Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Very Heavy nt nil Points
With Low Prices.
bmnllrst Hxport In Yrnin Corn
Dull 1'roviNlons Nervous U'Uli
n IJcarlsli Incllnitiloii Iilvo
Block Pnli-ly Active.
CIIICACO ritoiujcn M
t'niMoo , Dec. 3 [ Special Tclcpram to
Tun Urn -The wheat market was lieavv
tr day with lower prices ruling cvcrwhcreon
this tide of the Atlantic , and news from the
cither sidr verj discoura'inf ( , ' . The receipts
nt Minneapolis and the course of the market
thcicand nt Dulmh do not fulfill expecta
tion ! * ami estimates of irduc'd movement. A
disiati'h | from Minneapolis LCrtillcd that the
movement continues to bo above anticipa
tions , and tha more wheat is corning for-
waid than the bulls -cro iireparcJ to receive.
I'rlies nt Uuluth and .Minneapolis are mater-
Inlh lower New York , too , opened away
off fiom Saturday , nnd the maiket sympa-
thlcd with the weakness here. It was plain
carlj m the day that the visible supply would
hlioxv a lart-'C i crease , out the ( Inures , when
thr.v came S'.l.WObushels were liirtrer than
cxpcctiMl. This had a depressing effect , and
rmplmsi/od the prevailing Indisposition
to liuest. The Initial range was
tl O2'o ' for neci-mbcrl.OS'4 ; ' for January ;
nnd tlO'J for Maj. 'J'he market worked
down to fi 01V for December , $1.011 for Jan
uary nnd 11 os.'t ' for Amy.
The pressure was steady but not partlc-
larlhea , \ y.o far as could be seen. There
was VCTJ little raiding nnd considerablu
dead weiyht. Outsldo and local inlluenccs
were bearish and searchers for bull points
mid news had lean pickings ,
The market rallied spasmodic illy several
times during thu session and two or tluco
times May tou < lied ? 1 UiJi , but the tempta
tion to bull on "hard spots" was more than
tinders could lesist. Wheat came out every
time bu.vurs got numerous or ambitious.
The price fluctuated between fl.H'4 ( ' nnd
tl.0b'4 most of the session with ? 1.0 'i ' the
buttle line. The priro was not for long lit
ii lime more than > bu away from it up to I
o'clock. December ranged $1 01VU ( ' ' 6
find January Sl.O.lCfl.Ol' . The last llftcun
or twenty minutes qf the session de
veloped no bciisntiomil features. The
market continues to drag down. Clos
ing quotations wcro at inside figures for De
cember and January and within ' ( jCof the
bottom for May , viz. : $1.01 ' „ for December ,
$1.0 : ) for January and fl.0i > for May. As
compared with Saturday last , prices show n
decline of 1V"1' ' , December suffering
most nnd resting at a discount of C.J c under
May. Tbosn who have been daily spectators
can hardly rcali/e the change in the spirit of
the market dining the last thirty or forty
dais. That long ago , it was : "Uuy any
month at any price and get rich. " The boom
was on foreign and home shorts hud just
covered 25,000,000 to liO.OOO.Ol'O ' bushels of
whca' , regaidless of price and the specula
tive atmosphere was electric with
the bullish spirit Since then the
market bus gi.ulually nun owed. Many
took their piulits nnd went out until
such time as they could feel safe in icinvost-
mg. Stalwarts have Kept right on in umli-
minishcd faith in absolute correctness of
then- position To them thu shrinkage of 13c
in futUH's and 20o m c.ish wheat is
n men : incident. The great mass of tradeis
me uflccted differently , however. Hears
liavo recovered some of their courage and
money , while such of the bulls as are not for-
tilled bj the faith kindled to that which
nerved the mart.\rs , have fallen into thonld
habit , of snapping up small prolits in : i spirit
of thankfulness. Vi'hcio a month ago they
would not look at less than r > ( i 10i : piollts on
tiado they now take Ic or even a fraction
thereof. And all thu time the maikctshavo
been selling slowly down toward
lower levels , and nt the decline
tbeio has been no revival of
the export business. On the contrary , the
exports this week are the smallest of any
week for years , amounting to less than
r > 00tUO ) bushels in wheat and Hour combined ,
fiom the Atlantic uorts. Bradstreots makes
the total exports for both coasts 705,000 bush
els. II would scorn that the markets have
had break enough to attract new speculative
business , but the public as n rule does not
comocn masHe until the market turns up
nnd n good start is made. It Is possible for
bull leaders to start such nn advance any
day , but with prices hoio as high as they are
nt the seaboard , the public might still keep
out That mny be what deters them from
attempting anything ol the sort , for the pres
ent at least , or until increased activity in the
flour tiadu biings to the notice of the
trade the welcome intelligence that
the stocks of Hour are again
down to normal propoitions , and all danger
of fatal congestion is averted. The sudden
let up In the northwestern movement might
nlso prove acuro for bull timidity.
Kcceipth of corn were about 05 cars under
Saturday's estimates , but that gave no sup
port tn a market inclined to be weak , and
freely assisted in its downward COUI-MJ by
the selling of borne heavy operators , Kxport
demand continues good , and the quantity
moving out fiom thn Atlantic seaboard keeps
up to respectable Hgnies while a smaller
proportion of daily receipts are grading up to
the speculative standmd.
The weather keeps mild nnd although not
wet , is not favorable to nn early accumula
tion of No. 3. The visible supply statement ,
showing an ineioaso of 81,000 bushels , was of
no significance in its mlluonco upon prices.
Trading was dull nnd spn'itless , and with n
prevailing weakness In wheat , there was
nothing to stimulate the lUgging demand lor
corn ,
in provisions the movement was nervous
nnd more or less irregular. The monthly
htock exhibit showed n little more pork on
hand than was expected , and under its in-
ilucnco the market opened with a Dcarish
inclination. The decline Buffered , liowovor ,
WIIR limited and only temporary. The old
benr element wus more disposed to support
trade than to resume last week's pounding
on anything like an extensive bcale , and , on withdrawal of their prcssuio ,
oork advanced fiom Us lowest point , 32 < o ;
laid ISIjGfMBo ; short ribs , 10 ( . ' 12 > fie. Subse
quently n weaker feeling was ngaln de
veloped ; prices ruled easier and unsettled ,
mid the gain madu was very generally lost.
HiiKi'il on Saturday's last quotations the
rfoHirgs for pork stood unchanged to 5e
lower , nnd fer laid und short ribs unchanged
to 2 o off ,
Cmcnno , Deo. It. ( Special Telegram to
TUB HKK.I CATTLC The trade was rather
Blow at the opening , but later on was fulrly
active , with nearly all so-called good and
Uboful natives bold , such realizing about the
tame u on Friday last , The pens wcro
again crowded with low grade natives nnd
common cow stock that was almost unsale
able. Prices cut no figure ; no matter how
low salesmen [ irked such ho found itdifll-
cult to get a buyer , No ono seemed
to want COWH. Canning house buyers
nnd butchers' preferred low priced
Texnns and rangers , of which
there wore at least 6,000 on the market.
Thcro was little or nothing going on in the
utockor nnd feeder tnulu , The receipts in *
elude 4,5UO 'I exas and western cattle. Choice
beeves , f. " > U0rt5.40 ; medium to good steers.
1MO to 1500 Ibs , $4 00@4.75 ; 1300 to 1WO Ibs ,
M.MW4 , ( > 0 ; 1150 to 1200 Ibs. J3.UOtf3.7Ss ( stock-
rr and foodon , H.MV3 IX ) ; cows , bulls and
mixed , * l.t0 ! ( aK ) ; bulk , 81.SO < 3333 ; Toxus
Btoors , $2.10 ( 3.40 ; cows , tl.GU:3.aO : ; west
ern runpors , l.0004.15 ; cows , f2.50@345.
JJoosTindo was acttvo with a down turn
of Co and in some cases lOc. Packing sorts
sold at f5.lO&5.25 and best heavy at
t5.2W@5.aO. There was a fair demand for
light sorts , the Fowler people taking about
110 to average IbO at fS.20. The Llpton com
pany bought about 400 to average 170 at
$ r > . ! )0. ) The Morris outfit were buying aver-
aces o : HO down to I'M at f5.itti35.iO.
NrYOIIK , Dec. 3 [ Special Telegram
to Tin : llEn.l - KTCM M The mnrkct opened
with decided xv-r-aknoss nnd activity. rirst
prices were from X to % per cent below last
Salurdaj's final figures. The pressure xx'as
especially severe against the Missouri Pacific ,
Noxv England nnd HOCK Island. Heforo the
day had advanced half nn hour the ninikct
began to crumbln in such a decided manner
ns to discourage even the strongest of bulls.
The troublesome settlement , which they hnd
predicted would prove a bull curd , fell short
of the mark , us the average operator had lit
tle faith in the movement to ndvanca rates ,
The market had the anpearaneo of being n
Gould one. All Gould securities were weak ,
and lead the decline. Hook Island surprised
everybody by falling way , A story
was afloat Gould and his friends had It
in for other southwestern roads , and by ham
mering the market doxvn would force the
other roads to feclllo on the tcims proposed ,
Another story for the decline that all
railroad managers were anxious to have Iho
long haul clause of Iho inlcr-stato commcri'o
laxv repealed. With this object In viexv they
formed a combination xvith Camm.icU and all
the big profesiomils , to sit on thu market in
such nn emphatic manner as to in.iku . it ap
pear to the congress 110x7 assembling that It
xvas for the railroad interests of the country
to have the laxv repealed In the deal
Ings Hie market rallied from thcloxxastiiiii'c *
reached , by covering of short contracts. The
net declines for the day of the nctlvo slocks
show Hock Island , 1 ; Western Union , H ,
Noxv England , 2'4 ' ; Union Pacific , ° < ; St
Paul , I ; Norlhxveblcrn , J < ; Cotton Seed Oil
ccrtilluatcs , 1 ' . Total sahs. 427,7'- < ) .
including Northwestern , 34,100 ; Uork Island ,
11,200 ; St. Paul , .10 000 ; Missouri Pacific ,
: i2,000 ; Now England , 2.10 H > ; Hock Island ,
12,000 ; Lncknwamia , IS , 100 , Wcslurn Ulliim ,
The folloxvlni ; xx'eio the rinsing itiolatlon | :
IT. S. 4s ri'unlar .UT IN'ortliorn I'.idllr. , 24
U.S. 4scoupons. 12H' ' ( tloiin'fcrrcil IT'S
r. S. 4'isn > iiilnr MS C. < . N. W Kl' )
U. S. 4'in coupon * HH iloprofprri'd UJ'j
I'aclllctisiif 'lij . . 11H N. Y. Central . . . . 1117'
( Vntral I'.icltlc .IP , I' . , I ) . Jt I !
Clilcnco , t Alton III , flock . . . WH
ClilciiKo.lIurllngton 1C. , M. .V St. I" . . . Wl's
\yiilne\- . . ( do preferred 100'
I ) . . I. . A : XV . . 1I.11 ! St. I'aul AOinnli.i. . ; il'
Illinois lll'fcl ' do preferred . . . ! I7' '
I. , It. \ XV l.4 Union 1'acillc bPj
Kun as & . Texas . IU7HXV.St. , L. i. I' 1Z' *
I. ikeShorr . . . WI'J1 ilo prefrrreil. . . " 4
.Mltlilg.uH' . SI'i Western Union t /t
Mlssuiirll'acillc ' " a !
MOVF.V ON CAM. lCasvat2 } < fvin par cent ;
last loan at 2 lJr | cent ; closing olTurcd at 2
per cent.
PRIME Mnuc.xNTiLt : PAI-EII \ } @ &M per
STKIIMNO EKCIUXOK Dull but steady nt
f-l.84Vi for slxty-duy bills , and tl.bStf for de
Cnit'voo. Doc , 'l Wheat Weak and
easier ; cash , tl.OK'u ' ; January , fl.OJ ; Mav ,
il.lte'i" ' .
Corn ICasy ; cash , 35e ; January , 33 'i-lCc ;
Mav. ! ! 7 15 Hie.
Outs Steady , cash , 25' ' e ; January , 20c ;
May , 20'Me. '
Hve Sl' ' c.
Kurloy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy No trading.
Flax $1 50' ' .
Whisky Jl . ' 0.
Pork Easier ; cash , $14.22 ; January ,
Lant Easier , wisfi. W.dTJ ; January , $7.70
@ " . 'i-Ki lav , $7 i'nK".11 ! , .
Flnur Stonily und unchanged ; winter
wheat , J" 00 ( < ( f T , " , ; sprins , ' wheat , $1 .Vtu ! ! " > .
Hulk Meats Shoulders , ill b7 > < " ( i < > r 00 ;
shoit clear , ? 7.50@7.liJ > < ; short ribb.$7 U0 ( < j
Mutter Steady ; creamery , 'JSriJ30i3 ; dairy ,
20 2't1.
Clieeso Firm ; full rrcam chcddais , 101
CiolOJ1c ; Hats , ll > } n'llc ' ; Young Americas , n
( < 61 lie.
Kirgs Unchanged ; fresh , 22021e.
Hides Unchanged ; heax'y green salted ,
( iJ.J'c ; light , preen salted , O'fc ' ; green , Tie ;
salted bull , 5' c ; green bull , -J' ' o ; green
tlrx flint , 7'4 ; dry calf , 7Jijc ( ; brandoil
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , U5i ( < )3Jo ) uaeli ;
drv salted. HlC iI."iiJ.
Taltoxx- Firm ; No. 1 , solid packed , 5c ; ; calce. oo.
Hecotpts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 1(5,000 ( 7X)0 ( )
Wheat bu 2lXK , ) lil.OOO
Corn , bu 537,000 37."i,000
Oats , bu a02OJJ O'J.OOO
Hyo , bu . . . .
Ijlvpritonl , Dee , 3. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Hnn. ] S-JO p. m. Close. Pork
In fair demand ; prime mess , eastern , S2a lid ,
firm ; do xvestorn , 71s3d , firm.
Lard Dumand fair for spot and poor for
futures ; spot-fOs'Jd , dull ; December , 14s 3d ,
dull ; January and February , 4s 3d , firm.
Wheat In poor demand ; noxv No. 2vin -
tor , Ss , dull ; < lo , sring ) , 8s Id , dull.
Flour Fair demand tit 12s , lirm.
Corn Spot in good lUunand , tutures Infaic
demand ; hjiot , Is bj d , steady December , 4s
bd , steady ; Jiinuintf , Is 5 d , steady ; Febru
ary , IsId steady.
IJccoipts of wheat for past week from At
lantic ports 1,0011 imarturi , Pacific ports none ,
other sources 140,000 iiuaiters. Heceipts of
American corn 'JS.oOO iiuurtors.
St. liiniiDec. . 3. Wheat Loxver ;
cash , Sl.OD'tf ; December , ? 1 00' .
Com Dull , cash , 'Jt'fc ' ; January , 3IJ c.
Oats Quiet ; cash , 2I\tc ; January , 1.9'sC.
Pork M4.50.
Lard . ' .
$7.h7' < j.
Wlnsk.v ? l.ll.
Hutter Quiet but steady ; creamery , 33@
30e ; dairy. .2 30c.
KaiiMis City , Dec. 3 Wheat Quiet ; No.
2 led , cash , il'Jc asked ; January , 'lie bid ;
May , Of'-ie ' bid ; No 3 red , cash , 77e bid ; No.
2 , sott , cash life asltcd ; May , $1.03 bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash,27o bid ; May , 30c
bid ; No. 3 white , cash , 'JUVjo askcil.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 2.c ) asked ; May , J IJfo
niinncnpoliw. Doc. 3 Wheat Hecoipts
xveio bd1) cars for txx'o days. Millers and ele
vator men wcro buying boino of Iho bust lots
offered , but the demand did not equal offer-
Ititts. Late in the session thu tables hocamo
xvoll loaded nnd prices ruled weak and loxx'cr ,
Sales from tl.o start wcro on a loxver basis
than on Saturday , Closing quotations : No.
1 hard , December , J1.1U : January , ? 1.20 ; May ,
fl.t-5H ' ; on track , $1 20i01 ( 21 ; No. 1 northern , "
December , SI Oa ; January , fl.OO' , , ; May ,
S1.13K ; on track , $1.10 ( < JI 11 ; No. B north
ern , December , II 00 ; January , f 1.01 j May ,
fl 07 ; on trade , $ lOJiU1.03.
Milwaukee , Dec. 3. Wheat Weak ;
cash , ib o ; January , 09 'b'c ' ; May , $1.04 > ; .
Corn In limited domain ! ; No. it , 33o
Oats -Quiet ; No. 2 white , Siy aOc.
Kro ( julot ; No. 1 , 51) o.
Harley Steady ; No. 2 , fi' a.
Provisions Easy ; pork , $13.23.
Cincinnati , Dec. 5. Wheat Quiet ; No.
2 red , il in.
Corn -rirm ; No. 2 mixed , 4Jo ; No.3mixed ,
Oats Harely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 29c.
Hyo Dull ; No. 2 , r 5c.
Whisky--Firmat l.H.
IjIVK rtl'OOli-
Cliicngo. Dec. 8 i'Jio Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows
Cuttle Receipts , 14,000 ; nmrketslow and n
shade lower ; choice beeves , $500@5.40 ;
steers , f.i.00ij4.75 ( ; ; atockorsiind feeders , $1 bO
( < < 3W ; cows , bulls and mixed , jl.20g2.SO ( ;
Texas steers , | 2.4Ua3.-JO ( ; western rangers ,
Hogs Heceipts , 22,000 ; market blow nnd
Tt blOa lower ; mixed , W.O. S..S , heavy , $5.15
Ci585 ; light , W.15@5.30 ; sltips , fJ.40@4 75.
Sheep Hrccdpts , 7,000 , market steady ; na
tives , M 7504 75 ; westerns , U.aO(33.oO ( ; Tex-
nns , f2.r.0'j j.40 ; lambs , f4.00@4.20.
KniiNiiH City , Dec. 3. Cattle Heceipts ,
5,053 ; shipments , 4,141 ; market weak for all
classes except good fut cows ; good to choice
corn-fed , $4.50@500 ; common to medium ,
fcU'.vy-U'.V stockcrs and feeding steers , $1 no
( if3.a.S ; grassjrunee steers. tl.50Q2.90 ; cous '
Hogs ReceiptsKWshipments ; , 3M ; market
blow , weak and fully 5a lower ; good to choicu ,
* 5.155.20 ; common to medium , f 4.80 5,10.
.National Stock Yards , bust Ht ,
Ioulu , Dee 8. Cattle Hcceipts , 3,400 ;
shipments , 2bOO ; market slow ; choice
heavy natlva stoers. ( A.OO S 50 ; fair to good
native steers , $4.30 5.00 ; butchers' steers ,
medium to cboicc , fJ.BXrf4.40 ( ; stackers and
feeders , fair to eood. I' , ' . 10 ( 3.20 , rangers ,
corn-fed , R1.00t4.10i ( grass-fed. $2.00 3.1 .
Hogs itecolpts , i.300 ; shipments , 9,400 ;
market lower ; ciiolc * heavy and butchers'
selections , $5 iOijr , < U ) ; parking , medium to
prime , ? 50u . (5.2,1 , light , grade * , ordinary to
best , $3 00 j 25.
Mondav , Doc. n. IsSi.
The receipts xvere liirht nnd Iho market xvns
strong on desirable kinds of beef iMtlle.xvhilo
olhcr grades , ns well us feeders , butchers'
st.ick , etc.vcro steady. The demnnd xvas
fair and nbont ever.v thing dcslrablu changed
hands before the market closed.
The demnnd xvas not very heavy nml the
market was a drag all day at a decline of U'o '
from Saturday morning. Armour wasprac-
ticallv out of the market on account of the
fire , but anno'inced positively lhat ho xvould
buy on Tuesday. Thu market closed with
Iho bujers offering only tj IX ) for vood heavy
boss , and with sit load * tomalulng unsold in
Thomirkot x\asslrong xvith heavv receipt * ,
Desirable muttons , hoxvex'or , vvoro not
plenty Onr baiicli of extra choice corn fed
i brought f4 25.
Ciittto 1,000
Horses . HH
I'revtilliiii : lrioo- > .
The folloxvuu is a tibia of prices pil.l . In
this inirKet he lha xraJoi of itoiik mmi-
I loocd
ITimcstosrs. l.'IOOto l.1lbs..f ( ) ) I 10 I V )
Primesteer * . HOOto UJJ ibs .f.lii I..U )
Native feeders 2. . ) ( < 10
Western feeders 2 C.U < jt'i ' .HI
Haneo steers , coiu'on to choice 2.5ii
Common to good eoxva 1.25
Choice to fancy cows 2.31
Coiutnonto elioicobulls 1.21 M2.0J
Fair tocnoico light tiocs 4.0 ! ' ut'i 00
F.urtoofioici ! neavv noirs. . . . o.M ( an ; 10
Fair lo jtioici ) mixed h | > . : * . . 4 DO vflo Oj
lilvii Stock Not PH.
Swift & Co. have commenced killing hogs
Average walnut oT tiogs last week was U78
AveracowulKlitof liogi for November was
2tb pound- . .
Armour-Ouilaliy parkins company an
nounced that they would buy liof-s on Tuos.
day and commence killing again on Wednes
There w.n a loss In tlio number of hogs
sold last month as compared with the preceding -
ceding month of 1,7" . ' , but as compared with
the same tnontli one year ago Diet o was a
pain of 43 , ; > : . ' .
Hell , Collins fi McCoy Is the style of the
rcor'ani7ed [ firm of McCoy iJros. , live stock
commission inerchanti , at thu yards , The
now members of the firm , Messrs. Hell and
Collins , are old and well known llvu stock
men , thu former of Falls Citv , Neb. , and the
latter from Larumio City , Vfyo. They will
make a strong firm.
I'rodiiop , Krtilts , Ktc.
UuTTun Fancy , solid-paokod oreatnorv , 20
@ 30e ; choiro country , SJOjSAu ; medium
grades , 18@aici common grades , 10jl-le. (
Fi ouit Nebraska patents , $ UOJr.50 ;
Minnesota patents , $ :2' : > ( < * .75 ; straight
grades , ? 5 00@5 50 ; bakers , ' flour , 13 25@5 T5
jcr bbl.
POTATOES Nebraska , 25@ < 0o per bu , Colorado
rado , 75@SOo.
Hwunr POTATOES fl@3 } u per Ib ,
POUMIIT Live chickens , f'3.iO@3.7. ! > i per
doz ; Spring rhlcUona , f .50@3X ( ) ; dressed
uhiekcns , 7Sc per Ib , turkeys , 8@10o.
EGOS Strictly fresh , U.X'i'-Mo ' candled.
MAi.tUA Giures III kegs , 1'Jc per Ib.
1UNANA1 Common , fl 50'J2.5per bunch ,
choice , f2.r.0i SO.
LEMONS $5 00 per case
OiusiiKa Florida , $3 , Wi1 75 ppr box.
GAMK Per dozen ; Mallards , $ i.W@2.7Sj
teal , ( l.OOvdl.35 ; quail. fJ.50 , praino chickens -
ens , ti.75 ; ( ! 4.00 , rabbits. $1.00 ; squirrels ,
rl.OO ; venison , 6&lOo per Ib.
CitxxDBKntus- 00@'J.OO per bbl.
PROVISIONS Ham * , No. 1 , llHfo , No , 2 ,
lie ; aliouldcra , Tarib \ bacon , lie ; clear
jauon , HKc ; nlcniu hams , lOc ; dried beef
hams , 10) ) < o ; dry salted clears , tliort , 8Kc ;
extra short , B o ; short ribs. 814'c ; pick clod
Jigs' reot , 15-lb kits , 60c ; lard , bjJ9c ( ;
smoked sausn o , 6 ( $ c per Ib ; hoK caslngd ,
CBLKar 25f30o per dorfaensncy , Wj.
ONlO.N8-30@10c per bu.
U-ia.OO per 100.
Hf'nrs 40c ppf bu.
Tiir < -'i'n' p"r bu.
SAI h'liKit' i T-BbKl "K half bbl , J2.75
Ari'i.i i Choice , TJ . " > in-j.i"i ) i > er bbl ; fan cv
$3 < X ! nor blil. oninn o i , M.iiO < 1 5 per bbl.
Cn > I it Mlolnpnn , fi : ( K''J ' \ M ) per bbl of ft
puh : Californiii pear i Idoi , $15 IK ) pT bbl
I'orCoiiN Hlce , ! ' ' ! coniuion , 2Hc.
CAIIIIOT. 40j pet bu.
HiNI ; Choice i-niti-ru hand p. eked navic *
$ ! ( K ) per bushel ; western handptekcd na
vies , $1 tr..Jl.iO ; medluuis fl.i'jjl : ! ( 50 , Lima
biMtio , 5 per Ib
H \ iF o b cars , Xo. 1 upland { 0 00 : Xo
2 upland , f"i en
HtMN-S 5 0 # lf.CO.
CiiOffhii ii-S14 : 00nlo ( CO per ton.
( JoKS 2t > ( iit.7c.
O m 22 ( < ? ' 23i' .
Vine vis Cider , IdJFt'c per gal ; \vhito
wine , I0t20c per pal.
1 Ib frames , 15@lco.
Grocers' Mst.
Ilevlscd prices are as follows ,
ll\oois'n Stark A , seamless , 23c ! ; Amos
kesiK1 , seamless , I'S' " I.uwistown A , seam
less , K'c ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps
4 to ft bu. , llii ( 14c ; Ktinnies , single , Kc !
BUnnies , double , ' 'Oc ; wool sack , 'Lie
TWINKM Flax , 3sn extra sail , 20 < a21cj sail
U , SCXiMIe ! cotton , 22f ; jute , tfc.
Dium FituiT FIRS , in boxes , per Ib , l.'l(3 (
KV ; dates , in boxes , TdflOi1 ; London Malaga
laier raisins , per liox , JJ.rilicn , ! 75 , Malaga
loose inisins , f2W@J50 ! , now Vali'iicia
raisins , tier Ib , S'J c ; L'alifornla loose musca
tels , per box , (2.Xii'J.lCaliforiiia ( ) ( ) ; Londotis ,
Ift S , $ J4) ) ; pitted elii'rries , per Ib , I'-c ; Cnli-
fornin pitted plums , per Ib , 12u lac ; diied
blackberries , pi-r Ib , 7' ( d c ; dried raspber
ries , pur Hi , 24W.-c ( ; evaporated apples , "V"
Ibc ; California sun di icd peaches. I'.tc , Cali
fornia unuaretl evapotntcd peaches , l , " > , n lv ;
pvapor.Ued California nprkots , Isc ; X.tnteu
currants , iil2n7c ( , Turkish prunes. 4 > fin4 ' o ;
citron. 2'iii'li' ( ; or.uiRi1 peel , 15c. liMiuui peel
HV ; California Fictu'li prunes , lliil'.c ( '
CoprKKB Moelin , i"iOi'-i'i' ! ! ' , Hio , jiood , 1i' . @
17c ; Mandalillng. iilrf J i,1 , ro.istmg Uio , l.'iin
HV O (5 ( .lava , 24ci'.i' ( ; , lava , interior , ' "J IK
2V ; Uio , fnnc } , l ( ( < ! li ! ) ; ; Santos nml Mnru-
ctubo. 17'M'i . ' ; Aibiicklns , 2l'4c ; MoLaugh-
Im's XXXX , a I < {
Snnii-Granulatod , 7'j'c : conf. A. 7\c ,
white ovtr.i C. 7'ji' ' ; evti.i C , 7'si ' ; , yellow C ,
( i'jL'.fOWdered , o , cubes , b'.jt' ' .
Hn > v\\\- Choice v\elluw , 2iC5"J ) ! e ; daik
colored , 1 Jfii'14c' .
Cm i---r Young America , full cream , 12c < ?
12'jC , full cream chcdd.irs , HQtl'Jc ; lull
en-am Hats , I'JVJi1.
Pn M t.s Medium , in bbK , } . ' ) ( H ) ; dn , in
half bbls , WHO ; small , in bbls , JiiOO ; do. in
half bbls , ? > J 50. gherkins , in bbls , 5,7 00 do ,
in halt bbls , .UO
Tor. u < o Plug. 'Jt'.Ct1 . We ; smoking , U'.ij''tlc ' '
.hit i irs-l .Tipcr 30 H ) | .uil.
Su i$1 i : ! 0iDl 'Ci per bbl
Korr-7 1(5 ( , He.
M \i-ir SKI MI Hnclts , iutl2c per Hi ;
penny cakps , V.i ( ( Illc per Ib , pure mnplo
si i up , * 1 00 per gal.
Ti A Voung Hyson , common to fair , l' ( < i
"oij. Young Hyson , peed to fancv , SOw.Vie ;
( iimpouder , common to good , " . ' ( < < 2n ; ; Gun-
powilor , choici ! to fancy , 40jii' ( . . " > e' Japan ,
( oiniiiiiii to nicaium , 1 < * i-0c ; .lnp.ui , choice
to fancy , "OiiMr.c ; Oolong , common to good ,
2.1 .Mi.'ic , Oolonir. choice to fancy , r > d ( < t7lc ( ,
Inipc'i ml , common to niedltitn , i"i ( < ; j.V ; Im
perml , good to fancy , -ill'iiVJc ;
Ni -Almonds , ir.inlM' . , Illbnrts , KitlV ( ;
Hni'il. Ofalllf ; walnuts , I''c , pecans , lOfttl If
poaiiuti , li itilc.
CitM'ur.itstifulOo t > er Ib , nssortcd caUes ,
HOi'J'ic pei Ib us JUT list ,
( ' \M \ Mixed , 'J dfl i' ; click , C-jw lie ;
rock candy , lO taM.'ic ; fnn.'y candy , 7it- (
Iloi.i.vM ) Iliuiii'iOlio. : .
C'orrov 1'i.vsvri.t 10 per cent dis. ; M. , ,
fiV r ; CO. I'v/c , SS , 7'c ; Nameless. V , KX ,
1-c , Ii , 'iOc , No HI , Mc ; No 40 , HI' c ; No
M ) , 12'-4C , No. M ) , IH'jiNo. ; . , ' ! ( ) , lolureil , He ;
No. Ml , rolrii-d. I2o ; Xo 70 , coined , UH'1.
IJri ti > l , v ic ; Union L'acilic. 17c.
C\iii'i.i WitrHid , white , 1'Jc ; colored ,
Hvrts ; pern , lOc ; be.uH.\ ,
12' ' , o ; boune , 1 Ic ; H , cased. > ' . . " >
I'liixis Solid colors -Atlantic , lie ; Slater ,
IV ; Ht'rlin oil , li'ijC. ' ( iiirm'roil. ( ! ( ( J7o
PKIM > Pmlcaiid Kobes Allen , lie ; Kiver-
) iomt , . ' . ' i1 , Stuul Hivcr , ti } o ; Kiulitnond ,
ii' ' .c : Piiulie , 7o. -
S IJirss- Charter O.iic , 5' ' c ; 15am
ape , l"e , I.odi , .1'4'c ' : Allen , lie ; Hlchmond ,
in-- Windsor , li c ; ICddystone , ( tj e ; Pacific ,
HIIACIIII : : > Siiir.Tivn Berkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , ! .J < fc , Hest Vet , 4 4 , l.c , ; buttorcloth.
OO,4'4c ' ; Cabot , 7'iY ' ; Rirxxoll , half bleached ,
fij e ; Fruit of the Loom , il'ic ; Greened ,
ll'-ic ; Hope , 7'fe ; King Phijlip cambric , lie.
LoiiMlnle cambiic , ll'tfc ' ; Lonsdalu , ! lc ; New
Yorlc nulls , 10'ic ; Penpeiell , 42-in , lie ; Pep-
pcu-ll , 4i-iii ( , 12c : Pepperell. ll-l. KJc ; Pep-
peioll , b-4 , 21c ; Peppcioll , ! M , 2ic ; Popper-
oil , 10 4 , 2,1c ; Canton , 4-4 , bj c ; Triumph , tic.
Wamsutta , II.1 ; Vallox , 5c.
Ki , \ N N ii.s : Plaid Haflsmen , 20c ; Goslicn ,
32 ! < c ; Clear Lake , SliJ c ; Iron Mountain ,
l 'i/ White GH , No. 2 , f , 2J1 c ;
nil. No. 1. % , 2.ic . ; HH , No. 2. > > i , 2J' ' e ; 1JII ,
No I % , Mo ; Quechee , No. 1 , ; 'f , 42c.
Coitsi.r JUANSAndioicoggm , 7"4c ; Kear-
sargc , 7J.jC ; Hockporl , ( ! > 'jc ; Conestotra ij c
TICKS York , 30-m , 12J2xc ; Yolk , 32 in ,
13'jc ; Sxvift rix'or. 7 , c ; Thorndike , OO.
si c ; Thorndike , EE , bj c ; Thoindikc , 120 ,
' .I' o ; Thorn dike , XX , 15c ; Cordts No. 5 ,
' . ) ; Cordis , No , 4 , 7' ' " < c.
DIMMS : Amoskeag , ! ) 07 , W u ; Everett , 7
Of , IJ'ac ' ; York , 7 oz , 13'c ; Haymaker. b > c ,
Jaffioy XX , ll' ' c ; .liuriey XXX , 12'e ' :
I leaver Creek A A , 12c ; Heaver Creek LJH ,
He ; Heaver Creek CO , UJ )
KCVTI ( M JKXNS Memorial , Me ; Dakota ,
18c ; Durham , 27JJc , Hercules , Ibc , Lcaming
ton , 2- } c , Cottsxvood , 27'Jc. '
Ciusn Stevens' H , ti e ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7'c ' ; Slovens' A ,
bleached , si c ; Stevens' P , s'o ' , .Slovens' P ,
bleached , ! ) ' , c ; Stevens' N , ll'jt1 ; Slovens'N ,
bluached , lO'fj'o ' ; Stevens' SHt , 12'jO.
Miscii.i\M ot s Table on cloth , ? 2..10 ,
plain Hollaiul , 'I' ' c ; Dado Holland. 12' ' c.
HiioxxN hiimni.soAtliiulic A , 1-4 , 7Kc ,
Atlantic II , 44 , 7'4o ' ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , C. 'c ;
Atlanlic P , 1-1 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , ic ,
Auror.iC , 44 , I ' ( V , Crown XXX , 4-1 , ( i-c , ,
Hoosicr LL , l-l , i > c ; Indian Head , 1-4 , 7'jC ;
laxvieneti LL , 4-4 , ( b ; Old Dominion , 4-4
5 > $ e ; Pojipojeil I { , 4 4 , 7c ; Peppcioll O , 4 I ;
( l > , c ; Peppcicll , b4 , lbKc , Pcpierell,0 ] 4 21u ,
Pcpporell , 10-1 , 23o ; Utica C , I-1 , 4 4'e ;
\Vachusett , 4-4 , 7 > jij , Aurora H , 4-1 , 7c ,
Aurora Ii , 4 4 , O e.
Duriv West Point 21 in. S 07 , I0e ; ; West
Point 2U in 10 m. 12o ; West Point 2'J in. 12
oz. , lfic ; West Point 40 in 11 oz , Kic
Fi.NM'i.s lied. C , 24 in , irj'n'e ; E , 24 in ,
' o , ( XI. 21 in , ! ! 0c. HAK , } ( , 25o ; JHF ,
. , . - " > J
G i son AM Plunikctt checks , 7'jfoiWhitteii
ton , 7''j'c ' ; York , 7e } ; Nonii.indi dress , 8 > < Jc ,
Calcutta dress. 6c ; Whitttuton diess. bi c ;
Honfroxv dress , bJ ( < JI2j-jC.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5J < e ; Woods , . 'ij c.
Standard , 5' c ; Peacock , ( i' ' c.
PmSTs , iMiiooHi.uiAinold , Ol c ; Amer
ican , 0)4c ; Gloucester , li c. Arnold C long
cloth , lc ) ; Arnold 1 > long cloth , lO c ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 > $ o ; Sliofel A , 12o , Windsor
Gold Ticket , \iytc. \ (
First and second clear , 14 ? In. . . $49 OOCufil 00
Pust and second clear. IJtf in. . . 47 OOC M ) 00
Third clear , I' ' ClH'i" ' " . W 00a4i ( ( 00
A select , l'j04U ' < . 8T 00
UHOlout , l fcjlU in . { W )
A stock boards , ! 20 in ft , 12 in. . 40 CO
H stock boards , 12010 ft , 12 in. . 41 00
C stock boards , V.'rieifi ft , 12 in. . 8rt 00
: ) stock boaids , lS ! < cJW It , 12 in. . 23 ( H )
flooring , first coniuion , 15 in . 34 00
flooring , second common , 0 in. . 31 to
Select fencing flooring . 1000
Siding , first and second clear , U
( J410 n . 2.1 00
Siding , lirst common , 1(1 ( ft . 22 00
Siding , second common . 1U 00
Common boards . 1000
* o , 2 boards , nil lengths . 14 M )
"enclng , No. 1 , 12 and 20 feet . 10 50
'dicing. No 3 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet , . 15 50
loist and scaiitllne , 2x4. 14(310 ( feet . Hi 00
Timber , 4x1 , 8x8 , 12@10 feet . 1700
Ickots , Dand H Hat . U3 00
'ickcts , Dand II scjuaie . 22 OJ
Shingles , extra A . 2 60
ihinglcs , standard A . 200
.uttl . 2 40
O (5 Halts , 2 } , ' in . 00
O G Halts , I' < x3 , S I S . . . 'X ' >
In well tubing , Dand M bov . 2200
Hemlock solo , 18(3270 ( per Ib ; oak solo ,
iGo per Ib ; oak harness , 30@32c nor Ib ; scle
od oak and trace , ! i5o pur 1C ; oak and hum-
ock upper , 20W2Jopor foot. Hemlock calf
kin , No. 1 , feOu.90o ( per Ib , nccordliig to
volght : oak calf bkln , No 1 , OOcQIl.OO per
b ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , tl.OOQl.JO
ier Ib ; hemlock liln skin , No. 1 , 00i ( 70o per
L ) ; oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70@SOc per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skln.cxtra.SOQUUo per Ib. French
alt skin8.accordlnK ( to weight and Quality ) ,
1.1&C21.75 per Ib , French kip skins , do , bOo
OJ1 10 per Ib Cordovan russett , l cj satin
finish , i i oor to > 1 ; welt lea' ! or. ? t .10 < ii4 (0 (
. tnorocctii ipebblo poati , JO ( .iOo
foot ; moroccos , boot log. . ' " > .1 Me per /oot ,
glove calf SKIIIS , 2"rtUie ( per foot ; Douglas
kid , SlVi lOc per fe-ot. kangaroo sluns , 40CaMc )
Iter foot , according to quality. Toppings ,
fc > . ( K 010.00 per dorcn ; linines , ? . ' > 0 ( ' iy 00 per
dozen , nj ron skins , $10 W&K W per dozen.
.Mctnls nml Tluncis' Stuck.
Hlock tin , small pig $ .CS
Hlock tin , bar 2'J '
Copper , pHmMu'd boilnr sbes : il
Copper , cold rolled ill
Copper , sheathinp Ml
Topper , pitts SO
Copper , Hals 31
Gal sheet iron , Juniata , f > 0-10 and o per c. ills.
Pat. planished Iron , 24 to 27 A. . . . . . 10'if '
Pat. plnnlMiod Iron , 24 to 27 H. . . . %
Hooting , 1C. 14x20. 112 sheets $ Cw
Hooking , IX , l20. l . 112 shcels 7 . ' 0
Hoofing , 1C , SOx''s , Hi sheets 11 ( Hi
Hoofing , IX , 20vis , 112 sheets 1450
Sheet iron , -No ' . ' 0 3 50
Sheet iron , No 27 , BOO
Solder IJ.'adjU'f
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14. 2.5 sheets 0 M )
IX. 10x14. 225 sheets b 23
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x11 , 225 sheets GC5
Steel nails , per iceg 225
Steel xvuc mills , per keg 200
THE itMAi/t'Y MAmtir.
Instruments Placed < iu Kccimt Our *
inn Yc > 4teitlay.
Omaha ami Oi ant Smelting and lloilulnc
l o , lo G ritihci. lols I , n , II. 1 > . I.I and
14. and pt lot l'i , til-en s ml , xx d . . . i'Jl.'J'iO
I1 lllliH'biiml mid \x Iff to 1 , .lolllllo , si- '
ire I.mi'l " > ? > i I---1' ' . < 1 - 61)0 )
I ) I'lt/kiMnM .mil xxifo tn ' lit/ .
gtrald , lots I.1 and II , blk n , Sulphur
Spring mhl , xx d . . . . . . 1
l'i Stanley and xx If to r Ii I'lcue , lots J
and I. liln , ' , MntthiMxs Mill , xd . , . . l.OOJ
A i : Toiunlln tt C II Toxxor. lots. 1 ixad 2 ,
blk t. HllMdc No. , ' , xv d l.f.TO
I ) A Ili-nsoli , tiii'tce , lo C Kiicher , . lots ( i ,
7. \ "and M. blk ' . . , lU'UMm. xv ( I 1.K2
J Ka n if to P. Kamie , n ( \ ' . ft of a .Ml ft lot
f. . " . ( Hvixlunni , xx' d 1
J Uiimlflo K Itaintu , lots 1 ami 2 , blk 1" . ,
XXalnut HIM. xxd . . 1
.1 llamlu to I' ilainlc , blk I , lot Ililllmm ,
xv d . . . . .1
J Unntlr to i ; It link' , lot l.blK I , Ilimo-
lunch add , xv d . . . . . . 1
M Hltick mm xxlfc to II 11.iuan . , nnd 'i
lot-i i und I. blk it. I'attlmgt' add , xx d . 1.1XJO
(1 W Amusandxlto to XX' Krug , lot " > , blk
: | s , innnlia , xd . . -V.00 '
C 1" Mnync and xxlfo to II Itxiiii' , lot ,
lilk I. f \lujn I ! a 1st add. Vallfy. xv d
W S Koliortsiin to U .Xli'I.ea'.i , lot 7 ,
Smith I'nk. x > d
John II llohliiiB to I" I ipiliiiUsun , xv " ,
lot 11 , blK" ; ' , l.oxxi s mld.xvd. . . . 2 ,
A ( ! Inghram to .las Miller , loti II nnd 11 ,
lilk I , rniiMiiau s nub , xv d 100
M I' llnrkalim to I' llcigor , lot 2 , lltx.kix-
l < ixx I'lixcc. d . . 700
It .Major to S I'or.' , lots , 'i , ( ! , ' , and 10.
( iiaxps' I'aik , xx d U.IOO
A M ( iitex-viiiid husband to A M .May-
mini , nnd 'i of n 's ot o ' 5 of u 10J ft lot
. 'II. lluri llaK , xx d . . 41'0 '
XX'm I'.cmliiK to f HloCNViniui. lots , blK 4 ,
Ili > lxidciv d . . . 675
W Krnp to I ! W Ames , n > , of xxH'J ft of
lot 14 , Iumnl7o's "d mid , xx d . . . . B.OJO
TXV M.lihi rte r.l Iliiinc't lot I and 4 ft
of lot 11. 1)11 , ,1. i : V Xmlth s a Id. xx d 12.000
I "at rich I. ; i ml Cole .1 r lloxvman , lots .1 to
K' . blk ll-l. Ilmuli'f I'l.u-c. xi il 0iOO (
I ) Ciimi.iiKlum and xxlfe to It 1T Powers.
lo : 11 , blkii , Itlxoi&ldcaddx\ "W
Txxenty-four trans'crs' npgicjatlng 4 ,6"
A Cnuuli , Cold or Sore Tltrnn : sliould
not be ncglecttd. Hroxvn's Hronchial Truehes
are a simple icmidy , and give piompt , relief.
21c a oo \
A Oiild li ops D.-iul. .
A tx\-o-ycar-old sou of Hugh Tliompson re
siding near the water \xorus , d'oppcd dead
last eve.nng Tnu ci'i ' e of lu sudden de
mise is a m.s-.iii'.x to the l nnilv Aolmg
Cm oner M.uil xv .is notified ami it is likely
that the post merion xvill b > held to-day.
The child x"is xvalUing about the mom , ap
parent Ix in wood health , when it instantly
fell dtad
, . , rlu % take ' ? " : " ' ' " M"lnem MRr lmllo n
l ri./"ilsvc""t0" . / ' l > l on , ( hlciiEo , Mllivanlirc.
, „ iiP0 . * . ' ,1T" lh ( ! I'nnplffof .Nubraikn.Colo.
? isv : ± ? ci0
. nA.ii. ' , .e , tllr < > 0 tral" ( " llny of AV
OA < HKs ,
| whlihare the linen thiit linnian art anil
ixeniiltycaii.ri'ate. Its i'ALACIIbl.KKl'INOCAHa
lie equji | nl wlilch can not ho found vl e > vbrn > At
. ' . .i' ' " " " 11" ' ! 1"0' " " I' " ' " " 1'arlMiHall. .
. , r , 2"v' " 'i ln u llon , rlllllot , with lho n nf ilio ( hi-
euro A .Nnrilivfoleni '
Ilr In t'hleaeo thu trains of
iil llinma > n close connection lth fhosoofalloiher
i.iiHi.'rn lines.
i1 , . ' ar'.lcitr'i'lt' ' ' ir ° i"lbu' ! . Jndlanapolli. Cincinnati ,
iiijara I nlK lluflalo. I1 I 1 1 burn , loronlo , Muiitreal
oyou , Now York , I'litlailelpbia , , U.i.u :
.riEton , and ill points In Hie l-'ttst Ask for tlckela via ,
i no
' 1 011"1 A" "ckot
. iiumiirT , " " „ , , , Wrsov |
Ocn I ManaerT. Qcn'I I'us. r Agent.
" . N. .
1) . U JCIMHALL. ; Ticke t'ent.
( f " " WBST. '
, - , Clir 1'iu'cncer Agent
Karnam ht _ Ora aha. ll .b
OF Till !
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Bcblltoutc from Omalia and Council
COUNCIL 111.013
L'hlcnpo , - AND - Milwaukee ,
St. 1'niiJ , Minnrnpolls , Cedar JtHpids ,
liock Islaiul. Frccport , Koekfonl ,
ulliituii , Diiliuque , Dau'iinoit ,
I I In , JImlison , iluurstlllc ,
HeloKVinona , La Crossc ,
And all other Imporlant oolnti East , Northeast and
For Ihroneh tlckela , call nn Ibe llckol npent at I'fll
F'urnam Direct , tn llarkcr Ulock , or at Union 1'ai.lUa
1'iillu.un MIeepera and the finest I.Mnlnv Can In the
rorld aru run on the main line of I lie Chicago , Mil.
> rak e i St , I'll ill HaUimr , and aver ; lUtenllun Ii paid
to pastenKcrii br < ouriBoui vmploiei of lha tompitu/ .
ll. Mil. I.Kit. ( .Vnernl Miunaur.
J. K. ' 1 UUKKIl , Ai lit > nt General Manager.
A. V II. UAltl'KNTKll , Oeneral 1'aiMinier anfl
Ticket AJfni.
(1KO. K HUAFtOllD , A. < litani Ueneral I'mtattt
and 'I foUet .Agent
J.T. ClAl
Nos. 303-4O4-I70-6O4.
Live Stoct Commission Merclianls ,
" )31cuUoom ) Vi.Onpoiilo Kfchnngo niilldliiii , Union
_ Block yarai , boulli Uuiuhn , NeU.
Lie Stock Commission ,
loom 15 , KxcbanEB Ilullillntf , tlnlou block Vardi ,
Commision Dealers in Liye SocK ,
) > flblta Krclinnga HulldlnK , Uulou
ianl . buiuti Qmatiu , Keli.
U N 1 0 N STO C Y A R D S CO. ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Asrictilturiil TniT > lomonto <
. ,
' urituso Hi.i lr > Jn.f . * SItd't ,
Kill , OninliA Net rit kft.
Agricultural Implements , Wapns.Carriagea .
Huculcs. Klc Wliolontc. Oniklix , Nf
" "
XX Iiclesnlc tc ) lfr In
Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
Wl , IvO , SC5 nJ ICT.lonci StrpotOiu.ihn.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufactorers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CullUMom. U j lUkti.Clitrr Mllla nnrt I.uVnn 1'ul'
t rlirr . Cor Illh anil Mrlioiiii Mrrrln.
Whol lc
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
i . Ti'1 * ' . „ ( SI h i Mri-rt *
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine.
XV. K Me J , Mun/uier. / UtiicitTpnvortlitt Omnha
Maniifnt luror nn.Uclibori m
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
I'ur. 9lti ami t'n-ltli. ilri't'ls , Omnlin , Nvli.
Artists' MntorinlB.
"A HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 DcnifU' Urocl. Urnulm , Notnarkn.
BookBollors nnd Stationers.
" H. M , Sc , S. W. JONEST
Suicmorito A. T. Kenjcn A Co. , Wliolcinlc i Itetrll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Hne XVfiitillnd SiRMonery , O.nnnprtlnl Mntlonory
\in \ louKa ) ! Bueet. Unmlm Nub.
_ _ _ Boots and Shooa. _ ,
( buccuium tu lived , Juno & Lo I
Wholesale Manufactnrers of Boots and Shoes
W. V. MORSE i CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 11(0 ( HOe Uouela * SI , Omnrm .Maiiutnc.lorj , Sum'
mcr ' t. . Ilialuii
Coffcos , Splooa , Etc- '
Onialm ColTr p end spire Mllli.
Teas. Coffees. Spices , Mug Powder ,
lUtiriiiE Eitr > n > , I.unmlr } Illue. Inkn. KitHll
141' . Iliinn ; Street. OmaUii. i et.fa k .
Tsrookory end " Closswaro- _ _
w. L."WRIGHT ,
Aprnt for tbn MmuifncluriTi and Importon of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Clunineys ,
Vtf OBI co.'IT b Hth t-t. , Onmlm. Nt'braftn.
luiDuritisundJolibcrHcit .
CrccSery , Glaware , Lanns , Silverware
Etr. 151'Kir. , i" St. Tv.C' ' I'- ton liniUllnn.
Commioslon and Storage-
Storage anil Commission Merchants ,
bprclalik * "nllrr. rrK * . rticvflf. r.i.iltry , ( iamc.
lJ2Hii\x.ini Strei-t Omnlm.
biici pss r lo .Mi Vbnnn i Schronli'r )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Uumha , .S'ebni ka.
Flour. Feel Grain and General Commision
Mcr > liint ) Ci.rrespoinlontesol'nllett. ' 1011 North li'tli
Mrt.'t , Onuib i , Vet' .
Coal , Coke and LI mo-
coAtT COKE & LIME co. "
JoWicrs of flarfl and Soft Coal ,
attiuoiith IStli f-Ireet , Omnlin , Nelusikn.
J. J. JOHrSON & .CO. .
Manufacturers ofUne ,
nd Mpp'Ms < tl ( OHI. Uotlc , Ooinun 1'iAHtn , , T.toi
Uialn IDf.Hnil Sewer flpo. omce 21S.S. fan
at. , Oaialm , Neb. TelcpbLn til.
Dry Goods Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Farnisliing Goods and Notions ,
I10S nn.l 1101 DouKls" . ( -"or llth Pt. , Omahn , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotioiis ,
GcnlB' 1'urultlilnu OnoitB. Cnrncr Illh unit llaiut'y
Mi. Omnba , Netininka.
Snipers of Coal and Cos : ] ,
: N Sonlh 11th St , Omal a f.'cb.
Woolcsale Dealers in Furniture ,
_ F ruam Street , Omaha , Ncbrntka. _
Oroiilm , NubrotUa.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705 , TOT , TOO and 711 P 10th St. , Omutin , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
f Oi nml I.cnTunwnrth Street , , Omnha , .SVbrn-kn.
_ _ Hardware. _
" " ' " "
Wholesale .Munutii'-turem uf
Saddlery & Jabiicrs of Saddlery Hardv are
And 1 cattiur. HOJ , l(0i nnl UW Unrccy 8U , Omaha ,
HoavyHardwnro. _ _ _
w. j7BROATCn ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring , , \V Ken Hlock , llnnlirnre. I.umlier , Klc. 120 ]
ttiid 1211 llarnoy ytreet.Oninha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
llacUunlci' Tools and Uuifnlo Pcalei , 1(06 Douvlai
ritreet , Oiuaba.Nobriida.
Wholesale Hardware ,
All and Ilarnrr Pie , Omaha , Neb Weitrrn Acenti
( or AutUn I'owder Cu , Jcfferaon Hltol Null , ,
_ _ tk le . _ |
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
IfutnlB , Mici-t lion , etc A rnts for Mown Sculca ,
tilaml i'owdor und l.ymuu Iturhcdliv ,
Omatm ,
J4ats , Caps , Etc.
w. L/pARnoYrE &c6.7 " " "
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
110. Harper Btruet. OinahiNcL ) . _
_ _ Lumbor. _ _ _ _
All Kinds of Building Material at Who&ale
IStj Etrfct and Union 1'aclOo Tfact. Om-h .
Dealer in Luraier , Lath , lime , Sasb ,
l > c r > , Klc. rinli-Coruer ttb and Uoiurlat , Coiu
Ha uuJ Uiutlia
C. N. D1ETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Uth nml Cnlifomla Slrot-l . Omalii. NobrnsVa.
HJbt ) W. ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner rthntid I > oiicln < Fl . .Om hiu _
To Dealers Only ,
Pmcp , tW.1 Kurnnm Street Omaha
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
S . "i. AV SS5U !
yulncy Wlitle Lliue.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpels end Parquet Hooting tth and Doutlai
Millinery nnd NotloiiB.
"l. OBERFELDER * CO. , " "
Iwporters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
9N iinnndSH'ioiitli Hit , Mrrot
Manufacturers of Cyeralls ,
Jc n 1'nnU' , Shirts , M * IttRnmt 1101 Duiiulas Street ,
uiunliH. .Neb
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(11 ( and IKiHcutli 10th St , Omnlm.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo ( ) rp , g. Ktc. . Omaha. A It lllrliop.
Notions and Gent's ' Fiirnisliing Goods ,
1105 Ilnrncy Strom. Omnlm
Office Fixtures.
Mnniiliirtvirt1 , ' of
Bank , Offlce and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlr Slili'bnanl * Hook Ciisen. UriiK I UHircV l
Ca i . I'nttitlon * . Kiillliie , < ' iintor' . llcernnil Wlrn
t'oolor , Mlritir' . etc Hu lory utu' tint * f , 17.4 uud 1. . !
buulh I.til M.Uuinha Tulciihone 1121.
Paints and Oils.
\Vliolc ilo Dcnicrsln
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
His Farnam troot. Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry B nice slock of I'rlnlliik , XVmppltiK nml XVrltlnl
ru er. Bpcclnl intention eUmi Uitnrloiul imliTS.
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
oi 111T ami Ul ! ) Douglas M , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
811 and "JU Jonot sin tt Oiiiuha.
StoraRQ , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Brum h holiernf thu HOIMIUV JtllKCy Co. lliiffli ( ; > < , al
wholesale anil rrtiill. 1 M IJlOiiiul l.illard bluet ,
Uiiiahu. 'JVIephonu No 750.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1W1 North lllgthlcentli fclreet , Onniha , feh.
Corn loo.
MannfactoreGalyanized Iron and Cornice ,
Johu IZpcnctcr , 1'rnprlplor. IloilRo injcl 1UI and 101
Norlh IWIi btroiM , Uuiiiha.
Printers' Materials. | |
Auxiliary Publishers ,
ivnlora In Type , Tri'Mi'S iiml I'rinli'rn'Hunpllcs. Wl
South U'lSi Hirtet. Uiiuilin.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clotlilni : und l.t-atljcr llcllluK. MU I'lininiii btreet.
i , Doors , Etc. i
M. A. DISBffoW I COT a ?
\Vholcsttlo Manu .ctnrern of
Sasli , Doors. Blinds and Monlifiiigs ,
Ilrniu Ii OIHcu , 12tli nntl Unrd Blroets , Oinuliu , Nub. '
Mannfactiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
y 'nllliiKH , MHlr Wnrk mil ) Interior Hani Wood Itift
an , H , IS. turner flic und l.i avontvurlh blreulH ,
Uumha. .Sou.
Rtoam Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
" " "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
itcrun , U'nlnr , Ita.lwar anil Mlnlnx Hupnlle , Etc.
V3J , vn arid Vll rarnain HlifulUniuhn.
cHU"HCH ML puM i' "co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam unA Water Ruppllca. n < " "l"'inr ! ( > ri' for Matt.
. Purnnni t. , Ojn >
Slcpin and Water Supplies ,
simuui -
Emdnes , Boilers and General Machinery.
Shctt Iron Work Steam I'limpg , Huw MlWs J.'IUZIJ
jronWorks. '
Curler ft l-on , I'rop' .Manufncliirt'rsof ' nil kind *
Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sliest Iron Wort
Worku Suulli 'Mh ml II. ft .M.JJrunlnit.
Wroflglit and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Koiilncs , llram Work General Kinindry. Mnolilno and
lllHCkBiulth Work , iiilliumnl XVurkJ , U I * . Itr.
und lllli btrcvt , Omnlin.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings -
Desk ItMli , Wlnilo * ( lunrli , I'lowrr Hlninln , Wlro
MKIIIi , Kto. YU Nurlli ICtli , Cjimlm.
"o M A HAlSA F E a ridTl R o"N Wo"nk S ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults Jnll Work , Iron utul Wlrii KonrlnK , Hlitrm , Kto.
U Aii'lRuu ' , 1'ioii'r U < ir. lull ninlJutkmjii bu.
Iron and Wire Fences , Hailing ? , ilnards
and fecrcens , forbnnkn ninii > < lor. ' roiiil.nicoi oto ,
" lun veil Atrnlniiii l.o" tun i Hi M.iililli.'i ) '
HlH.Hni.ltli XX ork IU > > - , | 1 tli t
I At.llH l I ihltllulU BUlU & l.uC < l/U .p
Y ull uod Ju.l Wo.'i , IJ U , Ufa tjl.