r OMAHA DAILY BEE , EIGHTEENTH' YEAJR. ' OMA1IA. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 4 , 1888. NUMBER 174 THE FAMOUS BENET CIRCULAR la the Socrotnry of War the Real Author ? COMMENTS ON THE MESSAGE. Cleveland ACOIIHIM ! of Anarchist Iu KiMitimontH 1'urtlen Who Aspire to MIHHHTSIMI'H J'lHttion Dele- i : ( .UTonl'H Amendment. WASHINGTON lluitntu Tttr.OMAiu ' ' ttT'C' 1 51U FOUIITBBNTII STIIKKT , , WAMIINOTOS , D , C. , Dei . 3. I Around congiess to day there were many fonjertiircs as to what answer will bo Hindu by Iho secretary of war to Senator Halo's resolution , adopted last October , calling for nn explanation of the issuance of the notorious rious Donet circular leltcr , directing the lemovalof women and children in the nrsu- imlH and armories , to innko room for demo crats ( icnej-nl Delict told the correspondent of Iho Indianapolis Journal six weeks ago that the circular was issued upon the direc tion , or nttho suggestion , of Secretary Knill- roll , but ho stated subsequently , in order to extricate the secretary from the hole into which ho had placed him , that ho ( Henul ) was alone icsponsiblo for thu order , and that lie conceived it himself. The ( utter ex planation was made , of course , for the pnr- ] K > SC of relieving the administration of the odium which the responsibility would cast upon it. Now that there will bo no neces sity of shielding the administration , llcnct , it is said , feels like vindicating luin- Hclf , in order that ho may not be in bad repute with the new administration. Some curiosity is expressed as to whether Kndi- cott or Henel will assume Iho responsibilily. i OMMI.NTS ov TIII : MI s < Air. No bolter commentary on I'residsnt Cleve land's message could be desired than that given by the members of the house during the reading of the document this afternoon , when Iho democrats applaitdcd cm tain fea tures and the republicans hissed other per tions. When the refeienco to the surplus in the treasury as not being intended to force free trade was read the democrats immedi ately began n vigorous applause and the re publicans gave vent to a stage laugh thai iliowned the hand clapping. The contrast between the demonslralioiiso n thu two sides was so great Hint involuntarily almost e\ery eye turned towaid Mrs. Cloveliml and her mother , who sat on the. Iront se.it in the dip lomatic gallery. They looked serious With very few exceptions and these are among tin ? protectionist democrats opinions as to the meiits of the message are confined with in party lines. Ths democrats gen erally nro glad thai Hie pre-iidenl has again proclaimed in favor of fieq tiade , and , nn Cl.aiimnn Mills puts it this evening , "aro proud to see the president still llymg Iho flag of reform. " Mr. Mills docs nol believe the tree trade utterances of the president in his message a year ago had anj thing to do with Iho change of public opinion as to the aims of the dcmocralic parly , or that they contributed to Mr. Clove- land's defeat. Do hcai til v endorses all the president has over said about tariff refoi m nnd free trado. The two Hrcekonridpes , who are democratic members of the house com imtleo on ways and means , heartily ap plauded the sentiment of the message as il was rend , and declrred that it is the best document over sent to congress. They , too , lire gratified to see Hint Mr. Cleveland's stand on the tori IT has not been shaken by the iccent election. They join Mr. Mills in declaring that the representatives of the democratic party in congressdo not intend to niter or amend the tariff platform , but say It will stand ns a land 111:11 : k for future com- palgns. They are in favor of simply reaf- llrniiiig the platform in the next struggle for the presidency. Sena tor Hansom , of Noith Carolina , expressed the view of the democrats In the upper branch of congress when he said : "It is the ablest of them ull , and shows thai our louder is standing by his guns. " The repub licans in both houses use some very vigorous language in denouncing the message. .Sen ator Allison tins evening said"II Is un patriotic. " The senator has special refer ence to the second paragraph in the message , which casts serious doubl upon the wisdom of the foundation of our republic , because it Is "founded upon thn fiucdom of the people. " Do thinks Iho president has struck a very cruel blow at the American form of govein- mem , simply because its citizens did not 10- Inin him in power. li Senator Sherman said : "It contains notb- Ing now , except certain forms of complaint. " [ ( ; Senator Cullom said : "Mr. Cleveland seems determined to go out with a bluster. Ho Is disappointed , scolds severely and ap pears to doubt not only the wisdom of the present people , but the fnimers of our con stitution. " Kcpiesontntivo McKinley , of Ohio , said : "It is a post mortem examination of the democratic platform. " ( lOiieral Urosvenor , also of Ohio , said : "Tbo message Is a motion for a now trial , but the court bus no jurisdiction and thu ver dict will have to slund. " These views give a coed idea of those expressed - pressed by nil men in congress , who have so far given utterance to their opinions of the message. In some quarters there is great indignation over the communistic and an archistic sentiments' of the president , and several meniL'Ois ' of congress go to far as to nay that Jolmn Most ami his followers can llnd texts in the president's message to lire the hearts of their converts for yeais to come. The soldiers are also indignant. They 10- gnrd the language of the ptcsidcnt , where ho refers to pensions , as "gratuities granted upon no oilier real ground than the needy condition of the applicant , or for reasons less valid , " as an unnecessary Insult to the vet erans , nut they add thai it is only in the line that he has followed ever since ho went to the white house , and that in the future il will cause the soldiers to stand more solidly together than they have ever stood. Till ! JHVIH II-ON UlCl SilO.V. All of the Nobiaska delegation , with the exception of Congressmen McShano ami Laird , were in their seats at the opening of the session to-day , Senator .Manderson and Kciiresonlutlvo Dm soy having arrived hero several days ago , and Senator Paddock reaching - ing the city on Saturday by way of Now York , There were many inquiries on the lloor of the senate respecting thu probabil ities of the Manderson succession. The in complete reports , us to thu composition of „ western legislatures , have made it very dilH- , ' cult to eastern men to learn the exact situa tion. Senator Mumloi son \\iis heartily con gratulated over thu overwhelming republican majority , which seems 10 assure his re-elec tion. The senator himself expressed quut lonflilencu in the outcome to si-scud of his friends. Ho Is said to have intimated that it would not bu necessary for him to return to Nebraska during thu legislative session. This is probably thu best evidence of the complete Batltalaction which Senator Maiiderson feels over the situation. A piomiuont Nobrnnka-politlelnn expressed the opinion this evening that there would bo lit least live senatorial candidates iu thu Hold In thu coming contest In that state , and that among them would bo Representative Dorsoy. Ho named ns the eonteutniits , ox- Congressmen \iilontiiie , Judge Crounz , Governor Saunders , Governor Thnyer and .ludgo Kcese , of the tmproinu court , ami added that the friends of Judge Uroff , of Omaha , were urging strongly uK | > n that , gentleman to allow the use of his name. Do I nddcd , that in his opinion , the senatorial , I contest next January will not bu entirely I devoid of interest , nnd while C ] cue nil Man- I dersnn'a success at present seemed assured , ; ha might llnd it to his interest to taku u trip ' to Lincoln befoio the culniiuuiton of thu OIITOIIIl'S AMENDMENT. Delegate Clifford , of Dakota , has prepared an amendment to the law. providing for tlio opening of the Sioux Indian reservation in Nebraska and Dakota , which ho will intro duce in thu house at once , and will urge its Immediate adoption , with a view to securing the opening of the reservation obefore next r t < i rcscrvntion shall bo onenH without the con sent of the Indians , who slmll bo given $1 nn ncre for nil Innds taken during the first two venrs , 75 cents nn acre for thu land taken on the reservation during tlio next iwo years , and ' .0 cents an ncre for the land remaining nnd not taken nt the end of the first four years. The amendment further provides that the government shall make n deposit of fJ)00iKX ) ) , Instead of * IXH,000 ( ) , as a perma nent fund , to drawfjperccnt interest , for the benetlt of the Indians who own the reserva tion , and it appropriates * 2ooK)0 ( ) for survey ing the land to be opened to settlement JudgeXJifTord has made some inquiry in the house , and says he has no doubt that his amendment , or something subslantiully like it , Hill bo adopted without delay. * TIP. Hefore the president's message was re ceived at the house to ilnj ono of. tlio "legis lative agents" of a Wall street concern passed the word mound thu lobbies that the message would contain a reference to tin Oiithwaito bill for the extension of the 1'acillc railroad's bonded debt. Ho added that ho had an intimation , but he was not positive that the reference would bo fav orable to the bill. "Now , " said the gentle man , "if this proves to be true.Umon Pacific will be good stock to buy , and 1 think it safe to saj that it will jump nt leasl six pjiuts. If you have any spare cash , look ou' for the message and govern > ourself accordingly. " In response to this tip those who were ad vised of what to expect , eaj'crl.y scanned the copies of the message winch weiodistubtited , in the hope of linding a "pointer. ' ' Thu promised paragraph was nilsiing and the til was worthless , nnd ns n result thcio were several disappointed congressmen and house employes who saw a faint opportunity to re coup the losseu sustained bi betting upon the wrung man. * OFIII r si IMI ; . The Nobiasha delegation is alioady over whelmed with applications for ofllce. Kvei'i mad brings a new wave to inld to the volume of the Hood. Enough applications have al ready been piesc ated for land olllces to sup ply every land district in thu United States , while each loun , with a postolllee , seems tc bo hastening to fall into line with as many implications as possible for the position of a local Nnsby. Of course nothing can bo done in the matter of up- pointments until after the new administra tion begins its work , outlines its policy with regard to appointments and removals and civil service loform , and until the Mander son succession is settled so that the delega tion itself can agree upon the distribution of patronage. rnusdN M , . Mr. Victor Rosew.iter , who in pursuinghis studies at Johns' llopkin's university , spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. A. S. Paddock mid Miss Paddock , who accompanied the senator as lar as New York , on his way to Washington , are spei.d- inj , ' a few days m New Yoi k City. AllOin Tllt'llSTOV. A strong movement is in progress among the Irienils of thu lion. John M. Thurston to place thai gentlemen at the head of the in- tenor department. .Many western states men are interesting themselves in this mat ter and active work is being done to give prominence to Mr. Thurston's sei vices dur ing the p-ist campaign on behalf of Cicneial Harrison , and also to the effect of his speech , us temporary ehnii man of the national con vention , in making the nomination of General Harrison possible. It is urged thai a western man is needed at the head of the interior depart ment , and one who , ns a lawier , has had practical experience in dealing with land matters If .Senator Allison is nol tendered tliuticusurydepaitment.it is felt that Mr. Tnnrston will be a strong possibility. With Allison out of the cabinet , there is a feeling thai J. K. Clarkson , of Iowa , would bu Intely to bo selected as Secretary Vilas' successor. Still Thm-ston's name is being considered ai.d will bu stiongly urged upon the presi dent-elect. JII ( KM. VVIIOt'S Senator Manderson spread luncheon in the Senate restaurant this afternoon and had at the board Messrs. Paddock , Colby , Flu- palrick and Senator Palmer. Ij J. ( juiul.of . Hroken How , Neb ; A F. Gaertnor. of Festina.Vmiiosheik county , Iowa , and John W. Morton , of Washington , In. , were to-day admitted to practice before the intorlordeparlinent. Lieutenant G. K. Hennett , Ninth cavalry , has been granted four months' leave of ab sence. The secretary of the treasury has asked congress to appropriate $ .t,25J ) ) for the sup porl of the Indian school at Genoa , Nob. , the rate being $17. > per annum for each pupil. The total Includes the pay of the supeiin- toudout , erection of buildings , repairs , etc. A IjYNOIII.Sfi PAIITV. Siirrnnndini : u Jail in Wnich Two MnrilererH Are Confined. CANONCm , Colo. , Doc -George AVlth- erill , who is charged with the murder of Charles U. Mclvam near this place about a month ago , and who , it is also charged , killed two other men in this state , arrived here from Denver this morning to stand trial. At this time (11. ( 0 p m ) several hundred citi zens are on tiio streets armed with shot guns and revolvers , determined to take Withenll from the jail ami lynch him. The sheriff's family live In a part of the jail Thu sheriff is trying to keep Iho mob off on Hie plea of having a very sick child. Should ho succeed in keeping them off the citi/cas say it Is only u mailer of time when they will get him. Harry Perdu , another murderer confined in the same Jail , \\ill likely suifcr the same fate as Withcrill , if the mob gains possession of the prisoners. Kiiroponn \ \ nr GIIST.VI , Dec. 11. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : : : , It is reported that very Import- mil foitlllcations nro being orootwd In Savory , outside the noutrahzed 70110 of the Franco- Italian frontier. The strictest secrecy in regard to the work is being picservcd. Hinu.is , Dec. .1. A rumor is curicnt hero that the government will ask the reichstag to vote from 40,000MiO to fiU.OUO.UOJ marks for thu equipment of Held aitllleiy. A Drownlnc nt IVterstuirg- , ' PKTUIISIII mi , Neb , , Deo. ! ! . ( Special to Tin ; HKK.J A ten-year-old son of James Conrad , wild lives about eight miles weit of hero , on the Hcams , was drowned Saturday afternoon in a small lake near ins father's icsidencu. Ho was returning from the Garner postofllco an horseback , and it is sup posed rode Into the lake and either fell off or was tin-own from thu horse with the above results , When found he had crawled up near Hie shore , bul was under the ico. Kirn at Sent in. SCOTIA , Neb , Dee. a. ( Special Telegram to THE Hiu : 1 About 2 o'clock p in. It was discovered that the stable of L. F. Lewis , station agent , was on lire , but before assist ance arrived at the lire It had made such progress that it was impossible to suvo the building or contents , which were destroyed. Thrco valuable horses , harness , carriage , hay , oats and corn were burned up. Loss about IIX ) ; no insurance. A North I'latioMun Suicide ) ) , NOUTII 1'iATTU , Nob. , Dec. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKB. I Albin Stollo , a Jus tice of the peace , died Hits morning from the effect of un overdose of morphine taken with suicidal intent. Mr , Stollo served three jears us clerk of this county and was for two j cars cashier of the North Platte bank. Of lute he has been in very straitened circum stances , which is assigned as the causa of this act. _ Hardware Store Hurglarlzeil. NEIIIUSKV Cirr , Neb. , Dee. 3. [ Speclnl to TUB Uni : . ) The hardware storp of William Hlschof was burflarlzod last night of guns , revolvers nnd cutlery to the amount of $150. Tlio thieves escaped Into Iowa before the robbery was discovered , Queen Natallii'H Hettlcnient _ . _ . - _ _ * n All _ * i _ _ A SERIES OF CALAMITIES , Two Oaaoa of Small-Pox Reported nt Alnswortb , la. A CHILD SCALDED TO DEATH , Thirty 1'orsons Poisoned by ICivtlnjj Headcheese A MystorioitH Death nt Jlunh Creole A Gloomy llccoril. Thirty IVr Mis I'olsonnd. HHISII Cur.fiK , la. , Dec. 3. ( Special Tele- Brain to Tun HKI : . | About thirty persons have been poisoned In this place , apparently by the same moans. A butcher licio mniK some head cheese , and all these who \\eii poisoned had cat < n some of it. So far as ho knew , the ingredients were all right , but b.\ some mysterious means those who nte it weio made very sick with nil the symptoms of poisoning. The.\ are all Improving now. A Mysterious Death , DM MIIIVI.S , la. , Dec. . [ Special Tele Ri-am to Tin : Ur.iA ) mysterious case of death is repotted from Hrush Creek. Mrs Morehouse , a young wife of nineteen , was h good health in the morning , nnd when her husband entered Ihe house aboul 1(1 ( o'clock a. m. he found his wife Ij Ing on Hi' ' bei dead. A physician \ \ as summoned , and lit said she bad been dead ten minutes. She vu seen standing In the doorway twentj minutes before her hush mil entered the house. _ Small Pox nt Alim\nrtlt. Dr.s MOIMIS. In , Dee. : . ( Special Tele gram to Tin : Hiul The state board of health to-day received information that two cases of small pox exist at Aiusworth. They appear to have been brought theio by a gen tleman who has just returned from Tncoma , W. T. Ciders have been given for strict surveillance , and it is expected that the dis ease will bu kept under coutiol. Scalded ti > Death. Dtnuijti : , la. , Dec. U. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hi u. [ A two year old child of An drew Cooper , living -at Holly Cross , in tins county , fell into n kettle of boiling soap yes terday and was scalded to death. A D.u-insj I5urjlarv. SiorCm , la. , Doc. 3 ( Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : I At 1 .JO o'clock Sunday morning four disguised men set/oil and bound Tom Coleman , the watchman sta tioncd at the office of the Hooge Paekini ; company Jack Galatiu , the engineer , half an hour later sent his assistant to the ollice. Ho was promptly seiznl by the burglirs , as weie also G.iiatin himself and the trackmen. All were gauged und hound. The burulars worked for two hours on the safe. When they had succeeded m getting tne door partly open their lools broke , and they were forced to give it up Just befoio they left lht > . \ rifled the pockets of the tulm. They got Js ( ) from Coleman. The police have clews indi cating that Iho burglars are picking house . ' employes. _ Clmrued With Horse Stealing. DFsMoiM-.s In. , Dec. ! ! . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hi i : . ] A deputy sheriff from Lui'-oln , Neb , pissed tlnough this city , en route home , h iving m charge n man named UnJoiwooil , accused of hoi so stealing. Some months airo a line team of horses was stolen at Lincoln and descriptions of the horses and the suppjssd thief were sent in every direc tion. They loll under the notice of a consta ble at Prairie City , Jasper county , and he re membered having seen the man I'mlerwood and the team stopping in that vicinity. The Lincoln nutliorilies were notilleil and an ofllccr arrived yesteiday and arrcstel the man. He claims thai he came by the hurjcs honestly. Tlie Golilen ( Jatu Special. Foni ) Jt MTION , la , Dec. I ! . [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Hr.i : | The Golden Gate spe cial left Hie Adams and Canal sti eel depot over the Chicago , Milwaukee &bl. Paul rail way alii o'clock shai p. The tram was on time , the steam heat and electric light working nnd the tr-.ln without ing admirably , excep tion is the iliiest in Hie world. Some nf iho notables on board nro : F. II. Wickes. general supermtendenl of the Pulliirm Pahicc Car company Captain Gray , general ticket agent of thu Pullman Palace Car company ; John H. Wilson midV. . 1C. hiilliv.ni , of the Journal ; D. W. Caldwell and wife , H. 11. Martin , A. J. K.irlino , general superintendent of the Minneapolis,1 ! : St. Paul railway ; S. J. Collins , superintend ent of the Chicago division of the Minneapo lis & St. Paul railway ; A. r. Miller , assist ant general ticket agent of I lie Chicago , Mil waukee it St. Paul railway ; K L. Lomux , assistant general prssengor agent of the L'nion Pacillc railwa\ , and wife. Pint of the entertainment was a fifteen couiso sim per. It was most admirably served. The party will be mot at Omaha bv F. A Nash , genet a I agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee .Sc St Paul railway , and a party of prominent newspaper cditois and business men. A HUMAN' V1PKU. Ho IJrntally Murtortlio Man Who Hel'rieniliMl and Proloefoil Him. iMiUNvioi.i1' , Dec. 3 , A desperate and cold blooded attempt to commit murder oc curred early Him morning in the bakery of James 11. Hmco. About thrco years ago Hruco took a poor homeless Gorman named Hacker in his employ , and taught him the trade. Hacker gradually dcvolopc-il into n lull blown anarchist , and , when conveising on the subject of nnarchv , would grow ex cited nnd abusive. This mornlin ; when Union entered the bakery to mix the flour for his bread , Hacker sprang on him armed with i hatchet and a long knife. Ho struck Hruco on the head with the hutchot , Then ho crowded thu diucd victim against thu wall and deliberately plunged a da'-'L-vr nine tunes into Hruco's nock and face. The victim cried out for his wife , and the bravo woman rushed into the room and clutched thu blood-bespattered anarchist around the nock , dragging him a way fiom her husband Just as ho was lift ing the hatchet to brain the helpless man. A terrible struggle between the frantic wife and the anarchist then took place. Ho was wild with murderous hate , and , holding IIIH bloody knife in his hand , ho rushed about the room endeavoring to again got at the dying Hruco. He flmtlly did got by the wife and reached Hruco , when the latter , who Is of giant frame , struggled to his feet In u dying oflort , and , grabbing a shovel , struck Hacker a blow on the head and he fled , and Is still at large. Hruco is at the hospital with slight hopes of living through the night. en Knloldo of a Murderer. IxuiAXAi'OLis , Dec. 3. The trial of Ed Chamberlain , nt Logansport , for the murder of his sweetheart , Ida Wittenberg , was ter minated this morning by the suicide of the defendant. The evidence against him was overwhelming and the death penalty would surely hnvo been Inflicted , Chumboilaln laiiged himself with a strip of hodtickiiig , France and the Pope. LONDON , Deo. S. A correspondent at tome say3 ; The French government has secretly advised the pope to leave Italy in bo event of a rupture between Franca and taly , and has offered all possible assistance u the event of his deciding to go to Franco. John IJrlKht'u Condition Worse , LONDON , Deo. 0. Jotm Bright had a bad night anil hl condition U worse this morning. TH13 COMMONS. A Wnrm Debate Ilottvrcti Gladstone and Il.il four on Irish AtTali-J. LOSMION , Dec. 3. The commons wont Into committee to night on the Irish estimates. An appropriation of JC1'T07 wns asked for in order to complete the sum of $10,707 for the expenses ol the Irish secretary's office. Ellis. , liberal , moved a reduction , his pur pose beinp to r.ilsc n general debate on Hal- four's administration. Ho charged that the government wns using coercion to such nn extent that 1,300 persons hnd bx > n imprLs oned since the crimes act went into opera lion. H.ilfour , he said , was seeking to conceal coal f i om the pcoplo of England the acts of cruelty perpetrated In Ireland. Hnlfour's entire ndminlstration hnd been chnraoterl7ed by petty nmlliftiltyunil calculated brutality. Halfou'- retorted simply nml conclude ! his ivmnrks by saing1 thai if the countn once understood the criminal methods b\ which political objects wore advanced in lielimd. and il the c'ninicler of the alliance binding the opposition were revealed , the void let would in t bo with Gladstone. Gladstone , who hud coma from Iluwnrilen In order to assist In the attack 11)1011 ) the gov- ornmint , tuitted HalCour anil other consei vu- tives uilH having soughl a. similar alliai.ee ou theoveof the last election. Theex-preiniei denied that the liberals hnd so ighl part\ ad vantages in the all.ance which nrose from n concurrcnio of opinion \ \ ith the nationalists upon great lines of their policy toward ho hu.d. [ Lheers ] . lie pioceedcd to charge Halfour with misrepresentations of Kai Spuicor's tieatment of pnsoneis when Spen cer \\iis viceroy of h eland , and reviewei ! other cases. Coming to the murders ai Mitchclllowii , he assared the conservatives that nothing but ifpintance would silence the reproach arising from thai mistake. It would no hcaid again and ngam , until the government would bo obliged to oondemm wli.il it had hcictofore praised , or until the tune came wlien the solemn verdict of the whole country was given. [ Cheers aril counter cheers. J The murdeis were never oven imiuired tlnto , as they ought Ic have boon. HnP what could bo exp'dedol an administration using as Its instruments icsidtnt magistrates n ho were totally in competent for performing their duties , or sometimes convicting men upon the loosest evidence' How could such an administra tion claim the chuiactcr of honorable , or puio , or jusU Mr li.ufour said Hint Gladstone , while pro test ing against strong language , indulged in criticisms , the chief feature of which was the stienuth of epithet. He ( Ualfoui ) ad mitted that lie had fallen into an error 10- gnidmg Karl Spencer , but the mistake niosc from the defective information supplied him. Gladstone- his account of the events nt Mitehelltown , omitted to refer to the mob's attack upon tlio pohc- ) , thereby distort uir | the ti nth about the affair. The assailants of the government could not travel bej end the narrow hunts of the few charges \vhlcli had often been refuted. A tfcr short speeches by Mr. Dillon , Sir George 'I icvylnn and Mr. 13ulfours with ref- cience to the government's treatment of political prisoners , the debate , ou motion of O'llnen. was adjOurnoJ , TIIIO Cl\ \ : \ HANC1ItRCOKD. . Tlic Financial Transactions of the Past Week. BOSTON , Mass. , Dec. 3. [ Special Tele gram to the HIM : [ The following table shows tne gross exchanges at the leading oloaung houses of thn United States , for the week ended December 1 , 18SS , with tales , per cent of increase ! or decrease as com pared with the similar" amounts for the corresponding week iij cuiMi ) c < > MJincus. Dosplio Parental Opposition a Itoston Drummer U'uilHn Heiress. ICASsvs Cm , Mo. , Deo. a l.ato Satur day night it oarriagiMJrove up lo the house of the Hov. Henry Hopkins , a loading minister of tins city , and a young couple and two friends entered the pastor's study The .voting man presented n marriage licensa ami in a few minutes Miss ICittj Kvcrt'it , llio lovely daughter of the lion. H. I' . I'vorest. ot Atcliison , Kan , ono of the counsel of the Missouri 1'acilk , ptobnblv the most promi nent lawyer m Kansas , and n man whose wealth is estimated close to $ l,0fo0 ) ' ) ; ' , was made the wife of K. H. Kan Held , n hand some young traveling man for a Hoston tea house. 11 was a luimvvavm itch. Mr 1'ver- est was gicatly opposed to Hie match , and sometime ago took his daughter on an extended - tended European trip nml ollorod her flui- ) li'X ' ) In cash if she would give ralrlh-ld up. The girl stoutly declaied again and again that not oven $ lOiK)0 ) ( ) < l would cause her to change her mind , mid that only death would lirevent her marrying the man of her choice , On his return Mr. i-vl ; > rest forbade Fun-Hold the house , but the young pcoplo managed to meet and correspond and Hie result was the marriage last night. "What Mr. ISvorcst will do is uncertain. 4 JlOIj.VM ) HIjIOIVH WlFl-3 DKAI ) . Her Pet Dojr Will ho Killed and Hnrird With Her. Netv VOIIK , Dec. ! I. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hin. : ] Alice Hastings , the actress , died on Saturday afternoon from heart disease , she lirst appeared | 'n Niblo's In the "Hlnck Crook. " During her life she was connected with various companies in Pittsburg , Philu- lolphiu nnd Chicago. For the last seven , -eara she has been connected with Holund { eed. Mlsa Hastings was the wife of Heed , nud a remarkable thing in connection with icrdcnth is that it is proposed to kill her pet dog uud bury It in thu satno grave. The Weather liullcntloim. For Nebraska ; Fair , warmer , westerly vv inds. For Iowa : Fair , warmer , southwesterly winds. For Dakota : Fair , warmer , southerly viuds. Pour 1'erhonvi Killed , MEimiTTO.v , Ont. , Dec. 8. A conl train an Into an engine , which wns taking water icre this morning. The tlreman , engineer and brukcman of the coal train were killed. The body of a tramp , who was stealing a ride. U In tbo debrU. THE LAWMAKERS ASSEMBLE , Opening of the Second Session of the Fifty-first Congress. THE FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Conslilcrnhlo Interest Manifested In i'hoso Portions ul tlio Mi'sungc Trent Ing : ol' the Sackvllln Inci dent anil the T.u-lfT. Tlio Senate's Opening Session. \V\SIIIS-IITON , Doc. 8.It was an unusually full senate Hint responded to President Pro Tom Ingalls' call to order ut 13 o'cloik to-day. At that tune the public galleries wore crowded. The desk of the presiding ofllccr was decorated by a vei\\ handsome pyramid boquci. Kxnctl.v at o'clock hnralls culled the senate to order nnd Chaplain Duller opened the plot-codings with prn.ver He 10- turned thaiius for the bountiful blessings vouchsafed the land in its material inteiests and remembered Presulcnt-oiecl Harrison in his petitniii A few mm'ites wore spent in greeting son- ntors , nnd then Senator Sherman offered the usual resoluvion , that the secretary notify thu house th it the senate is ready to proceed to business. The resolution was adopted , as was also ono by MMoriill , for the appointment of a committee to notify the president that the senate is lendv to receive any communica tion he 1IIU.V have to nnko. Messrs. .Momil and Sntihbiiry compoVcd this committee. Mr. Cnnioion offered a losolution that the senate moot daily , until further oidered , at 1'J m Adopted. At 1'J.47 , on motion of Mr. Sherman , the senate took a recess lor half an hour. At the eiiiii'lnsion of the recess , which had been extended to 1-III ) , the usual message from the house announcing the fact of its being in session mid of its having appointed a committee to wait upon the president , WHS delivered. That was iollowe.il . by n icport from the committee to wait on the president to the eflei t thai il had performed that duty and that the piosidcnt would communicate with the soniilo imme.liatoly , and then the piesi- denl's message was delivered and Mr. McCook , secretari of thesenatc.pioceeiied to read it. The reading of the mess-ago occupied an hour and twenty minutes. Those portions of it winch discussed questions of tariff re vision , treasury surplus , nsliery troubles and the West incident , were listened to with very close attention and apparent mtciost bv four teen republican senaiois and about an equal number of democrats Tin1 other portions of the message seemed to have but few , if any , listener- , and the reiding had the efleet of gradual1.1 * dealing the gillencs of the nu- mcious spei tators. When the leiiiiiigwns llnished the mes sage was laid on the table and orduiod to bo printed. The pi-eliding onicer announced that unfin ished business tor to morrow was the bill to i educe taxation ( the tin iff ) . The senate adjourned after a notification by Mr. Frvu that ho would cml up the L'nion Paoiilc settlement to-moriow ; by Mr. Chander that hovoulu ask for action on his resolution to investigate the Louisiana elec tion of hi't April , and by Mr. Allison that ho would ask the senate to proceed with the tuna * bill. _ In 1 lie House. WASIIIVOTOX , Dec. 3. Long before the hour for the meeting of the second session of the Fiftieth congress the galleries of the house were filled with spectators , nnd the blight diesses of Indies formed a brilliant frame to the picture piosonted on the floor below. There handshaking was indulged in and congratulations on ic election or con- dolcneos-on dofc.it were exchanged among the members , Jocose raillery on the part of lepuhlieans and patient resignation on the part of the democrats helm ? oveiywhero evident. The lepubliean members who are prominently mentioned in connec tion with the hpoakoi-stnp of the Fifty-Ural congress c.uno in for an extra share of felici tations , it being goner uly conceded that the the next house will he republican with from three to seven inajonty. At precisely 1J o'clock the fall of the gavel stilled the tumult which existed in the hall , and silence reigned while Dr Milbnrn , chap lain , offered n prayer. 'I'ho roll of members was then called , mid the hum of conversa tion broke out afresh Diirim ; tlio progress of the call Mis Cleveland entered the exec utive gallery and b'caine an attentive spec tator. The i all developed the presence of 'KV'i mcmbeis. tbeic being 68 absentees. On mot 11,11 of Mr. Mills of Texas , a rose hit ion vv.is adopted directing the clerk to in form tin ! senate that a quorum of the house hnd appomed , nnd thai Hie house was ready to proceed to business. hi uccoi dance with a resolution , the speaker appointed Messrs. Holman of In diana , Turner of Georgia and O'Neill of Pennsylvania , ns a committee to Join a situ il.tr committee irmn tha senate to wait upon the president and Inform him that congress was ready to receive any conim'inlcatiim ho micht desire to transmit. The house then , at IS Jill , took a recess for nn hour. After the roccss Mr. Ilolnrin announced that tbo committee appointed to wait upon the president had performed its duty and that the piesulent would communicate with congress lorlhwy.li , Tne president's annual message was then read by the clciu. Thai portion of the message in which Hie pres ident treats ot the taritl quos Hon was Intoned to attentively by the mem- burs on both sides of thu house. Now and then a smile , more of triumph than of deri sion , would appear upon the face of some en thusiastic republican , but Hie silence was nol bioken until the clerk road"The cause for which the battle is waged is comprised within the lines clearly and distinctly defined It should never be compromised. it is iho people's enu'e. " Then the democrats could no longer re stinm their feelings nnd broke into rounds of applause , which was answered by the ic- publicans with donslvo laughter. The president's ' inference to the Sackvillo- West iiiaiUcnt piovokcd laughter from the republican side of the house , but no demon- stiatlon was made by the democrats. From this pjlnt interest in the message slackened. Mr. Mills was thu only member who paid the slightest attention to further reading , and thu noise conversation was so great that this was no easy task. When , at ) lr > , the reading was completed , Mr. Mills olVcred a resolution , which was agreed to. rofci ring the message to the com mittee of the whole and piovidlilg for itu printing , The house then adjourned. INDIAN ATIlOClTlKa .Men , Women nnd Children credy \ Natives In I'oru. SAN FniNTisio , Dec. 3 , Advlcei from I'oru , received by n Panama steamer , icport terrible atrocities committed in the interior of the country by Indians , Tlio curate of Moynro was shot and beaten to death with sticks and stones , and when his old mother interfered aim was shot anil her head cut off. Another woman who tried to save her was also killed. The bodies of all three were wrapped in hides and thrown into the river. At Liopczu a street Hot occurred owing to the attempt to head a movement for Camacho , .ho revolution 1st leader , liy the Indlscrnn- nuto firing of the government troops , 137 men , women and children were killed und uixty wounded , Murdered III * itrother. UKIUNA , O. , Doc. 0. A party of young gentlemen were throwlug dice yesterday nornlnf , ' , when two brothers , Stewart nnd Cldrcu Juck , quarreled about 50 cents. Hewart drew a revolver and shot Eldren jetwecn the eyes. The victim , Dijed twenty- two years , died iu n couple ot hours , Tlio murderer was arrested. 1'Hllj DAIiV'S NAHUOW KSCAl'li. Hols InvolRled Into n Thieves' Den nnd Severely Wounded. Niw : YOUK , Dec. 3. [ Special Telcpram to TIIR DIM : ] I'hil Duly , the well known sporting man who keeps n gambling house nt L.OIIK Kronen , had an experience to-day Unit nearly cost him his life , and which is seldom parnh'lled in this city. Mr Daly received a letter some days npo , written In a feminine hand , signed "Adiv Stnnton , " and asking him to call nt her npnit- inentshoro some friends were nnxions to consult him on business , lie paid no attention to it nt the time , but to-day , coming up to NmO'ork , called at the Mor ton house for mall and found u similar letter from Mlsvs Stnnton. Somewhat puMeil , and having some time on his hands , Daly con cluded to call on the fair writer nnd discover the business of her friends. I'ho locality was a commonplace tcnomeni house In the neighborhood , ami to his ring a woman ic- spondcd. SMo asked smilingly if he was Mr. Daly. Doing nnsweicd In the aftlrmativo , she invited him in , saying thai the pni ties who wanted to see him had Just stepped out to gel some oysters und would be back in u moment. D lily com plied. TheiO'Wi was rather prettily fur lushed , and the walls hung with plenties. In ono corner- was a piano. The woman asked him to throw aside his coat , which he did , ami then walked about the room nnd in spected the pictures. The woman went to thu piano , mid us she P truck a chord the fold ing doors at the end of the room wete thrown suddenly open. and Daily , turning , \\as confronted by two masked men with rcvolveis leveled nt his head , lie was requested to throw up his hands without delaj . Dally was stag gered und the position was ceitamly not one to inspire conlldence , but he had several thousand dollars in cash in his pockets , be sides $ ,1,000 in bonds , with which he was not inclined to part , nnd his iinxlit.for . the safety of his money overcame any sense of danger which might have possessed him. and , leaping forward , nlteinpted to grapple the smaller man of the two. Heforeho could reach him the man llred , and both tied tluongh the folding door.s The bullet struck Daily in the foi client ! ami he staggeied back His ilrst impulse , even ufler being wounded , was to follow the desperate men , but his sight began to fail him , unit , llnding himself growing \\oaker and weaker , struggled to the door loading to the passage and thence to the street , where ho shouted loudly for help nnd sank to the pavement. To an otllcer within sound of his voice , with fast waning strength , Dailvquiekly informed him of the nfl.ur , and rushing up stalls the ofilcer ni rested the woman , but the men es caped. Daily was moved to the Morton house and a doctor summoned , but it is not the mill that he is hurt fatally. The woman would not talk , refusing to "peach" on her male companions. TIIIICACI : : gm.sTioN. How Senator In alls AVoulil Hnvo It Solved. WvsinNnTov , Dec. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uni : j In an interview with the cor respondent of a southein paper Senator In- . galls said yesterday : "Tlio race question nt the south remains , as it bus always been , and for the next geiieiatlou at leasl II will con tinue to be , the most Important and formid able in our politics. Tlio change from slav ery to freedom , from subordination to legal equalitj , has complicated instead of simpli fied the situation. So tar from solving the fatal problem , it has added new elements of difficulty and danger. Unless history is n false teacher , it is not possible for two dis tinct races , not homogeneous that is , which cannot assimilate by intermarriage and minglmir of blood to exist upon terms of practical political equality under the same government. One or the other must go to the wall. The time will come when the negroes , aware of their strength and numbers , will Insist uuon their equality under the law , and then there will be a ensis which may become a catastrophe. There Is but one practical suggestion that offers any present relief , and that is n national legislative law , under which every voter should bo entered upon the poll lists , and then have the elections under the con trol of supervisors appointed for that nur- pose Tins might not secure fair elections , bill It would afford the means ot ascci tain- ing whether they weie lair or not , so that congiess could act Intelli gently In deriding whether the contest ants were entitled to their seats In either house and In the electoral college. The blacks have the same legal rights on this continent Unit whites have. They are natives and are citi zens They have as much right to nslt the whites to ictiie or separate themselves as the whites have to require them to do so. Hut the original environment of the African race was tropical , and It may bo that on the southern shot cs of the gulf , or the West India islands , or along the low lands of Mexico , regions friendly to Arrican blood , Iho enfranchised millions , under Iho piotee- lion ot the United States , subjects of its government and full sharers in its citizen ship , may yet accomplish their destiny and fullll tlio prophecy that Ethiopia shall stretch out its hands to Oed and rejoice. " * Til 13 It A U l I NP KOCKSS1ON. Il WIIN Not tin ; Sncuexf ) That the Pro- IIIOtOfN lOtpOlMOll. Nrw Yomc , Doc. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun HIB. : | The Mail und Express Paris Cablegram says : An ordinary respectable resident of Paris , unless ho happened to live somcwhcru on the line of tlio procession , would not have known yestetday that any- tlilng unusual was taking place. The Champs Elysco , the matinee performances nt the theaters , concerts , Antovill races , nnd other fashionable resorts and places of holiday as sembly wore quite as crow-led as If nothing extraordinary were happening , and no atten tion whatever was given to the Haudm dem onstration by lout Paris. The only people wet thy of attention , except the political ele ment , who were nlfected by Iho affair , were the smaller shopkeepers along Iho route , many of whom were even loud in complaint of the absolute absurdity of the thing ; which without any tangible reason that they could see , compelled them to shut their shops and lose a good day's business , all for nothing. Thostrcets weie , to be sure , densely crowded with sightseers , but they were only lie Tower and middle classes , and their uUitudu towu ; d Daudm and the whole business was apathetic. Tlio procession itself was half fanned of the offscourings of the Paris slums und represented nothing but vicious Idleness on a lark. Ono Immcnso wreath bore the motto , "A un depute lion- note , " which was evidently a hit at the Wil son Kuindals. The celebration from the point of view of the expeditions of the or- L'uni/.iTB was anything but u vicce.ss , und BO far as the government is concerned , It is dlDlcult to nay whether Us position Is lm- inoveJ , or the ruverou. U is lumored that [ ho affair has caused some dissensions among the ministers , nnd ttfat this is likely to bmiK ou a ijruat crisis. This is only the hearsay of the moment. A small demon stration of townspeopluoccuied yesterday at N'antua. where Daudln practiced us a physi cian before ho was elected deputy. The pco- lie paid him the homage of decorating his statue with wreaths. Tlio West Virginia Itcooiint , CIIAICI.USTO.V , W. Va. , Deo. 3. The recount n this county was completed to-night. The recount shou's that AUlorson ( dom. ) for con- iress from the Third district gained 2'i in .his city , which elects him by 17. Fleming [ dem , ) for governor gained "d votes. Tins rill , It is believed , give the democrats the ; ovci nor uUo. Cause of tlio KalHcr'u llliiesn. DEIILIK , Dec. 3. It is known definitely that Kuiperor William is confined with car complaint , uud not because of a cold , i CLEVELAND'S ' LAST ANNUAL Closing of a Ooutury of CoiiBtltu- tloiml Qovornmont. NATIONAL DUTIES AND DEFECTS. TheTnrilTnnil Surplus Touched On , Trims and Combinations Con demned , null ( ic-nernl Nn- tlonnl A ( Tails The S VVv.smxuTON , 1) . C. , Deo. ! ! . Following IB the text of tlio president's message to con gress : To the congress of the fulled states As you assemble for the discharge- tlio duties you have assumed as the roniosoiitntlves of a nee mill no no ri ) us people , jour meeting is marked b.v nn interesting and Impiessivo ln eldont. With the CMilration of the present session of the congress the th-sl century of our constitutional existence us 11 mitlou will Iw completed. Our surival for ono hundred years Is not tmfllciunt to assure us Unit wo no longer luivo danROTS to fear In the nmlnton.iucc , with nil its piomlsod blessings , of a government founded Uion | the Iri'ciloui of the people. Tito time rather nil- monishes us 'to sobel ly iniUiro | whether In the past wo linva always closely kept in the eouiso of mifety nnil whether wo unvo before us a way plain anil clear , which loads to happiness anil por- petuitv. When the experiment of our government was undertaken tlio ehai t adopted for our guidanoj w.is the ooiistitution. Departure from the lines there Inul down It failuio. It Is only by a strict adherence to thoiliiectlona theio Iiiillcuteil ami by restraint within tlio limitationstliotii tlxcd that wo can funilsli proof to the world of tlio Illness of thoAmcr- ic.in people for self government. The oiiual ami exact jtistleo of which wo bo.ist as the underl.vlng piinelplo. of our institutions should not boconllmsil to the lelations of our eiti/ons to each other. The government itselt is undo.1 hond to the American people that In the exorcise of lt functions and powers it will deal with the body of our eiti/ens In a manner * scrtlpu- lously honest and fa.r , and uboslutoly jnst It has ngieod that American cltionship shall be the only credential necessary to justify the claim of equality bofoiu the law , ami that no condition in life shall give rise to ills- crfinmation in the tivnlmont of the people by this government. The citizen of our i cpublfu in its early day rigidly insisted upon fnl.com- liunce with the. luttor of this bond and saw stretching out befoto him a cle.ir Hold for in- dividiiid endeavor. His tribute to the sup- nf poll his goveininent was inoasnred by the cost of its economical maintenance , an.l ho was secuio in the. onjoyinent of the remain ing recompense of his sto.idj and con touted devotion to it. In these days the frugality of the pcoplo was stamped upon their government and was enforced by the fico. thoughtful and intelli gent suffrage of the cili/cus CombinationsoC monopolies and aggregations of capital were either avoided or .stonily regulated and rc- str.iiiicil.Tliu pomp nnd glitter.of govoinmont less free inTeied no temptation and piesonteil no delusion to the til.iui people who , side bv side in friendly competition , wrought for the ennoblement and dignity of munfor ; the solu tion of the problem of free government anil for tbo achievement of the grand destiny awaiting the land which Cod had given them. A century has passed. Our cities are the abiding places ot wealtti and luxury , our manufactories yield fortunes never dreamed of by the lathers of the republic ; our busi ness men are madly striving in the race for riches and immense aggregations of capital outrun imagination in the magnitude of their unitei taking * . 1HK TKUSTS. Tlio President Pnys His Ilesppcrs to tlio Iron-Ilcclcd Creation ! ) . Wo view with prule and satisfaction this bright picture of our country's growth and prosperity , while only a close scrutiny devel ops a somber shading. Upon more careful inspection wo llnd the wealth and luxury of our cities mingled with povortv and wretch edness and mucniuncrativo toil. A crowded and constantly Increasing urban popu lation suggests the impoverishment of rural .sections and discontent with agricultural pursuits 'Iho farm- er's son , not satiMlod with his father's simple and laborious life , Joins the eager chase for easily auiuircd wealth. Wo discover that the fortunes ro- ali/cd by our iminufacturors nro no longer solely the reward of study , indus try and enlightened foicsight , but that they result from the discriminating favor of the government and are largely built upon undue exaction from the masses of our own people. The gulf between employers and the em ployed Is constantly wideningand classes are rapidly forming , ono comprising tliu very rich ami powerful , while in Another are found the toiling poor. AH wo vlow the achievements of aggregated - gated capital wo discover the existence of trusts , combinations and monopolies , wliilo the cill/cn Is struggling far in the rear or IB trampled beneath an Iron heel. Corporations , which should bo the care fully restrained creatures of thu law and the servants of the people , me fast becoming the people's masleis. Still congratulating our selves upon the wealth of our country , and complacently contemplating every incident of change Inseparable ) from these conditions , it is our Hilly as patriotic citlrons to iniuiro | at the pic.sunl stage of our progress how the bond of thu government made with tlio people lias been kept and per formed. Instead of limiting the trib ute drawn from our citi/cim to nccossitlett of its economical administration , the government pci.slsts in exacting from the .substance of the people's millions , which , unapplied and useless , lie dormant in its treasury This ll.igrant Injustice and thlu breach of faith and obligation add to ox tor * lion the danger attending diversion ot tlio currency of tlio country liom the legitimate channels ol business , Under the same laws by which these re sults me produced , the government perinltH many millions more to bu added to the cost of living of our people aii'l to bu taken from our consumers which unreasonably wwell the profits of n small but powoiful minority. The people tnust still bo taxed for the uuppoi t of the country under thu op eration of tariff laws. I till the mass of our eiiucns is Inordinately burdened beyond any usuful public purpose and for the benefit of a favore.il fow. i'ho government under pretext of nn exorcise of its taxing power , enters giatuitously Into partnership with those favorites , to their ad vantage nnd to the injury of u vast majority ufour , people. This is not equality before the law. The existing situation is Injiiilous to the health of our entire body politic. . Jt stifles in these all patriotic love of country , and substitutes in its j.iaco Bullish greed and grasping avarice. Devotion to American citi zenship for its own sake and for what it should accomplish us a motive to our nation's ad vancement and the happiness of all our pco plo is displaced by the assumption that the government , Instead of being the embodi ment of equality , Is but un Instrumentality through which especial and individual ad vantages are to bo gained. The iirrognnco of thin assumption Ib un concealed. It appears In thu sordid disre gard of all but personal mteiost In the re fusal to abate for the ienellt of others ono ot.i of selfish advantage , nnd in combination , o perpetuate buch advantages ; through ef forts to control IcgUmiiun and hnpropeily conttol the ttutlrago ot the people. 'I A It I IT IlKVISION. Tlio Only Jtfllof for the Hardships of I'-irmers and I.alJororx. The grievance of these nut included within the clrclu of thosu bonollcwnoH , when fully ri-alued , will suiely uiuuao irritation and discontent Our tanners , long suffering and uitiuit , htrutft'liiiK 'i > the race of life with .ho hardest and most unremitting toil , will tot fail to face , in spite of misrepresentation ; ! ami niiBlcadiuBalliuncs uat they are obliged