6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY DECEMBER L . iaS8/ SIXTEEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-'KICH. NO 1" 1M2AKI * STHHHT. lcll\eie ) < ll > v raulrr In Anv 1'aH of tliefllyn Yv.rniy Cents IVrWeek. II. W. TII.TON MANAliit. ( : ItfflM.Omcr. Xo. IX MflllT 111)17011. No. l. MINOR MKNTIO.V. N. Y. Plumbing company. Additional Council Binds on seventh page. Klognnt overcoatings at A. Hollers , merchant tailor , ! U ( ) Broadway. BeHt hard and soft coal and Missouri wood. K. K. Mayno , ( ill ) Broadway. TliQcliiuilaiKiua circle will meet Monday pvciiuiKHttho board of trade rooms In the Hrown building. The Woman's Christian association will incut Monday afternoon at ! t o'clock with Mm. Dr. Montgomery , < ! ! Fourth street. iMnn lage liccnsos wcro Issued yesterday to William 11. Martin , of Oinalin , and Miss Knll Young , of tins city , and Andy Mahoney , nf South Omaha , and Miss Li/zlo Luufzlngur , of this city. The teachers of the Institution for the deaf nnd dumb took a day's vacation Friday. They improved the opportunity of visiting the Nebrasika institution across the river , to note what they could of helpfulness to their work horo. P Ben .Marks , of tins city , wns called upon tlic other da.v to give a iint | claim deed to land on which Fort. Klierldau , near Chicago , is located. Mr. Murks was born there , and the land belonged to his father. In dealing up the title. It bee-line necessary to secure his signature. The new entrance from Oraham avenue to Fairinount I'.irk is nearly completed and nmy now be used. Tlio park commissioners , accompanied by Chairman Underwood , of the board of county Hupurvisors , drove over the ground ychterday and found that the change will be of Immense benetlt to those visiting the park. Visitors to-day will ( hid the driveway excellent , tlio hill having been cut down considerably mid the road put in .splendid condition. Some enterprising ( ! ) citbcn has become imbued with the idea that Itayliss park is a very good place in which to p.'isturo his cows , and accordingly turned them in theru yesterday morning. The animals apparently enjoyed thu change , but not so the citi/ens in that part ot the city , who immediately arose in their iniKht and drove- out the Inter loping tiovines. His hardly pjobable that thu move will bo repeated. The Ihilslnnir touches were put on the cur rent wires of the electric motor line yester day , and the foreman informed Vl'iii ! ! : : last evening that the won : on th < ? * ivires and track was entirely tlnished. Everything in- pdc ! the power liouso is also ready , and as soon as the Pullman men have completed their work on the cars , all will be In re.uli- neis for a start , which will probably be made inside of seventy-two hours. The small pox is still confined to the two bouses previously mentioned. The Forman house Is in llio extreme eastern part of the city and the Carter residence in the western part. There are four cases at tlio former icsidenco , all members of the Forman fati'ily , and three cases at the latter. The iiuurantino is being strictly enforced and the disease will probably spread no farther than the members of the two alllicted families. Mr. II. C. Addis , of the Council Mlulfs In vestment coiuiMii.y , ordered a new suit of clothes a short time ' ago with which to pro tect His portly fran'io from the chilling blasts of winter. ' 1 bo tailor had but ono pattern that would do , but the quantity was rather short , so the knight of the scissors manufac tured tlio ve.st from another piece. "Ad1' donned the suit in time , taking pleasure in pointing the advantages of having it all mado. Iromcne piece. Finally , after wearing it two days , a friend ventured to point out the deception , and the wearer's grief was painful to witness. Hu insists that thu boys bribed the tuilor , and refuses to bo comforted. See W. C. StaeyTadT * - We do not Intend to lmlon > o any except arti cles of inurlt , bat e take pleasure In referring to t'io "Cnrltind Stores unit KIIIIKUS whoso fcupei lority is too well established to bo called in question. They nro believed to IM aii'-iiualcd by any In the world. Sold exclusively by 1' . C. Do Vol. For Kxcliungo For dry goods , 800 acres line laiidn. Noinciimbranco. Title perfect. Will put land in at low figure. Call and see us. C. B. Investment Co. , No. 10 ljearl st. , Council Bluffs , la. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Address - dross or call on J. U. Hicc , No. HOMuin btreet , Council U lull's. - - E. II. Sheafo & Co. make long or Bhorttiino loans on real estate , in bums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Ofllco Broadway and Alain street , upstairs. See Forrest Smith's special column. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glea- bon , iU ! Pearl btreet. J.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Improved and vacant property in all parts of the oily ; 5)0x160 ) foot on ( Jlon avenue , east front , a bargain ; but-inoss property on Broadway and Fourth Btrcot. K. P. Olllccr , North Main Btreot , DuVol's bloclc , Council Bluffs. J. O. Tipton. the real estate broker , has a five-room house with u good barn to rent. Notice the bountiful finish given col hirw , cnlTrt and bliirts by Cascade Latin dry company. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Nolos bought. Kim- ball-Champ Investment company. Wo have no competitors in llnislisng collars , cull's and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. _ The Council lilulTri Lumbar Co. want you to try some of their coal. Pickled tripe and pigs' fuel at Tib- bltts , 1115 Broadway. J. O. Tipton hub located more proplo in comfortable houses than any man in the city. lie makes a specialty of that Hue and has some rare bargaiiiH now. An Evonltm ot'Miislc. On Monday evening , at S o'clock , at the Congregational church , will tuko place the next recital of 1'rof. Charles Hactcn's htu- dents. The following is the programme : Cavntlna . J. Had Stryic-cn-blaas-lust club. Cavat Ilia , vocal-tancrcdl . Uossini Mrs. Orpha Moyors , Piano solo/'Valsedo Salon" . Cons. Stornberg Miss Pearl Chiunborlin. Cccno. vocal , "Across the Far Blue Hills , Mario" . .lacquis lihtmcnihal MIssMnud Thomas. Bcronndo , for lluto and coronet . S. Tltt'l Messrs. Perry and Frank Hailollot. Song ( sacred ) from Klljuh . Mondolsdohn Miss Ilattio Palmer. Violin Bolo , "Andanto ot Scherzo Capri- closo" . F. David Mr. Burt Duller. Aria , "Angels Uver Bright and Fair , " from Theodora . Handel ( with orchestral accompanlamont. ) Miss Mattie Palmer. Celebrated Minuet . Bocharlni Strylc-rii'blaas-lust club. "Hondo , " vocal , from Orfoo . Ciluck Mrs. Ornha Meyers. Duett , nmno and violin. . .Urnst & St. Holler Miss Pearl Clmmbcrlln and Mi' . Baotcns. Bong , "Tho Lever and the Bird" . Abt Miss Maud Thomas. Vocal duet , "Cheerfulnois" . Gumbcrt Mlasex HiUtlo mid Mattie Palmer. Muiulollnu , Mexican Borcnado . Stryk-cn-blauH-lust club. r U you want to stop paying rent and buy a IIOUBO nnd lot on monthly pay ments , with warranty ducil , call on C , 13. Judd.WO Broadway. ALL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS , A Sowing Mnchlno Man With Too Many. Wives on His Hands. THE SUICIDE OF A FRAIL ONE. The Spiritual .M nii Knr tin ; DaAn Insane Tourist Tilts Ncol.i llnr - lut-H SpiitiMH'dl Tim 1'ollui- . Ho Iji > ve < l Two ' | ( | . The White sowing tniv'liitiR n without n lot-nl representative , for the manager , .1. M , Drown , Ims vac.itod llio jmsiiion nf mnnuxcr. With Ills f.-oliiK hung * a tiilo. Dolllo Arm strong and MaUio .lonej , two .voting girls whoso employment has been in thu hotels ot Ihlst'ity , went with him. The ( 'iris were lust in employ ut the H-ott houss , but xvoru bounced from there on iiivnniil ot their "lltrthif ; , " ate. Manila ) anil Tups-lay nitrhU the tliree , Hrown anil the K\V\ \ \ * , I1111 up : it Nuiimcyer'H hotel , ami Wednesday night they left the city. l-MJ.iy evening they re- t\irncd \ and appeared at tlio S 'oil lio'ise , wheru Hrown ululmol ho had nurrii'il the Armstrong ( jirl. The other girl iii'tod in tnu role of u companion to the pair and sUiteil that they lived as m in and wife wlnle hnro In the city , and at St. I. ouis or some other "St. " the pair wore married. Mr. S.-ott . told Drown what the results of his action would bo and the follow ne.irly fainted avn.Ho . claimed ho did not know hu was doui ) ; any- thliiR Illuiiil. and when this intnrview ended the couple left by abacksticet for the 1 { road way depot , and went to Omaha , wheio it is supposed they now are. Hrown was married about three years n o to a daughter of .1. A. Sylvester , a most worthy ircntlcmun who lives about two unit a half miles from the t'it.N , and this marriage hiis never been annulled. The family of Mrs. Hrown No. 1 are sroUuif , ' for the reeie- mit liUMlmml , and in the search the police foreo is also en KM { rod. Sio\ild ! lie lie caught , wlueli now seem1 , more than probable , hu will answer to the charge of bipimy so say tin ) family. Hrown came hero from Allan- tie , In. , about September 1 , and it is said by the relatives of the wife that charges of forgery and selling inorl gaguil stock are lodged apalnst him and ho would have been arrested on these charges if Ins whcieabouts hail been ascertained. When Hrown and his wife arrived here they wore in destitute cir- eumstanees for he it id not stand upon the order of leaving Atlantic and he took his wife to his father's home , at winch place she now Is. In the former place he was agent for the "Household" sewing machine , and it is said that company are looking for him on one of the above charges. This escapade issurelj not the action of a man in bis sober senses. It isstutrd by .some who have known him while here that lie is erai , and this is surely the most i-haritnbic view to take of the case. It is understood that Hrown explained to his lady companions that lie had not lived with his wife for two years , nnd that ho had commenced divorce proceedings. When Informed that the mere commencement of a di voice did not warrant his remarrying lie seemed greatly shocked. Hi own is known as a very temperate man , and seemed to attend to business in a satis factory manner , the Omaha olllee , of which this was a branch , having no intimation that anything was wrong until Hrown disap peared. His conduct is so p.iss.ng strange as to bo. almost unaccountable , except on the theory of insanity. The Council HlulTs Investment com pany arc now prepared to loan money on i-oiil estate on llrst mortgages : it lowest rates. IIiro : several aero tracts to sell. Two -10 aero tracts for platting , one K ! , one ! t ! > tind one 17. Also houses and lots in best locations in the ciiy : it low fig ures and on easy terms. Call and MO ; us. Itoom 10. Pearl street. For Sale First class grocery stoe'c and fixtures. Will take part Council' Binds property. Council Uhills , Invest ment Co. , room 10 , Pearl &t. , Council UlulTs , la. See Forrest Smith's special column. - * - - - Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl street. _ _ The London "Tailor's" is the place to get your clothes made. ( i.'iT .Broadway. See Forrest Smith's special column. Money loaned on fuiniturc , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value ut low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark A : Co. , olllee cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. The Greed of ilie ItelN. The following announcements of religious services to-day are made for the guidance of those wtio desire to attend church : Harmony Mission There will bo no services - cos or Sunday school until further announce ment. Meeting for Men This afternoon at 3'iO : o'clock will be bold at the Haptisl church a meeting for men only , lead by Messrs. Smead ami Smith. A grand work is being done by these evangelists , and in this work they will hold special services as the one noted. Let there bo a full attendance. Congregational Services this morning. Preaching by the pastor. Subject , "Tlio Worlts of the Lord Jesus. " All are cordially welcome. Union social services in the Pres byterian church in the evening. Hroadway M. 10. church Preaching at lOiUO a. in. nnd 7:3t : ) i > , in. by the p.istor , I ) . Franklin. Sunday school at 12 in. Class meeting in thu lecture room at ilia ) p.m. Strangers In the city and young men are cor dially Invited to these services. Hercun Haptist church T. l \ ThlcksUin pastor. Preaching each Lord's ' day at II ) . .10 a. m. and ; 'M p. m. Sunday school 11111:15 : a.m. Place of meeting Twenty-jirst street , between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Subjects for to-dav , "Thu Christian's ' Possessions , " and "Prayer , Its Scope and KHIcacy.1 Presbyterian Preaching as usual in the morning by the pastor , Sabbath school at 1'J o'clock , In the evening the union revival services will be held In this church , Strangers nud others cordially invited. The union revival services conducted by the evangelists , Messrs , Smcad and Smith , will bo held In the evening at the Presby terian church , begiiiii ug promptly at 7yO ; o'clock. Hnthany Haptist church , corner of Hluft nnd Story streets Services will bo hold at the usual hours , 10tO : : n. m aiid " : : ! ( ) p. m. Sunday school at U p. m. liuv. K. N. HurrU , pastor. . St. Paul's ' church Divine services to day at II a. in. and 7:110 : p. m. Sunday school 13-15 , Young men's bible class 12 15. Sermon topics , morning , "A Young Man Asleep. " livening , lecture , "Xorman Mae leeil. " Full choral service with anthems by the quartette choir. All Saints' chapel Services as usual , U a. in. and 70p. : ! ! in , Sunday school at U p. in , Young men nnd strangers always cordially welcomed to these services. T , J. Mackay , rector. Money loaned at L. 13. Crafts & Co.'s loan olllee , on furniture , pianos , horsus , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal , All business strictly confi dential. _ _ Sleigh bolls , sleds and skates. ODliLL & BltY ANT , f)13 Main St. Ilnvo our wngon cull for your Boiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Olio Mort ) Unfortunate. Last evening the body of Ethel Morgan was borne away by a few friends who had known her during lifo and sent on Its Journey lo a sister who reside ! ) In Ulngold county , Iowa. Her death wn the uximl close of the life of the scarlet woman suicide. She died Friday evening at her rooms over No. TOO Hroadway. From those conversant with all the circum stances the following facts are learned : For several mouths she tijul teen kuown us tuo nlfr f f the p'lpldst. ' Tommy Brooks Ktnriej of aoisbtMtlnpt. . etc , are told by those whokntw'lo deceased and her relation * with "her man , " nnd this is generally as- sipnt'l as the immediate t'a ise of the rash act. Atuiic Harke , n roomer at the same place , \vas with the drrcasrd during her last hours , and gives the following account' "Kthel was in ntui out nf my rooms nil day. She was in her usual spirits. She took the dose ulnut f > o'rloiSc. It was a mixture of strychnine and morphine. A little before ( I she came and asked me for tin1 loan of a scuttle of coal. She said Mie would pame in thr > inornnnr. In a liltln while she called me into her room. I found her sitting in a chair , rubbing her hands and fucc. I knew sue had taken some thing , for that is the way most of the girls no. I asked her if she hadn't , nnd she said iio. but she was awl ill sick. 1 helped her ( into I lie bed and loosened her clothes , and in n little while Brooks came In from Ins work. lie was terribly scaml mid rushed across th < htrcot for Dr. Hrllinirur. I asked her what she had taken and she told me. She was afraid she would die. and pleaded with me to save her. I told her I would do all 1 could The dm tor came and gave her the icmedies usual in * lli h cases , but it was no use. She wen ! into spiisms , and although conscious at linn's , she died in great agony. " U'licn asked with reference to the reports iiiiMitioned above she stud : "Of course 1 could tell von lots of things about that , but l is of no use. Shu is dead , poor girl , am please don't sav anything harsh annul her She is better oft" Ijing In there dc.id , am please let her .sins be buried with her.1 For Broadway properly at a bill-gain ,1. ( i. Tipton , ilie broker. Dresses made Wool drcsbos $5 to $8 silks and phishus $ S to $10. Mrs. Sim moils , over Wiseman's. Weather stiipsat Chapman's art store All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. S. B. Waiisworlh & Co. loan moncv. Wanted Party with &MO to tao ! in terest in lii'bt-class exhibition. Ad drcbs Hii : : , Couneil Ululls. For Kent. A four-room cottage with large out side vegetable collar and about bix acres cultivated land , and seven acres hay land , adjoining Hice's nursery. Po'-ession given March 1. N. P. Dodge & Co. Attention Kirrtttrn. All the ofliccrs of the Council HlufTs Fire men's association are hereby notified to meet at .1. L. Templeton's cigar store Sunday , December - , at 'J o'clock sharp. Cooi-i.it , Secretary. The finish on our collars , cults and Shirts cannot be equalled. Cascade Laundrv Co. Ilrotliorlioncl Fnrm For Bale. The above farm of GOO acres is situated near Malvern , in Mills county , ] owa. It is in one body , all fenced , with good hoiKses. barns , sheds , wind mills , etc. , etc. The selection is one of the best on the Missouri slope. It has this year over 400 acres under cultivation. Will bo sold on long time with low rate of in terest. For particular. " address A. A. Clark it-Co. , Council 13lull's , la. All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Dr. C. C. IIa/5en , dentist , opera house block. LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! For a Short Tinij I Will Offer 1OO In IVrryditition to Council lllulls on the fol lowing Terms : Insldu l.ot-ou Ave. A . t WO lilMdo Iot-ou Avo. II . WK ) Inside Lotion Avu. C . Ol Inside Lots on Hist Ave . ( > .VJ In i'Io Lots ou Sfcoiid A\e . MW Inside Lots on Third Ave . MO Inslili1 I.otson JJ. SUln Kourtli Avc . 4M Iniide l.ntson S. Side 1'ourth Ave . 4TO f' 'All Corner [ , ots fill .More. TKIIM8 One-tenth cash , iMhiiiioinnlnoanmril optional payiiiouts. with K per cunt In- li-reil. pavaule annually. Will j-lvo con- tiact for warranty deed and furnish nb- btraot when fully paid. W. SlKDti.VrOPF , No. f. .North Main at. . Council lllulls. la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 151-1 DouirljiH St. , Omaha , Not ) . FOR SALE ! A Complete Stock of COOK -and HEATING STOVES Lover than tlio lowest goods sold on cnsy pay incuts lit CiiHli I'lires. 1'or tlicarcomodmlon of WnrkliiKinon , I will keopopcn Sunday frumH . in , to 1 p. in. I'or Si'cuiHl Hand ( ioods in peed order I will my full v.iluo. pucial inducuint'iit to Omaha 'ustoiners. A. J. MANDEL , GEO. H. MESCHENDORF Will bell for cash , meat at the followliiK pi'lcos : And all other Meats in the same Proportion , NO , 27 TREE OF LIFE A positive euro for LIver and Klilnc.v troub- L'S , ull lilood Diseases , Iiiillgostlon , Dyspcp- Bin , nnd Hour titumufli , Is found In 'S ' TREE OF LIFE , For sale by local druggists niul ilr ovorywhore. 1'rlvu tl per liottlo , six tor ? 5. Address ull coinniuiiicutioiis to " DIC. J. II. MOOIti : , t Council Itlull'/ln. " ' "SP'ECIAL NOTICES WANTS. "I/OII ItUNT-Modcin lU-rouiu liouht , Nu. A : tiuUlUUtUat. ON ALL CASH SALES ! ALE UnequnMod nnd surprising Bargains in OroocLs , Boots At Henry Eiseinan & Gos ! People's ' Store OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. In order to give us an opportunity to rearrange our business for our now FOl'K STOHV BLOCK , which we are erecting on the old Pacific House Site. Customers will not waste their lime of they road what , vo ha'-c to say. Xor will they bo decoivc'd when tlie.\ como to MJO our goods and li-arn onr'prices. Everything be found exactly awe say. Wo oiler a discount of lU ! per c on ALL CASH SALES On everything we have in our liouso. Now is your time to buy. Do not miss this opportunity. Low prices always maUo us buv and wo are go ing to make LOW PRICES MAKE YOU BUY ! We adopted this method of slaughtering our goods just one week ago , mid the result has been that our STOUH IS CKOWDUD with customer ! , all day long , to much so that we have added Extra force of Competent Salesmen , And Sales Ladies to wait on our customer * . People are coming from Uinalui and from hundreds of miles to take advantage of tins Our regular prices have always been conceded to be the lowest olTorcd in the west , and when you get 120 per cent , extra discount on your bill , bee what you nre saving ijy buying from us. We want to and must CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK For reasons above named. CALL AND SH1C US. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. HEMY EISEMAN & CO , PEOPLE'S STORE M. 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , I'UOPHIKTORS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA -OFFICES- ) ( Cot'xcii , BUTF.X P. C. Do Vol's Store , OFFICESOMUM Carpenter Paper Co. , No. ill SIM Middle Urondwoy. Toli'iiuono No. 87. Douglas Street. Telephone No. AM. Especially Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators. -OFF ENGINE , Spceillcations nnd estimates fnrnl'-lied for complete steam plants. Ilegnlntion , Durability Onar- nutced. Can show letters from users where fuel Economy is equal With Corliss Non-Comlenslni ; . E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Scud for Catalogue. No. 510 Petirl Street , Council NEWBARGAINS nUOADWAY I OTS , FIICST AVKNUK JjOTS. KISKItY ADDITION | jOT8 , 1'KHUy ADDITION IjOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , UK Y ANT & Ol/AUK'S AliniTION IjOTH , STnRBT'S ADDITION LOTS. rtljSO 20 AUIIUS OK FHE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN FOR i'ljATTlNO. W. C. STACY , Telephone lifi. No. 9 .Main Street. S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , VETERINARY SURGEON HOSPITAL 15 FOUBTH STREET. Tclophono No.l > 5 , COUNUlIj BMIKPS , i s IOWA GEOR3E METCALF No. 14 Pearl St. HARKNESS BRO'S. A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF GOODS OF EVERY KIND AND QUALITY AT * LOW PRICES ! SILK MITS , WORSTED MITS , ETC. , ETC. SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 401 BROADWAY , ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. GREAT CUT SALE ! TO CLEAN UP OUR IMMENSE STOCK , During the past season our sales have far ex ceeded our expectations. As a result we have an IMMENSE PNTITY OF These goods wo must sell at sonic prlc\ for we have no room to carry thorn , This is no bargain sale but A Everything- must go. The finest gods at your own price Here are a few sample prices : Moqucttes $1.00 to $1.15. Regular Price $1.50. Wilton Velvets. . .750 to si.oo. Regular Price $1.40. Body Brussels.joc to $ i .00. Regular Price $ i .30. Tapestry 400 to 6oc. Regular Price ; oc to si.oo. Ingrains 150 to 5oc. Regular Price ; oc to 8oc. A great many of these patterns are large enough for rooms The sale will open to-day and continue until all is sold out. Come early for choice. COUMLlLIJFFSlARPET CO. , NO : 4O5 BILOADWAY. B \ Lot , Bryant Clar , on Second avc. - Lot , Bryant tt Clark , on Third ave. - $250 $ Lots , Perry's id Add. , on Avc. C - - - Each 0 Lots , Benson's First , Ave K Each- Lot , Everett's Add. , Third avc. - - - $000 $ Lots , Fleming & Davis , Ninth and Tenth avcsMU { ) Each HOUSESON ON Call and See Cl Masonic Temple. M a u r e r's C h RETAIL , 34O BROADWAY We cnrry the Inrgest stock In the west , coverlnq 2OOOO sciunro feet of floor. We do the largest business ! Wo sell at the lowest We deal direct with European manufacturer's ana pay no jobber's profits. ; ; "WE . "ST S Orr Cusli talks , and wo are always in position to Offbr You Genuine 0 We offer you for 8O days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following : LOT 1 Iluiul-pnintcd Cupsldors , ouch 15 a LOT 2 Good Mujollcu Cubjiiilonn , cnch , ! ! 5c LOT ! t Knglish Decorated Cham- bo r Sots $ -03 LOT -1 English Decorated .r > 0- tiluco Ton Sots $ H 75 LOT f > UtO-pleco ( { 'ciiuuio gold- band and hand-painted llowers ) Wodyowood DiiinorSotOr | sot.812 00 LOT U Kujfllbh Decorated Full Dinner .Set , new Jluted shapes , pur eel fS SO LOT 7 Nice nnd eholco lot of Decorated Genuine China t'rcaineo , each -5a LOTS-Laruo Moss Hose Pitch- on ) , each " "ie LOT I ) Hose Jars , lillod wltli per- finned rose leaves , oaoli li.5o LOT 10 Genuine China decorated Fruit or Ii'o Creoin sots , per sot 2.60 LOT 11 Genuine China Fruit Plates , assorted decorations , pur do/fen 1.75 LOT 12 An elegant mind Painted Viibo Lamp , with shade to matoh , line burner , complete , each 3.60 And a great ninny nioro bargains nhiuh our limited space will not permit us to enumerate , An Inspection will save you money. Also Full Line of Bcsl MaKes in and Solid ilvcr. Rich Cut Glass , Bronzes and Brass Goods , Choice Dinner , Iba-Fish , , Game , Soup , alii Ice Cream Sets , MIOIC : ; i'ij ; ; is ; irv Royal Worcester , Taplitz , Royal Dresden , Vienna Royal Saxony , Bonn Faeience , etcj Visitors aM pnrcliascK cplly wclco- "W. . .