Jiul.i HobC. It. bainpgcn , C'lilcn o btoftlcut L.I ) . McMicliat'l , H. 1 > .IlulfAlu , N. Y "Vour | K > U tins actotii ) > llsh \vliatna ulhir rtiiiiHly liam ' " iicrrua gad coinfprtnble nleep at night. " Ilo lit. HA ! ] , _ nilermaii. | _ lee KnBiayiiihirc ! r . Kew Ynruytito , Wl'ABS , NERVOUS PEOPLE. -nulfoiy curodlji Cffclaj I/11. - Jlorno'AKlp tro5f offnrtto lielt * JTruuc mlilncd. Oi.arautc'ctlttjo only ono In the world Rcneratlng orontlnuowi Klectrlo it llagnella 'cvrrtnt. fcclcntltlc.rowcrful. Durable. Corafortablo and Jittecllro. Avoid trnuvs * , ii ; ictrlclty. ( IfilUNTfCl ) tlio Jl ra.Qfts ? ' ' -1-t. : WSS St HtI P roved , cTiv P'tHcl ntlrt < . nowprrul.du * j - - - jftsBl\Bj& eirrctlroHKIfAIIlLrCTIIlbliii.Tln ° * i- \ . p v : ) ! : tba -npK5rarM J ; ! ; TlT u , IlKrEIlENrES ; Anv Imnk , cninmerciAl Pr < ncy orXvoMbofftis eompnriiiii witbinnnr nlfa nfi anrt worth- ! In C lilcsifof wliolt ftalo uru gtyf ( Dftuj g liuluitloiu. KLhCflilU 'iliUHflEH ( OK ItmilUK * Frmicl connachlcRK-o. P.OOO curtd ScnjBUinpforilluatrutcd pamohlcu DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 V/abash Avenue , Chicago. - - ' - " - ' - W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 2188.15th St. , Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST- SOUTII OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY AHPUITPPT0 r" ST.VUH , JB10 Sovrant St. . Omaha , lias draxen plnns aud nnunilbUI ipoclUcutlonH fora U room frnine hoiiBe. which cnmlilnoa ntlllty.comfort.economr und bunmy.ln a vuiy ImpogHihle in any I house Utat costs from tl.'tnO to Jl.i ) J AH moro than 1U ) will buliiult ro , 1 can nlTord lo otr r ix nopT for U5 , tlio usual tif.t otherwlHu l > ojng from dralgni firnUhud b judged t tolper ie'j' . i' .ontaiipHid for. , u can For a THrlctj of ald p form the netx orplaogof completed buildings ot E per cent more oil ( IcBcrlptloDH. 1 Imvo in my ollliu , rauelnu In cost from (0,000 to(100,000 , My unuuual oxpoilcuco ulll guaruiitoi satisfaction ' nd reliable coatructoru ouIyB.ro engaged on my works. 1'arllua wlahlnc to bulhl ( u coidliiilr luvltod. ' jyij-i rrora ra\jlnmium \ > or Vita h e Mrlouiljr vlnlnt I Ihulr \ lulll/or DcUlltited Iliclr NC.-IQHI S utm3ui'l luj ; c lnctpotluit.1 for Iho Dntlei Muiljr cr Li to on Cad u full i.iftit ( kHr KiloieJ l 'yOUNO MEN to IbiourU IV1IVlra or ICUO..M. 1.41. w" " u.T.oj 11.1 itiui. i lU.lrJort u.Bt.l.m..u4Ii.in.U.u4 fo.ldlh lrr * .r'l ' OLDER MEN wti . virl Ur ul roii / lu . rtirat' 1 wb Bci.1 . tl.nii.-lr 1. . . VUnrou.or K.ullr 1 ! ? f ? "W8IIO MEN OB HEH AB05T T $ lltlrw . ue.iur Ij r r"lr r uu < . tuwi mluai. ta JatuJaf , WVASICOCtlf RAOICAllT CURED WITHOUT CP BffnO .W CIVIAL2 REMEDIAL AQENCY' Hi ) Fultan 3U til , tftv < Yorin * . Or the LI inor Habit , I'osltlrcly Cured bj AdmluIblcrlngDr. Hulnca' Golden U can be Riven In a cup of coffee or tea wlthi put the tnowlcrlgo ot the pi rson taking It ; nhsol lutelybannlDSR , and will on net a peiinuuuiitnnd poedy cure , w Jif-ther the patient J u nioclnrnta UrlnkerorHii alcoholic wjoci. Thousands ol drunkarili hiiro bocn uiado tumporato men who have lakou ( iolileu Hncclllo lu tliolr cuirco with. out Ibelr knowleilce and to-duy believe they milt drinking of Uu-lrou-n tree will. Itnovet falls. ThesyBtem once improcnated With tlio Qpoclflc , It b cnmes ull utter linpos llllliy tot the liquor nppctHo to exlsl. Foraalo by Kulin k Co. , lotli und Douglas ot.'i. , UIKI ibth and Cum > Inest * . , OniMlm , Nub.i A. It. roster & Jlro- Tounall JllntTj. lown. * GHATIM'UI.-COMl'OUTINO. Epps's Cocoa , IIHEAKrAST. "Ilr a tliortiuiili lnuiAludtiu of Ilia natural latri wlilth KOTtim Ilia oixirallonior dlKumlon and nutili tloii , uuil by a rart'tnl uiillrallnii | | oMiielluo i > rui | r < tlo of vrtilf-teluctoil roion , Mr. ICjpi | liuj provliloil our bruakluil ULIu Tillliu dullrntin ; llavornl hoveritej whlcli mnr Biro u niiiiiy huiivy iluclor' Mill. Hit by the juillrloun 1110 ol itiu-li urtltlen of clcli thuttt coimUluiluii niuy to itrnUiiully built up until tlrunj tiaoiiltli Ui ru.lkt uvt-ry tuiidimiy to ilmi'n.o. lluu * dreiU of > ubtl iiiitla > lle < uro tluutlnv aruiuul tin rouilr louttiu'k wliiTuver iburii In uwuHk inilnt. Weiuur ocaiia ninny u filial ilull by kiiKi.lim mir tliu well lorlllloij with | > uro blood unit u properly nuurliliod ' frame * " -Civil HorvleoOaiotte. Muilu.lniply wllli lio'lliiM wuleror unlit , Hold oaly talinlf iiniiniftliii brflroierK Inbcluil llnm ! i ll " > u-opathicChomUta , I , , lx > xno.v , IMJIAND. : 1 > _ _ _ _ i " * IK * PEERLESS DYES